MADHWA VIJAYA Chaturmasya jnAnArjane saraNi - Madhwa Vijaya (a Gist in English) by Posted by: "Harish Rao"
[email protected] harishdrao Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:10 am (PDT) || Sri Rama Krishna VedavyAsAya namaha || || Sri Hanuma Bheema Madha MunibhyO namaha || namaste all, With the prEraNe of Sri Hari Vayu GurugaLu, one of our esteemed members has comeforth to do a sEva during this chaturmasya related to jnAnArjane. We would be sharing with our members a gist of Sri Madhwa Vijaya, sarga by sarga at regular intervals throughout this chaturmasya period, which is a work done by this devotee. The devotee's original plan was to start it on the day of prathama ekAdashi and have the gist of each sarga sent out every week for 16 weeks. There were some unforeseen delays, and the same has started on this auspicious day of the first day of shrAvana mAsa. ||shrI hari vAyu gurubhyO namaH || Table of Contents Table of Contents Sarga 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Sarga 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Sarga 3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Sarga 4 ........................................................................................................................................................