Senate Version)
CBO REPORT Unauthorized Appropriations and Expiring Authorizations pursuant to Section 202(e)(3) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, as Amended (Senate Version) January 15, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE SECOND AND D STREETS, SW WASHINGTON, DC 20515 Preface This report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) satisfies the requirements of section 202(e)(3) of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, as amended. The purpose of the report is to help the Congress adopt authorizing legislation that should be in place before it considers the 13 regular appropriation bills for fiscal year 2005, which begins on October 1, 2004. Ordinarily, this annual report shows the total amount that the Congress has provided in appropriation acts for programs whose authorization has expired. At the time that this report was prepared, however, only six of the 13 regular appropriation acts had been enacted for fiscal year 2004 (Defense, energy and water, Homeland Security, Interior and related agencies, legislative branch, and military construction). Programs covered by the other seven appropriation acts are currently funded under a temporary continuing resolution (Public Law 108-135), which expires on January 31, 2004. For those programs, information on appropriations is unavailable. That fact is noted on entries in Appendix A, which consequently omits figures and totals relating to unauthorized appropriations for those programs. The Scorekeeping Unit of CBO’s Budget Analysis Division prepared this report, under the direction of Janet Airis. The other members of that unit are Joanna Capps, Catherine Little, Virginia Myers, Robert Sempsey, and Jason Wheelock. The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of CBO’s Ellen Hays, Sandy Davis, Mary Froehlich, and Lenny Skutnik, as well as numerous staff members of Congressional committees.
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