
Literature : King Act (1 (

Farhouda Ferwana Rula Farouq Al Farra Objectives:

Students are expected to:

Scan the 1st act for details, then answer comprehension questions.

2 A long time ago, Lear was King of Britain. He had three daughters. The oldest daughter, Goneril, was married to the Duke of Albany. His middle daughter, , was the wife of the Duke of Cornwall. The King of France and the Duke of Burgundy both wanted to marry his youngest daughter, .

3 A long time ago, Lear was King of Britain. He had three daughters. The oldest daughter, Goneril, was married to the Duke of Albany. His middle daughter, Regan, was the wife of the Duke of Cornwall. The King of France and the Duke of Burgundy both wanted to marry his youngest daughter, Cordelia. Answer the following question: 1. Who was Lear? How many daughters did he have? He was King of Britain and he had three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.

4 was old and tired, and he decided to give the country to his three daughters. They and their husbands would rule instead of him, while he, with one hundred knights to protect him, would stay with each daughter in turn for a month.

5 King Lear was old and tired, and he decided to give the country to his three daughters. They and their husbands would rule instead of him, while he, with one hundred knights to protect him, would stay with each daughter in turn for a month. 2. What will happen when he gives them the country? a. His daughters will rule instead of him b. He will stay with each daughter in turn for a month.

6 In order to decide how to share the country between his daughters he asked them to say how much they loved him. Goneril, the oldest, said that she loved her father very much. She made a long list of things of great value and said that she loved her father more than any of them and as much as life itself.

7 In order to decide how to share the country between his daughters he asked them to say how much they loved him. Goneril, the oldest, said that she loved her father very much. She made a long list of things of great value and said that she loved her father more than any of them and as much as life itself. 3. Why does Lear ask how much his daughters love him? In order to decide how to share the country between them. 4. Goneril's answer was honest and realistic. ( T / F )

8 The King was very pleased with her answer, and he gave her and her husband one third of the land. Regan said that she loved her father even more than her sister did. The King was very pleased again, and he gave her and her husband another third of the land. 9 The King was very pleased with her answer, and he gave her and her husband one third of the land. Regan said that she loved her father even more than her sister did. The King was very pleased again, and he gave her and her husband another third of the land. 5. What did Lear do as result of Regan’s answer? He was very pleased and gave her and her husband another third of the land.

10 Cordelia, King Lear’s youngest daughter, was his favourite. He was sure that Cordelia would say that she loved him even more than the other two. But Cordelia did not want to compete with her sisters in boasting about her love for her father. She knew that they did not love their father as much as they said. When her turn came, she said, ‘I love you as much as a daughter should love her father, no more and no less.’ 11 Cordelia, King Lear’s youngest daughter, was his favourite. He was sure that Cordelia would say that she loved him even more than the other two. But Cordelia did not want to compete with her sisters in boasting about her love for her father. She knew that they did not love their father as much as they said. When her turn came, she said, ‘I love you as much as a daughter should love her father, no more and no less.’ 6.Why didn’t Cordelia say that she loves him more? Because she didn’t want to compete with her sisters in boasting about her love for her father.

12 7)-Quotation: " I love you as much as a daughter should love her father , no more and no less " a. Who said this and to whom? …………………………………………………………………………………………Cordelia to Lear. b. What's the reaction of King hear? …………………………………………………………………………………………He was chocked. He said that Cordelia was no longer his ………………………………………………………………………daughter and gave her share to her sisters. .. c. Why were the people shocked as a result of this reaction ? …………………………………………………………………………………………People were shocked because they knew Cordelia loved to him.

13 Lear was shocked. He told her to think again, and give him a better answer. Cordelia said that it was right for a child to return the love its parent had given it. King Lear was even more shocked and got very angry. He said that Cordelia was no longer his daughter, and gave her share of the country to Goneril and Regan. It was now the turn of everyone else to be shocked.

14 Lear was shocked. He told her to think again, and give him a better answer. Cordelia said that it was right for a child to return the love its parent had given it. King Lear was even more shocked and got very angry. He said that Cordelia was no longer his daughter, and gave her share of the country to Goneril and Regan. It was now the turn of everyone else to be shocked. 8. Lear was shocked because ______.( Choose) a. Cordelia loves him very much. b. Cordelia doesn't express a lot of love to him. c. Goneril and Regan show great love to him. d. He is an old man.

15 The King’s advisers all thought that he was wrong but the Earl of Kent was the only one who was brave enough to say anything. He reminded the King that Cordelia was his favourite daughter and that she loved him very much. He asked the King to think again, and to act more sensibly. But the King just got even angrier, and he sent Kent away. 16 The King’s advisers all thought that he was wrong but the Earl of Kent was the only one who was brave enough to say anything. He reminded the King that Cordelia was his favourite daughter and that she loved him very much. He asked the King to think again, and to act more sensibly. But the King just got even angrier, and he sent Kent away. 9. Earl of Kent was not brave to say anything to King Lear concerning Cordelia. ( T / F ) 10.What did the Earl of Kent tell Lear about Cordelia? He told Lear that Cordelia was his favourite daughter and she loved him very much.

17 Lear then asked the King of France and the Duke of Burgundy if they still wanted to marry Cordelia, now that she had nothing apart from the clothes she was wearing. Burgundy said no; but the King of France loved her for telling the truth and did not care about land or money. 18 Lear then asked the King of France and the Duke of Burgundy if they still wanted to marry Cordelia, now that she had nothing apart from the clothes she was wearing. Burgundy said no; but the King of France loved her for telling the truth and did not care about land or money. 11.Why did the Duke of Burgundy refuse to marry Cordelia? Because she had nothing apart from the clothes she was wearing.

19 Cordelia said goodbye to her sisters, asking them to look after their father well, and then she left with the King of France. Her sisters warned each other that Lear’s cruel treatment of Cordelia meant that there was something wrong with his mind and that in future he might also turn against them.

20 Cordelia said goodbye to her sisters, asking them to look after their father well, and then she left with the King of France. Her sisters warned each other that Lear’s cruel treatment of Cordelia meant that there was something wrong with his mind and that in future he might also turn against them. 12. What does Cordelia ask her sisters to do before leaving? …To… …look……… …………………………………………..after their father well.…… …………………………………………………………………………… 13. From what did the sisters warn each other? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………They warned each other that there was something wrong with ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Lear’s mind, and in the future he might turn against them.

21 Meanwhile, the Earl of Gloucester’s illegitimate son was planning to take his legitimate brother’s place. He showed his father a letter which he said had been written by Edgar. The letter asked him to help Edgar kill their father for a share of everything the old man had. Gloucester believed this. Edmund then told Edgar that their father was very angry with him and advised him to hide from the old man.

22 Meanwhile, the Earl of Gloucester’s illegitimate son Edmund was planning to take his legitimate brother’s place. He showed his father a letter which he said had been written by Edgar. The letter asked him to help Edgar kill their father for a share of everything the old man had. Gloucester believed this. Edmund then told Edgar that their father was very angry with him and advised him to hide from the old man. 14. What was Edmund - the illegitimate son of Gloucester- planning to do? To take his legitimate brother’s place. 15. How does Edmund turn his father against Edgar? And why? He persuades his father that Edgar wants to kill him. He does this because he wants to take Edgar’s place and be Gloucester’s only son.

23 After Lear and his hundred knights had stayed with Goneril for two weeks, things started to go wrong. Goneril told her servants to be rude and to quarrel with Lear’s men. Although Lear had sent him away, the Earl of Kent returned. He disguised himself as a poor man, and he became Lear’s servant. 24 After Lear and his hundred knights had stayed with Goneril for two weeks, things started to go wrong. Goneril told her servants to be rude and to quarrel with Lear’s men. Although Lear had sent him away, the Earl of Kent returned. He disguised himself as a poor man, and he became Lear’s servant.

16. How does Goneril ask her servant to treat Lear's men? Goneril told her servants to be rude and quarrel with them. 17. Lear doesn't know about Kent return because …………………(Choose) a. nobody tells him about. b. Kent avoids to stay with him. c. Kent disguises himself as a poor man.

25 He hit Goneril’s servant Oswald for speaking disrespectfully to Lear, and then Lear’s joked that Lear himself had become the Fool because he had given away all his power to his daughters. Goneril was unkind to Lear about the behaviour of his men.

26 He hit Goneril’s servant Oswald for speaking disrespectfully to Lear, and then Lear’s Fool joked that Lear himself had become the Fool because he had given away all his power to his daughters. Goneril was unkind to Lear about the behaviour of his men. 18. Why did Earl of Kent hit Goneril's servant Oswald? Because he spoke disrespectfully to Lear.

27 And now Lear cursed Goneril, wishing that if she had a child, that it would torment her. Lear was even angrier when he found that Goneril had tried to dismiss fifty of his men. He was so upset by Goneril’s behaviour that he was afraid he would go mad.

28 And now Lear cursed Goneril, wishing that if she had a child, that it would torment her. Lear was even angrier when he found that Goneril had tried to dismiss fifty of his men. He was so upset by Goneril’s behaviour that he was afraid he would go mad. 19.Why does Lear curse Goneril? …Because…………………she……………………………………………………….. had tried to dismiss fifty… …of… …his…… men.………………………………………………………… 19.Lear cursed Goneril , wishing that if she had a child , that it ……………………………………………………would torment her. (complete )

29 The best summary of Act One. 1. The first part of King Lear describes how Lear shares the country between his three daughters. Goneril and Regan both describe how much they love their father, and he gives each of them a third of his land. Cordelia is more honest and tells him she loves him as her father, no more and no less. 30 Additional questions

Answer the following question: 1.How is Cordelia’s answer different from the answers her sisters give? It is honest and realistic.

2.By the end of Act 1, what does Lear realize about Goneril? Goneril doesn’t love him and giving away everything is a terrible mistake.

31 Additional questions

Choose the right answer: 1. Edmund turns his father against Edger……………….. a- to destroy his father. b- to protect his father. c- to take his place. 2. Lear decide to keep one hundred knights to ………………………. a. protect him. b. protect his daughters. c. prove that he is still strong.

32 Additional questions

Decide wether the statement is True or False: 1. Cordelia was the oldest and her father's favourite. ( F ) 2. Cordelia says she loves her father more than her sisters do.( F ) 3. Kent disguised himself as a poor man to stay with Lear as a servant. ( T ) 4. The Duke of Burgundy agreed to marry Cordelia. ( F ) 5. Lear was afraid he would go mad because of Goneril's behaviour. ( T )

33 Good bye