Jibbeiss He Readily Embraced the Tbrongh N
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‘Are sure y’re no’ making me refuse a crown?” Napoleon Form into small balls and poach in ye regretin' laddie?’ Cbe 36rit>oeton capitulated "Go,” he said, “our soup. Jean, pioneer. K «t H do love me better nor destinies must-be accomplished.” SOME VERY “Jock, ye FOB Sill Published Thursday morning at No. 10 her?’ every And to Sweden went Bernadote as Koyal Custard. North Laurel t. “The man bore several of these ex- Crown Prince in 1810. Of Huguenot Rnb one-half yolk of hard-boiled This paper is entered at the Post Office, Bridgeton STORIES clamations Then he ended egg a sieve, add one-half patiently. JiBBEISS he readily embraced the tbrongh N. J.. as second-class matter. ancestry BR|IT a : for all with white of hard-boiled egg, finely chop- them once gruff Protestant religion, and assumed the Tbe For short summer Stranger. Tak ma word for it, Betty, if Jean jonrneyings, and Charles John. ped. Season’with salt and pepper and G. W. Editor names of Renouncing There was no limit to the hnmorons especially for the over-Sunday jaunts McCOWAN, moisten with raw yolk of until of was livin’ ye wadna be here.’ his French nativity, he became a true egg situations for which the late Rt. Rev. it is desirable to have right Form balls raimentjtbat Swede as befitted the future King of consistency^*) shape. N. Thomas Tj. Clark, Bishop of Rhode may be packed into small space. Bridgeton, J., July 13, 1905. Sweden. In 1811. Charles XIII. fell aud poach in soup. Mrs. Livermore’s Shrewdness. Island, was responsible, says the Bos- Some maidens with a big closetful of KHI« late A. Livermore was a so that Bernadotte. or the Crown The Mary ill, ton Herald. Some years ago, while summer finery may resent this state- In An itber Way to Make Egg Balls shrewd woman who believed in “fight- Prince Charles, became regent. attending a lecture in Boston, he ob- ment, and sneer at Miss one add with fire.” She was Fewclothes. the service of his adopted Beat.theyolkof egg lightly, ing the devil kingdom'be served a man sitting in front whom he Miss F. usually, however, has the from his old two tablepoonfuls of chicken stock, converted to this idea by the example THE BERNADOTTES. did not shrink opposing thought he knew. He requested the advantage of looking the best, sea.-on a dash each salt and a since When laid an with of of an old friend, clergyman. With sovereign. Napoleon person sitting next to him to “punch” only rioh girls, with .one or more turn into a small buttered air he announced per- on all British pepper, a solemn from the The Story of How a Lawyer’s embargo trade,’Berna- the other individual with his um- sonal maids, can hope to cut much of mold and bake in a pan of hot water one that a button had been dotte refused to recognize the block- pulpit day a Son Became brella. figure with great number of dresses, King. to Swedish until firm. Cool, remove from mold found in the collection. “Only one ade, Jas contrary interests, The polite stranger did so, and, the which fall flat nnless and cut in small cubes or fancy shapes. in accompanied war France followed. In individual the church could have and with disturbed person turning his head a with everything from hat to Two events of different char- been of this he footgear widely the alliance which led to guilty trick,” said, in European little, Bishop Clark discovered his harmony. Keeping track of so acter bring the royal family of Sweden downfall at Leipsic, Berna- “and I shall expect this person to re- Napoleon’s mistake. It was not the person he much property, packing and unpacking into particular notice at this time. dotte a’true Swede’s But place the button with a coin.” After played part. supposed. Fixing his attention stead- it and catching up rent of every is a One is the act of Norway in with- in the invasion of France, service a member the ohnrch owned subsequent fastly on the lecturer, and affecting business by itself, and will eat up the drawing from the union which for abdication up to being the cnlprit and asked: which led to Napoleon’s unconsciousness of the whole affair, time of one woman. a has existed between “How did know I was the man?’ nearly century and to Elba, it is to Berna- he man you flight left the with the umbrella to A woman or girl who is her own Sweden and that country, and in dotte’s honor that he would not invade “I did not know,”’ said the clergy- settle with the other for the disturb- maid wants none of such slavery. severing the relation as sovereign and nor hie fatherland. At this man. But yon said only one person harry ance, and this man being wholly with- And, as already stated, he will prob- people which King Oscar has held time it was well in the of could have done it.” “Just so,” was possibility It is always interesting to read over out an excuse, there was, of course, a ably be more becomingly dressed with with the Norwegians. The other is that Bernadotte would become the reply. “Two persons could not things a li3t of world’s records, but it is sel- ludicrous and embarrassing scene, dur- a very few clothes. The majority of the marriage of the eldest son of the of but content with his have put the same button on the King France, dom, if ever, that any one list is com- ing all of which Bishop Clark was us find some one color the most becom- Crown Prince of Sweden to Princess he plate.’ reversion to the Swedish throne did _ plete. The following records from an profoundly interested in the lecture. ing. Thus the bulk of a great ward- Margaret, of England, daughter of the not his claims. push article on the subject in an English At last the man with the umbrella She Read Her Bible robe is likely to be more for Duke of Connaught, and granddaugh- Enough. variety After seven years’ government as publication are seldom seen in print. asked, rather indignantly: “Didn’t A little Chicago boy named than because it is absolutely “the” ter of Queen Victoria. The story of Joseph regent, Bernadotte succeeded to the Some seventeen years ago E. W. Mor- you tell me to punch that person with has. to The best for its possessor. the of this house of the according Record-Herald, founding royal and on the throne of Sweden Norway gan manipulated a pair of four-pound my umbrella?” a exalted of all For abbreviated it is Bernadottes is of interest. very opinion things, jonrneyings death of Charles XHI. in 1818. Born Indian clubs in 386 different move- ‘“Yes.” and likewise of “the father of his not considered. Little more than a century ago, in _ a country [lawyer’s son,'[and thirty mentand combinations, making a total “And what did you want?” about whom stories the little town of Pan in the French country,” many As to the Slip. years before only Sergeant-Major of 2,311 revolutions in fifteen minutes “I wanted to see whether you would have been woven, to the of the there youngster’s One of the mdst important items is department Pyrenees, of the French Ma- him or Bernadotte Royal and fifteen seconds. A short time ago, punch not.” Not long ago an elder brother lived a of the name of Berna- delight. the slip. lawyer he now stood forth as Charles rines, in a violin playing competition in —Joseph boasted of some four years— dotte. He hao two sons, of whom This slip may be of taffeta, India of and a Danger of Drinking Water. John, King Norway Sweden, Berlin, one dexterous fiddler played came rushing into the room with: Jean Baptiste Jules ran away from Hudson the Ohio silk, organdie, or a dainty quality of with his son Oscar as Crown Prince. selection containing 4,800 notes in Tuttle, lecturer, what was home at the of sixteen and “Say, grandma, George and for age enlisted made an address recently wherein he lawn, economy’s sake it He died in 1844, popular and beloved. four and a quarter minutes, his nimble Washington’s politics?” Grandma in the Royal Marines. That was in should be of an ivory white tone. As Of this Bernadotte, the hnmble at- off the notes at the described the pitfalls of the lecture fingers rattling was busily planning a garment, and here 1780, when France was still a king- platform. used, Jeconomy refers to space, as torney’s son, who rose to the throne average rate of nineteen a second. A paid little attention to the question, dom, and ten years before the outburst “One the average person takes but a suit of and Sweden, the present carver in a'cafe in Paris once cut 2 000 pitfall.” Mr. Tnttle said, “is Norway answering with unusual dreaminess, eitber of the Revolution. The first military the unwise choice of case, leather'or wicker, in the King Oscar is the grandson, and it is ham sandwiches in nineteen hours and examples and I don’t know.” of this “Oh, Joseph stopped way of luggage. experiences young runaway, the latter’s grandson, Prince Adolphus, proofs. forty minutes,[Using twenty-two large in his play and looked at her for a In the Jean Bernadotte, were not encourag- “A lecturer wished to slipB object is to achieve a who now wins a princess of the royal hams.