The annual report july 2010 – june 2011 The Frick Collection annual report july 2010 – june 2011

leadership 2 Board of Trustees

reports 3 Margot Bogert, Chairman 6 Anne L. Poulet, Director 8 Colin B. Bailey, Associate Director and Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator 11 Stephen Bury, Andrew W. Mellon Chief Librarian

collection 13 Museum Acquisitions 13 Noteable Library Acquisitions

public programming 15 Exhibitions 15 Lectures 17 Free Public Evenings 17 Symposia 17 Publications 18 Concerts

financial statements 19 Statement of Financial Position 20 Statement of Activities

donor support and membership 21 Gifts and Grants 25 Fellows and Friends 32 Corporate Members and Sponsors

staff 33 The Frick Collection 36 Frick Reference Library

cover (c. 1430/1435–1516), detail of St. Francis in the Desert, c. 1475–78, oil on poplar panel, The Frick Collection; photograph by Michael Bodycomb The Frick Collection Board of Trustees As of June 30, 2011

Margot Bogert, Chairman Walter A. Eberstadt, Vice Chairman Franklin W. Hobbs, Treasurer John P. Birkelund, Secretary

Peter P. Blanchard III L. F. Boker Doyle Blair Effron Jean-Marie Eveillard Barbara G. Fleischman Emily T. Frick Martha Loring Anne L. Poulet, ex officio Juan Sabater Stephen A. Schwarzman Aso O. Tavitian

Helen Clay Chace President Emerita

I. Townsend Burden III Walter Joseph Patrick Curley Howard Phipps Jr. Trustees Emeriti

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 2 optimistic that the year ahead will continue range of high-profile media coverage, includ- Report of the Chairman on a steady course. ing a substantial “Why the Frick Matters” Margot Bogert I am happy to report that the physical article published in . plant is in excellent condition following the In January the Frick lost a dear friend, completion of a multi-year refurbishment Trustee Melvin R. Seiden, whose enthusiasm his past year marked an important project, which made significant and much and support for the Frick were boundless. T turning point for The Frick Collection. needed improvements to the galleries and to Mel served on the Frick Council for more After a lengthy and comprehensive search the building itself. Included in this project than a decade before becoming a Trustee process, the Board of Trustees approved the was the renovation of the Boucher Room and in 2000. He was a passionate advocate for selection of Ian Wardropper as the institu- the installation in the room of a new lighting the Frick Art Reference Library, and over tion’s eighth Director. Dr. Wardropper, the system designed by Renfro Design Group. the years provided substantial funding for Chairman of the Department of European Additionally, the Conservation Department numerous Library initiatives, special exhi- and Decorative at The worked with the Engineering Department bitions, and curatorial activities—typically Metropolitan Museum of Art, is a con- to install new lighting in the West Gallery, in honor of friends or scholars whom he summate scholar and administrator and is which was specifically designed to enhance admired. To honor his memory, more than superbly equipped to guide this fine institu- the works of art without disrupting the gal- three hundred of Mel’s friends and col- tion into the future. He will begin his tenure lery’s ambiance. Following two years of mon- leagues gathered at the Frick in April for a as Director in October 2011. itoring the environmental conditions within service jointly hosted by The Frick Collection The next administration will begin on the display cases in the Enamels Room, and The Morgan Library & Museum. We all solid financial footing owing, in part, to the the Conservation Department, with support shall miss his extraordinary intelligence and extraordinary fundraising success during provided by the National Endowment for dedication. the past twelve months, despite an espe- the Humanities, upgraded and renovated the In June, Blair W. Effron was elected cially challenging fiscal environment. As cases in order to ensure optimal environmen- to the Board of Trustees. Mr. Effron is a ever, support from the Director’s Circle, tal conditions for the museum’s highly sensi- distinguished financier who brings signifi- our Visiting Committees, and the Annual tive collection of Renaissance enamels. While cant experience with a number of not-for- Fund continues to grow and serves as the the bronze frames and curved glass façades profit institutions in New York. This year lifeblood of the institution. This successful were preserved, the body of the cases was also marked the departure from the Board fundraising—combined with the concerted replaced with tightly sealed versions capable of Agnes Gund, I. Townsend Burden, and efforts of the staff to hold down expenses— of maintaining relative humidity levels. George Wachter. I am grateful for their many has helped us to close out the year with a Our yearlong seventy-fifth anniversary years of service and thank them for their modest operating surplus at a time when celebration culminated with a day of free dedication and generosity to this institution. many nonprofit organizations continue to admission on December 16, the date in 1935 Last year’s Annual Report announced struggle. With the help of a market turn- when the Frick first opened its doors to the the plan to enclose the portico in the Fifth around and the wise counsel of the Trustees, public. Nearly two thousand people helped Avenue Garden in order to create a new our endowment (which provides the largest us commemorate this important milestone, gallery specifically for the display of sculp- component of our operating support) has taking advantage of gallery talks and of the ture, porcelain, and other decorative arts rebounded well and now stands twenty opportunity to view Frick family archival that are currently displayed in galleries and percent higher than a year ago. While these films that were presented in the Garden hallways throughout the museum. We are times remain financially precarious, I am Court. This occasion also resulted in a wide immensely grateful to Henry H. Arnhold,

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 3 whose foundation underwrote the gallery’s and activities celebrating the special exhibi- took a group to Rhode Island, where par- construction, and we are actively raising tion and His School: Masterworks ticipants toured several historic mansions endowment funds to support the costs of from the Frick and Lugt Collections. Curatorial and visited private homes and collections maintaining this additional space. The proj- and education staff together with docents in Providence and Newport that are not ect is well underway and is expected to be led a total of fifteen gallery talks during the regularly open to the public. In the spring, completed before the end of the 2011 calen- course of the event, which introduced more she led a trip to Spain with Senior Curator dar year. than a thousand first-time visitors to the per- Susan Grace Galassi in anticipation of the This year’s special exhibitions included manent collection. Picasso exhibition opening in October 2011. many superb works from museums around Also in May, the Center for the History Beginning in Barcelona, the group trav- the world, beautifully reflecting the Frick’s of Collecting in America at the Frick Art eled on to Málaga, Córdoba, Granada, permanent collection and drawing much Reference Library changed its name to the and Seville. Over the years, the travel pro- deserved attention to some of its finest works. Center for the History of Collecting to reflect gram has become an important way for I am pleased to report that the special exhi- more accurately the scope of the Center’s us to strengthen relationships with existing bitions of the past twelve months were fully research. In addition to its ongoing initia- donors while simultaneously reaching out to funded by outside grants. We were especially tives, the Center entered into a collaborative new friends. grateful to receive a gift of $500,000 from the project with the Archives of American Art Between October and May, the Frick pre- Peter Jay Sharp Foundation, which will sup- to create oral histories of twenty American sented ten concerts as part of its Sunday con- port our exhibition program over the next art collectors. We are grateful to the Leon cert series. The season included piano soloists, ten years. Reflecting the vibrant schedule Levy Foundation, the Samuel H. Kress quartets, a lieder recitalist, a guitarist, a violin of special exhibitions and public programs, Foundation, Janine Luke, the late Melvin R. soloist, a string trio, and a baroque ensemble attendance and membership have been Seiden, Barbara G. Fleischman, and others with harpsichord. There were six New York robust and continue to increase steadily. who generously supported the Center. debuts by artists from Britain, Argentina, Members of the Board and other friends The Frick Art Reference Library had France, Canada, and the . All of responded quickly and generously to a $2 a very strong year and was the recipient the concerts were taped by WQXR Radio for million challenge grant from the Andrew of a number of substantial grants, includ- future broadcast and webcast. W. Mellon Foundation to endow the Anne ing a $300,000 grant from the National The activities mentioned here give only L. Poulet Curatorial Fellowship Program. Endowment for the Humanities for the digi- an indication of the scope and impact of the Formerly known as the Andrew W. Mellon tization of photographic negatives in its col- countless interactions that happen every day Curatorial Fellowship Program, the initia- lection. We were honored that the Library at The Frick Collection. I am extraordinarily tive is considered to be a model of its kind, was selected to be the subject of an entire proud of the hard work and dedication of the its participants contributing vitally to the episode of the documentary television series staff who make possible these accomplish- intellectual life and offerings of the Frick “Great Libraries of the World,” which aired ments, and whose names are listed at the end by conducting new research, lecturing, and on PBS in June. More about these and other of this Annual Report. mounting critically acclaimed exhibitions. Library programs can be found on page 11 I also am deeply grateful to the many We are grateful that the future of this pro- in the report of Stephen Bury, Andrew W. individuals, foundations, corporations, and gram is now secure. Mellon Chief Librarian. government agencies that continue to sup- A highlight of the Frick’s expanded educa- The Frick’s travel program continued to port The Frick Collection. Above all, I would tion programming this year was Rembrandt expand and engage new supporters from like to thank our generous friends, whose Night, on May 13, a free public evening of talks around the world. In September Anne Poulet membership, donations, and participation in

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 4 our paid programming make an important strengthened the financial future of the insti- that of the wall coverings used to refurbish contribution to the ongoing vitality of this tution by revitalizing the Board of Trustees, the galleries. Everything she did during her institution. Particularly during these diffi- and her enviable success as a fundraiser has eight years as Director helped to elevate fur- cult economic times, their ongoing support increased the expectations for the institu- ther the Frick’s visibility as the jewel of means more to us than ever. tion going forward. She was also the driving New York museums. It is important to note that this year force behind the creation of the new Portico It is impossible to thank Anne suffi- marks the final year of Anne Poulet’s tenure Gallery, the first significant addition made to ciently for all the wonderful things she has as Director. Working with Anne has been the museum since 1977. accomplished during her tenure. Although incredibly rewarding. I have enjoyed our In broad terms, Anne has reinforced the she will no longer occupy the Director’s partnership immensely as we collaborated qualities that define the Frick, those that have Office after September 2011, her legacy will to help the Frick grow and evolve. Time and made it cherished and valued by the public be ever present. Through her vision, dedica- again I have observed with admiration her for more than seventy-five years. Many times tion, and leadership, Anne has made a huge innate skills as a leader and a consummate people have said to me that they love the and lasting impact on The Frick Collection. fundraiser, and I have appreciated the deft- Frick because it is so beautiful and because We are all in her debt, and I will miss her ness with which she has brought people of it never seems to change. They are par- tremendously. many viewpoints to consensus. Under her tially wrong, of course, because the Frick leadership, the Frick has seen a myriad of has evolved considerably since it opened its accomplishments, ranging from the acqui- doors in 1935. What has not changed, how- sition of magnificent works of art to the ever, are the high standards it espouses. Anne creation of the Center for the History of was the greatest champion of these standards. Collecting to the establishment of a new She never compromised excellence, from the Margot Bogert curatorship for the decorative arts. She has quality of the special exhibitions presented to Chairman

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 5 Munhall (then the museum’s Chief Curator) while building his art collection. As Director Farewell from the to be the guest curator for an exhibition of I sought to follow the guiding principles Director terracottas by the eighteenth-century French set down in Mr. Frick’s will while never sculptor Clodion, an artist who was repre- losing sight of the inherent character and Anne L. Poulet sented in the Frick’s permanent collection by uncompromising standards that he and his the beautiful group of Zephyrus and Flora. daughter so valued. In establishing plans Working with the staff of the Frick proved and priorities for the institution, I had the y first encounter with The Frick to be a wonderful experience, as I found that good fortune of having the enthusiastic sup- M Collection and the Frick Art they applied the highest standards of quality port of an exceptional Board of Trustees. Reference Library was in the fall of 1964 when in the preparation of all aspects of the exhi- Throughout my tenure, the Board unfail- I arrived in New York to begin graduate stud- bition—its installation, the catalogue, and ingly contributed their valuable knowledge ies at the Institute of Fine Arts. The memory their dealings with the show’s lenders. It was of the institution’s history, their wisdom and of seeing the Frick’s great paintings, sculp- an unmitigated pleasure to curate the exhibi- time, their personal expertise in collecting ture, and decorative arts, which I had previ- tion, and the spirit of excellence I encoun- and investment matters, and finally their ously known only through discolored slides, tered at the Frick left a lasting impression. generous financial support. For this I am remains vivid. To walk through the rooms Little did I imagine then that many years truly grateful. and hallways of ’s beautiful later, in 2003, I would be chosen to serve as It is said that great institutions attract mansion was especially meaningful because I Director. I owe a debt of gratitude to Helen great people, and that certainly has been had grown up in Washington, , Clay Chace, then President of the Board borne out by my experience here. I have a steel town close to , Frick’s home of Trustees, and her fellow Board mem- found that from Board Chairman Margot until 1905. Locally, Frick was known primar- bers, for entrusting me with the leadership Bogert and the other distinguished Trustees, ily as a coke and steel magnate, and there of this extraordinary museum and library. to our Fellows, Young Fellows, docents, and was a sadness tinged with resentment among Sometimes when one admires an institu- members, those who support the Frick are an Pittsburgh residents that Frick and other tion from the outside, discovering its inner especially informed, engaged, and generous Pittsburgh titans such as Andrew Carnegie workings can be disillusioning. In the case of group. Repeatedly I have been struck by how and Andrew Mellon had chosen to abandon the Frick, however, the culture of excellence well our visitors know the collection and how the city in which their fortunes had largely that I had experienced in 1984 still prevailed, sensitive they are to the movement of a work been made. I gained a new understanding not only among all the staff, but also among of art. Shortly after my arrival, for example, of Frick with the discovery of his New York its Trustees and the Frick family members I received a letter from an incensed member house and its superb art collection. As my whom I have had the pleasure to know. who wanted to know why I had moved “her” studies continued, I became a frequent reader Henry Clay Frick wrote a remarkably Bronzino from its habitual place in the West at the extraordinary library his daughter enlightened will in which he placed his Gallery. Such impassioned responses are not Helen had founded for object-based art his- confidence in the members of the Board to unusual among our constituents. torical research, a facility that was then still make decisions concerning changes to the Beginning in the 1970s the Frick estab- tightly run by the grand lady herself, where buildings, additions to the collection, and lished a program of special, focused exhi- the dress code requiring women to wear the implementation of educational program- bitions, often organized around a work or skirts was in full force. ming. His goal was for the Frick to remain works in the permanent collection. With Twenty years after my initial experi- a living, dynamic institution that upheld the skillful guidance of Associate Director ence with the Frick, I was invited by Edgar the same level of quality he had maintained and Chief Curator Colin B. Bailey, these

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 6 special exhibitions have become an essential for External Affairs, and her gifted staff, we In all of these endeavors, I was privileged component of the Frick’s offerings, attracting were able to communicate to our supporters to work with Deputy Director and Chief new audiences and attention to the institu- and potential funders our needs for financial Operating Officer Robert Goldsmith, who tion. Colin’s vision, the rapport he shares assistance, and the response has been over- freely shared with me his extensive knowl- with our donors, and the high regard with whelmingly satisfying, making possible fund- edge of the Frick and who has been a valued which he is held by colleagues in the field ing for our special exhibitions and the growth collaborator during my eight years here. have made possible many exciting interna- of educational programming and other essen- As I retire as Director, I can say with tional collaborations and loan projects. It tial activities, such as conservation. all sincerity that it has been an enormous has been a particular pleasure to work with Perhaps the area of the Frick that has privilege and pleasure to lead such a distin- Colin and the talented members of his staff, presented the most exciting challenges and guished institution and to have worked with all of whom have consistently impressed me dramatic changes during my tenure is the such remarkably intelligent and dedicated with the caliber of their scholarship and their Frick Art Reference Library. The Library, colleagues. There have been difficult periods knowledge of the collection. headed by Stephen Bury, has been in the in the economy during my tenure, but owing In an effort to further broaden our audi- forefront of the technological revolution that to the generosity of our supporters and ence and to enrich our educational pro- has affected all libraries. With energy and the unflagging efforts of the staff, we came gramming—both high priorities—we had insight, Stephen has continued the Library’s through those times more united and finan- the good fortune to bring Rika Burnham efforts to develop new partnerships with sis- cially healthy than ever while maintaining a to the Frick in 2008 as Head of Education. ter institutions while providing the best pos- full program of events. If anything, the rosy With skill and imagination she has greatly sible service to our readers and the scholarly view that I held of the Frick before becom- expanded our offerings to a wide variety of community. He has brought to the Frick a ing its Director has only been deepened and age groups, always drawing their attention to fresh global perspective, and I have enjoyed strengthened by the experience of being here the permanent collection and special exhibi- developing plans for the Library’s future with every day. I leave with a heart full of grati- tions in innovative and stimulating ways. him. In response to the timely suggestion tude and every confidence that, under the One of the surprises I had when I first of Professor Jonathan Brown of New York direction of my successor, Ian Wardropper, became Director was to discover that many University’s Institute of Fine Arts, the Center the long-term future for the Frick is bright. people in the New York community and for the History of Collecting was created in beyond believed that the Frick was financially 2007, with Inge Reist as its able Director. self-sufficient, when, in fact, only half of With her guidance, the Center has launched our operating budget is covered by endow- numerous programs that have attracted a ment income. With the skilled assistance of wide array of scholars and led to significant Anne L. Poulet Lynne Rutkin, the Frick’s Deputy Director publications in the field. Director

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 7 written by Professor Brown, Ms. Banner, by thirty-six drawings by Rembrandt’s pupils Report of the Associate Andrew Schulz, and Reva Wolf. and students. I had the pleasure of organizing Director and Peter Jay Our presentation of Spanish master- the exhibition, with the assistance of Assistant pieces continued with the October 26 open- Curator Margaret Iacono and Curatorial Sharp Chief Curator ing of The King at War: Velázquez’s Portrait Assistant Joanna Sheers. A catalogue, written Colin B. Bailey of Philip IV. Painted in 1644 at the height of by members of the Frick curatorial staff and Velázquez’s career, the Frick’s painting is one the Frick Art Reference Library, accompanied of the artist’s consummate achievements. the exhibition. n the Curatorial Department we are During the summer of 2009 the portrait was Following the Rembrandt show, we shifted I often looking ahead: organizing exhibi- cleaned for the first time in sixty years by our focus to the Italian Renaissance with In a tions, researching and writing articles and Michael Gallagher, Conservator in Charge at New Light: Bellini’s St. Francis in the Desert, catalogues, and devising educational pro- The Metropolitan Museum of Art. This focus which opened on May 22 and was orga- grams—usually several years in advance. exhibition, organized by Pablo Pérez d’Ors, a nized by Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellow And so it is a great pleasure to pause in order former Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellow, Susannah Rutherglen. One of the Frick’s sig- to look back at the activities and accomplish- presented findings from the painting’s clean- nature works, St. Francis in the Desert received ments of the past year. ing and technical examination, while casting renewed attention following an in-depth study We began our fall 2010 exhibition pro- light on the portrait’s function and address- that addressed fundamental questions about gram with The Spanish Manner: Drawings ing its connections with other paintings by the picture’s subject, creation, and later altera- from Ribera to Goya, which was on view in Velázquez and his workshop. tions. The technical examination—the first our lower galleries from October 5, 2010, Moving from Spanish to Dutch masters, undertaken in more than twenty-five years— through January 9, 2011. Drawn from New we celebrated the opening of Rembrandt and was conducted by Charlotte Hale, Paintings York–area museums and private collections, His School: Masterworks from the Frick and Conservator at The Metropolitan Museum the exhibition included fifty-four drawings Lugt Collections on February 15. The Frick’s of Art, who used infrared reflectography, by Spanish masters of the seventeenth, eigh- five paintings by Rembrandt and his school X-radiography, and paint analysis to study teenth, and nineteenth centuries, with works were on view in the Oval Room and included the panel. A multimedia room was created to by Jusepe de Ribera, Bartolomé Esteban the Self-Portrait of 1658, which was cleaned house computer kiosks that featured videos, Murillo, and Francisco de Goya. From saints for the exhibition at The Metropolitan interactive images, and new photography that and biblical scenes to depictions of torture Museum of Art by Paintings Conservator presented findings from the examination and and otherworldly creatures, these images Dorothy Mahon. Ten prints by Rembrandt, explored the artist’s process from conception exemplified the hallmarks of the “Spanish acquired by Henry Clay Frick, were shown in to realization. manner” of draftsmanship. The exhibition— the Cabinet. The downstairs galleries featured The year’s exhibition program concluded the first in this city devoted to the tradi- works on paper acquired by the Dutch art his- with the Cabinet installation Turkish Taste at tion of Spanish drawing—was organized by torian Frederik Johannes Lugt, whose exten- the Court of Marie-Antoinette, which opened Jonathan Brown, Carroll and Milton Petrie sive collection of drawings by Rembrandt on June 7. While still in their early twenties, Professor of Fine Arts, Institute of Fine Arts, and his school had recently been catalogued Marie-Antoinette and her brother-in-law, the New York University; Lisa A. Banner, inde- by Peter Schatborn, the former head of the comte d’Artois, shared a taste for interiors “à pendent scholar; and Susan Grace Galassi, Rijksprentenkabinet at the Rijksmuseum, la turc,” which evoked a fantastic Near East Senior Curator, The Frick Collection. The Amsterdam. Lugt’s eighteen drawings and depicted in Oriental tales that were fashion- show was accompanied by a catalogue ten prints by Rembrandt were complemented able at the time. Only a few of the decorative

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 8 elements made especially for Turkish rooms and Johann Wilhelm Voigt I, together with a throughout the year, the most important of have survived; among these examples were pair of silver basins by Dedeke. which was the hosting of the International the six objects presented in the exhibition, As part of our continued efforts to enrich Council of Museums Conservation Com- which was organized by Associate Curator our visitors’ appreciation of the collec- mittee’s third biennial conference, Experts Charlotte Vignon. Included in the display tion, the Curatorial Department published Meeting on Enamel on Metal Conservation, was a pair of French console tables acquired a revised handbook, The Frick Collection, held October 8 and 9. by Henry Clay Frick in 1914 and recently which was generously funded by BNP During fiscal year 2010–11, the Educa- restored for the exhibition by Conservator Paribas. This beautifully illustrated book fea- tion Department organized and presented Joseph Godla. tures new images by the Frick’s photographer more than 960 events and programs for The late Charles A. Ryskamp, who served Michael Bodycomb and discusses our most more than 20,800 participants. Designed as the Director of the Frick from 1987 to important objects in the light of current for a general audience, lectures were offered 1997, provided in his will that the Frick research. During the year we also revised our on selected Wednesday evenings. Highlights should have the opportunity to make a Acoustiguide, adding twenty-seven objects of this year’s series included Michael Gal- selection of drawings from his extensive col- to the tour and updating thirteen of our pre- lagher’s presentation “Privileged Intimacy: lection. This acquisition of ten eighteenth- vious recordings. Velázquez’s King Philip IV of Spain,” Christo- and nineteenth-century drawings—chosen The Conservation Department was pher Brown’s “Rembrandt and Realism,” and by Director Anne L. Poulet, Senior Curator involved in several capital projects, includ- Keith Christiansen’s “Finding Our Way into Susan Grace Galassi, and me—richly aug- ing the re-lighting and renovation of the Bellini’s St. Francis in the Desert.” For the ments the museum’s holdings of works on Boucher Room and the installation of new Artists, Poets, and Writers Lecture Series, the paper and will be the focus of a special exhi- lighting in the West Gallery. Staff members Dowager Duchess of Devonshire presented bition in the spring of 2012. also worked closely with contractors on the the hugely popular “Fizz and Sparkle: The Several long-term loans continue to grace new microclimate cases for the Enamels Effervescent Life of Deborah, the Dowager our galleries: Giovanni Bologna’s wax sculp- Room. The refurbished cases are made of Duchess of Devonshire.” I discussed “Frick, ture Astrology (The Quentin Foundation), inert materials and feature an air circulation Duveen, and the Creation of the Fragonard Simone Martini’s Christ on the Cross between system designed to create a stable environ- Room” and Director Anne L. Poulet pre- the Virgin and Saint John (Phillips Family ment for the Frick’s outstanding collection of sented “A Gallery of Worthies: Thomas Jef- Collection), Francesco Guardi’s View of Renaissance Limoges enamels. Additionally, ferson and Jean-Antoine Houdon.” the Giudecca Canal and the Zattere, Venice the department was involved in the planning Other highlights of the year included (anonymous lender), and a Meissen porcelain of the new Portico Gallery, providing speci- our two Friday Nights at the Frick, when Great Bustard (Henry Arnhold Collection). fications on materials and advice about envi- the Collection extended its gallery hours In addition, a pair of late fifteenth-century ronmental concerns. Besides those objects and admission to the museum was free to Florentine paintings—The Departure of mentioned previously, several others have the public. Spanish Night, on November 5, the Argonauts by Pietro del Donzello and undergone major conservation treatments drew more than 750 visitors, who enjoyed The Argonauts in Colchis by Bartolomeo di during the past year, including Verrocchio’s an evening viewing of The Spanish Manner Giovanni—are on view in the West Gallery, Bust of a Young Woman and Houdon’s Diana; and The King at War exhibitions. On May 13, courtesy of The Mari-Cha Collection. On the latter will be ready for the opening of the the Frick hosted Rembrandt Night, dur- loan from a and displayed Portico Gallery in December 2011. ing which more than one thousand peo- in the Dining Room are two early eighteenth- Members of the conservation staff were ple viewed the exhibition and participated century silver fountains by Lewin Dedeke involved in numerous educational projects in various programs, including a lecture I

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 9 presented, “When Frick’s House Became to our curatorial staff. Nat Silver, an Italian and educational and conservation initiatives, Rembrandt’s House: Rembrandt in the Frick Renaissance specialist and Ph.D. student as well as for her staunch commitment to and Lugt Collections.” at University College, London, became our the highest standards in scholarship and The Education Department offered an newest Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellow. connoisseurship. We say farewell to a defin- array of after-school and weekend programs, I am extremely pleased to note that this ing chapter in the Frick’s history but look internships, and school visits. This year, we distinguished two-year pre-doctoral pro- forward to an exciting year ahead and to wel- welcomed more than 2,250 middle and high gram has been renamed in honor of our coming our new Director, Ian Wardropper. school students through our guided school esteemed outgoing Director; henceforth, visit program. future participants will be called Anne L. Several new colleagues joined us this year. Poulet Curatorial Fellows. In Education, Anna Finley came on board as On this note I would like to say what the department assistant and Viktorya Vilk a pleasure it has been for all of us to have became our second Samuel H. Kress Fellow worked with Anne Poulet these past eight in Museum Teaching. Curatorial Assistant years. The Curatorial Department is grate- Colin B. Bailey Katie Steiner and Research Assistant ful for her tireless efforts in support of our Associate Director and Aimee Ng have made excellent additions exhibitions, acquisitions, publications, loans, Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 10 a set of six promotional postcards. We were up resources so that new activities can be Report of the delighted that Bonham’s, an auction house, undertaken without sacrificing the quality Andrew W. Mellon included the postcards in its mailing of of traditional services that our researchers two of its catalogs. A memory stick with continue to expect. Chief Librarian nyarc’s logo, a poster, and a click-through The Photoarchive Futures Group was Stephen Bury advertisement in Artnet in May all helped established to increase awareness and use to promote both nyarc and the Frick Art of the Photoarchive. Consisting of the Reference Library. Library Administrator, Photoarchive senior he past year has been one of prog- It has been a banner year for the Reading managers, and me (with external advisers T ress and development for the Frick Room. Total visits reached 6,326 and 1,675 sometimes in attendance), the group is also Art Reference Library. While we continue visitors were served—both an increase exploring ways in which the Photoarchive to receive accolades and financial support from last year. There were also 867 new should be operating in five years’ time. from those familiar with the Library’s collec- researchers. Reference questions answered Photoarchive staff created Wikipedia articles tions and resources, members of the general in the Reading Room and those answered about photoarchives in general and the Frick public (and, surprisingly, sometimes visitors by email hit 6,534 and 1,067 respectively (up Art Reference Library Photoarchive in par- to the museum) are not always aware of 43 percent and 42 percent). There also was ticular. The surveying of other photoarchives its vast offerings or even that it is open a 31 percent increase in visits to fresco, around the world has begun in order to free of charge to all serious researchers. the Library’s online catalog. These statistics glean the best and most innovative practices. It has therefore become a priority to raise represent an increasing modernization of Meanwhile, we transferred 182,220 biblio- the Library’s profile and to increase the services and workflows across the institu- graphic records from the internal database public’s awareness that our holdings extend tion. The installation of a Bookeye scan- into the publicly accessible Arcade catalog. beyond the documentation of the museum’s ner enabled the delivery to researchers of Readers can now look at the provenance of permanent collection. We are also con- photocopy orders via email. We introduced these records remotely, and also correlate stantly looking for new and interesting ways a new bar-coded membership card along the results with relevant auction catalogues. to engage future generations of research- with online forms for membership, reference There are now possibilities for genealogical ers. To this end, members of the Library’s questions, and requests for interlibrary loans research and “text mining”: for example, a Public Services staff attended the museum’s and off-site materials. search for the term “yellow fever” retrieves Rembrandt Night and Summer Night pro- At the same time the Library’s senior ten records citing portraits whose subjects grams to promote the Library and its activi- management team turned its thoughts to the died from the disease. ties. Library senior managers and Director longer-term future, producing a medium- Members of the conservation, digital Anne L. Poulet took part in the filming of an term strategy that was approved in December lab, and photoarchive departments worked episode of the PBS television series “Great by the Board of Trustees. In the months that closely to complete the first phase of a Libraries of the World,” which aired in June followed, much progress was made on many National Endowment for the Humanities– and is now available on DVD. The Library of the strategic priorities: for example, we funded project to digitize 15,000 negatives held its first Student Day open house, a great completed a project that explored how to from the American photography campaigns success that has already resulted in return- best document born-digital auction cata- sponsored by between the ing researchers. In addition, the New York logues, and in February we began to look 1920s and the 1960s. To complete the second Art Resources Consortium (nyarc)—of at ways to simplify workflows both within phase of this project, the Frick received an which the Library is a member—distributed and between departments in an effort to free additional grant of $300,000 from the NEH,

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 11 which lauded the Library’s application and 70th Street Papers and the Bignou Galleries the broader designation of the Center’s mis- posted it on its Web site as an exemplary Albums, 1930–40s. They also provided doc- sion will give us greater flexibility to explore model. We also developed a Beta Web site umentation in support of curatorial and the history of collecting in an increasingly application that provides public access to building operations projects, including the international and interdisciplinary way. these images and to the related Photoarchive construction of the Portico Gallery and the The Archives Directory for the History bibliographic records. re-lighting of the Boucher Room. With sup- of Collecting in America won the World- Other notable gifts during the past fiscal port from the Helen Clay Frick Foundation, wide Books 2011 Award for a Distinguished year included a grant of $165,000 that was the Archives continued to make the Frick Online Publication, which Samantha Deutch awarded to the Center for the History of Family Papers accessible to researchers. The accepted at the arlis conference in Min- Collecting from the Leon Levy Foundation Book Department added 7,520 new records neapolis in March. The symposium “A Mar- in support of six long-term fellowships over to Arcade (of which 2,231 were for auction ket for Merchant : Collecting Italian the next three years and a gift of $100,000 catalogues). More than 24,000 items were Renaissance Paintings in America,” with a made by Janine Luke in memory of her hus- assessed by the Conservation Department, keynote by David Alan Brown was a great band, Trustee Mel Seiden, and in honor of which then treated the materials and bar- success, as was the symposium “Reflections Inge Reist, the Center’s Director. The Center coded them for inventory control purposes. across the Pond: British Models of Art Col- also was the recipient of a $150,000 grant Don Swanson completed 120 graphic design lecting and the American Response,” held from an anonymous foundation. projects (twice the number from last year). May 6 and 7, with a keynote by James During the course of the year the Library The department finished the project to con- Stourton and concluding remarks by David staff took part in several national and inter- dense the book stacks, which involved mov- Cannadine. Also in May, the Center took national initiatives. The Book Department ing 13,665 linear feet of materials, ultimately delivery of its first publication,Power Under- participated in three Library of Congress freeing up 1,962 linear feet of space. In estimated: American Women Art Collectors, programs for cooperative cataloging, pre- addition, 285 linear feet of materials were based on its 2008 symposium held in Venice. publication cataloging, and the creation of relocated to an offsite facility in Patterson, These achievements are the result of the authoritative standardized headings for art. New York. commitment and professionalism of Library (The Frick Art Reference Library was by far In May the Center for the History of managers and their staffs as well as their the largest contributor of headings to the Collecting in America shortened its name willingness to innovate, but none would latter.) Staff participated in meetings on the to the Center for the History of Collecting. have been possible without the support of Future of Art Bibliography in the United Since the Center’s founding in 2007, it has the members of the entire institution and, States and Europe, and Deborah Kempe become increasingly clear that restrict- in particular, of our Director, Anne Poulet. joined the advisory board of ing its focus to collecting in this country and was elected Vice President/President alone can needlessly exclude the interna- Elect of the Art Libraries Society of North tional element that characterizes so much of America (arlis/na). the activity of art collecting. Several of the It is important not to forget business-as- Center’s programs will retain their singular usual. The Archives staff created more than focus on American collecting—the Archives fifty finding aids and machine readable col- Directory for the History of Collecting in Stephen Bury lection-level records, including the One East America, for example—but we believe that Andrew W. Mellon Chief Librarian

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 12 Museum Acquisitions Notable Library Acquisitions

William Blake (1757–1827), Owen George Stubbs (1724–1806), Portrait of Gifts and Exchanges Glendower, c. 1820, graphite on paper, Warren Hastings, c. 1791, watercolor bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 over graphite on paper, bequest of A two-volume manuscript record of the Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 Alexander M. Byers Collection, Pittsburgh, Edgar Degas (1834–1917), Study of a Male late nineteenth and early twentieth century; Nude with a Sword, c. 1856–59, graphite on Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770), gift of Carol Prisant paper, bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 Young Man Holding a Book, c. 1758, pen and brown ink with brown wash on paper, Thirty-one scarce and rare nineteenth- Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863), Moroccan bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 and twentieth-century publications Interior, 1832, watercolor and gouache primarily on Blake, Whistler, and Picasso; over graphite on paper, bequest of David Wilkie (1785–1841), Study of Two gift of June Weldon Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 Figures (for The Burial of the Scottish Regalia), c. 1832, chalk and gouache on Approximately 11,000 catalogues, exhibition Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Fallen Horseman paper, bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 pamphlets, and auction catalogues mostly Attacked by a Monstrous (recto); relating to nineteenth- and twentieth- Satan Looming over Job and a Seated Old century French art; gift of Barbara Divver Man (verso), c. 1800, pen and brown ink and Theodore Reff with gray wash over black chalk on paper, bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 Forty-four books including publications by the Roxburghe Club (not otherwise Edwin Henry Landseer (1802–1873), available for purchase) and notable books Otterhounds, 1838–44, watercolor and on book arts and book binding; bequest of gouache on paper with graphite framing Charles A. Ryskamp lines, bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 Sara Campbell Abdo, Collector without Walls: Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840), Norton Simon and His Hunt for the Best, New Plum Branches Intertwined, 1802–4, Haven and London, 2010; gift of the author watercolor on vellum, bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 José-Luis Colomer, ed., España y Nápoles: Coleccionismo y mecenazgo virreinales en Pierre-Étienne-Théodore Rousseau el siglo XVII, Madrid, 2009; gift of (1812–1867), Pond at the Edge of a Wood, José-Luis Colomer 1853, graphite on paper, bequest of Charles A. Ryskamp, 2010 P. Defer, Catalogue raisonné de la rare et précieuse collection d’estampes, réunie par les soins de M. F. Debois, Paris, 1843; gift of Pierre Sanchez, together with 45 other French gallery, salon, small museum, and private collection catalogues, 1843–2010

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 13 Gifts and Exchanges (Continued) Gordon Campbell, ed., The Grove Christiane Zeiller, Max Beckmann: Encyclopedia of Northern Renaissance Art, Die Skizzenbücher. Ein kritischer Katalog, William Hauptman, El modernism: 3 vols., Oxford and New York, 2009 Ostfildern, 2008; purchased through de Sorolla à Picasso, 1880–1918, Milan, the Walter Curley Fund 2011; gift of the Fondation de l’Hermitage Alfred Chapuis, Pendules neuchâteloises: through Credit Suisse documents nouveaux, Geneva, 1987 A Catalogue of a Valuable and Extensive Collection of Ancient and Modern Prints, María José Salazar, Pablo Gargallo Hans Delfs, ed., Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, the Property of a Nobleman of High Rank (1881–1934). Dibujos. Catálogo razonado, Der gesamte Briefwechsel: “Die absolute [ of Buckingham], London, 1834 2 vols., Santander, Fundación Marclino Wahrheit, so wie ich sie fühle,” 4 vols., Botin; gift of the Fundación Botín Zurich, 2010; purchased through Collezione di pitture vendibili a Bologna Credit Suisse nella via Maggia al n. 1403, Bologna, 1833; Purchases purchased through the Heineman Fund Alvaro Duarte de Almeida, Portugal Património: Guia-inventário, 10 vols., A Handbook to the Paintings by the Ancient Michael Anton, Illegaler Kulturgüterverkehr, Lisbon; 2007–8; purchased through the Masters in the Art Treasures Exhibition: Berlin-New York, 2010 J. and H. Weldon Foundation Being a Reprint of Critical Notices Originally Published in The Manchester Guardian, Luciano Balosi, ed., La collezione Salini: Dominique Dumas, Salons à Lyon (1919–45): London, 1857 dipinti, sculture e oreficerie dei secoli Catalogues des exposants et de leurs oeuvres, XII, XIII, XIV e XV, 2 vols., Florence, 2009; 2 vols., Dijon, 2010; purchased through the Sammlung Ey, Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 1930s; purchased through the Smith Fund Gould Fund purchased through sales credit with Ars Libri, Boston Damien Bartoli, William Bouguereau, Enrique F. Pereja López, Iglesias y conventos 2 vols., New York, 2010; purchased through de Sevilla, 6 vols., Seville, 2007; purchased the Edgar Munhall Fund through the Jonathan Brown Fund

Evelina Borea, Lo Specchio dell’arte Bernhard Maaz, Skulptur in Deutschland italiana: Stampe in cinque secoli, 4 vols., zwischen französische Revolution und erstem Pisa, 2009; purchased through the Weltkrieg, 2 vols., Munich, 2010 Charles Ryskamp Fund Pierre Sanchez, Dictionnaire de l’union des Beat Brank, La Cappella Palatina a Palermo, femmes et des peintres sculpteurs (1882–1965); 4 vols., Modena, 2010; purchased through 3 vols, Dijon, 2010 the Homeland Fund Eddy Schavemaker, Eglon van der Neer Valeriano Luigi Brera, Gabinetto pittorico, (1635/36–1703): His Life and His Work, ossia, graziosa raccolta di piccoli e distinti Doornspiik, 2010; purchased through quadri appartenenti a dodici insigni scuole the Charles Ryskamp Fund a trattenimento degli amatori delle belle arti, Padua, 1817; purchased through the Heineman Fund

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 14 Public Programming

Exhibitions Lectures November 17, 2010 The Significance of Place in Goya’s Art From Mansion to Museum: October 6, 2010 Reva Wolf, Professor of Art History, The Frick Collection Celebrates Drawings by Ribera, Murillo, Goya, State University of New York at New Paltz Seventy-Five Years and Their Contemporaries in North June 22 through September 5, 2010 American Collections December 1, 2010 Lisa A. Banner, independent scholar The Other Versailles: The Spanish Manner: and co-curator of The Spanish Manner: Where the Decorative Arts Became Modern Drawings from Ribera to Goya Drawings from Ribera to Goya Joan DeJean, Trustee Professor of French, October 5, 2010, through January 9, 2011 Department of Romance Languages, October 13, 2010 University of Pennsylvania The King at War: A Gallery of Worthies: Velázquez’s Portrait of Philip IV and Jean-Antoine Houdon December 11, 2010 October 26, 2010, through January 23, 2011 Anne L. Poulet, Director, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo: The Frick Collection Virtuoso Draftsman Rembrandt and His School: Jonathan Brown, Carroll and Masterworks from the Frick and November 3, 2010 Milton Petrie Professor of Fine Arts, Lugt Collections Privileged Intimacy: Institute of Fine Arts, New York University February 15 through May 15, 2011 Velázquez’s King Philip IV of Spain Michael Gallagher, Sherman Fairchild January 26, 2011 In a New Light: Conservator in Charge, Department of Frick, Duveen, and the Creation of the Bellini’s St. Francis in the Desert Paintings Conservation, The Metropolitan Fragonard Room May 22 through August 28, 2011 Museum of Art, New York Colin B. Bailey, Associate Director and Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator, Turkish Taste at November 10, 2010 The Frick Collection the Court of Marie-Antoinette The Artists, Poets, and Writers June 7 through September 11, 2011 Lecture Series February 16, 2011 Fizz and Sparkle: Rembrandt in Paris: Frits Lugt as a Collector The Effervescent Life of Deborah, of Drawings by Rembrandt and His Circle the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire Peter Schatborn, Emeritus Head of the Print The Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, Room, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam with Charlotte Mosley Presentation of this lecture series is made possible by the Drue Heinz Trust.

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 15 Lectures (Continued) May 25, 2011 Finding Our Way into March 23, 2011 Bellini’s St. Francis in the Desert Alex Gordon Lecture in the History of Art Keith Christiansen, John -Hennessy Rembrandt and Realism Chairman of European Paintings, Christopher Brown, Director, The Ashmolean The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford New York This lecture is made possible by the April 6, 2011 Robert H. Smith Family Foundation. Rembrandt and Dou: Rivalry in Self-Portrayal June 8, 2011 H. Perry Chapman, Professor, Department Bellini’s St. Francis in the Desert: of Art History, University of Delaware New Discoveries Charlotte Hale, Conservator, April 20, 2011 Department of Paintings Conservation, On Solid Ground: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Rembrandt as a Printmaker Nadine Orenstein, Curator, Department June 22, 2011 of Drawings and Prints, The Metropolitan Rococo Fears, Facts, and Fantasies: Museum of Art, New York Eighteenth-Century Turquerie Walter B. Denny, Professor of Art History, April 29, 2011 University of Massachusetts at Amherst The Samuel H. Kress Lecture in Museum Education June 29, 2011 Your Voices, Your Questions: Bellini to Veronese: Ornamental Paintings of Interpretation in Museum Education the Venetian Renaissance Lee Patterson, Frederick W. Hilles Professor Susannah Rutherglen, Andrew W. Mellon Emeritus of English, Curatorial Fellow, The Frick Collection

May 14, 2011 Rembrandt/Not Rembrandt in Retrospect , Curator, Department of European Paintings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 16 Free Public Evenings Symposia Publications

November 5, 2010 October 8 & 9, 2010 Jonathan Brown, Lisa A. Banner, Andrew Spanish Night Experts Meeting on Enamel on Schulz, and Reva Wolf, The Spanish Manner: In celebration of the special exhibitions Metal Conservation Drawings from Ribera to Goya, published in The Spanish Manner: Drawings from Ribera Presented at The Frick Collection in association with Scala Publishers, 2010 to Goya and The King at War: Velázquez’s partnership with the International Council Portrait of Philip IV of Museums Conservation Committee Colin B. Bailey, Margaret Iacono, Esmée This evening was made possible by the Quodbach, Louisa Wood Ruby, and Samuel H. Kress Foundation. November 12 & 13, 2010 Joanna Sheers, Rembrandt and His School: A Market for Merchant Princes: Masterworks from The Frick Collection, 2011 May 13, 2011 Collecting Italian Renaissance Rembrandt Night Paintings in America The Frick Collection, funded by BNP In celebration of the special exhibition Presented by the Center for the History of Paribas, 2011 Rembrandt and His School: Masterworks Collecting in America and made possible by from the Frick and Lugt Collections the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation.

April 15 & 16, 2011 A Symposium on the History of Art Presented by The Frick Collection and the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

May 6 & 7, 2011 Reflections across the Pond: British Models of Collecting and the American Response Presented by the Center for the History of Collecting in America and made possible by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 17 Concerts March 29, 2011 Special Concert Event: Chopin in Paris October 10, 2010 Jeffrey Swann, piano; Jennifer Rivera, Ensemble 415, international period- mezzo-soprano; Yehuda Hanani, cello. instrument ensemble, in New York debut This event was presented in partnership with Close Encounters with Music. October 12, 2010 Special Concert Event: April 3, 2011 A Gilded Age Evening in New York Kandinsky String Trio Lydia Artymiw, piano; Yehonatan Berick, violin; Yehuda Hanani, cello; May 1, 2011 Jane Alexander, special guest. This event Les Délices, early instrument ensemble, was presented in partnership with Close in New York debut. This concert was in Encounters with Music. honor of Early Music America’s twenty-fifth anniversary. October 24, 2010 Nelson Goerner, piano, May 22, 2011 in New York recital debut Thomas Zehetmair, violin

November 14, 2010 Doric String Quartet, in New York debut

December 12, 2010 Colin Balzer, tenor, in New York recital debut, with Erika Switzer, piano

January 16, 2011 Diotima Quartet, in New York debut

February 20, 2011 Gören Söllscher, guitar

March 13, 2011 John O’Conor, piano

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 18 Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2011, and 2010

2011 2010 Note 1 Assets For purposes of brevity, the June 30, 2011, financial infor- mation presented here is excerpted from our audited Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,724,198 $ 2,459,184 financial statements as prepared by the independent Contributions receivable 5,720,583 3,738,486 accounting firm of O’Connor Davies Munns & Dobbins, Due from broker for securities sold 910,408 129,788 LLP, which rendered an unqualified opinion as to Prepaid pension benefits 825,328 — those statements’ conformance with generally accepted Inventory 629,262 641,027 accounting principles. This excerpted information does Other prepaid expenses, not include the Statement of Cash Flows or the footnotes, receivables, and other assets 722,273 780,903 which are integral to a full presentation of the Collection’s Investments in real estate, at cost 3,237,177 3,171,289 financial position. A complete Report of the Independent Investments in securities 255,280,258 213,263,666 Auditors is available by writing to the development office Property and equipment, net 19,126,344 17,786,432 of The Frick Collection.

Total assets $ 289,175,831 $ 241,970,775 Note 2: Measure of Operations Operations include all revenues and expenses that are an integral part of its programs and supporting activities. Liabilities and net assets The measure of operations includes investment income equal to the 4.50% spending rate (see Note 3 below) and Accounts payable, accrued expenses, excludes investment return in excess of, or less than, the and deferred income 3,506,604 2,345,022 spending rate. The measure of operations also excludes Accrued postretirement health and permanently restricted contributions; purchase and sale other benefits 6,526,045 5,982,189 of Collection items; unsolicited, unrestricted contribu- Accrued pension benefits — 888,315 tions of $50,000 or more, which are board designated for long-term investment as funds functioning as endow- Total liabilities 10,032,649 9,215,526 ment; depreciation of property and equipment; and releases of net assets from restrictions related to non- Net assets operating items. Unrestricted 227,393,457 189,196,411 Temporarily restricted 13,683,058 7,889,001 Note 3: Spending Rate Permanently restricted 38,066,667 35,669,837 The Collection manages its pooled investments on a total return basis. To preserve the investments’ long-term Total net assets 279,143,182 232,755,249 purchasing power, the Collection makes available to be spent each year a percentage of the investment portfo- Total liabilities and net assets $ 289,175,831 $ 241,970,775 lio’s average market value for the twelve quarters ending the March prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. The spending rate was 4.50% for fiscal years 2011 and 2010.

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 19 Statement of Activities June 30, 2011 (with comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 2010)

Unrestricted Total Board Temporarily Permanently General Designated Total Restricted Restricted 2011 2010 Operating support and revenues Net investment return— 4.5% spending policy $ 10,318,986 $ $ 10,318,986 $ — $ — $ 10,318,986 $ 10,814,138 Other investment income 4,185 126 4,311 2,944 — 7,255 (3,911) Contributions 3,068,182 3,068,182 5,120,976 — 8,189,158 5,438,525 Admission fees 3,182,746 3,182,746 — — 3,182,746 3,054,683 Membership 1,275,993 1,275,993 — — 1,275,993 1,244,599 Bookstore sales & miscellaneous 1,239,405 1,239,405 — — 1,239,405 1,278,496 19,089,497 126 19,089,623 5,123,920 24,213,543 21,826,530 Net assets released from restrictions 2,055,668 2,055,668 (2,055,668) — — Total operating support and revenues 21,145,165 126 21,145,291 3,068,252 — 24,213,543 21,826,530

Operating expenses Museum programs Operations 5,422,825 5,422,825 5,422,825 5,451,155 Special exhibitions, concerts, and lectures 885,247 885,247 885,247 857,062 Bookstore, including cost of sales 1,117,667 1,117,667 1,117,667 1,181,467 Total museum programs 7,425,739 7,425,739 — — 7,425,739 7,489,684 Library programs Operations 3,831,375 3,831,375 3,831,375 3,768,423 Special programs 609,947 609,947 609,947 567,136 Total library programs 4,441,322 4,441,322 — — 4,441,322 4,335,559 Total Programs 11,867,061 11,867,061 — — 11,867,061 11,825,243 Supporting services General and administrative 7,566,475 7,566,475 7,566,475 7,580,978 Fundraising 1,463,513 1,463,513 1,463,513 1,525,042 Total supporting services 9,029,988 9,029,988 — — 9,029,988 9,106,020 Total operating expenses 20,897,049 20,897,049 — — 20,897,049 20,931,263

Excess of operating support and revenues over operating expenses 248,116 126 248,242 3,068,252 — 3,316,494 895,267

Non-operating support and revenues Contributions 1,993,275 1,993,275 — 2,396,830 4,390,105 193,151 Depreciation (1,511,398) (1,511,398) — — (1,511,398) (1,463,004) Net investment return designated for long-term investment 33,063,403 33,063,403 4,828,682 — 37,892,085 18,155,508 FAS 158 benefit adjustments 2,300,647 2,300,647 — — 2,300,647 (1,692,514) Net assets released from restrictions for investment 2,102,877 2,102,877 (2,102,877) — — — Total non-operating support revenue and expenses 2,300,647 35,648,157 37,948,804 2,725,805 2,396,830 43,071,439 15,193,141

Change in net assets 2,548,763 35,648,283 38,197,046 5,794,057 2,396,830 46,387,933 16,088,408

Net assets Beginning of year $ 3,598,843 $ 185,597,567 $ 189,196,411 $ 7,889,001 $ 35,669,837 $ 232,755,249 $ 216,666,841 End of year $ 6,147,607 $ 221,245,850 $ 227,393,457 $ 13,683,058 $ 38,066,667 $ 279,143,182 $ 232,755,249

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 20 Gifts and Grants

e deeply appreciate the generos- $1,000,000 and above Peter and Gail Goltra W ity of the individuals, foundations, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs and corporations that made contributions The Arnhold Foundation The Christian Humann Foundation to The Frick Collection during the past fis- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Christian K. Keesee cal year, July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011. These Samuel H. Kress Foundation gifts and grants provided vitally needed $250,000 to $999,999 Robert Lehman Foundation general operating funds as well as support The Philip and Janice Levin Foundation for a range of important projects, includ- National Endowment for the Humanities Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sites ing special exhibitions and publications, the The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation Thaw Charitable Trust education program, library acquisitions, Aso O. Tavitian conservation equipment and materials, and $25,000 to $49,999 services to scholars. $100,000 to $249,000 To read about the Frick’s many activi- The Alexander Bodini Foundation ties and accomplishments of the past fiscal Acquavella Family Foundation Katherine Bristor and William Priest year, please see the complete Annual Report, Augeo Affinity Marketing Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burns Jr. which is available online at Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Bogert Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Boker Doyle Center for Spain in America Mrs. Charles H. Dyson Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Eberstadt Keeli Fink and John Brantl Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marie Eveillard Francis Finlay Barbara G. Fleischman The Grand Marnier Foundation The Helen Clay Frick Foundation Patricia and Rodes Hart Agnes Gund Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomilson Hill III Leon Levy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hoerle Stavros Niarchos Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Schwarzman The Robert K. Johnson Foundation Melvin R. Seiden* and Janine E. Luke Mr. and Mrs. Jon Landau Robert H. Smith Family Foundation and Tana Matisse Foundation Robert and Clare McKeon $50,000 to $99,999 Rebekah Mercer and Sylvain Mirochnikoff Dr. Anna Merino and Tiffany Merino Irene Roosevelt Aitken National Endowment for the Arts John and Constance Birkelund Diane Allen Nixon Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Blanchard III Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Palitz Mr. and Mrs. I. Townsend Burden III Laura Pels Edward Lee Cave Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps Jr. Mr.* and Mrs. Minturn V. Chace Dr. and Mrs. James S. Reibel Hester Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce David B. Ford Mr.* and Mrs. Julio Mario Santo Domingo Mrs. Henry Clay Frick II Mr.* and Mrs. Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 21 Melinda and Paul Sullivan $5,000 to $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Lipman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Tobey Michael S. Lorber Alexandra Buckley Voris Frances Beatty Adler and Allen R. Adler Asbjorn R. Lunde The Widgeon Point Charitable Foundation Saretta Barnet Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marion Mrs. Charles Wrightsman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beale James C. Marlas and Mr. and Mrs. James Benenson III Marie Nugent-Head Marlas $10,000 to $24,999 Rosamond Bernier Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Marshall The Honorable and Mrs. W. L. Lyons Brown Patrick G. Mauro II The Achelis Foundation Catherine Cahill and William Bernhard Janet Mavec and E. Wayne Nordberg Ms. Joan Taub Ades and Mr. Alan M. Ades M. L. Chen Charitable Trust The Curtis W. McGraw Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ames Louise B. and Edgar M. Cullman Joyce F. Menschel Helen-Mae and Seymour Askin Filomen M. D’Agostino Foundation Corp. Metropolitan New York Library Council Carole Parsons Bailey Ambassador Enriquillo and Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank III Helene Comfort Mrs. Audrey del Rosario Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Miniter IV The Honorable and Mrs. Walter J. P. Curley Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feldstein Sandra E. Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Davidson Jr. Martha Fleischman Consulate-General of the Netherlands Michel A. David-Weill Mr. and Mrs. David B. Forer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Newhouse The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Joanne du Pont Foster M. and Mme. Yves Oltramare Mr. and Mrs. Pierre J. de Vegh Marina French Mr. and Mrs. Blakely Page Elise D. Frick and John A. Garraty Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Right Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gellert Mr. and Mrs. Alain Goldrach David Rockefeller Joel M. Goldfrank Alexis Gregory Alan E. Salz and Brad Whitehurst Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gray Antonia and George Grumbach Dr. Stephen K. Scher and Janie P. Woo F. M. Kirby Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harkins Roberta and Irwin* Schneiderman Edie Langner and Michael H. Coles Drue Heinz Trust F. Randall Smith and Judith Smith Arthur L. Loeb Dr. and Mrs. Peter N. Heydon Mr. and Mrs. Howard Solomon Nancy A. Marks Dr. Mary Tavener Holmes and Peter Berry Elizabeth M. Stafford Heather McDowell and Adam K. Levin Joseph Holtzman and Carl Skoggard Beatrice Stern Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mercer Penelope Hunter-Stiebel and Elizabeth Strong-Cuevas Lisa D. Morse Gerald G. Stiebel Alvaro Tafur Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Overstrom Betty Wold Johnson Milton S. Teicher Mary Lawrence Porter Natasha Josefowitz Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Victor Thaw Billy Rose Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Kilgore Britt Tidelius Louisa Stude Sarofim Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Lauder Mrs. Henry H. Weldon Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeForest Scott Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Williams III The Wallace Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dale LeMasters Anh Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Wiener Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lepow Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wright Geraldine Lettieri Wendy Liff and Christopher E. Flynn * deceased

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 22 $1,000 to $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Della Rosa Ruth Hochman-Sohn and Mrs. C. Douglas Dillon Gail Deborah Sohn Julian Agnew Roland du Luart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hodgman The Ahmanson Foundation Daniel Dutcher and Marion K. Horner Eric and Rosayn Anderson William R. Schermerhorn and Baroness Jean-Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Mark Appel Caroline Echols and Christy Echols Hottinguer Eiko and Michael Assael Ashley Estes Lauren Hubbell Gillian Attfield Juliet Lee Falchi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Irwin Arthur Bugs Baer Kate Falchi Jerome V. Jacalone and Angelo Torricini Jessica Balboni and Mr. and Mrs. Frédéric Fekkai Sara Jarvis Philip Cannon Houghteling Balboni Lydia Wickliffe Fenet and Richard H. Jenrette Anne H. Bass Christopher Barrett Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Josephy Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass Jerald Dillon Fessenden Brian Kane Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flynn Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kaufman Elizabeth Berman and Kristopher Ghadry Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Konrad K. Keesee Suzy Biszantz Mr. and Mrs. Lucius L. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kiel W. Mark Brady Dr. Susan F. Freydberg and Gail E. Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brazil Ralph M. Freydberg Phyllis L. Kossoff Quigley Bruning Elizabeth Garrabrant Elizabeth Lettieri Mrs. Jackson Burke Stephen A. Geiger Martha Loring John J. Burns III Fernando B. Gentil Jr. The Honorable and Mrs. Earle I. Mack Dr. Teresa A. Carbone and William T. Georgis and Richard D. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Malik Robert B. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Gerschel Carol Collins Malone Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cassilly Sir David Gibbons and Lady Gibbons Walter B. Melvin Chele Chiavacci Mr. David Goldman and Mr. Mark Schaffer The Honorable and Mrs. J. William Emy Cohenca and Nevine Michaan Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Goldschmidt Middendorf II James Corl Fausto A. L. González-Taveras Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Millard Mr. and Mrs. George S. Coumantaros Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse Jr. Mrs. Daniel Cowin Dr. and Mrs. Victor R. Grann Sykes Moyer Fund at the Boston T. A. Cox Ann Marie Grasso Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chris Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gray Philip R. Munger Edna Catherine Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Greig David Murray Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Crisses Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Gridley Eldo S. Netto Jr. D. Ronald Daniel and Lise Scott April Grunow Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neville Dr. Peter E. Dans Martha M. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Nolen Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Darden John A. Hartford Foundation William Noortman Justin de La Chapelle William Talbott Hillman Foundation Michael Novogratz Charina Foundation Dr. David Orentreich

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 23 David Orr and Brant Wong Mr. and Mrs. Jedediah Curatorial Visiting Committee Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar M. Overstrom Harrison Kress Turner Kate C. Paley Elif Ucan and Ferdinand Sauerbruch We are grateful to the following individuals Ada Peluso and Romano I. Peluso Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Utsch for their support of the activities of the Hugh MacKay Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Cor Van den Heuvel Curatorial Department. Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Polsky Frederic Bronson van Wyck Mr. and Mrs. François Poulet Simona Vassilev Frances Beatty Adler Mrs. Lewis T. Preston* Marlies Verhoeven and Jacco Reijtenbagh Irene Roosevelt Aitken Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Pryor IV Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Volk Helen-Mae and Seymour Askin Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rayner George and Fern Wachter Helen Clay Chace Bridget Restivo Dr. Lucy R. Waletzky and Hester Diamond Barbara A. Reuter and James R. Hamilton Elizabeth Eveillard William J. Williams Jr. Dr. Karl M. F. Wamsler Martha Fleischman W. Taylor Reveley III Mr. and Mrs. William Waterman Michael Gallagher Frank E. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wilmers Joel M. Goldfrank Mary Jo Robertiello Mrs. Robert Winthrop Anne Goldrach Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose George W. Young Alexis Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rosen Dr. Mary Tavener Holmes The Alfred and Jane Ross Foundation Jack H. Kilgore Lynne Rutkin Jon Landau Michael Sabatino Asbjorn R. Lunde Roberta Sandeman Chari LeMasters Gil Shiva Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lepow Debbie Silverman Nancy A. Marks Robert and Diana Smith Janet Mavec Mrs. Charles F. Smithers Diane Allen Nixon Mr. and Mrs. John S. W. Spofford Susan R. Palm Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro Stainfeld Alan E. Salz Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steel Dr. Stephen K. Scher Louise H. Stephaich Beatrice Stern Raymond Steuert George Wachter Elizabeth F. Stribling and Guy Robinson Catherine R. Williams The Studio in a School Association Asha Talwar Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Telford Anna Timone Mr. and Mrs. John L. Townsend III

* deceased

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 24 Fellows and Friends

Sustainer Society Geraldine Lettieri Director’s Circle Arthur L. Loeb We are grateful to the following donors, who The Honorable and Mrs. Earle I. Mack Irene Roosevelt Aitken each made an unrestricted contribution of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marion Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Arnhold $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund. Robert and Clare McKeon John and Constance Birkelund Walter B. Melvin The Honorable Daniele Bodini Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ames Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Blanchard III Gillian Attfield Rebekah Mercer and Sylvain Mirochnikoff Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Bogert Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bass The Honorable and Mrs. J. William Mr. and Mrs. I. Townsend Burden III Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Middendorf II Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burns Jr. Emy Cohenca and Nevine Michaan Eldo S. Netto Jr. Edward Lee Cave Mr. and Mrs. George S. Coumantaros Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Nolen Mr.* and Mrs. Minturn V. Chace D. Ronald Daniel and Lise Scott David Orr and Brant Wong Hester Diamond Dr. Peter E. Dans Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Overstrom Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Boker Doyle Mrs. C. Douglas Dillon Ada Peluso and Romano I. Peluso Mrs. Charles H. Dyson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flynn Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Pryor IV Bruno and Sylvia Eberli Mr. and Mrs. David B. Forer Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rayner Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Eberstadt Mr. and Mrs. Lucius L. Fowler Frank E. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marie Eveillard Susan F. Freydberg and Ralph M. Freydberg David Rockefeller Francis Finlay Mrs. Henry Clay Frick II Lynne Rutkin Barbara G. Fleischman Stephen A. Geiger Mr.* and Mrs. Julio Mario Santo Domingo David B. Ford Sir David Gibbons and Lady Gibbons The Honorable and Mrs. Robert L. Shafer Mrs. Henry Clay Frick II Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie III Gil Shiva Peter and Gail Goltra Dr. and Mrs. Victor R. Grann Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steel Agnes Gund Ann Marie Grasso Louise H. Stephaich Patricia and Rodes Hart Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gray Mr. and Mrs. John L. Townsend III Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomilson Hill III Ruth Hochman-Sohn and Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Utsch Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs Gail Deborah Sohn Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Volk Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hoerle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hodgman Mr. and Mrs. William Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz Joseph Holtzman and Carl Skoggard Mrs. Robert Winthrop Christian K. Keesee Baron and Baroness Jean-Conrad George W. Young Janine E. Luke Hottinguer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Newhouse Jr. Betty Wold Johnson Diane Allen Nixon Brian Kane Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Palitz Konrad K. Keesee Laura Pels Gail E. Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Landau Dr. and Mrs. James S. Reibel

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 25 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robinson Henry Clay Frick Fellows Louisa Stude Sarofim Mr. and Mrs. Juan A. Sabater Roberta and Irwin* Schneiderman Dr. Nathan E. Saint-Amand Keeli Fink and John Brantl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Schwarzman Dr. Anna Merino and Tiffany Merino Mr.* and Mrs. Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff William Priest and Katherine Bristor Contributing Fellows Melinda and Paul Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sites Aso O. Tavitian Alexandra Buckley Voris Joan Taub Ades and Alan M. Ades Mr. and Mrs. David M. Tobey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Appel Mrs. Charles Wrightsman Sustaining Fellows Eiko and Michael Assael Anne H. Bass Honorary Fellows Helen-Mae and Seymour Askin W. Mark Brady Mr. and Mrs. Pierre J. de Vegh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cassilly Mrs. Perry R. Bass Joel M. Goldfrank Emy Cohenca and Nevine Michaan Theodore Dell Edie Langner and Michael H. Coles Mr. and Mrs. George S. Coumantaros Le Comte d’Haussonville Nancy A. Marks Mrs. Daniel Cowin Everett Fahy Rebekah Mercer and Sylvain Mirochnikoff T. A. Cox Dr. and Mrs. Ira H. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Darden Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marion Jerald Dillon Fessenden Mrs. Paul Mellon Supporting Fellows Joanne du Pont Foster Edgar Munhall Stephen A. Geiger Samuel Sachs II Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ames William T. Georgis and Richard D. Marshall Mrs. William Suhr Carole Parsons Bailey David Goldman and Mark Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Victor Thaw Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beale Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Goldschmidt Frederica von Stade The Honorable and Mrs. W. L. Lyons Brown Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Gordon Louise B. and Edgar M. Cullman Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Greig Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feldstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Gridley Mr. and Mrs. David B. Forer Martha M. Hare Mrs. Henry J. Heinz II Jerome V. Jacalone and Angelo Torricini Dr. and Mrs. Peter N. Heydon Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Josephy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Lauder Phyllis L. Kossoff Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Laughlin Arthur L. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Lipman Martha Loring Michael S. Lorber Dr. David Orentreich James C. Marlas and Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Polsky Marie Nugent-Head Marlas Mr. and Mrs. François Poulet Mr. and Mrs. Donald Newhouse Mrs. Lewis T. Preston* Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rayner

* deceased

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 26 Barbara A. Reuter and William J. Williams Jr. Fellows Mr. and Mrs. William Frick Mary Jo Robertiello Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nash Ambler Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Friedland Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rosen Charlotte P. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gellert William R. Schermerhorn and Martha A. and Thomas G. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Morry Gerber Daniel Dutcher Edgar D. Aronson Sir David Gibbons and Lady Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeForest Scott A. L. Ballard Richard Gilbert and Belinda Gilbert Robert and Diana Smith Christina Baltz Guido A. Gockel Mrs. Charles F. Smithers Shelley Barber Dr. Henry P. Godfrey and Ginger Schnaper Elizabeth Strong-Cuevas Joseph and Gail Barry Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Cor Van den Heuvel Jane Poole Bendheim Mrs. Oliver R. Grace Dr. Karl M. F. Wamsler Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Bogen Donald W. Graham Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wilson Laurel Ann Brien Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greenleaf Richard A. Brodie Antonia and George Grumbach Contributing Young Fellows Katherine F. Brush Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gunn Mrs. James E. Burke Charles Hack and Angella Hearn Caroline Echols and Christy Echols Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanke Julia Groome Wm. Polk Carey* Bill and Ruth Ann Harnisch Lauren Hubbell Vincent Casey and Robert Duke Luule N. Hewson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Irwin Carroll J. Cavanagh and Candida N. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hohmann III Sara Jarvis Yann Coatanlem Mrs. Bruce Duff Hooton Brian Kane J. Patrick Cooney Ay-Whang Hsia Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kiel Dr. Charles Giovanni Vanzan Coutinho Stephen Hundiak Elizabeth Lettieri Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Crisses Yves-Andre Istel and Kathleen Begala Patrick G. Mauro II Heather Croner Lisa D. Johnson and Williams Cosby Robert and Clare McKeon Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dangremond Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Jones Jacco Reijtenbagh and Marlies Verhoeven Michel A. David-Weill Mrs. Allan H. Kalmus Kevin Telford and Dr. Charlotte K. Telford Dianne DeWitt The Honorable Bruce M. Kaplan and Anna Timone Mr. and Mrs. Norbert P. Donelly Janet Yaseen Mr. and Mrs. Jedediah Harrison Margaret F. Donovan Mark and Helene Kaplan Kress Turner Mr. and Mrs. John F. Durocher William W. Karatz Romy Vassilev Joan K. Easton Suzanne Kavetas Jennifer Wright J. O. Fairfax Saundra Keinberger Robert Feldman and Adrienne Plotch Robert G. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feldstein Hans W. Kertess Mr. and Mrs. James Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Klein Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flynn Jr. Angie Z. Kozlowski Angela Fowler George Labalme Jr. Ralph M. Freydberg and Dr. Susan F. Freydberg * deceased

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 27 Eugene M. Lang Dr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Rudick Mrs. Robert Winthrop Christopher Larson and Dolores Larson Errol M. Rudman Judy Witt Silvina Leone and Pablo Cisilino Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Rutherfurd Jr. Jerry Ann Woodfin Mr. and Mrs. A. Michael Lipper Jeannette Watson Sanger Andrea Woodner Robert B. Loper Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Santini Dian Woodner Asbjorn R. Lunde Alejandro Santo Domingo Ethel Kennedy Marran Elaine B. Sargent Non-Resident Fellows Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marsh Jeanette Sarkisian and Paul A. Wagner June Hunt Mayer Elaine Saul Katrin Bellinger William McCauley and Ana Roth Princess Maria-Christina Sayn-Wittgenstein Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton Daniel Mendelsohn Professor Simon M. Schama and Yuki and Alex Bouzari Catharine M. Miller Dr. Virginia E. Papaioannou Deborah Brice Charles A. Miller III and Birch Coffey Dr. and Mrs. Joel Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cornell Card Thierry Millerand Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Segerstrom David G. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Miniter IV Mr. and Mrs. James Shinn Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Decker Barbara S. Mosbacher Michael T. Sillerman Colleen DeLee and Michael F. Perlis Jill Newhouse J. L. H. Simonds Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Newman Mr. and Mrs. James Baker Sitrick John W. Eichleay Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nitze Suzette de Marigny Smith Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nathan Elkins David P. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Thacker Mr. and Mrs. Lucius L. Fowler Thomas E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Toll Mr. and Mrs. John Goelet David T. Owsley Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tuckerman Elizabeth M. Gordon Mrs. Frank Papp Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wachtell Dr. Lucinda A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Paul Dr. Lucy R. Waletzky and Helen Hecht David B. Pearce, M.D. James R. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Dudley D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Peck Mr. and Mrs. John L. Warden Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kulp Jr. Sarah Peter Susan Granat Weil Mr. and Mrs. David Leung Mr. and Mrs. Ivan E. Phillips Marissa C. Wesely Sandra Ann Mabritto Robert S Pirie Mr. and Mrs. Karel Westerling William McGee Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Price II Lynne M. Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Meitar Sheila S. Pulling Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whitehead Georg Prantl Michael Rogan Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wickham Adrian Sassoon The Honorable and Mrs. Felix G. Rohatyn Mr. and Mrs. G. Jarvis G. Wilcox Jr. Theresa M. and Charles F. Stone III Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Rose Isabel Stainow Wilcox Steven Volla and Yang Shi Mr. and Mrs. Cye Ross Duane Wilder Katharine J. Watson Nanette Ross Mrs. Walter W. Wilds Fritz T. Wegmann Robert and Margaret Rothschild Reid Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowe Laura Winters

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 28 Young Fellows Lila Dupree Marc A. Lewinstein Elatia Abate Joseph F. Duronio and Lisa Maki Owain Lloyd Anna M. Abrams Christina Eberli Elena Luca Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Acquavella Allison M. Ecung Amanda Mallan Ninve Ramona Adams Katie Ermilio Eric Mandl Cristina Alger Ashley Estes Kelly D. Maslick Edward A. Allen Pauline Marie Eveillard Mr. and Mrs. Sean D. McAndrew Sara Arlin Juliet Lee Falchi Katie McGee Susan J. Arnes Kate Falchi Lydia Melamed-Johnson Natascia Ayers Lydia Wickliffe Fenet and Celina Apostolo Merrill Brooke Maria Azcuy Christopher Barrett Delaney Tad Mike and Chris Rawlins Jessica Balboni and Katie Fischer Ingrid C. Miller Philip Cannon Houghteling Balboni Lin Gao Olivia T. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ball Robin Garner and Evan Weitman MaryGrace Mock Cristina Beltran Elizabeth Garrabrant Gregory Morrow Mr. and Mrs. James Benenson III Jan Alexandra Garrison Lisa D. Morse Elizabeth Berman and Kristopher Ghadry Fernando B. Gentil Jr. Hugo Nathan Eric Blair Alexandra G. Goelet Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Overstrom Lesley M. M. Blume and Gregory Macek Megan Gunning Iliana Pappas and Kevin Oram Carter Brady Lee C. Hallman Matthew John Paul and Nathaniel A. Bristol and Laura Gail Smith Elizabeth Hamilton Amparo H. Brookfield Sarah P. Camp Kevin Hanratty Michael Pecnik Wm. Carey II Alison Harlow and Shannan Massrey Tiffany Phipps Charles de Viel Castel Stylianos Hatzakis Silvio Pitter and Michelle Marshall JoJo Cohen Ryan Hayward Hugh MacKay Pollack Annika Connor Geoffrey Hsu Alexandra Caroline Porter Catherine A. Corman Claire Huene Enrichetta Ravina Nedenia Hutton Craig Redmond S. Ingalls Katherine Reibel Mimi Crawford Edward Katz Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Reid Kipton Cronkite Madaline Keros Farley M. Rentschler and Paul Cruickshank Olga Khyazheva Mary M. Rentschler Jennifer A. Cuminale Terence R. Kooyker and Katherine Leitch John L. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis Megan E. Kultgen and Sean Dailey Lindsay Rodman Frederic A. de Sibert Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kurpis Andy Romer Rebecca Desman Scott Labby Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Ross Christopher Doty Lucy Jane Lang and Scott Asher Matthew Rubinger Marcella E. Dresdale Jennifer Lawn Elisabeth A. Saint-Amand Nicolas H. R. Dumont Kathryn Levine Matthew H. Salsbury

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 29 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Sandvick Willoughby Wells Deborah L. Morse Danielle Sapse James J. White Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Nairn Austin Scarlett Christy Williams Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Nolen Emily Schendel and Alex Daniels Lauren Willig Carmen Ortiz Charles N. W. Schlangen Jill Yankaskas Grace M. Parr Allison Schrager Clarissa H. Porter Esq. Krista M. Schult Sustaining Friends Allan and Leah Rabinowitz Maggy Schultz Sana H. Sabbagh Oliver Ward Schulze Anne Searle Bent Judith A. Saner Joydeep Sengupta and Blaine Stephens Mrs. Leonard Block Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schinderman Robert Sepulveda Jr. D. Ronald Daniel and Lise Scott Dr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Shapiro Steve Sharp Marguerite De La Poer F. Randall Smith and Judith Smith Lacary Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Decker Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith Gregory Sherman Marjorie and Alan Doniger Blair and Preston Stuart Haemi Shin and Neha Chinai David Epstein Dr. and Mrs. Victor Syrmis Debbie Silverman Margild Ercklentz Gwynne Tibbetts Anastasiya Siro Christopher Eykyn Marcos Tychbrojcher and Anna Kristina Skjevesland Andrea Henderson Fahnestock and George Dandridge Nessia Sloane George A. Hambrecht George W. Young Martin Smit Tarry Faries Victoria Sondak Susan Grant and Lawrence C. Maisel Supporting Friends Janette Soto and Brigitta Petzold Paul Graziano and Arlene Conn Cator Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Henshaw III Page Ashley Raymond Steuert Dr. Elizabeth J. Hodge Dean Peter H. Baker Victoria Ditanna Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hupper Dr. Emil J. Balthazar Benjamin Straumann Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Janis Mr. and Mrs. Philippe E. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sullivan III Alan Kanzer Neil C. Bloch and Anne Marechal Mr. and Mrs. J. Fife Symington IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kay Susan Braddock Asha Talwar Dr. Herbert J. Kayden and Kevin Brine and Jessica Smith Shane Tela Dr. Gabrielle H. Reem* David G. Broadhurst and Miriam Kagan Phillip Alden Thomas Lillian E. Kraemer Ellen Cash Diana Toyberman Philip Lacovara and Madeline Lacovara Lawrence Chien Robert S. Tulloch Mr. and Mrs. James Lally Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Cohn Michael Tully Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lichtenstein Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Collins Elif Ucan and Ferdinand Sauerbruch Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacMillan John M. Conklin Mr. and Mrs. Zach Vella Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Marshall Sharon Cowles Emily V. M. Walker and Lev Menand Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mercy Jr. Margaret M. Wang and John Paul Chilazi Richard and Barbara Moore * deceased

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 30 Antonio Campo Dallorto and Jeannette S. Rohatyn Founder’s Society Mandala Tayde Catherine G. Ross The Founder’s Society recognizes and honors Rowena Danziger Dr. and Mrs. David M. Rubin those who provide critical support to The Jody Falco and Jeffrey Steinman Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schmerin Frick Collection through bequests, charitable Linda Allard Gallen Frances M. Schultz remainder trusts, lead trusts, or other Alfred V. Gallicchio Susan Sheehan planned-giving arrangements. John Gassett and Dr. Jacqueline Jones Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Slack Susan Gaum Dr. and Mrs. Peter Som Estate of J. Philip Anderegg William Goldman Peter Steinman and Todd Geringswald Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Bogert Ann E. Howard and Walter F. Harrison III Cladd E. Stevens Helen Clay Chace John Hartje and Carol Camper Campbell Steward and Mrs. William Stratton Clark Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Harty Grace Vanner Steward Diane Dunne Kitty Hawks and Larry Lederman Nina Sundell Reva Fox Marjorie H. Holden Mr. and Mrs. John A. Syverson Estate of Henry Clay Frick II William L. Hudson Jeffrey Tindell and Cheryl Feigenson Estate of Alex Gordon Elizabeth Y. Jung and Ronald J. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Brian Torpey Agnes Gund Pat and Paul D. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber Estate of Joseph F. McCrindle Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufmann Dr. and Mrs. Frank Weiser Estate of Stephen Morrow Garrett Kirk Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Young Estate of Virginia Wallace Ortlieb Patricia D. Klingenstein Estate of Mrs. Jacobus Pierot Mildred C. Kuner Mrs. Edmund M. Speer Jill L. Leinbach Michael Tully Elizabeth Lifschultz Alice Jean Zuccaire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKay Laurie L. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neville Rodney W. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Garry Nicholson Dennis Novick Gresham O’Malley III Marilou Perie William S. Phelan Jr. and Susan Y. Young Eileen H. Powers and Jennifer C. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prystowsky Mr. and Mrs. John Sloane Pyne Sascha M. Rockefeller

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 31 Corporate Members and Sponsors

$50,000 and above $5,000 to $9,999 Matching Gift Companies Fiduciary Trust Company International Acquavella Galleries The Achelis Foundation Koç Holding Baccarat ADP NMS Group Bloomberg Bank of America Sotheby’s Buck Consultants The Bodman Foundation Edmund Hollander Landscape Architect The Coca-Cola Company $25,000 to $49,999 Design Constellation Energy Frederic Fekkai Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Barclays Capital The H. W. Wilson Foundation The Goldman Sachs Foundation BNY Mellon John Wiley & Sons Google Commerzbank AG UBS HSBC Cartier Ziff Brothers Investments IBM Corporation Faram US The John A. Hartford Foundation Tiffany & Co. $1,000 to $4,999 LexisNexis Cares Telefonica International USA Penguin Group (USA) Aon The PepsiCo Foundation $10,000 to $24,999 Chanel Pfizer Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company The Prudential Foundation Christie’s Iridian Asset Management Reader’s Digest Foundation Creative Media Marketing Mallett Gallery UBS Credit Suisse Pratt Institute Dior Beauty Seibold Security Goldman, Sachs & Co. Veuve Clicquot Judith Leiber W. P. Carey Foundation Moretti Fine Art Ltd. The Moody’s Foundation Parker Pen Rachel Roy

The Frick Collection makes every effort to list donor names as requested. Please direct ­corrections to Helen Freeman at 212.547.0709.

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 32 The Frick Collection Staff As of June 30, 2011

Anne L. Poulet Curatorial Department Charlotte Vignon Director Associate Curator of Decorative Arts

Angela Boulart Colin B. Bailey Jennie Coyne (p.t.) Administrative Assistant Associate Director & Peter Jay Sharp Chief Assistant Museum Educator Curator Caitlin Davis Anna Finley (p.t.) Assistant to the Director & Coordinator Denise Allen Education Assistant of the Young Fellows Curator Joanna Sheers (p.t.) Alison Lonshein Adrian Anderson Katie Steiner Assistant Secretary and General Counsel Senior Galleries Technician Nicholas Wise Michael Bodycomb Curatorial Assistants Photographer Administration & Finance Aimee Ng (p.t.) Department Rika Burnham Francesca Whitlum-Cooper Head of Education Research Assistants

Robert Goldsmith Julia Day Susannah Rutherglen Deputy Director, Assistant Secretary & Chief Assistant Objects Conservator Nathaniel Silver Operating Officer Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellows Julie Di Filippo (p.t.) Robert Alexander Assistant Editor Viktorya Vilk Assistant Controller Samuel H. Kress Fellow in Museum Teaching Diane Farynyk Lisa Foerster Registrar & Exhibition Manager Purchasing & Supply Room Assistant Susan Grace Galassi Department of Martha Hackley Senior Curator External Affairs Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director Allison Galea Lynne Rutkin Rosalie MacGowan Assistant Registrar Deputy Director for External Affairs Accounting Coordinator Joseph Godla Rosayn Anderson Diane Oatman Conservator Manager of Corporate & Payroll & Benefits Coordinator Margaret Iacono Foundation Relations Michael Paccione Assistant Curator Joyce Bodig (p.t.) Chief Financial Officer & Assistant Treasurer Elaine Koss Concerts Coordinator Dana Winfield Editor in Chief Rebecca Brooke Head of Human Resources Adrienne Lei Manager of Publications Charles Goold Education Programs Coordinator Mary Emerson Gabriel Jodorkovsky Associate Director of Development Reid Taylor William Trachet Mailroom Clerks (p.t.) Senior Conservation Technician

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 33 Helen Freeman Rujeanne Bleemer Sean Troxell Membership Coordinator Katherine Chau Help Desk & Audio Visual Technician Janice Dugan Alison Hillier Brian Williams Yvette Edelhart Special Events Associate Help Desk & Network Analyst Yania Escoto Elizabeth Hurlbut Coral Groh Assistant to the Deputy Director Ann Jaffe Operations Department for External Affairs Daryl Joseph Justinne Lake Genevra Le Voci Dennis Sweeney Maraya Lopez Administrative Assistant for Development Head of Operations Katie Patch Alexis Light Naoko Ota Manager of Media Relations & Marketing Disnarda Pinilla Engineering Division Olga Reinoso Joseph Corsello Heidi Rosenau Emily Sanchez Chief Engineer Head of Media Relations & Marketing Monica Sands Colm McCormac Colleen Tierney Paul Shoemaker Assistant Chief Engineer Head of Special Events Susan Tabor Sulahy Taveras Alexander Brand Retail & Visitor Services Staff (p.t.) Charles W. Bulanowski Retail & Visitor Services John Kowalski Bill Marji Kate Gerlough Information Technology & Mikhail Shusterman Head of Retail & Visitor Services New Media Department Jack Wu Engineers Nancy McGeorge Floyd Sweeting III Alexander Percy Conrad Lewis Head, Information Technology & New Media Coordinators for Retail & Visitor Services Electrician Lisa Candage Isabel Silva New Media Specialist Assistant to the Head of Retail & Maintenance Division Visitor Services Vivian Gill Donaldo Godinez Web & New Media Manager Painter

David Lin Network Administrator & Help Desk Housekeeping Division Coordinator Mireya Alcain Supervisor of Housekeeping Brian Nichols Manager of Information Technology Ronald Moliere Assistant Housekeeping Supervisor Julie Shean Database Manager

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 34 Marie Brann Security Division Peter Asare Angela Escoto Gloria Blanc Jairo Rodriguez Garcia Dominic Phillip Dwain Bredwood Kalu Gaviria First Lieutenant for Security Daniel Campbell Dhondup Gonpo Lesly Desmangles Berthie Lazare Daniel Charles Rafael Escoto Jairo Loaiza Second Lieutenant for Security Borgia Espinal Hector Mena Tamara Browne Leroy Evans Louisa Moreau Antoine Smallwood Mara Gjelaj Juan Pereya Security Sergeants Shakiem Griffin Jose Sanchez Ettienne Grillasca Housekeepers Matawakilou Maliki Ana Gutierrez Delroy Slater Moutawakilou Ibrahim Shivekarran Ray Tillack Devaindranauth Jamunaprasad Kitchen Division Security Supervisors Herve Jean-Baptiste Billy Jean-Elysee Joseph Teresa Clifton Jones Executive Chef & Kitchen Manager Marlene Joseph Joanel Legiste Wendy Barco Joseph Levasseur Cook Guerline Louisdor Christopher Hermann Jean Mayard Sous Chef Riviere Moreau Anthony Neverson Theana Bernadotte Ameela Padarat Xavier Randall Rambarakh Ramkirath Kitchen Assistants Emeafa Senaya-Kuwornu Adam Willson (p.t.) Dolip Shiwratan Dishwasher James Smith Moteelall Sona Richard Spencer Horticulture Division Avelardita Taveras Pearl Weekes Galen Lee Security Guards Horticulturist & Special Events Designer

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 35 Frick Art Reference Library Staff As of June 30, 2011

Stephen Bury Conservation Department Book Department Andrew W. Mellon Chief Librarian

Sophia Walter Don Swanson Deborah Kempe Library Administrator Chief, Collections Preservation & Chief, Collections Management & Access Graphic Designer Charles Basman Felix Esquivel Cynthia W. Biber (p.t.) Public Services Department Pinky Fung Cataloging Assistants Mary Seem (p.t.) Mark Bresnan Suzannah Massen Conservation Assistants Chief, Public Services Head, Bibliographic Records Donald David Scott Calhoun Arielle Dorlester Manager of Digital & Reprographic Services Reference Associate F. Eric Fabianich Luciano Johnson Acquisitions & Cataloging Associates Elizabeth Lane Digital Project Manager Assistant Reference Librarian Erin Elliott (p.t.) George Koelle Assistant Cataloger Jay Lemire Assistant Graphic Designer & Digital Sara Holladay (p.t.) Reference Clerk/Technician Specialist Assistant Librarian for Arcade Ian Titus Melanie Martin Rodica Tanjala Krauss Manager of Pages Assistant Conservator Head, Cataloging Projects Lorenzo De Los Angeles Kelli Piotrowski Christopher Peppel Anthony Redding Conservator Senior Page/Technicians Acquisitions & Cataloging Assistant Dean Smith Christina Peter Erin Batson Stack Reconfiguration Manager Meghan Combs Head, Acquisitions Cris Sunwoo Ariana Shirvani Jesse Sadia (Auction Sale Catalogues) Digital Lab Technician Grace Smith Amy Schwarz (Periodicals) Page/Technicians (p.t.) Cataloging Associates Keisha Hernandez Alice Winn (p.t.) Receptionists

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 36 Photoarchive Department Archives & Records Center for the Management Department History of Collecting Inge Reist Chief, Research Collections & Programs Sally Brazil Inge Reist Chief, Archives & Records Management Director Anastasia Levadas Digital Photoarchive Coordinator Susan Chore Samantha Francisco-Deutch Julie Ludwig Manager of Research & Programs Jessica McDonald Associate Archivists Photoarchive Associate Esmée Quodbach (p.t.) Shannon Yule Assistant to the Director John McQuaid Assistant Archivist Assistant Photoarchivist

Ellen Prokop Associate Photoarchivist

Louisa Wood Ruby Head, Photoarchive Research

Hanna Siesel Photoarchive Assistant

Kerry Sullivan Head, Photoarchive Records

Valeria Kondratiev Margaret Rose Photoarchive Assistants (p.t.)

Annual Report July 2010–June 2011 37