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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-38867-2 - Religions of the Ancient Greeks Simon Price Index More information Index Academics 155 Aphrodisias 166 Achilles 170 Aphrodite 7, 11, 16, 17, 45, 117, 160;at Acts of the Apostles 7, 23, 161, 181 Aphrodisias 166; at Athens 40, 92, 94;in adultery 127, 159 Arcadia 53; at Kition 76–7; Ourania 96; aedes 150 Aphrodite-Venus 143 Aegeae 165 Apollo 11, 37, 118, 160; at Claros 49, 75, 137, Aelius Aristides 46, 111–12 179; at Delos 45; at Delphi 1, 2, 9, 56, 60, Aeneas 147, 148, 150 63n, 68, 74, 140, 166, 179; at Didyma 37, 62, Aeschines 116 75; at Ephesos 156; at Magnesia 156; Aeschylus 43 Ismenios 38; Karneios 55; Ptoios 62; Pythios Aesculapius 145–7, 149 173, 175; Smintheus 37 afterlife 101, 106–7, 119–25 Apollodorus 15 agalma 37 apologists 105, 158–64 Agamemnon 90 apples 51, 62 Aglauros 20, 40, 94, 95, 160 Apuleius 123–5, 141 agora 48–9, 174; at Athens 19, 22, 28, 32, 39, Ara Maxima 149, 150 43, 49n, 78; at Megara Hyblaia 49–51 Aratus 161 agriculture 18–19, 36, 99, 174 Arcadia 53, 54–5, 57, 140 Akropolis 51; at Athens 29, 39–41, 47n, 53, 55, archaeological evidence 4, 9–10, 49–51, 55–6 56, 61–3, 64–5, 90–4, 95; at Selinus 49, 51 Areopagus 43 Alaric 169 Ares 11, 179; Ares-Mars 143 Alcibiades 54, 87 Argonauts 118 Alexander the Great 48, 61 Argos 27–8, 41, 53 Alexandria 48, 165 Ariadne 98 allegory 117, 163 Aristarche 145 altars 2, 33, 47, 58; of Zeus 13, 54; texts about Aristoboulos 161, 163n 48–9, 54, 175, 176, 177, 181 aristocrats 62 Amazons 22, 23, 156 Aristomenes 99 Amphidromia 89 Aristophanes 44,
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