October 7, 1966 No. 46
EI. Malc:riado 'N NEO~~~ISH IO¢ "The Voice of t'he FarlD Worker" .~ . ierra:: e ':' '. 'officia~. '. Union .I " , 7-/ - ---, liN THIS ·ISSUE_: NEW UNITY IN LAMONT P. 3 HORRIBLE EVENT IN NEW YORK P. 4 ESQumOLES AFUERA P. 5 BOYCOTT NUMBER THREE--- PERELLI- MINETTI EL MALCRIADOGRAM P.ll GOOD NEWS FROllf SCHENLEY P. 12 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR P. 14 VIVA PAT BROWN P. 16 GILBERT PADILLA~ VICE PRESIDENT P. 20 P. 22 l'la!criado is entered as second class matter on January 14, 1966, at the Post Offic lelano, California, under the Act of March 8,1879. It is published bi-weekly at U mont, Delano, California. Subscription price is $2 a year. This is issue II LI ~ NEW BOOK P. 23 'ct.. .n:?- ? - ~ 6> -/ 'S:;'727: 1966 I' uw-::dt BUBSCRIBEDANDSWORN TO BEFORE M .1....kl,r THlll..L...D~.-'3.9PM~ ~1." . ~~w-;-:"~i:~7c~:t:",·"_J My ~ ~~~1~. IMe .ux.-or_;a;:::;-o.'i:,oe:ill-:-- t r--' ~ ~:e-:::on 19 "":~::.~.,::;~* J __, J vuu.-. z.Mr, 8a; 1060, Dllue, Cal1t. Lewis G• .td&1r, III, Bu. lO6O, Delu., Call1'. Ernest Lowe, Dick Prosten, & E. M. DRala•• ''' .~__''''l.-..a_t.Il*'I __IO_~__~ __'_''''' _ __.. _'n1Jl.ulln._'II.u),_..... _(_,JJ"."IJ,.,_4.J,.~T .... (I_S-cw.) "EI Malcriado", the Voice of the ~,:::r:- ... 1Of... OCl. __,,..,,...a-J 10,000 IJ,OOO 1._-"'- is ,, ~---- Farm Worker, an independent ____ ,,600 _,000 .ublication, and is not the "official - ',1,00 ""., c.fQI.. ,_-..._ 9,000 1wspaper" of any person or group.
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