
RESOURCES (Tyndale OT Commentaries) - Trent C. Butler Calvary Chapel Lynchburg presents www.e-sword.net - Free Bible Sofware Through the Te (NICOT), 2 Volumes - John N. Oswalt Expository Outlines on the OT - Warren Wiersbe Bible cclburg.com/ThroughTheBible with Pastor Troy Warner

My Notes Isaiah God is bringing judgment upon Israel for their rebellion and idolatry. Isaiah prophesies that the Northern Kingdom would be taken captive by the expanding Assyrian Empire, and eventually Babylon would overtake Judah, exiling them from the Holy Land for 70 years. Isaiah’s time of ministry began during a time of turmoil for Israel during the threats of invasion by the Assyrians. God placed a stern message in the mouth of Isaiah for His people to repent. Yet, because of Israel’s and Judah’s stubbornness, God brings forth righteous judgment upon all of Israel through the surrounding nations. Even so, the Lord in His compassion would deliver His people from captivity and restore Israel, a picture of the salvation the Lord would ultimately provide in the Messiah. July 26, 2017 Kings of Judah During the About Isaiah Time of .) Uzziah Author: Isaiah -Was an overall good king. -Reigned from ca. 792-740 BC. Date: ca. 740-700 BC 2.) Jotham -Was an overall good king. Genre: Prophecy -Reigned from ca. 750-732 BC. Purpose: To communicate the coming judgment upon God’s people from Assyria and Babylon, 3.) Ahaz -Was a wicked king. but also that God would redeem them afer captivity, bringing assurance of salvation. -Reigned from ca. 735-715 BC. 4.) Hezekiah Characteristics: Long sections of poetry containing prophecy and shorter sections of prose -Was an overall good king. -Reigned from ca. 715-686 BC. containing historical information, with personifcation and imagery. Contemporary Prophets during Isaiah’s Time Did you know? 1.) Micah Outline -Prophesied mainly to Judah. -Prophesied during reigns of Jotham, Te Ishtar Gate from ancient Babylon. I. Te Retribution of God (1-39) In chapter 44 and 45, Isaiah Ahaz, Hezekiah. Image from Te Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook prophesied by name about the 2.)Amos A. Te Lord’s Indictment of the Nation (1-6) -Prophesied to the Northern Messianic Prophecy in Isaiah King of Persia, Cyrus, nearly Kingdom. Prophecy in Isaiah Reference in Isaiah Fulfllment in NT B. Prophecies of Deliverance (7-12) -Prophesied during reigns of Jereboam Repentance for the nations Isa. 2:2-4 Luke 24:47 150 years before he was born. II in Israel, and Uzziah in Judah. Born of a virgin Isa. 6:9-10 Matt. 1:22-23 C. Judgment on the Nations (13-23) God declared through .) Hosea A rock of ofense Isa. 8:14-15 Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:8 -Prophesied mainly to the Northern God with us Isa. 9:6-7 Matt. 1:12; John 8:58; Col. 2:9 D. Punishment and Kingdom Blessing (24-27) that He would use Cyrus for Kingdom. Death swallowed up in victory Isa. 25:6-12 1 Cor. 15:54 His purposes, namely that -Prophesied about the exact time Te deaf hear, the blind see Isa. 29:18-19 Matt. 5:3; John 9:39 E. Te Woes (28-33) as Isaiah. King of kings, Lord of lords Isa. 32:1-4 Rev. 19:16, 20:6 Cyrus would free the Jews Te Shepherd dies for His sheep Isa. 40:10-11 John 10:11; Heb. 13:20 F. Vengeance and Blessing (34-35) A light to the Gentiles Isa. 49:6-12 Acts 13:47; 2 Cor. 6:2 afer their time in captivity Rejected by His people Isa. 52:13-52:12 Matt. 8:7, 27:1-2 G. Historical Interlude: Judah to be in Captivity (36-39) and aid them in rebuilding the Silent when accused Isa. 53:7 John 1:29, 11:49-52 Crucifed with transgressors Isa. 53:12 John 12:37-38; Acts 8:28-35 II. Te Restoration by God (40-66) Temple. Te King cometh Isa. 62:11 Luke 2:32; Rev. 3:12 A. Deliverance of God’s People (40-48) Chart adapted from Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook You can read about this B. Restoration by the Sufering Servant (49-57) prophecy and Cyrus’s action C. Restoration Realized and Completed (58-66) on behalf of Israel in Isaiah: The Miniature Bible Outline from: John Walvoord and Roy Zuck, ed., Te Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the and Ezra 1-6. Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty, (Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications, 1985), WORDsearch Book of Isaiah The Bible

Questions to Think About 1.) 66 Chapters 1.) 66 Books 2.) Section 1 - 39 Chapters 2.) - 39 Books 1.) Tough judgment is clearly pronounced by the Lord throughout Isaiah, God’s mercy Section 2 - 27 Chapters New Testament - 27 Books 3.) Te frst 39 chapters of Isaiah focus 3.) Te OT has major themes of God’s is prevalent in the pages of this book of prophecy. How is God’s mercy on display in the on the holiness of God and His justice. righteousness and judgment of sin. book of Isaiah? 4.) Chapters 1-39 of Isaiah show Israel’s 4.) Te OT shows man’s depravity and rebellious heart and their need for sin, revealing the need for God’s 2.) Isaiah prophesies about the coming salvation for God’s people from captivity. Isaiah reconciliation to God. salvation. 52 and 53 also speak of salvation as Isaiah spoke prophetically of the Messiah. What 5.) Te fnal 27 chapters of Isaiah focus 5.) Te New Testament focuses on the Tis statue of Nebo, Babylonian god on the grace of God and coming salvation that God provides in Jesus fulfllment do we see in the New Testament from these chapters? of wisdom and writing, found at Cakh redemption. Christ. dates from the time of Adadnirari III. 6.) Chapters 40-66 of Isaiah prophesy of 6.) Te New Testament shows God’s 3.) Te Lord deals seriously with sin, and in Isaiah He calls His people to repentance, yet See :1. God’s plan for salvation. salvation plan fulflled in Christ.

they rebell. How can we learn from these accounts how we should deal with sin? Image from Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook Through'the'Bible'–'Isaiah' The$Major$Empires$of$the$Bible1$ ! $ Introduction$ $ World! empires! have! long! played! a! role! in! the! shaping! of! history.! The! Bible! has! recorded!many!historical!events!surrounding!these!world!powers!and!their!dealings!with! Israel!and!the!Church.!The!Lord!often!in!Scripture!will!reference!former!world!powers!like! Assyria,!Babylon,!Egypt,!and!Persia!in!prophecy.!Many!times!He!Himself!raised!them!up!(or! allowed!a!ruler!to!be!raised!up)!to!enact!His!judgment!upon!Israel,!specifically!in!the!Old! Testament.! Habakkuk! 1:6! reads,! “For! indeed! I! am! raising! up! the! Chaldeans,! a! bitter! and! hasty!nation,!which!marches!through!the!breadth!of!the!earth,!to!possess!dwelling!places! that! are! not! theirs.”! This! passage,! and! many! more! specifically! throughout! the! Old! Testament! prophets,! reveals! in! how! God! raised! up! the! Babylonians! (seen! here! as! Chaldeans)!to!bring!judgment!upon!Judah!for!their!sin!and!idolatry.!Sometimes!it!can!be! easy! to! lose! sight! of! the! sovereignty! of! God! at! work! in! other! Gentile! nations! throughout! Scripture.! Indeed,! God! is! sovereign! over! all! nations,! and! we! see! through! the! prophetic! books!how!God!uniquely!uses!these!empires!to!accomplish!His!purposes!in!the!world!and! in!His!people.!The!Lord!also!held!these!powers!accountable!for!actions!against!Israel!and! Judah,!bringing!retribution!upon!their!heads.!The!world!powers!that!were!instruments!in! the!judgment!of!Israel!were!often!quickly!dissolved.! $ Highlights$of$the$Babylonian$Empire! ! The!Babylonian!Empire!is!one!of!the!most!wellSknown!empires!that!directly!affected! God’s!people.!Judah!and!Jerusalem!were!both!overtaken!by!Babylon!and!the!people!were! subsequently!exiled!to!the!land!of!Babylon!for!a!70Syear!exile.!This!was!a!judgment!by!God! upon! the! people! of! Israel! for! their! refusal! to! repent! of! idolatry! and! sin.! This! exile! was! prophesied! about! by! several! prophets! throughout! the! Old! Testament:! Isaiah,! Habakkuk,! Jeremiah,!Daniel,!and!Ezekiel.!Isaiah!prophesied!in!the!midS700s!B.C.!about!Babylon!before!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Written by Joel Denney. its! eventual! rise! to! power! in! the! lateS600s! B.C.! There! was! no! hint! of! Babylon’s! coming! greatness! during! Isaiah’s! time,! but! clearly! God’s! plan! was! set! in! motion! through! His! prophet! a! century! before! Babylon’s! rise.! Nebuchadnezzar! was! the! greatest! of! Babylon’s! kings.!He!was!the!most!affluent,!leading!the!empire!to!greatness.!It!was!during!his!reign! that!he!conquered!Judah!and!eventually!also!destroyed!Jerusalem!and!the!Temple.!! ! Moreover,! even! before! Babylon’s! rise! to! power! occurred,! its! end! was! also! prophesied!about!in!Isaiah!45.!A!century!and!a!half!before!Cyrus’s!rise!to!power!in!Persia,! Isaiah!prophesied!that!after!the!Babylonian!captivity!God!would!allow!the!Jews!back!into! the!Promised!Land.!He!would!do!this!by!the!hand!of!Cyrus.!God!declared!that!He! would! raise!up!the!Babylonians!to!judge!the!wickedness!of!Israel,!yet!through!the!same!prophet! declared!His!mercy,!in!that!He!would!restore!Israel!after!Cyrus’s!conquering!of!Babylon.!It! was!prophesied!that!Cyrus!would!then!help!the!Jews!rebuild!the!Temple.!In!this!account,! we!have!two!world!powers,!the!Babylonian!Empire!and!the!Persian!Empire,!both!of!which! played!critical!roles!in!the!history!of!Israel.!Each!of!these!empires!were!either!directly!or! indirectly!prophesied!about!throughout!Isaiah!and!the!other!prophets.!! $ Conclusion! The!words!of!Peter!are!pertinent!as!we!consider!the!prophecies!concerning!Babylon! and! Persia:! “knowing! this! first,! that! no! prophecy! of! Scripture! is! of! any! private! interpretation,!for!prophecy!never!came!by!the!will!of!man,!but!holy!men!of!God!spoke!as! they!were!moved!by!the!Holy!Spirit”!(2!Peter!1:20S21).!God!has!uniquely!worked!through! prophecies! concerning! world! empires! that! have! deep! roots! in! the! historical! nature! of! Scripture.!Prophecy!and!world!empires,!as!they!relate!to!the!Bible,!are!deeply!intertwined! as!the!narrative!of!God’s!salvation!is!expressed!in!His!Word.!May!we!have!ears!to!hear!and! hearts!to!understand!the!Word!of!God!as!it!relates!to!our!lives!as!His!Church,!and!may!we! take!heed!to!the!prophecies!we!have!been!given!by!the!Lord!for!the!days!yet!ahead,!and!the! prophecies!yet!to!be!fulfilled!in!the!day!of!Christ.! $ $