GOP may confront Koch

M AN ALAPAN - Mayor Edward Koch of vention Center into the Hudson River Con- The two led a busload of demonstrators of an adequate sewage treatment plant New York City may be met with a little cern has been voiced that the sewage would into New York last week to picket the con- I mil the plant does open, the renter will sludge-slinging ' when he comes here to- find its way to beaches along the New struction site of the S395 million I 8-billion- spew between 1 and 3 million gallons of raw night to campaign for his former con- shore square-foot center on West 34th Street in sewage into the river each day gressional colleague. Rep James J Howard, The protest may not come off. however Manhattan, as well as Gracie Mansion, resi- Self and Sommers -said the picketing out- D-N.J Self, a Middletown committeeman. said dence of the mayor side the Battleground Country Club, where Frank Sell and Clement Sommers Re- there nave been some objections to the plan The candidates denied that they were Koch will address the Manalapan Township publican candidates for the Monmouth Coun- Democratic Club, is iiitended lo nudge New from Republican headquarters in Freehold latecomers to the issue, jumping onto the ty Board of Freeholders, said yesterday that Jersey Attorney General John Degnan off but that he would attempt to win permission Democrats' bandwagon they and other Republicans may show up the fence" in his/impending decision on outside the Battleground Country Club carry- Sommers, who is mayor of Oceanporl. Several Democratic officeholders have whether or not New Jersey has sufficient ing placards protesting the anticipated said merely that "scheduling conflicts" sharply criticized the timetable which calls grounds to sue New York to halt construction dumping of raw sewage from the still-un- could interfere with his and Self's atten lor completion of the huge convention center .il the center until adequate sewage treat ronstructed New York Exposition and Con- Frut Self dance four years before the scheduled 1988 opening menl facilities are provided Clemeat V. Sommers The Daily Register >l on mouth i ounl> s (>IT«II Home VOL. 103 NO. 93 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1980 20 CENTS Iran's assets offered for hostages' release WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter is terference in Iranian affairs Muskie also expressed concern about Soviet offering Iran billions of dollars' worth of incen- Only a month ago Rafsanjani insisted that Iran intentions in the volatile Persian Gulf region. "In tives for the release of the American hostages, an had not dropped an earlier demand — that the light of Afghanistan, we must also be concerned issue the Iranian parliament reportedly is moving United States apologize to Iran. But he made no about the possibility of new intervention pres- closer to resolving. mention of that demand yesterday ented by any instability in the region," Muskie With the presidential election and the first Carter last month criticized his Republican said, without mentioning the Soviet Union by anniversary of the taking of the 52 Americans opponent. Ronald Reagan, for saying publicly that name both two weeks away today, Carter made this he would accept Iran's demands that the frozen He said the war must be ended through settle- offer yesterday in while campaigning in Youngs assets be freed, that financial claims against Iran ment of disputes by peaceful means and with town, Ohio: should be withdrawn and that the United States respect for the principles of non-interference In "If Iran should release the hostages, then I should pledge not to interfere in Iran's internal the internal affairs of other countries. . • would unfreeze their assets, Which are several affairs He said at the time that Reagan shouldn't billions of dollars ... I would drop the embargo on negotiate through the news media. "If Iran and Iraq are prepared to respect both trade with Iran and work toward a resumption of of these principles it should be possible to bring Reagan, campaigning in Louisville. Ky , made normal commerce with Iran in the future " this needlessly prolonged conflict to an early end. passing reference to the hostage situation yester- It should be possible to do so in a way which does The president said it is to the advantage of the day, saying only that, "I don't understand why 52 lnMrMiHlmhnl United States "to have a strong Iran It's to our justice to the legitimate concerns of both sides," Americans have been held hostage for almost a he said. i Rep. Frank Thompson, D-N.J. din unset issues yetterday advantage to have a united Iran." year now." with member* of The Daily Register's editorial board Even before Carter spoke, the speaker of the In another development yesterday, Defense 270-seat Iranian parliament, Ayatullah Hashemi Carter's conciliatory remarks yesterday were Secretary Harold Brown said the United States Rafsanjani. told The Associated Press in a tele- echoed by public statements by Secretary of State will not withhold arms shipments to Jordan, de- phone interview that a decision on the conditions Edmund S Muskie. Both expressed concern over spite Iranian complaints that such shipments rep- for release of the hostages would be made "in the Iran's situation In Its war with neighboring Iraq. resent an obstacle to the release of the hostages. Thompson facing next two or three days.'' "We are opposed to the dismemberment of "So long as others do not join actively in the He said the conditions probably would be the Iran," Muskie said in Chicago. "We believe that war we intend to go along with our relations to same as those listed by the Ayatollah Huhollah the cohesion of Iran is in the interest of the them," Brown said, referring in part to Jordan, Khomeini last month. Those include return of the stability of the region as a whole The integrity of which is scheduled to get 100 new M'40 tanks double challenge: late shah's wealth, cancellation of US. financial Iran is threatened by the Iraqi invasion." beginning in 1983 Although Jordan has helped claims against Iran, release of Iranian funds in He did note that Iraq has said it has no claims deliver supplies to Iraq, it has not taken any overt the United States and guarantees of non-in- to Iranian territory. action in the Iraq-Iran conflict. Abscam and Smith Iranians put up stiff resistance By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN the pension plans of approximately 8 mil- SHREWSBURY - Up until this year, lion American workers. when Rep. Frank Thompson. D-N.J., said But during the campaign, as during the "I will be re-elected," it was something of interview here yesterday, the discussion a forgone conclusion: repeatedly swung back from his con- gressional record to Thompson's Abscam Iraq presses siege of Abadan « It's a little different this year, how- ever, with the 26-year congressional veter- involvement. the interest of the stability of the region as a an facing a stiff challenge from a 27-year- No matter what the outdome of the BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Iraq says its forces peared that the Iraqis were maintaining their whole The integrity of Iran is threatened by the old political novice. congressman's bribery trial, which has are tightening their siege of Abadan and mopping pressure on Abadan and Khorramshahr but the Iranians were still able to keep the invading Iraqi invasion." Thompson is still saying "I will be re- been postponed until after the election, up Iranian holdouts in the neighboring port of forces out of Abadan Itself. elected." But, this year, it's prefaced by Khorramshahr. Iran claimed its forces blocked The speaker of Iran's Parliament, Hashemi "I will be acquitted." This year, Thomp- Iraqi attempts to advance in both key cities on the Tehran Radio reported continuing Iraqi shell- Kafsanjani, said yesterday that the legislature son is running against not just Republican Shalt al-Arab estuary but admitted the defenders ing of Abadan, artillery duels yesterday afternoon would decide in the "next two or three days " on challenger Christopher Smith, but against Thompson's views needed reinforcements. on the Abadan-Ahwaz highway north of the city conditions for release of the hostages, but that he an Abscam indictment. and the Abadan-Mahshahr highway to the east, thought they would be the same ones enunciated On Abscam: "I will be acquitted." Baghdad Radio,said the commander of Iraq's During an interview yesterday with the and long-range shelling of the city from the Iraqi by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran's revolu- On campaign: "Liberal vs. con- forces at the southern end of the'300-mile invasion editorial board of The Daily Register. front told the Iraqi News Agency his forces were side of the Shatt al-Arab. the boundary-line water- tionary leader. servative." way between the (wo countries and Iraq's water Thompson answered what he termed "the "tightening their control over the approaches to Khomeini's conditions were return of the On county farmers: "They are en- route to the Persian Gulf. Iraq is fighting to get inevitable questions" — about the FBI's Abadan. while our artillery and air force continue shah's wealth, cancellation of claims against titled to subsidies." complete control of the estuary. videotapes which the government will use to pound enemy positions and destroy armor and Iran, release of Iranian assets frozen in the Unit- in its bribery case against Thompson, and Oh GOP tax plan: "Can't be done vehicles. The state of the enemy in Abadan Is The Iranian radio also claimed that Khor- ed States, and a guarantee of non-interference in Abscam. without programs." On past record: Proud of pro-labor extremely bad, and our forces are tightening the ramshahr's defenders "destroyed several new Iranian affairs He dropped an oft-stated demand He conceded that "national issues and pro civil right* record. noose " enemy positions" Sunday night and yesterday and for an apology for past ties with the shah's have not been the subject of the most The sector commander also reported that his after hand-to-hand fighting" drove the Iraqis regime discussion" in the campaign, and succinct- troops in Khorramshahr, 10 miles northwest of back from the vicinity of the slaughterhouse in ly characterized the election as a race of Yesterday. Khomeini agreed to a proposal by Abadan. "continued operations to purge al- the port. "a 26-year liberal voting record versus a certain of his alleged statements, as - Habib Chain, secretary general of the 40-nation Muhammarah (the Iraqi name for the city) and to very conservative opponent." tured on FBI videotape, are likely to fol- Meanhwile. President Carter said if the 52 Islamic Conference, to allow a commission of completely eradicate pockets of resistance," the low Thompson. hostages held by Iran since Nov. 4 are released, Islamic heads of state to visit Iran, but he gave no Despite the general rightward trend broadcast said. which has made the word "liberal" some- He admitted yesterday to one of those I would unfreeze their (Iranianl assets, which indication there would be a cease-fire until the thing of an epithet in political circles, statements, which was in some ways a However, the official Iranian news agency arc several billions of dollars I would drop the Iraqis leave Iranian soil. He said the com- Thompson doesn't shirk from describing backhanded compliment to Rep. Elizabeth Pars reported that the Iraqi advance on Abadan embargo on trade with Iran and work toward a mission's task would be limited to "investigating himself thus. His campaign has stressed Holtzman. D-N.Y., who is now running for was being blocked, and Tehran Radio said the resumption of normal commerce with Iran in the the criminal invasion," Tehran Radio said. his strong pro-labor record as well as the Senate. defenders of Khorramshahr "courageously re- future." sisted and halted the enemy again" yesterday. signifigant part he's played in civil rights, Thompson said yesterday that "unhap- The president, campaigning in Ohio, said it is Both Iran and Iraq have ignored appeals from But the defenders "continue to need reinforce- in the anti-poverty legislation which estab- pily. I did" make the statements about to the United States' advantage "to have a strong other Moslem nations for a cease-fire during the ments to better confront the infidel enemy," the lished the Head Start day care program, Holtzman attributed to him in published Iran It's to our advantage to have a united Iran." four-day feast of Id el-Adha that started Sunday. official Iranian radio said. and most recently, his sponsorship of the reports on the still-under-wraps Abscam Secretary of State Edmund S. Muskie, in a Iran and Iraq are Moslem, but the Iraqis are Arab Employee Retirement Income Security tapes. There was no way to check on the validity of speech in Chicago, also appeared conciliatory, and the Iranians are Persian, and the two have Act (ERISA) which should help guarantee See Tbompioo, page S. the conflicting claims since Western reporters saying, "We are opposed to the dismemberment been battling for centuries over disputed border were barred from the battlefronts But it ap- of Iran. We believe that the cohesion of Iran is in territory Howard leads Muhler in fund-raising The inside Story

WASHINGTON (AP) - The reports showed Demo- Florio and Roe, each men- president of a construction Operators Non-Partisan lired. from Locust. N.J.; and THE WEATHER Democrat James J. Howard, cratic incumbents in two oth- tioned a.-, possible contenders company from Dallas. Tex- Committee: $1,500 from the Hiihard Scudder of caught in a tough re-election er races — James Florio of for the New Jersey gov- as: Kevock S. Hovnanian. a Engineers Political Educa- Navesink, N.J. Mostly tunny through tomorrow, bight is to 80. Fair battle in the Third District. Runnemede in the First Dis- ernorship next year, are ex- business executive from Eng- tion League: $1,000 from the The National Republican tonight Lows near low 40i. Complete report page 3. holds a slight lead over his trict and Robert A. Roe of pected to win re-election eas- lishtown, N.J.. Robert A. Transportation Political Congressional Committee Ready-to-wear collection shown In Paris t Republican opponent. Marie Wayne in the Eighth District ily to their House seats. O'Henry, a businessman Education League: and $3,000 contributed $2,181 for the — each have raised about 10 from Belmar. N.J.: Arthur year in services in kind for Ann Landers looks at taiteful precision in language.. I Sheehan Muhler. in campaign Howard, who chairs the from the Committee on Polit- Ray Perkins swears he hain't abandoned season.... M times as much as their Re- E. Cameron, a lawyer from the campaign and it received fund-raising, records show. House public works subcom- ical Education Wall High School lakes lead in The Register's poll.. 13 publican opponents. mittee on surface transporta- Great Falls. Va : Arthur Im- $9,356 collected at a joint The records show Howard, Muhler s campaign, which The reports show Florio tion, got more than half of his peratore, an executive of fund-raiser sponsored by the S3, an eight-term veteran has $6,103 in debts, received collected $122,650 through money — $62,145 or 50 APA Transport Corp., of Monmouth County Re- Advice I DAILY REGISTER from Spring Lake Heights, $1,000 each from Joseph Az- Sept 30 for the 1980 cam- percent — from political ac- North Bergen, N.J.; and John publican Finance Committee. Business 7 PHONE NUMBERS raised $124,214 from January zolina. a supermarket ex- paign, while his opponent, tion committees. PACs are J. Bums Jr., president of the The Realtors PAC con-Classified , 17-1Mai1n Office S4t-4$M 1879 through Sept 30 while ecutive from Middletown. Republican Scott Sibert of set up by labor, business, civ- Allegheny Corp. of New tributed $5,000 to the Muhler Comics M Toll Free (71-I3W Muhler. 43. of Marlboro N.J.. Walter R Earle, a con- raised $108,436. Woodbury, raised $12,622 in- ic or other concerns for fund- York campaign as did Dallas Editorials • Toll Free SM41M tractor from Farmingdale. Energy PAC of Dallas, Tex- Howard's campaign war cluding $2,540 which he raising purposes Other big contributions to Entertainment IS Classified Dept S4M7M N.J.: George C Scott, re- as, the report showed chest includes $46,358 raised loaned his campaign. Muhler, on the other hand, Howard were $1,500 from the Lifestyle M Circulation Depl S42-4IM got 21 percent of her money Airline Pilots Association ii Make A Dale 14 Sports Depl M2-4M4 in 1979. Roe's reports show he ScaUopi. Scallops!!! The race is one of the live- raised $60,280 through Sept from political action commit- PAC; $1,000 from the Truck Halloween Headquarters Movie Timetable IS Middletown Bureau... (71-ZzSO Tues. Spec. Broiled, Fried or Freehold Bureau 411-ZUZ lier ones in the state. Re- 30 for his House race while tees. Coquile St. Jacques, $685 Party Line, Rt. 35, Eaton- Obituaries 4 publican strategists have his GOP foe. William R. Among those contributing - Smart Bcsiaess People Wed -Fish Fry Wharf Pub, town. Open nightly 'till 8 p.m. Sports 1M4 Long Branch Bureau. tzMUl targeted it for extra attention Cleveland of Pompton Lakes, $1,000 to Howard's campaign Use Front Page Readers for Shrewsbury Ave , Highlands 10/22-10/31. Sun. 10/26 11 Television IS State Bureau»l8 this fall. collected only $6,176 were James Pitcock Jr., fast results. Call 542-4000 291-5722. a.m. to5p m 2 The D^ty Register SHREWSBURY N J TUESPAY. OCTOBER 21 two But haggle over time and place TION Reagan, Carter agree to debate WASHINGTON (AP) - Ronald Reagan and center available any time up to the election, By Tbr Auarlaled Pnu Powell, who joined Carter is New York after President Carter have decided how, but not when taking part in the talks, said the two sides had league spokeswoman Vera Hirschberg said and where they'll debate A negotiator in the agreed not to try to score points through making "We honestly would prefer the 3rd. we're not intricate struggle to arrange the contest pre- public what was going on in the negotiations just playing games with that," said Baker "The cused of conspiracy to commit bribery, re- dicted, however, that the impasse will be short Neither he nor Baker would spell out the sticking concept is not just something you should loss out Explosion hits gas line ceiving a bribe and conflict of interest For their part, the two candidates at least points. willy-nilly Ten percent of the people out there are l'AMPA, Texas - Firefighters from sev- Alexandro was the first person arrested in seem ready to work out a schedule The debate could prove derisive in the closing going to make up their mind on election eve night eral Panhandle towns rushed last night to the the Abscam scandal and resigned from the Whatever they arrange is all right with me." days of the election campaign Polls indicate that and it would be nice to have a debate and let them scene of a "major" natural gas line ex- INS after being indicted Reagan told reporters in Louisville yesterday as Carter and his Republican challenger are running make up their minds on the basis of the can- plosion that could be heard and seen 40 miles He allegedly received a $2,000 down his representatives were meeting with Carter's close in the large industrial slates where elections didates' performance in open deba te." away, officials said payment from undercover FBI agent An people in Washington Carter previously had said usually are won or lost, with a large bloc of In Louisville, traveling with Reagan, cam- It's just a big mushroom, said thimy Amoroso as part of a $15,000 deal to he would debate his Republican challenger any undecided voters paign strategist Stuart said "if you are Ochiltree County sheriff s dispatcher Bill secure permanent resident status time, anyplace going to roll the dice, you might as well roll them And yet. four hours of face-to-face talks and Baker wanted the debate to be on Nov 3. Besides, it gives an incumbent president less time Shipman in I'erryton. 35 miles northeast of election eve. but Powell said that date is out the blast Id say it's 2.000 feet up into the more negotiations by telephone late into the night if he doesn't do well to shove the apparatus of the Policemen face action yesterday produced only tentative agreement on a An election-eve debate, Powell said, would federal government down your throat." air ol fire, clouds and smoke ' leave "no time for anybody to be called for format, but not on the dale and place Baker said Reagan's schedule makes the later Shipman said there were several homes in HARRISBURG, Pa - Two city police misstatements. contradictions and inaccuracies dale more convenient and added that since Re the area, but the report so far is that officers who displayed Ku Klux Klan medal- "We had hoped we might be able to clean it up You really need time for when somebody inten- agan is the challenger, it takes him longer to get everyone is all right There are no injuries lions will be disciplined, officials said yester- tonight." James Baker. Reagan's chief nego- tionally or unintentionally misrepresents a situ- day, but they said there is no indication the ready for a debate that we know about " tiator, said late yesterday But he added "We ation " KKK has infiltrated the police force Strauss argued an election-eve debate would About 75 firefighters from I'arnpa Per- are very optimistic I'm sure they are We made foreclose the possibility of a vice presidential rylon. Canadien, Booker, and Spearman were An inquiry by the mayor's office has good progress today and I think well have an Baker said the Reagan side was willing to have the debate anytime between Oct 28 and Nov debate between Walter F. Mondale and George called to the scene after the explosion, which found no direct affiliation, no membership agreement tomorrow " occurred about9 30 p m CDT, he said or overt support of the Ku Klux Klan by any 3. but that the Carter people preferred Oct. 26. Bush, who is Reagan's running mate. Shipman said Northern Natural (las Co police officer. ' Mayor Paul Doutnch said at "Everything hinges on everything else," said The League of Women Voters, the probable The Carter side wants such a debate but workers were trying to shut off the flow of a news conference White House press secretary Jody Powell, in sponsor of the debate, had tentatively scheduled it Richard Moe, counsel to Mondale, left the meet- natural gas to the line "There are certain police officers who I explaining the intricacies of the working out the for Oct 28, a week before the election, in Cleve- ing early, saying "they are clearly not interested "They're going to try to blow the line think used some very bad judgmenj. he debate land That city has agreed to make its convention in allowing Bush to debate " back up J distance from where the fire is at said They did something that they should this time. Shipman said have- known would be repulsive, not only to He said ho cause for the blowup had been other members of the police but to many, determined It was still burning at midnight many citizens of Harnsburg.'' The city has reprimanded Sgt Willard Couple calls court ruling ridiculous Psychic joins manhunt Crossland for wearing a KKK medallion while on duty and Officer Dick Henninger for MOUNT PROSPECT, III (AP) - "I guess I would say I would just like ATLANTA - As city officials imposed a selling KKK medallions Both incidents oc- Wayne L Hammon wishes he and Jac- to have them over to dinner," said Ham- curfew and federal authorities promised curred last May queline Jarrett could have the justices of mon, 29 more help, Atlanta police investigating the An agreement between Doutnch and the the U.S. Supreme Court over to dinner to Hammon said he and Mrs. Jarrett deaths of 10 black children turned today to a Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission prove the unmarried couple can provide a would win custody of the daughters, now New Jersey psychic who says she knows the calls for "severe discipline" of the pair after fit home for her three children. aged 16, 14 and 10. from her ex-husband il name of the killer affidavits are collected from witnesses who "I think that in effect they feel they the children want to come back. At the same time, scores of police and saw the activities are somewhat upholding family values by Mrs. Jarrett said she had no plans to lirtfighters continued a door to-door canvass making us scapegoats, which is ludi- ask Hammon to move out in an attempt to of four neighborhoods, looking for any in- crous," said Hammon, a quality controller get the children back And both said they formation that might bring them closer to Soviet guard wounded for a paint company "It's ridiculous that had no plans to marry. solving the case NEW YORK - A security guard at the you think you can uphold a social concept "People just say, 'why don't you get Some 50 officers and firefighters turned Soviet mission to the United Nations here by taking one couple and making an exam- married," said Hammon. "It's pretty out yesterday, the first day of the canvass. received a minor injury early today when he ple of them." hard to explain that that isn't going to City officials have estimated that eventually apparently accidentally shot himself in the solve it all." Hammond's comments came yester- as many as 500 public safety personnel will be knee, police said Mrs. Jarrett's former husband, Walter day after the nation's highest court left used to knock on every door in the city. The man, identified as Sergei Mononkiv, Jarrett, could not be reached for com- intact an Illinois Supreme Court decision "I'm confident someone out there has 25, was taken to New York Hospital-Cornell ment. denying the divorced Mrs. Jarrett custody information we want," said Major W. Taylor, Medical Center for treatment Hospital of- The Jarretts divorced in 1976 and Mrs. who heads the special task force investigat- ficials said Mononkiv was admitted for of her three daughters because Hammon lives with her out of wedlock. Jarrett originally obtained custody of her ing the deaths. "It's just a matter of beating "purely precautionary reasons" and was in daughters. But Jarrett returned to court (he bushes for it". satisfactory condition. By a 6-3 vote, the high court declined to when he learned his ex-wife's boyfriend .He called the door-to-door canvass "just Police said the guard apparently shot review the case. Four votes are required had moved into her home. A trial court a supplemental effort" to actions already himself in the knee while on duty at the to grant such a review. ruled in 1977 that the live-in arrangement being undertaken by the special force. Soviet mission, at 67th Street, and Lexington "I don't think it is fair," said Mrs required the children's removal "for their The deaths of 10 children and the disap- Avenue, some time after midnight. The inci- Jarrett, her voice shaking, in a telephone moral and spiritual well-being." pearances of four others have raised racial dent was reported to police around 1 * 15 a.m. interview. "I'm very unhappy with their Mrs. Jarrett argued that Illinois' for- tensions in black communities. But Dorothy A police spokesman said there probably decision." nication law violates her constitutional Allison of Nutley. N.J., who has worked with would be no further information on the inci- In a dissenting opinion, two justices right of equal protection police before and claims credit for psy- dent because "they don't have to tell us chastised the court for allowing the use of A stale appeals court overturned the chically solving 13 murder cases, says the anything else since the mission is considered Illinois' fornication law to create a pre- trial court's decision, saying there was no deaths weren't "a race thing." foreign territory." sumption of harm to. the children. For- proof the children's well-being would be "It was done by a person or persons of nication is a legal term to describe sexual harmed. But the Illinois Supreme Court the same race," she said. relations between people not married to last Dec 20 reinstated the order stripping Mrs. Allison has told reporters she knows Caffeine curbs eyed each other. Mrs. Jarrett of custody the name of a killer and has a picture of a WASHINGTON - The government has "Illinois seldom, if ever, enforces its The Illinois Supreme Court said killer in her mind. She declined to release the proposed regulations it says would encourage fornication statute and therefore can hard- "potential future harmful effects" of Mrs. the production of caffeine-free cola GETS A MUG — Jacqueline Jarrett and her live-in ly contend that there is a rational correla- Jarrett's lifestyle had to be considered. beverages and require industry to conduct boyfriend embrace yesterday after hearing that the tion between divorced parents who for- Mrs. Jarrett insists her way of life is New Abscam trial set new caffeine safety studies because of the U.S. Supreme Court refused to overturn a lower nicate and divorced parents who impair not bad for the kids. substance's link to birth defects in test court ruling awarding custody of Jarrett's three the healthy development of their chil- "If I thought it was, I wouldn't have NEW YORK - The fourth trial stemming animals. children to her former husband. dren," argued Justice William Brennan. done it." she said. from the FBI's Abscam investigation of polit- One of the regulations put forward by the ical corruption was expected to begin soon in Food and Drug Administration would make the case of a former Immigration and Natu- the continued use of caffeine as a food ad- ralization Service investigator and a Nassau ditive contingent upon industry's funding of County Republican Party fund-raiser. studies showing how caffeine affects children Court to hear ocean dumping A jury of six men and six women was and human fetuses chosen yesterday for the trial of Alexander The other proposal would remove caffeine WASHINGTON (API - In a case involving York City, New York state. New Jersey, several A Alexandra Jr . 30, an INS official from The appeals court overturned the trial judge's from the agency's list of substances general- dumping off the New Jersey coast, the U.S. New Jersey sewerage authorities, several New Commack. NY. and Alfred Carpentier. 54. ruling that only government can sue under the two ly recognized as safe — a step which or- Supreme Court said yesterday that it will review Jersey counties and the federal government. an East Meadow. NY , businessman, before federal acts and federal common law. The 3rd dinarily would lead to prohibition of its use. an individual's right to sue water polluters. The rail ch irged that dumping of wastes into Circuit decision, which cleared the way for a Judge Mark A. Costantino in U.S. District The agency would allow an exemption per- Court in Brooklyn. The justices said they will study a controversy the ocean had caused a massive growth of algae in trial, sparked four separate Supreme Court ap- mitting the current uses of caffeine to con- arising from the dumping of dredge, sewerage 1976 stretching from Long Island, NY., to peals seeking avoidance of such a trial. The start of the trial had been delayed by tinue while the studies are conducted. and other toxic materials into the Atlantic Ocean May. N.J. It said the defendants 3ither were The state, city and county defendants argued ('arpentier's claim last Wednesday that he Commissioner Jere (ioyan restated the off New York and New Jersey. guilty of the dumping o were guilty of letting it that private persons and associations cannot sue had suffered a heart attack. A medical ex- agency's warning to pregnant women: they In ruling on that controversy, a federal ap- occur. either under the two acts or federal common law. amination, however, found the defendant should avoid caffeine altogether or use it peals court greatly expanded an individual's right bthe suit said the decomposition of that algae capable of standing trial, according to the sparingly until clear evidence Is available to sue polluters under a pair of federal laws and created, an oxygen deficiency and caused The federal government, which is immune to judge. about its safety or harmful effects on hu- federal common law. "massive destruction of marine plant life, fish, under federal common law, agreed that the Carpentier and Alexandra have been ac- mans At issue is how Congress intended the Federal clams, lobsters and other marine life unable to sea clammers could sue the other government Water Pollution Control Act and the mie Pro- escape." It said such destruction was causing entities under that claim. But Justice Depart- lection. Research and Sanctuaries Ac of 1972 to "the collapse of the fishing, clamming and ment lawyers argued that the two acts do not be enforced. The justices also are asked to decide lobster industries..." . offer such a "private right of action." -People whether - and. if so. when — individuals can sue The sea clammers sought an end to the dump- The Federal Water Pollution Control Act ex- under the federal common law of nuisance. ing and $500 million in damages. pressly provides for "citizen suits" but does not The National Sea Clammers Association, A federal trial judge dismissed the lawsuit, allow those suits to seek damages The law also (AP) was too busy watching the NEW YORK (API - whose members earn their livings harvesting fish but the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last Feb imposes strict time limits on the filing of such - Patricia Hearst Shaw, baseball championships to Kathleen Kennedy and shellfish in the Atlantic, in 1977 sued New 5 revived significant portions of it. citizen suits. the kidnapped newspaper talk to him. Towniend. Ethel Ken- heiress and former Sym- Carter said Miss nedy's daughter, says her bionese Liberation Army Lillian, who is recovering 10 month-old daughter was fugitive, is entitled to a from surgery for a frac- delivered at home by her new hearing in her legal tured hip. probably husband, who used a police Millions without health insurance Kittle tn overturn a bank wouldn't walk for two to manual for guidance. robbery conviction, a fed- three months. But he Mrs Townsend. 29. says WASHINGTON (AP) - There was no difference in paid 65 percent of these costs length of slay being 7.6days. percent of the population had eral court ruled yesterday added. "She's in good spir- in the November issue of Three of every four Ameri- insurance coverage between themselves and private "The overall mean their teeth checked at least cans see a doctor at least men and women, but there health insurance picked up 15 The US 9th Court of its, just like a young per- Parents magazine that a charge for a hospital stay in once that year. Whites had once a year and one in 10 is was a racial difference. percent. Medicaid paid large Appeals ordered the hear- son." midwife hired to deliver 1977 was $1,127 for those more dental visits, being 1 hospitalized, but millions of Eighteen percent of Doctors are still unsure her second daughter. proportions of doctors' fees where hospital charges were almost twice as likely to do so ing to be held in federal people have no form of health whites had no coverage, com- when Mrs. Carter will be Maeve, did' not arrive in for low-income persons and known," the survey said. than all others. district court No date for insurance to help with the pared with 11.7 percent of all discharged from the hospi- time David Townsend, a those other than whites, the Private insurance paid 53 the hearing had been set costs, says a major govern- other races, the survey found. The mean charge per den- tal in Americus, Ga. She is .college professor, took survey found. Mrs Shaw, then Miss ment survey. Medical assistance programs percent of these hospital tal visit was $48 and the healing at about the same over. About 10.3 percent of the Hearst, was convicted in Preliminary results of the for low-income persons, such charges and Medicaid paid 18 number of visits per person rate as most people her Mrs. Townsend relates 1977 population, 21 million the April 1974 robbery of a survey, termed the most as Medicaid, accounted for percent, it said. increased with family income age who break a bone, a that the baby was bom last persons, had stays in hospi- branch of the Hibemia comprehensive ever done on some of this difference. When it came to getting and education, the survey nursing supervisor said. Nov 10 still enclosed in the Bank in San Francisco personal health care and ex- tals that year, with the mean dental services, about 43 found. fluid-filled sac in which the Persons with less formal President Carter later penses in this country, were fetus had developed. education also were more commuted her prison sen- to be released today at the likely to be uncovered. The tence and she was released "The police manual American Public Health As- survey found that among per- on Feb 1. 1979. after serv- covers everything,"she sociation's annual meeting in sons older than 17 years of ing less than two years. continues."but it did not Detroit. age. 15.5 percent with less cover the emergency we we're all you need than 12 years of education had It was hard to find a The entire survey, which YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio looked at the health-care hab- had no insurance, compared place to cut through the with 8 9 percent of those with Complete Interior Designing. Carpet From Karastan and I AP) - Lillian Carter is as sac ... We didn't have any- its of 37,000 persons in 14,000 partisan in baseball as she households during 1977. will more than 13 years' school- Beautiful Custom Draperies other fine mill*. Furniture thing. We finally had to ing is in politics Her son says bite through it. take years to analyze fully. expertly installed by our — Henredon, Century, But the National Center In other categories, more she's rooting for the Phila- "Maeve didn't breathe own experienced personnel. Harden, Stotton, Hitchcock, etc. for Health Services Research than 160 million persons — delphia Phillies to win the for about 45 seconds. The said early findings give some 75.9 percent of the 1977 popu- World Series police manual did cover "YOU'll LIKE THIS STORE" insight into how Americans lation — had at least one phy- "Since the Dodgers that, however, and David tally up $200 billion in health sician contact that year. were eliminated, she's massaged her the way they expenditures each year. been a real strong Phillies said to and everything was Whites more than other fan," President Carter fine. A pediatrician came "One surprise of this races, females more than said Monday in response to to help afterwards. We study was the large number males and persons over 65 a question from an elderly were slightly hysterical." of persons who reported years of age more than those woman about his 82-year- being uninsured — 28.6 mil- younger were more likely to Mrs. Townsend is the old mother. lion persons or about 12 6 see a doctor. daughter of Ethel Kennedy 4m, f * M H • » P M. Om~l 1 U, The president said his percent of the civilian popu- Doctors fees varied wide- and the late Robert Ken- lation." said the agency, part ly, but the mean figure was mother told him when be nedy. bridle called recently that she Patricia HearM Shaw of the Department of Health $23 per visit. highway 70 phone 528-8300 and Human Services. Families and individuals STATE SHREWSBURY JBER2M9B0 The UaitvRegister 3 By Register Suit House Bureau Court case may force and The Associated Press Judges' pay hike get $60,000 next year. 2 3 persons per 100 million miles trav- Superior Court assignment judges eled, said State Police Superintendent changes in zoning laws TRENTON - Raises for judges sit went from $51,000 annually to $54,500 Clinton L Pagano ting in county district courts and juve- and will reach $58,000 next year In 1978. figures showed New Jersey TRENTON (API - Rewording ion enough They argue !he\ can I force Corp research facility because the firm nile and domestic relations courts were was second only to Rhode Island in int; UMH will be debated belore the Bute Salaries for Superior Court judges builders lo ereel the right type ol hous- says most employees already live signed into law yesterday by Gov Bren- salety. said Stale Police Sgt Timothy Supreme Court today in a case that 1 rose from $48,000 to $51.500 this year and i in. wilhin a 45-minule commute Chester dan T Byrne Loftus "As soon as the comparative could result in new directives forcing will be $55,000 next year Communities should meet a share ol in Mqrns ( ount> and Cranbury. in Mid- The bill, sponsored by state Sen data is in ilor 1979>. we look forward to many communities In provide room for oount\ or regional housing netnlv vjul Matthew Feldman. D-Bergen. also al dlesex County claim they should be being on again low- and multM'air-income housing Deputy I'ublic Advocate Kenneth lows permanent raises for all Supreme allowed to preserve rural or farm areas Deaths and injuries occurred in 1.052 The court s three-day rehearing on Meiser Laws in communities which do Court and Superior Court judges con- accidents during 1979. an increase of Government, CMDOI MI back when tained in the fiscal 1981 budget adopted Death rate falls Us landmark 1975 Mount Laurel de- not meet the share should be presumed it has the power to order change. seven incidents over 1978 and up from cision? which began yesterday, is based invalid, and the towns should have the in June Bisgaier said NEWARK - The odds were against 957 in 1975. the earliest reported figures "ii appeals by the public advocate and burden of justifying their ordinances He also asked for a reasonable County and juvenile judges will get you if you are a male, between 30 and 39 contained in the 1979 Fatal Motor Ve others thai developing communities he claimed $3,500 yearly raises this year and next years old. and were driving on a Mid- allocation on a regional basis where hide Accident (omparitive Data Re- have sidestepped the justices' inten- Arguments showed Mount Laurel, in year dlesex County road between 1 am. and 2 port for New Jersey tions Burlington County, won a lower court municipal conditions might pot allow it m on a Saturday in May 1979. a com- The 1980 raises, retroactive to last The report said of the 1.562 drivers The "fundamental nature" of the ruling that it had complied with the full compliance parative data report says. June 28, raise salaries to 151,500 annual- involved in the 1.052 fatal accidents. 322 original Mount Laurel decision on "fair Supreme Court by rezoning 23 of its "It's not a question of whether (the ly. The 1961 increment raises the were drunk. 157 had been drinking and share ' of housing "should not be 14000 acres and barred mobile home [poor i are going to live, they are living ' salaries to $55,000 yearly. Automobile accidents claimed the live were under the influence of drugs lives of 1.142 persons last year, reflect- voided," argued Deputy Public Ad- parks Alfred Ferguson, representing Ches- The chief justice received a raise But. the report stated. 924 of those in- vocate Carl Bisgaier from $58,500 to $62,000 this year and to ing a drop of 17 deaths from 1978 There Mahwah. in Bergen County, claims It ter, urged the court to view the com- volved in accidents apparently had no "Effectively, 1 think it has been." $65,500 next year. were 1,026 persons hurt in accidents on banished exclusionary KmlAg In allow bined cases as a zoning and planning physical or mental impairments he said, but "no one has the temerity to ing multi-family housing The first of Salaries for associate justices went New Jersey highways during 1979 com- issue, not a housing case. Loftus said authorities were hoping a come out and say if those townhouse units cost between from $56,000 to $59,500 this year and to ' pared with 1.158 a year earlier, accord- 1980 federal program called Combined Bisgaier added, "(iood faith is nev $70,000 and $100,000 In that light, the community's ac- $63 000 next year. ing to a State Police report released Accident Reduction Effort, or CARK, er enough to satisfy the law " Municipal tions are non-discriminatory — they Appellate division judges received a yesterday Clinton Township in Hunterdon would help cut down on the number advocates claim creating zones for low provided the areas lor varying housing boost from $53,000 to $56,500. They will The figures represent a death rate of County argues it doesn't need to allow killed and moderate-income housing is housing for workers jl a new Kxxon Ivors, he said The weather State's rules on hazardous waste may hurt business, witnesses say TRENTON (AP) - State represents 13,000 businesses Committee of the American "In this process, bacteria regulations for disposing of in the state, believes small Petroleum Institute, said in the soil converts the oil in al»o. hazardous waste could hurt industries "will be placed at land treatment is the "most the oily waste to carbon diox- nights a significant competitive and New Jersey's economy, says environmentally suitable ide and water, two most in- economic disadvantage" if a spokesman for the New Jer- process existing today for nocuous materials," Knowl- sey Business and Industry As- neighboring states adopt less treating refinery oily wastes ton said. sociation. stringent federal rules, Eugene Deutsch, chair- Deutsch said. Covenngs man of the association's English said, however, the Committee on Environmen- state intends to seek federal BUILDING tal Quality, urged the Depart- approval to use its own rules ment of Environmental Pro- for hazardous waste man- BLOCKS FOR tection yesterday not to make agement. YOUR FUTURE Surprising state rules any more str- The next hearing is sched- OUR vVOE VAHETY ingent than federal rules on uled tomorrow in Newark fol- OF SERVICES AflE DE9GNED ftp MM hazardous waste man- lowed by a third public hear- TO HELP N MANY WAYS WEATHER FORECAST — Rain Is seen in parts of agement ing Thursday in Cherry Hill. Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas; warm air will The state regulations Deutsch said duplicative RedDonK push across the southern Rockies from the "may actually do more to sections include provisions Southwest. Seasonal temperatures elsewhere. discourage than attract buna for requiring both the source CENTRAL JERSEY BANK fide, state-of-the-art hazard- and the receiver of hazardous OfftCfS • MKXMM* • MONMOU'H CXCAN • UMON ous waste operations which waste to analyze the contents Local Weather are so sorely needed," of a shipment. Deutsch said. Yesterday'! high temperature at The Register weath- The department held its er station was M degrru. The low yesterday wan 45. It Representatives of sever- first of three hearings on the was SN at < p.m. and the overnlgkt low wai 41. Today's t al oil companies also testified regulations which state En- a.m. temperature wai 45. There WH no rala In the 14 the state should expand per- vironmental Commissioner mitted uses of the so-called noun ending at • a.m. today. There were 12 heating Jerry F. English said would Monmouth degree dayi yesterday, 115 lor Ike month and 143 lor the "land treatment" method to provide "cradle to grave" dispose of hazardous waste. season to date. Last year's total to date was 131. monitoring of hazardous waste disposal. H.E. Knowlton, chairman County Jersey Shore The association, which of the Waste Management Mostly sunny today and tomorrow. Highs 55 to 60. voters give your wallets Fair tonight. Lows in the upper 90s to low 40s. Precipita- tion probability 10 percent today and tonight. Winds westerly 10 to 20 mph today. Ocean water temperatures Your tax dollars (and you're paying 3 • GSv! are in the low to mid 60s. Long-range: Partly cloudy Thursday and Saturday. more this year than ever before for Chance of showers Friday. Highs in the low to mid 60s. Lows in the upper 30s to mid 40s Thursday and in the County Government) have been used by Democrat upper to mid 50s Friday and Saturday. Freeholders for such widely criticised spending as a Southern Jersey garage that can never be expanded as need arises-a Mostly sunny today and tomorrow. Fair tonight. monument designed solely for campaign publicity; Highs 55 to 60. Lows in the mid to upper 30s tonight. real estate (purchased from a loyal party member) Precipitation probability 10 percent today and tonight. Winds westerly 10 to 20 mph today. for a highly controversial landfill project; and blank- check budgets for inept programs. Coastal Forecast Manasquan to Cape Henlopen and Delaware Bay Winds westerly 10 to 20 knots today and 10 to 15 knots Clem sommers, oceanport's "$6 Million Man" tonight. Mostly sunny today and fair tonight. Average wave heights one to three feet. LOWERED TAXES as Mayor of that community while

Northern Jersey bringing In millions of dollars In federal funds for Mostly sunny today and tomorrow. Highs 55 to 60. municipal programs. Clear and cool tonight. Lows in the 30s.

Eastern Pennsylvania Frank Self, the Republican lone Eagle" on the Mld- Partly cloudy in the north and mostly sunny in the dletown Township Governing Body, HAS NEVER south today. Highs in the 50s. Fair and chilly tonight. Lows in the 30s. Mostly sunny tomorrow. Highs in the VOTED FOR A TAX INCREASE. upper 40s and 50s. Long-range: Partly cloudy Thursday. Chance of show- ers late in the day and on Friday. Highs in the mid 50s to low 60s Thursday and in the 60s Friday and Saturday. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable knowing that Lows in the 90s north and low to mid 40s south Thursday your tax dollars are being controlled by two in- and in the mid 40s to mid 50s Friday and Saturday. Councilman George Ward, Marilyn and Alison dividuals with acknowledged expertise in govern- Today It's really tough for a lot of young families to mental fiscal management? TIDES make ends meet. The cost of food, shelter, fuel, clothing and other essentials just keep going up Sandy Hook For Red Bank and and up. Red Bank Republican Councilman TODAY - High 6:39 Rumson bridge, add two George Ward can't do much about rising prices. vote for a Change that Makes sense!!! p.m. and low 12:28 p.m. hours; Sea Bright, deduct That's a national problem. But as a member of TOMORROW - High 10 minutes; Long Branch, your borough council George worked hard to help 7:05a.m. and 7:20p.m. and deduct 15 minutes, High- LOWER TAXES in Red Bank for the first tint* In On November 4th low 11:50 a.m. and 1 22 lands bridge, add 40 over a decade. p.m. minutes. And that's good news for everyone, young and ELECT HI La PK Ottt L« Angeles • I 41 not-so-young alike. It's also a darn good reason Albany » 3S .03 cdv Louisville M 3? clr lb U 13 clr Mamrtlt n 44 Clr for Red Bank residents to elect Republican coun- Amarillo «i 3) Clr Miami n ?5 cdv cil candidates AfKPiorage IS 31 Ucdv Milwaukee S3 41 clr Ashevtlle M 43 clr MMlSI.P 41 40 Atlanta Nashville M 14 AtldnU CPy 51 •' New Orleans M 41 cdv Baltimore U 13 New York i» 4; cdv Birmintjnm U 41 Norfolk 44 SI Bismarck H n on. ciiv 11 41 Boise M 3) Omaha n - 41 Boston ' si a clr Orlando M 4] Brownsvlle u «t Ucdv Philadpnla 40 44 GEORGE WARD Buffalo 47 43 cdv •3 St Chantin 5C n H clr Pittsburgh SI 34 cdv Ciarlsln WV « 40 clr Ptlarxt. We s; cdv Cfievenrte »l 3t cdv Plland. Ore 41 sBi cdv AND CHC«QO >» 43 l Rap4d Cllv 70 40 clr Cincinnati U 33 Reno 71 IS cdv Cleveland « II Richmond 44 47 clr Columbus 5' 3> cdv Sail Lake 44 40 , cov Dal Ft Win IS 41 cdv San Diego •4 S* i clr Denver UP 3) err San Fran 74 4« clr Del Moirws 10 44 clr Seattle 40 SI cdv Detroit V Louis n 45 clr AL DOREMUS Duluth 4a » 05 cdv SI PTanwa •5 4v in cdv SI Sla Mar* FREEHOLDERS Fairbanks 44 14 cdv » H 11 cdv Hartford M 43 cdv ss n cdy Helena U 31 nv Tulu 77 45 clr FOR CONTINUED LEADERSHIP. Honolulu clr Waihingtn 45 v 1980 Mon cry. Rep Comm J.P. wadington, Treas, 7 Parkway Place. Hoimdel l_*» vatsat n so clr Otlk-S4iv condWtaris outlook N. far »• (tad Bank Nap. ( Ja Muihtrvn, Little Rock 74 47 for todav. Mfrvtofl PI., R«xl Bain.. fi.J

1 4 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21.1980 • tlllltl.llHIIIMIMIIlMlliaillillllllllltllltllllllUtlllilllllllMliltilllllHtlltllUIHMIIIIIIII Lady Isobel Barnett^ «- ACLU sues for Polovchaks CHICAGO iAPI - A suit It charged Michael Land- Landon was not im- cisions affecting his life " Obituaries seeking 1200.000 in damages on, regional director of the mediately available for com- The boy has been living British TV personality has been filed by the Ameri- U S Immigration and Natu- ment with court-appointed foster IIMMIIIIIIKMIIIilliiliiilltlllllMIIIIMIllllllllllltlllllllllltlllllllllMKIIIIIMUIMIMIIIIMI (OSSINGTON. England physician and lawyer, at- can Civil Liberties Union in ralization Service, with un- The suit contends the gov- parents since Cook County A I'i Lady Isobel Barnett tracted massive publicity in an effort to overturn a grant constitutionally and "illegal- ernment granted the boy asy- Juvenile Court Judge Joseph Edwin May Teale, 81; one of Britain's best-known Britain of political asylum to a 13- ly violating the integrity of lum solely because of his pa- C. Mooney awarded the state year-old Soviet boy who is television and radio person- Passing the sentence the family" by granting asy- rents' plans to return to the temporary custody in July fighting to stay in the United lum to Walter Polovchak on alities was found dead in her Thursday. Judge James Soviet Union after a year of Another hearing is scheduled prize-winning author Stales July 21 home yesterday, four days al Blythe said "People who living in the United States for Nov 5 ter she was convicted of shop- The ACLU suit was filed The natural parents NORWICH. Conn (APl- standing Nature Writing for enjoy public esteem and ac- The boy told Mooney he I'ulilzer Prize-winning au- his book "Near Horizons." lifting $2 worth of fish and claim should set an exam- yesterday in IS District • were entitled to notice of ap- The decision, the suit thor Kdwin Way Teale also published in 1943 cream ple " Court on behalf of the youth's plication of asylum and an says, "infringed upon their ran away from home because "my parents don't like me, known as a naturalist, il- One of his earlier books. Lady Barnett. 62. who rose "I am shattered," Lady parents. Michael and Anna opportunity to object to and right to raise their child. hutralM and ph6tographer. Dune Boy." was based on to fame in the 1950s television Barnett said afterward Polovchak. who want to re- to be heard prior to a decision Walter, and to be responsible they don't talk to me, and 1 has died al the age of VI his experiences during his quiz program "What's My Asked whether she turn with their son to the So- on this application." the suit for making and participating was afraid they would take Teale. of Hampton, died youth on his grandparents' Line a British version of thought the case would viet Union says in the making of major de- me back to the Ukraine." Saturday al Vnras-on- farm in Indiana the one time American pro- tarnish her public image, she Thames Hospital Teale is a former presi- gram of the same name, was told reporters "I'm not sure Teale s 196*i Pulitzer came dent of the New York En- found dead in her bathtub by I've got any these days. I in the field ol general non- tomological Society. Thoreau a staff member in her rambl have only myself to live with, Colts Neck stores variance near fution for "Wandering Society and American Nature ing farmhouse, police said and I can live with myself.'' Through Winter, the last in Society He was a former An autopsy was to be per- Newspapers that COLTS NECK - The ances lor his proposed Towne also be converted into two a garden restaurant and Square Shops and Galleries a series of four books he had member of the Royal Photo- formed today frontpaged her death under Planning Board last night au- more may* be built courtyards with water foun- written on naturalist lore in thorized its attorney to pre- opposite Delicious Orchards graphic Society of Great Brit- Police declined to give the banner headlines criticized tains. the four seasons The series pare resolutions granting His plans were presented dur- Towne Square will feature ain and a fellow of the New cause of death but ruled out Britain's legal system, claim- Imik 1OO.0OO miles of trav- bulk variances to a proposed ing a public hearing last York Academy of Sciences foul play Police spokesmen ing Lady Barnett should have eling and two decades to com- specialty store enclave and night and American Association for refused to say whether the been spared the humiliation plete the Advancement of Science. an IB-lot development. Marks will also prepare a The Daily Register bathtub had water in it or of a public trial in spite of her d\SI\S-145-440 i The other three books in Among Teale's other Attorney Gerald Marks resolution granting bulk vari- give any other details. Of- quest for justice at the ances for two of the 18 lots (he series were "North With books are "The Book of ficers took an electric heater, highest level. said he was instructed to draw up a resolution granting Carmine and Anthony Ab- The Sunday Register the Spring." "Autumn (Jliders," "The Lost Woods" believed found in the bath- Shopkeeper Roger Fow (USPS-334V570) Across America" and 'Jour- and "Boy's Book of Photog- Michael Brown, here, front batiello and Jerry Salomone room, for examination jes, who had accused Lady plan to develop off Route 537 Published bv Th» HM Ban* Rtglltw ney Into Summer " raphy " Barnett of stealing a can of and rear yard set-back vari- in itrtbv Joftn H Cook and H«nrv Clay Teale also received the He is survived by his wife. This Midlands village im- f The Abbatiellos are plan- Main Offkt lish and a carton of cream OM FUsiitvr Plat*. Shrewsbury, NJ OTTOl hu Troughs Medal for Out- Nellie mediately went into mourn- costing about $2 from his ning to build homes upward ing, including the shopkeeper of $250,000 apiece on two to Branch Otflut store, called her death "a Pouzenc gets •7* Rl 33, MUMIttown, NJ. 07741 who had accused her of theft six-acre lots on a tract be- Uenmoulh County CourihouM. FrtwhoM. N.J 077S Stephen Horniacek terrible, terrible tragedy tween Mercer Road and the 271 Broadway. Long Branch. NJ. 07740 honors on his Sialt HOUM, Trtnton. N J 0M3S The $175 fine imposed on "I can't think of anything Hominy Hill Golf Course. KKANSBURt; - Stephen Franklin, Mrs Mary Frank- Lady Barnett, a qualified worse," he declared Members ol lha Auoclatatf Prnt. Tha AMOCiaiat) Prtu It antlii** t*c lutl v« Brown is planning to reno- lv 16 lh« UH of til iht local nawt printed In tM nawiMpar at wall at all AP nawt llui ni.nek 62. of 15 Navesink lin. Mrs Kathleen Egan and special week diwaichat Aviv, died yesterday at Riv- vate an existing 250-year-old Mrs Julie Adams, all of ABERDEEN - The Mambar of tha American NawtpaMr Publltnert Association, tha Audit crview Hospital. Red Bank John H. Morrell house on 2 5 acres of land and Bureau of Circulation, tha New Jariev Pr«» Association. Highlands, and Mrs Jane Township Council last night divide it into small shops, an Mr Horniacek was born in Hanks of Long Branch; three JACKSON HEIGHTS, an of World War II presented resident Al Second Ciait pottaoe paid at Red Bank. NJ. 07701 and at Mlddletown, N.J Newark and resided there attic museum and art galler- 07741. Published Sunday throuah Friday Mall lubscrlptloni payable in advance. brothers, Johrr of Newark, NY - John H Morrell, 74. Surviving are his wife, the Pouzenc with a plaque com- bclore moving here 10 years ies. Two small structures will Term Oallv Sunday Dally and Michael of Union Beach and formerly of Keyport, N.J., former Helen Dabrowska; a memorating "Al Pouzenc Only Only Sunday tigo. He was employed as a Paul of Bloomf ield. three sis- died Saturday at his home Week" here from Sunday to One Year tSS.OO 172 00 177 00 laborer by Goldberg and daughter, Mrs. Pamela Ten Homi delivery by Carrier — Dally and Sunday 11.20 a week. Sunday only N ters, Mrs Anna Toomey and here Oct 25 Halloween parade tet cantt. Sons, Perth Amboy nant of Allendale, N.J.; a sis- Single coov at Counter — Dally TO centi; Sunday IS cantt. Mrs Susan Hatfield, both of Mr Morrell moved here 30 Pouzenc was honored on ter, Mrs Evangeline LeRoy LITTLE SILVER - The He was a US Army veter- Newark, and Mrs. Elizabeth years ago from the Keyport his recent election to the annual Halloween parade, an of World War II Juzwiak of Bound Brook; 32 Ha/lei. N.J., area. He was a of Keyport, and a grandson. presidency of the Fire Chiefs sponsored by the Little Silver Surviving are two sons, self-employed grocer in The Bedle Funeral Home, Association of New Jersey. Fire Department, will be Stephen Jr of l s to Holtzman s honesty to her being "a frus- But Abscam, htf^aTdT^i»fc«notcaused - frte and 11 others minds to take advantage of and eventually relayed an apology through campaign with extra enthusiasm, the con- grams, Thompson was a driving force in Thompson also said he is interested The oiler was made yes- thelrce-lnpiitler a her aide gressman said the establishment of the National Endow- in saving as much agricultural land a.s we terday by Tourism Minister can" in Western Monmouth, and that he What I essentially was saying,' "I've gotten a particularly warm re- ment for the Arts and the John F Kennedy Jose Aspiras belore some tapiraf said of the bomb- believes New Jersey farmers have the Thompson re interpreted, "is that Liz ception," he said. "I haven't seen people Center for the Performing Arts. Washing 2.00B |H-n|iU'.il a em kldil par- ing that Those responsible same right to subsidies as do mid-western Hollmzman is a brilliant, well-educated walking on the other side of the street to ton ty given l>> I lie government dt for this unlortunate incident wheat farmers and honest person ' avoid me I've gotten 27 letters in varying Under newly enacted rules, Thompson the Philippine International have made their point But He also adds that, although he has degrees of politeness saying I shouldn t lost his chairmanship of the powerful The money, he said, is available Convention Center About I also know that we. your fought for equal piy for equal work for run. Of them, four or five were signed ' House Administration Committee as well There's an awful lot of wasted money, lull Ihe people were dele hosts have made our point women and suppvrts the Equal Rights His polls, he said, show him gaining as several subcommittee posts to Abscam particularly in military procurement. The HJti's to the convention of the wry rlear The Philippines Amendment, h/ is still somehwat strength, along with President Carter^ and But he says that the loss of the key posi- military and the Pentagon are superb lob- American Society of Travel he said, is prepared to host "chauvinistic," beating Smith. Independent candidate tions has not hindered his effectiveness in byists, but I don't think they're very great Agents where the bomb went another ASTA congress if Another by-product of the Abscam rev- John Anderson has been slipping, while Congress, pointing to his recent, post planners ' oil Sunday ASTA wants to come back. elations for Thompson may be the ques- Republican Ronald Reagan has remained Abscam, passage of the EHISA pension Thompson joins many other Democrats tions raised by the crude language he is stable, according to Thompsons' polls. The bill in disparaging the possibility of the Re- heard using on the tapes and also by refer- uncertainty of the presidential race has led If he is acquitted in his trial, Thompson publican proposal combining a massive THE BANK TW ences to his drinking to a large bloc of undecided voters In his is confident that he will be renominated tax cut. a massive increase in defense Thompson said yesterday that "I have district, which includes Aberdeen. Key- for his chairmanships on House commit- spending, and a balanced budget The plan MYS THE HIGHEST had drinking problems but I don't think port, Allentown, Roosevelt and Upper tees. would not be possible " without killing I'm am an alcoholic Freehold in Monmouth County, as well as Smith has attacked Thompson for hav- virtually all social programs." Thompson INTEREST IS... 1 have been quoted accurately as Mercer County and parts of Middlesex and ing the trial delayed to after the election, warned saying that one of my defenses (in his Burlington Counties. but Thompson is equally adamant that he If re-elected. Thompson said he will 7HECEMTR4L upcoming Abscam trial) is not going to "I'm going to win the election, and I'm had asked for the trial to be held in Sep- continue to work for legislation which JERSEY drunkeness " going to be acquitted," Thompson de- tember, or the earliest possible date But would penalize or discourage a big bus! BLOOD BANK' Of one of the Abscam recordings in- clared. But he conceded that the margin of according to other reports, it was Thomp- ness from moving out of a community in volving him. Thompson said "I'm a victory won't be so great as in 1978, when son's lawyer who asked for the post- search of cheaper labor ponement Meanwhile, the congressman choirboy compared to the three or four he beat Smith on his first time out with 62 Although Frank Thompson was a liber- has a variety of pre-trial motions pending, other persons on the tape Nothing like percent of the vote al 26 years ago and is still a liberal today, and he expressed readily his doubts that he the unfortunate Myers tapes ' Thompson finds little difficulty in but- he doesn't think that denotes inability to Ousted Rep Michael Myers, D-Pa., re- could have a fair trial due to the "prejudi- change lining the political differences between cial pre-trial publicity!" For more information, phono 842-6750 cently convicted on charges stemming himself and Smith, who he describes as "I think my views and my solutions or visit the Central Jersey Blood Center from the Abscam investigation, was seen following "a straight Republican-Reagan Thompson has been most closely as- have changed a lot over the years," he on Newman Springs Road in Red Bank by television viewers across the country line." sociated with his native Trenton and the said Report says VALUf drug use starts at early age BATON ROUGE, La. cent addict moved on to in- (AP) — Most adolescent drug halants, downers and Iran addicts start young, with the quilizers, speed, PCP. LSD, first drink at age 12 and thecocaine, opiates and heroin, BOMBS first marijuana cigarette just the study found. months later, and use drugs By.age 12, 98 percent of at school, according to a those entering the unit had study of teen-age drug use. smoked marijuana and 96 MONMOUTH The study by Louisiana percent had used alcohol. By State University involved 250 age 16, the study found 16 patients at Baton Rouge Gen- percent had used opiates and eral Hospital's Adolescent 13 percent, heroin Chemical Dependency Unit. More than 90 percent of COUNTY Vein Ridgeway, the unit's the adoloscent drug users director, said yesterday that were classified as "being the study, in its first year, preoccupied with chemicals" indicates "a definite pattern to the extent that their lives of use ... a classic addict pro- revolved around "getting with file, complete with a family high." .history of addiction and spe- The study also found more cific behavioral problems." than 90 percent of the pa- The study is to continue tients had experienced acci- HOLIDAY for five years, and results dents, hangovers, "burn from a two-year period were out," changes in sleep pat- expected to indicate that terns and inability, to work teenage drug use is on the because of their addiction rise, "up to 70 percent in our Family relationships suf- SAVINGS! local high schools today," fered for more than 90 Ridgeway said. percent of the youngsters be- From alcohol and mari- cause of their drinking or juana, the average adoles- drug use.

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CROSS-BUCKMI-LITE-JALOU8IES-FULL LIGHT COLONIAL AND MORE SALE ENDS ASK ABOUT OUR INSTALLATION ARPET TUESDAY, 10/: 1843 HWY. MIDDLETOWN K N m ami vnu m NOTE: H'tMKWf ALUE 671-8333 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK ENTERS All Advertised Carpets In 741-7500 Guaranteed Installation Before Holidays Opm Dally CM-CM.Fri.Wt p.m. The Daily Register Americans train Libyan killers

Established in Il7t - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON My associate. Dale Van erators ' — all transformed WASHINGTON - Ameri- Atta. has reviewed the classi- into bombs — to a Libyan colonel in Tobruk. The files ARTHURZ KAMIN WILLIAM BLOCK. JR can -and-dagger opera- WASHINGTON fied Justice Department files, tive!, skilled in the dark arts, which read like a James Bond relate that "one of the Libyan President and Editor Publisher have trained and equipped yarn. Here are just a few military officers picked up terrorist squads for Muam SCENE startling excerpts from the one of the devices. As a result, Herbert H Thorpe. Jr AuuUnt Editor. Ourlea C Triblehorn Sunday Editor. Ruuell P touch Night Editor Jane Foderaro City Editor Doris Kulman. Editorial Page Editor mar Qaddafi. the dictator of files: the device along with the rest Libya and promoter ol world of the explosives on the truck — Terpil agreed to train terrorism detonated and killed three Pal IS Ricci Controller Richard D McKean. Advertising Director Kenneth L Van Dalen focus, supports terrorist Libyan agents in "espionage, Circulation Director. Frank J Aiiorca. ProducUon Manager Dozens of victims have re- groups around the world from sabotage and general psy- Libyan soldiers." Three portedly been hunted down Ireland to Malaysia. Declares chological warfare" as well American instructors were and executed, probably with one federal investigator's re- as "the design, manufacture, ANDERSON wounded 6 TUESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1980 the cold efficiency American port: "Libya publicly admits implementation and detona- — Veterans of the U.S. spe- know-how has brought to the that it gives training, weapon- tion of explosive devices." murder profession One death tours of the secret room and cial forces taught the Libyans ry and funding to terrorist or- The undercover training was show off the deadly wares and "American tactics and tech- King of the mountain squad was discovered in the ganizations throughout the disguised as a mineclearing United States and expelled his American mercenaries niques. " including classified world, specifically admitting operation. The visitors were most im- methods and maneuvers de- from the country before it support of the Palestine Lib- — Terpil closed the deal in pressed with the book bomb veloped by the United States could complete its grisly mis- eration Organization, Irish sion London with 'Qaddafi's that detonated when it was One of the Americans com- Republican Army, Red brother. During the nego- opened. Brigade and Japanese Red plained that some of his stu- According to secret Jus- tiations, Terpil went boating dents "were bambarians in Army." on the Thames with the — Witnesses quoted a Lib- tice Department files, the that they were stealing paint- American experts have taught notorious terrorist Carlos the yan lieutenant as explaining The report adds: "Also re- ings (from the palace walls) Qaddafi's killers how to con- vealed in the investigation Jackal. that the devices "were to be and using silver tableware as struct sophisticated was the supplying by United — Beginning in mid-1976, used to eliminate certain peo- boobytraps that can turn such Stales firms of sophisticated the furtive Terpil, himself an ple" because Qaddafi "would darts." innocent objects as a book, timing devices, radio control ex-CIA agent, recruited a feel more comfortable if they telephone, or tube of, tooth- devices and sensitive sur- team of American clandestine were not around." — One informant slipped into the palace basement paste into murder weapons. veillance and communica- operatives, paramilitary spe- — At least one American The American ringleader, tions equipment to un- cialist, professorial killers and quit the team, according to arsenal and authorized representatives." explosives experts trained by Frank Terpil, even offered to the secret files, because he enormous cache of sophisti- the CIA and U.S. special smuggle into Libya a US. Terpil met President "felt innocent people even- cated gadgets from various forces. By August 1076, the Redeye missile, a shoulder- Carter's brother, Billy, in Lib- tually (would) get killed with American companies. "The launched, heat-seeking weap- ya and apparently tried to set Americans were esconced invoices contained in the box- grandly in the former winter his bombs. (He) did not care on that can bring down an him up as a front for the un- about the military use of his es listed thousands of timers airliner in flight There have savory operation. Billy Carter palace of former Libyan King at a price of millions of Idris — a luxurious hideaway devices but knew they were been unconfirmed intelligence first admitted, then denied to for terrorist use and innocent; dollars," the report stated. reports that an Israeli air- Justice Department officials that they assigned the curious lives would be lost." Terpil sold the equipment for liner, which mysteriously ex- that Terpil had discussed a code name "Swanee." grossly inflated prices; one ploded in the skies, was shot machine-gun deal with him. — In July 1977, the Ameri- — A palace room was order of 100,000 timers, down with such a weapon by There's no evidence Billy was turned into a workshop filled cans delivered some lethal purchased for $4.30 to ft per Qaddafi's terrorists. ever aware that Terpil was with diabolical devices. The "flashlights, attache cases, unit, was sold to the Libyans The fiery Qaddafi, a training terrorists for Qad- Libyan intelligence chief liked transistor radios, hand-held crucible of anger without dafi. to take trusted friends on calculators and refrlg- for up to $250 apiece. A marriage without concupiscence WASHINGTON -1 think I ••INIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII1HIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII "Is that good or bad?" I plenty of vitamins and eat a have a problem. Pope John asked him. lot of fresh vegetables. Paul II has just offered a ART "Well, it saves the heart And we were just getting new, sweeping definition of from pumping too fast," he to accept our lust when Pope adultery. He said, "Adultery BUCHWALD said. "But it could produce Paul came out with his strong in your heart is not only when hypertension." statement. you look with concupiscence Being without lust for an- Then the roof fell In. I was (strong sexual desire) at a other man's wife does pres- reading the newspaper when woman who is not your wife, ent problems in my society. my wife walked into the but also if you look in the pie are not. I can be at a The word gets out fast that same manner at your wife ... party, look at a woman sit- you have no concupiscence, bedroom in her silk . The husband must not use his ting on a sofa in a slit and women avoid you like the "Any news?" she asked. wife, or her femininity to and a low-cut bodice, and my plague. I find myself standing BUCHWALD "Nothing much," I said, fulfill his instinctive desire," thoughts will immediately go alone at cocktail parties, ig- trying not to look at her. the Pope said. "Con- to the problems of the auto- noring the whiff of perfume She put on a Henry Man- cupiscence diminishes the mobile industry in Detroit. in the air, while all around diminishes the richness of cinl record. richness of the perennial at- Or I can sit in a disco, - me people are flirting with our marriage, and can cause "Okay," I said, "knock it traction of persons for in ing a woman swinging her each other, and occasionally freat problems in our in-off." terpersonal communion. hips from one end of the glancing at me in disdain. terpersonal relations, but I "What did I do wrong?" Through such a reduction, the dance floor to the other, and But It doesn't bother me can't help myself. I've tried "Nothing, but we can't other person becomes the wonder whether Iraq or Iran because when you don't have taking cold showers, and practice concupiscence any- mere object for satisfying a will win the war in the Middle adultery in your heart, you reading the Congressional more. It lowers the dignity of Election time pipe dream sexual need and touches the East. can eat all the taco chips and Record, but nothing seems to our marriage and brings out dignity of the person (wife)." cheese dip you want, without The wonder would be If the gov- Mondale, who was in the Garden State to help. What makes it worse is the worst in us." I am the type of person anybody taking notice. ernor's plea went unheeded two-and-a- help raise money for the re-election In other words, if you real- who can sit on a beach staring that she has concupiscence, She started to cry. "Is at -clad women for So what's my problem? too. half weeks before Election Day In a campaigns of two northern New Jersey ly want to have a good mar- I've never confessed this there somebody else? " riage, lust has to go. hours, and ponder the effects Our family doctor knows "If you must know, there "awing" state with 17 highly coveted Democrats, Reps. Robert Roe and An- before to anyone, but I have of aerosol spray on the ozone. about it, and he says it's rare is," I said. electoral votes. drew Maguire. Mondale took the op- I don't have any problem concupiscence for my wife. Not just a little, but a lot. I these days for a husband and "Who is it?" - And so, a scant 24 hours after Gov. with adultery per se, but I do A cardiologist once told portuity to emphasize what he said Is the with concupiscence. I guess me, "You don't have to jog, can't look at her without hav- wife to have concupiscence "Pope John Paul II. And Byrne asked him to. President Carter friendship and harmony between the some people are born with because you have no lust in ing this Instinctive urge to do for each other, but it isn't don't ask me to go into the harmful as long as we take sordid details." declared a drought emergency in seven White House and New Jersey's con- concupiscence and some peo- your heart." something about it. I know it parched northeastern New Jersey coun- gressional delegation. . ties and released federal funds to im- The water shortage in the seven prove the water distribution system. Not counties is severe, and we welcome the only will New Jersey get (4.5 million Let's regulate, but regulate right federal aid. At the same time, we note from the Federal Emergency Man- got a job. the pipeline from the State House to the By NKHOLASvsa HOFFMAN ing they've been made so safe by ecological horror stories. have to don space suits but agement Administration, which will cov- If you think a world White House: Carter considers New Jer- Millions of homeowners they don't work properly any What are we going to choose, undoubtedly many will want er three-fourths of the cost of boildlng an without butterflies is some- must wonder if any chemical more. When General Motors they ask, economic growth or to come and see such an un- sey's 17 electoral votes crucial to his bid what diminished, the system emergency pipeline to run water from companies make decent paint clamors for deregulation eve- the perpetuation of some usual place as described by for reelection, the polls show Carter- that appears to be coming Lake Hopatcong to the Boonton reser- anymore. In the bad weather ry person in the United States species of inedible river Hoge: "One of Cubatao's into existence may be the one Mondale trailing Reagan-Bush in New climes at least, paint that who's ever cursed a child- shrimp whose very existence dead rivers is covered with voir, but the federal government ap- for you to support. We keep used to last seven years now proof bottle agrees. was unknown a short time billowing suds from de- parently is willing to cough up the rest of Jersey, Byrne is a loyal Carter sup- all the clean industry in the peels In 18 months. Hence the president cam- ago. tergents, another boils from the money as a short-term loan. porter, and the Republicans have a good U.S. of A.; all the smelly, paigns by boasting of his de- There are regulation-free the effect of the chemicals Are the paint companies dirty ones get located in the The Carter response to the Byrne shot at Maguire's seat. And in arid New regulatory accomplishments, communities, communities dumped Into it and a third is gyping us, or has the Environ- third world where the only Jersey, at least until Nov. 5, politics sure and Ralph Nader, yesterday's which have chosen growth so not that its course can be plea was announced Sunday by no leu a mental Protection Agency babies to die will be wog consumerist hero, is this over a sissy's anxiety about traced by the rising steam dignitary than Vice President Walter beats a rain dance. commanded the removal of babies. so many noxious and toxic hour's supply-side nerd. The pure air and healthy water. that snakes through a fetid ingredients the paint doesn't automobile manufacturers One such is Cubatao, Brazil, field of refuse... There are no When you see a communi- hold? One imagines bug-eyed are given permission to go where New York Times re- birds, no butterflies and no ty where there is no regu- Counting the non-vote bureaucrats ordered the lead easy on air pollution even as porter Warren Hoge writes insects of any kind, and when lation, you can see that en- out lest bus loads of ghetto the federal government they have a booming steel It rains on a particularly vironmental protections are When they total the ballots Nov. 4, years. According to a report compiled by infants arrive to lick away agrees to make payments to and petrochemical Industry windless days, the drops bum just as much consumer prod- and the highest per capita in- ucts as toasters and vacuum the votes that count may be those that the New Jersey Department of State, in the coverings of suburban the Love Canal families the skin." ranch houses, thereby sus- driven from their homes by come of any city in the na- cleaners. They are goods and never were cast. Just think, a whole counity 1960, some 78.4 percent of eligible voters taining permanent. Ir- the toxic excrement dropped tion. , services like Midas muffler with no mosquitos and no We hope the prediction is wrong, but had registered and 71.4 percent of them reversible brain damage. there by Hooker Chemical. Makes It sound like Re- and the plumber, and have to cockroaches. So what if there according to the latest Gallup Poll in- agan, Carter and Anderson be paid for in the same way. went to the polls. In the 1976 presidential People who use every sort For the moment, the fash- are no butterflies. If all the dications are that the voter turnout next election, 73.1 percent of those eligible of tool from power saws to ion Is to say we've gone too were right. Eden Is down a Therefore, we can ask of birds in your neighborhood environmental and health month will be the lowest in 32 years, lawn mowers are complain- far, we've gotten too scared road called decontrol except had registered, and 58.9 percent of them that the air pollution in disappeared, would it be a regulators what we ask of lower than 1976, when 77 percent of voted. Voter participation in Monmouth Cubatao is so bad the mayor week, a month or a year General Motors or General before you noticed? So don't Americans of voting age were registered County exceeded the statewide figures: of this city of 80,000 refuses to Mills: Be efficient, be cost to vote but only 54 percent of them did. live where be presides. He bitch, bitch, bitch Instead effective, be productive. No 71 percent of voting age citizens were tilt your head back, put In the This year, only 72 percent of eligible says of the town's 55,000 em- regulation in Cubatao will kill registered in 1976 and 82 percent of those ployees that only a third nose drops, next the eye 'ya; bad regulation will voters have registered, and, according to registered voted. make their homes where they drops, now sniff in, blink and bankrupt 'ya. So regulate, the pollsters, only 51 percent of them are thank the good Lord you've A breakdown of voter patterns is work. "They are the ones but regulate right. expected to cast ballots. who simply cannot afford to alarming: New Jersey voters most likely The poll also indicates that while move elsewhere." to shun the polls are the youngest voters, Democrats outnumber Republicans 2- The air In this burg Is so Today in history the 18-to-20-year-olds; only 20 percent of bad that one quarter of the to-1. Reagan has a clear advantage over year history. voters in that age group turned out for ambulance emergency calls By The Associated Press Carter if the turnout at the polls is small are for tuberculosis, pneu- Today is Tuesday, Oct. 21, Ten years ago: A Nobel the general election last year. because more of those who label them- monia, bronchitis, em- the 295th day of 1980. There prize was awarded to Ameri- selves Republicans are registered and We shudder at what the habit of not physema, asthma and other are 71 days left in the year. can scientist Norman Today's highlight in his- Borlaug for his work in the likely to vote. voting bodes for the future of a partici- diseases related to breathing tory: so-called "green revolution" patory democracy. One thing is certain in and out. Many of the pa- Following along in the national tients are kids who keel over On Oct 21. 1972. North to increase food production. trend, voter turnout in New Jersey has — we will get the government we de- and have to be revived with Vietnam s Premier Phan Van Five years ago. a U.S.-So- been declining steadily for the past 30 serve. oxygen. One group of govern- Dong said his government viet agreement was reached ment functionaries split town was ready to accept a cease- that would make the United when their request for gas lire as the first step toward States the biggest western masks was refused. settling the Vietnam War. importer of Soviet oil. Take a Giant step On this date: One year ago. Israeli But oy! is the productivity In 1805. England's Lord Prime Minister Begins gov- Are New Jerseyans state proud? team called the "New Jersey Giants." high. So's the death rate. Nelson defeated the Franco- ernment was rocked by the You betcha. And no matter what. according to a recent poll conducted by Eighty babies out of every Spanish fleet at Trafalgar but resignation of Foreign Min- Despite the fact that the Giants lost the Eagleton Institute of Politics at 1,000 born in this particuUte was mortally wounded. paradise are either bora dead In 1879, Thomas Alva ister Moshe Dayan. their last six games, New Jersey football Rutgers. Forty-two percent opted for or die within a week of birth , Edison invented the electric Thought for today: When fans don't want to hear them called the just "The Giants," two percent wanted from their prenatal de- lamp. you have eliminated the im the "New York" to stay, and three •New York Giants" by sports commen- formities. In 1945. women voted for possible, whatever remains, tators and they don't want to see "NY" percent said "who cares?" In addition to getting rich the first time in France. however improbable, must be before the team's name in the standings. Who knows — maybe it'll change the from manufactures, Cubatao In 19M. Willy Brandt be- the truth - Sir Arthur Conan came the first socialist chan- Doyle. English writer A majority - 53 percent - of New luck. So let's bear it for the New Jersey 'Welcome .board —I'm glad to take all of yon has a future as a tourist at- 1 traction. The visitors will cellor in West Germany's 20- (189-1930) Jerseyans following the GlanU want the Glantt. Yea, team! fora ride. Business SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY.ocTOBER2i. t980 The Dfettly Register 7 N.Y. stock quotations Tax-selling time begins NEW TOM (An Kl tail Ml SI*ma si%- * _.• I * 1043 SIW SO* SI* + 1* CarnO 11112 74 71n*a 13*— * PaeuCallo 0 «S0 IS* IS* »*+ * By SYLVIA PORTER If your gain is short-term, it must be CnaaU 4 IS 17*17* IIM— % ParfcinE TIM 470 as* 4S 41*+ * (SoicajtajDllavctJuuu) matched against short-term loss But if you Crml* II10 401 SIMS/H av>« » Pillar 1.44 1] 110 4S* 41 4S%— * Cam* IS II M PMIPO 140 1 143 a* 37% a - * This is tti-selling time an Wall Street - have no short-term losses, you lake top advan- DanKlta _ 011 43Mu* 4i*- a PhllaEI IB I at* 1144 13% 13* tage of your long-term losses if they offset l-BTja* IS 204 70U71, * 1**—1 PIWIMr I 40 4 I0M 41* 43 4314 the weeks when astute investors sell stocks, Oa«u> S4a 4 10 II*II* 11*— Vl PhilPal 100 11704 ssw SI* U'«tl* highly-taxed short-term gain Reason, They DarlPL 1.14 1 in II*11* 13%- * I III If* 31% 3* 'wnds. etc , to shelter capital gains and other YOIKMONEVS -- JI aM Olara I.W12 WO 41* 42*4 * PWnar I 4011 30a SO* 4* SH*— * income in the tai strategy moves that follow, offset highly-taxed short-term gain on a dollar- til 0 441 17* DaltaA I 2010 1131 4SU, 44* 41** * fa i *o i tag a a* a* for-dollar basis — even though only 40 percent Oantiyl II 1Ih a* to*- *pitiMn i MH M* a* a* avi+ * no account is taken of investment considera- Daltd 140 I 174 IIHIHit* ii*— * Pnaumo I 3014 KS)3 4** 4)* 40* + !* WORTH of your long-term gain is taxed «—S2ti5 DtamS I 40 I 4.1 U*nu 33 - % 114 40M a* 17% a - * tions This is tai advice only A4C441S a 1041 3a. DtaiuiEa ii un oi**"• *1 , * PoriGE I 70 II 144 II* II* II* Say you have net losses so far in 1900. either Say you have a net long-term capital loss to A**** lam m Dillon I OH) I n IS*IS IS*— * ProclG 110 * Mil H* 71* It*— * —. IJH 1 m i44* lav 7111 411 4544* W 444a— * PSwCol 140 * 17* 13* 11% 13*+ * longterm or short term Your best tax strategy date - and only paper losses in your portfolio. IM 1 SM in, CMPappr 1411 114 II*II* 11* • * PSvEG MI I HI 10* 10V) 10* If possible, sell stock with short-term IH I Ml* Ilk OowCr, 140 I mi in II* B%- V, PsSPL 144 I 13) UVj 13 II*— * is: I I 111 31* Draur 1201] US ISM 03* •)%*!* Pullmn 1_ 412 S4% 14 14*— * Take short-term gains Sell short-term losses to give you $3,000 of short-term loss for AUe i.a i • a Orasr wi _ 141*41 41* 4} + * Purax I M 4 41 14* 14* 14*— * Amu 140 * Hi alia •uPanl UIU IH «* 43%-l* OuakO I 40 4 744 H* II* a*+ * stocks (held for a year or less) and nail down the year Reason Again, you can deduct short- DukaP III I 044 17* Ouak&O 1011 414 1* 10% 1* + % short-term gain AHavilw us* 35 17* 17*— * gains equal to the total of your actual loss term loss on a dollar-for-dollar basis against Alrada 4 M I m OwLI 140 1 147 II*II* lHat * ICA 111 * 114 a 7+* 1*%— * Say you have a nel gain to date, either long ABakll 140 a IH EatlAir —3411 7* 7* 7%« * IIC 40 I 144 14* 14% 14* Payoff; your otherwise highly-taxed short- ordinary income But it takes $2 of long-term AmCaa 1*0 a alt* 31* EatlbF 111 S40 17* IS* 11*41 RaltP,*' 44 0 111 11* 11* iiw or'short-term Afler checking whether you ACvan 140 0 1411 14*. ElKOO 1101414 lit. 70* 71*+ % Ramad 13a I* .344 t* I* « term gain is tax-free loss to offset $1 of ordinary income II** It Ealao 172 4 IB » 17* II*- * 111 11 13* 13* II*- * have any loss carryover from previous years, AEIP. IB 7 $57 ,,% Assume, with only losses in your portfolio, AMEIP t > tai uua Echlui .S111 SI 1414* * i4*a— * Ravllm 111 170 «4 «I% «4 • * ' Q Why take short-term instead of long- i 7 lake long-term losses Sell long-term stuck M 4 111 7% EIP4W I 40 I 4*0 23Vi 13* U*4 %RaadBU 14 341 41% 41 41 — % term gains you have $3,000 of long-term losses so far in inn in* EmnEI I 40 < US IS14* * 14%- * B.uhCri 4114 141 II 11* 1I*« * i hold for more than one year I and realize EmMCtl 14 7 HO S7 sa* st*- * RapSII 2* 4 104 14* 14* "i*** A Because short-term gain is treated aa (NO ni4 no Eftkrch 1.711] 470 41V) IUSMS up to your actual gam Whether your nel IH—II* 47 47*4 * Ray lor, I.M to 113 4t* 41* 4* — % Eunrk 1.0411 SI S4H highly taxed ordinary income is. Only 40 Your wisest tax strategy is to sell short 144 • 111 14* SI*— '4 NavnlnvlaO 7 1344 u43* 414a 43* + l% tlh»l I SO 1 1SS 11* gain is long- or short term, long-term losses < > at 11* 31*- % RayMII 1 10 4 Ml It* 3a* 14 percent of your long-term gain is included in term stock with $3,000 in losses, so your short- ATT I otW E>aoPI40a 1 Sat 14*14 34*» * RilaAid 7)10 I* 31 31 31 4 * are preferred AMPInc 114 133 EiCalO 1 I 134 41 41 41 *+ * Rofcint 40 S 143 t% t t*+ * income For instance, say you have a 12.000 net term loss offsets $3,000 of ordinary income. Exaen 5.48 4 2411 70* Rockwll140 9 404 M* M% M*— * If your gain is long term, it must be Amaai .1411 ra 70 74',+1 loss so far in 80 If you sell stock and take a You then can carry over your long-term loss Anchor la I aj FMC 1.40 I 141II »* 37 Roiwlnd 04 174 II II* II + * matched against your long-term loss And by AnhrO Mbl3 411 _ o»« >Falrr.Ml.I7 0 412 a »».- % Rorar 04 11 110 1* II' •• 10*— * 12.000 shortterm gain, you shelter $2,000 of into 1981. when you may be able to use your ArllPS 1.13 a US 17*IIH IIH- '* F04Mafi _ 1140 i* i*- * Rowans 0017 IS) 40 3** 39*— Vi taking long term loss up to your long lirm ArrrKa 1 44 7 Ml ]i*J4H «'*.( FadHM I 20 II US14* 14* 14*— * RC Cm 104 « 71 II.. 14* III. % taxable income But if you take down $2,000 of loss to offset capital gains 7 f* is>« IS IS'** FMDSI 100 Mill I** a* • v> RoylD 4 SO*' 3 l*t* u»** *7'/> *»••..!•. gain any short-term loss you may have can Asarcoiata 11110 IT. FlnSBar 111 2a0 14'. ll*< * RvdarS 100b 0 74 16% 14 14 — % long-term gain in December, your loss would Say you have no actual gains or losses for m t Firatln »i_ 070 shelter short-term gain or ordinary income AIMOII IK i ni it* ttt o* * SCM 110 1 11) 7*v. 10* »'. * shelter only $800 lytttl. but you do have paper gains in your AUDC 141 7 1*13 14 UW 1JH- tk FlCnrt Mil 1*014* 14* II*— %* Salamy 140 7 0» 111 31* 33 a« * BK1GEH TAX BKNEKIT Your short- ABRkk II M 11 1U4 tit. FMChk I 20 I S41 IS 14* 14%— * SJoMn I SO 17 134 49'. 47* 41''. • IH WATCH FOR THIS TRAP If you decide to portfolio. »H4sCp 44 1 14* 1* ) FllnBn 1.00 I 13 414a* 44H- * SILSaF ISO 10 SOwtf *i W444* term loss can ollset - dollar-for-dollar - Akaat am 14 4M41V] 4IW4 Ui FlaalEni S2_ 10 IlkIH »% I 7 1» 14% 14'. 14% * use long-term gain to offset net loss that's As a general rule you are better off if you M4k IIH- M highly-taxed shortterm gain and. if any is Id I AvcaCelJO 4 1410 17* FllghlSIt 14 31 111 MMI.I 11 -I*Sambot _ 111* 7 4V. 4*— * long-term, you may expose some of your short- take the gains in 1081 Even if there is no tai Avarv 71 * la ii*21'* 1244* 4k FlaPL I 72 I 414 24HM* 14* • * SFalno 140 < M 11* 14% IS%+ * "highly-taxed ordinary income tup to $3.000i Avnat 1 * 11* 43*1 FlaPa>»1.S4 7 141 14VkUS 14 SFalni Ills 411 41* 40% 41 - * term gain to tax Again, say you have a $2,000 cut next year — and no further reduced capital Awn 1 l 11*0 » Fluarl JO M 751 41 40* 41 +1% ScrtrPlolaO * IM 40* 1** 3**- % That saves you more than if it were used to Bhrlnll 4011 414 41* FardM 110— 14*1 UMI* 14*. * Schlmbt 137 1S33 U114* 10*% 114* + ) nel long-term loss so far in '80 and you sell gains tax - you're still wiser to postpone BallvMI 1011 4*3 H* MK 1 0 54 1»V10) * K*< ItStolIP 1 4 Ml 10* 10 II - * short-term stock with $1.500 of gain If you sell offset low-taxed long-term gain selling until '81 and thus avoid paying lax for BallGE 1 14 1 *s ii%w FranaM 40 4 MS I4H11* 14%— % rabCLIlOa 1 31**54* S3* S3*— * BangPnl 1 4 IS 14*111* 11** '' FrplMI II* 711 44 41* 41 41* Sc4rlaG S31134S0 31* 70% 31 + * long-term stock with up to $500 of gain, your For instance, say you have $2,000 of long- an additional year BnkAm 1.44 * 410 34*I4H »H* H FrMM 240 • 1*1 alta* a* Seart 134 10 44** 14* IIV* la*—* term gain from a November sale Your Bauun I 30 IS HI ai 14M 241k GAF HI N 12M ShallOl 1.4011 411 SO* 49'. »'.• '. gains and losses cancel out But if you take Of course, assuming you have no actual Mtk 41 « n* ii - % Ba.llrv 4414 44) 10 GK TaclSO 7 171 44M44* 44*— Ui Snellt 310a 4 7* 43 41% 43 + * $700 of long-term gain, you must pay tax on portfolio contains both long- and short-term gains or losses, but that you do have paper BaatFa II J 471 »v,4» SO * HII* S3*- * SimpPat Mil 1*4 4* ** I*— % long-term loss and a $3,000 short-term loss Banana 144 F 111 14* GnFdt 1.20 4 1411 UMa* n + *Slnear _ ill 11* II* 114k+ % You must first match your long-term gains KEY REMINDER: None of this considers SanKp 1 I 144 11% GnlnSI 114 Sll 11*1* •»* mi» Skylina 4131 79 13* 13* 13% and losses Result; Your $2,000 long-term gain is tax-free investment strategies which are'vital to your II U4 11% GnMIIII I 40 0 Ml MM14* 14*— * SmthlAtt 4411 310 4)* 44* 4) . 1410 71 14 GMol 305cO4 1001 II")4**4 11*41 SonyCp lie 13 71] 14* 14* 14* That gives you $1,300 of net long-term loss - that shelter^ $800 In addition. $3,000 of your actions This is all on tax maneuvers B4ttiS.1l 1.41 S 141 M% GPU 4 0*1 IMI >* SCrEG I 74 7 1] 14* 14* 14*- * ordinary income is now tax-free BlackDr 74 0 SH 2O'.» GnSlenl I 7113 a* 41V. 41* 40*4 M SCaltd 1 *4 4 I1S4 14% 33* 34 — * When you match your $1,300 loss with your Tomorrow; Geltlaf I Til Writeoff u4 BkkHR174l7 144 13% GIE 1 71U 13*4 17H 17* 17* SoulhColM 7 1101 It* It* ll*+ >H $1,500 short-term gain, you have an excess $200 Total shelter: $3.B00 Improving Itvrilmrali SaalneilKa 4 S07| 31% GTIr* 1.S020 40 11VI 10% I* SoNR.slBllO M 40* 19* 40 + * BolsaC I 71 7 4M 1S% GantKa 211 143 4* 4* 4%k— * SoilPar 140 I 40* 40* 39'. 40*+ * Beraen I.M 4 34,1 H* GaPac 1.1012 111 21* 17* 17% * SouRv 340 7 IV 00* 7«* a — * aar«W IM a til 41* GartPdiM I 71 IV.IS* 11% 4 '1 Sparry I 74 7 171 11% »% SI'-. + * BosEd Itl 7 S3 low Gall* I 004 10 451 *7 41 44% + I' , SouarD I 40 4 14) 19 M* 1* + U. BranHI 101 471 |%SVI UlbrFn 10 71 55 *M** ** Soulbb 1.14 ID 13*3 34* dll% 13%— % BrIUM 141II 441 4**40M GIIWIU 140 7 401 10"1*. * »* + * SIBrnd 144 9 171 II »'. »%+ '/. BrIIPal 1 714 7 I3lu41* 41H 41H. 4kGMNuol SI 141 »'•» M - % SIOIICI 340 Illll 91 a* *1 +IVf Brnsark .Mil a 107 14* MH 144k + It rMrUh I.S4 4 211 22a** M*+ *SlOlndtl. 3011 11*1 11% 70* 11*. +U. How to build retirement portfolio BucvEr JO 10 l» 14*IIW 21rt— «k Gaodvr i.a 7 «7 14*14* 14*+ * stoon 11 40 io 1410 it *** il «?'. Burma tan in »*17 174k- '•> Gould 1.71 7 IH IIM•iv, »* VaSuulCh I 7D i 114 1** 1** 19*—* Burundi 40 0 IJO II*im nit— it Graca I.a * SS* 51% 4** )1*41* SiarlOg till 310 11* 11% J3H ". By DAVID H SARGENT dividend check should be an value? C.G New Jeney GIAIPc _ 111* I I* 4 SiavnJ I 101) * 114 11% 17% II + * BrINot 1 11 I 1764 u)6% Silk SSH*2'> 4— We art in a position to BrrrlRL H M HI GIWFIn a I 123 IIM 1** 1**a— * SunCos 100 7 11)1 SS* S) ii'.-l * application form As initial A— Send a photostat copy Burmh 140 7 114) 14% Gray* I 70 I 414 14*144a II* Sybron IM 6 101 16* IS'. I6'» iavesl my job earniigi, plua Grumml4011 V 17UHi * 11*4. * TRW 1.10 0 131 S0% SO* SO* portfolio selections, I would of the original bond and cas in i in ii* GIIWIU IS 4 1011 II 17* 17' 1 alley 111 _ 107 4% )* 4% + % my kwsband'i peniioo from a CPC 1.40 « l» 40* &UIIOII ISO 12141 II ampE I S6 4 I0S 10* 11* 11*4-* consider American Hospital coupon with proof of Caasars It SM Urt tandv 10 141 01* 01% 13V. previoui employer, to aupple- CffiRdUlla — »a*Vi GltMUt 114 5 410 II I0H Mi-. % Supply, Disney [Walt) Prod- GullUlo I 14 1 ISO 20W20 20'* Taodvtll II A 1 0* t + * meit future retirement in- purchase to the Dresdner CamSa 111 1S4 B* Taklrna .93 14 110 as 43% 44%— % SUCCESSFUL uctions, Eastman Kodak, CarPw 1.14 t UI IIM HalllM 720 101 I4!V« 141M 141M*1 Teldvm * MO '9l"» to** 1*4*44''. come. We are In oar it's. Bank of Frankfurt, West Ger- CarlHwl.16 I 141 11 Harlndl 00 IS 13 UMIS* IS*—1 Talprml 31 «4S 11''. 11* 3]%- * IBM. and Weyerhaeuser CallICfc OObll 10) 14 Harrll MM 111 SI*SlUi S1H41* Please advise. H.J. North many. Some of these bonds 1 Ttlaa St 141 4 S% 1*4 * Calrpr 1.4011 BO tin HarttHk 4014 I* 33'.I/ . 11 Carolina INVESTING Company, all on the Big CelanaelM I 00 SI* HarllZd 40 7 II I*I',. IM Tannco 1.40 0 4)7 44% 44% 44*+ % were still refunded in the 111* II'*- t 3 034 14* 14* IS + * Board CafiSaWlM a 411 II* 1 A— I recommend ac- l aa it*lilt !''• ItHarlultlM * IM II '.11* 11 4 * Teaaca 140 16331 40* a* 40*+1* 1950s provided they were Mtt »!»< Ik TeiEli 11010 44 17% 77 71%+ % CenlrDei 1 tl 111 1*% HeubllnlU 11417 10%a to - * cumulating shares of com- 4— I have Ii my purchased prior to 1(45, but it Crt la*d .00*4 IS 14II*H I4lt* It HewltPk .40 I* IS* n* Taalntt 114 111 119'. 134* 134". t I'. 70 70*41* Taxlnl 140 41) 3t% a* M%_ _ panies that can be expected CassAIr .4013 3M l]V12i H »>t— Vt 7010 314 11%14* tl poiinolon • Germu munld is impossible to say whether Cnmplni.40 0 1474 Hu,2SH 24lt- Mollys IS* 14 44 14*1W. 14* TcKOGtl 34b3S 3)7 67* 46 67 +1* to grow at an above-average ChamSp .00 0 44a OH Homlll 1I14S4 01* TuPac 1 If 41 49 40'. a*+ * pal bond certlflcalt, from Ike you are entitled to a refund at Honwll 1 * HMO 0** n 01*41* T*Hi7tll 1.14 1 144* 17 14% 14*— * rate in the years ahead. CfcartCo 1 > 41) It* clly of Duiiburg, which was ClvarlCowt _ tl II HotpCp S 40 1* S07 47%a* 0**4 * T*KWll I 40 0 413 41 40* 40*+ * Yields on many stocks in this sorbing all expenses, and us- the usual brokerage fee The this point. CKasM 1.00 4 no 41*4t* 41* HoushFlU 4 4a 10*47* 47*—14* Ta.lronlOO 6 94 24'. 14* 14*+ * »* !** Moulin I It 4 IK II* Thiokoll 110 347 33% 33% 33%—* ing 100 percent of your plans require that you first purchased Ii lltl. Tie (Mr. Sargent caaaat •• Cheap* I.a • 1704 to* 1 10% 11*4 * category aren't very high, re- Chessle I si t iso u4i* 41% 44 _ HotiiNG I 10 10 100 S3 *17 17*4 % Ttlrllly 71 0 I* 11* 11 12'. % maturity dale is INI, bat Ike CMPnaT lion 11* B • HugnsTl 1 1111 IH II'..a si*— * TlearlM 4011 nil* )3% 13* »%+ V) flecting the premium in- dividend to buy stock own a few shares to qualify aver all mall penaaally, a«l a ti »%144a 144S— * IC Ind IS US a*01V. 01* 4 * T,mesM144ll 14 44* 44* 44*+ * vestors are willing to pay for However, where costs are for participation. Enclosed bond was never cashed la. will aaswer all aonitl»M an* Chrysler _ 47* I*4' i eVr— * INACpillO I 111 40*1** I**— Vt Timkn la 7 14 44% 41* 4)%- % Cimrp 111 11301 10% IU Ini 1.10 4 IH 101** % 40*— * Tokrwlm 7011 110 11* H* 33*+ * superior growth potential involved, they are less than with your first quarterly How do I Had oat U It Is of aay aiblr !• all column.) Cltle*3v*t.4O 0 41* 44* 4)* 44* IdahoP 3 S3 I 104 22 10'. 10*- * TWCorp —1*74 14* I)* 14*+1* Cltvlnv ISO SM71 11%14* Ii* • * IdoalB 140 4 71 1*%11* 1144— * Tr4nim1!l ) 137) I** II* 10*—% But dividends paid by such ClartlE I.M 0 in 14 ImplCp 110 I 130 1*HI** 1**4 * 4 no 01*am 43*414* IM.4PS170ID 13 14*44 44*— *! 40a 4 111 14* 14% 14'. * Get a piece of the CenEd 140 I on IS 14* 14% VtllakCp 07a 10 114 33%10* !**• * USGvml40 S 13 11% 33* 31*— * of the greatest appreciation 31% 33% t * CanFds I 74 4 « IW,a* ii* * 0 ia H* USInd .14 4 141 0 1* 0 + * in your case. However, your CriaNO 3.14 I 111 44Va,t 44* + * JohnJn 3 30 13 HI 7f*M M USSIMI160- S4S 22', »% 11*- * CanlPwl.M 0 •» 17*17* 17*- % JonLen .41 7 11 117*1 10*—I* UnTacKllO 1 701 SO',. 4** M'. portfolio will naturally grow ll>. II*. * CantAIr 101 _ 14 7%7* 1*4 * Joaiamt MI0 101 11% UnlTal 1.40 7 3t4 la* 14% 14*— * faster if all dividends are au- CntlCorplM 4 113 law 13* 14*4 *k JovMls 1 Mil » 14'1 »* a*-* upjor+n 311 )37 64 41% 4}*— * Jersey Shore CnllGrpl.40 a 1*1 14*13* 14*4 * K u*n-* U51 II 1 .10 S UI It* »<> 10*- * tomatically plowed back inlo man n 01*11 M*It* H Conllll 1.00 S 44) a* UlaPI. 3 0 194 14% 14* !**__ a a* KaluAl I 40 4 S43 ilVt 14* 17*4 * Cor.IT.ll.14 I Sit 14%14* 14% KanOE 1.(4 4 SI IS varlan 1717 11} It* 11% 1I*+1* additional shares. CflOala 40 « 4SI ma71 714*411* 14* I) • * V4EP»I4O I II) 10* 10'. 1 10V>— * KanPltlM 4 » 17*II* 11*4 * Kalvlnd I 033 u!4% 11* 14*41 Wachov •* 1 41 10* VI* 11% + * Some companies, such as KaiUBr .14 4 111 11*II* ll%< * walM.I 4011 K 12 II* SIH- * American K.lllXBll 31 I 13) 10*10 II* + * Walljm I 40 0 H 33* 31% 32%-% utilities, will reinvest Kannci 1.40 7 4)1 11*II* 31*- * WrnCm t 113 IH 40 S** 40 dividends at a discount (often KarrM 1401114*1 01". 17% I** 41 WarnrL 1 II « 1413 »'•. » K'M FREE NEW YORK IAPI. NModo i wMCIad KlmbCII.10 110M 11*II* 11*4 * WUiM 1 14 0 40 10V, 10* 10%- % i percent) from the market fMllanol Pf k«i tor Anwf kan KnlgtRd Nil 113 II WnAIrL 10— 111 I* 4* 7*. Watercolor, mitted painting with $260 dspoilt to a new MockEKHanaalnioi: Kopori 1.4011 414 11*a* * 31 + * WnBrK 114 ) 144 19' , 7IH a*- «. price without any costs or de- AcUnCp .4011 42 »«. »rt 14** Ik Twin Light! - Highland! or exiitingiavings account. Kroear I SI I 171 II*a 37'. * WUnlon14t_ It* V'-i 74 1IM + 1V> ductions. Others reinvest AttnRinslOli SI 10VI 10* If LTV 11SS4 14"31. * 11*4 * WeMgEI I 40 4 3221 »* I** 1*4*—* Frame $7.95 eich, tax indudad INo dtpoiit raquirtd) AOoMl MIS 'SIu4l* KM 40**1* LaerPal * I! II 144 II*II* 14*41* I 30 10 414 IS M* M%— * dividends at the market price AraltCa M Ml I* IM 1*4 It LaarSa 1.14 7 111. a*X ll%»1 WW.IFI40II 1*1 S4% M 14 AoroFIa 40 I 1 ISVt 11V. IS*. LeaEM .1410 • II*1*W »'•»• * Whlrlpl I 40 0 Sit II* K% 2O%- % after deducting modest AHIIPubt.4411 IS VVt 17* 17*—H Lelunnilie— M IS 17 17 WhllUk I 0 331 31* 31% 31*4 * amounts for brokerage com- AIWC a tS I IW 1 LavlllF 1 7 0 17*14% 14* Wkfca& 104 Ml 17 14V. 1*% AMotin Mil « a* a* a*- M LOF 11010 in 34*17* 17*4 * Williams 1 10 9 334 42* 41% 41*+ * missions and bank fees. A ASCIE — 71 lilt KM 11 LlllvEI|3.3Olt 33)4 SI* 14* 14*k— * " i.ti t is a* a a - * third group reinvests "free" Armalrn _ S4 1 1H 1 Ultan IHX) * 110 4*SO** SO*- * Wlnnbeo tSO 174 1 I* 1 Atamtra40_ 1S2 2IM 11M 114k— It LockM _1H1 11'4i4 4**- * Wolwlh I W 4 140 IS'-. 14* 1) at the market price by ab- AtllCM Ml III SH lit S*- Vt IM i in n i* a*- '* Xaroa 1.10 * M)3 46' 1 44 44**— 1 AllasCpol — 20 5* IM IM— * LnSlar I 41 4 11 IS1*1 it*—i* laWCp I 16 ) 36 14* MM M*+ * BMltlra _ SO a 10* Ittk LILCo 144 4 110 IS*J3'1 33V>- vi Jr-nllhR 40111111 Ui*'i II'1 19'ill •aranS ail 51 IS* M* IS** * I aLaod 1.00 13 1034 40% 14* IV* :o>vrletil by tha Aivxlalad Pran 1900 Bavaflr 1<» 170 17* 17 17** » LaPac 7111 41* 31»'. 40', ill. Gas found BowValt —1204 11* a* IIH. It LucXS 1.11 1 111 IS*»* » - % BradfdN 14 t 400 IIH 11* IMk* V, MGIC 1.11 I 170 !*%D* 114*4 * Braicaoiail 144 nu, II* n** vt MGMCHII .44 II 710 14 IIV. 1**4 * Burntln 40 0 IIS 14 lirt UM— M Macmlll n * IW II*11* 14 4 M Local Securities by Exxon CafOEnim 7 14 17H 17* I7H— * Maol 1)0 I 34 4S*14* 4S>tH H BanClubk slot•Irulki nitffctAtln**quotation*! rAarta>licourtatyr OuOait ChanwHa — 11SI I* IM i*_MdlF<14le_ _ II 144*1 ClnHK 140 t 147 IS* IS ISM— VI 14* 14*- '•. walar 4 Wall.. Jariav City Ir+dirsirlal MaglcCI 3140 111 10 uuoial+ons (ourltiv Far+nastoch I, Co. ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Cottmn I • 34 10 17* 10 + * MAPCO1 1011 114 4**IS II • !> CmOGl 101 110 10* IIH I0W* It at* 4*Ui- * Red Bank Exxon Co. U.S.A. has made a Mar Oil 111 411 4** BANK I BM AMI Caotln 20t • 0 0* M I 11 II*«%»'..*'• successful natural gas test in CoraLalloa 40 llrt a* II*- M Marrlot .1014 110 14*17* 1IV.« % Allalra Stala Bar* llvi 11 Cornllin JO 0 I 14* 14* * MarIM 111 I a II*MH 34% BarKtharvs ol 744W Jariav ... I. t* the Baltimore Canyon about CrawAU.M1I 2* O* 41M 41*-MMauo .Mil .11 II*40% 41*+ * Brun>yrkkBankl,Tru>l .. tv> II CnlKH MS 17 II* 20H 11*4 Vt i.DS t.S4 I'm 14*10% II* Caniral Jarsav Ha t% 100 miles east of Atlantic Darmw 141114 an int »'**! Marie 1104 » 17 17*II* 14*- * City, the company announced McOrm 1.401071717 34". 74'» 14*— * mmer I.U.I Dataao J01t>7SO II* 11 n*« vt tVt II DOIMOI »104 14S4 nvt 7IU, 11H*SH McOnM 00 » 441 44'11. * »*«!% Oman Stall — -yesterday. DamaPi — '» 71 MM 70M«IH McOanDM 0 310 34*4S* 4*'* Flovtllv Union Ban* Carp. t*v. 3*% OarcCi a 14 IS1 SIM SIM S1H«I". MtGEdlOO • 414 II*34V. 34* Flnt Jariay Nalional . II 13'. While the latest test re- O«MCM4*>a 140 11* IHt 11** HMiGrH I 1111 1*1 »'»a* 3i i * First National Slate 31'. II* E. II IIS iMI* 44V> 44*- M Marck I.a 14 1*4 »'« Franklin Slala 1% I MarrLv 1 II 7 aU04 34'<. ii* a - * Harltasa Baruorp sary to prove the existence of FM>C*1t 41 201 41U. 41 42Vl*IV» M* a*+i* 14* 14* FWU 14 ii av. au, 20* MataPl .11 4 414 11% M.vlion BarKorp MMSU1 III HIM II*SI* 3S* + ! Jarsav Shore . . 7 • sufficient gas reserves to jus- FroMA 10a I 4 ISM IS IS - * II* 11*4 * MMIant.c Bank lf» 1*% GRI _ 10 14k I* 1H* * SS* »*+ * tify necessary development cmrai«.«p>_ i« ttu, a* mt- M looio all sa* Nalional Slala 7% I* M4aPt IM 0 It 17%17* t7*— * Maw Jarsay Nalional Corp . M'-. 21 and pipeline expenditures to GaWWM 44 M 0 14 IS* II - * 140 I MSI It* 77* 01*41* Otaan County Nalional *'-t II QaWikM _ 140 I* IM 1*— M 1011 S3) II*11% 11*— * bring the gas ashore, the GdrkllM _ I I* I* I** It F40PI* s National Lahrwood a 34 MaMDta II SO* I*"-17*. a*+ * Shrewsbury Stair •* II company said. OIBaiinP _ 171 I4M 14M I44t— Va Moman340 1 711 II*14* MH %United Central National Commercial Trust has commissioned an exclusive Panning and Frame $15.90 tax inc. With a deposit n* n*+ * INDUITRIAI. Market gains KlarmpOIS- II a rat • NalOlM 1 • 1*1 II*11% 11*- * series of five watercolois c' the Jersey Shore. Each ol $50 or more in a savings account. OUrakMOMM II IM l» 2S*-Vt HalFC 1 70 0 t) »* AKe Standards M IS n% n . * Aulodvnamkt - 10% II'* MaalaG .04 f 4 O". 11 a* NatGypia 4 44 11 49*li «M - m OH O» OH* * 14 II*- % IntfuttriM 415% 44% After you receive the first FREE painting, addition MPm MB 0 117 7* 4H NewftM 1.41a 4 411 11% flurry of'mixed corporate NlaMP IH 4 « It* II It __ DtJeT ToIlinmm u iiatmiirtiidit i paintings are available as follows: MaMi II 11 7* 1* 1*4 Vt OvvtkSPnwnt Cor* of Amtf .. HaAKn Mil M II* 40* 41 * * Nertamia I ill «4*41* 41*- * earnings reports, managed to NoAPMITO 0 M IS 34% SS • * EAC Indtrtlrtti W. t Macant ii m n II* atwiM 0* •*+ * Ettctrantc AMOCiMti •»*> '^ post gains in key market in- N»nact.a_ HI ait iiH IUI110 7 114 I* Nairn, i «i • ii ti%ii n*+ * FotxMrcma I** * ourt* _ in » w 41* 41*+ * OltGtbioa n Mom*wn BVi |J dexes yesterday. PGEaWlSI- It 1444 MM IOIa< Bortrp 100 7 01 47* HmlAIrl 00100*44 14% IFff •PHCPI 4422 HI 41* 44* 44*- * 14* » « Ui imlrymafll lrtt*n% fkiS/H Oil stocks, mixed for Panami in m m « «t "• o » is »% 37 » % Ktr* Jam** Eil Car* • much oi the session, helped PEC. .«• II IM » IM NwtliX 1711 W 17 47* 47*— * Lalmra Tacrmalaw !» I "Your Kind of Donk" PHt.4.iu 7 ii a is a Marian 140 It a 17*14*. 17%+ * Mautmrdcai IM .' il lead a late market rally. II o ii* n* no NarVmlOO I 17* 17*4 I jiis g an in IB»* 4k It* B*+ (a MMMndGlau IO*> IM Transportation stocks were occiPei lira m il ii*- * ManmauniCaalul > I III II* 14* 17 * * WEO I 74 7 tM U*mi int * Manrmuin Parti. II also among the standout is- 4* IIM —V HOC i4iii ta ii*a* 43%.i* Manmaum *—> EUaOi Ivt I « 4M a 111 HI W43* It n'» * N J natural Oat H* tnt sues. Commercial Trust M 4* IM n I 4 11* H*• S !**« * tlnrin .'. V, «, tail IW »» KM l»4 Omark I 44 7 tl* B4aa* n%» * ft"»in CarparalM » JJ» The Dow Jones average of COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY i i* 41M OaaaC tail 1*1 «ll* is* M*« * Partln Elmar «* 14 30 industrial stocks rote 4.70 mi*! )• rw34* n PracltMOplKt <* JV« Limited to our 4 offices in Monmouth County 1 II 4 M IS it* n*+ vt mHulliiiiCara 1*4* !«• to 960 84 The blue chip index BIOBI av. IJMM a au, i,mm IOBI PatGE 140 4 4J4 llrt B* B%-* ROT C4MI M IK IVJ ».had been showing a loss of Middlitown: 1250 Route 35 (near New Monmouth Rd.) - Navaiink; 100 Route 35 (at Navesink River Rd.) way M » m n«4 o» Patuio 1.44 7 IM IKtt*4 I**- * JC» iirrKa*. ia»a l*h uMb n in 104 0 IM f*Vi 1444 14*— Ik 41—1.-1 atatal 1 I*about 3 points by early after- Leonardo: Route 36 (ai Avenue D) - Lincroft: 660 Newman Springs Rd. (at Middletown Lincioft Rd.) PacTT 141 I ta IM *»* I JffiSSmimimZ:r: tm iik noon before a late buying -1341 S It* 1*H- It Triaoola l««a«rta«- II It* OHicet in Hudson, Bergen, Union, Middlete» ond Monmouth Counties M«mb*r FoiC and Federal Reserve Syttem PanEPil 74 t til anaIt* lift— 44 IMM TaHcaMm I ni surge reversed that trend. III 7I7M tl 17* llVa— * U. S. i ii o ia IT% Denial of It's Paris: Romantic ruffles, intimacy skimpy , short By ELLEN GOODMAN The couple were seated at the window table By SUZY PATTERSON eating their dinners. SJie was looking at him He Chantal Thomass covers up min- fairly wide, and not worn longer than PARIS IAPI - Everybody knows was looking at his plate. iature with sheer billowing eight inches above the ankle. This the naughty bikini and even naughtier "What are you thinking about?" she asked wraps or lacy tunics. shorter "long" pants length is already monokini (topless) started in wicked finally, engaging him with a half-smile, cocking Thierry Mugler's extra-siim maillot the approved Paris look for next France, and still go strong on the Riv- her head flirtatiously, her fork poised in (lie air. comes in shiny jersey and is very hip- spring, and at Chloe it's fun in an iera. But for next summer, ready-to- He returned her smile for a minute and said, revealing, sometimes with cutout top octopus pattern, teamed with a boldly wear designers are coming up with new or laced up a bare back The suits are patterned jersey and a flared - "Oh, nothing," and went back to his dinner. His gimmicks in swimwear wife, with a glimmer of disappointment, a hint of in the brightest reds, turquoises and shortie . A one-piece suit known as a maillot, hurt, pierced a heart of lettuce and joined him in a blues, and sometimes covered with Lagerfeld takes the mini right into covered with sequins if you please, is filmy of parachute silk Rope evening, dressing it up with yards of somewhat silent meal rising like Esther Williams from her I watched the scene neit to me like the au- belts are draped around suits, even miniature ruffles. Another "dressier" Hollywood pool And watch the diet around versions for men that look sus- look is created with huge leafy prints dience at an ancient play I had heard it, over- beginning right now because it's no beard it, before. I recognized the body language piciously like jock-straps. on silk crepe. go into evening good thinking a one-piece suit will hide One of the safest bets is a too, with sequined flowered to from other table-tops and sofas Women leaning any bulges You should be mermaid- forward, men sitting at a slight remove. Wives simple solid color jersey version as top them off. But there are. longer slim to wear these , cut very shown at Tarlazzi It features crossed evening with sequins, striking grinding the conversation in gear, husbands dis- high at the hip in Givenchy's versions engaging lacing up the back and is covered with in a lightning pattern. Anne-Marie Beretta's sequined Where are you going? Out. What are you ample cotton jackets. In case anybody misses the point suits are tunic tops, a bare low midriff thinking? Nothing. Paris doesn't offer much for the that this is all fun, Lagerfeld tops his and wide bikini pants — and they'll But what made it all so much more poignent dressmaker swimsuit set, but you mannequins with pointed braid coif- bum up the beach in their sparkling this time was that this husband and wife were in could substitute some of the short- fures, pointed or brioche-shaped min- gunmelal colors. their 80s It was white hair that she tipped shorts we've been seeing, teamed with iature , and all kinds of gadgets in But for the more modest she turns flirtatiously, a lined hand that was raised in this a brief top. the braids. /"" out a square topped low-waisted play- gesture. It was possible, 1 calculated, that for SO The French believe in comfort for On the heels of Lagerfeld, Angelo suit with a draped skirt. years, for 80 yean, she had wanted to know what swimming, though this time around Tarlazzi also gave the nod to minis, he was thinking, wanted to reach into his mind, ready-to-wear Is simply Ignoring those Shorts, calf-length pants and so on. But and he had given her "nothing." ever-popular monokinis -otherwise with lots of differences. These clothes Of all the set pieces of dialogue that go on known as topless. are sportier, just as light-hearted if not between men and women, theirs was dismally Mini is back as neat-looking. common. The emphasis was on softness, a Leg-watchers, rejoice. The mini is I have watched so many women leaning new trend in Paris, now tiring of the with us again. toward their men, as if their need pressed them heavily padded shoulders. into a dangerous incline So many women asking Karl Lagerfeld at Chloe asks "how The mini might be a dropped- for intimacy. So many women wondering, Is he can you talk about skirt lengths?" He jersey tube, a series of jagged fringes, thinking of her, of them? showed so many pants Sunday in his or a huge bubble of paisley cotton And ready-to-wear collection for next sum- I have seen the men, too, more removed or Tarlazzi garbs the legs in black net, mer that he treats skirt lengths as perhaps contained. So many men resisting this tops most outfits with hats. irrelevant. But clearly he opts for womanly intrusion into their privacy. So many Hello romance knee-revealing skirts. men uneasy with this Incessant need for what her magazines called "communication." So many The collection was refreshing and Goodbye tough chic and hello ro- men thinking of "nothing." airy — just right for summer travel mance was one earlybird message versus some of the ominously heavy from Paris. Emanuel Ungaro's show clothes we've seen lately. was like a sublime garden party. It The color scheme was easy on the took place in an 18th-century mansion, eyes, based on white, butter yellow, complete with classical music and a orange-coral and the softest sea or champagne supper for a gathering of moss greens. The fluid fabrics used delighted buyers and press. AT LARGE were soft challis wools and poplins, The Italian-born Ungaro has come a crepe de chine and a new light cloque long way since his "young wolf" days silk. in the early 1970s, when an eminent Lagerfeld's favorite shape fashion authority wrote that he was drops the waist to the hip under lightly "ultra-modern, interested in today blousing tops. The skirt is widely flared and tomorrow, rather than the past." or gathered from the hip and easy to His easy daytime looks for summer I didn't know this couple, never saw them move or dance in, very appealing with feature a knee-length blousy smock before and may never see them again. I didn't fabric flowers scattered around as with puffy sleeves — in pretty madras know what silences and words have passed be- third-dimensional decor. or flowered prints Ungaro's ruffled raw silk tween them over the years. But they fit Into some The newest neckline is a wide In all lengths he mixes multicolored test-pattern The wives who want to talk and the straight white band, nearly off the patterns with his usual gay abandon. husbands who want to read. The wives who want shoulder, though there are occasional This time there are wonderful pastels, to talk and the husbands who want to watch lace insets, or strapped tops. a fascination with butter or gold yellow football. The wives who want to talk and the Chloe s short dresses or Bermuda and mauve, plus turquoise, bright husbands who want to eat silently. pants are all worn with white green and bois de rose. Lifestyle I wondered If this hasn't been a deeper rift and ballerina flat pumps or . between men and women than pay scales or legal Lagerfeld is also giving Bermuda- TUESDAY, OCTOBER21, 1980 rights. A double standard of intimacy, of need for length shorts a new lease on life, but connections and sharing. with a different look when cut wide and I know, it's a generalization. I know it's chang- split up one leg — fastening with big ing. The male stars now are not John Waynes of white glass buttons. They also show up . strong silences but men who have words spilling cuffed like knickers. Paired with neat out of the cracks of their old Images. The ex- cotton or less structured linen jackets traordinary aspect of the characters in the movie in a different color, these look like "Ordinary People" was that the father — not the winning resort wear. mother — kept reaching out, wanting more, feel- Givenchy's sheer organdy Otherwise pants are straight and ing more. Like Dustin Hoffman in "Kramer vs. ' Kramer" or Richard Dreyfuss In "The Goodbye Girl," the fantasies of •women's movies" are about men who ask the questions, demand the connections, need. Yet in real life it is the old dialogues and acts that hold the center stage. In "Unfinished Busi- ness," author Maggie says that women build their lives on attachments. The Investment of a women's self in others is as striking as ever ... and as fragile. Women's depressions were largely triggered by personal loss, personal failure, she said. Men's depressions were largely triggered by work fail- ures. The differences were still so strong that she wondered if they were innate. I don't believe that these human gaps arc riveted by our genes. But the difference is there, painfully obvious, and painfully lingering. I won- der about all the decades trapped now between this woman's need and her husband's "nothing."1 Between so many needs and so many "nothings." I wonder about the difference* betweeen all the "us and thems" — women and men. Thierry Mugler ropes 'em in There is one moment, one exchange of doubt, between women in Margaret Drabble's "The Middle Ground" that passed my mind as I SOFT LENSES watched the white-haired couple sipping the last of their coffee: '"Do you think," asked Evelyn, really, seri- ously think that life is very different for men?" soSfffs "Kate stood still and thought apparently (polymocon) earnestly, shaking her head without any flippancy at all and no racial expression whatsoever: "I M don't know. The truth Is, I do not know." Oiane VonFurstenburg "No," said Evelyn, "After all these years of or Polo by Ralph Lauren thinking about it, neither do I." Piano $40 value Sonia Rykiel's hip slit NOW $1 5 a pair with Soft Lens fitting only ALIENATED Memos

CATHOLICS Marsden, a member of the Initial Pt Lunch served of Adv. IQ tings, Initruc'lion, The Far East Card party Elmira faculty, will speak on Soil W W CO16 tar« hit'•, Have you parted company with the church over Lenies new Liturgy, old rules. A marriage aituation. the NEW MONMOUTH-The ALLENDALE-The "E. B. White: His Writings follow up cart. '60 '99 clergy or iny other reason? MIDDLETOWN-Xi Beta Over the Years." Mrs. COIVIPLETr-i Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma annual Mater. Dei High Elmira Club of New Jersey School PTA card party will will have its fall luncheon George Schuetz and Mrs. 2 HOUR SOFT LENS SERVICE Phi meets tomorrow at 8:15 Raymond Moser, Red BAnk. p.m. in the home of Barbara be Thursday at 8 p.m. in Buck meeting Thursday at 10 a.m. Why not join us on: Smith's Restaurant, East in the home here of Mrs. are on the club's executive AVAILABLE IN MOST CASES Gadarian. A program on the FREE SOFT LENS TRY-ON Keansburg. The donation cov- Joseph Pfaff. Dr. Malcolm board 30-OAV TRIAL PERIOO Far East will be presented by No colt, no obligation toft on Soft Lcntci If diiiatufiad Lynn Schanck ers coffee and cake. Itnt try-on with thu ad. Call return them for • full rtfund Wednesday, October 22 for ip«ctal tDDOintmrnt ttmtt on tht Soft lint chart* « 39 r-TME LITTLE For Fwrthtr information And Appointment Call rwOfftCt NtrHt YOU Emotional , practical aid in divorce LINCROFT VISION CENTER at 8 P.M. CUSTO:USTOM HAIHMRD DEMNIDEMNI M IY tUZAJME J Wiidman OD OirKtor 842-6600 5 NAVESINK(AVENU AVENUE NAVESINK 454 Nnmm Spring! Ro IE«|1 >H. G S P ) LINCROFT-Emotional -Anatomy of Divorce Pro- WOODBRIDGE VISION CENTER and practical assistance for ceedlngs" led by Charlotte t woodbridec Ccnitr MKk Off.ce Bide (Bvnind636-744* 4 persons wh"o are i'n the Engleman, _Re d. Ban- k. at.- (201)291-4811 TOMS RIVE"R VISION CENTER 1 OrDnMl X Main SI IEKII II. OS Pi St. Mary's Church Hall divorce process or con- torney, from 8 to 10 p.m., Rt. 34 it Phalanx Road UNION VISION CENTER 240-2021 templating divorce are of- Fridays, Nov. 14 and 11. int MorMi Avi . unwo Colts Neck, N.J. fered in "Coping With Break- Information on fees and JlBARNEGAT (609)6939104 MADISON 780-2666 ing Up." to be led by Joyce registration is available by 686-3937 SAVE $C SAVE h BLOOMFIELO 8934282 N BRUNSWICK No strings attached just a chance to talk, listen, air your Reeves at Brookdale Com- contacting Community Ser- U. . FREEHOLD 431-4641 PT. PLEASANT 4i« 1955 grievances An attempt at undereUKUnj ANY WED. IS OFF OJERSEVCITV 3327980 SOMERVILLL 231.1616 munity College, from 8 to 10 vices, Brookdale Community THROUGH •A ORANGE 329S416 •••• p.m., Mondays, Nov. 3 College OCTOBER through Nov. 24, and HARD LENSES - EYEGLASSES — SOFT LENSES — HARD LCf- SHREWSBURY. NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2!. 1880 Advice" The Baily Register 9 ASK DR. BROTHERS YOUR HEALTH Teen-age exhibitionist

By DR. JOYCE BROTHERS punisb him? Why would he do this? - get him in trouble, or at least, be what TD. I'd call a high risk scene. He once told Reducing hair loss Dear Dr. Brothers: I have two Dear T.D Your son needs pro- me that be knew there was a lot of daughters and a son, all of whom at- fessional help and this is something danger involved and that this is what tend Ike same public high school. that shouldn't be ignored Punishment gave him his kicks. Does this make By LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. sociated with the loss of hair of relief from any other method We've never had aay trouble with any isn't going to get at the sourer of your sense'' I don't understand this kind of v This is an interesting and thoughtful Before this mixture is prescribed for a of them, as far as drugs or drinking are son's problems and it may even in- IhinkiBg. - DR. line of the most distressing side consideration of a problem incidental patient, a group of physicians consult concerned Mostly, they're good chil- crease his anxieties 1 strongly suggest Dear P R Your friend sounds like effects of chemotherapy for the treat- to cancer therapy. about it Once the decision is made, it dren and we have what I'd call a that you discuss this with your family am immature person who's still ment of cancer is associated with the In England, a specially prepared has been found that the patient is truly strong, clean, religious family life. My doctor and ask him or her lo recom- focused on sexual prohibitions that loss of hair. It is well know that many "mercy cocktail" has for years been relieved of the tensions and fears as- husband and I see that they are in mend a psychiatrist patients are psychologically used to alleviate the pain of patients sociated with the illness church every Sunday. Two weeks ago, were part ul his childhood The for- Males who expose themselves are bidden situation attracts some people traumatized by it. who are terminally ill. That which once was believed to be my lt-year-old daughter said ihe was extremely insecure about their sexuali- A group of research workers at the At the SI Christopher's Hospital in too embarrassed to sil aexl lo her just because its dangerous There are science-fiction is now a reality At the ty and they have deep fears of castra- some people who have great Arizona College of Medicine recently London, this "cocktail" has been used Transplant Society's Eighth Interna- brother in church. When I asked her tion The fears are so profound that reported a technique by which for almost a century Its ingredients tional Congress, scientists, im- what she meant, she said that he ex- they need to reassure themsel»tps that In childhood, many things were for- alopecia, or hair loss, can be reduced include liquid morphine (for pain re- munologjsts and surgeons en- posed himself in front of her girl their bodies are still intact bidden to us and some adults carry this during these treatments Judith C. lief), liquid cocaine (to create a feeling thusiastically reported that hearts, kid- friends and in front of her younger Dear Dr. Brothers: M\ friend, who over especially in sexual matters Anx- Dean created an ice which con- of well-being) and liquid codeine (to neys, livers, pancreases and marrow sister. I didn't believe her, but then is married and has threr children, is iety becomes sexualized for some sists of a foam pad, an ice pack and an suppress a cough and act as a pain cells will be grafted in this next decade when I thought about il, I couldn't constantly grlting into trouble with I suspect that this man isn't really ace bandgae. This was applied for killer) with astonishina>results understand why ihe'd lie. I finally gol other men's wives I'm not married or, mature enough to be able to experience about five minutes before In addition, a drug is included to the courage to ask one oi her girl frankly, I'd be Worried myself. He is so ur achieve a truly loving, deep, close The newer knowledge of im- chemotherapy was given and was worn combat nausea To this is added sugar friends if my ion had ever done any- relationship with another person — at munology has led to the reduction of dumb that last month he actually made for about thirty minutes after the injec- thing she fell was wrong and she just least not with one of the opposite sex. and water and a spike of gin. It is a transplant rejection The whole field of advances toward his employer's wife tion. potent cocktail Yet the patient re- ran away, but before she did, she said, when she'd had a little too much lo His behavior, as you describe it, is not The research workers found that transplants is in a state of rejuvena- "yes." What could this mean? Should mains awake, is free or pain and is tion. drink. He can't seem lo resist relations only hurting others, it's hurting him this offered good protection against relieved of the overwhelming feeling of we just pay no attention or should we with women lh»l h*> bnnw< nr«- eninc tn He needs help hair loss. Dean said, "They do not depression. Dr. Coleman welcomes questions usually require wigs and do not exhibit The cocktail has been used only in from readers. Please write lo him in psychological side effects as- those cases for whom th«rp i« nn hnrx> care of this newspaper. HINTS FROM HELOISE ANN LANDERS Bride seeks washday hints

DEAR HELOISE: away sun can cause rotting and fading of I'm new at housekeeping and want Heavily soiled work or play clothes fabrics Calling a spade a spade One last tip toward having cleaner lo know how lo wash clothes lo proper- require more detergent than lightly ly clean them, yel not wear them oul. soiled garments The consumer should clothes, and a washer in good working Dear Ann Landers: I enjoy about wives who work eight very long. I decided to end you might even clip this col- Any helpful hints will be moil wel- read the package directions to get the condition never overload the washing machine Put clothes in loosely and a weekly gardening column in houri a day, and then "have the last relationship because umn and send it along with come, and please don't use my name or best results from the particular prod- give plenty of room for agitation. That Newsday by C. Z. Guest. She to" come home and do all the the man was an alcoholic and your next letter to your sis- everyone will know how dumb I am. — uct being used Powders and liquids seems very knowledgeable In housework and take care of a chronic liar. New Bride are different, some more concentrated washer will give you a lot more years ter, cousin, aunt or friend of trouble-free service if you baby it •II areas of horticulture, but I the kids. The key phrase is I do not drink, smoke or Well, don't feel dumb, dearie, than others Also, the harder the water, who lives in a city where the along. was surprised at the explicit "have lo." What kind of Mis bed-hop. This, I have been pickin's are better. cause there's a lot of us who've been the greater the amount of detergent and unappetizing manner in are they? told, is what Is wrong with A no-nonsense approach to around awhile who could learn a few needed Hope this helps you in one area of your domestic domain. — Heloise which she responded to a Very few husbands will me. the word is that unless I how lo deal with life's moil tricks of the trade Many of today's fabrics require a DEAR HELOISE: question from Truman volunteer to do anything In change my thinking about difficult and moil rewarding You've got a very good question, as lower wash temperature, reduced about manure several the house or help with the what Is moral and what is not arrangement.' Ann Landers' it's quite possible to literally wear out wash time and a slow rate of washing One of my favorite brainstorms — weeks ago. children on their own. These I'll never find a man. booklet, "Marriage - What clothes from improper laundering, and action to preserve colors or special which may help other moms — was showing my young sons how to pul Mr. Capote asked if the women need to memorize the Doesn't ANYONE want a to Expect," will prepare you that's expensive at today's prices. finishes However, in following such their vacuum bullies back In Ihelr '.'exotic" manure from following sentence: "If you decent woman? I don't go lo for belter or for worse. Send The Soap and Detergent Association instructions, you may contribute to square lunch kits with Ihe top of the circus animals was useful for want lo eat at home this week bars, and no one In my church your request lo Ann Landers, once again comes to our rescue. They poorer cleaning The type or kind of gardening. C. Z. replied that you can do the marketing, or Is remotely in my age tell us that with improper laundering, soil found on these clothes may not be vacuum bottle toward Ihe handle of the P.O. Box 1IWS, Chicago, Illi- box. hundreds of circus horses, we'll eal out." Also, a few bracket. The nearest Iowa Is nois 60611. enclosing M cents over a period of time clothing will show easily removed. It's important to use elephants, camels and wild days without clean aider- U miles away. I wouldn't and a long, stamped, self-ad- soil buildup and general deterioration an adequate amount of detergent. In This way, even if Ihe lop Is not cats generate manure at the wear will help the most •tub- know what lo do when I gol dressed envelope. in appearance. some cases more than the recom- screwed on properly, the vacuum bot- rate of 40 cubic yards a day born holdout lo learn how lo there, aayway. Any advice? Under-use of detergent will ac- mended amount of detergent or special tle will be upright while the lunch kil li and that a total of 253,000 run the washing machine. — Lonely In The Midwest celerate the development of these pic treatment will be required stored on end. bags have been given free to Any woman who works Dear Midwest: First, the WOW's meeting problems, but proper use of detergent . Plus, different washing machines Sure saves some drippy cleanups! anyone who wanted it. C. Z. outside the home, then comes notion that anything is better KEANSBURG-Mon- will minimize them. require different amounts of detergent. - Paula T. Picker. then confessed she didn't home and cooks and cleans than nothing does not apply mouth County Chapter of The purpose of detergent, in the For best results, check the Instruction DEAR HELOISE: know if it produced any and does the while when it comes to compa- WOWs (widows or widowers) first place, is to help the water wet booklet that came with your washer When I open a new box of oatmeal, fabulous results or not. her husband reads the news- nionship. You are infinitely will have a monthly social both fabric and soil quickly and thor- When using bleach, follow the direc- Ihe top is almost Impossible lo keep on. I read Newsday with my paper In front of Ike TV Is not better off alone than with a Saturday at V pm. in the oughly, tie up water hardness to permit tions on the container. Improper To make things much easier, I re- breakfast. That morning I playing with a full deck. — boozed-up liar. Knights of Columbus Hall, the detergent to do Its cleaning job, bleaching can damage clothes Same place the cardboard lop with Ihe didn't eat very much. Com- No Dumbbell In Beaumont There ARE men out there Route 36. loosen and remove soil from fabrics, goes with hanging clothes on the out- plastic lid from a one-pound coffee can. ment, please, on the Im- Dear Beaumont: You're who want a decent woman, and hold the removed dirt in the wash- side line to dry if the sunshine is hot It Ills perfectly, doesn't allow lor portance of Uite. — E.H.G. singing my song, dear. and my advice is to hold out Antiques fair ing solution to prevent it from deposit- Bring them in as soon as they've dried spills, and saves a little on Ihe nerves. on Long Island Thanks for the special rendi- until you find one — or until ing on the fabric before it can be rinsed (especially colored fabrics). The hot - Charlotte Weidner Dear E.H.G.: Sorry your tion. he finds you. MORRISTOWN-The stomach is so weak, Dear Ann Landers: I am a Do you have friends or rel- Morristown Antiques Show Madame. Your complaint re- 18-year-old widow with three atives in other cities who can will be Thursday, Friday and minded me of a choice story children. I'm not bad-looking, do some scouting? This is Saturday from noon to 10 about Bess Truman. It seems have a good personality and your bet. p.m. and Sunday from noon to when Harry Truman ad- live in a small community. I I hope your letter will 8 p.m. in the National Guard dressed a women's club in have dated some, bat not for serve as a reminder. In fact, Armory, Western Avenue. Kansas City he made several references to horse manure. Shrewsbury residents A friend suggested that Mrs. Truman sjbuuild persuade Harry to nln up his lan- guage. Bess looked her PRICE SLASHED squarely in the eye and re- plied, "Sorry, I wouldn't even attempt it. You have no 1st TIME IN NEW JERSEY r,, Robertnooeria Nalven, said ththe township in sewer plant dispute may hit discordant note is studying thliee nu»Ma»l tax loss housing code to see If It FREEHOLD — The Borough Council de- The council decided not go along with FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - High school < '1 espy said he had heard a rumor that an permits the acquisition and FREEHOLD - The cided last night to await the outcome of a three other member municipalities — band members who want to go to Walt Disney entire senior class from an unidentified high demolition of substandard Borough Council voted last federal study before endorsing construction Howell, Freehold Township and Farmingdale World for a band contest and clinic and miss school also wanted to take a class trip to structures. Nalven said the night to join with other coun- of a Manasquan River Regional Sewage Au- — which have passed resolutions in support up to five days of school will have to argue Disney World in Orlando, Fla. administration will push ty seats in an effort to force thority plant in Wall Township. of the Wall plant Councilmen said the figures their case before the Freehold Regional High Usually, are allowed to miss one for a new housing code if county governments in New The federal Environmental Protection on future user's rates are contradictory at School District Board of Education next day of school for weekend exchange concerts the current one proves in- Jersey to make payments in Agency has been asked to evaluate another this time. month, the board decided at its meeting last with other schools, and more extended trips adequate. lieu of taxes to their home proposal to use the under-capacity Ocean MRRSA engineer Frank Williamson esti- night may take place during school vacations. municipalities. The grant money in County Utilities Authority plant in Brick mated that users of the Wall Township plant Board members appeared to be leaning Superintendent H. Victor Crespy sought question is the current Township for future treatment of Monmouth would pay an annual fee of about $107 after toward disapproving class and band trips of The council opposes a policy guidance on the matter from the board year's allocation for com- County sewage. The council delayed a vote on construction Williamson said if the OCUA the type being proposed because of the state law which exempts after receiving reports that the HO-member munity development. The a resolution endorsing the Wall plant concept plant were used, construction costs coupled Howell marching band and front line and the number of school days that would be lost. county offices and adminis- Texas Road section Is one tration facilities from local to await the results of the EPA study with present user's fees there would result In Manalapan High School band hope to raise "This appears to be a recreational trip, of the "target areas" des- an annual rate of $213 per individual unit. approximately $30,000 to finance a trip to the and it's against our attendance policy," said tax levies. The resolution ex- "We have heard from the MRRSA and ignated for community de- presses support for Rem- band contest and clinic, which will feature Joseph Bergen Jr., Manalapan represent- their belief in the Wall plant idea, but there is* Ocean County officials have said the rate velopment funds In the ington, the county seat of Henry Mancini and Buddy Rich. The event is ative on the board. "We wouldn't allow stu- a great cost difference argued by both will remain at the current $75 if MRRSA township. Hunterton, which is asking scheduled more than two weeks before the dents to miss school to go on vacation with sides," Council President John G. McGackin hooks into the Brick plant Wall Township Is for legislative relief from the Easter recess. parents " said. "We want to wait to see if an independ- opposed to the Wall plant and is suing the tax exemptions. ent study is conducted and its results." MRRSA to withdraw from the authority. We'll send you Monmouth Silversmiths, Inc. to the Bahamas FACTORY OUTLET for our 25th SAVE 7SS CLOSE-OUTS

Anniversary! YOUR CHOICE Help our Middietown Office celebrate its $ Silver Anniversary. Just enter United Counties 6.95 NO. Trust Company's "Quarter Guess" contest, and you could win:

1st PRIZE: A trip* for 2 to the Xanadu Beach BRASS & WOOD, BRASS & WOOD OCCASIONAL TABLE MAGAZINE RACK Hotel, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. Regular $40.00 Regular $20.00 •Tup is 5 days and 4 nights including 7 meals a day. ojt fare and tianslere Travel arranoementj mode- through Middietown Travel Agency Inc. Trip does not Include taxes ex gratuities 2nd PRIZE: Panasonic® Color IV. 3rd PRIZE: Panasonic® Component Stereo System. YOUR CHOICE

Just stop in our Middietown Office during regular banking hours, and guess how many quarters there are in our Anniversary Jar. $9.50*i Whoever guesses the closest without going over wins. It's that easyl So make your guess today, and you could be on your way to the Bahamas tomonowl

CONTEST RULES PLANTER WHEEL GLASS TOP TABLE 1, Contest is open to anyone 18 years ot age or i in the event of a tie. m» tie breaker question on older You need not be a UCTC customer to the entry form will be uMd toafctanrtn a the IM In White enamel or brass. Regular $25.00 •Met prize winner Reg. $25.00 2 Umll one guess per individual 6i Employees and family members of UCTC. 3 Contest ends 3pm Friday. October }i Middietown Travel Agency, me and PonoiorHc A Th« closest guess wltnout going over wins wm Sight and Sound, me on not etgtte nan will be announced at our Anniversary Party 7 Contest will be conducted al our MMdMMwn English Bon* China Friday. October 24 1960 between 6 30 and Office only Also available - 8.00 p m at our Middietown Office Salt A Pepper Shakers our famous with every purchase LOBBY HOURS: of $50.00 or more. SILVERPLATE 6 Monday thru Friday: 900 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A $22.00 value MIDDLETOWN OFFICE Friday Evening: 6:30 p.m. to BOO p m. CRYSTAL LINE 857 State Hwy. 35 787-0100 Saturday: 900 a.m. to 1200 noon. OPEN SUNDAYS 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday United Counties IVust Com 487 Shrewsbury Avenue, Shrewsbury, N.J. MEMBER FDIC 747-3084 •ehrMA Nmmmtn Spring*fld. I Patterson At:, opposite Carve) Advice SHREWSBURY, H j TUESDAY, OCTOBER2i. 1980 The Dteify Register 9 ASK DR. BROTHERS YOUR HEALTH Teen-a^e exhibitionist

By DR JOYCE BROTHERS punith him* Why would he do this? - get him in trouble, or al least, be what T.D. I'd call a high risk scene. He once loM Reducing hair loss Dear Dr. Brothers: 1 have Iwe Dear T D Your son needs pro- me lhal he knew there wai a lot of daughters and a son, all of whom al fessional help and this is something danger involved and thai this is what lend the same public high school. that shouldn't be ignored Punishment gave him hit kicks. Does this make By LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. sociated with the loss of hair of relief from any other method We've never had any trouble with any isn't going lo get at the source of your sensr' I don t understand this kind ol This is an interesting and thoughtful Before this mixture is prescribed for a ol them, as far as drugs or drinking are son's problems and it may even in- thinking. — D.R. One of the most distressing side consideration of a problem incidental patient, a group of physicians consult concerned. Mostly, they're good chil- crease his anxieties 1 strongly suggest effects of chemotherapy for the treat- Dear D R Your friend sounds like to cancer therapy about it Once the decision is made. 11 dren and we nave what I'd call a 1 that you discuss this with your family ment of cancer is associated with the am immature person who's still In England, a specially prepared has been found that the patient is truly strong, clean, religious family life. My doctor and ask him or her to recom- loss of hair It is well know that many husband and I see that they are in focused on sexual prohibitions that "mercy cocktail" has for years been relieved of the tensions and fears as- mend a psychiatrist patients are psychologically church every Sunday. Two weeks (go, were part of his childhood. The for- used to alleviate the pain of patients sociated with the illness Males who expose themselves are traumatized by it. who are terminally ill my 16-year-old daughter said ihe wai bidden situation attracts some people That which once was believed to be extremely insecure about their sexuali- just because it's dangerous There art A group of research workers at the At the St Christopher's Hospital in loo embarrassed lo sil next to her science-fiction is now a reality At the ty and they have deep fears of castra- some people who have great Arizona College of Medicine recently London, this "cocktail" has been used brother in church. When I asked her Transplant Society's Eighth Interna- what she meant, the said lhal he ex- tion The fears are so profound that reported a technique by which for almost a century. Its ingredients In childhood, many things were for- tional Congress, scientists, lm posed himself in front of her girl they need lo reassure themselves that alopecia, or hair loss, can be reduced include liquid morphine (for pain re- bidden lo us and some adults carry this munologists and surgeons en- friends and in front of her younger their bodies are still intact during these treatments Judith C. lief), liquid cocaine (to create a feeling thusiastically reported that hearts, kid- (iiter. I didn't believe her, but then Dear Dr. Brolhert: My friend, who over especially in sexual matters Anx- Dean created an ice turban which con- of well-being) and liquid codeine (to neys, livers, pancreases and marrow when I thought about it, I couldn't it married and three children, is iety becomes sexuahzed for some sists of a foam pad, an ice pack and an suppress a cough and act as a pain cells will be grafted in this next decade constantly gelling into trouble with I suspect that this man isn't really ace bandgae This was applied for understand why (he'd lie. I finally got' killer) with astonishing results the courage lo ask one of her girl other men's wivet. I'm nol married or. mature enough to be able to experience about five minutes before In addition, a drug is included to frankly, I'd be worried myself. He it to or achieve a truly loving, deep, close chemotherapy was given and was worn The newer knowledge of im- friends if my ton had ever done any- combat nausea To this is added sugar thing she felt was wrong and she jusl dumb lhal last month he actually made relationship with another person — at for about thirty minutes after the injec- munology has led to the reduction of and water and a spike of gin. It is a ran away, but before the did, she laid, advances toward his employer's wife least not with one of the opposite sex. tion. transplant rejection The whole field of His behavior, as you describe it, is not potent cocktail. Yet the patient re- transplants is in a state of rejuvena- "yes." What could this mean? Should when she'd had a little loo much lo The research workers found that only hurting others, it's hurting him. mains awake, is free of pain and is tion we just pay no attention or should we drink. He can'l teem lo resist relations this offered good protection against relieved of the overwhelming feeling of Milh women Ihwl he bnnwv «rp pninp In He needs help. hair loss. Dean said, "They do not depression. Dr. Coleman welcomes quettlons usually require wigs and do not exhibit The cocktail has been used only in from readers. Please wrlif lo him In the psychological side effects as- those cases for whom thorp i« no hnrw care of this newspaper. HINTS FROM HELOISE ANN LANDERS Bride seeks washday hints

DEAR HELOISE: away sun can cause rotting and fading of I'm new at housekeeping and want Heavily soiled work or play clothes fabrics Calling a spade a spade lo know how lo wash clothes to proper- require more detergent than lightly One last tip toward having cleaner ly clean them, yet nol wear them out. soiled garments The consumer should clothes, and a washer in good working condition never overload the washing Dear Ann Landers: I enjoy about wives who work eight very long. 1 decided to end you might even clip this col- Any helpful hints will be most wel- read the package directions to get the machine Put clothes in loosely and a weekly gardening column In hours a day, and then "have the last relationship because umn and send it along with come, and please don't use my name or best results from the particular prod- give plenty of room for agitation. That Newsday by C. Z. Guest. She to" come home and do all the the man was an alcoholic and , your next letter to your sis- everyone will know how dumb I am. — uct being used. Powders and liquids washer will give you a lot more yean •eems very knowledgeable in housework and take care of a chronic liar. ter, cousin, aunt or friend New Bride are different, some more concentrated of trouble-free service if you baby II •II areas of horticulture, but I the kids. The key phrase Is 1 do not drink, smoke or who lives in a city where the Well, don't feel dumb, dearie, than others. Also, the harder the water, along. was surprised al the explicit "have to." What kind of nuts bed-hop. This, I have been pickin's are better. cause there's a lot of us who've been the greater the amount of detergent Hope this helps you in one area of and unappetizing manner in are they? told, is what Is wrong with A no-nonsense approach to around awhile who could learn a few needed your domestic domain. — Heloise which she responded to a Very few husbands will me. The word is that unless I how to deal with life's most tricks of the trade Many of today's fabrics require a DEAR HELOISE: question from Truman volunteer to do anything in change my thinking about difficult and most rewarding You've got a very good question, as lower wash temperature, reduced One of my favorite brainstorms — Capote about manure several the house or help with the what is moral and wbal is not arrangement.' Ann Landers' it's quite possible to literally wear out wash time and a slow rate of washing which may help other moms - mi weeks ago. children on their own. These I'll never find a man. booklet. "Marriage - What clothes from improper laundering, and action to preserve colors or special showing my young sons how lo pal Mr. Capote asked if the women need to memorise the Doesn't ANYONE want a to Expect," will prepare you that's expensive at today's prices. finishes However, in following such their vacuum bottles back In their "exotic" manure from following sentence: "II you decent woman? I don't go to for belter or for worse. Send The Soap and Detergent Association instructions, you may contribute to square lunch kits with the lop ol lbs circus animals was useful for want to eal at home ttali week bars, and no one in my church your request lo Ann Landers, once again comes to our rescue. They poorer cleaning The type or kind of vacuum bottle toward Ihe handle of Iht gardening. C. Z. replied that you can do the marketing, or is remotely in my agt P.O. Box UWS, Chicago, Illi- tell us that with Improper laundering, soil found on these clothes may not be box. hundreds of circus hones, we'll eal out." Also, a few bracket. The nearest town is nois 60611, enclosing SO cents over a period of time clothing will show easily removed. It's important to use elephants, camels and wild days without clean under- 50 miles away. I wouldn't and a long, stamped, self-ad- soil buildup and general deterioration an adequate amount of detergent In This way, even if Ihe top Is mH cats generate manure al the wear will help the most stub- know what to do when I got dressed envelope. in appearance. some cases more than the recom- screwed on properly, Ihe vacuum bat- rate of 40 cubic yards a day born holdout to learn how to there, anyway. Any advice? Under use of detergent will ac- mended amount of detergent or special tle will be upright while the lunch kit U and that a total of 253,000 run the washing machine. — Lonely In The Midwest celerate the development of these pre-treatment will be required. stored on end. bags have been given free lo Any woman who works Dear Midwest: First, the WOWs meeting problems, but proper use of detergent Plus, different washing machines Sure saves some drippy cleanups! anyone who wanted it, C. Z. outside the home, then comes notion that anything is better KEANSBURG-Mon- will minimize them. require different amounts of detergent. - Paula T. Picker. then confessed she didn't home and cooks and cleans than nothing does not apply mouth County Chapter of The purpose of detergent, in the For best results, check the instruction DEAR HELOISE. know If it produced any and does the laundry while when it comes to compa- WOWs (widows or widowers) first place, is to help the water wet booklet that came with your washer. When I open a new box ol oatmeal, fabulous results or not. her husband reads the news- nionship. You are infinitely will have a monthly social both fabric and soil quickly and thor- When using bleach, follow the direc- the lap Is almost Impossible lo keep oa. I read Newsday with my paper In front of the TV Is not better off alone than with a Saturday at 9 p.m. in the oughly, tie up water hardness to permit tions on the container. Improper To makr things much easier, I r» breakfast.' Thai morning I playing with a full deck, — booted-up liar. Knights of Columbus Hall. the detergent to do its cleaning job, bleaching can damage clothes Same place the cardboard top with lit dldn'l eal very much. Com- No Dumbbell In Beaumont There ARE men out there Route 36. loosen and remove soil from fabrics, goes with hanging clothes on the out- plastic lid from a one-pound coffer can ment, please, on the Im- Dear Beaumont: You're who want a decent woman, and hold the removed dirt in the wash- side line to dry if the sunshine is hot. It Ills perfectly, doesn't allow lot spills, and saves • little on Ihe nerves portance of taste. — E.H.G. singing my song, dear. and my advice is to hold out Antiques fair ing solution to prevent it from deposit- Bring them in as soon as they've dried on Long Island Thanks for the special rendi- until you find one — or until ing on the fabric before it can be rinsed (especially colored fabrics). The hot — Charlotte Weldner Dear E.H.G.: Sorry your tion. he finds you. MORRISTOWN-The stomach is so weak, Dear Ann Landers: 1 am a Do you have friends or rel- Morristown Antiques Show Madame. Your complaint re- 38-year-old widow with three atives in other cities who can will be Thursday, Friday and minded me of a choice story children. I'm nol bad-looking, do some scouting? This is Saturday from noon to 10 about Bess Truman. It seems have a good personality and your best bet p.m. and Sunday from noon to when Harry Truman ad- live in a small community. I I hope your letter will 6 p.m in the National Guard dressed a women's club in have dated some, but not for serve as a reminder. In fact, Armory, Western Avenue. Kansas City he made several Shrewsbury residents references to horse manure. A friend suggested that Mrs. Truman should persuade Harry to clean up his' lan- guage. Bess looked her PRICE SLASHED squarely in the eye and re- plied, "Sorry, I wouldn't even attempt it. You have no 1st TIMEIKISEW JERSEY <£» TM ^W idea how long it took me to get Harry to say 'manure.'" Dear Ann Landers: I am sick and lired of reading MOW IS! Per Lense Initial Purchase Only Distinguish the 'blues' LINCROFT - "Most chat with women feel 'blue' on occa- sion, but it's important to be able to tell the difference be- tween normal blues and The Register symptoms of a more serious condition." according to psy- h&Lomb/UltraThin chologist Dr. Carol Ver- at milyea who will lead a semi- nar entitled, 'When the Blues Won't Go Away,' Sponsored by the Women's Center of Brookdale Community Col- lege Vermilyea will explore "coffee with the editor" some of the underlying rea- sons for feeling blue or de- pressed, and relate them to Tho tint otm—ri— of forum* to b» hold In various communltlm: anger, guilt and anxiety. Through understanding, Join The Register's president and editor, Arthur Z. It is an opportunity also to ask questions of The group members will discover Kamm, for an ihlormal discussion about The Register and to present your views as lo how The ways to feel better and enjoy Register and the Borough of Shrewsbury We Register may belter serve your community We're life more. The seminar will think it will be an informative and interesting interested in what you have to say Come talk to us meet from 8 to 10 p.m., session - a torum for Shrewsbury residents lo give and you'll find we're the newspaper that listens Wednesdays, Nov. 5 through us their views on community problems Dec 3. 'Myths About Mental Ill- ness' will dispel many per- sisting prejudices that stand Yours in the way of proper recog- 1 8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 22 at the nition and treatment of per- Thirty Day Money Back Guaran sons with emotional prob- lems. Dr. Stanley Liutkus. Register's Community Room, One Register psychologist, will describe Conta tlque the difference between neu- Plaza (Broad Street) Shrewsbury. rotic and psychotic behavior, and will help participants de- velop a perspective about problems that are within the G Blumberg ODPA wide realm of the normal. Pine Valley Pla/a Classes will meet from 8 to 10 76 Rl 34. Malawan The Register p.m.. Mondays. Nov. 10 through Dec. 1. DAILY SUNDAY Information on fees is MONMOUTHCOUNTY'SGREATHOME NEWSPAPERS available through Communi- ty Services. Brookdale. 10 The DtflyRegster SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY. OCTOBER2L i960 Schools Ocean council prepares Aberdeen rejects get new tax abatement bid guides a $2 million bond issue By JON HEALEY earliest of these projects by- ABERDEEN - The Township Council Dr Kenneth Hall, the regional districts By PAM ABOUZEID that the council moved member of the firm. He ex- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - waiting this long to pay for has denied a developer s request for a tax superintendent of schools, had told the coun- EATONTOWN - Re- toward issuing the bonds pressed hope that the settle- The township is preparing to them Schueler. a member of abatement to convert a planned 100-umt de- cil in a Sept. 25 letter he objected to the vised math and social stud- now. and not before, because ment would effectively guar- issue $2 million in municipal the local taxpayers' associa- velopment into a low- and moderate-income abatement on these grounds, and also be- ies curriculum guides for the township saves money by antee the paving oi the two bonds to pay for various tion, said he has long opposed subsidized housing project cause it could create overcrowding in local grades K-8 were adopted consolidating as large an is- streets in the development purchases and construction bonding because it creates Prospects that the development, the schools By law. no more than 30 children by the Board of Education sue as it can He added that as well as a portion of Cold projects undertaken during long-term debt planned 100-umt Tanglewood East project, would be able to live in the development if it last night. the council also is reacting to Indian Springs Road. were subsidized. Wicke said. the last four years. Schueler added that he did the relatively low interest Crawford said the suit would inighl receive the abatement brought a rep- The guides were up- The money will be repaid not object to the consolida- rates now in effect, which be pressed if Klein did not resentative of the Cliifwood-Cliffwood Beach The Tanglewood East project has re- dated to reflect the 1978 over the next 15 years at an tion of the bonds, which he give it one of the' best op- agree to settle Homeowners Association to the meeting ceived planning and zoning board approvals math and 1979 social stud- anticipated interest rate of 8 feels is the only option re- portunities to issue bonds in Carolyn Rommel, president of the as- to be built on 11 acres adjacent to Cliff wood ies book series the district percent. Gregory Fehren- maining before the council tbe last 12 months Earlier, the developer had sociation, said her group is opposed to a Avenue near Biondi Street. It is not known now is using. subsidized development because it would whether the developer, Tanglewood East De- bach, township manager, re- Rather, he said, he objects to The total vaiue of the or- contracted to pave the roads The guides, developed ported last night Local taxes what he sees as excessive by Oct 1 When Klein found burden the school system without contribut- velopment, will build the proposed housing this summer by the dis- dinances includ«t_in the con- ing any tax money toward it And. she added. complex without an abatement will be used to repay the spending that forced the solidation is more than $2 95 himself unable to pave the trict's curriculum coordi- latest move — spending roads by that date, however, "We do not want low-income, tax-exempt In another matter, the council asked to bonds, Fehrenbach said million, but less than $2 mil- nator, Anthony F. Moro which included what he he sought an extension from people to come here '' meet with the Aberdeen Municipal Utilities The Township Council lion will be bonded. Fehren- Jr.. and five teachers, called "projects that are il- the council until July 15,1981 Mayor Michael Wicke made the issue a Authority and its engineer at an agenda agreed last night to prepare bach said. He explained that were restructured so each lusory and fantasy." moot point when he revealed that the council meeting next week to discuss plans for the ski II is cross-referenced to for the bond issue by con- the amount to be bonded had Residents in the Wayside had derided at a workshop meeting last week drilling of the authority's new water well in the new textbooks. solidating 14 ordinances ap- Fehrenbach defended the been reduced due to partial Estates development had ob- not to grant the abatement Ivyhill Park proved since September 1976 council's actions, asserting payment of some of the debt jected to the possible ex- The board already had into a single bond ordinance. that bonding is "a fact of as well as the council's inten- Wicke said that if the development re- The council said it wants to discuss an reviewed the new social tension and threatened to sue ceived the abatement, the rest of the regional authority request which council members The original ordinances al- life " He said the township's tion to pay for two of the both the council and the de- studies guide, but last lowed but did not require that need for improvements, com- purchases totaling $388,000 school district's taxpayers would have to said took them by surprise — a request for night's was the first pres- veloper if some kind of guar- bear an unfair burden to educate the children permission to drill the new well 24 hours a bonds be issued to pay for bined with the limits on mu- without bonds antee could not be produced. entation of the math guide whatever purchase or con nicipal budgets imposed by who would live in the subsidized project. day until il is completed In other business, the Penelope Con way, a Ti- struction they authorized. the state, necessitates debt Steven Lande, 148 Cold In- He explained that with an abatement, the Council members complained that when council voted to file suit tle I and comprehensive The council's action drew financing such as bonding ' dian Springs Road, said the project's owners would pay the township an the authority negotiated with them for against the William Marshall education teacher who par- criticism from one resident, Fehrenbach said there is residents would be satisfied amount of money in lieu of regular taxes. The purchase of the Ivyhill site, they never were Corp., a local developer, in an ticipateq in the curriculum who accused the governing nothing unusual about the with the council's move if it amount, he said, would be based on a set told of the need to work on a round-the-clock effort to ensure that roads in committee's guide work, body of working the township township's debt. He argued percentage collected from each rent. basis in order to dig the 500-foot-deep well. that firm's Wayside Estates could secure an agreement to explained that a number of into a financial bind and sad- that large capital improve- He added, however, that under rules es* David Knowles, the authority's executive development are paved by have the roads paved by next skills tests were revised dling it with a heavy debt for ments both require and jus- tablished by the federal Department of Hous- director, said he did not know until an author- July 1981. spring. He explained that the ing and Urban Development, the money ity meeting last Thursday that 24-hour drill- this year to conform with years to come. tify bonding, <,because it residents' complaints could not be used to help pay for running local ing would be needed the guides' goals and to George W. Schueler, 615 makes sense to pay for such Dennis Crawford, town- stemmed from a loss of prop- parallel state-mandated purchases over the years they schools. Gus Schulte of A.C. Schulte and Sons, Wildwood Road, West Al- ship attorney, said he will try erty value and snow-plow ser- tests will be used, and not all at Acknowledging the HUD rule, Wicke said Woodbury, the contractor who was awarded lenhurst, said the decision to to arrange an early settle- vices. as well as poor once. granting the abatement "would be an unfair the contract to dig the well, said such drilling bond would "put more of a ment of the suit with drainage, due to the un- burden to place on the rest of the taxpayers." is not unusual and is needed. Ninety-one percent of cap" on the council's budget. Fehrenbach explained Marshall Klein, the principal finished roads. all skills now can be tested, "It's like putting a mort- she said. gage on the city," Schueler Some of the criteria and said. Marlboro to use grant reference tests have been Fehrenbach, however, as- High school band trip put in the context of the serted that although the state Minimum Basic township's debt would in- Skills tests and the Califor- crease slightly as a result of to buy and raze houses nia Achievement tests, on the bonding, the increase is may hit discordant note which this district scored essential to providing ser- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - High school Crespy said he had heard a rumor that an MARLBORO - The township will use a become the site of a future recreational last year far above aver- vices to the community. • band members who want to go to Walt Disney entire senior class from an unidentified high $150,000 federal grant to acquire and de- facility, she said. age Bonds essentially are molish seven houses and improve roads in the Mollica said additional money will go long-term loans to a munici- World for a band contest and clinic and miss school also wanted to take a class trip to Texas Road section of Morganville, adminis- toward sewer line extensions and repaying At the third grade level, pality, which it repays at a up to five days of school will have to argue Disney World in Orlando, Fla. their case before the Freehold Regional High tration officials said yesterday. and curbing projects in the area. W.8 percent of the pupils fixed interest rate. The bonds Usually, bands are allowed to miss one The federal Community Development scored above the state the council is preparing to School District Board of Education next day of school for weekend exchange concerts The current business administrator, Ro- month, the board decided at its meeting last Block Grant originally was earmarked for berta Nalven, said the township is studying MBS reading standards issue will cover costs already with other schools, and more extended trips night. may take place during school vacations. construction of a park at Texas and Green- the municipal housing code to see if it per- and 91.8 percent scored incurred or soon to be in- Board members appeared to be leaning wood roads Monmouth County officials re- mits the acquisition and demolition of sub- above the standards in curred for a number of Superintendent H. Victor Crespy sought toward disapproving class and band trips of jected that proposal, however, contending standard structures. Nalven said the admin- math. projects, including the im- policy guidance on the matter from the board provement of streets, repairs the type being proposed because of the that Wicker Place Park is sufficient for the istration will push for a new housing code if after receiving reports that the 140-member At the sixth grade level, to storm drains, construction number of school days that would be lost. area the current one proves inadequate. Howell marching band and front line and the Sally Mollica, former acting business ad- 91.6 percent scored above of recreational facilities and Manalapan High School band hope to raise "This appears to be a recreational trip, The grant money in question is the cur- ministrator, who still is heading the project, the state minimum stan- purchase of municipal vehi- approximately }30,000 to finance a trip to the . and it's against our attendance policy," said rent year's allocation for community de- said the money will go toward acquisition of dards and 81 B percent cles. band contest and clinic, which will feature Joseph Bergen Jr., Manalapan represent- velopment. The Texas Road section is one of scored above the standards seven abandoned Morganville houses in the Schueler contended that Henry Mancini and Buddy Rich. The event is ative on the board. "We wouldn't allow stu- in math. vicinity of Texas and Greenwood roads and the "target areas" designated for communi- the council added unneces- scheduled more than two weeks before the dents to miss school to go on vacation with Thomas and Martha lanes. The property may ty development funds in the township. sarily to the cost of the Easter recess. parents." send you - Monmouth Silversmiths, Ino. to the Bahamas FACTORY OUTLET for our 25th SAVE U5S? CLOSE-OUTS

Anniversary! YOUR CHOICE Help our Middletown Office celebrate its . Silver Anniversary. Just enter United Counties $6.95 each Trust Company's "Quarter"Guess" contest, and you could win:

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By LARRY HAAS "1 ve been telling all of them." said wouldn't have to go out of town " Towers in Long Branch She said of- came up a few weeks ago "The minimum is 100 units ' the HIGHLANDS — A throng of as many Regina Vesce of Barberie Avenue, re- Vesce, not yet 65, said she would not ficials at the various placet had (old her Vesce pointed out that a represent- mayor said, referring to state statute as 100 senior citizens are expected to ferring to her friends in the Highlands apply for any senior citizen housing to that they would choose older residents ative from the Highlands senior citizens "I don't know where you'd get three attend tonight's Borough Council meet- senior citizens group. "We're all going be built. But she noted that several of from their own municipality before they group had approached the council sever- acres," Guiney said of the building's lot ing to protest the lack of senior citizen down." her friends had had problem! main- would choose an "outsider" for an open al years ago, but claimed she had been requirement "You'd have to demolish housing here Vesce acknowledged that many of taining their own homes and also had apartment. told the council could not find a big a huge number of buildings The citizens contend that the lack of the 250 group members would not attend encountered difficulties finding an Noting that several other borough enough tract in the borough to build the Guiney also said the borough would such housing in the borough forces older tonight because they are afraid to go out apartment in senior citizens' housing in residents have experienced a similar housing not have the funds to provide senior residents to move to other municipal- after dark, but she said she expected surrounding municipalities. predicament, she said, "I don't think citizen housing without a grant and ities. Residents grow concerned about nearly 100 others to be in the audience. Madeline Compton, 71, and a resi- this is right." Cornelius J Guiney Jr., serving as added. "I don't know whether there is a living at home when old age makes "People have to go out of town to dent of Sea Drift Avenue, said she had Vesce said the problem had been mayor since 1974, acknowledged that need I for the housing) or not. mundane chores difficult, according to live," Vesce said. "When you go out of applied for housing in Daniel Towers, discussed among the older borough resi- the issue had come up periodically, and "A lot of senior citizens live in their representatives of the disenchanted sen- town, you're on the bottom of the list. Luftman Towers and Alice V Tomaso dents for years, but said the idea of added that the availability of a suitable own homes, and I think they'd be reluc- ior citizens here "We would like something so they Plata, all in Middletown. and at Ocean protesting at a council meeting only tract was the basic issue. tant to move out." Joint Fair Haven unit residents air OKM townhouses RUMSON - Teachers and cafeteria By DAVID SCHWAB built other less desirable projects would and custodial workers at Rumson-Fair FAIR HAVEN - After eight months eventually be proposed. Haven Regional High School yesterday of presentations by attorneys represent- John B McCarthy of 140 Lewis Lane, approved an arrangement whereby they ing developers and organized opponents, the founder of Save Our Shore, said that will be able to bargain jointly for new residents themselves finally got a the issue is not whether the yacht works contracts chance to say what they think of the could be operated but whether the Of the 55 teachers voting, only five proposal to locate the first townhouses borough would allow the construction of opposed the merger of the two bargain- in the borough along the Navesink townhouses along the shore of the river, ing groups, while all 17 non-professional River. which he termed "our greatest asset." workers also approved the arrange- At least 70 persons turned out for the Donald Render of 65 Briarwood Ave. ment, according to Robert C. Moir, sec- 10th public hearing before the Zoning disputed claims that the construction of retary to the Rumson-Fair Haven Board of Adjustment last night. For the project might be followed by many [education Association. approximately an hour-and-a-half, more other projects and alter the shoreline as The two separate employees' groups than 20 residents spoke In favor and it has in nearby Red Bank and Mon previously had decided to merge, but against the controversial proposal to mouth Beach. Render also said that the the Board of Education refused to sign a demolish the Fair Haven Yacht Works proposed units would allow elderly new contract negotiated with the non- and replace it with nine luxury borough residents to retire and leave professional workers until the arrange- townhouses. their larger homes. ment had been approved through an The public statements marked the Many residents worried about park- election. end of the lengthy public hearing proc- Ing and traffic in the area resulting from , but they were divided on "This lays to rest any misunderstan- ess which began in February. whether the project would resolve exist- ding or misinterpretations of what the The developer, Steamboat Landing ing problems or make them worse. legal situation was," Moir said, adding Associates, was countered at the early that he expected the board to sign the hearings by Save Our Shore, a group of Mrs. Thomas Knox of 53 Glllespie contract. local residents organized against the Ave. noted that traffic problems in tie The board had approved the granting DeNormandie Avenue townhouses, to be DeNormandie Avenue area would be of new benefits to the workers until the called Steamboat Landing. significantly worse if the townhouses contract was signed. were built and boaters continued to According to Robert Gonzalez, zon- moor their boats in the nearby public "It certainly was an overwhelming ing board chairman, the board will not waters. She added that her family had mandate for merger and a vote of con- meet again until February. The board moved from a house on Batten Road fidence in the strong stand the associa- expects It will nave received legal because of traffic problems caused by tion took," Moir said. The association from attorneys of the developer and the boaters using the public launching ramp had threatened to file an unfair labor opponents. The proposal will be dis- and had worried about her children practice charge against the board if the cussed at that time. playing in the area. board did not approve the merger and sign the negotiated contract. Gonzalez said a subsequent public But Mrs. Gerald Cupplea of 14 De- meeting will be held to decide on the Normandie Ave. Mid she supported the Moir said the arrangement approved developers' proposal. townhouse plan becuase she said It yesterday provides that the two groups More residents said they opposed the would decrease "the absolutely awful" may continue to bargain separately for project than supported it; a variety of traffic problems caused by the yacht new contracts should they desire. They arguments for each side characterized works during the boating season. also can choose to bargain as one unit the meeting. and sign one contract for the two em- John O Mara, attorney for SOS, said ployee groups. Happy Birthday Several residents noted they would that the group is prepared to continue in support the plan If they could be sure the courts its fight against the proposal "I look forward to a better rela- that it would not set a precedent which The decision of the zoning board can tionship with the board," Moir said, inevitably would lead to the construc- be appealed to the Borough Council and adding that he thought the board had tion of similiar townhouses and the sub- and later to Superior Court. been unwilling to recognize the "union Cards and letters almost obscure Lucy Williams of Stockton Avenue. The centenarian was Joined In the sequent alteration of the town rights" of the cafeteria and custodial Ocean Grove, who celebrated her 100th birthday yester- happy — and once-ln-a-llfetime — event by friends and Robert H. Otten, attorney for the "One of the last things I'd like to see workers. day at her home In the United Methodist Center on relatives who visited this quaint old town to see her. applicants, said he would have to con- done is the destruction of this single sult with his clients before deciding family community, and a change to the what he would do if the application is advantage of a few and disadvantage to denied by the zoning board. the community," said James T. Buckley Jr. of 412 River Road, a former mayor "The board has a unique opportunity BRSA vetoes move to censure and chairman of the zoning board. to improve a poor area of town," he said "You will find that your community in his closing remarks. "Some is going to change," he told the zoning townhouses will come to Fair Haven boird, predicting that other townhouse \J°™**y ,Th.e projects would follow *£* **** , authority's executive director v ' project than to wait for a court or some But John Runyon of 56 Gillespie Ave. Stttity to shove them down its throat." UNION BEACH - The Bayshore Re- misrepresentation by a BRSA official sonnel folder, as he had proposed when disagreed. He said the proposal gional Sewerage Authority defeated a reflected on the entire authority. be introduced the resolution. probably the best usage of that property O'Mara said that the property could motion last night that would have In an Oct. 13 letter to BRSA chair- "Although the motion failed," that the town could hope for." Runyon, a be developed by single family homes censured its executive director, Francis man Clifford Bulger, Cohen elaborated Cohen said, "it's in the minutes and for many years, said the yacht and warned that if the application were X Shields, for alleged untruthfulness In' his reason, saying that "what happens that satisfies me. The important thing," works could not be run properly, and approved, the board would "open the recent public statements. at BRSA and what its officials say and he added, "it is that it's on the record noted that If the townhouses were not floodgates" to further development. Commissioner David Cohen In- do reflect on all of us. I for one will not and it clears the air." troduced the measure as an open agenda have my reputation tarnished by some- In other action, the BRSA unani- item, claiming that Shields had failed to one who deals in lies." mously passed a resolution to authorize apologize publicly for statements he had The resolution was defeated by a 2-2 its engineering firm, Elson T. Killam Editor's forum tomorrow made "with the deliberate attempt to vote, with Cohen and commissioner Associates of Neptune, to apply for deceive the public." Herbert Kukasch voting for the measure grants to be used in an industrial waste Cohen said he referred to comments and commissioners Alfred Hennessey pre-treatment program. for Shrewsbury residents and Edward Newins voting against it made by Shields in response to various The three-phase program, according Commissioners Francis O'Brien and citizens' complaints about the BRSA to borough engineer Robert Dalby at the Six days a week, The Dally and Sunday Register speaks to its readers on Bulger were absent. during a demonstration here In July for BRSA's workshop meeting last week, an enormous range of topics If you live In Shrewsbury, its your turn to Cohen and Kukasch are the only Re- better odor control. includes identifying industries served by speak tomorrow from 8 to 10 p.m. In The Register's Community Room. One publican commissioners on the BRSA. According to Cohen, Shields told the BRSA and the industries' waste Register Plaza, Shrewsbury. Cohen later said that the vote, "like picketing residents that International products. Samples of waste discharges every vote" was a party split. Flavors and Fragrances Inc. was re- would then be taken and treatment Register Editor Arthur Z Shields told The Register that Cohen sponsible for odor problems In the methods developed. Kamin will be sharing thoughts borough. Cohen also said that Shields had misinterpreted his remark about The program has been mandated by and ideas with readers in the first had gone on the record as saying that tbe BRSA's relationship with Hazlet He the federal Environmental Protection of the county-wide Coffee with the IFF and the BRSA were in litigation, said that he had originally stated that Agency, which has set Dec. 31, 1982 as Editor series. We're kicking off and that the BRSA did not "deal with the BRSA does not deal with the Hazlet the completion date. the sessions in Shrewsbury: subse- the municipality" of Hazlet. Township Committee, but rather with The BRSA expects the first phase of quent coffees will be in other mu- Cohen asserted that there is no con- the Hazlet Township Sewerage Author- the plan to cost approximately $25,000. nicipalities served by The Reg- clusive proof of IFF's role in the ity. The authority believes 75 percent of the ister. borough's odor problem. He said the He also said that he. for one, has cost will be funded by a federal grant other two statements were false. "documented proof" that IFF plays a The BRSA also granted several ex- Topics for discussion will be "If we were in litigation, the com- major role in the borough's odor prob- emptions to its indefinite moratorium Shrewsbury as a community and missioners would know it," Cohen said. lem. He cited unnamed engineering re- on installing sewers in Keyport and The Register's role in covering the He added that the BRSA "of course" ports and "state documents" as MaUwan, citing cases of health or hard- municipality. deals with Hazlet, because Hazlet Is one evidence. ship. of the towns held financially responsible On tbe matter of current litigation Shields later told a resident who ap- If you have ideas for coverage, for the BRSA. ] between the BRSA and IFF. Shields said plied for an exemption that be believed questions about your paper, we'd Cohen submitted a copy of the Reso- that be had claimed the present dis- the moratorium would apply for three like to see you here to swap them lution to the BRSA's secretary. Marge crepancies in effluent flow reports is- more years. During that time, he said, informally over a cup of coffee. Malinowski, with photocopies of news- sued by the two organizations "could" the BRSA would be working to re- paper articles be said supported his lead to litigation i habilitate the Keansburg sewer system, Make your ideas count. We're contentions. Cohen later disclosed that be had not Arthur Z. Kamia which Shields claimed was "eating up" the paper that listens. He told the BRSA that he was in- expected the measure to pass, or to be the BRSA'I capacity for waste FRANCIS X. SHIELDS troducing the resolution because any Included in Shield's permanent per- Can up Series Silent Carlton called on to do job


PHILADELPHIA lAP) - His muscles It was a frustrating string of failures and Schmidt. "We've got nobody hitting like Schmidt thinks that factor could make a have muscles He is one of those guys who Schmidt thinks he knows why it finally ended them. But baseball's a crazy game. Averages difference tonight. Casey Stengel used to say "could squeeze "This year, we found a way to win at an mean nothing "A team without a tomorrow may play a your eyebrows out" He's Philadelphia's important time in the season," he said certain way today," he said. "They may Mike Schmidt and tonight he reaches for "That's so important, more than great "Baseball is different from other sports take chances we don't have to take. And that baseball's world championship along with the statistics That's what every team wants to because of the mental toughness it requires. or a break here or there - those of the things rest of the Phillies find — a way to win. That's what makes this You don't have to be as strong or as physi- than can make a difference.'' He thinks it's taken his team far too long team great." cally fit as you do in some other sports. You What about the momentum born of Sun- don't need to want to hit somebody. You don't to reach this threshhold The Phillies' method has been fascinat- day's dramatic ninth inning rally, so typical have to build your psyche up all week to Three times before, in 1976, 1977 and 1978. ing The team is specializing in late inning of these Phillies, which gave them Game 5? prepare for one game, like in football. the Phillies and Schmidt won National comebacks and never seems to be beaten. League East Division championships and "The past is forgotten," said Schmidt. "There's no feeling of momentum or "There are people in this dressing room more confidence," he said. "If they had won each time they were eliminated in the "The will to win takes over." who couldn't last 10 plays in the NFL. But we playoffs. and we had lost that game, there's no way Schmidt, who led the majors with 48 home have to play this game every day of the week in 76. iLarryi Bowa and (Dave) Cash runs and drove in 121 this season, knows the we'd be out-confidenced for the next one. No We're working on 190 games now. That's a lot way." had their best years, " said Schmidt. "I had a Phillies' numbers in the World Series don't of times to pull on these and pants." pretty good year and so did (Greg) Luzinski compare to Kansas City's. The middle four And that may be what Schmidt meant But Cincinnati overwhelmed ui in the batters In the Royals' lineup — George Brett, Baseball is something of an endurance about his team finding a way to win. The playoffs. Willie Aikens, Hal McRae and Amos Otis — test and all that counts right now, is that the Phillies win because they think they will win. "In 77. we should have been in the World are batting a combined 449 Phillies need just one more win to take the And if they win tonight, they won't have to Series, but LA beat us And '78. too ' "You wonder about that pace," said title That's one less than Kansas City needs play tomorrow. TO TELL THE TOOTH — Mike Schmidt of the Philadel . phia Phillies thinks about what his team will have to do to win game number six and with it the World Series as Plunkett tosses three TD's he chews on his tooth brush. as Raiders rattle Steelers Ali begins PITTSBURGH (AP) - Jim Plunkett riddled the vaunted Backup QB Cliff Stoudt flipped another touchdown pass for Pittsburgh Steelers secondary for three touchdown passes, the Steelers including two bombs to Cliff Branch, to lead the Oakland But the defending Super Bowl champions fell to 4-3 with a new line Raiders to a 4S-34 victory in a wild National Football League their second loss in a row on a night in which they played game last night. without injured All-Pros Lynn Swann, Franco Harris and John The Raiders, the best Monday night team in the National Stallworth In addition, middle linebacker Jack Lambert left Football League with a 14-1-1 record, scored the most points the game with a first-quarter knee injury. of business ever by a visiting team at Three Rivers Stadium. They took Oakland, 4-3, notched its fourth straight win over Pit- the lead to stay with a 21-point second quarter explosion that tsburgh in their once-fierce rivalry, which had been dormant NEJW YORK (AP) - Muhammad Ali announced a new gave them a 28-24 halftime lead. since the Raiders won here in 1977. line of with his name on it, campaigned for The 79 points in the contest were the most ever in the 10V» Plunkett, who took over as the Raiders starter a week ago President Carter, who was in the city yesterday ... and of years of Monday night games. after Dan Pastorini suffered a broken leg, hit 13 of 21 passes course talked about fighting, which he plans to continue doing. Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw, knocked from the for 247 yards. Bradshaw completed 18 of 27 passess for 299 "I'm used to fight interviews. I'm not used to talking game briefly in the second quarter with a bruised shoulder, yards before he was knocked out. about clothes," All said at a news conference. Of course, fired a pair of touchdown passes before he was sidelined for many questions concerned his fighting again in the wake of his good in the final period with a jammed thumb. Early in the third quarter, Plunkett and Branch combined one-sided defeat by Larry Holmes, the World Boxing Council on a 56-yard touchdown bomb to put the Raiders up 35-24 heavyweight champion. Oct. 2 at Las Vegas Bradshaw countered with a 36-yard TD pass to Theo Bell Tm too great to go out like that. I didn't fight. I didn't one series later, and Matt Bahr added a 32-yard field goal that win one round." said Ali, who didn't answer the bell for the cut the Raiders' lead to one point. 11th round. NFL standings But Plunkett teamed with Branch again on a 34-yard "I was too weak, I wasn't right. I lost too much weight, scoring pass in the final period, and Chris Bahr, Matt's took too many of those pills.' added Ali. who disclosed after NaMMl Natftmal Canttrwct brother, kicked a 35-yard field goal for the final margin. the fight that he had taken twice the prescribed dose of a AnwIce* Cwtlrwll •art The teams scored a total of 35 points during a wild second •HI Ptiiiadalpnia t I 0 IV 190 M thyroid medicine for three or four weeks leading up to the w L T r«i rr •>» Dallas > ) 0 "I IH 103 quarter that ended with the Raiders holding a 28-24 lead and r 207 111 SI Louis 2 > 0 It* 140 ISO fight. lli.H.II,, i 1 0 714 141 101 Washington 7)0 7M 101 130 Bradshaw in the Pittsburgh training room undergoing treat- Ali weighed 217'i for the fight after losing approximately Baltimore 4 10 til IU 147 NV Giants 1*0 143 H 330 lent of his bruised left shoulder. Miami 4)0 171 99 lea Central 40 pounds in about five months. N V Jr-U I t 0 14] 114 1*4 Detroil 17 0 714 17a 12' Bradshaw went down for the first time on a play which Central Chlceoo 479 99 .10/ "I'm 10 times better now than when I fought Holmes," Pillsburgh I 1 0 SM 190 14* Minnesota 1 4H 101 ISO resulted in a 34-yard fumble return for a touchdown by said the former three-time champion who claimed he didn't U*vrl.ind 4 10 in Groan Bav 14 1 117 M lei Houston s?r ur 131 Tampa Bav 14 1 .117 « 140 Oakland linebacker Rod Martin, giving the Haiders their have enough sugar in his system. "I'm in good shape now. I C mi .nnati VI 1)4 101 «eu initial lead at 21-17 with 3:05 left in the second quarter. 47* 10* Lot Angeles 1 3 0 714 301 US eat apple pie and ice cream." San Diego 714 110 ill Atlanta 4 10 .171 in m Bradshaw was sacked by end Cedrick Hardman, which Ali said he would like to fight the two top contenders to Oakland til II) IN San Francisco 14 0 439 1*1 321 Seeille !M HI 111 New Orleans 107 309 jarred the ball loose. Willie Jones recovered the ball and earn another title shot and also admitted that his manager Denver 42t tx 134 lateraled to Martin, who dashed untouched into the end zone GOTCHA— Pittsburgh Steeler end Jim Smith (86) goes Herbert Muhammad and longtime cornerman Angelo Dundee 3 429 17S 141 Pittsburgh at Cleveland, l p m SI Louis at Baltimore. 2 p.m With Bradshaw headed to the lockerroom, Stoudt threw an high in the air over Oakland Raider defenders Lester don't want him to fight again. Vl Own* Delroll at Kansas Cltv. 2pm interception to linebacker Ted Hendricks at the Pittsburgh 49. Hayes (37) and Burgess Owens to snare a pass from the <>

OairwOM Perkins: We're not giving up Kansas Citv 037 000 070—* 9 1 Philrfdriohia OH 110 00»—7 It 0 Leonard. Marl.n |4>, Qu.tenberrv III and Porter. Walk. when the team returns to practice. "If they McGraw (II and Boone W-Walk. 10 L — Leonard. 01 MRS By JONNI FALK Perkins was referring to the string of Kansas Lil>. Amens 7 II), om III. Philadelphia Me Bride playoff teams the Giants have played for get fed up with being trounced as much as I EAST RUTHERFORD - Perhaps the the last five weeks and will continue to play am fed up. maybe we can turn it around," less said about the New York Giants 44-7 for the next three. Tampa Bay and Dallas he said. Kansas Cltv 000 001 >0O—4 It 0 loss to San Diego Sunday, the better. How- follow Denver. Perkins added that probably nothing Phnadelpnia 000 070 04»—• • 1 ever, Coach Ray Perkins did have some- more can be done to improve this year's Cure. Ouisenbenv 17) and Walhan Carlton. Reed (9) Although Perkins is probably secure in and Boone w-Carlton. 10 I -Quilenbcrrv 01 thing to say yesterday. team. "But 1 know that by next year we his contract, estimated at three years, he Perkins, who said after the disastrous Will stop losing." he stressed. "Besides the has surely heard the cry of the wolves. "I'd draft, we will improve ourselves 25 percent Philadelphia 010 010 010 0—1 14 0 loss in San Diego that his team might not just as soon tear up my contract," he Kansas Citv 100 100 too 1—4 it 0 win another game this year, yesterday pre- through two or three key trades which I am llltaoMnl emphasized "If I do something, fine. If I Rufhven. McOraw MO) and Boone. Gale. Martin (SI. dicted that the Giants will beat Denver here going to push hard for " Ouisrnberrv (It and Porter W—Ouisenberrv. 1-1 L— don't, don't pay me." He explained that Mc&rew. 0 1 HRs—Philadelphia. Schmidt Ml KansasCHv. Sunday. That's a lot coming from a man of Those trades would probably be for of- Bretl ill. Otis 131 he's not giving the fans their money's few words who has won only one game this worth, so any salary pact just adds guilt to fensive linemen and running backs. What tmPtaf season and six of 23 over two years. the pressure to produce with inferior per- Perkins did not say is that he will be dealing Philadelphia 010 000 Mo— 1 10 I from a position of weakness. Kansas Citv 410 000 MR—S 10 7 "We're not going to give up," Perkins sonnel. Chrlslenson, Noles 111. Saucier 1*1. Brvritiar It) and said for the umpteenth time this year. QUICK KICKS: The Giants suffered no Boone. Leonard. Ouisenberrv IB) and Porter w - Leonard. It. l —Christenson.O-l MRs— Kansas Cltv. Aikeni7l4l "We're playing Denver Sunday, and we're "You win football games with players," significant injuries at San Diego. Phil going to win." If Perkins said that to the the coach said, "but you can overcome it Simms bruised a hip and missed one series Oame Pin writers, he surely must have said it to bis with emotion and intensity. We did it last Tackle Gordon King and safety Bud Hebert Philadelphia 000 300 007—4 7 1 Kansas CHv 000 Oil 00O—1 12 1 players, too. year. We beat three teams we should not did not play but may be ready for Denver. • Bvitrom. Reed 1*1, McOraw Ir) and Boone. Gura. have beaten, and it was because of that." Qmsenoerrv (7) and Porter w—McGraw. 1-1 L—Ouisen "I did tell the players that we might not Linebacker Harry Carson underwent berrv. 1-7. MRs—Philadelphia. Schmidt 171. Kansas Cltv. win another another game this year." he He cited Tampa .Bay, .Los Angeles and knee surgery yesterday, and tackle Jeff Otis 11) continued. "We're playing at a point right Washington as the teams the Giants should Weston will undergo his today. Both are now when if we would look at it right and not have defeated. probably lost for the season. tsn, assess it right, we can learn great lessons He admitted that he must come up with San Diego's 457 yards passing was the KanUs Cltv (Gale 1191 at Pltlladelpnia (Canton 74 91 because we're playing against some real a way to motivate the team for this week's third highest total against the Giants in HAY PERKINS good football teams." game against Denver before Wednesday, their long history.

l Philadelphia. I 70 p m II necessaf SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1980 The Daily Register 13 Wall is 1st Register cites Kane effort in Top 10 in Manalapan's key victory Jim Hue. head football coach of The Daily Registers Manalapan High School scored its scrimmage and another in the open added two more touchdowns against second-ranked Manalapan High School, says that Wall biggest football victory ever when it field Howell and now has 56 points for the High School has the best offensive team he has seen so stunned previously-unbeaten Manas- Kane will be counted upon again season quan High School. 16-14. Friday night far this Friday night when the Braves play ( olao ran for 109 yards in 16 carries Roes 3-0-1 Braves will get a first-hand viewing of The The play of halfback Brian Kane. The host to top-ranked Wall Daily Register's "Offensive Player of and scored the first Casey touchdown Register s top-ranked Crimson Knights, coached by John Also singled out for their offensive on a 10 yard run as RBC handed St Amabile on Friday in Manalapan the Week." certainly was a major fac- tor in the important Shore Conference exploits over the weekend *ere Mid John Vianney its first loss of tbe sea- Wall fets the nod as this weeks top football team in B Division South win dletown Norths Matt Snyder. Bob son 14-0. Monmouth County, the result of a considerable shakup Kicak of Wall, a previous Offensive following last week s upsets Kane, a 510. 175-pound halfback, I'layer of the Week. Jay Colao of Red Doherty led unbeaten Freehold The Registers top three teams of last week — ruined (he Warriors with a 49-yard Bank Catholic. Neil Doherty of Free- Township 14-01 to a 10-0 victory over number one Manasquan. second-ranked Kantan and touchdown run and gained 1)4 yards in hold Township and Middletown Souths Point Pleasant Boro by scoring the third-ranked St John Vianney all suffered their first John Amabile only 14 carries Marty Wenzel game's only touchdown on a five-yard defeats and had to make way for a flock of resurgents Brian is the type of kid that just run and led the Patriots in rushing with refuses to be tackled. " Manalapan Snyder helped Middletown North 108 yards in 20 attempts I've seen Wall a number of times." Roe assured, coach Jim Roe said He keeps twist- rout Marlboro with a 55-yard touch- Wensel scored one touchdown on a and I in tremendously impressed Manasquan is more ing and turning and getting loose That down run and gained 131 yards in 14 28-yaT3>pass reception and picked 115 of a big-play team Wall is a team that blocks and runs was an outstanding run against Manas- attempts yards iif IB carries to help Middletown very well quan He broke one tackle at the line of Kicak. Ihe Shore's leading scorer. South trim Neptune. 18-6 Brian Kane Manalapan. after shocking Manasquan last Friday night, takes second place in the standings just ahead third-place of Freehold Township, the only undefeated, untied team in the county All three of those schools are Top Princeton netters, 3-2 located in the Shore Conference "B" Division South, a division that has turned into the most competitive in the conference. This week Freehold Township takes on Manasquan which dipped to fourth in the poll Rumson girls win CJ Group II Kantan fell to fifth The Rockets missed moving into Ihe top position in the Top 10 by one point — the point they I'KINCETON - Un- Cupe and Heather McGicker lading Schwartz for a 61 ver- in singles tor Ihe Huskies Grace Saunders and lost Id Long Branch by. defeated Rumson-Fair Haven to even the score dict The doubles team of Mary Karen Price paced the Regional'* girls' tennis team Hillary had to fight off a Mtlawan 4, Mater Dei 1 Stavasl and Kllen Lonergan II,ii ii.ui gave up its first touchdown of the season to Manasquan attack with wins gained revenge and a berth in determined Julie Ward ABERDEEN - Matawan were the lone winners for Ihe Ilianchcrs. but it was that two-point conversion that the State Group II semifinals Schwartz before taking the Regional High School s tennis Mater Dei (9-61 Red Bank Catholic 4, Ocean really hurt of Ihe N J State In- big point and producing the learn rolled to its 16th Twp. 1 •' Itcil Bank Catholic moved up from eighth to sixth lerscholastic Athletic As- title for Rumson She was ex- straight victory by defeating Manasquan 4, Rarltan 1 RED BANK - Donna alter stopping St John Vianney s winning streak at three sociation's tennis cham- tended to 7-5 in the first set Mater Dei yesterday MANASQUAN - The Big Horohoe. Nancy O'Brien and Jim Roe with a 14-0 victory, and St. John, dropped from third to pionships here yesterday by before dropping the second at Nancy Ornstein, Sue lilue. despite a forfeit In third I volte Ramos led the way as seventh. RBC faces hungry Long Branch this Saturday defeating previously-un- 6-7 However, she then Jacolow and Lauren Levine singles, went on to capture theCaseys upped their record THE DAILY REGISTER to 18-3 and St. John plays host to Rumson Fair Haven Regional beaten Princeton High powered her way past the were all straight set victors their 19th victory TOP 10 under the lights of Friday. School. 3-2 1. Wall (3-0-11 The victory gives the Bull- Middletown North makes its first appearance on the 2. Manalapan (3-0-1) dogs the Central Jersey Top 10 in eighth place after winning its second game in a 3. Freehold Twp. 4-0) Group II crown, a title which Ayala's goal leads Bucs to tie; row. Vic Kudu's Lions get a real crack at "A" North and 4. Manasquan (3-1) eluded them last year when Top 10 contention Saturday in a home game against ninth- 5. Rarltan(3-1) Princeton beat them. ranked Matawan Regional. 6. R.B. Catholic (3-1) 7. St. John Vianney (3-1) Annette Hillary's triumph Brady powers Holmdel booters Meanwhile, Long Branch has slipped into the Top 10 in 8. Middletown N. (2-2) in the third singles made the difference, but it proved to be 10th place, but will be hard-pressed to stay in there. The 9. Matawan Reg. (2-2) NEW MONMOUTH - Vic Ayala scored after a scramble Schnoor stopping eight shots for the Seraphs. Red Bank Wave faces Red Bank Catholic on Saturday in Red Bank. 10. Long Branch (2-2) the only singles victory the Bulldogs would notch. in front of the net in the fourth quarter to give Red Bank netkeeper Ralph Soldo had 11 saves. Regional a 3-3 tie against Mater Dei in scholastic soccer Holmdel 3, Mancheitert After dropping the first yesterday HOLMDEL - Jim Brady scored all three goals as two singles in fast, straight Holmdel raised its record to 10-3. sets, Rumson-Fair Haven got Kich Urbealis' second goal of the match had put the back on the board when Katie The Hornets outshot the Hawks. 32-7, with goalie Sean Seraphs (6-6-21 in front. 3-2. before Ayala tied it with his Flannagan stopping six shots. Montefusco: Count Forsythe and Kim Edwards saving goal. . teams to whip Liza Reed and < Bill Moll had 20 saves for Manchester (2-7-1). Jennie Pickens in the first Mike Linton and Mark Fuller had the other goals for the doubles in two sets Seraphs while Tom Dougan had the first Mater Dei goal me out of business Mater Dei had a 20-16 shot advantage with goalie Jay Then Kathy Mussio and INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. (AP, He said they decided against installing Ihe Claudia Weithas blasted Lee OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM • Pitcher John Montefusco took himself out for customary slot machines because of Kuhn's Holmdel1, II. JMIH Vl.nmy | a pinch hitter in his latest business deal decision in the Mays case. because a restaurant he was interested in had Nancee l.abrecaue (HI 0 Claire Swrv. RBC girls triumph 7* SfSVfl They sold the bar three months ago Wil- 7 6. 3 6, 7 6 seven slot machines, his ex-partner said yes- Pam Piualelh (Ml d. Diane Mara*. 3 6. liams decided to buy into a nearby Italian 7 6, 6 3 terday. restaurant, Casa de Cliffs, but said Mon- Trtciv LaColla IH) a Ann HOLMDEL - Red Bank the day. Keyport defeated "John didn't feel like it was good timing tefusco took himself out of the deal mainly Mdocrkurlh. 6 7. 6 0. 6 I Catholic High School's girls Hoffman, 21-34, as Wallv as long as there was the ruling on the Mays because of the slots, without consulting Joanne Stunberg Drbblt Hiruh (H) d cross country team tuned up Kennedy won individual hon- for tomorrow's big meet with deal, involving the same thing, " said Charlie Kuhn's office. 7 6 6 4 ors with a 15:08 clocking for Williams, who formerly pitched with Mon- Linda Wern Jininp Hughet (H) d unbeaten Mater Dei by trim- the Haiders. "Another reason was that John sold his Janme Amaio Kay Oitiion. 6 1, 6 i tefusco for the San Francisco Giants. MniMin 4, ItarlUn 1 ming St. Rose, 22-33, to up its house and wasn't coming up to the lake record to 7-1 He was referring to baseball Com- Gr*ct Saundcn (Ml d Ell ten n much." Williams said. Lieberman, * 4, 4 4,6 3 Karen Price (M) T missioner Bowie Kuhn's order to Willie Mays Kathy Kirgan was an easy AL SAYS "IF He said Kuhn's anti-gambling stand didn't d Paula Valhala, 76, A 1,»-I to sever his,ties with baseball after Mays Lisa Kdrcmshi (R bv forfril winner for the Caseys with a YOU RE GOING TO ^ seem suited to this case. IMVMtl 20:29. The Caseys' top The Daily Register took a public relations job with an Atlantic Shel.a Barry Ganirw Johnion (Ml d Jill DO-IT-YOURSELF' City hotel-casino. "I don't see how that hurts anyone, as far Diamond Marion Doyle. 6 7, 6 1 Jenny runner, Maura' Taylor, was I iI*I Lisa Rirhard. (M) d Chrliline being rested for tomorrow's s FOOTBALL CONTEST Williams, best known in an 11-year pro- as being involved in a restaurant and bar I i tint .»!•! Mil tiMc Str ang 6 J, 6 3 COME TO AMERICAN fessional baseball career for having been regulated by the Gaming Commission." Wil- Matawan Mat 4, Mater D«i i meet with the Seraphs. M. 5 •majaajfj LUMBER! i~ 150 traded from the New York Mets to the Giants liams said. Nancy Ornsttin (Mi d Sue Goullel. 6 1. In another girls meet, 6 1 Keyport topped Hoffman, as for Mays, was Montefusco's partner for five "I don't feel there's any link to gambling Sue Jacolow IM) d Ll* Wiliiamt. 6-1,6-1 months in Count and Charlie's, a local bar. in baseball or other sports " Michelle Keyes set the pace HIghSchoolt for the Red Raiders by win- Broce Mary Slava&t Ellen Lonereran [MD] d a Ranlan • Howell Marv ShaefianJoan Caiaorandc. 64 ning in 18:38 D Lakewood • Central Reg. 7 S In the only boys meet of Shelly Duncan Lauren RtttDere IM) a D Marlboro D Neptune Mary Beth Beglpv Mary Ann Lonlrean. • Matawan Reg Q Middletown N. Cosmos make their mark 76. lib 1 Keypad II, Mailman H Rad lank Cath«llc 4, Ocaan Twp. 1 I. Wallv Kennedy IK) S:OS. 2 Paul • MiddlelownS. D Piscataway Kelly IK) 15: SI, 3. Kan Hurvk IH) 16:03. NEWARK (AP) - The and South America, Europe, The Cosmos will play their Oonn'a Horhoe (Hid Amy Slut&kv. 6 I I. Jo* Schaylno (H) 16:4, S Geora* MT.VERNON D Long Branch D R.B. Catholic 6 1.6-2 I raiy IKI la 2». 6 Paul Calfrty IK). 7. OAK PARQUET D Monmouth Reg. D Ocean Twp. Cosmos will became the third Asia. Australia and Africa. second Egyptian match Fri- Nancy O'Brltn (R) d Bain Haddard. Kumar Desoyia IK), I.Gaorga Kraut' team in professional sports Jay against Zamalek. 6 2. 6 3.61 IH), a. Gana McGlvnn IH), 0 Pat. rUCFINISHED D Shore Reg. D Red Bank Reg. The Cosmos enter the sec- I velte Ramos (Rid. Mona K lint, 6-2.6 I BucallolH). history to have played on six Five Cosmos are with the HARDWOOD D Rumson-F.H. Reg D St. John Vianney ond half of their 12-game ov- Olrli FLOOR SALE n. continents yesterday when U.S. National Team, which is Paula Calhoun Oaldra McOann . Globetrotters and soccer's day's game. Julio Romero is (ulcer. Rick Davis, Angelo Kalla-Fortythe Kim Edwards (R) d Jan Genny Eckileln (R) 22:IS; 6. Tern 291-2121 741-4444 LIU Reed Jennie PicNeni.t I, 62 Pltciullo Star (AthcroJf) 1} 1 E vary Ctevtr Mike i LdvelQl NaiKve s Landing UedinieO » t sixth week in a row thanks to a 27-0 rout of Tennessee The bowed to Kansas 28-17 and Stanford was beaten by Washing- Oyia«'«BM (MtCeulevI Wordv Girl (Nied) Ml Crimson Tide received 57 of 63 first-place ballots and 1,250 of a Bong Street iftimttu Mam* Marie (Black) > 3 ton, which returned to the rankings after a three-week Jerwv Al (Aslttrotll Shore girl triumph Siuewerfttc (Emersonl JO i possible 1.260 points from a nationwide panel of sports writers WantJatsHii Affair (NenwM absence Briigham Young made it for the first time this MMD I btt (in lAsmuSsenj and broadcasters. season by hammering Utah Slate 70-46 and Southern Missis- Gay B«i*ro (Klinet •4* lu.eae A..- . I>UM iMin WKST LONG BRANCH - Shore Regional High School's 10 i V8W However, Southern California, which had been No. 2 for sippi boosted its record to 6-0 with a 35-0 rout of Arkansas I 11V inoI 11 1 Some One Fnskv (VasQuei) i 3 field hockey team recorded its 12th straight triumph by Beau Time (Ant _ _ Ii 1 two Poinl Poppv (LovalO) 3-1 defeating Keyport, 3-1. yesterday. the last two weeks, sipped to eighth place after being held to a State • Sh*i (M(Carron) Fed Fundi (McCarron) 4 i 7-7 tie by unranked Oregon Menaspanthiet iBromlevl Banana* Foster IMacBelh) I l Shore goals were by Ro Pnmevera, Alison Seger and Sue Thrice Worthy (McCarran) 1 1 That allowed Texas to climb from third to second with two John's S iPiemi Gallo Margie Hartley was credited with the Red Raiders' The TOP Twenlv leamt in The As ' H Carolina e-0-0 Bitter Ring (NoBovt 4 I MKialed Press college football soli, with • Hovel Hierarchy (McCarronl Hi l first-place ballots and 1,147 points while UCLA rose from ISo Cal i0 1 I ione score Devil goalie Laura Kolb made three saves while tirtt-place votes In parentheMl, itl « Nebraska M0 MU.WCM||^IPN °oor Dad (MtCaulev) M 1 fourth to third with the other four first-place votes and 1,106 son's records and total points Point' j Can Be Cute (Colon) 13 i Cindy Pinto stopped two shots for Keyport {5-2-3). bated on 10 Omo Stele Ii 10 n% Km* Tout (Ntedi 4 i points Both Texas and UCLA were idle last weekend 11 Baylor 1• •IM) Hi • Anothe* LI ant or (Kline) 10 1 m II44M. AHw . irliWlMtt Holmdel 1. Red Baak iU| • 20 It II Wit 13 14 13 11 11 IQ-tl ? 12 Pittsburgh IS 10 S7I Pnnte Zip (Moore) IS-1 LITTLE SILVER - Beth Hoheb, on an assist from Kim Notre Dame, Georgia, Florida State and North Carolina +-S-4-1-M 13 Penn Stale MO MM Eli's Martini (Oiltr) jo I Too 1 uck (Fannl 1-1 all moved up one spot in the ratings. 14 5 Carolina 4 1-0 44? Feme Broker (Miceli) . 3 I Cacti lEdwartft) • i LaC'osta. scored with 35 seconds left to lift the Hornets (2-t) tl > 8)«r M tea »1»JJ9JB. cima . i ve a. e», IMII/II T1NTON FALLS — Jodi Rick scored a pair of goals to lead State 28-8 I.• tile Mo (Met Bel hi » i Fancy Broad (Mlgllore) 4 1 Jovial Pe Do (OiNitoiai a i HcstttsiGina (Asltcroftl the (iolden Falcons to their sixth win of the season. Southern C>l totaled 817 points while Nebraska and Ohio Steven'* Treat (AlUnvio) 4 1 usha Belle iCanUflalloi .. 10 1 State reversed last week's positions Nebraska went from 10th Hiitjta&r Kutet, (No Bov) 1 t Crystal Mop (No Bov) Barbara Brink scored" Henry Hudson's lone goal Goalie Mlt,s Satin (AshcroM) • l M to ninth with 735 points by pounding Oklahoma State 48-7 while snout: l rswftoK) (Bromley) 10 I Francine Gagne had three saves for the Falcons while Kathy Nate a (Perrel) S-3 Mi» Gun (No Bovl Medlord Queenl i Bromlrv I |j 1 Atli Han (Lovalol 11 t Manigrasso had nine saves for the Admirals (0-10) Ohio State slipped from ninth to 10th with 728 points despite a Quid* Princei (Black) 27-17 victory over Indiana. LEGAL SI ItVICIS •». staftM. cifw, 1 vt * m. t Far. Vic't Bold Gal IHinoioM) Butter Slate INo Bovl 111 Oavak Night* (No Bov) SI Orgulla Solo HVigliottil 10 1 Far lor the Course (No Bovl 4 I AN ATTORNEY YOU CAN AFFORD Tahitun Tempo (Oiler) li I Beacon cops women's Twobellsideoocket iA|hff Snot Sam iCorOero) 3 1 Forpoppa (Santagala) Jersey Womens' Golf Association with a 95-point total MOW BANKRUPTCY US0 PERSONAL INJURY • Suva Auction I Thome*) II I r i Caraguem (Morales) Navesink, a newcomer to the association finished second with IX . CGaTS ADDITIONAL Jewapi (No Bov> 11 1 Nuclear Punch (Santag«t*i It all nlht legal services available Stierada (Altansioj * 1 JOhn'l Floov (Atrtcrofl). . .. 17 1 91 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Flinhiv Jim (McNeil) ' i 1 Bremv (**rcronj POP * Bov (Ashcrofi) . Di Bamm Hollow took third (90), Woodlake was fourth (S3), WILLIAM S. DUBIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW » I U7 Broad tt. <2 W«»tl n»d Bank Mk: Vim. Clm«.. > va F m, e Wm. Orat Spec (Niad) tl 1 Toms River fifth (74m, Old Orchard sixth (66), Fort Mon- MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER TimoaGoid (Athc/olii , 10-1 Kenn O'I Kinn(Hanna) 10 1 RuMle Ridge (Sevler) • i Wh-I'tllw vVurd (Sevler I 10 I nmuth seventh IM'JI and Jumping Brook eighth with 3m 777 SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY 24 HOUR PHONE • 530-033 J I ail Tribute (NoBovt 11 1 i at in r KM v (Moralet) 4 1 points Evanmg A Saturday appointment! a«*iiaMe The finals luncheon will be held Friday, Oct. 31 at the 747-5220 Bamm Hollow Country Club. 9 Meadowlands results I ••••••••••••••••••••••••< ••••••• tit MM*. CNM83., |». * pw,. Abiaie (GomeD i mt Shurwinner iM

BalBrMit INtmalllll U004M IUIUUUIU HtvKaHill.ovalol m /t T>*te » m:t*Mt.Ufm..ntm.trm Rnaoilal 7.0O4O0J0O Cool Corn (Fann) t 20 4 w •rt: IM.Mt. CMuw.. In.irw Ltaga (Lonel ia A paid directory ol coming events (or non-profit Kimuis TisTheotodou G.O. Church Fourth annual Champagne Brunch Art Exhibition and Auction. Mirtr.MBolixM.C.ul.vl 1H04U300 ••KU4IIKH ScMllv Eagla IMtCarronl ]»)u organizations. Rates $290 (or three line* (or one day, dance at the Dorian Manor, Rt. 9 Oldbridge. Admission Sponsored by Holmdel Drama and Art Association. 1 ioani.d ErKOool.r lAilKrotll 4 00 —»'• HIMt, Clnrnaj . 1 »a ,4 •« f 1.00 each additional line; $3.50 (or twodayi, $l » each $15 per person. 8:30 P.M. P.M. Molly Pitcher Inn Tickets or further information, • "•UIIUH Sraal Oaoraa ISanlagalal HMU.Mi.u additional line; 1550 (or three to (ive days, $1.50 each 671-4252 or 738-0817 a>:IUN.CHMi.,Ira. 4a», IM Paa>a CfvOa lAWKrofll latKOO additional line; $6.50 (or 10 days, $2 00 each additional United Presbyterian Woman sponsors a Fall Rum- MOn.nur »...! WiNlll UtflMl, tor IMai Bath] IM ' Piano Concert by Philip Cunningham and Roger «« 1100 IM IO line. Deadline noon two dayi before publication Call mage Sale at the First Presbyterian Church, Harding Orumt And Flfa (Oomai) 1404 40 The Daily Register, 542-4000, ask (or the Date Rd., Red Bank, 9 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. Clothing and White Johnson, Fort Monmouth community Center, across F.nnayFintlar isamaaatal la to Clmn. Im,.« rt* street from Post Chapel, Sun., 3 p.m. Public invited. No TrllKUl MM4I 14 Flar> Collaan ISanllasol S 40 4 10)00 Secretary. Elephants galore. Praitlaa Court I Farm) low 11 K charge. Hf: IIMM. Clma» . In. » w. 4 "nf. Bract'i Uana IMacBalm I.M MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY OalaAlSaalUacSatKI iKiHiao TrHacu 4 ^1 till M Parents Without Partners Chapter 0007, general O«,a Ja.t.r (Moo,., 4 CO J 40 CHRISTIANS IN SERVICE, ()italifled persons to assist senior citizens In filing various forms, tax, social meeting Wayside Fire House, Bowne Rd., Wayside. 8 OCTOBER 28-29 P.M. Dancing, 9-1, B.Y.O.B. Members $3; guests $4. security, insurance, medical, etc. Service free of Rumson Country Day School Book Fair, Bellevue Further Information call 449-2353. SELECTIONS charge. Call 291-0485, Mon , Wed., Fri , 9 A.M. toI S and Ridge Rd., Rumson Oct 26,2 to 7 P.M.; Oct. 27 and 28, 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.; and Oct. 29, 6:30 A.M. till 1 - Good Gift, Skai, Jokai Shan Noon. • 1 — Fame Broker, Klag Twit, Stem Bravo Trinity Episcopal Church, Rye'rs Lane, Matawan noon. Featured are books, boutiques, plants, Silent SATURDAYS-WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS I — Hagi or atliMt, Stcvcai Treat, Naaca will hold its Annual Calico 4 Mistletoe Bazaar at the Auction, paper-by-the-pound, foods. Think Xmas. St. Agnes Thrift Shop, Avenue D, Atlantic High- 4 - Bt| Shot Sam, Noble CharacMr, FUfkty Jim Church, Oct. 24,10 A.M. thru 7 P.M. Handmade Items, lands, now open Sat., 12-2, also Wed. & Fri. 10-2.13 sales 5 - Either* Paycheck, Lay of Ike Laad, Mama Marie attic treasures, baked goods, plants 1 stained glass; OCTOBER 28, 29 rooms. room. • - Two Polai Poppy, Seme OM Frliky, Baaaaai Foater luncheon It Dinner will be served. For directions call Rummage Sale, Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai 7 Tell Shei Irlih. Toplack, Natloaal Palace OCTOBER 11-17 jtn-tiio. Israel, corner of Hance It Ridge Rd., Rumson, 9-4 P.M. St. Agnes Church, Atlantic Highalnds will conduct Bag Sale, Oct. 29 after 1 PM • — Aall Han, Faacy Broad, Dayak NlgkU 3 Outrageous performances (eaturing the Michael I — El Caraqaeao, Promised Road, Nuclear Puach a Novena In honor ot St. Jude Service at 10 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. Call 281-0272 Fitzgerald Band, Street Rockers and SUrrider Starts OCTOBER 29 BEST BET: AiUHaa(Sth) at 8 P.M., donations, $6.00. Tickets on sale at box office. Rummage Sale sponsored by The Woman's Guild at • OCTOBER 21 Monmouth Arts Center, Red Bank. Benefit of the Lupus the Reformed Church, 62 Hance Ave., Tinton Falls, 9 Bunco Party sponsored by Ladles AuiUary of Foundation. A.M.I PM Knights Of Columbus, 200 Fair Haven Rd.. Fair Haven, 7:30P.M. Refreshments4prizes Donation: $1.50 OCTOBER 24,» ' NOVEMBER1 Freehold today Parents Without Partners Chapter 644 will hold a Bazaar at First Baptist Church, Bath Ave., Long St. James Soccer League Dance, Sat., Nov. 1, 9 cocktail dance at Club Bene, Rt. 35, Morgan tonlte (or Branch. 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Lunch served each day. Old- P.M. to 1 A.M. music by People, St. James School members & courtesy card holders. Prospective mem- fashioned quilt, (Double Wedding Band Ring pat- Ut: Pace, «.»•» Winsome J (Candall) _ J 13 Auditorium, Peters PI., Red Bank Donation $6.00 per CictroSavW Eight (H, Flllon)...... M F W Rocky (Klrbv) 5-1 bers must attend orientation at 8 SO For Information, tern)sllent auction. 229-1453 A.M. person, sponsored by Soccer Club For tickets call Highland KIWI (Hundertpfund) ... SI Super Mlk* (Morris! 1-1 Alleluia (Bremahant J 1 Fritkv Brel (Rllio) • ' call 671-2777. Maureen Byrne, 747,3178. Ala Rum Lady (Cerllonl S-1 Jenny Lee Joan (Pierce) 10>1 >- OCTOBER » OCTOBER 21,22 Craft and bake sale. Rumson Fire co Ladies's Mavhe Primrose (Vinci) 4-1 r»: Pace, U.m The Annual Bazaar, Westminister Presbyterian Willows Edni (Jaeger) * i Down* Road (D. Flllon) )i Asbury United Methodist Women Rummage Sale, Auxiliary at the Fire House, River and Blackpolnt Rd. Jeevtt Mlnbar (Buller) . . »-i Direct Alack (Figliaront) • 1' Church, 94 Tlndall Rd., Middletown, Sat., 104. Holiday Noble Mai (NoDriver) 70 1 "ace Worthy (Phaien) t*l Church Basement, 61 Atlantic Ave , Long Branch, Tues. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Egan Senator (No Driven '3 Oct. 21, M P.M. Wed., 22nd,9-12. gifts and decorations, attic treasures, children's games, Chief Error (Tafon*) II Stale Time (Kelly) S-1 baked goods, lunch served. Rummage sale, St. Leo's Lincroft. In Fstlma Hall Golden Time N (Ktllv) 3 l Vtrmlllon A (PerolerU * ' OCTOBER 22 Attic treasure, housewares, jewelry, furniture, etc. 9-3. Nendlni Scott (Juslutl ,.*.1 Game vanhee (Kino) U-i Flea Market-Craft Show, Hazlet Fire Co. No 1, Cactus P.uia (Aplce) ... ji Mill J D IMorrlt) ' V t Chinese Auction $ P.M. East Keansburg Fire Refreshment. CALL 542-6451. Vlntac (Kocturka) i, Mfe: Pt«e,M,m Holmdel Rd., Hazlet. 9-4 P.M. Space: $8.00, table $7.00. Crvilai Curly (H Flllon) 1 • Charlie KniQht (Soerendl) 5-1 House, Wed., Oct. 21, Admission $1.90. Free re- Miner Speedlree (Henkim) 11 OUr Ladvi Bett (Baldactilnol 1-1 freshments. Call 2644487. Tuiiedo June lion (No Driver) KM Ceatear Romano (Bremahan) 4 1 NOVEMBER2 fc-8): Pact, lilt* Ghenghlt Ghinnv (Molievevl S-1 OCTOBER 22, 23 Family Portraits, St. Agnes, Atlantic Highlands, Hazlet Italian-American Association 1st Annual Juiiecour IH Fiiion) 2 1 Armbro Ulster (R Flllon) S-1 Miss Jev Time (Butlfr) U Winemor* Knight tPoulin) - • t Art of Needlework Show and Sale. Sponsored by the 11x14 colored It (ramed, $7.95, by appointment. For Break-The-Bank bus ride to Atlantic City Boardwalk Memo (Ferriero) 11 Spar* Fetla (Cotob) IM information call 291-1050, 872-0739, sponsored by school DuasMi Shadow (Marthilli S-1 Foolish April (interdonato) 20-1 MonmoQth Auxiliary For Retarded Citizens. Congrega- Regency, bountiful buffet, all new show "Music, Mu- level Barmln (Kellv) . .1 M* Pac. M.*t» tion B'nal Isreal, Ridge Rd., It Hance Ave., Rumson. PTA. sic", gaming guide. Complimentary cocktail, surprise Cktro Nookle (Johnion) II NigalsPal (Blum) 3-1 Tlnai Lee (Martin . . * 10-1 W* Do Gamble (Kins) M Oct. 22. 10 A.M.-B P.M., Oct., 23, 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Spaghetti Dinner after Middletown gifts. Round trip transportation to Casino entrance. Tranquil Lobe II IM Flllon) 20-1 Jovelia (Kallyl 4-1 North/Matawan game. 4 p.m. Middletown North High Sun., Nov. 2. Bus leaves J.M. Fields parking lot, Hazlet, Double Hocktl (Apical 5-1 Donation $2. Senior citizens, $1.00. Patrick! Dream (Thomas) J.) Scott N«Doleon (Wiltiarm) S-1 OCTOBER 23 School cafeteria Sponsored by Music- Sponsors North. 7:45 A.M. returns 3:45 P.M. $17.50 per person. All are Moene (No Driver) } 1 baionetia (Campbell)., • l Lor4Charlei (Bavmei) 4 1 Silent On* (D Fillonl 10-1 The N.J. State Orchestra, Murray Glass, conduc- Tickets $3 at door or call 787-8884 for reservations. welcome. For tickets: 787-6275.4934421. ApacheMarveMKally) . 9 7 Itft: PK*,U.fM J M Dreamer (Scuilirn) »1 JuitapavoH 1 Quick Charlie (Bergen) 11 price seniors l> students at the Box Office, evening of Annual Bazaar sponsored by the Building Fund of CMmp Carlou (Aplce) ... 4 1 Scotland Shirley (CotaMntl) f-l students It senior citizens. Group discounts available. Rack Hopper (Morn*) 171 Colonel Angus (R. Flllon) the concert or write N.J. Stale Orchestra, P.O. Box 427, Calvary Baptist Church. 23 Rlner St., Red •bank, N.J. Kafth Persuasion (Puma) 30t Panic y Pride (Ktlly) * 3 Ticket information 741-8880. tm: Pace. Htm i l Col Joe (Grant) 4-41 Neptune, N.J. 07253. Sat, from 9 A.M. until 6 P.M. Dinners served at 12 noon. Pakhett Trtcker (Van OttrarM ! j Evergreen Willie (Bretnehan) fc I Malcolm Smith, noted Biblical Author It Lecturer, Donne Madaleno (Harrison) 4.1 Ripping N Racing (ConftOl) »1 Baha' is of Red Bank will hold a discussion on "The Baked goods, plants, clothing and other interesting Billy Butrem (Meha) • I I M Brewer (Reynoldst 20-1 Nobility of the Human Station", 6 P.M. Call 747-1573 for items. will conduct a teaching seminar at the Hilton Inn, Hope Rd., Tinton Falls (Exit 105, Garden State Parkway), on details. The First Presbyterian Church of Atlantic High- Sat., Nov. 8, 9 A.M. to 1 P.M.; coffee It Danish will be lands will be holding their Christmas Bazaar on Sat., Freehold results Card Party sponsored by Sisterhood and Congrega- served. For registration information please call 291-2436 tion of Beth Shalom, held at Building 186 Maple Ave., Oct. 25, from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. Delicious food, or 842-8738. 1aV. Pec*. IM, I1.1M Be« Caoialn (Vlncll , 4.001.*0 Red Bank. Annual Joint Card Party, 7:30. Admission handmade articles, art table, nice Christmas items. MJtt Cteo Bvrd (H Flllon) Roman Emperor cf-lliocrald) 140 Indoor flea market and craft show sponsored by 12O04WS40 $2.50. Refreshments, door prizes, raffles. Please bring White Elephant, clothing, attic treasures. Trtt«ay • COSMOS Heaven and Herve vutechaiza (Repeal 60 Television today •ng rut wile (3r»t) mint ) Men WhueEeririianowaheeven 0 KOJAK ©MOVIE i coy ED v i * • s that loeler a ana sueieina liie. Di Can Sagen explore! the notion 0 '0 ABC NEWS NEW JERSEY 0 MACNEIL-LEHRER "Dona Flor And Her Two 1 thai humane could turn their own NIGHTLINE 52 HEMTEKMGMTSAM REPORT Husbands" Some Braoa IVHFI WNET 13 parediee into e heUiah wea 0 MORECAMBE AND 0 CRISTINA BA2AN il'HF) 23 50 52. 58 tall KVONStMUTIEI lelend (Gtoeed CaplionedHeo WISE 0 HEW JERSEY NIGHTLY HBO MOVIE -4DRAMA) ••* minamint ) 0 PRISONER: CELL listed as 521 NEWS "Sav* The Tiger" 1973 I COLOMNA BLOCKH 0 RUTH ALAMPrS LAW 7:M 0 COMMODITY Jack Lemmo«. Jack Gillord A NEW YORK I PEC AOO MORTAL 0 NEWS UNE CORNER succeaatul men Itnda rua bun (VHFi WCBS2. WNBC I BEST OF GROUCHO HBO THE GREAT AMER 7:00 0 CBS NEWS 7:67 0 N.J. LOTTERY PICK-IT neta tailing end ihe bank IHOVIE -(COMEDY) •• ICAN GHOST TOUR Ha al 4 WNEW5.WABC7 WOR 0 EVENING MAGAZINE DRAWING (LIVE) retueeeloQivehimaloen Hehai iNorti h OeKaa Fort»" 1»7« moat Halloween end HBO it your 0 NBC NEWS 8:00 0 0 SPECIAL MOVIE two choices declare bank !» WPIX11 il>HF)3l Nick Nolle. Mac Davit eacort on a haunting loui Thia 00 M.A.S.H. fuplcytwhtre en eikomsl (F^ai PHILADELPHIA PRESENTATION Fiatbea eerie apeciel enplores tome 0 TIC TAC DOUGH Annie And Sweetiapie Lady •dR)(2hra 1 HBO MOVIE lull* documented paychic hap IVHFI KYW 3 WPVI. 0 ABC NEWS Trucaere' 1970 Stera Annie 8:06 •• TUESDAY NIGHT AT -(ADVENTURE) •• peninga that have (aited new WCAV 10 il'.HFi 17 29 0 BULLSEVE Pout. Kim Darby Two young THE MOVIES The Night the Avalanche Eipraaa quealiona about the existence 0 TO TELL THE TRUTH 1 48 woman lomlorcea to aavaanai Bridge Fell Down 1&8O Start 1970 Roben Shaw LeeMarvm 01 lha aupernetuial O BARNEY MILLER penaive trucking rig trom lha Jevnea Mtc Arthur D«n At-nai A trio contronta natural diaaa 11:40 0MOVIE-(DRAMA)" "I 0 3-2-1 CONTACT rapoaaaaaor and keep u owl ol Ji Molonatt face e lerntying leu. political intrigue end taat Wanted Wing* " 1*41 Ray tvewmo, 0 STAR TREK lha clufchat ol hijackera (2 paced action while trying to Milland William Hoidan Three O APRENDIENDO A hra) . smugglaadefaclingagantpwtol 6 00 88BO0EIOS irappad an a bridge aa it col men undergo Air F orca T raining AT FAST LANE — Arcturus, an area rock band, will NEWS AMAR 0 0 WORLD SERIES iapaai (3hr» )(Hthaaiithgema lha country (Rated PG) (90 I .HHS >SMINS( mina) perform at The Fast Lane, Asburv Park, at 10:30 p.m. S STARSKV AND 0 VALENTIN* CHAMP. GAME 6 IF of lha World Svrwi ia nacaa 11:50 00 TUESDAY MOVIE HUTCH 0 SANFORD AND SON NECESSARYnih. champion aary. Tuesday Nighl Al Tha 10:30 O NINE ON NEW OF THE WEEK ThaVoung tomorrow. Also appearing are recording artists Angel S JOKER'S WILD 0 IMAGES OF INDIANS •hiphaa baan decided regular Muviet will ba pfa amplad ) JERSEY Pionaera I97U Slaia Roger City. Arcturus members are, left \p right, Tim London, (EXC.WNJS)MacNa.l Lehiei O A HAPPY DAYS ly achadulad programming will • MEHV GRIFFIN OBI NEWS Kern. Linda Purl Asburv Park, Paul Tullv, River Plaza, Brian Bach, AGAIN Report (WNJS) O O LAVERNE AND m LET'S QO TO THE 0 NEW JERSEY Middletown; Rich the Light, Howell. and Hardy Stem 0 LITTLE WOMEN 0 PM MAGAZINE SHIRLEY RACES 12:00 0 MOVIE -(WESTERN) NEWSWATCH er, River Plaza Contact the Fast Lane for information. • BIG BLUE MARBLE 0 0 HAPPY DAYS Tha • Ml SECRET ARIA »•*•> 'Run lor Cover 19SS M5 0 WALL STREET 0 UNCLE FLOYD Fonz cornea to the reecuewtwn BOO OS THREE SCOMPANY 0 TWO RONNIES Jamet Cagney HBO MOVIE (DRAMA) •*• PERSPECTIVF Marion* car craahaa into Ala 11:00 S S O O sB CS O DON LANE SHOW 0 ODD COUPLE "Tlnw Altar Tlma" 1*7* Drive In (Rapaal) NENEWV S ID BODY IN QUESTION Malcolm McDowell. David O MOVIE HSUSPENSE) I M.A.S.H. 12:30 BO TOMORROW Auditions set Biaathlaaa' Evawyona haa auf Warner Jack lha Rippar* •••«. "NlgM Flight From I MAUDE 0 HOGAN'S HEROES •^•••010J By 0JIII0J larad braaihlaaanaaa al ona movea tnlo lha 2 III century via MOSCOW" 1S74HanryFonda IRMOOA 0 MEDICAL CENTER MARLBORO - Auditions (or Dracula " will be held by lima or anolhar Or Jonathan H Q Walla' tima machine and lr«WlB|/S«UN |UM Vul Brynnar A Sovial olticial I DICK CAVETT SHOW HBO MOVIE -(HORROR) the Marlboro Acting Company al 8 p.m today and tomorrow Millar ua*a ihta • ympiom to I ••'» "Dr»cul«" 1»7tFrank Walla Jollowi awriflly bahind to dalacla to the weal, bearing a Gwaet John Hualon Part II •how how unaccountable in the Central School. Route 79 alop Ihia maniacal aurgaon in! ol all eoenla working tor the • BENNY HILL SHOW Langalla Laurence Olivier In bf aalhlaaanaaa may ba pauaad Seven characters, two females and five males, are needed (Ha4edPG,(?hr«) 7:30 0 WARNER WOLF Ruailana in western govern 9 LUCHA LIBRE igOEngland ahandaoma.Eur opeen count drives women bat in the cast The group is also looking for persons to work 6:10 0 ESTACION TERMINAL SHOW menla (2hra) 0 ODD COUPLE (Cloaad Caplionad)<«0mina ) ly They bere their necka he hie 8:30 0 NBC NEWS 0 SHA NA NA 0 JIM ROCKFORO; 0NEWJERSEYNIGHTIY backstage on costumes, sets, lights and special effects All 0:30 V • TAXI Tha cabbiat teem 7 30 9 30 movif > are subltcl to changa. it lt> rac- MIODLITOWN MATINEE SAT-SUN AT 2 pating in this series. VHTO utO BM toai ew I 14. • « SvlvUIXI I 11.110 VIIN ommended that readers call lha theater ATLANTIC HIOHLANDI UAMIODLITOWNI LAW LINE to confirm correct tlmat ATLANTIC CINiMA — Oh God. Booh II IPO) 7 JO. 9 30 VJLK Ml C/T UAMIDDLETOWNII — WJRZ in i c M0MM0UTN COUNTY AirolanalPOI 10.» 10 Whan able AlCttOIIN EATONTOWN Somewhere In Timt (PGI 7 30. 9 30 fVOBM «> WOR UAMIDDLETOWNIII — lo hit tall AWUU ton c CINEMA H - COMMUNITY I — TONIGHT at 6:30 HoPMOtch (R) / 4i,t 4i Fadl to Black IRI7 ».» M Bad Tlmlng7 30.9 44 Oulldmgt at • Molt Station* ofrtr a n h*dul« Of rwwi STHATMMOHICINIMAI — COMMUNITY II — OCEAN TOWNSHIP bound? and pubhr affairs programming In add) Mv Bodyguard I PGI 7 30, 9 30 Somewhere InTlmt (PGI 7 10,9 20 SCAVIEW SQUARE CINIMA I — tion lo their regular format All format ITDATHMOIII CINEMA II — EATONTOWN Oe.IVI IN — Oh God. Booh II IPO I, 10 detcriptioni are at ihown In Broedcatt Airplane (PG) t K, 9 20 Blood Ealirj IRI 7 1). 10 20. Night SEAVICW MUARI CINIMA II — Renters Rights Mlddlt AocCraiv (R) 7 40.9 40 mo Vearbook 1971 AilURV ("ARK 01 Ihv Dtroon IR) • *0 ••••HOLD MIDDLEBROOK I — BM- Beautiful Mualc SR-Sofl Rack • AROMIT- PIIIHOLDOUADI— Xanadu IPGI 7 40, 9 30 Walter C— Contemporary T— Talk Bon Appttlt (X) •; JO. 10; Hotwv Hopuotch (HI 7:25.9:24 MIDDLEBROOK II- and Responsibilities MOD— Middle of Road moon Haven (Xia *\ FREEHOLD OUAD II- Flnal Countdown IPCO 7 20.9 20 Matthau Tarrer Train 1RI7 li.9 5> RED BANK FRIIHOLD QUAD III — *COIANKMOVIIII — Glenda FadaloBlacklRI7 10,9:10 Predict Mahtl Perlecl IRI 7 30. HAUET ;' Ml SO Jl I HM 15 1 .16 FRIEMOLD QUAD IV — 9 K Jackson Oh God. Book II I POt 7 40.9 10 RED BANK MOVIES II fade to mam IRI 7 20.9 20 HAILIT PEOPlf USED TO LAUGH PLAIA — SHREWSBURY "HOPSCOTCH" McKITTRICKS Alrolenc IPGI 7 10, 9 24 SM RE WiBUR T PLAIA CINIMA I - AT f PIC BINFOPD NOW CINEMA I H.ii.i, mil. i Hi a HI WITH [VEPV PEPfOPMANCI • SEAFOOO AND STEAKHOUSE Smokiv 1 lha Bandit II IPCI 7 14, SHREWSBURY PLAIA CINEMA II — HE KNOCKS THEM DEAD 1:11 Foolln' Around I PG) 7 40.9 40 7:30 A 9:30 p.m. RT. 35 MUHNCI HARBOR 566-2683 CINIMA II — SHREWSBURY PLAIA CINEMA III — ealllmor. BullHIPGI 7 44.9 44 Recommended by CUE Csiusl Dim Acceplea Song o( in. South IG) 7 to. • 10 M0WELL 01 TOWN — SotON INFLATION FIGHTERS Final Countdown (PC) 7:20.9:24, MINLO PAR"S'K CINIMA"' I —" Starting Friday COUNTHY — The Empire strlhai Bach IPG) 2. Wed. 4-1 o p.m. Sun. 3-10p.m. Xanadu IPGI 7 25.9 24 4 44,7 14. 9 40 KIYMRT MINLO PARK CINIMA II — STRAND — Stardutl Mamorltt IPG) 1.4.4,1, to "MOTEL Thra* Ripening Chvrrltl^X) 12.04. WOODBRIDGE 2iori nasr $11.50 2 ». 7 14. 9:45. Dreamt ot Mona IX) WOODBRIOOE CINIMA I — 1.15.110 Divine Madnett(R) 2.4.6,1.10 NEW JERSEY PUBLIC TELEVISION tu, •oup, salad, enliee potato A deaaari LONG BRANCH WOOOBRIDOE CINIMA II — HELL" LONO (RANCH MOVIES I — OH God. Booh II IPG) 1:30. 3:10. 23-50-52-58^ Baltimore Bullet (PG) 7:20.9:20 4 30. 7 30. 9 30 SOMERSET COUNTY t Mi l-iiln n Hll(,«Ml «',lihi SOMERSET RUTOERS PLAIA CINEMA I — Audio. Oh God. Book II IPG) 7:34, 9:30 RUTGERS PLAIA CINEMA II — there was Hopicokh IRI 7,30,9 30 MPAA RATINOS another movie aaes. (Pareeui auleante ft—Btilrltlea (Persetts under 17* net admitted unien accemaanlae) by OH,GOD! parent er aeultauei " Free Clipper Ship X Adulli enlv BOOK II IPG ©

MMtnioao HWICi mm* Serving Tray .elMOO IWUM (urion "IIMI umncnwaiM •acafUM •KSIOMt 4U Ha oominm ions WIII 744 MM when you OKKKII » oaavta uii)« FWIMOU) l«[HO<0 4Uae» EARLY BIRO MATINEE PRICE join our new Ev«ry SAT.and SUN. at MIDDLIfOWN and HAZLET Cinemas \ll \MIDDLETOWN Route as Christinas tf * "^ Cinemas 67i 1020 Club! OH,GOD! II SO FIRST MAT SHOW BOOK II WED, SAT, SUN AT 2 P«R Plus, we'll make your final GEORGE BURNS weeks payment, too! SEAVIEW SQUARE CINFMA All you need do is start your 1981 Christmas Club, and CEORGE OH,GOD! iSOMEWHERE Marine View Savings will finish it! BURNS Yes, we'll make your final week's payment absolutely free IN TIME when you complete your Club next year. 1-10 CHRISTOPHER REEVE B3S Save from $2 to $20 weekly, whatever suits your holiday MIDDLE spending needs best. As an extra bonus, you'll receive an AGE attractive Clipper Ship Serving Tray, absolutely Jreel These .BAD TIMING sturdy, gold rimmed metal trays are 11" x 14" and feature a 7:IO4:M A Sensual handsome full-color portrait of a famous sailing vessel from Obsession years gone by. Additional trays may be purchased for only SHREWSBURY PLAZA I = $1.00, including tax. HAZLET Cinemas (Free offer limited to one tray per family, while supply MMIB IBM Route 35 • 739 9697 lasts.)

i Visit our office nearest you and join now.i •-10 151 SMOKEY AND I THE BANDIT .A..»

SALLY FIELDS BURT REYNOLDS 7:40-»:« IBS I MARINE VIEW SAVINGS WALT DISNEY'S SONG MIDDLETOWN • ATLANTIC WGHLAflDS • LINCROFT >f the SOUTH PHONE NUMBER FOR ALL OFFICES «71-M00 Mlin«ai FUJC 7:4«V«:4» Mickey Snuffy Smith Dennia the Menace SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 I960 The Dtfly RegfetET 16 WALLER AN'SLOP!! YORE IS THAT AIL VOU TONGUE- Crossword puzzle CAN DOTH"WHOLE ACROSS KI low 27Outekty BLES /y 1 Aahtn m BM M USeatt't 5 FooNan 40 EdMt ana 10 Farm «2T«kl about 41 •J007 •4 Fattand »"-tndMa 42 Budding (t Crtmaan rim II 41 Cards 45 Storaga DOWN at 1 Foohmar 47 "Soap"namt 2fc»Maaa M Rtehcaka 10 II 1&&> AKfmtfU <• a Blgbundla 1 Qardan 97 I Hi and Loin CMIWM 4 IvyLtaguar » Looking ranga 5 P lor wort 52 Uui 44 OramaUnd Vt>U >?E LOOKf/N© DON'T &O I TMOU6MT YOUD LIKE straw 45 Stored (My REAL OOOD , AWAY TO SEE YOURSELF SI Souttmtl 7 a City In TODAY, AT YOUR BEST Aslant t OrM* 56 Hymn aCoeptr SUNBEAM t AtfkTMltn 10 Gary or 48 Klngot Allot Itraal 11 European 50 Waatam '• lourtit 51 Onaola 12Mltur< pak 13 Trill.. 52 Eieal IS -out 51 Enaggaralad 54 Llrylamlry iiiiKinriiJiiLiiiii itSkypllol plant "JlBTCHECKW'ONWIWTi 'OKAY, GINA... SPOIL aaaia aaam 23 Pain In 55 Willow FOR DINNER.' MY APPETITE;" tharwc* Mary Worth 24 Typ«ol 57 Klndot The Kamilv Bv Bil keanc truck YOU APPEAR ALL TOOD BRADNER PlD AND I'M SHAKING 25 Hap 51 MacOraw PERFECTLY WAS SUGGEST THAT LIKE A SCHOOL &IRL 26Hanry- 59 World 1 MUST B£ LOSING MY NORMAL HE'D WAITING, FOR HER Lodga poww MIND, Mf«. WORTHl • • • JlftT TO ME, ME.5OCIALLV LOOK AT ME.!

The Wizard of Id

u SI II Ml "Will you writs a letter to me some day, Mommy, so I can get some mail, too?"

Blondir Your horoscope, birthday WE HAVE A PROBLEM •TOOOCY HE CLEANED I WON'T "vY IWW- TMATS TUESDAY. OCT. 21 woman, one born on this Doc. 21)-An old friend re- WITH ALEXANDER HIS ROOM, MOWED THE ASKHIMTOj^-r SBaOUS.' TAURUS(Aprll 20 May Born today, you half date is highly susceptible to enters your life. New inter 20) - Domesticity may LAWN, AND DID HIS nn nri.r~lnjM ,M dreamer, half realist. One flattery and is easily taken HOMEWORK V ests may cause you tome prove a positive factor in moment your head U In the advantage of. confusing moments in p.m. your efforts to grow spiritu- clouds; the next, your feet Alto born on thla dato CAPRICORN(Dee. 22 ally. Emotions run high are firmly planted on the are: Samuel Taylor Coltr- Jan. 19) - You should be today. ground. You arc idealistic; Idge, British pool, critic; able to see the light at the even so, you understand ful- Whltoy Ford, Batoball Hall end of the prescn' emotional GEMINKMay 21-June 20) ly when, why and how of Fame champion. tunnel. Optimism soars. - Return a favor without human beings fail to live up delay. Morning pleasure To see what is in store for AQUAHIUS(Jan. 20-Fab to standards of thought and you tomorrow, find your should satisfy your sou) behavior. You seek perfec- 18) - Morning depression throughout a difficult day. birthday and read the corre- must not be allowed to keep tion - but you have no hope sponding paragraph Let CANCER< Juna 21-July of ever attaining it, whether you from an afternoon your birthday star be your career advantage. 22) - Look to a superior for in your work or in your daily guide. advice. If you (ail to move hobbies. You are a thought- WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22 PISCES(Feb. IB-March forward at this time, you Andy Capp ful individual, but there are LIBRA(Sopt. 23-Oct. 22) - 20) - You can realize at may forfeit ultimate aims. times when your productivi- • You may not be able to least the essence of an old LEO(July 23-Aug. 22) - ty level drops drastically take advantage of an oppor- dream today. Friendship Take no halfway measures because you talk your ideas . tunity for savings. Economic comes to the rescue in p.m. This is one of those "ill or VOUWEONLY' hours. ALLOWEbTD, away. factors stand in the way. nothing" days that require . 'AVEONE. Women bom on this date SCORPIOIOct. 23-Nov. ARIES(March 21 April concentration and finesse. rSOOTOPF may be somewhat timid and 21) - Unless you put some- 18) - Plans for the future VIRGOfAug. 23-Sapt. 22) retiring. Men, on the other thing aside at this time, you may undergo considerable - Questions of priority cause hand, may be aggressive may have a difficult time of change at this time. Essen- concern early in the day. almost to the point of being it later on. tial favors are done you Children provide a clue late offensive. Whether man or SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22- now. in the day [QUIIT?

Sheinwold's bridge advice South dealer North-South vulnerable By Alfred Sheinwold to play it on South's ace. If you respond one diamond, Doonesbury When you don't know East had the doubleton and he then jumps to two NORTH what an opponent is doing, queen-jack, he might play notrump. The opponents • J 5 2 either the queen or the jack. INC&PIBU! USTBN,IPONT • consider the other op- pass. You hold: • j 5 2 V 10 BAiy.i NO, m mm you msr ponent. His play may be The fall of the queen was 4OK95H2 + KJ4. OK9542 PIPN7P0AW- W vmiH m A NATURAL mi anyum obvious. more likely to be the forced What do you say? *K J4 mGSffCH. AWnAUAH /mat mm! THATS PIPN7 play of a singleton than a fiLOOP? South took the king of ANSWER: Bid three no- WEST EAST OF. EOt&fUim, WOW choice of plays from a dou- trump. Since partner prom- \ WKNOU. THAT spades and ran the clubs, on bleton. ises 19 or 20 points, with • 10 • A Q 8 7 6 i 3 which East discarded two VQ8752 "9A96 tw.y?i hearts and two spades. South therefore played balanced distribution and low from dummy and was strength in the unbid suits, 0876 OQJ When South then led the 49763 *8 ace of diamonds. East down two. you expect three notrump dropped the queen. South should have con- to be a fine contract. Don't SOUTH sidered West. If West start- South continued with the complicate a simple auction • K9 ed with J-8-7-6 of dia- ten of diamonds and won- by showing your club sup- <5>KJ3 monds he would cover the port. dered what East was doing. OA103 ten with the jack to make DEEr REASONING (A POCKET GUIDE TO • A Q 10 5 2 sure of getting a diamond BRIDGE written by Alfred South reasoned that the trick. West's failure to play singleton queen and double- Sheinwold is available. Gel South West North East the jack meant that East your copy by sending $1.25 to INT Pass 2NT 3* ton queen-jack were equally had it. likely. If East had the sin- the Red Bank Register. P 0. 3 NT All Pass H«g.r gleton queen he would have DAILY QUESTION Box 1000. Los Angeles. Calif. Partner bids one club, Opening lead — • 10 ALL YOU TALK ABOUT OKAYf OKAY.' MAT APE Peanuts 90053 ) l& FUN! YOU NEvEfZ I'U TALK ABOUT THEY,, TAUK A0OUT ^rV TUB IMPORTANT ASAIM ? TOCW, TROOPS, WE'RE NQCONRA£> THE ftr A WlH&eOFUFE! 60IN6 TO CONCENTRATE WOULPYOU . IDOU0TTHAT WTI5EE IDENTIFICATION CALL THAT? H" ' IT'S CALLEP A'SIXTREE

The Phantom WHATEVER 2 POM'T you've NAVE AN/ DlD VOU ASK QUESTIONS ear THEM ASK«' soI'LL LEARN SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 19B0 17 Classified Advertising Toll Free: Middletown area, 671-9300: Matawan area, 566-8100. 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ON THE ACTION LINE, 542-1700.

CLASSIFICATIONS 9 Conslruclion Equipment 54 Situations Wanted F emaie 70 MERCHANDISE 79 S*dP Or Exchange 10 Warned Aulomolive 102 Houses For Rent REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i36 Mobi'e f™* 200 SPECIAL NOTICES 1. AUTOMOTIVE 56 Situations Wanted Male 71 Merchandise For Sate 80 Bicydes/Mim Bikes 103 Rentals To Snare 130 Open Houses ^' 39 CeT»e!er, 56 Situations Wanted Maie/Femaie 72 Garage/Yard Sales 61 Sports Equipment 210 Lost Ana Found 2 Autos For Sale 20 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 104 Winter Rentals '31 Houses For Saie * • 40 Rea> Estate Wailed '2-1 Speoa 3 Trucks and Trailers 57 Cniid Care/Nursery Schools 73 Machinery For Sale 82 S*immmg pools 21 Business Service 105 Summei Rentals 132 Apartmems'Town Houses 212 Travel Transportation 4 Motorcycles 22 Arts & Crafts 74 Rental Service 83 CB's Electronics 106 Furnished Rooms 133 income Property 1 SO. RECREATIONAL 60 FINANCIAL 75 Farm Equipment 213 instruction 5 Aulo Services/Pans SO. EMPLOYMENT 61 Business Opportunity 84 Merchandise Wanted 107 Nursing Homes 134 Farm Property 152 Boats Ana Accessories 6 Aulo Reni/Lease 51 Help Wanted Male or Female 76 Auction Sales 153 Camping EquipTieni 62 Mortgages 77 Pets And Uvesiock 85 inflation Fiariters 108 Commercial Rentals 135 Commercial Property 7 Aulo Insurance 52 Babysinmg/Child Care 63 Money to Loan 100 REAL ESTATE RENTALS . 109 Buiidmgs/Garages 136 industr-ai Property '54 Recreational Vehicles 8 Aulo Financing 78 Aircraft 53 Domestic Help 64 Monev Wanted 101 Aparrme Ts 110 Warned To Rent 137 Lots-And Acreage

RATES FAMILY PLAN RATES HOUR.S DAILY FRONT PAGE READERS DEADLINES CANCELLATIONS t A.M. 10 S P.M. 1-14 3 LINES 5 DAYS *3 00 CM MM no 1 I Urn — MI Si 00 Each line Available to indi • - • • • r i'H (u , p., u,~ i vtdua's placing ads under - 6 Days iConsecutive) 54t 1 • ''Vi' •'' I Day 81C 6 Days iConseculive) 6ic "Merchandise For Sale" lor items «fcfct*o Aa C4» ">4, 4000 'Day 90c P«»w CAW* | . 2 Days iConseculive) 75t 7 Days IConseculive) 5t« 2 Days IConseculive) 84c 7 Days IConseculivei 58C 'not eiceeding S200 each items WEEKENDCALLS . .povVt 3 Days (Consecutive) bit 8 Days (Consecutive) 48| 8 Days iConseculive) 55c must be priced Noncommercial BOX REPLY SERVICE 3 Days IConseculive) 76c a 3( .*.' I* , 4 Days IConseculive) 62t 10 Days iConseculivei 46c 10 Days iConsecutivel 50c ads only COT. 4 Days (Consecutive) 72c MAIL i tQ CORRECTIONS 5 Days IConseculive) 584 Contract Rales on Reauesi 5 Days IConseculive) 66c ••'lo. •-.,< b^nOi,

2 Autos For Salt Auto Rent/Lease 51 Help Wanted SI Help Wanted 51 Htlp Wanted 52 Babyslttlng/Chlld 1 55 Situations Wanttd 63 Monty To Loan Cart GRAND PRIX 1975 — Loaded, like RENT A VAN — Low- low rates Cal FUEL OIL - Transport driver. ORGANIST CHOIR plRECTOR - RN IM I- I Male Many. TOM'S FORD. Hwv 35. Key new. low M.OOOoriginai mtle* 13500 FuM time position da* and Methodist Church immediate opei Evrry olhvr weekend tl lo 4 $S FOR VETERANS port, 244 1*00 2 Autos For Sale stilts Musi be eioenenced •• *n» Baldwin 140 negotiable 2*4 me BABYSITTER Mdlur* woman /(• AL 1 AROUND VARD WORK uh«vpt of petroleum produ< is hourv tw' week Weds off Own ; GOVERNMENT HACKED (1R| >ARV BOOKKEEPER - frees 1 ui wttorv <*«rt it . Matawan BABYSITTER - 1 children tges 1 & GUTTtRbtl EANED Repairmen CONSOl.iOAl f: Bit LS cond. S25O0 or bett otter. Ca KITSON CHEVROLET CO PI , Kevuort eietIntel control ana temperaii \ my home 4 b hours per cfav 3 S Butter* loots ceramic tiles sosh t | iWiNATt CREDIT CARDS COMPUTERIZED AUTO QUOTES AAV TO ENGINEER - 4*11131 up to » p.m, W. 3* Eatonlown controts Call 791 4191 days per week Fran. Jt\ 1U4 i ii«"ii Wmdowts washed Rake PAV OFF ALL BILLS ANY CAR DRIVER AGE 1 General oltice work, heavy typing HOME Mt MOOfcl. OR PURCHASE 542 1000 FUEL OIL DELIVERY DRIVER . leaves 141 J94S 01 ?4» 1410 t 1971 TOVOTA CELICA ST — E CALL 7477900 — Full-time experienced person PART TIME - Chr.slmas help u Apply m person. ELECTRO IM CHILD CARE - * mot old bebv BUSINESS USE cond., D.000 original mi, must wl LABRIOLA MOTORS lit) per hour plus 1. Pui.SE LAB ll* Chestnut St . Red girl 1 30 \ 30 weekdays Light PAtNTER - E-ocfemed inleriw RESTORE LOST CREDIT PHOENIX BROKERAGE — Fa Full company benefits Apply in relocating Call Wayne between • Newman Springs Rd Red Bank between 10 2. 739 1069- 791 338 i Dank Edual opportunity employer housekeepmg 1 com red Rt>| needed I'Kii'iiot Reasonable References ANYTHING AT ALI mous for low cost aulo insurance son. Mecnan Oil Co Broadway & p.m.. 1*1-1414. 741 2433 671 44*4 MiddirlowVi Oak Hill Salary nego (.AH Peter 84} 4)36 REFINANCING OR RECASTING Easy payment plan, immediate I O Maple Pi . Key port btNiilk CLERK STENO - t.i> liable Can *M t\bb \VOOO IIS 31 cards Fee quote by phone Cycles 1177 MERCURY MARQUIS — SU LAKE WOOD TOVOTA Top $$$$ GENERAL OFFICE WORK - Re PART TIME - Bus drivers Sub m>(fs*erv Monmouth County Deoi tiVOOO S.I6S 93 too Call 2*4 3017. lion w«gon, aulo . ps/pb. «l paid for Used Cars 100% financing sooniibie organi/ed Person to work slitutes needed lor total school dis oi Health in Freehold 37 1 hour RESPONSIBLE Pfc RbON - 1 wu 57 DavCart/Nurstry SM) 000 iiiJ 10 AM FM • trait tx tlereo. 12*00 to qualified buyers 3*4 9000 work week E at Ir inur benehts evemngs PPI wcrk rri¥ home Own PHOENIX BROKERAGE — Fa IOF •president of 6 store chain Abie Iritt Licensed only 14 9S per noi_ t vrn Ihtre lour or more montn. la handle many details In clerical Apply m person Ealontown Board o Salary 17500 Contact Mrs Gold transportation Call 583 3304 School behind, use one at our plans now to LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK mous tor low cost auto insurance secretarial and advertising relate* Education 7U Broad SI Eaion man. 431 tm '.TOP FORECLOSURE IV — Showroom cond , low Easy payment plan Immediate ID 1977 FORD STATION work Also, manage tenants in si HOTLINE 100 397 6959 luHury equipped, garaged Sacrifice cards Free quote by Phone Cycle! SfcRVICE PERSON - For propane I MAMMY HOURS NURSE RV Ei running cond, new tires, a owned building Light typing Five 53 Domestic Htlp Financial Services 367 7/« 13400 7413119 loo Call 264 3OB7 gds company EBP required lor re I SCHOOL HI M. Malawan accessorial. S2000 negotiable davS. 3Q hours Apply in person PART TIME Mortfv Programs Also for Non-Vets pairing & adjusting #ii types of gas ited opt-ninas lor Pre kindergarten M4-SH1. 9 30 3 p m or call Mrs Gereldi loi DRIVER MAVERICK 197* *.t*i .standard equipment Ex company benefit* EXPERIENCED Housekeeper, >ns S66 0936 appointment. 74 1 i 300 Drive 3 children alter school a< 1?H CHEVY VAN — Power ilae trans.. 23 mpg Good condition 10 Wanted Automotive good salary Ex opportunity tor ad I 1 davs per wrek , ref lonnwins NATELSONS. Broad and Front St nvities Rumson area 3 4 alter • ing brake*, t-tvlinder. aulomjiu 2*4-0*43. vancemeni Must live m area k have portation ei opnoriumtv Good MONEY Red Bank nopns. 3 30 6 p m Joann Yagoaa 21.000 mile» After * p m 144 4M7 valid NJ .driver •> license* Utility MONMOUTH MOTORS $10 TO $100 I'VI". '*! 04ls salary *n not Propane Co . 13) Rt 3b Port Moo AVAILABLE TO 1160 WILLYS FC1M JEEP 52 Hwv 35. Eaiontown For junk cart, trucks Free Pickup DRIVER - Full or part-time foi HOUSfcKEEPfcR COOK .For PART TIMt HN M f- Fo* ever, mouth 'HI 1200. weekday* ««m : N J HOMEOWNERS ' Equipped lor know Blowing H000 542 2414 747 8128. 747 5499 limo service Stale experience and Ult eifi utive Room && tiiiaid iiiius other weekend Please call Gardt-f P m lor dDDOinlmrnt IUH Ul IM CONSOLIDATION, telephone number Ho* I. Rumson Sfojr#n living quartrrartrrs on large AAAAA Slalt> Mangr Nursmg Home HOME IMPROVEMENTS AUTOS U2om MONTE CARLO— 1977. ilT power N J i.irnihousc ConAajl atmo%phF>rv CLEAN UP JUNK CARS and lal 764 3S48 SEWEH Cl I AM w Mature Business OR ANY OTHE'R PURPOSE 1H7 0L0SM08ILE — One 0* ._ many exltes 52.000 miles Brand Ref Reply lo P 0*BOR *v l incroll model wrecks Highest prices pei minded person tor mumcipaiilv 75,000 miles, garage kept, runt ex new tires Sacrifice 542 0184 HAIR DESIGNER — Experience N J. 0"3B Opportunities now Call Rocco. 787 3349. PAR! TIME POSITION In Miff work cellent H« crack in windshield Great opportunity tn the new Brick MUSTANG 19a - * ivl . 3 speed available, flexible eves & da* Call >8f 143b (3,000 to 150,000 1475 7I777M Church Plata, Tinton Falls 147 6677 HOUSEWIVES FOR HIRE - That s good running condition, partly re ALL JUNK CARS — And Irucl hours Pleasant at CHANCF O'F A llf-CTlME Br Pnonr your application lo SALESPERSON - Quality our servue if you know haw to do 190B MUSTANG —Good cond . run Stored. $500 SU 703* wanted TOP dollar Free 1* hot mosphere benefits Contact Mr vnur imvn bos*, Tr• cou'ilv exclusive HANDY PERSON — Painting and children i shoe store t «n pre fiOusfHrrping why don I you lOirt good two Call atttr 3 p.m pick UP 591 1440 or 727 1518 e Banco or Mr Podd S47 fl'00 disl' i but oi ship great opportunity NATIONAL CREDIT OLDS F1S 19*5 — Fair body, 1 grounds maintenance. J i days, al lerred but not absolutely nvtessary u\ > We ollei a umuue team t leaning 739OW IDr energetic person asking 179.90U engine. $300 vear round 1170 plus medical Cal PART TIME NURSE Part time. 10 a m to 4 p m t.n ou\ concept fo apartment and home CORPORATION For more information Call Camer JUNK CARS WANTED 74i-9m owners fou'll work a* a part ol A «»00 RT 33 1«*1 BONNEVILLE WAGON — Ail Call 747-53*3. 111100 For small nursing home EXPERIENCED BARTENDER - learn wilh other* who hjve tound on. Murpny 1 Howli n inc . SJO **60 root rack, extras, good cond $7J0 Red Bank 741-1079 Please call 764 3S4B t AHWINOOAI.E. N J OLDS 197S ROY ALE — *0,000 mi HARNESS MAKER - Must be en Nights Call afler * p m . that housekeeping is a skill & a Call after * o m . 717 5527 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED vinyl roof, velour interior, nei perienced in wiring layout, tying ant PART TIME NURSE 78 f 4484 iirert Can us im details */i *3« TOP DOLLAR sodering For work in Red Bank and J7SO0O OPPORtUN.lT V (201) 9383700 1973 BUICK REGAL -With a tires/brakes, dependable luxur FOR USED CARS For small nursmg home or *M »41 Neptune plants on alternate davs *• STOCK Cl.ERK - Familiar with . To dtstnbule KODAK film and Or options, fair condition, US0 car Asking $2150 142-51*1. LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO , INC Please call JM-3S4I reauired Apply Electro Impulse lilting*, nvft miii- i'ii Ex HOUSEKEEPER - Live in i1 , •elated products No eaoeneme 842 «54 . Rt 35 Savrevllle. N J 727-1300 (609) 396 7500 PACER 0 L WAGON 1977 — All Lab. 116 Chestnut St . Red Bank PART TIME - Bus driver, pnvati per