Hoverflies Leaflet

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Hoverflies Leaflet Hoverflies are largely beneficial insects. They are among our most important pollinators, many common flowers being adapted to be The Hoverflies of pollinated by them and other flies. Those whose larvae feed on aphids can be important for controlling these pests in crops and Marsland Nature gardens. Two or three exploit damage to daffodils and other bulbs, but these are seldom a problem away from commercial bulb-growing Reserve farms. About 6,000 species of hoverfly have been named across the world, with 281 currently known from the British Isles. About 80 species of hoverfly have so far been recorded at Marsland, with many more doubtless to be discovered. As the name hoverfly suggests, many Books and websites are exceptionally good flyers, often seen flying on the spot above Britain’s Hoverflies : An introduction to the hoverflies of Britain. By flowers and in sunlit patches. They are even capable of flying back- Stuart Ball and Roger Morris, Published by Wild Guides in 2013. An wards! In America, however, they prefer to call them flower excellent field guide. flies. Adults can live for over a month, the larvae for two years or http://marslandnaturereserve.moonfruit.com - a list of hoverflies more. In Britain there are more species in the order Diptera (true found on the reserve can be found in the documents section, with pho- flies) than in any other order of animal, with the possible exception tographs and notes on their biology. of the Hymenoptera (bees and wasps). We have over 7,000 species http://www.hoverfly.org.uk/- the Hoverfly Recording Scheme. This of true fly (Diptera) in the British Isles. Incredible diversity! site includes a gallery of photos, distribution maps, and help with iden- tification. Facebook - UK Hoverflies https://www.facebook.com/ Many thanks to Dr Rob groups/609272232450940/. An open group for anyone interested in Wolton for the text hoverflies. and to Stephen Falk, Steven Falk’s Flikr collection – a superb gallery of hoverfly photo- Rob and GP for the graphs. http://www.flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/collections photographs . Edited and compiled by Gary Pilkington For more information on Devon Wildlife Trust’s nature reserves visit www.devonwildlifetrust.org Devon Wildlife Trust is part of a national network of These pages left to right : county Wildlife Trusts – a unique combination of Helophilus pendulus(RW), Eristalis tenax(SF) Arctophila superbiens local strength and national unity. (RW), ( cover ) Dasysyrphus albostriatus(SF),Leucozona glaucia(GP), Episyrphus balteatus(RW), Could you help Devon’s Wildlife? Myathropa florea(SF), Rhingia Members are vital to the work of Devon Wildlife Trust. campestris (SF) If you value Devon’s wildlife and want to help secure its protection for the future please join us! Over : Sericomyia silentis(GP), Rates begin at as little as £2 per month. Volucella bombylans(SF) Cheilosia illustrata(SF) To become a Devon Wildlife Trust member and/or volunteer: call 01392 279244 email [email protected] visit www.devonwildlifetrust.org The Hoverflies of Marsland Nature Reserve Where to find hoverflies. Adult hoverflies can be found on sunny Marsland is a great place to see hoverflies. These attractive insects days any time between April and October, although June, July and More hoverflies to look out for on the reserve. In the spring, can be abundant on the reserve, with many different species to be check any dark bumblebees you see around the tops of sallows with seen on a single summer’s day. Naming many of the bigger and more catkins. These may well be the hoverfly Criorhina ranunculi. This obvious ones is quite easy, and they are a fascinating group to study. has both red and white tailed forms, and so mimics several species There’s much to be discovered about their distribution and habits, of bumblebee. and in comparison to better known insects like butterflies and moths it’s easy to add to scientific knowledge. When the bugle comes into flower, look for Rhingia campestris. This is unusual among hoverflies in having a long proboscis or beak, that Identifying hoverflies. Hoverflies are often mistaken for bees or allows it to reach nectar other hoverflies cannot reach – which is wasps, because they mimic why it is sometimes called the Heineken fly! The much rarer Rhingia these stinging insects so well. rostrata has recently been seen on the reserve – this is a ‘hover’ They do this to fool birds and that is spreading across the country.In June, with careful searching other predators into believing in wet grassland you may be lucky enough to spot one of the re- that they too are well defend- serve’s specialities, the bizarre Microdon myrmicae. This hoverfly ed. However, they are com- lays its eggs into red ant nests, where the larvae feed on ant grubs. pletely harmless to humans. The hoverfly larvae look like miniature tanks and were mistaken by Victorian naturalists as a strange type of slug, so unusual is their Many hoverflies can be named August have the highest diversity of species. shape. with a little experience in the field, or from good photo- The best places to search are the flowers of herbs and shrubs in On hot days in the summer keep an eye out for Volucella pellucens graphs. The recent publication open meadows and clearings. In the spring, look out for drone flies or Volucella bombylans resting on bramble and other leaves. These of an excellent field guide, together with digital cameras and well (Eristalis species) on sallow catkins. These large hoverflies mimic attractive hover- illustrated web sites, means that they are now accessible to amateur honey bees and can even buzz loudly, giving them their English name. flies with feathery naturalists. Although few have English names, with a little persever- As spring progresses into summer, pay particular attention to tall antennae are excel- ance the scientific names soon sink in. Details of these resources flowers of the cow parsley family – hemlock water dropwort, wild lent bumblebee can be found at the end of this leaflet. angelica and hogweed are especially attractive to hoverflies. Sever- mimics, and indeed al species can be seen on one flower head at a time. Later on in the their larvae live in The easiest way to tell hoverflies from bees and wasps is by the summer, devil’s-bit scabious attracts huge numbers of hoverflies of bumblebee nests, shape of the antennae, which are much shorter and fatter in hover- several species. scavenging detritus. flies. With a little practice, the difference soon becomes obvious. They also only have one pair of wings instead of two, but this in much One of these, Arctophila (now Sericomyia) superbiens, is an excel- harder to see in the field. Unlike most other flies, they are not lent mimic of the common carder bumble bee. Its larva remains, bristly. They are rarely metallic green or blue. Their wing venation however, to be described. In late summer, the blue flowers of devil’s-bit scabious attract is characteristic, but difficult to see in the field. Any largish black thousands of drone flies and the attractive black and yellow Hel- and yellow fly, or bee-like fly, is likely to be a hoverfly. Some hover- Other places to look out for hoverflies are around sap runs on trees, ophilus pendulus. Like those of the drone flies, the larvae of this flies, though, are pure black or resemble sawflies and these are where species such as Ferdinandea cuprea, a metallic brassy fly, can common species live in wet muddy places like the edges of ponds. rather more tricky – but it would be much less fun if all of them be seen sunning itself. Rot holes are the favoured haunt of the Look out too for migrant hoverflies at this time of the year, espe- were easy to identify from the start! large bumble bee mimic Criorhina floccosa where they can be found cially for Helophilus trivittatus which resembles a larger, brighter, looking for mates and egg laying sites. Log piles are worth checking, lemon-yellow H. pendulus. Their biology. As adults, nearly all hoverflies feed on nectar and especially in wet places. At Marsland, the uncommon hoverfly pollen. Their larvae feed on a wider range of substances. Most ei- Chalcosyrpus nemorum frequents such places. It’s a species that Autumn is the time to search ivy flowers, which are often buzzing ther feed on decaying organic matter, usually in wet places, or are likes to hoover pollen off leaves rather than visit flowers. with flies, including ‘hovers’ of many species. Among the many drone predators of aphids and the larvae of some moths, ants and beetles. flies you are likely to find occasional individuals of the large wasp A few feed directly on plants, burrowing into the stems or roots. mimic Sericomyia silentis, another species with feathery antennae. .
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    Volume 57, Part 2, 30 June 2000, pp. 69-136 ISSN 0007-5167 stum The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries THE BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE The Bulletin is published four times a year for the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature by the International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, a charity (no. 211944) registered in England. The annual subscription for 2000 is £110 or $200, postage included. All manuscripts, letters and orders should be sent to: The Executive Secretary, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, c/o The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, U.K. (Tel. 020 7942 5653) (e-mail: [email protected]) (http://www.iczn.org) INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE Officers President Prof A. Minelli {Italy) Vice-President Dr W. N. Eschmeyer (U.S.A.) Executive Secretary Dr P. K. Tubbs (United Kingdom) Members Prof W. J. Bock (U.S.A.; Ornithology) Dr V. Mahnert Prof P. Bouchet (France; Mollusca) (Switzerland; Ichthyology) Prof D. J. Brothers Prof U. R. Martins de Souza (South Africa; Hymenoptera) (Brazil; Coleoptera) Dr L. R. M. Cocks (U.K.; Brachiopoda) Prof S. F. Mawatari (Japan; Bryozoa) DrH.G. Cogger (Australia; Herpetology) Prof A. Minelli (Italy; Myriapoda) Prof C. Dupuis (France; Heteroptera) Dr C. Nielsen (Denmark; Bryozoa) Dr W. N. Eschmeyer Dr L. Papp (Hungary; Diptera) (U.S.A.; Ichthyology) Prof D. J. Patterson (Australia; Protista) Mr D. Heppell (U.K.; Mollusca) Prof W. D. L. Rid^(Australia; Mammalia) Dr I. M. Kerzhner (Russia; Heteroptera) Prof J. M. Savage (U.S. A; Herpetology) Prof Dr O.
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