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Page 1 ^ '~£L Jp % I-Il- R J '~£l ^ jP % ' C i-il- r j ^ - 4 ^V z% b<W- ?^ Is J) $& r^s V? Return to LIBRARY OF MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOODS HOLE, MASS. Loaned by American Museum of Natural History )^ ^AJlAAAu THE CANADIAN LIBRARY ENTOMOLOGIST. fee. ^K VOLUME III. m& WITIX FORTY ILLUSTRATION'S. (gbiteb bij the llicb. <£. J. £. Methane, itt. 1., Head Master of Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ont. ISBIST£D i:\ J. M, W. B. Ont. ; and SAUNDERB, London, Ont. ; E. REED, Bari-istei'-at-Law, London, DENTON, London, Ont, LONDON : PRINTED BY THE FREE PRESS STEAM PRINTING COMPANY. RICHMOND S'l I 87 r -5 rr LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME. BETHUNE, REV. C. J. S., The Editor Port Hope, Ont. B< >WLES, G. J Quebec. CHAMBERS, V. T Covington, Rv. ( :OU PER, WM Montreal, P. Q. ]). ! )ODGE, C. R Washington, C, U. S. )I I M M( )CK, GEO Springfield, Mass., U. S. t EDWARDS, W. H Coalburgh, W . Va., U. S. GROTE, AUG. R Demopolis, Ala, U. S. JONES, J. MATTHEW Halifax, Nova Scotia. PARKER. H. W Amherst, Mass., U. S. PETTIT, J Grimsby, Ont. REED, E. B.j Assistant Editor London, Ont. RILEY, C. V ST. Louis, Mo., U. S. SAUNDERS, WM., Assistant Editor London, Ont. SPRAGUE, P. S Boston, Mass., U. S. THOMAS, C Washington, D. C, U.S. WALKER, FRANCIS London, England. V < J ( ) X S T I T XT T I() N OP INCORPORATED 1871. SECTION I.— (OBJECTS AND MEMBERSHIP.) " 1. The Society shall be called The Entomological Society of Ontario/' and is instituted for the investigation of the character and habits of insects, the improve- ment and advancement of Entomological Science, and more especially its practical bearing on the Agricultural and Horticultural interests of the Province. The Society shall consist of not less than twenty-five members. — 2. The Society shall consist of four classes, viz. : Members Ordinary, Life, Associate and Honorary. 3. Ordinary Members shall be persons whose pursuits, or studies, are connected with Entomology, or who are in any way interested in Natural History. 4. Life Members shall be persons who have made donations to the value of $25 in money, books or specimens (the two latter to be valued by competent persons), or who may be elected as such at the General Meeting of the Society, for important services performed, and after due notice has been given. 5. Associate Members shall be persons residing out of the Dominion of Canada, whose pursuits or interests are similar to those of Ordinary Members. They shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except that of voting. 6. Honorary Members shall be members of high standing and eminence for their attainments in Entomology. 7. The number of Honorary Members shall be limited to twenty-five. 8. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and not fewer than three, and not more than five, Directors, to form a Council all of with shall be elected at the ; whom, two Auditors, annually Annual General Meeting of the Society, and shall be eligible for re-election. The said Council shall, at their first meeting, appoint a Curator. SECTION II.—(ELECTION OF MEMBERS.) 1. All candidates for admission into the Society as Members, Associate Members, or Life Members, must be proposed by a member at a regular meeting of the Society, and be ballotted for the affirmative of ; vote three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary for the election of a candidate. 2. Honorary Members must be recommended by at least three members, who shall that the is the certify person named eminent for his Entomological attainments ; election in their case shall be conducted in the same manner as laid down for other members. 3. Whenever any person is elected a member in any class, the Secretary shall inform him of the same letter no shall be considered a immediately by ; and person member until he has signified his acquiesence in the election. 4. Every person elected a member is required to pay his first contribution within one month of the date of his election null and void. ; otherwise his election shall be CONSTITUTION SECTION III.— (CONTRIBUTIONS.) 1. The annual contribution of Ordinary and Associate Members shall be one all to be due in advance on the first of in each dollar ; contributions day January year, the payment of which shall entitle the member to a copy of all the publications of the Society during the year. All new members, except those elected at and after the Annual General Meeting and before the following first of January, shall be required to pay the subscription for the year in which they are elected. considered to to the as -2. E^ery member shall be belong Society, and such be liable to the payment of his annual contribution, until he has either forfeited his claim. or has sitrniried to the Secretary in writing his desire to withdraw, when his name shall he erased from the list of members. :}. Whenever any member shall be one year in arrear in the payment of his annual c mtribution, the Secretary shall inform him of the fact in writing. Any member con- tinuing two years in arrears shall be considered to have withdrawn from the Society, and his name shall be erased from the list of members. 4. Life and Honorary Members shall not be required to pay any annual contri- bution. SECTION IV.—(OFFICERS.) 1. The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Society, to preserve good order and decorum, and to regulate debates. 2. The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as those of the President during his absence. 3. The duties of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be to take and preserve correct minutes of the proceedings of the Society, and to present and read all communications addressed to the to of their those in arrear of Society ; notify members election, and the amount of their indebtedness to a correct list of the members of the ; keep Society, with the dates of their election, resignation, or death, and their addresses; to maintain the correspondence of the Society, and to acknowledge all donations to it. He shall also take charge of the funds of the Society, and keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, and of the indebtedness of the members, and render an annual report of the same at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, in the manner required by the Act respecting the Board of Agriculture and Arts. 4. It shall be the duty of the Curator to take charge of all books, specimens, cabinets, and other properties of the Society; to receive and arrange in their proper places all donations of specimens: to keep a record of all contributions of books and with a list of the contributors and to oversee direct of specimens, ; and any exchange specimens. He shall, also, report annually to the Society on the condition of the speci- mens and cabinets under his care. o. The Officers of the Society shall form a Council who shall have the direction ••uid management of the affairs of the Society. The Council shall meet once in every the time quarter, and place of meeting to be appointed by the President, and notice to be iriven by the Secretary at least ten days beforehand. <!. The Council shall draw up a Yearly Report on the state of the Society, in which shall he an given abstract of all the proceedings, and a duly audited account of the receipts and expenditure of the Societv their of office and such during term ; Report shall be read at the Annual General Meeting Constitution. ii SECTION V.—(MEETINGS.) 1 1. Ordinary Meetings shall be held once a month, on .-ueh days and at such Lou as the Society by resolution may from time to time agree upon. 2. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at the place and during the same time as the Exhibition of the Agricultural and Aits Association is being held in each year, to receive and deliberate upon the Report of the Council on the state of the Society, to elect Officers and Directors for the ensuing year, and to transact any other business of which notice has been given. 3. Special Meetings of the Society may be called by the President upon the written request of five members of the .Society, provided that one week's notice of the meeting he given, and thai its object be specified. SECTION VI.-(BRANCHES OF THE SOCIETY.) 1. Branches of the Society may be formed in any place within the Dominion of Canada on a written application to tiie Society from at least six persons resident in the locality. he to the 2. Each Branch shall required pay to Parent Society fifty cents per annum to: each paying member on its list. 3. Every Branch shall be governed by the constitution <>f the Society, hut shall have power to elect its own officers, and enact by-laws for itself, ptovided they be not cinerary to the tenor and spirit of the Constitution of the whole Society. 4. All the members of the Branches shall be members of the Society and entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Members. 5. No Associate or Honorary Member shall be appointed by the Branches, but such members may be proposed at General Meetings of the Society by any Branch, as well as by individual memo* is. 6. Each Branch shit 11 transmit to the Parent Society on or i efore the first of September in each year, an Annual Report of its proceedings, such Report to be read at the General M 'otiu '.
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