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3-27-1973 The inonW an Winona State University

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The inonW an – Student Newspaper at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in The inonW an - 1970s by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 49 No. 20 WINONA STATE COLLEGE Tuesday, March 27, 1973

WSC student in first program "Future Alternatives" subject of TV series

(Editor's Note: The first of a series ropolitan State and Dr. Charles Simmons, of three programs entitled "Future Al- Dean of Faculties of Social and Behav- ternatives" will be aired live Thursday ioral Sciences at Moorhead State College. morning from KTCA studios. The pro- Guest panelists for the program will gram, which will be telecast from 9:30 be Charles Kuralt, CBS On-the-Road cor- a.m. to 12 noon can be seen in Dining respondent; Muriel Fox, co-founder of Rooms E, F, and G of the Student Union. the National Organization for Women; Bob Sheehan, instructor of philosophy at and Father Richard Armstrong, Director Winona State will serve as the on-campus of the Christophers, a national organiza- of the program which will explore ques- tion for constructive action in raising tions about the future. Bob Bambanek, the standards of human endeavor. Winona State student, is one of two state The program will be telecast live from college student panelists. Guest speak- the KTCA studios Thursday from 9:30 ers will include Charles Kuralt, CBS a.m. to 12-noon. Dining Rooms E, F On-the Road correspondent, Muriel Fox, and G of the Student Union will be open co-founder of the National Organization for WSC students and faculty to view the for Women, and Father Richard Arm- program. Campus viewers will be per- strong, Director of the Christophers. mitted to phone in questions during the Students are encouraged to attend the program. viewing and discuss the future with Bob Bob Sheehan, instructor of philosophy Sheehan.) at Winona State will be the on-campus moderator of the program. A Winona Rate student will be one Ideas that will be examined during the of the panelists for KTCA's introductory first program will include education, gov- program for the series entitled "Future ernment, drugs, marriage, women's lib- Alternatives." The series will examine Bambenek Sheehan eration, religion and ecology, according attitudes, life styles and plans for the to Rita Shaw of KTCA, the moderator future. The program is sponsored by KTCA studios. Bambanek is a sopho- Bambanek and Sue Heineke of St. Cloud for the program. the State College System and is funded more at Winona State majoring in speech will be the student panelists for the pro- This program is the first in a series by a grant from the Hill Foundation. and minoring in business. He is also the gram. They will be joined by faculty about future alternatives. Already sche- Bob Bambanek, a native Winonan, is president of Sigma Tau Gamma frater- panelists Catherine Warrick, Dean of duled are "Future Alternatives - The Learning Development at Minnesota Met- one of two students from the State Col- nity. (Continued on page 3) lege System participating in the two and one-half hour discussion that will be pre- sented live Thursday morning from the MSCSA news

The Minnesota State College Student Association held their February meeting at St. Cloud. 4t the meeting the MSCSA decided to send a letter to the Attorney General's Office urging compliance with the State Chancellor's request to implement a pilot program at Mankato to fund a Student Legal Aid program from student activity money. The Association extended until the end of fall quarter 1973 the report of the MSCSA athletic committee, The committee was formed by the MSCSA to look into the System's athletic programs. In other action, the group urged the State College Board to vote all Northern States Power Co. stock in the System portfolio for the appointment of Ms. Alpha Smaby to the Board of Directors of NSP, This is an attempt to get consumer re- cognition to the Board which is otherwise controlled by heavy industry and com- mercial interests. The MSCSA also approved, in prin- cipal, a motion to develop an informa- tional exchange system between the stu- dent governments in the State Collge Spring has sprung and the bicycles have arisen - but watch out for those stop signs. System. page 2 1973 draft President selected limit at 5500 at Southwest State On January 8, in a final report quarters estimated there would be to Congress before leaving his post 68,552 men entering the 1972 The Minnesota State College viewed the candidates. The com- as Secretary of Defense, Melvin EPSG, but, due to preinduction and Board has announced the selec- munity advisory group was appoint Laird announced that no more induction test failures and various tion of Dr. Archie (Jay) Jones, ed by the Chancellor from a list than 5,500 men would be drafted delays only 7,650 may actually 53, as the president of Southwest ' of nominees which included sug- in 1973. Having already declared be available for induction during Minnesota State College at Mar- gestions by Governor Wendell An- in late 1972 that there would be the Extended Priority period. shall, Minn. derson and area legislators. no inductions in January and Feb- Included in the EPSG are those Dr. Jones, Dean of Academic During the search process all ruary, Secretary Laird said that men whose indUctions were post- Affairs at Fort Lewis College, members of the college community the March draft call would be less poned January or February, but Durango, Colorado, will assume had the opportunity to meet with then 2,500 and that in April, May whose orders were cancelled on his new post on July 1, 1973. the candidates and file comments and June (the draft is scheduled Jan. 2. Whereas in the past their The Board acted on the recom- with the search committee. to end June 30) no more than an postponements were extended mendation of Dr. G. Theodore Mi- Southwest Minnesota State Col- average of 1,000 monthly will be month by month, they will now be tau, Chancellor of the State Col- lege, which began instruction in needed. considered in the EPSG, which will lege System, following interviews 1967, has a full and part-time This information is of special be the first group called if there with candidates proposed to the student enrollment of 2,560. interest to those in the 1972 Ex- are inductions in March or later Board by the college's presiden- tended Priority Selection Group months. tal search committee. (EPSG). WhiLe_these men will not Secretary Laird also was quoted "Dr. Jones has a record of ex- POSITIONS OPEN face induction in January andFeb- in his final Congressional state- cellence in teaching," Chancellor ruary, they may receive notices of ment as saying, "No one at this Mitau said. "Moreover, he is Dr. Jay Jones ON WINONAN STAFF induction (starting with RSN1 and point can guarantee absolutelythat highly recommended as a skillful working up ) in February if March the United States will be able to administrator who has great per- sition for Marshall Foods, Inc. Positions are now open for re- call-ups are deemed necessary. maintain an all-volunteer force for sonal integrity, a grasp of the is- The presidential search commit- porters on the Winonan staff. As of November 30, 1972, Opera- the indefinite future." sues of higher education, and the tee was comprised of students, Anyone who is interested in tions Division at National Head- ability to provide strong and dyna- faculty, an alumnus, an admini- working on the Winonan this quar- mic leadership." strator, and a civil service em- ter is asked to attend a short The new president will succeed ployee. Dr. Garry Hays, Vice meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. in Dr. Howard_A. Bellows, 45, who Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Phelps 101. If you are unable to announced his resignation last Au- served as non-voting chairman. A attend this meeting please contact gust. Dr. Bellows, who has been community advisory group com- Connie Davis, editor, Friday af- Senate shorts president since 1964, will remain prised of 12 residents of South- ternoon in Phelps 101. in Marshall in a key executive po- western Minnesota met and inter- Remember, it is your paper.

At the March 7th meeting the Spring Quarter will be held at Student Senate approved sending a 4:00 on Wednesdays instead of letter of recommendation to be Thursdays in Dining Rooms C sent to the Minnesota Department and D. Jobs available in Europe of Health is support of a low cost * * * * * V.C. clinic in Winona. Now is your chance to get in- * * * * • For any student planning a trip with most jobs. TheStudent Over- and descriptions, and the SOS volved in Student Government. Handbook on earning a trip to Julie Kruse was appointed to fill to Europe a temporary paying job seas Services (SOS), a Luxem- There are four openings on the Europe may be obtained by send- the A2C2 vacancy. Student Activity Coordinating in Austria, Switzerland, France bourg student organization which * * * * * or some other country could be the has been helping students for the ing your name, address, educa- Committee, one on the Housing tional institution, and $1 (for ad- Senator Penny sponsored a mo- Board and Concert and Lectures answer to lower purchasing power past 15 years, will obtain a job, tion requesting MSCSA to use Stu- of the U.S. dollar. Recently raised work permit, visa, and any other dressing, handling, printing, and and a Senior Senator vacancy. postage) to Placement Office, SOS, dent Activity Fund money to fund wages in Europe will not only off- necessary working papers re- Anyone interested in any of these Box 5173, Santa Barbara, Calif. the lobbyist program. TheStudent set any loss in dollar value, but a quired for any college student who positions contact a senator or 93108. Inquiries and applications Senate approved the motion. few weeks work at a resort, ho- applies early enough. SOS also sign up in the senate office on for paying jobs in Europe should * * the bulletin board. tel or restaurant job providing provides a job orientation in Eur- be sent early enough to allow SOS The Student Senate meetings wages plus free room and board ope before going to your job. will actually pay for the youth Application forms, job listings ample time to process the papers. fare air ticket and provide left- over cash for traveling around Europe. Temporary paying student jobs are available to any student willing to work in order to see Winonan editor Europe. Most jobs are in Austria, Swit- zerland, France and Germany in INTERVIEW such categories as resort, hotel, applications sought restaurant, hospital and farm work. Jobs are also available in fac- The Student Publications Com- tories, offices and shops. Standard in consultation with the staff, and mittee has announced that they will ON CAMPUS wages are always paid, and room be responsible for the execution be accepting applications for posi- and board are arranged in ad- of this policy. tions of editor and business man- vance and provided free of charge Application forms are available ager of the Winonan for the 1973- from the Winonan advisor, Mr. Ur- 74 school year. banski, Somsen 216, or from the Applicants must be full - time PLACEMENT BUREAU chairman, Connie Davis. The new Logs and students of Winona State. An edi- editor will be selected within a 110 GILDERMEISTER HALL tor can appoint his staff and de- couple of weeks. slide rule termine editorial and news policy The Minnesota Department of Manpower class adds Services will interview individuals com- Save Lake Winona pleting degree requirements (2 or 4 year new section degrees) who are interested in seeking em- The Math department has an- topic of lecture ployment in the Winona area. Interviews nounced that they have opened another section of Math 121, Logs will be conducted during the week of April and Slide Rule. A School - community Envir- fish population in the lake with The one-credit class will be 2nd through 6th. onmental project - SAVE LAKE game fish, will include the use of taught be Gratiaa and will meet WINONA is the topic for a lecture aerators, an electric fish barrier from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on March to be given by Dr. Calvin Frem- and rough fish irradication pro- Qualified applicants, interested in non- 28 and 29 and on April 2,3,4, ling, a member of the biology de- cedures. Opportunities for stu- and 5. partment at Winona State College. dent and community involvement teaching positions, should make appoint- The class will meet in 119 In his illustrated lecture-demon- will be discussed. Pasteur. Students interested in stration, Dr. Fremling will des- Dr. Fremling's lecture will be ments at the Winona State Placement Bur- the class are asked to register cribe an on-going project to ar- Tuesday, April 10, at 7:30 in dining for it on drop-add day. rest the entrophication of Lake rooms E,F,G, at the the Student eau before March 30, 1973. If you have any further ques- Winona. Union. This program is sponsored tions, contact the Math depart- The project, which is aimed at by the Union Program Council and I ment. replacing the present undesirable is open to the public. page 3 Physician's assistant program Minnesota vets approved at St. Cloud can restore loan

Applications are being accepted ready have taken two years of col- part-time students. from full-and part-time students lege and have met general educa- "This means that nurses and eligibility interested in a new Physician's tion requirements and programs other qualified in the community Assistant program at St. Cloud prerequisites will earn the B.S. can either go part-time and stretch State College. degree. their study out over several years Minnesota veterans who have dente is furnished to the VA. The program to train assist- "Those who already have an ex- or take just courses they need in used their GI loan can have their Other reasons could include the ants for doctors in general prac- tensive medical background but no their present jobs," Dr. Gonzal- eligibility restored and get another retirement of a veteran, or trans- tice is the first of its kind in formal college work--such as li- ez said. VA-guaranteed loan under some fer of a serviceman by his mili- Minnesota. It was approved in Feb- censed practical nurses and form- "The job market for graduates circumstances, according to the tary department while he is on ac- ruary by the Minnesota State Col- er military corpsmen-- may enter of this program looks very good," Veterans Administration. tive duty, limited space in a vet- lege Board, and will begin next the program as candidates for an she added. "Duke University was John R. Murphy, director of the eran or serviceman's home, if a fall pending final approval by the A.S. degree." the first school to have a program VA Center at Fort Snelling, said doctor certifies that space is a Higher Education Coordinating The curriculum will be more like this and it has found there's the basic qualification is that the health question. An increase in Commission. structured than most other college a great demand for physician's first home was sold for compel- size of his family, however, is "The overall goal of the program programs, Dr. Gonzalez said. The assistants," ling reasons and the VA must have not in itself sufficient grounds is to produce graduates who can do student's class schedule is care- Factors which are considered been released from liability on the for restoration of entitlement. general medical work WELL," fully planned because each course when selecting students for the original loan. This usually hap- Murphy said that loss of em- said Dr. Neva Gonzalez, a phy- builds on the classes previously program include education, clin- pens when a home is sold with ployment through a reduction-in- sician and director of the St. taken. ical experience, personal attribu- new financing, he explained. force, or curtailment of activi- Cloud program. "The new program also will tions, test scores and commit- He provided some of the rea- ties in occupation where he is em- Physician's assistants will be make extensive use of preceptor- ment to work with a Minnesota sons for which property may be ployed—if suitable employment is trained to aid primary care phy- ships," Dr. Gonzalez said. "Stu- physician following graduation, Dr. disposed of and entitlement re- obtained in another locality--is sicians by carrying out such tasks dents will be assigned to a doctor Gonzalez said. stored by the VA. These include still another possible cause for as medical histories, caring for instead of a ward in the hospital, Preference is given to Central transfer of employment from one re-entitlement. wounds, doing laboratory work, and and will get experience doing the Minnesotans and those willing to go locality to another by an em- VA-guaranteed home loans are instructing patients in the details type of work they will do when to work in areas of Minnesota ployer, destruction of home by available to eligible veterans and of their therapy, Dr. Gonzalez said. they graduate." where medical help is needed. fire or natural hazard and volun- servicemen with at least 90 days Both medical doctors and col- They will work with two of the More information on the pro- tary change of employment to ano- of active duty during World War lege professors will teach the stu- 39 physicians in the Central Minn- gram is available from Dr. Gon- ther locality offering more in- H and the Korean Conflict, or at dents, blending college courses esota area who have said they will zales in Carol Hall at St. Cloud come and opportunity for advance- least 181 days in the Vietnam with on-the-job training. participate. State College, St. Cloud, Mn. 56301. ment--provided satisfactory evi- Era, he said. Loan benefits also "The two-year program will Another unusual aspect of St. are available to eligible widows, lead to one of two degrees," Dr. Cloud's program is the policy of and wives of servicemen missing Gonzalez said. "Students who al- allowing room in all classes for in action or prisoners of war for TV series on future more than 90 days.

(Continued from page 1) and individual involvement in plan- ning and changing the future. The Committee, Placement news Family" with Eleanor McGovern, best questions would be those which Robert Theobald and Irving Louis demand that the speakers be as Horowitz for April 17, and "Fu- straight-on and realistic as pos- ture Alternatives - Education" Senate INTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS Marwick , Mitchell & Co. -- Ac- sible in their way of talking about counting majors. Re-scheduled: with Robert Rimmer and others. the future in terms of the world, Placement Bureau The education program will be 110 Gildemeister Burroughs Corp. Over-all GPA of themselves and others. The goal 2.8 required. broadcast in May. is to have input for the program openings Teaching Interview In order to help the panelists Wednesday, March 28 -- Elk- Tuesday, April 3--Spurgeon's from people who are meant to be Stores. Management trainee in- and the speakers for the intro- participatory receivers. The Student Senate announced horn, Wis. Interviewing for: Eng- ductory program, students on the that there are openings ontheStu- lish in grades 6, 7, and 8; math terviews. Students with questions are urg- various state college campuses dent judicial, concerts and lectures and science, grades 6, 7, and 8; On campus Thursday and Friday, ed to give them to Connie Davis, March 29 and 30: Army Reserve are asked to send in questions editor of the Winonan, before Wed- and SACC, and housing committees elementary, grades 2 and3; learn- which represent student's attitudes (1 to 4 p.m.) nesday noon so that your questions for next quarter. There is also ing center supervisor with library toward the future, future lifestyles an opening for junior senator. and audio-visual preparation. Qualified and interested candi- may be sent up to the studios. Non-teaching Interviews dates should contact the Placement Bureau at once. Thursday, March 29 -- Peat, Alumni society

'OWN TO requests Language Study in Ae NEW '1+ nominations Nance, qamany, span The Winona State College Alum- Summer Of 1973 Del axe ni Society will be awarding two lifetime Honorary Memberships Budget Prices at spring commencement exer- Sander cises. The awards will be made Five and Six Week Study Programs to an outstanding male and an at I pound chopped beefsteak outstanding female graduate. Universitat - Ruhr - Bochum, Germany The Society is now receiving sartoversdeel Sesame nominations of persons to receive Sprachenzentrum - Erlingen, Germany start here 1teci this award. Nominations should in- Institute De Linguistic Applique - eese clude a letter outlining the back- Bensancon, France ground, qualifications and activi- University of Barcelona, Spain ties of the nominee. Nominations GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUATE STUDY should be sent to Mrs. Bruce Mc- Nally, President, WSC Alumni So- 12 QUARTER CREDITS ciety, 304 Lake St., Winona, Mn. 55987. Basic Costs: Nominations should reach Mrs. McNally before April 1. The win- Tuition and Fees $225 ners will be selected by the WSC Room and Board $245 Alumni Society Board of Direc- Secret tors. sauce Special workshops for in-service teachers ... in coopera- tion with the American Council on the teaching of Foreign Languages. 41( Don't forget that WRITE: tomorrow is Summer Sessions 4 University of Minnesota ilk.Across from W.S.C. Campus. Drop-Add day. 7327 Johnston Hall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 PHE FUN page 4 eatonais opinions a place in town that will print (note - document that relates of Christ having the word if PRINT) up standard sized lived on earth after the crucifixion for sheets at the rate of 50 for $2.75. That's nineteen more years and it makes an Registration marred how I had my resumes done, and I found interesting premise. For two hundred the quality superior to photo-copying as pages - yea; five hundred - no. For well as mucho cheaper. You will find those locked in solitary confinement I Last week's registration was marred iduals out to mess up the registration them in the Yellow Pages of Ma Bell's would suggest ELEPHANTS CAN RE- by what may be termed as mischievous system. Adding the prefix - to the how, why MEMBER (by Christie). Anyone who has action. Winona State, one of the few schools and where, I was able to read some of written over eighty novels cannot be too The cafeteria had been set up by three in the country that has a strict credit the top ten best sellers in the past bad. Still, this remains for the most avid hour registration, ran into afew problems fan of Dame Agatha, I have not read Tuesday after-noon for that evening's re- few months. THE ODESSA FILE (by For- gistration. Sometime between three and with students trying to sneak in early or syth) is worth an evening of reading. The ON THE NIGHT OF THE SEVENTH MOON six, an unknown person or unknown per- in through back doors to register. Last hero is a freelance reporter who tracks (by Holt) but my wife has almost con- sons broke into the area and made off with quarter the registrar's office became down a Nazi war criminal. The "how" vinced me, despite _ my lack of interest signs, masking tape and marking pencils, aware that more cheating was going on is interesting; the "why" is fascinating. in gothic romance. I have only just begun leaving peanuts behind. so during this registration more secur- THE WORD (by Wallace) should be saved THE STEPFORD WIVES (by Levin) but it Needless to say, the little crime slowed ity was used. for the summer. There is a tremendous promises to be as interesting, if not mole up Tuesday evening's registration. But on These students may think that it is cute amount of research in this that the author son, than his ROSEMARY'S BABY, Wednesday there were some more indiv- or smart to disrupt the registration pro- seems to want to say, "See how hard I Regards, cess, but it only ends up hurting everyone. worked on this!" Take an authenticated STE VE

Dear Rog, The Uncolumn Steve Lindroth

Winter Quarter is gone. Amen. It has materials I had neglected to hand in. traditionally been one of my hardest I could easily have dropped it off at their This is going to be the closest thing will be allocating money to organizations quarters, especially so this time as I teacher's home here in Winona - but I to the state of the college address that for their budgets next year. The survey was student teaching. I won't soon forget would not have been able to see them you are likely to get at W.S.C. This week you should have filled out during registra- those cold miserable mornings I dragged In a sense, I'm sorry I did. Someone I am going to hit on some expectations tion was one organized by Senate Treasur- myself into Mother Nature's freezer and once said, "You can never go home." of spring quarter that I have. er, Pat Dixen, for the purpose of inform- chug-chugged my car out of town for those It's true. The parts that are still the same The most important event that will, ing the members of the committee as to how the students want their money eight long hours. But this is only part make it even harder to leave. only with God's help, be coming our My memories may not have been so way is the new college constitution. This spent. This will not be a new occasion of the memory. or anything as every spring there is a The part that will last in my mind the pleasant if it were not for the fact that event, will have a great bearing on the mad scramble for the student activity longest is that of my classes. Memories I worked with a faculty that treated me as importance of other events that should funds. are like photographs that crack and fade an equal. I was not left to be an outsider, occur during spring quarter. This con- stitution will multiply the powers the The Publications Committee will be with age, relegated to frayed albums that or felt that I was just a transient they considering application for editor of the collect in the dusty corners of my mind. were putting up with. My thanks also Student Seante has to a point that, hope- WINONAN, which though it is an annual The photographs I have are not group must go to the Ed Dept. here at WSC, fully next year you won't recognize the task, it is one of the most important shots, but individual portraits of each and especially my college supervisor. Student Senate because of its extended positions a student can have, every student. I have equal recall of the Spring Quarter.. my last one! My courses power. Lastly, but by no means leastly, the ones who sent me Valentine cards, and have been carefully selected to satisfy The Student Senate election will be the student senate will be sponsoring a teach- the ones who wanted to tell me where the most difficult computer in Somsen. second most important event concerning er evalution. It is designed to give as an to go; how to get there; and what to do It won't be a breeze, that's for sure. My students, that is, considering the new objective appraisal of the faculty as is when I did get there! They made me job will now consume 32 hours of my week, constitution gets written reasonably soon. possible. This will be the first evaluation laugh, smile, become angered and frus- and also a considerable time must be Don't worry, I'm not running for anything of its type at W.S.C. and I hope it is a trated - just as I did the same to them. spent on seeking a position for next year. again. I'll soon be graduating and you success. I think I really fell in love with them. Which reminds me....I don't believe in won't have Steve Lindroth to kick around There are just a few things that you Tuesday of last I went to return some really giving direct plugs,but....there anymore. Whoever does decide to run, each candidate should be seriously con- can look forward to this spring, besides sidered. I know the old excuse that, "why more sunshine, and I think, all in all it should I vote when the Student Senate should be a very big quarter. has no real power anyway." Well, that PERSONAL TO WHOEVER WROTE old phrase won't work anymore, now that ANONYMOUSLY TO MY PARENTS: the Student Senate will have direct control My parents receive a copy of my col- over student activity funds, student hous- umnly weekly, and they happen to approve ing, the health service, SACC, and all of what I'm writing. Besides if I do hap- other committees on campus that handle pen to have all daughters and they are student concerns. I know this is a little promiscuous my parents sincerely hope early to be telling you to vote, but I don't they will take the pill. I am 21 years old want there to be any misunderstanding and if you have a gripe let me know, of the need to get as many students as besides from the obvious lack of tact possible to the polls. I will be endorsing that you seem to possess in such an a candidate the week before the election. abundance you could add some humor The Student Activity Fund Committee to my day by speaking to me directly.

by JEROME Jerome Christensen

Nothing can quite match the feeling of helpless irritation that comes over me rooms and offices, offices and more of- when I'm enjoying the quiet, restful re- fices, but no place where little kids laxation that comes with answering a long can be stashed so their mommas can go unanswered call of nature, or the dis- to class without worrying and we can traught face of a tension-filled four year drink our coffee in peace. old who pokes up under the securely Needless to say, I am advocating such latched door of my stall and howls' Hurry arplace. So are more than a few women. up-- I gotta do-do!". There should be Winona State definitely needs an on- somewhere that these miniature non- campus day care center to women stu- students can be penned up so they can dents with pre-school children. be out of our collective hair and spec- Already I can hear the screams from ifically out of my lavatory stall. Somsen--"We can't afford it!" Please, But there isn't, not on this campus. gentlemen, stifle yourselves and read on. There are rooms for soap opera addicts The fact is that a small scale day care to indulge moronic obsession. There are center could very easily operate at no : two handball courts for every handball cost to the college whatever, and the player, Weight lifting rooms, locker initial investment need not be over fifty rooms, shower rooms, dark'rooms, light dollars. All that is needed is a room, page 5 some kiddie toys and a volunteer super- authorization is not forthcoming, I'm sure visor. that converting a couple of administration The Union has two alphabets full of offices into• the involuntary child care empty rooms, beautiful downtown Winona centers for a few days would change the Start now has thousands of low priced kiddie toys necessary minds. and there are hundreds of kid crazy Never underestimate the persuasive People have said the Ecology move- out a sole victim, all inhabitants suffer people around campus who would be glad power of dirty diapers in an official ment is dying! The Ecology Movement the consequences! to gurgle and coo over a roomful of cute wastebasket! is as strong as it has ever been; yet While some men destroy, other men little brats. So no problem there. All we My thanks to Debbie Florin and the pollution is increasing! How? You may create! Creativity and concern canecan be need is a group of people who will set Women's group for bringing this issue say I am mistaken, but in truth, little shown by helping to stop pollution IM- up and operate the center and the proper to my attention. Briana and that well is being done about the real problem MEDIATELY. If you see someone pol- authorization. This group already exists. potty-trained kid who just couldn't wait of pollution! Certain costumes produced luting-voice you disapproval by: verbal Now all that is needed is the officials helped too, and I thank them as well, if by businesses, governments, and other means; notification of pollution control OK from the WSC bureaucracy. If such but through slightly clenched teeth. polluters have concealed the problem of agencies- (Minnesota Pollution Control pollution. Many people actually don't Agency, 717 Delaware St, S E , Minnea- realize the deteriorating affects of pol- polis, Mn, 55440, Phone 612-378-1320) by Phil Frank lution, they have never discovered the or in more serious cases (U.S. Environ- "Frankly Speaking" natural wonders of the earth. mental Protection Agency, 7401 Lyndale Winona, with its beautiful river valley Avenue South, Minneapolis, Mn. 55423, given a person dramatic views of nature's Phone 612-861-4467) and by use of other power to carve masterpieces out .of the methods such as Public Action Groups. landscape! If anyone would say they want If we want a clean environment, we had better start now. Let's not mask [ CLASS REGISTRATION Winona to be polluted or another place I disfigured, they must have never under- a severe problem: face it, then conquer stood that man does not live by destruction it. The problem is there, let us supply alone! There are the ones who could care the resources and time to help Mother less about their environment; we must Nature recover from her long chain of reach them and force them to care! attacks, Pollution of an environment doesn't single JOE GARTNER

Macalester student offers congrats

It might seem unusual for the former best part of my visit to Winona March sports editor and basketball writer of 7 was getting to see some of the base- Macalester's paper, the Mac Weekly, to ball players again. They noticed me when offer his sincere congratulations to the Mac played at Winona State March 6, Warriors for winning the NAIA District 1972, and then introduced themselves to 13 basketball championship, but it would me last June when I came to watch the be even more strange for him to visit Warriors play in the NAIA baseball tourna- Winona for the Winona State - Saint ment in Phoenix, near my hometown. "I'VE GOT TWO HOURS FREE BETWEEN Thomas game March 7, That's just the If Mac's baseball -team can't make it way I feel and that's just what I did, to the tournament this year, I hope the THE AFTER1•100R MOVIE MO 'SESAME though. Warriors can. The Warriors have quite a few fans at I'd wish Winona State good luck in s-iReer Ggr ANY clAs6es N Macalester, as you may have noticed Kansas City, but the basketball tourna- when Winona State met Saint Thomas in ment will be over before the next Wi- MY TIME SLOT ?' our fieldhouse March 8, 1972. We at nonan comes out. No matter what happens, Mac still regret that your visit to our I'm sure the Warriors will have repre- campus couldn't have had a happier end- sented Minnesota well. ing, but we were delighted that the Tom- Sincerely, mies finally got what they deserved on JOHN WHEELER your court. Macalester College Next to seeing the Warriors win, the

letter§ Praises "1776" Asks for more I would like to take this opportunity to All in all, we spent a most enjoyable congratulate the cast, the directors, and evening with our friends in our very everybody who took part in the excellent beautiful new Performing Arts building. data on tenure play, "1776." Winona State can be proud of the ex- My husband and I enjoyed it very much. cellent drama and theatre department All of the actors and actresses did so and the Performing Arts building. We very well in portraying their characters, certainly are. In the last issue of the Winonan, Pres- too stupid to be educated. It appears as the music was interesting and beautiful, Sincerely, though the government has done a good ident DuFresne gave his explanation "of and the settings also were done in a very Mr. and Mrs. M.J.McCauley the faculty reduction situation as it ap- job duping people into being concerned authentic way. plies to Winona State," Many students only about a vocation, A vocation that the may not have seen the explanation as it wealthy would profit from and thereby appeared not on the front page of the stu- being able to education their children dent voice as usual but on page two. I and would put their children in the pos- think many of the students would like itions which allocate values and money. to ask our president a few questions and DuFresne mentions "occasional out- Union asks aid have him make it very clear to them bursts" which might "ruin our image." (the students) why certain faculty me mbers Wouldn't it be something if the admin- are leaving, istration would have a burst of energy There are 165 courageous people at the The ratio of students to faculty is 19 to and go to bat for all the students and Dow Chemical plant in Bay City which that you print this letter in your college 1, yet one faculty member who's getting the faculty rather tham merely handing has been on strike for 14 months. They paper and that the student body aid us by the ax has in one class alone about 250 down policy from above. I am one student would like to enlist the aid of your news- refusing to buy Handi-wrap plastic food students. Another faculty members is who would like to see such an outburst. paper and members of the student body so wrap and Ziploc bags which are made at working very hard to enroll more people Incidently it does seem strange that there that we may survive. Dow Chemical is the Bay City plant. in a new external degree program; he is a decline in students, a reduction using its unlimited resources in an at- If there are individuals or groups on is also losing his job. Very qualified of faculty, but no reduction of admin- tempt to destroy us economically and campus who would like to aid us in this faculty people are denied tenure because istrative people. eliminate the collective bargaining pro- humane endeavor, please contact me at the or seemingly because of their strong con- I also hope that the students decide cess of our Local Union which is 14055 address which is given below. We re- victions, It would be nice if the president what is education and who is going to do of the United Steelworkers. quest that they boycott the above men- would provide some data on certain de- the educating rather than standing back Many workers and their families have tioned products which are produced by partments which have been rumored to be and waiting to have the screws put to suffered unlimited hardships in the loss of 'bow Chemical in Bay City and by any over-staffed, them. The students have merely to make income and personal property which they other aid or activities which may aid Of course, it is foolish to think this this decision. The institution exists, or have had to sell in order to feed their our cause. happening only at WSC Many schools are should exist for the students not for the families because Dow Chemical refuses Thank you, feeling the pinch. The government officials politicians, No matter what happens the to resolve an unjust labor dispute pro- MARTIN SCHWERIN seem to feel that there are top' many student will always be responsible for yoked by Dow Chemical and its local 401 Chilson St. people being educated or maybe the of- his or her education. m anagement. Bay City, Michigan ficials feel that many of you students are WILLIAM ANDRES In the interest of humanity we ask Local 14055 page 6

Les Ballets Africains Betty Mielke in recital here performs tomorrow this evening

LES BALLETS AFRICAINS, the nor outbreaks of violence occur un- Betty Mielke, a soprano, will national dance company from the til M'Balia Camara is shot and appear in recital this evening at Republic of Guinea, will present killed by a government soldier. 8:15 p.m. in the recital hall of their unique program at 8:15 p.m. And then: total revolution. the Performing Arts Center. tomorrow in Somsen Auditorium The second half of the ballet Miss Mielke is a pupil of Walter under the auspices of the WSC focuses on African Bible-like fairy R. Hinds, associate professor of Concerts and Lectures Committee. tales about a Sacred Forest where Music at Winona State, and has The provocative company of 45 young couples who violate the strict appeared in various group and solo singers, dancers and musicians, sexual morality of the tribe are recitals and was featured soloist chosen from the 96 regional dance cursed at and beaten by the gods with the Great Rivers Symphony groups of the Republic of Guinea, of the forest. The gods are last summer. She is active in se- will present a program of dance frightening and funny creatures on veral music organizations in La- which touches the legend, history stilts, in bulky costumes and hide- Crosse, Wis., and is the Execu- and pageantry that is Africa -- ous masks. tive Secretary to the LaCrosse past, present and future. The finales of LES BALLETS Board of Education. Miss Mielke After an overture played on AFRICAINS brings all of the danc- will be accompanied by Mrs. Joyce tam-tams, a dance in two parts ers back on stage for a final dis- Grill. called "The Evolution of Africa" play of incredible agility and ener- bursts onto the stage. gy -- a spectacle. The dance is an allegory about LES BALLETS AFRICAINS, the founding of Guinea -- centered which has paid several visits to primarily on the struggles of early the United States since 1959, has kings; and in particular, it is the consistently elicited the most ex- A writer who had sub- story of "The Lion King," who pansive and complimentary adjec- in modern-days has become a sym- tives that audiences and critics mitted a script to actor bol of the search for a unified could summon. Clive Barnes of Steve McQueen called Africa. has called to ask if he had read it. The second part of the dance is the ballet "the most distinguished of the life of M'Balia Camara, a and sophisticated of all African He was told that Mc- female martyr of the African na- dance companies. A stylish and Queen still hadn't read tions' struggles for independence tremendously exciting show, full of "Bullitt." from colonial rule just after World theatrical zip and taste...the girls War II. It is a brutal dance fea- are very young and pretty, the per- turing a comicly absurd African formers beautifully trained." LES BALLETS AFRICAINS, an African ballet troupe from Guinea, Uncle Tom and groups of dancers Tickets for the ballet will be will perform tomorrow 8:15 p.m. in Somsen Auditorium. fighting to free themselves from available at the door tomorrow evening at hands tied behind their backs. Mi- evening. tiTiat Iry Papers, Blues, Heartbreak this week

THE VALACHI PAPERS, a cold, hard re-enactment of the confes- al production released by 20th C en- honeymoon discovers he's made sions of an underworld soldier try-Fox premieres tomorrow at a mistake. Not, however, with- (Charles Bronson), will open to- the Cinema Theatre. Starring out first finding another female morrow at the State Theatre in Charles "Chuck" Grodin, Jeannie to pursue. Tim Browne, a 1968 downtown Winona. Based on the Berlin, and Eddie Cotter High School graduate, ap- deposition of Joe Valachi to the Albert, THE HEARTBREAK KID pears in his first major motion Senate Committee Investigating tells the story of an impetuous picture in THE HEARTBREAK Organized Crime, the film simply New Yorker, who while on his KID, rated PG. presents reality. There is no cheering for good killers, no laugh- ter at clever butchery. The audi- ence is simply garrotted by these men who calmly murder and maim and shrug their shoulders. From Columbia Pictures, rated R. Jane Fonda, , and Peter Boyle star in STEEL- YARD BLUES, opening tomorrow at the Winona Theatre. It's defi- nitely a comedy and Jane Fonda is part of a wierd bunch planning to fly around the world in an antique airplane. In the interim, she does her old thing with a new twist -- instead of being a terri- fied call girl, this time she does it for fun. But either way, the Sutherland-Fonda combo is paying Love-struck Charles "Chuck" Grodin pursues his dream girl off at the boxoffice. A Warner- Cybill Shepherd to Minneapolis from Miami Beach where he had Bros. film, rated PG. been honeymooning w,ch a previous dream girl in THE HEART- , Broadway's fore- BREAK KID, which premieres tomorrow at the Cinema Theatre. most comedy playwright, has turn- Tim Browne, a 1968 Cotter High School graduate, can be seen in ed his talents to writing the screen- "RICH IN ENTERTAINMENT. .the girls are very young and the wnite coat in the background. Tim appears in a supporting role play for THE HEARTBREAK KID. in the film. pretty" - SATURDAY REVIEW. The Palomar Pictures Internation-


Find out this evening when the 45th Annual Academy Awards ceremony will be broadcast live from Music Center on NBC-TV, beginning at 9 p.m.

Best picture of the year Best director of the year

"" ("The Godfather")

"Cabaret" Bob Fosse ("Cabaret")

"Deliverance" Joseph Mankiewicz ("Slueth")

"The Emigrants" Jan Troell ("The Emigrants")


Best actor in a supporting role Best performance by an actor James Caan ("The Godfather") Marlon Brando ("The Godfather") Robert Duvall ("The Godfather") Michael Caine ("Slueth") ("The Godfather") Lawrence Olivier ("Slueth") Joel Gray ("Cabaret") Peter O'Toole ("The Ruling Class") ("The Heartbreak Kid") Paul Winfield ("Sounder")

Best performance by an actress Best actress in a supporting role ("Pete 'n' Tillie") Liza Minelli ("Cabaret") Susan Tyrrell ("Fat City") ("Travels with my Aunt") Eileen 'Heckart ("Butterflies are Free") Liv Ullman ("The Emigrants") ("The Heartbreak Kid") Diana Ross ("Lady Sings the Blues") Shelly Winters ("The Poseidon Adventure") ("Sounder")

`Little Night Music, [Classifieds `Championship Season' Classified ad rates: $1 for first 15 words. Each additional word $.05. All ads should be sub- receive mitted to 101 Phelps or call 457- 2158. Ads must be paid in advance. "A Little Night Music", with music and lyrics by Stephen Sond- awarded the Tony Award as Best STUDENTS NEEDED to workpart- heim, has been named the Best Broadway Play of 1972-73, as well time evenings and some Satur- Broadway Musical of 1972-73. The as for best direction of a Broad- days; also full-time this sum- announcement was made Sunday way play (A.J. Antoon). Papp, like mer, Apply at Conf, Room 3 in evening at the 27th presentation of Sondheim, has received three the Student Union, Wed,, Mar. the Antoinette Perry ("Tony") awards in the 1970's, having pro- 28th from 1:00 to 4:00. Awards in New York City. duced the best Broadway play of Produced and directed by Har- 1971-72 ("Sticks and Bones") and NEED 1 MAN to move in with 3 old Prince, "A Little Night Mu- the best Broadway musical of 1971- others; $50/month. 803 1/2 W. sic " is Sondheim's third best 72 ("Two Gentlemen of Verona"). 5th . 454-1186. Broadway score in as many years. "Pippin" received awards Sun- He has previously written "Com- day evening for musical direction pany" (1970-71) and "Follies" (Bob Fosse), choreography (Bob (1972-73). Fosse), best actor in a Broadway The musical play, based on Ing- musical (Ben Vereen), scenic de- mar Bergman's 1956 sex comedy sign, and lighting, while "The Last "Smilies of a Summer Night", of Mrs.Lincoln" was awarded the also received the Tony for Best Tony for best actress in a Broad- The hurrier I go, Actress in a musical (Glynis Johns) way play () and best best supporting actress in a mu- supporting actress in a Broadway the behinder I get. sical (Patricia Elliot), book, score, play. and costume design. The Tony Awards are present- Joseph Papp's New YorkShake- ed each season for excellence on speare Festival production of the Broadway stage and inmemory "That Championship Season" was of Antoinette Perry. pqge .8 e, Cotter graduate, turns actor in 'Heartbreak Kid' The plot thickens when Miss By Bruce Closway tall, blond football players to play Shepherd falls in love with actor Daily News Sports Writer a supporting role. Chuck Grodin, who plays the part A former varsity football student Browne was in turn approached of a young New Yorker spending at Cotter . High and the University by Stoll, and promptly scheduled his honeymoon in Florida, and of Minnesota has turned away from for an interview with film direc- they ultimately decide to get mar- his athletic endeavors - at least tor Elaine May. Milts May se- ried in her hometown of Wayzata, temporarily - as a result of a lected the Minnesota senior from a Minn. rare opportunity. field of ten candidates, and he had Browne returns to the screen Tim Browne, a 1968 Cotter gra- the part, that of actress Cybill when he is asked to be best man JANE FONDA stars as one very gone girl in a wild bunch of weirdos duate who saw plenty of action as a Shepherd's college boyfriend. at the wedding and soniehow finds in STEELYARD BLUES, opening tomorrow at the Winona Theatre. defenseive end for the Gophers Most of Browne's screen time the courage to accept,.The marri- She is paired again with Donald Sutherland, her man in the Academy the past two seasons, has earned is spent escorting Miss Shepherd age scene was filmed in St. Mar- Award-winning KLUTE. a part in his first major motion about the campus in the tradition- tin's by the Lake Church in Waya- picture. al college romance setting - his ta and the reception at the La- shot in Minnesota. process, but Elaine May is a ge- When Palomar Pictures Inter- lines are few, but his presence Fayette Club in Minnetonka. Palomar Pictures employed the nius, and I felt it was a privi- national decided to film some is obvious and effectual. But in- Miss May assisted Mike Ni- same camera crew that filmed lege to work for someone like scenes from its latest undertak- evitably the two part company, chols in directing "" "The French Connection" and the her." ing, 'The Heartbreak Kid" on the allowing the attractive coed to and also directed and starred in associate producer is Eric Pre- Browne, who backed up the Go- University campus, the Gophers' spend her spring break in Florida "," with . Some minger, son of the notorious pro- phers' Most Valuable Player, Tom new grid coach, Cal Stoll, was with friends. of the big-name actors in the film ducer Otto Preminger. Chandler, at a defensive end spot contacted and asked to recommend are James Whitmore, Eddie Al- "There were a lot of retakes this past fall, has not been ap- bert and Audra Lindley. those first few days," admitted proached by any professional Browne's roommate at the Uni- the 21-year-old Browne, who will teams. He is the son of Mr. and versity, Dick Humleker, a junior complete requirements for a bach- Mrs. William Browne of 77 E. Guthrie Theater notes defensive back for the Gophers elor of arts degree in advertising Howard St . in Winona. from Minnetonka, served as Gro- this quarter. "I discovered that (Reprinted with permission from the Winona Daily News.) second successful din's understudy for the scenes making a movie is really a slow season under Langharn

MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL--The nounced that income for 1972 was Guthrie Theater has reported a $1,215,112, while expenses ,for the second successful year under the year were $1,687,781. The re- artistic directorship of Michael sultant operating deficit for 1972 Langham. The 1972/73 season, was $472,669. The Theater's com- which began on July 7, closed on munity responded in unprecedent- Jan. 6, 1973, after a total of 197 ed numbers to requests for sup- performances of a revolving re- port to cover that deficit. During pertory composed of Shake- 1972, 3,826 local individuals, cor- speare's A MIDSUMMER NIGHT's porations and foundations contri- DREAM, Vanbrugh's THE RE- buted $385,836 to the Foundation. LAPSE, Steinbeck's OF MICE AND In addition to the plays of the MEN, Labiche's AN ITALIAN main season, the T heater also pre- STRAW HAT, and Anthony Bur- sented a special Christmas week gess' new translation of Sophocle's story - theater production of Dick- OEDIPUS THE KING. en's A CHRISTMAS CAROL, which Total audiences for the five-play played 10 capacity performances season were 227,259, or 80.3% of during the period Dec. 18 to Dec. audience capacity. Translated into 23. box office income, attendance pro- Another major project during duced 66.9% dollar capacity. The the 1972 season was the mounting ENSEMBLE ARTISTIQUE ET CULTUREL DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE -BUINEE difference between the two percen- of a Federally-sponsored region- tages is occasioned chiefly by the al tour. By virtue of a $50,000 remarkably high number of stu- grant from the National Endow- dents who attended the Theater ment for the Arts, the .Guthrie during the season at the special was able to send its popular pro- student ticket price of $2.0. 67,611 duction of OF MICE AND MEN on students took advantage of the dis- a tour of 15 principal cities in count rates, approximately 30% Minnesota, North Dakota, South of the total audiences. Dakota, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Louis Zelle, President of the Iowa. Guthrie Theater Foundation, an-

m t w t F s H I S W E E K ai

WEDNESDAY - "Les Ballets Africains" at 8:15 p.m. Somsen Auditorium (Concerts and Lectures Series.)

FRIDAY - Baseball at Southern Ill. University (Edwardsville) at 1:00 p.m / "Gaslight," Senior Class Production, at St. Mary's College.

SATURDAY - Winona Community Concert, The Texas Boys Choir, Junior High Auditorium, 8:15 p.m./"Gaslight" at SMC/ Baseball at SIU (Edwardsville) at 1:00 p.m. SUNDAY - "An Evening with Thornton Wilder," seminar with Julie Haydon at CST Maria Lounge, 7:00 p.m./Baseball at Parsons College (Fairfield, Iowa). WINONA STATE COLLEGE CONCERTS & LECTURES SERIES MONDAY - Baseball at University of Iowa (Iowa City). Wednesday, MARCH 28, 1973 - 8:15 p.m. TUESDAY - Jean Jacques Kantorow, violinist, CST Auditorium at 8:00 p.m./Up & Company sponsored "Travel Adventures," 7:00 p.m. in Main Lounge, Student Union. SOMSEN AUDITORIUM lir Around the State

BEMIDJI STATE MOORHEAD STATE A BSC student has established The Student Senate established a POW—MIA Information Center a picket line at McDonald's to pro- to make sure all MIAs are ac- test their sub-minimum wage. counted for and all POW's return- MSC students have a chance to ed. become acquainted with their sex- One of the residence halls onthe uality during "The Human Sexual- the BSC campus no longer houses ity Program" taking place during students. Instead it is renting out the month of March. It is a pro- space to a number of state and fe- gram seeking to help students deral agencies. become aware of their own sex- Teacher evaluations for last uality as well as others. quarter were called off because Andre Kole, an illusionist deal- of computer foul-ups and conflict ing with ESP and transcendental regarding the merit ofthe evalua- dematerialization, was at Moor- tions. head last Friday. The Student Senate has proposed a new grading system that would ST. CLOUD STATE eliminate grades of E and NP and instituting an "accomplishment The St. Cloud Board of Health only." has postponed the establishment Attempts to revise the general of a venereal disease clinic be- education requirements are under cause they feel that there are too way again. few cases. The Student Activites Fund sur- MANKATO STATE vey by the SCSC students had many shortcomings and will view The Union Discussion Committee the survey "with caution." is planning a human survival pro- St. Cloud student senators par- gram to be offered springquarter. ticipated in the National Student Students will be able to reno- Lobby conference in Washington, vate their dorm rooms. D.C. The fountain on MSC's upper campus is being restored and will SOUTHWEST STATE be operable by late spring or ear- ly summer. Dr. Archie (Jay) Jones has been A new general education program selected as the second president is being presented to completely for SMSC. overhaul the present system. The SMSC swimming team cap- The Student Senate is discuss- tured the conference title, the first ing different election reforms and title in the history of the school. the funding of student legislative analysis. REFLECTIONS What's On? 13313011ONS

Newman Center at Newman Center tonight at 7:30. Dr. Scott, a delegate at the Interested in European travel? Dr. Ulric Scott, an instructor Miami Democratic National Con- at St. Mary's College will speak vention in 1972 will speak about Students who are interested in York NY 10014. d) Tourisme des Etudiants et de the role of the delegate. going to Europe this summer can c) Office du Tourisme Univer- la Jeunesse (Belgian), c/o YMCA Everyone is welcome. contact the European Travel Cen- sitaire (French), 972 Fifth Ave- National Headquarters, 291 Broad- ter -- Student Overseas Flights nue, New York, NY 10031 way, New York, NY 10007. Sigma Tau Gamma for Americans (SOFA), 1560 Wanan Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036. The organization: BELKIN PRODUCTIONS presents Sigma Tau Gamma is having an *Has been operated since 1969 The Winonan is written and edi- informal get-together for the pur- by some of the major European ted by and for the students of pose of getting better acquainted student travel bureaus. Winona State College and is pub- with the male members of Wi- *Provides general information lished weekly except June, July nona State College, and to dis- to American students about stu- and August and exam periods. cuss membership. The gather- dent travel services available to Second class postage paid at ing will take place at the Sig and within Europe. Winona, Mn. 55987. Tau house, on Thursday, at 7:00. *Operates special charter Address all correspondance to All interested parties are invited. flights and special student trains Editor, W inonan, W inona State C ol- all over Europe. Aaar 1 ege. *Makes bookings on low-cost IN 101 Phelps Offices located at Delta Zeta student charter flights and tours CONCERT Hall. Telephone 457-2158. operated by other student travel Deadline for non-staff copy is bureaus. eta sorority initiated 3:00 p.m. the preceding Friday. The Delta Z *Offers a Car Plan, whereby ******************** five new sisters into the sorority students can rent at a 10 per- last quarter. They are: Jan Alon- Member of Associated Collegiate cent reduction or purchase new, zi, Chicago; Judy Holub, Cedar Press and Intercollegiate Press. duty-free cars at factory prices. ******************** Rapids, Iowa; Rene Koval, Gary, *Issues the International Stu- Indiana; LeAnn Reindall, Alden, Editor-in-Chief. . ..Connie Davis dent Identity . Card (LSIC) which Minn.; . and Mary Schommer, New Arts Editor Terry Carlson entitles the holder to student Sports Editor Sporty Long Brighton, Minn. reductions at theatres, concert Business Manager. Sweely halls, shops, museums, etc., Advertising Manager.. ...Darryl Kappa Delta Pi throughout Europe. The card costs Gullickson $1.25. Cartoonist.. . . .Dave It.iy;e11 If you plan to travel mostly with- Photography Mike Rice Kappa Delta Pi, the honorary in certain areas, you might want to Columnist Steve Lindroth education fraternity will hold its AUDITORIUM contact one of the following: LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN Jerome Christensen, Steve Ein- monthly meeting this evening at a) British Universities Student horn. 7:00 p.m. in Dining rooms C and Travel As - ' ,tion,AmericanStu- . ALL SEATS RESERVED. $3.50, $5,50 Staff: Ray Haag, Bill Stieler, D of the Student Union dent Traver 80 Fifth Ave- Doris Jensen, Esther Welch, Joyce John Holbrook from the Per- nue, Suite 120 B, New York, N.Y. Hungerholt, Bruce White, JoAnn MAIL ORDERS - sonnel Office will be the guest 10011. SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO MARY 'E. $AW.YERALIDITORIUM Graf, Joe Gartner, Bobby Gia- speaker. All active members are (HERB FRANK ENT.) LA CROSSE, WIS. PLEASE 1NtLup€ STAMPED, b) German Student Travel Ser- SELF•ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. ADD 25c FOR•HANDLIN4:',' quinto. urged to attend because officer vice, Times Square Motor Hotel, ..Albin Urbanski Advisor elections will be held. 8th Avenue at 43rd Street, New page 10 The team that went to K.C. 1111 sports

Coach Wothke was named NIC Coach of the year as he coached the Winning Warriors to a 23-3 season mark and the Warriors first trip to Kansas City since 1935.

Hershel Lewis Senior Harvey, Illinois All-Conference District 13 team Mike Urbach All-American Honorable Mention Senior Bloomington, Minn. What becomes a legend most? All-Conference BILL HITESMAN

Roscoe Young Ju nior Park Forest, Illinois All-Conference District 13 team All-American Honorable Mention

Mel Halbert Senior Phoenix, Illinois All -Conference Photos courtesy NEVER STRAY FROM YOUR IDEALS Winona Daily News OR YOU WILL BE LOWERED TO THE MASSES . . . Gus Johnson Sophomore Chicago, Illinois Wilkinson's Men's Wear All-Conference District 13 team SPECIAL CLOTHING FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE All-American Honorable Mention page 11 'Charles Branson WSC baseball schedule Cager Club banquet has the role of his career!"-BOSTON GLOBE MARCH MAY 30-At Southern Illinois (2),1 p.m.* 2-Luther College, (2), 5 p.m.* 31-At Southern Illinois (2), 1 p.m. 4-At Bemidji St., 3 p.m. at Student Union tonight 5-At Bemidji St. (2) noon. APRIL 8-At Carleton College (2), 1:30 The Cagers Club will be holding 1-At Parsons College (2) 1 p.m.* P.m.* Rosters available for their annual banquet tonight in the 2-At University of Iowa (2), 2 11-St. Cloud St., 8 p.m. women's softball West Cafeteria of the Student p.m.* 12-St. Cloud St., (2) noon. _ Union. The banquet will start at 7-UW-LaCrosse (2), 1 p.m.* 18-District 13 playoffs (2 of 3) 6:30 following a social hour from 8-UW-Stevens Point (2), 1 p.m.* hosted by NIC champion. Rosters are available for the 5:30 until 6:30. 13-Moorhead St., 3 p.m. 23-24-Area Four Tournament at girl's intramural softball program, After the dinner awards will be 14-Moorhead St. (2) noon. Waverly, Iowa. They may be picked up on the given to the team. Awards will 17-At U. of Minn. (2) 2 p.m.* WIIP board and rPtiirned by noon include the conference and district 20- Southwest St., 3 p.m. JUNE April 2. 13 trophies, awards that each in- 21-Southwest St. (2) noon. 1-6 NAIA championships at Phoe- There will be a captain's meet- dividual member received during 23-At UW-Eau Claire, 3 p.m. nix, Ariz. ing April 2. Softball begins on Apr. the year, and all graduating se- "The Valachi 28-At Minn.-Morris (2) noon. (*nonconference games) 3 and 4. niors will receive a ring. Papers" 'STARTS WEDENSDAY Mints for a better you 7:15, 9:30 STAT E

By Bobby Giaquinto protein, but should be eaten with today. You have a few weeks to velop another problem when they moderation. They are firm in take off that excess "blubber" do begin to do situps. From an Hi everyone, I hOpe all of you texture and should be highly masti- so get to work. You'll be proud anatomical view the ab muscles had a relaxing vacation after fi- cated, and eaten with fruits. of your accomplishments with your are weak and the person doing the nals. Congratulations to the WSC There are some fruits that we own physique, just put a little ef- situps overuses his hip flexors since they are the stronger of the basketball team. It was a tre- often think of as nuts and these fort into it and watch inthe mirror mendous performance guys. Good are worth mentioning since they for results! two muscle groups. luck next year. are readily available for our con- So let's get in onthe situp bodrds So to repeat somewhat, if in doing the situp you keep your Those suntanning rays are just sumption here: at the weightroom at WSC or down around the corner so get that exer- knees bent during the exercise, less strain is placed on the hip cise and diet going. Next week I am going to present some facts flexors and the lower back, allow- and ideas, those well-known and ing you to do many repetitions for I lf you can't beat 'em some not so-well-known on sun better results in defining your ab- tanning and its various aspects dominal group. It is necessary ...drive 'em crazy! to bend your head and shoulders on us. - to develop This week I am going to dis- from the up position their cuss a specific subject, NUTS, the abdominal muscles to an important food for each of fullest potential for your body type. Now for you people that have us. All genuine nuts are rich in protein, fat and carbohydrates, not done much ab work start off differenct_ types having variant slow the first few days. Place JANE FONDA amounts of protein. They also con- yourself on the first level of the DONALD SUTHERLAND tain potassium, sodium, calcium situp apparatus, or if you do not and phosphorus which are impor- have access to one take a pillow PETER BOYLE tant in daily body functions. Nuts and place it under your buttocks. have a small acid excess, again Now bend your knees to about 65 STEWARD various nuts having lower or high- to 75 degree of angle, place your er acid contents. Nuts do contain hands behind your head, begin to BUMS valuable protein and should be curl your head and trunk, bring- - 7:15, 9:20 eaten in combination with fruits. ing your upper body up until it WINONA touches the bent knees. For varia- Starts Wed. Let's examine some types of nuts The PISTACHIO is a ripe fruit Bent - knee sit - ups and the values they possess. of a small tree, it is very rich in tion you can touch opposite knees The ALMOND - Contains a large protein, fat and carbs, has an aJ- at the Y and-for those of you with the opposite elbow to get a percent of protein, much fat, and kali excess. They are supposed that -don't have access to an ab further stretch of the ab muscles. small quantities of vitamins A and to increase activity of the re- board, well that is no excuse be- For example left elbow to right B. Almonds can be eaten to supply productive organs and stimulate cause you can do it too with a mi- knee or right elbow to left knee. the necessary protein to those who emotions! nimum of discomfort as I'll ex- Do a minimum of 20 to 25 reps follow a vegetarian diet. Twenty The WALNUT is also a fruit, plain a little later. for the first set, rest for 10 grams of almonds have the same rich in very valuable protein, fat By now you all have guessed it for 15 seconds and continue again. approximate value as one egg. Al- and starches; rich in potassium, --the SITUP is under elucidation Make it hurt, you must feel plea- monds should be chewedthorough- calcium and magnesium; also this week. Well that sounds sim- surable pain or you know you are not accomplishing anything. Picture ly to digest them properly. phosphorus and sulfur acids. Eng- ple enough you may be saying to yourself. Not so my friends. We your waist an inch or two smaller The BRAZIL is rich in incom- lish walnuts are a very concen- trated, good food and should be are going to examine it thoroughly every time you situp. Think of some plete protein, fat and starches; and scientifically! This way you motivating force like anew bathing rich in potassium. These nuts eaten in small quantities with fruit. will have variations if boredom suit or super looking midriff top. have high concentrations of cal- The PEANUT is a seed and not SEE WINONA'S a nut. They are very rich in in- sets in. So without further blab- Do this exercise every day and TIM BROWNE cium and phosphorus and have a bering into the situp we go. build up to where you can do 100 high acid excess. They possess complete protein and in partly di- in the supporting role, gestable fat. Very rich in potas- All of us have done situps at or more per workout. By the end a good percent of vitamin B. The one time or another during our of the first week you should have as Cybill Shepherd's brazil nut is a valuable food, they sium, calcium,magnesium, phos- boyfriend in.,. phorus, strong acid excess with a days, but few people did them cor- done 500 for the first week. By should be eaten sparingly and well rectly in the right fashion. Many the end of the 2nd week you should masticated to allow complete di- fair amount of vitamin B. They are a good food, but are inferior to people do not realize that impro- have that number up to 600 to The Heartbreak Kid gestion. per style of stiups can cause back- 730. Stay with and you see re- The CHESTNUT comes from the nuts when compared. Now if you all want a real treat ache and loss of flexibility. sults in two weeks, if done every chestnut tree and is fairly rich 'One of the "The funniest go down to the COOP shop on 2nd First we must examine a little day the way I have suggested, of in incomplete protein and fat; they year's best 4 : film of the basic anatomy to understand what course you'll be watching your films:' s.... year are very rich in carbohydrates. street and get some unadulterated if peanut butter, pure that it. It is is involved. Two major muscle food intake also. They also contain a lot of potas- grOups are used in the situp, the For you more advanced ab work- sium, sodium and magnesium. Be- dirt cheap, and the stuff in the 'Best "Best store or market can't even come abdominal and hip flexors. The ers: If you are athletes, especial- supporting 411 supporting cause of their tannic acid content actress, actor, group you use depends on how you ly football, wrestling and basket- they should not be eaten raw. close. Bring your own jar and Jeannie Eddie exactly do the exercise. The ma- ball players want to increase the Berlin:' Albert: Their tough fiber should be tho- pack it yourselves. See you next jority of the problems come from rugged look to your mid-sections roughly chewed for digestive pur- week. over-use of the hip flexors. hold a lift weight 5 to 25 lbs., poses. Boil or roast them before Our exercise this week is going When one does a situp with behind your neck when perform- consuming them. They can serve to concern itself with that old ab- knees bent, the abdominal muscles ing the situp. Do your sets on as as a substitute for potatoes and dominal area again. You are aware are exercised more effectively, high an inclines as you can that can be used in making bread. They that the beach season is rapidly provided that your head and should- will allow you to do a minimum should not be eaten in large quan- approaching with the coming of April to this area. We have al- ers are curled from the bottom of 15 to 20 reps. Do three to four tities. sets during your workouts for re- The HAZELNUT, the filbert nut ready had some exercises for the position to the top. When you do your situps with your legs out in a sults. This will bring out the is the most popular type. It is rich side of the abdomen and the lower straight position you get action ridges in your abs. vv in complete protein; containing a part. But what about that old up- starring of the hip flexors which greatly Good luck on the performance small amount of carbs, and is very per abdomen. You'll probably have Cybill Shepherd a's "Kelly" reduces the work load on your of this exercise, it is basic to im- rich in potassium, calcium and that bathing suit on inside of two abdominal muscles. Another im- proving the looks of your body so Jeannie Berlin phosphorus and sulphur acids. They or three weeks. So I hope you all portant point is that people who get on with it brothers and sis- have a small acid excess and a have been on a routine with the Audra Lindley have let their abdominal muscles ters of good health, nutrition and fair amount of vitamin B. These previous exercises. At any rate, end Eddie Albert become soft from lack of use de- exercise. nuts are excellent suppliers of if you haven't, let's get started

page it Around the campus shots

The fences are up,

the buds out,

and the stairways open.

You know it's Spring.

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