Winona State University OpenRiver The inonW an - 1970s The inonW an – Student Newspaper 3-27-1973 The inonW an Winona State University Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/thewinonan1970s Recommended Citation Winona State University, "The inonW an" (1973). The Winonan - 1970s. 92. https://openriver.winona.edu/thewinonan1970s/92 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The inonW an – Student Newspaper at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in The inonW an - 1970s by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 49 No. 20 WINONA STATE COLLEGE Tuesday, March 27, 1973 WSC student in first program "Future Alternatives" subject of TV series (Editor's Note: The first of a series ropolitan State and Dr. Charles Simmons, of three programs entitled "Future Al- Dean of Faculties of Social and Behav- ternatives" will be aired live Thursday ioral Sciences at Moorhead State College. morning from KTCA studios. The pro- Guest panelists for the program will gram, which will be telecast from 9:30 be Charles Kuralt, CBS On-the-Road cor- a.m. to 12 noon can be seen in Dining respondent; Muriel Fox, co-founder of Rooms E, F, and G of the Student Union. the National Organization for Women; Bob Sheehan, instructor of philosophy at and Father Richard Armstrong, Director Winona State will serve as the on-campus of the Christophers, a national organiza- of the program which will explore ques- tion for constructive action in raising tions about the future. Bob Bambanek, the standards of human endeavor. Winona State student, is one of two state The program will be telecast live from college student panelists. Guest speak- the KTCA studios Thursday from 9:30 ers will include Charles Kuralt, CBS a.m. to 12-noon. Dining Rooms E, F On-the Road correspondent, Muriel Fox, and G of the Student Union will be open co-founder of the National Organization for WSC students and faculty to view the for Women, and Father Richard Arm- program. Campus viewers will be per- strong, Director of the Christophers. mitted to phone in questions during the Students are encouraged to attend the program. viewing and discuss the future with Bob Bob Sheehan, instructor of philosophy Sheehan.) at Winona State will be the on-campus moderator of the program. A Winona Rate student will be one Ideas that will be examined during the of the panelists for KTCA's introductory first program will include education, gov- program for the series entitled "Future ernment, drugs, marriage, women's lib- Alternatives." The series will examine Bambenek Sheehan eration, religion and ecology, according attitudes, life styles and plans for the to Rita Shaw of KTCA, the moderator future. The program is sponsored by KTCA studios. Bambanek is a sopho- Bambanek and Sue Heineke of St. Cloud for the program. the State College System and is funded more at Winona State majoring in speech will be the student panelists for the pro- This program is the first in a series by a grant from the Hill Foundation. and minoring in business. He is also the gram. They will be joined by faculty about future alternatives. Already sche- Bob Bambanek, a native Winonan, is president of Sigma Tau Gamma frater- panelists Catherine Warrick, Dean of duled are "Future Alternatives - The Learning Development at Minnesota Met- one of two students from the State Col- nity. (Continued on page 3) lege System participating in the two and one-half hour discussion that will be pre- sented live Thursday morning from the MSCSA news The Minnesota State College Student Association held their February meeting at St. Cloud. 4t the meeting the MSCSA decided to send a letter to the Attorney General's Office urging compliance with the State Chancellor's request to implement a pilot program at Mankato to fund a Student Legal Aid program from student activity money. The Association extended until the end of fall quarter 1973 the report of the MSCSA athletic committee, The committee was formed by the MSCSA to look into the System's athletic programs. In other action, the group urged the State College Board to vote all Northern States Power Co. stock in the System portfolio for the appointment of Ms. Alpha Smaby to the Board of Directors of NSP, This is an attempt to get consumer re- cognition to the Board which is otherwise controlled by heavy industry and com- mercial interests. The MSCSA also approved, in prin- cipal, a motion to develop an informa- tional exchange system between the stu- dent governments in the State Collge Spring has sprung and the bicycles have arisen - but watch out for those stop signs. System. page 2 1973 draft President selected limit at 5500 at Southwest State On January 8, in a final report quarters estimated there would be to Congress before leaving his post 68,552 men entering the 1972 The Minnesota State College viewed the candidates. The com- as Secretary of Defense, Melvin EPSG, but, due to preinduction and Board has announced the selec- munity advisory group was appoint Laird announced that no more induction test failures and various tion of Dr. Archie (Jay) Jones, ed by the Chancellor from a list than 5,500 men would be drafted delays only 7,650 may actually 53, as the president of Southwest ' of nominees which included sug- in 1973. Having already declared be available for induction during Minnesota State College at Mar- gestions by Governor Wendell An- in late 1972 that there would be the Extended Priority period. shall, Minn. derson and area legislators. no inductions in January and Feb- Included in the EPSG are those Dr. Jones, Dean of Academic During the search process all ruary, Secretary Laird said that men whose indUctions were post- Affairs at Fort Lewis College, members of the college community the March draft call would be less poned January or February, but Durango, Colorado, will assume had the opportunity to meet with then 2,500 and that in April, May whose orders were cancelled on his new post on July 1, 1973. the candidates and file comments and June (the draft is scheduled Jan. 2. Whereas in the past their The Board acted on the recom- with the search committee. to end June 30) no more than an postponements were extended mendation of Dr. G. Theodore Mi- Southwest Minnesota State Col- average of 1,000 monthly will be month by month, they will now be tau, Chancellor of the State Col- lege, which began instruction in needed. considered in the EPSG, which will lege System, following interviews 1967, has a full and part-time This information is of special be the first group called if there with candidates proposed to the student enrollment of 2,560. interest to those in the 1972 Ex- are inductions in March or later Board by the college's presiden- tended Priority Selection Group months. tal search committee. (EPSG). WhiLe_these men will not Secretary Laird also was quoted "Dr. Jones has a record of ex- POSITIONS OPEN face induction in January andFeb- in his final Congressional state- cellence in teaching," Chancellor ruary, they may receive notices of ment as saying, "No one at this Mitau said. "Moreover, he is Dr. Jay Jones ON WINONAN STAFF induction (starting with RSN1 and point can guarantee absolutelythat highly recommended as a skillful working up ) in February if March the United States will be able to administrator who has great per- sition for Marshall Foods, Inc. Positions are now open for re- call-ups are deemed necessary. maintain an all-volunteer force for sonal integrity, a grasp of the is- The presidential search commit- porters on the Winonan staff. As of November 30, 1972, Opera- the indefinite future." sues of higher education, and the tee was comprised of students, Anyone who is interested in tions Division at National Head- ability to provide strong and dyna- faculty, an alumnus, an admini- working on the Winonan this quar- mic leadership." strator, and a civil service em- ter is asked to attend a short The new president will succeed ployee. Dr. Garry Hays, Vice meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. in Dr. Howard_A. Bellows, 45, who Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Phelps 101. If you are unable to announced his resignation last Au- served as non-voting chairman. A attend this meeting please contact gust. Dr. Bellows, who has been community advisory group com- Connie Davis, editor, Friday af- Senate shorts president since 1964, will remain prised of 12 residents of South- ternoon in Phelps 101. in Marshall in a key executive po- western Minnesota met and inter- Remember, it is your paper. At the March 7th meeting the Spring Quarter will be held at Student Senate approved sending a 4:00 on Wednesdays instead of letter of recommendation to be Thursdays in Dining Rooms C sent to the Minnesota Department and D. Jobs available in Europe of Health is support of a low cost * * * * * V.C. clinic in Winona. Now is your chance to get in- * * * * • For any student planning a trip with most jobs. TheStudent Over- and descriptions, and the SOS volved in Student Government. Handbook on earning a trip to Julie Kruse was appointed to fill to Europe a temporary paying job seas Services (SOS), a Luxem- There are four openings on the Europe may be obtained by send- the A2C2 vacancy. Student Activity Coordinating in Austria, Switzerland, France bourg student organization which * * * * * or some other country could be the has been helping students for the ing your name, address, educa- Committee, one on the Housing tional institution, and $1 (for ad- Senator Penny sponsored a mo- Board and Concert and Lectures answer to lower purchasing power past 15 years, will obtain a job, tion requesting MSCSA to use Stu- of the U.S.
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