Govt. of India Project on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve’s Coastal Biodiversity National Research and Monitoring Moderation Workshop Compilation of Research Papers Volume II V.K. Melkani J.K. Patterson Edward V. Naganathan R. Uma Maheswari Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust Ramanathapuram - 623 504, Tamilnadu, India November 2007 Citation: V.K. Melkani, J.K. Patterson Edward, V. Naganathan and R. Uma maheswarai 2007. Compilation of Research papers, National Research & Monitoring Moderation Workshop, December 2006, Madurai. p. 118. This publication has no commercial value. It is for circulation among various stakeholders only. November 2007 Sponsored by Global Environment Facility and United Nations Developmental Programme New Delhi Published by Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust Ramanathapuram - 623 501, Tamil nadu, India Editor’s Address V.K. Melkani, V. Naganathan, R. Uma maheswari Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Trust Jawan Bhavan Building (1st Floor), 102/26, Devipattinam Road, Kenikarai, Ramanathapuram - 623 504, Tamil Nadu, India. Ph: 04567 – 226335, Fax: 04567 - 229228, E-mail:
[email protected] J.K. Patterson Edward Director Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute 44-Beach Road, Tuticorin - 628 001, Tamilnadu, India Tel : 0461-2336488; E-mail :
[email protected] Authors are exclusively responsible for the content of their manuscripts, including appropriate citations and for obtaining necessary prior permission from the original publisher for reproduction of figures, tables and text (in whole or in part) from previous publications. Publishers and editors do not accept any legal responsibility for errors, omissions, and copyright violations of authors and claims of whatsoever. Front cover 1 2 3 1.