
Have a healthcare career Did you know. . . without being a nurse or ! that you could have a healthcare career without being a nurse or a doctor? In fact, most people in healthcare belong to another Learn more. . . group of professionals called The Network is made allied health providers. These up of different allied professionals work to deliver groups. You can learn more about allied health and specific careers in allied health high-quality patient care servic- by visiting the Health Professions Network es for the identification, preven- website on the . You can also tion and treatment of diseases, download more copies of this brochure and print an allied health poster. disabilities and disorders. That’s a long way of saying that allied The address is: health providers work to make www.healthpronet.org sick or injured people healthy You can also explore allied health careers and keep them healthy. by visiting schools that have allied health educational programs. To find out more There are HUNDREDS of allied about the schools you can visit these web- sites: It’s challenging… health professions and over six million people in allied health For the National Network of Health Career jobs! That means that most peo- Programs in Two-Year Colleges ple in healthcare are not doctors www.NN2.org or nurses, but they are. . . For the Association of Schools of Allied

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It’s cutting edge… It’s rewarding…

Allied Common Questions ? Health How long do I have to go to school? How much will I get paid? You MUST finish high school! After that, it How much you get paid depends on which job Careers depends on the job you do how long you’ll need to you choose to do and how long you go to? school. These Are a Few Examples of the go to school. For some jobs the training takes a few Usually, the jobs that require the least amount of months, others take several years. You can start your education pay the least while jobs that require more? Allied Health Careers Available… allied health career with a certificate program and training pay a lot more. And, you can keep advancing work up to a PhD level. by going back to school. Nuclear Technologists use small amounts of radioactive materials to Will it be easy to get a job? Where will I work? view organ systems within the body. Edu- There are so many jobs to fill and not enough people Anywhere healthcare is provided, allied health is cation can be certificate program, associate to fill them, which means it will be easy for you to there! From , and homes, degree, or bachelor degree and starting salaries start a career in an allied health once you to government agencies, research labs and medical begin around $50,000. have the right training. supply companies. Respiratory Therapists work directly with patients to help them breathe their best. Education is usually a 2-year associate degree and salary starts around $40,000. Clinical Laboratory Technicians or Scientists perform lab tests to detect and diagnose diseases under the direction of a Why should I choose a pathologist in the lab. Education is 2-4 years long and the salary is about $40,000. career in allied health? Medical Assistants work in medical offices and clinics to help with administrative and clinical procedures. Education programs Healthcare is so important in everyone’s life and you are either 1-year certificate or 2-year associate could be helping people that really need it. Every degrees and salary starts around $25,000. day you can make a difference in someone’s life - by Find out more. . . Diagnostic Medical Sonographers helping them heal properly after an injury, looking You should talk to your guidance counselors, teachers and take pictures with sound waves of body organs at their blood to make sure they’re healthy, taking an parents. Together you can explore different allied health to see if anything is wrong. Education require- x-ray to study their bones, or helping them during a professions and find the right one for you. The American ment can be certificate programs, associate . Medical Association has a book describing allied health or bachelor degrees, and the average salary is There are so many options! Not only will you be professions called “Health Professions Career and about $45,000. helping others, but you will be growing as a person, Education Directory” - a great place to start investigating! Check out other jobs available in Surgery, working with and other members of the http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/2322.html , Creative Arts, , and many healthcare team. Allied health careers are stable, pay more!! well, and are extremely rewarding.