Minutes of an Assembly of Principals and Electors of the Parish of St Brelade held at the Parish Hall, St Aubin, St Brelade on Tuesday 22 May 2018 commencing at 19.00 hours.

President of Connétable, Mr Steve Pallett, presided. Assembly:

Convening The Convening Notice was read by the Parish Secretary. Notice:

1. Minutes of The minutes of the previous Assembly of Principals and Electors of the Parish of Previous St Brelade held on Monday 5 March 2018, were adopted as read, and signed, Assembly: following a proposition by Mr Peter Norman which was seconded by Mr John Trafford.

2. Election of The Connétable called for nominations to fill the position of Officier du Officier du Connétable for the du Coin for a term of three years. Connetable Mr Ian Wright proposed Mr Ben Osmand for re-election. This nomination was seconded by Mrs Terri Bond. There were no other nominations.

The Connétable declared Mr Osmand duly re-elected as an Officier du Connétable for the Vingtaine du Coin for a further term of three years. The Connétable congratulated Mr Osmand and advised that the date to appear before the Royal Court of to take the Oath of Office would be Friday 8 June 2018.

3. Election of The Connétable called for nominations from inhabitants of the Parish to act as a Roads Roads Inspectors for the Vingtaine de Noirmont for a term of three years until 30 Inspector December 2020 in conformity with Article 5 of the Loi (1914) Sur la Voirie.

Mr Michael Videgrain proposed Mr Anthony (Tony) Harris. This nomination was seconded by Mrs Joan Wright. There were no other nominations.

The Connétable declared Mr Harris duly elected as a Roads Inspector for the Vingtaine de Noirmont for the term as stated and warned him to appear in the Royal Court on Friday 8 June 2018 to be sworn in.

4. St Aubin’s The Connétable explained that following the held on Monday 5 Parking March 2018, the Parish had discussed the comments raised at Proposals that meeting and after further consideration had decided to bring forward three separate parking propositions. Two of these propositions had been agreed by the

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Assembly on 5 March. However as the whole scheme had not been agreed, these changes, had therefore not been adopted, but the Roads Committee felt they were generally accepted changes. The changes were:

Parking at the front of the Parish Hall (harbour side) which currently provides a 2 hour disc zone proposed to change to 1 hour disc.

Le Boulevard currently a 3 hour disc zone which was proposed as a 2 hour disc zone, both of the above had been previously agreed on 5 March 2018.

It was recommended by the Roads Committee that the Landslide car park which is currently 12 in 24 and abused by commuters travelling to town by other means, is amended to a 4 hour disc zone with no return in one hour.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

Mr Robert Jones asked whether the Parish had obtained ownership of Le Boulevard yet and was advised that this had not yet happened. Mr Jones felt that the changes should not be discussed until the Parish were in ownership of the road. He believed comments made at the last Assembly were that parking matters would be carried forward to the next Connétable and that this looked like the Roads Committee trying to pass it through prematurely as it had still not been discussed with residents or traders in the area.

Mr Chris Tompkins asked how many people at the meeting live within St Aubin, several people raised their hands, with some having their own parking. Mr Tompkins asked why people outside of the area should be able to decide on changes to the parking as paycard parking would have a cost impact. He stated the proposed residents parking permit zone was too far away and would be on a first come first served basis. He added that people working in the village were on minimum wage and that further wording should be added to the advisory signs stating that parking discs were available to purchase from the Parish Hall. He did not feel that the proposed changes were needed and that they should be left as they are as he had lived in the village since 1991 and had never had any difficulties with parking.

There were no further comments.

Mr Michael Videgrain commented that the Roads Committee had listened to the Assembly and what was being proposed was as a result of the comments made at the previous Assembly. The Committee felt it only right that these items were brought back to the Assembly for approval and wished to clarify that the changes did not include charging for parking as all areas would remain disc parking. The Committee were just taking a common sense approach. Mr Videgrain then proposed the item which was Seconded by Mr Eddie Baker.

Following a Vote by a show of hands there were 6 votes in favour of the proposition and 48 against.

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The Connétable then moved on to the letter from the Minister for Infrastructure dated 27 March 2018 regarding the car parks to the rear of the Parish Hall. The Connétable stated that he felt it was for the Roads Committee and the next Connétable to consider what action to take next and decide whether any negotiation with the new Minister was required.

Connétable elect Michael Jackson agreed it was appropriate to advise the Assembly of the letter and he shared concerns regarding its content and pledged that along with the Roads Committee, he would be in discussion with the new Minister and intended to communicate fully with local residents and traders.

Mr Jones wished to state to the Roads Committee that residents just wished to work with them and talk to them, as they live here and can contribute to resolving the issues.

Mr Alan Breckon asked whether the Minister made these changes by Ministerial Decision (MD). It was not believed to require an MD.

Mr Richard Haycock commented that the new discussions would not be with the current Minister.

5. Naming of As a result of a decision taken at the Parish Assembly held on Monday 5 March Parcq du 2018, the Roads Committee had consulted with residents of Parcq du Pont Pont Marquet estate regarding the formal naming of the road leading to their estate. A Marquet poll had been taken asking residents to decide between the new agreed name of Rue Chevalier or that originally proposed of Parcq du Pont Marquet. The results were 46 against the new agreed proposal, 2 accepting the change of name and 11 no replies as at 10 May 2018.

The Roads Committee therefore felt that the naming of the road should be brought back to the Assembly in order for the residents to voice their concerns and vote accordingly.

Connétable elect Jackson stated that the amendment to the original proposition that he had put forward at the first meeting was done in good faith as former Connétable Jack Chevalier was instrumental in the building of Maison St Brelade. He stated that both he and the Parish should have consulted beforehand and apologised for any oversight. However he would now look for another road to name Rue Chevalier.

Deputy Monty Tadier commented that he felt the decision to call the road Rue Chevalier had been made on the hoof and that the quote “nothing about us without us” rang true. Nobody had expected a trivial matter to be amended on the night, and he wondered whether amendments on the night should be accepted as in the States Assembly you had to give notice. He accepted that many decisions made on the night as a result of an amendment would be satisfactory with not all being accepted but maybe the procedure should be reviewed.

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The Connétable replied that it would be a retrograde step not to take amendments on the night as that is the current process of Parish Assemblies but that all proposals are taken in good faith.

Connétable elect Jackson then proposed a rescindment so that the road name be officially recorded as Parcq du Pont Marquet. This was seconded by Deputy Graham Truscott. Following a vote by a show of hands there were 68 votes in favour and 0 against.

6. Licensing In accordance with Article 5 (1) of the Licensing (Jersey) Law, 1974, as amended, the following application was considered for recommendation to the Licensing Assembly:

A. Name: Mr Jose Ilidio Martins de Nobrega Categories: 6th (Off) Business Address: Midbay Stores Route de la Baie St Brelade

As the application is for a 6th category license there are no reports required.

Mr Trafford then said a few words on behalf of the application. Mr de Nobrega was born in Lisbon but had been in Jersey for 30 years and he had worked at Midbay for 11 years. He has applied for an off license as they occasionally receive requests from tourists staying in local hotels who wish to take a bottle of wine back to their room, Mr Trafford lives in the bay and uses the shops facilities often and felt that there was no reason why Mr de Nobrega would not be efficient in supervising the sales of alcohol.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

Ms Moz Scott asked what the proposed hours of the shop would be and was advised that it would remain the same at 9.00am-6.00pm.

Mr Miguel Almeida was concerned about the security in the shop as it was a large shop. Mr de Nobrega advised that he had run the shop for last few years and had never had any problems. The Connétable asked what security there was presently, as alcohol situated in premises can often be a target for youths. He was advised that there were no security cameras however it was felt that if they were required he would speak with the proprietor of the premises.

Connétable elect Jackson had concerns regarding the risk of glass on the beach and asked what provisions the licensee would make for preventing glass being taken onto the beach. He was advised that they were only selling to tourists to take to their hotels for consumption.

Mrs Sharon Morris asked that if they were selling alcohol to be drunk off the premises, what stopped the purchaser from then taking it and drinking on the beach. Mr de Nobrega could not provide an answer to this question. The

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Connétable stated that the point being made was that people could take alcohol to the beach sold by the applicant but that they could do this from any other off- license.

Mrs Joan Wright commented on the Beau Rivage who were refused permission to have alcohol on the promenade. However they do have a Chose Publique which entitles them to an area of the promenade. She was however worried about children cutting their feet on broken glass. The Connétable stated that this was veering into a separate issue. Mr de Figueiredo who works in the store commented that the area where the alcohol would be sold is separate to where the ice cream parlour was and that all members of staff were older and understood their responsibility.

Senator Sarah Ferguson commented that many youngsters gather in Winston Churchill park in the summer and felt it necessary for the premises to have security cameras as there were 2 entrances to the shop.

Deputy Monty Tadier felt that many were making arguments that were not directly connected with the application, as these were around taking alcohol on to the beach and that this could be done from any other shop such as the Co-op and Waitrose etc. He asked should cameras therefore be on the beach to make sure youths weren’t drinking on the beach? He further stated that glass on beaches was a separate issue to this application and that there have been no comments to say that the shop is being run in anything other than an exemplary way. Tourists staying in the Bay aren’t going to want to go up to Red Houses to purchase alcohol, they would rather be able to go to a shop nearby in the bay.

Mr Tompkins stated that he often picks up glass bottles and cans in St Aubin which are left by irresponsible people probably purchased from outlets in St Aubin.

Mr Almeida stated that there was already one off licence in the bay and there was no need for another.

Ms Scott felt that Midbay were providing a good service to tourists, however a number of outlets in the Bay do provide alcohol in glasses. She did not wish to see the same scenario as at Pizza Express when they opened and the beach was littered with pizza boxes which had to be dealt with by increasing the number of bins. She sympathised with the applicant but did have concerns.

Mr Jones asked if there was any way a temporary license could be issued but was advised this was not possible.

Mrs Morris commented that booze, water and sun don’t mix.

There being no further questions or comments recommendation of the application to the Licensing Assembly was proposed by Mr John Trafford and was seconded by Mr Augusto de Figueiredo. Following a vote by a show of hands the item was supported by 28 votes in favour and 11 votes against. The Assembly was notified

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that the Licensing Bench would be held on 21 June 2018 and that anyone who had spoken could speak at that Assembly.

B. Name: Jersey Hockey Limited Secretary: Sarah Jayne Heelis Categories: 5th (Club) Provisional Business Address: Jersey Hockey Club Les Quennevais Sports Centre St Brelade

The Connétable read excerpts from the reports. The Chief Fire Officer would set the occupancy figure once work was complete. Environmental Health commented that subject to the figure set by the Fire Officer, occupancy was sufficient for 300 persons according to the plans.

Mr Paul Masterton, President of the Jersey Hockey Club, then said a few words. He advised that hockey is currently strong and successful with the club having 450 members and a large junior section with several members on the pathway to becoming England Internationals. The clubs vision is to create a centre for hockey in Jersey as there was no current clubhouse. To date the members have raised £650,000 towards construction. The centre would support the future success of the sport with the club obtaining a long term lease with the States of Jersey for the astro turf pitch. Jersey Hockey will take on the running and maintenance costs and they are also in discussion with other sports clubs to achieve a multi-use facility. They will also be installing cctv.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

Mr Tompkins queried whether the license could be passed before the building was constructed and was advised that Article 8 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 covered this and included that any amendments to plans having to be signed off by the Licensing Bench.

Mr Graham Thomas asked what the hours of operation will be. He was advised that the bar would be open from noon on both Saturday and Sunday to early evening with the possible opening on a Friday evening. Mr Masterton advised that there will be very little open during the week. He also asked whether it would be used for private events and was advised that the club would like to see some income derived from events however there were limits within the Licensing Law as to the hours they are able to operate. The Connétable advised that if a licensed premise caused any problems that any person had the right to complain. Mr Thomas stated that he was concerned about the noise when people are leaving in the evening.

Connétable elect Jackson asked what the drawings showed as capacity figure. He was advised that normal occupancy would be 60, including both teams and officials. At peak during the Inter Insular weekend held every other year, the maximum could reach 150. Connétable elect Jackson supported the application but just would have preferred the number confirmed.

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Mrs Ethel Southern stated that she was pleased it is happening as hockey hasn’t had a home for a long time. The club offers more than just sport but also friendship and for hockey to have a home is long overdue. The age range of the club was from mini’s of 5 years old to 70 year old veterans, Mr Tim Pollard, well known locally, will shortly be representing England in the 70+ division in Barcelona.

The Connétable advised that the Chief Fire Officer will decide on the final capacity figure and that it is likely to be less than the figure given by Health.

There being no further questions or comments recommendation of the application to the Licensing Assembly was proposed by Mr Ian Cumming and was seconded by Mrs Fiona Gower. Following a vote by a show of hands the item was supported by 38 votes in favour and 0 votes against.

C. Name: St Brelade Bowls Club Secretary: Doreen Ann Moon Categories: 5th (Club) Provisional Business Address: St Brelade Bowls Club Les Quennevais Sports Centre St Brelade

The Connétable read excerpts from the reports. The Chief Fire Officer had set the occupancy figure at 120 persons. Environmental Health commented that subject to the figure set by the Fire Officer, occupancy was sufficient only for 100 persons.

Mr Michael Videgrain then said a few words. Plans for a bar and improved toilet facilities have been approved by the Planning Department. The club is currently the only local Bowls club without a liquor licence and the facilities will only be made available to members and bona fide guests. The intention is to sell beer, cider and small bottles of wine and the club fully understands its responsibility by having a liquor license. The bar will only be open as and when it is considered necessary during club opening times and not the full permitted licensing hours. The Attorney General has also approved amendments to the clubs constitution.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

Senator Ferguson asked how many people are likely to take advantage of the hospitality on offer and it was estimated that at most there would be 80-90 persons present.

Connétable elect Jackson queried whether the provision of alcohol would affect the standard of bowling, Mr Videgrain hoped it would improve his game.

There being no further questions or comments recommendation of the application to the Licensing Assembly was proposed by Mr Alan English and was seconded by Mr Alan Guy. Following a vote by a show of hands the item was supported

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by 40 votes in favour and 0 votes against.

D. Name: Nude Food Beach Limited Secretary: Adam Laffoley Categories: 1st (Taverners) 3rd (Restaurant) Provisional Business Address: The Cabin La Haule Slip St Brelade

The Connétable read excerpts from the reports. The Chief Fire Officer would set the occupancy figure on completion of the refurbishment when all tables and chairs are in place. Environmental Health commented that subject to the figure set by the Fire Officer, occupancy was sufficient for 25 persons.

Miss Lucy Morris then said a few words. She explained that she was the owner of Nude Food in St Helier and that herself and her partner had taken over the lease of the Cabin at La Haule. They had hoped to have it open for this summer but had applied to the Planning Department for additional toilet and disabled facilities and access. As well as being a café they wish to hold events for christenings and weddings and would serve beer etc. at these events. The ethos of Nude Food is to sell nutritious food with no added sugar or preservatives, therefore it is anticipated that alcohol would not be sold or drunk in large quantities as most customers would be health enthusiasts.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

Mr Jones asked regarding concerns over litter and glass on the beach. He was advised that drinks will be served in glassware but that they would not be taken on to the beach with the Nude Food ethos being “nude impact on the environment”. All food is sold in eco-friendly packaging but it was envisaged that there would be a caretaker to keep the beach clean. The owners have been working with the Sea Sports Centre recently to clear sea lettuce and aim to keep the beach clean as a main responsibility. Mr Jackson Lowe then commented that he and Lucy have 2 small children who will be at the premises a lot of the time and therefore it is in their interests to keep the beach clean, with the Connétable confirming it was clearly a family business.

Connétable elect Jackson asked about the 1st category license being applied for and wondered whether this was justified. Miss Morris replied that her understanding of the licensing law was that if someone was standing up with no food ordered then they should hold a 1st category license. They do not intend to run a bar as such, but, as an example, at a christening or wedding reception a person may wish to attend for a drink and not have food and she wished to be able to serve them.

Mr Max de la Haye asked how many persons they expected to accommodate inside, he was advised there would be 1 disabled and 1 unisex toilet, the inside seating was for 25 and external for 25-30 on the decking.

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There being no further questions or comments recommendation of the application to the Licensing Assembly was proposed by Miss Lucy Morris and was seconded by Ms Scott. Following a vote by a show of hands the item was supported by 36 votes in favour and 0 votes against.

E. Name: Jersey Lavender Limited Secretary: Andrew Hartland Categories: 3rd (Restaurant) Business Address: Sprigs Café Jersey Lavender La Petite Route des Mielles St Brelade

The Connétable read excerpts from the reports. The Chief Fire Officer set the occupancy figure at 40 persons. Environmental Health commented that subject to the figure set by the Fire Officer, occupancy was sufficient for 60 persons.

Mr Alistair Christie then said a few words. He advised that this was the 3rd time that they had applied to the Assembly due to a lapse in the license. The café did not have a strong demand to sell alcohol when considering the fees for a license, however they did wish to apply again. He hoped that the application would not be contentious. The café is open 6 days a week between 10.00am-5.00pm and they served ¼ bottles of wine, beer and ciders but no spirits. Customers are genteel and it is not expected for them to be found slumped against the side of the building at 5.00pm, most just wish to appreciate a glass of wine with a meal. The business has invested in fire systems due to new rules which previously didn’t apply in 2008 with their last application to the Assembly.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

There being no questions or comments recommendation of the application to the Licensing Assembly was proposed by Mr Alastair Christie and was seconded by Mrs Eleanor Christie. Following a vote by a show of hands the item was supported by 36 votes in favour and 0 votes against. The Assembly was notified that the Licensing Bench would be held on 21 June 2018.

F. Name: Alexandra Louise Ostroumoff Categories: 6th (Off) Business Address: Portelet Bay Cafe La Rue Voisin St Brelade

As the application was for a 6th category license no reports were required.

Advocate Victoria Grogan of Ogier then said a few words. She explained that it was a family run business and a lot of time and effort had gone into restoring the café to its current state with it being the only facility in the bay. There is a demand to provide alcohol to those who purchase pizza to take away. No alcohol

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will be served in glass, with any alcohol taken off the premises being served in a can. Those who wish to bring their own alcohol to the beach often, due to location, do not take their rubbish off the beach and the café carry out a daily beach clean to dispose of any glass and cans left behind. It is also hoped that this would reduce the amount of rubbish being swept away from the beach by providing suitable receptacles it would be a benefit by having the ability to control the amount sold to those purchasing alcohol. It was also noted that the category is similar to that recently obtained by Kismet at Ouaisne.

The Connétable then asked for any questions or comments.

There being no questions or comments recommendation of the application to the Licensing Assembly was proposed by Mrs Anna Carter and was seconded by Mr Chris Clifford. Following a vote by a show of hands the item was supported by 36 votes in favour and 0 votes against. The Assembly was notified that the Licensing Bench would be held on 21 June 2018.

In thanking the remaining 44 persons for their attendance the Connétable declared the meeting closed at 20.31 hours.

Signed: ______Dated: ______Steve Pallett Connétable

At the conclusion of the meeting, Roads Committee member and former Parish Secretary Mr Mike Videgrain thanked Connétable Steve Pallett for his last Parish Assembly and for serving the parish for the last 6 + years and wished him all the best in his future as Senator.

Following the Assembly a presentation was made to Mr Edward Cuthbert, a previous member of the Roads Committee and Churchwarden for his long a dedicated service to the Parish of St Brelade.

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