Fabulous Riissiaii An

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Fabulous Riissiaii An . t . i ’■ wrawiarAT, rtt fi iw« ■ f ■ ( TI16 WfldUiw jttattrftifstpr Csgtiteg IfpraUt A v d W DdOf Not PraM l a s i^ w flsi sC V. ■* ytaamm Umaam Fsv th* Mririh a t tm m m gy* OassMsnMe Mgh sls*iM— this bon to an.ptrtlclpatliig all patrola w lll-^ — --- Achlevomahth and • J5? at too'samo tUhe,' ao Troop 88 wul afteraeimt cloMjr aad. eeallaued St. Raymond’s Mothers Scouts Contest __ be ready with gamaa to aimiaa tba 9 , 6 8 0 eeld tonight with ohanoe at Ug^t wm meet this evening at Playg SeniUinr chackM by flmith. Ed­ jim trlip sfp r lE upntit^ Ik ra U i ward DIk. and OhMaa Lynn. Not Scpata atandlag by. o’dodt ht the home m Mrs. R iv ­ M sM bcydtoiJ^ aaow) fVIdsy fair oM cold. ard Ctolbert a i 48 Ardmore road. At Center Church I MfffieAdflter- ^ 4 4 C itn o f V a t o H o Charm \ wffl a »*t Mond*^ Woodruff hnn, at Center church. The Ladles’ Aid of Emanuel Lu­ PRICE FOUR CENTi) •t t tfOaOi theran church vrtn meet tomw- wUl ba the scene of an ibter-patrol MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1949 (TW ENTY PAGES) ^M ^ . 1 Qhurcli, An dttwcu^ firat Aid contest for an Manchas- row In the church vestry at 2:80 yoL . E xyin^ n o . i i i p. m. - . ■ ter DIftciet Boy fhmut trbopa to­ tSi fWwaUon* IW morrow avenln*'. Pabruary 10. •UdM tuM lt#li «R a iig «l^ in*, The Senior Girl Scouts of the Whlla provMiBg an evening of en­ portent eiiSaW maeOng ?*«■ joyable activity, the aim of the South Methodist church wlU hold contest te to atUnutete tnteraat in cade tH o -.p m ^ .-- ■. their weekly meeting tonight at First Aid an# help the boya to ■even o’clock. \ TIm Baddmnd - OaWand Club leanr through competition. A1- ■y thoujdi thla occasion la not a public V tsill hold Ita monthly meeting to­ The Ward Group of the South demonstration, parents who are o h night at d:80 pan. Methodist church will meet this particularly Interested In this Fabulous Riissiaii evening In the ladles' parlor at phase of Scouting are invited to ' H m Ladioa Night of the eight o’clock. attend. .n IhU Cedara will be held in the State A general outline of the pro­ Armory Saturday evening, March Richard J. Buckley of 377 East gram la announced by Norman Ifth. Center street has been elected sec-, Osboriie, Chairman of the Health retary of Tau Epellon fraternity and Safety committee: .Each The Aabory Group of WSC8 of at Bryant College In Providence. troip win be repijesented by one the SouthMethodiat church will He will be Installed at an election patrol of not more than eight neat Thuraday afternoon at 2 banquet to be held tonl^t. Buck- TOya, and the contest vriU ba to SiHIInBffBct an O’clock In the church parlora. ley Is a graduate of Manchester three parts, U» Oral questioning High school and la a candidate for by ^aminer Frank Muraaco, (2) - -A '* A Military WhUt, aponaored by the degree of Bachelor of Science Practical work, examined by Karl Kehler, (3) Solving realistic First the liucy Spencer Group of the in Business Administration at Mark Ha NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE A COAT Second Congregational church, Bryant College. Aid problems, exkmlned by Frank $ | iy Kiti(g;»iu and Betrayer of Ring win be held thia evening at 8 Muraaco, Karl Kehler, and Nor­ Three pUya In thrae yaart la man Oabome. ’The questions and News Tidbits Spy Ring Remnants o’clock la the tdjurch parlom. The Young People'a Legion of Senator Demands the SalvaUpn Army will have a tha record of ^Mark Holmes, past problems to be used are found to the Boy Scout handbook. A suit­ Called Ftrom (/P) Wires Pomona and Juvenlal Deputies, Bible study and examination to­ president of the Rotary Club, and Furs—Second Floor night at the citadel, commencing he will be remembered as the able emblem w’Ul be given to the Mr. and Mre. Raymond Johnson, highest acoring patrol, and a rlb- will preaent three Fast Maetera at 7:30 o’clock. Francis McCarthy stem father In the gay 90’a “Gold Denham Be Fired OeneorsMp regulations reminls- Jeww and apeak on the Juvenlal will preside. IB the Hin” with the ever-opening • eent of wartlihe conditions under Still May Operate Oraage tomorrow evening at the auitcaae. and last year as the wo­ which new Jewleh etate of lerael Group A of Center Church man-hating aUge coach driver In waa carved out still govern meet­ Hinatown Grange . A Valentine Public ing of hfet n ebeew Parliament... Bob Social a’Ul follow the meet­ Women, Mrs. Abbott Chase, lead­ “Dude Ranch." In this year’s pro­ From Labor Job ing,, with the ladles tumlehlng the er, will meet this evening at 8 duction of the combined Rotary t m New York Times mys U. S. has o’clock In the Federation room. Club and Comunlty Players ha Stenogropher I J W . COM • • ___________ proposed to Canada and Bnuwela lK»(ta. Treaty powers that two ebaages Mrs. CTlnton Hendrickson of the portrays Senator Blake, hotel F. M. BRODBRICE MaNCHitlv4 COHIH In World Capitals program committee has arranged chain owner, who arrlvea In the raft of North AtlanUe Dr. and Mra. A. E3mer Dlakan Hearings JHiroim In tolpails tO A ct t .. .U. N. offlclals 9to o f MS Bast Center atreet are on for two motion pictures. Mrs. nick of time to assure the “happy OtSes Cloaed EntO Mar. 1 * Emil Kottke, hostess, will be as­ Uproar When Neely As­ convinced case of Josef Cardinal board the Grace Une’a Santa ending.” Mlndsxenty will be brought before Espion^i^e Network So Pahla tor a Caribbean imd South sisted by Mrs. David Muldoon, Mr. Holmes la at bomb on the serts General Coun­ On Evictions U. N. far fan hiring . Frank Oilled Red Agf nt AnMTlcan cruise to the Nether* Mrs. John Hood and Mrs. Jennie stage as he waa a member Of the SInntra joins parade of Jack Ben­ Air Warning Bold It Slipped from leads West ladleB. Veneauela and Hoff. original Community Playert hav­ sel o| National Labor ny aqd Amos ’n’ Andy from NBC Ootonbia. ing starred In ’’UtUo Women,” JJitpanese ^ a n e s r Cabinet an(| a t Mary’a Auxiliary wUI meat ‘The Late Christopher Bean” and Relations Board Is *Bi- H ouse A djou rn s ss BUI Sweden, cocking an eye for Defense Bad Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the other early productions. “Rooin / digns of any Russian move in Fin (scrnian Embassy in Parish House. 'The guest speaker Service" will be presented two ased and Prejudiced* Not Ready; Signs Im- BondadM ^morid* land, lays \down defense policy Tokyo Secrets That will be Mra Theodore Prahl of eventnga at the ^oUlater Street 'passe Breaking Up Now aimed at delnylag nay nggrassive Saville Urges Swift Ap­ West Hartford. Hostesses for the school. February 25 and 26. Washington, Feb. 10.—(/P) nttaek by any power until outride Helped Change War OONNBCnuVT evening will be Mrs. Charles Cary, proval of Plan for Ef­ VALLE* —^The Senate’s labor bill B u n e t i n ! help could arrive .\, . Acting Pres­ Course; .4rmy Snips BIEMORIAL CO. 'Mrs. Frank Bartel, Mra William Turn Your Bacfc ' ident U TBong-Jen returns from Kloppenburg, and Mrs. Walter hearings were thrown into an state Oapltol, Haftferd, Shanghai virit with undlmlhMbed fective Radar Screen Aitken. PRESCRIPTIONS uproar today by a demand Feb. IS — </P> — Pemociate determination to seek peace with Out Parts o f Report Santa A lantb Wladaor \ io H $ epened their battle toddy in Washington, Feb. 10—'JP)—An from Senator Neely (D„ W. Chinese Communists, says one of Ito Rltsa Mepheae Hartford 8-M n 8 A. M. To 11 P. M. It’s Just As Pretty the Senate for a 8S-day mor- associates . Grand jury con­ Dr. Richard Sorgs Air Force general told Congress BaaMeaea Sfameheater • > » Va.), that Robert N. Denham I By Douglas B. Cornell 3 Pharoiacists atorlnm on evtetleaa aiki ln»- venes in Hertford to consider mur­ today the nation's air warning de­ I Washington, Feb. 10.—(A*) TUNING AND be Hied as general counsel of ' mediately raa into gepahllrnn der indictments against George Fashion news—coming or going. Simple peplum and the National Labor Relations opposition. BepabUcans read Lloyd SL James and Joseph W. fense system Is so inadequate that I—The Army warned today REPAIRING Arthur Drug Store “words would be impossible to de­ Ithat remnants of a fabulous Authitrltrd Dealer keyhole neckline highlight the front, and there s plenty board. 1^ agreed with nemeetata to ' n in connection withTBrist- OutI(iwmg Favoritism From SQspead the ralea, a prooed- iny danth of Mrs. Lillian scribe how poor It is." RINA oi- %ues of turn-about interest in the fishtail back! A sure com- Neely called Denham "blaaed j Russian spy ring that operat­ Leonard Eccellente ■/ and prejudtoed." nre reqnlrlag imantwinna eea- Brackett In Bristol. , MsJ. Gen. Gordon P. Saville, ,M «M .'1K%TS pllment-fetcher in fine printed crepe. 9izes 14-20. Choice Life Sentence of Cardinal Mlnde- ed in .Japan with perhaps the 113 Center St. Tel. 1757 Hla accuMtton came after seat, M that the laaae might head of the Air Defen.^e command, | greatest daring and success Income Tax Service of Black or Navy. Woodruff Randolph, president of be dehatod. They Immediately jwnty in Oommuniat dominated Urged in New Report urged swift approval of a 8161,- HALE’S the International Typographical eenntored, however, with an Hungary brings Into sharp focus 000,000 plan to throw an effective jin history may be at work in Evening and Weekends union (AFLl, told the eommlttee amendniMt to the Demecratle long conflict between Oemnumiam 1 radar screen around the United (world capitals “at this very Appointments that Denham made statements in moratonim bUL aad Chriatlnalty .
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