UNIGOV HANDBOOK A CITIZEN’s GUIDE TO LOCAL GovERNMENT Prepared by the League of Women Voters of Indianapolis UNIGOV HANDBOOK Unigov Handbook A Book OF FacTual INFORMATion abouT IndianaPoliS, Indiana This Handbook has been compiled by the League of Women Voters of Indianapolis Published by League of Women Voters Education Fund Indianapolis, Indiana © 2016 3 A Citizen’s Guide to Local Government The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to the promotion of informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership is open to women and men 16 and older. The LWV directs its attention solely to matters of government and the individual’s responsibility in that government. The LWV is active in voter education and provides impartial voting information. The voicemail number of the LWV of Indianapolis is (317) 767-4187, and its website can be found at lwvindy.org. First Edition 1980 Second Printing 1982 Second Edition 1985 Third Edition 1994 Fourth Edition 2001 Fifth Edition 2011 Sixth Edition 2016 4 The League of Women Voters is the only living legacy of the woman suffrage movement. For almost 100 years, our commitment to making democracy work has been unwavering. Never endorsing political candidates or parties, the LWV is where we can all work together to create civically engaged communities. JOIN NOW! Learn more at lwvindy.org. Membership open to anyone at least 16 years of age.
[email protected] Preface What is Unigov? How does it work? How can I participate knowledgeably in local government? This Unigov Handbook was designed to inform you about the government in Indianapolis, Indiana.