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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-19-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 08-19-1909 Hughes & McCreight

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Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 08-19-1909." (1909).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN AibX wmTiiEn ronrcisT. No. 17-4- P-- m - nr.. No 5.50 p. ' rmrpr, Ang 19. For Alhnqnrrqne No. 7- - 10. $ 5 p. m iiikI vicinity! Generally fair In wrath No 6.40 p. m. IZEN portion; lorn I shower In north p lion tonight and Friday. ;-- -1 Albuquerqije Nc. p. m. Cit 1.45 WE GET THE IEWS FIRST VOLUME i!4. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. THUKSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1909. NUMBEli 185 PRESIDENT 10 BE HERESENA10R PATTERSON THE ROYAL CUPID ENGINEER IS ARRESTED ORCHARD'S STORY OF AI NOON IS NOW MADE AN AITACK RESULT OF TRAIN


Understood Santa fo Will The Commercial Congress Man at Throttle of Denver & Settlement of Judgment In Provide Special Train for Delegates Refused to Take Rto Grande Engine Is San Francisco Ends Five Him From Grand Action on Hb Re- -, Charged With Man. Years of Litiga- Canyon. quest. slaughter. tion. " ATTRIBUTED EXECUTIVE WHO MAKE FAVOR STATEHOOD BALANCE OF CREW EXPLOSION LONGER SIAY AI FAIR FOR II TERRITORIES NOW BEING SOUGHT TO WEAK GAS FIXEURES

Official Invitation to be Sent by Resolution Will Advocate Admis- Man Accused of helnrj Responsi- Man Tried for Killing Governor Delegate and Governor as sion ol New Mexico and Ar- ble for Fatal Accident Which Steunenberg Figured In Suit Well as Local Officials izonaGovernor Prlrrce Killed Many Made No Ef- for Damages Following and Organizations a Speaker To- fort to Escape--Foun- d Destruction of Flats Many day. In Denver. Blown Up. Excursions t

Deliver. Aug. 19 Despite It became hnnwn thin afternoon the ef Denver, Col).. Aug. 19. Kngineer Sun Francisco, Aug. 19. Aftef v - H. Hollingsworth - - fort of tin leader- to prevent William of Train years of litigation that the Santa Ft- railway- company the the San Francisco iineMoi-uaiiing- No. 8, Denver and Hio Grande divi controversy com-I- I. Gas company ac- at the request of many Now Mexicans, sion, was and Electric have g - which wrecked at Husted is making arrangements to run a lielore the TrufisMississippI Cum- last Saturday and in which a number cepted Harry Orchard's statement at nurci.i: ujrT!!s. ol" special train to this rity. Oct. 1 h former Senator people met death, was arrested the time of his trial for the murder of ... I of Colorado, at- - man- tnu Grand Canyon in order hotiiiVnTatterson. here this morning charged with Governor Steunenberg, as perjury-Orchar- d frm I Piiuhot in a resolution ile- - slaughter. The balance of the mem- bring the presidential iarty her lit T In his confession at- mauding that the president tlx detill bers of the train crew will be ar- told ot noon on that clay and thereby rtVc tempting- to blow up Fred W. Brad- Albuquerque ot aleiy boundaries of forest re rested today as fust as they can be a stop in serves, ley, enemy marly twelve hours. throwing back for entry those found. Hollingsworth made no ef- an of the Western Fed- lands not Is W. P. of tin- Santa Fe. who timbered but arable. fort t evade arrest and it under- eration of Mint rv, then r. t i.m Garslde twenty prepare last night, is said to li,. in senator Patterson asked stood will lo furnish bond. orlh tints here, with arrived minutes additional to present his d.Miainite. Th charge of the plan. An the president's tiie ex- was JKI.IMINATI-- : MIMK owners of the fiat attributed the itinerary is now arranged, lie would resolution, which denied him, WILL congress on I'ltO.M, plosion to defective gas fixtures he pleased to make the night run the taking im action the I.AM TWOS and i sued the company, getting a judg- through Arizona Instead of remaining solution. Santa Fe, X. M., Aug. 19, Gover - In res- m. nt for 113,904. The judgment waa at Canyon, which would give him Senator I'atterson stated the nor lurry louay uppomieu iiumon the com- KuUistted morning. , a daylight trip through New Mexico olution that a board of Inquiry (tullegos of San Jose, Juse Pino ot this posed of I'inchot and four others had Galisteo and Levi Hughes Fe and time hi arrival In this eity at KIVC. 1: I iff A R I 'S All) WII.I. UK INVOK K) TO SMOOTH TH K PATH TO THK NUPTIALS OF THE of Santu already reported that the boundaries : a committee to rotifer with forest of- noon or Oct. lath. The Santa Fe, it CHAP.. VI IXC. KATHKIllVl-- Kl.KINS AND 11 W DIKK tiF TH K AllRl'ZZl. NEWS ITEM. POST OFFICE USE is understood, is ready to provide the ol the forest reserves are nt definite ficials tomorrow to recoinnivnd tor and in many places Include . grazing elimination from the Pecos forest re- special equipment fur the trip, if it agricultural suits the president. and lands and that the serve grazing lands. He appointed J. MANY RUBBER BANDS president now has the power to re- In the event that the matt r is suc- SHATTERED ROMANCE ! HIS HIGH COLLAR It. Agullur of Wuii m Mound, a trus- cessfully arranged, the Santa Fe will turn those lands to the state. No tee of the rt form school. answer to- run excursions from all parts of the Mas made to the Colorado Inspector tlrlmshaw uppointed senator, In- Crawd Chance for ticnlu Wlio Will. territory to this city on that day, OF TWO FOREIGNERS! GUI AN ARTERY NOT FOR JEFFRIES day J. M. Hilton deputy coal oil A was morn- Skid-mor- e, Find Substitute. which would bring one of the largest resolution offerd this spector nt Melrose, vice S. C. ever tov see ing endorsing th proposed enlarge-iiun- t resigned, crowds assembled here. ( Jalves-lor- , ,:-- o tlie harbor works at t s f i a; Tr: k . - president. As soon us It i defin- Immigration Odii-lal- Itct'iiMd to I.el Idi Player M Sun Kthiii ! N eurly stakeholder Claim. Ttat .i.-V- 'i-- Augi- the J for-ati- gi-ii- i ' and asking a general appropria- iti-:;- i " ilere is, a ;jiuai.t itely such an nrrnnge-men- t Uiimiwu.v Wife uihI I'lirainoiii' IM...I liuM ..r ltkMi.1 M. I'll Forfeit .f'Mr With latkh spkki tilaliu known that and harbors. TOO lus to make a fortune by Inventing can be made, file citizens of A- tion of rivers I anil. Kutdiel. OF AlltSIHP, a A. M. Amnions, of Colorado, offered Kesiill ol Pei sjtstltute for the rubber band. The lbuquerque will begin for ' preparations a asking private cap- department uses twice a to chief ex- resolution that New York. Aug. 19. Tile immigra- New Aug. 19. John- York ".leilgv" eiaid Khi-- I I Imit an Immense reception the to York. Jack Nv many rubber bands as any In- arrive ital be given the first opportunity ha already Applied Almve as Well as other ecutive. Should the president tion officials haw shattered the ro- San Francisco, Aug. 19. A stilt. son's statement that he In world. year develop water power, insteud of the 0(10 Ikloiv. stitution the Each here on a special at noon, he would - deposited f t, to bind a match j : government. mance of lieiaiiee Mayer, high collar nearly cost F.dKard La- this department purchases not le probably remain in Albuquerque until with Jeffries Is denied by the sport- The eoinmittee on resolutions took who left of a few teril his life yesterday while he than lT.SiO pounds of rubber bands be given her husband mouths ing editor who was named by John- Auourn, N. Y.. Aug. IP. Louis s about midnight and would playing ball. Running for a hltti lor use in Its thousands of ofrt-c-- 'favorable action on the resolution loped to this, country son as holder money. He fcuyi a machliirVt. took an an excelli r.t opportunity to meet the and with her fly, in threw back his head tu loo! of the Si.haedeline. throughout the country. The ban-I- lavoring the admission of New M deposited $"i,(Ho) a to lake at Owumco to- people from all over New Mexico, Ad lph a edg-hig- that Johnson for airoplane the a average and Arizona as states. lirst sweetheart. tirohnian. for the ball and the sharp of his flights. used in this department which it is understood lie desires to youth of 2o. The young couple, who collar severed an artery In his match with the first man to cover day to start about 2.700 to the pound and on Walter Grcsham. who built the this amount, which wan done by The aeronaut recently witnessed this do. a plentiful supply of money and j neck. He almost died loss cf Hrltt basis not lesx 4t8,450.nOO aru Galveston sea wall, was the principal have from in Myer flights Wright and than W. H. Andrews will leave for San- apparently blood before he could be taken to file behalf of Stanley eKtchel, and the Fort of tired each year by the post of (Ice de- speaker this morning. He was fol- whose refinement Verities $10,000 is now of some in his aeroplane, ta Ke tomorrow morning to call upon kinship prominent emergency hospital and the ffcnv that in the hands made chang'S partment. These bauds wear or lowed by I.. Bradford Prince, of New their claim of with Johns,ojir vjiich now thought lit. out Curry and make arrange- Prague, he re on a stopped. teh stakeholder for the he become destroyed. Jn various .ways Governor Mexico, who spoke on the develop- lamilies at arrived K. tchel fight to place In Oeto- - of the peace, ments for sending the president a Sunday. Mrs. Mayer was take Ike Pearson. Justice and the man who produces" a npthhix" tin- - southwest. steamship ber. promptly notified him he would to Albuquerque ment of by that will be an improvement over formal invitation visit accompanied her maid and all of If hi ear whizzed through tnat tu'J trip on special arrest him rubber band In the usek It is put to and to make the tile them had first cabin passage. They STATEHOOD i PLEDGE TO the heavens at u speed in excess of from the canyon. It la said that of- WOULD PROTECT would not have been disturbed In their will receive much cncourageme'ii forest liiCE twenty miles an hour. from the putofflee department. ficial invitations will be sent to the desire to land had not a cablegram The law governing automobiles president by the city administration, preceded their arrival. It was from goes Just the same on aeroplanes hi the Commercial club and the fair THE WEAK MINDED Mayers' and asked that BE KEPT SAYS SHORT OF HELP Mr. husband Ike Pearson's Jurisdiction. That is MOUNTED POLICE association and management. they be detained. A special board of his firm deci!on. I'nnVr the itinerary as at pr- sent inquiry has decided that the man and

arranged for president he would be de- k. the Italian:! Pli.vsiriau Make, l'lea I.i Mrs. Mayer and her maid must I. TAFT I. laminations Tld. Fall for Compe-Wor- 1'IVi: WKICK DltOWM II. CALLED IN AGAIN on g not reaeh Albuquerque until No I'rcvenl IiiiIktIIc ltm-inln- ported. IJefore tin- board. Mrs. May- tent Men for IVId Saundertown, It. I.. Aug. ). The the evening of Oct. Kith and would be Criminals. er made an impassioned idea to be bulge Shawmoiit. with a crew of five, in the city than six hours. It Is allowed to land. from Philadelphia to Portsmouth, Washington, Auk- - 19- An exami-- t believed the change ran be made Seattle. Aug. 19. "The Judia'.iu "Adolph was my school companion tow Tuesday oft Slrikesr at Cur Plant Are Kept on tlie Judge Ira A. Abbott, or the Second etion to till vacancies In the ranger which broke from without inconveniencing the presi- plan" of preventing Imbeciles becom- we loved each other for I.. 1.. Is supposed to Move as lteult iff an Attack and have district court, returned to Albuquer- OIi i4ii In Shlnnecoek. have dent and tT the greater convenience ing confirmed criminals was heartily to mar- force national forests i'l years." she said. "We wanted que today from a sojourn of several and including Alas- gone to the bottom with all hands. IjisI Night. of many people who desire to see ill fended today before the Prison They states territories, the ry, but my folks objected. weeks at his old horn1 at Haverhill. ka., will be heltl .'.I '.'6. Five other bulges broke adrift at the w I by Dr. Danie! re- October From him hile h re. hysleians' association wanted nie to marry a banker. I Mass. same time but all have been recov-- t Pittsburg, Aug. IK. Mounted untl I tults examination it is expected that helan. sisted as long as I could, but In the Judge Abbott or.iugrii wuii him a ,"10 red except the Shaw moiit. usln; riot the state constabu- 1 adop-- appointments will be made. 'Not only do suggiist the t end they forced me into this objec- promise from President Tail thai thai lary is today keeping on th. WEST on of energetic means to lessen the This examination will be held at PlfCAlfS tionable marriage. 1 never loved my part of the Kepubllcan platf I'm pro- each forest supervisors headquarteis move In the vicinity of tile Press.l number of existing criminal degener- M.-x- i husband, but I do lov Aloph After viding for statehood for New o it, the national forest states und ter-i- , FRONTIER DAYS Sleel Car company's 'plant ut M -- ates, also the removal of remote 1 but months of marital trouble, de- would rec ive his support at the I' lories, including N. M. Kccs Hocks. It Is lYstimated taut f.Ui) DISMISSED BY TAFT sources of evil, immoral books, plays lour Albuquerque, cided that the only way to avoid a '.ember sesion of Congress. Whlel the examination is entirely snots were rlretl by the strikers last pictures cannot but have I - AT and that unhappiness was "I met President Tuft nppo.n'.- lines, knowledge ON CHEYENNE night at the plant from the O'Dono-vu- n effect on young, especially those life of trouble and along practical and the away Adolph." meiit," said Judge Abbott this after Held book britlge but during the firing the or or' weak minds." to run with o' conditions rather than Thc Were FihiimI (iuilty HaIn: foon. "Beverly, where h is spend-i- s b Is police kept within the plant. Tho Military arnlng considered ssentlal, the Another Owlet in the ing his summer vacation, only a opportunities for those applicant Prt lilllllllll ie III looping Mini Itronclio strike is explained the tiring by Acailriii). w II THE ti miles from llavi rhil1. It is v Itll-lll- a BROADWAY SCENE !th educational advantages are lg Omlesls Were Held saying that number of wot km it KAISER TO SEE the same county. I called inj the aft v or-- - w increased. Yesterday. detaiued ithin the p'uiu West Point. N. Y.. Aug. My di- eriioon and found the pi ohm! hi in the against their will, l. - and the simotinj Tal't, RIOT i room i , rection of President to WRIGHT FLIGHT OF EXCITING diiiinistrative of tile nip ira was to dra wthc police to the brltlg were today dismissed from the mili- N White House. UNNATURAL FATHER I lit.M illie, Aug. I'.l. I'reliiiiinai y so the men inside could ienpc. tary academy for being Involved in "I told him that we cxp. ted t'n- contests ill the world's champion-hi- p Shortly alter noon today striker. the hazing of Rolando Sutton, a Necktie Makers tlcinplcl to tall Kepllbliealis lo keep tie platform broiictio busline, nd st. r roping fired hundreds nf shots at the steam- 'I lie ( I Zep- pb dge I brother of Lieutenant Sutton, whose riiian and Count Out Oilier Workers anil with reference to DRIVEN AWAY tests Wi l l hi Id at the Day er P. M Pfeil. which was carrying invesligi-tiun- . le-- street eti ath was r oetitly under pelin Will Witness l l ight and lie said: celebration yesterday atteri n. i veil fifty strikebreakers across the riv r. ItcMiltiit. " The widets dismissed are: John of Aerop ane. "Yes. i .rlaiiilv .' After visit men rode in the broncho busting Oll- - Thousands of strikers lined the banks J. Cooker, of Georgia, first class; Y 1 9. Thirty-liv- e v illi the president th, New ork. Aug. sain llar-VVli- o test, of whom Clayton Dunks, the c. tr prevent the landing but were j Aug Wright. re- - 'tlbli. Too Much for Kit-har- W. Hooker, of Missouri; I'eihu, 1. urllli loon, hi- gaw a longer state! by men and women spent the night In la-- r champion, and St. I'lair mad the constabulary, who , No lUiby. accompanied by his sister Katherin.-- I'.ost. II Waiilctl Karle W. Dunmore. New York, third Hot Men . street hospital last nignt gariliug statehood to tile best showing. the lo w men to the plant. J at lterlia, where is now o d Slip- - class; Chauncey C. lievore, West Vir- has arrived following an exciting riot which ill which he said lo w as City, Aug. 19. Tho time in the roping contest L f' burt . preparing lo make public Mights. It I i t a Kansas Driven fro;n . ginia, third class; Gordon bloekt d I'roadway for more than such bill." be.--t bv if III VI' IMIVIll lWT WVI UFIi In- t ai slow, the time made K. is put in It was a week ago yt r lay bis home In Chilliocthe, Mo., by an 1 Virginia, third class; Albert Craiv. able his machines In. nr. When striking necktie maker sti Nick who tied in 4" and l IIFi: si I I P HII D Kortn-r- . !. ,.; publllc refused Marr. elass; Jacob S. readiness by the end of the month, Judge Abbott visited and adverse sentiment and i , third attempted to call out employes of a veii. seconds. The features of th-- d foffeyv Kan, Au 11. Mrs. th- tiight be by t rue president wa- - expect- i friendly greeting by his old friend Alabama, third class. will witnessed the In in .it Thirteenth and llioadway a that Tuft K. eitigt-i- i C. its sports were trick tiding lo Trotq A. Kmily Hnibart. oldest of It was Sutton was as- who will come at that lime d .'imi ing to visit Albuquerque on his west- in Nevada. Mo.. F. Mori came to that cmpcnir, light si. in. in whi h .somen mid Kii.--s. ; I II is dead her wife to Ninth cavalry from Ft ll. tilet outhuasti Kansas saulted and beaten while walking a t. meet Count Xeppt lin. whose air- girls took part. were badly ern trip Kansas City with his to try Scons a among strangers to wiltl horse race, which was "ii b at Co age "f !in years. Kxcessiv lonely post on guard duty. A rinid is i xpecti d to sail Judge Abbott tin- ambas- llud home and ship from Fried beaten and the police were powerless ! edt-r- , Moiitlay night caus.-- lit r l'.ev-erl- y a'tiain-tancc- s. Muse of Cheyenne, and thi Peat l was t me. shot-v- . sador ot I'hinu was a caller at avoid the criticism of hla made. rieiislialeii to lieilin at tint to handle th. crowd. Several by Walk 111 her sleep. Slle fell off U rt h le he w as there. It was Morris who wrote to broncho busting ixhibitioii Mr b'k ere tired ll. I i rch. brt aking lo r right hip bone : il my d Mrs. odell of the detention tioldic St. i'lair. the woman chnmi MM-- I I III VI. SSOCI ATIOX "I eiijoM visit to my o home Aiic s. MII)ATKS - and cutting h. r alp. The injurli very indeed,'' ,ontlll-I'ei- l. holm- here, asking her to tind a home i on i)vrtn-Ti- i: .nm pit riK.i: Tin: n codk iim.iif.i; milch the Jllde caused her death She ,t,is born in ,ily. Aug - I'nile, itvn: I many of in old for tin- baby expected in a few days. W F.I.I. VI W II S Sl Vlt l l I) Jefferson l'l ihu Chicago. Aug. 19 'and imt 1.",. I s 1 Santa Fe, Aug. 1 9. Delegate An- increase ol l Virginia Deciiiib. r J. and opinion of Assistant Attorney (ielleial iriends. I met the president by ap-b- It. the letter he said he and his wife o; ii ot; poi i: on c messages been an- M s I I . be rales 'lie has ! Wo.-t- oved to Kansas in locating drews will in Santa Fe tomorrow 111 me very did not want a child, and he told Purls, Aug. 111. Accord ing vi lie, rendered to Superintend it poinlment he received e. nounced by the Western I'nion and Chllli-eolh- oi. a eight mile nest of Coffcy-vill- to settle a spirited tight for the of insuraneq Very earnestly Mrs. odell if she would go to longlit by pteani'-i- ' to ll.iiiiui I'. St. claim John Kennish the rt ite 'I It companies. new iiiforirially and talked She Is tlie there being nine candi- Postal graph The Mexico, to nurse his wife during her Ill- Norway, Waller Wl!nian left SpiV- mother of thirteen department, there is no la authoriz- s about New He appeared at cipher tnes-- 1 -. n. dates to succeed Frank W. Shearon, of seheduli aimed the In country ness, and then llnd a 'home for the iM'rgeli August i In a tlirigibli bal-- liildi. ing the formation and operation ilen-,- be greatly interested our distrlct'clerk-abf- p sage, gi into effect Sept. 1. f - Th.- If the latter accepts the are know n Us assoei tn and pleasant!.. baby. In- woul dpuy her well for it. loon in search of the north pol, what burial e - out here chatted i offered him. era! tile code system, the com- spout r territory The letter was published in the w iuil w as favorabl at th. start. now is this roit vi:m? ns. t. niait in the When 11, panics art-li- lias u tendency to wln-- Aug I Near Mand Quinn and oompauy of It is contended that ih.s associa- left lie expreei the llopi that 1 Star Friday, and It became Atchison. Kin, com pin-- 1 ariic. a pimluvtiw lHO-ae- CloviB filed incorporation papers to- tion an- springing up in every part ite w ould enjoy my visit in tin- ounty, known In Chlllicothe that Morris had iii:m:y OMIN VI I'll ItY NortonviKe OHO .ne rnw or me . , I paid its owner day with $T" capital. oi the slate and arc doing Ijumucmi l.y i. oicium. eipner l.,.,.l:lI1y t i.i. r rittt-- the letter he lost his position OMA IJI Mil farm has $til wnt - :nes-age- s - Vug. 1'.' tin- la.-- Tin- d I'n-d- ir will be charged at the rate ..Kv,.n ;1, umm, th-- of us ti barber in a shop there, and he San ,.i l I' liant pluntt wlihout eoiil'oriniiig to the law. hu home Frarieio. - GKYSEK. nt Ken- live letters to the word. Instead of r u th- - was criticized uy his friend Complete ret nil- - ft'on the pri- tie .llln, farm in coin, which ylelil- ANOTIIKJl IlKi thi opinion Supn iutendi much busier than - n I Ne- .1 t i! tt.liiiu bushels, VV h' u market- d Salt Lake, Aug 19. It la r port d nish probably will request the prose-lutin- g t letters, unless the telegram udiiiary individual who is attending and neighbor. Then he went to mary elect hoi give Kraucir from Mammoth Hot Springs. Yellow, attorneys of the differitit built on words which uppear In the I., regular business affairs. He re- vada. Mo., his old home, and there Hetn y the I ie liomiii..-tlo- tlie torn was worth tixty-t-'ght cents t stone Park, that a new geyser has counties of the state to institute pro- dicti nary. Domestic messages only ceives many callers dally and spends his friends had learned he hud for district attorney by a bushel, the total receipts from broken out. which spouts 200 feet ceedings tu enjoin these associations are affected by the new rule, a great deal of tim- - attending to af- planned to cast his baby from luv. majority of 1;M votes. I'ling tli.U'l. Hall of that amount high. Th. cruptioni--, last an hour. liom proceeding their business. 'ciphers escaping the increase. fairs of rtale." in me. i as hand, d (o tjn- - Isu.llord. AUK TWO. ALMK. t'Viror i r rt7' n Tin i!SIAV, ACGCST l, M. The Albuquerque Citizen ! Something of WEEKLY CLIPPINGS Rosenthal PUBLISHED DAILY AND From TSfiQ Preoa MONTEZUMA TRUST CO. by the Citizen Publishing Company o! Albuquerque, New Mexico. He's a squat Utile nun. with a a little nuisance, to avoid whom most I ushy black mane, whi.h. wnen he'rt o: us would execute n hasty skip ; ALBUQUERQUE HEW 1 w. STRICKLER WILLIAM. F. BROGAN angry, he shakes like i Nubian lion. around the block that Rosenthal MEXICO s. stix;. Hi Ing a genius, and ),: wise a man first rami' Into public notice. MANAGING EDITOR Judge V. J. Hill came In contact That RESIDENT with a full allotment o' red corpus- he has achieved fume despite the with the business end of a hornet this cles, it Is shaken, conservatively, onc. fact Is adlitionnl cause credit. week gathering of for At while apple out r twice a day. lien,:th the forelo-'- the mature ngo of four he gave what Capital and Surplus, $100,000 one li of his trees that the said .r. el l' if face elenn-cu- t and sun; thy, a his doting parents promptly dlagnoecd had preemted as a homing pm.i . As l.u-- whose conspicuous features nre a" symptoms of musical genius. At THE OFFICIAL XEWSFAJPEH. a been result he has looking at the a rroui-'tnch- that bristas In n.'cord- - nine he walked all the way from world through one eye a part or the a.--k Jo-sri- H March 29. 10. r.ce with the owner's mood, and tw i Lemberg to Vienna to Rarnel m Territory f New Mexico. OfflM of the Secretary. tkne. Farmington Times Hustler. piercing eyes that twinkie or snnp to hear :ilm play. Joseffy Pnblto notice la hereby given that In compliance with Section of in harmony with the moustache. smlVd lndul.-nt!.v- . and told the Thirty-eight- h legla- - TO PATTF.ltX AFTER KANSAS. There's a square-shoul- body be- youngster to shoot ahead. Council Substitute for House Bill No. SIS of the red The NTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS latlve assembly, approved March 17. 10. requiring the Secretary of The committee from the board of low a bit too brief to attain heroic youngster shot. A year later witn tl.4 Territory to designate an official newspaper of New Mexico, The control of the new territorial reform- proportions, but quite strapping Joseffy the same youngster gave a AJbnauerque Cltlsen la hereby designated aa such official newspaper of atory at Springer. James K. Hunt of enough, thank you. to respond tj the public performar?o of Chopin's Ron- Kew Mexico. (Signed,) NATHAN JAFFA, this city nnd M. W. Mills of Springer, strenuous demands of being one of do In C for two pianos. With an en- mmmtte44a.tMmtt)M))HttM))u a Secretary of New Mexico. visited the Kansas state reformatory the world's greatest pianist. thusiasm that has never left him. he pur- Such Is Morlz Rosenthal, the plunged Into the work of acquiring at Hutchison last week for the WITH pose of noting details in the conduct doughty little Austrian, who Is com- an education not merely musical, AMPLE MEANS AND UNSURPASSED FACILITIES of such Institutions, and it Is probable ing to America In October. Ho Is but general. Even then, from all ac- SrUSCBUPTION RATES: that the Institution at Springer will be coming prermred to spend the wlnt"r counts, his tastes foreshadowed the THE patterned after the Kansas Institution. In our artistic midst, prepared to ac- Rosenthal of today not simply a great hWs Owe by Mail. In Advance W-- Mr. Hunt and Mr. Mills speak "very celerate hearts feminine and emo- musician absorbed In art to Tear uught else, ok 60 highly w tions artistic from coast to coaM. and the exclusion of but a Om Month bv Mall of the Kansas Institution, hich bioad-mlnde- BANK prepared, ptill d, COMMERCE Month by Carrier Within City Limit M Is well known throughout the entire further, to cart home, cultured. educated OP LBUQUKRQUE. N- - M. On any man of the world a linguist, oril- - west for the excellence of the plan of with the utmost cheerfulness, a Entered aa second clan matter at the poetoffioe of Albuquerque, N. M., conducting the school. Katon Kunge. Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation ajader Act of Oongmw of March 8, 187. and Solicits New Accounts ALFALFA I.OXG-MVK- adter-Ma- The only Oliutrated daily newspaper In New Mexico and the best s Alfalfa is very long-live- d; fields In medium of the pouthwewt. Mexico, It Is claimed, have been con- tinuously productive without replant- CAPITAL. S150.000 THE AmrQTJERQrE CITIZEX IS: ing for over two hundred years, and Th leading Republican Pally and Weekly Nrwnpaper of the Southwest others in France are known to have OmCERB AND DIItEG TC It9 Tbe advocate of Republican principle and the "square deal." flourished for more than a century! SOLOMON LUNA, President Its usual life In the United Is ALnTJQTJETUjrE CITIZEN HAS: States THE probably from ten to twenty-fiv- e W .v STRICKLER, Vice Equipped Department In New Mexico. President and Cashlei Ttta Finest Job years, although Is a field In Reports by Associated Press Auxiliary News Service. there W. J. JOHNSON. Tbe Latest and New York that has been mown suc- Assistant Cashier cessfully V ilUam "WE GET THE NEWS FIRST." for over sixty years. It Is Mcintosh, J. C. Baldrldge, not unlikely that under Its normal A. M. Blackwe I, u. E. Cromwell STATEHOOD FOR NEW MEXICO" conditions and with normal care it T.'e favor the Immediate admission of the territories of New Mexico and would well-nlgh- t, be as it is called, taxtacjia as separate states In the Union. Republican National Platform. everlasting. Alfala Book.

merkv wnmw ninxnn. . Things were thrown Into a general punic at a local hotel near the Hock 4d(e Speculation Island station one day this wefk when a fire upon the roof garden of the hat I Is Interesting to note several papers. Including the of pretty First It that territorial a girl National traveler called out morning paper here and the Las Vegas Optic arc indulging in speculation i.s two fire companies, a hose cart and to the probability of statehood during the winter session of congress. The a score of volunteer amateur firemen, i Optic to Its credit, discounts the various rumors afloat ax to opposition to delayed a fust train and spoiled about emr admission, while the meriting paper remains in doubt as is its wont on $30 worth of finery on the peach bas- Bank most matters of public Interest. ket aforesaid. The simple facts in the statehood situation are, that the republican party The young woman, en route to st. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Is pledged to statehood and PresMent Taft officially and unofficially, by word I.oiiis, rushed Into the lunch counKr of mouth and In official communications, has absolutely piomiscel to throw' for n bite to eat and in paying her tils entire and unreserved support to statehood for the two territories. The bill she swung her sky piece too close lmpl, facts as they now appear, are that a statehood bill will go beforo to the cigar lighter. In a moment the congress as an administration measure, backed further by the republican orchard that adorned It was a mass of parly and under such circumstances it is assured of immediate passage. blue, smelly tlamvs. a Capital ano That therye will be opposition from some of the encnrVes of New Mexico, News. United States within and without, hus already been manifest d. However, it is quite likely Surplus that the champions of the measure know of this opposition, what it can Mid OIL I PECOS VAI.LKV. Depository can not do and are prepared to meet it at the proper time and place. From time to time come reports $250,000 Further speculation at this time is Idle and will accomplish nothing. from the Pecos vnltey of the discov- The thing to do Is to turn a brave front to the enemy and fight for statehood ery of oil and gas. The geological aa strenuously and a little more so than at any time in tbe past. structure of the Pecos valley fust seeing MORIZ ROSENTHAL. extremely favorable for the existence The Kansas City Star says that It caa no long.- - deny that Its home city of both petroleum and gas. Ry con- iiimnoer oi American dollars, no mat- - .llant conversationalist, a writer of Is, suffering from a record breaking heat, spell. This Is not th first time tinuous- deep-we- ll exploration being ter how heavy tM; load or unwieldy distinction and a composer of high 1U homo city, has suffered In that way but it Is the first time the stfir carried on from time to time by resi- the package. A' pianlstlc genius w Ith merit. Rosenthal Is. Indeed, a man lias summoned up nerve to admit it. dents of that section of New Mexico, most of his being consecrated to art, of many attainments, philology an j your Selection success in producing wells will ulti- cut with a corner brain cell devoted philosophy are his favorite' studies; to banking The Roswell Record says It sliding through New mately be attained. The latest that is Rosenthal. The while for lighter exer.-W- for his busy OF A GOOD BANK doesn't blalae Taft for port art, however, is so Mexico at aight. Neither does anyone else, if there is any danger of him comes from tho Williams ranch.' much in evidence train he dabbles In chemistry anil ubout two miles east of Dalton, that no reasonable person could com- - medicine. He knows Heine by heart, running into a stray copy of the Record, which, however, is not even a baje where - a well about 1,000 pene- plain eif Its commercial annex. If'end speaks five languages. As hlnt-yo- u Is importa- t not only (or the present, but possibility, up this way...... feet deep oH were one of the "wottldV great- - eel elswhere, he also plays the piano, -" ' ...... trated sands and the project of also for the years to come. AO- you probably but the oil on a commercial lo- c.r what's e a man of must,, t A Nebraska man, who went to sleep near window was to death scale in that use? You simply one a roasted cality Is quite flattering. Other test are of the ai of min 8wlmmlng and waIklng The right bank connection will be a material y the sun's rays, according to yesterday's dispatches. Merely as a matter it v nuiiureii inuusanu w no. some . holeB are under way in various parts i., , .. ... I . - - v i. . tan... help to your every day business. ordinary curiosity, it might be asked why be iftdn't roll ovur and brown time during the season, will cheeT-full- y. ef of the valley. Southwestern Mines. ' and he can tear a pack of cards or reductanWy 1 con-orvativ- , or dubiously di his a on both sides? a be nd a honsesho'e with any profes- bank has successful record of safe, Into your pocket In order to listen, IIKXKDHT sional strong man. Though f banking from the of organi- - FOOLED KISTI v h.'l" ynu grip the aides. uf your fond day its The secretary of the treasury Is wasting considerable way matter in R. A. Kistler. vpnra o . n,t-..,- . i.t travel, much of the pianist's time Is t!--n. ' chair, to music of the sort try ing to devise more artistic bank notes and paper money. When it comes the Las Vegus Optic, tells a good story spent In Abbrazio, near Trieste, where , that only three or four person of to- to those commodities, most of us forget all about our artistic temperament. on o. Jk. Kent-diet- he has a villa. It frs a plctureseiue owner of the Okla- day can manufacture'. With this In homa City Times, when the latter spot, where he delights In having ws return for your money, would you his friends so aa they It looks as though Boston would be captured by the "invadinfc army" if a printer working on the Optic fllteoen bi grudge visit him long THE BANK OF COMMERCE years Herr Rosenthal his share do not object to entertaining them- the sham battle keeps up, but just wait until the tin soldiers meet up with ago. one warm July day, the ot the "gate?' Or his manager, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO a little of that linguistic artillery, to say nothing of the beans. boys la the "back end" were selves while he plays the piano. The rtishiu Loudon Charlton? If so .you're not pianist's love for his instrument has the can pretty regularly, using a large Included in t CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S20O,OOO this onversatinn. inspired countless veracious anec- Fifteen skeletons have been unearthed in Washington near the banks sprinkler to carry the lager In. Hen-edi- ct .... they were If one may Jylge from past per-- fi dotes. It is said he often begins of the Potomac. The dispatches fall ta state whether or not had Just been to the t saloon to j-- r old family variety. get rmaiK-- and there are those wise playing after rising, becoming so ab- political skeletons or Just the familiar another sprinkler full and us he In ways came back into either than music who say sorbed that he does not finish dress- the office with It, one can it id easy to ing until late in the day. Breakfast In buying ifearly five thousand pounds of sulphuric for the purpose Kistler stepped In foretell what X acid unexpectedly. will happen pian- Is frequently seTved piano, "OLD RELIABLE" ESTABLISHED UTS. nraking gas for airship during fair, some one evidently Benedict never when the Austrlun at the of the the over' wavered, but without ist again gi ts Into this country's ner- Roseqithal eating dexterously wi'h looked old adage patronizing industry. any false that about home motion to give him away, vous system. It's not more than two one hand while playing with the oth- turned the sprinkler down and be- or three years tiii.e he was there, er. Once away from the piano, how- L. B. PUTNEY a Is gan 111 i The Cliais News is out with Rooster's edition, which a creditable to wet down the floor exi, nl ii u proceeding at to ever, he is ready to enter every ffhnwing ago that time reprodujs into for a tovn. w;here not so long there wasn't even a shanty. lhat it was so fearfully hot he th'ought w ith ilispatch and precision the same sport, from billiards to fishing, and THE Ciovls is certainfy'fcetting there, newspapers and all. it mignt cool things off. The best of sym plonk biough on by his visit or ev miwt of them he's an adept. WHOLESALE GROCER It was Kistler never raucht on i i,. still a f, w years previous. On both Though an Austrian citizen, Rosen- FLOUR, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Perhaps Lieutenant Sutton of the Marine camp did commit suicide Imt Joke, but some time later lienedlei i.cruslons a Rosenthal wave struck us thal enjoys the distinction of beins It looks to the plebian private in the rear rank as though some one assisted told him about It and thev all amidships, gathering momentum as it Court musician to the kingdom of by palling tire good X aim holding Hie pistol and trigger.. f laugh, Las Vegas Optic. spread to bowi coasts, and In short Roumania. Whe n he first as dazzling Carries the Largest and Moat Exclusive Stock of Staple Qrorl order, to uee a chaste phrase of the worlct with his playing he was in the Southwest. Charlie given an official spanking fur sailing a boat when for- 1K; .4X1) C.T III.KOF.H. strictly musical significance, had the appointed to that position by the fa- Taft was public bidden by his father. Probably Charlie needed it. Don't start puUirig Nellie, u doir. and Minnie eaf "going." in cities, large and mous "Carmen Sylvia." the poetess gave an a ' l small. Rosenthal elnlw fovni.,.1 queen, whose friendship he has al- - little halos on Charlie, this early In the game. alarm yesterday of tire ' FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS 147 West Forty-thir- d street whL'l for the jilanisf coming, ways drew a large while, ill wake of hi tour, Oth- - I A nervy hotel clerk prevented a bold robbery in Colorado Springs crowd from Hrna,1ay the CENTRAL AVENUE ALBUQUERUB ,N. M. and CIS ill III j Most hotel clerks use nerve In doing Just the opposite, enuscd firemen much troublle Uele g.llli.ed prolong the thir fore it was i motional luihu In Colorado Springs. extinguished. A. R. Pack- tint ations which his ard, the proprietor the house, :n playing invariably net For Die Estanda Valley which many s though It ;s Probably the editor of the optic bribed some one to turn that wild cat actors and actresi-- liv, technician he is and no longer regards num- I'.uuo.lnl if any pianist can nvst strongly objecting to having tho There were times today when the loose In Las Vegas Just out of pique because he In ai d about those coyotes in the mystic other Raising Good Crops ber 13 unlucky, in rloi ni siieh stupendous Ros- - kliguia of a destitute country placed pests were so thick in tins town that the pluza ut Santa Fe. because Nellie has feats been thirteen years 111 the family and li.thal is prim.r. !y a pianist who upon our land. We are facing a par- the sun was obscured. "Sraudgra" or Minnie has thirteen play IiikIi jini" the emotions, tial crop failure, some individual far- smoke fires are going in all bectionv. Is repeat across the country next year. kittens. uiih Weston plannin? to his walk , s some-ll'in- a Annie smitu. maid, was at in one ho in;ik .in appeal to Messe-nger- . mers are facing a total crop failure, lioivisi and cows have been corralled first thing Wetton knows, he w'!l be "pinched'' as a professional hobo. work Iriim Morlurty The a room on the top floor of the four-stor- y eonsiih rabl more etibtle and but the prohabilitius are that the in the barnyards and "smudges" are New Mexico in general the ' brownstone house at noon. iilisi ing t .1 it ii iiore wonder as ;o and valley as a whoje will raise as kept burning on the windward side News devotes half a colffinn to a consideration of death. valley in now The Turumcarl When Nellie and Minnie riklie.l lit low mi many Kes mi be strti.'k so particular is Just much or more this season than they of the Inclosures so the smoke will Is a gloomy subject for a paper that appears so prosperous. some a This rather Nellie was marking excitedly oiten by so lew lingers in such a seceiving free advertising of 190S, raise-enoug- prevent the Insects eating the ani- and the ' eiid In the year of it will cat was mewing plteously. Nellie shot t space of lim.'. He reaches the Vl r' objectionable nature from the to convince the far sighted mals alive. Th;vt mountain lion w hich n cently escaped in Las Vegas is providing the seized In sensational of w e st. The local supply of Anni'e skirt and tried to drag art while tiek'iiig the Intellect. newspapi is the settler th-i- t the Is gond, the netting haa si.ld burg a real sensation by eating the city's official burro. roai'trv ( with her toward tho ktalrs. The girl be- At hast a word, however, is dui The Koiky Mountain News of Denver lund of opportunity for them. To been exhausted, and hurry orders tor came frightened. She f.ei'red boih. hirs purely ti ehn eal side lor Sec n Its Aug. 7th issue, states that more have bcei eent by wire to Cam- a flood, d to I . these people the season through The Arkansas valley Is suffering severely from It tisi be the dog Hd cat had' gone from oiuiary though it is front the view- - iiiuusamis or people are on the verge den uml Philadelphia. Not In years I which we are now passing will be but valley severely for a tlood. c high-Hirow- have the mosquitoes been so Bumer-ou- s tho Arkansas suffind the heat. point il in in that Just then she snulled of the of starvation the Kstuncla valley n lesson, teaching the truth and the us it way it is altogether too or so bloodthirsty. For two hour worked its up the Itosenthal's cac and oth. r Portions of New Mexico. fact that eur country must be farmed ne of the heads of the New York Telephone company says it is stupid stairway, and it ibiwned upon li-- to l.e slighted. u the swarm invaded the glass lemarkalile In We have no objection to a fair slat to dry after a woman to look ugly. It is also unfortunate. what the wen- doing. It.i the most advanced factory the 00 men tried to fight :t for animals Sh llMire, teehlliile iliiioiisi but such farming method, and fully showing hurried downstairs, warnfug i v. e I. oil uf tin- pianist's r. So much off. Finally the mosquitoes became an rnss misrepresentation of tacts is by meth- Londoners want the light betweeen Jeffries mid Johnson pulled off in as she went, and then- was a has been written nl the reinarkab outrage that when farmed advanced so thick the tortured men could not un upon the settlers of a fair ods, this land will produce crops that their midst. Let them have it by all means. st. impede for the street. kill whi h he puss, cses. that his rep- country, both untrue and unjust. see tho melting poLe or the glass at was - are worth raising. A drouthy season of blow pipes. wa-- Nor the excitement eontiin d to utation lias at linn- suffered. an That the failure of crops In a large the end the It also i dex-te- a failure is not sufficlei.t to discour- It appears that what the Commercial club wants is not suggestions but that house. was a basement lire, opinion going foi th tli it digital r portion of New Mexico has left some il:scv."icd that much of the glass win- -- age the average American farmer, was so full caul! and several other things in addition. and the smoke poured out of the lv ovc Ins art. It. how people .)i stitute and both needing and blown of the insect dows of the adjoining Cadillac hotel e . r. you is!i ,, pianist's and while we are unfortunate in hav- it was unmarketable. The chief trou- th.. ill si n m.k help, is very true, hut the get any and other neighboring places in all 'eMuim- wrath, ing a elry year this season, it will not ble, howevi r, was the torture Few persons will probably consolation out of the thmmlit that After niiir.e shake in isolated tases of destitution should not $:,(io (Ire extinguished li -a Rosen- put us down out. the men were subjected, as the weather might be warmer than it is. the had been make some siion to be so l.y newspaper men as and which the dog was discovered in base- distorted th-- were only partly clad. Millvllle the thal. to impression that we as u She niij the N. h to New York Press. navy department to juirchasc aeropl:.' The f:,!lur t do ment uneonseious. was ch-n- MOSOVITOKS 'f IK VI TOWN. J.i t The wnts 'VV' shall .l.i with my t. ii p.- p.e are on the verge of starva- battleships first. by lr. Walker Addison Shoalas. a la to sell the '."' lie h.i- - .1. in. i a, I, l more than tion. tenant In tin bouse. York . so here Scored With a Hot Iron, nun-- ' Shall I s. 11 m ' Hive it away" Mosquitoes are numerous ft lends, l! l'l i ss. We have thousands of settlers that or by cut Evidently I'lnchot pons, 'si s some jadgir.g from cheers Mem ij.iti: ha to It. II'-in- that biieiness practically has been scalded overturnej kettle would and vi!l scorn to receive as- suspended. They one of the a by slammed in Desnver yesterday. It hint; piles t. but imt :uy music." Invaded with knife bruised provoke profanity, but sist. line from ."., and while tin re largest glass factories. where lino door injured by gun or In any other profanity won't cure theni. ljoan i pr.-ei-- w Andrew Carnegie h:is n'.' d the Irish with a library. Hoot mon! And that's H hat l.e are people ia i.e. d ill help, people men wire at Work blowing glass, and way the thing needed at once la ointment cures itching, bleeding r biake-mci- In- ye! means. TIkmiiIi is neeessary must line assistance, this drove the men out. Freight i Ruckh n's Arnica Salve to subdue C'wan, wid protruding piles years of suf-- f' after ti produce tile i'l'H, it s the effects. will lie fi.rth.-.-min- and ap-p- l em the Maurice liiv. r railroad flammation and kill the pain. It'a i Inn any drug store. At me, inn, that l .1, And while you are i' out it. tcivo mbir the big fair at Albuquerque, N. M. after all. and irl the it. holt l.y the iic'l.ieiita and asso were put to Might ':ist niyht ly earth's supreme healer, infallible for oi me H: st in imp. e ta n. e. (lew ecxeraa Our work is complete, llubbs l4luil. the i luinunity at large. the voracious insects. ,l.ich by bolls, elcers, fever sores, and 5c druggists. Well, will cut the weeds. ge::t'. men, cut the weeds! dry Company. It was as t w und rkind Hut e do want to so on record as million from the adjoining swam. piles. at all THURSDAY, ACGCST It, ltOO. ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN. AUK TtMUti.

1 twMttwtMtmm.4 OCTOBER It, 12, 13, 14,' 15 AND 16, 1909, ARE THE DATES FOR THE GREAT TWEMTb --mMTM AMMUAL Ml 1 IMj iaj

:: :: 8 Ts be foeBdl at ASbuqiMeFqiM, f7eyy BVilejsiic

4 I This Will be the Greatest Exposition Ever Held in the Southwest 4 :: i HARNESS PROGRAM :: DULL MOMENT if NOT A : ' i TUESDAY, OCT. 12. if . I 2:111 l'a-- $500 i DAY OR NIGHT Xo..a 2: Trot 500 :: : I T' VRIXESIAY,- (XT. 13. i : Tr.H31 : Xo. a for All Iar? $500 GRAND, FREE? . : No. 2:30 Mix Trot ami I'aw, for lWntUlllo i'oiiiily hr-- "iy 300 J i : - . 4 : 1-H.I . I f " L.aU"-'"- I.I.M.U1-I-,.I. MI.I,., M. :: a "1 TlirilSlVW, HT. 13. STREET SHOWS ), , v t "... Vilfb .... X. r 2:23 I'imv $300 : 2:20 Trot 300 s : : X. :: i Every Evenfog : i : 3E i Kit I DAY, OCT. 13. n : 1 1 T" . . M i-- M . . D 1 1 1 1 r :: i , uun jjui di ucxy i! 2: 1 X. 7 2:12 I'ltc, Hull Duluini Stake $1000.00 H 2 Pace iNmnlt'il by The i lllut'kMrll's Dnrlinni Toltaovu Co. ! i : Bull Durham Stake : : : Tg KATllWAY, (XT. 16. FOR : I X. H Kroe for All Trot $300 Xo. 8 1 , Mile Handicap, trot and 'e, for llertralillu i Comply Horses 300 i It $1,000 Running Race Program it i I i it 4 : tt I Will be raced on 'Bull : Mile llnsli $100 Durham : "i M'lle Iali 130 il Day." Oct. 15. I 4 t KiuioiiKH 100 i R i Kurlongs .' loo tt This stake was given by The Blackwell A REAL AIRSHIP llelay Knco 3 Milea 130 : Durham Tobacco Company. U Sailing over mountains and valleys, is one o Itvrhy Mi Mile 330 attractions will positively be seen. 4'j KurloiiffH h 100 i c the that ltelay lta 3 .Mils 130 : in of : : : This is the first time the history this i .Mile luli 100 Ample Hotel and Restausant Accom- : j : section of the country that this wonderful 6'i KurloiiKH 123 modations will be provided, and the Sec- spectacle has ever been witnessed. Don't Mile Itamllfap 30 :: i retary will gladly make reservations for : fail to see the coming mode of travel, the llulf Mile IhsIi 100 tt those who request him to'do so. : Mile 123 8 crowning success of the age. lah il I Base Ball Marathon Race Horse Racing It $1,500 in prizes hdve been offered for tt the greatest of American sport. The am- Never before has a real mar athon race The cream of the turf will take part in ateur championship of the Southwest will been run in the Southwest. This is one the greatest horse races ever pulled off in the West. :: ' be decided at Albuquerque's excellent of the features that ancient Rome consid- base ball park, participated in by the best ered "king" of all sports; it thrilled all the 8 teams in New Mexico, Arizona, Southern world during the late Olympian sports in $6,500 Colorado, and El Paso, Texas. This is an England. The best runners in the coun- event that annually stuns the veracity of try will take part. Don't fail to witness have been offered in prizes which insures :3 all fandom. and the interest is at fever the greatest endurance that man is capa- the finest thoroughbreds being entered heat. ble of. that are now racing in this country.

For Full Information and Entry Blanks Address the Secretary. tt tt W. G. TIGHT, JOHN B. McflIAMUS, Secretary tt Ptesident tt face rom TIH'H.M', AlGlbT n, 190H.

UNIQUE SCHEME INVESIIGAllliG "tO" .. AMUSEMENTS .. 10 ElEtCE PUBLIC SOME MORE 1 O T ! Washington I'roffivMir Hobnobs With Springs, IHMiiffice I nearths Beds, Ihc limrtiiicnt IYimiiI With Posslliilltlcs. Wiley Rod Men lit oeaamfir .1 , III Washington, D. C, Auk. 19. The j I'rof. C. M. .Slrons. recently or the l. Fthi me ; organization of the Amer- it'nivttsity of Washington. Is making I Civ1. S u 1k.m. ican rvlee Institute Alhuquercpje his headquarters while We have the exclusive for Leg-ge- y. agency the celebrated t a , Joseph A. Mo.Nul ni.l gathering data on the nearby Pueblos & Piatt Crystal 11. ' Steel Spring, which has no equal for com- The esecrotur, and treasurer. a'i Indian, a tre tor "lhe American Vleet, sere arrested In the principal publication endorsed ty fort str ngih and durability. We do not hesitate to , offices of the institute in Roosevelt, authored by tae most em- absolutely RUirantee our No. 1 for fift-e- n years against v as decidedly unique. Accord inent of writers and nnanitv: by J. t insti- sagging or any imperfections in material or construc- ing the "record book" of the I'lerpont Morgan, the e. tute, the company was incorporated tion. It will outlast a dozen cheap spring. Price $5 Apr. I 1, 1909, under articles filed i Every Lady Attending wlt.i Mr. strong spent last week with tr secretary Del- of state at Dover. Inst J aware. Incorporators met on the isletas and several weeks of The were spent umong the In- April to at the office room. No. 56, month OUR BERNALILLO RANGE is manufactured expressly 327 Wushington street, In Huffalo, X. dians of the upper Rio Grande. on Wednesday Next will receive Indian" will is Our matinee Y., and opened subscription book. "The North American RANGES for us, and a high class range which combines beauty consist of a series of voumes pictur- Stock wan subscribed as follows: ' w.t'n durability, and has all the good qualities which unite a souvenir, and every matinee a ticket will bz fleorge M. Yunker, 11,600 shares; H. ing and describing the Indians of the Van Vleet, 11.700 shares, and J. A. United States and Alaska. It will be to make a first class high grade range at a low price. It ha the warming closet, pouch given for two special prizes on Wednesday McNuIty, 11.700 shares, making J authored by Edward S. Curtis and feed, duplex grate for wood or coal, nicely nickled and is a very handsom; as well as a 15,000 par Fredrick Webb Hodge of Washington. total of shares, with a d jrab'e range. We have th m with 1 5 or le? iiuli oven, with or without reservoir or Afternoon. value of 1100 a share. How all of The latter Is director of the ethnol- this stock was paid for Is recorded In ogical bure au at Washington. The waterfront. We guarantee them against any defect in material or construction. We the following Interesting minute in forword of the series has been al- guarantee them to do as gocd w rk as any other high class range. We guarantee the "record book:" ready written by Theodore Roost veil. them to do the. same work with-les- s fuel than any other range. Price $31.50 up. w "And now came forward J. A. Mc- The field work Is being conducted Matinee Every Day 2:45; All Seats 10c NuIty, H. Van Vleet and fl. M. Yun- under this patronuge of J. I'lerpont YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. ! at ker and did then and there tender to Morgan. the corporation In payment of t'rt Ir The work being done by Mr. Strong Evening! 7:1 5, 8:1 5, 9:1 5 subscription the following personal r.t present Is Just preliminary to the property, to wit: actual compilation of dnta. and after "Personal promissory notes for the a short stay longer he will Join a party amount of stock subscribed for at par working In the northwest country. value dated April 20, 1909, and par- "The purpose of the work U to col- able In two years. The propositions, lect nil the data possible regarding The Futrelle Furniture Co. of said subscribers were accepted and the history of the Indians of the Pu- Rhone 376 West End Viaduct ?trck ordered to be Issued therefore. eblos, their ceremonial customs, re- fully paid and le " ligious facts of their tribal govern- The minutes further show ment, songs and folk-lor- e in so far as Tunkers returned 6,600, Van Vleet it can be ascertained from the Indians Colombo "..700 shares McNuIty 5,700 1907. were married." and living today and preserved by them In nss&mCarpet Slippers 86c shares to the company for treasury Of 3,000 graduates from Smith col- their traditions and legends," said Mr. capital lege 800 Rad-cllf- fe Blood-Staine- Men's 75e Shirts .., 50c stock, to be sold for working Strong. "Every offort Is made to and graduates from Pictures From d 11.50 00 general use of company. college fewer 16 per cent Spain Men's Straw Hats.. II. and the The make work perfect In all details, thtn Men's 11.50 Pantaloons. .. 11.00 total stock surrendered amounted to the are pursuing occupations. In the busi- THEATRE In order that It may preserve for the ness world, as by Dr. W. B. Men's 12.50 Pantaloons. .. 12.00 17.000 shares, of the par value of shown Hall's MOORE. MT. fcnle Enamel Ware. 1170,000, incorporators retaining future some of the customs nnd the figures. From the total 3,800 grad- of Tin and the underlying principles which have 2 Tin Cupe 5c control of a majority of shares if uates from both Smith college and Hundreds of other bargains. stock. In their correspondence with bound the Pueblo people together and Radcllffi! college, 33 have become doc- ndver-'titementi- s, preserved unity, but which, Up-to-Da- has their tors, 7 lawyers, 2 preachers, nunes. te I BUYERS UNION those who responded to their '2 The Best CASH of company as time advances und the education ot 5t have literary pursuits, 100 I Win. Dolrfo, rrop. 122N. 2n.l the officers the emphasized its reliability, basing the Indian Is pushed forward, are be- have biH.'ome philanthropists. 85 li- Motion Pictures their assurances on the allegation coming obsolete, because the Indian brary workers, 5 actresse and 2 arch- that Its capital stock was bona fid.; finds that it is becoming less and less itects. and fully paid up. After such assur- necessary to rely upon himself and Eight hundred smith graduateo, or , Comic Pictures at all Shows THIRD STREET ances, the officers demanded an In- his tribe and he inn trust to the about 27 per cent, are teache-HH- vestment of 50 in the company' newer ideas udvaneed by the white number are married, and 900. slock or a cash payment of S IV. 0 at ma it. or 30 per cent, have no occupations. Moat Market evidence of good faith on the part of "The work i not confined to the Of the RadclllTe graduates, 44 per those seeking to represent the Insti- Pueblo Indian alone, but includes ail cent have become teachers, 22 per Henry C. Voas, Songs. K Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meal. tute as agents. Originally offi-- ct cent are married, and 15 per cent Steam Sausage Factory. the the Indians of the United States, as Julian J. Seyskal, Violinist. rs pushed the slock proposition, but the title "The North American In- have no occupations. Hoston Dis- KM IIj KLKLNAVOKT subsequently they went the patch to the New York Press. Bliss Jennie Craig, Pianist. Masonic RuHellng, North Third Street after dian" indicates. The investigation cash payments. Their contract with work has been going on for five years victims were dated as far ahead as S(irn(? amj ueven volumes have already TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS September 1, 1909. so as to ufforl been published and placed in the Two Shows, 8:15 and 9:15. T THREE le FIFIV MRS the officers an opportunity to f hands of subscrib-'i- s .and in libraries. after reaping a satisfactory harvest. It is estfmated that live more years ADMISSION IOC The postofflce department found one necessary to Money A RAILROAD MAN at least will bo in order Marknt. o:' the company's ledgers with mini" complete work, which will con- New York, Aug. 19. Call ninn-- v, of pages some the its that the index with sist of twenty volumes, each volume 2Vir?2 per cent; prime paper, 4 4 tains a record of part of their busi- helna; complete, as fur as is pos- per cent; Mexican dollars, 44c. ness out, evidently pur- this cut for the sible, on one trlbo or urea of country. ii I pose of destroying Incriminating evi- investigation befng The Mvtals. MIMHlIWttllMlltWI dence. The postofllce inspectors also In addition to the carried on her, two other parties are New York, Aug. 19. Copper quiet, I found several hundred letters ad- Washington standard spot, 1 1 2.50 ii 12.80; leal Pure Ice Cream stamped ready de- in the Held in th statu of dressed and for be completed quiet, 4.35ti'4.40; bar silver, 50e. livery, destined in Phil- and the data will soon For ta aaaaoa of omr for territory parties will lftl - adelphia, New York, New Jersey lor that section and these aalleloot cream u mora pop- In St. liouis Wool. J and New England, where the insti- So into Wyoming and Montana the St. Louie. Aug. 19. Wool steady: alar lata r. All orders, summer. One ot tute had advertised for agents. latter part of the and western mediums, 23 (u laraa or small. In or out of taa di- territory e the parties is under the personal aity. promptly carad for, aad Forty-on- letters were addressed u 2Sc; fine mediums, 22 'it' 24c; line, 1U rection of Mri Curtis, who, in addition (11 dallTary la good coadltloa, J Philadelphia, In which the exclusive 19 c. guaraatsaa. territory of Philadelphia was offered to superintending tho regular work, to forty-on- e persons. makes pictures of the principal scenes Grain and Provisions. As late a this morning a prospec- of historical interest and of the char- Chicago, Aug. i. Wheat Sept., The Matthew Dairy & tive victim called at the company's acters which he considers the most M.90?, fff 1.01; Dec. !t5 e. : U'te offices in the Munsey building typical and illustrative for the his- Corn Sept., til ' '(( 66c; Dec, to make further inquiry before mak- tory. That it will be one of the most 5V4c. , J, 1 Supply Company ing a cash payment of 1150 for un valuable works of Indian history ever Oatu 3S 'a 3!i c; Deo.. agency. published and by far the most ex- 3 Sc. 171 No. Fourth st. Phons 411. f haustive and nearest to the real Pork Sept., 122.25; Oct., 120.75. a everyday life of the Indian, can read- Lard Sept., $ 11.115; Oct., 111.90. I DENT I FY N( THE SPANISH I iKA D AT MEL1ELA. MOROCCO, AF- 111.75; A I i FORMER PRESIDENT ily 1) recognized by the umount ol Ribs Sept., Oct., $11.45. TER R EAT 11ATTEK WITH Mm HIS. THOESANDS OF SPANISH SOL- DIERS HAVE A time and work expended in collecting Now REEN KILLED WITHIN FEW WEEKS AND THEIR a York Mock. BODIES M LATHI). the data. Each volume will have Aug. 19. Following I'Tl SPANISH PRISONKRS WERE FIRST TORTURED UNDER ARREST New York, AND number of the Curtis pictures and were on THEN MI'RDERED RY THE MOoRS. THESE HORRORS CACSED MINNEAPOLIS JAd. I3AKEK, RETIRED. closing (jipitullons the stock PRISINC, color plates, and the' binding, paper exchange today: u THE FRENZIED I OF THE SPANISH PEOPLE. and printing- will be the best that can Amalgamated Coppe-t- 84 If Rooming House Eviinsville I ml., Aug. 19. Aft-.-- I tan 'i tvhnrgcd Tluit A. in Secreled I,o.t lie obtained. The edition is limited Atchison 118 1 4 ibniioiHl at lws Cruw 1 J!c '.'J live nuncircu sets oi m volumes New York Central HO1. tH South Second St, Corner IfoO. tor. Jas. Baker.' 70 years old, LC itHt-tit- l Southern Pacific l.'13'i ' h"" r,,i'1"1 tho Evansville & wirt Heiv. Y LESS. L- 111 new iron bed.. Room for b' VTRIMON LIRE I'nlon Pacillo 2n6'i -l "Jv ,T' ! : v Haut? rnilway yn full pay, r..Pr. sld. nt (J. Stanle y Hall, of Clark I State-r- 7 5 Swiaekeeplpg. Singla room. uited Steel forme-rl- 'i 1 A. Itutmi, employed in thi isnued, 1 week. No Invalids received. r..r the of his life jfiaker will uiiiv. isity. intisurcs Just shows do. preferred 2 4 . r In s I city, was placed under arrest El college women are growing draw conductor's pay as he has done pano. brougot that t Texas, last Sunday nnd fond of matrimony. t Livestoc k. for hiar.y years in the past. There Cruce-- Is hieno back to Iais where he college, ten I ' w ;i - "In Smith during the Chi. ago, Aug. !. 'attic Receip'.s B Of f,0 nf precedent or rule of the com- charged the of a diamond of II. LHIggJrir00C with theft which ended with the class' .', iimi; steady to sha le lowe r; beeves. pany to provide this. The directois Uen-Jami- ring, valued at 1250, from Mrs. n "there, we re 370 d to Him specially said Dr. Hall, 54. lu 'u 7.6ii; Te xas sf i ra, $4.00'' voti the Jiension It. Jones, the wife of a proinl-11- 1 1V whom, by spring "f when- graduates of the 5 40; western sie. rs, $4.0(1 'n 6.25; the old man sent in word that lit drugist in city, accordine; 7U that I'."!. l.",S were married, being 42. slocke-rr- and ti eders, $3. 1 5 (fl 5.25 ; DRUGGISTS the vnio. come for him to step to reports today. Mr. received here 1 er cent. Tin- secretaries of these c 'o 4. low n. - iws and heifers, $2.25 40; calves, llaum was given a preliminary hear- ,. report the number of childn 11 J.i.lllKil S.00. ll.t : ocs.ln railroading at 17, was to inf, yesterday anil bound .over 10111 through th'se miirrlages to have Hogs Kecilpts 11,(11)0; 5c lOo ALVARADO PHARMACY v. rkint; fir.--t with the old Vandalia of to fun the Kraiul Jury in the sum Jl.tiOil. In ell 315. in- an average of 2."S to a ; r.iili-iiad- higher; iiyht. $7.7" 'i s.20 mixed, then termed the "Pumpkin At time of the Haum was ile Corner Gold Ave. 1st the theft nioth.r. That Is, l.ytt to a married ' ; heavy. $7.20 r,i 8.00; ' tVif and St. Vir.e." i: for" that evt n he had been agent fo. a cabin l $7.5i acting as kitchen Il'l.'lllnl', married members of 1 .2'! '.i 7.4 5 ; 1 w r :e.uh. i 1400. to choice, a lit" 1"V for section gancs. in Ijis Cruces. For ila-'- s s f eeinj-r- t'.o having; no children. heavy, 17.4511 8. 2n. pigs. $ 7.00 '11 8.05; HIGHLAND PHARMAO H so iii went to 1 em- n.'iT the Evansville to he was . c Ir.-- moiiiliH prior June t'c. oil dice). bulk of sales. 7.ta .'.l 8.10. & T nv Haute, however, and for 41 ployed as a salesman in a local estab- s "1 if tun next ten Smith clas.s. Sheep- - l;.e,iits 5. huh; weak; na- L . v i i F tify . BKa Occidental Building ly pas-?- t 10, It Is alleged, ia:s mnMTUtui has had the lishment.'. On June wii.'i and iiieliiiling the class f tive, $2.75 4.8H; w. stern. $2.U0'ii r two he d In "" run lnt'.seeii tin. towns. liter, the Jones elrug store r, were 1.1 311 graduates eif 4 4 Bring Ua Your Prescription! ls'.is, tlli 4.80; yearlings. $ u .1 5. 80; nati.'ej II,. ret in with an annual pass. of and ordered a drink w being l V 1 Cruces .t hom 3:tl VeieH married; thiri lambs. $4.25 '11 7. 5H; w ste-rt- lambs, ,1 - .1 " ii :is lie still in Ulltily He as l. ioiise, the soda fountain. i.U. i. limit 2 cent of the graduate", '.' 7 .; . , 4.5a v il. -- iilt li- 7'" ears, will Mrs. ho while cleaning a glasf. ill tli, s .!i-s- . s i; repo-- t th.- - number 'J PK 1; tin- In ' $J till! ..' iou:.l!y l.efori- lie dies. I'roiqied r ring on the floor, itnt'i of children born, which Is 161, or 1.22 Kansas City k. !. J and Mrs. Jon. searched for to a tn Ii r. or .77 to a married meni-!,.- Kansas City. Auk. Re- w f- tin- ring, which it is eharg.d .is ma-Tie- 7. - i 111 i;n in s. in.- members having el ipts ion), including 2.00a south- t w - 1 t ruwti: se-- t inally found l.y tin- foinnr. who lei ell'ldr.-ll- Of these children 9 'erns; steady; native steers, ftTiO'ii1 Hi- - 11 it his di me. 's "Wiih no of gi'e'at fortune limy n ted and niiide put on .1. (7.05; soinhern sleere., $2.25 n 4.7"; r i Hff elr. little fur their country dining their Several days ao the ring, was TVs shows that, the southern cows, 2 60'.i3hii; nat;-- : t Iffet.tne. but after death the stau-He- 1. lied ill a pawn shop 111 El I'.isi. urado-ite- of Ho two elecades there-Vii- cows anil he ifers, $ 2 2 5 '.; 6.5(1 ; tock-- ! W ill A t. 1.1 11 111 . 11 in and puts Its hand on a good- !. it ll'ld e pa lied a tail. lie, o f of about 14 per cent rs and $ 4.00 n ; bulls, ,.'.'-- , r- - . . ac-- ; ue-st- ly of the millionaire-'!- 1 tor iii tl-.- in. in i.ii. e and fewe r chilli- $ J 75 'a 3.75 calves. $$.:, ' 7.25; 11111 illations." said .Mr. Jean Iturdou'i, !-, n .vire l.oin to a mother, other , i ol Paris. Plan.'.-- at the Stafford. Mr. Wli :it lien-t- '. undxlng love. aii-- i fewer than 27 $2 ."0'i 4.:.ii. r.aid-iuv- , 011 w gradua- n- Rec.-ipl- ho has written iiim h one lias..- for ii Ii otln ti... i nt "f the toial number of II. s.OiMl: 5c login r; economic ul'.b cts, thinks an in-l- o .stilt.-- . l..-- i and RadclilTe, up to lulk of sab s. $7."0'" 7 .95; :t.!ii,-i- tax. would be one of the $7.n5'i K.eio; packers and butch ri, - - , v-'-- . lo-i-- I. that our al Con- t .mi .1 .ini hiiht, $7 ibi '' 7.!i5; pi'--i S . be eol-- ;. j .; ,1 7.;,ii. ' 1' Ii'iT lW 'V' could ey. since it wotlll r l viin' a f (. ill,- L , p ; ; A p C9 1. d w;th ast difficulty an Sh. Receipts 4.O.O. stead' , , ei. , ; 1 C0P:&kT t . i, 1... 11. ,1. 1 IN i H Nil .(J rui vvi: Morocco tii iiu' ut it would brio,; muttons, $'ii 5. 1 5 ; lambs, $6.(01 V TO AND SWKETH EA F.T AT THE I: 10 lit.' WHARF. r.l-h- ip oil II nie 7 '.ii; ? :(,7 5 5. 2 5 ; C.ooDRY SISTER I MEN KoK.'l-- ' A.NH .ATI iS YoCNO To WAR W II 11 11 11 A mm eW.-S- $ 4. 7 IT WAS ERIEM1S RE! of Y..ur ol tort s In no i. I."" 5. ItKTTEIt III V W . I N SPAIN. Til t:u r. salt large-- ' WHO STARTED THE TERR IE 'Tl'l , lhl Unles.-- you v .sli to do il Si If. o lis P. youi ii 11 your PWI'OK TO TOWN. ) 1! Ml M.i-o- among tin !: help of to.l.n tin It true al-- ii 'its is t.. le- j . .1 for one t v re very fe Komi bread b.iki is. ii-i'- past- r '' lb-- . I ' !( i an k lb ,t Mason nun nt 11. ay at .1 :iy t .niu WHEAT FLAI1E the ta f chl f of police t r. Hi ie. I S- Yen k when you k t as superior a quuli' .1 , prop.-r-- I. o,.,, Inn, ii, lo-- W. Carlton. .a I,, protect the Th-- do-cto- coiisi.l- r. .1 Co p: .p.-- b.l-- W if bread as is furnished by tile Pio t ii. . a It 1. 111 II. ,lll tile Of tile .aid. by riotous ". . 111 fool.s . lot sill, time and V ieer liakery it would o T-- tile e presi III poll.e I'oue, and for this lib en '.' thenr A . . mliir..-th- I o- - good 111:1 n are li d no , to go to the xtra trouble and . !l l!l- p'o t Ii k. s :i Illlil,-- w ll! be the ell., t. a'., the s. ar, Willi a Hoi Iron. i.U 'ley it ta , .. " ..1 bak- lib the e, ,.,1 (.,.,, t'e- ly -. ..v tnbulalioiK-- . 11 I Ii ' Will Itlst I! IOI1S m:i'.:- by ett'.iri.el kettle cut "trials and .! fortune lie d. at lice T ol" Ills Ill na- 1" 'r time, and ll.e ir. - w ie- ing, day. You will find our as Tiler.- t Ii- I t!, r. ninbt .th knife liri.lscd slammed mad.-- . ;s d to st. p the br .. il .... ! :ood in quality as any It . e, . dniul...- e '1 M. .Ma. .a- Kris. bin., ii has 10 imir.-.l ask. into .iijuted l.y gun or iny other If ri. t :i - l d- limit-Ju- w l e .1.1 a ll. white- ,.f l ! ha h j litu AiiV- - g lie. .1..I st enoe is always uniform, mi .1.1. of nn-l.- would plos. ut.- .my and all Ihe thii :.!.! the iisii -- ' ii I , - lie ' oi-- 11 th--- I r. :11a I" e 1,1. A nit .1 Salve to subdue flavor. in l.Ol. :e--- iiil - b, oiiaht i:i loo e le. food is ' - highest as food. 11 '1 Price's 11 n Wheat ranks Dr. - 11 a f- 111.111. ic ipal g. iv r ou kill It's ,1 ,:...!l r .1. .1 a her poll. 'i le find t!e :, . M Kiis.-h-- b n sin.- -. .supreme healer, for - loll till s lo t '. Some inn,- auo when .yor as that lo has aith's infallible breakfast complete without it. 1'. , made from wheat no . t ulce-r- U-- p i. .', t o t it fi in,, m. in th. ti.iiU. sor s. .7rma and pioMJUt n.Ki:itY. o'.l ;. 7 ".loin. tl.l Hlol- an wise t. d be position, is in ta . !i 11 . i! 25ej el :.-- 111. the mayor a .ui's t s,.v. at all Jrttiifi.sts. 20T South Hrst Street. An,. ,1. It. le TinTlMUY, AT GI ST 1. 10. 'ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN. page rrra It Bill Happy BIG CROWD COMING Will Make Kaiser TO GREEJ PRESIOENT

-- -- l ; , , y All Xcw Motion Will Assemble In Al- buquerque When Taft Arrives In Octolx-r- . Report of the Condition of Friday, Oct. 16th. the fifth day of the Twenty-nint- h territorial fair, will be a day long to be remembered by the people of Albuquerque. THE BANK OF COMMERCE It will be the day President Taft will visit the city, and the Indications OF ALBUQUERQUE, ure that on that day Albuquerque will NEW MEXICO bp hostess to more people than etrer before In the history of the country. at the close of business July 3, 1909 Thero have been crowds In Albuquer- (Monday, July 5, 1908 being a holiday.! que on big days of the fair, but Fri day, the 15th of Oct., promises to RESOURCE bring the biggest The Indication! r that at least Loans ami Discounts Bonds and Other Securities four special trains Will be run into Real . 10 000.00 Albuquerque on that day from four Estate 1000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 6,6fl000 different directions. One will come Cash and Due from from the north and one from the other banks 667,172.98 It la will south, and believed that one $1,627,86166 come from the west and one from the cast also. The passenger department LIABILITIES nf the Santa Fe has already started Capital Faid Up $ 150,000.00 the ball rolling in the north, and the Surplus and Profits 42,128.14 interest will be passed around to the Deposits Subject to Check 9f7, moo south, the east and tha west. Time Certificates of Deposit 478,710.42 Yesterday In Las Vegas W. P. Oar-Md- e, traveling passenger agent for the $1,627,961.66 Santa Fe, had only to mention the Territory ot New Mexico, County of Bernalillo sc. and proposition took fire. matter the I. W. S. vice There Is no doubt about a train oi Strickler, president and cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear. that the above statement is true to the best of my i xcurslonists coming from the ' know north: ledge and belief. V. S. STRICKLER, to sec President Taft. The train most Vice President likely will be started at Raton and and Cashier passengers wi'.l be taken on all along Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July A. D. M09 the line. Santa Fe will contribute a IJ M uriiui-- large number of people. I Notary Pub Correct Attest T That a f pedal train will be needi d bring SOLOMON LUNA on the Rio Grande branch to J. C. BALDRIDGE the extra crowd on Taft Pay hs not W.J. JOHNSON doubted either. The cut-o- ff should send a train load of people to Albuquerque and Gallup and Intervening town should send another. Following Is what the Vegas Optic says about a special train from the Meadow City: "Plans are now on foot to run a monster statehood boosters' excursion from Las Vegas to Albuquerque In October, on the day of President Taft's icy of economy In eggs, sugar and - kill visit to that city. butter has revised cake downward Sl'- Yesterday while W. T. Garslde, until It Is little more than bread, Builders' and Finishers Supplies ' specially lacking In coffee OrtVILLE WRIGHT HAS traveling freight and passenger agent cake, for SAILEJ? FOR GERMANY TO TEACH ARMY OFFICERS HOW TO FLY HP Instance, U, col- of, the Santa Fe, was in Las Vegas, that peculiar mellow , MACHINE. , KaUve and Immfx-r- Sherwin-Willia- Postmaster F. O. Blood and Local or and toothsome consistency, which Clilcao Taint None Better. nothing but the ample use egga Building; rapcr, PlaMcr, lime, Glaee, Agent R. W. Hoyt took up with him of ' Cement, Sash, Poors, c. the matter of running a low rate ex- will give. In outside appearance It iwo birds were hieh-Drlce- d I SANTA released and the con cursion to that city on tho day the has all tho charm of lees LABORfR test was on. No gaffs, being wor SOME GOOD days, but Inside It may 'oe ! ft HORSES president is to be there. j be bald to J. C BALDRIDGE 423 SOUTH by either of the animals, no blood pale, flat, and unprofitable to the FIRST was shed, anil spectators Mr. Garside looked favorably on the buyer. HIT BYCyrthe wero promised to take the Perhaps it is as digestible as TRAIN given an proposition and exhibition of a real cock management of, ever, but It can hardly be so nour- fight, except that neigther of the birds matter up with the ishing with the lack of these eggs . pro- - Injured. Dr. A. Hronson acted the road Immediately. The rate which formerly added to Its nutri- JIi-cel- a. posed Is $2 for the round trip, the) Uta Skull Uns Crushed and 11c the official timer. Ilucc Meet During: Hie I'nlr Promises ment, and certainly It Is not so good ALL THE WAY UP Following dance, Mex- idea being to make It low enough to; Injuries Tliut Caused the a typical l IU One or tb.e Hot Hold to eat. And so there are complaint Ills IK-utli-. ican lnnch was served in the lodge'r get up a monster crowd to make the and protestations at family board in tin Southwest. more the banquet hall. The menu, which had trip a thousand at least, and and declarations on the housewife's From the foundation to the shingles on the root, we ar A native Identified an Louis liar. In, been especially prepared for the oc- Many If Dossible. I part that she will go back To the selling Building , fast horses are to be entered Material Cheaper than you have bought of San Jose, was hit by the engine of casion, consisted of hot tamah-s- fri-- J While the plans are only uroduct of her own oven. 1h in the racu meet which will eon- - i for many years. Save at least 25 per cent and train No. 10 In the lower Santa Fe with chile sauce, tortillas and be hcli they will be pushed to early But the baker's side of this prob- yards at 5:05 o'clock thin morning coffee, and, judging from the number tills fall in connection with the Twenty-ni- summation. A holiday on the day lem is also to be considered. The ! - of the wa enjoyed. nth party will be In prices BUILD NOW and fatally injured.- Hi heurt . tvaa lunch New Mexico Fair and President Taft and of his products are so well XractuPiHl In two plaes'and bntTi Punch wa- - served during the even- Exposition New Mexleo Is proposed, thus making established that economy in produc- In which begins Oc- were broken, and the body was badly ing the rNnce lial and nothing was tober 11. Among is possible for every man, woman and tion Is a good deal easier than a ma- spared by t. on arrange- these will be some bruised. committee of the which-ar- child who wishes, to muke the trip terial Increase. True, he has been ments to see best in the country and According to the report made by that all enjoyed them- now racing on eastern circuits. to Albuquerque. able to make certain Increases, whlih Rio Grande. Material selves. It is the en- - lumber 'Co. Engineer Hiley, who was pulling the intention of the "I look for flume of the best horses have cauxed much grumbling at hU 1 : 'Ve counters, but for most part train with engine Xo. 454, l'atviii : . r"., I . . 'o"lry to be entered in the H PRICKS IIIGIIKIC. the hi ...... ,. ,,v , IJ1J-- IKERS' 8. , .ua 11,11.11 1,7 I S l'' has contented himself with selling a rnoxK CORliEn nilKD AND MARQEUTTE was lying beside the track on his lac.-- to races at Traction park," said a well The housewife who now goes to in apparently asleep. was just break- the memoers of the lodge eael known local horseman smaller quantity and poorer quality It month during tin; winter season. this afternoon. corner bakery to get some of th ing day and in the uncertain light the "Some of the horses ure now racing things it is too much effort1 to imk" for the same price. Nor Is he wholly , to engineer saw what appeared to be a in Illinois, anil their arrival here will at home during hot weathe.-- blame for this. Indianapolis i the News. bundle nf clothing lying near the TO FIGHT intun that the population of Albu- comet, back with more than one com- right rail. He whistled, but th.i-.-- PHIS querque and vicinity will be given one plaint. The trouble IV not only that en- as no movement. Not until l:ie of the best metis ever attempted 1.1 things cost more than they formerly J If you haven't the time to exercise gine passed was it evident thai tin J FIREMAN FLYNN the South Wt si." did, for Rhe has in a measure got used regularly, Doan's Regulets will pre- Go, ! Consolidafed Liquor object Was not a bundle of clothing Among the horses to be entered to that from experience and rather vent constipation. They induce a lut a man. Engineer Riley brought will be Mime from the string of V. t,. expects a little sliding increase .n mild, easy, healthful action of th the train to stop and the man was Albuquerque Colored Flxliter Will Dml'ee, of Los Angeles, price Hut, bin- - Arlie Frost, from time to time. bowels without griping. Ask , your IN taken aboard the train and in ought! to Go Teu Itounds who is racing horses for Mr. Pollack dmsonio as that is on her weekly druggist fur them. 25c. EVERYTHING. OUR LINE to the city and sent to ist. Joseph's ! ut Pueblo. or Flagstaff, Ariz., some Colorado rac- household allowance. It is not a'!. I ' euniarium. ers, several from F.I Paso, Tex., tw- Not only are the bakery's produc Hill Pettus, ' TO IiEXT By flay or Twtnr, Max-we- ll Ur. J. the Albuquerque's colored from Santa lV n.-,- l.v l. . Write for Illustrated Catalog and Price List James Wroth dressed iiu I'li ii entailer In size, but she Insists they. touring ear. Phone, 1020; v. ounds pronounced very middlewlght prize fighter and bas. ball a office and them cioon, and about dozen from this have deteriorated in quaHty. A pol 1 cxldemf, 62. trious if nyt fatal. Player, is matched against Fireman pUy. Tlu, Durtut! ,nt.,uJ3 Flynn HInnf liarela was about 3'i years of age Jim to fight at Pueblo during 10 of th,. race hoi..s that recently OFFICE AND SALES ROOM ami married. He had been employed the Colorado State fair, according to spent several days in this citv resiinir by the Santa Fe a.s a laborer. a special dispatch to tho Denver, up liefora proceeding on taelr way 121 and 123 North con- First St. Phone i38 The train was in charge of .es. lilst- - ductor put lavage. The fight is to go ten rounds and Among these will he the following Prettiest Back in the World liirela died from his injuries at o will be a benefit f r the Pueblo West- - Carlokin, with a record of 2:nn', o'clock this afternoon without (tun- ern' League baseball team. 13. V. Zonialta. 2:08 C'opa de Urn ing consciousness, and the body w is Dickerson, sporting editor of . the ; IJel f'oronado, L':(i'.i'4; Hat moved to .strong Jliollnis' undertak ib tu rcierce the tight. j"o Uro, 2:11U, uiul several nthes. 4ssssss ing parlors-- . The classing of Pettus with thejv'l'e Frost is also expected to be i doughty fireman shown that he is n.llt ,v ' such horses as High Fly. ( Albuquerque Foundry4Machine Works ordinary man. Flynn has fough"1"1 a record of J:H4'i; Kiel, Har-- e some of th bet-- t men in ring to n '' l1- - Cl;ua H.. 2:13'. "nd standstill. His tactics are much like i'lget Willi. 2:1514 11 is understood Mr. 1 BRCKt UN ARM Hattling Xclson. He is commit all th.-- i that Frost will time, and ten rounds will be plenty witii him Knight of Strath-tii- e i'"BMore, Iron Brass of time for hi n tin I out the stuft best i;u la and Castings ti truck this year. Knight recently Pettus is made of. If the Albuquer-('i- e I I ;..: 'r Ned ill,, Hoy Fell Wagon I made a 2:1 1 little Ironi black boy should get a decision record of t. which is With lia-lroi- is Hc-ii- lt. tonsli! red a remarkable shutting iMK't x over Kly tin it would pi ice him for All - Repairs ainotu 5- .11- - dd. Hie Kinds of Machinery the lighters of Ihe ami animal shows Whi n John Sedillo. 7 xear old. world. promise of be ing a conn r. started to get out of a wagon near t'poll the ft turn to the city of ' CKI OF THANKS. - tary II .VkManus, ,,t Third street and Co..l avenue yester- We earnestly thank our IIKIIIV ri John the fa r day to r a ill-mi- s ii iat n, a meeting w ill he hel afternoon, recov which an) neighbors fir their kill.l- - - nil had blown from the head i a youth- i sympathy and floral tribute the various aeiug commiUi ful companion, lie lest his balance and during our recent bereavement. ppointed. Tlmiii i tin- track :n Albuquerque Foundry piachine WorKs - w th.-fall- , .M .'la. l, mi park it- i good con-iinm- i fell. His left a! mi is broken by Ml!. AND lis'. JOHN M. Mii:;( 'airly and he was lustily r. moved to Mlt. AXD .VI HS. T step will diately h a' IUS. I.UMIIMS . I It 111 lip-to- p doctor's office ai.-- given no du al at- - pla Kaape. 1. H. t- ntion. .John S. .;.i!o is the son of Cox, the ptninliec. phiiiibini; and heating I : A. A. Hc lili .. The father staled I hN ami all kinds i,r repair I. AVI K AMI Ills c ; p work promptly done I iMi-oi- morning the i i i was not dun-- ami gimrtiniccil. on vi;n thai o. GROSS KELLY an. I It is jil-- t i v li t y - gen.tis the hoy is well. Tin- self-ra- t man nev j.ats sine,. & COMPANY himself as others s e r'r''K " :"" tn a p i n p. r's ni v him. - JNCORPORA TED ll I' ll and I! a time has iia.l its -- A ' 1 - - - - . MANY ATTENDED .i i.l th.- nr. at naturalist ha. C'i, hi- M ::. th. Jar.lin .i. s IManli s. a I I l Monday. Starting fx '. t. .''; ; -- 1 r WHOLESALE 'IN he a U i ii. loned a i ms . mi ' le a ll sei. Mr. '1'he ellloi (CY HAIL XPRES5 ,:'M'1 .!".' ,'' iEbV . m.-n- - . S h1 Ii t a pi-- nut v i GROCERS t. nut in time he became 1 nlertailniii oi In ilM- - l !U. J.ast M-'- a Was M,( licjiyhtial loy. His tin oi'ies lo Vllair th. founders of blologi a! f the season. 1 Ir. w u oon n i t he violen ; Wool, Hide and n Pelt Dealers - of ta.- m. Of seiche,- of Mm..- than Inn t ir w v - a v u i his ch ief a ' v- I sa a nd e i In .t : - in all- n.l.i.-..-- rj l.i.l to deli v. r ios fun. r I tin- M ai. n ,y th.-i- a' r. th.- :,., my ,,f Albuquerque and b.ea! lo.lg. II! : io is e hall I las Vegas " i ll!, til u as it that, last c. nun. 'I'aa ih-- aifair ui.s a .. wmmmmiB. a m i M coat, .ra I'". MH I'i ss go. s il saying. an Calls B ' r. rns. ,, ,r.nt It. II.- t'nifc ii . ti u; w.ti .1 it on. ,,f fl is i.i i ta s v. ihe II IfM'fltXV use ,.' Hallon. st,!! th r.r u;rri l'K Tl.'Ki;. 1 est ellt- It tll.m.-sit- t. it .y m l fl u us v. h. re h - .i. k." o i v. . .; -. oi i i... o h.i , :,. t tle-'t- ' . - ' II T! I hack on us I'.ut i - .aiini- i . th- f'- t'y r r r i a; t - I . a lid u. t il w ay A it li :t. V. .: 1, pi it. and th. i .. i , .it., n. l. if.H an. i the .ft Hi. si ha k in tii,-'iie- t !': e ' o t ,'h'. W".t- Aorlii sile Is n'l the Htilge Sll t ,, it bu-ii- - a nn '! d. w .S un.ti r a id ii...- ;u ut u I'a ,. -- i Advertise in ! . . The d Citizen tcnv, ti th. nt. r f tin- room "apl.f tncre.i-M- - I.otta is shown iii tile picture Hi, . an .lib.- - id- - r brought in by In inir bii.slne in costume of the Spanish ball, n .t to tooil work mill fair treat-oa- r hart sh- - lils into a- - p. ifectly as if ,n.- u. r. 1. in 1 ti- n I's. At -- .in Andalusia, in the t!:i.v vi t a:ii. i.'ii t:i I I incut (. pillion.-- . Iluhhs laundry fe. lin. 'I alirl la, instead of at. 1;- lini. aiBUQUERQUB OlTlZKff. Tiunsnw. AfoisT i, inon.




Figures Will Probably There Is a Possibility That The Irate Subscriber and the Waterway Board Will Decide Final .- -,, -- sfc " tfi' V'li"'ii "'"' ' - - Li. Ballln-ge- r One Who Doesn't Know t ii:l Whether We Want to Show the Best Year Here- Either Plnchot ur Keep Her Busy All Develop Our tofore Has Been May Quit Exceeded. Office. the Time. Stop Wortying-Hi- re a Collector tliV Wnshlnetnn. Aug. 19. Whether "Do e have our troubles.'" Tlie "Washington, Aug. 1?. It la not Chlcaejn. Aug. 19. Yields of operator year nre at a bump- controversy between Secretary I retty chief drew a 1:M rfitatn that the waterway great cereals this the breath, tried to speak, shut her eyes, thing has caused more failures in mmnilHi'iii. now in F.urope, will er record; the final determination will Italhnger of the Interior department Credit is the one that business be required to give it tirst or seconu lion said: brine back n glowing endorsement of mid Forester Clifford Plnchot of the "See, Mister Man, sit in at than any other. Koosevelt policy of developing place with 100. when wheat, crn unil the by agricul department of agriculture results In tills .switch board for a while American waterways, although tlw and oats as recorded the you You move is wrong, because it is extended too long. aggregated 4.62T.-(inn- . ap- hear what hear. that Not because credit but commissi n has no prejudice against tural department any scandal or not, It Is already you to. ODD piug around anywhere nanl bushels. The yield of wheat 11 the proposition because tile name of parent that the fight is certain to give It plugs in on any line, you can U Jobbers sell to you, Mr. Merchant, and state in their invoices just is connected with pi r acre was only excel uen mice in Colon. Koosevclt . a good deal ti ( re operators are saying years, the aggregate or i".-04?- the Taft administration whnt the you must sell same it recent a, they're when payment is to be made. But these goods to 000 falls little below the 1S'J of trouble. to the subscribe! and what T'w difficulties t li tit are in the wof Mi.ying bill followi.ig crop of 735,260,000 bushels, whiMi In gossip around Washington, pro- - your customers often without knowing just when the will ever be were p.oiiud out in the largest crop ever it was an interesting and convinc- by one of the of was the second mlnent names are used In connection language nienioers gathered, the record being made in ing demonstration. paid. the commission as ho was oil the eve with "water power monopolies'' in "Num be 1.01. hen 748.000,000 took the edge A- f.'" New west and "coal land grabs" in "Nn-ore-- ri -- you on ledger now ti from this city for effect of the t Figure up how much have the that has passed other nicm- - o ffa pm.r corn yield. The laska. Friends of Forester I'incliot lurk, lo embark with the crop coming to years "What wim that, a gain 30-da- y - this great after lighting ad- mark. b rs of the party: busi- declare he has his armor "tiood heavens, why don't you lis the C lilgh-fa-lu- of small yields has stimulated a lot of ti justed, will slick to the limit. ? 1 N I N I ItTY-- t N K. "There has been ness as recounted; it conies' and ten said amount only too well. about this conservation elschere Subordinates In the forest service de You probably know the talk In time to replenish the depleted DID YoC HK.Ut THAT at White House gather- In no circumstance, will Mr. Click-clic- k. business the stocks on farms, granaries, elevators. clare that You have sent the clerk out in the afternoon to collect it. You ing of governors, and at the various stores. The Plnchot nslgn. They concede it Is "Num her'.'" waterways conventions, but the real mills, warehouses and you you're returns are the more grntilying B- possible, and even probable, that he "Say. what do think have even gone yourself. never been brought for- I live question ha ecause the year opened unprotiitiousy. may be dismissed. but they ndd It paid for? been here ward nor discussed by anybody. Thla would be an he was minutes, jangling tin- lull. Whnlxe s worry any longer. While high prices were apparent admission that But don't about it i.i what Te purpose doing. The real In wrong If he voluntarily re- jou been lining, sniping de- return to the wheat the question is this: Do we want to last summer the "fores-to- r Number, please?" paper tomorrow and a year will be, yield con linquished his commission as Insert a want ad in the hire collector. velop eur waterways? Will it pay us, farmer this in a big hurry, and have sidered, as remunerative. The grain of the government." Here I'm a country, to spend $l,0ut).O00.OU0 t i up on a phone live or are many bright, hustling in city who will be as an average Mr. Plnchot will not resign, nor will be tied lor There "oung m6n the way? has come to the market at t n liecau-- e you girls don't in this hint year, when present course In support minutes commission has been given price higher than ho niter his t nd your Lemme tal, glad to devote either part of their time or all of it to collecting those 'Our policy conserva- to business. j;0,0JO with which to Investigate the. early marketings in the southweht of the Koosevelt of to operator. I'll find out 75 to 80 a bushel, the chief old accounts. give Congress were sold at cents tion. According to statements made 1 Ni whole question and to year why can't get any service on this ah answer as will enable it to am! the early marketings this at the Interior department Secretary such belt was from line." Give him a percentage on all he collects and it won't be long before gc ahead or drop the matter, as may over the entire winter liallinger will adhere to his position Click-clic- price on wisest. We thall be thorough, M to $1.13. The the farm lhat the "loose construction" "f the "This is the chief opi rator," came your lis or over-du- e bills has dwindled down to at respectable figure. stem SB price will no phase of the investigation will now is from to id'. The law that prompted the previous ad- tlie voice besidu me. and by Kuropean demand, be neglected. But I want to say to be fixed the ministration to withdraw lands for the Say, what s tlo- matter with my A on commission simply must he will work year will lie suflici nt' to collector collectand you that this waterways question con- which this purpose of conservation shall give way phone? 1 be.n waiting ten minutes, all our surplus, which n. tains problems that have not yet been take care of to a "strict construction" of the law. right in tlie middle of a lot of busl-- far harder than you or the clerk ever did. Try it. w be In excess of laxl year, as brought to the surface and hen they will not ss, 1 get any service." ab- - One or Oilier Must (Jo. because can't re they may change the entire aspect the replenishment of stocks will "Do you have an extension phone?'' public sentiment. sorb a large quantity over the normal Thp Issue therefore is Joined so far "Yes!" of w w Kallingr-- are con- For one thing, let mo call atten- consumption. neat ill lie remun- ns and I'incliot if someone wasn't us- it is according "Well, s.c to the undenialile fact that if the erative to the farmer, because values cerned, and inevitable, extension just before you tion higher, the consum- hero, one or other ing the waterways of the United states aro are trending and to officials that the took down your receiver. to sustain ing public will oe saved from exorbi- and posslblv both, will be forced out BIG LEAGUE TEAMS to be developed and made ' Well, was there".'" ' prices by the generous harvest. government themselves, a heavy hand will have tant of the service. ( ii k. to be laid on the railroads. King Corn sits again In majesty' That the interior ib partnient is alive "The old crab rang oil',"' said the YOUR OPPORTUN TY will have domain; plant been WIIFUK TI1F.Y Alii-- PIAYI.MJ THIS "A minimum freight rate oer his the has to the seriousness of the situation, was chic foperator to me; "he could have AFTKIiXOON. to be fix.d by law for the railroads, more vigorous, and promises a pro- indicated in a statement made public saved a lot of time while he was call telow which they cannot go. Unless duction far beyond the 2,68.O0.OO0 nt the land office. t is intended as a ing down the operator. League. will drive of year. Our returns in American this is done the railroads bushels last . def. use of the administration of Sec- "Number?" Chicago ' ev- husn-cl- s. at Detroit. watre competition out of business dicate a crop of 2,974,000.000 retary Ilalllnger. The statement em- ." com- Iloston a. New Yoik. erywhere by cutting ratca at The acreage has been material braces abstracts from the forthcom- Click-clic- being- 109,000,00 to Philadelphia at Cleveland. The Chance of Years Book Lovers Will peting points and making it up at ly Increased. ing annual report of the commission- "Number'."' had to ba 101,000,000 last year the great in g' t anv-tilin- g other places. This ha er of the general land office, bearing "Don't you people ever National League. done in every country of the world crease bus been In UKlanoma, lexas, right? You gave nie the wrong upon criminal cases, illegal entries, - ihooklyii at Boston. Find This a Perfect except Holland to save water trans- Louisiana and other southern states. numoir. 1 asked plainly for liv.- Paradise. and other trespasses. It says in part: - New York at Philadelphia. annihilation by the big belt holds Its on with an seven-eig- ht you gave me tUv- portation from The I and 10.00').-00- 0 "The annual report of the gene th! St. Louis at Pittsburg. railroads. Increase; Illinois exceeding eialit-seven- ." upon tl on I Now, iin question Is, Do we want on thf government estimate of land office id work land No answer central, Just the Al-- :)0 from Western League. The Mysterious Key, by Louisa A Little Rebel, by Tae Ductn. - 'matters for the years ending June t- restrict the railroads in this way? acreage. The condition has been Lincoln at Wichita. cott. summer, I ready printers. s - We have the greatest railroad aystem splendid everywhere all the now for the This 'That happens hundreds of tim Sioux City Topeka. Otho the Arch, by Alexander Ua- Is g. m rally as at In the w orld, and It is aerving ua well. except In the drought region of the covers what known every day." said the chief operator. Omaha at Denver. The Cedar Swamp Mystery, by Jane mas. drought area f Investigation. report number, Do we want to cripple it? Is It for southewst, and a small land rami The 'People either mix up the Des Moines at Pueblo. Austin. the best interest of the country as a over the east. shows that during the year there was and don't realize it, or th cy call it The Corslcan Brothers, by AJexa.a again re- der Dumas. whole to develop water competitloa Onus has come Into its own an average of 141 special agents niemory and get the number HOW TIHOY STAND. The Twelve Great Diamonds, by railroad is for a crop of 0 gageil III igat ions, ' by reducing the value of and the outlook the inv. si and that versed. Jane Austin. Hinton Hall, by May Agna year our esti- 1 property bushels. Last the number on July last was 332. "Number'.'" America n Lens lie. Fleming. "The Mississippi river will never be mate Of 840.000.000 bushels VAA "During the year there was col- "Why. you called me. What do Won. Loi Pet. The Wreck of the Kraken, by Jane a great through route. Below St. made when the government August lected In cash for coal and timber you want Who called'.'" Philadelphia .1.15 Austin. Child of the Wreck, by May Agnes Louie it Is deep and navigable for report indicated 1(73,000,000 bushel, trespasses nnil linen In criminal "There's no one on your line." 1 loston . . . . 41 .04 Fleming. government were you - large steamers. Above that city the and the final figures 1 130.000 upon cases re- "Well, don't ling here unices Detroit 4T .nj The Kidnapped Heiress, by Emer- water is too shallow, and its depth sealed 30,000.000 bushels. This year ported by special agents. this. want me. I'm too busy to be run- Cleveland :.t ."13 aon Bennett.. The Rose of Ernateln, by May Ag- mat- acreage of you .cannot be greatly Increased, no the oat has been Increased $192,000 was in settlement for coal ning to the pnoin. every time Chicago o .491 nes Fleming. may is only a materially, and the yield has be;n anything else to do than . f. ! Marriage, ter what be done. It trespass after suit brought. Since Hr haven't New York .tib The Midnight Emerain Mystery of Blackwood Orange, large In many states. L' dream to kuppose that this Btream unusually to riiiK." . 4 j .4J0 Bennett. crop promises a total June 30, and not included in these happened":" St. Louis May Agnea Fleming. can ever give that valley what the The barley totals, a sum of $73,000 was "Do you know what Washington .VI .:!! 1S3.431.000 bushels, comparing further operator. wa. Char- - railroads now give it. of so collected. There an- - canceled for a.ked the chief "It Lady Gwendoline's Dream, Sir Noel's Heir, by May Agaae west people wanted with 166.756,000 bushels last year. it aiifwered from "These middle fraud and illegality. 3.1 Ml unpatented this. That mil Notional Lensur. lotte Braeme. Fleming. tariff reduced on manufactured and rye a crop of If."., 13 1,000 bushels The party who called Won. Pet. the i ntries, having about 494.000 acres; goods, the east kept the rate up. igainst 31,831.000 n year ago. him realized that he liaJ Pittsburg 2H .724 Beauty's Marriage. Charlotte Brae-- Woven on Fate's Loom. Charlas but also Alaskan coal enti ies were al- afterward Is likely that the middle west, the wrong nu in nor, and ra.iK Chicago 3 5 .667 me. Garvlce. It not lowed to lapse in the face of special Kiven and ocean freight I1Y i. sot to tin having in the rail SI MMONS PlltLIC.VHOX. investigations. ft before New York .63 .624 ry weapon which partly unllifies this agents' phone." .505 Coralle, Charlotte Braeme. The Woman In Armo: Mar? ('uses ill lnLy. Cincinnati Hartwc-11-. high tariff on manufactured articles, In the District Court for the Sixth Ju- 'Number'.'" Philadelphia .47 .452 "Of the suspended coal cases re- On Her Wedding Morn, Charlotte will care to see the country enter dicial District of the Territory of "What time does that niiilit train St. Louis .4:1 .417 Hampton Hank compel the maining for action about 700 are in depot?" Braeme. The Great Fta .upon a policy which will New Mexico, within and for till for tin: south kii out from the lirooklx n Very, b? Mary It H. Hatfh present Alaska, and investigation In nearly all depot." - goverpment to break up their County of Quay. "I'll connect you with tlie Iloston .24 My Mother's Rival, Charlotte Brae- '.advantage by fixing a minlmu'ii J. it. Daughtry, plaintiiT, vs. W. J. these are complete except for certain The reporter untangled himself me. Kitty Craig's Life In NVw Tors. a In t.Tritory. got :fi eight rate upon the railroads." Adams. K. D. Kyser, Kysev, land examinations the from the headgear. "I've League. Mary J. Holmes. In of u Western and unknown claimantis of Interest There remained the department enough," he said. "louvc sliowt Won. Lost. Pet The Mystery of Blrchall, Charlotte for on uly.I 1. 127 tres- '.'" The Wooing of Leola. by v Alas. In the premises, adverse to the Justice suit me, all right. Is it like that all Des Moiue: .64 4 1 .610 Braeme. r. pass eases, 616 su ts to recover lands, Miller. CANADIANS REAP plaintiff, defendants. Sioux City .63 43 .594 Penace, Char- - 36:!. 177 fencing eases. 42.1 criminal cases. lime,"" said tlie pretty Marlon Ardlelgu's No. "All the nmalia, 4S .513 A Mad Passion, by Etta W. Pleres. and suits to recover lands Involve operator, Kadly. lotte Braeme. HARVEST To the above named defendants The chief Denvel 4S .543 The Heir of Brandt. fc GOLDEN $20.0011,0110. some on at th.' Etu J. each of them: about The value of "If people got waited Topeka r.o .505 The Story of Two Pictures, Char- - Pierce. you are hereby no- - recover!, s is by iiuickly as they do here," You and each of of the land in.ficated stores as . lotte Braeme. has tiled suit case, lands were re- - aid; "fTr they got a train or Wichita .46 Latrobs, Year In Western Part of tilled that t!ie plaintiff one uh.ieln coal she Pllelilo .43 64 .402 The Power of Paul tl Vrow This against vou ill tile District Court for by a railroad company. The street car as quickly, they'd think the j Tragedy of the Chain Pier, Charlotte Rowland. Dominoii Are Worth l.turr.ed Lincoln 7 1 .330 Adelaide the County of Quay, New Mexico, by company and its alleged grantees had milleulum had come. Hut they want Braeme. Millions. to have u certain thfclr party on the telephone the min- The Crime and the Curse, by Mrs. which suit he seeks paid about $70,000 for the lands. TI lMiW b.l.MIX Coquette's Victim, Charlotte all mortgage dated the 9th day of Jan- the geolog- ute Ukcy take down the receiver." The Southworth. Winnipeg, Aug. IS. From Since recovering the lands Braeme. Saskatch- uary, 190ti. and recorded in ISook 2 survey tlx. d the selling price itanged around the room, shoulder American League. Victory, by Mrs. South.- - points in Manitoba, Albcrla. ical has telephone oper- The Wife's a unani- of Mortgage Deeds at page 3S of IhJ f the same lands at more than $.,- - to shoulder, were the i 3. New York Hirst game). Tragedy of a Quiet Life, Mrs. worth. ewan and Hritish Columbia M-- - of Quay county, N. . eo'i- ators. The clicking was continuous. Iloston 6. New York mity of opinion points to the anticipa ri cords iiiHi.niio, and this mi a lias's of less '. Burnett. by gouthworta. 17. block 34. original town- - Like webs the girls were weav Chit-ag- The Refugee, Mrs. year s as vying lot 4 cents a ton for coal. Of tlie ii.lcr 2. Detroit 0. tory result of this harvest than pun-o- - site of the Town of Tucumcarl, quay three-fifth- s ing their COll or COIlllecnoiiK, 3, St. Louis 0 ( first same I Pretty Polly Pemberton, Mrs. Bur- Strong's Secret, by Mrs. being the greatest in the history oi total moneys collected, about one Cleveland John ounty. New Mexico, executed by the i:i n p!u here, there, pulling one 3. 2. nett. Canadian west. in some places was collected since March 1." Cleveland St. Louis Southworth. the laintiff to the defendant, W. J. Al -- always the coi.tinual "Hello. Philadelphia 2. Washington 1. phenomenal w ay Secret, by Mrs. Souta.' such as South Alberta the ums, to wecuie tne sum oi .: sur "I think it's remarkable the Cora Hastings, by Mary Dallas. The Fatal growth makes It hard for people to up, satis!!' I temper, especially - worth. rendered cancelled and tluv keep their National Leu rue. Dal- - prospects. The farmers - I The Lawyer's Ward, by Mary by Mrs. Aa conceive such f record; and by said suit said pjain- vsard th.- end of a long day," said th. Pittshu.g . St. I ills I lust game The Bride of an Hour, gathering the hay crop, The laj. are now tiff further seeks to have Jus estate chief operator. I'lttsiiuig 2 . St. Louis 1. Stephens. is a heuvy one. The grain csiao- - which to the above described , Chicago 1. Cincinnati 0. Mystery of Mordaunt Mansion, by The Love that Saved Him. by M:a. will be general during the of Ejccepiionat man In th 1 harv.-- l lished against the adverse claims Occasionally the right New Yoik 14. Philadelphia (first Mary Dallas. Ann Stephens. present month. F.. 1. in a . latter ;.art of the the defendants. 1. Kyser, riirht luce occupies cfuarters aim-1- liarvcesi, in- - pro- To iher this anticipated Kyser and unknown claimant of Equipment building where the windows are New York 5. Philadelphia 1 The Devil's Anvil, by Mary Dallas. the! .is been a report In circulation ti rests In the premises adverse m me tected by iron bars. Note Single copies He each, the California Fig Syrup Co. and the Island of Diamonds, by Harry pre- to tie . fleet that some 3n.00 extra plaintiff; that the said defendants and WcHlorii League. The postpaid. Any 12 bookn for St. -. re gov- of chemist have 1 Danforth. ea-tl- men ..uld be required. From each of them be forever barred and icientific attainments in L iVUUL. Sioux City 9. T"peka paid. Any 26 books fir SS; the of information. estopped from having or claiming any fnderej possible tlie production of Syrup now go- - 2. Des Moines 0 fifty books for terms are erm.i al sources Stories of rural legislators Pueblo Captives, by Harry ti; .b iiiii lni. nl barns that Interest In and to the above described Waterhuiy 10. Wichita 6. The Corsair's cash with order. Send postal orJer how the f Figs ami Elixir of Senna, in all of its ng the rounds remind thu Lincoln Danforth. is very much exaggerated premises adverse to that of the plain story of the New Denver 2. Omaha 1. or cheek. Every volume complete. such ort meilic-n- al American of the good au- be for' excellence, by obtaining the pure receiving books, not aa rep- 'i"n lute ment Is made on tiff, and that his title thereto llamuchirc country statesmen who !.' A All Forlorn, by The Upon if set rest. Maiden thoi that the complet. d Orand ever uuieted and at principles of plants known to act most i'is Ignorance of ti.U-tt- American Aociatlon. Dutches. resented, send them back and g1 - vou are notified thit 2. St. Paul 0. your money. Place your orders al Trun Pacific- railway from Winnipeg And further oeneficially and combining them most Governor Kollins as "most high." Tin Louisville vou cause your appearance to Minneapolis , Indianapolis 0. once. Hunters of bargalna, like " F. ninn la tributary unless n.. crime Informed hilll that tile limy A Little Irish Girl, by The Duchess to styled and ikillfully, in the right proportions, with 4, 2. hunters, must qutckly. This s of feeding the wnoie he. entered in the above high" w as "He w no mane e Milwaukee Columbus other a:t lam callable "most l game In more . a...:..:...... I Iruluilil- numbered cause on or before the ll?t ,U arid rcfrcbhing Syrup of gov. City 8. Toledo (llrst Is Love, try advertisement will appear pe, ... .. r.T lireui n uu u nu wholesome ervthinir from nothing." "Well. Kansa Sweet True The day of October, 1909, the plaintiff wl"l City 4. Toledo 2. . than 1.000 papers. in case oi neeu. California Figs. ernor." replied the country legisi.uo., Kansas apply to the court for the relief de you making ue- - oi Til give credit for manded in his complaint, and a As there is only one genuine Syrup neace out of a man up We sew on buttons. Hub! Ijiuii- - - invtice of the ( I'i-- pro COIIICSSO Will oe 10. gen- 1 1 'Hie MhiMiurl Society of Sew Figs and Elixir of Senna and aa the in ii e town that Is about as mar dry Company. Wed- against you. legs. Mexico mrc la the second is manufactured by an original nothin as ever walked on two Odd The name and postoffice address uine nesday of each month at California Fig Syrup Albany Argus. or lutll. South Second of plaintiff's attorney is Marry II. method known to the Send for Our Select List Felkowv sil New Mexico. CALIFORNIA PAPERS Mrcct. Next meeting Wednes- .MeF.lroy, Tucumcarl. Do. only, it is always necessary to buy the The Tlme f Idleness. FIFTY CH AS. I'. DOWNS, I'lerk. any one whereby you can Insert dis- day. August II. jenuine to get its beneficial effects. Idlcnesj means trouble for pspere WRIGHT BOO COMPANY 4, Har- M F.CKMAN. Deputy. lazy ! play ads In all f ir Headquarters at mom Ity FWDA enable It's the stme with a llwr. Cen-tra- l. A knowledge of tV above facts headache, FIVE DOiLAR3 PER INCH nett bulldlnif, Second and (Seal.) causes constipation, Jaut Agency, or return them an I The Dake Advertising l'lione 1079. a me to decline imitations to dice, sallow complexion, pimples requested Never can tell when you'll mash appetite, nausea, h M , Incorporated. All Mlfcsourians are or if, upon viewing tlie package, the full name blotches, loss of Qreary St. register. finger or suffer cut. brui&e, burn King's New Life Pills soon ba S. Main St. II YORK CITY to call and i not found Dr. ill Frmnclsco. 105-1- 01 READE NEW O. KKAFlMERi scald. Ho prepared. Dr. Thoma' of the California Fig SyrupCo. troubles and build up y ur Tn. Anselea San SI. J. instantly til-- ; ish liver Secretary. Kcleclrlc Oil relieves printed on the 'ront theraof. health, Zic at all druggists. pain ciuickly cures the wound. . ...

1 ,. W HlMIKIal WMIsWII in H IM II l""' apsaBPWsWpsai Thursday, Arc; vst m. io. KIBUQTJERQUE CITIZKH. 44444444aasasaj I i --m I IH BUSINESS RECTORY Kill HXLP pi T Clearing House People's HOUSES rOR RENT JOHIJMIISE nUALS HELP for the Wants ROOMS TO RENT REALTY CO. CLERK.! Auto Repairs-Bicycl- es Established 1388 HOUSES FOR SA1K FOR SALJt, TZaOGRAPHXKJ f. a noppixo 50O.00 Six front lota on B. RANCHES FOR SA! K Sil South Second St. Copper ave. Oreat bargain OOIUXPERI 1. 000.00 A 4 -- room house; Indian Motor Cycles and Auto Tire large lot Keleher ave. BUSINESS OPPOB-lUMUK- S Rare Vulcanising. chance to buy a AIJtSMZX Md. Bicycles food homo s for Sale or Rent. Repair- cheap. Easy terms. ing Classified and Supplies ot AU Kinds. $2,000 Three cor- beactlful AGENTS ner lots, 75x100 feet oa W. TV MONET TO LOAN teras ave. This la a ana. GROCERIES $2300 CAHYAS8KR4 Albuquerque's good hoik, Popular Want Columns LOST AND FOUND two lota, stable, oa gouife A PIOCTNtXL Edith, close In. Aa oxcoptloral bargain. 123 Sooth Second Street. $1300 Rooming Staple house on and Fancy Groceries. All Central ave. Oreat chance for Kind of Imported Italian Good, quick buyer. Easy Pur Luce terms. MALE HELP Olive OU. Phono 7L MANT OTHER BARGAINS : PROFESSIONAL IN ALL SECTIONS OF CITY. CARDS LOTS IN WANTKD .Ml around ami NEW TOWN OF : furniture TAILORS BELEN at original plat prices. stove man. Crown Furniture Co., Call our : 114 W. Hold. PHYSICIANS at offloe for full par- M. RYAN, TAILOR. ticulars. WANTED 190 a month, $70 expense Cleaning, pressing and repairing, CHOICE VACANT LOTS IN allowance at start, to put out mer- SOLOMON L. BURTON, M. . 101 South Second street. Ul l ALBUQUERQUE. 8ee chandise and grocery catalogues. us beforo buying elsewhere. Wo Mall order nous, American Home Physician and Surgron. can save you money. Supply Co., Desk 4. Chicago. III. RESTAURANTS ITANTED Intelligent man or worn-- j. Residence 610 South Walter Street. FOR RENT. all to take territory and appoint Phone 1030. Office f Barnett $20 Three I Building. SAJJ furnished rooms canvassers to sell our water filters. Phone 17. JOSE RESTAURANT. and bath, modern, for Open day night, Very close In. wor me rignt party. oe and 211 West On Water paid. ior A. G. SHORTLE, M. D. wu. in addition to our regular Ba Filter Co.. Seneca. Mo. meals $20 Four room modern fur- A II.. .r.,. an, a. n i n WAMTVn .or.... PracUc Limited to Tuberculosis Wo aervo short orders, rtinn nished house. Highlands, close m.rxsYST' nonillu In. Barn un premises. we. control staple line. Large suey Water in all styles and other mandarin paid. vsiiiuii OTVIlf ,,,UVV J Hours 10 12. vuui'uiii.ivili1 A t ...... to aisnea. Give us a trial. leanjr iu- man wun ouainees ac- $25- .-6 room modern house Tdrnhona SM. Highlands. quaintance or to hustler. Consoll-date- d Rooms 8, 9, and 10. State National Newly reflnlshed. Mfg. Co.. Rochester, N. Y., li&nlc $8.00 house, ner ain Block. SHOEMAKERS shops IVRITE and we will-expl- on Paclflo avenue. howwe $10.00 pay any man $85 per month and j Comfortable, new an traveling expenses to or- house, No. Eighth at. take DENTISTS P. MATTECCCI. $8.00 ders for portraits. Experience un- -. tent house and necessary. This offer made by the 105 North First Street. barn, corner Marble and ISth DR. nh-- t greatest portrait house In the J. E. KRAFT. Solo agent for Flmom ti street world. Write now before it Is too Johnson Rand "Star'' Shoes; also $13.00 Very close la mod- late. R. D. Martel, Dept. 220, Dental Surgery. complete line of serviceable oboes. ern rooms for light housekeep- Chicago. expert repairing.' all work ruaran. ing on North Second street. Rooms 3 and S, Barnett Building teed. $16.00 house. West uvor umoneys Drug Store. Central Ave., near Castle Hun-ln- g. FEMALE HELP Appointments nmto by mall. N. TANXL Partly furnished. Phone 774. . $20.00 'Rooming house with WANTED At once, nurse for twin Boot and Shoe Maker, 115 S. Third St store room, close to shop. babies, good opportunity for right DRS. COPP AXD PETTITT lien's Shoea. $23.00 4 room furnUhed party; out of city, transportation. H Soles and Heels, nailed tl.10 flat, with sleeping porch all Colburn's Emp., 209 S. 1st St. 1 DENTISTS. Va Soles and HeeU, sewed Sl.iO modern, plenty shads, on North v ANTED Lady to represent us Ladies' Shoes, Second st Cool summer home. at tt Solos and Heels, $22.50 4 home; good position; good pay and ;t Room 12. nailed TIa room modern brick f- H Soles and Heels, aewed house. Marquette. made suit free in 0 days. tl.Ii West iir X. T. Building. Only the verr beat rock-na- ir anla $2.50 per week. 1 rooms fur- Experience unnecessary; reliable ArmUo leather firm. Address J. E. McBrady Co., jsed and absolute satisfac- nished for light housekeeping, Caleago. Can You Repair Things? tion guaranteed. All work guaran- West Copper, near Third street. EDMUND O. ALGER, D. D. S. teed. All work given prompt atten- $A5.00 Hotel Henrietta, is tion. brand new, never occupied, la WANTED In every umce noura, m. household there are always several things that need fixing in some way. a. to 12:30 p. m modern, 27 rooms, good loca- But no one seems to know just 1:30 to 5 p. m. tion, a bargain. .WANTED To buy dozen hens, state where to find a man who can do the work properly. $150.00 story Appointments Sewing Machines Rico hotel. I price anil breed. Address "C C,' made hv mall. brick, N. First st between Cen- wi-.- 806 West 4.1 this office. If you are handy tools and wish to add to your income, just insert a Central Ave. Phone tral and Copper ave. Lower want ad CIIAS. HEWITT, floor store rooms. Upper floors WANTED To buy large tract of in the paper telling the kin J of work you 117 South St, timber. Give full report, cash want and you wilt soon have a big list of cus- LAWYERS Third have 18 modern finished room tomers. Dealer in newl for rooming house. price, location. shinDins: facilities their parts; bicycles, typewriters Will rent also term. T C. fnrlrev 79K k'ltt. and upper or lower floors separate. creamery supplies. Expert repairer Low redge Bldg., Denver, Colo. R. W. D. BRYAN of rent Oreat opportunity. Often people are so anxious to have the work done locks; keys made and fitted; blcy-cle- a, WANTED Information ? that they will bring it right to " AUorncy-at-La- w typewriters and sewing ma- - par- your shop and call for it again- - -- farm or business for sale; not and these are thi people who will pay good prices, too. chines repaired. Albuquerque. N. M. 21 0 West Gold location; Avnu ticular about wish to hear Of nee First National from cwner only, who will sell di Merchants usually dislike to Bank Building a) rect to buyer; give price, descrip- be bothered with repairing things. They want to AiDuqurrque, Mexico. tion, when possession can sell new goods not fix up old CLAIR VOYANT and state ones. So you will have little competition from this di- be had. Address L, rection. E. W. DOBSOX Box 8010. Rochester, N. Y. Madame Ilmar tells von nil ohn,i Attorney-at-Lav- v Even boys can earn business transactions. rhAnn, trav AGENTS money in this way if they have a few tools and know how els, domestic troubles, love affairs FOR RENT to Office Cromwell Block and use them. marriage, also health: no fe .r,t. room modern, .WANTED Manufacturer's agent or Albuquerque, New Mexlc ed unless she gives you furnish- the truth and ed,. close in, only $25.00 specialty salesman having - r.eip you desire. 220 West Uold Ave. uaoe wun me mining, room modern, barn, ii.ticu ana JOSE C. ESPIXOSA j lumurr evmpaiiies ui --New AiexiU' CITIZEN nice yard, trees; only.. 22.50 and Western Texas, our WANT ADS room to handle Attorney at Law. frame in High- Belt Dressing on commissioii. fioo.l SALESMEN FOR SALE BRING RESULTS. lands, water paid....; 14.00 opening for salesman of ability, as FOR REN1 rooms furnished, lights, we will assist to secure " (Llcenslado.) him nlhert Will Do Washington's Pluinio Snota. baths, etc 18.00 agencies. O. Box 140, WANTBID Salesman Experienced FOR SALE The bargains FOR a General Practice In fill Address P. la best In RENT For Rent cards at The Courts. lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the rooms furnished, Station C. Cleveland. Ohio. any line to sell general trade In the city, houses and lots. W. H. Citizen office. Potomac, nice Room 19, Armljo Block, Albuquerque the breeding ground of ma- in every way 14 00 (AGENTS Positively make New klexloo. An unexcelled spe- McMillion, real estate broker, 211 laria germs. These germ, cause J10to cialty proposition, commissions W. Gold. FOR RENT Furnished Rjoms for Jdexlcj. rooms furnished, home 120 daily selling the greatest pho- Rent cards at The chills, fever and ague, biliousness, to specialty with Hi weekly advance for ex FOR SALE Black mare; Citizen office. jaundice, like and cozy 15.00 art ever produced; penees. cheap; ride RENT lassitude, weakness and something new and unusual. L. K. Tne Continental Jewelry or drive, kind and gentle; can be For Furnished room in MODESTO C ORTIZ. general debility and bring suffering See me before you rent Nutter, Mgr., 484 Co.. Cleveland. Ohio seen In modern house.. No invalids. 10U2 or Carroll Ave., corral of Crystal Ice Co. N. Second death to thousands vearlv n Chicago, III. Corlell; phone 38. Attomcy-at-La- Electric Bitters never fail to rov SALESMAN to cov- det etiH)NT make dally our ' FORRENT Houses, 4. 5 6 andS mem and cure malaria trouble. It er New Mexico with staple FOR SALE: Modern y line house; rooms, modern cottages. W. Jl. (Llcenslado.) Th-- are all-rou- . National Clothes Drying Rack. re High easy terms and price the best tonic HAMLETT quired In every Absolutely' commissions with reasonable. McMillion, 211 W. Gold. Rooms 30 and 35, W. Central Ave. and cure for I ever Real Estate, 214 W. Gold. home. weekly advance for expense!. Inquire 214 North Walter. malaria used." . Send SO cents for sample and FOR" RENT Three room cottage on Old Albuquerque. Opposite Al- writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. position to right man. !,. Marquette avenue. buquerque Floral Co. C. They cure stomach, liver, 4www4w444ww444w444 territory. Culver at Co.. 171 Wash- Ii. Drake, Asst. Supt., Detroit, Mich. Inquire of Mrs klilnev ington street, Chicago. LOST and FOUND J. C. Martin. 1 N. Second St. unci mooa troubles and will rrvn 'AGENTS FOR oil John V. Wilson typnoiu. Try them. 50c. Guaranteed ALASKAN ATTENTION! Dtoao Cabi WANTED Best paying side line on RENT Strictly modern-f- johu A. Wldle by all druggists. MOOVSHIxr. nets guard the home from contag- the market. Good men make big LOST OR RTPvrn i ,.. room cottage, furniHhe.) or unfu" . WILSON WHITE I'p here In Alaska t'ic :v. rises1 ion and disease. Require no atten- money. Salesmen establish- , nwhed, 406 S. 4th. Inquire In th. south and sots in with .....a iii. f Miiiin 1 v m nnr o t th a room We DARN vour socks. 11CBBS the n..rtii. Its 5, hen , tion. Just hang them up, that's all. ed territory write. Sample case 10 office and paying cost. 303 ft West Central. Atuurneyc and Counsellors at Law LAUNDRY COMPANY. ins are llould and th v ,m. i ti... People are buying them by the lbs. Must give references. P. FOR RENT Any part or"allof"the lMinls.Hiie with a norcelain ,velin,.- - sample & a thousands. Send at once for Schmidt Co., 334 Dearborn St., nrst noor or the Uumi & Strlckler Will do a general practice In It cast spell more pott ri: t!i;i:i e'er Co., Dis- 111. and terms. Montana Pules Chicago. building Is now ready for ore J All rxmrta. did the magicians of the .:i-- t I'ml.r tributors. Bmte, Mont. STORAGE nancy and will be leased to respon Rooms IS, 17 and 19, Cromwell Bldg. it wizardry the rocks tu n t,, silver 12204.10 "PROFIT mao.e in CAPABLE SALESMAN to cover New Bible parties. Any alterations de Albuquerque, N. M. and the brown old mountain- - .we con- months by C. Nichols and ijhis Mexico with staple line. High com- WANTED Pianos, sewing sired will be made to jured Into giant pearls. Tru- - nealih missions, machines, suit tenants. agents In Utah and Idaho: write with $100 monthly ad- trunks, household goods, etc. Stored Total floor space, 12,0'n) square We Ask You exists in the mind, and ,. v. v v.. vance. I HA 31. BOND Ala.-kii-n for proof. Want general agent to Permanent position to the safely at reasonable rates. Full feet. Basement same dimensions holds an moonlight ihrlce right De- to open branch office in this state. man. Jess. H. Smith Co., Moon Furniture & Storage Co., Steam heat and ail other modern taka Cardul, for your femala hundred time; a millionuir. . w, tchl- - troit, Mich. Ed Attornrv-nt-lji- Exclusive territory complete pro Le & Co., I'ropd., 115 W. improvement. Apply to W. S troubles, because vs are sure it ksn Miner. permanent Pension, IAnd IIUentK, Cop) rights. tection, amazing profits; Gold Ave. Iihone 451. Strlckler. vlU help you. Remember that To honorable business. Chemi- WANTED An energetic. educated prosper In tne Ijtuntrrj liustnew Parker you IHU- -l cal Co.. Chicago. man to sell the New Internatienal Caveats, Letter Patents, Trade this great female remedy du III.. h.'St IllM.kill u,.rk 'This a (lorioux Victory. Murks, Claims. Mil all lines of laundering rJ. 703. 79 first three months' profit on Encyclopaedia in New Mexico; e have splendid opening; state age, pres- TYPEWRITERS There's rejoicing in Fedora. Tenn. 3 F. Street N. W. Waxluuirtou. D. C. jiio sixelahl.s EVEKY aillile en-- DlOZO, made by I". A. Nichols. 306 A Hldg., ent employment andelve refer man's life has been saved, and now triiKieu u us is Handled KitiiiT by Walker Salt Lnk- City, and Dr. King's lilgli class help his agents. He exclusive ences. Dodd. Mead and Comoanv. FOR SALE Oliver TvDewrlter. Nj. New Discovery is the talk THUS. K. D. MADIUSOV Iu evtiry deiartnient. seemed 5, new. of C. V. ImMflul sale for DIOZO in I'tah and Idaho Shukert Building, Kansas City, Mo. like Cheap. Matson's book- the town for curing Pepper liiiidr) fo baok of post-i.i- ll store. or deadly lung hemorrhaK- - s "I could ?EM1I Plu.iu. H8. Red In April, He tells us that one: Attorney a Wag. 19. i not work nor get about." he writes o his subaeents i lertre.l 1120 in WANTED Salesmen for our spec:! FOR SALE Fox typewriter: very has brought relief to thousands of . offer of 5,000 "and the doctors did me no good, but. he week. A few desirable states free postcards, wsi latest visible model No. 23, like Office 117 West. Gold Ave. other sick women, so why not to Citizen Want Ads get result. still open. Write today full pocket samples, most profitable sidd new, cheap. after using Dr. King's New Discovery for Mlllett Studio. I you ? For headache, backache, patleulars. If you have ability to line ever offered. H. G. Zimmi-ma- n throe weeks. feel like a new man act as a & Co., Chicago. FOR RENT 'lypewriter-- s all klnd. and can do good work ayain." For periodical pains, female weak general agent. Can you Albuquerque Typewriter INSURANCE do as well as Mr. Nichols? Why Exchange. weak, sore or diseased luns, coughs ness. many have eald it is "the . tAfrMM.r, 60 YEARS' and colds, hemorrhages, hay 7 EXPERIENCE not? Try. Write now to Parker SALESMAN WANTED Experienced fever, U. A. SLEYSTER best medicine to take." Try it I Co., Chicago. la grippe, asthma or any bronchial Chemical ambitious man capable selling to HOW'S THIS. t.est by City whole- affection It stands unrivaled. Price Sold in This City F, trade Kansas 50c Insurance, Real Kfttutc, Xolary sale house. Applicant must sub- and 11.00. Trial bottle free. S"ld We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- -, and guaranteed by nil druggists. Public. uslness Opportunities mit convincing proof of compet- ward for any case of Catarrh that ency. Fine opening. Permanent. cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Itooin 12 and 11, Cromwell Itlk. Position will pay right man high Hair ana Ctilroortlxt. - - Mexlit) Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Mrs. op- AIIiuucriie .e qT Mark itovioj-- , wages. State experit nee fully. Bambini, at her parlors rL Tradi AI'iTAI. furnished for inei Ohio. posite the Alvarado and next to IwfLLTHf TcOUCH' DtataNs enterprises; Ptock bond issu. References. Apply C. J . care Citi- door - and j We the undersigned, have known Sturges is prepared give A. E. WALKER Hiit sold s zen office. 'cafe. to and THE Anronessndtne a pketrh snd i,rrptii: nlft. mi commission; i'oili.i:ii. l F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, thorough scalp treatment, do hair CURE LUNGS loans mgotialcd. Addle s bt lieve inrMntlon la ri.hnllf Oiia ..n,t. unu-- and him perfectly honorable dressing, corns I 'I re Insurance. 1,1. I WANTED ter- treat bunions and iioiii.irioilrc.iiu lei, HaNOtOD on r;u Mi Salesman for western ,,-- a with fu'l particulars. r"politin in all business transactions, fl- - nt rrea. (tMtial mtlvui-- for unug ritory, by City and Ingrown nails. She gives massage Sc retnry Mutual Building (Xplr'.lft Invistim iH Co.. ;:il La S.ille .! , Kansas wholesale nancial'.y able to carry out any obl- wth r.itoun lati'ii thr.rn.0i HAm r,i,., Chicago. house; experienced, ambitious man: reatment and manl urlng. Mrs 217 Went Central Avenue Dr. E(ing's igation made by his firm. Walding, bambini's own preparation cf com one who has sold to country mer- - Kim an Marvt. tlexion cream builds up the skin and Sclensific chants, standard goods or g , Jltncricst. Wh ilesaje ifrupgist-- Toledo, O. Improves ' OSTEOPATH a nanatomslf I ,rI.,., PER SO SAL specialities the comnbxiun, and New Discovery ciilaouu ll!n,'rl1 preferred. -- of an? lentiilo 'i ' , Halls' C'ttaith Cure is taken In guaranteed not to be injurious. ih-al- I'".'.r.'.!'.'!;l;""il, MWbjsJi Position will pay riyht t. rnally. acting directly upon the prepares ' TEl) Manuscripts. Novels poet man ,ino or better; two hair tonic and curei C. II. COX NOR, M. D. D. O. MUNN4Co.!''--'.He,.vy- crr paying blood and mucous surfaces of the end prevents dandruff and hair fall- ry, histury. esays, etc.. tor publica- men ,,u.oj a each. rystem. . - - vusutj r"c tie Testimonials sent free. Price, ing out, life to dead hair, re- OMtcopath. Nn LUWG in book form. Cochrane Pub- ref rences s restorei nuaLL IHH0T TROUBLES tion and experience. Ad.lre-- 75c per bottle. Fold by all druggists. moves mole, warts and superfluous lishing Co.. 777 Tribune building, Manager. 5:'4 - Midland. Buildi:.. Take Hall's Family Pills for con-Kans- as hair. any of In Chronic; GUARANTEED SATIS FAtiXUJiY CITIZEN New York City. City, Mo. For blemish the fa?e Speclalfst Diseases. Office st patlon. rail and consult Mrs. Bambini. i. Armijj mag. WANT ADS BRING RESULTS.

"""WH ALBUQUERQUE CTTIZEy. Tlltlisnvr. M'f.IRT l. IBO!). ror. Kifirrr. thiso of lots 1, 14. IB and 16, block I 2 7, of the New Mexico Townslte com- Personal : pany's towhslte. , Ho' says tit. ho paid x $2'l of $3,500 purchase pries but IMALOY'S when he tendered the balance Hly-sl- cr PARAGRAPHS refused to neeept it. ft The plain- PRICE REDUCTIONS : tiff desires to have the contract sus- tained by the court. Harry P. re- M WF.VT CENTRAL Native Owen filed the first AVEX; Should you (all tj receive The port us referee in the case of the Cal- j"" Evening Citizen, call up the edonian Cal company nga'nst the Postal Telegraph Co., telephone Peaches, Pears, ltocky Cliff company today. In order to make a complete clearance on our No. 30, anil your paper will bo we have made more and by messenger. Plums, Grapes entire summer stcck IN delivered special WII'K AMI HAUV IX Wr.ldi. BARGAINS SHOES XlcComb, o., Aug. 19. James 11. sweeping reductions in price. Utter, a painter, was taken into cus-tcd- y & CHILDREN Try Glorleta beer. Phone 4S2. I California Fruit t today In connection with the In-- f FOR MEN, WOMEN Insure in the Occidental Lire. ligation of the death of his young OUR ENTIRE STOCK of all kinds whose F. A. Ilubbell spent yesterday ill wife snd baby, bodies witj well is down which ca-ino- t fail Santa Fe. fcund in an abandoned at their marked to figures There are still several months of hot weath- heme here last Wedmoday morning. s, to quick'y clean up our surplus merchandise. It. H. Hcarrup, the wool buyer, ti Aft-- r examining a number of er ahead of us and it will pay you to invest ii, Vegas on business. : Cantaloupes including Hitter, in an lii'iues'.. We call particular attention to ur line ci in another pair of low shoes, especially when Mis.i Iucy Fitch, of Clcw land, Ohio, Coroner Todd and County prosecutor prices as we Is registered at the Alvarado. : from Mesilla Valley that Llaekford decided to hold Hitter you can buy them at such cut Dance tonight at F.Iks' ball room. pending further Investigation. The melt in your mouth. presence well Mens and Boys' Clothing Admission free; 6 cents a dance. I of the bodies in the are making during our Summer Clearance was first mad'.' known by Hitter, who of For a tinner or plumber quick call teftilled that he made the discovery We have reduced pt ices on HART SCHAV'F-NPI- R Sale. We still have a good assortment up ('reticent Hardware Co. I'hont: 315. t ly being suddenly awakened early 'n & MARX SUITS to the lowest notch, styles and sizes and are sure we can please Train N'os. 1, 7 and 9 from the t A. J. MALOY the morning as If by a scream. H i you. list are all reported on time today. c: I I that his wife had threatened sui-c'd- e. as well as prices on Shirts, Shoes, and Fur- Attornr y 11, W. Dobson spent yes- l Phone 72 The young woman wus Hitter's nishing Goods, Uroken lines of Hanan and terday In Santa Fe on legal business. t lir 1 wife. Women's H.S5 Oxfords out to. . . . $1.15 Ii. A. Drake, editor of the Socorro Douglas Shoes included. Women $2.50 Oxford cnt to $2.00 ( lilCM'.N .rsi-;- i Women's $3.00 Oxfords cut to $2.25 chieftain, la In the city on business. HAHY'S DKATII S2.K5 V. A. Sawyer, , Women's $3.50 Oxford to Hendricks, of Okla., fndepi-ndenee- Kan., Aug. 19. $2.00 ton $2.50 Oxfords cut to ii visiting Attorney Kdward A. Mann. While Mrs. F.lward Nolan of this city S3.0O $2.25 FRENCH HOME BAKERY Men s Oxfords cut to Two were to pay .! hail $2.(5 drunks sentenced picking a chicken she Jut Mon' 1:1.50 Oxfords cut to lines or $10 ench In police court this s a! led, he son fell Into morning. SPI,( I ls the kettle of boiling water nearby I imd was so badly scalded that he died SSMGM Mr. Mrs. Hugh re- Hiittenuit llread. STERN Cakes. and Trotter have line being prepared turned from an extended visit in the Pics and Candies. The chicken was fi The Central Avenue Clothier fff of the little fellow's expressed east. Prompt i and Courteous v ish for one. The boy's father Is an Mrs. John Vi nable iind rhildnn re- Treatment. ci! Held worker. turned yesterday from a visit in Pud tie const cities. HUMU S M WIHTII. ITops. HAWAII'S I'UOIIM'.M. Frank A. Mrllugh, private retary 202 Kast ''iitrnl Ao. The attempt of tin- Honolulu sei Ti lephone to Delegate Andrews, has arrived from 57. lunters' association to lmiiort effi Washington, cient labor from Europe inrougn im- Academy J prove Scribner's Dancing Cheapest, strongest and best migration channels may not successful at this time. It Is a Ions for all purposis. Halm ICurope Sale Shoes Pleases Every Customer. Company's I.lme, uUc sack, fit TO MARK OMMI.IM I l. ( l,l'H and expensive journey from ELKS' BALL ROOM to Honolulu. either by rail or by Mr. ami Mrs. John S. Heaven and A STHMTI.V HlslVKSS I SO I Y completion the water, and pending of Next Attraction . children left today fur a visit of sev- I'nder the new order of thin'KS that Pnnama canal the planters win un-- 4 eral weeks in Colorado. wiil prevail hen the Albuiiuei (Ue doubted ly be nhliejcd to pet alonB on Low i is reorganized, Slaughter Sale Shoes C. Kein, representing the O. i i Commercial club the with Orb ntai labor. Completion ot An Evening with the Merry Widow institution i!l have all features I ' dental Life Insurance company, is in the canal, liowevi r. will without 4 , , the I I id' a of l - " .at s t on business. chamlur commerce as wdl as doubt make a radical change in the r Regular Dances, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of a plain commercial body. W. P. (iarsidt, traveling freight tlrs labor situation. ifot n one on ini' i Many of the soc ial features that have I ' n- - lit ! e a ay com Hawaiian Islands, but a Ions' Ibe J Dance Good Music Our entire line of Men's, Women's and Children's Low for the Santa rail prevailed will be supplemented. by - 5 Cent Per pany, is in the city on business. tile Paeilic coast, The uicat manu- 1 Shoes must go, regardless of cost, to make room for our business featuns, and the dins will lacturins centers of the east have Attorney and Mrs. W. H." Bunker be to reduced such mi extent that the I Dei n built up by the abundance ot a immense stock of fall goods. We positively reserve nothing have returned to their home at Las average business man can well afford more than half Vegas in (heap labor which for after a pleasant visit the to beloiiK to It. b. en pouring into the in our Oxfords simply select the style you want and deduct city. a century has However, the most Important mat- New England states from t.urope. per cent We have carefully gone through our stock chil to 20 Mrs. Montague Stevens and ter the oriianUation has deal with T" th.; teeminK millions of the Old I placed On our bargain tables all our broken lines which dren have returned from a visit to now is the iiuestion of securing a World, accustomed to exist on a few I Columbus Hotel: Hotel Craige and Kurope. is a to building. Mr. Stevens prominent ritlu the Commercial club ,., nr ,)av. even the low waxes of 118!$ West Silver Aenue. you can buy at ridiculously low prices. See them before sheep raider. The committee in chaiRe of the work', ,ilp y,,vv Kngland states seem extrav-o- f : buying elsewhere. Col. V. M. Bergcr, Of Helen, spent sccurlnK subscriptions on the life aaar.tly larse. and they seek no Finest rooms, best location, a few hour in the cl.y yesterday on plan Is haviiiK some "P-- 1 ther for employment. The prndoml-l- i Restaurant Reopened clean, cool, comfortable. Special his way home Loiu a tr.p through the ill work. Mliny have subscribed but nunt factor in causinj? the connestion summer rates, Come. One lot Men's Oxfords, $3.50 values, reduced to, pair $2.H0 Kstancia valley. the number Is yet far below what are of labor along the Atlantic coast Is One lot Men's. Oxfords, $4.00 values, reduced to, pair $3.20 Simon Ne'Jstadt, postmaster and needed. the very low hteerage passenger rates Same Management J. A. WOOD, PROP. One lot Women's Oxfords, $2.35 values, reduced to, imlr $1.35 gem ral merchant at Los I.unas, trans The club Can secure a title to the from Kurnpo wjiirh enable the immi- One lot Women's Oxfords, $3.50 values, reduced to, air $2.70 acted business with Albi.ueiiiie j. resent building at such a low price grants tj get to New York or Host on. One lot Children's Oxfords, $1.50 values, reduced to, pair $..98 that It i hardly possible that the even though they have Insufficient wholesalers today. - - A A A. A . Oxfords, $2.00 to, pair $1.23 proposition of the owners will be funds to travel further inland. From WWW WW WWW WWWTVTVW4AAAA AAAAJ One lot Clilldrea's value, reduced Miss Elhel Pouell, of Anderson. MEALS 25c ?f fff One lot Children's Oxfords, $2.50 values, reduced to, pair $1.19 to pass; The building and the Atlantic seaboard fills tide of im7 I j Ind , in visiting Miss (irai'e McHriaii, property Is worth fully twle migration (lows to the interior, but Montezuma Grocery and of '.O'j S. Fifth street. Miss Pouell what the owners ask for It. but some-thlii- K a a rule is exhausted before it gets Best Place to Eat c, The expects to several weeks. must be In near 110 remain done the as far west as Chicago: and ut Liquor Company Arthur Juilcll, representing the as the ounerb have set a time point in the eastern stales is there the Eliott-Kenda- will be with- ll Shoe company ot when the proposition same opportunity for labor mat it drawn. Copper and Third , :l Kansas City, Mo., arrived in tin city would find farther west. Completion this mornina and is today callin on of the Panama canal vflll liring about I I Cutlery Tools, SIVU. KI!VI(K JOBS. Crescent ng Goods, and his trade. division of these Incoming foreigners J Imported and Domestic Goods Civil gov- H. Miss Cora Kel- - The Service branch of the between th two coasts. romance Iron Pipe, Valves and Fittings P. Mitchell and MODEL DATER. Specialty of Lucca Pure Olive Oil. liS'.'N. of Quincy, Ohio, were married ernment has advertised examinations Oregonian. Hardware positions to take place in Liquor by the Gallon or Bottle. yi sterday evening by Hev. J. C. Hoi- - for various Koswell. Vegas and Albuquerque Never can toll when you'll mash a f amiij Trade boucitea, Co,,. Una of the Methodist church. Mr. out, bruise, burn or at lnl s in tlic future as follows: finger or suffer - Plumbing, Heating, Mitchell Is employed bj the American kgn tor Sib Antonio Lime. Always 318 W. Ave. Sept. 15 Laboratory assistant. SCaiQ. Dr. Thomari- 1 t Central Lumber company. iieiiie.. th'- - J Instantly relieves Phone 315 Tin and Copper Work male, bureau of animal Industry, de- - Eeleetrie Oil Fresh. Prices Rtebt. Special convocation of Hto (irande partment of agriculture, salary $1,000 pain quickly cures the wound. i No. 4, It. A. M . Friday even Call Phone or aend for Solicitor, Z Chapter to H.L'OQ per an nil 111. ing, Aug. 20, at X o'clock, to receive Sept. 15 Assistant ill dry land ag- RHOVE 1029 W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. Grand High I'riest Comp., C. H. riculture, department ot agriculture, Boucher, who will be here on an salaries ranging from '.'"0 d $1,200 I visit. I'.y order of the II. 1. per annum. : Sandias Home Harry Kraun. secretary. Tuesday, August 24. at 2 o'clock p. LIVERY. SALE AXD Sept. 2! Kngineer of tests, bureau at aoj Canyon STABLES. A. celloiet, iias per n... I will sell at public auction at fijera TUAXSFKK Joseph lilondin. the ol engraving and printing, $2,100 Hroadway, a choice lot ot aiieptea an engagement 111 me vi..s-ta- l annum. iSoutn Horses and Mules Bonffht and Ex-- is now being heard household goods, consisting of kitch- X Hot and cold lunches and theatre and Sept. 22 M tallographist, bureau din-iin- g Mineral dianged. daily in the orchestra. Mr. en, furniture, bedroom furniture, served. there o' standards. $1,400 to ll.HOO per an- parlor furniture, book- X and good pure fresh water, cold T ldondin is a talented musician and num. room and BEST TOIX-OCT- S IN THE (71 TT. cases, carpet, rugs, linoleum, la re Kid- - considerably to Ui'J ! as ice without Ice, relieves ( Street between Central the cello addrt Sept. 2 Electrical nssistant, sig- gas stove, heating ney Trouble, Burn, Indl- - Second anl strength of the orchestra. (urtains, portieres, Heart Copper Ave. nal service at large, war department. stoves, and a collection of library Jieetion, etc Mrs. Johnson ami I J Mr. and Edward $l,0t0. books, containing about live hundred I a Allison, 28-2- Never can tell when you'll mash granddaughter, Miso Kachii Aug. 7 Assistant, class 2. na- liii hiding Dickens. bruise, burn or vi.lumes, works of The Place to Spend an t finaer or suffer a cut. returned to the city last night from val observatory, in the navy. $1.4ort Carl vie. Thackeray. Hiley, Muhlbach. He prepared. Dr. Thomas' Army encamp - Outing. I scald. attending the Orand per annum. l'ulivi r. Iteade und Cooper. 4'i vol- Eeleetrie Oil instantly relieves tho Salt Lake City. While Aug. 2K iron beds, J ment held at Inspector of lino s of World's C.rculesl Liteiatui'". , Tine for "PAID" stamps. pain quickly cures the wound. a ua en route nome iney speni inn quartermaster's department at large. :in volumes of lrlh Literature, 1 ing old friends In Lus Vegas. St. Louis, Mo., $125 per month. volumes World's History, a history Dates 1'or SU Years. hfc sM Hod Men. attention! Anona Coun Sept. 8 Phyiciun, male. Indian o Home and many others. t Built To Wear. cil No. 1, Degree of l'oea hontas. I. O. service, at Nett Lake, Minn., and Vid- Don't forget the time. Tuesday, M an invitation to Cal.. $1,000. August 24. nor the place, :,02 South, $1.75. 122 fe. SECOND STHEET. lt V. ;ol.l AVENUE K. has extended ian, ConipJetc vvitli lettering, IF T1IK LAW IMtOiaBITKD all members of Navajo Tribe, 1. o. Sept. Ki-1- 6 Assistant chemist, de- Hroadway. ' per K. M. and their families to an enter partment of agriculture, $1,800 SCOTT KNltlHf. Auctioneer. wasteful extravagance of money O. CUSHMAN, Bee. A Treas. 11 111. fl. S. L1THG0W, E. L. WASHBUR-V- , Pre C. tainment given In honor or their ami would have a monopoly of ren-- t newly raised chief at 7 o'clock tonight STTAfiE TO JKMKZ, I.KAY lis HlaiiklMks, Ioostieaf l)cvlcw, ovating men's clothing. As it is e at lied Men's hall. Hy order of the SM LL SI ITS F1LI0D TODAY. WUST (iOLD EYKHY MOKMMi eave them many hundreds of dollars Albu- Hubher Stani8. Sachem; C. S. KVppeier, chief ot A. J. Mitchell, recently of 5 O'CLOCK. that would be tisi spent for new E. L. Washburn Company querque but now of L"s Angeles, record. IX)K SALK, BKi BXIUiAlN. garments. We are specialists in steam Incorporated brought suit against O N. Marron Eyeing draperb and portieres, dry K. son are ex business, small capital Mrs. J. Kittrcim and yesterday charging the unlawful de- Fine cleaning lace curtains and ladies' uitj on No. 1 even- quired. See Men Boy pected to arrive this tention of certain Albuquerque real and skirts. Complete Outfitter! for and ing and will be the guests of Con- SCOTT KXICiHT. family. estate on which a tax deed rests. The We absolutely guarantee our worn. ductor A. S. Elttreim and plaintiff petitions the court to quiet For Jemez floods called for and delivered. 11(16 Kdith street. Mrs. Elt South property. 4 4 4. son have been veiling in the title of the Phono treim and O. E. Cromwell, of New York, is CITY STIOAM CLKYMNG & New York and other eastern cities And Sulphur, for Coyote and Whit DIM: are no.v made tho defendant in on action comb Springs, for Hell's and Hear DYi: WOHKS. for the past two months and by I. H. Cox. turning to their home at Hincon, brought fills morning canyons, engage Simon oarcias rig ii West Central avenue plumber. ! . the and Bprine wagons or saddle honses AUTUMN M. complaint Skinners The plaintiff charges in his for your trips. Call at my More. 1202 1- H. A. Slystcr, Our work is complete Hubbs In 11 1- that he contracted with North Amu street. Strong Brothers ANNOUNCEMENT dry Company. agent for the defendant, for the pur- - GROCERY IT" M'i:( i l mioi: silk. on display our large, In toiler to make room fur oil i We have placed nnnu use slock of rail Hmo we ar compl te stock of Stein-Bloc- h nobby suits for Watermelons obliged to sell our entire lines of the coming season. Neat dark gray effects nun's, women's and children's in- - cassirr.eres are to be found in YOU NEED FLATWARE From Rocky Ford seed i fords at big reduction. A glimp' at in woisteds and our windows will convince you endless profusion. A few more Knives, Forks or Spoons, or perhaps a new 2c per lb. their high grade and lower prices Carving Set. Come and let us show you them. HOSKXWALD'S SHOK PIJl'T Wide graceful lapels and collars are in i oi m stcoKO ) vogue. An early selection is advised. A Choice It is not too late to invest In a pair ru.' study of our windows will convince you that of summer shoes. There are still sev- EVERITT eral months of hot weather ahead o Mrs. R. B. Patten our suits from eighteen to thirty-fiv- e dollars Ksld. IHM:t. TIIK DlMOND I'ALACK. tVutru) Ae. Cantaloupes us mid you will get nunc than ymn I are all you could possibly desire. xjxmjKooOfX)xooJO 5 Cents money's worth in comfort and satis Lady Asautant taction, especially wlu-- you run In:; You are behind the procession if not in- them at the cut prices we are oft'crin i for. C. May's Shoe Stor. ,1 of thera It pla our ord. r for X side or.e them. Wist Central avenue. Hefor. For First Class Work and Prompt Delirery PEACHES o mr oal See us We will make X s price 117.50) We invite an early inspection. box. 10c lb. Mont disiiguring skin erupt inns, ur last intei X CAXLfMs) $1.25 s; k We the quality. Kirofula. pimples, rashes, etc.. are dti look havt to Impure blood. Burdock llloo. Yard CO. Hitters is a cleansing blood toiiU Direct Line Coal LAUNDRY TELEPHONE 60, clear-eye- clenr-brainc- HUBBS VH1TE VAGONS Makes you d I'hone 29. iear--kiniie-