University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-19-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 08-19-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 08-19-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/3158 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN AibX wmTiiEn ronrcisT. No. 17-4- P-- m - nr.. No 5.50 p. ' rmrpr, Ang 19. For Alhnqnrrqne No. 7- - 10. $ 5 p. m iiikI vicinity! Generally fair In wrath No 6.40 p. m. IZEN portion; lorn I shower In north p lion tonight and Friday. ;-- -1 Albuquerqije Nc. p. m. Cit 1.45 WE GET THE IEWS FIRST VOLUME i!4. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. THUKSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1909. NUMBEli 185 PRESIDENT 10 BE HERESENA10R PATTERSON THE ROYAL CUPID ENGINEER IS ARRESTED ORCHARD'S STORY OF AI NOON IS NOW MADE AN AITACK RESULT OF TRAIN IT WRECK NOW Understood Santa fo Will The Commercial Congress Man at Throttle of Denver & Settlement of Judgment In Provide Special Train for Delegates Refused to Take Rto Grande Engine Is San Francisco Ends Five Him From Grand Action on Hb Re- -, Charged With Man. Years of Litiga- Canyon. quest. slaughter. tion. " ATTRIBUTED EXECUTIVE WHO MAKE FAVOR STATEHOOD BALANCE OF CREW EXPLOSION LONGER SIAY AI FAIR FOR II TERRITORIES NOW BEING SOUGHT TO WEAK GAS FIXEURES Official Invitation to be Sent by Resolution Will Advocate Admis- Man Accused of helnrj Responsi- Man Tried for Killing Governor Delegate and Governor as sion ol New Mexico and Ar- ble for Fatal Accident Which Steunenberg Figured In Suit Well as Local Officials izonaGovernor Prlrrce Killed Many Made No Ef- for Damages Following and Organizations a Speaker To- fort to Escape--Foun- d Destruction of Flats Many day. In Denver. Blown Up. Excursions t Deliver. Aug. 19 Despite It became hnnwn thin afternoon the ef Denver, Col).. Aug. 19. Kngineer Sun Francisco, Aug. 19. Aftef v - H. Hollingsworth - - fort of tin leader- to prevent William of Train years of litigation that the Santa Ft- railway- company the the San Francisco iineMoi-uaiiing- No. 8, Denver and Hio Grande divi controversy com-I- I. Gas company ac- at the request of many Now Mexicans, sion, was and Electric have g - which wrecked at Husted is making arrangements to run a lielore the TrufisMississippI Cum- last Saturday and in which a number cepted Harry Orchard's statement at nurci.i: ujrT!!s. ol" special train to this rity. Oct. 1 h former Senator people met death, was arrested the time of his trial for the murder of ... I of Colorado, at- - man- tnu Grand Canyon in order hotiiiVnTatterson. here this morning charged with Governor Steunenberg, as perjury-Orchar- d frm I Piiuhot in a resolution ile- - slaughter. The balance of the mem- bring the presidential iarty her lit T In his confession at- mauding that the president tlx detill bers of the train crew will be ar- told ot noon on that clay and thereby rtVc tempting- to blow up Fred W. Brad- Albuquerque ot aleiy boundaries of forest re rested today as fust as they can be a stop in serves, ley, enemy marly twelve hours. throwing back for entry those found. Hollingsworth made no ef- an of the Western Fed- lands not Is W. P. of tin- Santa Fe. who timbered but arable. fort t evade arrest and it under- eration of Mint rv, then r. t i.m Garslde twenty prepare last night, is said to li,. in senator Patterson asked stood will lo furnish bond. orlh tints here, with arrived minutes additional to present his d.Miainite. Th charge of the plan. An the president's tiie ex- was JKI.IMINATI-- : MIMK owners of the fiat attributed the itinerary is now arranged, lie would resolution, which denied him, WILL congress on I'ltO.M, plosion to defective gas fixtures he pleased to make the night run the taking im action the I.AM TWOS and i sued the company, getting a judg- through Arizona Instead of remaining solution. Santa Fe, X. M., Aug. 19, Gover - In res- m. nt for 113,904. The judgment waa at Canyon, which would give him Senator I'atterson stated the nor lurry louay uppomieu iiumon the com- KuUistted morning. , a daylight trip through New Mexico olution that a board of Inquiry (tullegos of San Jose, Juse Pino ot this posed of I'inchot and four others had Galisteo and Levi Hughes Fe and time hi arrival In this eity at KIVC. 1: I iff A R I 'S All) WII.I. UK INVOK K) TO SMOOTH TH K PATH TO THK NUPTIALS OF THE of Santu already reported that the boundaries : a committee to rotifer with forest of- noon or Oct. lath. The Santa Fe, it CHAP.. VI IXC. KATHKIllVl-- Kl.KINS AND 11 W DIKK tiF TH K AllRl'ZZl. NEWS ITEM. POST OFFICE USE is understood, is ready to provide the ol the forest reserves are nt definite ficials tomorrow to recoinnivnd tor and in many places Include . grazing elimination from the Pecos forest re- special equipment fur the trip, if it agricultural suits the president. and lands and that the serve grazing lands. He appointed J. MANY RUBBER BANDS president now has the power to re- In the event that the matt r is suc- SHATTERED ROMANCE ! HIS HIGH COLLAR It. Agullur of Wuii m Mound, a trus- cessfully arranged, the Santa Fe will turn those lands to the state. No tee of the rt form school. answer to- run excursions from all parts of the Mas made to the Colorado Inspector tlrlmshaw uppointed senator, In- Crawd Chance for ticnlu Wlio Will. territory to this city on that day, OF TWO FOREIGNERS! GUI AN ARTERY NOT FOR JEFFRIES day J. M. Hilton deputy coal oil A was morn- Skid-mor- e, Find Substitute. which would bring one of the largest resolution offerd this spector nt Melrose, vice S. C. ever tov see ing endorsing th proposed enlarge-iiun- t resigned, crowds assembled here. ( Jalves-lor- , ,:-- o tlie harbor works at t s f i a; Tr: k . - president. As soon us It i defin- Immigration Odii-lal- Itct'iiMd to I.el Idi Player M Sun Kthiii ! N eurly stakeholder Claim. Ttat .i.-V- 'i-- Augi- the J for-ati- gi-ii- i ' and asking a general appropria- iti-:;- i " ilere is, a ;jiuai.t itely such an nrrnnge-men- t Uiimiwu.v Wife uihI I'lirainoiii' IM...I liuM ..r ltkMi.1 M. I'll Forfeit .f'Mr With latkh spkki tilaliu known that and harbors. TOO lus to make a fortune by Inventing can be made, file citizens of A- tion of rivers I anil. Kutdiel. OF AlltSIHP, a A. M. Amnions, of Colorado, offered Kesiill ol Pei sjtstltute for the rubber band. The lbuquerque will begin for ' preparations a asking private cap- department uses twice a to chief ex- resolution that New York. Aug. 19. Tile immigra- New Aug. 19. John- York ".leilgv" eiaid Khi-- I I Imit an Immense reception the to York. Jack Nv many rubber bands as any In- arrive ital be given the first opportunity ha already Applied Almve as Well as other ecutive. Should the president tion officials haw shattered the ro- San Francisco, Aug. 19. A stilt. son's statement that he In world. year develop water power, insteud of the 0(10 Ikloiv. stitution the Each here on a special at noon, he would - deposited f t, to bind a match j : government. mance of lieiaiiee Mayer, high collar nearly cost F.dKard La- this department purchases not le probably remain in Albuquerque until with Jeffries Is denied by the sport- The eoinmittee on resolutions took who left of a few teril his life yesterday while he than lT.SiO pounds of rubber bands be given her husband mouths ing editor who was named by John- Auourn, N. Y.. Aug. IP. Louis s about midnight and would playing ball. Running for a hltti lor use in Its thousands of ofrt-c-- 'favorable action on the resolution loped to this, country son as holder money. He fcuyi a machliirVt. took an an excelli r.t opportunity to meet the and with her fly, in threw back his head tu loo! of the Si.haedeline. throughout the country. The ban-I- lavoring the admission of New M deposited $"i,(Ho) a to lake at Owumco to- people from all over New Mexico, Ad lph a edg-hig- that Johnson for airoplane the a average and Arizona as states. lirst sweetheart. tirohnian. for the ball and the sharp of his flights. used in this department which it is understood lie desires to youth of 2o. The young couple, who collar severed an artery In his match with the first man to cover day to start about 2.700 to the pound and on Walter Grcsham. who built the this amount, which wan done by The aeronaut recently witnessed this do. a plentiful supply of money and j neck. He almost died loss cf Hrltt basis not lesx 4t8,450.nOO aru Galveston sea wall, was the principal have from in Myer flights Wright and than W. H. Andrews will leave for San- apparently blood before he could be taken to file behalf of Stanley eKtchel, and the Fort of tired each year by the post of (Ice de- speaker this morning.
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