ISSUE 11 ADVENT/DECEMBER 2015 The Epistle The Newsletter of St. Paul’s Cathedral Regina, Saskatchewan Diocese of Qu’Appelle, Anglican Church of Canada INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editor 2 From the Dean’s Desk 3 From the Wardens 4 Feed My Sheep 5 Bible Study 6 Church School 6 Recent Pastoral Services 6 Building in Faith 7 Columbarium 8 News Items 9 Incense in Church 10 Diocesan Synod 11-13 Service Schedule 14 Upcoming Events Posters 15 Photos 16 St. Paul’s Cathedral (Anglican)
[email protected] 1861 McIntyre Street at 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 2R2 Tel. (306) 522-6439 Fax (306) 522-4204 The Epistle is the Newsletter of St. Paul’s Cathedral (Anglican), Diocese of Qu’Appelle, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada Editor: Canon Michael Jackson Production & Mailing: Elvira Beday Photography: Margaret Ball/Joanne Shurvin Martin THE EPISTLE PAGE 2 From the Editor Paul’s parishioners in adapting to decades of change in liturgy, buildings and ministry.) In a rapidly-changing world, the frozen-in-time atti- tude is increasingly untenable. As Church people, we are faced with constantly-evolving views of the family and the role of women; conflict resolution; immigration and refugees; Indigenous peoples; ecu- menical and interfaith relations – to name only those. We are challenged to find therein the “Christ of yesterday and today.” Elsewhere in this issue, you will find pertinent arti- cles on the theme of change. Our churchwardens, In a recent conversation, Dean Mike reminded me Pat Lauder and Basil Pogue, call for us in the Ca- that in the Christian faith we worship the God of “I thedral parish to adopt, at the Bishop’s suggestion, am” – not the God of “I was.” In other words, we a new approach to building community around our should focus on the present, not on the past.