The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States
STATUSSTATUS OFOF THETHE CORALCORAL REEFSREEFS ININ THETHE PACIFICPACIFIC FREELYFREELY ASSOCIATEDASSOCIATED STATESSTATES CharlesCharles Birkeland,Birkeland, AhserAhser Edward,Edward, YimnangYimnang Golbuu,Golbuu, JayJay Gutierrez,Gutierrez, NoahNoah Idechong,Idechong, JamesJames Maragos,Maragos, GustavGustav Paulay,Paulay, RobertRobert Richmond,Richmond, AndrewAndrew Tafileichig,Tafileichig, andand NancyNancy VanderVander VeldeVelde From east to west, the Freely Associated States 14o N, the Marshalls have a total dry land area of include the Republic of the Marshall Islands (the only about 181.3 km2. However, when the Exclu Marshalls or the RMI), the Federated States of sive Economic Zone (by statute, from the shoreline Micronesia (FSM), and the Republic of Palau. The to 200 miles offshore) is figured in, the Republic Federated States of Micronesia – Kosrae, Pohnpei, covers 1,942,000 km2 of ocean within the larger Chuuk, and Yap – along with Palau, are known as Micronesia region. There are 11,670 km2 of sea FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES the Caroline Islands, which are among the longest within the lagoons of the atolls. FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES island chains in the world at 2,500 km. Land only makes up less than 0.01% of the area of All of these Micronesian islands were formerly a the Marshall Islands. Most of the country is the part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands broad open ocean with a seafloor that reaches 4.6 administered by the United States after World War km (15,000 ft). Scattered throughout are nearly a II.
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