Project Argonaut: a Proposal for a Mars Sample Return Mission ∗
Project Argonaut: A Proposal for a Mars Sample Return Mission ∗ Archit Arora, Courtney Best, Liam Durbin, Robert Groome, Duncan Harris, Henry Heim, Thomas Keane, Eric Miller, Annie Ping, and Alexandra Wyatt Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 47906, United States With increasing interest in colonizing Mars, multiple missions have been aimed at re- trieving more information about the red planet, such as the recent Mars Science Laboratory mission. The main focus of this interest is in determining whether Mars is capable of sup- porting life, which requires an analysis of the soil. The next major step in Martian science is a Mars Sample Return mission, which would allow scientists to conduct complicated and in-depth tests on the soil that are not possible with robotic instruments sent to Mars. This paper explores Project Argonaut, a mission proposal to retrieve a sample from the surface of Mars and bring it back to Earth. The name Argonaut reflects the legend of the band of heroes who sailed on the Argo to fetch the golden fleece from the field of Ares, as the mis- sion requires a journey to Mars in order to retrieve the prized sample. Project Argonaut integrates existing research with innovative concepts to propose a plausible solution to the key issues associated with the mission. ∗Copyright c 2016 by Archit Arora, Courtney Best, Liam Durbin, Robert Groome, Duncan Harris, Henry Heim, Thomas Keane, Eric Miller, Annie Ping, and Alexandra Wyatt. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc, with permission. 1 of 51 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Contents I Introduction 6 A Mission Objective .
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