Asteroid Science 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2189) 2025.pdf THE MULTI-ASTEROID ENCOUNTER TOUR WITH IMAGING AND SPECTROSCOPY (MANTIS). Andrew S. Rivkin (1), Barbara A. Cohen (2), Olivier Barnouin (1), Carolyn M. Ernst (1), Nancy L. Chabot (1), Brett W. Denevi (1), Benjamin T. Greenhagen (1), Rachel L. Klima (1), Mark Perry (1), Zoltan Sternovsky (3), and the MANTIS Science Team (4). (1) JHU/APL, Laurel USA (
[email protected]) , (2) NASA GSFC, Greenbelt USA, (3) U. Colorado, Boulder USA, (4) Various around the world The Multi-Asteroid eNcounter Tour with Imaging In addition to these objects of particular interest, and Spectroscopy (MANTIS), proposed to the 2019 the MANTIS tour is designed to focus on members of Discovery mission competition offered by NASA, is a asteroid families. The trajectory goes past members of flyby grand tour encountering 14 asteroids covering a eight known collisional families (including objects wide range of types and masses, and obtaining remote already mentioned) of different spectral classes and in sensing and in-situ data with a powerful multi- different parts of the asteroid belt. This allows robust instrument payload. comparisons of surface properties and active process- Introduction and Motivation: The asteroids pre- es among objects within families, between families serve information from the earliest times in solar sys- thought to have similar compositions, and between tem history, with compositions in the population re- families with dissimilar compositions. It also provides flecting the material in the solar nebula that experi- for a test of the homogeneity of family members via enced a wide range of temperatures.