
.' ._

..ber rr.l982 Lanier. THE BULLOCH TIMES WaYCrD!I8, Go were here during IW, Thunday�pte Mlu Vlvan Ne.mlth 01 sa.. the week end weekend visiting nah the week end with Mr. eontr-ibutes greatly to our AIr and Mrs spent the Chamber office during n��dl'. their parents, Eugene News tourist lnduatey. Nevils and O. E. Nesmith. Mr•• n.\------22 'l'hiJ uxpanding Bulloc:h News the week September Leefield and attended Brooks ending Anderson Yeers Mr. Mn. and and Areas surroundIng Lak. La- County's "Seventy Sun­ and Larry Sharp the total of renewals MRS E F TUCKER Anderson family reunion on Mr and Mrs Mark Wilson and brings Notices Ion of Statesboro spent Sunda,. current year mer, Blue Ridge Lake, Nottel, new members lor the 'Fi Lumber City thei rlt-of-the-Week' of day. daughter Kay of wltb Mr. and Mra. J. D. Lake Chat..... Lake Burton Sevic:e Legal Sharp. to 160 Lake. met the church with Mrs L The Sunbeams "t spent the week end •. L. A. Burnham of Rabun are a"ractln the :::::::::::::::: Mn I.. A Bush and Mr. aDd Mr re- and Lake MseS::: :: SIS: H: ]$:::::::::: Mr and An of the checks on Monday afternoon� \Hth!\1n C Nesmith Savannah with Mrs. anallpis 'round but are eepeelaUy Newspeper Where Needed" Soron of Savannah wore guelts spent Sunday 11 new mem- ycar NOTICE t Pnrl> IR71i Conner and Leon Sik. celved to date .hows 17r. Bennie Mrs Mr and Mrs. Coy spent C. P. navis. durinl' the tan. of Mr and Mrs. Lester Anderson M R beautiful itullothBULLOCH COUNTY,., A LAND RICH IN AND renewal., SERVING {trimt� bera and 1.9 AGRICULTURE.INI)USTRIAL PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE "0 Tucker, us leaders Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lay- Mh. Clate Martin of Statel- Talullah Fans, Brautowa Bald :�t�� � r.:!��! at '0,;,rhe:6hl�::�8�\�j�r ·:O:I���� Sundav' and added. This means thr �:i .. !\Iultl Pnrl) Sikes . I are •urrounded 8ellMLeI a...... 0 .... the nue l\t P l"ordtllUn the church on ton boro t 8und with M A Toccoa Fa11 nome IIlte r ,"0 The Gn's met at epen ay rl.. not sent in and Mr. and Mrs.W R Leanard regular members have ------�------J • __ "0 H H Godbee and L colors 8eptem- VD�nl�elO�- r � with Mrs Mr. and Mrs Davll, 8... by rainbow durtnc ����� OPPF"nINITY • Jl.Xl!:I�r::ll1 I !·��'t°��::·o������n!:� o:n�:IlI�lb!! Monday ufternoon, and Gina their checks yet. W h ""ord- R••'d"ncil and and ehlldren Ashley Mr. and Mn. William Powell October and November and to urc elt.to or 1'<1 I' as Mrs Carol Snipes Bobby Snjp s w e ber, STATESBORO, GEORGIA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1962 lonKln" Il.!u Harvey Lee, leader Mr. and that many of the.e cteea� �«�' 4. 72ND YEAR-NO 34 r, lillie!! .outll 01 Brooklet Sunday with State.boro with ot rare natural ham tocnteu ! r.M ea of Fort Jackson, S. C who was Kay spent I of Ipent Sunda, a picture ::"r? : gg the vl81tors who attend- received before we be.tn our per- present 3 lin 4iu A,,"ong Mrs D. B. EdmouMs Lanier. � home for week end apent Sunday Mr. and Mn. Garnel is eehe- beauty �rne O�I�et��'��III��\�:et:;:I��U�II�I:;� :�:I� )':::tt ed at Leefield WIIlIGn and aonal contact drive, which tohacco RUckI! aPiI Multi Inri) Home-coming Mr. and Mn Mark C. Mr. and 0.- gtUI burner! ) 000 .. 3; with &lr nnd Mrs Emory Godbee MrllooyA McCorkle, The Gaine.ville, Cummine, Church last were Rev C. Nesmith duled for early in October �: Sunday daul'hter, Mrs L. Mrs E. C. Tootle and aun, Mr To- I at Gleenvlllc have been reeeiv- hlone a BlatravUle, Comella, Court to • nnd Mrs Hun Ison Mrs were of Mr. and Memberships ����:��::Ou. �i:rgll'. OJli�'f, auelta Sunda, and Mn. Ra, MeCorkle and child- Young II City ceca Ellijay, ::E::tS�!:6�:�����::��teillr�d�ft!��� Mrs Lorene - ed from " gD�wlonvUle teccc enounente pian!) or good pine Mnry Nesmith, rMr and l\trs Tedl Nelmith Mrs Emeral Lanier. ren attended the McCorkle re- 0Ie1'e- �.��� TE�rl�1I1:I t 50 "�lg I H Helen OI�rkelville nnd hartlwood Umber nnd M�. Welding Supply G ;lfl 87r. night, Johnny Martin, and of Nevils spent Sunday Mr. and Mll. Futch union held at the American Leg- Logan Hagan are f' I'II)IIIIIUOII f"mlly Shapter Ne�I'. Gap a� com and M. Mount, Currie la:�r'�nd convene aenu- ()Ilbllu gUArantee (With and Mrs Joe Connor, Jr , Mr Mrs Franklin Rush tho week E here U and Company e with Mr Futch ion hall of oe I un \ I and Claxton. on the mes 1 spent be IS SO �I"'I CV M,f���el Jerry those that should Th B II h T· to among Id' I Tanner No J 10 an of Savan- Mr and 'Beb Trucking It.i srcf!'! 0rlll�e�:! Mrs Billy Walker, Ing end In Savannah with Mra. Aris Deloach, !lin. Mary Studios, list for to ::::"II�� IL;d��I�:I"�P':!!:}:ltl��1I ElliA "must" every Georatan 0' Kluu'nnteel ReI' and Mrs Kent I. Gill- Mortln .nd Mr and Martin vl.lted Mr.. CarrIe WII· Company and Drug Compo nab, Mr. Bobby see CITATION MII .. Charg. 'or • .chang" 8"r..,lc. ag. Ware Part, and Mn. OUI Mar- Oct. 9 fOr .ach 1/4 ",n. bflyond au" "a'. Tupper U. S HighwaYI 23, 123, 19, COUNTl J_ W. Sandera Rambler Company, O ...OIlG1A flUI.10CIl ,..... :�:a���, a;���aH���t�'r M:�� ��� M':rr�e:n:la�:.�. ���m�u�d:y�r an�uallty the ItN I. was Bulloch and 76 traverae area, TO AI.I.. \\IIOlt IT MAl (,ONCI J'UX Trunk G:\ Mn Franklin Rushing and Roscoe Company, 129,441 Bruce ProMer an children, all of were gusts Sunday of Mr. Mr_ and Mrs. Tecll Larilcy Althen M Jones hn,llIg III I)roper 40 40 Nelmith, several convenient atate have been I l'IIrl) l.Ine rolt.eu for a Ware and Kenan'. Print 8hop, aa do Forty.four jurors i'ornument Mr and Mrs Tupper Part) Mrs. Homl Martin of Statesboro. Timel (onn IIpplletl to me 101 "_I'nrl) IoIne 20 to Statesboro, Han')' Sandra and Margan Nelmlth and drawn to serve on the October the ...lllte on at her home FrankUn'. Reltaurant, Farmen hilrhwaya. lAltterl! ofAdmlll\Klmlloll 011 I 1'11.,.1) J Ille 10 10 and Mr" Laurace Per Friday nhrht Wanda Martin spent the week with Prosser, Mr LeAlie Sunda, ------Rina .pent Tenn of the Court of 01 l.awaoll A Martlll lutl' or Muhl ... All u­ and Radio City IMr..,lu Connt"Ction Charg and Mrs Dar\ in Stills directed pTlze end with Wanda Akins. Tobacco WarehoUle. Bulloch Ellen, Mra Franklin Publishers 11111.1 Manha, Dennis, Mr and Herald Count) Ihll I" to cite nil .ll1gu­ chang... kin", Rushing. Statesboro which will convene lIext uf kin or that everyone enjoyed. She Station WWNS Potato lar the creditors hllll Inltrumf!ntaIlU•• Not In PI.t" and M,. W T Shuman. Mra game. Mr••nd Mr.. E. W. Deloaeh Mrs. A. A. Waten of Sa..n. Sweet Queen on October ------Tuesday morning, Mllin Stillion Ihe of HIIII".,." ... of Brook then showed large dlllJllay •• thl. week with J.... Groom. Rnd Tere and son Phllll••ere lupper gue.to n.h I pendlnr I at 10 o'clock eM�lrNIII'11 trh�"'tI:�:�1 �Ir�!� HOllin..", I':xletlilioll To Be Chosen 9. On :1�L�:;nO'�h Ware. , FrIday. September 28. tile Bulloch Times was let Tupper wIth Mr.'.nd Mrs. Mra. C. J. M.rtln. The drawn are PIlX P.xlellKlon Saturd.y nlrht Plan Now To" Bulloch S••el Po· jurors 0 Stntlon The Count, to the �n:a�h;nd��=h:��HI:'�II�\�:";�:�� HHhhuu 1\111111 Mro H B•••le" and Todd had Kell" WIIII.m.. Mr.. Edmound. sold BUlloch Herald Pubhshmg The M I m the lI"t were Mr. and D. B Otis L T Complll1Y .tIould not N NTUlttkl to Althen Hellhhllu e "�J(IIIII.lon Included JrUe"t tato Growen Auoclation .. lpon- Holllngoworth. A and Wed- and Mra. Williama lon_ un eatatc! of 1.lIWaQII Culor.", Tel",.lIolle �t ftflulpPf!lfl Int Tuesdav �ight Mrs. B M�. Kelly and dau"hter Linda vialted 8un- �on- W D TIdwell. H G transBction mvolved the name of the "pent &In A C. Andenon; G. loring a Sweet Potato Queen Brodley. only newspllper. Mn.rtln with ",'Oil oor,l Sa\an- were Sunday wIth IIr. and and MH. Rufua A T Future Formers at SEBH .( ne8day with rel;Uvea in Mrs C D Mrs. guesta day wAtha Mr.' Take rip Crlhbs. C E. Howell. Robert Its CirculatIOn lists and the hIstorIcal fIles The "'Ith... 1 IlIInl'l 1\11�1 offlclnl ahe- fnltru", .. ntantlr. In Plat.. Bowen. Rushing. t..t. Bulloch CountJ'l!irto tletween change t� Mra H. C. Connely of 1!Jate1l. S. Smith of CI.xlon. J James A Rex nnlUre, thl. 1111 du) of Hel,tember, An) muve or chnllge � 00 noh D. D Mrs. Garland An· . of U·20 who.n IInrle Bland, Cason, Anderson. the age. In ownershIp bccllme effectIVe on Octobcl 1 1961 Thll I1l11ttor 11111 heen IIKllfm«1 '0,. Mr an Mrs Brannen C. C Brannen A F Her Monday. GoorKe M� G E. StrlckJand and • are to enter ODateiL Trapnell, Uollerl P Mikell Ordlnllf) hourlllll ,",,'u'e the COIumr.llon he­ deraon, Thru N GeOr91a eU.ible tII� ./ and John, of Statesboro \\ere MH_ Carl Slrah of Savaanah Is A"er....e••lon \he hert Gay. Harry SCone. J M To be used as a first of the Allon and t':di'uf!.ld, Allo,"e)M Klnn\mr ILl :: t}() I' :'of on "'edllud.,., son, Mn H H Godbee, Carol Snipes, Winners will be lelee'" OD to have Purebred show Rachel Ander- s (121 4tc No I.!I :\ HIS:! III the Comml.· vhdtorA here afternoon this week with her par· The Brookl and see one of tho Oelcher Bernard B Banks, week' publication this week Dc lobor Suday Mrs TecH Nesmith, Mn Bebll spendlnl If you want to county level fint, and the Bul- hog Honm 117 Stfltn Offlctl Watels of ents and Mrs JameK Ander· .on Was held at John B. In tbe Floyd Newsome, Turner Lee, issue marks the of Its .Iou M III'Jl\rlnK Mr and Mrs. Tom McNure, Snndra Nesmith and JCII- Mr. R,unlon most breath-taking ai.hta loch Count,. Growen Aaoclatlon hegmning OF:<)ItOIA. nUI.LOCIl (,'OUNTY WIIMIIIII"lon Stfflet, H .. A Dovld W L Call under the new own l1ulhllnM!!U S C vl.lted Mr Rnd ROn. Ande,.on club hou Sunday. UnIted State now 10 drlv. win. C lJ'aylor. BPW publication Members of lhe Southeast boys studmg vocallonal ngncul Of!olllN"11I n.t \\hloh tim. Bote.burg. ean Mr. Mikell nnd •• plan will glv. UOO to the Counly Thl. I. to nil I.erllooll Ulllt \\', Atlnutu, LewIS. Billy W W Allen plans era tUle notl'y N••mlth crowd attended. Jr. Woodcock. Bulloch School of In the S E Bulloch School luterft"Ieo.l In Ihlll tnRtter Rnd .... ond other reo Mr. and Mr. Wallon large the mountaIn. of North tor lh. High chllpter W flowell OK IIdmllllatmtor IUI)UlJe M Neil Kennedy Mr. Hulon Andr.on Mr•. throurh ner whleh will be purpoae IGeor'P Ruoblng R L J Future Amen to JlIllkllOn Bow· IlllIdrllUC Itl littell" thn hf!olltlnK will be and children Marty and Sonia Gerrald. Cribbs. Sr. The transfer of of the Farmers of organi1..ation Advisors this fIr the eMtAt. 0' MOIeI laUves and fllenda here durmg tlerved assorted Georgia this faU. ot buyln. her ev.eninl' dreu and ownership ..hen lUI nlllMlrtunlt) of expreulnr cookies, potatoes C Miles E Cannon ea hold are cn. deceruM!d h". 'lied ",1111 me nu 1111' visited MI'I. R. J. Jr. Bun· Denmark, the Bulloch Times wus announc­ wJll their annual Pure- group Jo' n r Spence and the week end Marris, Treea which thil mount- awlm lutt In order tor her to en- WHEN ATHLETIC COAC1I£S lb. talk obout week t enps, vegetable thins, with punch .race get together y fcotball. basketball. taseball and also the «11- Eleven More special ed thiS week in :1 state­ bred School and Bar B Q Jerry Kennedy teachers of III nt in Savannah. jOint Hog Todd had day In - rl:'olt�:i:. lio ":.!:Itl!:t:���o;:,; hl;'t��fI"r:ollr'e IlIlhllHh� Mrs. J H. Beasley an n wonderland are dressed ter the .tate compeUtion. track and Once a Everett Wl1 ilams and B�b West are hests to the athletic r��i��. rtWllon of Ihe OeollfitL luhllc Service Mr Rnd Mr�_ Will of r equipment year W on the of SEBH v::collonal 1ft the .. of deht. 0' the Harve, Mr••nd Mra. DIMea. on C Hodges, Jr, Gerald 0 ment by Shields Kenan former Supper campus ngncltlture the purpo pII)111It a. gue,t. during the week·end multl·eolored .nd present Cont.stante ...111 be Judpd Mill CmnmllNon foll.re coaches In this section of the state at a showmg of the newest in sports They met on It "�lItllte and tlmt 1 will pu. IIIK)n Pembroke. Mr and Mra. Oneal C'Arl;. equipment Groover Rufus G Brannen. publisher of the Bulloch Times school Wednesday nlg ugh school Checks Receiv a at the for show Oct. 7·13 I�h�'�:!�eflr 1�:n�I,II�;�'r:; �:�t=i Country Club recEntly the 196263 Shown here are Chester Williams of Metter, John M Thayer, Jr 8 0 Con­ and Leojel Co-Ieman and G C October 10 The patrons w II be weleo lied ��:,IO�� ��;�::���N�:°'6�r.Fl:�·�t'}i�INC ��e�:f ��::�n��a:�e: ;;�d :�:�� !;;�I?�tI:��:���i. Mr Williams of the Ed of Brooklet !�. eslauran near �.��Ut�ern�::.:�t ;:��:a::u::: College Phamlacy, Wynn Elementary School, George Parker T W Wilburn L , Coleman Jr, of the tlI) Court and ������ ���� ��I�:� ��:;!:":; =::pe�':;.!�.ddl�tu�a�rI�rrhte�� ley lSowell. A publishers The is Il1vlted l..e "old II) I P Moore MIIIIIIKer nual f.n abow In North Georgia Leadership Democracy public Description of properl) 10 Brooklet were goe.ta of Mr. and of C. of Portal High School, John Groover, son of Mrs George Grco 'er and the late Mr Groover, Blackburn, Lemuel Bonnett Bulloch Herald All the details �r ic�����t ��nt!� i;m��! trnot. D.!7 4t�\ No 1�. C. tend AU thoau two CerUIU' lulJalout o�y;�rtal�e���S�r�arry :�dw��erokee By thlt II anywhere in :f�:��e�h:t d��:U�!� is the theme for NatIOnal BUsl School This be followed �eu��a Mrs C 0 .. unlurpaued A:!n:': of Vidalia School "hoto Gordon Cnbbs. Richard E Blr� of the sale of the Times were will M 1:"._ Rushing Mr. O. H. of principal -Herald uf "",d InuRtC!lI In the 4r.th 0 E.8tnloll visit- Sunday. Hodges returnhu. thele appllcatlonl to High •• • of Dlrec------­ Thonl I."'"lle" n the Jack Minter, �.. ness Women s October words of u' nunOtIl COlmh. (Ieon,cln, Ilnd Mr. Savannah.and MIS Mr. N, W. Rowand, ehalr nation," W Preston Anderson, Henry S Wcck, completed on Ffiday September It Is one of the an by appreoatlon by trlct spent Sunday with 'fflI 0 ce Ia 0e· biggest eK the week- tor of the A,ent Jerome of dellCtlt.l •• rullo••• ed relath here, during of the finance committee of the ot the Geo"ia Department �u,.t,. Blitch. C P Claxton J Walter 7-13 and will be observed 28 to become effective on Oct· nual events held In the Brook- Groover president the 170 Here's your comfortinl' thoOght Hubert Hodps date for the by Tract Ntlqlher Ohe cou'nlnlnA' Commere Id. "It I••nother at· 1962. The end u och County.Chamhar uf Com .... �. Donaldson Sr, Homer Smith, ober I more or I lind bOulu'tId.... All Iftdllor. or Ida l>enl Smith. l'Ie­ for tod the worId eh.n 80 Mr. ond Mr•. J. E Denmork B II the local acres, .... ay .... Ita b fIno aeleetlon of the Sw..t Pota. organization _FF_A_C_ha..:p_te_r -'L._ Numbcr Two to milk" de­ Mr and Mrs. J 0 White an d that 11 member- traction which draWl tourI ., lobe! W A W 0 Griner. '0110". North br Troct t'ftlUlel' Ilrlt �IU�ICld fast that you couldn't sta, Wl'ong and 80na ot Savannah spent the merce, reported '-Iow to Culpepper ThiS week s Issue was prmted �f.:o:��RI��m���b��sr o���� deAct1bed below bt!lOIlIClIlIC' to AI J 1I"'1It1 or their (llllim to Allen .. Ed- children of Statesboro were visit. I caet your Dean Futch lawrence E Mal­ The Statesboro Business and . _ m the of than In cash WoI- publishing plant the $400 pnz('s 110'" .Iul b) land" or Oil" W efl'lehl, "Horne). or IOIle their pm'­ •. ' H L. Atwell Ke""lt Hoi· land. or to the OrA here last Wenelday n�ht. 1.8:::1:..1.::th:e:...::tI:m:e'...::lf'..!.yo::u:..:t::rl:ed:.�__ �w�e�ek�e�n�d_w:::lt::,h_M�r.�.:nd:.:M:::rs::...:E:_.:.h:l�p..:e:h::e:ek:.:.:h::a::d:..:be::e:.:n:...:.rec:.:.:e::lv:.:e.::d_l_n...:....th_e_t_ho lard. ProfeSSional Women s Club will Bulloch Herald on INol'Tlh Wal­ en Baat b) Floyd I1mgg, ....nce AII)Otlit owln« Inoney I UIO_n_d_I_Io_o_u_r_.ta_te_a_n_d_Io__,Qlu_e_en_I"_O_C_Io_be_r_lil_. news in The supper will be served t Innd. 01 I II Fuy, the Smith I. to .nd ehll· t now your and J H Dekle Sout II) Inte Ida I:MRJ ,.eqU"t� M,. Hubert Campbell Farm Bureau lingswortlh honor 'Woman nut Street 5 30 m unW shc\\ of the Week,' from P t.n of the run 0' Ihe "ranch Min. mAke JilL) OIent to Allen lind fl!den dren of Wrightovllle. vl.lted her The new owners s8ld that the time which Is r.cheduled For "eld, two anj Girl of the Week each �:t.!n:h.ro"·��tb�y I:�:.�)fot':b�)�� �ttl�nIH�lth. ":xecuW parents, Mr and Mn Rigdon, newspapen SHIRLEY JENKINS IS Bulloch Times Will become a about 7 30 p m Supper plates 1Iollie nlld more outstandmg In her field and 0' Ten C..-, helng Allen #II. '�Iellflf'hl the weok-end first of Ole week will be served ror 50 cents anr· dUl'ing So you had n And pu"'Ucation ,NU"lJ(lullllly dtHtlM"1 In" 111-.., AtlIl1IlU)K "I 1 .. 11" party PRESIDENTS OF CLUB visited Miss exemplifying the Nat Ion a I and Members or the II A ma,lc br It J Kennedy, Jr, 8ur. Un MIHS Diane Sowell Fords.�·. yeu had a vllitor And that the Bulloch Herald will per plate Ve)' RllIlea[,(,ro, '63 your Itt•• which plat .. theme tickets for advance veror, "�Clb"mry. '.27 No 1::& Cllaudetle Tucker, durin. the week members married AT BREwroN·PARKER continue to be published on will have 4h:, Friday-the dauRhter's Coming netting tickets be end and wish an Thursdays sale or may purchas _ signing ve.1 to have It ���:I"lno'��ot�I�.ia�, o�ur..!: Will te of honor Jenkms, of They guests ed at the door of the SEBH Mr. Eddie Knight. of Savan· nounced in the society col­ Shirley doughter The change In the typograp­ Two. contalnlD. Mr and Mrs Hubert Jenkins of at a luncheon Oct­ that Plates be RUCr 'if::. How timea chanp r Nowada,.s leve...l last week, umns of your hometown news­ Wednesday, hlcaJ format of the Times con­ gym night may U" 1 acntl', mON or leQ, aDd bOUnd. nah, spent day. OffIcers lind commItteemen lind commItteewomen Brooklet. has been elected pre 10 m carried out is accord ' find. a cars! ober The senes desired, '0110•• North land. of 01- .hen the doctor p.tlent Benne", care-free raper. You went somewhere. Lamplighter forms with the of � _ by with Mn D H. most type liveliest, sldent of Delta Psi America's the Mr Wn..... aad land. or Ira he of the Bulloch Farm Bu! eau are now conduct Omega, to Spence, U. W br In a run-down condition, pre­ Mr. W.lt.r Scott I•• patient County You did something Room of Howard Johnson at faces used In the Herald's plant Ing Johnny F.ut and IIOuU. hy Tmct Num­ mternatlOnal dramatiCs Vocational mstructor )fOOl'll .. and more tim. at organi­ The new of the 111m SEBH Ag .. rl.... 1_ IOIf the Well. to It In either one lOOP M publishers her a.. Il.crIbid aMN. and W t by In IhIlloeh Count, Hoopltal. tng an tntenslve campaIgn for 1963 members. accord· get zation at Brewton Parker Col­ es that the breed of will be the atnter ran 01 Tell Mile CHic, and the offlee. or hot,. of Bulloch believe Times will Five hogs 'We all hope for hIm a Ipeedy County's at Mount .... mONt d.-orlbed In a to Ml' W Bulloch lege Vernon, GeorgID NatIOnal n. pnrUcutarly tng W Mann. County Farm BUteau write It BUsiness Women's fill the need In the community shown Including Spotted Poland 0' macle by Il J. K.n- recovery. weekly newsoaoers, To serve with Miss Jenkins are plat .urn) for a first the week" news China Duroc Jer­ out and take It to or mall it Week IS to tnbute of Hampshire, Mr. and Mr.. EIlI. C.mpbell !Hutto of Savannah, vice designed pay preSIdent Jimmy 'It will enable us to Berkshire and Yorkshire =:" J�lht·�:V=f.d'!t �:-=.= .... to Mrs Emest Brannen. the to all bUsiness and paper keep sey, and dRughter. Patrlcl. of Wrlgh OrgamzatlOn were president, Morula Revis of hud professional lit Oft PRNe U. In UII office 01 a.rtc meetmgs socletv the news more up to date nnd Thirty hogs have been entered vllited her MI'I. D. H. editor or the Bulloch treasurer and Mrs Esther .l1Ie. aunt, helll held last wcfJ�cnu and the owlcl, secretary warnell, Gross, pre advertisers m the show and will be shown Herald ond the Bulloch 'times. will give the In the 'HI. durin" the week end. first of tlhlS weclt to for Jackie Veal of Sandersville, Is 1T::l�:t 8�,:,!�' AC::�t, Bennett. plnn sldent of the Club said It county an opportumty to pro by these FFA members It. P "lUll. Otdlhal'Y. the membership campaign Mr historian Rockwell sponsored annually by the Nat mole first of the week trade" Edwm Futch. Gllvert Wilson DuUoch Count" OL Mann out tJ at Bulloch The lI"t of county news pOinted said Branson ._J.l ,.,.• __llon !It and Ihoy Harry D-:1, ttc No In I'B' 'flr§" corres)nndbnr. for ·the Bullocli ;:;:,:...... ,f0Qll"'1 F� .Jjusilless Roy Smith, County', m'm�elshlP' of UlC two ProfeSSIOnal Women's Inc The publrshers- Jimmy Abbott, Morgan Grooins News always been high 'And we Hels.!-I nnd the Bulloch Times Club ABOVE Is Renold New Castle admit that there ore Fred Smith Plp'tIRF.p of which there I, 0 newspaper Larry Royol. Foy hope that we II succeed in keep Includes, Mrs John A Robert membership Ule elusive MRS.D. D. ANDERSON managers 177 on GSC to be some In Smith Dennis Barnt.."S, scat-back, son Hen of 175,00 Statesboro BUSiness {Zoing problems Simms, Larry me It high thiS year' he said Broc-klct, Mrs Evelyn who was �Iccted as the Player and Professional Club volvlng the publication 01 two Floyd Haldene Aldrich. Glib"", dnx Portal Mrs Jim Rowe, Women's of Week for his Mn BuU.h Barrow of Savan· While talking about the mem- m the coun performance NeVils Mrs H Ii Is In of Ihe actlvlUes weekly nfJwspapers Akms, Kenny Creasey, Billy meet here drive Mr Mann declor Zetterower, cho.ge against Mr and M .... W.llace Hay· bershlp "But us some time and Wendell Tim Snturday noh. Denmark W of National Business Women s ty, gIVe Hendrix, Hodges S�insboro ed that the Farm Bureau had Mrs H Morns 8 Ronald man of Mr and Mrs Wat­ faculty we II have them Ironed out and Donald Millard night. SeptOmber Metter, Stilson Mrs E F Tucker Mrs Week In Statesboro Stalcup Joiner, exercised an plays left halfback for the Ion Nesmith of and Mr. outstandmg year the subscnbers of both papers Martin. �Loche Fordham. Mikell favUs, Regional Sales Managers or of Euble Riggs., Register and Mrs Statesboro Varslly He and Mrs. Alp Andenon ""re progress" SpecIal events. programs and can expect to receive two of Massey, Chfton Miller, Timothy MI'!I!et Rockwell Com­ 0 D Anderson New Castle and staH gained 138 In II carries the of Mra. W. Manufactunng Listing some of the results of projects have been planned for the better newspapers published Faircloth, Tommy Harville, Gary ya"'" .pend d.y rue.t and scored two touclldowna In nil of Farm Bureau Mr Mann the celebration 10 Crawford Hendrix and W. pany representmg parts aCllvlty If anv of our readers have Statistics have been week-long the state of Georgia,' they Martin, AkIn. Sund.,. received Statesboro s last week two the In States said the efforts hnd strengthen- news thev wish to appear In MIss Zula Gammage a mem­ said Steve Simmons vtctqly Mr.. B.rrow to spending country gathered rcilltive to) the number of the Ronald II the of Mr and Mrs. ed the economy of the rural either or both of Bulloch ber of the club Is chairman of Mr Kenan to continue Judges (or the show will be so� I weeks here with her alster, bora Georgia, lust week to diS faculty and staff members of plans J of States Some recent accom s National Business Women's Mr Brannen Livestock W community County weekly newspapers, Southern em­ the operallon of his printing Cly AkIn. cuss ways and means of In Gcorgl8 College ::0 Bem, phshments Included the follow The Bulloch Herald and the Bul Week and office busmess on Specialist, State Dcparttment of Mr••nd MI'I. S. A. H.rrloon of ployed fo, the 1962·63 school supply creasmg sales of monu W Pace produots mc loch Hmes wrl te it out and The Seibold Street Since no Education, Mr E Fl... M .... H. O. W.... year breakdown Is as fol­ equip J.eksonvllle. factured at of Mlllhaven the local plant major legislatIOn give It or mall It or Dhone It lows and staft ment was JRvolved In the tran­ former manager en of visited with re­ Explamed faculty 161, Brooklet, the Farm and Mr affecting farmers 1ft this ses- to one of these correspand assistants and saction the In the busi Jimmy Kennedy, lath'es here on .fter. graduate 10, Dr, to change Wedneada, HIGh on the list of tOPICS for ents In BCMJltsh Evans Farmer slons of Congress to County your community there are SIX members on leave ness operation Will allow us to county noon. Membership diSCUSSion were Rockwell Turbo leaders exclUSive The show is sponsored by the Farm Bureau of absence and one dOing part take devote our time and Rev. C. K. Everell .nd daught­ part In Farm Bureau Chapters of Brook Meters which were recently the ResponSible for apprmomate MAHALEY TANKERSLEY time tenching This makes a effort toward the building 01 Ch.rlotte. of Dahlin .n Mr. ' Nevils Esla Den er. total 177 members this of our he let. Stilson, of a 5350000 order Iy $17.545.90320 ,avlng 10 Goor PLEDGES DELTA ZElJ'A of or the phase operation of C of C is and Mrs. Dalmu Ruabl...... sU:'Ject by mark and business and other farmers due to no sales tax academic ond admmistratlve di­ 3.y"r study said Colonial Oth· gla AT tbe dInner rueate of Mr••nd Mre. Pipeline Company NORTHWESTERN 1------1 lay people throughout the area on fertilizer for penod 1951 viSion of the college Dr Burton K_ Bogltsh, profes Dalma. Ru.hl.... Jr. Sund.y. cr new products were also pre Pig Chain sponsors who fur­ 1961 to the numher of sor of of South now Compared biology, Georgia the livestock at 167 Mr .nd Mn. Cleve McCorkl., sented for discussion repre of 1953 which nished orlglonal by ResponSible for approximately da����er �a�:C�nd T���er�le§t foculty ond stoff ern College has been inVited to .• McCorkle .n4 for these chains are Farmers Mr nd Mno. .... B. sentatlves of the !Statesboro of was 6f) these some m $42015066 savmg to Georgia Tankersley 13 West Moore figures give parllclpate a three year study Peter Geer Mr Charles M Robbins. Jr, Ellla. MI_ and V.nle M. and Merchants Banks, Farm T'" no on Street Statesboro has Indication to the growth of the controlled the of the Bulloch plant and application engmeer farmers due to sales tax pledged by Research of president County L....L NOTIC. attended the .n· Bureau and Kiwanis Club Corkle ond othere feed for 1951 1961 Alpha Alpha chapter of Delta college In addition to an In­ Committee of the AssociatIOn of Chamber of Commerce, an Bulloch County Ru..' Tel.phon. mg staf.fs penod Brooklet Sea Island Bul­ Qeor. nual McCorkle Reunion at institution has an ad­ Bank, QoopM'ative. IDe of 8tal..ttoro. Sunda, ResponSible for $22,471,436 Zeta Sorority at Northwestern averaged Southeastern Biologists, accord nounced this week that the ,he wins run-off loch County Bank, Parker's b.. niH an appllcaUoft with the American Hall in Clax­ illinOIS crcas� in members, the RIC R1a Legion to A C 30 in Georgia Gas tax refunds University, Evanston, faculty ing to Mandcs director pub membership of the Chamber hit OeorrJia Public ....moe CommlPlon Accordmg Daugher­ Stockyard, Bulloch Stockyard ton, Ga for 1951 1961 Form She enrolled as a freshman Institution has averaged an ad­ lic relatIOns of South 167 as of !Saturday, September Rockwell Vice President In period Georgia Cone Franklin Chevrolet ty a a since Harry :m'c:::-���:::O Mh�8 Janelle Rusbing and MI88 Bureau also for nat­ t the college In the School of ditional bUlldmg year ern College Dr In ac 29 !.::��: �����r responSible Bogltsh, Co Inc, A B of 'rom the Rural I!:&eotrlflcatlon Admin­ charge of the Rockwell Indust While at Statesboro 1953 the en­ this election here McDougald Linda Moody, Mia Donnie Ander­ Ional legislatIon poSSible Speech allOWing college coptlOg position was re­ The drive and mem­ I.tratlon, ",..bluRton, DC. bellU'lnK makmg Statesboro and Sears Roebuck fmance rollment to from 628 stu­ a 0' t"o Iter oent son nnd Mrs Cal'Ol are at­ nal Measurement and Controls refuunds of mllhons of dollars !HIgh School MISS iJ'ankersley grow celpent to three Inte....t at the late Snipes year appomt Foundat:ion bership renewal campaign being IL 0' thirty· dents to 2107 In the run off election held on (3", per nnnuln 'or 1"",lod Southern Gar· which mcludes the 10 tax refunds from ferleral was very activo in dramatics ment to the committee Is or the tending Georgia DIVISion, gas The finance committee will conducted by the Chamber five (n) yeq,r. 'rom tile d"te -- ...... the on level Wednesday, September 26, "\loh lUI will land Anderson, Jr left Tlhurs­ new under the direction of Mr Nor· morl8alJ'fl llote or note" Statesboro operation, de­ to Walter S include the followmg Jerry loall Accordmg Flory name the nominee for the of he uelJuted with respect 10 the for the of ResponSible for approximate ASSOCIATED GARDEN man W Rowand of Rockwell day University Georgia Statesboro en­ F A AkinS, co chair­ the pro­ RULINGI velopments by 10 ser of the ASSOCiatIOn flce of heutenant Minick, ,\ccordlng to RI.pllclllion 0'1111. Iy $5.100 0000 saving to Geor payn Georgia Broadened CLUBS OF SE GA. TO preSident Georgia's Statesboro assist­ be lllM1fl tu and Winston AndentOn lelt during Joe Dan Lee. Corporation, ceeds from the lORn YO III and new vice Dr will be chairman of Peter Zack Geer re man, Ingram, gmeenng production farmers due to no sales tax features MT. VERNON Bogltsh governor, facilities tu sene 911 ad· NIID week end for Sout.hern Tech, Marl­ gia MEET IN Frances John W San ed by Mr AI Gibson. executive (6) provide fOR IVRY the committe the 1964 CCI ved votes and Lester Groover, and facilities In on seed for 1951·1961 Continued In during 1,021 Ga testing recently penod to represent ders V J Walton Ne­ manager baIII ettll, The of the As 65 ThiS Dr Herbert Maddox receiVed 363 votes in Rowe, :���� 1����:ll�:Ht:x��lln�lroSv�::u�C: ,... ruled and prtn.... Over 14 500 new add­ terests of the rural fall meetmg year year, uxchahl,e III stallej at the plant should com­ policies community, M E Ginn, Dennis New members added since eM! (c) OIItob1l8h II. tte" Mr and Mrs D D Anderson Garden Clubs of South will be chalnnon of the Bulloch These are the Smith, oIcIea an durabl. papar. ed In our Insurance 1ft and Vital IS sociated Riley County Goorxhl. (fl) eltnbllHh extenc)­ Iadger Company state, nation, on EdWin Carl Star­ 17. Include CillO, l\1t and Mrs bme to create ever mcreasmg Will be held at committee and Dr Aian released Hughes Futch, Monday. September ItII cuopera­ 10 wllhlIOnd .rotUr... spent Sunda)' \\Ith 12 total east Georgia Conger official votes by Mr ed Iltefl .er\lce bet\\een f1nlahed past months, bnnglng sues based on policies develop Logan Hagnn Welding Supply Stutell\KJlo fjh:­ sales and wider m Vernon 1964 R P hng, Tommy Cannady, Johnny for . Mt tlve exchlLll!;eIIlLlld the 011_ .h_ dack A Brllnnen lind family marJtets policIes In to 41.000 the cd Farm Bureau member Brew.ton Parker 4urlllg Mikell. counly orellnory Crlmpad hlng. ••I. G .. I�ltle '.3 'ord '.Irt.n. (bad:s/Ound fairlane fjlree by HUhlcutt Chfton W P Company. E. M Mount, Currie t hlln�e of thu 8tf11et1hoIO Telephone '13 Ford GIII (fO/l'!lIOUfiri H.rdtop 1 Rupel1t torque on October I. 1101 Full at .1.... Mrs Leon Andmsoll, Mnl OS most beautiful I"per Statesboro plant products fastest Insurance Com fanulies Thursday II, begm Compa.n) 11M well III oo\er engineering 10 rong. The liveliest, now 500 Cuupe} Hot new . wllh V-6 growing ThiS committe Will remam ac Mr Geer won the state run­ Clifton Jack Studios. Bel> Tanner Trucking longest, 2 Door Nardlo,,) The look the power-and Spor(s middleweight m Reservations Mol'lon,:J Harry IUll!ueil!tllOl)UII COHill CUI Murtlll nnd Mrs L E HIIY· SOO/XL nmg at 1030 a Bud othor ever I a nille Ford live until the 1965 annual meet Walter and Ellis for of new cars the fabulous Thunderbird' The glamorous punch Presentmg lull hne of stunmng off election and will be the de Lee Royal Emory Company. Drug Company. Thl .. mntter hliH been RaI!IIJIIfIIl III Savnnnuh line·up presented Ihe feel of may be made With Mrs Walter be· good spent. 'l'uesduy New Wide 'n handsome of the ASSOCiation of South mocratlc '" bhe Gen Rambler Inc.. Roscoe hearing b� fore tll� Commllslon Print 4 classes Galaxle has a nde so new, so effortless, so Falrlanes! styling! New powerl mg nomJnee Deloach Quality ({enan's Shop Trudus nnd Ernest under one dealer's bannerl 63 Ford B Mornson Mt Vernon Lunch lit .! 00 P �r 011 Wedneello), Anderson IS the Kenan's Pnnt "Inning smoolh must It to believe It/Super chOIce' Three new middleweight wagons Two dasillng eastern BIOlogists eral ElectIOn This show a part of Lalrcey Company. :I 19Ge In Iho COIllIUIII· new ser­ Thunderbird you try IS $1 00 at the college OCtober AndCl'SOn of St Petelsburg, Flu 44 models all- WIth amaz1I1g F ran k II n Restaurunt, to 405 new hardlops Four Jaunly sedans All gl\e you blg� Shop, Stnte 01· 25 Selhllid street torque thrust ranging up hp (opllon,ll) EKcllmg lion III JleRrhl};: Boom 177 nnd Mr nnd Mrs Shm Sessions of service Farmers features that reduce car mmble new size • Tobacco Warehouse. :!H Street vlce·savll1g new an opllonal SYltng AWdY room, ride, performance flce Dutldlll� Wnllhlngtoll clegance-rnclmllng JOHN E )BOWEN Radio Jone. In It s the bucket seats new 260 V 8 . (BUSTER Station WWNS. to tWice a or 6,()(X) \\ heel that moves over 10 lei YOli savIng price OpllOnal .., stops year every steermg Chamber AlTENDS DIRECTORS of Lane ExcelsJor tl�� I:I\���� V slandoHd falrlane-new Idea m carsl Commerce's REA, �1Il:\:';I)�:!II.�l,!��rc��gll� liveliest of Ihe lIvely Ones for 63' 221 ts (or SIX) Company, nnd 1.168lrllll;' to nttend Ihe hearing miles save you time, trouble, money MEETING IN ATLANTA J Clyde Mitchell. Hodges Pure ,\ til be gh ell It II olll,orun!t) or IIXIH'CtI­ REAl ED All Service Station, Brown and .Inl( hi. views PRESSURE..;:...l Among the directors attend ThlM Notice 114 Iwhllllhai nt the di­ Lamer Furniture Company Cur­ ur lhe PuIJIlc SC1\ICft mg the quarterly meetmg of the rection (.e\llgIIL America's liveliest. tis Youngblood Company and Comml_lolI board of directors of the Geor nUltAL Orkin Extermination Company SUI.. IOCII COUNTY Launderers and Cleaners As COOPI':llA IIVm cars Fall Festival is gla Tlill fJPJlONlli most care·free Noy.I·2·] INC sOClation at Atlanta on Septem

I P Moore l'IIulluJ;el ------­ was John E Mr Charles M Robbms Jr, all Citizens of thiS tradmg area ber 25, (Buster) 9:!- "Ie No 1.!4 of the Bulloch Coun­ need do to become for Bowen of the Model Laundry Dean preSident ehglble BOBBY J. MINCEY ENDS Tyson cae" ..wo(manijeil> Chamber of Commerce this one of the three cash and Cleaners, and the LEGAL NOTICE ty pnzes Dry and EIGIfT·WEEKS TRAINING Bulloch Count) Hurnl Telephone F. W. DARBY-LUMBER \/eek announced the dates for was to register However he Kiean Komer Stnteaboro Geor chairmanship oCuopetllthe 1110 of Annual Festival of Val­ out that AT FORT SILL. OKLA. with the the Fall pomtcd registrants �III. hila tiled nn nppllclilion CommlllKloo FORD ues Mr Robbms said that the must be sixteen of -(;eull.... n. Public 8er' Ice FALCON fAI"LANE GALAXII THUNDE"IIJliO years age of SEDD of HEA WOOD PRESERVING CO. FORT STILL OKLA for nuthorlty 10 Illcren.ae the exchange event Will be held on Thursday, or over Employees are not ell Army telephone nLotH of thnt Cuopcrl\Uve PRODUCTS OF Dr the and Saturday November glble to register m the stlore In Pvt Bobby :J 23 son Ralph K Tyson, Dean of AccordlnK to Ule RP1)ItCt\tlon, Fnday Mincey, Co­ GA. 2 and 3 \ .. hlch are Store Students and Director of Test­ monUlly ralea propo.ed by the STATESBORO, I they employe1 of Mr and Mrs (ra Mmcey 28 order that f Mr and Mrs September 16. observtng their Mrs J H Watson and Mrs have.' - Lee Batchelor, Sa uk three and ed pallbearers Hon­ R.ggs, daughter attained the digmty of age" T.ex.; grandchildren; Tankersley and Mrs Jerry Old cheer-leaders who Arthur bnde fiftieth anlllversary Devane Watson were hostess at Herald and orary pallbearers were Henry High Riggs became the WeddlOg - Gaskill, RapIds (Minn ) sevel al nieces nephews Vlrglma Pennsburg Biser. Dr. John DorIS were rc-elected are Grace of Dr John son of Acres MISS "Housework IS services for Mr. Col­ Bhtch, Deal, CADILLAC D&U.EIISIDP Belly Mooney. Girls leavlOg this week for Darby honoring Town and Country somethmg you Funeral ON DISPLAY OCTO_ • AT YOUR AUTHORIZED Hazel (Pa.) Cason, Ferman Jones, J A Hodges and Smallwood, Mrs A .I Mooney t1nd the late the UllIverslty of GeorglO are Teresa Foy wlth monung cof­ do that nobody notices unless Itns wereheld Friday afternoon from the semor and Brannen, Robert Brannen, Cecil class, Fran­ Dr Mooney MIsses Ann Waters, Donell fee on Saturday, Mrs Brannen "Yawnmg IS usually the act you don't do It "-Joltn DUI� at 3'30 from the Upper Lotts A U MIIlcey, Harry Aycock, � ces from Ilhe en­ Donaldson, Homer Cason, Gar­ Anderson junior Misses June and Anne Atta­ Thompson Betty Anne Sher­ RIchardson, a recent brrde, of a person who madvertently levy, Avoca (Ia.) Journal-Herald. Creek Primitive Baptist Church A L DelPonte, Wilbert John­ lass are ris HotchkISS Lehman Rush- New cheerleaders \,-'ay were hostesses man. BIllie Jean tertamed for Teresa Wlth D opens hiS mouth when he Wish­ is like with Elder V. FAgan officiat­ charmmg Jones, Patsy "Agriculture something ston and Earl Alderman WOODCOCK MOTOR COMPANY. Inc. rmce from the "­ Hodges semor lasl Tucsday eveOing as they Odom. MalY' Brannen and Sue Imen shower Wednesday. Sep­ es others would shut theirs farmmg, only farming is doing ing. Burial was in Brannen tog was Bird from the wllh •• Smith-Tillman Mortuary Barnes Funeral Home is III ass, Betty Fay, entertained at supper in the at­ SlInmons re­ tember II. at Mrs Howard At­ Curtis Whaley, Powell (Wyo.) it."-Gerald K. Young, Blakes­ Cowboy. .nlln cemetery in Statesboro Active • 4·3210 Wesleyan girls \ 108 SAVANNAH AVENUE Phone Jackie of POplar tanlor class, and Bowen, tractive recreatloll room of their turnmg to Macon are Misses well's home on South College Tribune burg (Ia.) Excelsior. ca.uaill•• In 1961. pallbearers were Robert Brack, 111 charge of arrangements charge arrangements Applicants for 33 .,arielle. ol/ered in USMC NEWS OF SPECIAL INTEREST FOR FARMING AND HOMELIFE ,may inquire parade of 1963 Chevrolet models at draft board Big

defeat Dennis A. Stene, of the SHS Blue Devils Sgt U. S. Marine Corns Recruiting Office in Savannah stated that anyone intereste; in becoming a United States Marine may write to the Marine Recruiting Office, Post Office Building. Room 2, Savannah, Georgia.. that to 13-0 The Sergeant also stated the ,Swainsboro bus, crossing highway would not be and from the bus is the great­ High he making regu­ Cotton Stalks scheduled to States­ Destroy est single hazard he faces Law larly trips First Downs 13 9 boro. as he did in the past. but requires every vehicle to stop - but the actual Is ROY POWELL the Fairfax and Sumter. 210 123 figure infonnation a­ By when the bus still there Yllrds Rushlnll anyone seeking Other varieties suitable for stops, not nor Is it Dr. and County Agent 2-4 1-14 easily remembered. Roten bout the Marines. may call or arc times when a car will not Hear pllsses area See are: and this Rustproof 14, . Your child should look in vards Passlnll 7 ·5 easy to get the over all picture drop by the dratt board office, Arc to grow Radar stop. The you planning Suregrnin. Radar I, and 4-31 3·31 Safety Mr. McAUlster located in the Court House both directions before Pllnts of so addltioanl cars If couon next crossing By GERTRUDE M. GEAR Home Demonltratlon Allent many year? 2. 80 25 Statesboro, Georgia. the road, and cross on signal Pennllzed all the new cars bought last Building, If you are, YOUT cotton insect For need to plant 1------­ Blue Devils at conference grain you from the bus driver or school The Statesboro year were in a According to Sgt. Stone, the the Column parked straight control program begins day two bushels acre, and the halfbacks. per pair of would cover 681 mil. Marines have a program, called patrol. BE into contact with them. Equip hard running line, they and Mr. finish picking this year's need to before HOMEMAKER CAN Dr. George Rogers you mils be each - planted let's Bulloch Hines and Cone, es or a distance to Again, keep portable electric lights with Jim Billy to equal "120-day delay enlistment pro­ cotton crop. THE ONE SURE WA·Y Hubert McAllister mem­ November I. accidents 1.0 BEST "FIREMAN" TO a touchdown Friday faculty which means a County tree from heavy duty cords and protec­ scored that between Chicago and Okla­ gram", young those cot­ Make sure treated. better drivers in the YOII team - should destroy you plant to and the a guarantee homa cars bers of the Social Science Divi­ man could enlist and leave boys and girls going PROTECT HOME tive night to provide City! Iobta lotta now, as follow guards. ton stalks ns early possible ccrtlf'ied seed, and your over the is Driver Edu- months win visiting future _ Southern Col­ active four from school. Have an emergency water 1]·0 through miles! sion of Georgia for duty (4) will weevil test recommendations, this fnll. This slap soil '11C most observ­ schools. Driv­ and this time would. count meaningful supply readily available. A farm The Picketts moved from Green­ cation in the high have been invited to attend later, and cause the office bus additional in­ SHOWN ABOVE are Mr. and Mrs. S. Pickell. recently score SOME LIVE CAUTION lege reprodutcion My ance of National Preven­ George first signs and time Fire pond with equipment S\�;�!�Sb�l�oe T�����s course for pay, promotions so EASTER LILIES pumping is now assiciated as a Supervisor with ers who have had this 'the First Annual Southern Con­ weevils 1.0 starve or start the Iorrnntlon on oats South to Statesboro where Mr. Pickett Dye Hines which we motortsts face each more planting tion October 7-13, can acn a ville, Carolina, with left halfback in service purposes, for now Week, and adequate hose give came fewer accidents. Easter he have - weakened condition. ask. 'The Lily may were active in church, music, and Why, and which cause us to ference on Slavic Studies on winter in feel free to be conducted home­ A. & M, Karugheusian, Inc, While in Greenville, they community up-the-middle to pay- day Information about the Marines in In fact, next by every good supply. plunging then, isn'tt it taught in all our colton planted Georgia with the American Red Cross, Womans Club, out. His be on the alert and reduce our 6. confer­ A. These destroyed stalks, maker in her own home. sure work. Mrs. Pickett participated in Water Safety from three yards October 5 and The to Sergeant Dennis not too late in right And, finally, be every dirt schools? There are rea­ write month will be member of many are if left in the fileds. will aid in H Mr. Pickett was a the Lions the ball over driving speed school buses ence Is to be held at Duke Uni­ Stone and see if have what SCHOOL SAFETY The of the house, with member of the family knows and as a Volunteer Worker with the Shrlners cspital, ntternpt to carry ,bhe items you some sections of the state. lady sons which is - - are among school children school soil conservation and future two married grand­ extra was and the of· takes to become a Marine.. the of other members uf how to call the nearest fire and the K. of C. The Pickett have children, on the point play costs versity University It thousand children were This plant is one of the most help Club, Bowling Association, of expense. Everything and These sot! preparation provided the Sixty Street. short and Statesboro patrol boys girls! North Carolina. They are the the can be the most protection unit quickly. and reside at Parker on South Main stopped - and CO:1t or or killed while gOing to beautiful and poular plants family, parents, Apartments money today the louder than the Conell. stalks nrc cut into small pieces. injured into halftime sporting a stationary host schools In addition to the Kermit Ch••rolet'. par.... of ne" produet. for (rllht eenter), ...d tho ne".nd home effective "fireman" by went is no No speak cuslons at the meeting: und Irorn school lost year in used to beautify grounds. Simply Education exception. the side of the 0 .d .. is to 6-0 lead. signs posted along Woman's College of the Univer­ Richard F. Indud.. four lineL ae.dlnl' the lilt, "hl.h "Ill Sting Kay Spart Coupe, epltom.ItartUn" If this practice really Easter is not a little time to 'prevent slim matter what the cost in­ E. McKenzie and .. this country, r know that you The Georgia Lily laking course, the roadl on 28, II tho lusurloua Itylinl, Ch..rolet'l "Ide .holee of paloen..r effective cotton The third quarter provided his sity of North Carolina. conference address September be every grow­ in be confused with the Croft or a fire from ever starting, And, valved has with the Starr. The 4.000r Ineludel 33 modell In .ddltlon to ...rlatlo... would like to do your part T. W. Rowse C)oes to side of kept pace Two r m;nouneedSport Coupe (bottom), Che., II er in this area must practice It. each member of the Farm Bureau counterpart on the right Emory University profes­ will be by Gerold T. Rob­ comblnatlo.... this county free or Ace varieties which are pur­ by giving high cost of living. We don't 11IIT FIRST NINE and a half given =.an (left 8d SIC, TV, RADIO b.uy Pulpwood AggreSlive, olnbilious, seit- mmMi4¥9&Q# h' just paved ••• FOR LESS ,that borhood. So"o"noh brick, 2 bedrooms, 1 and Timber. For The Best in selective GO TOTAL ELECTRIC potatoes COMPAN'l, INC. starter. Interested in eor"ing above ,sound, quality n.ar Leefleld, Call to '" "''', .,,� ,._, "".', FOR SALE: "U.S acres of woodIan:! 10- marking and cutti"1I practices and Top have been cured for two overage income. No experience necessory Inc. with coted five miles of Brol)klet. 1345 Call Fronk at or PHONE 764·5693 hOlTle de· Chevrolet AGENCY grote, garage, Apple-PI, Shape, East prices, Zeagler Portol four weeks. Franklin INSURANCE can County CURRY Realtors HILL 8. OLLIFF as we have extensive and troin- not all! Ask 118 how we pay Company, thorough That's '0' feet of of S. 80. Brooklet Ph... de­ REALTORS Ready occupont. It. buy. CoeItact E. frontage U. HighwiJy Pulpwood YardL Day monstration agents can give or ing program. For personal inteniew write: so S. Russell, Radio Station Soyon- Desirable for lots, Contact own- 76+-3852, Stotesboro, Phone to towm'd yom' home WEAS, building Go., Night up $180 wi.·ing Ilalls on different ways ,(0 pre­ Phone PO 4·5488 Phone 784- 282S Phone PO 4-2471 H. E. WATTS, P.O. 80x 6027' Station C' FOR AN AD TAKER Statesboro. Ga. noh, Georgia. B, W, KNICHT ". Lehman E. McElVeen, Arcola, Tele- TH 11381, Rocky Ford, Ga. 60 East Main St. YOll can l·ive bette'I" electr'ically, serve sweet potatoes 10.II·Zwp"'''I phone VI 2-4252, Brooklet. 10-ll-ltp to-I-ttc Sa von noh, Go. 10·4·2wc New Castle News Teachen named BULLOCH TIMES. OCT. 4, 1962 PAGE 7

. in county's 5 Denmark News Franklin IS Mrs. Rushing sc:hools Publishers The Bulloch Herald negro ' of v e WM The Eighty-eight teachers, f i U observe Day 01 hostess at 21 school principals and one super­ party Sept. visor ore in the five Negro schools In Bulloch County, ac­ on 19 By MRS, D_ D_ ANDERSON cording to the directory of Prayer' September Negro teachers released by By MRS_ H. H_ ZETIEROWER was Mrs. Franklin Rushing nesday afternoon, iSept 19. H. P. Womack, Bulloch County ware The WMU observed of Iiams and Mrs. Williams. All ",ostess for a Tupper party School Superintendent. Day Rev. C. K. Everett and Friday night, Sept. 21 at daugh­ Prayer for State Missions Wed­ three are patients at the Bul­ on The five schools are, The ter, Charlotte, of Dublin' and nesday night, September 19 at loch County Hospital. We are her home. Williams James and Ele­ High the church, with Mrs. Hoyle, trusting that their condition will Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Rushiiii Statesboro; Mrs. Darwin Stills directed mentary School, Mrs. Horace Mitchell and Mrs. soon show improvement. en­ were the dinner guests of Mr. Willow Hill Elementary School, prize games that everyone Morgan Waters presenting the then showed the and Mrs. Delmas Rushing Jr. near U. S. Highway 80, south­ uKKOUKce joyed. She program, in an interesting way. ware. Sunday, Sept 23. east of Portal; New Hope Ele­ display of Tupper The attendance was good and Rites held for larse near mentary School, Register; we were to have our list Mr. and Mrs. Cleve McCorkle, happy Included in bite guest Mary Jackson E I e m en ta ry Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCorkle pastor present at this meeting Mn. D. Williams Mrs. A. C. Anderson, School in the south west sec­ were besides some of the men of ,the Mrs. C. D. and Ellis, MJsses Torie and Mrs. G. B. Bowen, tion of the county and the Venie McCorkle and others at­ church. 25 Rushing, Mrs. D. D. Anderson, Edward Johnson Elementary September tended the annual McCorkle Re­ The members or the Emit Garland Anderson, M.s. School in the Southeast section Mrs. Grove WMU met at the home Mrs, Dan G. Williams, age 75, Mrs. H. H_ union Sept. 23 at the American G. E. Strickland, and of the county. in Hllil In of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones died the Bulloch County Carol Snipes, Mrs, Legion Claxton, Georgia. WILLIAM JAMES SCHOOL Godbee, for their State Mission Program H 0 s p I,t a I Monday afternoon, Nesmith, Mrs. Reba Me­ - The teachers Williams James Tecil Miss Linda Moody, Miss Don­ Thurs. nlte, Sept 20, which was September 4, as a result of 'Sandra Nesmith Jenoon and School Nure, nie Anderson and Mrs. Carol High Elementary presented by Mrs. Billy Turn­ injuries sustained in an auto­ Mrs. Billy Mlkell and are: Robert Lewis, Snipes are Georgia Hamilton, principal; er. The Mrs. Ottls mobile accident on Highway attending president, - HuLon Anderson. julius social science; TOP - Thl. Is the 1963 Old.mobll.'. BOTrOM A complete .tyllnr chang. In· Mrs. Southern, Garland Anderson Jr. Abraham, Clifton Prior to the 301, south of Statesboro last Starflr., presided. a fr••h new roofllne the 1963 Arneese W. Abraham, home full-.lle car_ With Ita ),outhful cludlng ,I... left on Sept. 20 for the Univer­ a covered dish supper Saturday aHernoon. She was a aparts crl.p, Mrs. Rushing served a... sort­ meeting, Oldsmobll. Sup.r 88 llollday Sedan a .heer THE HERAlD CO. economics; Dell Brock, ne" coneaye BULLOCH PUBLISHING hesh roofUne and Ruby resident of Bulloch theme, sity of Georgia and Winston was served. life-long .'),linl' new look. Interior" in t,his series are more ed cookies, potatoes chips, vege­ fourth Pearl grade; Bellinger, and a mem ber the rear the Starflr. I. further Identified wlbIt Anderson le!t during weekend Those attending the Assocla­ County of window. impressive "'ith greater\ empha.is on lusur,. table thins, punch. fifth E. Brown, for Southern Tech, Marietta, grade; Henry tional WMU Leadership Clinic Lower

with .-----,------spent last Saturday night Alec and David Brannen of David Stewart of Metter were ley and Kay Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, 6,952:; Effinghnm, 10,­ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kennedy Tatt­ Motter were weekend guests of the weekend guests of their Franklin Hagan, Mrs, Gladys i44: Screven, 14,919: and of Atlanta, MiWon Brannen. grandfather. Mr. Tom Mikell. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth •. Grooms nail, 15,837. was ad­ Dr. HuH has J W. McBride 'Iate Rev. ,Mr, Eugene Mrs. Julian Deal Mr. Rufus Brannen Mrs. the Mr. and and Mrs, Beasley, Jane and Ray, As he the bill the bhe Bulloch Signed mitted to County were dinner of Mr. and were the Donald the a guests and Iutnily spend day Mollie Cassidy, Mr. Ray Members of the Calvary Bap­ governor complimented Eat lunch Hospital Thursday. Nessrnith and Mr. Mrs, Frank Denmark articl. lin Mrs, Charlie guests of and Akins, Mrs, Gene and Georfjia on West Main St. and. Gov-nominate of Sav­ tist Church Legislature Mr. Lantis Kitchings last Johnson of Garfield and Miss in Ricky Wednesday evening. Sunday. children, Patty Cindy, took the first step on Septemb­ Carl Sanders for their work annah was the weekend guest Mr. Mrs, Delma Cowart Mrs. W. S, Finch and Miss of States­ at school and Mary Jane Beasley er 16' in a movement to build before the federal Mr. and Mrs. magazine redistricting of his parents, were the visited a relative at Mrs. new and family of Augusta Sue Auron boro, and Mr. and Thomp­ a new to be erected court takes a look at the Dr. Lawrence Huff, professor Sancturnry Pete Kitchings. weekend of Mr. and Mrs. in Dub- son Savannah, guests the Veterans Hospital Akins of next to the present building and plan on October 13. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reggie Kitch­ of of Southern this week C. M, Cowart. lin English, Georgia W· , Saturday, Miss Annette Clark was lhe to honor the late Rev. J. A new primary election has nn'd fnmily of Port Went­ Morris Newton ings Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mr. and Mrs, Fafe lhe of Miss College has recently published Grocrns the new October Bulloch County is observing from to spend night guest ,I:y naming been set for Tuesday, worth spent Tuesday were dinner (If Mr. and the Sun- guests anl1 family spent day Joan Lanier last even­ an article in the is­ ccnstruction. The J. W, Brooms elect the senators for the Second State-Wide School with Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday September 16 to the Thursday Mrs, Julian Deal Fniday even­ with Mr. lind Mrs. A. C. Lunch on October 7, day ing . the Historical Memorial Building. ne� districts, Tuesday, October Program Pete Kitchings, sue or Georgia ing, Newton. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Calrk dendline and td 13· School Officials nre nnd M_rs, Thomas Conner Qunrterly. The article den Is The new Sanctuary will have 9 is the qualifying Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Akins Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and Harvey and Mr. and Mrs, James of 780 and October 23 has been set for urging everyone to help Spot­ and Debru of Sovan­ Biggs with 'The Literary Publications a sca�,ing capacity daughter. of Atlanta are a few Tim were the spending spend day guests and Pam of Savannah runover elections where the school lunch progrnm, weekend of spent of .Joseph Addison Turner." will feature a choir loft for the light nah were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie of Mr, nnd Mrs, Johnnie Motes this week. The schools days with Mr. and Mrs. as during Mrs, Minnie Lee Conner. Bet.h Thursday .I. A. Turner is remembered fifty persons. The approved nccessary. Nessmitlh nnd Ricky, A, R. Clark Jr, and and tile County will em­ Linda nnd Mr, nnd M'rs, family the first employee and mentor plan:; for the building were Mr. Horace Z, Smith, who tl>roughout und Mr. und Mrs. Deal of the Barney ��n s��, ���tdi��s�nc���ea�:�� Mr. nnd Mrs. A. R. Clnrk Sr. Harris. was I Southern old J!t!aize the importance Conner nnd DeWnyne. of Joel Chandler He drown y the Baptist was eiected for th� Wayne and of Savannah spent ber Jr. and Kern called.,on ule sepator on family Mrs, Perry Cobb is viSiting interested in i1teraturc Schooi Board In Nash-­ in the program by making posters Mr. Toby Roberts of South Mrs, intensely Sunday 49th district county pri­ tJhc weekend \vith Mr. and M'otes. Miss Mabel Saunders. Lunch Values, Assembly Pro­ Technical and Vocation­ and during his short life plan­ vilie, Tenn. and Ed C. Eckles, and the state has ve _ Geor�in Morris nnd wns the mary primary, TIlE NEW Sennte Districts in Those DImklts which .. Clayton Johnny, Miss Judy Vickery Mrs, lIa Bowen was the grams nnd inviting the entire HERE'S HOW appear Georaia. Americus visited Mr. spend ned and published a vt1Tiety of Statesboro architect. as 'n candid­ al School, Mrs, H, S. of Miss already qualified area shows District No- which Includes Bulloch. Mr. lind 1�lsing, spend the night guest f!he of Mr ,and Mrs. Community to ent nt school one than one senator are listed above. The shaded 4, day guest literary works, The Rev. Grooms served his ate for the senator of the new wcc!(cnd - Constitution, ,Jimmy an'j Put were Burburtl Smith Friday. W, A. Bowen of Statesboro the Observation Screven and Tattnall. Couruey, The Journal in the district No.4, day during Candler, Effingham, Evans, Map Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Finch and last p3stora.te Calvary guesls of und Emory Mr. nnd Cecil of October 7th. at the _ Week, . Sunday. Church. A fund m. of _ a. of Snvannah. children of Savannah the __ -'- Bnptist building At 11:30 Monday Aspinwall spent methods us­ regular price. Modern cooking Fresh Products for your his name has been Hawk­ Denl was the din· with Mr. Dairy bearing this week Mr. Colbert Mr . .lames Hardy dny Sun'day low to moderate J. E· home on Denmark Since those and 111e total area of Georgia is ing lemper:alur­ HERE IS WHAf IS LEFT of the Darby started and when the building who had won the senate early days ncr of Mr, und Mrs, Julinn Finch und children, ings guest es of 300 to 350 Fah­ health and this week, with the increased knowledge GUN which degrees family's enjoyment. Street after fire it early Monday mortling of is finished an inside feature for the old ISeventeenth Deal Saturday evening, Mr. unci Mrs, Pete J.ohnson 37,680,640 ncres, of' 25, destroyed seat renheit have replaced higher had Rev. in nutrition and its relation to Mrs. The fire the cail at 3:40 a.m. "The roof already will be a painting of the District, of Screven Mrs. Annie Riggs of' Savan­ of Garfield visited Mr. and 772.200 acres, or 69 percent, are depnrtment got consisting the at Miss You'll find them in the heaith of the indiVidual, records temperature methods, says your The Enrollment favorit� Fire Chief "Red" said. ";roams in the vestibule. nnd had not nah a few last week Wnrdell Mixon nnd Sun­ fallen in when we got there" Gay Jenkins Burke, topple spent days family in forests, to Exten­ nut­ school lunch is now according Nellie C Boyd, Extension cornerstore will bear his name. in the program SERVICE with Mrs. Mabel Saunders, -Herald Photo. qualified as a candidate dny. sion foresters. ritionist. grocers' dairy counter. an essential part of the total ------the new Mrs. W. W. Woods, Mrs. Garnett Red- A V. Is chnirman of race for the place in Mr. nnd Mr. and Wiggins school curriculum, It is a Memorial District· pro­ Mrs. M. C. GrifflLh, Mrs. Mnr­ dick and hud as t.heir the J. W. Grooms Fourth f1lmily gram no schooi child of any shnll Mr. and Mrs. Hnr­ Mrs. Lamar Red- better education and community Building Fund and anyone deslr­ The qualifying fee is $500 Tnylor, guest Saturday ,l�=li:;;:ii!.i;;:�[:Jcli;:===:.2ErJciiffZiEE:E�ii�[j�:5iiiiim����Eli::EE�i�Jjiiiiii�i::Ei::�� age can afford to "skip' be­ as Smith·s to infonnation or a Southern "Id Mr. und Mrs. E. L. Statesboro. Little Jeff facilities. wishing with the deadline for qualify­ Ga. Rocker, dick of ing cause is now 2,122 the lunch register Roy program a�tended the funeral of with his School mak� a cJontribution to the fund for afternoon, Rockt'r Red'jick returned home ing set Tuesday health an education­ . High a program, An and proven Huru Goodmun in Savan· Mrs, Lamar Reddick. outstanding may contact Mr, Wiggins. October 9, at 5 o'clock. break­ All with the Mrs, mobller, I al program, and a progrnm that Final re­ dents. The domnltory enmpus roads, is its registrntion figures Gun nah Rev. Reddick of Mercer reading program entering The Rev, James E. Zachary three stu­ of the surfaced Shop Friday, Lynn greatiy helps the farms of our leased this week by Dean Paul down Is: Cone, 228, exception n_ly Mr. nnd Mrs. Bill Cody nnd the weekend PTA fourth at Statesboro High is of the church. circle in front 01 the Frank I, Universit.y spent adopts year pastor State and Nation to remain F. Carroll reached an nil Ume dents per room: Sanford, 252. of Griffin were weekend with his Mr. and Mrs. of JOHNSON PLEDGES Williams Center and AlUlI)ni family parents, School under the guidance JOHNNY economically stabie. record for fall quarter wilh nn three per room; Veazey, 240, of Mrs. Dovie Hen'drix, Garnett Reddick and Terrell. will be re-Iurfaced guests Mrs. Irene Simmons, It haj, SIGMA PHI FRATERNI'J'Y The following School Lunch enrollment of 2i22 students at three per room; Lewis, 189, BUilding, Miss Finch of Bolen .James Creech to Carolyn Mr, and Mrs. a attended a Nutrition Southern three room: Deal, III, two during October, a.cordIng Remington that some en­ AT MERCER UNIVERSITY Managers Georgia College. per in of Savannah plaHorm been noted pupils William Draughn College Augusta and children spent at Southern room; and Anderson, 165, Dewberry, comptroller. son of Mr. Workshop Georgia ,This is an increase of 358 stu­ per the weekend with her and School the read at Producers Johnny Johnson, amount to RECOMMENDED spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. The Statescoro High tering eight grnde this summer, and three room, This will approxi­ Johnson of College urges dents over last fall quar­ per and Mrs. Sherman nnd Mr. Auditorium sucess­ and Mrs. J. Brantley year's 0( roads, parents, Mr. Mrs. A. R. Clark .Jr. P11A met in the a flf'th grnde level. The citizens to eat with them in the for enrollment mately two miles student at Mercer ter enrollment of 1,764. Presi­ The iast day Finch. and Mrs. A. R. Clark Sr. October 3, at 7:30, Statesboro, a basement Wednesday, fui of the program has School Lunch Room during this was October 2, Fnll In addition the of GUNSMITH purpose has Sigmn dent Zack Henderson announ­ Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rocke)' Mrs, Johnson, und the direction of Mr. Luke meet University, pledged re­ Roy Jimmy under com­ week: Brooklet, Mrs. Doris Gee: cks �C'; Monday, the Building is being bc�n to bring the reading Co-op Nu to an ced lhat for the last three ye3rs quarter ;iC'�an Herty nnd Mr. und Mrs. E. L. Rocker were in Savannah President. Dr. J, Fraternity, according 01- Roy shoppers An:ierson, Mattie Liveiy, Mrs. Mae Cannon: has 2'\, ""I will end modeled into classrooms and Phone 764·9707 of level up. Some stu­ announcement made last week the fall quamer enrollment September were spend the day guests Rd';'ert Smith, Pastor of the prehension Marvin Mrs. Lucille to Dr. John Wednesday. Pittman, exceejed of the be­ December. fices, according and now the Universi,ty's officials· that year Mr, and Mrs, Jerry Rigdon Mr .and Mrs. 1....1.mar Reddick First Church, gave the dents in the upper grades by Mrs. Susie Turn­ chairman the math Baptist Wed. Smith; Portal, the accomodate the Boole, 01 of p.m. fore, indicating college's To soaring and Jeff were dinner guests devotional. have a combined comprehension Mrs. Lucille Neal: and scienre This er; Register, tremendous rate of growth. number of students an exten­ department, Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Brannen Mr. Luke manager Mrs. three and class avail- Anderson, 10 Statesboro High School, is under­ includes laboratory-lec­ be A substantial group of par­ speed reading fund rate on fertilizers is The breakdown figure by sive building program Vou wilt buying lasting and on Wednesday even­ of the Producers Co-op Assoc· Sadie Mrs. lIa ture rooms, two research-office family Anderson and Mr. Brown: Stilson, An annex to Lewis Hall ents and teachers was present. able. Mr. percent, on feeds, 10 percent classes freshmen, 568; sopho­ way. In Suitable Memorial beouty and dig­ iation, located on South Walnut South East Bulloch is; combination rooms, six offIces. Design ing. reminded the Upchurch: 73 women students was Hendrix and but Mr, Anderson Principal, toth noted and on all other items, 3Y" per­ mores, 495; juniors, 471; .nd housing in monument we de­ Misses Linda Sharpe, Street, said today that the high­ Mrs· Warnock: and and a room hOUsing nity any PTA mem· High 'School, this fall quarter. 1\vo preparation the audience that the to reod cent. seniors, 410, There is one stu­ completed Barbara Smith were spend -- the increased of the annual to Geneva the unit . necessi�y light meeting Sallie ZeUerower, Mrs. one for wom­ air.conditionlng and crenle, Whether Is with at be R and one other dormitories, sign the of Miss bership goal 100%, Oc­ E·lection of ofTficers will President dent auditing course, night guests Judy Tremendous more material with,.. ftl'Ore com- be held Wednesday evenmg, Denmark, who is aiso, A are ex­ Celebration one for number Monu· Store-wide at en and men, Due to the of desire is for a A one represented will student. In addition, great Great least Anderson your Vickery Saturdny. parent tober 10, at the McCroan Audi- held and Mr· Bulloch, Candier, Evans and special . A to be the the rooms are each prehension Rea'cibig Consul-I his there are 176 students. pected completed by students already ment of claborate sculpture Mr. nnd Mrs . .I. W, Johnson, meeting. torium at would be the make annual report. Food Service As­ graduate GSC, ,Bryan County to Ed will not be was of end of May, according in use, though work chnruc­ and were the The platform :ant, announcement that the "There is a long list of prizes is made of The record total in­ or an example whose Jimmy Roy spend following I?r. Aar�:>n, �rofessor Co-op sociation, which up c.reaking Statesboro architect, estimated PTA Umverslty of Gear- Ander­ Eckles, completed for nnother 'day of Mr. and Mrs, and ndopted: the Association would declare a to be given away", Mr. counties. cludes 972 men and 974 wom­ tor is in its notably simple guests presented E�ucat!on, PTA at eighteen three to four weeks. gla, WIll speak to son said one This ex­ Work on the was Wilkes Hendrix of Savannah shall function through coopera­ .the payment of $44,000 to be paid and added, "Every The entire White Lunch Room en undergraduates, buildings detail. Ask us, for Certificates re­ freely, Free comm­ the November in· an area­ Funds allowed for the Gift is of in home, church, meetmg. of the with interest cludes the 176 students attend­ hnlted due to Sunday. Values·-$100 tion buck to the patrons Co-op farming Personell throughout the C