.' ._ ..ber rr.l982 Lanier. THE BULLOCH TIMES WaYCrD!I8, Go were here during IW, Thunday�pte Mlu Vlvan Ne.mlth 01 sa.. the week end weekend visiting nah the week end with Mr. eontr-ibutes greatly to our AIr and Mrs spent the Chamber office during n��dl'. their parents, Eugene News tourist lnduatey. Nevils and O. E. Nesmith. Mr•• n.\-------------22 'l'hiJ uxpanding Bulloc:h News the week September Leefield and attended Brooks ending Anderson Yeers Mr. Mn. and and Areas surroundIng Lak. La- County's "Seventy Sun­ and Larry Sharp the total of renewals MRS E F TUCKER Anderson family reunion on Mr and Mrs Mark Wilson and brings Notices Ion of Statesboro spent Sunda,. current year mer, Blue Ridge Lake, Nottel, new members lor the 'Fi Lumber City thei rlt-of-the-Week' of day. daughter Kay of wltb Mr. and Mra. J. D. Lake Chat..... Lake Burton Sevic:e Legal Sharp. to 160 Lake. met the church with Mrs L The Sunbeams "t spent the week end •. L. A. Burnham of Rabun are a"ractln the :::::::::::::::: Mn I.. A Bush and Mr. aDd Mr re- and Lake MseS::: :: SIS: H: ]$:::::::::: Mr and An of the checks on Monday afternoon� \Hth!\1n C Nesmith Savannah with Mrs. anallpis 'round but are eepeelaUy Newspeper Where Needed" Soron of Savannah wore guelts spent Sunday 11 new mem- ycar NOTICE t Pnrl> IR71i Conner and Leon Sik. celved to date .hows 17r. Bennie Mrs Mr and Mrs. Coy spent C. P. navis. durinl' the tan. of Mr and Mrs. Lester Anderson M R beautiful itullothBULLOCH COUNTY,., A LAND RICH IN AND renewal., SERVING {trimt� bera and 1.9 AGRICULTURE.INI)USTRIAL PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE "0 Tucker, us leaders Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lay- Mh. Clate Martin of Statel- Talullah Fans, Brautowa Bald :�t�� � r.:!��! at '0,;,rhe:6hl�::�8�\�j�r ·:O:I���� Sundav' and added. This means thr �:i .. !\Iultl Pnrl) Sikes . I are •urrounded 8ellMLeI a........ 0 .... the nue l\t P l"ordtllUn the church on ton boro t 8und with M A Toccoa Fa11 nome IIlte r ,"0 The Gn's met at epen ay rl.. not sent in and Mr. and Mrs.W R Leanard regular members have --------�------------------------------------------------------------ -J • __ "0 H H Godbee and L colors 8eptem- VD�nl�elO�- r � with Mrs Mr. and Mrs Davll, 8... by rainbow durtnc ����� OPPF"nINITY • Jl.Xl!:I�r::ll1 I !·��'t°��::·o������n!:� o:n�:IlI�lb!! Monday ufternoon, and Gina their checks yet. W h ""ord- R••'d"ncil and and ehlldren Ashley Mr. and Mn. William Powell October and November and to urc elt.to or 1'<1 I' as Mrs Carol Snipes Bobby Snjp s w e ber, STATESBORO, GEORGIA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1962 lonKln" Il.!u Harvey Lee, leader Mr. and that many of the.e cteea� �«�' 4. 72ND YEAR-NO 34 r, lillie!! .outll 01 Brooklet Sunday with State.boro with ot rare natural ham tocnteu ! r.M ea of Fort Jackson, S. C who was Kay spent I of Ipent Sunda, a picture ::"r? : gg the vl81tors who attend- received before we be.tn our per- present 3 lin 4iu A,,"ong Mrs D. B. EdmouMs Lanier. � home for week end apent Sunday Mr. and Mn. Garnel is eehe- beauty �rne O�I�et��'��III��\�:et:;:I��U�II�I:;� :�:I� )':::tt ed at Leefield WIIlIGn and aonal contact drive, which tohacco RUckI! aPiI Multi Inri) Home-coming Mr. and Mn Mark C. Mr. and 0.- gtUI burner! ) 000 .. 3; with &lr nnd Mrs Emory Godbee MrllooyA McCorkle, The Gaine.ville, Cummine, Church last were Rev C. Nesmith duled for early in October �: Sunday daul'hter, Mrs L. Mrs E. C. Tootle and aun, Mr To- I at Gleenvlllc have been reeeiv- hlone a BlatravUle, Comella, Court to • nnd Mrs Hun Ison Mrs were of Mr. and Memberships ����:��::Ou. �i:rgll'. OJli�'f, auelta Sunda, and Mn. Ra, MeCorkle and child- Young II City ceca Ellijay, ::E::tS�!:6�:�����::��teillr�d�ft!��� Mrs Lorene K- ed from " gD�wlonvUle teccc enounente pian!) or good pine Mnry Nesmith, rMr and l\trs Tedl Nelmith Mrs Emeral Lanier. ren attended the McCorkle re- 0Ie1'e- �.��� TE�rl�1I1:I t 50 "�lg I H Helen OI�rkelville nnd hartlwood Umber nnd M�. Welding Supply G ;lfl 87r. night, Johnny Martin, and of Nevils spent Sunday Mr. and Mll. Futch union held at the American Leg- Logan Hagan are f' I'II)IIIIIUOII f"mlly Shapter Ne�I'. Gap a� com and M. Mount, Currie la:�r'�nd convene aenu- ()Ilbllu gUArantee (With and Mrs Joe Connor, Jr , Mr Mrs Franklin Rush tho week E here U and Company e with Mr Futch ion hall of oe I un \ I and Claxton. on the mes 1 spent be IS SO �I"'I CV M,f���el Jerry those that should Th B II h T· to among Id' I Tanner No J 10 an of Savan- Mr and 'Beb Trucking It.i srcf!'! 0rlll�e�:! Mrs Billy Walker, Ing end In Savannah with Mra. Aris Deloach, !lin. Mary Studios, list for to ::::"II�� IL;d��I�:I"�P':!!:}:ltl��1I ElliA "must" every Georatan 0' Kluu'nnteel ReI' and Mrs Kent I. Gill- Mortln .nd Mr and Martin vl.lted Mr.. CarrIe WII· Company and Drug Compo nab, Mr. Bobby see CITATION MII .. Charg. 'or • .chang" 8"r..,lc. ag. Ware Part, and Mn. OUI Mar- Oct. 9 fOr .ach 1/4 ",n. bflyond au" "a'. Tupper U. S HighwaYI 23, 123, 19, COUNTl J_ W. Sandera Rambler Company, O ...OIlG1A flUI.10CIl ,..... :�:a���, a;���aH���t�'r M:�� ��� M':rr�e:n:la�:.�. ���m�u�d:y�r an�uallty the ItN I. was Bulloch and 76 traverae area, TO AI.I.. \\IIOlt IT MAl (,ONCI J'UX Trunk G:\ Mn Franklin Rushing and Roscoe Company, 129,441 Bruce ProMer an children, all of were gusts Sunday of Mr. Mr_ and Mrs. Tecll Larilcy Althen M Jones hn,llIg III I)roper 40 40 Nelmith, several convenient atate have been I l'IIrl) l.Ine rolt.eu for a Ware and Kenan'. Print 8hop, aa do Forty.four jurors i'ornument Mr and Mrs Tupper Part) Mrs. Homl Martin of Statesboro. Timel (onn IIpplletl to me 101 "_I'nrl) IoIne 20 to Statesboro, Han')' Sandra and Margan Nelmlth and drawn to serve on the October the ...lllte on at her home FrankUn'. Reltaurant, Farmen hilrhwaya. lAltterl! ofAdmlll\Klmlloll 011 I 1'11.,.1) J Ille 10 10 and Mr" Laurace Per Friday nhrht Wanda Martin spent the week with Prosser, Mr LeAlie Sunda, -------- - Rina .pent Tenn of the Court of 01 l.awaoll A Martlll lutl' or Muhl ... All u­ and Radio City IMr..,lu Connt"Ction Charg and Mrs Dar\ in Stills directed pTlze end with Wanda Akins. Tobacco WarehoUle. Bulloch Ellen, Mra Franklin Publishers 11111.1 Manha, Dennis, Mr and Herald Count) Ihll I" to cite nil .ll1gu­ chang... kin", Rushing. Statesboro which will convene lIext uf kin or that everyone enjoyed. She Station WWNS Potato lar the creditors hllll Inltrumf!ntaIlU•• Not In PI.t" and M,. W T Shuman. Mra game. Mr••nd Mr.. E. W. Deloaeh Mrs. A. A. Waten of Sa..n. Sweet Queen on October -------- Tuesday morning, Mllin Stillion Ihe of HIIII".,." ... of Brook then showed large dlllJllay •• thl. week with J.... Groom. Rnd Tere and son Phllll••ere lupper gue.to n.h I pendlnr I at 10 o'clock eM�lrNIII'11 trh�"'tI:�:�1 �Ir�!� HOllin..", I':xletlilioll To Be Chosen 9. On :1�L�:;nO'�h Ware. , FrIday. September 28. tile Bulloch Times was let Tupper wIth Mr.'.nd Mrs. Mra. C. J. M.rtln. The drawn are PIlX P.xlellKlon Saturd.y nlrht Plan Now To" Bulloch S••el Po· jurors 0 Stntlon The Count, to the �n:a�h;nd��=h:��HI:'�II�\�:";�:�� HHhhuu 1\111111 Mro H B•••le" and Todd had Kell" WIIII.m.. Mr.. Edmound. sold BUlloch Herald Pubhshmg The M I m the lI"t were Mr. and D. B Otis L T Complll1Y .tIould not N NTUlttkl to Althen Hellhhllu e "�J(IIIII.lon Included JrUe"t tato Growen Auoclation .. lpon- Holllngoworth. A and Wed- and Mra. Williama lon_ un eatatc! of 1.lIWaQII Culor.", Tel",.lIolle �t ftflulpPf!lfl Int Tuesdav �ight Mrs. B M�. Kelly and dau"hter Linda vialted 8un- �on- W D TIdwell. H G transBction mvolved the name of the "pent &In A C. Andenon; G. loring a Sweet Potato Queen Brodley. only newspllper. Mn.rtln with ",'Oil oor,l Sa\an- were Sunday wIth IIr. and and MH. Rufua A T Future Formers at SEBH .( ne8day with rel;Uvea in Mrs C D Mrs. guesta day wAtha Mr.' Take rip Crlhbs. C E. Howell. Robert Its CirculatIOn lists and the hIstorIcal fIles The "'Ith... 1 IlIInl'l 1\11�1 offlclnl ahe- fnltru", .. ntantlr. In Plat.. Bowen. Rushing. t..t. Bulloch CountJ'l!irto tletween change t� Mra H. C. Connely of 1!Jate1l. S. Smith of CI.xlon. J James A Rex nnlUre, thl. 1111 du) of Hel,tember, An) muve or chnllge � 00 noh D. D Mrs. Garland An· . of U·20 who.n IInrle Bland, Cason, Anderson. the age. In ownershIp bccllme effectIVe on Octobcl 1 1961 Thll I1l11ttor 11111 heen IIKllfm«1 '0,. Mr an Mrs Brannen C. C Brannen A F Her Monday. GoorKe M� G E. StrlckJand and • are to enter ODateiL Trapnell, Uollerl P Mikell Ordlnllf) hourlllll ,",,'u'e the COIumr.llon he­ deraon, Thru N GeOr91a eU.ible tII� ./ and John, of Statesboro \\ere MH_ Carl Slrah of Savaanah Is A"er....e••lon \he hert Gay.
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