NOTES INTRODUCTION 1. Baron Employed This Expression in His Book, Which Is the First (And Only) Western Monograph on Plekhanov

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NOTES INTRODUCTION 1. Baron Employed This Expression in His Book, Which Is the First (And Only) Western Monograph on Plekhanov NOTES INTRODUCTION 1. Baron employed this expression in his book, which is the first (and only) Western monograph on Plekhanov: Samuel H. Baron, Plekhanov. The Father of Russian Marxism, Stanford (California), Stanford U.P., 1963. See also Isaiah Berlin, 'Le "pere" du marxisme russel, Le contrat social, 1957 (I), pp.293-297. 2. Baron did not pay special attention to Plekhanov's thought in his biography, which focused mostly on Plekhanov's political activity. On Plekhanov's esthetics see, for instance: L. Baxandall, 'Marxism and Aesthetics: A Critique of the Contribution of George Plekhanov', The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 1966-1967 (25), pp.267-279. 3. L. Trotsky, 'Beglye mysli 0 G.V. Plekhanove', Pod znamenem marksizma (henceforeward PZM), 1922,5-6, p.10. 4. S.Ja. Vol'fson, G.v. Plekhanov, Minsk 1924; V. Vaganian, G.V. Plekhanov, M. 1924. See S.H. Baron, op.cit., p.VII. 5. 'Pis'mo tOY. Stalina, resenija XVII V sesojuznoj Konferencii i filosofskij front', PZM, 1931,9-10, pp.7-8. 6. Spravocnik partijnogo rabotnika, M. 1957, pp.365-366. Plekhanov was born on November 29 (December, 11), 1856. 7. G.V. Plekhanov, Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenija, M. 1956-1958,5 vv.; SoCinenija, M.-Pg. 1923-1927,24 vv. 8. A.F. Okulov, 'Bor'ba G.V. Plekhanova protiv neokantianskoj revizii marksizma', Voprosy filosofii (henceforth VF), 1956, 6, p.23. 9. On Plekhanov's fortune, see below, Appendix. 10. N.T. Sorokina noticed it in 1960 [Voprosy teorii poznanija v filosofskikh rabotakh G.V. Plekhanova (1898-1911 gg.), Avtoreferat, Gorky, 1960, p.3]. Since then, the situation has not changed very much. 11. V.I. Lenin, Materializm i empiriokriticizm, in Pol'noe sobranie soCinenij (henceforth PSS), iz. 5-oe, M., 1958-... , t.18, pp. 244-251. CHAPTER ONE 1. Plekhanov's move from Populism to Marxism is one of the 134 NOTES 135 most intriguing and complicated moments in his intellectual biography. See S.H. Baron, op.cit., pp.59-77; L. Deutsch, 'Kak Plekhanov stal marksistom', Proletarskaja Revoljucija, 1922, 7, pp.97-140. 2. P. Struve, 'My Conflicts and Contacts with Lenin', The Slavonic and East European Review, XII, p.579, quoted in Baron, op.cit., p;,142. On Plekhanov's NaSi raznoglasija [1884] see also V.L Lenin, eto takoe "druz'ja naroda" i kak oni vojujut protiv social-demokratov? [Who are the "Friends of the People" and How do They War against Social Democrats?], in PSS, t.1, pp.196-198; N. Valentinov, The Early Years of Lenin, tr. R.H.W. Theen, Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1969, p. 88. 3. Friedrich Engels Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky, hrsg. von B. Kautsky, 2. Ausg., Wien, Danubia Verlag, 1955, p.320. 4. Arkhiv Doma Plekhanova [henceforth ADP], AP.12.1, in LN. Kurbatova, 'Predislovie', in Katalog biblioteki G.V. Plekhanova, vyp.I, L. 1965, p.VL 5. S.H. Baron, op.cit., p.66. 6. A. Walicki, 'II problema della rivoluzione russa in Plechanov', tr. L. Tulli, Annali, Istituto G.G. Feltrinelli, Milano, 1973 (XV), p.461. To compare Plekhanov's opinions on the relationship between freedom and necessity with Spinoza's, Schelling's and Hegel's, see: 1895a, pp.590-596; 1898a, pp.300-311; 1908a, pp.189-191. 7. Plekhanov held this opinion all his life. See, for instance: 1880, pp.137-149; 1883, pp.21-23; 1902b, pp.207-208. On this subject, see also N. Harding, 'Introduction', in Marxism in Russia. Key Documents 1879-1906, Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 1983, pp.1-3; 13-15; 38. v 8. See B.A. Cagin - LN. Kurbatova, Plekhanov, M., 1973, p.140; R.Ju. Gubajdullin, Metodologiceskie osnovy kritiki G.V. P lekhanovym narodnicestva (1893-1895 gg .), Avtoreferat, Kazan' 1968, p.5. 9. V. Strada, 'Materialismo e dialettica nel marxismo di Plechanov', Annali, Istituto G.G. Feltrinelli, Milano, 1973 (XV), p.480. 10. See G.W.F. Hegel, Wissenschaft der Logik, in Siimtliche Werke, hrsg. von H. Glockner, Stuttgart, Fr. Fromman, 1927-1940, Bd.IV, pp.137-138. 11. See G.W.F. Hegel, op.cit., Bd.IV, p.609. There is a very meaningful difference between the original German text and Plekhanov's Russian paraphrase. Hegel wrote: "daB ich den ersten und zweiten Schlag einer Uhr als succedirend ... bestimme"; Plekhanov did 136 NOTES not use the verb opredelit' (to determine), but vosprinimat' (to perceive). Actually in his reception and understanding of Kantianism the a priori elements, as 'physiological' structures, were 'forms' of perception and not 'forms' of intellect. See below, Ch. 2, IV; Ch. 3, lILA. 12. LM. Secenov, 'Predmetnaja mysl' i dejstvitel'nost" [Objective Thought and Reality]' in Izbrannye filosofskie i psikhologiceskie proizvedenija, M., 1947, pp.350, 359. 13. F. Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie, in Marx-Engels, Werke, Berlin, Dietz Verlag, 1961-1967, Bd.21, p.276. 14. See below, Appendix. 15. O.G. Mazaeva, Voprosy sub"ekto-ob"ektnykh otnosenij v trudakh G.V. Plekhanova, Avtoreferat, Tomsk 1976, pp.6-7. According to the author, the second conception should prevail, not because it is more frequent, but because it is much deeper and more meaningful. On this problem, see below, Conclusion. 16. See K. Marx, Das Kapital, in Marx-Engels, Werke, Bd.23, pp.192-193. 17. In English in the original. 18. L.E. Obolenskij, 'Predislovie', in G. Tarde, Suscnost' iskusstva, tr. L.E. Obolenskij, SPb 1895, pp.9-1O. See also V.V. Vel'janovic, Psikho-Jiziologiceskie osnovanija estetiki, SPb, 1878. 19. For a polemic reference in the text, see, for instance, 1899c, p.7. Besides that, V.G. Astakhov's opinion supports this interpretation [see his G.V. Plekhanov i N.G. Chernyshevsky, Stalinabad, 1961, pp.257-259]. 20. Among the Western scholars, e.g.: G. Pacini, 'II pensiero estetico in Plechanov', in G.V. Plechanov, Scritti di estetica, Roma, Samona e Savelli, 1972, pp.19-23; among the Soviet ones: V.G. Astachov, op.cit., pp.263-270; V.G. Astakhov, 'G.V. Plekhanov ob esteticeskom cuvstve', Ucenye zapiski Tadzikskogo Universiteta, 1959, 19, vyp.3, p.29. 21. Mazaeva thinks that this is a general conception: 'Vzgliady G.V. Plekhanova na prirodu poznanija', in Zakonomernosti razvitija sovremennoj nauki, Tomsk 1981, p.217. 22. F. Staudinger, 'Der Streit urn das Ding an sich und seine Erneuerung im sozialistischen Lager', Kantstudien, Berlin 1899, pp.167-189. 23. K. Schmidt, 'Ein neues Buch tiber die materialistische Geschichtsauffassung', Der sozialistische Akademiker, 1896, 7, pp.399-407; 8, pp.475-482. 24. Samuel H. Baron insists on the psychological reasons for NOTES 137 Plekhanov's polemics against revisionism [S.H. Baron, op.cit., p.175]. Claude Weill, whose authoritative work is often recalled in this paragraphe, does not wholly agree with Baron, rather insisting on the importance that Plekhanov attached to theoretical orthodoxy by itself [C. Weill, Marxistes russes et socialdemocratie allemande. 1898-1904, Paris, Maspero, 1977, p.105]. 25. Plekhanov had undoubtedly a special inclination for polemics. Osip went so far as to state that for Plekhanov it was a "cunning means of knowledge" [V.G. Osip, Gnoseologiceskie problemy gumanitarnykh nauk v teoreticeskom nasledii G.V. Plekhanova, Avtoreferat, Gorky 1979, p.12]. 26. A.M. Voden, 'Vospominanija. Besedy s Engels'om', in Russkie sovremenniki 0 K. Marx'e i F. Engels'e, M. 1969, pp.103-104. 27. E. Bernstein, 'Das realistische und das ideologische Moment im Sozialismus', Die Neue Zeit, JgXVI, Bd.n, p.226 note. 28. ADP, Fond N° 1093, Ed.khr. T.68, p.2. 29. On the relationship between Rosa Luxemburg and Plekhanov, see J.P. Netd, Rosa Luxemburg, London, Oxford U.P., 1966, passim, in particular v.I, pp.68-69. 30. Protokoll iiber die Verhandlungen des Parteitages der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands, abgehalten zu Stuttgart, vom 3. bis 8. Oktober 1898, Berlin, Vorwarts, 1898, p.130. Kautsky replied to Plekhanov's open letter with a short note: 'In eigener Sache', Die Neue Zeit, Jg.xvn, Bd.I, p.220. 31. Protokoll ... , pp.126-130; 132-135. 32. S.H. Baron, op.cit., pp.192-194. 33. R. Luxemburg, Briefe an Leon Jogisches, Frankfurt am Main, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1971, p.104. 34. Labriola to Kautsky, 8.X.1898, Kautsky NachlajJ, International Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, KD. 439, quoted in Bo Gustafsson, Marxismus und Revisionismus. Eduard Bernsteins Kritik des Marxismus und ihre ideen-geschichtlichen Voraussetzungen, Frankfurt am Main, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1972, v.n, pA22. 35. K Schmidt, 'Einige Bemerkungen tiber Plechanows letzten Artikel in der Neuen Zeit', Die Neue Zeit, J g.xvn, Bd.I, pp.324-334. On Plekhanov's judgement, see also his letter to Ljubov' Aksel'rod, 1898xn.15. 36. K Schmidt, 'Was ist Materialismus?', Die Neue Zeit, JgXVn, Bd.I, pp.697-698. 37. K. Kautsky, 'Bernstein und die materialistische 138 NOTES Geschichtsauffassung', Die Neue Zeit, Jg.XVIl, Bd.Il, ppA-16; 'Bernstein und die Dialektik', Die Neue Zeit, Jg.XVII, Bd.II, pp.36-50. 38. A. Nedow (A.M. Voden), 'Plechanow versus Ding an sich', Sozialistische Monatshefte, 1899, 3, pp.104-112; Chajm Schitlowsky, 'Die Polemik Plechanow contra Stern und Conrad Schmidt', Sozialistische Monatshefte, 1899, 5, pp.277-283; 6, pp.322-331. 39. Longuet probably meant the first version of Plekhanov's article 'Cant protiv Kanta iIi dukhovnoe zavescanie g. Bernstein'a', published after various re-writings in Zarja. [1901b] 40. E. Bernstein, Wie ist wissenschaftlicher Sozialismus moglich?, Berlin, Verlag der Sozialistischen Monatshefte, 1901. 41. See above, on Wilhelm Liebknecht's and Rosa Luxemburg's attitudes towards Plekhanov's positions. During the 1930's Soviet scholars blamed Plekhanov for having reduced his criticism of revisionism to an "academic dispute", by overemphasizing its philosophical aspects.
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