
1--Previously on Desperate Housewives《绝望主妇》前情提要 2--Turns out someone hurt her, I want them dead.有人伤害了她 我要他们死 3--Sometimes...有时 4--I'm running out of money.我快没钱花了 5--In a couple of weeks I'm gonna be screwed.再过几周 我就完蛋了 6--In that case, you might wanna think about looking for a job.这样的话 你该考虑找份工作 7--The answers...看似被解开的 8--If you could just tell me what he told you 能否告诉我他对你说了什么 9--and then I can fix the problem.我才能解决这个问题 10--I can't do that.我不能说 11--...to life's biggest questions...生命中最大的悬疑 12--I had the nightmare again.我又做恶梦了 13--What do you think the significance of the name Angela is?安吉拉这个名字有什么特殊意义吗 14--Actually, that's my real name.事实上 那是我的真名 15--...are buried...却埋藏于 16--She's not been dead a month 她去世还不到一个月 17--and it's like you've totally forgotten she never existed.你就好像已经把她忘得一干二净 18--...under even bigger lies.更大的谎言之中 19--Zach was telling Julie about what happened to Dana.扎克把丹娜的事告诉了朱莉 20--He didn't mean to kill Dana.他不是故意杀死丹娜的 21--Most mothers will tell you 多数母亲会告诉你 22--their children are a gift from god.她们的孩子是天赐的礼物 23--Most mothers will also tell you 多数母亲也会告诉你 24--that the gifts their children give them 孩子们送给她们的礼物 25--are less than heavenly.就差强人意了 26--Lynette had suffered through 勒奈特不幸收到过 27--artwork made in kindergarten...幼儿园时的图画作业 28--...spice racks made in summer camp...夏令营时做的调味栏 29--...and jewelry made at the scout jambore.以及童子军时做的项链 30--But this day...然而这一天 31--... received a gift 勒奈特·斯加沃收到一份 32--every mother dreams of.每个母亲都梦寐以求的礼物 33--One she wasn't embarrassed to display.一份她不会羞于展示的礼物 34--- Where did you guys get this pot? - We made it.-这花盆哪来的 -我们自己做的 35--Really? I love it.真的吗 我很喜欢 36--Well, this is the nicest present 这是你们送给我的 37--you boys have ever given me.最好的礼物 38--And you know what? I'm going to put it out on the front porch 我打算把它放在前廊 39--the whole neighborhood can enjoy it.让邻居们都能欣赏它 40--Lynette knew she'd cherish the memory of that moment 勒奈特知道 那一刻的回忆 41--for the rest of her life.她会珍惜一辈子 42--The memory of that moment was ruined the very next day.可第二天 那一刻的回忆就幻灭了 43--Mrs. Mccluskey, why are you taking my flower pot?麦克卢斯基太太 你干嘛拿走我的花盆 44--Because it's mine.因为这是我的 45--Your boys stole it off my porch.是你儿子从我家门廊上偷的 46--No, no, no. My sons made that for me for Valentine's Day!不不 这是我儿子给我的情人节礼物 47--I bought this in Costa Rica on my last cruise. You see?这是我上次坐游轮去哥斯达黎加买的 48--It's still got the price tag on it. Look.上面还有价签呢 瞧见没 49--What? Nothing more to say? Cat got your tongue?怎么不说话 哑口无言了吗 50--You listen to me, keep your brats off my property.听好了 让你家的淘气鬼离我的东西远点 51--Yes, most mothers will tell you 没错 多数母亲会告诉你 52--their children are a gift from god.她们的孩子是天赐的礼物 53--Most mothers will also tell you 多数母亲还会告诉你 54--there are some days when you wish you could return them.有时候 你真希望能把他们退回去 55--It was the day before Valentine's Day 情人节的前一天 56--and every man on 紫藤郡上的每个男人 57--was preparing for this most dangerous of holidays.都在为这一最可怕的节日作准备 58--While some purchased romantic cards...有人买了浪漫的卡片 59--...and some brought home candy and flowers...有人买了糖果和鲜花 60--and some made dinner reservations at fancy restaurants...有人在高级餐厅预订了晚餐 61--...others managed to forget about the day entirely... again.还有些人 再次完全忘记了这个日子 62--This flurry of activity was lost 这一仓促的行动 63--on the women of Wisteria Lane.并没影响到紫藤郡的女士们 64--They were busy learning a secret about their neighbors.她们正忙于探究邻居的秘密 65--A secret that was positively heartbreaking.一个十分令人揪心的秘密 66--So Paul said that Zachary killed Dana?保罗说是扎克杀了丹娜 67--Yeah.是啊 68--Well, it must have been an accident.那一定是意外 69--I mean, little boys don't just kill their baby sisters 小男孩怎么会杀害自己的妹妹呢 70--Well, whatever it was, that boy is seriously disturbed,无论真相如何 这孩子精神严重失常 71--and I've forbidden Julie from hanging out with him.我已经禁止朱莉跟他交往了 72--Could you hold her?帮我抱着她好吗 73--So this is it.原来如此 74--This is the secret that Mary Alice was trying to protect.这就是玛丽·艾莉丝一直试图隐瞒的秘密 75--Think of the guilt that she must have lived with.她肯定满怀愧疚 76--You know, I never thought I'd say this,我没想到我会这样说 77--but I kind of feel sorry for Paul.但我有点替保罗难过 78--I wish I could. I still feel like something's not right.我希望我也如此 可还是觉得不对劲 79--- What do you mean? - Well, we've all been in their house.-你什么意思 -我们都去过他们家 80--Have you ever seen a picture of another kid there?从没见过另一个孩子的照片吧 81--I mean, why keep Dana's baby blanket 为什么偏偏留着丹娜的婴儿毯 82--and throw out all the photos?却扔掉所有的照片呢 83--That's a good point.有道理 84--We never answered why did Mary Alice 我们还不知道为什么玛丽·艾莉丝 85--refer to herself as "Angela" in that therapy session?在治疗的时候自称"安吉拉" 86--All I know is this -- Mary Alice loved Zach 我只知道 玛丽·艾莉丝爱扎克 87--more than anything in the world.胜过这世上的一切 88--When you love a child that much...当你那么爱一个孩子 89--you're capable of doing all sorts of things.你什么都做得出来 90--Yeah.是啊 91--Hello? These were delivered to my house by mistake. May I?这些误送到我家 我就拿来了 92--They're for .是给玛丽·艾莉丝·杨的 93--Oh, my god.上帝 94--I, uh... had a standing order with the florist.我在花店签了长期订单 95--I... forgot to cancel it.忘记去取消了 96--Mary Alice was my wife.玛丽·艾莉丝是我妻子 97--She passed away a few months ago.她几个月前去世了 98--I'm very sorry for your loss.我感到很遗憾 99--And I'm sorry for yours.我也对你很遗憾 100--- Pardon? - Your sister? Martha?-什么 -我是说你妹妹 玛莎 101--Oh... Yes... Her.是啊 她 102--Good lord, that's Angela.天哪 那是安吉拉 103--What?什么 104--Angela Forrest. We worked together in Utah.安吉拉·福里斯特 我们在犹他州共事过 105--It must be 15 years ago.是 15 年前的事了 106--I'm afraid you're mistaken. My wife's name was Mary Alice.恐怕你弄错了 我妻子叫玛丽·艾 莉丝 107--She's... never been to Utah.她从没去过犹他州 108--Well, I could be mistaken.可能是我弄错了 109--As I said, it's... it's been years.如我所说 已经很多年了 110--No, Mickey, you're wrong. I wasn't acting like a diva.不 米琦 你错了 我没耍大牌 111--I left the boat show because 我从船展落跑是因为 112--that coordinator was making passes at me.调度员一直在调戏我 113--I mean, it's not my fault. Yao Lin, you missed a spot.错不在我 姚琳 那里漏擦了 114--No, spare me the lecture 别对我说教了 115--and just book me another job, quick.赶紧再帮我找份工作 116--Carlos and I are up to our asses in bills 卡洛斯和我债台高筑 117--and we can't pay 'em.我们快负担不起了 118--Fine. Bye.好吧 再见 119--[中文] 120--- What did you say? - Nothing.-你说什么 -没什么 121--Are you going to clean that spot?你打算把那里擦干净吗 122--- Which one? - The one I told you to clean.-哪里 -我让你擦的地方 123--I'll get to it.我会擦的 124--Clean it now.现在就擦 125--- Why? - Because I said so.-为什么 -因为是我说的 126--Ok. But you got to say please.也行 但你得说请 127--Fine. Please.好 请 128--Anything to get you back on your knees 只要能让你乖乖地 129--scrubbing where you belong.跪下去擦就行 130--- You're not better than me. - Excuse me?-你也不比我高贵 -什么 131--The only reason you have anything 你在生活中得到的一切 132--in your life is because you're pretty.只是因为你漂亮 133--One day you'll be old 总有一天 你会变老 134--and when that happens, you'll be nothing.等到那时 你将一无所有 135--You are so fired.你被炒了 136--No kidding.别反悔 137--Ooh, Valentine's Day card. It's pretty.情人节卡片 真漂亮 138--And meticulously hand-painted.而且是细致的手绘图 139--Whoever sent you that must really love you.看来送你卡的人一定很爱你 140--- And be loaded with talent. - It's beautiful. Thanks.-而且才华横溢 -很漂亮 谢谢 141--So are we still on for tomorrow night?我们今晚的约会还算数吗 142--Oh, not only are we on,岂止算数 143--I got reservations at Le Petit Fleur.我在佩蒂弗勒餐厅订了位 144--Ooh, that place is so pretentious.那里太高档了 145--I've been dying to go there.我一直想去来着 146--Boys? Get your little fannies inside.孩子们 全部给我进来 147--Guys?孩子们 148--Oh, poor, Lynette. If she doesn't get a new nanny soon,可怜的勒奈特 要是她再找不到保姆 149--- She's gonna implode. - Shh.-她会崩溃的 -嘘 150--Hey, guys. Who you hiding from?孩子们 你们在躲谁 151--- Our mom. - She wants to spank us.-我们的妈妈 -她要打我们 152--Why, did you do something bad?你们做了什么坏事吗 153--Well, if you hide out too long, she'll get worried.如果你们躲太久 她会担心的 154--Then she'll get madder.那时她会更生气 155--You know what I say? Go on home. Take your lumps.明白吗 赶紧回家 156--There's a decent chance you'll have the rest of day to play.这样至少今天剩下的时间你们还能 玩一会 157--Come on, climb aboard.来 爬上来 158--- Pretty impressive. - Well, I love kids.-干得好 -我喜欢孩子 159--Can't wait to have my own some day.真希望将来能有自己的孩子 160--We don't want to get spanked.我们不想挨打 161--Yeah, we promise we'll be good.我们保证会乖的 162--Too late. You stole. And then you lied.太晚了 你们偷东西 还撒谎 163--Even worse,更糟的是 164--you made me look bad in front of Mrs. Mccluskey,你们让我在麦克卢斯基太太面前难堪 165--who you know is mommy's sworn enemy.你们明知道她是我的宿敌 166--Time to pick your poison.该选工具了 167--How about a belt? It's a classic.皮带怎么样 挺传统的 168--Well, we could go with the old hickory stick.我们可以用山胡桃树枝 169--It's a clich 虽然干枯了 170--but it's pretty effective.但很管用 171--I know. We'll go with the spatula.我们可以用锅铲 172--The holes give it less wind resistance.上面的洞能减少空气阻力 173--Moves faster.快速有效 174--No! No, no, no, no.别 别 别 别 175--Guys! Hey, my hands are tied.孩子们 听着 我已经束手无策了 176--Thieves get spanked.偷东西就要挨打 177--Just the way it works.这是常理 178--- Unless... - Unless what?-除非 -除非怎样 179--For a first time offence, if you swear,鉴于是初犯 如果你们发誓 180--cross your heart, that you will never, never steal again,保证你们以后再也不偷东西了 181--and you write Mrs. Mccluskey a letter of apology,并给麦克卢斯基太太写封道歉信 182--I will let it slide.我就饶了你们 183--- Ok! - Yeah! We swear.-行 -好 我们发誓 184--All right,好吧 185--start with "Dear Mrs. Mccluskey..."就以"亲爱的麦克卢斯基太太"开头 186--Mommy? Why are you smiling?妈妈 你笑什么 187--Do you know what "psychological warfare" means?知道什么叫做心理战吗 188--- No. - Well, too bad for you.-不知道 -那真是可惜 189--Ok, start with a big "m", "c"...写吧 先是大写 m 然后 c 190--Good.非常好 191--Rex and I are hosting a dinner party for ten next week.雷克斯和我打算下周办个十周年婚庆派 对 192--We're using our best china 我们要用上最好的瓷器 193--and serving duck.并以鸭子为主菜 194--So, you and Rex are a couple again?那么 你和雷克斯复合了 195--Yes. You know, that's one of things 是的 你知道吗 如果我们分开 196--I hated most about our separation,最令我反感的事情 197--not being able to throw dinner parties.就是不能举行派对晚会 198--There's just something so civilized and elegant about them,这其中有一些文明又优雅的东西 199--don't you think?你不这样认为吗 200--I take it you've resolved your feelings about his infidelity?我还以为你克服了对他不忠的反感 201--Let's just say 这样说吧 202--I've put them in an imaginary box 我把它们锁进一个虚构的盒子里 203--and don't plan on looking at them for a while.并暂时不去看它们 204--Do you think that it is the healthiest way 你认为这个和解的方式 205--to achieve a reconciliation?健康吗 206--Well, it won't be easy at first.刚开始也不容易 207--There'll be a lot of forced smiles 你不得不强颜欢笑 208--and perfunctory love-making,敷衍了事满足对方的性需求 209--but after a few decades whiz by,但是几十年后 210--I'm sure I'll find a way to forgive him.我确信自己会找到一种方式原谅他 211--Well, as long as you have a plan.既然你有这个计划 212--I do want to forgive him, Dr. Goldfine.我真心想原谅他 高德芬博士 213--but... there's something he's still not telling me.但是 他似乎还有事瞒着我 214--Really?真的吗 215--I think it has something to do with why he had the affair.我想那和他发生婚外情的原因有关 216--- Have you confronted him? - Once.-你跟他谈过这个问题吗 -谈过一次 217--You should have seen the look in his eyes.你真应该看看他当时的眼神 218--He was terrified I'd figure it out.他很怕我知道 219--You know what it is, don't you?你知道他在隐瞒什么 对吧 220--Bree, I can't discuss other patients.布里 我不能与你谈论其他病人 221--I realize that.我知道 222--This thing that he's hiding... Is it bad?他瞒着我的事 很龌龊吗 223--Oh, ok, um... Uh...好吧 算了 224--Maybe it's better that I don't know.也许我还是不知道为妙 225--Bree, how does this reconciliation have a chance 布里 如果你们俩都不愿意 226--if the two of you can't be honest 向对方坦诚自己内心最深处的部分 227--about the innermost parts of your lives?你们复合的机会很渺茫 228--We're, um... W.A.S.P. S, Dr. Goldfine.我们是欧裔新教徒[上流社会] 高德芬博士 229--Not acknowledging the elephant in the room 佯装视而不见 230--is what we do best.是我们最擅长的 231--You'd settle for that?你们决定这样做了吗 232--A life filled with repression and denial?选择充满压抑和猜忌的生活 233--And the dinner parties. Don't forget the dinner parties.至少还有派对晚会 可别忘了 234--And, uh, over there you got your Queens and, uh...在那边你能看到皇后系列 235--your Quad spring series,舒适新春系列 236--and your Deluxe 1000s,还有奢华 1000 系列 237--all the way to the imperial paradise. Sweet racket, huh?直通睡眠的尊享乐园 这工作不错吧 238--I swear sometimes I wake up in the morning 有时候我早晨醒来 239--and I can't believe I'm the Siesta king.简直不敢相信自己成了午睡国王 240--Except for how I am.甚至不知道是怎么当上的 241--Very impressive.很动人 242--So, where does the photographer want me for the shoot?那么 摄影师要我在哪里拍照 243--Uh, didn't your agent tell you? There's no shoot.你的经纪人没有告诉你么 不用拍照 244--Well, then what did you hire me for?那你雇我做什么 245--You've heard the expression "sex sells"?你听说过"美女促销"吗 246--That's why you are coming.那就是你的工作 247--You're here to remind people 你要使人们联想到 248--there's a lot of fun things they can do on a Siesta King mattress 除了睡觉 在一张午睡国王床 垫上 249--that don't involve sleep. Get it?还有许多愉悦的事情可以做 懂吗 250--It is often said that good fences make good neighbors.常言道 篱笆扎得牢 邻居处得好 251--But as Lynette was about to discover,但是 勒奈特却发现 252--the fence might just need a little barbed wire 如果和麦克卢斯基太太毗邻 253--if the neighbor is Mrs. Mccluskey.篱笆还需要装上铁丝网 254--What do you think you are doing? Get out of here.你在干什么 快出去 255--Your little criminals snuck into my house 你家的小贼潜入我家 256--and stole my wall clock.把我的挂钟偷走了 257--What?什么 258--It was a hand-painted, purple and white wall clock.一只手工涂漆 紫色白色相间的挂钟 259--My son made it.是我儿子亲手做的 260--You sure you didn't misplace it? You are getting up in years.你确定不是你乱放 毕竟你上了年 纪 261--No offence,我无意冒犯 262--but you probably forget where you put things.可能是你不记得把它放在哪了 263--No offence, but you should be sterilized.我也无意冒犯 但你最好别再生孩子了 264--Look! My boys do not break into people's houses.听着 我的孩子没有闯进别人家里 265--Sure, they may have stolen your flowerpot.当然 他们也许偷了你一盆花 266--But you know they apologized for that.可他们已经道过歉了 267--They wrote a note.他们只是写了张纸条 268--That's the coward's way out.这是懦夫的做法 269--They should come over and apologize in person.他们应该当面道歉 270--You know what? This has been fun. But now...这听上去真是滑稽 但现在... 271--You let those boys run wild.你的放任自流导致你的孩子到处撒野 272--Toys all over the yard, bikes out in the street.玩具扔得满院子 自行车随便停在街上 273--It's a disgrace.真丢人 274--Get out of my house!你给我出去 275--Those boys would've been better off raised by wolves.你儿子被狼抚养也比现在好 276--God knows they would have been cleaner.也许他们还会干净点 277--Valentine's Day is tomorrow.明天是情人节 278--I know. I already bought your gifts.我知道 我给你买好礼物了 279--Roses and English toffee?玫瑰和英式太妃糖吗 280--Mm-hm. Just like always.是的 同往常一样 281--Yes. And I suppose we'll make love tomorrow night, too.是啊 我们明晚可能还会做爱 282--That is our little tradition.我们的小惯例 283--Good. I'm looking forward to it.真好 我很期待 284--Are you looking forward to it?你呢 285--What?什么 286--Well, just that I know that I don't...我知道我不能满足你这方面的需求 287--Please you sexually, so I was wondering 所以就房事而言 我想知道 288--if you really were looking forward to being with me.你是否真的期待和我做爱 289--Oh, for god's sake.拜托 别这样 290--I'm sorry. Rex.抱歉 雷克斯 291--I thought I could pretend that this doesn't upset me anymore.我以为我可以假装不为此事心烦 意乱 292--- But I can't. - Please, don't do this.-可我做不到 -我求你了 别这样 293--You had an affair, you went to another woman for sex 你搞外遇 和另一个女人上床 294--to give you something I couldn't.以寻求我不能满足你的需求 295--At least tell me what that something is.至少你该告诉我你到底需要什么 296--- Bree, I can't. - Why not?-布里 我不能告诉你 -为什么 297--Rex, please tell me.雷克斯 求你告诉我 298--Let me prove to you how much I love you.让我证明给你看 我有多爱你 299--I like to be dominated.我喜欢被征服 300--Huh?什么 301--Sexually.就房事而言 302--- Huh? - Never mind.-什么 -还是算了吧 303--Rex, please, I want to understand.雷克斯 告诉我 我想了解 304--Mistress, no.夫人 不要 305--- Quiet, slave. - Yes, mistress.-给我安静点 -是 夫人 306--- Turn your head. Don't look at me. - Mistress...-转过头去 别看我 -夫人 307--On your knees, now. Right now. Tighten your cuff.给我跪下 立刻 戴上手铐 308--- Yes, mistress. - Do it now. Head down.-是 夫人 -给我低下头去 309--Ow, yes, ow. Yes.是 是 310--Put it in your mouth.把它放到嘴里 311--Yes, mistress, yes 是 夫人 遵命 312--Well?就是这样 313--- What the hell did your mother do to you? - What?-你妈妈到底对你做了什么 -什么 314--This just reeks of unresolved childhood trauma.这是孩童时代未抚平的创伤造成的后遗症 315--It has nothing to do with my mother.这和我妈妈没有关系 316--Bree, this is a preference.布里 这只是个人偏好问题 317--It's a perversion.这简直是性变态 318--For god's sake. You promised to be supportive.老天 你说过你会帮我的 319--What do you want me to say?那你想让我说什么 320--My husband wears metal clamps 我丈夫喜欢在他的乳头上 321--around his nipples, hooray?戴着铁夹子 万岁 322--I want you to try it. Just... just once.我想让你试试 就一次 323--Try what? Hurting you? You actually want me to hurt you?试什么 打你吗 你真的想让我打 你 324--So, I can feel pleasure, yes.那样我才能获得快感 325--Fine.好吧 326--So, was it good for you, too?这样你也会有快感 是吧 327--Mike wants babies.麦克想要孩子 328--- What? - He wants to have kids.-你说什么 -他想要孩子 329--He had that look men get that says,他用一副男人常有的神情说着 330--"I'm ready to procreate,"我做好了生育的准备 331--point me to the nearest cervix".把我带到最近的子宫去吧" 332--And this is a problem?这有问题吗 333--Oh, I can't have another baby.我不可能再生一个孩子的 334--I'm so grateful I had you,有了你我感天动地 335--I don't regret a minute of that.我从未后悔过 336--But I... found it to be completely overwhelming.但是 生孩子对我来说太可怕了 337--Sometimes I even wonder how I got through it.有时我甚至怀疑当初是怎么熬过来的 338--You and me both.我也怀疑 339--So, have you told Mike how you feel?你没告诉麦克你的想法吗 340--Oh, I can't tell him. This could be a deal-breaker.我不能说 那样我们就完了 341--Julie, I really love him. I don't want to lose him.朱莉 我真的很爱他 不想失去他 342--Maybe you're overreacting.也许你是杞人忧天 343--I bet he'd rather have you than a baby.我确信他更愿意要你而不是孩子 344--What if he doesn't?万一不是呢 345--Then that's something you need to know.那你也有必要知道这一点 346--Susan shouldn't have been so worried.苏珊大可不必如此烦恼 347--Children were the last thing on Mike's mind.麦克压根就没考虑孩子的事 348--He was too busy searching for answers 他正忙着寻找答案 349--in all the wrong places.却没找对地方 350--Please, just...拜托 我只是 351--You got lucky. Didn't hit anything major.你真走运 没伤到要害 352--Noah's getting impatient.诺亚有点不耐烦了 353--You can tell Noah I'm getting closer.告诉他就快了 354--- That's her, isn't it? - Yeah.-就是她吗 -是 355--Hard to believe 真是难以置信 356--a kid from such a good family could get so messed up.一个良家闺秀竟然落得此下场 357--I met somebody who recognized her photo.我遇到一个能认出她的人 358--Thinks she rented a room on Pine Avenue.看来她在松树大道租过房 359--I was checking out houses when...当时我正在检查房子 360--Hey, Mike, it's me. Are you there? Pick up. Hello?麦克 是我 你在吗 接电话 361--Ok, I know you're home. Your lights are on.我知道你在家 你的灯亮着呢 362--Look, I really need to talk to you about something.我确实有事要对你说 363--You know what? I'll just gonna stop by.要不我过来一下吧 364--I'm here. Ow!我在呢 365--- Are you ok? - Yeah.-你还好吧 -是啊 366--Yeah, I just, uh... stubbed my toe.只是 磕到脚趾了 367--So, can I come over?我可以过来吗 368--I really need to talk to you about something.有事想跟你商量 369--Actually I got a buddy over here right now, um...现在有朋友来我家作客 370--Can you wait till dinner tomorrow?明天吃饭时再说好吗 371--It's... kind of important.这事有点重要 372--Um... Yeah, I guess I can wait.也行 等明天再说吧 373--- Ok, see you at seven? - I'm counting the minutes.-好 明天 7 点见 -我都等不及了 374--You should take it easy for the next few days.接下来几天你得好好休息 375--I can't cancel.我没法取消 376--The last thing I need is for her to get suspicious.我最不愿意的就是让她起疑心 377--Maybe it's my dementia,莫非我真的老年痴呆了 378--but I still haven't found my purple wall clock.怎么老是找不着我紫色的挂钟 379--Nobody in my family knows or cares 我们家没人知道也没人在乎 380--where your stupid clock is.你那傻兮兮的钟在哪 381--And by the way, would you tell your little criminals 顺便 叫你家的小罪犯 382--to get their bikes out of the street.把自行车从街上搬走 383--- Oh, I'll get it. - No. Don't you dare.-我去搬 -你敢 别去 384--We'll move it when you say please.你说"请"我们就搬开它 385--Please.请 386--Ok, Ly... Ly... Lynette... Let's not get crazy.好了 勒奈特 冷静 387--Even though it was Mrs. Mccluskey 虽说是麦克卢斯基太太 388--who had officially declared war,率先挑起的战争 389--it was Lynette who decided to deliver the opening salvo.不过打响第一枪的却是勒奈特 390--- You'll clean that up! - Think so?-你得把它擦干净 -想得美 391--Yes.是的 392--Yes, the war of Wisteria Lane 没错 凡是卷入紫藤郡战争的人们 393--would indeed prove to be messy for everyone involved.注定会一团乱麻 394--Pardon me? Pardon me?请问 请问 395--We were wondering what the coil count is on this one.我们想知道这床垫有几层垫圈 396--[别问模特] 397--Oh. Sorry.对不起 398--What is this?这是什么 399--People keep coming and talking to me, asking me questions.人们老是来跟我问这问那的 400--That is not my job.那又不是我的工作 401--Well, you don't have to be rude.那你也不能这么无礼 402--I am not a mattress salesperson.我又不是卖床垫的 403--Is there something wrong with being a mattress salesperson?卖床垫的怎么着了 404--Is it beneath you or something?不如你还是怎样 405--Honestly? Yes. I'm a model.要我说实话吗 是的 我是模特 406--You know what, your agent warned me that you were a diva.你的经纪人警告我你喜欢耍大牌 407--And he was right.他真说对了 408--You won't talk to the customers, you bitch about coffee,你不跟顾客说话 抱怨咖啡难喝 409--and you wouldn't even chip in for Hazel's birthday cake.甚至不愿意为海兹尔的生日蛋糕凑份 子 410--I just met the woman today.我今天刚认识这女人 411--That didn't stop you from having a piece.那也不妨碍你来吃一块 412--I'm sorry.抱歉了 413--But I don't want someone around my store that's not a team player.可我不喜欢店里有人不合群 414--- Oh, no. Wait. - You're fired, princess.-不 等等 -你被解雇了 公主 415--No...不 416--I need to know if my policy covers it.我想知道我的保险单有没有包括这个 417--No, my car actually wasn't involved.不 不是我的车 418--It was my neighbor's car... but the egg was mine.是我邻居的车 但那些蛋是我的 419--Aha. Well, can I speak to your supervisor?能跟你的主管谈谈吗 420--Honey? Can you come out here?宝贝 出来一下好吗 421--What?干吗 422--Look what I found stashed in the boys' playhouse.看看我在孩子们的游戏屋找到了什么 423--Please tell me that's not a purple wall clock.请告诉我那不是个紫色的挂钟 424--Pack your bags, we're moving.收拾行李 我们搬家吧 425--Discouraged over losing her job,丢了工作后 加布丽尔情绪低落 426--Gabrielle decided a makeover 打算改个新造型 427--would be the perfect cure for her depression.来调整心情 428--It was after finding a moisturizer she couldn't afford 当发现她连一款保湿霜也买不起时 429--that it finally occurred to Gabrielle...她终于认识到 430--[招聘员工] 431--...perhaps it was her pride that needed a makeover.也许该调整的是自尊心 432--Excuse me, Miss?对不起 小姐 433--You forgot to give me my receipt.你忘了给我收据 434--Oh. Right. Uh, oh... here.对 在这 435--Here we go. Thank you. Come again.给您 谢谢 欢迎再来 436--Mrs. Solis?索利斯夫人 437--Oh, god...上帝 438--Hello.你好 439--Hello, Yao Lin.你好 姚琳 440--- How are you? - Good. Very good.-你过得怎样 -很好 好极了 441--I wanted to call you.我本想给你打电话 442--I felt terrible about how we left things.对我们上次的事感到很抱歉 443--- I need lipstick. - Ok, but...-我要买唇膏 -好的 但是 444--Now.现在就要 445--You must be loving this. Huh?你一定窃喜万分吧 446--Having me serve you must be a dream come true.让我为你服务 你梦想成真了 447--Can't complain.好得没话说 448--That's the difference between you and me,那就是你和我的区别 449--Yao Lin, our dreams.姚琳 我们梦想不一样 450--Close your eyes, please.请闭上眼睛 451--Thank you.谢谢 452--You see, I dreamed of 你瞧 我梦想着 453--pulling myself up from nothing, and I did.从一无所有到自立自强 我做到了 454--I dreamed about things I wanted, and I got them all.我所追求的梦想 全都实现了 455--A high powered career, a handsome husband,成功的事业 英俊的丈夫 456--an extravagant house.豪华的房子 457--So this is just a blip on the radar for me.这不过是我生活中的一段小插曲 458--Because now I know what I'm capable of.我知道自己能够克服 459--And if I did it once, I can do it again.以前做得到 现在也行 460--I'm never really down, Yao Lin.我永远不会被真正打垮 姚琳 461--Even when it looks like I am.虽然看起来我好像不行了 462--So, enjoy this moment, enjoy your dream.所以享受这一刻吧 享受你的梦 463--'cause for you, it doesn't get any better than this.对你来说 你的梦也就到此为止了 464--There. Don't you look beautiful?好了 看起来漂亮吧 465--Right this way.这边请 466--- Everything ok? - This dress is just riding up.-没事吧 -这裙子有点往上缩 467--If I walk any faster,只要我稍微走快点 468--it'll be happy Valentine's Day for everyone.大家都会有个格外快乐的情人节 469--Especially me.特别是我 470--Thank you.谢谢 471--Excuse me, Miss?对不起 小姐 472--I'm so sorry! Is... is everyone ok?真抱歉 大家都还好吧 473--Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.谢谢 非常感谢 474--- Oh, ma'am, your napkin. - Don't even think about it.-女士 你的餐巾 -我自己来 475--Oh... It's so wonderful, what you wrote. Thank you.写得真好 谢谢你 476--Ok, I'm not gonna be any type of company 除非我心头的大石卸下 477--until I get something off of my chest.否则我们没法再来往了 478--Do you remember the other day 你还记得那天 479--when you said that you wanted to have kids?你说想要孩子吗 480--Here's the thing.这就是了 481--I don't think I'm ready to have another baby.我还没准备好再要一个孩子 482--I think we need to have a serious conversation.我想我们得好好谈谈 483--Uh... sure.没问题 484--- I'm not going over there. - Yes, you are.-我不去 -不 你要去 485--No. I can deal with the humiliation of 不 我能忍受挨家挨户 486--boring around returning everything the boys stole,归还孩子们偷的东西的耻辱 487--but please, don't make me apologize to that woman.但是请你千万别让我向她道歉 488--This is being a good neighbor.这就是做个好邻居的真谛 489--Finding ways of getting along 努力做到和睦相处 490--instead of, you know, hurling an egg at them.而不是朝对方扔鸡蛋 491--Why don't I have to apologize?我干吗非得道歉 492--Why don't we just go,为什么不干脆走过去 493--"Now we're even", and start from scratch?说声"我们扯平了" 然后从头开始 494--If the "pleasant human being" argument doesn't fly,看来"做个好人"的说法不能打动你 495--we'll try self-preservation.不如从自我保护的角度来看 496--What if she wakes up, the house is on fire.要是她醒来看到咱们房子着火了 497--You don't want her to call 911?你不想让她打 911 吗 498--If our house catches fire,要是咱家着火了 499--I guarantee she's the one that started it.我打赌就是她放的 500--Ok, my point is, the day will come when we need her help.风水轮流转 我们总有求她的时候 501--And I don't want her not to help us 我可不想她到时候 502--just because of some silly feud.因为些鸡毛蒜皮而拒绝我们 503--- Fine. I'll do it. - Wow. Thank you.-好吧 我去 -谢谢你 504--You know, whomever came up with model "love thy neighbor"提出"和邻居相亲相爱"标语的人 505--clearly live nowhere near Karen Mccluskey.肯定住得离凯伦·麦克卢斯基八杆子远 506--Yes, well, on Valentine's Day,但在情人节 507--the only motto that really matters is, you know,头等重要的标语是 508--"love thy husband"."和丈夫相亲相爱" 509--Really? I recall no such motto.真的吗 我可不记得有这个标语 510--I understand why you would want to have kids,我理解你为什么想要孩子 511--but that chapter in my life is just closed.但我生命中的这一章已经完结了 512--I don't think I can go back there.我觉得不会再重演了 513--And so, you know, given the way I feel 所以 就我的想法 514--and given the way I think you feel...和我所揣测你的想法来说 515--Oh, god. You're not taking this well.天哪 你果然无法接受 516--Well. Oh, I was afraid of this.我就怕这样 517--What?怎么 518--I gotta go.我得走了 519--What?什么 520--I'm sorry.抱歉 521--I don't believe this. You're leaving without even 难以置信 你甚至都不试着 522--trying to talk me into having your baby?劝劝我要孩子就走了吗 523--I mean. How do you know I wouldn't cave?你怎么确定我不会让步呢 524--I always cave. I...我很容易让步的 525--Mike?麦克 526--- Good night. - Night.-晚安 -安 527--So, how does this... domination thing work?跟我说说 这是怎么个征服法 528--So there's nothing to be afraid of.其实没什么可担心的 529--Mostly, we'll just be constructing simple scenarios 我们不过要设计个小情境 530--and acting them out.然后演出来 531--So, it's like we're in a little play.就好象演短剧 532--Sort of.差不多吧 533--And if things get too rough, we'll have a control word.我们得想个口令 以防场面失控 534--If one of us says it, the other backs off immediately.无论谁说了这词 对方立即停止 535--Ok. So what's our control word?好的 那我们的口令是什么呢 536--Well, lately I've been using "Philadelphia".最近我都在用"费城" 537--What's wrong?有问题吗 538--It's that my Aunt Fern lives in philadelphia.弗恩姨妈住在费城 539--I don't want to think about her,我不想在用皮鞭抽你时 540--while I'm spanking you with a leather strap.联想到她 541--Ok. Fine. You pick a control word.好吧 你来选词 542--Um... How about "Boise"?不如用 博伊西[爱达荷州首府] 543--- "Boise"? - What's the matter with "Boise"?-博伊西 -博伊西不行吗 544--We're gonna be doing psychological role-playing here,我们要做的是精神层面的角色扮演 545--Bree, and a funny word like "Boise" will ruin the mood.布里 博伊西这么搞笑的词会破坏气氛 546--We need something that sounds serious.我们得找个听起来严肃点的词 547--Hm. How about "Palestine"?那巴勒斯坦怎么样 548--"Boise" will be just fine.还是博伊西好了 549--So, I guess we should, uh... get started.那我们就开始吧 550--What do you want me to do?你要我怎么做 551--Handcuff me to the bed.把我铐在床上 552--Bree, you are not gonna regret taking this journey with me.布里 这次经历肯定让你永生难忘 553--This is gonna infuse our marriage with 它会给我们的婚姻注入 554--more passion than you can imagine.超乎想象的激情 555--You just have to trust me.只要你相信我 556--I do.我相信 557--Would you mind if I ran these through the dishwasher once?介意我把这些用洗碗机洗一下吗 558--Sure.没问题 559--You can wait here.你在这等吧 560--You can see him as soon as the doctor's finished.医生出来你就可以去看他 561--Oh, ok. Thanks.好的 谢谢 562--Can you believe that story?他说的你信吗 563--Please. There is no way that gunshot wound was self-inflicted.得了吧 那枪伤不可能是自己弄 的 564--And he can't remember who stitched him up.他连谁帮他缝伤口也想不起来 565--Well, the police are on their way to talk to him.警察就要来盘问他了 566--Let them sort it out.让他们解决吧 567--Sorry about ruining dinner.抱歉 我搞砸了晚餐 568--Oh, please, I'm just glad you're ok.别这么说 你没事就好 569--So, you shot yourself?是你射伤了自己吗 570--Pretty lame, huh?很假 是吧 571--Yeah, I was cleaning my automatic 我当时在洗车 572--and was too embarrassed to tell you.不好意思告诉你 573--Well, I could see why you would be.我明白你为什么不好意思 574--I know it sounds crazy, I just...我知道听起来很不现实 只是... 575--I couldn't let myself ruin your Valentine's Day.我不允许自己毁了你的情人节 576--But I heard what you said at the restaurant.但是我听到你在餐厅说的了 577--About not wanting kids.关于不想要孩子 578--We don't have to talk about that right now.不是说这事的时候 579--No, Susan.不 苏珊 580--I just want to be with you above everything else.我只想和你在一起 581--If that means not being a dad...如果那意味着不能当父亲 582--I may be stupid enough to shoot myself,或许我会蠢到射伤自己 583--but I'm not stupid enough to walk away from you.但还没蠢到要离开你 584--You know that, right?你知道的 对吗 585--Yeah.当然 586--I'm gonna go outside and let you rest for a while.我不打扰你了 好好休息 587--Thanks... for being so understanding.谢谢你这么善解人意 588--Ma'am.女士 589--Mr. Delfino?德尔非诺先生吗 590--I'm officer Russell, this is officer Walters.我是罗素探员 这是沃尔特斯探员 591--Uh, we'd like to ask you a few questions.我们有点问题要问你 592--What do you want?你们想干吗 593--The boys have something they'd like to say to you.孩子们有话对你说 594--I have some tea heating on the stove.我炉子上还热着茶 595--Perhaps you'd better come inside, boys.还是进来说吧 小子们 596--What about you, Lynette? Do you have anything to say?你呢 勒奈特 有话要说吗 597--No. I'll just wait out here.没有 我就在这等着好了 598--Suit yourself.随便吧 599--You boys want some peanut brittle?你们想来点花生脆糖吗 600--Go ahead.拿吧 601--Don't get any crumbs on my floor. Move over.别把渣子掉在地上 挪过去 602--Ok, go ahead. Make with the apology.好了 开始道歉吧 603--We're sorry.我们很抱歉 604--That's it, huh? Didn't you know stealing is wrong?就这样吗 你们不知道偷窃是不对的吗 605--- How old are you anyway? - We're six.-你们多大了 -我们六岁了 606--- And how old are you? - Five.-你呢 -五岁 607--Boy, your mother just pops them out, doesn't she?你们的妈只负责把你们生出来 对吧 608--How old are you?你多大了 609--- How old do you think? - 150.-你觉得呢 -150 岁 610--Hurry up and eat your peanut brittle.快吃你们的花生脆糖吧 611--Who's that?那是谁 612--That's my little boy.我的宝贝儿子 613--Where does he live?他在哪呢 614--- He died when he was 12. - How come?-他 12 岁就死了 -为什么 615--He got sick. He was a little terror like you three.病死的 他当时和你们仨一样调皮 616--You would've liked him.你们本来能玩到一起的 617--Now, you done with the peanut brittle?糖吃完了吗 618--Let's go.走吧 619--Now, I wanna say something to you before you go.另外 我得告诉你们 620--What you did was wrong,你们的行为是错误的 621--but it's nice you got a present 但送妈妈一个情人节礼物 622--for your mom for Valentine's Day.这想法是好的 623--Nobody's ever gonna love you like your mother.没人比你们的妈妈更爱你们 624--All right, let's go.好啦 走吧 625--Get the hell out of my house.快离开我家 626--In her heart, Lynette knew she would 内心深处 勒奈特知道 627--probably never love her neighbor,她或许永远不会喜欢这个邻居 628--never realizing love was the one thing 永远也不会发现 629--she and her neighbor had in common.爱是她和她的邻居共有的 630--Hey, Lynette.勒奈特 631--What's wrong?出什么事了吗 632--My kids have been on a thieving jag.我的孩子染上了偷窃的毛病 633--Stealing stuff around the neighborhood.从邻居那偷东西 634--I'm so sorry.我很抱歉 635--I know. They're being punished.我知道 他们在接受惩罚 636--Probably for life.可能会被罚上一辈子 637--But... I needed you to see something.但是我得给你看样东西 638--They said they stole it from Mike's garage.他们说是在麦克的车库里偷来的 639--From inside his workbench.从他工具箱里 640--Your Mike.你的麦克 641--- So? - Read the engraving.-所以呢 -看看上面刻的字 642--[玛莎·胡博] 643--- Is that blood? - I don't know.-是血吗 -不知道 644--What... what does this mean?这意味着什么 645--I don't know.不知道 646--It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is.爱情的力量超乎寻常 647--It can sustain us through trying times...它能支撑我们度过艰辛 648--...Or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices.或是鼓励我们无私奉献 649--It can force decent men to commit the darkest deeds.能驱使高尚的男人作出邪恶的事情 650--Or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths.也能逼迫寻常的女人去搜寻隐藏的真 相 651--And long after we're gone,并且就算我们与世长辞 652--love remains, burned into our memories.真爱仍会永存 铭刻心田 653--We all search for love.每个人都在找寻真爱 654--But some of us,但有的人 655--after we've found it,得到之后 656--wish we hadn't.却后悔不已