Trouble with Tito? We Asked for It

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Trouble with Tito? We Asked for It ,. 28 0 HLET OfflCE out blow. So they decided to strike with nists masters of Serbia. And the new all their might. masters proceeded to execute anti-Com­ ------------++------------ As Hitler was annihilating Serbs In munist Serb leaders. foul prisons, the Croatian partisan chiefs In 1389 the Moslem Turks crushed the and Serb Communist comrades decided Serbs at the battle of Kossovo, but the to liquidate those still resisting In Serbia. Serbs never ceased to sing of liberty and Tito directed practically all his military first of all the Balkan peoples rose in efforts, not against the Germans, but revolution against their masters from against the Serbs. In the carrying out Asia. That was in 1804 and for 120 years of this plot, Tito won the support of Brit­ they kept up that fight to free and unite the Serbs. They played a leading role Trouble With Tito? ain and to a certain extent of America. Every day and night the British radio in the destruction of the Sultanic and urged the Serbs to join Tito. For Tito, Hapsburg Empires. America airmen twice bombed Belgrade, They made their whole national life for killing a few Germans and thousands of half a millenium center about the recti­ Serbs. We even outdid the Nazis in kill­ fication of the Kossovo catastrophe. Now We Asked for It ing Serb civilians-for Tito. Also, for the Serbs say that in 1944 they went him we bombed other Serb towns, killing through another Kossovo, infticted not almost exclusively Serb civilians, and the by hostile invaders only, but also by their British radio exultantly announced that allies, their Croat fellow citizens and Serb we were doing it for Tito. We publicly Communists. And in their hearts the revelled in killing Serbs for Tito. Serbs add that this blow was deliberately inflicted, as 150,000 of their soldiers were The British and Americans collected held in Nazi dungeons. -----------++----------- food, clothes, and weapons for Tito's If the Serbs did not foret the old Kos­ men. They €Ven went in as missionaries sovo, will they forget .the new? Did the to urge the simple Serb peasants to join Jews in Babylon forget Jerusalem? Tito. And to top it all they got the Ser­ Would a Texan forget such a plot? Or bian King to order h!s Serbian Nation to any man who cherished loyalty to his join Tito. nation? The Croatians, Bulgarians, Speech of It is well for us to recall the dramatic Macedonians, and Serb Communists may situation, as that plot to crush Serbia continue their unified action for some was being carried out by Croatians, Serb ti!lle . and keep the Serbs down. But Communists, and the great allies. Every those men and women of the Shumadian Hon. Alvin E. O'Konski few hours Moscow and London urged the Mountains will sing of that 1944 plot in Serbs to give way. As 150,000 Serb sol­ a thousand new folk songs. They will tell of Wisconsin diers languished in German prison hells stories of it in a thousand dingy inns. for having dared fight on the side of Priests will tell worshippers of it in all in the England, the British Brnadcasting Corp. the village churches. Mothers will con­ denounced as traitors their fathers and secrate their boy babies at baptism to House of Representatives brothers who dared oppose Communist the restoration of "Ser.b honor" as moth­ revolutionists. American weapons were ers did for 400 years after the death of May 24, 1945 being sent in to kill Serbs. Tito's men en­ Tsar Lazar at Kossovo. gaged in killing Serbs were wearing I am not saying this will be nice. I am British battle dress-made in America. not praising Serb nationalism. Greater Britishers were personally on the spot Serbism was an evil. Great Serbs trying to decoy Serbs. It is a literal fact aroused as much justified resentment that Nazis, Communists, and the great among Croatians as Yankee "carpetbag­ allies were united in trying to destroy the gers" in Mississippi. I am not extolling; Serbs. · I am just reporting. As I might report But still the Serbs did not give way. the emotions centering about Harpers Tito and Subasich and all the Croat Ferry. Maybe the Virginians had a rea­ 19t.t5 partisans and all the Serb Communists, son to execute Old John Brown, but his J aided by British Russian propaganda soul went marching on, as men sang and American supplies, could not take and fought to sweep away a regime. A Serbia. The Red army took it, with the million Serbian souls will be marching acquiescence of the Serb nationalists, on. Four million Serbian voices will be and handed it over to the Communist­ singing. The·memory of an allied plot at Government led partisans. No Serbs opposed mother against a helpless nation will burn as the expense Russia's soldiers. It was the Red army deep flames in Mount Vesuvius. And that made Tito and the Serb Commu- some day it will explode. 647641-11035 United States Government Printinir Otlice, Washington : 1945 0 647641-11935 SPEECH maker and nothing but a Communist OF stooge-aided by American lend-lease. GENERAL MIHAILOVICH'S APPEAL TO BE PLACED .- HON. ALVINE. O'KONSKI UNDER THE ALLIED COMMAND Under Secretary of War Robert P. Pat- Mr. O'KONSKI. Mr. Chairman, Tito's terson, speaking to the country over the threats to the peace of the world in Italy, radio last Sunday night, urged the im­ Austria, and Yugoslavia is just a bitter .. mediate adoption of the labor draft bill, example of future things to come when arguing that it was needed to back our the chickens come home to roost. The fighters to the limit and to shorten the Allies had a leader in Yugoslavia by the war. name of Mihailovich-a gallant and 1 propose to demostrate here that tl'le righteous leader. His freeing of 500 war Department and the administration, American Air Force men is just a sprinkle in their latest attempt to railroad the of the help he gave the Allies. But the Nation into compulsory labor service, United States of America and Britain have not come here with clean hands. I allies double-crossed this great leader propose to prove that for more than 8 and even refused to tell the world how months the war Department and the Mihailovich and his patriots saved 500 administration have had at their dis­ American airmen. For some reason it posal a reservoir of combatant man­ has been kept a secret. · power, situated close to the battle fronts, These 500 United States of America comprising hundreds of thousands of airmen had their lips sealed by higher fighters eager to shorten the war and authorities in Britain and the United to back our boys to the limit, and that Etates of America. These 500 American this forgotten army of a recognized and airmen know the real story of Yugo- honorable ally has been waiting in vain slavia-Mihailovich and traitor Tito. for even a word of encouragement from These 500 American airmen know what our War Department and administration. is taking place in Yugoslavia. They know Ever since October 28, 1944, General what traitor Tito is doing and who he is. Mihailovich, who first raised an army in That is why their lips were sealed and the Balkans to resist and to fight the they were told not to talk. Nazi hordes and who is now in control Tito is nothing but a Communist of a large part of bis native Serbia, bas stooge. When the world knows why be been sending frantic appeals to the Al­ was given help by the Allies and why lied commanders and Governments of­ Mihailovich was double-crossed by the fering to place himself under their su­ Allies they will not be surprised at recent preme orders and asking for arms to developments around Trieste. Recently enable him to fight the Germans. Gen­ Tito threatened American troops by eral Mibailovich has 80,000 warriors with parading through the streets of Trieste. him in the mountains, but is sorely in Ironically, Tito the traitor had more need of modern equipment and ammuni­ American tanks to stage a parade with tion. It is conservatively estimated that than our own boys had. Of necessity, he can within a short time mobilize an our own troops had to fall back due to additional quarter bf a million men, if lack of supplies. But Tito had all the only we could spare for him some of the supplies he needed - supplies from lend-lease material we are shipping all America. over the world. · The story of how the Allies double- On November 8, 1944, General Mihail- crossed great and gallant Mihailovich ovich addressed a formal appeal to Gen­ for a traitor and Communist stooge like era! Maitland-Wilson, then Allied com­ Tito is as sad as it is disgusting. I want mander in the Mediterranean and now to tell that true story today so that the with the Combined Chiefs of Staff in people of America will know how in Washington, copies of which went to our Europe the chickens are coming home Government and War Department. to roost . In other words, we asked fo'r After giving details of the situation in that trouble and we are now getting it. Yugoslavia and after declaring that the Here are the cold blunt facts concerning Russians accept only the cooperation of how Tito got that way and who made the Communists, G.eneral Mihailovich him what he is-a traitor and a trouble- stated~ 647641-11931) (3) 4 5 We have decided, dear G eneral, to forward down earlier in the war on hazardous There ls no blinking at the fact that a Americans·, who had balled out over the you o.ur following request: (1) To be myself, missions against the Rumanian oil fields ·state of civil war exists in Yugoslavia .
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