Interview with Joseph B. Koepfli

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Interview with Joseph B. Koepfli JOSEPH B. KOEPFLI (1904 – 2004) INTERVIEWED BY ELIZABETH HODES October 25 and November 1, 8, and 15 1983 Joseph Koepfli, 1974 ARCHIVES CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pasadena, California Subject area Chemistry; U.S. State Department. Abstract An interview in four sessions, October and November 1983, with Joseph B. Koepfli, research associate in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (1932-1971). Dr. Koepfli received a BA and MA from Stanford and a D.Phil. from Oxford (1928). In this wide-ranging interview he talks about his scientific work on isoquinoline alkaloids, plant physiology, and antimalarial drugs; his time at Oxford in the Dyson-Perrins laboratories; his arrival at and subsequent impressions of Caltech; and his extensive career as a scientific consultant to the U. S. government in various capacities. Along the way, he recalls many Caltech and other scientific colleagues, particularly Linus Pauling and Pauling’s political troubles. He details his work as science advisor to the State Department in the early1950s and the opposition he encountered from ideologues of the McCarthy era. Later he chaired a NATO task force on science and technology; he ended his public career in the 1960s, as a member of UNESCO’s National Commission. He concludes the interview with comments on the establishment of the Koepfli Fund for Caltech and the importance of providing a broad education in the humanities for young scientists. Administrative information Access The interview is unrestricted. Copyright Copyright has been assigned to the California Institute of Technology © 1985, 2019. All requests for permission to publish or quote from the transcript must be submitted in writing to the University Archivist and Head, Special Collections. Preferred citation Koepfli, Joseph B. Interview by Elizabeth Hodes. Santa Barbara, California, October 25, November 1, 8, and 15, 1983. Oral History Project, California Institute of Technology Archives. Retrieved [supply date of retrieval] from the World Wide Web: Contact information Archives, California Institute of Technology Mail Code B215-74 Pasadena, CA 91125 Phone: (626)395-2704 Fax: (626)395-4073 Email: [email protected] Graphics and content © 2019 California Institute of Technology. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ARCHIVES ORAL HISTORY PROJECT INTERVIEW WITH JOSEPH B. KOEPFLI BY ELIZABETH HODES SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA Copyright © 1985, 2019 by the California Institute of Technology Koepfli–ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Interview with Joseph B. Koepfli Session 1 1-13 Harvard School for Boys, chemistry major. Master’s degree work at Stanford. E. C. Franklin, T. Hashimoto. Postwar Germany. Organic chemistry at Oxford University. W. H. Perkin Jr; R. D. Haworth; R. Robinson. Work on isoquinoline alkaloids; Dyson Perrins laboratories. Graduate work at Oxford. F. A. Lindemann; R. Van de Graaff. Graduation ceremonies. Dinner at Magdalen High Table. 13-24 Degrees at Oxford. E. Evans; A. Todd. PhD oral examination. Comes to Caltech. The Sunset Club; Caltech members. G. Alles; Rhus Toxicodendron (poison oak) research; R. Majima. Life at Caltech. J. J. Abel; Johns Hopkins University, 1929-1932. E. M. K. Geiling. Abel’s pituitary gland research. Work on raulwolfine. 24-30 Reserprine. Return to Caltech as research associate in Biology Division, 1932. Institut Pasteur. W. M. Somervell; J. A. Colston; sister’s death. Riviera vacation, W. Churchill, M. Elliott. Session 2 31-46 G. Alles, C. Leake, and sympathomimetic amines. G. Piness, Benzedrine; Smith, Kline & French. A. Noyes’s attitude toward H. Lucas. T. H. Morgan. Bio-organic chemistry. Work on plant physiology with K. Thimann and F. Went. Work on marijuana with A. J. Haagen-Smit. Cancer research; Coley’s vaccine; S. Mudd; C. Lauritsen’s million-volt X- ray tube; C. Niemann. Effect of the Depression on academic science. Athenaeum lunches. F. Zwicky, A. Goetz. A. Einstein. Caltech Associates. Abbé Lemâitre. Dim awareness of what was going on in Nazi Germany. Secrecy of Manhattan Project. D. Yost and penicillin. 46-53 L. Pauling. His devotion to Noyes; not selected as pallbearer at Noyes’s funeral. Pauling becomes division chairman. JBK works with Pauling and D. Campbell on blood substitutes; polyoxygelatin. Pauling’s politics; Caltech reaction. Opposition from trustees: J. McCone, H. Hoover Jr., R. Taylor. Session 3 54-65 Pauling denied a passport. JBK’s duties as State Department science advisor; genesis of position. Liaison with the British. Hoover Commission; D. Acheson. Advising British cabinet. Penicillin research: R. Robinson, H. Clarke. London visit, 1948. Berkner Report on science and foreign policy. More on 1948 U. K. visit; E. Evans, P. Miller, C. Koepfli–iii N. Hinshelwood. Reaction to State Dept. Office of Science Advisor: J. Conant, J. R. Oppenheimer. Recruitment of science attachés. E. Piret. 65-81 I. Larson. Recruits H. Clarke, R. Wyckhoff. Ambassador W. S. Gifford and electron microscope. Other science attaché recruits: O. LaPorte, E. Watson (India). McCarran Act problems. 1951 letter to L. Pauling; M. Westergaard. Assistant W. Rudolph. Memo from F. Knight to S. McCleod; JBK’s response. Staff: W. Joyce, N. Carothers. State Dept. Policy Planning Staff: G. Kennan, P. Nitze, R. Joyce. Proviso 9. Pauling, H. Chevalier, and J. Wyman. To State Dept. from Caltech, 1950; D. Rusk, R. Lovett, H. P. Robertson. J. Needham’s report on biological warfare. 81-91 More on science attachés. Resigns and returns to Caltech, 1953. Gradual end of State Dept. science advisor program. More on W. Rudolph. U.S. News & World Report calls science advisor office “a stink hole of out-and-out Communists.” H. Phleger; Gen. W. B. Smith; D. Lawrence; JBK’s lawsuit. J. Davies fired from State Dept. U.S. News retraction. J. Harsch article in Christian Science Monitor. Letter from P. Graham and Washington Post editorial. Session 4 92-103 Research on malaria drugs. Wartime use of atabrine. Postwar contracts for drug synthesis. L. Schmidt; help to A. Sabin’s polio research. Febrifugine and isofebrifugine. C. Bohlen and visit to Moscow. Zagorsk. Moscow State University. Czech anniversary; meeting Khrushchev, Bolshoi Ballet. 104-115 1957 NATO task force on science and technology, Paris. R. Gass; Lord Coleridge; A. Cippico. Trip to Bordeaux. Sputnik; C. Millikan. Presentation of task force report to heads of government meeting. Field Marshal Montgomery. NATO Science Committee. PSAC. C. Herter. W. Brode. G. Kistiakowsky. 115-136 H. Hoover Jr. A. Hiss; A. Fisher; Acheson; Nitze. Consultant to Military Assistance Program; classification; C. Humelsine. 1959 Atlantic Congress. 1964 UNESCO National Commission; R. Williams. State Dept., and role of science in diplomacy. Koepfli Fund. Cancer research. Finding science attachés. Breadth of education— science and humanities. Expansion at Caltech. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ARCHIVES ORAL HISTORY PROJECT Interview with Joseph B. Koepfli by Elizabeth Hodes Santa Barbara, California Session 1 October 25, 1983 Session 2 November 1, 1983 Session 3 November 8, 1983 Session 4 November 15, 1983 HODES: I wonder if you would elaborate on your time at Stanford. You said you got interested in chemistry because of the science teacher, a Mr. Clark, at the Harvard school. KOEPFLI: Yes. Well, in those days, you had to decide immediately what you were going to major in. I left Harvard military1 in 1919, and I was too young, my father felt, to go to college in the fall. Furthermore, I’d had the 1918 flu. We lost about twelve boys at Harvard in about four days. I passed out, spun around, and dropped my rifle on the field where we for an hour every day marched around in ROTC uniforms. We really worked at it in those days, because the First World War was on; it was pretty serious. I got the flu and fortunately got through it, but it left my heart doing the wrong things—like tachycardia, beating 125, I guess, so I went up to a cattle ranch and spent six months there. Then I went to Stanford in the second quarter, in January of 1920. I had to decide on a major. I decided on chemistry because it had been my last enthusiasm. My first enthusiasm was what we called, in those days, wireless. We used a cigar box, a piece of galena, or a piece of silicon, and a wire cat whisker. I eventually became a radio ham. We didn’t call it radio in those days; it was still called wireless. You got a government license, and you could have a transmitting setup of 1-kilowatt power. During the period 1 Harvard School for Boys, a military academy in Los Angeles. Current name, after merger with Westlake School for Girls, is Harvard-Westlake School. Koepfli–2 from 1914 to 1918, this was my enthusiasm. Then this teacher at Harvard School, whom I’ve never seen or heard of since, let me come back late in the afternoon to spend some time in the lab and do some not very important experiments—at any rate, enough to whet my interest. So this rather took over from my enthusiasm for wireless. Another reason was that in my years there were dots and dashes, and suddenly radio, or wireless, telephone came in. The last year I was an amateur and had a station; you could hear voices occasionally. Well, this was rather an effete way to behave. Instead of the continental code—dots and dashes—why, you just talk. So that cooled me off. When I was at Stanford, incidentally, Herbert Hoover Jr. was very much of a radio enthusiast and radio ham. About ten years later, he developed the first two-way radio from aircraft to ground for Western Air—about 1929 or thereabouts—as a result of his interest in ham radio.
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