Directory of Summer Craft Courses
March 1971, Vol. 12, No.2 Directory of summer Jordan Road, Sedona 86336. Macrame, W - Creative Arts Group, 35-37 E Montecito nonloom (Mary Pendleton), 7 /5 - 7 /9. W - be Avenue, Sierra Madre 91024. M scu lpture craft courses ginning & advanced (Mary Pendleton), 7/12 - (DaVid Williams) , C (Jean Taylor, Ellen Fergus, The popularity of summer study in crafts 7/16,7/1 9 - 7/23, 8/9 - 8113 & 8/16 - 8/20.W Ell en DaVidson) , W & Macrame (Carolyn Oyer), Navalo, 7/26 - 7/30. W - Hopi, 8/2 - 8/6. J J (linda Heimerl), P (Chris Kehoe) 6 /21 - has grown markedly in the last several beginning, 8 /9 ·8113, J . lost wax, 8/16·8/20 7/31 years. Many requests for information, (8ob & Gina Winston) De Anza College, Stevens Creck Boulevard, Tucson Art Center, 325 West Fr~nklin Street, Cupertino 95014 . Cr (Lillian Mary QUirke, Neal coming earlier each year, prompted the Tucson 85705. C (Joan Butler) , Raku (John Boor). Research & Education 8epartment to Rhodes), W, P (Marcia Andros) , J (Joe Harris) . Dominican College , San Rafael 94901. C (John prepare a spec ial su m mer craft cou rse 7/14·811. Chambers) , Everyday Arts and Craft s of Wes t University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 C A frica, Art Craft Resources of the Bay Area directory annually beginning in 1969. (Maurice K. Grossmarl), J (J. Edward Barker) , (Ida Dean Grae) 6 /21 - 7/30. This year the information gathered by Craft History 6/14 · 7/17. Experiment A, Hal Riegger Workshops, 469 Yavapai College, 1100 East Sheldon, Prescott questionnaire from schools throughout the Panoramic Highway, Mill Valley 94941.
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