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OCTOBER, 1964 60c iwn V U~aU • nl-u nli ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ii ~ ii ~,~ ~: ~i¸ : JUST PUBLISHED CERAMIC SCULPTURE by Betty Davenport Ford Betty Davenport Ford is one of America's most highly respected sculptors and teachers. A graduate of Cranbrook Academy of Art, she has an unusu- ally wide teaching experience. In her new book, th~s outstanding American artist and teacher leads the reader to a high level of professionalism in the design and technique of an ancient craft. Step-by-step procedure and detailed visualizations of the construction of each project are ideal far the beginner and teacher. The reader is guided through the construction of a series of ceramic sculpture including animal, human, plant and abstract forms. The exciting quality of the examples and the possibilities for further ad- vanced exploration will attract the serious amateur and the professional. This new book has more than 180 illustrations, including five finished examples in full color. Order your copy now! Only $S.S0. i CREATIVE CLAY DESIGN UW by Ernst Rottger A delightful book that lives up to its title ~ published just last year by Reinhold and now available through the CM Book Department. From the making and development of basic shapes, the author progresses to the mold- ing of all kinds of more elaborate shapes from slabs, strips and rolls of clay. In addition to pure designs, these shapes include numerous masks and animals. The making of bowls, vases and other hollow shapes follows. Instruction and suggestions are accomplished almost entirely by photo- graphs which will certainly encourage the reader fa emulate -- rather than to mechanically copy ~ the wide variety of ideas presented. This wonderful text will be an aid to those who are learning and those who are teaching others how to explore the creative possibilities of clay. There are over 250 examples of children's and student's work. Only $4.95. ORDER FORM CERAMICS MONTHLY Book Department 4175 N. Hiqh Columbus, Ohio 43214 Please send me the followinej books: [] CERAMIC SCULPTURE by Ford @ $5.50 [] CREATIVE CLAY DESIGN by Rottcjer @ $4.95 [--] POTTERY: FORM AND EXPRESSION by Wildenhain @ $7.75 Name Address____ City State__ _ _ I enclose [] Check [] Money Order [] Other Ohio residents add 3% Sales Tax -. !~ !/ii g ,N Both have a flip side ¥oo see, the bottom of the Skutt Kiln is reversible. If it happens to get damaged,,, flip it over like a phonograph record. It's that easy! And if the flip side gets damaged, too, we'll replace the entire section for $12,00. If that's sweet music to your ears, write us for more information. SKUTT & SONS • CERAMIC KILNS • POTTER'S WHEELS • 2618 S.E. STEELE STREET • PORTLAND 2, OREGON October 1964" 3 amaco Z V~OT?gNEED ~LECT;I C HORIZONTAL TREADLE VARIABLE SPEED ELECTRIC ALL METAL WHEEL OPTIONAL STAND potters wheels SIX MODELS LISTED IN 60-PAGE CATALOG OF KILNS, WHEELS, CLAYS, GLAZES--FREE ON REQUEST. AMERICAN ART CLAY COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA CHINA PAINTING Step by Step by Doris W. Taylor and Anne B. Hart Whether you're painting china for pleasure or profit (or both), you'll find this sparkling guide invaluable not just for its graphic in- structions from the first brush stroke to the final firing but also for the fine points that add that made- by-a-professional look. A collaboration of two ex- perts-an author and a told them that Reward's liquid prepared glazes and colors well-known china-painting authority--this handsome go twice as far and offer truly foolproof firing results. Is your school or and definitive book with over 500 drawings and 24 craft department practicing "false economies" without realizing it? color photographs is the first to catalogue and describe Reward glazes and colors fire at "standard" temperatures (Cone brush-strokes. Even includes patterns for tracing and 06-04) in regular school and institution kilns, and are highly recommended transferring, and a special chapter devoted to creative for their foolproof characteristics and high quality. Send for price list designing. $9.75 and literature. ORDER TODAY ~~"d Complete refund REWARD CEAMIC COLO MFRs., inc. if not delighted 120 Alexander St., Princeton, N. J. 6811 Washington Blvd., Elkridge 27, Maryland 4 "Ceramics Monthly MONTHLY Volume 12, Number 8 October 1964 Letters to the Editor ................................ 7 Suggestions from Our Readers ........................ 8 CM's Picture of the Month ........................... 9 Itinerary ........................................... 10 Change-of-Pace Glazes by Richard Behrens ............ 13 A Thailand Pottery by Miska Petersham .............. 14 Multiple Forms ..................................... 18 The Story of Cones (Part 1) by Linden E. Shipley ...... 21 Making a Casting Collar by Guy Moore ................ 23 Large Pots on the High School Level by Robert Iverson 26 A Stand-up Glaze Decoration demonstrated by Marc Bellaire .................. 28 Show Time: Pittsburgh Craftsmen's Guild ........... 31 "Taboo" Techniques for Enameling by Kathe Berl ...... 32 CeramActivities ..................................... 33 Ceramic Shopper .................................... 38 Index to Advertisers ................................ 38 On Our Covers This month's cover pictures a pottery head from Mexico which was recently on loan by the Museum of Primitive Art for the Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute's exhibition, "Art Before Columbus." The painted head, made sometime between 200 and 900 A.D., was unearthed in the excavations at Remojadas, Veracruz. It is slightly over 7½ inches high. Photo, courtesy of the Museum of Primitive Art, New York. The Pyrometric Cone Equivalent chart shown below is The inside back cover shows a stoneware covered jar by Ramun the result of considerable testing in our electric kiln. Wengren that was exhibited in a one-man show at Mount Mary College in Wisconsin. Mr. Wengren's 13-inch-high jar has a QUARRY TILE (Redl Cone 04 to 8 SPECIAL MIX (Buff) Cone I cobalt blue and brown-white slip trailed decoration. The handles to 1O 50/50 MIX (Quarry Tile & Special Mixl Cone 04 to 1O on the lid are a variation of those used on the jar. The piece SCULPTURE CLAY (Buff) Cone I to fO was fired to cone 9 in an electric kiln. NAVAJO WHEEL CLAY (Dark Red) Cone 04 to B MISSION SLIP (Buff) Cone I to 8 NAVAJO SLIP (Red) Cone 04 to B STONEWARE.~B (Light Cream) Cone I to 12 Editor: THOMAS SELLERS STONEWARE -;@9 [Light BrownJ Cone 4 to 12 Art Director: ROBERT L. CREAOER STONEWARE ~I-C ISandstone) Cone 4 to 8 STONEWARE #3-P (Dark Brown) Cone I to B Business Manager: SPENCER L. DAVIS The above colors developed from Cone 6 to maximum firing range. Circulation Manager: MARY RUSHLEY Advisers and Special Contributors: F. Carlton Ball; Marc Bel- RETAIL PRICES (FOB Florin, California) laire; Kathe Berl; Edris Eckhardt; Zena Holst; John Kenny; QUANTITY *Plugged Karl Martz; Ken Smith; Don Wood. & DE-AIRED DRY CLAY 2-25# Bags IMin. Sale) $4.80 $4.50 Western Advertising Representative: Joseph Mervish Assoc., 5000 3 to 79 Bags $1.75 per 25# Bag $1.25 per 25:~" Bag Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, Calif. TRiangle 7-7556. 80 or more Bags $1.55 per 25# Bag $1.05 per 25~- Bag Copyright * I Bag consists of 25 Ibs of clay packed in a heavy mols- 1964 Pro/essional Publications, Inc. ture-proof Poly Bag. 2 Bags per package for shipping. CERAMICS MONTHLY October 1964, Vol. 12 -- No. 8. Published monthly except July & August by Professional Publications, Inc. -- S. L. Davis, Pres., P. S. Emery, Sec.; at 4175 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio Ouantity discount to dealers and schools. 43214. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Athens, Ohio, U.S.A. Subscriptions: One year $6; Two Years $10; Three Years $14. Copyright 1964. All rights reserved. MANUSCRIPTS and illustrations dealing with ceramic art activities are welcome and will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced and range INDUSTRIAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CO. from 500 to 2000 words. Send manuscripts and-correspondence about them to the Editor, CERAMICS MONTHLY, 4175 N. High Street, Columbus, 836 Gilman St. • Berkeley lO, Calif. • Ohio 43214. Phone 524-2100 • Code 415 October 1964 3 XMAS TREE LIGHTS 3 SIZES!!! ACTUAL SIZE 97YS 97Y 97YL A whole kaleidoscope of exciting enamel colors has 2CEa. 3C a. 5C'a. been created by Thompson . just for you. Now you can work with the broadest range of colors LESS BIG DISCOUNTS!!! ever . select the exact shades right from the Hera is our famous "Twisted" Tree Light in 3 sizes. Now you can new full-color "Color Guide" in the latest Thomp- use lights that are the right size for your tree. Come in 7 beautiful son catalog. transparent colors. SPECIAL OFFER: Send S0c for kit No. 97. Contains 21 lights. One More than 200 samples are shown . opaque, of each color and size. Also special discount skeet. transparent, opal and crackle colors . fired over For complete supplies send for large 100 page catalog m S0c. copper, white and flux. It's fun and easy to choose exactly the colors you've been looking for. National Artcraft Supply Co. New, too, is the unique Model B-9 Thompson kiln. It can be plugged into any 12213 Euclid Cleveland, Ohio 115 volt outlet without special wiring and reaches enameling temperature of 1500 ° in just one hour. Inside dimensions are 4" high x 8y2" wide x 9" deep. Weight is only 50 pounds. Price F.O.B. Highland Park, Illinois, or Dallas, Texas . only $35. The new Thompson catalog puts everything you need in the way of materials, tools and supplies right at your fingertips. Send the coupon today for your personal copy. FREE . • for dealers only. This attractive It's offered free by Thompson .