Ashtanga Paris Intensive Teacher Training Self-Development & Deepening Your Personal Practice 200+ hour

The Ashtanga Yoga Paris training ~ On-Line ~ with Linda Munro & Gérald Disse Starts January 2021 – Ends June 2021 will cover the following areas: Live Streamed dates from 9:30am – 5:30pm: January 9, February 6, April 10, May 22, June 5, 2021. *Deepening Personal Practice *Foundations of the Practice; , , We have developed a special on-line program *Ashtanga Specific Alignment of our successful in-person training for those *Intro to Anatomy interested in becoming yoga teachers or

*Yoga Philosophy & History (Yoga deepening their personal interest and Sutras of Patanjali, System) knowledge of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. We *Kriya & : Developing a have been offering teacher trainings since Daily Practice 2008 and are very excited to be offering this *Living a Yogic Lifestyle live streamed & online version, in support of * Adjustments for guiding students to cultivate their inner Primary Series growth and self development through a *Personalizing Practices for Specific committed practice and self reflection and Student Needs then using this inner guide to share their *Teaching Beginners, Led Primary Series and Vinyasa knowledge with others. *Practice Teaching & Designing Classes How it works: You must attend all the live streamed sessions and complete all

the home study by August 2021, to be eligible for the certification! *2-year access to the on-line training videos Although you will have 2 years access to the online videos: an amazing tool to go *AYP Teacher Training Manual back to again and again! Furthermore, with each video there is a transcript, a translation into French and a notes page that indicates any readings needed, The course format: links to related topics, worksheets and homework assignments (in addition to the *35 hours live streamed sessions. *25 Units of more than 90 hours of regular teacher training manual). video footage *At least 80 hours of self-practice Exceptionally We have been approved by Yoga Alliance to grant certification through (some of which we ask you to film) our online training. However, note that you will need to complete all the home study *At least 50 hours of teaching (you and be present during all the live streamed classes, as well as pass the exams. You will need to find at least one practice student and we will ask you to do will then be granted a certificate from us stating which level of Ashtanga Yoga we feel some filming & reports) you are ready to teach. The 200+ hours are based on the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary *At least 30 hours of reading, series, which gives a solid base to any dynamic practice since most forms of written assignments & tests contemporary flowing yoga styles, have evolved out of Ashtanga.

Tuition: We go over every asana in strict detail; discovering the basic movements which are 1,990 € universal alignment techniques one can apply to all the Ashtanga series, exploring different ways to modify each position with and without props, learning the contraindications for each asana and alternatives to achieve a similar outcome, how to do hands-on adjustments and especially exploring the anatomical understanding to keep each yoga student safe in the poses to encourage a life time practice.

In addition, what is unique in our training is that all the practitioners will finish the training with a solid kriya and pranayama practice. We encourage you to slowly add the kriya and pranayama exercises before your asana practice so that these highly effective and deep practices are taught correctly and safely. They appear subtle however, their subtleness is deceiving therefore, kriya and pranayama need to be taught with intelligence and awareness.

Lastly, as the ‘real’ yoga is beyond the physical aspect there is a great emphasis put on yogic philosophy and daily living to ensure that we all remember to put in that “1% theory” and apply it to all aspects of our lives; on and off the and cushion!

About Linda Munro

Linda was first introduced to yoga in 1995 in Toronto, Canada with Ron Reid. She had been in a car accident and was in physical therapy when she became interested in yoga as a way to compliment the therapy. Soon after she realized that the yoga would be a lifetime practice. A practice of asana, pranayama and meditation but also a practice of being truthful, a practice of being kind, a practice of being fearless, peaceful and happy. She believes that the practice of “yoga” is continuous; the practice does not stop when you roll up the yoga mat. The practice of yoga includes the way you live your life, the way you relate to your family, friends, co-workers and to the strangers on the street. This is the lifelong practice of developing yogic awareness.

In 1997 she moved to New York City with her work in the fashion business while continuing a daily ashtanga practice studying under Eddie Stern. The year 2000 brought her to Paris, France. After thirteen years in the world of fashion she decided it was the time to move fully into the direction she had been moving since her first yoga class. She felt a strong desire to strive to give to others what her teachers have given to her; so, in 2002 she started teaching yoga as her own study and practice continues. Gerald and Linda opened Ashtanga Paris in February 2004.

She studied yogic scriptures and philosophy, having completed a 250-hour study program of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, and a 120-hour course on the Bhagavad Gita under the supervision of Georg Feuerstein. She was one of his 10 mentoring students until he recently passed away. Linda is also a student of Sri O.P. Tiwari and is certified by him to teach kriyas and pranayama. In addition, Leslie Kaminoff certifies her to teach yoga anatomy.

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About Gérald Disse

Gérald has been practicing yoga since 1989 and teaching since 1996. He discovered Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in 1991 with Sri K Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. He spent 8 years traveling to Mysore spending 4 – 6 months per visit to learn more of the system, then going off to some other exotic location to practice daily what Guruji had taught him. Gérald was taught up to the third series and was one of the first French students to have been personally authorized to teach by Sri K Pattabhi Jois. As he had learned directly from the Guru at a time when there were not so many yoga students in Mysore, he started to give workshops around the world. He gave Ashtanga workshops in Australia, New Zealand, and around the USA and Europe.

In addition to his Ashtanga practice, Gérald continues to cultivate a meditation practice in the tradition of Kriya Yoga. He has a daily pranayama practice and has been certified to teach kriya and pranayama by his teacher, Sri O.P. Tiwari.

During his travels he visited Auroville, an international spiritual community in Tamil Nadu, South India. He related with the place immediately. It was a way for him to remain connected to the spirituality of India and also still have connection to the west, so he decided to build a house and a yoga shālā and become a part of the Auroville community. Gerald spent 5 years there teaching daily Ashtanga Mysore style classes in between his workshops around the world, until 2004 when he decided, after being away for 17 years, to move back to France. Gérald is now settled in Paris where he has founded a beautiful community of yoga with Linda and their children.

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On-Line Training Structure

Before even beginning the Video Classes you will be asked to do the same home-study program we require of the in-person trainees. Normally we suggest taking 3 months to do this work at a steady rate.

There are 25 UNITS (plus 5 bonus units), which correspond to the 25 days of in-person intensives. Each Unit consists of roughly 3 – 5 hours of video however, there are several times where we ask you to pause the video and do the practice explained in the video therefore it will take longer than that to go through each Unit.

In addition, you are required to keep a daily practice, of which we ask you to keep a journal of and at times we will require you to take a short film of yourself.

You will need to have at least one ‘practice student’ so that you can directly practice what you learn.

Throughout the Units there will be extra readings, links to discover, projects and assignments to complete and submit.

Near the end of the training there are several tests to insure you have absorbed the information.

And finally, once you have completed all 25 Units it will be time to bring it all together: we will ask you to start teaching regularly to a small group. Plus, there are 2 Final Essays!

Sounds like a lot but if you space it out and work steadily for about 5 hours a week in addition to your daily 1.5 – 2-hour practice, it should take about 8 months to finish. In addition to the 5 mandatory live streamed sessions. Luckily you have the freedom to spend more or less hours than that depending on your personal situation, shortening the time to a minimum of 6 months or lengthening it out to a maximum of 2 years.

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Titles of the Videos by Unit

UNIT 1: Introduction to the Asato Ma Mantra What is Yoga? Tapas, Svadhyaya and Ishvara Pranidhana The Anatomy of the Breath Getting to Know Our Breath Mula & Uddiyana Bandhas Ujjayi Breathing Technique Samasthitihi

UNIT 2: Some Fundamentals of Ashtanga: Drishti, Vinyasa & the Six Series The History of Ashtanga Yoga The Meaning of the Ashtanga Opening & Closing Mantras First Movement of the Sun Salutation Downward Facing ~ Dog Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – part 1 Downward Facing – part 2

UNIT 3: Being a Yoga Teacher Communicating with Hands-On Adjustments – part 1 Communication – part 2 Uncovering the Challenges of Chaturanga – part 1 – part 2 The Dynamics of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ~ Upward Facing Dog

UNIT 4: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra ~ “ chitta vrittis nirodhah.” Plus Abhyasa & Vairagya Fine Tuning Upward Facing Dog ~ The Neck, The Wrists, Transitioning from Chaturanga & more... Vinyasa’s of Surya Namaskara A ~ First Teaching Experience The Fierce A ~ Spiritual Warrior Releasing the Muscles after Strengthening Work

UNIT 5: The Sacred Ommmm and the Universe Group Chant of Om Doing Ashtanga during Menstruation Learning to Jump Back from Standing for Beginners Beginning to Vocalize the Sun Salutations Parsvottanasana Parivritta

UNIT 6: Agni Sara, , Ujjayi & Shodhana Opening Mantra Why Study Anatomy & an Introduction to the Skeletal System and the Spinal Column Parivritta Parsvakonasana Practice and Study Dandasana & wherever you are at

UNIT 7: your own time ~ The Shat Kriyas FREEDOM! Pranayama Explained Bonus Forward Bending Adjustments & Preps Padangusthasana & Padahastasana

UNIT 8: A Short Story of Connective Tissue, Joints & Muscles plus conversations on intentions in practice The Abdomen Strengthening the Abdomen Trikonasana ~ The Triangle Parsvakonasana

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UNIT 9: Sheeta Li (or Shitkari) & Brahmari Led Primary Class up until A Getting to Know Our Body ~ Postural Analysis Virabhadrasana B ~ Warriors &

UNIT 10: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Legs in Lotus Strengthening the Adductors for Wide Legged Forward Bending

UNIT 11: Reviewing Your Yoga Knowledge Janu Sirsasana A - part 1 Purvottanasana Upavistha Konasana A, B, C & D

UNIT 12: The Psoas Muscle The Pelvis & Hip Joints Janu Sirsasana A – part 2

UNIT 13: Led Primary Class up until Supta Padangustasana More about Muscles ~ In the Pelvis & Legs Janu Sirsasana B Janu Sirsasana C Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana Marichyasana A Marichyasana B Marichyasana C

UNIT 14: Asato Ma Mantra The Hamstrings & Test Your Anatomy Awakening the Hips Technique – part 1 Bhujapidasana – part 2 with the Jump Back Transition Technique Supta Kurmasana ~ The Boat Pose Marichyasana D Relaxing the Back Muscles

UNIT 15: The Knee Joint Ubhaya Padangusthasana & Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana Uttana Padasana Setu Bandhasana Urdhva – part 1 Practicum & Test Explication for In-Person Training Neck Release Sequence

UNIT 16: Anatomy of the Back and the Pectoral Muscles Preparing for Back Bending Urdhva Dhanurasana – part 2 Lengthening the Back after Deep Back Bending Salamba ~ aka Shoulderstand The Finishing Sequence from Salamba Sarvangasana until Pindasana

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UNIT 17: The Anatomy of the Shoulder Girdle and Arms Sirsasana ~ aka Headstand The Very Last Five Seated Finishing Poses Savasana Blanket Folding Asana Practicum Explication

UNIT 18: Full Led Primary Series Primary Series Asana Names in Sanskrit Introduction to the Subtle World of the Muladhara Chakra ~ 1st Vinyasa Sequence to Strengthen and Warm the Body Drop Backs Adho Mukha Vrksasana ~ aka Relaxing Wrists, Upper Back and Arms Finding Your Teaching Voice

UNIT 19: Swadhisthana Chakra ~ 2nd Manipura Chakra ~ 3rd Anahata Chakra ~ 4th Asana Quiz

UNIT 20: Trainees Teaching! Feedback From the 1st Practicum Vishuddhi Chakra ~ 5th Ajna Chakra ~ 6th Sahasrara Chakra ~ 7th

UNIT 21: More Trainees Teaching! Feedback From the 2nd Practicum Beginner’s Mind Teaching the Beginner of Ashtanga Yoga

UNIT 22: Feedback From the 3rd Practicum Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ~ The Obstacles to Clarity Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ~ The Five Kleshas Yoga Sutras ~ The Yamas – part 1 Gentle Vinyasa Class Ideas of how to Tailor a Class for a Specific Group or Person

UNIT 23: Yoga Sutras ~ The Yamas – part 2 Yoga Sutras ~ The Niyamas Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ~ Asana ~ Pranayama Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ~ Pratyahara The Powers of Yoga

UNIT 24: Private Lesson for a Fragile Back Private Lesson for Sensitive Knees Private Lesson for a Beginner Trainees Teaching a Vinyasa Class Feedback for the Designing Personal Classes Project

UNIT 25: *Note: there are 2 bonus units after this Mysore Practice Feedback from Back & Knee Issues Practicums Am I Ready to Teach? And Being a Yoga Teacher Patanjali’s Yoga Homework from Georg Feuerstein’s Manual History of Yoga Homework from Feuerstein Ashtanga Yoga Paris ~7~ Bouger • Respirer Ÿ Être Bien

Sneak Peek at Transcripts, Translations & Notes:

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Commonly Asked Questions

Q: Why take the time from my busy schedule to do this training?

A: It is always recommended in yoga to put aside periods of time for personal reflection and study. It can be difficult to do this without the guidance of a teacher; this is one of the reasons why we offer this training. It adds structure to the self-study and practice that is essential to taking life-transforming steps. Having a teacher ‘checking in’ on you will help motivate you to do your personal practice and development.

Q: Are the videos in English or French? (Or a combination of both?)

A: They are mostly in English; however, the Teaching Manual is available in either French or English. As well, there is a complete translation of all the videos.

Q: When do I have to do the practice teaching of classes?

A: After you have handed in all the final exams you will be required to start teaching a small group of your own students.

Q: Can I pay in installments?

A: You will need to have the training paid in full to have access to the site and videos.

Q: How many hours are spent on asana, anatomy, pranayama, etc.?

A: We are registered with Yoga Alliance, an internationally recognized yoga standards organizations, you can follow this link to see the details of requirements:

Q: Will I be ready to teach after this training?

A: This is a personal decision for each individual to make once they have finished all aspects of the training. Some of the previous trainees have started teaching straight away (or have already been teaching already for many years) and others prefer to take time to integrate what they have learned into their practices before beginning to teach.

Q: Do I have to want to become a yoga teacher to do this training?

A: The answer is of course not! In fact, first you are always a yoga student before being a yoga teacher! You can only sincerely teach what you yourself have experienced. This is why we call it a ‘self-development and deepening your personal practice’ and teacher training. Committing yourself to yoga study will bring about deep personal growth.

Q: When do I receive the Certificate of Completion?

A: You will be awarded a Certificate of Completion once ALL assignments are fully completed.

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Videos and Photo Collage from Previous Trainings

Click below or go to our YouTube channel to see videos.

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Application Instructions & Deadlines

Applicants should have practiced Ashtanga for at least one year or another form of dynamic yoga for 2 or 3 years. If we are not familiar with your practice, please take a class with Gerald or Linda for us to see the level of your practice or get a teacher recommendation.

If you have a serious and committed yoga practice and are interested in this on-line program don’t hesitate to talk to us to get advice about whether this training is for you. [email protected]

These prices include 5 full days of live streaming training, the Ashtanga Yoga Paris Teaching Manual, the Transcripts and Translations, the Notes per Unit and 2 years access to all the on-line teacher training videos.

Payment & Refund Policy: Once you have been sent any of the course materials or have been logged onto the site, there will be no refunds.

To process your application, please send your fully completed application to: [email protected]

Ashtanga Yoga Paris 40 ave de la République 75011, Paris France

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Your Photo Ashtanga Yoga Paris ON-LINE Teacher Training Application

Names Today’s Date





Current Job

Approximate date you wish to start access to the site

How did you learn about the Ashtanga Yoga Paris ON-LINE Teacher Training program?

Personal Information

1. How would you evaluate your current health?

Excellent Good Fair Some challenges (briefly describe below)

2. How long have you been practicing yoga? How many days a week? And which style?

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3. At which yoga studios do you currently practice? If you practice with a teacher.

4. Do you have a home practice?

5. Who have been your primary teachers? Past and present.

6. Tell us about your pranayama experience (have you learned any techniques, do you practice regularly, what do you practice, who did you learn with, etc.).

7. Tell us about your meditation experience.

8. What area of yoga challenges you the most?

9. Is this your first teacher training? If not, please list prior trainings.

10. Are you currently teaching yoga? If yes, for how many years and where do you teach?

11. Do you plan to teach after this training? Ashtanga Yoga Paris ~13~ Bouger • Respirer Ÿ Être Bien

Yes No, it’s for my personal growth only.

12. Why have you chosen the Ashtanga Yoga Paris ON-LINE teacher training?

13. What do you expect to learn from this training in regards to the yoga? And how do you think you will grow from this training?

14. Will you be applying for OPTION 1 or OPTION 2 of the on-line training?

15. Please tell us if you prefer the manual in French (most is translated, except if it is a copy of an article or from a book that is not our original text) or English: FRENCH or ENGLISH (circle the correct language)

Payment Information Ashtanga Yoga Paris ~14~ Bouger • Respirer Ÿ Être Bien

I am registering for the:

COST 1,990€

I am enclosing the following in checks made to the order of ASHTANGA YOGA PARIS:

The full amount of euros.

I have sent the following amount by bank transfer (include copy of transfer confirmations):

The full amount of euros.

Payment & Refund Policy: Once you have been sent any of the course materials or have been logged onto the site, there will be no refunds. If there is a serious reason to put a pause, we may allow a freeze to your access but this will have to be decided on a person-to-person basis and is not to be taken lightly since part of becoming a teacher or establishing a sincere yoga practice is persistence and consistency in practice and study.

I have read and accept the above terms, please sign and date below.

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Teacher Training Reading List

Required Books that you must buy: The Key Muscles of by Ray Long The Deeper Dimension of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein Yoga History & Philosophy Teacher Training Manual by Georg Feuerstein

Other Suggested Reading Books that you don’t have to buy:

Philosophy: The Yoga Sutras by Swami Satchidananda The Yoga Sutras, A Non-Dualist Interpretation by Georg Feuerstein The Heart of Yoga by Desikachar Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Iyengar The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali by Georg Feuerstein God Talks with Arjuna by

History: The Yoga Tradition by Georg Feuerstein

Meditation: A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield

Practice: Yoga Mala by Pattabhi Jois The Practice Manual by David Swenson Back Care Basics by Mary Pullig Schatz

Anatomy: Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff by Judith Lasater

DVD’s: Yoga Anatomy on-line course by Leslie Kaminoff Yoganatomy Vol. 1 & 2 by David Keil Anatomy for Yoga by Chakra Theory & Meditation by Paul Grilley

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Contact Info

We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about us, our Teacher Training or Ashtanga Yoga Paris!

Yours in Yoga,

Gérald Disse & Linda Munro

Ashtanga Yoga Paris 40 av de la République 75011, Paris [email protected]

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