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EnErgy StoragE rESEarch in SwitzErland – thE SccEr hEat & StoragE provided by Infoscience CHIMIA- École polytechnique2015, 69, No. 12fédérale753 de Lausanne

doi:10.2533/chimia.2015.753 Chimia 69 (2015) 753–758 © Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft Flow Batteries, and Distributed Storage

C. R. Dennisona, Heron Vrubela, Véronique Amstutza, Pekka Peljoa, Kathryn E. Toghillb, and Hubert H. Girault*a

Abstract: Social, economic, and political pressures are causing a shift in the global energy mix, with a prefer- ence toward renewable energy sources. In order to realize widespread implementation of these resources, large-scale storage of renewable energy is needed. Among the proposed technologies, redox flow batteries offer many unique advantages. The primary limitation of these systems, however, is their limited energy density which necessitates very large installations. In order to enhance the energy storage capacity of these systems, we have developed a unique dual-circuit architecture which enables two levels of energy stor- age; first in the conventional , and then through the formation of hydrogen. Moreover, we have be- gun a pilot-scale demonstration project to investigate the scalability and technical readiness of this approach. This combination of conventional energy storage and is well aligned with the current tra- jectory of modern energy and mobility infrastructure. The combination of these two means of energy storage enables the possibility of an energy economy dominated by renewable resources. Keywords: Electrical energy storage · Hydrogen · Redox flow batteries

1. Introduction resources.[2] Moreover, these values are set such as wind and solar, this assumption is to grow significantly in the coming years. rapidly losing its validity.[4] 1.1 Growing Challenges for the By 2020, the European Union is targeting For grids with a large penetration of re- 20% reliance on renewables for its overall newable energy, both supply and demand Around the world, concerns about en- energy mix.[3] These targets are primarily become unpredictable. Solar irradiation ergy security, sustainability, and the en- being met through the installation of wind, can vary significantly from minute to min- vironment have prompted a re-evaluation photovoltaic, and concentrated solar gen- ute depending on cloud formations and of the ways in which we produce and eration facilities. However, the growing other atmospheric conditions. A passing consume (or more precisely, convert) en- penetration of electric vehicles also plays cloud can cause megawatts of solar genera- ergy. As a result, there is a growing effort a key role in shifting the energy mix by tion to suddenly disappear from the grid, to transition the global energy mix from reducing the need for petroleum. necessitating other generating stations conventional sources, such as fossil fuels While these changes to the energy mix to rapidly ramp up their output to main- and nuclear energy, to more sustainable represent significant progress toward so- tain the stability of the grid. As the cloud sources such as hydro, wind and solar. In- cial, environmental, and political goals, passes, the solar generation becomes avail- deed, from 2002 to 2012, the net renewable they also represent a growing challenge able again, requiring the other generating electricity generation worldwide increased for the world’s electrical grids. Currently, stations to suddenly curtail their output by 62.5%.[1] As of 2013, 25.4% of Europe- most electrical grids are designed to pro- to compensate. The availability of wind an electricity, and 13.6% of overall energy duce electricity ‘just in time’ – as addi- is equally unpredictable. If these fluctua- (including transport, electricity, and heat- tional load is added to the grid, generating tions are not compensated for, the power ing/cooling) was derived from renewable stations must simultaneously ramp up to quality (i.e. line voltage and frequency) on meet the demand and keep the grid - the grid can deteriorate, eventually causing age and frequency stable. As consumer localized or even cascading power outages. demand is inherently unpredictable, some As the energy mix continues to evolve, fa- ‘reserve’ generation capacity needs to be vouring renewable resources, these fluctu- available at all times to cope with large ations will become increasingly disruptive, increases in demand. This reserve capac- pushing beyond the ramping limitations of ity has traditionally taken the form of re- conventional power stations. A larger share dundant generating stations which are idle, of ‘spinning reserves’, primarily gas-fired but synchronized with the grid so that they generators, will need to be allocated to sta- *Correspondence: Prof. Dr. H. H. Giraulta can react immediately (so called ‘spinning bilize the system. In effect, this means that E-mail: [email protected] reserve’). These resources are both ineffi- it becomes increasingly necessary to burn aLaboratoire d’Electrochimie Physique et Analytique (LEPA) cient and costly, as they are spinning (i.e. fossil fuels simply to utilize renewable en- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) – consuming fuel), but primarily operating at ergy sources, and of course this largely un- Valais Wallis zero-load. Nonetheless, this model for the dermines the goal of using renewable en- Rue de l’Industrie 17 Case Postale 440 electrical grid is quite satisfactory for cop- ergy in the first place (e.g. reduced depen- CH-1951 Sion ing with highly variable demand for elec- dence on fossil fuels, reduced atmospheric bDepartment of Chemistry tricity, provided that the supply of electric- emissions, etc.). Lancaster University ity is reliable. However, with the growing The growing use of electric vehicles Lancaster LA1 4YB, United Kingdom implementation of renewable resources can create similar problems of grid insta- 754 CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 12 EnErgy StoragE rESEarch in SwitzErland – thE SccEr hEat & ElEctricity StoragE

bility. Owners of these vehicles expect to production by essentially decoupling ener- value of these systems lies in their energy be able to recharge in a timeframe which gy production from consumption. Instead, capacity. is reasonably similar to conventional liq- such a grid operates on an ‘as available’ or Several technologies are being con- uid-fuelled vehicles. These quick charging ‘on demand’ basis – energy is stored when- sidered to address the growing technical stations can easily consume over 100 kW ever it is available from the generation in- needs and market opportunities. Indeed, each, and charging may take up to an hour frastructure, and supplied to consumers from a technological standpoint large- or more. Moreover, drivers will expect according to demand. In effect, the energy scale electrical energy storage is not a new to be able to charge whenever necessary, storage infrastructure acts as a buffer be- concept. Large pumped hydroelectric sta- creating a large magnitude, unpredictable tween generation and consumption.[5] This tions have long been used to store energy load on the grid. Finally, each driver who buffering is critical for the next evolution by pumping from a low elevation to replaces a petroleum-fuelled vehicle with of the electrical grid for two reasons; it pro- a higher elevation. To recover this energy, an is essentially shifting tects consumers from variability in genera- the water is allowed to flow downhill under load from the petroleum infrastructure to tion (e.g. clouds passing over a solar sta- the influence of gravity, passing through a the electrical grid. This will increase the tion), and it protects generators from large turbine along the way. Unfortunately, this total load on the electrical grid, which will variability in demand (e.g. electric vehicle approach is highly geographically con- not only require additional generators, but charging). Thus, grid-scale energy storage strained, as it typically requires existing will also tax the electrical transmission and is necessary to enable the widespread im- natural features such as mountain lakes to distribution infrastructure. As the infra- plementation of renewable energy sources be practical.[5,8] In a similar approach, air structure reaches its limits, blackouts will and electric vehicles. is compressed into a reservoir to store en- become increasingly common.[4] However, there are numerous additional ergy, and allowed to expand through a tur- Hydrogen-fuelled vehicles have been benefits to electrical energy storage. Such bine to recover the energy. These systems considered as an alternative to fossil- systems can be used to offset the ‘peaks’ tend to be quite large, and have a relatively fuelled vehicles for years. Unfortunately, in electrical demand. In such a regime, low efficiency due to heat rejection during however, hydrogen is commonly obtained energy is stored when demand is low, and the compression step.[5,8] Instead, it is de- by reforming fossil fuels, resulting in hy- then time-shifted to periods when demand sirable to have an efficient, scalable, flex- drogen which is not truly ‘clean’ (in the is high. Large electrical consumers (e.g. ible technology that can be deployed to a sense of being neutral). Electroly- steel mills) may engage in this practice to variety of locations. sers may be used to obtain hydrogen by reduce their peak demand (known as ‘peak Various other technologies, such as . Currently, however, the shaving’), and the accompanying demand high energy flywheels, semiconducting electricity used to drive the electrolysis charges. Meanwhile, electrical generators magnetic energy storage, and electrochem- comes from fossil fuel and nuclear re- may do the same in order to reduce their ical capacitors have been proposed as well. sources, again undermining the advantag- perceived load (known as ‘load levelling’), While these systems are relatively modular es of this approach. Moreover, common thereby avoiding the need to start up costly and suitable for power conditioning appli- alkaline electrolysers are not very tolerant peak generating units. Additionally, small cations, they do not provide the energy ca- of highly variable, intermittent operation, independent power producers may utilize pacity needed to time-shift the energy pro- making them somewhat incompatible with energy storage assets to capitalize on fluc- duced by renewable resources.[5,8] Instead, most renewable resources. Polymer elec- tuations in the price of electricity (a prac- electrochemical systems appear to be the trolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysers are tice known as ‘energy arbitrage’). Grid op- most promising for these applications. more capable of coping with an intermit- erators may use electrical energy storage Several battery technologies are cur- tent power supply, but they require large to help regulate voltage and frequency on rently being considered and demonstrated amounts of precious metal catalysts (e.g. Pt the grid. Moreover, energy storage instal- for grid-scale deployment.[9] High-temper- and Ir), making them very costly. Finally, lations may be placed downstream of con- ature sodium sulfur batteries provide high the lack of a hydrogen distribution infra- gested transmission lines, and used to alle- energy density and relatively long lifetime. structure has largely undermined efforts viate that congestion in a manner similar to However, these systems must operate at to transition to a ‘clean’ hydrogen energy load levelling. In some cases, this strategy high temperatures (250–350 °C) in order economy. allows grid operators to defer transmission to maintain conductivity. Large, container- The current grid architecture is able line upgrades which would otherwise be ized arrays of lithium batteries have al- to tolerate the existing level of unpredict- necessary to serve peak demand for only a so been proposed and demonstrated. These ability on the demand side. However, the few hours per day.[4] systems are very sensitive to temperature, present trajectory of energy production and All of these applications give rise to and thus require good auxiliary thermal consumption will significantly stress the a growing market, which promises to be management systems. Moreover, very system in the coming years. Fundamen- quite large in the coming years. Accord- complex battery management systems tally, the notion of ‘just-in-time’ electric- ing to Deutsche Bank Research, in the next are required to keep all of the individual ity production is incompatible with unpre- twenty years approximately 30 billion Euro cells balanced and prevent overcharging. dictable energy sources, such as wind and will be invested in electrical energy storage Perhaps the largest concerns, however, are solar, and large, unpredictable loads, such infrastructure within Germany alone.[6] By safety and cost. Even the recently released as electric vehicles. In order to achieve the 2040, they estimate that 40 TWh of storage Tesla Powerwall costs between 350 and energy goals of this decade, a more flexible will be required to cope with the expected 430 USD/kWh,[10] falling short of the U.S. grid infrastructure is needed, and the key surpluses. At the global scale, Citi Group Department of Energy target of 100 USD/ to achieving this flexibility will be large- estimates that the global market for energy kWh.[11] Moreover, the serious fire hazard scale electrical energy storage.[4] storage will reach 240 GW, amounting to presented by these batteries is well known a market size of more than 400 billion at the small scale.[12] For a grid-scale in- 1.2 The Role of Energy Storage in USD.[7] It is interesting to note the different stallation, the results could be catastrophic. Tomorrow’s Electrical Grid orders of magnitude between the projected For these reasons, one of the most promis- An electrical grid with a large amount power (GW) and energy (TWh) require- ing candidates for grid-scale energy stor- of energy storage capacity moves away ments for future energy storage systems. It age is the redox . from the paradigm of ‘just-in-time’ energy is clear that from a market perspective, the EnErgy StoragE rESEarch in SwitzErland – thE SccEr hEat & ElEctricity StoragE CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 12 755

2. Redox Flow Batteries Fig. 1. System archi- tecture for conven- A redox flow battery (RFB) is a type of tional flow batteries Pump secondary battery system in which charge Pump based on liquid elec- is stored and released by oxidizing or re- trolytes. ducing active species in a flowing solu- tion. The active species remain solubilized in the surrounding electrolyte during op- Positive Negative eration. During charging, the electrolyte is Electrolyte Electrolyte pumped through an , Tank Tank consisting of two separated by an ion-exchange membrane (Fig. 1). Current is supplied to the electrodes via conductive current collectors, polarizing the electrodes. As a result of polarization, redox reactions occur at the surfaces of the electrodes, resulting in the oxidation (positive half-cell) and reduction (negative Load half-cell) of the active species dissolved in . These charged electrolytes then pass out of the electrochemical cell and into storage reservoirs. To discharge the system and recover the stored energy, Protons conduct the current through 3. Dual-Circuit Redox Flow Battery the electrochemical process is reversed.[13] the membrane; upon charge a number of The unique aspect of RFBs is their protons equal to the number of transferred 3.1 Two Levels of Energy Storage system architecture consisting of a central electrons are transferred from the positive The dual-circuit redox flow bat- electrochemical cell/stack and external electrolyte into the negative electrolyte. tery was developed in order to by- tanks. In conventional batteries, the active Upon discharge, the opposite reactions oc- pass the energy density limitations of material is stored within the cell itself; in cur.The standard cell potential is ca. 1.25 V. conventional RFBs, by adding a sec- effect coupling the power output and en- The active species are typically ond ‘level’ of energy storage.[28,29] ergy capacity. By storing the electrolytes dissolved in an aqueous supporting electro- Energy may be stored conventionally, in externally, the energy capacity can be lyte containing , although oth- the liquid electrolyte, or converted to hy- scaled arbitrarily by increasing the volume er acids, such as methanesulfonic acid and drogen gas through indirect electrolysis of of stored electrolytes. Similarly, the power hydrochloric acid have also been used.[19] water. This design allows energy exceed- output of RFB systems is determined by Since both half-cells are based on vana- ing the conventional capacity of the battery the cell area. This decoupling of power and dium active species, cross-contamination to still be captured and stored in the form energy makes RFBs highly scalable and between the two half-cells is not a major of hydrogen. The energy stored within the flexible, which in turn makes them unique- concern. In effect, unintentional mixing hydrogen may be returned to the electrical ly suited for grid-scale applications.[13] of the two electrolyte streams results in a grid using stationary fuel cells, or used to The specific redox chemistry is anoth- chemical discharge and subsequent loss of power vehicles, to enrich natural er key aspect of these systems. The redox stored energy, but does not otherwise de- gas, or in other industrial processes. In this chemistry determines the maximum en- grade the solutions.[13–17] way, excess energy is never wasted. This ergy density (according to the solubility of Regardless of the composition of the approach enables continuous storage of the active species) and the typical operat- electrolyte, the maximum energy density surplus renewable energy, even when the ing voltage. Numerous redox chemistries of the system is typically determined by conventional storage capacity of the bat- have been proposed and demonstrated. the limits of solubility of the active species. tery has been reached. Moreover, this ap- Among the most common are: Fe/Cr, Zn/ In practice, the concentration of active spe- proach eliminates the need to oversize the Br, and all-vanadium (V/V). Other chem- cies is limited from 1 to 2 M, yielding an battery. istries involving two-phase processes also achievable energy density of approximate- In order to accomplish this, a secondary exist: all-iron (Fe/Fe), all-copper (Cu/Cu), ly 25 to 40 Wh per litre of electrolyte.[13–17] flow circuit was added to each half of the H/Br, V/air, etc.[13–18] This is the main technical limitation of redox flow battery architecture (Fig. 2). On Among the numerous redox chemis- modern flow battery systems – the energy the negative half-cell, the secondary flow tries that can be utilized in an RFB archi- density is intrinsically limited by the solu- circuit contains a catalytic reactor where tecture, the all-vanadium chemistry is per- bility of the active species. the negative electrolyte is chemically dis- haps the most prototypical. We consider it Significant effort has been placed on charged, producing hydrogen gas accord- here, as an illustrative example. In a vana- enhancing the solubility of the various ing to Eqn. (3): dium redox flow battery (VRFB), V(iv) is active species in solution. In particular, oxidized to V(v) in the positive half-cell previous work has focused on improving 2H+ + 2D– → H + 2D (3) during charging, while V(iii) is reduced to solubility by changing the composition of 2 V(ii) on the negative half-cell: the supporting electrolyte[19–22] and intro- ducing various additives.[23–27] Although where D– is an electron donor. The produc- significant progress has been made, these V(iv) ⇌ V(v) + e–, E° = 0.991 V (1) tion of hydrogen consumes protons in the approaches are unlikely to yield disruptive electrolyte solution. It is critical to main- improvements in energy density. More- tain a relatively constant concentration of over, they are highly dependent on the spe- V(iii) + e– ⇌ V(ii), E° = –0.255 V (2) protons in order to ensure good electrolyte cific chemistry, and thus cannot be readily conductivity and maintain the solubility generalized to other redox chemistries. of the active species throughout the cycle. 756 CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 12 EnErgy StoragE rESEarch in SwitzErland – thE SccEr hEat & ElEctricity StoragE

controlled hydrogen evolution inside the O H 2 2 tank. For these reasons, we decided to use Valve Valve a supported catalyst. A spray-coating pro- cess was developed to synthesize Mo C Pump 2 Pump on the surface of inert, spherical supports. The spherical supports provide reasonable surface area while maintaining large inter- Positive Negative stitial voids for electrolyte and gas to flow Electrolyte Electrolyte through. Initially, porous alumina sup- Tank Tank ports were used, however the mechanical stability of the catalytic coating on these spheres was not satisfactory. After several iterations, 3 mm ceramic beads (Denstone 2000, Saint Gobain, Germany) were found to provide good adhesion and mechanical Valve Valve strength for the catalytic coating. Load Having developed a suitable catalyst, the next step was to design the catalytic Fig. 2. Dual-circuit redox flow battery architecture. The valves allow electrolyte to pass through reactor. Initially, a horizontal fixed bed the external reactors, where the electrolyte may be chemically discharged ‘on demand’ to pro- reactor design was used. Charged electro- duce hydrogen and on the negative and positive halves, respectively. lyte was injected at one end of the reac- tor, flowing through the catalytic bed and Thus, a source of protons is also needed. strated the proof-of-concept at the labora- generating hydrogen. Hydrogen could be These protons are liberated in the positive tory scale.[29] Specifically, indirect hydro- collected from the headspace above the catalytic reactor via the water oxidation gen evolution and water oxidation were catalytic bed. Baffles were installed along reaction: demonstrated at the surface of Mo C and the length of the reactor to help promote 2 RuO , respectively, using the fully charged mixing of the electrolyte throughout the 2 V and Ce electrolytes. Moreover, the con- reactor. Unfortunately, this reactor design 2H O + 4A+ → O + 4H+ + 4A (4) 2 2 version efficiency and apparent reaction had problematic mass transport charac- rate for both reactions were determined. teristics. The hydrogen evolution reaction where A+ is an electron acceptor. The pro- The hydrogen evolution reaction, in partic- caused the electrolyte in the catalytic bed tons liberated by this reaction pass from the ular, was found to have nearly 100% con- to foam. This foam had sufficient capillar- positive half-cell to the negative half-cell, version efficiency.[29] Based on the success ity to block many of the interstitial voids via the membrane, providing additional of this preliminary work, it was decided between particles, severely limiting the reactant for the hydrogen evolution reac- to begin scaling up the process to a more utilization of the catalyst. tion. Thus, if water is added stoichiometri- industrially-relevant scale. To address this limitation, a new reac- cally, both of these reactions may proceed tor was recently designed and built (Fig. indefinitely, assuming a constant supply of 3.2 Scale-up and Demonstration 3c). This reactor is a vertical, multi-stage charged electrolytes.[29] In order to further validate the dual-cir- fixed bed reactor. In each stage, electrolyte In order to drive these reactions, elec- cuit approach and determine its technical is injected at the bottom of the catalytic trolytes with appropriate redox potentials readiness, a demonstration project was un- bed. The liquid then flows up, through the must be utilized. For the hydrogen evolu- dertaken. The basic platform for this devel- catalytic bed, until reaching the raised out- tion reaction (Eqn. (3)), the V(ii)/V(iii) re- opment effort was a CellCube 10 kW/40 let and flowing into the next stage (Figs dox couple (Eqn. (2)) has a thermodynami- kWh all-vanadium redox flow battery pro- 3d,e). The hydrogen gas is collected from cally favourable redox potential. Unfortu- duced by Gildemeister Energy Solutions the headspace in each stage. In total, the nately, the V(iv)/V(v) couple (Eqn. (1)) (Fig. 3b). The battery was installed at a site reactor contains eight stages, each contain- does not have a sufficient redox potential in Martigny, Valais, Switzerland (Fig. 3a). ing ca. 2 g of Mo C. 2 to drive water oxidation (Eqn. (4)). For this After installation and commissioning, we This reactor design has several advan- reason, the Ce(iii)/Ce(iv) couple was uti- began the process of retrofitting the battery tages over the previous reactor design. The lized for our proof-of-concept work: with the necessary secondary circuit and large number of stages increases the resi- catalytic reactor for hydrogen generation. dence time of the reactor, allowing greater As the commercial RFB is based on the all- conversion of the electrolyte in a single – Ce(iv) + e ⇌ Ce(iii), E° = 1.72 V (5) vanadium redox chemistry, the water oxi- pass. Moreover, the vertical flow of the dation reaction is not possible on the posi- electrolyte helps to facilitate the shedding Despite sufficient thermodynamic po- tive half. Accordingly, we have focused of hydrogen bubbles from the catalytic tentials to drive the indirect water electrol- our efforts on demonstrating the hydrogen bed. This helps to prevent blocking of the ysis reactions, catalysts were still needed to evolution reaction. catalyst, and increases the amount of con- enhance the kinetics of the reactions. RuO One ofthekeystepsinthiseffortwas the version achieved in each stage. 2 was utilized to drive the water oxidation re- development of a catalyst which could be We have recently started characterizing action, due to its suitability in acidic condi- practically employed at this scale. A fixed the performance of this new reactor design. tions. For the hydrogen evolution reaction, bed of the microparticulate Mo C catalyst Our initial results indicate that the reactor is 2 Mo C was utilized. These catalysts lower used in our proof-of-concept work would very well suited for hydrogen production, 2 the overpotential sufficiently to allow both cause too much pressure drop in the sec- and is able to provide a higher conversion reactions to proceed spontaneously in the ondary hydraulic circuit. Moreover, such rate as a result of the various improvements presence of the charged electrolytes.[29] small particles could become entrained in introduced. It appears that full conversion Using the V/Ce redox chemistry, and the flow of the electrolyte and travel into of the electrolyte may be achieved for flow the catalysts mentioned above, we demon- the electrolyte storage tank, causing un- rates up to 1 L/minute.At this flow rate, the EnErgy StoragE rESEarch in SwitzErland – thE SccEr hEat & ElEctricity StoragE CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 12 757

Fig. 3. a) Dual-circuit RFB demonstrator site in Martigny, Valais, Switzerland. The demonstrator is based around b) a 10 kW/40 kWh all-vanadium flow battery which has been retrofitted with c) an auxiliary hydraulic circuit for producing hydrogen. d) The reactor contains eight identical stages, e) where electrolyte is injected at the bottom of the catalytic bed and flows upward through the catalyst before reaching the outlet. Hydrogen is re- moved from the headspace above each stage. battery can be completely chemically dis- In a broader context, this system is rep- constructive feedback for both technolo- charged in 16.7 hours, which is equivalent resentative of the growing importance of gies. Moreover, the overall energy storage to a conventional discharge at ca. 2.4 kW. diverse energy storage infrastructure. The capacity available in the grid will make it If a greater equivalent discharge power is interplay between hydrogen and electric- more tolerant to the large amplitude pertur- needed, several reactors may be placed in ity will become increasingly important in bations caused by the charging of battery parallel. the coming years. It is clear that large-scale electric vehicles. Some of these distributed energy storage is needed to facilitate the energy storage sites may also function as widespread implementation of renewable fuelling sites for hydrogen fuelled vehi- 4. Looking Forward energy sources. Growing reliance on elec- cles. Hydrogen can be produced directly tric vehicles will further reinforce this need. on-site by , avoiding The dual-circuit redox flow battery For mobile applications, hydrogen energy the need for a hydrogen distribution in- discussed here provides a unique approach storage is particularly beneficial due to frastructure. In some cases, indirect wa- for enhancing the energy capacity of redox its high energy density, and the ability to ter electrolysis, as seen in the dual-circuit flow battery systems. Since this approach instantly refuel vehicles. However, wide- flow battery system presented here, may be does not alter the fundamental RFB ar- spread hydrogen infrastructure is lacking utilized. However, conventional RFBs can chitecture, existing systems can be easily and remains a significant barrier to the ac- also be used as a buffer between renewable retrofitted to enable the production of hy- ceptance of hydrogen fuelled vehicles. resources and conventional electrolysers, drogen. Moreover, besides indirect water Nonetheless, we can imagine a future allowing the electrolyser to operate at a electrolysis, other industrial processes can which capitalizes on the synergies between constant load. In both cases, the electricity potentially be accomplished using this sys- electricity and hydrogen. Energy storage used to drive the electrolysis will be de- tem architecture, such as the oxidation of technologies, such as redox flow batteries, rived primarily from renewable resources, H S and SO to produce sulfuric acid.[30] may be installed at renewable energy gen- rather than fossil fuel or nuclear resources, 2 2 More generally, the concept of indirect eration sites to buffer supply and demand. producing truly ‘clean’ hydrogen. electrolysis could be extended to other Additional energy storage sites may be A future grid powered solely by renew- electrosynthetic processes, for example for installed at nodes throughout the distribu- able energy sources is rapidly becoming the on-site production of chlorine (chlorine tion system in order to flatten the load on possible with ongoing advances in tech- transport through inner cities such as Laus- the network and provide greater reliability. nology. The dual-circuit redox flow battery anne being a hazardous process) or for the As more storage capacity comes online, system can play a key role as an energy production of hydrogen peroxide, which is this will enable further implementation of management platform, directly connecting an environmentally friendly oxidant. renewable resources, starting a cycle of the producer’s needs to the consumer’s re- 758 CHIMIA 2015, 69, No. 12 EnErgy StoragE rESEarch in SwitzErland – thE SccEr hEat & ElEctricity StoragE

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