Business Plan Competition Challenges MBA Students
the exchange Newsletter of the College of Business at Oregon State University >> Spring 2004 Student Entrepreneurs Emerge (continued from cover) Business Plan Competition Challenges MBA Students Currently living and networking with exchange ou have nine months to create an Inte- But was it all worth it? In the Consulting Engagement Business Plan students in the West International dorms, he plans grated Business Project (IBP) for a new “The MBA IBP pulled everything together. I Category, the Whiteside Theater team of Mat- to live in Weatherford Hall when it opens. Ybusiness or new avenue for an existing was able to use the knowledge of all the disciplines thew Baker, Beau Brown, Loren Mc Laughlin, “I’m always having fun,” said Khemlani. His business — to research it; develop goals, objec- for the integrated business plan which really Michael Smith, and Jordan Zardinejad won first future plans include growing Roachwear and tak- tives, strategies and budget; assess its financial fea- brought it together for me,” said Erica Edgecomb, prize. The YouthBuild team of Kimberly ing over the Kash Ross Company following his sibility; work with your team; develop a distribu- MBA ’03, KPMG assurance associate. Herzberg, Wesley Hutchins, Meghan Kuwahara, OSU graduation. tion, sales and marketing plan, and more. You The IBP, the cornerstone of the college’s MBA Syed Kaiser Shah, and Steven Siegel took sec- TJ Robertson, currently finishing his masters have your regular MBA classes, often a job, a fam- program, put more than 60 students to the test ond. in computer science, is the creator of last year. Not only did the students select their “The business plan the MBA students put to-, a free online local information post- project, they developed the plan and presented it gether provided us with a very clear avenue to ing service.
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