The Clinton Independent. VOL
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The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXIX.-NO. Z ST. JOHNS. MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ft, 1894. WHOLE NO.-14B8. Have your Watches. Clocks ami Jew —We hear it reported that Robert E. -The offering at st. John s church —Spaulding A Co. have a tine line of Thank**!* lug Day la St. John*. elry r paired at Allison's, the old rell* Davies of Greenbusli. is quite sick. next Sunday morning will be devoted to Hand Sleighs and Coasters. Call and Tlie day set apart for the returning of We iiave made another extra reduc state jeweler. —In leas than three weeks we shall be the cause of Domeetic Missions. see them. tbauks for the many blessings of this tion on all our Winter Millinery Spec enjoyiug the advent of Christmas. —Cabinets, best tlnish. only two dol ial Sale commences Friday, Dec. T. at . JJpectacle.' and Eye Glasses at almost —Tlie annual election of officers for life, was quite generally observed by reductions which make this tlie Bonnet wholesale prices at Krepps. DeWitt A —Harrison Shermau. of this village, lars (92.U0) per dox. from now until Jan. the State Savings Bank of Fowler, will our people. Our streets were quiet and Hat opportunity of the season. Co.'s. Eyes tested free. lias opened a new and fresh stock of 1st. at Plunkett 's studio, 31 Clinton Ave. occur December 11, at 3:80 p. m. aud unusually free of people ; religious Respectfully, Don't forget that tlu* l»est assortment bazaar goods in the Marvin block.Ovid. —The interior of the court house is —letters addressed to the following services iu the various churches were J. T. Cols A Co. of Christmas sifts, is to be found at —We are pleased to learn that James now undergoing a thorough cleaning up named persons remain dead in St. Johns liberally attended, and inauy were the Xolle# lo Oil*rc Tox-payor*. Allison's jewelery store. D. Estes, who has been reported seri and decoration by Jack Malthouse, the office: Joseph Boucba.J. K. Compton, iiappy tarn !y gatherings, and many a I will lie at the following places to re ously ill at his home in Owosso of late, artist. Mm. Becles. Miss Alma Jones. Miss depressed heart was made light and ceive taxes during llecember : 2Uth and HOME MATTERS. is slowly but surely improving. —It is reported that Frank Stitt, a Lilly Fierce. A. C. Russell (2). Geo. C. Iiappy by the generous acts of kind 27th at Chadwick s grocery; at St. Johns —Charter Stephenson has so far re former resident of Essex township, is National Buuk every’ Saturday, and at llri>Tltli>.. Tmesdell. Frank Williams. friends aud neighbors. home every Friday. covered from the amputation of one of very sick aud not expected to live, at —Karl YanSickle entertained thirty The good neighbors of the Donald F. M. Y UKIlKNIir KU. Full *oon we’ll sec the OMsuees tree. his legs below the knee as to be able to his preseut home in Republican city, of his little friends Monday eveniug iu family, residing at the north end of OalilaM* $9-00 Hrr I>*im. With lovely irtfuoown tieol: commence the wearing of an artitlcial Nebraska. honor of his ninth birthday. Delicious Cliutoii avenue, and who suffered from And in our pocketbook* we’t! For the holidays I will give beet fin limb witli the beginning of the new- year. —Mesdumes Gillam. Corbin, Fennell refreshments were served, after which ravaged smallpox There’s not n single cent the of resulting iu the ished Cabinets, any style setting, for —<Ttie*fa Ial»r Oe*a*. —E. F. Kemp, and able reporter for aud Miss (’orbit will give a reception games were played and a good time en deatli of u mother, leaving five children only $2.00 per doz. O. G. Fm nkktt . —Born tOv-Mi suit Mrs. .Sylvester the Grand Rapids Herald, w as here last and exhibition of china at Dr. Uillam's joyed bv all. Each little guest was giv without parents, united in preparing a 31 Cliutoii Ave. Matter'll. Dec. 4. 1NB4. a 10 lb. boy. Saturday, gatlieri ng matter for a hur residence on Friday aftemoou. Decem eu a dainty little sou veil ier tut a pleas Thanksgiving for them, yvhich K«*imI aud 1‘rotlt Thrrrltmu. *-Buy your gold Ailed watches of ried sketch of some of our interests, ber 14. from2 until (1. The public is aut reminder of the happy time. was composed of the mauy good things We now offer to the public all trimmed VdKrei ips, DeWitt It Co., leading jewelers, which article appeared in the Niiudav cordially invited, of this generous earth, und aggregated and untrimmed Huts. Fancv Feathers, Klwllou uf (IDiirrm Birds, Ornaments. Colored Velvets and and save money. edition of that paper. —Willie J. Smith, hoii of Wra. Smith, nearly a dray load. Iu this, as iu all At the regular annual meeting of the Ribbons at reduced prices from this —Superior cabinet photos at reduced —Maple Uapids Dispatch: "yester proprietor of the Wesplialia House, other occasions designed to ulieviate date to Dec. 28tli. ST No special day. A. O. U. W., Tuesday evening Dec. 4, rate* for short time at Suite's studio, day I!. M. Gulin. V. S.. accompanied by (hushed a course in sliort-haud at tlie sufferings and to make glad the flTEvery day alike 1NH4, the following named |*ersous were east side. St. John.**. Geo. D. .Smith, both of St. Johns, were Cleary's Business College. Ypsilanti, hearts of the sick and depressed, that Houchkh A Panes. chosen officers for the ensuing year. A —J. E. Littell showed us a 10 dollat here and performed a surgical operation and received his diploma last week. kind and no less generous hearted cit private installation will occur January 1 We are showing some bargains in bill with these words written on it: on a horse Ik* longing to Randolph Payne He is now engaged as stenographer in izen. Henry II. Harris, did his full part Drest* Goods. Come and see. * ‘The last of an ill spent fortune.' ’ and for coffin joint lameness ; also, on one of the office of Fedewa A Walbridge, this P. M.-Wio. Crlch. nobly, and with that spirit of cheerful II. L. Kknduick M. W.—(leu, E. WeatherwoA Prices always the lowest. signed J. 1*. 11.! George Randolph's, for crooked leg." village. Willie is studious and applies ness that plainly told of the pleasure It — Walter Ferguson has just added an foreman— L. H Peck. —Seat sale now open for the engage himself closely to his work, and in the Ovrreeer—Ell Mann, affonletl him in so doing. A noble Remember that we are headquarters ment of the American tragedian. Walk elegant triple set ot mirror* to Ids bar near future will make his mark in ids ttecomcr—Wm. Cochrane heart rings out witii love and pity from for Cloaks aud Furs. er Whiteside,in Richelieu, at the Grand. ber shop. The frames are of oak. an profession. He passed a very creditable financier Chaa. 'iadt beneath that thread hare coat. In him 11. L. Kknduick . tique tlnish. and so made as to be easily examination at the college. deceiver M. MchonaliJ Prices always the lowest. Friday evening. Ounle — E. I. Parmenter. is plainly portrayed that most euoOliug —The calendar for the November taken apart in case of moving. Between —'The multitude of practical men and act in man's character: "It is more bles Cloth*** ClwtuiNl. Dye«l and It*-pal rod each mirror is an oak post handsomely I. W.—Frol itolchklM. term of circuit court for Shiawassee women who are daily visiting Spaulding O. yv —<1*0 nice sed to give than to lecelve.” By II. Ilickey. over Clark A Hulas ’ county. conUined 10J cases. 19 of which carved, and all is the work of II. W. A Co.’s tiardware store this week, after Tnmee—Oliver Wick**. Tlie good aud thoughtful members of store. were for hills of divorce. Morris. having witnessed the perfect practical Hep—Wm. Cochrane. the \V. U. C. remembered, upon tins oc Far Ml* or Ktrh*n(«. —Lew Allison has been seriously ill —Alton Jefferies, who commenced workings of the "Majestic Steel Range” All.—Wm Crlch. fusion, as they have done upon others I will sell my farm of 120 acres on leading medicine in the office of Dr. A. there on exhibition, exclaim Eureka ! section lb, in the township of Riley, in a town in Mississippi, where he has TO COrPKK Dill Vi it Kit** ! of u like nature, the widows aud fami cheap, or trade tlie same for villtgre been in cltarge of a business for his J. Wiggins, this village, and later gradu Eureka ! And bow' their heads in sil lies of deceased soldiers, in a most sub property, or a smaller farm. Enquire ated from the best institutions of the ence and deep meditation. Their cup stantial manner. of J. II. Fedewa. St. Johns, or at tlie uncle. Albert Todd, of Owroaso. Will Yon Join Dm In a Morial Cup «*l Untl —A shawl found on Saturday iast. a kind in the country. is now enjoying a was full to overflowing—of Chase A As a result of tlie observance of the arm. Jons Gallaokk . very laige and successful practice in Delirious (Vtltmi ? day our people received another mark- ------- ' --------------- half mile west of Osborn's comers, Sanborn's "Seal Brand" coffee— and of reward for their well-doing. ~ For the l*est watch repairing go to awaits its owner at this office, who may And about Huhlurdston.