technically speaking

Vanessa Revelli [email protected]

As we come to the end of another year, I wanted to and is burdensome for stu- take a moment to thank you, our loyal readers. Each dents and aid administra- month I get amazing feedback with your thoughts on the tors. In October, NASFAA magazine, and information about what you are doing in (National Association of your schools to teach our next generation of leaders. You Student Financial Aid Ad- really inspire me! Please continue to reach out. Your feed- ministrators) released an is- back helps guide the direction of Tech Directions, and I sue brief on verification calling on Congress to take action really do appreciate it. to address this issue. You can find the brief at http://www. There is some good news coming out of Washington D.C. that I wanted to share with you. In November, Sena- "The FAFSA Act not only makes the application process tors Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Patty Murray (D-WA), easier for students, but also does so while preserving the Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Cory Gardner (R-CO) integrity of the student aid programs," NASFAA President introduced the bipartisan "Faster Access to Federal Stu- Justin Draeger said. "These are the sort of common-sense, dent Aid Act of 2018" (S. 3611), a bill that would, through bipartisan solutions students and families need from better integration with the Department of Education and Washington, D.C., and we applaud these Senators for their the Internal Revenue Service, simplify the application, commitment to removing barriers to a postsecondary verification, and student loan repayment processes. This education. The financial aid community urges swift action bill takes the important step of amending both the In- on this bill so that work can begin to reduce the applica- ternal Revenue Code and Higher Education Act (HEA) to tion and data verification burden that continues to over- allow for cross-agency data-sharing that would improve whelm students and institutions." the federal student aid system for students and borrow- For more information on The FAFSA Act, see NASFAA's ers. Complete information on the Act can be found at summary of the bill at item/16761/Senators_Introduce_Bipartisan_Bill_to_ bill/3611 Simplify_FAFSA_and_Reduce_Verification_through_ED-IRS_ The bill would simplify the financial aid application Data_Sharing. process for students and families and streamline enroll- ment in and renewal of income-driven repayment plans for borrowers. In addition, the bill would take meaningful steps to reduce verification burden, a process that remains overly complex, disproportionately affects low-income students,

Editorial adviSory Board Joseph Scarcella, Ph.D., Professor of Education, Cali- Michael Fitzgerald, Engineering and Technology Education fornia State University, San Bernadino Specialist, Delaware Department of Education, Dover Mark Schwendau, M.S., Ind. Mgmt. Kishwaukeee College, A Prakken Publications Magazine Edward J. Lazaros, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Malta, IL, Retiree Information Systems and Operations Management, Ball Bert Siebold, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Industrial & Digital Tech Directions (ISSN 1940-3100) is published month- State University, Muncie, IN Engineering Technology, Murray State University, KY ly, except June, July, and August, by Prakken Publications, Ed Prevatt, School Specialist, National Center for Construc- Jim Smallwood, Ph. D., Professor, Applied Engineering Inc., 251 Jackson Plaza, Suite A, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-1955. tion Education and Research, Gainesville, FL & Technology Management Department, Indiana State Executive, editorial, and advertising offices are at PO Box John Roccanova, Technology Education, Webutuck Central University, Terre Haute 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8623, telephone 734-975-2800; School, Amenia, NY Chris Zirkle, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor, College of Education fax 734-975 -2787. Vol. 78, No. 4. Mark Schwendau, M.S., Ind. Mgmt. Kishwaukeee College, and Human Ecology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Malta, IL, retiree Subscriptions: individuals: $30 per year; Canadian and Board of directors Matthew D. Knope, Vanessa Revelli pEEr rEviEw Board foreign: add $20 per year. Canadian GST #R126213487. Single copies $3. Group rate for students in teacher-training Sam Cotton, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Ball State Business Manager Turalee A. Barlow, institutions available upon request. [email protected] University, Muncie, IN Cameron J. Davidson, M.S., Researcher. periodicals postage paid at Ann Arbor, MI, and additional Managing Editor Vanessa Revelli, mailing offices. Printed in U.S.A. [email protected] Charles R. Feldhaus, Ed. D., Professor, Department of Computer, Information, and Leadership Technology, Indiana Senior Editor Susanne Peckham, POSTMASTER: Please send change of address information University-Purdue University Indianapolis to Tech Directions, PO Box 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8623. [email protected] Ronald F. Gonzales, Ph.D., ASE, Professor, Cyber Security and art, design, and production Manager Sharon K. Miller Information Assurance, National University, San Diego, CA Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor, Tech Directions, PO Box 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8623. Manuscripts become advertising Sales Manager Matt Knope, Robert T. Howell, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Technology Studies, Fort Hays State University, KS property of Tech Directions upon letter of acceptance to 800-530-9673 x302, [email protected] author and signed copyright release form. Payment made on Edward J. Lazaros, Ph.D., Professor, Department of National Sales Consultant Jim Negen, 320-281-7454, publication. Electronic copies of back issues available from Information Systems and Operations Management, Ball [email protected] ProQuest Information and Learning, State University, Muncie, IN Microform copies available from NAPC, Special Feature Editor Rochelle Pierce Robert D. Mordini, Ed.D., Asst. Professor, Technology Subscription dept. 800-530-9673 x306 Studies, Fort Hays State University, KS ©2018 by Prakken Publications, Inc.

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4 techdirections ◆ december 2018 December 2018 contents Vol. 78, No. 4

PROFESSiONaL DEVELOPMENT dealing with digital distraction By Chris Berdik 13 From a complete ban, to incorporating it into the curriculum, educators are trying a variety of tactics to handle the way devices are being used in their classrooms. BuiLDiNG TRaDES Careers in Construction—Building a talent pipeline 16 A look at different ways the construction industry is attracting all sorts of new talent into the field. STEM page 16 taking to the Skies By Tom Farmer 18 Restoring an airplane teaches students “you can do it.” SPECiaL FEaTuRE CTE Supplier directory 30 A collection of leading suppliers 20 worker Shortage Spurs Uncharacteristic partnerships of equipment, materials, and Connecting Colleges, Business By Jon Marcus media for CTE and STEM By having colleges talk to local businesses, they are better able education. to ensure that students’ have the skills they need when they graduate. OOPS! FREE ON-DEMaND puzzle Corrections 36 Thank you to all the readers who CLaSSROOM PROJECT found the mistakes in two of our November puzzles. Here are the Building a Bat wing Glider—a transportation Challenge corrected versions of each. 23 By Mike Fitzgerald Students construct gliders from foam egg cartons, learn the parts of an airplane, and flight characteristics.

COLuMNS 2 technically Speaking Vanessa Revelli 6 the News report Vanessa Revelli 8 technology today Alan Pierce 10 technology’s past Dennis Karwatka 38 More than Fun

about the cover: many students find themselves distracted in class by their digital devices. See article on page 13. cover page 18 design by Sharon K. miller. contents 5 l Major Tenets of Perkins V (Au- gust 2018)—A one-page overview of the news report the major tenets of The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). vanessa revelli [email protected] fault/files/PerkinsV_One- Pager_082418.pdf perkins act renewed ment of CTE students, strengthening l Side-by-Side Analysis of Perkins In July, The Strengthening Career the connections between secondary IV and Perkins V (October 2018)— and Technical Education for the 21st and postsecondary education, and This document displays the text of Century Act was signed into law. This improving accountability. Perkins Perkins IV alongside the text of Per- bill reauthorizes the Carl D. Perkins affords states and local communities kins V and includes an analysis of the Career and Technical Education Act the opportunity to implement a vi- changes between the two laws. of 2006 (Perkins) and will be referred sion for CTE that uniquely supports to as Perkins V. the range of educational needs of stu- default/files/PerkinsV_Side-by-Side_ Perkins is dedicated to increasing dents—exploration through career Draft_Updated101618.pdf learner access to high-quality Career preparation—and balances those l Perkins Accountability Compari- Technical Education (CTE) programs student needs with the current and son (October 2018) —This document of study. With a focus on systems emerging needs of the economy. compares the secondary and post- alignment and program improve- secondary indicators of performance ment, Perkins is critical to ensuring resources on perkins v in Perkins IV and Perkins V, as well that programs are prepared to meet l Perkins V (September 2018)— as points out alignment with per- the ever-changing needs of learners Full text of Perkins V (The Strengthen- formance measures from ESSA and and employers. Perkins reflects the ing Career and Technical Education WIOA. 100-year federal commitment to CTE for the 21st Century Act). by providing federal support for CTE programs and focuses on improving default/files/PerkinsV_September2018. Vanessa Revelli is managing editor the academic and technical achieve- pdf of techdirections.

Share your teaching experiences with your peers! want to get published? We are looking for articles about what is going on in the career-technical and STEM education fields! Articles should be 1,000-2,000 words and should cover issues facing the field, a description of your experiences with an effective lesson plan or teaching technique, or tips for other teachers. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Please put “Article Submission” in the subject line. Please also include photos and drawings, if appropriate. If you have an idea you want to pitch to make sure it would be a good fit, send Vanessa an email, [email protected]. want your students on the cover? We are also looking for high-quality vertical photos for cover use. Photos should show students engaged in education activities. Send your photos to [email protected].

6 techdirections ◆ december 2018 default/files/AdvanceCTE_Perkins_ Updated082218.pdf Reauthorization (February 2016)—A Accountability_Comparison_Octo- l Understanding The Strengthening summary of Advance CTE’s recommen- ber2018.pdf Career and Technical Education for dations for the renewal of Perkins. l Coordinating Across Perkins V the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) (Au- and the Workforce Innovation and gust 2018)—An overview of Perkins default/files/Advance_CTE_Perkins_ Opportunity Act (October 2018)— including its purpose, how funds are Recommendations_2018.pdf This guide from Advance CTE and distributed, and why Perkins is an l How States Use Perkins—The the National Skills Coalition looks investment that matters. Basics (October 2017)—A summary at six opportunities to promote co- of the ways states leverage Perkins ordination across Perkins V and the default/files/AdvanceCTE_ to support CTE. Workforce Innovation and Opportuni- ACTE_P.L.115 -224Summary_ ty Act (WIOA) as states develop and Updated082218.pdf default/files/How_States_Use_ implement plans under Perkins V. l Advance CTE and ACTE Joint Perkins-The_Basics-2017Update.pdf Letter on Senate Passage of Perkins l Perkins Collaborative Resource default/files/CoordinatingAcross Reauthorization (July 2018)—A let- Network—The U.S. Department of Edu- PerkinsV%26WIOA_102218.pdf ter to the Senate in response to the cation’s Office of Career, Technical and l Perkins V Redline (August Perkins Reauthorization Bill that the Adult Education Division of Academic 2018)—This document shows how Senate voted to pass on July 23, 2018. and Technical Education website with the text of Perkins V compares to information on Perkins, including Perkins IV . files/ACTE-Advance%20CTE_ non-regulatory guidance, state profiles, Letter%20to%20Senate_072318_final.pdf performance data, and more. files/PerkinsV_Redline_082018.pdf l Summary and Analysis of Per- resources on perkins iv l Carl D. Perkins Career and Tech- kins V (August 2018)—An overview l Carl D. Perkins Career and Tech- nical Education Act of 2006: Back- of Perkins V, including state and local nical Education Act of 2006 (January ground and Performance (December implications. 2006)—Full text of Perkins I V. 2012)—A Congressional Research Service report for Congress on out- default/files/AdvanceCTE_ docs/perkins_iv.pdf comes under Perkins. ACTE_P.L.115 -224Summary_ l Recommendations for Perkins

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m of Maryland have found The goal of their research was of a way to make wood to find a way to leave the cellulose more than ten times structure of the wood alone while University stronger and tougher reducing the other two natural wood than before, creating a ingredients that naturally resisted

courtesy natural substance that densification. Photos 2 and 3 show is stronger than many the wood’s structure under a micro- Photos titanium alloys.” Photo scope before and after densification. photo 1—in the movies, just about everything can 1 shows a piece of their The first step of their process stop a high-speed bullet. in reality, a bullet will densification processed uses the same boiling bath and penetrate undensified lumber without much loss wood stopping a bullet chemicals that are used to make of velocity. that would normally go paper. The major difference in this through wood as if it going to describe left the forest as a was going through paper. Alan Pierce, Ed.D., CSIT, is a tech- soft or hard wood and gained its new To understand their densifica- nology education consultant. Visit properties in a lab at the University tion process, you need to know that for past col- of Maryland (UMD). Dr. Liangbing Hu wood, like all plants, has hard cell umns and teacher resources.

photos 2 & 3—wood cells, under magnification, before (left) and after the densification process.

8 techdirections ◆ december 2018 sion to squish the wood Puzzle Corrections Answers cells in the board, so they are approximately Crossnumber one fifth of their natural ABC DEF 1 8 9 6 7 5 cell size (Photo 4). The G H team determined that 7 0 5 1 0 0 the pressure treatment IJ 2 5 1 0 0 causes all the atoms in the wood to form hydro- K 2 5 2 L 5 0 gen bonds. A wood finish MNO 8 9 5 3 0 was used to prevent the wood from absorbing P 6 3 9 QR 1 1 7 moisture during some of S T the testing. The result is 3 7 9 3 9 5 a piece of wood that is as tough, hard, and strong photo 4—dr. liangbing Hu and dr. teng li are as steel. Builder’s word Search answers holding wood that was once the same thickness. B H N a i r a p i r o C K S the thinner one was reduced in thickness by taking it a Step Further a C l i F t S M l U M B E r their densification process. S N i C H E E t E d i B E r Wood that has all the E E N S y S t E M S t o l E characteristics of steel N B t d o w E l S i S S B w i a E a r E d d a l E S r E first step between the paper making could enter the world of manufac- l l l E S r E v E l F l a S process and their densification pro- turing, construction, art, and home G C t r U N N E r S a E M U a o U t i l i t i E S w a o cess is the wood. In their process, it’s crafts in so many ways. r N o S i N G a B l E E N H being treated as a solid board rather 1. What do you think will be the d y N a M i t E i t i N S E o a r C H E d o a S E l i t than wood chips. first commercial use for densified M r E p p o C l E a K S o a The next step is to warm the wood? E t F r E E S t a N d i N G wood and place it in a press to sub- 2. Why would this wood be la- ject it to extremely high compres- beled as a renewable resource? technology toDay 9 constructed a biplane in his spare time and successfully flew it over technology’s past short flights in 1908. The aircraft used a borrowed 24 hp French Antoi- nette engine. This was the first time a dennis Karwatka British citizen made a powered flight, [email protected] on British soil, and in a British-built airplane. Roe and his brother formed a. v. roe and His airplanes a partnership in 1910. It was the The family names of some early later, he was helping operate steam world's first airplane-manufacturing airplane manufacturers occasion- engines on British Merchant Marine company. He earned his flight license ally appeared in their ships. While resting that year and also married Mildred airplane model names. between sea voyages, Kirk. They had nine children. An example is the Roe made large mod- Roe initially constructed experi- World War I Sopwith el airplanes. He corre- mental that used various Camel, built at a sponded with Orville engines. He flew his Roe I company founded by and Wilbur Wright in 1909 but damaged it that year in a Thomas Sopwith. One shortly after their flight accident. He built three more aircraft pioneer went historic 1903 flight at models, which he named Roe II (in a step further and Kitty Hawk, NC. 1909), III (in 1910), and IV (in 1910). included his initials. Roe read what he None have survived the years, but His 1913 was could on aviation aircraft enthusiasts have constructed a popular trainer for and entered his first replicas. over 20 years. Alliott model airplane event Roe fitted an airplane with floats Verdon Roe estab- in 1907. His rubber in his small workshop and flew lished the A.V. Roe alliott verdon roe band-powered bi- the first British seaplane. Roe con- Aircraft Company in plane had an 8' wing structed a prototype monoplane in Manchester, England, in 1910. span and flew over 100'. He won the 1912 with the first enclosed cabin. Roe was born in Manchester in £75 first prize. It helped convince one Named Avro F, it had a 35 hp Ital- 1877 and raised with six siblings. of his brothers to provide him with ian Viale engine. A modified version

Far left, roe with his model airplane that won an event His father was a physician and his in 1907. above, mother worked at establishing nurs- workers assemble ery day care standards. He had a a roe 1 triplane on comfortable middle-class lifestyle, an automobile race and his father expected Roe to also course. become a physician. But Roe had developed an interest in technical topics and became a railway locomo- left, a 1909 roe i tive apprentice at 16. A few years triplane

Dennis Karwatka is professor emer- garage space to build a full-size air- established a flight duration record itus, Department of Applied Engineer- plane. Roe also had to earn a living of 7-1/2 hours. ing and Technology, Morehead (KY) and worked as a drafter for a division Roe built a variety of limited pro- State University. of Simplex Motor Car Company. He duction airplanes before designing

10 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Technology’s an avro F (1912), which featured the Past first enclosed cabin Posters

an avro 504

his Avro 504 in 1913. It was a two- pany to form Saunders-Roe Ltd. near seat biplane intended to be used as . Also known as Saro, the a fighter-bomber during World War I. company emphasized flying boats. It fulfilled those roles, but the rugged But their products did not have the aircraft was more useful as a trainer. staying power of the Avro 504. Saro Initially powered by an 80 hp, 7 cyl- has merged several times with a inder French Gnome rotary engine, variety of others. Roe's original air- over 10,000 were built in Manchester craft company went out of business through 1932. Practically all British in 1963. He died in 1958. pilots of the era trained on Avro 504s. ress up your classroom Another successful design was the References D for the civilian market. with the faces of American Day, Lance, & McNeil, Ian. (Eds.) history! Stunning posters give It used a 70 hp Armstrong-Siddeley (1996). Biographical dictionary your students a glimpse of Genet engine; over 400 were con- of the history of technology. Rout- structed between 1926 and 1928. ledge Publishers. the people and the inventions Roe lost control of his company Ludovici, L. J. (1956). The challenging that changed our lives forever. in 1928 and sold his shares. He and sky—The life of Sir Alliott Verdon The men and women whose his brother joined with another com- Roe. Herbert Jenkins Publishers. visions and strong will pro- vided the groundwork for our modern-day comforts leap off the pages of history and into the lives of your students! an avro avian 18 x 24 • $12.95 each SavE! Set of 12 only $109.95!

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By Chris Berdik

IFTEEN minutes!” Toddy ing help from the technology itself. distractions, and what might keep Eames announced, calling There’s little consensus, except that them at bay. a break in her three-hour the peril of digital distraction neither It’s not just young people who are “ screenwriting class. Her starts nor ends in school, and learn- smartphone obsessed. Between 2011 students stood, stretched, ing to tame our tech obsession is a and 2017, the percentage of Ameri- For ambled to the door. “You can take new and vital life skill. can adults who own a smartphone out your phones,” she added, but more than doubled, to 77%, accord- most students were already scrolling divided Minds ing to the Pew Research Center. All through the texts, emails, snapchats, The distraction researchers at that mobile computing has turned us and other postings that had piled Dominguez Hills—Cheever, and psy- into a nation of multitaskers who do up during an hour of mandated tech abstinence. Since fall 2016, the communica- tions department at Dominguez Hills has banned smartphones, laptops, and other personal technology Students in a marketing course in every classroom—with grade at roger williams University deductions for violations—except in rhode island check their for teacher-guided use and “tech phones before class begins. breaks” during longer classes such to tame classroom distraction, as Eames’s. their professor uses Flipd, an The policy was spearheaded app that locks students out of by the department chair, Nancy their phones during class. Cheever, who is part of a team at the university investigating digital distraction, an issue that, for many teachers, has graduated from a nuisance into a serious threat to learning. In K-12 and college classrooms chologists Larry Rosen and Mark nearly everything while gazing at one across the country, some educators Carrier—are digging deeper into or more screens. are enacting at least partial device compulsive tech use. They want to The difference between today’s bans, some are advocating for teach- see how constant alerts and phone students and older generations, ac- ing style changes (fewer lectures, for checks register in our brains, what cording to the Dominguez Hills team, example), and still others are seek- thoughts or emotions trigger the is that younger people are more confident in their ability to multitask Chris Berdik is a science journalist who has written about the intersection of and do it more often. science with ethical issues and the peculiarities of the human brain. Condensed, But true multitasking is a myth. with permission, from a January 22, 2018, post on The Hechinger Report, a Our brains focus on one thing by nonprofit news organizatiaon focused on inequality and innovation in educa- shutting out others. We can’t pay at- tion, in partnership with the Huffington Post. To read the entire post, visit www. tention to two things simultaneously, Condensation appeared in the September 2018 issue of The such as reading a text string while Education Digest, listening to a teacher’s instructions. Professional DeveloPment 13 Inevitably, something gets missed. how teachers teach in light of tech- Roger Williams University, marketing Plus, rapid attention-switching exacts nology’s omnipresence. students have installed an app called its own cognitive penalties. “If you’re lecturing, your odds Flipd that shuts down their smart- A growing pile of studies finds going up against Facebook, the Vic- phones during class—with compli- that the more students multitask, the toria’s Secret catalog, or an online lower their grades. And multitasking game are slim,” said Devorah Heitner, is nearly constant. A few years ago, author of Screenwise: Helping Kids in data collected by the Dominguez Hills researchers Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital Cal State dominguez watched hundreds of middle school, World. She argues for more direct high school, and university students dialog with young people about tech- Hills’ psychologist larry as they studied. The students stayed nology and the need to learn how rosen, his students’ with a single task for less than six to manage its use throughout their average daily phone minutes on average before switching lives. use jumped from 3 to something else. Rosen gave statis- Likewise, the nonprofit Common hours and 40 minutes in tics about his students’ smartphone Sense Education uses the slogan use, which he’d tracked with an app “Don’t Make a Ban Have a Plan” in its 2016 to 4 hours and 22 (with their permission) for two years: online toolkit for fighting digital dis- minutes in 2017. Average daily phone use jumped traction. The toolkit includes sugges- from 3 hours and 40 minutes in 2016 tions for meaningful things students to 4 hours and 22 minutes in 2017. can do with their devices—from ance trackable by their professor, classroom polling and quiz apps to Edward Gonsalvez, and factored into digital creation tools—and advice for their participation grades. But true multitasking setting boundaries with a “Customiz- During a recent meeting of is a myth. our brains able Device Contract.” Gonsalvez’s class, the visible smart- In the end, the technology-ban phones were dutifully dark and focus on one thing by divide is often more a question of quietly charging from floor outlets. shutting out others. degree than of absolutes. Most ban But most students still had laptops advocates make room for exceptions, with several webpages open as the whether for students with disabilities class discussed Facebook’s newsfeed “My guess is it will go to 5 hours or for directed use of technology in algorithm and promotional plans plus. It’ll get worse before it gets class, while ban opponents better,” said Rosen, who co-authored typically advocate for clear The Distracted Mind (2016) with boundaries, including tech- Adam Gazzaley, a neuroscientist free time and consequences at the University of California, San for device misuse. Francisco. “This thing isn’t a tool,” Hoping to strike the right he said, holding up his phone. “It’s an balance, many educators appendage.” have sought help from the technology itself. In fall to Ban, or Not to Ban 2016, for instance, the Lack- Constant checking of mobile de- land Independent School vices has triggered a wavelet of class- District outside San Anto- room technology bans, especially nio, TX, purchased a “mo- at the college level. For instance, in bile device management” 2017, after two separate studies at system called TabPilot that West Point found that students who gives teachers a dashboard used laptops in class received poorer view of each student’s grades, the lead researchers of the school-issued iPad—and the larry rosen, psychology professor, is part studies banned computers from their power to take control and of a team at Cal State dominguez Hills using classrooms. snap the browser of every behavioral studies, physiological stress mea- “I’ve had about 20 or 30 people device to a specific app or sures and brain scans to investigate how the reach out to me and say, ‘I just read website. distraction and anxiety engendered by digital your paper and now I’ve stopped “Before, it was wack-a- devices can hurt learning. allowing laptops in the classroom,’” mole,” said Lesley Wreyford, said one of the authors, economics the instructional technologist at Lack- for small businesses that wanted to professor Richard Patterson. How- land’s Virginia Allred Stacey Junior-Se- boost social media traffic. By and ever, many educators are adamant nior High School. “Kids can be really large, students were engaged, but that the answer to digital distraction creative in bypassing filters.” many still checked email and other isn’t to ban devices, but to adjust Meanwhile, at Rhode Island’s on-screen interests.

14 techdirections ◆ december 2018 After class, Gonsalvez was mat- among students who reported being heavy users of mobile devices, based ter of act. He deemed the laptops the most attached to their smart- on survey responses, were deprived too useful to banish, but acknowl- phones. of their smartphones for more than edged their potential for distracting What gives these devices such a an hour and reported their anxi- students. “I can tell when they’re strong hold on us? A prime suspect is ety levels at regular intervals. The engaged or not, just by their body a form of anxiety, commonly known anxiety felt by the light users stayed as FOMO “Fear of Missing steady for the duration of the study, Out”—a term that origi- while the anxiety of heavy users shot nated in the early 2000s at through the roof as phoneless time Harvard Business School continued. to describe grad students’ The possibility that such anxiety frantic, text-driven social can gum up our mental works as lives. Social media super- much as the occasional Facebook charged FOMO, and the foray is the rationale for the “tech term was popularized by breaks” in Cheever’s department. MIT psychologist and soci- “What helps with the anxiety is if ologist Sherry Turkle in her you tell them, ‘OK, for this amount of 2011 book, Alone Together. time, you’re not going to look at your phone, but then you’ll get to check in again,’” she said. The goal is to wean the brain off its need to constantly check in, by relieving the anxiety that Jonathon rodriguez, a graduate drives the compulsion. student in English at Cal State Back at the screenwriting course, dominguez Hills, says he cut way however, the direction of society’s back on his phone use after he technological tide was clear. Smart- decided to “take school more phones appeared in every story seriously.” workshopped—sometimes nearly as prominently as the characters them- language,” he said. “I try to treat selves. them as adults. And they can sink or At one point, Eames led a class swim as adults.” discussion about how best to write instant-message dialog. A few stu- i phone, therefore i am dents zoned out occasionally, but During the pause in the Domin- nobody stared into a screen. One guez Hills screenwriting class, stu- prompted by her research student stood out due to his dress dent Miroslava Cerda stayed at her and classroom observations, slacks and a tie clipped neatly to an desk near the front and scanned Nancy Cheever, chair of the button-down. More distinctive still texts. Noting the messaging and communications department at Cal was the fact that during the tech social media alerts swamping her State dominguez Hills, championed breaks, this student, Jonathon Ro- phone, she said, “Sometimes, it just a department-wide ban on laptops driguez, reached for a book rather gets too much, and I’m like, ‘Ugh! I and mobile devices in class in 2016. than his phone. That evening, he need a break.’” immersed himself in Story, the class Still, she admitted the allure of “Basically, we all walk around textbook on screenwriting by Robert the connectivity. Even with a class- needing to know who wants us, and McKee. room technology ban, she said, who’s calling out for us,” said Turkle. “It’s part of my decision to take “sometimes, I still want to sneak a “So the norm is that you’re always school more seriously,” said Rodri- peek.” There’s growing evidence on.” guez, a first-year master’s student in that mobile devices can hijack our The Dominguez Hills researchers English. He offered a philosophical minds even when we’re not scroll- are exploring a distilled version of reflection on why we have such a ing. A 2017 study in the Journal of the this anxiety—a sense of dread when hard time avoiding our screens. Association for Consumer Research separated from our virtual social “It really isn’t that hard, but found that student subjects who kept networks, comparable to the jitters people have all these insecurities,” their smartphones on their desks of an addict in early withdrawal. he said. “They can have actual, intel- (face down and on silent), rather The depth of the anxiety corre- ligent conversations with real people than in a backpack or stashed in lates with the extent of a person’s in class. But, the fact that they’re not another room, performed worse on smartphone use, according to a 2014 getting likes on Instagram or Face- tests of attention and cognitive pro- study led by Cheever. Undergraduate book tells them they’re not liked or cessing. The difference was biggest subjects, rated as light, medium, or appreciated by the world.” Professional DeveloPment 15 Careers in Construction Building a talent Pipeline

S going to a traditional four-year we know that 70% of the jobs that exist Starting the Conversation academic university the only true in the U.S. economy require something How do we regain the progress path for success? To definitively less than a four-year college degree.” Is a we’ve lost? As “Restoring the Dignity answer that, we have to first under- four-year academic degree the right path of Work: Transforming the U.S. Work- stand what success looks like and for some people? Yes, of course! Is it the force Development System into a World ihow we measure it. Merriam-Webster only path to success? Absolutely not! Leader” points out, one of the first defines success as a “favorable or “I’m not sure who predetermined changes we can implement is to “com- desired outcome,” as well as the “at- that success meant that you had to go municate all career paths to students tainment of wealth or favor.” By this to a four-year college in order to find in secondary education and their definition, success would be dependent opportunities, but that could not be parents.” Career paths include a wide on what we ourselves see as desired variety of options, including career and or favorable. Are we considering only technical education (CTE), technical monetary value or the work-life bal- “i’m not sure who schools, and work-based learning pro- ance that connects us with family? predetermined that grams such as apprenticeships. Tommy What do we measure as favorable—a Collins, who entered the industry as a high salary, job security, being able to success meant that you pipefitter and is now the chief operat- work with our hands? had to go to a four-year ing office of S&B Engineers and Con- Many of us want to know we’re sup- college in order to find structors, states, “The construction porting our families to the best of our opportunities, but that industry has always been a gateway to abilities while doing something we find could not be further limitless professional opportunity for meaningful. Knowing the company we anyone who wants to work hard and work for is making some sort of differ- from the truth.” commit themselves to lifelong learning ence in the world—taking pride in what and self-improvement—anyone. I know we’re doing—is important. In addition, because I’ve walked the walk myself.” the security a good job with benefits further from the truth,” shares Jen- To jumpstart this communication, can bring is significant. nifer Wilkerson, director of marketing many states throughout the U.S. cele- But how are we approaching the at NCCER. “We have to start thinking brated October as Careers in Construc- idea of achieving success with our chil- about success in a whole new way and tion Month, spearheaded by NCCER’s dren or with students? Are we implying talk about the many opportunities in Build Your Future (BYF) initiative. This the only way to succeed is through construction.” month-long celebration began with rep- a four-year university degree? That, Starting these conversations about resentatives from each state requesting unless they receive scholarships which the benefits of a career in construction their governor proclaim October as help soften the cost incurred by going are crucial to the recruitment of the Careers in Construction Month (CICM) to college, even a public university, next generation of craft professionals, and continued with career days, recog- the only path to success is one down a especially with 80% of contractors nition of craft professionals, and more. road filled with debt and possibly even reporting difficulty in finding hourly CICM is the perfect way to kick off a struggle to find gainful employment. skilled workers. We are lacking the a discussion about what success looks As Tim Johnson, founder and presi- trained professionals needed to build like, and the many ways to achieve it. dent of the TJC Group stated, “Today our infrastructure and projects and In addition, BYF provides resources for have lost our edge as an innovative, educators and industry representatives, Article courtesy of https://www. progressive country because at the including how-to guides, infographics, beginning of everything is construc- posters, craft trading cards, and more, in-construction-building-a-talent-pipe- tion—from the roof over our heads to to help each state spread awareness of line/533417 and sponsored by NCCER. the roads we travel. opportunities within the industry.

16 techdirections ◆ december 2018 The benefit of celebrating CICM to working directly with schools to a rewarding opportunity to share cur- is immense—from the impact of how offering hands-on training, companies riculum, deliver in-house training to many states proclaim to the students are connecting with education across Griffin employees, and assist them in learning about construction at career the nation. the goal of becoming future leaders days to the sheer publicity of uniting Determined to make an impact on within the electrical industry. as a nation to recognize craft profes- the skilled workforce shortages facing These organizations, and others sionals. However, we should use the the construction industry in Virginia, like them, are showing it’s possible to momentum to continue the discussion a new partnership has been formed make changes now that are necessary about the opportunities available in by the Virginia chapters of Associated for our continued growth as a country. the industry and support the programs General Contractors (AGCVA) and Not only does construction afford us that are training the next generation of Associated Builders and Contractors ease of life and convenience, but it skilled workers. With the time needed (ABCVA) in conjunction with BYF to be also offers occupations that have been to become fully trained, we must show a catalyst for recruiting the next gen- overlooked for far too long. We have students the merits of careers in con- eration of craft professionals. Providing encouraged our children to attend struction and the value of choosing a details about salaries in construction, traditional academic college paths as career path that provides high salaries, training available in Virginia, and com- the only way to find fulfillment and growth opportunities, and meaningful panies hiring, BYF Virginia represents financial freedom to their detriment— work. a lifeline for parents, teachers, school and ours. In fact, the value of craftsmanship counselors, and students thinking From secondary to postsecondary and diverse opportunities available in about their future. Designed to help students, organizations are provid- the industry is recognized in an excit- students who are looking into options ing an introduction to the industry, ing film, “Good Work: Masters of Build- beyond the traditional university track, the ability to earn credentials, or ing Arts,” recently released on PBS. Di- this resource highlights pathways to the chance to be an apprentice—all rected by Academy Award-winning film- find meaningful, good-paying positions makers Marjorie Hunt and Paul Wagner in the construction industry through and co-produced with the Smithsonian work-based learning, certifications, and Institution Center for Folklife and credentials. Cultural Heritage, Good Work honors Northwest Arkansas Community American craftsmanship and the men College’s Mobile Construction Labs, and women working behind the scenes equipped with various tools, safety to bring enduring beauty to the built equipment, and generators, are engag- environment. ing students by traveling to various “Craftsmanship is defined as ‘the secondary schools. Dawn Stewart, the beautiful or impressive quality of some- district’s career and technical educa- thing that has been made using a lot of tion director explains, “It’s not only skill’. Construction craft professionals for career exploration but also those exhibit this routinely and every mem- hands-on learning experiences related ber of our society benefits from this to construction.” From carpentry in almost all aspects of their daily life. to welding, young people are being However, over the past few decades, introduced to new crafts and able our society has steadily undervalued to earn NCCER industry-recognized “we have to start thinking their skills and contributions to our credentials. “It gives students a head about success in a whole built environment,” says Don Whyte, start in the workforce,” points out Cori chief executive officer of NCCER. “We Miller, project Manager with Crossland new way and talk about must recapture the dignity of work as Construction, “and it gives employers the many opportunities in well as the pride and honor inherent in more knowledgeable and invested ap- construction.” skilled occupations. As the construc- prentices.” tion industry builds the world, it must Wayne J. Griffin Electric (Griffin demonstrating that success is not also polish its image and hold all work- Electric) took their apprenticeship measured only by a four-year degree. ers in high regard.” program to the next level by partnering Students are seeing for themselves the with Wentworth Institute of Technol- skills that go into working in construc- Connecting industry ogy to incorporate technical skills and tion and what their jobs could be—and to Education hands-on, practical education. Gradu- hands-on experience is one of the best As we continue showing students ates of Griffin Electric’s Apprenticeship ways to learn more about any subject. and parents the value of choosing Training Program have the chance to Through industry and education work- construction, there are multiple ways pursue an Associate of Applied Science ing together, we can begin rebuilding industry can become involved in build- degree in Engineering and Technology the workforce with skilled craft profes- ing a talent pipeline to the workforce. (AENT). For both Wentworth and Grif- sionals and highlight construction as a From volunteering on advisory boards fin Electric, this partnership presents career of choice. BUilDing traDes 17 taking to the skies Stem Club Students Help Restore Wings of Hope Airplane

By tom Farmer [email protected]

HARLES Richardson has them ready. And if a kid thinks they 2 p.m. for several months, a large taught thousands of stu- can do something, guess what they group of STEM club members, under dents during his 17 years do? They go and do it,” Richardson the watchful eyes of teachers and facilitating Pitsco Educa- said. “It’s the same when we take aircraft mechanics, worked on a tion STEM labs, the last them to competitions. We go to TSA Cessna 182 single-engine airplane at Csix years in Lancaster ISD south of (Technology Student Association). Lancaster Regional Airport. Dallas. And he’s diligently explained We go to Texas Alliance of Minority “The kids took it all apart to get it ready to be refurbished. The engine was sent off to the engine shop,” Richardson said. “Then when it came back, they put it all back together— wings and everything—to make it flight ready.” Memorable—and valuable— Experience Not only did all students gain prac- tical experience, but the females were able to disprove the preconceived notion that STEM and engineering are primarily a male’s domain. “It made me understand that this is not as hard as people made it to be for girls to do something like this,” said Jaycee, a 10th grader. “You just have to get out there and try to learn it. It was like a once-in-a-lifetime thing a dedicated group of lancaster (tX) iSd StEM Club members spent a string because we got to do this through of Saturdays working under the tutelage of teachers and aircraft mechanics, the school.” helping to restore a wings of Hope airplane at the local airport. Jaycee’s classmate Elizabeth chimed in, “It really does not matter to all his students how the labs can Engineers. We do the National Soci- if you are a girl or a guy, you are still ignite a spark that eventually burns ety of Black Engineers. The reason a person. If you want to be a me- a trail to a satisfying and successful I’ve taught this long is because I chanical engineer, building planes or career. believe in the labs.” working on cars, you can do it.” But it’s up to them to seize that The Lancaster labs led to the Lancaster ISD’s Executive Direc- opportunity as they explore and creation of a STEM club for students tor of Academics and Innovation, experience careers through hands-on in grades six and up. That group re- Kyndra Johnson, said the labs activities. cently parlayed their hands-on skills have been key to opening the eyes “The lab is like a slingshot—it gets into a project restoring an airplane of female and male students alike used in Wings of Hope humanitarian to the career possibilities that lie Tom Farmer is communications man- missions ( ahead. “Authentic learning activi- ager, Pitsco Education, Pittsburg, KS. Every Saturday from 10 a.m. to ties in STEM subjects, coupled with

18 techdirections ◆ december 2018 StEM Club great gift students get the ultimate hands-on idea for the experience—the chance to work on history Buff! a four-seat Cessna 182 single-engine airplane.

Spending time with professional aircraft mechanics helps build students’ confidence, according to lancaster iSd StEM Club sponsor Charles richardson.

students’ matriculation through our airplane project,” Richardson said. Books present in-depth STEM labs is significantly important, “The confidence factor, knowing that profiles of 152 notable not only in projects such as our they can achieve, communicate, col- recent aircraft build, but also in their laborate, problem solve, and think inventors and technologists, future pursuits beyond graduation.” critically—you don’t gain that just such as Nikola Tesla, George anywhere. With the lab, you have Washington Carver, Orville and the lab advantage an advantage. These labs are where Wilbur Wright, Henry Ford, Richardson’s first foray with Pits- kids gain the skills and abilities and John Deere, Thomas Edison, co was a Modules lab at the middle knowledge to use their minds and Alexander Graham Bell, level, and for the past several years their hands so when you take them and Margaret Bourke-White. he has headed up a lab course titled outside the curriculum, they can do The 8-1/2" x 11" books offer Principles of Applied Engineering at those kinds of projects.” biographies that celebrate Lancaster High School. The airplane The STEM club’s success has hard work, persistence, and restoration is the type of real-world even made it cool for students to be creativity. The high-quality project students need after they’ve academically oriented, Richardson paperbacks feature easy- had their STEM appetite whetted.. said. “You get all this working to- to-follow explanations of “I call this ‘bridging to the future.’ gether, and then you have STEM kids inventions and technical Let’s go try this out. Let’s do an running around the halls.” processes and are loaded with illustrations. 272 pages each.

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Tech Directions Books & Media, PO Box 8623, ann arbor, Mi 48107 News footage of the plane in flight stem 19 worker shortage spurs Uncharacteristic Partnerships connecting colleges, Business

One state tries to close the odd divide between what students learn and employers need

By Jon Marcus

AVID Andy went to col- ing touches on labs crammed with they’re turning away business be- lege after graduating equipment recommended and often cause they can’t find workers with from high school, spent contributed by industry partners, the right skills—has become a test his first two semesters whose corporate logos cover the case for ways to close that gap. drifting through introduc- walls. It’s using labor-market data from Dtory classes, then was told to pick a major. eport

That was when he had an unfortu- david andy, who is r nate epiphany—he had no idea what enrolled in a program in he was doing there. advanced manufacturing Hechinger “I just didn’t like anything,” said at Metro State University Andy. “Nothing stood out to me.” He The in denver designed for didn’t know what he’d do in real life in collaboration with with, say, a degree in English. “There

employers. Holschuh was no end goal for that.” So he quit school and went to Jake work at a factory, rising up the ranks Photos: to journeyman. Before long, he was running two departments. Then he The $60 million collaboration is sources such as LinkedIn to track hit another roadblock. meant to help solve the confounding and share what skills are in the most “I couldn’t go any higher,” he said. disconnect between what colleges demand in a fast-changing economy. “I needed a degree.” It’s pushing apprenticeships for Now Andy, who is 29, is enrolled students who are still in high school, in an unusual program at Metropoli- Colorado, where the giving them experience not only on tan State University in Denver de- unemployment rate is state-of-the-art automated factory signed precisely to provide him with floors but in the offices of banks and the degree he needs for a career in 2.7% and employers say insurance companies. advanced manufacturing. they can’t find trained It’s encouraging employers to That’s because it brings the uni- workers, has become come up with detailed job descrip- versity together with employers in a test case for ways to tions, rather than just listing the a building so new that construction credentials they want applicants to workers still are putting the finish- close the skills gap. have—credentials such as bachelor’s degrees that have often proved poor Jon Marcus is higher-education measures of whether workers are editor, The Hechinger Report. This teach and what graduates need career-ready. article was originally published on to know to fill jobs that are sitting And it’s brought together busi- The Hechinger Report website, www. empty in some of the nation’s fastest- nesses with universities to connect The Hechinger growing industries. those degrees more directly with Report is a nonprofit, independent And Colorado—where the unem- what students need to know for news website focused on inequality ployment rate is 2.7%, third-lowest work. and innovation in education. in the country, and employers say If he had seen this kind of payoff

20 techdirections ◆ december 2018 to a university degree, said Andy, “I panies such as Microsoft to create wouldn’t have bailed” on his first try their own online courses in data and at a higher education. computer science, impatient with the The fact that it’s unusual for uni- pace at which universities and col- versities to think about their gradu- leges can do it. ates’ employability may come as a Now a Democratic candidate for forehead-slapping surprise to stu- governor running largely on a platform dents. But while these conversations of training a skilled workforce, Gins- have occasionally happened among burg said he once asked an administra- community colleges and neighboring tor at a public university why it wasn’t businesses or when public institu- trying to compete with high-priced, tions are prodded by lawmakers, wildly popular so-called bootcamps they’re only now beginning to occur that teach people how to code. on a scale as large as what’s happen- “He buried his head in his hands ing in Colorado, driven by frustration and said, ‘The culture is, we don’t on all sides. really think in those terms.’” It would “For so long we’ve used a degree take two years for his university to as a proxy for employability, but it set up a program like that, the ad- doesn’t work that way anymore,” ministrator told him, and “by that said Noel Ginsburg, CEO of a plastics time, the codes have changed. They Noel Ginsburg at the plastics and medical-equipment manufactur- never can catch up. It’s a cultural and medical-equipment ing company and founder of a state- thing in education where you have a manufacturing company of wide apprenticeship and job-training process that worked in the 1930s but which he’s CEo. Founder of an program called CareerWise Colorado. it doesn’t work today.” apprenticeship program called “Education changes slowly and This complaint is getting less and Careerwise Colorado, Ginsburg what’s happening out here in a fac- less pushback these days from uni- is now a democratic candidate tory or in an office is moving at the versities and colleges. Contending for governor running largely on speed of light.” with a punishing decline in enroll- a platform of training a skilled That has driven technology com- ment and growing public skepticism workforce. get students motivated! On-Demand Classroom Projects Only $4.95!

to see them all, visit to order, email [email protected] or FaX 734-975-2787 cte 21 about families’ return on their invest- ployers will transform their work fully automated assembly lines that ment in tuition, higher education from academic to vocational. moved inexorably by themselves. is increasingly seeking rather than But students also clearly expect “Businesses have to think about resisting partnerships with business. to learn job skills. Eighty-five percent their role and that is as big of a chal- Across the country, in an audito- of freshmen in an annual survey said lenge I think as universities chang- rium at the Federal Reserve Bank in they went to college to improve their ing,” Ginsburg said. employment prospects. In Colorado, at least, employers Already, demand from students have begun that work. “Education changes for degrees they think are more “They have to do this,” said Beth slowly and what’s closely connected to work has Cobert, who as former acting direc- pushed down the number major- tor of the U.S. Office of Personnel happening out here in a ing in the humanities from a high of Management oversaw millions of fed- factory or in an office is nearly one in five in the late 1960s to eral employees and who is now CEO moving at the speed of one in 20, according to the American of Skillful, another effort to bring light.” Academy of Arts & Sciences. together colleges and corporations. —Noel Ginsburg, “There will always be pockets Colorado has “a terrific economy and manufacturer and of resistance, no matter where you growing demand. So from employers’ Democratic candidate for are. But on the whole there was an point of view, there’s a willingness to governor of Colorado running openness to participate in this,” said try new things.” largely on a platform of Robert Park, director of Metro State’s Francisco Hansen has already ben- training a skilled workforce Advanced Manufacturing Sciences efitted from that. He just graduated Institute. from Metro State with a degree in as- That doesn’t mean that pairing trodynamics and aerospace operations faculty with industry is easy. after interning with a satellite company the heart of Boston’s financial dis- “There tends to be a significant that has an office right on campus. trict, for example, a standing-room- amount of inertia in academic insti- Hansen mapped out his own edu- only crowd of educators, government tutions in general,” Park said. “And cation with input from faculty and officials, and employers piled into being responsive to industry’s needs industry advisors. His department a daylong summit organized by the is not necessarily a top priority for chairman, he said, “was, like, ‘This New England Board of Higher Educa- conventional or traditional academic is what employers are looking for, so tion in December to come up with programs.” we need to include these classes in ways of doing something that also Nor are employers necessarily your degree.’” seemed obvious: “increase the career equipped for this. The result, said Hansen: His edu- readiness of graduates” of colleges “Business and industry tends to cation “was tailored for what I want and universities. “We heard employers saying, ‘We Metro State need grads who can hit the ground University’s running,” said Gloria Larson, presi- new advanced dent of Bentley University and one of Manufactur- the speakers. Bootcamps and other ing Sciences “disruptors,” said Worcester Poly- institute, a $60 technic Institute President Laurie million collabo- Leshin, “are making us think about ration between things differently.” the university Apprenticeships are also getting and Colorado fresh attention as an alternative to employers. going to college. More than 74 oc- cupations, from tax preparation to sit on the sidelines as an observer to do, rather than, ‘It’s just the way graphic design, could be filled by and then as a critic when they don’t we’ve taught this stuff for 30 years.’” people trained solely through ap- get what they want,” said Ginsburg, Skillful, which is underwritten by prenticeships, according to a new in a conference room overlooking the the New York-based Markle Foun- study by the Harvard Business 24-hour-a-day manufacturing plant dation and so far operates only in School Project on Managing the of his company, Intertech Medical, Colorado, will soon expand into more Future of Work and Burning Glass in a sprawling industrial park on the states—though the foundation won’t Technologies, a software company fringes of Denver. say which ones. that analyzes job data. In the bright, clean room webbed “The real goal,” said Andi Rugg, There remain opposing voices. with pipes and wires, workers in lab its Denver-based executive director, Some faculty critics, for example, coats, gloves, and hairnets were in- “is that the system itself begin to worry that collaborating with em- specting tiny plastic parts coming off change.”

22 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

By Mike Fitzgerald [email protected]

N the following activity, students will construct model gliders from foam egg cartons. Through this activity, students will be introduced to the parts of an airplane and how to balance an airplane for maximum flight performance. During the first of this two-part activity, students construct a delta-, or “bat-wing,” style glider. In the second part, students design, construct, and Itest their own model of an aircraft built from inexpensive materials. Procedures, Part 1 1. Hand out the supplied template to make a foam 6. Tell students that the pattern must include the bat-wing glider. wing tips that will face down. I have known my stu- dents to omit them because they think I made the 2. Hand out scissors, knives, and foam egg cartons. photocopy too big. 3. Have students cut out the paper template. 7. Have students neatly cut out the pattern on the 4. Have students place the template on the inside egg carton. of the top lid of an egg carton. 8. Have students test fly their planes. The planes 5. Have students trace the pattern onto the top lid. will probably spin in the air like pinwheels. They may discard the bottom of the carton. 9. Tell students that their planes must be balanced. If the weight they add (a penny or washer) is placed too far forward, their planes will dive. If the weight is placed too far rearward, their planes will stall and then crash. 10. Give students time to test fly their gliders.

Mike Fitzgerald taught technology education courses laying out the wing at Driver Middle School, Winchester, IN. free samPle—on-DemanD classroom Project 23 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

Procedures, Part 2 stall 1. Introduce students to the design brief titled “Bat Wing Glider Challenge.” 2. Tell students about the parts of an aircraft— fuselage, main wing, vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer, and ailerons. A scale model, such as an RC Dive plane, may help you demonstrate the parts’ names and what the parts do. 3. Challenge students to design and construct a glider using a simple drawing or CAD software. They level

Determining flight characteristics

should design and construct their own gliders which, using the software, may include a stick fuselage, main wing, vertical stabilizer, horizontal stabilizer, and ailerons. Students should also design and construct a catapult-launching system.

sample craft from Part 2

24 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

References Internet Resources Fales, J., Brusic, S., & Kuetemeyer, V. (1993). Technolo-—RC planes. gy: Today & tomorrow. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw- Hill. html—Great resources for aviation and aerospace- Harms, H., & Swernofsky, N. (1999). Technology interac- related education. tions. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Pierce, A., & Karwatka, D. (1999). Introduction to tech- html—Free airfoil simulation software. nology. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.—Free educator membership, grants, Soman, S., & Swernofsky, N. (1997). Experience technol- information. ogy. Peoria, IL: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.—More NASA re- Wright, T., & Smith, B. (1998). Understanding technol- sources. ogy. Tinley Park: Goodheart-Wilcox. free samPle—on-DemanD classroom Project 25 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

tools and Materials required l Foam egg cartons l cardboard (I use the one-dozen capacity size) l Scrap foam l cool melt glue gun l Tagboard paper l cool melt glue sticks l clothes pins l razor knives l Scrap wood—3/8" × 1/4" × various l Scissors lengths l Tape l computer with drawing software and l Pennies or washers printer l rubber bands

26 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

Bat Wing Glider Challenge As an aeronautical engineer, you have been assigned to the secret toy project called Bat Wing. Your challenge is to design, model, and test a model of a futuris- tic aircraft. The aircraft should include such components as a fuselage, main wing, stabi- lizers, ailerons, and so forth. Challenge: Design and construct a futuristic glider. time: Seven days. information/research: Any information on aerospace that you can obtain either from the textbook, library, or internet. Materials: Foam egg cartons, paper clips, glue sticks, tape, white glue, pennies, washers, foam meat trays, cups, tagboard paper, cardboard, rubber bands, scrap wood—3/8" × 1/4" × various lengths, clothes pins. tools: Scissors, cool melt glue gun, razor knives, computers with CAD software, and printer. people: Teams of two students. Evaluation: Gliders will be tested and evaluated in a large open space, such as the gymnasium. The gliders must land within a target that will be placed 25' away from their launch site. Grades will be assigned according to the following rubric:

Grade performance Craftsmanship planning a Lands on target Excellent Excellent B Lands within + or - 10' of target Good Good C Lands within + or - 15' of target Fair Fair d/F Does not land within 15' of target Shaky Poor free samPle—on-DemanD classroom Project 27 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

Student Instructions

1. Neatly cut out the template. Then fold the Use the chart below to help you determine template in half and remove the oval in the cen- the flight characteristics of your model. ter.

2. Place the template on the inside of the top stall lid of an egg carton. Trace the template and cut out the outside edge. Be sure to include the wing tips! Do not cut out the inside oval.

3. Test fly your aircraft. If it does not fly well, Dive then it must be balanced. Tape a penny on or near the nose and test fly the plane again. If your plane stalls, push the weight forward and test it again. If your plane dives, push the weight to- ward the plane’s rear and test again. level 4. Test your plane until you are happy with its flight characteristics. You have now successfully balanced your glider’s center of gravity.

28 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Building a Bat Wing Glider A Transportation Challenge

Wing template free samPle—on-DemanD classroom Project 29 Supplier Directory

Whatever your classroom or lab needs, you’ll find manufacturers and vendors here that can help you. The fields each company serves appear in bold type. When you contact a company, please let them know you saw their listing in techdirections!

3 Rocks Technology nents, small dc motors, battery holders, B&K Precision PO box 8836 Leds, connectors, meters, heat shrink 22820 Savi ranch Parkway Alta Loma, cA 91701 tubing, electronic kits, fuses and fuse Yorba Linda, cA 92887-4610 909-297-5173; 909-532-5780 holders, clip leads, test leads, proto and 714-921-9095; Fax 714-921-6422 breadboards, tools, and many unique, [email protected] one-of-a-kind items. State and govern- [email protected] Electricity & Electronics, Energy/ ment funded institution POs accepted. Electricity & Electronics, Energy/ Power, Engineering/Pre-Engineering, most items ship from stock. Power, Engineering/Pre-Engineering Manufacturing, Hydraulics/ Pneumatics American Technical Publishers Badger Graphic Sales Inc. 10100 Orland Parkway, Ste. 200 1225 delanglade St. Aeroracers, Inc. Orland, IL 60467 PO box 46 2306 Palo Verdes dr. West #301 708 - 957-1100; Fax 708 - 951-1101 Kaukauna, WI 54130 Palos Verdes estates, cA 90274 920-766-9332; Fax 920-766-3081 310-377-6105 [email protected] Books, Building Trades, Career/ [email protected] [email protected] Technical/Vo-Ed, STEM, Welding Graphic & Communications applied Science, Engineering/ Technology, Technology Education Pre-Engineering, STEM, Technology Apogee Components, Inc. Education, Transportation 3355 Fillmore ridge Heights Bob Smith Industries, Inc. colorado Springs, cO 80907 8060 morro rd. 719-535-9335; Fax 719-534-9050 Atascadero, cA 93422 800-223-7699; Fax 805-466-3683 [email protected] Rocketry, aviation, Technology [email protected] Education, applied Science, STEM Construction, Furniture, Manufacturing, Plastics, Woodworking

All Electronics Corp. Cal Test Electronics 14928 Oxnard Street Use this directory 22820 Savi ranch Parkway Van Nuys, cA 91411 when you need to Yorba Linda, cA 92887-4610 800-826-5431; Fax 818-781-2653 purchase equipment 714-221-9330; Fax 714-921-9849 [email protected] and supplies. [email protected] Electronics, Robotics, RC Models, Electricity & Electronics, Technology Education, let the companies Engineering/Pre-Engineering, Pre-Engineering/Engineering know you saw them Energy/Power, Technology Education We have a wide variety of new and sur- in techdirections. plus electronic parts, supplies, compo-

30 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Chief Architect, Inc. ETCAI Products 6500 N. mineral dr. PO box 1347 coeur d’ Alene, Id 83815 Electronix Express collierville, TN 38027 800-482-4433; Fax 208-292-3420 900 Hart St., rahway, NJ 07065 901-861-0232; Fax 901-861-0233 800-972-2225; Fax 732-381-1572 [email protected] [email protected] Building Trades & Construction, CaD/ [email protected] automotive/auto Body/Small Engine Drafting/Design, Career/Technical/ 3D Printing, Electricity & Electronics, Diesel, Electricity & Electronics Vo-Ed, Graphic & Communications Hand Tools, Robotics, Technology do you teach electronics, electric- Technology Education ity, HVAc, or Automotive Technology? cost-effective solutions for Tech ed Still using old methods to teach modern CMH Software electronics. PLTW items, components, technology? Learning electricity can still 254 Taylor rd., Libby, mT 59923 meters, scopes, power supplies, func- be easy and fun when you use our soft- 406-293-4977 Fax; 406-293-5075 tion generators, soldering tools and sup- ware for electricity/electronics instruc- plies, hand tools, robotics, solderless tion. Use the software on all computers [email protected] breadboards and prototyping products, and networks at your campus. You may Electricity, Technology Education, electronic trainers, construction kits, allow students to use the software on CaD, Building Trades, Computer books, Parallax and Arduino source, home computers if desired. $229 for Technology opto displays, fiber optics, alternate unlimited site licenses! Funds short? energy projects, custom kitting for lab Funding is often available though carl ColDesi Inc. kits and tool kits, test leads, wire, calcu- Perkins, your media center, or library. 5409 S. Westshore blvd. lators, batteries, chemicals, and more. Your director can split cost between Tampa, FL 33611 several departments using local funds. 813-832-6830 Elenco Electronics Inc. This software is excellent for retention 150 W. carpenter Ave. efforts, individualization, and remedia- [email protected] Wheeling, IL 60090 tion. download trial software programs T-Shirt Printing, Embroidery, uV 800-533-2441; Fax 847-520-0085 from our website. Printing, Embroidery Supplies, DTG Printing [email protected] automotive/auto Body/Small Engine/ EcoCad Design Group, LLC Diesel, Electricity & Electronics, 7470 North Figoeroa St. #103 Engineering/Pre-Engineering, eagle rock, cA 98041 Green Technology, Robotics, STEM, Fablicator 3D Printer Systems 800-826-0570; Fax 323-826-8945 Technology Education by K&L Services Group 215 N. 8th St. [email protected] EMI-Tech Inc. Allentown, PA 18102 CaD/Drafting Design, Electricity & 1512 cr 4054, Timpson, TX 75975 610-349-1358; Fax 610-439-3230 Electronics, Energy/Power, STEM, 936-254-3457; Fax 936-254-3049 Technology Education [email protected] [email protected] Engineering/Pre-Engineering, 3D Edmunds Scientifics Manufacturing, Machining & Printing, Manufacturing (FabLab), 532 main St., Tonawanda, NY 14150 Metalworking, Product Design, STEM, Technology Education 800-818-4955; Fax 800-460-6830 Welding, Energy/Power Fablicator 3d printers are rugged and reliable fused filament additive [email protected] ETA International manufacturing systems, built in the USA applied Science, Electricity & 5 depot St., Greencastle, IN 46135 and come with a two-year warranty. Electronics, Robotics 800-288-3824; Fax 765-653-4287 each includes a fully integrated micro-; [email protected] soft Windows 10 64-bit Pro computer Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Electricity & with all of the software pre-installed and Electronics, information Technology, settings established to begin printing STEM, Technology Education right away. All you need to start making Subscribe or renew parts is to plug in a mouse, keyboard, today! and monitor and have a 3d model of what you wish to print. www. When you install cAd, it becomes a complete 3d printing workstation—ca- techdirections. pable of designing, slicing, and printing com/sub 3d models all on one system without needing a separate computer. A com- sUPPlier Directory 31 plete 3d printing solution for schools, Goodheart-Willcox offices, laboratories, and factories alike. 18604 West creek dr. All Fablicators ship completely as- Tinley Park, IL 60477 sembled, tested, and calibrated. ready 800-323-0440; Fax 888-409-3900 to make fast, accurate parts right out of; [email protected] the box. Books, STEM, Career/Technical/ certainly not your average 3d Vo-Ed printer! GSS Tech Ed Hobart Institute Fiber Optic Association 31500 Grape St., building 3-364 of Welding Technology 1119 S. mission rd. #355 Lake elsinore, cA 92532 400 Trade Square east Fallbrook, cA 92028 800-422-1100; Fax 951-471-4981 Troy, OH 45373 760-451-3655; Fax 781-207-2421 937-332-9500; Fax 937-332-9550; [email protected] [email protected] Communications, information Robotics, Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, [email protected] Technology, Fiber Optics, Cabling, Electricity & Electronics, Technology Books, Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Technology Education Education Welding complete training programs includ- G-Tec Inc. ing dVds, instructor guides, and stu- 611 W. Kathryn, Nita, mO 65714 dent workbooks. designed with input 417-725- 6400; Fax 417-725-3577 from welding instructors, video modules; [email protected] present core information and model automotive Transmission Service & proper technique so that students can Forest Scientific Corp. Testing Equipment work through the videos and practice 408 emert rd.,Tionesta, PA 16353 sessions independently with the aid 800-956-4056; Fax 814-463-0292 Hearlihy of their workbooks and coaching from PO box 1708 their instructor. Visit our website to see a [email protected] Pittsburg, KS 66762-1747 complete line of offerings. CNC, CaD, Manufacturing, Welding, 866-622-1003; 800-443-2260 Machining Hossfeld Mfg. Co. Forest Scientific corp. manufactures [email protected] 460-462 W. Third St. cNc routers, cNc plasma cutters, CaD, Pre-Engineering, Building PO box 557 wood and metal cNc lathes, and cNc Trades, Technology Education Winona, mN 55987 milling machines in Pennsylvania and 507-452-2182; Fax 507-454-1194 Arizona, U.S.A. We specialize in ma- Hendrick Manufacturing Corp chines for education and training. We 32 commercial St. [email protected] also repair and upgrade older cNc ma- Salem, mA 01970 Hand Tools chines, regardless of the original manu- 978 -741-3600 facturer, to new Windows-based control HTP America/ systems for a fraction of the cost of their [email protected] 180 Joey dr. replacement. extensive on-site training CNC/CaM, Machining, elk Grove Village, IL 60007 is provided at the time of installation to Manufacturing, Woodworking, 800-USA-WeLd; Fax 847-357-0744 prepare the instructor to teach with the Plastics equipment. We have the best warranty [email protected] in the market, a three-year on-site, single automotive/auto Body, Hand Tools, source, parts and labor warranty to Hydraulics/Pneumatics, Welding protect your investment. HUT Products Global Specialties let the companies 4502 State road J 22820 Savi ranch Parkway know you saw them Fulton, mO 65251 Yorba Linda, cA 92887-4610 800-547-5461: 800-984-9371 714-221-9330; Fax 714-921-9849 in techdirections. [email protected] [email protected] they make your Wood Turning, Finishes, Game Calls, Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Electricity free subscription Pen Kits, Dymondwood & Electronics, Engineering/Pre- Engineering, Robotics, Technology possible! Education

32 techdirections ◆ december 2018 Hypertherm Inc. John Deere Publishing Mastercam PO box 5010 5440 corporate Park dr. 5717 Wollochet dr. NW Hanover, NH 03755 davenport, IA 52087 Gig Harbor, WA 98335-7320 800-643-0030 800 - 522-7448; Fax 563-355-3690 253-858-6677 [email protected] agricultural Technology, CNC/CaM/Machining & Welding, Machining & Metalworking, Educational Curriculum, Books, Metalworking, CaD/Drafting/Design, CNC/CaM, automotive/auto Body, Operators/Technical Manuals STEM Robotics Mercury Learning Industrial Press and Information 32 Haviland St. South Norwalk, cT 06854 [email protected] 203-956-5593; Fax 203-354-9391 Kelvin LP Telephone orders and customer service 280 Adams blvd. 8:30 A.m.-5 P.m., m-F (eastern) [email protected] Farmingdale, NY 11735 call toll free 800-232-0223 Books, Technology Education, CaD/ 631-756-1750; Fax 631-756-1763 Drafting/Design, STEM, Machining MicroKinetics Corp. and Metalworking [email protected] 2117-A barrett Park dr. Electricity/Electronics, Energy/ Kennesaw, GA 30144 In-House Solutions Power, Engineering/Pre-Engineering, 770-422-7845; Fax 770-422-7854 240 Holiday Inn dr., Unit A STEM, Technology Education cambridge, ON N3c 3X4 customer_service@ canada KidWind Project CNC/CaM, Electronics, Engineering, 800-529-5517; Fax 519-658-1335 800 Transfer rd., Suite 30b Manufacturing, Machining & St. Paul, mN 55114 Metalworking [email protected] 877-917-0079; Fax 208-485-9419 CaD/Drafting/Design, Machining & Midwest Technology Products Metalworking, Manufacturing [email protected] 2600 bridgeport drive Sioux city, IA 51104 intelitek, Inc. Lincoln Electric 800-831-5904; Fax 800-285-7054 444 e. Industrial Park dr. 22800 Saint Clair Ave. manchester, NH 03109 cleveland, OH 44117 [email protected] 800-221-2763; Fax 603-625-2137 216-383-2259 STEM, Manufacturing, Woodworking, Furniture, Technology Education [email protected] [email protected], educational- STEM, Engineering, Robotics, [email protected] NCCER CaD/CaM/CNC, Energy Books, Hand Tools, Robotics, 13614 Progress blvd. Technology Education, Welding Alachua, FL 32615 Jack Martin & Associates 386-518-6500; Fax 386-518-6303 9422 S. Saginaw Lucifer Furnaces, Inc. Grand blanc, mI 48439 2048 bunnell rd. [email protected] 810-694-5698 Warrington, PA 18976 Building Trades & Construction, 800-378-0095 Electricity & Electronics, Hand Tools, [email protected] Machining & Metalworking, Safety & Books, Building Trades & [email protected] Maintenance Equipment Construction, Career/Technical/ Forge & Foundry, Machining & Vo-Ed, Machining & Metalworking, Metalworking, STEM, Manufacturing, OWI Inc. Welding Technology Education 17141 Kingsview Ave. carson, cA 90746 jds Products, Inc. Marshalltown Co. 310-515-1900; Fax 310-515-1606 895 embarcadero dr. 104 South 8th Ave. el dorado Hills, cA 95762 marshalltown IA, 50158 [email protected] 916-933-2699; Fax 800-486-4993 800-987-6935; Fax 800 -477-6341 Electricity & Electronics, Energy/Power, Robotics, STEM, [email protected] [email protected] Technology Education Safety & Maintenance Equipment sUPPlier Directory 33 Parallax Inc. for you. Add vacuum clamping to the Save Corp. 599 menlo dr., Suite 100 shop to increase safety and speed up PO box 278 rocklin, cA 95765 projects. edgewater, FL 32132 916-624-8333 866 - 968 - 4911; Fax 866 - 968 - 4911 Rockford Systems, LLC [email protected] 4620 Hydraulic rd [email protected] Robotics, STEM, Technology rockford, IL 61109 Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Computer Education, Engineering/ 800-922-7533; Fax 815 - 874- 6144 Technology, information Technology, Pre-Engineering Law and Public Safety [email protected] Pinnacle Systems, Inc. Safety & Maintenance Equipment, ShopBot Tools, Inc. PO box 100088 Hand Tools 3333b Industrial dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15233 durham, Nc 27704 412-262-3950; Fax 412-262-4055 Roland DGA Corporation 888-680-4466 15363 barranca Parkway [email protected] Irvine, cA 92618 [email protected] Hydraulics/Pneumatics, 800-542-2307; Fax 949 -727-2112 CNC/CaM, Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Safety & Maintenance Equipment Manufacturing, STEM, Technology [email protected] Education, Woodworking Pitsco Education CaD/Drafting/Design, Career/ 915 east Jefferson, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Technical/Vo-Ed, CNC/CaM/ The Shop Rat Foundation, Inc. 620-231-1803; Fax 620-231-6737 Machining & Metalworking, Graphic & 11855 bunkerhill rd. Communications Technology, STEM Pleasant Lake, mI 49272 STEM, Robotics, 3D Printing, 517-769-2100; Fax 517-769-6902 Engineering, aerospace RSES 1911 rohlwing rd., Ste. A [email protected] Power Tool Institute (PTI) rolling meadows, IL 60008-1397 STEM, Manufacturing, Machining & 1300 Sumner Ave. 800-297-5660; Fax 847-297-5038 Metalworking cleveland, OH 44115 216-241-7333; Fax 216-241- 0105 [email protected] SoftPlan Systems, Inc. Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Books 8118 Isabella Lane [email protected] brentwood, TN 37027 Power Tools, Safety Training SATCO SUPPLY 800-248-0164 441 Old Hwy. 8 NW, Ste. 202 St. Paul, mN 55112 [email protected] 800-328-4644; Fax 651-604-6606 CaD/Drafting/Design, Computer Technology, Techology Education [email protected] Hand Tools, Power Tools, CaD/ Sternvent Drafting/Design, Machining & 5 Stahuber Ave., Union, NJ 07083 Quality VAKuum Products, Inc. Metalworking, Woodworking 908-688-0807; Fax 908-688-0718 74 Apsley St., Hudson, mA 01749 978-562-4680; Fax 978-562-4681 [email protected] Dust Collectors, Woodworking, [email protected] Welding, Safety & Maintenance Woodworking Equipment Teach vacuum veneering, a skill that helps get a job and is fun. make skate- boards and teach at the same time. Large selection of equipment starting Make sure you receive techdirections at $595 for automatic Venturi pump and bag. rugged and highly reliable equip- every month. ment with a lifetime warranty on the VAK Pump. Schools receive a 10% discount off the retail price. Renew now! It’s free! Free—2-hour instructional dVd on vacuum pressing and clamping. basic visit to advanced techniques as well as a discussion on what equipment is best

34 techdirections ◆ december 2018 as manufacturing, architectural design, Vocational Research Institute prototyping, and pre-engineering. 1845 Walnut St., Ste 660 every machine is installed and sup- Philadelphia, PA 19103 Tech Directions Books & Media ported by local Techno representatives 800-874-5387; Fax 215-875-0198 PO box 8623 to ensure a successful startup, and Ann Arbor, mI 48107-8623 we provide superior technical support [email protected] 800-530-9673 x300; Fax 734-975-2787 Free for the life of our equipment. Career assessment, Career Counseling & Guidance, interest & [email protected] Technology Education Concepts, aptitude assessment STEM, Technology Education, Inc. (TEC, Inc.) Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, Machining & 32 commercial St., concord, NH 03301 Wrought Iron Handicrafts Metalworking, Books 800-338-2238; Fax 603-225-7766 3950 10th Ave. NW Tech directions offers a wide array rochester, mN 55901 of materials in the field of technology, [email protected] 507-289-0836; Fax 507-289-5800 engineering, and career and technical 3D Printing, Manufacturing, Laser education. Our On-demand classroom Engravers, STEM, Engineering /Pre- [email protected] Projects are written by teachers for Engineering Hand Tools, Machining and teachers. Use these hands-on projects Metalworking Tools to complement your curriculum—and re- Ten80 Education, Inc. ally get students motivated! Projects are 6644 ruxton Lane, Austin, TX 78749 Ximotion LLP ready to use—simply duplicate and use 512-288-3161; Fax 512-288-3150 1025 mcQueen rd., Suite 158 for as many students as desired. The Gilbert, AZ 85233 high-quality activities save you time and [email protected] 480-940-9414 help your students really understand the STEM, Robotics, Engineering, Green principles of technology and science. Technology, CaD [email protected] We also offer over 70 posters for your CNC/CaM, Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, classroom. And don’t miss the new 10th Tooling U-SME Manufacturing, Robotics, Technology edition of Machinists Ready Reference 3615 Superior Ave. east, Education and our line of history of technology building 44, 5th Floor books. cleveland, OH 44114 Zim Mfg. Co. 866-706-8665; Fax 216-706-6601 6100 W. Grand Ave.; [email protected] chicago, IL 60639 Technology Education, Career/ 773-622-2500; Fax 773-622-0269 Technical/Vo-Ed, STEM [email protected] Travers Tool Co. Hand Tools, Small Engine Techno CNC Systems, LLC. 128-15 26th Ave. CNC Router Educational Sector Flushing, NY 11354; 29 Trade Zone dr. 118 Spartangreen boulevard ronkonkoma, NY 11779 duncan, Sc 29334-0338; 631-648-7481 20627 Plummer Street chatsworth, cA 91311- 5112 [email protected] do you know a teacher CNC/CaM, Career/Technical/Vo-Ed, 800-221-0272 who doesn't receive Manufacturing, STEM, Woodworking, techdirections? Metalworking, Plastics [email protected] Techno offers high-speed, affordable Machining & Metalworking, CNC, Maybe a new teacher industrial-quality cNc routers, plasmas, Safety & Maintenance Equipment, who hasn’t heard of and laser machines in a wide range of Power Tools, Hand Tools techdirections? sizes from 12" × 12" to 5' × 10'. Students learn on full-scale produc- tion systems guaranteeing they are well Have them sign up for prepared for real-world applications. a FREE Subscription! ease of use and compatibility with avail- able cAd/cAm software enables edu- Send them to cational institutes the flexibility to inte- www.techdirections. grate their cNcs throughout a variety of STem electives and curriculums, such com/sub sUPPlier Directory 35 thank you readers for catching a couple errors in puzzles that appeared in the November 2018 issue of techdirections! we have corrected them, and are republishing them so you have corrected versions to do yourself, or share with your students. answers on page 9. more than fun Crossnumber ABC DEF across down Place the answers A. P down × 3 A. K across – 8 to the following prob- G H D. R down × 9 B. M across × 100 – 927,163 lems in the spaces G. D across + 30 C. H across × 10 – 45 of the puzzle. Only IJ 2 H. 10 D. D across – 65 one digit per square. I. H across × 251 E. I across × 300 – 524,981 Numbers must read K L K. 1/2 of L across F. K across × 2 from left to right and L. 1/2 of H across J. K across × 5 from top to bottom. MNO M. I across + 64,430 N. D down + 389 Look for the key P. C down – 316 O. C down – 642 starting problem. All P QR Q. J down – 8 P. R down – 12 other problems are S. O down + 66 R. H across – K across based on the solu- S T T. H across + 295 tion to that one. Builder’s word search

Try to find the 42 construction terms hidden in this puzzle. Any builder worth his salt should be able to recognize them. After you’ve found the words, see if you can define them for an added challenge!

B H N a i r a p i r o C K S arCHEd lUMBEr BalCoNy MaNSioN a C l i F t S M l U M B E r BaSE MarBlE S N i C H E E t E d i B E r BENCH NEwElS BidEt NiCHE E E N S y S t E M S t o l E BoSS NoSiNG N B t d o w E l S i S S B w CoilS oUtlEt CoppEr ripariaN i a E a r E d d a l E S r E doME roCKS l l l E S r E v E l F l a S dowElS rUNNErS draGliNE SaFES G C t r U N N E r S a E M U dyNaMitE SEMi a o U t i l i t i E S w a o FrEEStaNdiNG SEwEr GaBlE SillS r N o S i N G a B l E E N H GatEHoUSE SlatE d y N a M i t E i t i N S E laddEr SyStEMS lEaKS tilES o a r C H E d o a S E l i t lEvErS tiNS M r E p p o C l E a K S o a liFtS tray liNtEl trEadS E t F r E E S t a N d i N G lotS UtilitiES

36 techdirections ◆ december 2018 More than Fun Answers Squared Up word Scramble monthly The dimensions of the squares are 3 S e V A W G r O J A N × 3, 5 × 5, 6 × 6, 11 × 11, 17 × 17, 19 × 19, W A V e S J A r G O N 22 × 22, 23 × 23, 24 × 24, and 25 × 25. I N S e P S H W I c T marketplace To solve, let x = the length of the S P I N e S W I T c H segment indicated in the diagram below. When unscrambled, the letters in the Then represent the lengths of other seg- squares should read: ments in the diagram in terms of x. Electronics Software Since the opposite sides of a rect- JoSEpH SwaN For Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 angle are congruent, you can solve for x Though earlier inventors had tried, F by setting the two expressions equal to with limited success, Sir Joseph Wilson Topics from Ohm’s law to Op Amps each other: Swan, of Britain, invented the first prac- F Works with any textbook (2x - 27) + (x - 16) + 5 + (x - 3) = x + (x + 3) tical incandescent light bulb in 1860. or curriculum 4x - 41 = 2x + 3 The efficiency of his first light bulbs was F Teaches digital meter use 2x = 44 severely compromised by their carbon- F Scores are printed or stored x = 22 ized paper filaments, which significantly Free Trials at Website! Now go back and substitute 22 for x limited bulb life to a few hours. Later, he ETCAI Products would improve the filament, first by us- in all the expressions for the sides. 901-861-0232 ing carbon fiber (in 1873), then by using [email protected] x–3 x slim carbon rods (in 1877). Though these x–3 later bulb designs consumed consider- x–3 x able amperage, they lasted long enough x–6 for practical commercial use. So, in 5 x–11 3 1881, Swan founded his own company to x

2 x +3 x manufacture and market his light bulbs. x–16 –16 x–11 x Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, –16 x+3 x+3 Thomas Edison had purchased a rival— 2x–27 2x–27 although far inferior—light bulb patent for 2x–27 x+3 $5,000. Edison and his team at Menlo Park spent much time experimenting Here is the complete solution: with better filaments, until eventually they found a filament material superior to Swan’s. Edison founded his own light 19 bulb manufacturing company, which 24 22 later merged with Swan’s company—and eventually bought Swan out. 5 3 11 6 But is it worth it? 23 25 Construct a table and look for a pat- 17 tern: Day # Amount Total Earned The dimensions of the rectangle are Earned on that Day 65 x 47. Missing 1 .01 .01 2 .02 .03 an issue of around the world in 80 days? Your head travels 37.7' farther than 3 .04 .07 techdirections? your feet. 4 .08 .15 Let r = the radius of the Earth C 5 .16 .31 Let 1 = the distance you feet travel they’re all online! Let C2 = the distance your head 6 .32 .63 travels 7 .64 $1.27 C = 2pr 1 8 $1.28 $2.55 read past issues C2 = 2p(r + 6) C2 = 2pr + 12p ...... for free at www. So, C – C = (2pr + 12p) – (2pr) 2 1 30 229/100 = $10,737,418.23 C – C = 12p or 37.7' techdirections. 2 1 $5,368,709.12 com/ So, you earn over ten million dollars in the thirty days, making $5,368,709 on past-issues the last day! marketPlace 37 more than fun J

Squared Up The rectangle below is made of 10 squares, each of a different size. The dimensions of the two smallest squares are 3 × 3 and 5 × 5. Use math to determine the dimensions of all the other squares.

Puzzle devised by david Pleacher, Around the World in 80 Days? Suppose you are 6' tall and you walk around the Earth’s equator. How much farther does your head travel Word Scramble than your feet? Most people think Thomas Edison invent- Puzzle devised by david Pleacher, ed the light bulb. In fact, he merely discov- ered a better, longer-lasting filament for light bulbs. To discover the true inventor of the incandescent light bulb, first unscramble the But Is It Worth It? four science-related words below. Write each You are offered the following job opportunity: answer in the line of squares and circles You are to work for 30 days. provided below each word. Then unscramble On the first day, you will be paid a penny. the letters in the squares to learn the answer. On the second day, you will be paid 2¢. On the third day, you will be paid 4¢. S E v a w On the forth day, you will be paid 8¢, and so on for 30 days. How much would you make for the thirty days? Do not use a calculator!

Puzzle devised by david Pleacher, i N S E p

See answers on page 37. G r o J a N

we pay $25 for brain teasers and puzzles and $20 for cartoons used on this page. preferable theme for all submissions is career- S H w i C t technical and StEM education. Send contributions to vanessa@ or mail to “More than Fun,” po Box 8623, ann arbor, Mi 48107-8623.

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