technically speaking Vanessa Revelli [email protected] As we come to the end of another year, I wanted to and is burdensome for stu- take a moment to thank you, our loyal readers. Each dents and aid administra- month I get amazing feedback with your thoughts on the tors. In October, NASFAA magazine, and information about what you are doing in (National Association of your schools to teach our next generation of leaders. You Student Financial Aid Ad- really inspire me! Please continue to reach out. Your feed- ministrators) released an is- back helps guide the direction of Tech Directions, and I sue brief on verification calling on Congress to take action really do appreciate it. to address this issue. You can find the brief at http://www. There is some good news coming out of Washington nasfaa.org/issue_brief_verification. D.C. that I wanted to share with you. In November, Sena- "The FAFSA Act not only makes the application process tors Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Patty Murray (D-WA), easier for students, but also does so while preserving the Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), and Cory Gardner (R-CO) integrity of the student aid programs," NASFAA President introduced the bipartisan "Faster Access to Federal Stu- Justin Draeger said. "These are the sort of common-sense, dent Aid Act of 2018" (S. 3611), a bill that would, through bipartisan solutions students and families need from better integration with the Department of Education and Washington, D.C., and we applaud these Senators for their the Internal Revenue Service, simplify the application, commitment to removing barriers to a postsecondary verification, and student loan repayment processes. This education. The financial aid community urges swift action bill takes the important step of amending both the In- on this bill so that work can begin to reduce the applica- ternal Revenue Code and Higher Education Act (HEA) to tion and data verification burden that continues to over- allow for cross-agency data-sharing that would improve whelm students and institutions." the federal student aid system for students and borrow- For more information on The FAFSA Act, see NASFAA's ers. Complete information on the Act can be found at summary of the bill at https://www.nasfaa.org/news- https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate- item/16761/Senators_Introduce_Bipartisan_Bill_to_ bill/3611 Simplify_FAFSA_and_Reduce_Verification_through_ED-IRS_ The bill would simplify the financial aid application Data_Sharing. process for students and families and streamline enroll- ment in and renewal of income-driven repayment plans for borrowers. In addition, the bill would take meaningful steps to reduce verification burden, a process that remains overly complex, disproportionately affects low-income students, EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Joseph Scarcella, Ph.D., Professor of Education, Cali- Michael Fitzgerald, Engineering and Technology Education fornia State University, San Bernadino Specialist, Delaware Department of Education, Dover Mark Schwendau, M.S., Ind. Mgmt. Kishwaukeee College, A Prakken Publications Magazine Edward J. Lazaros, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Malta, IL, Retiree Information Systems and Operations Management, Ball Bert Siebold, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Industrial & Digital Tech Directions (ISSN 1940-3100) is published month- State University, Muncie, IN Engineering Technology, Murray State University, KY ly, except June, July, and August, by Prakken Publications, Ed Prevatt, School Specialist, National Center for Construc- Jim Smallwood, Ph. D., Professor, Applied Engineering Inc., 251 Jackson Plaza, Suite A, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-1955. tion Education and Research, Gainesville, FL & Technology Management Department, Indiana State Executive, editorial, and advertising offices are at PO Box John Roccanova, Technology Education, Webutuck Central University, Terre Haute 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8623, telephone 734-975-2800; School, Amenia, NY Chris Zirkle, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor, College of Education fax 734-975 -2787. Vol. 78, No. 4. Mark Schwendau, M.S., Ind. Mgmt. Kishwaukeee College, and Human Ecology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Malta, IL, retiree Subscriptions: individuals: $30 per year; Canadian and Board of Directors Matthew D. Knope, Vanessa Revelli PEER REVIEW BOARD foreign: add $20 per year. Canadian GST #R126213487. Single copies $3. Group rate for students in teacher-training Sam Cotton, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Ball State Business Manager Turalee A. Barlow, institutions available upon request. [email protected] University, Muncie, IN Cameron J. Davidson, M.S., Researcher. Periodicals postage paid at Ann Arbor, MI, and additional Managing Editor Vanessa Revelli, mailing offices. Printed in U.S.A. [email protected] Charles R. Feldhaus, Ed. D., Professor, Department of Computer, Information, and Leadership Technology, Indiana Senior Editor Susanne Peckham, POSTMASTER: Please send change of address information University-Purdue University Indianapolis to Tech Directions, PO Box 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8623. [email protected] Ronald F. Gonzales, Ph.D., ASE, Professor, Cyber Security and Art, Design, and Production Manager Sharon K. Miller Information Assurance, National University, San Diego, CA Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editor, Tech Directions, PO Box 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8623. Manuscripts become Advertising Sales Manager Matt Knope, Robert T. Howell, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Technology Studies, Fort Hays State University, KS property of Tech Directions upon letter of acceptance to 800-530-9673 x302, [email protected] author and signed copyright release form. Payment made on Edward J. Lazaros, Ph.D., Professor, Department of National Sales Consultant Jim Negen, 320-281-7454, publication. Electronic copies of back issues available from Information Systems and Operations Management, Ball [email protected] ProQuest Information and Learning, www.il.proquest.com. State University, Muncie, IN Microform copies available from NAPC, www.napubco.com Special Feature Editor Rochelle Pierce Robert D. Mordini, Ed.D., Asst. Professor, Technology Subscription Dept. 800-530-9673 x306 Studies, Fort Hays State University, KS ©2018 by Prakken Publications, Inc. 2 techdirections ◆ DECEMBER 2018 supplier information center December 2018 This issue of techdirections is brought to you free by these leading companies. 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