DIGEST September 2011 Edition
DIGEST September 2011 Edition --GenCen Events List of gender- and LGBTQ-related courses being offered Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 GenCen Colloquia Series, September 30, October 21, November 18 GenCen/CASID Friday Forum, September 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, December 2 The Struggle of Kurdish Women in the Face of Kurdish Law and Traditions, September 22 Ties that Bind: Toxic Pollution, Urban Brownfields and the Embodiment of Class and Gender in Post-industrial Southeast Chicago, September 26 Locating Gender and Disability within Women's and Disability Rights Discourses in India, September 28 Roundtable Discussion of Aime Ellis’s If We Must Die: From Bigger Thomas to Biggie Smalls, October 14 MSU Events Career Services for Students (Student Services Building) Student Employment Opportunities at www.MySpartanCareer.com Weekly OISS Coffee Hour, Fridays Undergraduate Research Workshops, September 29, October 4, 18, 24, November 1, 9, 16 Community Conversations and Reflections on a Decade of Change. Highlight: October 6 National Depression Screening Day, October 6 Global Focus Photo Competition, Entries due October 7 CLACS Fall 2011 Seminar Series. Highlight: October 19 Global Opportunities Fair and Conference, October 19 LGBT Resource Center, Open Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm ReCUR call for student editors Undergraduate Application for Admission to Teacher Preparation Program, available through November 23 Support Gender Neutral Housing at Michigan State University Petition Other Events Conferences and Workshops MI H2Objective Conference: Research Shaping Michigan's Water Future, Wayne State University, September 29-30 Cultures of Exile: African Globalities in the Age of Transnationalism, University of Kansas, October 6-8 2nd Annual Conference of the Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature Department University of Minnesota, October 14-15 Calls for Papers THINKING GENDER 2012: Graduate Student Research Conference, February 3, 2012, UCLA.
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