Demythologizing the Red Baron
Joachim Castan. Der Rote Baron: Die ganze Geschichte des Manfred von Richthofen. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2007. 360 S. EUR 24.50, cloth, ISBN 978-3-608-94461-7. Reviewed by Richard Byers Published on H-German (July, 2008) Few fgures of aviation history rank higher in clan from the beginning of the twentieth century popular consciousness than Manfred von into the First World War and beyond. Richthofen, the greatest air ace of the First World Many aspects of this work warrant praise. War, forever immortalized in Western culture as Castan's documentary background makes him the "Red Baron." Historian and documentary pro‐ keenly aware of the importance of the role played ducer Joachim Castan, with assistance from by the German government and media in trans‐ Richthofen's surviving descendants, has written a forming Manfred von Richtofen from an un‐ new biography of the air ace due to the need, in known airman into a national celebrity. With the the author's view, to confront the mythological death of the previous air "idol," Oswald Boelcke, memory of the Red Baron, replete with "gross ex‐ in late 1916, German military officials embraced aggerations, vulgar clichés, wishful thinking, pure and cultivated Richtofen as Boelcke's heir and fantasy, beloved legends and bright shining lies" successor. As a result, Richtofen's meetings with (p. 15), with the "complete" history of his short but higher officials and the kaiser were carefully illustrious life. The work that results from this ap‐ choreographed to maximize their potential as proach is a richly-detailed, more nuanced assess‐ propaganda, both for internal and external con‐ ment of Richthofen than earlier works, which Cas‐ sumption.
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