12 February 2010

Strategic Analysis of Sri Lankan ’s Counter- Operations

Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe FDI Associate


Sri Lanka’s victory over the Liberation Tigers of (LTTE) in May 2009, offers interesting insights and lessons in confronting an intractable and formidable insurgency. To achieve victory, transformed its military and adopted new tactics. The role of defeating the LTTE was primarily assigned to the Sri Lanka (SLA), which mobilised its resources for the largest military campaign in the country’s history.


Service Transformation

The Sri Lankan military’s process of transformation began in earnest with the election of President Mahinda Rajapakse in November 2007. He immediately appointed the pragmatist and reformer Gotabaya Rajapakse, a retired - (also his brother) to the key position of Defence Secretary. Subsequently, as quoted in Business Today , Gotabaya Rajapakse adopted measures to restructure the military that markedly differed from those of his predecessors:

‘The hallmarks of the new radical approach included the appointment of tried and tested ; leaders who were brave and had battlefield experience, purchasing of new weaponry alongside an increased and fervent recruitment and training agenda.’

Accordingly, (at the time a and, most recently, the Chief of Defence ), was appointed to command the army, which led to the implementation of reforms. training doctrine was revamped to emphasise section level small unit infantry operations (the traditional concept was dropped). Instead, the Special Infantry Operations Team (SIOT) concept was now standardised.

SIOT operated in eight-man teams and was first introduced by General Fonseka in 2002. The SIOT training programme involved a one-month basic endurance course. who passed were subsequently given 18 weeks of additional training in , explosives handling, medical training, and the use of signals to act as spotters for the co-ordination of and air strikes. SIOTs were then deployed to offensive formations, with each rifle being allocated six teams that also acted as field instructors to uplift infantry standards and impart SIOT skills.

By late 2006, the numbers of SIOT-trained soldiers had increased to around 6,000 from approximately 1,500 prior to the start of hostilities. In some cases, entire infantry companies were SIOT trained. According to General Fonseka:

‘They were very well trained soldiers who could operate independently for a limited time. When the war started, we could push them into jungles effectively, supported by and , which put the LTTE off-balance on the ground.’

Cumulatively, these measures saw a transformation in the army’s ethos, organisation and doctrine, which prepared it to absorb the challenge of full scale hostilities.

Eastern Province

After sustained tensions, full-scale hostilities commenced in August 2006, when the LTTE forced a major confrontation by closing the sluice gate in the Eastern Province, depriving over 20,000 farmers in government-controlled areas of irrigation waters. In response, the government launched a limited to capture the sluice gate. The LTTE further escalated hostilities, however, by launching a major offensive against five military bases south of harbour to distract the military from securing its objective, to isolate and render the Trincomalee naval dockyard inoperable and to sever the vital maritime logistical link to nearly 50,000 garrison troops defending the Peninsula. Despite its best efforts, the LTTE was defeated at Mavil Aru, and its offensive to the south of Trincomalee harbour was also repelled, which enabled the army to bring reinforcements and launch local counter-offensives.

It transpired that the failed LTTE offensive in the Eastern Province was a prelude to another major LTTE offensive on the . The LTTE commenced its attack on 11 August 2006, with a massive artillery barrage on the Muhamalai defence line followed by amphibious attacks at other strategic locations. Apart from initial gains, the army held its ground and launched counter-attacks, which rapidly evicted the LTTE from its lodgements, but at Muhamalai heavy fighting continued until the army recaptured its original positions on 26 August.

The failure of the LTTE’s main offensive demonstrated the limitations of its military power and capabilities, which boosted the confidence of the military in regaining the initiative. As a result, the army went onto the offensive in the Eastern Province to exploit its initial successes. Commando and Special Forces units operating either in four- or eight-man teams were used extensively, and enhanced the army’s real-time battlefield intelligence capability. Irregular army units frequently infiltrated LTTE controlled areas, by sea or through the jungle, which dominated large tracts of the Eastern Province, and acquired targets for artillery and air strikes, jammed communications, attacked listening posts and positions and ambushed reconnaissance teams, convoys and field commanders. Over a period of time, key LTTE-controlled areas started falling into army hands, such as Muttur and

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Sampur, then and subsequently Vakarai, its last urban stronghold in the Eastern Province. Similarly, the Sri Lanka (SLP) arm, the Special , overran 12 LTTE camps in the southern recesses of the province, which had channelled LTTE guerrilla units towards the remote Toppigala jungles, the last LTTE redoubt in the Eastern Province.

From the outset of hostilities in the Eastern Province, the implications of the 2004 split between the LTTE and Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan (alias ), who broke away with 3,000 fighters and was subsequently referred to as the Karuna Group, were felt.

The Karuna Group disbanded its army and went underground with 500-600 fighters, defected to the government and was heavily active in operations against the LTTE. Due to fears of infiltration, the LTTE could no longer rely heavily on the loyalties of eastern ethnic Tamils and consequently recruitment markedly diminished. Hence, when hostilities erupted in 2006, the LTTE’s strength in the Eastern Province never regenerated to more than around 4,000 fighters. Most LTTE senior commanders in the Eastern Province were northern ethnic Tamils who lacked local knowledge and understanding of the region’s dynamics. The LTTE could not compete with the Karuna Group’s intimate local knowledge of the population and terrain, which enabled it to harass LTTE supply lines and attack isolated outposts.

Increasingly, the LTTE in the Eastern Province operated more like a conventional army of occupation, rather than an insurgent force, often arresting, torturing and killing dozens of Tamil civilians on suspicion of being Karuna Group loyalists or informants. While ethnic Tamils were bitterly divided between loyalties to the LTTE and the Karuna Group, for the LTTE, its situation in the Eastern Province was further compounded by demographic obstacles, where large populations of ethnic Sinhalese and Muslims were strongly against the LTTE. Unlike the Northern Province, which is overwhelmingly dominated by ethnic Tamils, the Eastern Province turned into an increasingly hostile environment for the LTTE.

The army was able to exploit these inherent advantages and drove the LTTE from zone to zone throughout the Eastern Province and channelled retreating LTTE forces towards the Toppigala jungles, which were overrun by August 2007. The army’s victory in the Eastern Province led to the recapture of an estimated 6,500 km 2 of territory previously controlled by the LTTE. It also destroyed the conventional military capability of the LTTE in the region and left it unable to conduct anything more than low intensity operations. Thereafter, the Eastern Province was largely held by the Sri Lanka (SLAF), Sri Lanka (SLN), SLP and the Civil Defence Force (formerly known as the Home Guard), in collaboration with the Karuna Group, which enabled the army to withdraw and concentrate its troops for the looming campaign in the Vanni.

Vanni Operation

The Vanni campaign, which took place in an area that comprises most of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, began in March 2007, six months prior to the fall of Toppigala, while LTTE forces in the Eastern Province were progressively encircled and reduced. Due to the army’s continued growth, the 57 th was raised and deployed north-west of for the “Vanni Operation”, the main campaign against the LTTE. The 57 th Division, which consisted of three infantry and a Special Forces , forced the LTTE to divert much of its forces from other fronts to contest its advance. As General Fonseka stated:

‘The LTTE for the last so many years had been holding onto this land and believed in not giving even an inch of land. They thought they had developed

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a conventional army capability. They never wanted the army to come and capture even a small village. We were like two fighting. In Vavuniya, to capture some small villages we fought for about eight months without moving.’

Indeed, throughout most of 2007, the LTTE successfully repelled five major assaults and, in June 2007, even launched a series of counterattacks that forced the 57 th Division to fallback six kilometres from its original positions.

These successes, however, proved to be short lived. As on several other fronts, the years 2006 and 2007 were militarily disastrous for the LTTE, which faced growing manpower shortages, logistical problems and heightened commando and Special Forces activity in rear areas. The loss of the Eastern Province, for instance, with the deaths of many experienced LTTE fighters was, from a recruitment and retention perspective, a critical blow to its finite manpower resources. This may explain why most of the remaining LTTE fighters in the Eastern Province, estimated to be around 600-800, were ordered to return to the Vanni.

In addition, the spectacular SLN successes against the over the same period led to the destruction of 11 LTTE trawlers and six warehouse ships, containing large consignments of , ammunition and equipment. Although the LTTE had massive stockpiles of artillery and mortar ammunition at its disposal, the SLN achievements had a major long-term impact that became noticeable as the campaign escalated.

Moreover, even while the Eastern Province campaign intensified, commando and Special Forces units were extensively used behind LTTE lines and were engaged in Long Range Patrols (LRP) and Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols (LRRP). These operations led to the interception and elimination of numerous LTTE field commanders, guerrilla groups and . The impact of these operations forced restrictions on the movement of LTTE field commanders, compelling it to redeploy manpower resources – sorely needed at the frontline – to undertake sweeps and force protection duties in rear areas.

To compensate for its strategic deficiency, the LTTE used its nascent air wing, the , to project force across the island and, in addition, heavily used suicide bombers and assassins to wage a deadly low intensity campaign throughout Sri Lanka, targeting key politicians, government officials, military commanders and critical infrastructure. The military, however, adopted stringent security measures to contain and intercept LTTE cells, aided by increasingly successful intelligence gathering operations, which drastically reduced the incidence of suicide terrorism.

In anticipation of a prolonged and bloody military campaign it is likely that these considerations influenced the LTTE to primarily adopt a defensive military strategy and rely on a series of static defence lines. General Fonseka confirms that:

‘Earlier we had eight-man teams operating very effectively, infiltrating LTTE lines and hitting them from the flanks and rear and inflicting a lot of casualties. In the jungle they also found that our soldiers were hitting them from all directions. So they found it very uncomfortable in the jungles. Sometimes they used bulldozers to clear the jungles to create a field of fire to ensure that we didn’t have cover to hit them from the flanks or rear. So wherever there were large open areas the LTTE constructed bunds [earthen embankments] and fire positions and a lot of artillery fire was targeted onto the area in front of the bund. The whole area in front of the bund was fully

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mined, a large amount of anti-personnel mines, even anti-tank mines, and so it becomes like a killing ground.’

Three metre high earth bunds and ditch-cum-bund (DCB) fortifications were built by the LTTE using civilian labour. Often stretching for several kilometres in length, they were designed to forestall or delay the army by inflicting heavy casualties. The army encountered numerous such obstacles, most notably the 55 th Division, which overran 14 earth bunds after it recaptured the Jaffna Peninsula and advanced down the north-eastern coastline. The largest of the LTTE’s DCB fortifications were a 22 kilometre stretch from Nachchikuda to Akkarayankulam and a 12 kilometre long DCB ring in defence of .

Equally concerning for the LTTE was the unexpectedly rapid growth of the military, particularly the army, which capitalised on its unbroken string of major victories that included withstanding the LTTE attacks on the Jaffna Peninsula, defeating the LTTE in the Eastern Province and the capture of two strategic Sea Tiger bases: Silawathurai and Arippu, south of Mannar. As General Fonseka attested to Business Today :

‘Earlier we would recruit approximately 3,000 per year, but now [in December 2008] we are achieving targets of 3,000 per month. Immediately after Mavil Aru in August 2006, we managed to recruit 6,000 in a single month. In 2007, the total number of recruits was 32,000 and this year [2008] we have already recruited 34,000. So we have sufficient reserves now. I created 50 new .’

As a result, in 2007-2008, new offensive formations were raised, including: the 58 th Division (initially known as Task Force 1) in September 2007, the 59 th Division in January 2008, Task Force 2 in November 2007, Task Force 3 in November 2008, and Task Force 4 in December 2008. In the same period, the Commando Regiment expanded from three to five ; the Special Forces Regiment also grew from three to five regiments and the artillery expanded from five to eight regiments. Furthermore, by December 2008, over 30,000 infantrymen were SIOT trained, which meant that as the campaign progressed, the LTTE faced increasingly well-trained infantry in the field. The army’s numerical superiority was a major reason why it was also able to continuously maintain the initiative in spite of heavy casualties. From 2006-2009, the army claims to have lost 191 officers and 5,082 other ranks killed and 901 officers and 27,221 other ranks wounded (an approximate killed to wounded ratio of 1:6). In fact, officer casualties were so high that over 1,500 Sergeants and were commissioned as officers to meet shortages and operational exigencies.

The raising of the 58 th Division, which consisted of two infantry brigades and a commando regiment deployed to the north-east of Mannar, adjoining the north-western coast, forced the LTTE again to divert forces and enabled the 57 th Division to make gradual inroads into LTTE territory.

In January 2008, the Vanni Operation entered a decisive stage with the deployment of the 59 th Division, north of Trincomalee, along Sri Lanka’s north-eastern seaboard. These three divisions were deployed to undertake the bulk of the fighting, which forced the LTTE to sustain increasingly heavy casualties and stretch its resources across four fronts, as General Fonseka affirms:

‘With one division only [57 th Division], north-west of Vavuniya we were killing about 10 terrorists a day. When we inducted the Mannar division [58 th Division], then again they were also killing about seven to eight LTTE [per

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day], so then we were killing over 15 LTTE a day. When I inducted the eastern flank division [59 th Division] in 2008 January, they were also killing about seven to eight cadres a day, so it went up to about over 20 a day.’

The army strategy demonstrated that the capture of territory, while important, was secondary. Instead, the main objective shifted to inflicting high attrition rates on the LTTE and maintaining the initiative by launching continuous offensive operations along multiple thrust lines, to divide and destroy LTTE forces piecemeal. This was in large measure enabled by the supplementary firepower and air support provided by the SLAF, in the form of aerial reconnaissance, close air support and casualty evacuation, all of which greatly assisted the army’s operations.

The LTTE was forced to simultaneously defend four strategically vital approaches with each division having a broader strategic objective: the 58 th Division focused on sealing the north- west coastline and opening a direct road link to the Jaffna Peninsula; the 57 th Division’s main goal was the capture of Kilinochchi, the de facto LTTE capital; and the 59 th Division set its objectives on sealing the north-eastern coastline from and to capture Puthukudirippu (PTK), the LTTE command and logistical headquarters. Finally, the 53 rd and 55 th Divisions, which had previously garrisoned the Jaffna Peninsula, forced the LTTE to commit forces to prevent a breakthrough on its northern frontage. Sealing the Source: David Playford/IHS Janes north-western coastline applied major pressure on vital LTTE logistical operations from Tamil Nadu, a transhipment hub for the smuggling of arms, ammunition and other accessories into the Vanni. Furthermore, the advance along the north-western seaboard also reduced the prospect of thousands of refugees fleeing to Tamil Nadu and prevented potentially serious political fallout with .

The LTTE only belatedly realised its growing military predicament, namely that it lacked the manpower and material resources to face a massive and sustained conventional campaign on such a scale. Its increasingly tenuous sea lines of with Tamil Nadu and the outside world meant that the LTTE maritime and logistical wings found it increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to penetrate the SLN cordon and, therefore, supplies such as artillery and mortar ammunition were no longer available in the quantities required.

Additionally, the SLN defeated the Sea Tigers, killing nearly one thousand of guerrillas and destroying over 300 enemy boats. The large attrition rates inflicted by the army, which eventually overran 20 Sea Tiger bases, forced the LTTE increasingly to deploy the Sea Tigers in ground operations and also contributed to the weakening of its operational capabilities. Hence, the only option for the LTTE was to force into service tens of thousands of children

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and adults, including men over the ages of 40-50. The LTTE also suffered from a worsening manpower shortfall due to the steadily higher casualties inflicted by the army, which saw increasing numbers of LTTE field commanders and veteran guerrillas killed in action; losses that were irreplaceable. In 2006, the army claims to have killed over 1,700 LTTE fighters; in 2007 the figure was over 4,800; in 2008 it was over 8,300 and, finally, in 2009 it exceeded 7,200.

Apart from inflicting casualties, the army’s first pivotal strategic victory occurred when the 58 th Division sealed the north-west coastline and linked with troops on the Jaffna Peninsula, effectively severing a critical supply line with Tamil Nadu. Thereafter, in the western Vanni, the 58 th and 57 th Divisions’ rapid advance reached its limit outside the heavily defended DCB ring around Kilinochchi.

While the battle of Kilinochchi raged for over two months, the 58 th Division’s flanking advance towards Paranthan, a key road junction to the north, threatened to encircle LTTE forces in Kilinochchi. Simultaneously, the 59 th Division supported by three new formations in the central and western Vanni (Task Forces 2, 3, and 4), had, by December 2009, threatened to overrun the vital LTTE command and logistical nerve-centre at PTK. The LTTE opted to withdraw its remaining forces from Kilinochchi and the Jaffna Peninsula to avoid encirclement and conducted a fighting retreat towards PTK, resisting significant pressure from seven army divisions and task forces advancing on all fronts at a rate of nearly one kilometre per day.

As the battle shifted to the north-eastern jungles, the LTTE resorted to desperate delaying tactics that included the use of CS (tear) gas and blasted the Kalmadukulam Tank (reservoir) embankment, releasing torrents of water. It also attempted, but failed, to blow up the Tank embankment. These delaying actions, however, could not prevent the army advance which, by late January 2009, had steadily pushed the LTTE into a small area referred to as the “Vanni Pocket”, in the general area surrounding the urban stronghold of PTK.

The Vanni Pocket

From late January to April 2009, the LTTE launched at least four major counter-attacks interspersed by numerous smaller local counter-attacks, to break through army lines and enter the Mullaitivu jungles. Anticipating such a move, one infantry division and four Special Forces squadrons were deployed behind Task Forces 2, 3 and 4, as strategic reserves to counter LTTE penetrations. In one major attack, the LTTE successfully pushed back Task Force 4, astride the 59 th Division, by around four kilometres from its original positions. The thick jungle terrain in the , studded by rivers, inlets and lagoons, enabled small LTTE groups to infiltrate behind army lines. Often many LTTE guerrillas merged with tens of thousands of fleeing civilians crossing over to army lines at night. Initially, the LTTE infiltrations caused problems, but the army had sufficient troops in rear echelon areas to rapidly eliminate those groups. In late April, at the battle of Anandapuram, near PTK, the army inflicted the worst battlefield defeat against the LTTE of the entire insurgency, killing over 600 veteran fighters and forcing the LTTE to retreat into its last stronghold, the government-demarcated Civilian Safe Zone.

After a desperate effort had failed to influence India’s Lok Sabha parliamentary elections in March-April 2009, the LTTE lobby heavily relied upon the diplomatic intervention of a number of Western countries to prevent its imminent defeat. Regardless of the immense international pressure against Sri Lanka to halt its final offensive, the political leadership did

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not relent and the military remained focused on eliminating the LTTE. At that point, due to the heavy presence of civilians around 70 highly trained and experienced army were used to neutralise LTTE targets. In the final weeks, snipers often accounted for overall daily tallies averaging between 30-60 confirmed kills (between 2006 and 2009, army snipers claim to have accounted for over 2,800 enemy combatants). Frontline infantry units supported by commandos and Special Forces, clinically reduced the Civilian Safe Zone, segment by segment, evacuated hundreds of thousands of stranded civilians and deprived the LTTE of its human shield. By 19 May 2009, the army finished mopping up the few remaining pockets of resistance and succeeded in eliminating the LTTE senior leadership, along with the majority of its remaining hardcore fighters, to decisively end the insurgency.

The defeat of the LTTE was the result of strong political will and public support that was uniformly consistent with the military’s strategic and operational objectives. The army had, in the process, demonstrated its prowess in jungle warfare, small unit- and night-operations. Its Commando and Special Forces Regiments had acquired considerable experience in covert operations, namely LRP, LRRP and large-scale hostage rescue situations.

After nearly thirty years of experience in high and low intensity counter-insurgency warfare, the is likely to rank among the most combat experienced armies in the world.

About the author: Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe is an analyst who has published widely on South Asian and political and security issues.

This SAP is a revised and expanded version of the original, which was first published as ‘Good Education: Sri Lankan Military Learns Insurgency Lessons’ in Janes Intelligence Review (December 2009).

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