Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, VOL 68 (2017), NO5, 325–338

Evaluation of activities for localization and classification of LP, VT and TR events

∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi , Fabian Seguel , Ismael Soto , David ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗∗ Guevara , Fernando Huenupan , Millaray Curilem , Luis Franco

Evaluation of seismic signals is one of the most important research topics on . Volcanoes have daily activity; therefore, high speed evaluation of recorded signals is a challenge for improving the study of the natural phenomena occurring inside these natural formations. The aim of this paper is the evaluation (denoising, localization and classification) and analysis of Llaima volcano activities, one of the most actives volcanoes in South America. Different already proposed methods, such as, Butterworth, Spectral Subtraction (SS) and Wiener Filter (WF) are compared to the proposed Modified Spectral Subtraction (MSS) and Modified Wiener Filter (MWF) to find the best method for denoising the volcano signals. Then, event localization based on received signals of volcano is performed. In this step, Time Delay Estimation (TDE)-based method is used on data acquired from 3 mechanical sensors located in the volcano area. The proposed method is used to estimate the area for event location. The proposed denoising methods make the starting point for the event more evident to increase the localization accuracy for events where the starting point is difficult to find. In the last step, a method based on the novel DNN technique is proposed to classify the three main events occurring in the Llaima volcano (TR (Tremor), LP (Long Period) and VT (Volcano Tectonic)). K e y w o r d s: seismic signals, Llaima volcano, spectral subtraction, wiener filter, deep neural network, source localization

1 Introduction which are considered as the most actives and danger- ous volcanoes in the country. About the 16 % Llaima is considered as a natural laboratory, where huge volcano belong to the Andean and it is earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurs frequently. one of the most active and massive volcanoes in South This is because the between the Nazca and America [6]. It is located in the Regi´on de La Arau- South American plates [1, 2]. This subduction of the can´ıaat coordinates 38.698◦ S and 71.730◦ W and it is oceanic cortex below the continental margin has allowed classified as a stratovolcano [7]. Seismic sensors placed the development of the major orogenic system called “Los nearby the volcano are used to record signals, these are ” [3]. Chile has a sizeable portion of this surface MOT (38.675◦ S and 71.784◦ W), LAV (38.705◦ S and compared with other countries. Earthquakes and volcanic 71.649◦ W) and LLA (38.774◦ S and 71.696◦ W). These eruptions affect the inhabitant’s safety and the infrastruc- seismic sensors are equipped with seismometers with a ture due to the proximity of the cities to the threatening bandwidth of 50 Hz in X, Y and Z directions. The data sites. recorded about the seismic events is sent in real time to Chile has around 100 actives volcanoes including in- the OVDAS [8]. dividual stratovolcanoes and groups of monogenetic vol- There are many possible reasons that gives origin to a canoes [4]. The main active volcanoes are located in the continent, forming the Andean volcanic belt. Based on seismic event. Fault fractures and eruptive activity gen- the historic record, 61 of those volcanoes have had more erate different seismic events. According to their origin, than 400 eruptions in the last 500 years. Natural disas- seismic events can be classified as Body Waves in which ters, particularly the disasters caused by volcanic erup- Primary wave (P) and Secondary waves (S) can be found tions have taken the attention of the authorities and the and Surface Waves where Rayleigh wave (R) and Love scientific community. Improving the emergency response Wave (L) are grouped. and predict the volcano eruption in previous stages has Volcanoes produce a wide variety of signals produced become a matter of major concern. by the flowing and hydrothermal fluids interact- Nowadays the Servicio Nacional de Geologia (Serna- ing with solid rocks [9]. Events caused by the fracture of geomin) by means of the Observatorio Vulcanol´ogico de brittle material due to changes produced by the flow of los Andes del sur [5] is monitoring 43 actives volcanoes magma or fluids are called Volcano-Tectonic (VT). Oscil-

* Department of Electricity, Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana, Av. Jose Pedro Alessandri 1242, , Chile, adehghanfirouz- [email protected], ** Electrical Engineering Department, Universidad of Santiago of Chile, Santiago, 9170124, Chile, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], *** Electrical Engineering Department, University of Frontera, Temuco, Chile, fer- [email protected], [email protected], **** Observatorio Vulcanolgico de Los Andes del Sur (OVDAS); Santa Maria 0104, Providencia, Chile, [email protected]

DOI: 10.1515/jee-2017–0064, Print (till 2015) ISSN 1335-3632, On-line ISSN 1339-309X c 2017FEI STU 326 A. Dehghan Firoozabadi, F. Seguel, I. Soto, D. Guevara, F. Huenupan, M. Curilem, L. Franco: EVALUATION OF LLAIMA ...

In this paper the aim is localization and classification of TR, VT and LP events in Llaima volcano. For this purpose, one of the most important steps is preprocess- ing the obtained signal. Received signals from MOT, LAV and LLA have a high level of noise. Noise is divided to two main groups: 1) White noise with uniform frequency spec- trum, and 2) Colorful noise with low frequency spectrum. For filtering the signal, a comparison between some de- noising methods applied on volcano signals is performed. From the denoising process high quality signals will be obtained: Denoised signals will be used to perform the localization and classification of the events. Therefore, the proposed block diagram in this paper can be shown as Fig. 2. The signal enhancement tries to improve the quality of signal to increase the performance of localization and clas- Fig. 1. Top view of Llaima volcano with MOT, LAV and LLA sensors [8] sification. Several methods have been proposed for sig- nal enhancement such as: Butterworth filter [13], Spectral lating changes in the pressure produced by the dynam- Subtraction [14], Statistical model based methods (Hid- ics of the fluids inside the ducts or small fissures are de- den Markov Model) [15], sub-space based methods [16], nominated Long Period (LP) and TRemor (TR) events. etc. These methods have a high performance when dealing Long-Period signals (LP) are usually low frequency events with uniform spectrum and additive noise. In this paper, whose duration is bounded by a range from seconds to two of the most effective filters, Spectral Subtraction (SS) minutes. The bandwidth of this event is 4Hz located in and Wiener Filter (WF), will be applied on the recorded the range of 1 Hz to 5 Hz [10]. However, they are of- signals. Also, Modified Spectral Subtraction (MSS) and ten preceded by small energy movements of frequencies Modified Wiener Filter (MWF) will be implemented to greater than 5Hz. Another classification group of the seis- improve the performance of denoising stage. SS and WF mic events is Volcano Tectonic (VT). These waves may have an appropriate performance when dealing with sta- last from seconds to minutes [11] and are characterized tionary uniform spectrum noise. However, recorded sig- for having P waves at the beginning of the signal followed nals of volcano events have colorful noise with low fre- by S waves. Both are clearly defined in the signal graph. quency components. Butterworth filter (BW) could re- The bandwidth of this kind of events is variable and the move the noise in the event’s frequency range. Because frequency is mainly focused between 2 Hz and 15 Hz. Fi- of this, Butterworth filter with cut-off frequency 30 Hz is nally, Tremor events (TR) are constant vibrations with used in a preprocessing step before using SS, WF, MSS a frequency range from 1 Hz to 5 Hz and its duration and MWF. can vary from minutes, days and even months [12]. Fig- Once the signal has been enhanced, a low complex- ure 1 shows the location of the Llaima volcano and the ity localization method with high accuracy to detect the distribution of the sensors around the active crater. Also, event’s location is implemented. Events happen in the Tab. 1 shows position for MOT, LAV and LLA sensors. depth of the earth. Mechanical waves of the events arrive to the surface after crossing different earth layers where Table 1. The position for MOT, LAV and LLA sensors can be recorded by the sensors. Useful information about the volcano can be obtained by means of event’s local- Code Lat(0)S Long(0)S ization. The most common method used in OVDAS and in some other volcano logical observatories is the modi- Motion MOT 38.675 71.784 fied HYPO71. This technique determines earthquake lo- LAV 38.705 71.649 cations and magnitudes from seismic network data like Llaima LLA 38.774 71.696 first-arrival P and S arrival times, amplitudes and coda

Noisy GCC ̶ ML Based Event’s Denoising Process Signal Localization Location

Spectral Subtraction (Modified) DNN Based Event’s Butterworth Filter Classification Class Wiener Filter (Modified)

Fig. 2. Block diagram of proposed Llaima Volcano signal processing Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 68 (2017), NO5 327 durations [17]. Also, There are some improvements to in particular, techniques from the field of artificial intelli- HYPO71, they can be found in [18, 19]. gence (such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Ar- Source localization algorithms are divided to one-stage tificial Neural Networks (ANN)) has been widely applied and two-stages methods [20]. Two-stages methods esti- for many classification applications such as classification mate the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between each of cancel cells [27] real time electro cardiogram classifica- pair of sensors. Then the location of events is estimated tion [28], sound event classification [29], electrical distur- based on TDOA values and sensor’s location. On the bances [30], internet traffic [31]. Support Vector Machines other hand, in one-stage methods a cost function is cal- or Kernel machines and neural networks with one hidden culated for candidate points. Then, the more likely point layer have a shallow architecture, namely, two levels of is selected as source location. Two-steps methods (based data-dependent computational elements [32]. Recently, a on TDOA) are faster than one-step methods (based on major advance has been the ability to train deep archi- energy). Time delay of the signal is estimated using tectures of neural networks, that is, networks with many low complexity equations in two-stages methods. On the weights to adapt. The main issue with “deep” architec- other hand, in one-stage methods its computational com- tures is the ability of the training algorithm to propagate plexity is directly depends on the number of candidate the error and find the best set of weights that minimize points. One of the main factors that causes detrimen- the error. Deep Learning tries to overcome this problem tal on the localization estimation in TDE-based meth- by first pre-training the network layer by layer by means ods is the reverberation of the signal. Nevertheless, the of an unsupervised learning algorithm. This pre-training physical medium in which the event’s mechanical waves tries to build an internal representation of the data re- are propagated can be assumed as free space, ie there ducing the dimensionality [33]. Once the weights are ini- is no reverberation. Because of this, a high performance tialized a fine-tuning stage is performed by means of a on the event localization can be achieved by using cross- supervised learning algorithm using labeled data. Deep correlation based methods. Neural Networks has achieved promising result when used in for several applications such as acoustic emotion recog- Localization methods are divided into parametric and nition [34], speech recognition [35], oceanographic object non-parametric groups. Parametric methods [21] usually classification [36] and so on. In this paper we propose the are beam forming or Maximum Likelihood (ML) meth- classification of volcano signals by means of a DNN based ods which define a spatial maximum likelihood function classifier. for event’s positions. Each function can have multiple After introducing SS and WF, we propose MSS and maximum in the searching space, making the selection of MWF to improve the methods. The details of GCC and the maximum a high complexity process. Non-parametric ML function is introduced, and explained is the way of methods [22] are based on signal sub-space or Eigen value using GCC method for this sensor structure. We examine analysis. For example, MUSIC [23] and ESPRIT [24] are denoising methods based on 3 sensors to find the best two important methods in non-parametric group that method for recorded signals enhancement and use en- have higher resolution than parametric methods. These hanced signals for localization. The results are shown for methods are designed for using multiple sensors and nar- GCC method in combination with ML weighted function. row band signals. In addition to this, some research work Finally, DNN-based classification method is also shown. have been done to extend these methods for wide band signals [25]. In this paper, GCC method is used for localization of 2 Methodology different kind of events [26]. This method has appropri- ate accuracy and it can be used for real-time application. The methods used for signal enhancement, event local- Two weighted functions are usually used in combination ization and classification will be introduced here. First, with GCC, these are: 1) PHAT (PHAse Transform) and, several common denoising methods will be reviewed to 2) ML weighted function. PHAT and ML weighted func- find the best method for denoising the signals obtained by tions are suitable for signals affected by reverberation and the mechanical sensors placed on volcano surroundings. noise respectively. Since the major adverse factor in this Then Time Delay Estimation (TDE)-based method for lo- application is noise, GCC is used in combination with ML calization of event will be introduced. Finally, a method weighted function. based on the novel DNN technique is proposed to classify The feature extraction is one of the most important the three main events occurring in the Llaima volcano. aspects in pattern recognition and classification prob- lems since the selection of the features can improve or 2.1 Signal Enhancement deteriorate the performance of the system. Most of the As it was mentioned in previous section, the aim of this approaches for classification in volcano signal processing paper is localization and classification of recorded events has been made by selecting the spectral based features from Llaima volcano. A preprocessing stage in which the in a hand-crafted method which is subjective to percep- noise is removed from the signal must be done because of tion of the designers and the optimal set of features is the high level of noise. In this section, first SS and WF not always reached. Once the selection of the features is methods are introduced. Then, MSS and MWF will be made, there are several techniques for the classification, proposed to improve traditional methods. 328 A. Dehghan Firoozabadi, F. Seguel, I. Soto, D. Guevara, F. Huenupan, M. Curilem, L. Franco: EVALUATION OF LLAIMA ...

Noisy Signal Spectrum Phase

Overlap Noisy Merge Amplitude Enhanced Windowing FFT Spectral Subtraction IFFT & Signal and Phase Signal Add

Noise Spectral Estimation

Fig. 3. The block diagram for Spectral Subtraction method

Noisy Enhanced Signal Signal H() w Windowing FFT IFFT v( n ) u(n ) Implementation

Ps() w H() w Estimation d( n ) Calculation e( n ) Silent Part Pn() w Estimation Updating

Fig. 4. The block diagram for Wiener filter implementation

2.1.1 Spectral subtraction (SS) method Finally, enhanced signal can be expressed as the am- Spectral Subtraction is a method for power spectral re- plitude of estimated spectral and noisy signal phase as trieval of signal that has been affected by additive noise. −1 sˆw[n]= F |Sˆw(ω)| exp j arg(Y (ω)) (3) The idea in SS method is based on estimation the am- −1   plitude for frequency spectrum. This estimation can be where F is the inverse Fourier transform ands ˆw[n] is achieved by subtraction between the amplitude of noise enhanced signal for a frame (window). spectrum and noisy signal spectrum. The information re- lated to noise spectrum is estimated by using the silent 2.1.2 W i e n e r F i l t e r (W F) f o r s i g n a l part of noisy signal. SS block diagram has been shown in denoising Fig. 3. WF is a common method for noise reduction. This Firstly, recorded signals by sensors are windowed with method decreases the noise of noisy signal by statisubti- 50 % overlapping. Then, the Fourier transform is imple- cal estimation of the noise in time domain. In WF, a filter mented on each frame of signal. Noise spectral estimation is designed based on signal and noise parameters. Noisy is an important part in this method. These noise estima- signal is crossed with the filter in order to decrease the tions are achievable of free-event part of signals. Then noise level. Then, a new filter is designed based on param- recorded signals are divided to equal part with length L eter of enhanced signal in the previous step. This process by windowing and are transferred to frequency domain repeated until the enhanced signal is obtained [37]. with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function. Windowed Preprocessing is needed to prepare noisy signal for signal can be expressed in frequency domain as WF algorithm. Figure 4 shows block diagram for WF implementation. Wiener Filter transfer function can be Y ω W ω Y ω S ω N ω w( )= ( ) ∗ ( )= w( )+ w( ) (1) written as P (ω) where Y (ω), S (ω) and N (ω) are Fourier transform H(ω)= s (ω)+ P (ω) (4) w w w P n for windowed noisy signal, windowed clean signal (event), s and windowed noise respectively and ∗ is convolution where H(ω), Ps(ω) and Pn(ω) are impulse response operator. Also Y (ω) and W (ω) are Fourier transform of WF, power spectral density for clean signal and noise for noisy signal and window. Finally, Spectral Subtraction respectively. Noise power spectral can be estimated from can be expressed as silent part of signal. Nevertheless, compute the power spectral estimation for clean signal is a difficult task. 2 2 2 |Sˆw(ω)| = |Yw(ω)| − E |Nw(ω)| . (2)  2.1.3 Modified Spectral Subtraction 2 In (2), |Sˆw(ω)| is the spectral subtraction for a clean (MSS) method 2 signal and E |Nw(ω)| is the expected value of the Some parameters can be modified in spectral subtrac- spectral noise on the silent frames. tion method to obtain better performance in noise reduc- Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 68 (2017), NO5 329 Sensor 1 tion process. It means that the noise effect in subtraction (MOT) operation can be changed. It should be noted that, in- Source ()s r1 creasing the effect of noise estimation can cause a detri- (Event) Sensor 2 mental effect on the event’s information. According to (LAV) r ()s this, Modified spectral subtraction can be written as 2

()s α α α r3 |Sˆw(ω)| = |Yw(ω)| − βE |Nw(ω)| (5)  Sensor 3 (LLA) where in this equation, α is attenuation factor and β is over-subtraction factor. The value for β in this equation Fig. 5. Parametrization of event location by TDOA estimations has to be selected bigger than 1 for over-subtraction as- TDOA estimations can be expressed as a function of sumption. This means upper band estimation of noise. distance between the event and sensor location. This can The attenuation factor α has to be selected between 0 r(s)−r(s) be expressed mathematically as τ = l q . Then, and 2 (0 <α< 2). A large amount of noise remains with lq c TDOAs parameterize the event location and we can lo- α = 2 and with α selected close to 2 produce the decre- calize the place of event with a number of TDOAs. Sen- ment of the signal amplitude. The value of α and β have sor signal model can be written in real condition for to be selected in order to minimize adverse effects on the 1 sensors l and q as xl[n] = ls[n − τl] + nl[n] and signal. rl x [n] = 1 [n − τ ] + n [n] where x[n] is the received q rq q q signal by sensors (l or q ), n[n] is additive noise and s[n] 2.1.4 Modified Wiener Filter (MWF) is transmitted signal in event location. GCC function has method a peak when shifted samples of s[n] are match to τlq . In Wiener filter method, filters are designed based on The Fourier transform of cross correlation function can the output signal and they are implemented on input be expressed as cross spectral density between signals signal repeatedly. The parameters for WF are obtained ′ Clq(ω)= Xl(ω)Xq(ω) (7) based on signal and noise power spectral estimations. The equation for modified wiener filter can be written as where Clq(ω) is Fourier transform of cross-correlation ′ function, Xl(ω) is Fourier transform of xl[n] and Xq(ω) δ is the complex conjugate of Fourier transform for xq[n]. Ps(ω) HMW F (ω)= (6) Generalized Cross-Correlation function (Rlq (τ)) is the Ps(ω)+ γPn(ω) cross-correlation between filtered version of xl[n] and xq[n]. GCC function can be expressed by Fourier trans- where γ is parameter of noise effect in filter design. The form of these filters (Gl(ω), Gq(ω)) as noise effect in filter design can be increased by increas- +∞ ing the value of this parameter. Another parameters is δ 1 ′jωτ Rlq(τ)= (Gl(ω)Xl(ω))(Gq (ω)Xq(ω)) dω . (8) which controls the effect of clean signal spectral estima- 2π Z tion. Is this parameter is overvalued a part of the original −∞ signal could be eliminated making the filter unsuitable. The GCC function can be rewritten by frequency-based γ > ′ The parameters values can be considered as 1 and weighted function by using ψlq(ω)= Gl(ω)Gq(ω). 0 <δ< 2 in order to yield a correct output. The Generalize cross-correlation function between sen- sors l and q has a peak in range of τ (τ ∈ D ) based 2.2 Generalized Cross Correlation (GCC) function for on TDOA between these two sensors. In fact, TDOA event localization is time difference that can maximize Rlq(τ) asτ ˆlq = arg max Rlq(τ) where D is the space for all of possible di- Generalized Cross Correlation is a useful method for rections. Equation (8) has multiple local maximum. The TDOA estimation between two sensors. The source loca- amplitude and distance between these maximums are re- tion can be obtained by estimating the TDOAs between lated to some factors such as the separating distance be- multiple sensor pairs. Figure 5 shows an example of de- tween sensors, the type of events, the noise signal and the lay between sensors on event location for three sensors type of weighted function ψlq(ω). (m = 1, 2, 3). The relation between distance and propa- ML weighted function is an unbiased and effective es- (s) rm timator in non-reflection conditions and by uncorrelated gation delay can be written as τm = c [26] where rm (s) noise and signals. ML weighted function can be shown as is delay between event location and sensor m, r is dis- m power spectral density (PSD) of event (S(ω) ) and PSD tance between event location and sensor m and c is the of noise in sensors l Vl(ω) and q Vq (ω) as in [38] wave speed in stone. The variable τlq shows the TDOA   − between sensors l and q and it can be expressed as a |S(ω)| |S(ω)| |S(ω)| 1 ψ ω . difference between propagation delays as τlq = τl − τq . lq( )= 1+ + (9) |Vl(ω)||Vq(ω)| |Vl(ω)| |Vq(ω)|  330 A. Dehghan Firoozabadi, F. Seguel, I. Soto, D. Guevara, F. Huenupan, M. Curilem, L. Franco: EVALUATION OF LLAIMA ...

It has been shown that a smooth reflection can de- original input minimizing the error between the features crease the performance of ML weighted function ex- and the reconstructed features L(x, xˆ) where L(·) is a tremely. An approximation for this weighted function loss function between x andx ˆ. The above explanation is that works well on short frames of events can be rewrit- mathematically proposed by ten as PSD of sensors signals and noises [38]. |Xl(ω)| and M |Xq(ω)| are Fourier transform of sensors signals |Vl(ω)| 1 min L(x, xˆ) (12) and |Vq(ω)| are Fourier transform of additive noise that M mX=1 can be estimated in silent part of recorded signals. The combination between GCC and ML weighted function is where the loss function L(·) is called GCC-ML. The GCC-ML function has appropriate performance in noisy condition as the same condition for L(xm, xˆm)= kxm − xˆmk2. (13) recorded signals in this paper. The reconstruction of the featuresx ˆm is obtained by

2.3 Deep Neural Networks (DNN) for event classifica- m m xˆ = g ′ (f (x )) , (14) tion θ θ m m DNNs contain multiple hidden layers, each hidden fθ(x )= nf (W x + b) , (15) m T m layer is connected with the next. The DNN architecture gθ′ T (x )= ng(W x + d) (16) used in this paper is shown in Fig. 6. The DNN takes the first 2000 values of the magnitude of the Fourier trans- where nf and ng are the encoder and decoder activation form in order to obtain from these features the hidden 1 functions. In this paper we use ng = nf = 1−ex which representation of the signals. is the sigmoid function. The parameters set θ = {W, b} First the DNN is trained layer by layer with an unsu- and θ′ = {W T , d} are the weight and bias matrices of pervised learning algorithm (Auto encoder), then, when the encoder and decoder respectively. the unsupervised stage is accomplished the DNN is fine- This formulation can be used to pre-train an N-layered tuned by using the back propagation algorithm. neural network. Given an initial input signal of features Auto encoders is one type of unsupervised neural net- m M data set {x }m=1 in the input layer, the first encoder work. The auto encoder network firstly transforms high- is trained to obtain the coded version of the initial fea- dimensional space data into a low-dimensional space by tures. Once the first layer is trained, the coded features means of an encoder extracting some features from the in- are now used as the inputs of the next layer. The inner put. This procedure reduces the dimensionality and, sub- representation of the initial features is represented as sequently, the complexity of the network. Once the data is m m encoded a decoder network reconstructs the inputs from h1 = fθ1 (x ) . (17) the corresponding coded data. The input signal xm ∈ R form a dataset of length Since the coded features are the input data for the next M : {xm}M , which is the features input for the first layer the N -th encode vector of the features matrix is m=1 represented as layer of the network, is represented by a coded version m m m h = f (h − ) (18) named as h where N θN N 1 where θN is the parameter set of the N -th auto encoder. m m h = fθ(x ) . (10) The pre training held to the DNN to obtain a better local minimum compared to the random initialization of the m Correspondingly the decoded version of the inputsx ˆ weights and achieves better generalization performance can be expressed as in classification problems [32]. After the pre-training is

m m performed the output targets for the classification task xˆ = gθ′ (h ) . (11) are used in a fine-tuning training stage. The output of the DNN for the input signal xm is given by The parameters set (θ and θ′ ) of the encoder and m m decoder are learned on the task of reconstructing the y = fθN+1 (hN ) (19)

LP Denoised Volcano Signal FFT VT TR Threshold

Fig. 6. DNN architecture for event classification Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 68 (2017), NO5 331

Magnitude 20 of agreement. The previous variables are mathematically defined as

10 C C P0 = pcc , Pe = pcpc . (23,24) Xc=1 Xc=1

50 The results of the classification are shown in a contin- gency table. The result of the Kappa index can determine if there is a high or low agreement, where the qualitative evaluation of the Kappa index numerical result is given. k< 0 less than chance agreement, 0.01

Velocity (m m/sx 104 ) Velocity (m m/s) 3 400 300 2.8 200 2.6 100

2.4 0

-100 2.2 -200 2 -300 (a) (b) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Time (s) Velocity (m m/s) Velocity (m m/s) 60 400 300 40 200 20 100

0 0

-100 -20 -200 -40 -300 (c). (d) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Time (s) Velocity (m m/s) Velocity (m m/s) 400 300

300 200 200 100 100 0 0 -100 -100

-200 -200 (e) (f)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 8. (a) – Noisy signal and implementation of: (b) – BW, (c) – SS, (d) – WF, (e) – MSS, and (f) – MWF denoising methods on LP event of MOT sensor

Frequency spectrum for LP, VT and TR events has been shown, MWF has better performance than MSS and, it shown in Fig. 7. can eliminate a high percentage of noise. As shown in block diagram Fig. 2, the first step is Figure 9, shows the results for denoising methods on pre-processing on recorded signals. In first step, we use VT event. In this case, WF has better results compare to SS method and it could remove noise with high per- a Butterworth filter with cut-off frequency 25 Hz. This formance. Also, MWF can eliminate an elevated level of filter help to remove noise in out of frequency range of noise rather than MSS. events. In following, denoising proposed method in this Also, Fig. 10 shows results similar to Figs. 8 and 9. paper will be examined on recorded signals. SS, WF, MSS This figure plotted for TR event. In this figure, all de- and MWF will be evaluated in adverse conditions. Fig- noising methods have been implemented on TR event of ure 8, shows obtained results of different denoising meth- sensor MOT. Also in this condition, MWF method have ods for LP event in MOT sensor. As shown in Fig. 8, better results compare to other denoising methods. Thus, Butterworth method can eliminate noise between 25 to we use MWF for denoising of recorded signals to prepare 50 Hz. Also, SS method can remove noise partially but enhanced signals for localization and classification. WF can eliminate noise as a considerable value that has Table 2, shows the details of output SNR for denoising better performance rather than SS method. In the follow- methods on LP, VT and TR events and for MOT, LAV ing, we implement MSS and MWF denoising methods on and LLA sensors. As mentioned, all sensors record signals recorded signals. We consider α = 1.5 and β = 2.5 for in X , Y AND Z directions but we just use signal in MSS and γ = 1.5 and δ = 0.86 for MWF method. As x direction for simplicity. As shown in Table 2, MWF Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 68 (2017), NO5 333

Velocity (m m/sx 104 ) Velocity (m m/s) 1.6 400 300 1.4 200 1.2 100

1 0

-100 0.8 -200 0.6 -300 (a) (b) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Time (s) Velocity (m m/s) Velocity (m m/s) 400 300

300 200 200 100 100

0 0

-100 -100 -200 -200 -300

(c). (d) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Time (s) Velocity (m m/s) Velocity (m m/s) 300 200

150 200 100 100 50

0 0

-50 -100 -100 -200 -150 (e) (f) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 9. (a) – Noisy signal and implementation of: (b) – BW, (c) – SS, (d) – WF, (e) – MSS, and (f) – MWF denoising methods on VT event of sensor MOT denoising method have better results for MOT, LAV and In fact, one direction based on GCC-ML function esti- LLA sensors and, for LP, VT and TR events. Based on mated for each pair of sensors and for recorded signal in SNR values, MWF method eliminates a high level of noise Z direction for sensors. As shown in Fig. 11(a), a triangu- with appropriate performance. lar area is formed based on three estimated direction by three sensor pairs that middle point in this area can be Here, we show the results based on GCC-ML function considered as event’s location for sensors in X directions. as a localization method for various events. As we men- Figures 11(b) and 11(c) show similar results for Y and Z tioned, GCC-ML method localizes the sensor’s locations directions respectively. Then, one point is estimated for based on TDOA. In this scenario, we use, MOT, LAV event’s location based on GCC-ML function for each sen- and LLA sensors information. Then, one direction is es- sor in X , Y and Z directions. Figure 11(d) determines timated for each pair of sensors. the final triangular based on results of Figs. 11(a-c) that Figure 11, shows results for a sample LP event. Fig- this area or the middle point of this area can be considered ure 11(a–c) shows intersection of three estimated direc- as an estimated point for LP. Figure 12 shows the results tions for sensors in directions X , Y and Z respectively. of localization for a sample of VT event. Figure 12(a- Finally, figure 11(d) shows estimated points of output X , c) shows the intersection of estimated directions based Y and Z direction in the same time to estimate the final on GCC-ML function for recorded signals in X , Y and point (or we can consider just the final area) for event’s Z directions for VT event respectively. Also, Fig. 12(d) location. shows the result obtained by sensors in X , Y and Z di- 334 A. Dehghan Firoozabadi, F. Seguel, I. Soto, D. Guevara, F. Huenupan, M. Curilem, L. Franco: EVALUATION OF LLAIMA ...

Velocity (m m/sx 104 ) Velocity (m m/s) -5.9 300

-6 200

-6.1 100

-6.2 0

-6.3 -100

-6.4 -200

-6.5 -300 (a) (b) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time (s) Time (s) Velocity (m m/s) Velocity (m m/s) 400 300

300 200 200 100 100

0 0

-100 -100 -200 -200 -300

(c). (d) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 (e)100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time (s) Time (s) Velocity (m m/s) Velocity (m m/s) 300 250 200 200 150 100 100

0 50 0 -100 -50 -200 -100 -150 -300 -200 (e) (f) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 10. (a) – Noisy signal and implementation of: (b) – BW, (c) – SS, (d) – WF, (e) – MSS, and (f) – MWF denoising methods on VT event of sensor MOT

Table 2. SNR (dB) results of denoising methods for LP, VT and TR events and for MOT, LAV and L

InputSNR LP VT TR –3.5dB MOT LAV LLA MOT LAV LLA MOT LAV LLA BT –0.52 –0.12 0.25 –1.53 –1.07 –0.86 –0.24 0.08 0.36 SS 2.09 2.63 2.52 1.68 1.33 2.04 2.98 3.17 3.41 WF 5.49 4.92 5.17 4.65 4.29 4.83 5.12 5.58 5.96 MSS 7.81 7.25 6.94 7.19 7.81 7.62 7.32 6.87 7.14 MWF 9.46 10.03 9.74 9.38 9.22 9.69 9.71 10.18 9.93 rections for VT event that the middle point of triangular of sensors. Figures 13(b,c) show these results for sensors area can be considered as event’s location. in direction Y and Z respectively. Finally, Fig. 13(d) de- Figure 13 shows the obtained results of GCC-ML func- termines the intersection for estimated points based on tion for a sample of TR event. The intersection for three sensors in X , Y and Z directions. directions of three sensors pair in X direction is shown The main problem is lack in real value of all events in Fig. 13(a). The middle point of this triangular is con- for comparison. Then just we can show the results for sidered as an estimated point for signals in X direction proposed method in this paper for localization of VT, LP Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 68 (2017), NO5 335

y (km) y (km) 14 14 Sensor MOT Sensor MOT 12 Midpoint between sensors 12 Sensor LAV 10 Sensor LAV 10

8 8

6 6

4 4 Midpoint between sensors 2 2 Sensor LLA (a) Sensor LLA (b) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 24 68 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 x (km) x (km) y (km) y (km) 14 14 Sensor MOT Sensor MOT 12 Midpoint between sensors 12 Results for data Y Sensor LAV 10 10 Sensor LAV Results for data X 8 8

6 6 Sismic Sourse Results for data Z 4 4

2 2

(c). Sensor LLA Sensor LLA (d) 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (km) x (km)

Fig. 11. GCC - based localization results for direction: (a) – X, (b) – Y, (c) – Z, and (d) – intersection between X, Y, Z for estimation the final point for LP event

y (km) y (km) 14 14 Sensor MOT Midpoint between sensors Sensor MOT 12 Sensor LAV 12 Midpoint between sensors 10 10 Sensor LAV 8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2 Sensor LLA (a) Sensor LLA (b) -2 0 2 46 8 10 12 14 16 -14 -12 -10-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x (km) x (km) y (km) y (km) 14 14 Sensor MOT Sensor MOT 12 12 Results for data Y 10 Sismic Sourse 10 Sensor LAV Sensor LAV Results for data X 8 8 Results for data Z 6 6 Midpoint between sensors 4 4

2 2

Sensor LLA (c). Sensor LLA (d) -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (km) x (km)

Fig. 12. GCC - based localization results for direction: (a) – X, (b) – Y, (c) – Z, and (d) – intersection between X, Y, Z for estimation the final point for VT event and VT events. For that reason, we used 20 events for In the classification step, different DNN architectures testing the localization algorithm. The results are shown where tested to find the one which gives higher Kappa in Fig. 14. index. DNNs with one, two and three hidden layers were 336 A. Dehghan Firoozabadi, F. Seguel, I. Soto, D. Guevara, F. Huenupan, M. Curilem, L. Franco: EVALUATION OF LLAIMA ...

y (km) y (km) 15 14 Sensor MOT Sensor MOT 12 Midpoint between sensors Midpoint between sensors Sensor LAV 10 10 Sensor LAV 8

6 5 4

2 Sensor LLA (a) Sensor LLA (b) -5 0 5 1015 20 25 30 35 40 -14 -12 -10-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x (km) x (km) y (km) y (km) 14 14 Sensor MOT Sensor MOT 12 Midpoint between sensors 12 Results for data X Sensor LAV 10 10 Sensor LAV

8 8 Sismic Sourse Results for data Z 6 6 Results for data Y 4 4

2 2

Sensor LLA (c). Sensor LLA (d) 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x (km) x (km)

Fig. 13. GCC-based localization results for direction: (a) – X, (b) – Y, (c) – Z, and (d) – intersection between X, Y, Z for estimation the final point for TR event

(a) (b) (c).

Fig. 14. Results for proposed method in this paper for localization of: (a) – LP, (b) – TR, and (c) – VT events tested. The number of neurons on the input layer is 2000 4 Conclusions while in the hidden layer the number of neurons was var- ied from 50 to 200 in step of 50. The data used corre- The aim of this paper is localization based on recorded sponds to 268 events, 200 were used for training and 76 events in Llaima volcano in Chile and, classification based for validation, which is considerably less amount of train- on these events. But these signals have a high level of ing data compared with the size of the training set used noise because, they have a very low amplitude and they in previous papers [8, 10, 42]. Each event was coded into cross different layers of earth. Also, they have seismic a binary representation, namely, the DNNs has 3 out- records, contained in high frequencies due to ambient puts, each one representing a different event (LP=[1 0 noise present (wind, snow, rain, avalanches, etc). The first 0], TR=[0 1 0] and VT=[0 0 1)]. The DNN chosen by step in this paper is pre-processing on recorded signals the above procedure was DNN with 2 hidden layers with by MOT, LAV and LLA sensors in Llaima volcano. Spec- 2000 units in the input layer, 100 and 100 neurons on tral Subtraction and Wiener Filter were explained as two the first and second hidden layers correspondingly and 3 common denoising methods and then we proposed Mod- units in the output layer. Deeper architectures are diffi- ified Spectral Subtraction and Modified Wiener Filter as cult to train when the data set is small. The contingency two modified version of that methods. Those methods table of the classifier for validation data is shown in Table were compared on real recorded data for LP, VT and TR 3.For this contingency table the Kappa index is obtained events. MWF eliminates an elevated level of noise rather is k =0.911. Journal of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 68 (2017), NO5 337 than other methods with high performance and it is used Abbreviations to prepare events with low level of noise for localization ANN: Artificial Neural Networks and classification part. In second step, we use GCC with BP: Back Propagation combination by ML weighted function was selected as DOA: Direction Of Arrival a appropriate method for event localization in this pa- DNN: Deep Neural Networks per. This localization method (that is based on TDOA Er: Error from signals to sensors) is used for localization of various Ex: Exactitude events and, for sensors in X , Y and Z directions. Then, GCC: Generalized Cross Correlation we determine an area based on localization methods for LAV: Laguna Verde LLA: Llaima events. In the last part of paper, the aim is classifica- LP: Long Period tion on recorded signals of LP, VT and TR events. Deep LPF: Low Pass Filter Neural Network is proposed as an appropriate method ML: Maximum Likelihood for classification. This method can classify events with MOT: Motn almost perfect agreement with the expert. The proposed MSS: Modified Spectral Subtraction method can be applied in a real-time scenario, once the MWF: Modified Wiener Filter DNN is trained, it performs the classification of the events OVDAS: Observatorio Vulcanolgico De los Andes del Sur in matter of seconds. PHAT: PHAse Transform The Kappa coefficient shows a high agreement between PSD: Power Spectral Density Se: Sensitivity the expert decision and the classifier decision. The bi- Sp: Specificity nary performance approach is shown in Table 4, Exacti- SS: Spectral Subtraction tude, Error, Sensitivity and Specificity indices explained SVM: Super Vector Machines in Section 2.4.1. TDE: Time Delay Estimation TDOA: Time Difference Of Arrival Table 3. Contingency table for LP, TR and VT events TR: TRemor Clasifier LP TR VT Total VT: Volcano Tectonic WF: Wiener Filter LP 40 0 2 42 TR 0 14 0 14 VT 2 0 18 20 References Total 42 14 20 76

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