Sanction catalogue 25.09.2021 17:20:07

Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad


Type Individual

List name European Union

Programs (1) TAQA

Listed (1) 2016-01-19

Decision links (3) European Union's sanctions document (EN) 0.68 € European Union's sanctions document (EN) 1.02 € European Union's sanctions document (EN) 1.36 €

Remark Mother’s name: Masouma Abd al-Rahman. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice

Names (4)

Last name/Name Farraj

First name/Name Fateh

Second name/Name Najm Eddine

Full name/Name Fateh Najm Eddine Farraj

Type Undefined

Last name/Name Najmuddin

First name/Name Faraj

Second name/Name Ahmad

Full name/Name Faraj Ahmad Najmuddin

Type Undefined

Full name/Name Krekar

Type Undefined

Last name/Name Ahmad

First name/Name Najmuddin

Second name/Name Faraj

Full name/Name Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad Type Undefined

Citizenships (1)


Addresses (1)

Street 36-V Heimdalsgate



Postal code 0578

Birth data (2)

Birthdate 1956-07-07

Place Olaqloo Sharbajer, Al- Governorate

Country Iraq

Birthdate 1963-06-17

Place Olaqloo Sharbajer, Al-Sulaymaniyah Governorate

Country Iraq

Identification documents (1)

Type Other identification number: Ration Card Number 0075258

Country Country not specified

Updated: 25.09.2021. 05:15

The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, , European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list.

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