
“Honey, there's a spider in your bathroom the size of a Buick” Movies referred in and referring Annie Hall Sini Rautio

AnniesS Hall is a romantic comedy directed by Woody Allen, who also plays one of the main characters in the film, released in 1977 . The female lead is played by Diane Keaton. The film tells a story of Alvy's and Annie's relationship in the 1970s. During the film a neurotic main character Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) is trying to understand why his relationship ended a year ago. It is often referred as the “everyone's favorite Woody Allen movie”. The title, which is quote from the movie, is referred in many TV shows, such as Gilmore Girls and .

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The figure represents the links between the movies that refer Annie Hall or which are referred in Annie Hall. Many scenes in the movie happen in a movie theater and there are quite a lot references to classic movies like The Godfather and (numbers 64 and 60). For example, in one of the scenes the main characters, Alvy and Annie, are going to see Ingmar Bergman’s Face to Face (44). There are movies which are referred many times, as an example both of these movies are referring The Wizard of Oz.

Thriller 6 Language Sport Short Cantonese Sci-Fi Romance English Mystery Musical French 4 Music Horror Hebrew History Fantasy Hindi Family

Genre Hungarian

count Drama Documentary Mandarin 2 Crime Comedy Spanish Biography Animation Swedish Adventure Adult Thai Action 0 0 10 20 30 40 1980 1990 2000 2010 count Year Like it was probably expected most of the movies This bar plot shows the year when the movies that refer to Annie Hall are belonging to genres referring Annie Hall were released. such as romance, drama and comedy – just like Annie Hall was released in 1977. It took only couple of Annie Hall. Also the main language of these years before the film started to be referred in other movies is English, which obviously isn’t a movies. However, the film really became one of the surprise. However, there seems to be couple of classics in the beginning of 2000s when Woody Allen thriller, mystery and horror movies where Annie made many of his successful movies. Hall is mentioned.