
Perception & Psychophysics 1995,57 (6),835-846

Identification ofmicrotonal melodies: Effects ofscale-step size, serial order, and training

RICHARD PARNCUTT and ANNABEL J. COHEN Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The perception of microtonal scales was investigated in melodic identification task. In each trial, eight pure tones, equally-spaced in log in the vicinity of 700Hz, were presented in one of nine different serial orders. There were two experiments, each with 108trials (six scales [tone sets] X nine serial orders x two repetitions). In each experiment, 30 subjects, half of whom were musi­ cally trained, were asked to match each melody to one of 9 visual representations (frequency-time grids). In Experiment 1, the six scales were spaced at intervals of 25,33,50,67, 100, and 133cents (100cents = 1semitone - 6% offrequency). Performance was worse for scale steps of 25and 33cents than it was for wider scale steps. There were no significant effects at other intervals, including the interval of 100cents, implyingthat melodic pattern identification is unaffected by long-term experi­ ence of in 12-toneequally tempered tuning (.., music). In Experiment 2, the six scales were spaced at smaller intervals, of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 cents. Performance for the three nar­ rower scale steps was worse than that for the three wider scale steps. For some orders, performance for the narrowest scale step (10 cents) did not exceed chance. The smallest practical scale step for short microtonal melodies in a pattern-identification task was estimated as being 10-20 cents for chance performance, and 30-40 cents for asymptotic performance.

Most western music is based on diatonic scales, com­ Microtonal intervals may be defined as pitch intervals prising 7 tones or pitch categories per , separated that are smaller than one , or that involve non­ by intervals ofone or two . In modern usage, it integer multiples of one semitone (e.g., 3.5 semitones); is convenient to regard the 7-tone diatonic scales as sub­ and microtonal scales are musical scales in which the sets ofthe l2-tone , in which the pitch in­ distance between adjacent tones is consistently smaller terval between adjacent tones is approximately constant than one semitone. Microtonal scales allow for greater (one semitone). When the 12 semitones are equal in size, numbers ofpitch combinations than the chromatic scale. corresponding to a frequency ratio 0[21/12, the chromatic Moreover, equally tempered microtonal scales can ap­ scale is said to be equally tempered. proximate certain frequency ratios more closely than 12­ The equal spacing ofthe chromatic scale enables un­ tone (for examples, see Fuller, limited modulation and transposition ofchromatic pitch 1991). A microtonal melody may be defined for the pur­ patterns. The scale can also be musically limiting, in two pose of this paper as a series of tones spanning micro­ ways. First, the scale limits the number ofpitches avail­ tonal intervals, or a series oftones from a microtonal scale. able for composition or performance. Second, the The theory, practice, and notation ofmicrotonal scales equally tempered chromatic scale does not allow for vari­ in Western music have been reviewed by Read (1990). ations in intonation, such as the difference between pure The most commonly advocated (and used) microtonal or (e.g., 5:4, or 3.86 semitones, for the subdivisions are quarter tones, which have been experi­ major ) and Pythagorean intonation (81:64, or 4.08 mented with since the seventeenth century or earlier. semitones, for the same interval). However, despite this long history of experimentation, remains uncommon. The failure ofmicrotonal scales to capture the atten­ This research was supported by an operating grant from the Natural tion of mainstream western musicians and audiences Sciences and Engineering Council ofCanada (NSERC) to A.J.. R.P. may be explicable in terms of categorical perception. received an International Fellowship from NSERC. The authors would Musicians are sometimes remarkably insensitive to mi­ like to thank Bradley Frankland for detailed comments on an earlier crotonal deviations from l2-tone equal temperament in draft of the paper, Douglas Mewhort for the use of ANOYA?, J. O. isolated intervals. Burns and Ward (1978) and Siegel Ramsay for the use of Multiscale II, and Adrian Houtsma and Robert Crowder for helpful suggestions during the review process. Parts of and Siegel (1977a, 1977b) presented musicians with iso­ this study were presented to the Canadian Society for Brain, Behav­ lated tone pairs and asked them to estimate the size of iour, and Cognitive Science, Quebec City, 1992. Correspondence and the interval between them. Listeners tended to allocate requests for reprints may be addressed to R. Parncutt, Department of all intervals to perceptual categories ofwidth ofapprox­ Psychology, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG (e-mail: [email protected]), or to A. J. Cohen, Department ofPsychology, imately one semitone. For example, an interval of 5.3 University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Ave., Charlotte­ semitones was usually perceived as a (5 town, P.E.I., Canada CIA 4P3 (e-mail: [email protected]). semitones).

835 Copyright 1995 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 836 PARNCUTT AND COHEN

Musicians are moresensitive to microtonal pitch vari­ steadt, & Green, 1977) and at shorter tone durations ations in intervals presented in diatonic or chromatic con­ (Fastl & Hesse, 1984; Moore, 1973). The frequency DL texts. Jordan (1987) replicated the key profiles of Krum­ for complex tones is somewhat smaller than that for pure hansl and Kessler (1982) by presenting a tonal context tones; discrimination improves when harmonic over­ tuned to 12-tone equal temperament followed by a probe tones are added (Henning & Grosberg, 1968; Moore, tone whose tuning was not necessarily equally tempered. Glasberg, & Shailer, 1984; Walliser, 1969). He found that the profiles could be elaborated by the ad­ Werner (1940) investigated the perception ofa micro­ dition ofquarter tones (0.5 semitone, or 50 cents) to the tonal scale whose intervals spanned approximately 1/6 chromatic scale; however, eighth tones (25 cents) carried semitone, or 17 cents. IfWerner's subjects could indeed no new tonal information. Wapnick, Bourassa, and Samp­ discriminate scale steps at such small intervals, the value son (1982) examined the perception of lO-tone diatonic of 17 cents may be taken as an initial estimate of the melodies in which the first nine tones were tuned to 12­ smallest practical microtonal interval. The smallest micro­ tone equal temperament and the tuning of the last tone tonal intervals in common use are 33-50 cents (Read, was varied. They found that musicians were sensitive to 1990). intonational variations as small as 20 cents for tones in Clearly, the smallest practical musical interval con­ melodic contexts, and that they categorized to a lesser siderably exceeds the corresponding frequency DL. The extent when intervals were presented in context rather following three possible reasons may be identified for than in isolation. the discrepancy: (1) Familiarity with musical scales. The The present study investigates the perception of un­ above-mentioned studies on categorical perception con­ accompanied microtonal melodies by addressing the fol­ firm that the chromatic scale is familiar to western lis­ lowing four questions: (1) How "micro" can a micro­ teners. The farther one deviates from the equally tem­ tonal scale be without destroying the identifiability of pered norm, the harder it may become to discriminate typical melodic fragments? In other words, what is the scale steps. (2) Training and subject selection in DL ex­ smallest practical interval size between adjacent scale periments. The frequency OL varies considerably as a steps? (2) What role does training play in the perception function of listener and training, with differences typi­ ofmicrotonal melodies? How important is general musi­ cally spanning a factor of the order of ten among nor­ cal training in comparison with training on the specific mally hearing subjects (Fastl & Hesse, 1984). Both mu­ experimental task? (3) How important is the semitone in­ sical training and experimental training can enhance terval in the perception ofmicrotonal melodies? Are mi­ frequency acuity. Spiegel and Watson (1984) found that crotonal scales easier to perceive if they are based on in­ musicians (members of a professional symphony or­ teger ofa semitone (e.g., 50 cents, 33 cents), so chestra with no experience of psychoacoustical experi­ that the interval ofexactly one semitone occurs between ments) had frequency JNOs ofbetween 0.1% and 0.45% certain pairs ofpitches? And (4) how, and to what extent, (2-8 cents)-about three times smaller than those for does the perceptibility of microtonal melodies depend nomusicians (first-year psychology majors without mu­ on melodic pattern? Melodic pattern may be defined as sical training). However, thresholds for nonmusicians a combination of contour (the sequence ofmelodic ups with substantial training in frequency discrimination and downs without regard to interval size, as defined by tasks were lower again (see also the data of Harris, Dowling, 1978) and interval size relative to the prevail­ 1952). A OL as small as 2-3 cents is obtained only from ing scale-that is, the number of (microtonal) scale the most sensitive and trained subjects; to be perceptible steps between successive tones, as opposed to actual in­ by a general musical audience, microtonal intervals terval sizes in semitones. The melodic patterns pre­ must considerably exceed the minimum frequency DL sented in the present study were created by varying the obtained in psychoacoustical experiments. (3) Melodic serial order ofeight contiguous tones in equally spaced context. Watson, Kelly, and Wroton (1976) determined microtonal scales. In this study, the concept ofmelodic JNOs for pairs of tone sequences that differed in the tun­ pattern is thus equivalent to the concept of serial order. ing ofone ofthe tones. These JNOs were greater (worse) The next four sections survey literature pertinent to than those for isolated pairs oftones. The stimuli of Wat­ these questions. son et a1. varied in the amount ofperceptual information they contained (stimulus uncertainty) and in the number The Difference Limen for Frequency ofcomparisons that listeners were required to make. In Regarding the smallest practical size of microtonal general, the greater the stimulus uncertainty or number intervals (Question 1 above), the interval between scale ofcomparisons, the greater was the JNO. The deteriora­ steps must first of all exceed the just-noticeable differ­ tion of performance in context may be understood as a ence (JND) or difference limen (OL) for the frequency result ofa division ofattention among the various tones, of successive tones. The frequency OL for successive the intervals between them, and more global features pure tones lies in the vicinity of 0.1%-0.2%, or 2­ such as contour. 3 cents, for tone durations exceeding about 100 msec and in the range 100-5000 Hz, increasing at Tnmnn~PriormandDuringfueEx~rimem lower and higher frequencies (Henning, 1966; Henning We anticipated that musicians would be considerably & Forbes, 1967; Moore, 1973; Stucker, 1908; Wier, Je- better than nonmusicians at identifying microtonal pitch MICROTONAL MELODIES 837

patterns, since musical training can reduce the fre­ the confines ofthe chromatic scale can often be recog­ quency DL (as indicated above). We also expected im­ nized or identified according to their contour (Dowling, provement in performance during the experiment itself. 1978). The exact sizes of intervals appear to playa sub­ Werner (1940) found that the apparent size of micro­ ordinate role in melodic recognition. Similar results may tonal intervals increased with increasing exposure to be expected for microtonal melodies. Contour complex­ melodies composed from them, until they eventually ity may be defined most simply as the number ofchanges "acquired the subjective character of a semi-tone" ofdirection in the pitch contour of a melody. According (p. 151). This anecdotal finding is consistent with the to this definition, a simple rising or falling scale has a improvement of discrimination performance with train­ contour complexity of zero, and a pattern that rises and ing in a wide variety ofperceptual tasks, as documented then falls (or falls and then rises) has a contour com­ by Gibson (1953). plexity ofone. Melodic patterns with zero contour com­ Strictly speaking, it is impossible to demonstrate con­ plexity (rising or falling scales or arpeggios) are identi­ clusively a causal link between musical training and per­ fied more reliably than melodic patterns with contours formance at musical or auditory tasks. Nevertheless, that change direction (Cuddy & Cohen, 1976; Divenyi & abundant evidence may be found for a link ofsome kind Hirsch, 1974; Nickerson & Freeman, 1974). However, between musical training and musical performance due to the additional effects of rule-governedness and (e.g., Brady, 1970; Cohen, 1994; Cohen, Lamoreux, & familiarity, it is not generally true that a pattern with Dunphy, 1989; Cuddy, 1970; Cuddy & Cohen, 1976; greater contour complexity is harder to identify than one Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer, 1993; Lymburner with less complexity. & Cohen, 1994; Morrongiello, 1992; Parncutt, 1989, Patterns may be confused with other, similar patterns. pp. 106, 115, 120, 131; Roberts, 1986; Sloboda, David­ The nature and extent ofsuch confusions depends on the son, & Howe, 1994). selection ofpatterns-the set ofpatterns provided to the subject as possible responses to each trial. The degree to The Equally Tempered Semitone which two patterns are confused depends, among other Contemporary western listeners are repeatedly ex- things, on the similarity of their contours (Cohen & posed to music performed on keyboard instruments Frankland, 1990; Dowling, 1978). tuned to 12-tone equal temperament. The familiarity of The more rule-governed patterns are, or are perceived the equally tempered chromatic scale suggests that the to be, the easier they are to encode (Garner, 1974). Other, ease with which a microtonal melody is processed maYM"mm.,.~sentially synonymous, terms for rule-governedness depend on the relative number of equally tempered are apparent logic, regularity, structuredness, internal semitone intervals it contains. Thus, melodies from the repetitiveness, and predictability. The opposite of rule- 12-tone equally tempered chromatic scale should be eas- governedness may be described as apparent randomness, ier to process than melodies whose underlying scale structural complexity, or strangeness. A highly rule- steps are slightly greater or less than a semitone (e.g., 213 governed pattern might be one that rises and falls in a or 413 sernitone); and melodies from a eh regular and predictable fashion (e.g., CEDFEGFA, where semi tone ) scale, in which intervals containing even C is the lowest tone), as compared with a less regular pat­ numbers of scale steps belong to 12-tone equal tem- tern with the same contour complexity (e.g., CAFGDFEA, perament, should be easier to process than music based again with C as the lowest tone). Some theoretical no­ on a scale ofintervals of 113 or 213 semitones, in which in- tions relevant to this issue were discussed by Boltz and tervals must contain multiples ofthree scale steps to be- Jones (1986), Cohen, Trehub, and Thorpe (1989), Deutsch long to 12-tone equal temperament. and Feroe (1981), Restle (1979), and Simon and Sumner (1968). However, a comprehensive, quantitative model Melodic Pattern and Serial Order of apparent rule-governedness ofmelodic patterns, and Previous research (Divenyi & Hirsch, 1974; Nicker­ hence ofrecognition accuracy as a function ofmelodic son & Freeman, 1974; Warren & Byrnes, 1975) has pattern or serial order, does not yet exist. The present shown that some serial orders of tones are more easily study aims to provide further data upon which such a identified than others. Ease ofidentification ofa stimu­ model could be based. lus would appear to depend on both ease ofencoding and Note that Boltz and Jones (I986) defined contour stability of mental representation. In an experimental complexity to include predictability of reversals. Here, context, ease of encoding additionally depends on the we favor a simpler, more objective definition ofcontour degree to which a stimulus is confused with other stim­ complexity that includes only the number ofreversals, uli included in the same experimental design. and regard predictability ofreversals as an aspect ofrule­ Stimulus parameters influencing identification govemedness. include contour complexity, rule-governedness, and fa­ Regarding familiarity, it is common experience that miliarity (Cohen & Frankland, 1990). A pattern is eas­ familiar or "overlearned" melodic patterns are more eas­ ier to encode, and has a more stable mental representa­ ily identified than unfamiliar patterns. However, due to tion, if its contour is less complex, if the pattern is the complexity and intractability ofmusical exposure, it perceived to be more rule-governed, or if the pattern is would be difficult to model this parameter in a reliable, more familiar. Unaccompanied melodies played within quantitative way, even for just one subject. 838 PARNCUTT AND COHEN

EXPERIMENTl ing the practice session. The start of each melody was triggered by pressing a key. The melody was repeated five times, with silent in­ Method tervals of 1,000 msec between repetitions. The subjects attempted SUbjects. Thirty first-year psychology students (mean age = to recognize the pitch pattern of the melody by pressing a key cor­ 21 years, standard deviation [SD] = :<::5) participated in the ex­ responding to one of nine patterns displayed on the computer periment and received a credit point as compensation. One half of screen. The keys on the keyboard were arranged in a 3 X 3 grid them, designated musicians, had played a musical instrument for that corresponded to the 3 x 3 grid of visual representations. It at least 6 years (mean number of years oftraining on main instru­ was possible to respond both during and after presentation of the ment = 9 :<:: 4 [21 :<:: 12 when summed over different instru­ melody. Visual feedback after each response indicated whether the ments]). The other half, designated nonmusicians, had played mu­ response was correct. During the practice session, the experi­ sical instruments for less than one year, and most ofthem had not menter also indicated which melodic pattern had actually been played at all (mean = 0.2 years). Each group comprised 10 fe­ presented, by pointing to the screen. males and 5 males. A few of the subjects in both training groups Following the practice trials, the experimenter called up the had limited experience in auditory perception experiments-lor test-trial panel and left the subject to perform the experiment 2 h maximum involving the 12-tone equally tempered scale; this alone. There followed two blocks of 54 trials. In each block, nine experience, however, was not of a kind that would be expected to different serial orders (melodic patterns) of six different scales influence their frequency DLs. were presented, in a unique random order for each subject. After Apparatus. Pure tones were produced by a NeXT computer (16 the experiment, the subjects completed a questionnaire on their bit, 44.2 kHz sample rate; see Cohen et al., 1991) and presented musical background. binaurally over headphones in a sound-attenuated room. Re­ The experimental design had one between-subject variable sponses were made via the computer keyboard. (training level: musician vs. nonmusician) and three within­ Stimuli. Each melody comprised 8 pure tones, equally spaced in subject variables (scale-step size [six], serial order [nine], and log frequency. Intervals between adjacent scale steps were 25, 33, block [two]). The data, in this design, were submitted to an analy­ 50, 67, 100, or 133 cents, corresponding to frequency ratios of sis of variance (ANOVA). 1:21/48,1:21136,1:21/24,1:21118,1:21/12, and 1:21/9, respectively. Fre­ quencies lay in the vicinity of 700 Hz, the center of the spectral Results and Discussion pitch dominance region, according to Terhardt, Stoll, and Seewann Performance, in terms of percent correct identifi­ (1982). Frequencies also lay within the region of smallest relative cation, improved with practice, from 66% correct in frequency discrimination thresholds (roughly 500-5000 Hz, and Block 1 to 72% correct in Block 2 [(1,28) = 20, P < centered on 1000--2000Hz, according to data ofHenning & Gros­ berg, 1968). The frequencies selected for Scale 2 (33-cent spacing) .0005]. The improvement was significant both for musi­ were the same as those ofthe lower 8 of the 9 tones investigated by cians [from 79% to 85%; F(1,14) = 21,p < .001] and for Cohen (1988, 1994) in absolute identification studies. The nonmusicians [from 52% to 60%; F(l,14) = 7.3, P < tone in each ascending scale was always 769 Hz, or 33 cents lower .05]. The overall effect of musical training was large than G5 in the standard equally tempered scale (with A4 = [56% correct responses for nonmusicians, 82% for 440 Hz). The actual frequencies in each scale are given in Table 1. musicians; F(I,28) = 20, p < .0005]. Thus, general Tones had equal amplitude, and were presented at a free-field equivalent level of 55 dB (SPL). The duration of the tones was musical experience obtained before the experiment was 200 msec, with 50 msec rise and decay time. The silent intervals more beneficial than experience obtained during the between tones lasted 200 msec, so that interonset times were experiment. 400 rnsec, and the total duration of each sequence was 3 sec. Results as a function of scale-step size are shown in Procedure. The subjects were tested individually in an Indus­ Figure 2(a). Identification rates averaged over all sub­ trial Acoustics sound-attenuated room. The test session was pre­ jects ranged from 59% for Scale 1 (25 cents) to 74% for ceded by a practice session. The practice began with the presenta­ Scale 6 (133 cents; cf. the chance rate of 1/ = 11%). Re­ tion of an ascending sequence of 8 tones at 67-cent intervals 9 (Scale 4). Then the response panel (Figure 1) appeared (see Cohen sults varied as a function ofscale-step size both for mu­ et al., 1991), and the subject was told that the scale just heard cor­ sicians [F(5,70) = 8.7,p< .0001] and fornonmusicians responded to Pattern 1 on the panel. Order 1 was included in the [F(5,70) = 5.3,p < .001]. Success rates for Scale 1 (25 experiment as a control against which results for other patterns cents) were lower than those for wider scales both for could be compared; it also facilitated comparison with previous musicians [F(I,14) = 14, P < .005] and for nonmusi­ studies using the same set oforders, and encouraged subjects who cians [F(l,14) = 20,p < .001]. Results for Scale 2 (33 found the task difficult. Next, there were 9 practice trials, in which all 9 different melodic cents) were lower than those for larger intervals for all patterns (serial orders) on the response panel were presented. Only subjects [F(I,28) = 15,p < .001] and for musicians sep­ one of the six scales-that using 67-cent intervals-was used dur- arately [F(I,14) = 29,p < .0005], but the effect for non­ musicians was insignificant. Results for Scales 3-6 (i.e., for 50 cents and beyond) approached an asymptotic per­ Table 1 formance level of 85%-90% correct for the musicians Frequencies of Tones Presented in Experiment I, and about 60% correct for the nonmusicians. No inter­ in Hertz (Rounded) action was found between scale-step size and musical Scale Cents training. No effect was observed at the interval of one 1 25 726 736 747 758 769 780 791 803 semitone (100 cents). 784 815 2 33 712 726 740 754 769 799 Results as a function of serial order and training are 3 50 685 705 726 747 769 792 815 839 4 67 659 685 712 740 769 799 831 863 shownin Figure 2(). In terms of mean success rates, order 5 100 610 647 685 726 769 815 863 915 had a greater effect on the results than any other variable 6 133 565 610 659 712 769 831 897 969 in the design. The lowest mean result for one order was MICROTONAL MELODIES 839

~ - Melody Te.tlng ~'!.:._ ~~

+- .'" • • • I 7

Go ~ 5

1 3


F1gure 1. Response interface showing the nine serial orders (melodic patterns) used in the ex­ periments.

52%, for Order 2; the highest was 93%, for Order 1. When and 8 (all with more than five changes), presumably, in Order 1(the trivial case ofa rising scale) is omitted, the re­ the case ofOrder 7, because this order was perceived as sults range from 52% for Order 2 to 74% for Order 7. more predictable (rule-governed) than Order 3. The effect of order was highly significant both for Orders with the same number of direction changes musicians [F(8,112) = 1O,p < .0001] and for nonmusi­ (e.g., Orders 4, 7, and 8, each with six direction changes) cians [F = 13, P < .0001]. Differences between results often differed regarding their ease of identification. for specific orders were tested for significance by or­ Order 7 was easier to identify than Order 4 [F(l ,28) = 16, thogonal contrasts within the ANOVA. Order 1, with the p < .001], again suggesting that Order 7 sounded particu­ simplest contour (no changes ofdirection) was easiest to larly rule-governed. Order 8 was harder to identify than identify [F(1,28) = 82,p < .0001]. Order 9 (two direc­ Orders 4 and 7 [F(1,28) = l4,p < .005], presumably be­ tion changes) was identified more reliably than Or­ cause ofits apparent randomness (lack ofrule-regularity). ders 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 [all having more than two changes; Order 6 (one direction change) was easier to identify than F(1,28) = 5.9,p < .05]. Order 5 (three direction changes) Order 2 [F(1,28) = 35,p < .0001], because (1) Order 2 was easier to identify than Orders 3, 4, 7, and 8 [all with was mistaken for Order 6 more often than Order 6 was more than three changes; F(1,28) = ll,p < .005]. How­ mistaken for Order 2 (85 vs. 76 times); and (2) Order 2 ever, Orders 2 and 6 (one direction change) were no eas­ was mistaken for Orders 3 and 4 (20 and 15 times, re­ ier to identify than Orders 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 (all of spectively) more often than Order 6 was (6 and 2 times). which had more than one change). Nor was Order 3 (five Although Figure 2(a) indicated a gradual improve­ direction changes) easier to identify than Orders 4, 7, ment in performance with increasing interval size, this 840 PARNCUTT AND COHEN

1.0 ~------, fiability. The second explanation involves sensitivity to .... rule-governedness, or its opposite, randomness. The re­ t • • sults presented in Figure 3 for Order 8, the most random, ...Q) or least regular, order in the set, suggest that the quality ...o of randomness was relatively hard to recognize for the CJ narrower scales. In fact, results for Order 8 increased s 0.5 more steeply with wider scales than they did for Orders 4 and 7, both for Scale 1 (25 cents) in comparison with 'eo • musicians c. non-musicians wider scales [F(l,28) = lO,p < .005] and for Scale 2 (33 cents) in comparison with wider scales [F(l,28) = 24, c.e max. 95% c.i, P < .0005]. 0.0 -+-.,...... -...... -.....-.,...... ,~.....,...... -.,...... ,...... --.--i Multidimensional scaling analysis. To further in­ o 50 100 150 vestigate relationships between orders, a multidimen­ scale step (cents) sional scaling (MDS) analysis (Ramsey, 1986) was per­ formed on the 9 X 9 matrix of confusions between orders. 1.0T------, Since in the ANOVA order had interacted with training max. 95% [F(8,224) = 4.2,p < .0005], the MDS analysis was per­ .... b C.iI CJ formed separately for musicians and nonmusicians. Re­ ~ sults are shown in Figure 4 in the form of two-dimen­ o sional maps. In both parts ofthe figure, Order 2 is close CJ to Order 6, and Order 4 to Order 8, reflecting frequent g 0.5 confusions between these pairs oforders. The confusion :eo between Orders 2 and 6 was apparently due to their simi­ c. lar contours. Orders 4 and 8 probably sounded similarly ec. random (nonrule-governed), due to their combination of high contour complexity and high mean successive in­ 0.0 terval size. In both figures, Order 1 is close to Order 9 2 3 4 5 678 9 (both are primarily composed ofrising scale segments), Order Order 3 is close to Order 5 (both are characterized by Figure 2. Overall proportion of correct responses in Experiment 1 many small intervals and frequent changes ofdirection), for musicians (black circles and bars) and nonmusicians (white cir­ and Order 7 is close to Orders 4 and 8 (all have high con­ cles and bars), showing maximum 95% confidence interval (a) Re­ tour complexity, or many changes ofdirection). sults as a function of scale-step size (270 responses per point). (b) Re­ As a rule, orders near the top of the two parts of the sults as a function of order (180 responses per bar). figure have higher contour complexity (number ofdirec­ tion changes) than do those near the bottom. Contour com­ plexity would thus represent an appropriate vertical axis was not true for all orders, as shown in Figure 3. There label. However, Orders 3 and 5 conspicuously fail to con­ was a significant interaction between scale-step size and form to this scheme; Order 3 has higher contour complex­ serial order both for musicians [F(40,560) = 2.7, p < ity than Order 5, but is placed lower in both parts ofthe .0001] and for nonmusicians [F(40,560) = 2.0, P < figure. An appropriate horizontalaxis label might be "de­ .001]. For example, identification rates for Order 6 ex­ gree to which a pattern falls in pitch toward the end." Or­ ceeded rates for Order 2, for Scale 1 in comparison with ders in the left halves ofthe figures (i.e., Orders 1,7,9, wider scales [F(l,28) = 12,p < .05], and identification and 8) have an overall rising tendency; even Order 4 rates for Order 9 exceeded rates for Orders 3, 4,5, 7, and rises more than it falls, when intervals are added vecto­ 8, for Scale 2 in comparison with wider scales [F( 1,28) = rially. Orders in the right halves ofthe figures (i.e., Or­ 7.2, P < .05] and for Scale 3 in comparison with wider ders 3, 5, 2, and 6) tend to fall toward the end; this effect scales [F(I,28) = 5.5,p < .05]. is greatest for orders on the far right (i.e., Orders 2 and 6). Two tentative explanations may be advanced to ex­ plain these effects. First, adjacent tones in the narrower EXPERIMENT 2 scales may often have been perceived as having the same pitch (or as belonging to the same pitch category), re­ The results of Experiment 1 provided tentative an­ sulting in higher identification rates for orders contain­ swers to Questions 2 and 3 posed in the introductory ing few adjacent tones (such as Orders 6 and 9, in which section. Regarding Question 2, prior musical experience successive tones are mostly two scale steps apart) in had a considerably greater beneficial effect on identifi­ comparison with orders containing many adjacent tones cation rates than did experience during the experiment. (such as Orders 2 and 5). When Orders 6 and 9 were pre­ Regarding Question 3, no effects were found at the in­ sented in the narrower scales, nonadjacent tones in the terval of one semitone, suggesting that there is nothing scale may have been interpreted as adjacent, effectively special about this interval in the perception of micro­ doubling the size ofthe scale step and increasing identi- tonal melodies. The results of Experiment 1 also pro- MICROTONAL MELODIES 841

Order 7 Order 8 1.0 T"""------~.. .--......


..... Order 4 Order 5 Order 6 U ~ o~ u c: 0.5 o 'f o ~,...... ~ c. 0.0 +-...... --,...... -i ec. Order 1 Order 2 Order 3 1.0 r~~::::::::~

_musicians 0.5 - non-musicians I max. 95% c.i,

50 100 150 a 50 150100

Figure 3. Proportion of correct responses in Experiment 1 for all combinations of scale step and order(30 responses per point). The arrangementof the panels corresponds to the arrangement of the orders on the response interface (Fig­ ure 1). vided data that may contribute to an understanding of Method Question 4: The effect of melodic pattern appeared to Subjects. The subjects were drawn from the same subject pool depend on a number of separate factors, identified as as those in Experiment I. No subject participated in both experi­ contour complexity, rule-governedness, successive in­ ments. The number and mean level ofmusical experience of the sub­ jects in each group (musicians and nonmusicians) were essentially terval size relative to the prevailing scale, and context. the same as for those in Experiment I. Moreover, the subjects' age The results of Experiment 1 failed to answer Ques­ range, gender ratio, and experience (or lack of experience) in psy­ tion I, concerning the smallest practical interval in mi­ choacoustical experiments were essentially the same as before. crotonal scales. As shown in Figure 2(a), the results ap­ Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as that used in Exper­ proached asymptotic values for both musicians and iment I. nonmusicians at scale-step sizes greater than about Stimuli. Each melody comprised eight pure tones, equally spaced in log frequency. Intervals between adjacent scale steps 50 cents, implying that the sensory discriminability only were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 cents, corresponding to frequency affected results for scale steps of 50 cents or less. How­ ratios of 1:21/12°,1:21/6°,1:21/4°,1:21/3°,1:21/24, and 1:2112°,re­ ever, results for the narrowest scale of25 cents (see Fig­ spectively. The frequency ofthe fifth tone in each ascending scale ure 3) were still consistently higher than the chance level was always 740 Hz, corresponding to the musical tone Fils. The ac­ of 11% (1 in 9) for all patterns. tual frequencies in each scale are given in Table 2. Levels and du­ In Experiment 2, we addressed this issue by investi­ rations were the same as in Experiment I. Procedure. The procedure was the same as that used in Ex­ gating a narrower set of scales. Casual experimentation periment I, with the exception that the practice session used a 50­ suggested that the interval of 10 cents was too small to cent scale (Scale 5 in this experiment) rather than a 67-cent scale allow melodic patterns to be recognized. We thus chose (Scale 4 in Experiment I). this as the smallest interval in the new set. It was also felt desirable to include one interval from the set used in Ex­ Results and Discussion periment 1 for comparison. The new set was 10, 20, 30, As in Experiment 1, there was a large main effect of 40, 50, and 60 cents, where the interval in common with musical training [55%vs. 73%;F(1,28) = 14,p<.005]. Experiment 1 was 50 cents. Performance again improved with increasing scale-step 842 PARNCUTT AND COHEN

ment with practice between blocks was only significant a 8. for the nonmusicians [from 50% to 60%; F( 1,14) = 17, p < .005]. • .5 The interaction between scale-step size and serial order 4 7. (Figure 6) was significant for musicians [F(40,560) = 1.8,P < .005] but not for nonmusicians. In Order 3 (five 3· direction changes), in comparison with Orders 4, 7, and .2 .9 8 taken together (six direction changes), musicians' re­ sults for the two narrowest scales were worse than their • 1 ·6 results for wider scales [for Scale 1, F(1,14) = 4.8,p < musicians .05; for Scale 2, F(1,14) = 7.0, p < .05]. This effect could be due to pitch discrimination: The successful identification of Order 3 requires the discrimination of smaller intervals between successive tones than does the 8. b .5 identification of Orders 4, 7, and 8. Note that the suc­ • cessful identification of Order 1 does not require dis­ • 4 • crimination of successive tones; its trivial contour may 7 3 be recognized by comparing nonsuccessive tones. Musi­ 6 • cians' results for Scale 1 (10 cents) were particularly 9 • 2 • good in Order I, regardless ofscale-step size [F( 1,14) = 32,p < .0005]. Referring to results for Scale 1 (10 cents) in Figure 6, • 1 non-musicians the following combinations of order and musical train­ ing did not yield results that differed significantly (t test, p < .05) from chance performance (1/9 = 11%): O~.er 2 Figure 4. Multidimensional scaling solution for responses in Ex­ periment 1 basedon confusions between the nine serialordersshown for nonmusicians (23%); Order 3 for both nonmusicians in Figure 1 (180responses perpoint). (a) Musicians. (b) Nonmusicians. (10%) and musicians (23%); Order 6 for nonmusicians (17%); Order 8 for both nonmusicians (13%) and musi­ cians (17%); and Order 9 for nonmusicians (20%). How­ ever, results for Scale 2 (20 cents) were significantly size both for musicians [F(5,70) = 40, p < .0001] and better than chance for all combinations oforder and train­ for nonmusicians [F(5,70) = 21,p < .0001], as shown in ing. It may be concluded that the minimum practical mi­ Figure 5(a). Mean results for each scale-step size ranged crotonal scale-step size lies between 10 and 20 cents, for from 38% for Scale 1 (10 cents) to 74% for Scale 5 the present set ofmelodic patterns. . (50 cents). All results significantly exceeded the chance Comparison of Experiments 1 and 2. Is the dIS­ level of 1/9 = 11%. criminability of scale steps affected by context (i.e., by Performance on Scale 1 (10 cents) was worse than the size of scale steps in recently heard melodic pat­ mus~c~ans performance on other scales both for terns)? Experiments 1 and 2 had been designed to ex­ [F(1,14) = 200, p < .0001] and for nonmusicians amine this question by including a quarter-tone scale [F(1,14) = 41,p < .0005]. Similarly, results for Scale 2 (50 cents) in each-Scale 3 in Experiment 1, and Scale 5 (20 cents) were worse than results for wider scales both in Experiment 2. Overall mean results for the 50-cent for musicians [F(1,14) = 14, p < .005] and for nonmu­ scale did not differ significantly between experiments sicians [F(1,14) = 43, P < .0005]. Results for Scale 3 (86% in Experiment 1 vs. 84% in Experiment 2 for mu­ (30 cents) were worse than results for wider scales :o.rall sicians; 55% vs. 65% for nonmusicians). Results as a listeners [F(1,28) = 6.3, p < .05] and for mUSICIans function oforder for the 50-cent scale in the two differ­ [F(1,14) = 6,p < .05], but not fornonmusicians. Results ent experimental contexts are compared in Figure 7. for Scales 4-6 (40-60 cents) did not differ significantly They correlate significantly both for musicians (r = .88, from each other, implying that asymptotic performance p < .005) and for nonmusicians (r = .69,p < .05). It may (some 80%-85% for musicians, and roughly 65% for nonmusicians) was reached at an interval of 30-40 cents. As before, there was no interaction between scale­ Table 2 Frequencies ofTones Presented in Experiment 2, step size and musical training. in Hertz (Rounded) The main effect of order, shown in Figure 5(b), was Scale Cents again significant both for musicians [F(8,112) = 8.6, 6.4~ I 10 723 727 732 736 740 744 749 753 p < .0001] and for nonmusicians [F(8,112) = e< 2 20 707 715 723 732 740 749 757 766 .0001]. Overall performance improved from 61 Yo III 3 30 690 703 715 727 740 753 766 780 Block 1 to 67% in Block 2 [F(1,28) = 17, p < .001]. A 4 40 675 690 707 723 740 757 775 793 new interaction was observed between block and train­ 5 50 659 679 699 719 740 762 784 807 715 740 766 793 821 ing [F(1,28) = 6.9, p < .05; Figure 5c]: the improve- 6 60 644 667 690 M1CROTONAL MELODIES 843

1.0~------., tion between scale-step size and experiment [F(5,280) = a 10, P <.0001]. Moreover, effects of scale-step size and serial order were more independent in Experiment 2 ~ (with narrower scales) than they were in Experiment 1, ~ producing a three-way interaction between scale, order, ...o u and experiment [F(40,2240) = 1.6,P < .05]. c: 0.5 o GENERAL DISCUSSION 'eo • musicians Q. e ---

Order 7 Order 8 Order 9 1.0 -r------,


0.0 +--.--...... ---.-__---4 +"" Order 4 Order 5 Order 6 U 1.0 -r------, ...~ o u 0.5 c: ofo 0.0 .f--,...... -r~~-T-~ 8. Order 1 Order 2 Order 3 o... 1.0 -r------.::~--, Q. ~musicians ~-:.::. 0.5 -Inonmusicians ~ max. 95% c.i.

20 40 60 0 20 40 60 o 20 40 60 scale step (cents)

Figure 6. Proportion ofcorrectresponses in Experiment2 fi:Jr all combinations ofscalestep andon:ler (30 responses per point). The arrangementof the panels corresponds to the arrangement of the orders on the response interface (Figure 1).

were preferred in the present experiment because they other listeners at matching auditory patterns to visual are physically nonarbitrary, easy to reproduce in experi­ patterns. There are two other possible reasons for the su­ mental settings, and perceptually unambiguous (whereas perior performance of musicians: First, musicians tend a complex tone may evoke more than one pitch). Future to have smaller frequency JNDs than nonmusicians (as experiments may benefit from a comparison of results discussed in the introductory section); and second, mu­ for pure and complex tones. sicians may have superior cognitive abilities related to The results of the present experiments appear to have the perception ofsound in general. been influenced by the visual representations chosen for Jordan and Shepard (1987) provided evidence that the the orders included in the design. The graphs in Figure 1 unequally spaced tones of the may be per­ are not necessarily ideal representations ofthe melodies, as ceived to be equally spaced. In other words, listeners may Gestalt grouping principles (proximity, good continuation, perceive successive pitch intervals as more equal than they and so forth) may operate rather differently in the visual really are. This suggests that listeners are less sensitive to and auditory modalities. For example, the up-and-down unequal spacing in pitch height than they are to unequal motion ofOrders 4 and 7 is not immediately clear from the spacing in visual height. The frequent confusions between corresponding graphs. Identification rates for these orders Orders 2 and 6 in the present study are consistent with this could perhaps have been enhanced by joining temporally idea. The leap between the fourth and fifth tones in successive dots by straight lines, to emphasize the shape of Order 2 may simply have sounded smaller than it looked. the auditory contour. Confusion between Orders 2 and 6 This would explain why Order 2 was so often mistaken for may have been a result of the physical proximity of the Order 6, in which the up-down shape ofthe pitch contour dots in the visual representation ofOrder 2 (see Figure 1). was more visually prominent---even though the gap be­ Despite these drawbacks, the method ofmatching auditory tween the fourth and fifth tones was actually (and visually) to visual representations allows quicker and more sponta­ much smaller in Order 6 than it was in Order 2. neous responses than, for example, notating pitches in an 8 X 8 grid, as in Cohen and Frankland (1990). CONCLUSION The visual aspect ofthe experimental task may have contributed to the superior performance of the musi­ We summarize the main results ofour investigation as cians. Listeners who can read music may be better than follows. The first four points correspond to the four ques- MICROTONAL MELODIES 845

a) musicians (r=0.88) sons for the interaction may be hypothesized: First, 1.0 melodic patterns containing adjacent (close) scale steps in successive temporal positions may be particularly t difficult to identify when realized in narrower scales, ~ due to limitations of pitch discrimination; and second, o~ patterns with intermediate degrees ofrule-governedness CJ may be more likely to be interpreted as random, or c::: 0.5 o non-rule-governed, when realized in wider scales than :e they are when realized in narrower scales, due to stream o segregation. oQ. ~ Q. REFERENCES

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