DDaattaa EE SSoocciiooeeccoonnoommiicc SSuurrvveeyy DDaattaa



Village Socio-Economic Survey

1. Detail of the Respondent i. Name…………………………………………………….ii. Gender M F iii. Age:…………… ii. Ethnicity:………………………..iii. Region…………………….iv. District……………………………… v. County…………………………..vi. sub-country……………….vii. Parish……………………………… viii. Village…………………………………………..ix. Municipality…………………………………………

2. Detail of the Village ① Population and Household i. Total Population…………… ii Male. ………… iii. Female……….. iv. Total Household………..

3. Infrastructure i. Availability of electricity yes no ii. Schools primary……….middle……..... high……….. ii.Hospital……… iv. Church…….. v. Bank……… vi. Growth Center……… vii. Telephone yes no viii. Industry………………………………………………………….

4. Economic Activity i. % of people engaged in Agriculture …………. a. Major crops grown………….. …………………. ………………… …………….. ii. % of people engaged in dairy /poultry………………………. iii. % of people engaged in fishing …………. a. Major catches ……….. ………………. …………………….. ………………….. iv. % of people as daily laborer ………….. v. % of unemployed people …………..

5. Water source—existing system—fee--O&M---disease---willingness to pay etc. i. What is the Source of drinking water ? river lake pond BH HTW DTW ii. Availability of piped water ? yes No iii. If yes, what kind of system ? stand type house connection both iv. if yes, % of coverage…….. Provider ? Govt. NGO, age of the system………..yr v. If no, who carry the water from the source ? men women children vi. What is the time required from the source to home ? 10 20 30 40 mins

vii. If piped water, how much is the service charge ?...... per month/HH viii. What is the condition of the system (pressure, leakage etc.) ? good bad ix. If bad, explain ? …………………………………………………………………………

E - 1 x. Who perform the O&M ? Government Local people Both xi. What is the percentage of fee collection ? 100% 80% 60% 40% xii. What are main constraints in O&M ? spare-parts, weak committee weak rules xiii. How is the water quality ? good bad medium xiv. If bad, what is the reason ? bad odor not clean others xv. Any record of water borne diseases ? yes no xvi. If yes, what are names ………….. …………….. ……… and # of patients…………. xvii. What is the % of sanitary toilets in the village ? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% xviii. If no sanitary toilets, what are the kinds of toilets used by the people…………………. xix. How do the people dispose their excreta facilities ? bush river/stream others xx. What are the community groups in the your village ? NGOs WUGs others, # ?...... xxi. What do you think about the improvement of water supply and sanitation systems ?

(if a new tap water delivery system is established, will the people pay for it ? If the existing system is improved and extra fee is charged, will the people pay ? What do you think about the supply of safe drinking water ? What do you think about strict rules for water fee collection, eg. application of fine or

disconnect the water line etc.) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E - 2 Village Survey Interview Result (1/24) 1 2 Details of Village 3 Infrastructure 4 Economic activit 1 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.11 1.12 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2a 3.2b 3.2c 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10a 3.10b 4,.1 4.2a UTMX Parish UTMY Village District County Sub County No. of banks major crops1 Industry type 1 type Industry 2 type Industry Village Number No. of Pschools No. of churches Number of male Total Household Total population No. of Ssschools Telephone yes/no Number of Female Electricity available No. of health centres No. of growth centers No. of tertiary schools % people in agriculture

1 Namawojja Luweero Bamunanika Zirobwe Bukimu 462660 73799 2,500 800 1,700 416 is 0 0 0 1 3 0 is is x x 73 maize

2 Bamunanika Luweero Bamunanika Bamunanika Kyampisi 456431 76399 4,000 1,500 2,500 650 is 1 0 0 0 0 1 is is agricultural processing x 95 maize

3 Kikyusa Luweero Bulemeezi Kikyusa Kikyusa 460307 92851 5,100 3,060 2,040 650 is 1 2 0 0 3 1 is is agricultural processing x 80 maize

4 Wabusana Luweero Bamunanika Kikyusa Wabusana 461626 98595 1,400 840 560 200 is no 1 2 0 1 1 0 is is agricultural processing x 70 cassava

5 Nabiswera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Kyangogolo 418557 162550 670 235 435 55 is no 0 0 0 1 1 0 is is x x 92 cassava

6 Lwampanga Nakasongola Nakasongola Lwampanga Lwampanga 445767 166209 1,110 560 550 250 is no 1 0 0 1 1 0 is is agricultural processing x 1 cassava

7 Migyera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Migyera 417794 156196 6,500 3,200 3,300 760 is 5 2 0 7 7 0 is is agricultural processing x 60 cassava

E 8 Wabigalo Nakasongola Nakasongola Wabinyonyi Wabigalo 439673 138602 710 463 247 340 is 2 0 0 1 4 0 is is agricultural processing x 81 cassava

- 9 Kalungi Nakasongola Nakasongola Kalungi Wanzugi 462633 143304 2,000 800 1,200 200 is no 1 0 0 1 3 0 is is agricultural processing x 90 cassava 3 10 Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale 487307 121662 1,340 522 818 730 is 2 0 0 5 1 1 is is agricultural processing x 70 maize 11 Kasokwe Kayunga Bbaale Namayuge 482264 136266 1,040 499 541 547 is no 2 1 0 3 4 0 is is (but not fixed) x x 90 maize

12 Nakabango Kayunga Bbaale Kayonza Namalili 484827 98971 4,000 1,200 2,800 1,500 is 2 1 0 1 1 1 is is agricultural processing x 98 maize

13 Kitimbwa Kayunga Bbaale Kitimbwa Wabuyinza 486415 93903 1,500 675 825 600 is 2 0 0 7 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 80 maize

14 Magala Kayunga Nazigo 499953 76679 1,367 547 820 270 is no 1 0 0 2 0 0 is is x x 97 maize

15 Kabembe Jinja Butembe Kakira Mawoito 526892 57731 745 321 424 351 is 1 0 0 3 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 75 coffee

16 Namaganga Jinja Butembe Busede Kisasi 533110 68508 1,360 764 596 376 is 2 0 0 0 6 0 is is x x 75 sugarcane

17 Iziru Jinja Kagoma Buyengo Iziru 531149 70701 2,405 1,058 1,347 1,340 is 6 1 0 6 5 0 is is agricultural processing x 82 sugarcane

18 Nawankandulo Kamuli Buzaya Kisozi Nawankandulo 508530 75663 3,064 1,106 1,958 618 is 4 2 1 3 5 0 is is agricultural processing x 94 coffee

19 Nabwigulu Kamuli Bugabula North Nabwigulu Nabwigulu 513571 108780 630 297 333 250 is no 3 0 0 4 4 1 is is agricultural processing x 75 rice

20 Balawoli Kamuli Bugabula North Balawoli Balawoli 510700 114434 1,102 419 683 300 is 1 0 0 0 0 1 is is agricultural processing x 70 maize

21 Nailorwa Kamuli Budiope Kidera Kasiira 496026 150374 2,550 1,531 1,019 850 is 2 0 0 0 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 90 cassava

22 Kitukiro Kamuli Budiope Bugaya Kitukiro 530902 125611 3,645 2,045 1,600 544 is no 2 0 0 0 3 0 is is agricultural processing x 40 cassava

23 Iyingo Kamuli Budiope Kagulu Iyingo 533957 145018 750 350 400 213 is no 1 0 0 0 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 15 millet

24 Namulungu Kaliro Bulamogi Namwiwa Saaka 561450 122844 475 219 256 240 is no 1 0 0 0 0 0 is is agricultural processing x 99 Maize

25 Buyuge Kaliro Bulamogi Gadumire Bupyana 555468 122234 1,511 700 811 513 is no 2 1 0 1 5 0 is is agricultural processing x 80 Maize

26 Buwangala Kaliro Bulamogi Nawaikoke Namawa 539795 124968 1,400 600 800 570 is no 1 0 0 0 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 70 Maize

27 Bugulumaire Kaliro Bulamogi Butege 551608 100564 1,060 414 646 530 is no 1 0 0 0 4 0 is is agricultural processing x 90 Maize Village Survey Interview Result (2/24) 1 ty 5 Water source Piped water 1 1.10 4.2b 4.2c 4.2d 4.3 4.4 4.5a 4.5b 4.5c 4.6 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7a 5.7b 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.14 main le p eo poultry p Village system system in years how many major fish 1 fish major 2 fish major 3 fish major major crops 2 major crops 3 major crops 4 what are main Village Number labourer / casual what is the % people in dairy % of unemployed fee collection (%) collection fee % people as daily source of drinking if yes what kind of of kind what yes if who is doing O&M constraints in O&M in constraints how is water quality (average per group) pipe water available number of members owner of the system the of owner what is water tariff in in tariff water is what if bad what is reason % engaged in fishing what is percentage of how old is the system system the is old how any water user group, what is condition of the UGX per month per HH

1 Namawojja beans x x 0 0.19 Nile Perch x x 12 26 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

2 Bamunanika beans cassava sweet potatoes 0 0 x x x 30 0 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

3 Kikyusa beans cassava pineapple 5 0 x x x 0 1 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

4 Wabusana maize bananas beans 10 0 x x x 20 0 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

5 Nabiswera sweet potatoes maize groundnuts 7 0 x x x 1 0 pond is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

6 Lwampanga maize sweet potatoes groundnuts 0 97 Tilapia Moon fish Lung fish 2 0 lake is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

7 Migyera sweet potatoes maize groundnuts 20 0 x x x 8 10 pond is not x x xxxxx x x x xx lack of spare

E 8 Wabigalo sweet potatoes maize groundnuts 1 0 x x x 11 7 pond is tap water government 1 good x x private operator 55,000 bad odour 100% parts

- 9 Kalungi maize groundnuts millet 9 0 x x x 0.8 0.5 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 4 10 Bbaale cassava sweet potatoes beans 20 0 x x x 10 0 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 11 Kasokwe sweet potatoes cassava millet 7 0 x x x 3 0 deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

12 Nakabango sweet potatoes cassava beans 10 000020deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

13 Kitimbwa cassava sweet potatoes beans 2 0000108deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

14 Magala beans sugarcane coffee 3 00000.50pond is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

15 Kabembe sugarcane maize beans 5 00001010deep BH is stand tap private 30 good x x private operator 0 bad odour x x

16 Namaganga coffee maize beans 15 000082protected spring is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

17 Iziru maize beans sweet potatoes5 0000103protected spring is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

18 Nawankandulo maize cassava sugarcane 4 000011deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

19 Nabwigulu maize beans groundnuts 5 0000155deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

20 Balawoli sweet potatoes cassava beans 0 00002010deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

21 Nailorwa groundnuts maize sweet potatoes 7 2 Tilapia Nile Perch 0 1 0 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

22 Kitukiro maize groundnuts millet 30 0000525protected shallow well is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

23 Iyingo maize sweet potatoes cassava 2 80 Tilapia Nile Perch 0 1 2 protected shallow well is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

24 Namulungu Millet cassava rice 0 00000.50.4deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

25 Buyuge Millet Rice cotton 2 5 Tilapia x x 5 9 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

26 Buwangala Sorghum Millet sweet potatoes 20 4 Tilapia Nile Perch x 2 4 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

27 Bugulumaire Rice Groundnuts cotton 4 0 x x x 4 2 deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx Village Survey Interview Result (3/24) 1 Point source Diseases and sanitation 1 1.10 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 age calls used vill Village source in supply is source is sickness 1 sickness 1 sickness 2 sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness 3 sickness source (min) source born diseases Village Number sanitary toilets in in toilets sanitary walk from home to if no toilet available if no sanitary toilets toilets sanitary no if Any record of water water of record Any how is water quality nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases if bad what is reason who carry water from from water carry who what is percentage of If no piped water what any seasonal variation what kind of toilets are where do people go for what is time required to Men, women and 1 Namawojja deep BH children is 10 good x have not x x x x x x 75% a hole in the ground in the bush

2 Bamunanika deep BH Children is not 60 medium slightly hard have not x x x x x x 60 traditional latrines x

3 Kikyusa deep BH Children is 120 good x have not x x x x x x 60 traditional latrines x Men, women and 4 Wabusana deep BH children is 300 good x have not x x x x x x 75 traditional latrines x

5 Nabiswera pond Men is 210 bad turbid have diarrhoea 3 malaria 17 typhoid 1 72 bush in the bush

6 Lwampanga swamp / lake Children is not 20 good x have diarrhoea 240 typhoid 70 x x 60 bush in the bush

Men, women and 7 Migyera pond children is 50 bad turbid have diarrhoea 200 typhoid 600 x x 60 bush in the bush Men, women and

E 8 Wabigalo pond children sometimes is 30 bad turbid have not x x x x x x 80 traditional latrines in the bush Men, women and - 9 Kalungi pond children is 120 good x have diarrhoea 20 x x x x 90 bush digging hole in the ground

5 Men, women and 10 Bbaale deep BH children is 30 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 80 x x 11 Kasokwe deep BH Women is 60 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 80 bush in the bush

12 Nakabango deep BH Women sometimes is 60 good x have typhoid 47 x 0 x 0 50 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 13 Kitimbwa deep BH children is 30 bad turbid have typhoid 70 diarrhoea 50 x 0 80 bush in the bush Men, women and 14 Magala unprotected spring children sometimes is 30 bad turbid have not x 0 x 0 x 0 40 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 15 Kabembe deep BH children is not 30 bad has a bad odour have diarrhoea 120 vomiting 120 x 0 72 x sugarcane plantation Men, women and 16 Namaganga protected spring children is not 10 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 50 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 17 Iziru protected spring children is 60 medium turbid have diarrhoea 12 cholera 12 x 0 60 x sugarcane plantation Men, women and 18 Nawankandulo deep BH children is 180 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 75 x in the bush Men, women and 19 Nabwigulu deep BH children sometimes is 120 good x have diarrhoea 4 vomiting 4 x 0 90 x roadside

Men, women and 20 Balawoli deep BH children is 120 bad turbid have typhoid 10 eye infections 100 skin diseases 103 95 x x Men, women and 21 Nailorwa deep BH children is 120 good x have worms 900 diarrhoea 1,800 vomiting 1,800 100 x in the bush Men, women and 22 Kitukiro protected shallow well children is 120 bad salty and hard have diarrhoea 546 dysentery 911 vomiting 255 85 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 23 Iyingo protected shallow well children is 30 bad salty and hard have diarrhoea 465 malaria 525 worms 150 80 lake in the bush

Men, women and 24 Namulungu deep BH children is 60 bad salty and hard have diarrhoea 100 x 0 x 0 40 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 25 Buyuge deep BH children sometimes is 360 medium slightly salty and hard have diarrhoea 10 typhoid 5 x 0 98 x in the bush Men, women and 26 Buwangala deep BH children is 80 good x have diarrhoea 100 malaria 100 skin infection 500 85 a hole in the ground in the bush

27 Bugulumaire deep BH Women sometimes is 40 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 75 a hole in the ground in the bush Village Survey Interview Result (4/24) 1 Organisations 1 1.10 5.25a 5.25b 5.25c 5.25d 5.25e 5.26a 5.26b 5.26c 5.26d 5.26e 5.27a 5.27b Village involved 1 involved 2 involved 3 involved 4 involved 5 Village Number projects in town 1 town in projects 3 town in projects 4 town in projects 5 town in projects projects in village 2 in projects What are community What are community Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development groups in your village1 groups in your village2 what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are

1 Namawojja education agriculture health microcredit x Equity bank GOU x x x NGO x

2 Bamunanika education health agriculture microcredit x NAADS GOU x x x NGO x

3 Kikyusa education health agriculture x x GoU AMREF x x x NGO SAO

4 Wabusana education health infrastructure x x GoU AMREF Plan International Heifer project x NGO Women Group

Nabiswera Women's 5 Nabiswera education agriculture x x x GoU KULIKA Concern Save The Children UWESO x NGO Group

Lwampanga Women's 6 Lwampanga health agriculture microcredit x x FINCA Save the Children x x x NGO Group

7 Migyera education health infrastructure x x GoU Caritas Save The Children UWESO x NGO Migyera Cattle Traders

E 8 Wabigalo education health agriculture infrastructure x GoU World vision x x x NGO Women Group

- 9 Kalungi education health agriculture infrastructure x GoU Save the Children World Vision Concern Action Plan NGO Women Group 6 10 Bbaale education health agriculture infrastructure x GoU x x x x x x 11 Kasokwe education health agriculture x x GoU Self Help project NAADS x x x x Makerere University Walter 12 Nakabango education health agriculture infrastructure microcredit GoU Reed Project x x x NGO Bonabagagawale SACCO

13 Kitimbwa education health agriculture infrastructure x GoU Compassion International x x x x x

14 Magala education health agriculture infrastructure microcredit GoU Self Help project GTZ NAADS Caritas NGO Reach the Aged Tukolerewalala women's 15 Kabembe education health agriculture x x GoU Healthy child NAADS x x others group The Aids Support 16 Namaganga education health agriculture microcredit x GoU NAADS Organization Aids Information Centre x others Busede SACCO

17 Iziru education health agriculture x x GoU x x x x others Munomukabi men's group

18 Nawankandulo education health agriculture microcredit x GoU Kulika IBOL NAADS x others Farmers school

19 Nabwigulu education health agriculture microcredit x GoU Plan international KAPIDA Self help project 2000 network others Agali Awalala group

Balawoli Household 20 Balawoli education health microcredit x x GoU Self Help project DANIDA Plan International x others SACCO

21 Nailorwa education agriculture infrastructure x x GoU Self Help project NAADS x x others Kidawalime group

22 Kitukiro agriculture x x x x others Self Help project x x x others none

23 Iyingo agriculture x x x x others none x x x others none

24 Namulungu x x x x x N/A x x x x others x

25 Buyuge Education x xxxx x x x x others Kikola taka women's group

26 Buwangala Education Health Agriculture Infrastructure x x x x x x none x

27 Bugulumaire Education Health Agriculture x x GoU x x x x others Tulisuna Village Survey Interview Result (5/24) 1 Needs Future 1 1.10 5.27c 5.27d 5.28a 5.28b 5.28c 5.29a 5.29b 5.29c 5.29d pay supply Village your village1 your village2 your village3 Village Number about safe water willing to pay extra if current system is is system current if what is your opinion are people willing to rules for contribution improved are people What are community What are community opinion about stricter groups in your village3 groups in your village4 what are the needs for what are the needs for what are the needs for if a new tap is installed

1 Namawojja x x Schools water supply improved seeds are willing to are willing to very important in favour

2 Bamunanika x x water supply agricultural development health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour

3 Kikyusa x x agricultural development water supply education are willing to are willing to very important in favour

4 Wabusana x x electricity education microcredit are willing to are willing to very important in favour

Nabiswera Teenage 5 Nabiswera Centre x agricultural development water supply microcredit are willing to are willing to very important in favour

6 Lwampanga x x water supply infrastructure x are willing to are willing to very important in favour

7 Migyera Migyera Youth Group x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

E 8 Wabigalo x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

- 9 Kalungi Kiramasanasa Group x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour 7 10 Bbaale x x water supply garbage collection skips agricultural support are willing to are willing to very important in favour 11 Kasokwe x x agricultural development water supply microcredit are willing to are willing to very important in favour

12 Nakabango x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

13 Kitimbwa x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

14 Magala x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

15 Kabembe Kabembe women's group x water supply infrastructure x are willing to are willing to very important in favour

16 Namaganga x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour Mukenkede women's 17 Iziru group x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

18 Nawankandulo x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

19 Nabwigulu Basoka Kwavula Muno mukabi agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

20 Balawoli x x water supply infrastructure x are willing to are willing to very important in favour Bakuseka maja FAL 21 Nailorwa Munafu Ajawo group class water supply infrastructure x are willing to are willing to very important in favour

22 Kitukiro x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

23 Iyingo x x agricultural development water supply infrastructure are willing to are willing to very important in favour

Infrastructure 24 Namulungu x x Agriculture development water supply development are willing to are willing to Very important in favour Mwizo farmer's Infrastructure 25 Buyuge association Tuzwamu tutya group Agriculture development water supply development are willing to are willing to Very important in favour Infrastructure 26 Buwangala x x Agriculture development water supply development are willing to are willing to Very important in favour Infrastructure 27 Bugulumaire Ndikyegaana ntya x Agriculture development water supply development are willing to are willing to Very important in favour Village Survey Interview Result (6/24) 1 1 1.10

Comments Village Village Number

The water we have is safe but not enough for all people in this village. There is only one borehole where all people crowd to fetch water. The other source is an unprotected 1 Namawojja spring. We therefore need other water sources to meet the demand. Every adult is engaged in an activity that can his family some income. The water from the village BH is slightly hard; the villagers have to fetch water from a nearby BH for purposes of washing. The second BH is for the Kabaka and is located near the palace and there are strict rules regarding use. The town has a piped water system that is being installed with funding from LGDP. The village has 2 BHs but the nearby village water sources are non-functional, unsafe and therefore the nearby villages use those of this 2 Bamunanika village. The residents pay 25/= per jerrycan of water. It takes over 2 hours for a person to draw water after lining up at a BH. Agriculture is the main development activity in he area. AMREF has done a commendable job in educating orphaned children and putting up infrastructure. Households initially paid 500/= per month for BH maintenance but it has now been taken over by the chairperson of the village who repairs it. Eleven percent of the population is involved in business, petty trade and formal employment. all BHs were constructed in 1987 by UNICEF as part of the relief aid 3 Kikyusa after the war During the dry season, people and animals get water from the pond because the nearby water sources (BHs) in the village dry up. Every household pays 1000/= for water from 4 Wabusana the BH per month for O&M Most households have cattle. The community used to have 1 BH but it doesn’t work now. They draw water 5 miles from a pond in the next village. The BH used to be repaired some few years ago but at some point, the cost for O&M exceeded those the village could pay for and when the District Water Office was contacted, he promised some support 5 Nabiswera but nothing has been done in the past 6 months. this pond is shared by animals and human beings at the same time. BH water sources are very old and broke down. Many people from other fishing areas migrate to this area during the fishing season and when they settle, they don’t construct toilets. They end up using the bushes near the lake shores. Most residents buy water for use although they would be happy to contribute towards repair of the old BH. Existing 6 Lwampanga defunct BH was constructed by Lwampanga Fish Farming project. however, the project collapsed although Save The Children tried to save it to no avail. There is 1 RGC covering 3 Local councils in this area. 2% of the population is engaged in business. There is no single other source of water apart from a pond 6KM from the town. The other sources are near but have dirty water using for washing, 1KM away. it takes 2 hours on foot and 50 minutes on a bicycle to fetch the clean water. animals also 7 Migyera use the same water source as humans 2 ponds are serving the community. Piped water is irregular because of power inconsistence and therefore, the residents depend largely on the ponds for water. Information also,

E 8 Wabigalo about health issues is very limited in the area and the local council chairman insists that community education about water and sanitation is paramount

- 9 Kalungi When over pumped, the BH stops yielding water. There is 1 BH to serve drinking water to people in a radius of 8KM

8 Apart from the BH, the pond which was being used previously used is overgrown with bush. There is an overcrowded part of the village with over 80 HHs but with no water 10 Bbaale source and have poor sanitary conditions 11 Kasokwe Existing ponds are for private individuals who owns cattle ranches. During the dry season, people walk 7 miles to Ssezibwa river for water. Makerere University Walter Reed Project promised this village but has never constructed it since last year to serve the prison, schools and the entire community. Public toilets 12 Nakabango were also constructed but locked up and have never opened and used ever since 3 years ago because the contractors were not paid.

13 Kitimbwa The town is over populated and only 2 BHs on each side of the road is serving it

14 Magala 2 BHs broke down. They are now using an unprotected spring The stand tap is located near the Madhvani factory and it is at the extreme end of the village. 3BHs were constructed due to scarcity of water. The children vomit and have 15 Kabembe diarrhoea at the same time and it is rampant in this area. A newly constructed BH is yet to be operational

16 Namaganga Many times, they have tried to construct BHs in this area but have failed and now have 4 protected springs that they depend on

17 Iziru The available water sources are 1.5 miles away from the village centre

18 Nawankandulo They have a public toilet at Nawankandulo HC IV. Water costs 100/= for 3 jerrycans They have a savings and credit cooperative called Nabwigulu SACCO. They depend on 1 BH for water. Those without sanitary toilets share with neighbors at times. The BH was 19 Nabwigulu established in 1996 and has a management committee.

Many people engage in business in this area although petty trade is rampant. They fetch water from a BH on the next village. There is also an unprotected spring where they get 20 Balawoli water during the dry season. There are also 2 public toilets but one is a flush toilet yet there is no adequate water in the RGC and therefore is rarely used by residents Most households have someone who suffers from a water borne disease every month. They believe they want a public toilet and health centre crucially. 1000/= is paid per month 21 Nailorwa for BH O&M. In a year, an individual can catch 26,000kg of tilapia and 520kg of nile perch. Accessible from district HQs

22 Kitukiro The existing BH yields very little water which forces people to resort to using water from unprotected springs. Accessible from district HQs Although there is a functional BH in the village, most community members prefer to fetch water from the lake because BH water is salty and hard and at the same time, the BH 23 Iyingo yields very little water and they have to cue for a long time to get it. There is one Borehole which serves the school and community. Due to congestion at the borehole, many times they resort to using unprotected springs 2km away from the Rural Growth center (RGC). Most community members are 2 - 4 km to the borehole. A fee of 2000/= is levied per Household for borehole maintenance. The borehole is accessible 24 Namulungu from the district headquarters (HQ) There are only 2 boreholes at which a lot of time is spent lining for water due to congestion especially at peak hours; the boreholes are shared with two other villages. There is a 25 Buyuge public toilet accessible from the headquarters (HQ) A public toilet and borehole were recently constructed funded by the Government of Uganda. Tree seedlings were distributed . The RGC is easily accessible from the district 26 Buwangala headquarters; road not so bad There is a borehole at the school but it is rarely accessible by the community. The respondent said the rules at the school are strict and due to the big population of students, the 27 Bugulumaire school administration limits access by the community. Village Survey Interview Result (7/24) 1 2 Details of Village 3 Infrastructure 4 Economic activit 1 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.11 1.12 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2a 3.2b 3.2c 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10a 3.10b 4,.1 4.2a UTMX Parish UTMY Village District County Sub County No. of banks major crops1 Industry type 1 type Industry 2 type Industry Village Number No. of Pschools No. of churches Number of male Total Household Total population No. of Ssschools Telephone yes/no Number of Female Electricity available No. of health centres No. of growth centers No. of tertiary schools % people in agriculture

28 Bukova Iganga Luuka Bukooma Nabyooto 538978 99028 570 257 313 220 is 3 0 0 1 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 80 Maize

29 Ikumbya Iganga Luuka Ikumbya Ikumbya 536040 109067 2,160 929 1,231 210 is no 4 0 0 1 5 1 is is agricultural processing x 90 Maize

30 Bugono Iganga Kigulu North Nabitende Bugono 550537 88257 1,614 521 1,093 764 is no 2 0 0 1 5 0 is is x x 90 Maize

31 Mpande Namutumba Busiki Ivukula Kisowozi 569512 104671 1,150 460 690 560 is 1 1 0 1 1 0 is is agricultural processing x 70 Maize

32 Nakigo Iganga Kigulu South Nakigo Busowobi 556687 66300 1,200 420 780 364 is no 1 1 0 0 2 0 is is agricultural processing x 70 Maize

33 Buwooya Iganga Bugweri Buyanga Buwooya 568010 71121 1,090 327 763 148 is no 1 0 0 0 1 0 is is x x 60 Maize

34 Matyama Namutumba Busiki Namutumba Namutumba 577950 89472 3,500 1,400 2,100 550 is no 5 0 0 0 3 0 is is agricultural processing x 50 Maize

35 Bulange Namutumba Busiki Bulange Bulange 577730 81732 2,320 1,044 1,276 520 is no 2 0 0 1 1 0 is is agricultural processing x 60 Maize

36 Nabisoigi/ Kibaale Namutumba Busiki Kibaale Nabisoigi 567381 96668 5,000 2,000 3,000 1,000 is 5 1 0 2 3 0 is is agricultural processing x 60 Maize

37 Buwaiswa Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa 557898 58402 2,000 800 1,200 300 is no 1 0 0 1 3 0 is is agricultural processing x 95 Maize

38 Buwaaya Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa 556020 58216 3,463 1,933 1,530 140 is 1 2 0 1 4 1 is is agricultural processing x 85 Maize E 39 Kasolo Iganga Kigulu Bulamagi Bulowooza 550690 67924 2,000 900 1,100 600 is 1 1 0 1 4 0 is is agricultural processing Manufacturing 40 Maize -

9 40 Kutung Bukwo Kongasis Kabei Mutushet 691558 145092 200 80 120 92 is no 0 1 0 0 1 1 is is agricultural processing x 90 Maize 1 41 Kitukutwe Wakiso Kyadondo Kira 461388 48593 600 200 400 300 is no 2 0 0 (dispensary) 4 0 is is (but not fixed) x x 80 cassava 42 Kiti A Wakiso Kyadondo Kiti A Wattuba 450389 51556 1,500 500 1,000 430 is 6 2 0 5 10 1 is is (but not fixed) Quarry x 75 sweet potatoes one nurse 43 Namawata Wakiso Kyadondo Busukuma Kabumba 453888 61545 600 200 400 50 is no ry 0 0 0 1 0 is is (but not fixed) x x 90 sweet potatoes 44 Luyanzi 2 Mukono Buikwe Kawolo Kitera 493611 39850 300 100 200 100 is no 1 0 0 1 0 0 is is (but not fixed) x x 20 sweet potatoes 45 Kijemba Mukono Buikwe Ngogwe Lubongo 499314 25326 650 200 450 70 is no 1 1 0 1 1 0 is not is (but not fixed) x x 80 sweet potatoes 46 Ntakafunvu Mukono Mukono Nakiksunga Kyabalogo 477592 30549 350 100 250 80 is no 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 sweet potatoes 47 Kilangira Mukono Nakifuma Nabale Nakanyoyi 472340 58982 600 200 400 300 is no 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 cassava 48 Kalagala Mukono Nakifuma Ntunda Katete 488048 58863 300 120 180 30 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 98 coffee 49 Goma Mukono Mukono Goma Misindye 466679 44189 3,500 1,000 2,500 1,850 is 3 0 0 1 3 0 2 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 50 Nabuyanja Butaleja Budumba Budumba Mabale 595387 90466 3,000 1,000 2,000 380 is no 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 sorghum 51 Namulemu Butaleja Butaleja Butaleja Rujehe 605698 100924 6,000 2,000 4,000 500 is no 2 0 1 1 4 0 2 is (but not fixed) x x 80 sorghum 52 Bugosa Butaleja Bonyole Busaba Mulanga 595519 95053 6,000 2,000 4,000 250 is no 2 2 0 0 1 0 2 is (but not fixed) x x 80 sorghum

53 Nabiganda A Butaleja Bunyole Bunyole Nabiganda 618139 107592 6,000 2,000 4,000 500 is no 3 0 0 1 3 0 2 is (but not fixed) Rice processing x 100 maize 54 Mahonje Mbale Bungokho Busiu Bufukula 625795 101298 600 200 400 187 is no 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 is (but not fixed) x x 80 sorghum

55 Namwalye Mbale Bungokho Busoba Bunanimi 630677 103816 302 100 202 100 is no 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 100 maize 56 Nambulu Mbale Bungokho Nakaloke Namunsi 628996 128884 2,000 800 1,200 500 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 75 matoke 57 Bukitwika Mbale Bubulo Bupoto Buyaka 651064 99633 500 200 300 100 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 58 Bunaska A Mbale Bubulo Buwagogo Buwagogo 644963 107047 300 100 200 120 is no 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 59 Mango Tree Manafa Bubulo Butiru Bumagambo 643672 92657 600 200 400 300 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 90 matoke 60 Shirobo Bududa Manjiya Bududa Busai 645934 113858 600 200 400 140 is no 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize

61 Suume Bududa Manjiya Bubiita Mamba 652887 111426 800 300 500 78 is 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 90 maize 62 Rokho Bududa Manjiya Bukigai Bumatanda 651600 111907 350 100 250 45 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 63 Bunayawka Sironko Bulambuli Muyembe Bungwanyi 644658 146093 800 300 500 94 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 64 Buwebele Sironko Bulambuli Bunambutye Bulukwiya 650572 157552 600 200 400 280 is no 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 is (but not fixed) x x 100 maize 65 Kikuumu Sironko Budadiri Bumasifwa Bulwala 651421 129637 300 100 200 40 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 cassava 66 Musene Sironko Budadiri Buhugu Musene 646846 133553 700 250 450 250 is no 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 67 Busakula Sironko Budadiri Busulani Bumahosa 651830 127963 300 100 200 70 is no 0 1 0 0 0 0 is not is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 68 Kaproron Kapchorwa Kween Kaproron Kamwam 679815 157453 1,000 300 700 268 is no 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 90 maize

69 Kapkworos Kapchorwa Kween Binyiny Tabagon 670869 156952 500 200 300 184 is no 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 wheat 70 Kapachirya Kapchorwa Kween Ngenge Kapkwot 670233 163365 500 200 300 76 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 90 maize Village Survey Interview Result (8/24) 1 ty 5 Water source Piped water 1 1.10 4.2b 4.2c 4.2d 4.3 4.4 4.5a 4.5b 4.5c 4.6 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7a 5.7b 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.14 main le p eo poultry p Village system system in years how many major fish 1 fish major 2 fish major 3 fish major major crops 2 major crops 3 major crops 4 what are main Village Number labourer / casual what is the % people in dairy % of unemployed fee collection (%) collection fee % people as daily source of drinking if yes what kind of of kind what yes if who is doing O&M constraints in O&M in constraints how is water quality (average per group) pipe water available number of members owner of the system the of owner what is water tariff in in tariff water is what if bad what is reason % engaged in fishing what is percentage of how old is the system system the is old how any water user group, what is condition of the UGX per month per HH

28 Bukova groundnuts Millet beans 1 0 x x x 10 9 protected shallow well is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

29 Ikumbya sweet potatoes beans groundnuts 2 0 x x x 3 5 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

30 Bugono beans cassava groundnuts 6 0 x x x 2 2 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

31 Mpande cassava Rice groundnuts 15 0 x x x 5 10 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

32 Nakigo cassava sweet potatoes beans 7 0 x x x 13 10 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0 x 0x

33 Buwooya cassava sweet potatoes beans 30 0 x x x 5 5 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

34 Matyama cassava Rice cotton 2 0 x x x 20 10 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

35 Bulange Rice groundnuts cassava 10 0 x x x 20 10 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

36 Nabisoigi/ Kibaale sweet potatoes beans groundnuts 5 0 x x x 20 15 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

37 Buwaiswa beans cassava sweet potatoes 15 0 x x x 30 1 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

38 Buwaaya Rice beans coffee 40 0 x x x 30 20 protected spring is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x E

- 39 Kasolo sweet potatoes beans cassava 10 0 x x x 20 30 deep BH is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

10 40 Kutung bananas x x 3 0 x x x 5 2 protected spring is not x x xxxxx 0xx 0x

41 Kitukutwe maize matoke 25 0 x x x 20 80 Deep BH is not x community xxxxx x medium x x x 42 Kiti A cassava greens maize 35 0 x x x 25 50 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x

43 Namawata cassava greens maize 40 0 x x x 5 20 open well is not x community xxxxx x good x x x 44 Luyanzi 2 cassava greens maize 5 0 x x x 5 70 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x good x x x 45 Kijemba cassava greens maize 0 0 x x x 0 70 deep BH is not x community x x x x x x good x x x 46 Ntakafunvu cassava greens maize 10 0 x x x 15 70 open well is not x community x x x x x x good x x x 47 Kilangira maize matoke 0 0 x x x 5 70 open well is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x 48 Kalagala maize beans 2 0 x x x 100 100 open well is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x 49 Goma cassava bananas beans 10 100 x x x 20 70 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x 50 Nabuyanja sweet potatoes groundnuts cassava 20 0 x x x 20 70 Deep BH is not x community x x x x x x good x x x 51 Namulemu sweet potatoes groundnuts maize 5 0 x x x 20 75 open well is not x community x x x x x x good x x x 52 Bugosa sweet potatoes maize cassava 3 0 x x x 25 80 Deep BH is not x community x x x x x x good x x x

53 Nabiganda A rice millet sorghum 5 0 x x x 10 30 Deep BH is not x community xxxxx x badturbidity x x 54 Mahonje maize cassava millet 10 0 x x x 5 80 Deep BH is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x

55 Namwalye beans millet bananas 3 0 x x x 10 90 river is notx x xxxxx x badturbidity x x 56 Nambulu maize beans 2 0 x x x 75 25 river is not x community x x x x x x medium turbidity x x 57 Bukitwika beans coffee 5 0 x x x 20 75 open well is not x community x x x x x x medium turbidity x x 58 Bunaska A beans greens sweet potatoes 5 0 x x x 10 80 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x medium turbidity x x 59 Mango Tree millet sweet potatoes cassava 10 0 x x x 5 70 open well is not x community x x x x x x bad turbidity x x 60 Shirobo bananas beans cassava 5 0 x x x 2 95 open well is not x community x x x x x x good x x x

61 Suume coffee bananas sweet potatoes 30 0 x x x 25 65 open well is not x community xxxxx x medium turbidity x x 62 Rokho bananas beans cassava 50 0 x x x 20 5 open well is not x community x x x x x x medium turbidity x x 63 Bunayawka beans groundnuts cassava 30 0 x x x 20 50 Deep BH is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x 64 Buwebele beans groundnuts sweet potatoes 30 0 x x x 5 30 Deep BH is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x 65 Kikuumu maize millet sunflower 20 0 x x x 10 80 river is not x x x x x x x x bad turbidity x x 66 Musene beans coffee matoke 30 0 x x x 20 75 Deep BH is not x community x x x x x x medium x x x 67 Busakula bananas coffee beans 30 0 x x x 10 80 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x bad turbidity x x 68 Kaproron bananas beans coffee 2 0 x x x 10 90 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x good turbidity x x

69 Kapkworos barley beans maize 70 0 x x x 10 80 river is notx x xxxxx x badturbidity x x 70 Kapachirya sorghum sweet potatoes beans 40 0 x x x 1.5 95 river is not x x x x x x x x bad turbidity x x Village Survey Interview Result (9/24) 1 Point source Diseases and sanitation 1 1.10 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 age calls used vill Village source in supply is source is sickness 1 sickness 1 sickness 2 sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness 3 sickness source (min) source born diseases Village Number sanitary toilets in in toilets sanitary walk from home to if no toilet available if no sanitary toilets toilets sanitary no if Any record of water water of record Any how is water quality nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases if bad what is reason who carry water from from water carry who what is percentage of If no piped water what any seasonal variation what kind of toilets are where do people go for what is time required to

28 Bukova protected shallow well Women is 20 bad turbid have typhoid 10 x 0 x 0 30 bush in the bush Men, women and 29 Ikumbya deep BH children is 280 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 60 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 30 Bugono deep BH children is 60 good x have diarrhoea 20 skin infection 48 x 0 55 a hole in the ground a hole in the ground Men, women and 31 Mpande deep BH children sometimes is 60 good x have diarrhoea 172 worms 575 typhoid 172 20 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 32 Nakigo deep BH children is 30 medium turbid have diarrhoea 100 x 0 x x 60 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 33 Buwooya deep BH children is 60 bad turbid have diarrhoea 15 dysentery 10 typhoid 10 10 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 34 Matyama deep BH children is 60 good x have diarrhoea 15 skin infection 8 typhoid 10 45 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 35 Bulange deep BH children is 180 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 40 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and 36 Nabisoigi/ Kibaale deep BH children is not 40 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 70 bush in the bush Men, women and 37 Buwaiswa deep BH children is 60 good x have not x 0 x 0 x 0 97 a hole in the ground in the bush Men, women and turbid during rainy 38 Buwaaya protected spring children is 240 medium season have diarrhoea 500 typhoid 150 x 0 70 a hole in the ground public toilet

E Men, women and

- 39 Kasolo deep BH children is 180 good x have diarrhoea 200 skin infection 500 typhoid 300 10 bush in the bush Men, women and 11 40 Kutung protected spring children is 30 good x have diarrhoea 60 typhoid 60 x 0 80 bush in the bush

41 Kitukutwe deep BH Women and children sometimes is 30 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 42 Kiti A protected spring Women and children sometimes is 40 medium x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush

43 Namawata open well Women and children sometimes is 50 bad turbid have cough and skin disease x 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 44 Luyanzi 2 protected spring Women and children is not 20 medium x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 45 Kijemba deep BH Children sometimes is 30 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine x 46 Ntakafunvu deep BH Children is not 120 good x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 pit latrine x 47 Kilangira open well Women and children sometimes is 60 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 48 Kalagala open well Women and children sometimes is 60 good x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 49 Goma protected spring Women and children sometimes is 60 medium x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine x 50 Nabuyanja deep BH Children sometimes is 30 good x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 51 Namulemu open well Children sometimes is 60 good x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 pit latrine in the bush 52 Bugosa deep BH Children sometimes is 40 good x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush

53 Nabiganda A deep BH Women sometimes is 300 bad x have cholera dysentery 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 54 Mahonje deep BH Women and children sometimes is 30 medium x have cholera 3 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush

55 Namwalye river Women and children is 60 bad turbid have cholera 10 bilharzia 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 56 Nambulu deep BH Women and children sometimes is 40 medium turbid have cholera x typhoid 0 0 0 60 pitlatrine in the bush 57 Bukitwika open well Women and children sometimes is 60 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 58 Bunaska A open well Women and children sometimes is 40 medium turbid have cholera 2 0 0 0 0 40 pit latrine in the bush 59 Mango Tree deep BH Women sometimes is 120 bad turbid have cholera and dysentery 50 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 60 Shirobo stream water Women and children sometimes is 20 good x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 pit latrine in the bush

61 Suume stream water Women and children is not 40 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 pit latrine in the bush 62 Rokho open well Women and children sometimes is 60 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 63 Bunayawka deep BH Women and children sometimes is 120 medium x have cholera 12 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 64 Buwebele deep BH Women and children sometimes is 60 medium x have cholera 10 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 65 Kikuumu river Women and children sometimes is 60 bad turbid have cholera 10 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 66 Musene deep BH Women and children sometimes is 60 medium x have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 67 Busakula protected spring Women and children sometimes is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 68 Kaproron protected spring Women and children sometimes is 60 good turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush

69 Kapkworos stream water Women and children sometimes is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 70 Kapachirya stream water Women and children sometimes is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush Village Survey Interview Result (10/24) 1 Organisations 1 1.10 5.25a 5.25b 5.25c 5.25d 5.25e 5.26a 5.26b 5.26c 5.26d 5.26e 5.27a 5.27b Village involved 1 involved 2 involved 3 involved 4 involved 5 Village Number projects in town 1 town in projects 3 town in projects 4 town in projects 5 town in projects projects in village 2 in projects What are community What are community Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development groups in your village1 groups in your village2 what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are

28 Bukova Education health agriculture Infrastructure x x DANIDA x x x x x

29 Ikumbya Education health microcredit x x x NAADS Lutheran church Peasant Farmers x NGO Mutaka mwino

30 Bugono Education health xxxx x x x x x x

31 Mpande Education health agriculture x x x NAADS Action Aid x x others Tweyambe women's group Nakigo Youth 32 Nakigo Education agriculture infrastructure x x Hunger Project x x x x others Development Association

33 Buwooya x x xxxx x x x x others Bafa Kuwulira

34 Matyama Education health xxxx x x x x others Munomukabi men's group

35 Bulange agriculture x xxxx NAADS Africa 2000 Network x x others Bukyanagandi

36 Nabisoigi/ Kibaale Education health agriculture Infrastructure x x NAADS x x x others Born Again church

37 Buwaiswa Education health agriculture Infrastructure x x CCF NAADS x x others Bunawaiswa mwene mufu

38 Buwaaya Education health agriculture Infrastructure x x CCF NAADS SPW x others Biida mpola E

- 39 Kasolo Education health agriculture Infrastructure x x Hunger project BRAC Pride Microfinance x others Mukaire Magezi Ministry of Education and 12 40 Kutung Education agriculture microcredit x x Sports NAADS x x x others Kabei SACCO

41 Kitukutwe 0 0000 0 0 0 0 01 women group 0 42 Kiti A 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

43 Namawata 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 Luyanzi 2 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 45 Kijemba 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0men and women 0 46 Ntakafunvu 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0NAAGS 0 47 Kilangira 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 48 Kalagala 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 Goma NAADS projects 0000 0 0 0 0women group 0 50 Nabuyanja education health infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 no 0 51 Namulemu 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 Bugosa 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

53 Nabiganda A road construction 0000 0 0 0 0women group 0 54 Mahonje women group savings 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

55 Namwalye 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women and youth 0 56 Nambulu 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 Bukitwika 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 Bunaska A brick making 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 Mango Tree 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 60 Shirobo 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

61 Suume 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 62 Rokho 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 63 Bunayawka building church 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 64 Buwebele 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 Kikuumu church construction 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 66 Musene 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 Busakula 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 Kaproron 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

69 Kapkworos 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 70 Kapachirya 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Village Survey Interview Result (11/24) 1 Needs Future 1 1.10 5.27c 5.27d 5.28a 5.28b 5.28c 5.29a 5.29b 5.29c 5.29d pay supply Village your village1 your village2 your village3 Village Number about safe water willing to pay extra if current system is is system current if what is your opinion are people willing to rules for contribution improved are people What are community What are community opinion about stricter groups in your village3 groups in your village4 what are the needs for what are the needs for what are the needs for if a new tap is installed

28 Bukova x x water supply to become a town board x are willing to are willing to very important in favour Infrastructure 29 Ikumbya Baseka magya Airagana amawolu Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour Infrastructure 30 Bugono x x Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour Kamirembe mixed 31 Mpande Ivukula youth group group water supply infrastructure drugs in health centers are willing to are willing to very important in favour

32 Nakigo x x water supply infrastructure x are willing to are willing to very important in favour Infrastructure 33 Buwooya Kyowa mwno Agali awamu Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour Infrastructure 34 Matyama Matyama tukolere walala x Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour Bulange Women's Infrastructure 35 Bulange Wolukyagana Association Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour Infrastructure 36 Nabisoigi/ Kibaale x x Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour infrastructure 37 Buwaiswa Twekembe x Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour infrastructure 38 Buwaaya x x Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour

E Kasolo Development infrastructure

- 39 Kasolo Association Basoka kwavula Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour infrastructure 13 40 Kutung x x Agricultural development water supply development are willing to are willing to very important in favour

41 Kitukutwe 0 0 water supply school hospitals are willing to are willing to very important in favour 42 Kiti A 0 0 water supply health centre school are willing to are willing to very important in favour

43 Namawata 0 0 water supply school hospitals are willing to are willing to very important in favour 44 Luyanzi 2 0 0 water supply school hospitals are willing to are willing to very important in favour 45 Kijemba 0 0 roads health centre pesticides are willing to are willing to very important in favour 46 Ntakafunvu 0 0 water supply roads hospitals are willing to are willing to very important in favour 47 Kilangira 0 0 water supply education roads are willing to are willing to very important in favour 48 Kalagala 0 0 roads school hospitals are willing to are willing to good in favour 49 Goma 0 0 agricultural machineries roads school are willing to are willing to very important in favour 50 Nabuyanja 0 roads water supply agricultural machinery are willing to are willing to very important in favour 51 Namulemu 0 0 piped water seeds roads are willing to are willing to very important in favour 52 Bugosa 0 0 water supply roads seeds are willing to are willing to very important in favour

53 Nabiganda A 0 0 water supply seeds pumps are willing to are willing to very important in favour 54 Mahonje 0 0 education electricity dam are willing to are willing to very important in favour are willing to are willing to 55 Namwalye 0 0 health centre roads agricultural support BUT NEED HELP BUT NEED HELP very important in favour 56 Nambulu 0 0 schools hospitals piped water are willing to are willing to very good in favour 57 Bukitwika 0 0 electricity roads piped water are willing to are willing to very good in favour 58 Bunaska A 0 0 health centre piped water roads are willing to are willing to good in favour 59 Mango Tree 0 0 roads piped water school are willing to are willing to very important 60 Shirobo 0 0 toilets electricity water supply are willing to are willing to good in favour

61 Suume 0 0 piped water hospitals school are willing to are willing to nice in favour 62 Rokho 0 0 market for produce health centre school are willing to are willing to very important in favour 63 Bunayawka disabled group 0 water supply roads electricity are willing to are willing to very important in favour 64 Buwebele 0 0 roads water supply school are willing to are willing to very important in favour 65 Kikuumu 0 0 water supply dairy farming breed health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour 66 Musene 0 0 piped water IGA's roads are willing to are willing to very good in favour 67 Busakula 0 0 roads school electricity are willing to are willing to nice in favour 68 Kaproron 0 0 roads water supply agricultural machinery are willing to are willing to important in favour

69 Kapkworos 0 0 electricity drugs water supply are willing to are willing to good in favour 70 Kapachirya 0 0 food roads electricity are not able to are not able to very important in favour Village Survey Interview Result (12/24) 1 1 1.10

Comments Village Village Number

The BH is shallow and the water is not clean. It is near pit latrines which are less than 20ft deep and the respondent suspects it could be the cause of waterborne diseases. The 28 Bukova BH is shared with a school of over 700 pupils. The whole village depends on 1 BH; all people including the Health Center (HC) fetch water from the same BH. The BH belongs to the HC and soon it will be fenced off. A fee of 29 Ikumbya 2000/= is levied per year per household. The Health Center (HC) has a BH but it restricts access by the surrounding community. The BH for the community broke down and the only alternative BH is about a kilometer 30 Bugono from the RGC The community has 2 BHs one of which yields dirty water and therefore not used regularly. The community contributed 180,000/= towards construction of each BH. Each BH has 31 Mpande a water user committee (WUC).

32 Nakigo During the rainy season, the BH yields dirty water full of rust. The people do not know the cause of typhoid.

33 Buwooya The two BHs serving the community are at the extreme ends of the village and located in valleys. The residents find it rather difficult to fetch water from them.

34 Matyama The village has a a hole in the groundh population. There is 1 deep well and 1 hand dug well serving the RGC. Therefore, long queues result due to delays in fetching water When the deep well breaks down, they fetch water from an unprotected spring. The BH (deep well) belongs to the Health Center which levies 1000/= per household per month 35 Bulange for O&M

36 Nabisoigi/ Kibaale The RGC has 2 deep wells but due to long queues especially at peak hours. There are delays in fetching water, on average 60minutes.

37 Buwaiswa The RGC has no BH and it uses that of the Health Center (HC). The BH is usually congested at peak hours. Some households engage in agriculture as well as dairy/ poultry farming. The RGC uses a protected spring but during the rainy season, the water is not clean enough and in the 38 Buwaaya dry season, the flow reduces. There is a BH at the Sub-County HQ but has restricted accessibility to the community. E

- 39 Kasolo RGC has 4BHs. 2BHs are functional, 2BHs non-functional and 1BH has restricted access. Households are concentrated and a large proportion of the population is unemployed. During the rainy season, the water gets contaminated due to flooding in the valleys where the water sources are found. In the health centres, drugs treating water borne diseases 14 40 Kutung get depleted much faster than other kinds of drugs. The community has urgent need for secondary schools because they don't have any currently. They also need more safe water resources, improved roads, and electricity to 41 Kitukutwe improve on their center. 42 Kiti A The community's urgent need is water because what they consume is not good at all. They also need health care facilities, more schools as well as seeds and fertilizers

43 Namawata This village has only one water source therefore need more good safe water, improved roads, agricultural inputs and equipments 44 Luyanzi 2 The major problem of the area is lack of water, they need IGA's to develop their area, need improved schools, better feeder roads,hospitals,and churches. 45 Kijemba The people are very poor and need help in terms of food, safe water, improved seeds and fertilizers, tarmac roads, and health care facilities 46 Ntakafunvu They need good roads, employment for the un employed, enough good water resources, improved agriculture, schools and electricity 47 Kilangira The community need secondary and primary schools, improved roads, enough safe water, banking facilities, health care and IGA's 48 Kalagala The people need enough water sources, market for their produce, good schools,hospitals,electricity and good improved roads 49 Goma They need piped water, improved roads, secondary schools with foot ball fields for recreational purposes, tractors ,electricity and health centers 50 Nabuyanja The people generally have a need for more water sources, infrastructure, health facilities as well as agricultural equipments 51 Namulemu The community's major need is safe drinking water, improved feeder roads for easy transportation of their produce, need for electricity and health center 52 Bugosa The village need improved roads, safe drinking water, more drugs and hospitals, the disabled should also be considered as apart of the society The community needs near by water to avoid walking long distances. The community had 10 cholera victims because of the poor quality water. They also need poverty 53 Nabiganda A eradication projects because they don't have enough food 54 Mahonje The area needs more water sources, improved roads, the existing schools need more structures and qualified teachers plus more drugs in the small health centre

55 Namwalye The village needs good roads, enough safe drinking water, near by health center,electricity,more schools and tractors for ploughing as well as ox ploughs 56 Nambulu The area is over populated therefore need more safe water enough for the entire community, need nearby hospitals,electrification in the village and government support 57 Bukitwika They need agricultural equipment, good primary and secondary schools, health centers equipped with enough drugs and electricity. 58 Bunaska A The area is calling for safe water, mosquitoes nets,schools,electricity and brick making machines for the youths 59 Mango Tree The community has a serious cry for water, improved roads, schools ,seeds, fertilizers, as well as agricultural equipments 60 Shirobo The village needs more near by water, better toilets, primary and secondary schools, better roads, electricity, pesticides, improved seeds and fertilizers There is hardly good water in the village therefore the community needs safe water, primary and secondary schools, better roads,electricity,pesticides and fertilizers as well as 61 Suume support from the government. 62 Rokho The people need clean piped water, IGA's, improved feeder roads plus improved seeds and improved animal breeds 63 Bunayawka Water is a major issue in the area, have very bad roads, need electricity and agricultural assistance from the government 64 Buwebele There is urgent need for good roads and water in the area, need electricity to develop their centers as well as primary and secondary schools 65 Kikuumu Water is a major problem in the area. Their roads are so bad and need to be improved, need electricity, clean and safe water, schools and hospitals 66 Musene The people need clean piped water, IGA's, improved feeder roads plus improved seeds and improved animal breeds 67 Busakula The area has very poor people with a lot of un utilized land so need government support towards agriculture, roads plus safe water 68 Kaproron People wish to have quality sorghum seeds, good roads, clean and safe water as well as quality animal breeds There is general lack of water, have bad roads which needs to be worked upon, and have no equipments for farming. Have no health center and also need electricity to develop 69 Kapkworos their area 70 Kapachirya water is a serious issue for both people and animals, also need health centers,schools,toilets, improved feeder roads and bridges Village Survey Interview Result (13/24) 1 2 Details of Village 3 Infrastructure 4 Economic activit 1 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.11 1.12 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2a 3.2b 3.2c 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10a 3.10b 4,.1 4.2a UTMX Parish UTMY Village District County Sub County No. of banks major crops1 Industry type 1 type Industry 2 type Industry Village Number No. of Pschools No. of churches Number of male Total Household Total population No. of Ssschools Telephone yes/no Number of Female Electricity available No. of health centres No. of growth centers No. of tertiary schools % people in agriculture 71 Kashabul Kapchorwa Tigeny Kaptanya Kirwoko 662737 155779 600 200 400 50 is no 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 70 maize 72 Tongwa Kapchorwa Tigeny Tegeres Kapteret 658403 154039 490 220 270 135 is no 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 matoke

73 Suruti Tororo Tororo Molo Molo 627876 93143 600 250 350 93 is no 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 90 cassava

74 Kanyakor Tororo Tororo Kwapa Kwapa 637695 83719 500 240 260 78 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 75 sweet potatoes 75 Atangala-B Tororo West Budama Mulanda Mulanda 611842 75303 400 150 250 120 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 is not is (but not fixed) x x 90 maize

76 Pasule-B Tororo West Budama North Paya Nawire 614124 93556 1,034 334 700 83 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 98 groundnuts 77 Ngeta-C Tororo West Budama South Iyolwa Pabone 612916 65577 500 200 300 84 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 100 maize 78 Makunda-A Tororo Samia Bugwe Masaba Mbehenyi 608183 42486 600 200 400 80 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 70 maize

79 Kateka-A Busia Samia Bugwe North Buteba Buteba 625197 59627 800 300 500 189 is no 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 is (but not fixed) x x 60 maize

80 Mukera Busia Samia Bugwe Bulumbi Bubargo 607182 59721 520 220 300 48 is no 1 0 0 0 8 0 2 is (but not fixed) x x 90 maize

81 Butema Bugiri Bukholi Buluguyi Muwayo 601591 58858 4,000 1,005 2,995 1,200 is no 3 1 0 0 14 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 95 maize 82 Kapyanga Bugiri Buhkoli North Kapyanga Bugiri-A 585487 60166 1,000 400 600 250 is no 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 80 sorghum

83 Namalena Bugiri Bukholi Central Buwunga Buwunga 577198 59966 800 300 500 590 is no 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 is (but not fixed) x x 85 maize

84 Nawango Bugiri Bukholi Central Nankoma Nankoma 575006 52095 1,000 300 700 450 is no 1 0 0 0 1 0 is not is (but not fixed) x x 95 maize E

- 85 Bukyansiko Bugiri Bukholi Nabukalu Kasita 580927 72638 600 200 400 250 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 is not is (but not fixed) x x 80 maize 86 Oditel A Amuria Kapelebyong Kapelebyong Nyada 581231 241446 870 370 500 150 is no 1 0 0 1 0 1 is x x 80 groundnuts 15

87 Ajesai Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Agonga 570841 241062 747 350 397 130 is no 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 is agricultural processing x 99 groundnuts

88 Obalanga Tc Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Obalanga 566182 243162 687 320 367 113 is no 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 is agricultural processing x 80 groundnuts 89 Town Ship Amuria Amuria Orungo Orungo 550565 225884 2,500 1,200 1,300 475 is no 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 is x x 80 cassava 90 Onino Amuria Amuria Wera Angole 585356 202062 900 390 510 is no 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 is agricultural processing x 90 cassava 91 Nalubembe Budaka Budaka Ikiiki Ikiiki 610542 121298 1,000 457 543 175 is 2 1 1 1 3 0 1 is agricultural processing x 95 sorghum 92 Lukonge Budaka Budaka Lyama Lyama 602934 108773 1,050 530 520 186 is no 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 is agricultural processing x 97 Sorghum 93 Kakerei Bukedia Bukedia Kachumbala Aligoi 630028 135980 1,450 721 729 311 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is agricultural processing x 100 cassava 94 Katekwan Bukedia Bukedia Kidongole Katekwan 612045 135089 780 401 379 325 is no 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 is x x 100 maize

95 Kolir Bukedia Bukedia Kolir Kolir 629545 146235 981 432 549 130 is 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 is agricultural processing x 100 maize 96 Kabarwa Bukedia Bukedia Malera Kabarwa 626099 159488 4,000 1,600 2,400 250 is no 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 is no x x 90 cassava

97 Abata Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Alwa Abalang 520636 206045 560 276 284 121 is no 1 0 0 0 3 0 is not is x x 90 cassava 98 Oselein Omid Kaberamaido Kalaki Anyara Omid 530952 222991 868 421 447 324 is no 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 is agricultural processing x 100 cassava

99 Gome Kaberamaido Kalaki Bululu Obur 533685 187816 760 340 420 150 is no 1 0 0 0 7 0 is not is x x 90 x

100 Katanga Kaberamaido Kalaki Kalaki Kalaki 545238 202670 830 410 420 188 is no 1 0 0 0 0 0 is not is agricultural processing x 90 cassava

101 Ocanyeere Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Ochero Kanyalam 506650 181804 899 457 442 245 is no 1 0 0 0 0 0 is not is x x 75 cassava 102 Olela Katakwi Usuk Katakwi Katakwi 607585 218004 728 361 367 151 is no 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 is x x 95 groundnuts 103 Magoro Center Katakwi Usuk Magoro Magoro 622685 191700 2,100 1,035 1,065 305 is no 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 is agricultural processing x 75 cassava 104 Ngariam Katakwi Usuk Ngariam Ngariam 621976 216344 220 105 115 98 is no 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 is x x 90 Sorghum

105 Ongokia Katakwi Usuk Toroma Ominya 606457 189505 316 154 162 56 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 is not is x x 80 Sorghum 106 Usuk Center Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk 607760 223198 950 451 499 250 is no 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 is agricultural processing x 75 cassava 107 Akisim Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk 605550 221912 475 260 215 95 is no 1 0 0 0 0 0 is not is no agricultural processing x 100 Sorghum 108 Kapir Atiira Kumi Ngora Kapir Kapir 586006 182609 550 231 319 187 is 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 is no mining x 98 sweet potatoes 109 Agule Kumi Ngora Kobuin Aciisa 577664 151980 2,500 1,232 1,268 300 is no 0 0 0 0 2 0 is not is x x 95 cassava

110 Omerein Kumi Kumi Mukongoro Omerei 600806 147118 1,500 900 600 305 is no 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 is x x 98 cassava

111 Moru-Ikara Kumi Kumi Nyero Moru-Iita 595238 162670 987 472 515 145 is no 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 is x x 89 groundnuts 112 Ongino Kumi Kumi Ongino Akide 612217 172585 1,200 700 500 214 is no 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 is agricultural processing x 95 groundnuts 113 Pasia Pallisa Pallisa Agule Morukokuma 583241 143970 1,200 490 710 210 is no 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 is agricultural processing x 50 maize Village Survey Interview Result (14/24) 1 ty 5 Water source Piped water 1 1.10 4.2b 4.2c 4.2d 4.3 4.4 4.5a 4.5b 4.5c 4.6 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7a 5.7b 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.14 main le p eo poultry p Village system system in years how many major fish 1 fish major 2 fish major 3 fish major major crops 2 major crops 3 major crops 4 what are main Village Number labourer / casual what is the % people in dairy % of unemployed fee collection (%) collection fee % people as daily source of drinking if yes what kind of of kind what yes if who is doing O&M constraints in O&M in constraints how is water quality (average per group) pipe water available number of members owner of the system the of owner what is water tariff in in tariff water is what if bad what is reason % engaged in fishing what is percentage of how old is the system system the is old how any water user group, what is condition of the UGX per month per HH 71 Kashabul coffee beans sweet potatoes20 0 x x x 5 80 river is not x x x x x x x x bad turbidity x x 72 Tongwa maize beans coffee 45 0 x x x 30 70 protected spring is not x community x x x x x x medium turbidity x x

73 Suruti millet sorghum maize 50 0 x x x 10 90 open well is not x community xxxxx x badturbidity x x

74 Kanyakor maize millet sorghum 1 0 x x x 5 70 unprotected spring is not x x xxxxx x medium turbidity x x 75 Atangala-B cassava sorghum millet 10 0 x x x 5 80 unprotected spring is not x x x x x x x x bad turbidity x x

76 Pasule-B millet cassava sorghum 7 0 x x x 15 85 protected shallow well is not x community xxxxx x badturbidity x x 77 Ngeta-C millet cassava sorghum 70 0 x x x 20 80 open well is not x community x x x x x x bad turbidity x x 78 Makunda-A cassava sorghum millet 5 0 x x x 2 80 swamp is not x community x x x x x x bad turbidity x x

79 Kateka-A cassava rice sorghum 35 0 x x x 2 80 swamp is not x community xxxxx x badturbidity x x

80 Mukera millet cassava sweet potatoes 60 0 x x x 10 95 Deep BH is not x community xxxxx x medium turbidity x x

81 Butema cassava sweet potatoes sorghum 30 0 x x x 5 85 protected shallow well is not x community xxxxx x badturbidity x x 82 Kapyanga maize cassava beans 20 0 x x x 10 80 protected shallow well is not x community x x x x x x medium turbidity x x

83 Namalena sweet potatoes cassava beans 20 0 x x x 10 85 unprotected spring is not x x xxxxx x badturbidity x x

84 Nawango sweet potatoes rice beans 50 0 x x x 2 70 unprotected spring is not x x xxxxx x badturbidity x x E

- 85 Bukyansiko sweet potatoes cassava cotton 40 0 x x x 5 85 unprotected spring is not x x xxxxx x badturbidity x x 86 Oditel A cassava sorghum x 70 1 Cat fish x x 80 95 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 16

87 Ajesai cassava peas sorghum 80 0 x x x 75 97 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx weak 88 Obalanga Tc Peas Rice x 50 0 x x x 10 95 Deep BH is stand type Community 5 bad yes 9 community 1,000 good x 0% committee 89 Town Ship x x x 50 0 x x x 68 95 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 90 Onino x x x 50 1 Cat fish x x 60 95 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 91 Nalubembe cassava Maize beans 20 5 Mud fish Cat Fish x 30 90 deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 92 Lukonge cassava Millet Maize 40 2 Mud fish Cat Fish x 9 2 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 93 Kakerei maize Groundnuts beans 10 0 x x x 20 92 pond is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 94 Katekwan beans x x 30 1 Cat fish x x 60 99 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

95 Kolir beans cassava groundnuts 50 2 Cat fish Mud fish x 20 95 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 96 Kabarwa Peas sorghum x 50 20 Mud fish Cat Fish x 35 98 deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

97 Abata Groundnuts sorghum x 45 100 Cat fish x x 65 94 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 98 Oselein Omid maize groundnuts Soya 50 0 x x x 98 95 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

99 Gome x x x 40 0 x x x 95 95 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

100 Katanga maize groundnuts x 50 0 x x x 60 98 dug well is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

101 Ocanyeere millet Maize x 50 25 Cat fish Tilapia x 80 95 lake is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 102 Olela sorghum cassava millet 80 0 x x x 45 95 dug well is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 103 Magoro Center Groundnuts sorghum peas 50 100 Cat fish mud fish x 45 90 Deep BH is x x x x x x x x x x x x 104 Ngariam x x x 20 0 x x x 90 97 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

105 Ongokia cassava groundnuts x 50 0 x x x 70 99 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 106 Usuk Center sorghum groundnuts x 70 0 x x x 40 97 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 107 Akisim Groundnuts cassava sweet potatoes 60 0 x x x 90 95 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 108 Kapir Atiira cassava Maize millet 20 10 Silver fish Mud fish x 0 99 lake is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 109 Agule maize groundnuts sweet potatoes 30 5 Tilapia Cat Fish Mud Fish 70 90 protected shallow well is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

110 Omerein Groundnuts Maize beans 50 0 x x x 10 90 open well is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

111 Moru-Ikara cassava sweet potatoes sorghum 80 0 x x x 30 90 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 112 Ongino cassava sorghum x 18 Cat fish x x 40 90 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 113 Pasia cassava Groundnuts beans 80 1 Tilapia x x 70 80 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x Village Survey Interview Result (15/24) 1 Point source Diseases and sanitation 1 1.10 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 age calls used vill Village source in supply is source is sickness 1 sickness 1 sickness 2 sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness 3 sickness source (min) source born diseases Village Number sanitary toilets in in toilets sanitary walk from home to if no toilet available if no sanitary toilets toilets sanitary no if Any record of water water of record Any how is water quality nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases if bad what is reason who carry water from from water carry who what is percentage of If no piped water what any seasonal variation what kind of toilets are where do people go for what is time required to 71 Kashabul stream water Women and children sometimes is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 72 Tongwa protected spring Women and children sometimes is 60 medium turbid have diarrhoea 25 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush

73 Suruti open well Women and children is 240 bad turbid have cholera 2 0 0 0 0 40 pit latrine in the bush

74 Kanyakor unprotected spring Women and children is 120 medium turbid have bilharzia 3 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 75 Atangala-B unprotected spring Women and children is 180 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush

76 Pasule-B protected shallow well Women and children is 180 bad turbid have typhoid 5 0 0 0 0 90 pit latrine in the bush 77 Ngeta-C open well Women and children is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush 78 Makunda-A swamp / lake Women and children is 120 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush

79 Kateka-A swamp / lake Women and children is 180 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush

80 Mukera deep BH Women and children is 20 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 pit latrine in the bush

81 Butema protected spring Women and children is 30 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 pit latrine in the bush 82 Kapyanga protected spring Women and children is 60 medium turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush

83 Namalena unprotected spring Women and children is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 pit latrine in the bush

84 Nawango unprotected spring Women and children is 60 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 pit latrine in the bush E

- 85 Bukyansiko unprotected spring Women and children is 120 bad turbid have not 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 pit latrine in the bush 86 Oditel A deep BH Women is not 180 good x have diarrhoea x x x x x 20 x in the bush 17

87 Ajesai deep BH Children is 120 good x have diarrhoea x x x x x 30 x in the bush

88 Obalanga Tc x x is not x x x have not x x x x x x 60 x x 89 Town Ship deep BH Women sometimes is 180 good x have not x x x x x x 50 x x 90 Onino deep BH Women is not 60 good x have not x x x x x x 60 x x 91 Nalubembe deep BH Women is not 60 bad has high levels of E.coli have not x x x x x x 80 x in the bush 92 Lukonge deep BH Women is not 60 good x have not x x x x x x 80 x 93 Kakerei open well Women is not 40 good x have typhoid 50 x x x x 80 x in the bush 94 Katekwan deep BH Women sometimes is 40 good x have typhoid 5 x x x x 78 x x

95 Kolir x Women is not 120 good x have typhoid 5 x x x x 95 x x 96 Kabarwa deep BH Women is 60 good x have not x x x x x x 50 x x deep BH from another 97 Abata village Women is not 120 good x have not x x x x x x 60 x x 98 Oselein Omid deep BH Women sometimes is 60 good x have not x x x x x x 70 x x is turbid and the taste is 99 Gome deep BH Women sometimes is 60 bad repulsive have Bilhazia x x x x x 55 x x colour changes 100 Katanga hand dug well Women sometimes is 120 medium sometimes have diarrhoea x x x x x 60 x x is water shared with animals and 101 Ocanyeere swamp / lake Women is not 40 bad contaminated have Bilhazia x skin diseases x diarrhoea x 80 x in the bush 102 Olela hand dug well Women is 120 medium x have cough x x x x x 25 x in the bush 103 Magoro Center deep BH Women sometimes is 45 medium x have typhoid x diarrhoea x eye disease x 5 x in the bush 104 Ngariam deep BH Women is 120 good x have not x x x x x x 35 x in the bush is turbid and contains 105 Ongokia deep BH Women is not 120 medium worms have not x x x x x x 70 x x 106 Usuk Center deep BH Women sometimes is 60 good x have not x x x x x x 40 x x 107 Akisim deep BH Women sometimes is 40 good x have not x x x x x x 10 x in the bush 108 Kapir Atiira swamp / lake Women sometimes is 30 bad turbid have diarrhoea 60 x x x x 80 x x 109 Agule protected shallow well Women sometimes is 60 medium x have cough 55 x x x x 50 x x is turbid and contains 110 Omerein deep BH Women is 60 bad worms have typhoid 10 x x x x 75 x in the bush

111 Moru-Ikara deep BH Women sometimes is 180 good x have typhoid 32 diarrhoea 43 x x 55 x x 112 Ongino deep BH Children is not 120 medium x have not x x x x x x 45 x x 113 Pasia deep BH Women is 120 good x have cholera 20 skin diseases 4 x x 70 x in the bush Village Survey Interview Result (16/24) 1 Organisations 1 1.10 5.25a 5.25b 5.25c 5.25d 5.25e 5.26a 5.26b 5.26c 5.26d 5.26e 5.27a 5.27b Village involved 1 involved 2 involved 3 involved 4 involved 5 Village Number projects in town 1 town in projects 3 town in projects 4 town in projects 5 town in projects projects in village 2 in projects What are community What are community Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development groups in your village1 groups in your village2 what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are 71 Kashabul NAADS projects rural saving 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 women group 0 72 Tongwa building technical classes 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

73 Suruti 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

74 Kanyakor 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0 75 Atangala-B 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group youth groups

76 Pasule-B 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group men groups 77 Ngeta-C 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women and men group 0 78 Makunda-A 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group 0

79 Kateka-A 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

80 Mukera 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0farmer groups 0

81 Butema 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0women group circles 0 82 Kapyanga NAADS projects 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

83 Namalena NAADS projects saving credit groups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

84 Nawango NAADS projects saving credit groups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E

- 85 Bukyansiko NAADS projects 0000 0 0 0 0 0women groups 0 86 Oditel A agriculture x x x x NUREP NAIADS LWF x x Women Groups x 18

87 Ajesai agriculture x x x x NAADS x x X X Women Groups x

88 Obalanga Tc Health x x x x ASB x x x x Burial Group Village Health Teams 89 Town Ship Health x x x x Ministry of Health x x x x SACCO's x 90 Onino agriculture X X x x LWF NAADS X x x Burial Group Women Groups 91 Nalubembe education x x x x District Education Office X X X X Women Groups x 92 Lukonge x x x Agriculture Infrastructure FADEP NAADS X X X Women Groups x 93 Kakerei x x x x x x x x x x Burial Group Women Groups 94 Katekwan agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x Women Groups x

95 Kolir agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x SACCO'S Women Groups 96 Kabarwa agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x youth groups x

97 Abata x x xxxx x x x x Women Groups x 98 Oselein Omid agriculture x x x x NAADS TEMEDO TEDDO x x Farmer groups x

99 Gome agriculture x x x x NAADS TEMEDI TPO x x Farmer groups Women Groups

100 Katanga education health Agriculture x x NAADS x x x x Farmer groups x

101 Ocanyeere Health x x x x NAADS UWESO x x x Women Groups Village Health Teams 102 Olela agriculture x x x x LWF x x x x Women Groups x 103 Magoro Center Health x x x x District Health Office x x x x Women Groups x 104 Ngariam x x x x x x x x x x Women Groups x

105 Ongokia Health x x x x WEDA x x x x Women Groups x 106 Usuk Center x x x x x x x x x x Women Groups burial group 107 Akisim Health agriculture x x x LWF x x x x Women Groups x 108 Kapir Atiira x x x x x x x x x x x x 109 Agule agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x Women Groups youth groups

110 Omerein agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x Women Groups youth groups Ministry of Education and 111 Moru-Ikara education agriculture x x x Sports NAADS x x x Farmer groups x 112 Ongino x x x x x x x x x x Women Groups x 113 Pasia x x x Agriculture x NAADS x x x x Women Groups x Village Survey Interview Result (17/24) 1 Needs Future 1 1.10 5.27c 5.27d 5.28a 5.28b 5.28c 5.29a 5.29b 5.29c 5.29d pay supply Village your village1 your village2 your village3 Village Number about safe water willing to pay extra if current system is is system current if what is your opinion are people willing to rules for contribution improved are people What are community What are community opinion about stricter groups in your village3 groups in your village4 what are the needs for what are the needs for what are the needs for if a new tap is installed 71 Kashabul 0 0 water supply roads electricity are willing to are willing to very important in favour 72 Tongwa 0 0 electricity roads water supply are willing to are willing to very important in favour

73 Suruti 0 0 roads financial support agricultural support are willing to are willing to very important in favour

74 Kanyakor 0 0 electricity bridges water supply are willing to are willing to very important in favour 75 Atangala-B 0 0 health centre school churches are willing to are willing to very important in favour

76 Pasule-B 0 0 electricity school health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour 77 Ngeta-C 0 0 water supply health centre school are willing to are willing to very important in favour 78 Makunda-A 0 0 water supply school health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour

79 Kateka-A 0 0 water supply school health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour

80 Mukera 0 0 water supply electricity school are willing to are willing to very important in favour

81 Butema 0 0 education health centre water supply are willing to are willing to very important 82 Kapyanga 0 0 hospital water supply school are willing to are willing to very important

83 Namalena 0 0 roads school electricity are willing to are willing to very important

84 Nawango 0 0 feeder roads school electricity are willing to are willing to very important E

- 85 Bukyansiko 0 0 roads school health centre are willing to are willing to very important 86 Oditel A x x food health facility water supply are not able to are willing to not the first in favour 19 credit and agricultural 87 Ajesai x x water supply health centre development are willing to are willing to very important in favour extension of piped water in not the first not in favour of 88 Obalanga Tc xxthe centre food are not willing to are not willing to priority striker rules 89 Town Ship x x water supply Food Electricity are willing to are willing to very important in favour 90 Onino x x water supply food security agricultural support are willing to are willing to very important in favour 91 Nalubembe x x water supply health centre security lights are willing to are willing to very important in favour 92 Lukonge x x water supply agricultural development Electricity are willing to are willing to very important in favour 93 Kakerei x x improved seeds machinery water supply are willing to are willing to very important in favour 94 Katekwan x x agricultural development Land x are willing to are willing to very important in favour food security agricultural 95 Kolir x x water supply inputs agricultural support are willing to are willing to very important in favour 96 Kabarwa x x water supply agricultural inputs x are willing to are willing to very important in favour

97 Abata x x Water supply health centre Secondary school are willing to are willing to very important in favour 98 Oselein Omid x x water supply health centre school are willing to are willing to very important in favour

99 Gome x x water supply Roads school are willing to are willing to very important in favour

100 Katanga x x agricultural development water supply health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour

101 Ocanyeere x x water supply Health centre Food are willing to are willing to very important in favour 102 Olela x x Water supply Food x are willing to are willing to very important in favour 103 Magoro Center x x Water supply education x are willing to are willing to very important in favour 104 Ngariam x x Water supply Seeds health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour

105 Ongokia x x water supply Food health centre are willing to are willing to very important x 106 Usuk Center x x water supply expansion of health centre x are willing to are willing to very important in favour 107 Akisim x x agricultural development health centre water supply are willing to are not willing to not the first in favour 108 Kapir Atiira x x water for domestic use health centre NGOs are willing to are willing to very important in favour 109 Agule x x health centre school water supply are willing to are willing to very important in favour

110 Omerein x x water for domestic use health centre Education are willing to are willing to very important in favour

111 Moru-Ikara x x water supply Health centre Roads are willing to are willing to very important in favour 112 Ongino x x health centre water supply x are willing to are willing to very important x 113 Pasia x x water supply Improved seeds Product value addition are not able to are willing to very important in favour Village Survey Interview Result (18/24) 1 1 1.10

Comments Village Village Number

71 Kashabul There is need for protected springs, good roads, primary and secondary schools, agricultural equipments as well as market for their produce 72 Tongwa Water is a big issue in this village as well as electricity,hospitals,schools and good improved roads.

73 Suruti There is serious need for water, roads be improved, need electricity,schools,churches,financial support and agricultural support. The area is accessible

74 Kanyakor People are requesting for eradication of poverty, accessible feeder roads, well built bridges, schools and safe water for drinking. 75 Atangala-B The village faces a lot of poverty, the people need electricity, improved feeder roads, good schools and safe water since the area is accessible Water is fetched from very far so there is need for near by water sources, feeder roads are like paths which need improvement. They also need electricity health centers and 76 Pasule-B other financial support 77 Ngeta-C The area needs agricultural development, enough safe water, schools and financial support for different groups like women and youth groups 78 Makunda-A They need secondary and primary schools, improved roads, safe water,banks,health care and IGA's The people get water from swamps as well as spring water from Kenya side and walk long distances to fetch water which is not of good quality. They need better 79 Kateka-A roads,electricity,schools,agricultural support and they suggested if possible they would like manual shadooff because the ground is hard enough to hold the water This is a very under developed village,inaccessible,very a hole in the groundhly populated and need a lot of assistance in what ever way possible especially towards water, pit 80 Mukera latrines, both secondary and primary schools plus agricultural and financial support. General need for the people is water for both people and animals, need good schools with well trained teachers,electricity,IGA's and agricultural support from any concerned 81 Butema people. 82 Kapyanga The community need safe water, and more knowledge on agricultural farming systems, need IGA's, electricity and schools. Water is a general problem in the area. The people need safe water, need good primary and secondary schools to be erected in their village. There is also need for technical 83 Namalena people to train them on agriculture and proper farming methods, need credit facilities like loans and agricultural in puts. The area is in great need for water. The bore holes that exist got spoilt and now water is collected from an open unprotected well, need schools,electricity,health center, and 84 Nawango agricultural equipments like hoes and tractors

E People in the area are farmers and need a lot of agricultural assistance in terms of quality seeds and fertilizers, need good roads,schools,health center, and above all safe and

- 85 Bukyansiko clean water which is amajor problem in the area 86 Oditel A This centre was formally IDP camp and had a piped water scheme which has currently broken down making water supply inadequate 20 Ajesai Village has an aute water supply, the borehole used by the village is located far off from the area most inhabited. The people have therefore resorted to unsafe water 87 Ajesai sources.

88 Obalanga Tc The centre has a piped water scheme that has become non-functional as the community has failed to make monthly contributions for the purchase of Diesel to run the generator. 89 Town Ship The centre is located on rocky ground and under ground water supply is almost impossible. Efforts to drill boreholes are futile leaving the centre with a great water need 90 Onino Onino village is a big village with inadequate water supply. The population is predominantly subsistence farmers. The village is currently experiencing famine. 91 Nalubembe The village prioritised machinery as well. Although they were in favour of a new or improved water supply they strongly asserted that this should be affordable 92 Lukonge This Village has acute water shortage, the queuing time during dry season is up to 6 hours.. 93 Kakerei Health centers should be strictly considered 94 Katekwan This village has no water source but shares with a school which is inadequate.

95 Kolir The community depends on a hand dug well which has unclean water. There is no safe water supply system. 96 Kabarwa x

97 Abata This village has a growing urban centre, with commensurate water supply needs. 98 Oselein Omid The village has no water source but share with the school and this has proved inconveniencing to the school management as they keep struggling with pupils.

99 Gome A water source is needed is this isolated village. The area has severe saline water

100 Katanga The village has only one hand dug well whose water is unclean and inadequate to serve the entire village.

101 Ocanyeere There is great need for a water source especially a bore hole in this village 102 Olela This village has serious water problem as it has only one shallow well serving the entire population 103 Magoro Center The village is isolated from urban development 104 Ngariam Malera as a disease often disturbs The village has one borehole but which has almost become privately owned as the person in whose land the borehole was constructed dictates on its operationality. This leaves 105 Ongokia the community with a serious water need. 106 Usuk Center This centre was formally a camp and has a big population but with inadequate water supply 107 Akisim The village has inadequate water supply as they have only one borehole serving the whole community 108 Kapir Atiira A nursery school for the young children should be established in the village. Veterinary services should also be brought nearer to the community 109 Agule The village being next to the lake would appreciate agriculture if much effort is put across

110 Omerein The community has savings

111 Moru-Ikara Development of a better mechanism to improve on agriculture and seeds as well need to be improved 112 Ongino This is village is a growing centre with inadequate water supply. The geology in the area does not permit springs and such water supply options hence in dry seasons water is a 113 Pasia Costs of new water supply systems may not be affordable to people Village Survey Interview Result (19/24) 1 2 Details of Village 3 Infrastructure 4 Economic activit 1 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.11 1.12 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2a 3.2b 3.2c 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10a 3.10b 4,.1 4.2a UTMX Parish UTMY Village District County Sub County No. of banks major crops1 Industry type 1 type Industry 2 type Industry Village Number No. of Pschools No. of churches Number of male Total Household Total population No. of Ssschools Telephone yes/no Number of Female Electricity available No. of health centres No. of growth centers No. of tertiary schools % people in agriculture

114 Buseta Central Pallisa Kibuku Buseta Buseta 583759 119569 3,500 1,755 1,745 700 is no 2 0 1 1 4 1 1 is no agricultural processing x 75 maize 115 Dodoi Pallisa Kibuku Kadama Kadama 595651 117238 1,028 528 500 182 is no 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 is agricultural processing x 99 maize 116 Bupadoi Pallisa Butebo Kakoro Kanginima 610858 132422 1,000 511 489 210 is 2 1 0 1 4 2 1 is no agricultural processing x 80 Soya beans

117 Ngalwe Central Pallisa Pallisa Kasodo Ngalwe 573562 128910 789 349 440 121 is no 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 is agricultural processing x 90 Sorghum 118 Otelepai Pallisa Butebo Kibale Omukulai 586902 134231 3,500 1,786 1,714 650 is 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 is agricultural processing x 98 cassava

119 Putiput Centre Pallisa Kibuku Puti Puti Putiputi 588130 123938 320 154 166 65 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 is not is x x 98 cassava 120 Asuret Rgc Soroti Soroti Asuret Mukura 564915 181037 1,491 745 746 335 is no 1 0 0 1 2 0 is not is agricultural processing x 95 cassava 121 Opuchet Soroti Kasilo Bugondo Bugondo 530913 179202 1,000 498 502 200 is no 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 is x x 95 maize 122 Alere Soroti Soroti Gweri Gweri 581434 189934 823 400 423 182 is no 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 is agricultural processing x 90 cassava 123 Opapa Soroti Serere Kateta Osetenyang 560906 154066 1,430 654 776 600 is no 1 0 0 0 2 1 is not is x x 100 cassava

124 Apuuton Soroti Soroti Katine Merok 551354 203053 398 186 212 96 is no 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 is x x 80 cassava

125 Akumoi Ii Soroti Kasilo Pingere Akumoi 538750 160774 1,570 807 763 550 is no 11 1 0 0 1 0 1 is x x 100 maize E - 21 Village Survey Interview Result (20/24) 1 ty 5 Water source Piped water 1 1.10 4.2b 4.2c 4.2d 4.3 4.4 4.5a 4.5b 4.5c 4.6 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7a 5.7b 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.14 main le p eo poultry p Village system system in years how many major fish 1 fish major 2 fish major 3 fish major major crops 2 major crops 3 major crops 4 what are main Village Number labourer / casual what is the % people in dairy % of unemployed fee collection (%) collection fee % people as daily source of drinking if yes what kind of of kind what yes if who is doing O&M constraints in O&M in constraints how is water quality (average per group) pipe water available number of members owner of the system the of owner what is water tariff in in tariff water is what if bad what is reason % engaged in fishing what is percentage of how old is the system system the is old how any water user group, what is condition of the UGX per month per HH

114 Buseta Central cassava sorghum sweet potatoes 90 1 Cat fish 10 90 pond is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 115 Dodoi Groundnuts sorghum beans 10 0 x x x 70 95 deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 116 Bupadoi Peas Groundnuts cotton 30 1 Mud fish x x 20 90 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

117 Ngalwe Central cassava Maize Groundnuts 21 2 Tilapia Cat Fish Mud Fish 40 90 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 118 Otelepai cotton groundnuts 20 5 Mud fish Cat Fish x 50 95 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

119 Putiput Centre millet groundnuts x 60 1 Cat fish x x 85 98 open well is not x x xxxxx x x x xx 120 Asuret Rgc millet sorghum beans 90 0 x x x 95 99 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 121 Opuchet Groundnuts Millet cassava 70 50 Tilapia Nile Perch x 70 91 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 122 Alere sweet potatoes groundnuts sorghum 50 8 Cat fish Mud fish x 60 90 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x 123 Opapa millet groundnuts sorghum 50 50 Tilapia Mud fish x 80 98 Deep BH is not x x x x x x x x x x x x

124 Apuuton millet groundnuts x 40 100 Cat fish x x 55 99 Deep BH is not x x xxxxx x x x xx

125 Akumoi Ii cassava sweet potatoes groundnuts 50 10 Tilapia Mud fish Nile Perch 20 95 pond is not x x xxxxx x x x xx E - 22 Village Survey Interview Result (21/24) 1 Point source Diseases and sanitation 1 1.10 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 age calls used vill Village source in supply is source is sickness 1 sickness 1 sickness 2 sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness 3 sickness source (min) source born diseases Village Number sanitary toilets in in toilets sanitary walk from home to if no toilet available if no sanitary toilets toilets sanitary no if Any record of water water of record Any how is water quality nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases if bad what is reason who carry water from from water carry who what is percentage of If no piped water what any seasonal variation what kind of toilets are where do people go for what is time required to

114 Buseta Central pond Women is 60 bad turbid have cholera 3 20 x in the bush 115 Dodoi deep BH Women sometimes is 180 good x have not x x x x x x 70 x in the bush 116 Bupadoi deep BH Women sometimes is 30 good x have diarrhoea 20 x x x x 60 x x has impurities when 117 Ngalwe Central deep BH Women is not 180 medium pumped for long have not x x x x x x 60 x in the bush 118 Otelepai deep BH Women sometimes is 40 good x have not x x x x x x 60 x x is not protected from 119 Putiput Centre Protected spring Women is 40 bad runoff. have worms x diarrhoea x Typhoid x 50 x x 120 Asuret Rgc deep BH Women sometimes is 120 good x have not x x x x x x 40 x x 121 Opuchet deep BH Women sometimes is 60 medium turbid have not x x x x x x 80 x x 122 Alere deep BH Women sometimes is 90 good x have typhoid 10 diarrhoea 20 x x 35 x x 123 Opapa pond Women sometimes is 240 bad has a bad odour have typhoid 86 x x x x 80 x x deep BH from another 124 Apuuton village Women is not 120 good x have not x x x x x x 80 x x is not protected from 125 Akumoi Ii pond Women sometimes is 60 medium runoff. have typhoid 24 worms 50 x x 20 x x E - 23 Village Survey Interview Result (22/24) 1 Organisations 1 1.10 5.25a 5.25b 5.25c 5.25d 5.25e 5.26a 5.26b 5.26c 5.26d 5.26e 5.27a 5.27b Village involved 1 involved 2 involved 3 involved 4 involved 5 Village Number projects in town 1 town in projects 3 town in projects 4 town in projects 5 town in projects projects in village 2 in projects What are community What are community Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development Ongoing development groups in your village1 groups in your village2 what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are what organisations are Ministry of Education and 114 Buseta Central education health infrastructure x Sports NAADS NUSAF x x Farmer groups 115 Dodoi x x x agriculture x x x x NAADS X Women Groups X 116 Bupadoi agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x Women Groups x

117 Ngalwe Central x x x Agriculture x NAADS x x x x Women Groups x 118 Otelepai agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x Women Groups x

119 Putiput Centre agriculture x x x x TEDDO x x x x Farmer groups x 120 Asuret Rgc agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x Women Groups x 121 Opuchet agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x x x 122 Alere education x x x x World Vision x x x x Farmer groups x 123 Opapa agriculture x x x x NAADS x x x x x x

124 Apuuton Health Education x x x x AMREF x x x x Women Groups x Ministry of Education and 125 Akumoi Ii education x x x x Sports x x x x no groups x E - 24 Village Survey Interview Result (23/24) 1 Needs Future 1 1.10 5.27c 5.27d 5.28a 5.28b 5.28c 5.29a 5.29b 5.29c 5.29d pay supply Village your village1 your village2 your village3 Village Number about safe water willing to pay extra if current system is is system current if what is your opinion are people willing to rules for contribution improved are people What are community What are community opinion about stricter groups in your village3 groups in your village4 what are the needs for what are the needs for what are the needs for if a new tap is installed

114 Buseta Central Women groups agricultural development improved water supply Marketing produce are willing to are willing to very important in favour 115 Dodoi x x water for domestic use Improved seeds Education are not able to are not able to very important in favour 116 Bupadoi x x machinery oxen/ploughs seeds are willing to are willing to very important in favour not the first 117 Ngalwe Central x x improved seeds water supply health centre are willing to are willing to priority in favour 118 Otelepai x x piped water x x are willing to are willing to very important in favour

119 Putiput Centre x x agricultural development water supply health centre are willing to are willing to very important in favour 120 Asuret Rgc x x agricultural development infrastructure development x are willing to are willing to very important in favour 121 Opuchet x x water supply x x are willing to are willing to very important in favour 122 Alere x x water supply health centre Food are willing to are willing to very important in favour 123 Opapa x x water supply health centre x are willing to are willing to very important in favour

124 Apuuton x x water supply health centre Food are willing to are willing to very important in favour credit and agricultural 125 Akumoi Ii x x water supply health centre development are willing to are willing to very important in favour E - 25 Village Survey Interview Result (24/24) 1 1 1.10

Comments Village Village Number

114 Buseta Central The orphans in the village need assistance . The town board status this area has acquired has increased population hence need for water . 115 Dodoi The people in this village are poor to pay for a more expensive system. This is because the capacity of the village to produce and earn income is low. 116 Bupadoi The village is a growing centre with an urban amenities such as electricity. It however requires water supply and effective road network.

117 Ngalwe Central The village preferred seeds , machinery and fertilizers as first priority. However water supply is a second priority to the stated agric components. 118 Otelepai The village has no access to medical services. The health centre that is nearby has no drugs and so they have to move for longer distances in search h for medical services.

119 Putiput Centre The area requires a piped water supply scheme 120 Asuret Rgc The centre comprises of 3 villages and yet there is no reliable water source. Water scarcity is the greatest challenge as people move in search of water for long distances. 121 Opuchet The people of the village sometimes share water with animals and during the dry season people are too many struggling for the bore hole water. 122 Alere There is poor water supply in the village 123 Opapa The village has a hole in the groundh population but with one borehole with a low water yield at the extreme end of the village leaving half of the population depending on lake

124 Apuuton There is great need for a water source especially a bore hole in this village

125 Akumoi Ii The village has one privately owned borehole which is inadequate and so most people depend on open wells which are unsafe. E - 26 Questionnaire


Household Socio-Economic Survey

1. Detail of the informer i. Name…………………………………………………….ii. Gender M F iii. Age:…………… ii. Ethnicity:………………………..iii. Region…………………….iv. District……………………………… v. County…………………………..vi. sub-country……………….vii. Parish……………………………… viii. Village…………………………………………..ix. Municipality…………………………………………

2. Detail of the Household i. Total family members…………… ii. Ages with gender……………. …………….. ……….. …….. ii. Profession a. Farmer: ① Total area owned……………,, ② Crops grown with area ……………………………………………………………………………. ③ Irrigation facility ? Yes no, if yes, source ?...... Fee ?...... ④ Agil. machineries…yes no, if yes, # & kind………………………………………….. ⑤ # of cattle………………………………# of poultry……………………………………………… ⑥ Yearly income by sector……Agril……………….. Poultry/Dairy……………… others……… ⑦ Monthly expenditure……………………………………………………………………. ⑧ Any debt ? yes no if yes, how much ? ………. …. Institution ?……………………

b. Fisherman: ① Work as group individual family others ② # of nets ? ……………………lines…………… ③ Source of catch lake…river pond ….types of catch…………… ④ Yearly income……………………….. ⑤ Any debt ? yes no if yes, how much ? ………. institution……………interest rate…….

c. Other professions (teacher, doctor, gov. service, trader, businessman, shop owners, carpenter, work for others/daily laborers) ① Yearly income………………………… ② Any debt ? yes no if yes, how much ? ………. institution……………interest rate…….

d. Unemployed ① Source of living expenses………………………………………………………………. ② Any debt ? yes no if yes, how much ? ………. institution……………interest rate…….

E - 27 3. Water Resources i. Sources of drinking water tap water / Deep W / Shallow W / Hand P / Dug W / Lake water ii. How much water do you use per day ? ………………………… iii. Time require to fetch water………………………………………………………………………….. iv. Who performs it ? men women children mixture v. Any fee required ? if yes, how much ?...... vi. What do you think about the price? high ok low vii. Water quality ? good ok bad viii. What is the reason ? odor not clean enough other ix. Who are involved in the management ? government committee others x. What do you think about the existing supply system ? good ok bad xi. Ready to pay money (or more money) for good quality water (or a new system)? yes no xii. Experience of waterborne disease in your family in last one year ? if yes, what type ?...... xiii. How do you handle the disease ? local doctor hospital nothing xiv. Do you have any support in health care from the government or other orgs. ? yes no xv. Do you have any sanitary toilet ? yes no xvi. If yes, what type ? Traditional Pit improved pit other xvii. How do you dispose excreta facilities ? bush steram/river surrounding the house

4. Development Priority i. What are the existing activities of Dev partners ? agril education health infra. credit ii. What are the organizations involved ? WB CARE EU UG others…………… iii. Are you happy with their activity ? yes no to some extent iv. What are the needs of your village ?

Agril. development (quality seeds & fertilizer, marketing facilities, credit, Industry, warehouse, machineries etc.)

Water resources development (water for agril, water for Industry, water for drinking/domestic use etc.)

Infrastructure (roads, bridges, electricity, schools, hospitals, banks, post offices, churches, mosques etc.)

Notes:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E - 28 Household Interview Survey Result (1/30) 1 Detail respondent 2 Details Profession (Farmer) 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.2 HH m3 Age (acre) Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5 village Parish Village Village the HH District County Gender number Ethnicity Sub CountySub sharing labour machine type 1 machine type 2 Irrigation facility source irrigation Household recordHousehold Total area owned Type of household Number of Female in Agricultural machines Total family members Number of the Male in Costs/fee irrigation per socio economic wise in in economic wise socio

1.1 Female 45 Muganda Namawojja Luweero Bamunanika Zirobwe Bukimu Namawojja rich 9634Plantain cassava beans maize x no x 0 No x x yes 1.2 Female 27 Munyarwanda Namawojja Luweero Bamunanika Zirobwe Bukimu Namawojja poor 5322beans cassava x x x no x 0 no x x no 1.3 Male 58 Muganda Namawojja Luweero Bamunanika Zirobwe Bukimu Namawojja medium 10 5 5 5 cassava beans coffee x x no x 0 no x x no sweet 2.1 Male 36 Muganda Bamunanika Luweero Bamunanika Bamunanika Kyampisi Bamunanika medium 6425coffee cassave sweet potatos potatoes x no x 0 yes Tractor x no

2.2 Female 32 Muganda Bamunanika Luweero Bamunanika Bamunanika Kyampisi Bamunanika poor 5320x x x x x xx 0xx x no 2.3 Female 38 Muganda Bamunanika Luweero Bamunanika Bamunanika Kyampisi Bamunanika rich 5323cassava maize x x x no x 0 x x x no

3.1 male 43 Muganda Kikyusa Luweero Bulemezi Kikyusa Kikyusa Kikyusa rich 12 4 9 400 pine tree pineapples x x x no x 0 yes Tractor x yes 3.2 Male 52 Muganda Kikyusa Luweero Bulemezi Kikyusa Kikyusa Kikyusa poor 6 4 2 2.25 Plantain maize x x x no x 0 no x x no 3.3 Female 34 Japadhola Kikyusa Luweero Bulemezi Kikyusa Kikyusa Kikyusa medium 6 3 2 0.25 cassava sweet potatoes x x x nox 0nox x no

4.1 Male 45 Muganda Wabusana Luweero Bamunanika Kikyusa Wabusana Wabusana medium 11 7 3 6 Plantain coffee cassava x x no x 0 no x x no

4.2 Female 62 Musoga Wabusana Luweero Bamunanika Kikyusa Wabusana Wabusana poor 3123maize sweet potatoes groundnuts x x no x 0 no x x no

4.3 Female 42 Muganda Wabusana Luweero Bamunanika Kikyusa Wabusana Wabusana rich 6413coffee cassava sweet potatos x x no x 0 no x x no

5.1 Female 53 Muganda Nabiswera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Kyangogolo Nabiswera medium 1014cassava groundnuts sweet potatos beans x no x 0 no x x no sweet 5.2 Male 34 Muruli Nabiswera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Kyangogolo Nabiswera rich 6244cassava beans maize potatoes maize yes pond 0 yes ox plough x no 5.3 Female 40 Muruli Nabiswera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Kyangogolo Nabiswera poor 7438maize cassave sweet potatos beans groundnuts no x 0 no x x no

6.1 Male 36 Muruli Lwampanga Nakasongola Nakasongola Lwampanga Lwampanga Lwampanga medium 10 6 4 50 cassava maize sweet potatos groundnuts x no x 0 yes ox plough tractor yes 6.2 Female 42 Muruli Lwampanga Nakasongola Nakasongola Lwampanga Lwampanga Lwampanga poor 4134cassava groundnuts maize x x no x 0 no x x no E 6.3 Female 47 Muganda Lwampanga Nakasongola Nakasongola Lwampanga Lwampanga Lwampanga rich 7153maize cassave groundnuts x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes - 7.1 Female 40 Muganda Migyera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Migyera Migyera poor 4130x x x x x xx 0xx x x

29 sweet 7.2 Male 42 Muruli Migyera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Migyera Migyera rich 10 5 4 10 cassava groundnuts maize potatoes x no x 0 no x x yes sweet 7.3 Male 37 Muganda Migyera Nakasongola Nakasongola Nabiswera Migyera Migyera medium 25 15 9 17 maize cassave beans potatoes groundnuts no x 0 no x x yes 8.1 Male 31 Muruli Wabigalo Nakasongola Nakasongola Wabinyonyi Wabigalo Wabigalo poor 8531cassava sweet potatoes beans x x no x 0 no x x yes

8.2 Female 23 Muruli Wabigalo Nakasongola Nakasongola Wabinyonyi Wabigalo Wabigalo medium 7 3 4 6.5 cassava sweet potatoes maize groundnuts x no x 0 no x x yes 8.3 Female 63 Muruli Wabigalo Nakasongola Nakasongola Wabinyonyi Wabigalo Wabigalo rich 10 9 1 12 sweet potatoes cassave maize groundnuts x no x 0 no x x yes 9.1 Female 46 Muruli Kalungi Nakasongola Nakasongola Kalungi Wanzogi Kalungi poor 8357cassava sweet potatoes maize groundnuts x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 9.2 Female 25 munyankole Kalungi Nakasongola Nakasongola Kalungi Wanzogi Kalungi rich 3210x x x x x xx 0xx x x 9.3 Female 40 Muganda Kalungi Nakasongola Nakasongola Kalungi Wanzogi Kalungi medium 15 9 5 20 cassava maize sweet potatos groundnuts x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 10.1 Male 29 Muruli Bbaale Kayunga Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale medium 1100x x x x x xx 0xx x x sweet 10.2 Female 27 Munyoro Bbaale Kayunga Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale poor 2 0 2 0.5 maize cassave groundnuts potatoes x no x 0 no x x yes 10.3 Male 34 Munyala Bbaale Kayunga Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale Bbaale rich 6 1 5 0.25 beans groundnuts bananas maize x no x 0 no x x yes 11.1 Male 59 Lugbara Kasokwe Kayunga Bbaale Galilaya Namayuge Kasokwe poor 8532cassava maize sweet potatos millet x no x 0 no x x no 11.2 Female 40 Munyala Kasokwe Kayunga Bbaale Galilaya Namayuge Kasokwe rich 10 3 7 6 maize sweet potatoes cassava groundnuts x no x 0 no x x yes 11.3 Female 62 Muganda Kasokwe Kayunga Bbaale Galilaya Namayuge Kasokwe medium 6242sweet potatoes cassave groundnuts maize x no x 0 no x x yes 12.1 Male 29 Mugisu Nakabango Kayunga Bbaale Kayonza Namalili Nakabango poor 8532maize sweet potatoes cassava beans x no x 0 no x x no 12.2 Female 38 Mugisu Nakabango Kayunga Bbaale Kayonza Namalili Nakabango medium 10 4 6 3 cassava beans groundnuts x x no x 0 No x x yes 12.3 Male 43 Samia Nakabango Kayunga Bbaale Kayonza Namalili Nakabango rich 13 6 7 150 cassava coffee bananas pineapple maize no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 13.1 Male 50 Muganda Kitimbwa Kayunga Bbaale Kitimbwa Wabuyinja Kitimbwa rich 10 8 2 20 Plantain coffee sweet potatos beans x no x 0 No x x yes 13.2 Male 28 Munyoro Kitimbwa Kayunga Bbaale Kitimbwa Wabuyinja Kitimbwa medium 3122cassava beans maize x x no x 0 No x x no 13.3 Female 53 Munyala Kitimbwa Kayunga Bbaale Kitimbwa Wabuyinja Kitimbwa poor 4222cassava beans maize x x x 0 No x x no no 14.1 Male 48 Muganda Magala Kayunga Ntengeru Nazigo Nazigo Magala rich 13 4 9 30 sugarcane maize coffee beans bananas yes swamp 0 yes Tractor x yes 14.2 Female 80 Muganda Magala Kayunga Ntengeru Nazigo Nazigo Magala poor 6062beans maize sweet potatos x x no x 0 No x x no 14.3 Male 48 Muganda Nazigo Kayunga Ntengeru Nazigo Nazigo Nazigo medium 2205maize beans coffee cassava x no x 0 No x x yes 15.1 Female 30 Murundi Kabembe Jinja Butembe Kakira Mawoito Kabembe medium 4312cabbage maize beans x x yes swamp 0 No x x yes 15.2 Male 58 Mukiga Kabembe Jinja Butembe Kakira Mawoito Kabembe poor 1 1 0 1.5 cabbage egg plants x x x no x 0 No x x no 15.3 Male 31 munyankole Kabembe Jinja Butembe Kakira Mawoito Kabembe rich 4 2 2 10 sugarcane x x x x no x 0 yes Tractor x yes 16.1 Male 59 Musoga Namaganga Jinja Butembe Busede Kisasi Namaganga rich 11 6 7 17 sugarcane maize beans cassava x yes spring 62500 yes Tractor x yes 16.2 Female 36 Muganda Namaganga Jinja Butembe Busede Kisasi Namaganga medium 8442sugarcane sweet potatoes x x x no x 0 No x x yes 16.3 Female 71 Musoga Namaganga Jinja Butembe Busede Kisasi Namaganga poor 1 0 1 0.5 maize sweet potatoes groundnuts cassava x no x 0 No x x no 17.1 Male 39 Musoga Mbaale/ Mateme Jinja Kagoma Buyengo Iziru Mbaale/ Mateme rich 8442Maize Sugarcane beans x x no x 0 yes Tractor x yes 17.2 Female 40 Musoga Iziru Jinja Kagoma Buyengo Iziru Iziru medium 10 5 5 5 sugarcane maize sweet potatos x x no x 0 No x x no 17.3 Female 52 Musoga Mbaale/ Mateme Jinja Kagoma Buyengo Iziru Mbaale/ Mateme poor 2021groundnuts Onions beans Maize x x x 0 no x x yes 18.1 Female 40 Musoga Nawankandulo Kamuli Buzaya Kisozi Nawankandulo Nawankandulo rich 8262maize beans coffee bananas x no x 0 No x x yes

18.2 Male 62 Musoga nankandulo Kamuli Nawanago Kisozi nankandulo nankandulo medium 15 1 3 1.5 coffee banana sweet potatos Maize beans no x 0 No x x yes 18.3 Female 57 Musoga nankandulo Kamuli Nawanago Kisozi nankandulo nankandulo poor 4242maize sweet potatoes cassava beans x no x 0 No x x yes

19.1 Female 50 Muganda Nabwigulu Kamuli Bugabula North Nabwigulu Nabwigulu Nabwigulu poor 1010x x x x x nox 0nox x no 19.2 Female 30 Musoga Nabwigulu Kamuli Bugabula North Nabwigulu Nabwigulu Nabwigulu medium 8710x x x x x nox 0nox x no 19.3 Male 49 Musoga Nabwigulu Kamuli Bugabula North Nabwigulu Nabwigulu Nabwigulu rich 9365maize cassava groundnuts x x no x 0 No x x yes Household Interview Survey Result (2/30) 1 Profession (Fisherman) 1 year) (UGX) (UGX) number Work as Work laborer 1 1 activity laborer 2 2 activity laborer 3 agriculture how much how comments expenditure poultry/dairy income from from income from income Type of fish 1 other income Yearly income Number of nets Number of lines number of cattle Source of fishing Any debtsAny / loans Household recordHousehold number of poultry interest rate (% per per (% rate interest total yearly income income yearly total income from fishery fishery from income with which institution monthly expenditure monthly water related

1.1 casual labourers x x x x 0 25 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 503,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x 0 - 1.2 x x x x 0 1 290,000 - - - 290,000 20,000 416 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 1.3 x x x x x 0 10 500,000 500,000 - - - 45,500 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

2.1 x x x x x 3 0 2,400,000 2,400,000 - - - 167,000 3,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

2.2 x x x x x 0 0 480,000 - - - 480,000 30,000 3,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 2.3 x x x x x 0 15 10,955,000 - - - 10,955,000 76,500 7,200 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

3.1 casual labourers slashing children harvesting x 100 0 12,000,000 12,000,000 - - - 4,000,000 100,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 3.2 x x x x x 1 0 90,000 - - - 90,000 5,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 3.3 x x x x x 0 0 600,000 - - - 600,000 90,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

4.1 x x x x x 7 27 3,285,000 - - - 3,285,000 101,200 - yes 90,000 Uganda Micro finance limited 22% x 0 0 x x -

4.2 x x x x x 0 1 140,000 140,000 - - - 5,400 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

4.3 x x x x x 2 60 5,460,000 840,000 4,380,000 - 240,000 120,000 10,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

5.1 x x x x x 0 0 1,040,000 - - - 1,040,000 20,000 1,000 yes 312,000 shop attendant 0% x 0 0 x x -

5.2 x x x x x 10 22 2,470,000 70,000 - - 2,400,000 200,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 5.3 x x x x x 0 0 60,000 - - - 60,000 5,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

6.1 casual labourers harvesting x x x 20 70 3,600,000 3,450,000 150,000 - - 225,000 - yes 240,000 NAADS 0% x 0 0 x x - 6.2 x x x x x 0 0 540,000 540,000 - - - 47,600 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - E 6.3 children planting wife planting x 3 15 18,000,000 1,400,000 - - 16,600,000 483,500 63,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - - 7.1 x x x x x 0 0 120,000 - - - 120,000 2,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 30 7.2 casual labourers ploughing children harvesting x 200 60 7,000,000 4,550,000 2,450,000 - - 100,300 450,000 yes 4,000,000 22% x 0 0 x x -

7.3 casual labourers planting children harvesting x 0 1 3,600,000 - - - 3,600,000 300,000 60,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 8.1 women ploughing children planting x 0 5 180,000 - 6,000 - 174,000 15,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

8.2 children ploughing x x x 20 0 1,260,000 - - - 1,260,000 61,000 55,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 8.3 children ploughing wife planting x 10 3 11,800,000 - - - 11,800,000 150,000 1,200 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 9.1 children planting wife planting x 8 15 970,000 170,000 500,000 - 300,000 180,000 1,500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 9.2 x x x x x 0 0 3,640,000 - - - 3,640,000 900,000 12,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 9.3 children planting wife harvesting x 70 4 2,400,000 150,000 - - 2,250,000 666,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 10.1 x x x x x 0 0 7,100,000 - - - 7,100,000 650,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

10.2 women ploughing x x x 5 0 3,600,000 - - - 3,600,000 600,000 700 yes 200,000 NationWide Microfinance ltd 18% x 0 0 x x - 10.3 children planting wife ploughing x 0 0 7,800,000 - - - 7,800,000 450,000 333 yes 300,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 11.1 x x x x x 7 4 156,000 60,000 - - 96,000 20,000 500 yes 100,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 11.2 casual labourers ploughing x x x 0 0 6,300,000 300,000 - - 6,000,000 300,000 36,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 11.3 children ploughing x x x 0 0 180,000 - - - 180,000 12,000 500 yes 20,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 12.1 x x x x x 2 2 150,000 50,000 - - 100,000 60,000 250 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 12.2 prisoners ploughing children planting x 0 10 4,562,500 4,242,500 200,000 - 120,000 650,000 208 yes 100,000 self help project 18% x 0 0 x x - 12.3 casual labourers ploughing x x x 32 0 11,460,000 6,000,000 960,000 - 4,500,000 400,000 90,000 yes 6,500,000 U-Trust bank 3% x 0 0 x x - 13.1 casual labourers ploughing children harvesting x 50 20 4,500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 300,000 90,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 13.2 x x x x x 4 0 2,400,000 300,000 - - 2,100,000 180,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 13.3 x x x x x 0 0 120,000 - - - 120,000 10,000 500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 14.1 family members ploughing casual labourers sowing x 0 10 15,000,000 15,000,000 - - - 1,030,000 1,000 yes 3,000,000 SCOUL 19% x 0 0 x x - 14.2 x x x x x 0 0 60,000 - - - 60,000 20,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 14.3 husband cultivation children all tasks x 0 0 1,800,000 1,800,000 - - - 80,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 15.1 women ploughing children harvesting x 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 65,000 12,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 15.2 x x x x x 0 0 500,000 200,000 - - 300,000 60,000 6,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 15.3 casual labourers planting x x x 0 2 3,600,000 3,600,000 - - - 200,000 12,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 16.1 husband cultivation children all tasks Woman 5 7 6,000,000 6,000,000 - - - 920,000 90,000 yes 2,000,000 KSW 18% x 0 0 x x - 16.2 husband ploughing x x x 0 0 4,300,000 3,000,000 - - 1,300,000 300,000 36,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 16.3 x x x x x 0 0 130,000 - - - 130,000 10,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 17.1 children cultivation wife All tasks man 2 32 1,500,000 700,000 - - 800,000 230,000 833 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 17.2 x x x x x 0 0 400,000 400,000 - - - 4,000 500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 17.3 children cultivation wife All tasks x 0 0 100,000 - - 100,000 20,000 833 no - x x x 0 0 x x - 18.1 children ploughing x x x 0 3 1,480,000 1,000,000 - - 480,000 5,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

18.2 children cultivation women cultivate man 2 0 1,000,000 270,000 730,000 - - 363,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 18.3 children cultivation wife all tasks x 2 0 240,000 - - - 240,000 29,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

19.1 x x x x x 0 0 45,000 - - - 45,000 500 - yes 10,000 individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 19.2 x x x x x 0 0 364,000 - - - 364,000 30,000 - yes 12,000 individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 19.3 women cultivation husband all tasks x 9 10 4,820,000 - 1,460,000 - 3,360,000 390,000 167 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - Household Interview Survey Result (3/30) 1 Other professions 3 Water Resources 1 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 r ea y stem year y year) source water1 water2 source s number sickness 1 sickness sickness 1 sickness how much how in last about price waterquality price per liter of column CT) any waterborne in a day (litersin ) Time in minutesTime in amount UGX in use water source Any debtsAny / loans Any debtsAny / loans what do you think Household recordHousehold source of drinking source of drinking ready to pay more interest rate (% per per (% rate interest any fee required for who owns the owns waterwho what is your opinion what your is opinion who collects water collects 1 who Yearly income (only Yearly nr. of reported cases with which institution per month / jerrycan/ Esther, and repetition amount of water used about management of required to fetch water reason for poor quality money for good quality diseases in your in familydiseases

1.1 x 2,400,000 0 x Deep BH Unprotected spring 100 40 children yes 1,000 month 0.3 high good x community Good yes no x 0 1.2 x 170,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 30 30 women yes 5,000 year 0.5 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 1.3 x - no - x 0.00% unprotected spring x 100 30 children no - x x good x community good yes no x 0

2.1 x - no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 120 children yes 3,000 month 1.3 ok good x community good yes no x 0

2.2 x 480,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 240 men yes 100 3 jerrycans 1.7 low good x community bad yes no x 0 2.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x x 240 men yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high good x private x yes no x 0

3.1 x 100,000,000 yes 25,000,000 Centenary Bank 12.00% Deep BH x 200 90 children no x x x good x community good yes no x 0 3.2 x 10,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 40 60 women no x x x good x community Good yes yes malaria 2 3.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 60 360 children yes 1,000 month 0.6 high good x community Good yes no x 0

4.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Pond 200 260 children no x x x good x community bad yes yes Typhoid x

4.2 x - x - x 0.00% Pond x 40 60 mixture no x x x bad Odour community bad yes yes diarrhoea x

4.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 160 360 mixture yes 10,000 month 2.1 high good x community Good yes no x 0

5.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Pond 40 180 women yes 1,000 month 0.8 ok good x community bad yes no x 0

5.2 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 420 mixture no x x x good x community bad yes no x 0 5.3 x - x - x 0.00% Pond x 60 60 children no x x x good x private good yes no x 0

6.1 x 1,500,000 no - x 0.00% swamp / lake x 200 30 children no x x x bad Turbid government Good yes no x 0 6.2 x 1,040,000 yes 450,000 FINCA 12.00% swamp / lake x 60 30 children no x x x bad Turbid government Good yes yes diarrhoea 2 E 6.3 x 16,600,000 no - x 0.00% swamp / lake x 140 30 mixture yes 300 jerrycan 15.0 high bad Turbid government bad yes no x 0 - 7.1 x 120,000 no - x 0.00% Pond x 60 30 children no x x x bad Turbid private good yes yes diarrhoea 17 31 7.2 x 500,000 no - x 0.00% Pond x 200 120 mixture no x x x bad Turbid private bad yes yes skin diseases 3

7.3 x - x - x 0.00% Pond Deep BH 600 360 mixture yes 2,000 jerrycan 100.0 high bad Turbid private bad yes yes diarrhoea 2 8.1 x 180,000 no - x 0.00% Pond x 100 40 children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x 0

8.2 x 1,000,000 no - x 0.00% tap Pond 60 2 children yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 ok bad Odour private good no no x 0 8.3 x 3,640,000 no - x 0.00% Pond x 120 60 children no x x x bad Turbid community Good yes no x 0 9.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Pond 120 30 children no x x x bad Turbid community good no no x 0 9.2 x 3,640,000 no - x 0.00% Pond Deep BH 80 60 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 high bad Turbid private good yes no x 0 9.3 x 1,200,000 no - x 0.00% Pond Deep BH 100 60 children yes 2,000 month 0.7 ok bad Turbid private bad yes no x 0 10.1 x 7,100,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 60 60 children yes 1,000 month 0.6 ok good x community good yes no x 0

10.2 x 6,000,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 20 women yes 666 month 0.2 ok good x community good yes no x 0 10.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 180 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok good x community good no no x 0 11.1 x 96,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 120 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok good x community good yes no x 0 11.2 x 6,000,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 240 laborers yes 300 jerrycan 15.0 high good x community good yes no x 0 11.3 x 60,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 60 children yes 500 jerrycan 25.0 ok good x community good yes no x 0 12.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 60 mixture yes 3,000 year 0.1 high good x community good yes no x 0 12.2 x 120,000 yes 12,000 individual 0.00% Deep BH x 200 120 children yes 2,500 year 0.0 high good x school good yes no x 0 12.3 x 4,500,000 yes 1,000,000 U-Trust bank 2.50% Deep BH x 300 240 children yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high good x community Good yes no x 0 13.1 x 1,500,000 yes 300,000 Kitimbwa SACCO 3.00% Deep BH x 300 300 mixture yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high good x community good yes no x 0 13.2 x 1,320,000 no - x 0.00% Protected shallow well x 100 240 women yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok bad salty and hard community bad yes no x 0 13.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 120 women yes 500 month 0.1 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 3 14.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 40 children yes 1,000 month 0.3 high good x community Good yes no x 0 14.2 x - x - x 0.00% Protected spring x 100 30 children no - x x good x community good yes no x 0 14.3 no - no - x 0.00% unprotected spring x 60 10 children no - x x good Turbid community x yes no x 0 15.1 x - x - x 0.00% tap x 80 60 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 high bad Turbid private bad yes yes diarrhoea 1 15.2 x - x - x 0.00% tap Deep BH 60 30 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 ok bad Odour private good yes no x 0 15.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 20 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 high good salty community Good yes yes diarrhoea 1 16.1 no 18,000,000 no - x 0.00% Protected spring x 240 30 mixture yes 250 jerrycan 12.5 high good x community Good yes yes diarrhoea 3 16.2 x 1,200,000 no - x 0.00% unprotected spring x 160 60 men yes 150 jerrycan 7.5 high good x community good yes yes typhoid 2 16.3 x - x - x 0.00% Protected spring x 10 10 women no - x x good x community good no no x0 17.1 no 800,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH Protected spring 200 90 mixture yes 6,000 year 0.1 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 2 17.2 x - x - x 0.00% unprotected spring x 80 40 women yes 500 month 0.2 high bad Odour community Good yes yes diarrhoea 3 17.3 no - no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 30 children yes 10,000 year 0.3 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 18.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH protected spring 80 60 children yes 2,000 month 0.8 high bad Turbid community good yes no x 0

18.2 no - no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 60 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good salty community good yes yes diarrhoea 2 18.3 no 240,000 no - x 0.00% Protected spring x 80 30 children no - x x good x community x yes no 0

19.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 10 120 women no - x x good x community good no no x 0 19.2 x 364,000 yes 12,000 individual 0.00% Deep BH x 140 120 women no - x x good x community good yes no x 0 19.3 x - no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 600 180 mixture yes 2,000 year 0.0 ok good x community bad yes no x 0 Household Interview Survey Result (4/30) 1 4 Development priority 1 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 care toilet number your calls sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness support from your community your community your community your community your community do you have any these sicknesses priority number 1 priority number 2 priority number 3 priority number 4 priority number 5 what type of toilet Household recordHousehold how did you handle you handle did how nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases do you have sanitary if no toilet wher do do what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of government for health

1.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water health center micro credit quality schools x 1.2 x 0 x 0 hospital yes yes improved pit x drinking water quality seeds and fertiliser micro credit x x 1.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit x drinking water health center self help projects for income generation school x

2.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water jobs for youths medicines for health centres roads x

2.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water marketing facilities quality seeds and fertilizer drugs x 2.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x hospitals school drinking water micro credit x

3.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water health center school roads marketing facilities 3.2 x 0 x 0 health centre yes yes improved pit x drinking water health center quality seeds and fertilizer electricity x 3.3 x 0 x 0 x no yes improved pit x drinking water micro credit x x x

4.1 x 0 x 0 x yes yes traditional pit x electricity drinking water medicines for health centres health centre x

4.2 malaria x 0 x no yes traditional pit x drinking water health center medicines for health centres school x

4.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water electricity medicines for health centres roads x

5.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water medicines for health units quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit agicultural machinery

5.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water bank micro credit roads electricity 5.3 x 0 x 0 x x no x traditional pit drinking water agricultural machineries roads quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit

6.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush micro credit roads medicines for health centres water supply for drinking x 6.2 x 0 x 0 x yes yes traditional pit x school fees for orphans drinking water churches roads x E 6.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x electricity drinking water medicines for health centres roads x - 7.1 vomiting 3 worms 1 health centre no yes improved pit bush drinking water irrigation facilities quality seeds and fertilizer hospital orphan education support 32 7.2 diarrhoea 1 x 0 health centre no yes improved pit bush drinking water hospitals roads micro credit marketing facilities

7.3 x 0 x 0 private doctor no yes traditional pit x drinking water hospitals school bank roads 8.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush hospitals school drinking water industries micro credit

8.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush electricity micro credit quality seeds and fertilizer water supply for drinking x 8.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water school bank industries churches 9.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x schools drinking water bank drugs electricity 9.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x water supply micro credit quality seeds and fertilizer electricity roads 9.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water school micro credit roads quality seeds and fertiliser 10.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water quality seeds and fertiliser roads school hospitals

10.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water medicines for health units environmental sanitation bank x 10.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush roads health center water for domestic use bank x 11.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water water supply for animal consumption school hoes quality seeds and fertiliser 11.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit surrounding the house drinking water electricity x x x 11.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water NGOs micro credit quality seeds and fertilizer electricity 12.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water medicines for health units quality seeds and fertilizer xx 12.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water quality seeds and fertiliser roads micro credit hospitals 12.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water school hospital market facilities ox ploughs 13.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water roads employment quality seeds and fertilizer school 13.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water health center community sensitization on water micro credit bank 13.3 vomiting 7 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush schools drinking water hospital x x 14.1 x x x 0 x x yes improved pit dig hole electricity drinking water roads market facilities school 14.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water school roads electricity quality seeds and fertiliser 14.3 x x x 0 x x yes traditional pit dig hole drinking water sanitary toilets electricity roads hospitals 15.1 skin disease 1 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit bush drinking water schools medicines for health centres quality seeds and fertilizer agricultural extension services 15.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water roads school quality seeds and fertilizer hospitals 15.3 vomiting 1 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit bush drinking water roads vocational training schools accommodation for health workers x 16.1 skin disease 2 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit temporary toilets in gardens Health centre schools drinking water quality seeds and fertilizer Agriculture machines 16.2 x 0 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water quality seeds & fertilizers health centre school bank 16.3 x 0 x 0 x x no traditional pit x hospitals drinking water quality seeds and fertilizer church bank 17.1 x x x 0 hospital no yes improved pit dig pit drinking water school drugs micro credit quality seeds and fertiliser 17.2 worms 3 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit x drinking water schools roads market facilities quality seeds 17.3 x x x 0 private doctor no yes traditional pit bush drinking water school roads quality seeds and fertilizer bank 18.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water medicines in hospitals hospital market facilities industries

18.2 skin disease 3 x 0 private doctor no yes traditional pit bush micro credit drinking water x x x 18.3 x 0 x 0 x no yes traditional pit digs hole drinking water drugs in hospital quality seeds and fertilizer roads x

19.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit x electricity hospital market agro processing factory school 19.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush demonstration farms electricity hospital school micro credit 19.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush electricity water supply for domestic use hospital roads x Household Interview Survey Result (5/30) 1 1

Comments number Household recordHousehold

The respondent does not know the exact income of the husband, his expenditure and if he has any debts. The unproteted spring where they fetch the water from, lies in and its water is not safe for drinking. The household has 3 goats and all 1.1 the income of Shs. 3000000 comes from brewing local beer and hardware shop 1.2 The respondent doesn’t know the actual income of the husband per month. She also said that during the rainy season, the water becomes silty and its color changes. She also said that her children can get diarrhea any time of the year 1.3 The unprotected spring is communal although it lies in a piece of land owned by an individual. The water source supports 4 communities/ villages

2.1 The respondent emphasised the need for more water sources since during the dry season, there is not enough water for everyone. He is willing to pay any amount of money as long as it is convenient for him and it takes a short time for his family to get water. It takes a very long time for the laborer to get water for this household even when it is less than 100 metres from the house because the BH is crowded all the time. During the dry season, the BH gives little water and other people fail to get water because of the long cues and rresort to fetcthing it from neighboring villages. The water is dirty and is from ponds and unprotected springs which get contaminated during the rainy season due to run off. she said that due to constant use, the BH continously breaks down 2.2 and due to poor enforcement, people dont want to pay for water and repairs. 2.3 The laborer who collects the water is hired. The 200/= includes buying the water, labor costs and transport costs. She doesn know the opinion of the water mamnagement and system because the water is collected by someone else. there is significant water shortage in this area. It is worse during the dry season where a jerrycan of water of 20 litres costs 500/= and during the rain season costs 200/=. He is the gentleman behind almost all water projects in the area as a chairman and most 3.1 times meets costs of repairs and mentainace of the established BHs. 3.2 The respondents income is irregular. The household pays for water if the BH has broken down to cater for repairs and purchase of spare parts. 3.3 She doesn’t know the actual income of the husband who is a driver. He is the one who pays for rent. 1000/= is collected from every household when the BH breaks down but also pays 2000/= for the pond during the dry season. A school of 1000 students is sharing the same BH with the community. The management of the BH collects money during the dry season and the community members dont know how much the management uses for O&M. Surrounding communities contribute to the drilling of new BHs in any nearby village as well as other stakeholders such as the Sub county authorities, schools and the 4.1 prison. She is an old lady who entirely depends on one season of coffee a year to generate income in December to take her through the rest of the year. The water is not clean enough because of the silty color. She falls sick but doesn’t know if it is the water that 4.2 causes it. Most of the water fetched is used for poultry which is her biggest income earner in the family. She also has a water tank to harvest rain water up to a capacity of 60,000 litres. When full, she can use the tank for up to 2 months but during the dry season, water 4.3 is fetched from the ponds that serve cattle and people at the same time. The respondent refused to take a picture. She collects water from a nearby village and during the dry season, she pays 1000/= per month for O&M of the pond. The management of the pond in the next village where they fetch water during the dry season is harsh to her since it is not their village and the water demand is high yet supply is limited. the existing ponds are shared between animals and people and most times belong to individuals who make them personal property. water from the BH costs 600/= per 5.1 jerrycan.

5.2 The BH is found in a neighbouring village. The source serves up to 10 villages and it takes a very long time to get water. Water pumped from the BH is irregular and it takes up to 40 minutes to pump 1 jerrycan 5.3 She fetches water from a water pond/ dam 5KM away from the village because the village pond has dirty water. She goes to the neighbors' toilets also. The respondent said that 20 pople can live on 60 litres of clean BH water collected from 5 miles away. The lake water is polluted and greenish in color. Before they drink it, they first boil it. They also use much more water during holidays than when children are 6.1 away. 30 acres of land are use for cattle rearing. 6.2 She was a widow loking after 3 orphans E 6.3 Lake water in this area is used by both people and livestock. BH water is salty and at the moment, the BH is non functional

- She is a widow taking care of 4 orphans and works as a casual laborer. Her income is irregular depending on availability or scarcity of jobs. A jerrycan of water costs her 1000/= during the dry season. A piped water system was established but dried in 7.1 september 2008. 33 7.2 Initially, there was a piped water system constructed by GoU but it only works for 3 months during the rain season in a year. Shallow and deep BH have been previously constructed without m uch success in the past also.a jerrycan costs 1500/=

7.3 In the dry season a jerrycan of water costs 2000/=. Ther is 1 BH with salty hard water. Water borne diseases are rampant in this area yet there are no drugs in the Health centres. There are also no markets for agricultural products 8.1 He draws water form a communal pond in the village and no monetary contributions are made towards O&M but members contribute in form of labor The household has a tap in the yard from a tap water system installed earlier this year. They sell the water. Water collection fees depend on seasons. During the rainy season, they don’t fail to collect any money but can collect up to 15000/= a day during the 8.2 dry season while charging 100/= per jerrycan. there is alot of demand for the water during the dry season. the children's school fees are paid by local NGOs (save the children) 8.3 The respondent knew little about the income of the husband and she just estimated. She declined also tom take a picture. 9.1 She is the income earner of the family but her income is irregular 9.2 This household recently migrated to this area for business 9.3 She caters for 5 orphans in her home as part of her family. She doesn’t cultivate on 10 acres of her land 10.1 There are many people who use the exisiting BH and as a result, it takes one many hours in the cue to get water.

10.2 The respondent borrowed money because of an emergency problem but not for business 10.3 The community has a water/ BH management committee elected from among the community members. The chairman of LC1 is the overseer of this committee. 11.1 Although he makes little money, he gets credit form the individuals in the village to meet some of his needs 11.2 She entirely depend on laborers to bring her water for use 11.3 All the food grown is for home consumption. They spend a lot of time lining up for water 12.1 The respondent intercrops on the small piece of land 12.2 She had just opened up a food vending business for one week and it was earning her 10000/= per week 12.3 Spends most money during dry season on water 13.1 Most times, he pays other people to bring water for his HH since his children are at school 13.2 The repsondent says that if the water is abundant, it can be free 13.3 She is an old lady looking after 2 orphans 14.1 Bananas, coffee and beens are intercroped on the same acreage. Need for sensitisation of the residents on sanitation 14.2 She gets irregular income from friends and community members. Her other source of icome is art and crafts which earn her little. It is also her grand children who fetch water for her. 14.3 The respondent there are two deep boreholes but they are non functional due to poor management by the water user committee 15.1 The husband earns 80,000/= in addition 15.2 They were promised a BH at the health centre but has never been constructed. He thinks politicians divert money meant to benefit poor people. Water from BH is hard 15.3 The respondent is a private health worker 16.1 Irrigates with difficulty because he uses water can. Respondent says in adition to cattle he has 4 pigs and 12 goats 16.2 The huhsband makes more money for this HH 16.3 she depends on well wishers fro income. The food she grows is for home consumption. She also uses a brother's tooilet (she has none) 17.1 17.2 She says water is a big problem in the area. They fetch it from a swamp yet they saty far from a neighboring village. When the springs gets damaged, at times, she pays up to 5000/= for repairs. She also refused to take a picture. 17.3 Always a long queue at the borehole. The price for water is unfair (not ok) because it is levied per household irrespective of the consumption. 18.1 The BH was constructed in 1959 and the community members believe that it is too old to yield any clean water. She also thinks factories/ industries will create jobs for her children Therespondent intercrops coffee, maize and beens; No drugs in hospital; thr espondent is an old man and he does not know tha ages of most of his family members; the respondent says the villlage borehole is currently broken down and hencce fetches water 18.2 fron a protected spring which is now congested. 18.3 The repondent only earns from sale of some grocery; otherwise agriculture produce is for family consumption. Respondent is a widow and the sole bread winer for the family. During peak hours, tere are long queues ant the spring. She rents land but does not any. Well wishers are her source of income. It is so irregular and sometimes depends on selling a wheelbarrow of crashed stones at 500/= each. She is not ready to pay money for a safe water source because she has no money 19.1 and doesn't expect to get it in the near future. 19.2 During the dry season, it is hard to get water(3 hours) compared to the wet season(7 minutes) 19.3 Desire for irrgation but water is not availabe especially during the dry season. The borehole is near but supplies so many people thus always congested. Household Interview Survey Result (6/30) 1 Detail respondent 2 Details Profession (Farmer) 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.2 HH m3 Age (acre) Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5 village Parish Village Village the HH District County Gender number Ethnicity Sub CountySub sharing labour machine type 1 machine type 2 Irrigation facility source irrigation Household recordHousehold Total area owned Type of household Number of Female in Agricultural machines Total family members Number of the Male in Costs/fee irrigation per socio economic wise in in economic wise socio

20.1 male 34 Musoga Balawoli Kamuli Bugabula North Balawoli Balawoli Balawoli poor 3213maize beans beans x x no x 0 no x x yes 20.2 Female 28 Musoga Balawoli Kamuli Bugabula North Balawoli Balawoli Balawoli medium 7271maize beans beans x x no x 0 No x x yes 20.3 Female 45 Musoga Balawoli Kamuli Bugabula North Balawoli Balawoli Balawoli rich 24 15 9 5 maize cassava sweet potatos bananas groundnuts no x 0 No x x yes sweet 21.1 Male 65 Musoga Iyingo Kamuli Budiope Kagulu Iyingo Iyingo medium 11 7 4 4 millet maize groundnuts potatoes x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 21.2 Female 37 Musoga Iyingo Kamuli Budiope Kagulu Iyingo Iyingo poor 10370x x x x x xx 0xx x x 21.3 Female 39 Musoga Iyingo Kamuli Budiope Kagulu Iyingo Iyingo rich 5141sweet potatoes maize x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 22.1 Male 27 Itesot Kitukiro Kamuli Budiope Bugaya Kitukiro Kitukiro rich 11 8 3 1 cassava sweet potatoes groundnuts x x no x 0 No x x yes sweet 22.2 Female 40 Musoga Kitukiro Kamuli Budiope Bugaya Kitukiro Kitukiro medium 7433cassava maize groundnuts potatoes x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 22.3 Male 30 Musoga Kitukiro Kamuli Budiope Bugaya Kitukiro Kitukiro poor 6333sugarcane cassava tomatoes x x yes spring 0 No x x yes 23.1 Female 47 Musoga Nailorwa Kamuli Budiope Kidera Kasiira Nailorwa medium 5231cassava maize sweet potatos groundnuts x no x 0 No x x no 23.2 Female 64 Musoga Nailorwa Kamuli Budiope Kidera Kasiira Nailorwa poor 12 3 9 5 cassava maize sweet potatos groundnuts x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 23.3 Male 32 Musoga Nailorwa Kamuli Budiope Kidera Kasiira Nailorwa rich 4316cassava maize groundnuts millet x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes sweet 24.1 Male 32 Musoga Namulungu Kaliro Bulamogi Namwiwa Saaka Namulungu rich 10 6 4 3 maize cotton cassava potatoes x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 24.2 male 33 musoga Namulungu Kaliro Bulamogi Namwiwa Saaka Namulungu medium 18 8 10 5 maize sweet potatoes cassava cotton x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 24.3 Male 70 Mulamogi Namulungu Kaliro Bulamogi Namwiwa Saaka Namulungu poor 13 6 7 6 cotton maize sweet potatos cassava x no x 0 no x x yes 25.1 Male 40 Musoga Buwangala Kaliro Bulamogi Nawaikoke Namawa Buwangala medium 7165maize sweet potatoes cassava groundnuts beans no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 25.2 Female 47 Musoga Buwangala Kaliro Bulamogi Nawaikoke Namawa Buwangala rich 8 3 5 14 maize cassava sweet potatos x x no x 0 yes ox plough x no 25.3 Male 39 Musoga Buwangala Kaliro Bulamogi Nawaikoke Namawa Buwangala medium 10 7 3 12 maize groundnuts sweet potatos cassava x yes deep BH 2000 yes ox plough x no 26.1 Female 39 Musoga Buyuge Kaliro Bulamogi Gadumire Bupyana Buyuge rich 8623maize sweet potatoes cassava x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 26.2 Male 45 Mulamogi Buyuge Kaliro Bulamogi Gadumire Bupyana Buyuge poor 5 1 4 12 cassava millet cotton groundnuts x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 26.3 Female 32 Musoga Buyuge Kaliro Bulamogi Gadumire Bupyana Buyuge medium 4222maize sweet potatoes millet x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes sweet 27.1 Female 37 Musoga Bugulumaire Kaliro Bulamogi Namugongo Butege Bugulumaire poor 14 9 5 1 maize millet cassava potatoes x no x 0 no x x yes 27.2 Male 56 Musoga Bugulumaire Kaliro Bulamogi Namugongo Butege Bugulumaire rich 17 8 10 4.5 maize cotton sweet potatos cassava groundnuts no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 27.3 Female 35 Musoga Bugulumaire Kaliro Bulamogi Namugongo Butege Bugulumaire medium 7432maize beans groundnuts cassava x no x 0 no x x no 28.1 Male 35 Musoga Bugono Iganga Kigulu Nabitende Bugono Bugono rich 13 4 8 3 maize beans sweet potatos cassava coffee no x 0 yes ox plough x yes E 28.2 Female 50 Musoga Bugono Iganga Kigulu Nabitende Bugono Bugono medium 20 11 9 0.5 maize cassava x x x no x 0 no x x yes

- 28.3 Female 49 Musoga Bugono Iganga Kigulu Nabitende Bugono Bugono poor 12 2 10 1 maize sweet potatoes cassava x x no x 0 no x x yes 29.1 Male 45 Musoga Ikumbya Iganga Luuka Ikumbya Ikumbya Ikumbya rich 15 6 9 40 maize sweet potatoes cassava beans groundnuts no x 0 yes ox plough x yes

34 29.2 Male 53 Musoga Ikumbya Iganga Luuka Ikumbya Ikumbya Ikumbya poor 6241maize beans cassava x x no x 0 no x x yes 29.3 Female 38 Musoga Ikumbya Iganga Luuka Ikumbya Ikumbya Ikumbya medium 19 10 9 2 maize sweet potatoes cassava beans x nox 0nox x yes sweet 30.1 Male 45 Musoga Bukoova Iganga Luuka Bukoma Nabyoto Bukoova rich 7 4 3 15 maize cassava beans potatoes x no x 0 no x x yes sweet 30.2 Female 38 Musoga Bukoova Iganga Luuka Bukoma Nabyoto Bukoova medium 8535maize groundnuts beans potatoes x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 30.3 Female 28 Musoga Bukoova Iganga Luuka Bukoma Nabyoto Bukoova poor 5 2 3 1.5 maize rice x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x no

31.1 Female 37 Musoga Nakigo Iganga Kigulu Nakigo Busowobi Nakigo poor 5141maize sweet potatoes x x x no x 0 no x x no 31.2 Female 23 Musoga Nakigo Iganga Kigulu Nakigo Busowobi Nakigo medium 4131sweet potatoes cassava maize x x no x 0 no x x yes 31.3 Male 23 Musoga Nakigo Iganga Kigulu Nakigo Busowobi Nakigo rich 7434maize rice sweet potatos cassava x no x 0 yes Tractor x yes 32.1 Female 30 Musoga Buwoya Iganga Bugweri Buyanga Buwoya Buwoya medium 9541maize groundnuts x x x no x 0 no x x yes 32.2 Female 32 Musoga Buwoya Iganga Bugweri Buyanga Buwoya Buwoya rich 12 8 4 4 maize sweet potatoes cassava x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 32.3 Male 24 Musoga Buwoya Iganga Bugweri Buyanga Buwoya Buwoya poor 3123sweet potatoes x x x x no x 0 no x x yes 33.1 Female 32 Musoga Mpande Namutumba Busiki Ivukula Kisowozi Mpande poor 7431maize cassava x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 33.2 Male 34 Musoga Mpande Namutumba Busiki Ivukula Kisowozi Mpande rich 10 3 7 6 maize rice x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 33.3 Male 48 Musoga Mpande Namutumba Busiki Ivukula Kisowozi Mpande medium 3215maize cassava beans x x no x 0 yes ox ploughx yes 34.1 Female 32 Musoga Matyama Namutumba Busiki Namutumba Namutumba North Matyama medium 6423maize cassava x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 34.2 Male 45 Musoga Matyama Namutumba Busiki Namutumba Namutumba North Matyama rich 20 12 8 23 maize groundnuts cotton beans trees yes swamp 0 yes ox plough x yes 34.3 Male 43 Musoga Matyama Namutumba Busiki Namutumba Namutumba North Matyama poor 11 7 4 1 cassava x x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes sweet 2000 / 35.1 Female 42 Musoga Bulange Namutumba Busiki Bulange Bulange Bulange poor 4318maize cassava beans potatoes x yes deep BH 3months yes ox plough x yes 35.2 Female 30 Muganda Bulange Namutumba Busiki Bulange Bulange Bulange rich 15 9 6 7 maize rice sweet potatos rice soya no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 35.3 Male 35 Musoga Bulange Namutumba Busiki Bulange Bulange Bulange medium 6330x x x x x xx 0xx x x 36.1 Female 25 Musoga Nabisoigi Namutumba Busiki Kibaale Nabisoigi Nabisoigi poor 4221maize beans x x x no x 0 no x x yes 36.2 Female 43 Musoga Nabisoigi Namutumba Busiki Kibaale Nabisoigi Nabisoigi medium 8445cassava coffee x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x yes 36.3 Male 41 Mugisu Nabisoigi Namutumba Busiki Kibaale Nabisoigi Nabisoigi rich 11 4 6 4.5 cassava maize simsim x x no x 0 no x x yes 37.1 Male 40 Musoga Buwaiswa Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa Buwaiswa medium 5141maize sweet potatoes cassava x x no x x yes x x yes 37.2 Female 36 Musoga Buwaiswa Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa Buwaiswa rich 10 4 6 15 maize cassava beans x x no x 0 yes ox ploughx yes 37.3 Female 60 Musoga Buwaiswa Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa Buwaiswa poor 1011maize beans sweet potatos cassava x no x 0 no x x no sweet 38.1 Female 40 Musoga Buwaaya Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa Buwaaya rich 13 9 4 4 maize rice beans potatoes x no x 0 yes x x yes sweet 38.2 Male 39 Mugwere Buwaaya Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa Buwaaya medium 7431maize cassava beans potatoes x no x 0 yes x x yes 38.3 Female 37 Musoga Buwaaya Mayuge Bunya Buwaaya Buwaiswa Buwaaya poor 8260x x x x x nox 0nox x no 39.1 Male 65 Musoga Kasolo Iganga Kigulu Bulamagi Bulowooza Kasolo rich 10 5 5 30 Plantain maize sweet potatos cassava coffee yes swamp 20000/day no x x yes 39.2 Female 30 Musoga Kasolo Iganga Kigulu Bulamagi Bulowooza Kasolo poor 10 7 3 3 maize sweet potatoes cassava x x yes swamp 0 no x x yes

39.3 Female 80 Musoga Kasolo Iganga Kigulu Bulamagi Bulowooza Kasolo medium 15 4 11 10 Plantain sweet potatoes maize cassava x yes deep BH 0 no x x yes 40.1 Male 48 Sabiny Kutung Bukwo Kongasis Kabei Mutushet Kutung poor 10 5 5 2 maize beans bananas x x no x 0 yes ox ploughx yes 40.2 Male 68 Sabiny Kutung Bukwo Kongasis Kabei Mutushet Kutung medium 4402maize x x x x no x 0 yes ox plough x no 40.3 Male 40 Sabiny Kutung Bukwo Kongasis Kabei Mutushet Kutung rich 12 5 6 4 maize bananas beans x x no x 0 yes ox ploughx yes 41.1 Female 35 Muganda Kitukutwe Wakiso Kyadondo Kira Kimwanyi Kitukutwe poor 8 5 3 0.25 matooke x x x x x x yes 41.2 male 70 muganda Kitukutwe Wakiso kyadondo Kira kimwanyi Kitukutwe medium 30 5 6 4 coffee matoke elephant grass x x x x x x yes 41.3 Male 54 Muganda Kitukutwe wakiso kyadondo Kira Kimwanyi Kitukutwe medium 15 7 7 12 coffee maize potatoes greens x x x x x x yes Household Interview Survey Result (7/30) 1 Profession (Fisherman) 1 year) (UGX) (UGX) number Work as Work laborer 1 1 activity laborer 2 2 activity laborer 3 agriculture how much how comments expenditure poultry/dairy income from from income from income Type of fish 1 other income Yearly income Number of nets Number of lines number of cattle Source of fishing Any debtsAny / loans Household recordHousehold number of poultry interest rate (% per per (% rate interest total yearly income income yearly total income from fishery fishery from income with which institution monthly expenditure monthly water related

20.1 women ploughing children ploughing x 3 20 570,000 270,000 - - 300,000 50,000 16,000 yes 300,000 FINCA 22% x 0 0 x x - 20.2 casual labourers tilling family members sowing x 0 19 6,560,000 800,000 - - 5,760,000 20.3 x cultivation wife all tasks x 5 5 15,660,000 1,500,000 2,160,000 - 12,000,000 900,000 600 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

21.1 children cultivation x x x 1 0 560,000 200,000 - 360,000 - 120,000 500 no - x 0% individual 15 586 lake tilapia 360,000 21.2 x x x x x 0 0 160,000 - - - 160,000 32,000 - yes 40,000 individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 21.3 husband tilling x x x 0 0 20,625,000 800,000 - - 19,825,000 300,000 30,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 22.1 children cultivation x x x 0 10 36,700,000 200,000 - - 36,500,000 320,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

22.2 husband ploughing children planting x 7 50 2,400,000 1,600,000 200,000 - 600,000 200,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 22.3 women cultivation x x x 0 0 190,000 90,000 - - 100,000 10,000 333 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 23.1 x x x x x 0 3 3,302,500 200,000 - - 3,102,500 50,000 666 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 23.2 x x x x x 10 0 480,000 300,000 180,000 - - 50,000 2,000 yes 10,000 individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 23.3 casual labourers ploughing children sowing x 4 30 8,170,000 3,600,000 210,000 - 4,360,000 4,360,000 120,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

24.1 children ploughing wife planting x 0 7 1,251,000 750,000 21,000 - 480,000 207,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 24.2 children cultivation x x 0 4 960,000 570,000 30,000 - 360,000 525,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 24.3 children ploughing women planting x 0 0 160,000 160,000 - - - 10,000 166 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 25.1 women ploughing children harvesting x 4 8 290,000 250,000 40,000 - - 20,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 25.2 x x x x x 0 0 2,980,000 100,000 - - 2,880,000 200,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 25.3 x x x x x 10 5 2,730,000 1,400,000 1,330,000 - - 330,000 60,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 26.1 children ploughing x x x 1 4 7,952,000 1,200,000 - - 6,752,000 200,000 3,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 26.2 women ploughing children planting x 2 12 1,600,000 600,000 - - 1,000,000 150,000 7,500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 26.3 casual labourers ploughing husband sowing x 0 0 2,225,000 400,000 - - 1,825,000 180,000 18,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

27.1 children planting x x x 2 1 150,000 150,000 - - - 10,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 27.2 women weeding children planting x 4 10 575,000 450,000 125,000 - - 870,000 1,500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 27.3 x x x x x 0 0 180,000 180,000 - - - 10,000 166 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 28.1 casual labourers ploughing children planting x 5 100 880,000 510,000 370,000 - - 282,000 500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - E 28.2 women ploughing children harvesting x 0 2 360,000 - - - 360,000 44,000 500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

- 28.3 children ploughing x x x 0 9 39,000 30,000 9,000 - - 3,000 500 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 29.1 husband supervision casual labourers ploughing x 4 50 7,500,000 5,500,000 2,000,000 - - 570,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

35 29.2 husband ploughing women weeding x 1 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 30,000 166 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 29.3 children ploughing x x x 1 1 3,650,000 - - - 3,650,000 40,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

30.1 women ploughing children harvesting x 5 8 1,140,000 1,000,000 140,000 - - 500,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

30.2 women planting children weeding x 0 0 1,800,000 - - - 1,800,000 200,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 30.3 x x x x x 2 5 1,150,000 1,100,000 50,000 - - 20,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

31.1 x x x x x 0 0 120,000 - - - 120,000 30,000 1,000 yes 2,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 31.2 children ploughing wife sowing x 0 5 1,080,000 - - - 1,080,000 350,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 31.3 women ploughing children weeding x 5 30 3,438,000 200,000 300,000 - 2,938,000 300,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 32.1 children ploughing husband sowing x 7 10 700,000 - 400,000 - 300,000 65,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 32.2 husband ploughing x x x 1 30 5,850,000 1,080,000 90,000 - 4,680,000 910,000 1,400 yes 2,000,000 stanbic bank 19% x 0 0 x x - 32.3 women ploughing x x x 0 6 500,000 100,000 300,000 - 100,000 30,000 - yes 60,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 33.1 husband ploughing x x x 0 1 730,000 - - - 730,000 16,000 4,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 33.2 casual labourers ploughing children harvesting x 0 5 4,600,000 1,000,000 - - 3,600,000 360,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 33.3 women ploughing x x x 2 8 970,000 250,000 200,000 - 520,000 40,000 - yes 70,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 34.1 husband weeding x x x 0 3 800,000 750,000 50,000 - - 230,000 3,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 34.2 casual labourers ploughing wife sowing x 20 30 6,975,000 4,720,000 1,255,000 - 1,000,000 550,000 4,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 34.3 women ploughing x x x 3 10 365,000 - - - 365,000 20,000 9,000 yes 50,000 individual 0% x 0 0 x x -

35.1 casual labourers ploughing x x x 0 0 329,000 329,000 - - - 70,000 2,000 yes 200,000 Bulange women's group 10% x 0 0 x x - 35.2 casual labourers ploughing husband weeding x 31 30 2,600,000 1,600,000 - - 1,000,000 650,000 3,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 35.3 x x x x x 0 0 468,000 - - - 468,000 32,000 1,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 36.1 children ploughing x x x 0 0 730,000 - - - 730,000 80,000 2,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 36.2 children planting x x x 3 10 2,090,000 1,000,000 50,000 - 1,040,000 97,600 2,000 yes 130,000 Individual 50% x 0 0 x x - 36.3 casual labourers ploughing children weeding x 3 12 2,175,000 1,390,000 65,000 - 720,000 75,000 24,000 yes 8,000 Individual 0% x 0 0 x x - 37.1 husband cultivation wife all tasks x x x 2,400,000 - - - 2,400,000 180,000 60,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 37.2 children ploughing x x x 1 10 4,150,000 500,000 - - 3,650,000 292,000 - yes 250,000 Buwaaya SACCO 4% x 0 0 x x - 37.3 x x x x x 0 0 120,000 120,000 - - - 93,600 2,400 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

38.1 casual labourers Ploughing women all tasks x 0 0 6,825,000 5,000,000 - - 1,825,000 390,000 60,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

38.2 casual labourers ploughing x x x 3 7 6,124,000 - 1,000,000 - 5,124,000 260,000 500 yes 3,600,000 stanbic bank 24% x 0 0 x x - 38.3 x x x x x 0 0 255,500 - - - 255,500 150,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 39.1 casual labourers ploughing women sowing, weeding children 3 20 10,000,000 10,000,000 - - - 370,000 36,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 39.2 children ploughing x x x 2 10 838,000 - 108,000 - 730,000 300,000 30,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x -

39.3 casual labourers ploughing x x x 4 0 2,860,000 2,860,000 - - - 1,000,000 3,000 no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 40.1 children ploughing women planting x 2 10 350,000 - 50,000 - 300,000 200,000 - yes 200,000 Kabei SACCO 2% x 0 0 x x - 40.2 x x x x x 4 6 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 - - 200,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 40.3 children ploughing x x x 3 13 3,250,000 2,500,000 750,000 - - 600,000 - no - x 0% x 0 0 x x - 41.1 husband children 0 0 260,000 - - - 260,000 small scale business 25,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 41.2 family members 7 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - - no other business 200,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 41.3 family members 2 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - - no other business 100,000 no yes 200,000 bank 35% x 0 0 x x - Household Interview Survey Result (8/30) 1 Other professions 3 Water Resources 1 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 r ea y stem year y year) source water1 water2 source s number sickness 1 sickness sickness 1 sickness how much how in last about price waterquality price per liter of column CT) any waterborne in a day (litersin ) Time in minutesTime in amount UGX in use water source Any debtsAny / loans Any debtsAny / loans what do you think Household recordHousehold source of drinking source of drinking ready to pay more interest rate (% per per (% rate interest any fee required for who owns the owns waterwho what is your opinion what your is opinion who collects water collects 1 who Yearly income (only Yearly nr. of reported cases with which institution per month / jerrycan/ Esther, and repetition amount of water used about management of required to fetch water reason for poor quality money for good quality diseases in your in familydiseases

20.1 x - x - x 0.00% unprotected spring Deep BH 100 120 mixture yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high bad community Good yes yes diarrhoea 4 20.2 2,160,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 180 180 children yes 3,000 year 0.0 ok good x community good yes no x 0 20.3 x 12,000,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 900 120 children yes 7,000 year 0.0 low good x community good yes no x 0

21.1 no - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 60 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok good salty community good yes no x 0 21.2 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Swamp / lake 100 30 children yes 2,000 year 0.1 high bad salty community good yes yes skin diseases 3 21.3 x 1,825,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 10 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 ok bad salty community good yes no x 0 22.1 x 36,500,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 160 120 mixture yes 2,000 month 0.4 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 2

22.2 x 600,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 60 children yes 2,000 month 0.3 high good x community good yes no x 0 22.3 x - x - x 0.00% Shallow BH unprotected spring 120 60 mixture yes 1,000 year 0.0 ok bad Turbid community good yes yes diarrhoea 5 23.1 x 3,102,500 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 120 mixture yes 666 month 0.3 high good x community good yes no x 0 23.2 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Swamp / lake 200 120 women yes 2,000 month 0.3 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 2 23.3 x 4,360,000 yes 1,200,000 Uganda Finance Trust ltd 12.00% Deep BH x 160 60 mixture yes 2,000 month 0.4 ok good x community good yes no x 0

24.1 x 480,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 140 60 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good salty community good yes yes vomiting 1 24.2 x 360,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 200 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 2 24.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 140 30 men yes 2,000 year 0.0 high bad salty and hard community good yes no x 0 25.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 240 mixture yes 2,000 year 0.1 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 6 25.2 x 2,880,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 100 180 children yes 1,000 month 0.3 high good Turbid community good yes yes typhoid 2 25.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 200 240 children yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high good x community bad yes yes typhoid 1 26.1 x 6,752,500 yes 300,000 FINCA 13.00% Deep BH x 400 180 children yes 3,000 year 0.0 high good x community Good yes yes diarrhoea 2 26.2 x 1,000,000 yes 200,000 individual 0.00% Deep BH x 500 360 mixture yes 7,500 month 0.5 high bad hard community good yes no x 0 26.3 x 1,825,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 160 60 men yes 1,500 month 0.3 high good salty community Good yes yes diarrhoea 1

27.1 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 100 45 mixture yes 2,000 month 0.7 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 2 27.2 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 240 90 mixture yes 1,500 month 0.2 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 4 27.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 120 mixture yes 2,000 year 0.1 ok good x community good yes no x 0 28.1 x 360,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 300 150 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok good x hospital good yes no x 0 E 28.2 x 360,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 400 60 children yes 500 month 0.0 high good x hospital good yes yes malaria 20

- 28.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 30 mixture yes 500 month 0.2 high good x hospital good yes no x 0 29.1 x 12,000,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 260 180 mixture yes 2,000 year 0.0 ok good x hospital good yes no x 0

36 29.2 x 60,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 100 60 children yes 2,000 year 0.1 high good x community bad yes no x 0 29.3 x 3,650,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 240 women yes 2,000 year 0.1 ok good x hospital bad yes no x 0

30.1 x 7,300,000 yes 1,000,000 individual 0.00% Deep BH x 140 60 mixture yes 2,000 year 0.0 ok bad Turbid community good yes yes typhoid 4

30.2 x 1,800,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 30 mixture yes 2,000 month 0.6 ok bad Turbid community good yes no x 0 30.3 x - x - x 0.00% Shallow BH x 40 3 women yes 2,000 year 0.1 ok good x community good yes no x 0

31.1 x 120,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 60 30 women yes 1,000 month 0.6 high bad Turbid mosque bad yes yes diarrhoea 2 31.2 x 1,080,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 240 180 children yes 1,000 month 0.1 ok bad Odour private Good yes no x 0 31.3 x 2,938,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH swallow BH 120 120 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.3 low bad Odour school bad yes yes typhoid 2 32.1 x 300,000 no - x 0.00% Shallow BH x 100 60 women no - x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes diarrhoea 4 32.2 x 4,680,000 no - x 0.00% Shallow BH x 160 10 children yes 1,400 month 0.3 high bad Turbid school bad yes yes typhoid 3 32.3 x 100,000 no - x 0.00% Shallow BH RWH 40 60 women no - x x good Turbid church bad yes yes malaria 1 33.1 x 730,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 120 mixture yes 4,000 year 0.1 ok good x community good yes yes vomiting 2 33.2 x 3,600,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 120 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x community good yes no x 0 33.3 x 520,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 100 120 women no - x x good x community good yes yes worms 3 34.1 x 4,380,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 60 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 34.2 x 800,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 400 180 mixture yes 4,000 year 0.0 ok good x community good yes yes vomiting 3 34.3 x 365,000 no - x 0.00% Hand dug well x 60 180 mixture yes 3,000 month 1.7 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 3

35.1 x 365,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 180 women yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high good x hospital bad yes yes diarrhoea 2 35.2 x 1,000,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 120 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x hospital bad yes yes typhoid 1 35.3 x 468,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 80 180 women yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok good x hospital good yes no x 0 36.1 x 730,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 100 90 mixture yes 2,000 month 0.7 high good x community good yes yes typhoid 1 36.2 x 1,040,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 120 children yes 2,000 year 0.0 ok good x community good yes yes typhoid 1 36.3 x 720,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 100 20 mixture yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 ok good x community good yes no x 0 37.1 x 2,400,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 180 women yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 ok good x hospital good yes no x 0 37.2 x 3,650,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 120 240 mixture yes 2,400 year 0.1 ok good x hospital good yes no x 0 37.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH unprotected spring 60 240 women yes 2,400 month 1.3 high good x hospital good yes no x 0

38.1 x 1,825,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH Protected spring 200 120 mixture yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 4

38.2 x 1,000,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH Protected spring 100 30 mixture yes 500 month 0.2 low good x community good yes no x 0 38.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Protected spring 200 30 children yes 2,000 year 0.0 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 5 39.1 x 600,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 120 180 laborers yes 1,200 day 10.0 high good x community good yes no x 0 39.2 x 730,000 no - x 0.00% Deep BH x 200 120 men yes 100 jerrycan 5.0 high good x community good yes no x 0

39.3 x - x - x 0.00% Deep BH Hand dug well 400 30 children yes 3,000 month 0.3 high good x community good yes no x 0 40.1 x 300,000 yes 200,000 Kabei SACCO 2.00% Protected spring x 100 30 mixture no - x x good x community good yes yes typhoid 2 40.2 x - x - x 0.00% Protected spring x 80 120 children no - x x good x community good yes yes typhoid 4 40.3 x - x - x 0.00% Protected spring x 240 40 mixture no x x x good x community good yes yes typhoid 2 41.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well Deep BH 60 30 children no good community bad yes yes skin diseases 41.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well protected spring 240 15 children no good community Good yes yes diarrhoea 1 41.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Deep BH 200 30 children no good community good yes no x x Household Interview Survey Result (9/30) 1 4 Development priority 1 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 care toilet number your calls sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness support from your community your community your community your community your community do you have any these sicknesses priority number 1 priority number 2 priority number 3 priority number 4 priority number 5 what type of toilet Household recordHousehold how did you handle you handle did how nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases do you have sanitary if no toilet wher do do what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of government for health

20.1 vomiting 4 x 0 private doctor no yes traditional pit x drinking water water supply for domestic use schools hospital roads 20.2 x x x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water quality seeds & fertilizers micro credit health centre x 20.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit dig hole drinking water schools roads health centre quality seeds

21.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water schools quality seeds and fertilizer health centre roads 21.2 x 0 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush income generating projects medicines in hospitals schools agricultural education quality seeds and fertiliser 21.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit surrounding house drinking water hospital quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit school 22.1 malaria 12 vomiting 2 hospital no yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water hospital schools market facilities micro credit

22.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water hospital agricultural machinery quality seeds and fertilizer roads 22.3 malaria 3 skin infection 4 hospital yes yes improved pit bush drinking water water for domestic use electricity hospital Agriculture machines 23.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit x drinking water school hospital x x 23.2 vomiting 2 skin infection 3 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush drinking water water for domestic use hospital school micro credit 23.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush drinking water quality seeds & fertilizers micro credit market facilities agriculture adisory services

24.1 diarrhoea 1 x 0 private doctor no yes traditional pit hole in ground Seeds and fertilizer hospital roads water supply for drinking markets 24.2 vomiting 2 x 0 hospital no yes traditional pit hole in ground Seeds and fertilizer drinking water hospital roads markets 24.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush water supply school roads electricity hospital 25.1 x 0 x 0 x yes yes traditional pit bush roads drinking water micro credit electricity quality seeds and fertiliser 25.2 x 0 x 0 hospital no yes improved pit bush hospitals drinking water roads school electricity 25.3 x 0 x 0 private doctor yes yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water roads mosque quality seeds and fertilizer electricity 26.1 vomiting 2 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit hole in ground Seeds and fertilizer drinking water roads hospital school 26.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water water for domestic use electricity hospital school 26.3 x 0 x 0 hospital no yes improved pit x drinking water schools electricity micro credit hospital

27.1 vomiting 2 skin infection 15 hospital no yes traditional pit hole in ground micro credit quality seeds & fertilizers drinking water hospital electricity 27.2 vomiting 2 skin infection 5 hospital no yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water tractor quality seeds and fertilizer electricity medical workers (doctor) 27.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush micro credit quality seeds & fertilizers drinking water market facilities hospital 28.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit hole in ground electricity drinking water ox ploughs roads medicines in health centre E 28.2 x 0 x 0 hospital no yes traditional pit hole in ground Seeds and fertilizer electricity hospital micro credit school

- 28.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush public toilets drinking water quality seeds and fertilizer hospital school 29.1 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water tractor market electricity school

37 29.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water hospital roads quality seeds and fertilizer electricity 29.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water toilets at health centre medicines for health centres medical workers roads

30.1 malaria 7 x 0 hospital no yes improved pit bush micro credit quality seeds and fertiliser agricultural machinery improved livestock breeds hospitals

30.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit bush drinking water hospital schools quality seeds and fertilizer improved livestock breeds 30.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit hole in ground cooperative societies health education micro credit roads school

31.1 vomiting 10 x 0 private doctor yes yes traditional pit bush drinking water electricity income generating projects school micro credit 31.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water marketing facilities agricultural machinery quality seeds and fertilizer electricity 31.3 x 0 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit bush drinking water electricity hospital quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit 32.1 skin disease 3 x 0 hospital yes yes improved pit x drinking water roads quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit electricity 32.2 diarrhoea 12 skin infection 3 private doctor no yes traditional pit bush drinking water quality seeds and fertiliser micro credit school electricity 32.3 x 0 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit bush schools hospital drinking water roads tractor 33.1 diarrhoea 2 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit hole in ground schools hospitals agricultural machinery quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit 33.2 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water agricultural machineries micro credit market facilities roads 33.3 headache 3 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush electricity micro credit employment roads quality seeds and fertiliser 34.1 vomiting 1 x 0 hospital yes yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water micro credit hospital school quality seeds and fertiliser 34.2 typhoid 2 x 0 private doctor no yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water hospital roads market facilities quality seeds and fertiliser 34.3 malaria 11 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush drinking water electricity medicines in health units bank roads

35.1 vomiting 2 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit hole in ground drinking water agricultural machineries medicines in health units electricity quality seeds and fertiliser 35.2 diarrhoea 3 vomiting 2 private doctor no yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water agricultural machineries hospital electricity quality seeds and fertiliser 35.3 x 0 x 0 x x yes traditional pit bush electricity micro credit hospital school drinking water 36.1 vomiting 1 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit hole in ground hospitals drinking water quality seeds and fertilizer agricultural machineries school 36.2 diarrhoea 1 x 0 private doctor yes yes improved pit hole in ground marketing facilities drinking water bank warehouses roads 36.3 x 0 x 0 x no yes improved pit x drinking water roads medicines for health centres medical workers micro credit 37.1 x 0 x 0 x no yes traditional pit hole in ground water supply electricity roads quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit 37.2 x 0 x 0 x no yes traditional pit bush drinking water electricity quality seeds and fertilizer market facilities micro credit 37.3 x 0 x 0 x no yes traditional pit bush drinking water hospital schools quality seeds and fertilizer electricity

38.1 skin disease 13 x 0 x no yes improved pit hole in ground micro credit drinking water agricultural machinery quality seeds and fertilizer . RGC accessible from the DHQ.

38.2 x 0 x 0 x no yes traditional pit bush drinking water technical institution medicines for health centres roads micro credit 38.3 x 0 x 0 x no yes traditional pit bush schools drinking water hospital micro credit marketing facilities 39.1 x 0 x 0 x no yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water quality seeds and fertiliser micro credit market facilities agricultural machinery 39.2 x 0 x 0 x no yes improved pit bush drinking water income generating projects pesticides roads hospital

39.3 x 0 x 0 x no yes improved pit hole in ground drinking water quality seeds and fertiliser agricultural machinery roads micro credit 40.1 diarrhoea 1 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush drinking water roads quality seeds and fertilizer micro credit school 40.2 malaria 4 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush drinking water school hospital bank roads 40.3 x 0 x 0 hospital yes yes traditional pit bush drinking water micro credit hospital roads electricity 41.1 x x x x health centre no yes pit latrine piped water tarmac roads secondary school 41.2 x x x x health centre no yes pit latrine capital tarmac roads secondary school electricity 41.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine Seeds and fertilizer tractor pesticides water Household Interview Survey Result (10/30) 1 1

Comments number Household recordHousehold

Majority of families have animals even on zero grazing. They have a cotton ginnery which employs 200 people and are hoping to resume diary processin in the near future. During day, the RGC is more populated with over 2800 people, mainly students from 20.1 nearby villages. respondent refused to take picture 20.2 Borehole near but there are always long queues especially at peak hours 20.3 The respondent says the boreholes are near but supply many people and therefore congested

21.1 Ground water in the area is salty as reported 21.2 She is lokoing after 9 orphans whose father and mother passed away 21.3 The new BH has salty water which goes for 100/= per jerrycan but at times 300/= depending on scarcity 22.1 When the BH is broken, they fetch water form the unprotected spring

22.2 The BH is near but there is always a long line of peoplke waiting to be served 22.3 Because of the long cue at the BH members resort to fetching water from the unprotected spring 23.1 She is the sole bread winner of the family 23.2 It takes 180 minutes to fetch water from the lake. 2000/= is a lot of money for them and that is the reason why they resort to using lake water although they say it is not clean 23.3 Respondent beilieves roads are crucial to get markets

24.1 BH is salty and that is why they fetch it from the unprotected spring 24.2 The BH is 10 metres walking distance but has long cues leading to over 60 minutes in waiting time. The respondent didn’t know if the diarrhoea and vomiting were as a result of drinking dirty water 24.3 It takes 2 hours at the BH when overcrowded but 30 minutes when not to get water 25.1 The second BH has been recently constructed but it yields dirty water (muddy) and also yields very little and smelyy water which is only used for domestic chores 25.2 The respondent is the sole bread winner of the family 25.3 It takes that long to fetch water from the BH because of the long lines but it is a 15 minutes walk form the HH 26.1 She is not sure whether it is dirty water that cause the diarrhoea and vomiting. The 2 BHs are no longer sufficient due to the high population 26.2 He has 5 families scattered all over village and each family contributes 1500/= for water at the BH 26.3 She says the husband is a fisherman but doesn’t know how much he earns and he comes back home less often

27.1 They don’t know what causes the water borne diseases 27.2 He says there is need for water sources for watering cattle and fish farming also 27.3 She lives only 100 metres away from the BH 28.1 The BH used cuurently is far from the RGC. The one in the middel of the RGC is non functional and they depend on that of the Health centre which is going to be soon fenced off. E 28.2 The BH is 20 minutes walk from the HH but there are always long cues

- 28.3 She is a widow looking after 11 dependants 29.1 There is a desire for irrigation but there is not enough water. The BH has long cues always.

38 29.2 There is only 1 BH in this area 29.3 During the dry season, they wait for water for not less than 10 hours a day in the cue

30.1 There is a desire for irrigation but there is not enough water. The BH has long cues always.

30.2 BH is near pit latrines 30.3 The husband is a butcher but she doesn’t know how much he earns The BH breaks down often and they at times spend up to a month without fetching water form that BH yet they have paid their money. There is another BH in the neighboring village where they pay 300//= per month but it is far. She ssays the water from this 31.1 BH is yellowish 31.2 BH is near but it takes a long time to get water because of the long cues 31.3 Respondent takes care of the grand monther and siblings. He is not yet married. The BH is new but it takes long to get water because of the cues which are long 32.1 The agricultural produce is for home consumption and not sold 32.2 Each HH is required to pay 2000/= for repairs when the BH breaks down and it tis 10ft deep 32.3 During the rainy season, they trap rain water. The BH water becomes dirty due to runoff 33.1 Produce is for domestic consuption. There are 4 BHs in the RGC but 2 of them yield salty water hence have long waiting cues 33.2 BH is 20 minutes walk but it takes 120 minutes to get the water due to long cues 33.3 The nearest BH at the subcounty HQs is overcrowded all the time yet the second BH yields dirty water 34.1 BH is near but it is always congested hence the delays in fecthing water 34.2 The BH is near but there is always a long line of peoplke waiting to be served 34.3 There is 1 BH and 1 DW in the village but due to the big population, they spend a lot of time waiting for water at both sources

35.1 The RGC has no community BH an get water from the hospital BH 35.2 BH water gets dirty when it rains. The BH belongs to the hospital and has restricted access and people resort to using unprotected water sources 35.3 It takes 45 minutes to fetch water if there is no cue but up to 3 bours when there is a cue 36.1 The BH is 20 metres away from the HH but because it supplies the school, hospital and the community, there is a lot of demand for water hence the long cues 36.2 They pay 2000/= for the BH at the beginning of the year in case it breaks down. They are also called upon to pay some more money up to 1000/= per HH if the money they collect at the beginning of the year is not enough 36.3 When they were drinking water from springs, they used to get sick of water borne diseases but not any more when they started using the BH. They also have a public toilet in the RGC 37.1 The RGC has no community BH; the community is depending on that of the hospital 37.2 The BH is for the hospital and it's being used by 3 villages 37.3 She rents 1 acre of land. They contribute money towards BH operationa nd maintenance

38.1 The infection affected the entire area (RGC). RGC needs a 3 phase power supply as the current single phase can not adquately run some agro-processing equipment. There are very many upcoming developments especially in the housing sector

38.2 The have a shallow BH which yields oily/ salted water. 38.3 The husband is a butcher who earns approximately 20000/= a day but this income is irregular. The water from the BH at the SHQ has a bad odor and is salty. There are 2 BHs in the RGC and 1 protected spring 39.1 BH in his compound has bad water (with FeO) and it gets depleted so fast with continous pumping. RGC easily accessible from DHQ 39.2 1 BH each at the 2 shools with resticted access to the community. The HH buys water at 100/= per jerrycan. RGC easily accessible from DHQ HH has a Hand Dug well (HDW) in compound and rainwate harvesting tanks. The HDW is currently (for 1 month) broken down. The HH therefore fetches from the public BH. The respondent is an old woman of 80 years old. The rspondent in addition to her 39.3 income from agricultural produce, is supported by her children to take care of her grand children. 40.1 The water from the spring gets dirty during the rainy season due to the run off in the valley where the water source is located. 40.2 The water from the spring gets dirty during the rainy season due to the run off in the valley where the water source is located. 40.3 2 of the family members are orphans being cared for by the HH head 41.1 . The hospital is very far, and electricity not adequate. 41.2 There is need to improve on the agriculture sector,roads,general security and school 41.3 Develop agriculture sector,education,hospitals and roads Household Interview Survey Result (11/30) 1 Detail respondent 2 Details Profession (Farmer) 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.2 HH m3 Age (acre) Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5 village Parish Village Village the HH District County Gender number Ethnicity Sub CountySub sharing labour machine type 1 machine type 2 Irrigation facility source irrigation Household recordHousehold Total area owned Type of household Number of Female in Agricultural machines Total family members Number of the Male in Costs/fee irrigation per socio economic wise in in economic wise socio sweet 42.1 Male 68 Muganda kiti A Wakiso Kyadondo Nangabo Watuba kiti A poor 15 3 4 0.25 Irish potatoes cassava potatoes x x x x x x yes 42.2 Male 70 Muganda kiti A Wakiso Kyadondo Nangabo Watuba kiti A poor 6 2 4 0.12 matoke potatoes cassava x x x x x x no 42.3 Male 65 Muganda kiti A Wakiso Kyadondo Nangabo Watuba kiti A medium 6 2 4 1.25 cassava potatoes bananas coffee x x x x x x yes 43.1 Female 30 Muganda Namawata Wakiso Kyadondo Busukuma Kabumba Namawata poor 14 3 3 360 maize greens potatoes pineapple x x x yes tractor x yes 43.2 Female 50 Muganda Namawata Wakiso Kyadondo Busukuma Kabumba Namawata poor 6 2 4 0.25 maize cassava potatoes x x x x x x yes 43.3 Female 32 Muganda Namawata Wakiso Kyadondo Busukuma Kabumba Namawata medium 6426coffee matoke potatoes maize tomatoes x x x x x x yes 44.1 Male 37 Muganda luyanzi 2 mukono buikwe kawolo kiteza luyanzi 2 medium 5 4 2 0.25 matooke potatoes maize x x x x x x family members 44.2 Female 34 Muganda luyanzi 2 mukono buikwe kawolo kiteza luyanzi 2 poor 8 1 7 0.25 coffee matooke x x x x x x family members 44.3 Female 45 Itesot luyanzi 2 mukono buikwe kawolo kiteza luyanzi 2 poor 8353cassava potatoes beans groundnuts x x x x x x family members 45.1 Female 30 samia kijimba A mukono buikwe ngogwe lubongo kijimba A medium 7 6 2 0.5 potatoes matooke g/nuts beans x x x x x x family members 45.2 Female 50 samia kijimba A mukono buikwe ngogwe lubongo kijimba A medium 13 1 9 0.25 potatoes x x x x x x family members 45.3 Female 71 Muganda kijimba A mukono buikwe ngogwe lubongo kijimba A poor 20 1 2 2 matooke beans x x x x x x family members 46.1 Female 47 Muganda ntakafunvu mukono mukono nakisunga kyabalogo ntakafunvu poor 3 1 2 0.5 matooke x x x x x x family members 46.2 Male 44 Muganda ntakafunvu Mukono Mukono Nakisunga Kyabalogo ntakafunvu medium 10 5 6 3 potatoes x x x x x x family members 46.3 Female 70 Muganda ntakafunvu Mukono Mukono Nakisunga Kyabalogo ntakafunvu medium 1011coffee beans groundnuts x x x x x x casual labourers 47.1 Female 27 Tanzanian nakanyonyi Mukono Mukono Nabaale nagalama nakanyonyi poor 3120x x x xx x xx x x 47.2 Female 43 Muganda nakanyonyi Mukono Mukono Nabaale nagalama nakanyonyi medium 6 2 4 0.25 cassava x x x x x x family members 47.3 Male 82 Muganda nakanyonyi Mukono Mukono Nabaale nagalama nakanyonyi medium 13 4 4 4 cassava groundnuts x x x x x x family members 48.1 Female 38 Muganda kalangala Mukono Mukono Ntunda katete kalangala poor 7 4 3 0.5 cassava groundnuts x x x x x x family members 48.2 Female 50 Muganda kalangala Mukono Mukono Ntunda katete kalangala poor 4 2 2 0.5 cassava x x x x x x family members 48.3 Male 27 munyoro kalangala Mukono Mukono Ntunda katete kalangala medium 5 3 2 0.25 coffee beans potatoes x x x x x x family members 49.1 Female 33 Muganda goma Mukono Mukono Goma masindye goma poor 3210maize x x x x x x family members 49.2 Female 40 Muganda goma Mukono Mukono Goma masindye goma medium 3 1 2 0.5 maize matooke x x x x x x family members 49.3 Female 46 Muganda goma Mukono Mukono Goma masindye goma poor 8 3 5 0.1 maize matooke x x x x x x family members 50.1 Male 35 Munyoli nabauyanja Butaleja Butaleja Budumba mabale nabauyanja medium 10 5 6 2 cassava beans potatoes x x x x x x family members 50.2 Male 70 Munyoli nabauyanja Butaleja Butaleja Budumba mabale nabauyanja medium 1102matooke potatoes coffee x x x x x x no 50.3 Male 55 Munyoli nabauyanja Butaleja Butaleja Budumba mabale nabauyanja medium 12 5 7 10 cassava potatoes coffee groundnuts x x x x x x family members 51.1 Male 49 Munyoli bugosa Butaleja Bunyole Busaba mulanga bugosa medium 4215maize cotton rice potatoes sorghum x x x x x x family members 51.2 Male 30 Munyoli bugosa Butaleja Bunyole Busaba mulanga bugosa poor 15 1 3 3 maize millet cassava x x x x x x family members E 51.3 Female 45 Munyoli bugosa Butaleja Bunyole Busaba mulanga bugosa rich 5235sorghum millet cassava beans x x x x x x family members

- 52.1 male 32 Munyoli namulemu Butaleja Butaleja Butaleja bungagi namulemu rich 5231maize millet cotton x x x x x x x 52.2 Female 22 Munyoli namulemu Butaleja Butaleja Butaleja bungagi namulemu poor 10 2 1 2 maize xx x xx x x

39 52.3 Female 34 Munyoli namulemu Butaleja Butaleja Butaleja bungagi namulemu medium 2022rice maize beans xx x xx x x 53.1 male 45 Munyoli Nabiganda A Butaleja Bunyole Kachonga Nabiganda Nabiganda A Medium 13 4 5 0 maize millet potatoes groundnuts x x x x x x family members 53.1 male 32 Munyoli Nabiganda A Butaleja Bunyole Kachonga Nabiganda Nabiganda A poor 5232maize millet cassava groundnuts x x x x x x family members 53.3 male 30 Munyoli Nabiganda A Butaleja Bunyole Kachonga Nabiganda Nabiganda A poor 6 3 3 0.5 maize beans cassava potatoes x x x x x x yes 54.1 male 40 Mugishu Makhonje Mbale Bungokho Busiu Bufukula Makhonje medium 9540maize cassava tomatoes sorghum pineapple x x x x x x yes 54.2 male 49 Mugishu Makhonje Mbale Bungokho Busiu Bufukula Makhonje medium 15 5 7 5 maize cassava coffee millet beans x x x x x x yes 54.3 male 37 Mugishu Makhonje Mbale Bungokho Busiu Bufukula Makhonje poor 11 4 6 2 maize millet x x x x x x yes 55.1 male 45 Mugishu Namwalye Mbale Bungokho Busoba Bunanimi Namwalye medium 12 6 4 5 maize millet beans bananas cassava x x x x x x yes 55.2 male 41 Mugishu Namwalye Mbale Bungokho Busoba Bunanimi Namwalye poor 12 2 10 4 maize millet cassava x x x x x x yes 55.3 male 45 Mugishu Namwalye Mbale Bungokho Busoba Bunanimi Namwalye poor 5232maize millet beans groundnuts sorghum x x x x x x yes 56.1 male 38 Munyankole Nambulu Mbale Bungokho Nakaloke Namunsi Nambulu poor 6331maize beans matooke x x x x x x yes 56.2 male 40 Mugishu Nambulu Mbale Bungokho Nakaloke Namunsi Nambulu poor 5 3 3 0.25 maize beans matooke x x x x x x yes 56.3 male 60 Sabin Nambulu Mbale Bungokho Nakaloke Namunsi Nambulu medium 3122maize beans matooke coffee x x x x x x yes 57.1 male 45 Mugishu Mangoe Tree Manafa Bubulo West Butiru Bumagambo Mangoe Tree poor 6336maize Beans Coffee Bananas x x x x x x Yes 57.2 male 60 Mugishu Mangoe Tree Manafa Bubulo West Butiru Bumagambo Mangoe Tree medium 10 4 5 0 maize Beans Coffee Bananas groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 57.3 male 54 Mugishu Mangoe Tree Manafa Bubulo West Butiru Bumagambo Mangoe Tree medium 6334maize Beans cassava potatoes x x x x x x Yes 58.1 Male 32 Mugishu Bukitwika Manafa Bubulo Bupoto Buyaka Bukitwika poor 4131maize Beans cassava Bananas x x x x x x Yes 58.2 Male 46 Mugishu Bukitwika Manafa Bubulo Bupoto Buyaka Bukitwika poor 13740x x x x xx x xx x Yes 58.3 Male 40 Mugishu Bukitwika Manafa Bubulo Bupoto Buyaka Bukitwika poor 9 4 3 maize Beans xx x xx x Yes 59.1 Male 36 Mugishu Bunasaka A Manafa Bubulo Buwagogo Buwagogo Bunasaka A poor 5331maize Beans groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 59.2 Male 35 Mugishu Bunasaka A Manafa Bubulo Buwagogo Buwagogo Bunasaka A poor 5411maize Beans groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 59.3 Female 25 Mugishu Bunasaka A Manafa Bubulo Buwagogo Buwagogo Bunasaka A medium 6243maize Beans Bananas Cassava Potatoes x x x x x x Yes 60.1 Male 37 Mugishu Shirobo Bududa Manjiya Bududa Busai Shirobo poor 3 2 1 0.25 Tomatoes Cabbage Matooke xx x xx x Yes 60.2 Male 55 Mugishu Shirobo Bududa Manjiya Bududa Busai Shirobo medium 4324Matooke coffee cabbage xx x xx x Yes 60.3 Female 64 Mugishu Shirobo Bududa Manjiya Bududa Busai Shirobo poor 5232Matooke coffee cassava tomatoes x x x x x x no 61.1 Male 75 Mugishu Suume Bududa Manjiya Bubiita Maaba Suume poor 2 1 1 0.25 Matooke coffee beans yams x x x x x x Yes 61.2 Female 51 Mugishu Suume Bududa Manjiya Bubiita Maaba Suume medium 6321Matooke beans cassava x x x x x x no 61.3 Male 56 Mugishu Suume Bududa Manjiya Bubiita Maaba Suume medium 4223Matooke beans coffee maize x x x x x x Yes 62.1 Male 28 Mugishu Rokho Bududa Manjiya Bukigai Matanda Rokho poor 4131Matooke beans maize x x x x x x Yes 62.2 Male 21 Mugishu Rokho Bududa Manjiya Bukigai Matanda Rokho poor 5235Matooke beans coffee x x x x x x Yes 62.3 Male 45 Mugishu Rokho Bududa Manjiya Bukigai Matanda Rokho medium 3211Matooke beans maize groundnuts potatoes x x x x x x Yes 63.1 Female 45 Mugishu Bunywaka B Sironko Bulambuli Muyembe Bungwanyi Bunywaka B medium 6334Maize matoke millet groundnuts potatoes x x x x x x Yes 63.2 Male 71 Mugishu Bunywaka B Sironko Bulambuli Muyembe Bungwanyi Bunywaka B medium 3 2 1 0.5 Maize matoke beans potatoes groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 63.3 Male 35 Mugishu Bunywaka B Sironko Bulambuli Muyembe Bungwanyi Bunywaka B medium 8353Maize matoke millet groundnuts potatoes x x x x x x Yes 64.1 Male 50 Mugishu Webele Sironko Bulambuli Bunambutye Bulukwiya Webele medium 5323Maize matoke groundnuts beans xx x xx x Yes 64.2 Male 36 Mugishu Webele Sironko Bulambuli Bunambutye Bulukwiya Webele poor 15 5 4 2 Maize matoke groundnuts beans sunflower xx x xx x Yes 64.3 Male 32 Mugishu Webele Sironko Bulambuli Bunambutye Bulukwiya Webele poor 12 4 3 1 Maize beans sunflower cassava x x x x x x Yes 65.1 Male 47 Mugishu Musene Sironko Budadiri Buhugu Musene Musene medium 6 4 2 56 Maize beans matooke cassava x x x x x x Yes 65.2 Male 41 Mugishu Musene Sironko Budadiri Buhugu Musene Musene poor 5233Maize beans matooke coffee potatoes x x x x x x Yes 65.3 Male 30 Mugishu Musene Sironko Budadiri Buhugu Musene Musene poor 3 1 2 0.5 Maize beans matooke x x x x x x Yes 66.1 Male 70 Mugishu Kikuumu Sironko Budadiri Bumasifwa Bunamande Kikuumu poor 2113Maize beans matooke coffee x x x x x x Yes 66.2 Male 56 Mugishu Kikuumu Sironko Budadiri Bumasifwa Bunamande Kikuumu medium 10 4 6 4 Maize beans matooke coffee potatoes x x x x x x Yes 66.3 Male 35 Mugishu Kikuumu Sironko Budadiri Bumasifwa Bunamande Kikuumu poor 6242Maize beans matooke potatoes x x x x x x Yes 67.1 Male 70 Mugishu Busakula Sironko Budadiri Busulani Bumahosa Busakula poor 12 6 6 6 Maize beans matooke coffee cassava x x x x x x Yes Household Interview Survey Result (12/30) 1 Profession (Fisherman) 1 year) (UGX) (UGX) number Work as Work laborer 1 1 activity laborer 2 2 activity laborer 3 agriculture how much how comments expenditure poultry/dairy income from from income from income Type of fish 1 other income Yearly income Number of nets Number of lines number of cattle Source of fishing Any debtsAny / loans Household recordHousehold number of poultry interest rate (% per per (% rate interest total yearly income income yearly total income from fishery fishery from income with which institution monthly expenditure monthly water related

42.1 family members . 2 0 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 small scale business 500,000 30,000 yes 100,000 people 0% x 0 0 x x - 42.2 x 0 0 35,000 - - - 35,000 no other business 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 42.3 family members 0 0 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 no other business 100,000 5,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 43.1 family members 33 25 10,000,000 10,000,000 - - - no other business 50,000 no yes 500,000 equity bank 28% x 0 0 x x - 43.2 family members 1 0 50,000 - - - 50,000 no other business 30,000 no yes 50,000 0% x 0 0 x x - 43.3 family members 7 15 5,000,000 5,000,000 - - - no other business 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 44.1 0 10 200,000 - - - 200,000 50,000 100 yes 10,000 from people 0% x 0 0 x x - 44.2 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 100,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 44.3 1 0 100,000 100,000 - - - 30,000 no yes 20,000 from BRAC x 0 0 x x - 45.1 2 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 - - - 50,000 no yes 100,000 people 0% x 0 0 x x - 45.2 0 0 - - - - - 20,000 no yes 2,000 people 0% x 0 0 x x - 45.3 0 0 100,000 100,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 46.1 0 0 60,000 60,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 46.2 5 0 5,000,000 5,000,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 46.3 0 0 - - - - - no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 47.1 x x x x 0 0 - - - - - no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 47.2 3 0 - - - - - 3,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 47.3 7 0 350,000 - 350,000 - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 48.1 0 0 - - - - - 5,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 48.2 3 0 - - - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 48.3 0 0 50,000 - - - 50,000 15,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 49.1 0 0 2,760,000 2,760,000 - - ? from rented houses 70,000 15,000 yes 50,000 x 0% x 0 0 x x - 49.2 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - ? small business 300,000 45,000 yes 200,000 10% x 0 0 x x - 49.3 0 0 20,000 20,000 - - ? help from people 60,000 45,000 yes 50,000 x 0% x 0 0 x x - 50.1 0 0 180,000 180,000 - - 0 x 60,000 no yes 90,000 people 0% x 0 0 x x - 50.2 0 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - ? pension 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 50.3 3 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - ? pension 90,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 51.1 0 0 500,000 500,000 - - 0 x 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 51.2 0 3 150,000 150,000 - - ? small business 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - E 51.3 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - ? salary 200,000 no yes 1,500,000 bank 24% x 0 0 x x -

- 52.1 x x x x x 1 7 200,000 200,000 - - 0 x 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 52.2 x x x x x 4 3 50,000 - - - 50,000 x 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x -

40 52.3 x x x x x 0 0 800,000 800,000 - - 0 x 40,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 53.1 10 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 x 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 53.1 0 26 200,000 200,000 - - ? rental houses 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 53.3 family members 0 0 100,000 100,000 - - ? Casual labour 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 54.1 family members 4 0 700,000 700,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 54.2 family members 3 20 500,000 500,000 - - ? from agriculture no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 54.3 family members 0 8 300,000 300,000 - - - 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 55.1 family members 1 8 800,000 800,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 55.2 family members 2 40 200,000 200,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 55.3 family members 0 0 500,000 500,000 - - - 15,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 56.1 family members 2 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 56.2 family members 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 56.3 family members 5 10 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 57.1 family members 2 10 80,000 80,000 - - - no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 57.2 family members 3 6 300,000 300,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 57.3 family members 4 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - ? small business 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 58.1 family members 1 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - ? Mason work 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 58.2 family members 1 0 400,000 400,000 - - - 250,000 no yes 100,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 58.3 family members 1 0 500,000 - - - 200,000 no yes 1,000,000 bank x 0 0 x x - 59.1 family members 1 2 30,000 30,000 - - - 10,000 no yes 20,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 59.2 family members 0 3 100,000 100,000 - - - 3,000 no yes 50,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 59.3 family members 0 0 - - - 200,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 60.1 family members 2 5 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 60.2 family members 2 20 600,000 600,000 - - - 150,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 60.3 x 1 0 10,000 - - - 5,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 61.1 family members 0 2 10,000 10,000 - - - 3,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 61.2 x 1 3 no income - - - no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 61.3 family members 2 0 7,000,000 7,000,000 - - ? salary as teacher 300,000 no yes 200,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 62.1 family members 1 2 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 62.2 family members 6 5 - - - - no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 62.3 family members 2 0 500,000 500,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 63.1 family members 2 0 3,500,000 3,500,000 - - ? salary as teacher 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 63.2 family members 2 0 300,000 300,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 63.3 family members 5 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 64.1 family members 1 2 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 64.2 family members 2 100,000 100,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 64.3 family members 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - 5,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 65.1 family members 0 0 2,000,000 - - ? Teacher 150,000 no yes 4,000,000 bank 24% x 0 0 x x - 65.2 family members 4 2 500,000 500,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 65.3 family members 0 0 60,000 60,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 66.1 family members 2 1 400,000 400,000 - - - 30,000 no yes 100,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 66.2 family members 4 7 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - ? salary as teacher 150,000 no yes 500,000 bank 24% x 0 0 x x - 66.3 family members 1 5 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 70,000 no yes 30,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 67.1 family members 4 0 70,000 70,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - Household Interview Survey Result (13/30) 1 Other professions 3 Water Resources 1 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 r ea y stem year y year) source water1 water2 source s number sickness 1 sickness sickness 1 sickness how much how in last about price waterquality price per liter of column CT) any waterborne in a day (litersin ) Time in minutesTime in amount UGX in use water source Any debtsAny / loans Any debtsAny / loans what do you think Household recordHousehold source of drinking source of drinking ready to pay more interest rate (% per per (% rate interest any fee required for who owns the owns waterwho what is your opinion what your is opinion who collects water collects 1 who Yearly income (only Yearly nr. of reported cases with which institution per month / jerrycan/ Esther, and repetition amount of water used about management of required to fetch water reason for poor quality money for good quality diseases in your in familydiseases

42.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well protected spring 140 30 children yes 500 month high good community good yes no x x 42.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well protected spring 40 30 man no bad Turbid community good no no x x 42.3 x x x x x x deep BH Open well 40 30 children no x x medium Turbid community Good yes no x x 43.1 x x x x x x Open well 200 60 women and children no good community bad yes no x x 43.2 x x x x x x Protected spring 120 60 children no good community Good yes no x x 43.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 200 40 all family members no good community Good yes no x x 44.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 260 3 women no bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 44.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 80 20 children and women no good x community yes no x x 44.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 100 120 children and women no good community good yes no x x 45.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 160 30 children and women no good x community good yes no x x 45.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 160 60 children and women no good x community good yes no x x 45.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 60 60 casual labourer yes 600 high good x community good yes no x x 46.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 60 120 children and women no x x good x community good yes no x x 46.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 200 120 children and women yes 300 high medium Turbid community good yes no x x 46.3 x x x x x x Deep BH RWH 5 0 x no x x x x x x x x x x 47.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 40 30 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 47.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Deep BH 100 60 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 47.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 300 60 women no x x good x community Good yes no x x 48.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 40 60 women no x x good x community good no no x x 48.2 x x x x x x Open well 110 30 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 48.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 120 30 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 49.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 120 60 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 49.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 180 60 women laborers 500 high good x community good yes no x x 49.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 120 60 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 50.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 360 60 women no x x good x hospital good yes no x x 50.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 40 60 men no x x good x community good yes no x x 50.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 160 30 women no x x good x community good yes no x x 51.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 80 30 women no x x good x government Good yes no x x 51.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 100 60 women no x x good x community Good yes no x x E 51.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 600 30 women no x x good x community good yes no x x

- 52.1 x x x x x x Deep BH Protected spring 80 6 women no x x x good x government good yes no x x 52.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 350 60 women no x x x good x government good yes no x x

41 52.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 60 60 women no x x x good x community good yes no x x 53.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 200 60 women no x x x bad Turbid government bad yes yes Cholera x 53.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 120 120 women no x x x bad Turbid community good yes yes Cholera 53.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 60 300 women no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes Cholera x 54.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 200 45 mixture no x x x bad Turbid community Good yes yes Cholera 2 54.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Deep BH 240 120 mixture no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes rushes x 54.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Deep BH 120 30 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 55.1 x x x x x x River 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x yes yes Cholera 10 55.2 x x x x x x River 200 35 children and women no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x yes yes Cholera x 55.3 x x x x x x River 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x yes yes Cholera 10 56.1 x x x x x x Deep BH Protected spring 80 60 women and children no x x x good x community Good yes no x x 56.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 80 120 women and children no x bad Turbid community bad yes yes stomache ache 0 56.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 120 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid yes no x x 57.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 40 30 Women and children no x x x good x Government Good Yes no x x 57.2 x x x x x x Open well 300 60 Women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x Yes no x x 57.3 x x x x x x Open well 140 60 Women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x Yes no x x 58.1 x x x x x x Open well 100 60 Women and children no x x x good x God / Nature x Yes no x x 58.2 x x x x x x Open well 200 60 Women and children no x x x good x community Good Yes no x x 58.3 x x x x x x Open well 100 60 Women and children no x x x good x community Good Yes no x x 59.1 x x x x x x Deep BH River 200 60 Women and children no x x x good x Government Good Yes Yes Cholera x 59.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 160 120 Women and children no x x x good x community Good no Yes Cholera x 59.3 x x x x x x Protected spring 80 60 Women and children no x x x bad Turbid community Good Yes Yes Cholera x 60.1 x x x x x x Open well 80 30 women and children no x x x good x Government Good Yes no x x 60.2 x x x x x x Open well 80 30 women and children no x x x good x Community good Yes no x x 60.3 x x x x x x Tap Open well 40 30 women no x x x good x Government good no no x x 61.1 x x x x x x River 20 60 children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x no no x x 61.2 x x x x x x River 120 30 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x no no x x 61.3 x x x x x x River Tap 200 30 women and children no x x x good x God / Nature x Yes no x x 62.1 x x x x x x River 60 120 mixture no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x no no x x 62.2 x x x x x x River 120 60 women and men no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature x Yes Yes cholera x 62.3 x x x x x x Open well 80 120 women and children no x x x good x God / Nature good Yes no x x 63.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 100 120 women and children no x x x good x community good Yes Yes Cholera x 63.2 x x x x x x Deep BH River 60 120 women and children no x x x good x community good Yes Yes Cholera x 63.3 x x x x x x Deep BH River 80 120 women and children no x x x good x community good Yes Yes Cholera 12 64.1 x x x x x x Deep BH River 60 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad no no x x 64.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 200 60 women and children no x x x good x community Good Yes no x x 64.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 120 60 women and children no x x x good x community Good Yes no x x 65.1 x x x x x x Tap Deep BH 120 60 women and children no x x x good x community Good Yes no x x 65.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Tap 160 60 women and children no x x x good x community good Yes no x x 65.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Tap 60 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community good Yes no x x 66.1 x x x x x x River 120 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature bad Yes no x x 66.2 x x x x x x River 200 60 mixture no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature Good Yes Yes Cholera 10 66.3 x x x x x x River 120 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature bad Yes no x x 67.1 x x x x x x Protected spring 200 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature Good Yes no x x Household Interview Survey Result (14/30) 1 4 Development priority 1 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 care toilet number your calls sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness support from your community your community your community your community your community do you have any these sicknesses priority number 1 priority number 2 priority number 3 priority number 4 priority number 5 what type of toilet Household recordHousehold how did you handle you handle did how nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases do you have sanitary if no toilet wher do do what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of government for health

42.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine Seeds and fertilizer machineries water roads hospitals 42.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine water supply roads quality seeds 42.3 x x x x x no yes traditional pit bush quality seeds and fertiliser drinking water, water for agriculture roads hospital school 43.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine water supply hospitals agricultural inputs roads 43.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine wheel barrow Seeds Pesticides Hoes Piped water 43.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine piped water Seeds Fertilizers Roads Schools 44.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water good schools roads 44.2 x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water good schools roads quality seeds and fertilizer 44.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water feeder road 45.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water feeder road tractor electricity pesticides 45.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water feeder road electricity school 45.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water feeder road electricity school 46.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water cows electricity 46.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water schools electricity 46.3 x x x x x x x pit latrine x water supply health center seeds and fertilizers 47.1 x x x x x x yes pit latrine x piped water health center seeds and fertilizers 47.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water feeder road fertilizers 47.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water feeder road fertilizers 48.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine bush piped water feeder road 48.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water feeder road electricity 48.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water schools electricity quality seeds and fertilizer 49.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water electricity schools 49.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water feeder road 49.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water fertilizers infrastructure 50.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water 50.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x Deep BH 50.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water 51.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x Deep BH 51.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x piped water E 51.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x Deep BH

- 52.1 x x x x x yes yes pit latrine x piped water 52.2 x x x x x yes yes pit latrine x Deep BH

42 52.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads piped water 53.1 x x x x hospital yes yes pit latrine bush roads piped water transport 53.1 skin disease x x x hospital yes yes pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds 53.3 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine bush water supply roads quality seeds 54.1 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds tractor ox plough 54.2 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds electricity 54.3 x x x x x yes yes pit latrine x water supply schools quality seeds hospital roads 55.1 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply roads electricity hospital 55.2 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply schools quality seeds hospital roads 55.3 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply schools roads hospital tractors 56.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply schools electricity quality seeds credit facilities 56.2 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply schools electricity quality seeds credit facilities 56.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply schools piped water school health center 57.1 xxxxxYes Yes Pit latrine x water supply Deep BH seeds and fertilizers roads schools 57.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply Deep BH seeds and fertilizers school roads 57.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads electricity agricultural machineries 58.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads electricity school health center 58.2 xxxxxYes Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads electricity school health center 58.3 xxxxxYes Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads Bank quality seeds fertilizers 59.1 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads Bank quality seeds fertilizers 59.2 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads seeds and fertilizers school Brick laying machines 59.3 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply feeder roads seeds and fertilizers school electricity 60.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads seeds & frtilizers electricity schools 60.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads seeds & frtilizers electricity schools 60.3 x x x x x no no x x water supply roads seeds & frtilizers school 61.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads hospital quality seeds and fertilizer toilets 61.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads hospital quality seeds and fertilizer schools 61.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads seeds & frtilizers church 62.1 xxxxxYes Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads seeds & frtilizers hospital schools 62.2 Typhoid x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads seeds & frtilizers hospital schools 62.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply schools seeds & frtilizers hospital toilets 63.1 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer ox plough schools 63.2 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer ox plough schools 63.3 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer ox plough schools 64.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer hospital schools 64.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer electricity schools 64.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer hospital electricity 65.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply animal breeds Bank hospital schools 65.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x safe water seeds and fertilizer roads hospital schools 65.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x safe water roads quality seeds and fertilizer hospital schools 66.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x piped water seeds and fertilizer roads electricity hospital 66.2 x x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x safe water seeds and fertilizer roads electricity hospital 66.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x safe water seeds and fertilizer roads electricity hospital 67.1 xx xx noYes Pit latrine x water supply seeds and fertilizer roads hospital electricity Household Interview Survey Result (15/30) 1 1

Comments number Household recordHousehold

42.1 Need for income generating activity,good schools and feeder roads 42.2 He lucks food and needs near by water because he is too old to fetch water. 42.3 43.1 Their greatest need is to have safe water, improve on their infrastructure and need for income generating activity 43.2 Most of the people need good water,seeds and fertilizer, improved infrastructure and need for income generating activity to better their livelihood 43.3 They need safe water to be brought nearer to the people, improve on the existing infrastructure and need for income generating activity especially on the side of youths 44.1 The water sources are very far therefore they need near by safe water, improved infrastracture as well as agricultural inputs and equipments 44.2 The community needs seeds and fertilizers,electricity, piped water, health center that is near to the people 44.3 The people are mainly interested in safe water, tarmaced roads and hospitals that are equiped with drugs 45.1 Water is a generally a problem therefore people need more water sources, feeder roads to transport their produce 45.2 They have very poor road net work thus need to improve. They need good water, primary schools,electricity and near by health centers 45.3 The roads are so poor, they need good water,improved schools with trained teachers,electricity, good health centers as well as financial assistance from the government 46.1 There is a serious lack of water in the village, need for good roads and schools 46.2 The water sources are very far therefore they need near by safe water, improved infrastracture as well as agricultural inputs and equipments 46.3 The people need feeder roads to be improved plus piped water 47.1 The community need improved roads, near by health centers and safe water. 47.2 Interested in income generating activities,good infrastructure and water for the villagers 47.3 Major interest is water, good roads, health centers and aid from government 48.1 interested in income generating activities and good infrastructure 48.2 needs feeder roads to be improved plus piped water 48.3 interested in income generating activities and good infrastructure 49.1 in need of water and health care facility 49.2 interested in income generating activities and good infrastructure 49.3 capital from government for business and piped water 50.1 in need of credit facilities and clean water 50.2 mainly bore hall and agricultural asupport 50.3 in need of schools, feeder roads and clinics 51.1 hospital is to far they should construct it near 51.2 agricultural services and credit facilities E 51.3 need for nusery school and teachers and water

- 52.1 need for good roads and agricultural support 52.2 infrastructure and piped water

43 52.3 interested in income generating activities and good infrastructure 53.1 poverty eradication, health centers, not enough land 53.1 Need for secondary schools, IGA's and machinery 53.3 water is a generally a problem. 54.1 Water, tractor, ox-plough, schools and seeds. 54.2 Need for IGA's,credit facilities and good infrasture 54.3 Water, schools, agricultural extension support 55.1 Drink dirty water from river manafa, need roads and schools. 55.2 Roads are very bad, no schools and hospitals 55.3 there is aserious lack of water in the village and need good roads 56.1 Need piped water,electricity,schools and fertilizers 56.2 There is aserious lack of water in the village and need good roads 56.3 The community needs nearby water,Hospital, schools and improved roads 57.1 The community needs good safe water, feeder roads to transpor their produce,hospitals and good schools 57.2 The community needs IGA's, good roads and schools 57.3 The village is water ater logged, need good roads, seeds & fertilizers 58.1 They lack schools,health centers and need seeds 58.2 They lack schools,health centers and need seeds 58.3 Need IGA's from the Government and good roads 59.1 Need safe water, schools and credit facilities 59.2 Need brick laying machines,health facilities brought closer 59.3 Need safe water,feeder roads,schools,IGA's 60.1 The village needs toilets, water, electricity,schools & health center 60.2 The village needs toilets, water, electricity,schools & health center 60.3 Need water, schools health center,seeds & fertilizers 61.1 The village needs toilets, water, electricity,schools & health center 61.2 The village needs toilets, water, electricity,schools & health center 61.3 Need water, schools health center,seeds & fertilizers 62.1 Needs piped water neerby, NAADs assistance& IGAs 62.2 Need NAADs assistance,IGAs, Health care,Veterinary services 62.3 The village needs toilets, water, electricity,schools & health center 63.1 They are all agriculturalist who need water, seeds, schools and roads to transport their goods to the markets 63.2 They are all agriculturalist, need water, seeds, schools and roads 63.3 They need feeder roads,water,schools,health clinic and seeds/fertilizer 64.1 They are all agriculturalist, need water, seeds, schools and roads 64.2 Need piped water,schools,hospitals,credit facilities electricity 64.3 Their boreholes rusted, need safe water,hospitals, schools,roads & electricity 65.1 Need safe water, agricultural equipments,secondary schools,health centre and banks 65.2 Borehole collapsed,need safe water,schools,hospitals,electricity,banks 65.3 Need safe water,gravitation water very hard,seeds,electricity,schools and hospitals 66.1 The village lacks clean water,need improved infrastructure,IGA from the government 66.2 Need safe water, agricultural equipments,secondary schools,health centre and banks 66.3 Need piped water,schools,hospitals,credit facilities electricity 67.1 The village is hilly,needs safe water,electricity to carry out businesses like salons and feeder roads. Household Interview Survey Result (16/30) 1 Detail respondent 2 Details Profession (Farmer) 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.2 HH m3 Age (acre) Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5 village Parish Village Village the HH District County Gender number Ethnicity Sub CountySub sharing labour machine type 1 machine type 2 Irrigation facility source irrigation Household recordHousehold Total area owned Type of household Number of Female in Agricultural machines Total family members Number of the Male in Costs/fee irrigation per socio economic wise in in economic wise socio eucalyptus 67.2 male 50 Mugishu Busakula Sironko Budadiri Busulani Bumahosa Busakula medium 8 4 4 10 Maize beans bananas trees x x x x x x Yes 67.3 male 70 Mugishu Busakula Sironko Budadiri Busulani Bumahosa Busakula poor 8448coffee bananas cassava x x x x x x Yes irish 68.1 male 54 Sabiny Kaproron Kapchorwa Kween Kaproron Kamwam Kaproron medium 17 4 5 7.5 maize wheat beans potatoes matooke x x x x x x family and casual labourers 68.2 male 25 Sabiny Kaproron Kapchorwa Kween Kaproron Kamwam Kaproron Medium 5 2 2 0.5 maize beans x x x x x x family and casual labourers 68.3 male 32 Sabiny Kaproron Kapchorwa Kween Kaproron Kamwam Kaproron medium 5321maize beans wheat x x x x x x family and casual labourers 69.1 male 28 Sabiny Kapkworos Kapchorwa Kween Binyiny Tabagon Kapkworos poor 3 1 2 0.5 maize beans matooke peas x x x x x x family and casual labourers 69.2 male 35 Sabiny Kapkworos Kapchorwa Kween Binyiny Tabagon Kapkworos poor 5312maize beans bananas x x x x x x family and casual labourers 69.3 male 40 Sabiny Kapkworos Kapchorwa Kween Binyiny Tabagon Kapkworos medium 5233maize beans potatoes matoke x x x x x x family and casual labourers 70.1 male 39 Sabiny Kapachirya Kapchorwa Kween Ngenge Kapkwot Kapachirya poor 5325maize beans potatoes x x x x x x family and casual labourers 70.2 male 62 Sabiny Kapachirya Kapchorwa Kween Ngenge Kapkwot Kapachirya poor 8448maize beans potatoes x x x x x x family and casual labourers 70.3 male 50 Sabiny Kapachirya Kapchorwa Kween Ngenge Kapkwot Kapachirya medium 16 3 2 50 millet sorghum maize potatoes soya beans x x x x x x family and casual labourers 71.1 male 70 Sabiny Kashabul Kapchorwa Tingey Kapatanya Kirwoko Kashabul poor 7422maize coffee matooke beans x x x x x x family and casual labourers 71.2 Female 30 Sabiny Kashabul Kapchorwa Tingey Kapatanya Kirwoko Kashabul poor 7242maize coffee beans bananas x x x x x x family and casual labourers 71.3 male 29 Sabiny Kashabul Kapchorwa Tingey Kapatanya Kirwoko Kashabul medium 5233maize beans bananas potatoes soya beans x x x x x x family and casual labourers 72.1 male 53 Sabiny Tongwa Kapchorwa Tingey Tegeres Kaptaret Tongwa medium 8268maize beans bananas coffee x x x x x x family and casual labourers 72.2 male 29 Sabiny Tongwa Kapchorwa Tingey Tegeres Kaptaret Tongwa medium 5321maize beans bananas coffee x x x x x x family and casual labourers 72.3 male 30 Sabiny Tongwa Kapchorwa Tingey Tegeres Kaptaret Tongwa medium 4 2 2 0.5 maize beans bananas coffee x x x x x x family and casual labourers 73.1 male 58 Etesot Suruti Tororo Tororo Molo Molo Suruti poor 8445maize potatoes cassava millet groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 73.2 male 50 Etesot Suruti Tororo Tororo Molo Molo Suruti medium 8446maize potatoes cassava millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 73.3 male 56 Etesot Suruti Tororo Tororo Molo Molo Suruti medium 4316maize potatoes cassava millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 74.1 male 47 Etesot Kanyakor Tororo Tororo Kwapa Kwapa Kanyakor medium 11 4 4 3 cassava beans xx x xx x Yes 74.2 male 38 Etesot Kanyakor Tororo Tororo Kwapa Kwapa Kanyakor medium 15 1 4 2 sorghum maize groundnuts potatoes cassava x x x x x x Yes 74.3 male 56 Etesot Kanyakor Tororo Tororo Kwapa Kwapa Kanyakor medium 5223sorghum maize potatoes cassava x x x x x x Yes 75.1 male 54 Japadhola Atangala-A Tororo West budama Mulanda Mulanda Atangala-A poor 5232sorghum millet maize x x x x x x Yes 75.2 male 48 Japadhola Atangala-A Tororo West budama Mulanda Mulanda Atangala-A poor 4221coffee cassava millet potatoes x x x x x x Yes 75.3 male 82 Japadhola Atangala-A Tororo West budama Mulanda Mulanda Atangala-A poor 5122millet sorghum cassava groundnuts potatoes x x x x x x Yes 76.1 male 19 Japadhola Pasule B Tororo West Budama North Paya Nawire Pasule B poor 2111maize cassava groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 76.2 male 50 Japadhola Pasule B Tororo West Budama North Paya Nawire Pasule B poor 5231maize cassava groundnuts x x x x x x Yes E 76.3 male 44 Japadhola Pasule B Tororo West Budama North Paya Nawire Pasule B medium 11 4 5 4 maize cassava groundnuts millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes

- 77.1 male 28 Etesot Ngeta C Tororo West Budama south Iyolwa Pabone Ngeta C poor 5323maize cassava groundnuts millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 77.2 male 44 Etesot Ngeta C Tororo West Budama south Iyolwa Pabone Ngeta C medium 3127maize millet sorghum beans xx x xx x Yes

44 77.3 male 29 Etesot Ngeta C Tororo West Budama south Iyolwa Pabone Ngeta C poor 9542maize cassava potatoes x x x x x Yes 78.1 male 45 Musamia Makunda-A Busia Samia Bugwe Masaba Mbehenyi Makunda-A medium 8542maize cassava groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 78.2 male 31 Musamia Makunda-A Busia Samia Bugwe Masaba Mbehenyi Makunda-A medium 7522maize sorghum millet beans potatoes x x x x x x Yes 78.3 male 32 Musamia Makunda-A Busia Samia Bugwe Masaba Mbehenyi Makunda-A medium 5232maize groundnuts x x x x x x Yes 79.1 Female 36 Atesot Katek A Busia Samia Bugwe Buteba Buteba Katek A medium 4132maize cassava potatoes x x x x x x Yes 79.2 Female 29 Etesot Katek A Busia Samia Bugwe north Buteba Buteba Katek A medium 7251millet maize cassava sorghum potatoes x x x x x x Yes 79.3 male 63 Etesot Katek A Busia Samia Bugwe north Buteba Buteba Katek A poor 2115maize potatoes cassava groundnuts sorghum x x x x x x Yes 80.1 male 67 Sabiny Mukera Busia Samia Bugwe Bulumbi Bubargo Mukera medium 8134millet maize sorghum potatoes cassava x x x x x x Yes 80.2 Female 51 Sabiny Mukera Busia Samia Bugwe Bulumbi Bubargo Mukera medium 4033maize cassava pineapples sorghum x x x x x x Yes 80.3 male 64 Japadhola Mukera Busia Samia Bugwe Bulumbi Bubargo Mukera medium 12 3 1 18 maize sorghum millet beans potatoes x x x x x x Yes 81.1 male 38 Musamia Butema Bugiri Bukholi Buluguyi Muwayo Butema poor 10 3 6 7 maize matoke x x x x x x Yes 81.2 Female 58 Mugwe Butema Bugiri Bukholi Buluguyi Muwayo Butema poor 4043maize bananas cassava pineapples xx x xx x Yes 81.3 male 25 Musamia Butema Bugiri Bukholi Buluguyi Muwayo Butema poor 3 2 1 0.5 maize potatoes greens cassava x x x x x x Yes 82.1 male 76 Musoga Kapyanga Bugiri Bukholi Kapyanga Bugiri A Kapyanga medium 3218maize cassava millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 82.2 male 54 Musamia kapyanga Bugiri Bukholi Kapyanga Bugiri A kapyanga poor 2111maize cassava millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 82.3 male 52 Etesot Kapyanga Bugiri Bukholi Kapyanga Bugiri A Kapyanga medium 9 5 4 3.5 maize cassava millet sorghum beans xx x xx x Yes 83.1 male 60 Musoga Namalena Bugiri Bukholi Buwunga Buwunga Namalena medium 6332cassava maize millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 83.2 male 35 Musoga Namalena Bugiri Bukholi Buwunga Buwunga Namalena medium 4312cassava maize millet sorghum x x x x x x Yes 83.3 male 61 Musoga Namalena Bugiri Bukholi Buwunga Buwunga Namalena medium 7343cassava maize millet sorghum beans xx x xx x Yes 84.1 male 40 Musoga Nawango Bugiri Bukholi central Nankoma Nankoma Nawango medium 12 5 5 30 maize beans cassava potatoes x x x x x x Yes 84.2 male 35 Musoga Nawango Bugiri Bukholi central Nankoma Nankoma Nawango poor 7 2 5 15 maize cassava millet potatoes sorghum x x x x x x Yes 84.3 male 45 Musoga Nawango Bugiri Bukholi central Nankoma Nankoma Nawango poor 3 2 1 15 maize cassava millet potatoes sorghum x x x x x x Yes 85.1 male 85 Musoga Bukyansiko Bugiri Bukholi Nabukalu Kasita Bukyansiko very poor 6 2 4 10 maize beans potatoes x x x x x x Yes 85.2 male 30 Musoga Bukyansiko Bugiri Bukholi Nabukalu Kasita Bukyansiko medium 9 3 4 5.5 maize soya beans potatoes beans xx x xx x Yes 85.3 male 38 Musoga Bukyansiko Bugiri Bukholi Nabukalu Kasita Bukyansiko medium 5232maize sorghum cassava bananas beans xx x xx x Yes 86.1 Female 46 Atesot Oditel A Amuria Kapelebyong Kapelebyong Nyada Oditel A rich 7 4 3 10 groundnuts cassave peas x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe no 86.2 Female 42 Atesot Oditel A Amuria Kapelebyong Kapelebyong Nyada Oditel A poor 8442groundnuts cassave sorghum peas green gram no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 86.3 Male 28 Etesot Oditel A Amuria Kapelebyong Kapelebyong Nyada Oditel A medium 9549cassava groundnuts sorghum x x no x x yes x x x 87.1 Female 38 Atesot Ajesai Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Agonga Ajesai Medium 10 4 5 3 sorghum cassave groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe yes 87.2 Female 40 Atesot Ajesai Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Agonga Ajesai Medium 6242millet Potatoes cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 87.3 Male 41 Etesot Ajesai Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Agonga Ajesai poor 4222cassava groundnuts sorghum yes Hand hoe 88.1 Female 35 Atesot Obalanga center Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Obalanga Obalanga center Medium 9545groundnuts cassave greengram peas x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 88.2 Female 25 Atesot Obalanga center Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Obalanga Obalanga center Medium 6427groundnuts cassave sorghum peas green gram no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 88.3 Male 37 Etesot Obalanga center Amuria Kapelebyong Obalanga Obalanga Obalanga center rich 12 6 6 3 groundnuts Rice cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 89.1 female 34 Atesot Orungo Town ship Amuria Amuria Orungo Orungo Orungo Town ship rich 7242cassava groundnuts peas no yes Hand hoe yes 89.2 Female 60 Atesot Orungo Town ship Amuria Amuria Orungo Orungo Orungo Town ship Medium 2 1 1 0.5 maize x x x x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 89.3 Female 26 Atesot Orungo Town ship Amuria Amuria Orungo Orungo Orungo Town ship Medium 3 2 1 0.5 beans maize groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 90.1 Female 35 Atesot Onino Amuria Amuria Wera Angole Onino poor 12 7 5 5 cassava Potatoes groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 90.2 Female 50 Atesot Onino Amuria Amuria Wera Angole Onino Medium 10 2 2 3 Rice Potatoes cassava millet x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 90.3 Male 38 Etesot Onino Amuria Amuria Wera Angole Onino rich 5322cassava groundnuts yes Hand hoe 91.1 Male 32 Lugwere Nalubembe Budaka Budaka Ikiiki Ikiiki Nalubembe poor 4 2 2 1.5 Maize millet Tangawize cassava sorghum no x x yes Hand hoe yes 91.2 Male 56 Mugwere Nalubembe Budaka Budaka Ikiiki Ikiiki Nalubembe Medium 14 8 6 3 cassava beans sorghum x x no x x yes Hand hoe no 91.3 Male 60 Mugwere Nalubembe Budaka Budaka Ikiiki Ikiiki Nalubembe rich 25 8 6 6 Maize cassave sorghum groundnuts x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 92.1 Female 25 Mugwere Lukongwe Budaka Budaka Lyama Lyama Lukongwe Medium 10 3 7 5 sorghum cassave groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 92.2 Male 45 Mugwere Lukongwe Budaka Budaka Lyama Lyama Lukongwe poor 9 4 5 1.5 sorghum millet maize cassava x no x x yes Hand hoe no Household Interview Survey Result (17/30) 1 Profession (Fisherman) 1 year) (UGX) (UGX) number Work as Work laborer 1 1 activity laborer 2 2 activity laborer 3 agriculture how much how comments expenditure poultry/dairy income from from income from income Type of fish 1 other income Yearly income Number of nets Number of lines number of cattle Source of fishing Any debtsAny / loans Household recordHousehold number of poultry interest rate (% per per (% rate interest total yearly income income yearly total income from fishery fishery from income with which institution monthly expenditure monthly water related

67.2 family members 3 3 3,000,000 3,000,000 - - ? salary as teacher 300,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 67.3 family members 2 10 70,000 70,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x -

68.1 family members 6 20 6,000,000 6,000,000 - - - 40,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 68.2 family members 1 0 20,000 20,000 - - - 15,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 68.3 family members 3 7 500,000 500,000 - - 25,000 no yes 15,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 69.1 family members 1 0 60,000 60,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 69.2 family members 2 4 100,000 100,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 69.3 family members 2 5 200,000 200,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 70.1 family members 6 0 50,000 50,000 - - ? burning charcoal 7,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 70.2 family members 3 0 50,000 - - - ? charcoal burning 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 70.3 family members 2 4 100,000 100,000 - - - 20,000 no yes 50,000 friend 0% x 0 0 x x - 71.1 family members 3 0 100,000 100,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 71.2 family members 0 0 100,000 100,000 - - ? sell of waragi 20,000 no yes 50,000 friend 0% x 0 0 x x - 71.3 family members 2 3 150,000 150,000 - - - 20,000 no yes 25,000 neighbour 0% x 0 0 x x - 72.1 family members 2 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 72.2 family members 2 10 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 150,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 72.3 family members 1 5 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 200,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 73.1 family members 3 10 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 300,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 73.2 family members 6 15 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - ? small business 500,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 73.3 family members 1 7 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 74.1 family members 8 0 300,000 300,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 74.2 family members 0 8 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 74.3 family members 0 1 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 75.1 family members 5 2 500,000 500,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 75.2 family members 0 3 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 75.3 family members 0 20 20,000 20,000 - - - 5,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 76.1 family members 0 4 70,000 70,000 - - - 70,000 no yes 30,000 friend x x 0 0 x x - 76.2 family members 0 2 50,000 50,000 - - - 30,000 no yes 50,000 friend x x 0 0 x x - E 76.3 family members 0 32 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 150,000 no yes 300,000 people x x 0 0 x x -

- 77.1 family members 2 4 500,000 500,000 - - ? distilling waragi 25,000 no yes 20,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 77.2 family members 0 10 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x -

45 77.3 family members 2 0 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 78.1 family members 0 15 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 78.2 family members 6 10 300,000 300,000 - - ? salary 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 78.3 family members 0 10 800,000 800,000 - - ? electrician 80,000 no yes 50,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 79.1 family members 3 4 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - ? salary as teacher 30,000 3,000 yes 100,000 village bank 10% x 0 0 x x - 79.2 family members 0 2 50,000 50,000 - - - 20,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 79.3 family members 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 20,000 6,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 80.1 family members 4 18 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 80.2 family members 3 20 500,000 500,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 80.3 family members 6 20 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 100,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 81.1 family members 17 12 500,000 500,000 - - - 100,000 no yes 30,000 friend x x 0 0 x x - 81.2 family members 0 3 50,000 50,000 - - - 5,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 81.3 family members 1 5 1,500,000 1,500,000 - - - 40,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 82.1 family members 10 0 1,400,000 1,400,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 82.2 family members 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 82.3 family members 2 20 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 83.1 family members 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - - 40,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 83.2 family members 0 6 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 20,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 83.3 family members 3 10 700,000 700,000 - - - 50,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 84.1 family members 16 80 12,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 - - subdivision estimated 300,000 no yes 400,000 people x x 0 0 x x - 84.2 family members 0 0 300,000 300,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 84.3 family members 1 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 85.1 family members 1 6 50,000 - - 50,000 5,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 85.2 family members 2 7 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 30,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 85.3 family members 2 10 500,000 500,000 - - - 10,000 no no x x x x 0 0 x x - 86.1 x x x x x 2 0 2,000,000 600,000 - - 1,400,000 150,000 30,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 86.2 husband Ploughing Women Weeding x 0 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 20,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 86.3 x x x x x x 2 550,000 550,000 - - - 70,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 87.1 women weeding x x x 0 2 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 40,000 500 yes 125,000 Kapelebyong womens group 10% x 0 0 x x - 87.2 x x x x x 0 10 300,000 300,000 - - - 30,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 87.3 150,000 100,000 - - 50,000 x 0 0 x x - 88.1 x x x x x 2 1 1,000,000 900,000 - - 100,000 100,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 88.2 x x x x x 2 6 500,000 - - - - 800,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 88.3 x x x x x x 12 2,500,000 2,000,000 - - 500,000 200,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 89.1 x x x x x 0 16 300,000 150,000 150,000 - - x 0 0 x x - 89.2 x x x x x 0 0 400,000 200,000 - - 100,000 30,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 89.3 x x x x x 2 7 400,000 300,000 100,000 - - 30,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 90.1 x x x x x 10 12 500,000 300,000 - - 200,000 50,000 3,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 90.2 x x x x x 10 5 700,000 500,000 50,000 - 150,000 50,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 90.3 x 0 0 x x - 91.1 x x x x x 2 30 300,000 100,000 200,000 - - 20,000 - no x x x x 0 0 x x - 91.2 x x x x x 0 4 1,500,000 1,000,000 - - 500,000 100,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 91.3 x x x x x 4 10 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 10,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 92.1 Husband Preparing gardens x x x 3 3 200,000 140,000 60,000 - - 20,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 92.2 x x x x x 4 6 120,000 120,000 - - - 10,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - Household Interview Survey Result (18/30) 1 Other professions 3 Water Resources 1 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 r ea y stem year y year) source water1 water2 source s number sickness 1 sickness sickness 1 sickness how much how in last about price waterquality price per liter of column CT) any waterborne in a day (litersin ) Time in minutesTime in amount UGX in use water source Any debtsAny / loans Any debtsAny / loans what do you think Household recordHousehold source of drinking source of drinking ready to pay more interest rate (% per per (% rate interest any fee required for who owns the owns waterwho what is your opinion what your is opinion who collects water collects 1 who Yearly income (only Yearly nr. of reported cases with which institution per month / jerrycan/ Esther, and repetition amount of water used about management of required to fetch water reason for poor quality money for good quality diseases in your in familydiseases

67.2 x x x x x x Open well 120 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community good Yes no x x 67.3 x x x x x x Protected spring 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community Good Yes no x x

68.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 160 60 women and children no x x x good x community Good Yes no x x 68.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 80 60 women and children no x x x good x community bad Yes no x x 68.3 x x x x x x Protected spring 60 60 women and children no x x x good x community bad Yes no x x 69.1 x x x x x x River 80 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature bad Yes no x x 69.2 x x x x x x River 60 40 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature bad Yes no x x 69.3 x x x x x x River 60 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad no no x x 70.1 x x x x x x River 40 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature bad Yes no x x 70.2 x x x x x x River 80 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature not managed Yes no x x 70.3 x x x x x x River 60 60 mixture no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature not managed Yes no x x 71.1 x x x x x x Protected spring 60 90 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature not managed Yes no x x 71.2 x x x x x x River 60 90 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature not managed no no x x 71.3 x x x x x x River 80 45 women and children no x x x bad Turbid God / Nature not managed Yes no x x 72.1 x x x x x x Protected spring 120 60 women and children no x x x good x community good Yes Yes cough 25 72.2 x x x x x x Protected spring 120 60 women and children no x x x good x community good no Yes cough x 72.3 x x x x x x Protected spring 120 60 women and children no x x x good x community good Yes Yes xx 73.1 x x x x x x Open well 120 300 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 73.2 x x x x x x Open well 60 300 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 73.3 x x x x x x Open well 60 300 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 74.1 x x x x x x unprotected spring 200 120 women and children no x x x good x community bad yes no x x 74.2 x x x x x x unprotected spring 200 120 women and children no x x x good x community bad yes no x x 74.3 x x x x x x unprotected spring 160 180 women and children no x x x good x community bad yes no x x 75.1 x x x x x x unprotected spring 60 180 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 75.2 x x x x x x unprotected spring 60 240 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 75.3 x x x x x x unprotected spring 60 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 76.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 100 120 wife and himself no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes typhoid 5 76.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 120 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x E 76.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 400 180 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes typhoid 5

- 77.1 x x x x x x Open well 100 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 77.2 x x x x x x Open well 120 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x

46 77.3 x x x x x x Open well 80 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 78.1 x x x x x x Open well 120 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 78.2 x x x x x x swamp / lake 100 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 78.3 x x x x x x swamp / lake 140 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 79.1 x x x x x x swamp / lake Spring 120 300 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 79.2 x x x x x x swamp / lake Spring 100 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 79.3 x x x x x x swamp / lake Spring 40 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 80.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 120 30 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 80.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 200 40 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 80.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 240 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 81.1 x x x x x x Protected spring 200 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 81.2 x x x x x x Protected spring 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 81.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well 200 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 82.1 x x x x x x Open well 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 82.2 x x x x x x Open well 40 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 82.3 x x x x x x Open well 100 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 83.1 x x x x x x Open well Deep BH 100 180 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 83.2 x x x x x x Protected spring 40 180 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 83.3 x x x x x x Protected spring 160 120 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 84.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well River 240 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 84.2 x x x x x x Protected spring 240 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 84.3 x x x x x x Protected spring 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 85.1 x x x x x x Deep BH 60 120 children no x x x bad Turbid community bad no no x x 85.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 100 60 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 85.3 x x x x x x Deep BH River 100 240 women and children no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 86.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 60 20 mixture yes 500 x ok bad Hard and salty community good yes no x x 86.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 20 women yes 500 month 0.2 ok good x community good yes no x x 86.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 45 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x community good yes no x x 87.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 60 women yes 500 month 0.1 low good x school good yes yes Bilharzia x 87.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 120 women yes 1,000 month 0.4 high bad Turbid school good yes yes diarrhoea x 87.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 60 90 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.6 high good X community good yes no x x 88.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 20 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok good x x good yes yes typhoid 1 88.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 20 children yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok bad Odour community bad yes yes diarrhoea 1 88.3 x x x x x x tap x 120 30 women yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok good x x x yes yes x x 89.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 120 women yes 500 month 0.2 ok good x community yes no x x 89.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 60 60 women yes 500 month 0.3 ok good x community Good yes no x x 89.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 120 women yes 500 month 0.2 x good x community Good yes yes diarrhoea x 90.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 180 120 mixture yes 3,000 month 0.6 high bad Turbid community good yes no x x 90.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 300 90 children yes 2,000 month 0.2 high good X community good yes no x x 90.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 60 mixture yes 2,000 month 0.6 ok good X community good yes no x x 91.1 x x x x x x swamp / lake x 120 120 mixture no x x x good x community x yes yes diarrhoea 1 91.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 100 60 children yes 1,000 month 0.3 high good community good yes no x x 91.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 240 30 mixture yes 1,000 month ok good x community Good yes no x x 92.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 100 60 mixture yes 500 jerrycan 25.0 ok good x community good yes no x x 92.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 240 120 mixture yes 1,000 when it breaks ok good x community Good yes no x x Household Interview Survey Result (19/30) 1 4 Development priority 1 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 care toilet number your calls sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness support from your community your community your community your community your community do you have any these sicknesses priority number 1 priority number 2 priority number 3 priority number 4 priority number 5 what type of toilet Household recordHousehold how did you handle you handle did how nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases do you have sanitary if no toilet wher do do what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of government for health

67.2 x x x x x no Yes Pit latrine x water supply schools health centre electricity seeds 67.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads electricity IGA

68.1 x x x x x no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads drugs electricity communication system 68.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply seeds and fertilizer roads electricity hospital 68.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply feeder roads health centre quality seeds and fertilizer market for barley and wheat 69.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply feeder roads health centre electricity schools 69.2 xx xx noYes Pit latrine x drinking water seeds and fertilizer roads electricity hospital 69.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x safe water electricity roads quality seeds and fertilizer schools 70.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply poverty eradication bridge roads schools 70.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply poverty eradication quality seeds and fertilizer roads 70.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply seeds and fertilizer roads food 71.1 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply health center bridge roads poverty eradication 71.2 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads bridge quality seeds and fertilizer electricity 71.3 xxxxxnoYes Pit latrine x water supply roads bridge quality seeds and fertilizer electricity 72.1 diarrhoea Typhoid x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer electricity schools 72.2 x x Typhoid x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer electricity schools 72.3 diarrhoea x x x hospital no Yes Pit latrine x water supply roads quality seeds and fertilizer electricity schools 73.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x support of women groups water schools electricity churches 73.2 x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply toilets schools electricity help women groups 73.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply electricity schools church help women groups 74.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x safe water drugs for clinics bridge electricity 74.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x Seeds water micro credit school bridges 74.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply Seeds bridge church schools 75.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x safe water roads schools hospital quality seeds 75.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x drinking water electricity roads church poverty eradication 75.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x Seeds roads safe water for drinking hospital schools 76.1 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools church agricultural input 76.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools health centre electricity E 76.3 x x x x hospital no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools health centre electricity

- 77.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools health centre electricity 77.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools church quality seeds

47 77.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools hospital quality seeds 78.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply hospital school quality seeds electricity 78.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply hospital roads electricity church 78.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply hospital roads electricity church 79.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads schools hospital electricity quality seeds 79.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads electricity hospital quality seeds 79.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads electricity hospital quality seeds 80.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x Seeds roads electricity school hospitals 80.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads electricity school hospital quality seeds 80.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads heath center school electricity water 81.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply health center trees to plant bank agricultural input 81.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools agricultural machineries electricity 81.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools agricultural machineries electricity 82.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools electricity seeds and fertilizer 82.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools quality seeds and fertilizer health center 82.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply feeder roads schools electricity health center 83.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools electricity tractor and ox plough 83.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply seeds and fertilizer roads electricity 83.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply electricity schools roads 84.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply roads schools electricity health center 84.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply feeder roads schools electricity health center 84.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply feeder roads schools electricity health center 85.1 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x roads water electricity school health center 85.2 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply electricity schools hospital roads 85.3 x x x x x no yes pit latrine x water supply fertilizer roads electricity health center 86.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x roads food security school x x 86.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x health centre food security education facilities x x 86.3 x x x x x no no x bush Seeds and fertilizer machineries Food security x x 87.1 x x x x hospital no no x Share with neighbours Ox plough education for orphans health centre x 87.2 x x x x hospital no no x Share with neighbours Ox plough Seeds health centre xx 87.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds agricultural machineries 88.1 cough 1 x x x yes yes traditional pit x education Seeds health centre xx 88.2 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x Food Items Health services Water supply x x 88.3 x x x x x yes yes x x water supply x x x x 89.1 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds electricity 89.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply food security x x x 89.3 x x x x hospital yes no x bush food security health center Water x x 90.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x Seeds and fertilizer machines Water supply Health centre x 90.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x health centre Water supply micro credit x x 90.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries Water supply seconadary school 91.1 worms 1 hospital yes no x Neighbours latrine Fertilizer Seeds Machinery Water supply Health unit 91.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x Seeds machineries micro credit Water supply roads 91.3 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x seeds marketing facilities small scale irrigation agricultural water industry for agric processing 92.1 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Seeds marketing facilities machineries Water supply Electricity 92.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Seeds machineries fertilizers Water supply electricity Household Interview Survey Result (20/30) 1 1

Comments number Household recordHousehold

67.2 Need water for home consumption and animals,feeder roads and poverty eradication projects 67.3 The community is facing a lot of poverty, need safe water,seeds & fertilizers as well as ox plough for agriculture

68.1 Need safe water, market for barley and wheat,communication system and agricultural equipments 68.2 General need is water,electricity and the roads are terribly poor 68.3 Roads are terribly bad & hilly,need safe water,needs schools to be improved and health centers 69.1 stream water dirty,need credit facilities, agricultural equipments and hospitals 69.2 Village needs clean water,proper infrastructure, IGAs and agricultural assistance 69.3 Need capital to start business, water,jobs,market for the produce and poultry breeds 70.1 Their roads are impassable,they are very poor,need food,water,their bridge needs construction and schools 70.2 Need water,good roads,electricity,seeds,their bridge be constructed for easy crossing 70.3 General need is water,electricity and the roads are terribly poor 71.1 Need water,good roads,electricity,seeds,their bridge be constructed for easy crossing 71.2 Need agricultural help,water,roads,electricity,and health centers 71.3 Have very bad roads,need water,electricity,health center,schools and seeds to boost their agriculture 72.1 Need fertilizer,seeds,roads,water,schools, and other help from the government 72.2 Need water, roads,health centers,electricity,IGAs for youths and better schools 72.3 Need transport for their produce,roads, health centers,secondary school and agricultural inputs 73.1 Need for roads,proper toilets, electricity,support for women groups and safe water 73.2 Women need financial help,good roads,schools,churches,electricity, IGA's and safe dring water 73.3 Area suffers agreat deal looking for water,need schools,electricity and agricultural support 74.1 The village needs agricutural inputs,improved feeder roads,electricity,drugs for clinics and water 74.2 Generally need agricultural support,good infrastructure,safe water and credit facilities 74.3 Village seriously needs water,electricity and government support 75.1 Their priority is safe water,feeder roads,need for a church,support from government to eradicate poverty 75.2 in need of clean safe water, IGA's, schools ,health center and credit facilities 75.3 major need is safe driking water, proper infrastructure and IGA's 76.1 Need financial assistance,safe water,good roads,schools,churches and agricultural inputs 76.2 Greatly need water,schools,roads,mosquitoe nets,blankets and agricultural inputs E 76.3 Their security is good,need water,roads,Aid,electricity,agricultural inputs and IGAs

- 77.1 Need near by safe water,feeder roads to transport their produce,schools and health centers. 77.2 Water is amajor issue there is nothing at all need for schools,hospitals,and roads to transport there goods from the gardens

48 77.3 Water is amajor issue there is nothing at all need for schools,hospitals,and roads to transport there goods from the gardens 78.1 major interest is water ,good roads, financial assistance 78.2 water,seeds,schools,roads,quality seeds and financial help 78.3 major interest is water, feeder roads be improved,agricultural assistance and schools 79.1 There is an agent need for water,health center,schools and agricultural assistance 79.2 water is collected from aspring from kenya so there is urgent need for water in the area,feeder roads,electricity and need for agricultural assistance 79.3 water is collected from aspring from kenya so there is urgent need for water in the area,feeder roads,electricity and need for agricultural assistance 80.1 water is of great need to the people because of the increase in population,need electricity,village is under developed and has aproblem of accessibility some parts can not be reached at all 80.2 area is in great of water with the rising population,need good roads and has aproblem of accessibility 80.3 want agricultural assistance ,electricity,good roads and need water as well 81.1 Need trees to plant,water as a serious issue,roads,health center,schools,quality seeds and fertilizers as well as post office and banks 81.2 great need is water,ox-plough,electricity,health center and schools 81.3 Water is number one need,IGAs for youths,good roads,electricity as well as agricultural inputs 82.1 Need water because what they use is shared with animals,roads,electricity,schools and seeds 82.2 Need water,seeds and fertilizer,hospitals,schools and financial assistanc from the government 82.3 Their priority is water,feeder roads,schools,electricity to develop their center, agricultural inputs and health center 83.1 Need safe water,roads,schools,electricity,seeds and fertilizer as well as Loans 83.2 Need near by water,good roads,seeds and fertilizers,schools and electricity to develop their area, 83.3 Priority need is water, electricity,schools,roads and their women groups to be assisted financially 84.1 Majority are agriculturalists therefore they need water,roads,seeds and fertilizers 84.2 They urgently need safe water, good roads, electricity to develop, health center and agricultural inputs 84.3 Need safe water,roads,schools,electricity,seeds and fertilizer as well as Loans 85.1 He needs near by water since he is to old to fetch water and the children who collect it are also very young and need to go to school at the same time it makes it hard for them to balance the two 85.2 They urgently need safe water, good roads, electricity to develop, health center and agricultural inputs 85.3 The area needs water,good roads, churches,schools,electricity,agricultural inputs as well as assistance from the government as they have always been promised in vain 86.1 x 86.2 x 86.3 x 87.1 x 87.2 x 87.3 88.1 x 88.2 x 88.3 x 89.1 89.2 x 89.3 x 90.1 x 90.2 x 90.3 91.1 x 91.2 x 91.3 The household is above avarage with comparative high level needs eg Agric processing. 92.1 x 92.2 Increase in water supply is very vital Household Interview Survey Result (21/30) 1 Detail respondent 2 Details Profession (Farmer) 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.2 HH m3 Age (acre) Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5 village Parish Village Village the HH District County Gender number Ethnicity Sub CountySub sharing labour machine type 1 machine type 2 Irrigation facility source irrigation Household recordHousehold Total area owned Type of household Number of Female in Agricultural machines Total family members Number of the Male in Costs/fee irrigation per socio economic wise in in economic wise socio 92.3 Female 42 Mugwere Lukongwe Budaka Budaka Lyama Lyama Lukongwe poor 10 3 7 2 beans cassave maize groundnuts x no x x yes Hand hoe no 93.1 Male 40 Etesot Aligoi Bukedia Bukedia Kachumbala Aligoi Aligoi Medium 14 7 7 4 cassava mais beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 93.2 Male 32 Etesot Kakera Bukedia Bukedia Kachumbala Aligoi Kakera Medium 19 5 9 4 cassava Maze groundnuts beans x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 93.3 Male 40 Etesot Kakerei Bukedia Bukedia Kachumbala Aligoi Kakerei poor 7 1 6 0.5 cassava maize beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 94.1 Female 32 Mugwere Katekwa Bukedia Bukedia kidongole Katekwa Katekwa poor 4221cassava Maize beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe xx 94.2 Male 39 Etesot Katekwa Bukedia Bukedia kidongole Katekwa Katekwa Medium 7343Maize cassave Millet sorghum peas no x x yes Hand hoe xx 94.3 Female 70 Muganda Katekwa Bukedia Bukedia kidongole Katekwa Katekwa poor 1015cassava Maize beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe xx 95.1 Female 60 Atesot Kolir Bukedia Bukedia Kolir Kolir Kolir poor 26 10 4 1.5 beans cassave sorghum Maize Peas no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 95.2 Female 52 Atesot Kolir Bukedia Bukedia Kolir Kolir Kolir rich 18 8 6 12 Maize cassave Millet x x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough yes 95.3 Male 45 Etesot Kolir Bukedia Bukedia Kolir Kolir Kolir Medium 5247groundnuts maize Millet x x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 96.1 Male 34 Etesot Kabarwa Bukedia Bukedia Malera kabarwa Kabarwa Medium 20 8 6 4 maize cassave groundnuts millet x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 96.2 Male 60 Etesot Kabarwa Bukedia Bukedia Malera kabarwa Kabarwa poor 9365cassava peas sorghum maize x no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 96.3 Male 27 Etesot Kabarwa Bukedia Bukedia Malera kabarwa Kabarwa rich 13 7 6 15 cassava groundnuts Bambaranuts cowpeas Potatoes no x x yes Hand hoe Ox plough no 97.1 Female 28 Kumam Abata Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Alwa Abalang Abata poor 12 6 5 8 sorghum millet x x x no x x yes Hand hoe xx 97.2 Male 39 Kumam Abata Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Alwa Abalang Abata rich 7434millet sorghum cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 97.3 Female 19 Kumam Abata Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Alwa Abalang Abata Medium 9343simsim maize beans Potatoes x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 98.1 Female 57 Atesot Omid Osele Kaberamaido Kalaki Anyara Omid Omid Osele Medium 12 7 5 3 sorghum peas cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 98.2 Female 50 Atesot Omid Osele Kaberamaido Kalaki Anyara Omid Omid Osele poor 4224sorghum peas x x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 98.3 Male 40 Etesot Omid Osele Kaberamaido Kalaki Anyara Omid Omid Osele Medium 2111soya beans cassave x x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 99.1 Female 46 Kumam Gome Kaberamaido Kalaki Bululu Obur Gome Medium 15 4 6 5 cassava beans maize millet x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 99.2 Female 71 Kumam Gome Kaberamaido Kalaki Bululu Obur Gome poor 5233cassava maize sorghum x x no x x yes Hand hoe yes 99.3 Male 29 Kumam Gome Kaberamaido Kalaki Bululu Obur Gome Medium 11 5 5 6 cassava maize peas x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 100.1 Female 45 Kumam Katanga Kaberamaido Kalaki Kalaki Kalaki Katanga rich 7526simsim millet potatoes sorghum x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 100.2 Male 27 Kumam Katanga Kaberamaido kalaki Kalaki Kalaki Katanga rich 6 3 3 10 bananas cassave maize x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 100.3 Male 27 Kumam Katanga Kaberamaido Kalaki Kalaki Kalaki Katanga poor 3126maize cassave potatoes x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 101.1 Female 60 Kumam Ocanonyere Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Ochero Kanyalam Ocanonyere poor 6332sorghum millet cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 101.2 Female 45 Kumam Ocanonyere Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Ochero Kanyalam Ocanonyere poor 7334cassava millet Simsim beans x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 101.3 Male 58 Kumam Ocanonyere Kaberamaido Kaberamaido Ochero Kanyalam Ocanonyere Medium 14 6 5 3 cassava maize Millet simsim x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 102.1 Male 36 Etesot Olela Katakwi Usuk Katakwi Katakwi Olela rich 25 5 6 85 groundnuts millet sorghum cassava x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 102.2 Male 30 Etesot Olela Katakwi Usuk Katakwi Katakwi Olela poor 5 2 3 21 cassava groundnuts sorghum x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes E 102.3 Male 46 Etesot Olela Katakwi Usuk Katakwi Katakwi Olela Medium 7 4 3 100 cassava sorghum groundnuts x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe x

- 103.1 Female 45 Atesot Magoro center Katakwi Usuk Magoro Magoro Magoro center poor 15 4 5 13 groundnuts cassave sorghum x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 103.2 Male 35 Etesot Magoro center Katakwi Usuk Magoro Magoro Magoro center Medium 8538sorghum groundnuts cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes

49 103.3 Female 39 Atesot Magoro center Katakwi Usuk Magoro Magoro Magoro center rich 16 6 5 10 groundnuts sorghum cassava x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 104.1 Male 67 Atesot Ngariam Katakwi Usuk Ngariam Ngariam Ngariam Medium 22 8 6 12 cassava groundnuts sorghum x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 104.2 Female 40 Atesot Ngariam Okona Katakwi Usuk Ngariam Ngariam Ngariam Okona Medium 11 7 4 4 cassava sorghum groundnuts Potatoes x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 104.3 Male 25 Etesot Ngariam Okona Katakwi Usuk Ngariam Ngariam Ngariam Okona Medium 3212sorghum groundnuts cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 105.1 Male 52 Etesot Ongokia Katakwi Usuk Toroma Omiinya Ongokia Medium 5413sorghum groundnuts cassava x x no x x yes ox plough x x 105.2 Female 22 Etesot Ongokia Katakwi Usuk Toroma Omiinya Ongokia Medium 5322sorghum Millet cassava groundnuts Peas no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 105.3 Male 66 Etesot Ongokia Katakwi Usuk Toroma Omiinya Ongokia Medium 8445cassava sorghum groundnuts x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 106.1 female 57 Atesot Akisim Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk Akisim poor 9442cassava groundnuts sorghum no x x yes Hand hoe yes 106.2 Female 60 Atesot Akisim Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk Akisim poor 11 3 5 0.5 sorghum maize groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 106.3 Male 40 Etesot Akisim Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk Akisim rich 10 4 5 2 sorghum Maize potatoes x x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 107.1 Female 31 Atesot Usuk center Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk Usuk center Medium 5235groundnuts cassave x x x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 107.2 Male 37 Etesot Usuk center Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk Usuk center rich 10 7 3 x x x x x x x x x yes Hand hoe xx 107.3 Male 31 Etesot Usuk center Katakwi Usuk Usuk Usuk Usuk center Medium 9452groundnuts cassave x x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 108.1 Female 68 Atesot Atiira Kumi Ngora Kapir Kapir Atiira Medium 5322Maize sorghum cassava groundnuts x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 108.2 Female 29 Atesot Atiira Kumi Ngora Kapir Kapir Atiira rich 8 4 4 2.5 Maize cassave potatoes x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 108.3 Male 50 Etesot Atiira Kumi Ngora Kapir Kapir Atiira poor 12 6 6 4 cassava groundnuts Millet x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 109.1 Male 63 Etesot Agule Kumi Ngora Kobuin Aciisa Agule Medium 12 4 8 2 cassava millet groundnuts Potatoes sorghum no x x yes x x no 109.2 Male 29 Etesot Agule Kumi Ngora Kobuin Aciisa Agule Medium 6 2 4 1.5 cassava millet sorghum Potatoes x no x x yes x x no 109.3 Male 61 Etesot Agule Kumi Ngora Kobuin Aciisa Agule Medium 10 3 7 1 groundnuts millet maize x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 110.1 Female 61 Etesot Omerein Kumi Kumi Mukongoro Omerein Omerein Medium 12 5 7 3 cassava Maize beans groundnuts x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 110.2 Male 20 Etesot Omerein Kumi Kumi Mukongoro Omerein Omerein rich 6 3 3 12 cassava Maize beans Potatoes x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 110.3 Female 44 Atesot Omerein Kumi Kumi Mukongoro Omerein Omerein Medium 15 7 7 5 cassava Maize beans groundnuts x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 111.1 Female 30 Atesot Moru-iita Kumi Ngora Nyero Moru-iita Moru-iita poor 4 2 2 0.25 Maize sorghum cassava millet x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 111.2 Male 55 Etesot Moru-iita Kumi Ngora Nyero Moru-iita Moru-iita Medium 12 8 4 7 cassava Potatoes groundnuts x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe no 111.3 Female 16 Etesot moru-ikara Kumi Ngora Nyero Moru-iita moru-ikara rich 15 7 7 6 groundnuts cassave potatoes x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe no 112.1 Male 42 Etesot Ongino Kumi Kumi Ongino Akide Ongino poor 13 4 9 5 Maize cassave beans groundnuts x no x x yes ox ploughx no 112.2 Male 29 Etesot Ongino Kumi Kumi Ongino Akide Ongino rich 7344cassava Potatoes yes Hand hoe 112.3 Male 49 Etesot Ongino Kumi Kumi Ongino Akide Ongino Medium 9 4 5 12 cassava sorghum groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe xx 113.1 Female 55 Atesot Pasia Pallisa Pallisa Agule Pasia Pasia rich 15 7 7 16 cassava groundnuts potatoes x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 113.2 Female 67 Atesot Pasia Pallisa Pallisa Agule Pasia Pasia Medium 3 2 1 1.5 cassava sorghum Millet x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 113.3 Male 40 Etesot Pasia Pallisa Pallisa Agule Pasia Pasia Medium 11 7 4 4 sorghum cassave beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 114.1 Male 78 Mugwere Buseta central Pallisa Kibuku Buseta Buseta Buseta central Medium 13 7 7 4 Maize sorghum beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 114.2 Male 62 Mugwere Buseta central Pallisa Kibuku Buseta Buseta Buseta central Medium 8 6 2 15 Maize sorghum groundnuts cassava Potatoes no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 114.3 Male 60 Mugwere Buseta central Pallisa Kibuku Buseta Buseta Buseta central rich 9546Maize Millet sorghum cassava groundnuts no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 115.1 Male 47 Lugwere Dodoi Pallisa Kibuku Kadama Dodoi Dodoi poor 6242Maize cassave Millet x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 115.2 Male 42 Mugwere Dodoi Pallisa Kibuku Kadama Dodoi Dodoi Medium 18 7 7 6 Maize beans cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe no 115.3 Female 40 Mugwere Dodoi Pallisa Kibuku Kadama Dodoi Dodoi rich 7344cassava groundnuts Cotton Rice x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 116.1 Female 51 Mugwere Opadoi-Kanyiama Pallisa Butebo Kakoro Kanyigma Opadoi-Kanyiama Medium 9366sorghum millet Maize cassava groundnuts no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 116.2 Male 74 Etesot Opadoi-Kanyiama Pallisa Butebo Kakoro Kanyigma Opadoi-Kanyiama rich 7 1 6 25 x x x x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 116.3 Male 75 Mugwere Opadoi-Kanyiama Pallisa Butebo Kakoro Kanyigma Opadoi-Kanyiama poor 1 1 0 1.5 Maize cassave x x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 117.1 Male 29 Mugwere Ngalwe central Pallisa Pallisa Kasodo Ngalwe Ngalwe central Medium 6 3 3 1.5 Maize cassave sorghum Potatoes x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 117.2 Male 34 Mugwere Ngalwe central Pallisa Pallisa Kasodo Ngalwe Ngalwe central Medium 9542cassava millet groundnuts sorghum x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 117.3 Male 40 Mugwere Ngalwe central Pallisa Pallisa Kasodo Ngalwe Ngalwe central Medium 8265cassava Maize beans x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 118.1 Female 30 Atesot Apuna Pallisa Butebo Kibale Opogono Apuna poor 13 5 8 4 Maize cassave Cotton x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 118.2 Female 25 Atesot Apuna-Kibalekgc Pallisa Butebo Kibale Opogono Apuna-Kibalekgc rich 10 6 4 10 cassava groundnuts x x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno Household Interview Survey Result (22/30) 1 Profession (Fisherman) 1 year) (UGX) (UGX) number Work as Work laborer 1 1 activity laborer 2 2 activity laborer 3 agriculture how much how comments expenditure poultry/dairy income from from income from income Type of fish 1 other income Yearly income Number of nets Number of lines number of cattle Source of fishing Any debtsAny / loans Household recordHousehold number of poultry interest rate (% per per (% rate interest total yearly income income yearly total income from fishery fishery from income with which institution monthly expenditure monthly water related 92.3 x x x x x 0 0 200,000 180,000 - - 20,000 10,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 93.1 x x x x x 10 30 1,000,000 300,000 500,000 - 200,000 150,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 93.2 x x x x x 0 0 300,000 300,000 - - - 60,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 93.3 x x x x x 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - 2,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 94.1 x x x x x 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - 30,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 94.2 x x x x x 1 4 800,000 600,000 100,000 - 100,000 30,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 94.3 x x x x x 0 0 30,000 30,000 - - - 200 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 95.1 x x x x x 0 20 400,000 350,000 50,000 - - 50,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 95.2 father Ploughing Women Weeding 0 0 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 95.3 x x x x x 0 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 20,000 200 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 96.1 x x x x x 0 0 1,200,000 1,000,000 - - 200,000 100,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 96.2 x x x x x 0 0 1,500,000 1,400,000 - - 100,000 150,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 96.3 x x x x x 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 50,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 97.1 x x x x x 2 7 250,000 200,000 50,000 - - 30,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 97.2 x x x x x 0 4 200,000 200,000 - - - 70,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 97.3 x x x x x 0 3 1,000,000 800,000 - - 200,000 80,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 98.1 all weeding x x x 1 2 500,000 500,000 - - - 20,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 98.2 All weeding x x x 0 1 250,000 250,000 - - - 15,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 98.3 x x x x x 0 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 5,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 99.1 x x x x x 10 10 1,000,000 800,000 - - 200,000 50,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 99.2 x x x x x 300,000 300,000 - - - - 10,000 500 x 0 0 x x - 99.3 x x x x x 2 8 400,000 400,000 - - - 70,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 100.1 All harvesting x x x 3 0 1,000,000 800,000 100,000 - 100,000 30,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 100.2 x x x x x 2 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 250,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 100.3 x x x x x 0 6 30,000 30,000 - - - 3,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 101.1 x x x x x 0 3 150,000 150,000 - - - 5,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 101.2 x x x x x 0 0 80,000 80,000 - - - 7,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 101.3 All Ploughing x x x 0 8 800,000 800,000 - - - 100,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 102.1 women weeding husband ploughing x 5 20 1,500,000 1,200,000 300,000 - - 200,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 102.2 All weeding x x x 0 10 100,000 - 100,000 - - 30,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - E 102.3 x x x x x x 3 2,000,000 1,500,000 - - 500,000 300,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x -

- 103.1 women weeding x x x 0 0 600,000 600,000 - - - 30,000 500 yes 60,000 Magoro womens Development 10% x 0 0 x x - 103.2 x x x x x x 6 200,000 150,000 - - 50,000 20,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x -

50 103.3 women weeding x x x 3 20 2,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 - 500,000 100,000 500 yes 1,000,000 Magoro womens Development 10% x 0 0 x x - 104.1 x x x x x 0 5 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 70,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 104.2 x x x x x 0 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 60,000 1,000 yes x x x x 0 0 x x - 104.3 x x x x x 3 3 1,000,000 700,000 100,000 - 200,000 50,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 105.1 x x x x x 8 16 200,000 200,000 - - - 40,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 105.2 women weeding husband ploughing x 4 10 100,000 100,000 - - - 10,000 500 yes x x x x 0 0 x x - 105.3 All Share activities x x x 3 7 800,000 600,000 200,000 - - 40,000 1,500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 106.1 All x x x x 200,000 100,000 - - 100,000 30,000 500 x 0 0 x x - 106.2 All weeding x x x 7 5 300,000 200,000 - - 100,000 30,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 106.3 All weeding x x x 6 15 500,000 300,000 100,000 - 100,000 60,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 107.1 x x x x x 0 6 1,400,000 900,000 - - 500,000 50,000 1,000 yes 50,000 SACCO 5% x 0 0 x x - 107.2 x x x x x x 0 2,000,000 - - - 2,000,000 x x x x x x x 0 0 x x - 107.3 x x x x x 0 10 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 100,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 108.1 x x x x x 2 0 600,000 600,000 - - - 20,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 108.2 x x x x x 5 15 700,000 600,000 - - 100,000 30,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 108.3 x x x x x 2 4 300,000 300,000 - - - 15,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 109.1 x x x x x 5 13 800,000 500,000 100,000 - 200,000 50,000 1,000 yes 30,000 UWESO x x 0 0 x x - 109.2 x x x x x 0 5 200,000 100,000 50,000 - 50,000 40,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 109.3 x x x x x 0 0 350,000 80,000 - - 270,000 5,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 110.1 children husband x x 1 4 500,000 250,000 50,000 - 200,000 15,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 110.2 Husband wife x x 20 0 1,000,000 500,000 - 500,000 50,000 25,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 110.3 x x x x x 6 2 500,000 300,000 50,000 - 150,000 30,000 700 yes 500,000 finance trust 25% x 0 0 x x - 111.1 x x x x x 0 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 150,000 3,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 111.2 x x x x x 2 5 200,000 180,000 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 111.3 x x x x x 0 10 5,000,000 1,000,000 - - 4,000,000 200,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 112.1 x x x x x 0 3 500,000 500,000 - - - 100,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 112.2 0 2 200,000 200,000 - - - 30,000 1,000 no x 0 0 x x - 112.3 x x x x x 0 0 300,000 300,000 - - - 25,000 x no - x x x 0 0 x x - 113.1 x x x x x 0 0 500,000 500,000 - - - 25,000 3,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 113.2 x x x x x 0 0 50,000 50,000 - - - 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 113.3 x x x x x 0 5 250,000 200,000 - - 50,000 50,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 114.1 x x x x x 1 0 500,000 500,000 - - - 600 300 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 114.2 x x x x x 5 0 3,000,000 2,900,000 100,000 - - 300,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 114.3 x x x x x 4 10 300,000 300,000 - - - 20,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 115.1 x x x x x 0 1 500,000 300,000 - - 200,000 50,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 115.2 x x x x x 0 8 700,000 700,000 - - - 150,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 115.3 Group digging x x x x 0 15 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - 100,000 2,500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 116.1 x x x x x 0 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 10,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 116.2 x x x x x 0 0 15,000,000 8,000,000 - - 7,000,000 12,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 116.3 x x x x x 0 0 30,000 30,000 - - - 1,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 117.1 x x x x x 0 1 500,000 500,000 - - - 15,000 500 x x x x 0 0 x x - 117.2 x x x x x 0 0 150,000 150,000 - - - 15,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 117.3 x x x x x 5 10 500,000 500,000 - - - 20,000 2,000 yes x x x x 0 0 x x - 118.1 x x x x x 0 0 30,000 - - - 30,000 3,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 118.2 x x x x x 5 0 500,000 350,000 100,000 - 50,000 20,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - Household Interview Survey Result (23/30) 1 Other professions 3 Water Resources 1 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 r ea y stem year y year) source water1 water2 source s number sickness 1 sickness sickness 1 sickness how much how in last about price waterquality price per liter of column CT) any waterborne in a day (litersin ) Time in minutesTime in amount UGX in use water source Any debtsAny / loans Any debtsAny / loans what do you think Household recordHousehold source of drinking source of drinking ready to pay more interest rate (% per per (% rate interest any fee required for who owns the owns waterwho what is your opinion what your is opinion who collects water collects 1 who Yearly income (only Yearly nr. of reported cases with which institution per month / jerrycan/ Esther, and repetition amount of water used about management of required to fetch water reason for poor quality money for good quality diseases in your in familydiseases 92.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 60 120 children yes 1,000 month 0.6 high good x community good yes no x x 93.1 x x x x x x Open well x 200 90 mixture no x x x good x community good yes no x x 93.2 x x x x x x Open well x 140 120 women no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes diarrhoea 1 93.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 60 60 women yes 500 month 0.3 high bad Odour community good yes no 94.1 x x x x x x Open well x 40 60 women no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 94.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 140 90 children yes 1,000 month 0.2 high bad Turbid community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 94.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 20 30 women no x x x bad Turbid community x no yes diarrhoea 1 95.1 x x x x x x Hand dug well x 350 300 women yes 500 month 0.0 ok bad Odour community bad yes yes diarrhoea 1 95.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 180 mixture yes 30 jerrycan 1.5 high good school Good yes yes typhoid 1 95.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 350 60 children yes 200 month ok bad Turbid community bad yes yes typhoid 1 96.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 400 240 women yes 1,000 month ok good x community bad yes yes typhoid 1 96.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 180 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok bad Odour government good yes yes diarrhoea 1 96.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 600 240 men yes 1,000 month 0.1 ok bad Turbid community Good yes yes typhoid 1 97.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 60 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x x x yes yes x x 97.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 60 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok good x community x yes yes x x 97.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 60 120 women yes 1,000 month 0.6 ok good x community good yes yes x x 98.1 x x x x x x x x 60 60 women yes 500 month 0.3 ok bad Turbid community Good yes no x x 98.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 60 30 men yes 500 month 0.3 ok bad Turbid community Good yes no x x 98.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 40 60 men yes 500 month 0.4 high bad Turbid school Good yes yes typhoid 2 99.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 300 60 women yes 1,000 x ok bad sour community bad yes yes typhoid 1 99.2 x x x x x x Deep BH RWH 120 90 women yes 500 When it Breaks ok bad sour community bad yes yes typhoid 99.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 60 women yes 2,000 month 0.3 ok bad sour community Good yes yes Bilharzia 1 100.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 100 60 women yes 2,000 month 0.7 ok bad Odour community bad yes yes diarrhoea 2 100.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 140 150 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 low bad Odour community bad yes yes typhoid 1 100.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 100 120 women x x x ok x x community x x yes diarrhoea 1 101.1 x x x x x x swamp / lake x 60 60 women no x x X good Odour community Good yes no x x 101.2 x x x x x x swamp / lake x 100 60 children no x x x bad Turbid government x yes yes typhoid x 101.3 x x x x x x swamp / lake Deep BH 80 30 mixture yes 500 month 0.2 high bad Odour private bad yes yes Bilharzia x 102.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 50 30 women yes 1,000 month 0.7 high good x school good yes no x x 102.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 100 120 women yes 500 month 0.2 high good x community good yes yes typhoid 2 E 102.3 x x x x x x Hand dug well Open well 50 180 mixture yes 200 x ok bad colour community Good yes no x x

- 103.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 140 75 women yes 500 month 0.1 ok bad Turbid community good yes yes typhoid 1 103.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 100 45 mixture yes 500 x ok good x community x yes yes diarrhoea 1

51 103.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 400 60 children yes 500 month 0.0 ok good x community Good yes no x x 104.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 240 60 children yes 1,000 month 0.1 ok good x school Good yes no x x 104.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 120 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x community Good yes no x x 104.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 30 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x community bad yes no x x 105.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 60 30 women yes 500 month 0.3 ok good x community good yes no x x 105.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 10 women yes 500 month 0.2 ok bad Turbid community good yes no x x 105.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 100 60 mixture yes 500 x ok good x community good yes no x x 106.1 x x x x x x Deep BH X 120 180 women yes 500 month 0.1 high good x community good no no x x 106.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.3 high good x community good yes no x x 106.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 30 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x community good yes no x x 107.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x community bad no yes diarrhoea x 107.2 x 2,000,000 no x x x Deep BH x 200 30 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x community x yes yes malaria x 107.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 240 180 women yes 1,000 month 0.1 high good x school Good yes yes worms x 108.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 100 440 women no x x x bad Odour community bad yes yes cough 2 108.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 200 120 women no x x x bad Odour community bad yes yes diarrhoea 1 108.3 x x x x x x Open well x 80 60 mixture no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes yes diarrhoea 2 109.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 440 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.1 high bad Turbid community good yes yes diarrhoea 2 109.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 100 30 women yes 500 month 0.2 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 3 109.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 120 60 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 high good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 110.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 140 180 children yes 200 jerrycan 10.0 low good x community good yes yes typhoid 1 110.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok bad Turbid community good yes yes typhoid 1 110.3 x x x x x x Open well x 200 120 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 high bad worms community Good yes yes typhoid 1 111.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 90 women yes 2,000 month 0.6 high bad Turbid community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 111.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 240 children yes 1,000 month 0.2 low good x community good yes no x x 111.3 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 60 180 mixture no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 112.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 30 children yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 112.2 x x x x x x Deep BH 120 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok good x community Good yes no x x 112.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 120 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok bad Turbid community Good yes no x x 113.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 180 children yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x community Good yes no x x 113.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 20 40 women yes 1,000 month 1.7 high good x community Good yes no x x 113.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 30 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok good x community Good yes no x x 114.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 30 60 children yes 300 month 0.3 high good x community good no no x x 114.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Protected shallow well 120 90 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok bad Turbid community good yes no x x 114.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 120 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 high good x community Fair yes no x x 115.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 60 women yes 2,000 month 0.8 high good x community good yes no x x 115.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 400 500 women yes 2,000 month 0.2 high good x community good yes no x x 115.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 400 180 women yes 2,500 month 0.2 ok good x community Good yes no x x 116.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 200 30 mixture no x x x good x community Good no yes cholera 1 116.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Protected shallow well x 200 mixture yes 500 x low good x community Good yes yes diarrhoea 1 116.3 x x x x x x Open well x 10 60 men no x x x good x community good no no x x 117.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 40 60 women yes 500 month 0.4 low good x community good yes no x x 117.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 80 90 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok good x community good yes no x x 117.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 30 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok good x community good yes no x x 118.1 x x x x x x Deep BH Protected shallow well 60 30 mixture no x x x bad Turbid community bad yes no x x 118.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 240 60 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 ok good x community Good yes no x x Household Interview Survey Result (24/30) 1 4 Development priority 1 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 care toilet number your calls sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness support from your community your community your community your community your community do you have any these sicknesses priority number 1 priority number 2 priority number 3 priority number 4 priority number 5 what type of toilet Household recordHousehold how did you handle you handle did how nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases do you have sanitary if no toilet wher do do what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of government for health 92.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x marketing facilities Seeds Machineries/oxplouhs Water supply electricity 93.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries Seeds Water supply Treatment of water hospitals 93.2 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x Seeds Machinery Water supply roads electricity 93.3 x x x x no yes traditional pit x Seeds machinery Bulls roads water supply 94.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x water supply land x x x 94.2 cough 1 x x hospital no yes traditional pit x seeds machines fertilizers water for agricultural use water for domestic use 94.3 x x x x hospital no no x bush seeds oxplough Water for drinking hospital roads 95.1 typhoid 1 x x hospital no yes traditional pit x Ox plough credit / loans quality seeds water supply schools 95.2 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries Seeds micro credit Water resources school 95.3 x x x x hospital no no x bush Ox plough water resources School x x 96.1 hospital yes traditional pit x Ox plough machinery water source Electricity x 96.2 cough 1 typhoid 1 hospital yes yes traditional pit x seeds machiney oxplough water supply Church 96.3 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x seeds Water supply Roads Drugs x 97.1 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds xxx 97.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds food items x x 97.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply food supply agricultural inputs x x 98.1 x x x x x no no x bush Nursery school Water supply x x x 98.2 x x x x x no no x bush food security health center water x x 98.3 diarrhoea 1 x x x no no x bush water supply food security Nursery school x x 99.1 x x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x water supply health center xxx 99.2 hospital no yes traditional pit water supply health center 99.3 x x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x water supply health center xxx 100.1 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x water supply Oxen quality seeds x x 100.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply roads quality seeds x x 100.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Water supply health center quality seeds x x 101.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x water supply food security x x x 101.2 x x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x Seeds and fertilizer machineseries Water for drinking roads x 101.3 typhoid x x x private doctor no yes traditional pit x water supply oxplough x x x 102.1 x x x x x yes no x Share with neighbours water supply credit / loans health centre xx 102.2 diarrhoea 1 x x hospital yes no x bush water supply food security x x x E 102.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x marketing facilities credit / loans Water for drinking Health centre x

- 103.1 x x x x private doctor yes yes traditional pit x water supply health center education facilities x x 103.2 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x seeds Water for drinking Roads x x

52 103.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Drugs Schools x x 104.1 x x x x x x yes traditional pit x Ox plough Water supply health centre quality seeds machineries 104.2 x x x x x no no x bush seeds education for orphans food items x x 104.3 x x x x x no no x Neighbours latrine Water supply food security quality seeds x x 105.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x seeds Water supply hospital x x 105.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Water supply Seeds xxx 105.3 x x x x x no no x bush agricultural machineries drinking water hospital x x 106.1 x x x x x no no x bush Food Items water xxx 106.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x Food Items Education services health centre xx 106.3 x x x x x yes no x Share with neighbours education Health services xxx 107.1 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x health centre Water supply education facilities x x 107.2 x x x x hospital no no x surrounding the house water supply food security x x x 107.3 x x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x Water supply school Loans x x 108.1 diarrhoea 1 x x hospital no yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds water for agriculture Dispensary x 108.2 worms 1 x x hospital no yes traditional pit x credit / loans machines water for domestic use Nursery school hospitals 108.3 cough 3 x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x water supply slabs Food security Health centre x 109.1 cough 4 x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x Ox plough credit / loans quality seeds water for domestic use schools 109.2 cough 2 x x hospital no yes traditional pit x credit / loans Fertilizers quality seeds water for domestic use roads 109.3 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x education agricultural inputs water xx 110.1 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x credit / loans oxplough improved chicken water for agricultural use water for domestic use 110.2 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x water supply health center support group x x 110.3 x x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x water supply support for widows x x x 111.1 x x x x hospital yes no x bush Ox plough Seeds Water for drinking hospital roads 111.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x seeds Fertilizers Improved breeds of cattle x x 111.3 x x x x x yes yes improved pit x water supply Seeds xxx 112.1 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x seeds machines Water for drinking roads electricity 112.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds health centre xx 112.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x seeds credit / loans machines water for agricultural use electricity 113.1 x x x x x yes yes improved pit x agricultural machineries Insecticides Water fo agric micro credit electricity 113.2 x x x x x no no x bush Seeds and Fertilizers Machinery School Widow shelter x 113.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Seeds Oxen Water supply hospital roads 114.1 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries Seeds fertilizers Water supply electricity 114.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x Seeds Water supply schools hospital x 114.3 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x credit / loans Seeds Machinery market facilities water supply 115.1 x x x x x yes no x bush Seeds and Fertilizers machinery Water supply hospital Health unit 115.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit Seeds machineries Water supply electricity x 115.3 x x x x x yes yes improved pit x Seeds and Fertilizers marketing facilities Machneries Water supply electricity 116.1 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries Insecticides quality seeds water supply roads 116.2 x x x x hospital yes yes improved pit x agricultural machineries Seeds micro credit Water resources water for agric 116.3 x x x x x yes no x bush agricultural machineries Seeds Water for drinking Roads Dispensary 117.1 x x x x x yes no x bush Seeds and Fertilizers Water supply hospital x x 117.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Seeds Isecticides Water supply roads electricity 117.3 x x x x x no no x bush Seeds school roads x x 118.1 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x Seeds and Fertilizers Water for drinking hospital x x 118.2 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries marketing facilities quality seeds church electricity Household Interview Survey Result (25/30) 1 1

Comments number Household recordHousehold

92.3 x 93.1 Governement should construct a hospital for the people 93.2 Water treatment as a temporary measure should be put in place 93.3 Requests for any assistance 94.1 x 94.2 Education services should be provided to th children of the village 94.3 x 95.1 Provision of clean water and ophans helped to go to school. 95.2 x 95.3 Machinery for agric is crucial, little is produced 96.1 Improve on the roads 96.2 x 96.3 There is demand in the production agriculture 97.1 x 97.2 x 97.3 x 98.1 x 98.2 x 98.3 x 99.1 x 99.2 99.3 x 100.1 x 100.2 x 100.3 x 101.1 x 101.2 x 101.3 x 102.1 x 102.2 Better health services should be brought nearer E 102.3 Improvved agricultural services should be provided

- 103.1 A community center should be built and Education facilities provided for the children in the village 103.2 x

53 103.3 Help orphans go to school 104.1 x 104.2 Health centers should be brought nearer. 104.3 Health centers should be brought nearer. 105.1 105.2 They have been struck by hunger and need assistance from the government 105.3 Its difficult to demarcate the levels of poverty in this village 106.1 The support should focus also on the elderly people like us. 106.2 x 106.3 x 107.1 x 107.2 x 107.3 x 108.1 x 108.2 x 108.3 x 109.1 Sensitization on animal production and husbandry needs to be done in the village 109.2 x 109.3 x 110.1 Scholarship should be given to higher levels of education cildren 110.2 x 110.3 x 111.1 x 111.2 Education services should be provided to th children of the village 111.3 x 112.1 x 112.2 112.3 x 113.1 x 113.2 x 113.3 x 114.1 Provision of agrinding mill 114.2 Resources should be put across to sensitize communities on good farming methods 114.3 x 115.1 x 115.2 They should be provided with cross breed goats 115.3 There should be provision of improved goats for workers 116.1 x 116.2 Project should be expendited 116.3 Infrastucture support to be provided by the government 117.1 x 117.2 x 117.3 x 118.1 Provision of food such as beans and posho would be appreciated 118.2 x Household Interview Survey Result (26/30) 1 Detail respondent 2 Details Profession (Farmer) 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.10 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.2 HH m3 Age (acre) Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 Crop4 Crop5 village Parish Village Village the HH District County Gender number Ethnicity Sub CountySub sharing labour machine type 1 machine type 2 Irrigation facility source irrigation Household recordHousehold Total area owned Type of household Number of Female in Agricultural machines Total family members Number of the Male in Costs/fee irrigation per socio economic wise in in economic wise socio 118.3 Male 45 Etesot Kibale-Otelepai Pallisa Butebo Kibale Opogono Kibale-Otelepai Medium 18 7 7 8 cassava Rice Millet x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 119.1 Male 32 Mugwere Putiputi Centre Pallisa Kibuku Putiputi Putiputi Putiputi Centre poor 8438cassava groundnuts sorghum x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 119.2 Female 49 Mugwere Putiputi Centre Pallisa Kibuku Putiputi Putiputi Putiputi Centre Medium 13 3 4 2 groundnuts sorghum potatoes millet maize no x x yes ox plough hand hoe no 119.3 Male 54 Mugwere Putiputi Centre Pallisa Kibuku Putiputi Putiputi Putiputi Centre rich 7347Maize yes 120.1 Male 40 Etesot Asuret centre Soroti Soroti Asuret Mukura Asuret centre poor 13 6 3 4 maize sorghum Millet cassava x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe no 120.2 Female 26 Muganda Asuret centre Soroti Soroti Asuret Mukura Asuret centre rich 4135maize groundnuts potatoes sorghum cassava no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 120.3 Male 46 Etesot Asuret centre Soroti Soroti Asuret Mukura Asuret centre Medium 4313cassava Maize x x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 121.1 Female 20 Atesot Opuchet Soroti Kasilo Bugondo Bugondo Opuchet poor 5334Maize groundnuts cassava x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe no 121.2 Female 33 Atesot Opuchet Soroti Kasilo Bugondo Bugondo Opuchet rich 4223cassava Maize no yes ox plough hand hoe no 121.3 Male 36 Etesot Opuchet Soroti Kasilo Bugondo Bugondo Opuchet Medium 5328maize groundnuts no yes ox plough hand hoe no 122.1 Female 89 Atesot Alere Soroti Soroti Gweri Gweri Alere poor 5142millet groundnuts x x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 122.2 Male 31 Etesot Alere Soroti Soroti Gweri Gweri Alere rich 10 6 4 11 groundnuts Potatoes cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 122.3 Male 27 Etesot Alere Soroti Soroti Gweri Gweri Alere Medium 11 6 5 9 Tomatoes groundnuts cassava x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no 123.1 Female 50 Atesot Opapa Soroti Serere Kateta Osetenyang Opapa Medium 6 3 3 1.5 cassava Maize Millet Green yam x no x x yes x x yes 123.2 Female 40 Atesot Opapa Soroti Serere Kateta Osetenyang Opapa poor 7435cassava sorghum groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 123.3 Male 63 Etesot Opapa Soroti Serere Kateta Osetenyang Opapa Medium 2115millet cassave maize x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough yes 124.1 Female 30 Kumam Apuuton Soroti Soroti Katine Merok Apuuton Medium 20 8 6 3 groundnuts cassave x x x no x x yes Hand hoe xno 124.2 Female 36 Kumam Apuuton Soroti Soroti Katine Merok Apuuton Medium 8445cassava maize sorghum x x no x x yes Hand hoe x yes 124.3 Male 31 Kumam Apuuton Soroti Soroti Katine Merok Apuuton Medium 5237sorghum cassave peas x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 125.1 Male 48 Etesot Akumoi Soroti Kasilo Pingere Akumoi Akumoi poor 9 4 5 1.25 cassava Maize sorghum x x no x x yes x x no 125.2 Female 60 Atesot Akumoi Soroti Kasilo Pingere Akumoi Akumoi rich 15 7 7 5 cassava groundnuts sorghum x x no x x yes ox plough hand hoe yes 125.3 Male 42 Etesot Akumoi Soroti Kasilo Pingere Akumoi Akumoi Medium 9363cassava sorghum groundnuts x x no x x yes Hand hoe ox plough no E - 54 Household Interview Survey Result (27/30) 1 Profession (Fisherman) 1 year) (UGX) (UGX) number Work as Work laborer 1 1 activity laborer 2 2 activity laborer 3 agriculture how much how comments expenditure poultry/dairy income from from income from income Type of fish 1 other income Yearly income Number of nets Number of lines number of cattle Source of fishing Any debtsAny / loans Household recordHousehold number of poultry interest rate (% per per (% rate interest total yearly income income yearly total income from fishery fishery from income with which institution monthly expenditure monthly water related 118.3 x x x x x 0 0 800,000 800,000 - - - 50,000 3,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 119.1 husband Ploughing x x x 8 10 300,000 300,000 - - - 50,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 119.2 x x x x x 12 15 500,000 400,000 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 2,500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 119.3 250,000 150,000 - - 100,000 x 0 0 x x - 120.1 x x x x x x 8 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - 30,000 500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 120.2 x x x x x 4 3 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 100,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 120.3 x x x x x 0 0 750,000 750,000 - - - 15,000 x no x x x x 0 0 x x - 121.1 x x x x x 7 0 100,000 100,000 - - - 10,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 121.2 x x x x x 0 9 250,000 100,000 - 100,000 50,000 x 0 0 x x - 121.3 x x x x x 3 6 500,000 450,000 - 50,000 - x 0 0 x x - 122.1 x x x x x 0 3 50,000 40,000 - - 10,000 3,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 122.2 x x x x x 10 10 1,500,000 - - - - 100,000 1,500 no - x x x 0 0 x x - 122.3 x x x x x 8 40 305,000 - - - - 70,000 1,500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 123.1 women weeding husband Heaping potatoes x 2 5 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 20,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 123.2 x x x x x 3 8 250,000 200,000 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 123.3 Husband Ploughing wife Weeding x 2 0 200,000 200,000 - - - 40,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 124.1 x x x x x 0 0 1,000,000 500,000 - - 500,000 50,000 2,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 124.2 x x x x x 6 5 800,000 500,000 100,000 - 200,000 30,000 x yes 20,000 UWESO 4% x 0 0 x x - 124.3 All Ploughing x x x 2 5 300,000 300,000 - - - 20,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 125.1 x x x x x 6 2 300,000 300,000 - - - 50,000 1,500 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 125.2 women weeding x x x 0 0 150,000 150,000 - - - 10,000 1,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - 125.3 x x x x x 2 8 300,000 300,000 - - - 30,000 3,000 no x x x x 0 0 x x - E - 55 Household Interview Survey Result (28/30) 1 Other professions 3 Water Resources 1 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12 3.12 r ea y stem year y year) source water1 water2 source s number sickness 1 sickness sickness 1 sickness how much how in last about price waterquality price per liter of column CT) any waterborne in a day (litersin ) Time in minutesTime in amount UGX in use water source Any debtsAny / loans Any debtsAny / loans what do you think Household recordHousehold source of drinking source of drinking ready to pay more interest rate (% per per (% rate interest any fee required for who owns the owns waterwho what is your opinion what your is opinion who collects water collects 1 who Yearly income (only Yearly nr. of reported cases with which institution per month / jerrycan/ Esther, and repetition amount of water used about management of required to fetch water reason for poor quality money for good quality diseases in your in familydiseases 118.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 400 120 mixture yes 500 month 0.0 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea 1 119.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 60 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea x 119.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 200 60 women yes 2,500 month 0.4 high bad Turbid community good yes yes typhoid x 119.3 x x x x x x Deep BH 80 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok good x community good yes yes diarrhoea x 120.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 80 50 mixture no x x x bad x community Good yes no x x 120.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 40 10 mixture yes 1,500 x high good x community good yes no x x 120.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Open well 60 120 women yes 500 month 0.3 ok bad Turbid community Good yes no x x 121.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 200 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 ok bad Turbid community good yes yes Bilharzia 1 121.2 x x x x x x Deep BH Swamp / lake 80 90 women yes 1,000 month 0.4 ok bad worms community yes yes Bilharzia x 121.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Swamp / lake 100 90 women yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok bad Turbid community yes no x x 122.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 240 children yes 1,000 month 0.3 high good x community good yes yes x x 122.2 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 80 240 mixture yes 1,500 month 0.6 high good x community good yes yes x x 122.3 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 120 women yes 1,500 month 0.4 ok good x community Good yes yes x x 123.1 x x x x x x Protected shallow well x 120 60 children yes 1,000 month 0.3 high bad Turbid school good yes yes typhoid 2 123.2 x x x x x x Deep BH x 120 90 mixture yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok good x community Good no no x x 123.3 x x x x x x Deep BH Pond 100 60 women yes 1,000 month 0.3 ok good x private Good yes no x x 124.1 x x x x x x Deep BH x 160 120 women yes 2,000 month 0.4 high good x school good yes no x x 124.2 x x x x x x deep BH x 200 120 mixture yes 500 month 0.1 high good x school good yes yes diarrhoea x 124.3 x x x x x x deep BH x 200 120 women yes 1,000 month 0.2 high good x community Good yes no x x 125.1 x x x x x x Hand dug well x 80 60 women yes 1,500 month 0.6 high good x private good yes yes diarrhoea 1 125.2 x x x x x x hand dug well x 300 120 mixture no x x x good x private bad yes yes diarrhoea 2 125.3 x x x x x x Hand dug well x 200 40 mixture no x x x bad Turbid community Good yes yes diarrhoea 1 E - 56 Household Interview Survey Result (29/30) 1 4 Development priority 1 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 care toilet number your calls sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness sickness 2 sickness 3 sickness support from your community your community your community your community your community do you have any these sicknesses priority number 1 priority number 2 priority number 3 priority number 4 priority number 5 what type of toilet Household recordHousehold how did you handle you handle did how nr. of reported cases nr. of reported cases do you have sanitary if no toilet wher do do what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of what are the needs of government for health 118.3 hospital yes yes traditional pit x agricultural machineries Seeds Water for drinking roads electricity 119.1 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x water supply health center food items x x 119.2 diarrhoea x x x private doctor yes yes traditional pit x Water supply health center Sensitize communities x x 119.3 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x water supply Seeds 120.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x Water supply roads x x x 120.2 x x x x x no no x bush water supply agricultural inputs x x x 120.3 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x water supply roads quality seeds x x 121.1 diarrhoea 1 typhoid 2 hospital yes yes traditional pit x Water supply Dipping system Livestock xx 121.2 x x x x hospital yes yes traditional pit water supply health center school x x 121.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit water supply electricity health centre xx 122.1 x x x x x no no x Share with neighbours water supply food security x x x 122.2 x x x x x yes no x bush Water supply roads Infrastructure quality seeds x 122.3 x x x x x yes no x bush seeds water schools x x 123.1 x x x x clinic yes yes traditional pit x seeds marketing facilities water for domestic use Dispensary roads 123.2 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply roads x x x 123.3 x x x x x yes yes traditional pit x water supply Machinery micro credit x x 124.1 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x Water supply health center food items x x 124.2 Bilharzia x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x water supply health facility school x x 124.3 x x x x x no yes traditional pit x health centre Water supply quality seeds x x 125.1 x x x x hospital no yes traditional pit x seeds Water for drinking dispensary xx 125.2 cough 5 x x hospital yes yes traditional pit x water supply health center Agricultural Development x x 125.3 Bilharzia 1 x x hospital no yes traditional pit x warehouses machineries schools hospital water E - 57 Household Interview Survey Result (30/30) 1 1

Comments number Household recordHousehold

118.3 x 119.1 x 119.2 x 119.3 120.1 x 120.2 x 120.3 x 121.1 x 121.2 121.3 122.1 x 122.2 x 122.3 x 123.1 Organizations should provide health facilities and animals for ploughing 123.2 x 123.3 x 124.1 x 124.2 x 124.3 x 125.1 x 125.2 x 125.3 x E - 58

DDaattaa FF RRGGCC SSuurrvveeyy DDaattaa

554000 555000 556000


1 0 0 Kamuli

81000 10 81000 J" 90 Kaliro J" Namutumba 4 J"

Iganga J" Bugiri J"

Mayuge Kawete J" J" Legend RGC_Boundary LC5 boundary LC4 boundary LC3 boundary

80000 80000 LC2 boundary æ LC1 boundary Contour line (10m)

ñ æ k Facility i Administrative Office 1120 IP í Namungalwe Rural ñæ k k Borehole æ Church k k ö Mosque i Protected Spring/Well kñæ hg Unprotected Water Source m Prison ñ öæ k ñ School í Police Station Namungalwe T/C kk IP Health Center ñ ñ k ñ RGC: Namungalwe k æ ID No: IG-01 ñ k ñ Sub-County: Namungalwe County: Kigulu 11 79000 10 79000 District: Iganga k ARC 1960 UTM Zone 36N 1:10,000 00.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 km The Development Study on Water Resources Development and Management for Lake Kyoga Basin in the Republic of Uganda 554000 555000 556000

555000 556000 557000

Kamuli J" Kaliro Nabitovu J" Namutumba 4 J"

Iganga J" Bugiri 87000 87000 J" hg Mayuge J" 1100 J" Legend ñ RGC_Boundary LC5 boundary ñ LC4 boundary LC3 boundary Nambale I IP ñ LC2 boundary LC1 boundary æ æ Contour line (10m) k ñ ö Facility i Administrative Office 0 íi k Borehole æ Church 112

86000 1 86000 ñ 110 k Protected Spring/Well ö Mosque hg Unprotected Water Source m Prison Mwira ñ School í Police Station IP Health Center

RGC: Nambale ID No: IG-02 Sub-County: Nambale County: Kigulu hg District: Iganga

ARC 1960 UTM Zone 36N 1:10,000 00.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 km 85000 85000 1090 The Development Study on Water Resources Development and Management 1130 for Lake Kyoga Basin in the Republic of Uganda 555000 556000 557000

F - 1 554000 555000 556000 557000

0 6 0 1 Kamuli J" Kaliro J" Namutumba 4 J"

80 10 ñ Iganga J" Bugiri J"

Mayuge J" J" Legend

95000 Kibaago 95000 Contour line (10m) Nabitende B k RGC_Boundary ñ LC5 boundary LC4 boundary LC3 boundary LC2 boundary æ JTB-2 [_ LC1 boundary

0 7 0 1 [_ Test Borehole IP Health Center Facility i Administrative Office k Borehole æ Church ñ k Protected Spring/Well ö Mosque hg Unprotected Water Source m Prison ñ School í Police Station 94000 94000

JTB-1 RGC: Nabitende [_ ID No: IG-03 Sub-County: Bukanga ñ ñ ñ County: Luuka 1090 ñ k District: Iganga k í ñ kñ k ARC 1960 k æ k ñ ñ ö UTM Zone 36N æ ñ Nabitende A ñ 1:11,000 ö ñ 00.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 k km The Development Study on Water Resources Development and Management 93000 93000 for Lake Kyoga Basin in the Republic of Uganda 554000 555000 556000 557000

542000 543000 544000

0 8 Kamuli 0 1 J" Kaliro J" Bugongo Namukumya Namutumba 4 J"

Iganga J" Bugiri J"

Mayuge J" J" Legend 93000 93000 Contour line (10m)

1 RGC_Boundary k 1

1 0 LC5 boundary Nawandala LC4 boundary ñ LC3 boundary æ LC2 boundary 0 1 9 1 0 0 1 0 LC1 boundary ñæ Namabwede II Facility i Administrative Office ñ k IPIP k Borehole æ Church k ö Mosque ñ Protected Spring/Well hg Unprotected Water Source m Prison ñ School í Police Station

IP Health Center

1 ö

0 ñ 6

92000 92000 0 hg

RGC: Nawandala ID No: IG-04 Sub-County: Nawandala County: Kigulu District: Iganga

ARC 1960 0 7 10 UTM Zone 36N Namabwede I 1:10,000 00.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 km The Development Study on Water Resources Development and Management Nawangaiza II for Lake Kyoga Basin in the Republic of Uganda 542000 543000 544000

F - 2 549000 550000 551000

Kamuli J" Kaliro J" Namutumba 4 J"

Iganga k J" Bugiri J"

Mayuge k J" 0 J" 2 1 1 Legend Contour line (10m) 89000 Buwera 89000 RGC_Boundary LC5 boundary LC4 boundary LC3 boundary LC2 boundary LC1 boundary

Bugono æ Facility i Administrative Office æ æ k Borehole æ Church k Protected Spring/Well ö Mosque 1100 hg m Prison IP Unprotected Water Source í Police Station 0 ñ School 2 IP 1 IP 1 k ö Health Center æ æ ñ 88000 k 88000 RGC: Bugono ID No: IG-05 Sub-County: Nabitende County: Kigulu District: Iganga hg ARC 1960

1 1 UTM Zone 36N 1 0 1:10,000

Kalungami A 00.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 km The Development Study on 10 Water Resources Development and Management 90 for Lake Kyoga Basin in the Republic of Uganda 549000 550000 551000

557000 558000 559000

Naburye Kamuli J" Bukyane Kaliro J" Namutumba J" 71000 71000 4

hg Iganga J" Bugiri



1 4 Mayuge

0 J" J" Legend 1130 Contour line (10m) RGC_Boundary LC5 boundary LC4 boundary k LC3 boundary ñ Bukoboli LC2 boundary LC1 boundary 70000 Nakalama Central 70000

í i ñ hg Facility i Administrative Office k k Borehole æ Church i k Protected Spring/Well ö Mosque ñ ö m ñk hg Unprotected Water Source Prison 1 1 í Police Station 2 ñ School 0 IP Health Center

0 k 1 1 1 100 hg 1 RGC: Nakalama ID No: IG-06 Sub-County: Nakalama County: Kigulu District: Iganga

ARC 1960 69000 69000 UTM Zone 36N 1:10,000 00.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Nenga km The Development Study on Water Resources Development and Management for Lake Kyoga Basin in the Republic of Uganda 557000 558000 559000

F - 3