App19.Finalshorelinesites 2.2.04
Appendix 19. Final Marine Shoreline Segments Shoreline segments are nearshore marine elements of the integrated portfolio that are measured as linear features representing coarse filter targets. Shoreline Segment Name Shore Units Length (km) Active Pass 51 21,988 Anderson Beach 5 6,226 Bangor 9 4,969 Blake Island 7 4,712 Bowyer Island 6 4,050 Brisco Point, South Hartstene Island 19 13,496 Buccaneer Bay 35 14,995 Budd Inlet 13 12,645 Burrard Inlet 4 5,397 Butler Cove 5 3,654 Bywater Bay 1 1,683 Cape George 1 5,037 Capsante, Fidalgo Island 5 1,834 Carlyon Beach 6 3,117 Carr Inlet, Fox Island 2 2,349 Chemainus 26 34,706 Cherry Point 17 12,509 Coal Island 1 2,193 Comox Macrosite 185 158,977 Conawaga Beach 4 5,661 Cortes Island 140 41,367 Cowichan 16 24,272 Cypress-Sinclair Islands 66 32,684 Deception Pass 93 38,444 Desolation Sound 516 146,600 Dickenson Point 11 11,370 Discovery Bay 9 12,531 Discovery Island 169 36,681 Discovery Passage 15 3,973 Double Bluff 2 1,695 Drayton Passage-Filucy Bay 14 7,184 Dry Creek 1 1,808 Dugualla Bay 31 17,376 Duke Point 1 2,741 Dungeness 21 42,033 Dyes Inlet-Silverdale 9 3,663 East Beach 1 692 East Side Vashon 6 3,325 Ebey's Landing 20 15,020 Edmonds Point 4 1,238 Eld Inlet 36 20,515 Eliza Island 1 1,575 Esquimalt Harbor 1 2,825 Fidalgo Bay 21 11,663 Fidalgo Head, Burrows Island 16 7,978 Fisherman's Harbor 2 5,126 Flattop Island 4 2,546 Fort Flagler 5 4,443 Fraser Delta 15 50,430 Friday Harbor, San Juan Island 14 3,876 Gabriola Island 10 8,977 Gabriola Pass 43 30,280 Gardiner 6 5,733 Gedney Island 12 3,907 Green Point 1 2,244 Hale Passage, Fox Island 1 659 Willamette Valley-Puget Trough-Georgia Basin Ecoregional Assessment Appendix 19 March 2004 Page 1 of 4 Appendix 19.
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