HUSTON Eomplains of UNJUST Attack
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* ^ ' .:-<.'‘-»r.- . ‘ .. f', . NKT PRESS.BUN. - ... AVERAGE DAILY ClRCtJLAtlON FotMBOt by U. S^Wc for tile MoBtb; of Jaly, 1980 ‘ HarMoftf. 5,416 Partly eioai^ mad FrMay ; Meaibcn of tke AvMt BB*ca«.ef not m odi d u ^ge in tonqpenMaw. ClMnlntloaa Colin. Stat4 Libroiy—^m j^ ^^ ’ PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU y., NO. 268. (OlaaaUled Advarttelng qo Page 12) SOUTH MANCHBSTEH, CONNm THURSDAY, AUCJUST 7, 1930. FOURTEEN PAGES «>- HUSTON eOMPLAINS First Picture of the King of Italy on His ViSt in Earthquake Zone OF UNJUST a t t a c k --------- t' . ' • . Quits Head of G. 0. P. N a -| R H ,| .IflN L O S S American and Mexican Cities tional Committee — Says] Once Noted Athlete of Same N ^ e Swept by His Successor Will Be n r i i r r a r a n Jumps to His Death Torrential Rains— Streets Free From Opposition. RELIEF AFAR New York, Aug. 7.—Edwin J; told police card found in bis pdeket. Flooded to Depth of Eight Washington, Aug. 7.— (AP) — Clapp, former financial writer and The note was left on a table in tbe apartment he had recently vacated. Claudius H. Huston, of Tennessee, Farm Beard to Extend Credit Olympic hurdler, more recently em Feet — Many Houses resigned today as chairman of the (Jlapp was a Yale graduate and ployed by William C. Durant, auto in 1915 was a member of the Olym Republican National committee and to Stricken Farmers; Rail mobile manufacturer, committed pic hurdling team. He was author Swept Away— Forty Per in a formal statement asserted “no suicide today by jumping from the of ‘"The Port of Boston” zmd several man in politicsd life has ever been 13th floor of a Fifth avenue apart books on economic and financial sub subject to more unjust and unwar roads to Transport Cattle Visiting the devastated towns of his stricken coun trymen. King Victor Emanuel here is pictured as he ment hotel where until recently he jects. Until two years ago be was sons Reported Missing; ranted attacks.’’ entered the earthquake-tom vicinity of Lacedonia on the course « f his tour through south-central Italy im haAbeen a tenant. a financial writer on the New York Huston presented his resignation to New Feeding Places. mediately after the disaster. The king, in uniform, is shown at the right, in the foreground. With him Clapp, who was 49 years old, left American. Since then, an official of Believe Death List Will Be to a meeting of the party’s execu are members of his official party and leading citizens of the district This is the first photo to reach this a note reading: “Good bye. Sue. I Durant Motors said, he had been em tive committee and made public his coimtry showing tha Italian monarch on his tour of the quake zone, which resulted in many personal recom have killed myself. Nobody is to ployed by Durant and gave some of statement before the meeting was Washington, Aug. 7.— (AP) — mendations for reliqr measures. blame but me. I am crazy.” his time to William Randolph Much Larger. Hearst. over and his successor chosen. Preparations to extend relief io the He was identified by a two months ' He said his withdrawal would “give the organization an opportun drought suffering nation went on Nogales, Ariz., Aug. 7— (.AP) -— ity of selecting a leader free from apace today under, the directioh of BOOKIE RECEIVES BETS A toorrent of water that swept the present factional opposition, and President Hoover wnlle reports BIG UQUOR CARGO IN A ROLLING OFFICE through toe Mexican and American will permit me without embarrass GOLD OUR ONLY ___________ ___ . SENATOR HEFLIN "during into government agencies border cities of Nogales early today ing others, to pursue a course that indicated the possibility of damages Whiting, Ind.; Aug. 7.—(AP) will insure in the minds of the Re approaching the-blUion dollar mark ONGARBAGESCOW —A. book-maker’s shop on left four known dead,-forty missing publicans of the country my right to unless rains fall soon. IN COUNCILS ABOUT WAR wheels, equipped with a low HURT IN CRASH and a scene of confuaioin which led their continued esteenS and confi With nothing but local showers wave radio receiylng set and police to believe at least 25 persons dence.’’ indicated by the Weather Bureau complete series of racing, charts “As heretofore announced,’’ Hus had lost their lives, Tbe bodies of for the suffering Sections in the im $100,000 Worth of Booze has beep confiscated. three women were found on the ton said, “I have determined to re mediate future, the Farm Board was SARDINES SOLVE William Schrader, 40, operator tire as chairman of the Republican America's Wealth What Auto Hits Pole to Avoid stud3dng a possibility of extending JOBLESS PROBLEM of the "Rolling Book” 'was ar Mexican side of toe line and the national committee. substantial credit to live stock amd Discovered on City's Boat; rested in his automobile as be body of a man was discovered n«ar “For a life time I have been a cotton farmers through emergency was accepting bets. Truck — None in Party the banks bridge on toe American member and an active worker in the Makes Other Nations inierpretation of the Federal mar A search was begim for a side. None was identified. Republican Party. I have never keting account Vast Schools of Tiny Fish Sud “bootleg” radio station which “Many houses ^haye t>een swept sought office or reward in any form. Secretary Hyde, hastening back Take Notice, Says Naval denly Appear on Spanish police said the gamblers ap Seriously Injured. 0 away,” the Mexican police report^, It was with a desire to promote its from the west, planned a conference Coast— 500,000 Baskets Al parently had set up for travel- success and that of the administra with the President immediately upon “and forty persons are missing.” Expert at Conference. ready Taken. New York, Aug. 7—(AP) —Two *^ing “bookies” since they have One hotel and sixteen Mexican tion that, upon the urging of party his return today. Assurances reach Decatur, Ala., Aug. 7.— (AP) — leaders, I agreed to accept the Department of Sanitation employes been fotced to close down in the homes on toe Sonora side were re ed the President that the railroads Vigo, Spain, Aug. 7.— (AP)— Calumet region. United States Senator J. Thomas chairmanship. I realized that this will co-operate with the government were dismissed, another was fined 30 ported by toe police there to have Williamstown. Mass., Aug. 7. - - Sardines today temporarily — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- course involved many sacrifices and in seeking relief to the. farmers, on days pay, and two more were exon Heflin of Alabama, suffered bruises been swept away. They did no^ in ortier to service more effectively, (AP)—The United States will go to solved the unemployment prob and cuts and a sprained wrist near know how many persons were in the suggestion being the free transpor lem of this fishing port. Vast erated at a department trial today I withdrew from active business. the next limitation of armament here today and three members of hotel. A. C. Villasenor, chief ®f tation of live stock to more favor schools of them suddenly ap growing out of discovery of $100,- police, said his officers reported hitv>- ’’ Was Persecuted able feeding grounds. conference in 1935 with less influ EX-CONGRESSMAN his party were cut and bruised as “When I became chairman, I ex peared on the coast, swarming 000 worth of liquor on a city garb their automobile crashed into a tele ing seen several bodies floating pected to bear philosophically the ence than she ever had in such a for miles in almost solid masses, age scow. phone pole to 'avoid striking a down toe street. PLAN OUTLINED gathering if she acceeds to the more fish at one time than the Screams of Women usual burden of criticism and abuse Washington, Aug. 7.— (AP.)— The men dismissed were Inspector hea'vily laden log truck that drove that has come to be recognized as movement now on foot to imder- oldest Inhabitants could recall. OPERATED STILL onto a highway from a side road. Originating from a hea'vy rain in Carl Williams, ¥'arm Board mem Half a million baskets have Weilter Lestrange, who was in toe Santa Rita mountains, toe flood the penalty attaching to high places ber representine cotton, outlined to build tonnage permitted her by the charge of the garbage dump the Not Badly Hurt in American politics. Almost imme been taken. The canneries have Senator Heflin and his party wera water rushed do^m toe valley and day a plan by which the board may London treaty. Rear Admiral Ar reopened and are operating at night customs agents raided the inundated toe lower portions of toe diately a persistent campaigp of thur P. Hepburn, said today. scow there, and Joseph Miller, a brought to Decatur in a passing bus [\ persecution was instituted for the be able to extend aid to drought capacity. All of those without international city, particularly the stricken farmers through the Graia Admiral Hepburn, chief of staff sweeper at the dump. ^ Manuel Herrick Arrested and three of them were transferred purpose on injuring my effective jobs are either catching or to ambiUances and taken to a hospi Mexican side, five to eight feet. of the United States fleet and mem The n^an ^ied 30 days’ pay was ness. Stabilization Gorporation. , packing sardines. tal. The Senator, however, went to The screams of women arose ‘Tf the existing seed distribution ber of the American delegation at Inspector Andrew W.