The 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent and Systems October 11-15, 2009 St. Louis, USA

A Component Based Design Framework for Architecture

Wei Hongxing1, Duan Xinming1, Li Shiyi1, Tong Guofeng2, Wang Tianmiao1 1. Institute, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing, 100191, China 2. Institute of A.I. and Robotics and Key Laboratory of Integrated of Process Industry, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110004, China

Abstract—Componentization is an important method to are complexity enterprise-class application systems, which improve the reusability of robot software and reduce the makes the robot software architecture huge and occupies difficulty of system design. In this paper, we propose a more system resources. They are not suitable for embedded component based design framework for robot software robot controller system. For these reasons, some companies architecture. First, the robot system is functionally decomposed and research institutes have to build their own robot into reusable components. On this basis, the static model and [3] run-time model of component are established, and a component middleware architectures, such as Open-R , [9] [8] [9] interface definition language based on the model is designed. K-Middleware , ASEBA , MiRPA , etc. Second, a lightweight middleware is proposed according to the Based on the robot software system decomposition and communication mode between robot components, and a component communication mechanism, we present a component development tool and a visual component assembly component-based design framework of robot software environment based on the middleware are designed to facilitate architecture. The software system uses lightweight the developers. Finally, an application based on the framework is introduced to verify the validation of the design framework. component communication mechanism, which is suitable for Keywords: Robot Software Architecture, Robot Middleware, embedded robot controller software applications. Component, IDL The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a component-based frame structure for robot I. INTRODUCTION software architecture and analyzes the static model and ITH the development of robot technology, the run-time model of the components. Section III presents a Wcomplexity of autonomous robot systems has lightweight middleware communication mechanism between increased dramatically. Besides an increased variety of robots, components, and sets up a visual component integrate sensors, actuators, embedded computers; the architecture of environment. Section IV describes a component-based the robot software has gained crucial relevance. Monolithic application example: a visual procedure to track the ball for Programming is used in the traditional robot software design. . The last section concludes the paper, and points But a variety of robot systems often use different hardware at the future work. platforms, so the robot system software changes with different hardware platforms and it is difficult to realize the II. FRAME STRUCTURE reusability of robot system software. Modern robot software A. System Decomposition uses multiple functional components. The main aim of the architecture for Robot software is to provide flexible and Generally, a robot system can be divided into the control reliable communication mechanisms for data exchange system and the controlled system. Control system is the robot between the components. For todays robot applications, control software or algorithms, and the controlled system is mostly middleware systems are used to accomplish this the robot hardware. To achieve modular design of robot task.[1,2] system and the reusability of robot software, we present a To solve the heterogeneity between the controller and component-based abstract model to separate the coupling modules in robot system, the hierarchical architectures has between control systems and the controlled system. In Fig.1 been proposed[3], such as NASREM model proposed by (a), robot middleware divide a robot system into two parts: Albus[4-6] and hierarchical intelligent robot software software and hardware systems. The lower layer of robot architecture proposed by Saridis[7]. With the development of middleware is the robot hardware system composed of a Component-Based Software Engineering, software variety of sensors, actuators and other hardware devices. The component technology is quickly applied to the design of upper layer of robot middleware is the software robot software to solve the problem of software reusability, composed of a variety of robot software components, control such as OROCOS[6], Miro[7], RT-Middleware[8], MSRS[9], etc. algorithms and services. Robot middleware hides the These component-based robot software architectures are heterogeneity of lower hardware devices and provides the often built based on the existing network middleware (such as component interface independent to the robot hardware CORBA, DCOM, etc.). However, these network middleware system, for the upper component or application call.

978-1-4244-3804-4/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 3429

Filed Component Application Component Application Component Assembly Software Bus Service Interface Algorithm component Component

Middleware Service System Component Decomposition Device Function Decomposition Hardware Atomic Component

Hardware Bus Field Decomposition Robot Component Interface (a) Robot System Architecture (b) System Decomposition Fig.1 System framework To improve software reusability, the robot software system • Application component: application components are the is divided a set of different field and different granularity combination of all kinds of atomic components, composite reusable software components. components and algorithm components to complete the In Fig.1 (b), in horizontal direction, the robot system is application functions of the robot system. divided into different functional modules. The designer of In vertical direction decomposition of robot system, each various functional modules can focus on the development of component relies solely on its subordinate components. their own functional modules, and package the functional Subordinate components provide services to superior module into the corresponding components according to the components, and the superior component achieves specific standard. Robot system integrators can rapidly integrate functions with the service of subordinate components. various functional modules and develop robot systems Through the dependence relationship between service according to standard interface, without the need to providers and consumers, various components can be understand the specific implementation details of functional assembled together to form a specific function robot system. modules. B. Component static mode In vertical direction, there are four levels of granularity of the components according to different degree of abstraction After the above decomposition process, component is a and reuse: high cohesion and low coupling software module. • Atomic component: atomic component is the only Component and its subordinate component have a kind of direct interaction with hardware components. It is a particular relations between dependence and are dependent on. They are type of hardware abstraction and provides the unified the service consumer and provider. In this relationship, there interface for the upper component calls. Such as motor are three kinds of communication modes between the control atomic component, various sensors control atomic superior and subordinate component: • components, etc. Command mode: the superior component issues an • Composite component: according to some function order to the subordinate components. Superior components requirement and composite rule, several atomic components issue an order and continue their operation without waiting can be combined into composite components, which provides for results of the implementation of subordinate components; a higher level and bigger granularity components abstract. subordinate components do not direct feedback to the For example, robot chassis consists of several motors and superior components in implementation process. When order sensors. Then, with the corresponding atomic motor execution time is longer or superior components do not care components, we can compose the composite chassis about the implementation results of the case, the command component, which provides the specific service interfaces, mode is suitable. Command mode is mainly used in the such as chassis velocity settings: setVelocity (type left, type condition that superior components allocate task to right). Through this abstraction, whether the chassis are subordinate components and subordinate components decide four-wheel drive or two-wheel drive, the superior the way to complete task. • components can control the robot chassis through the unified Request/response mode: the superior component sends service interface. request to subordinate components, in parallel, and waits for • Algorithm component: Algorithm component is a their return. The type mainly is used in component platform-independent robot algorithms or generic robot pre-operational configuration and the state access. Under control algorithms, for example, path planning and Kalman normal operating conditions, it should be as little as possible filter, etc. to use the mode, which also applies to real-time request with


the higher real-time demand. 3) It is compatible with distributed control and centralized • Subscribe/release mode (event mode): For some control. In distributed control, assigning the sampling and information concerning by superior components, such as initial process of sensor information to different processors, sensors to environmental changes, task completed, the system and informing the environmental information in form of failure and so on, the subordinate component returns them in event to the superior components, can reduce the burden on the form of events. the host processor, and also reduce the network Service Event Service Event communication data load. Interface source Interface source Task Send event to superior component Composite component Allocation Atomic component (customer) Service Interface Event Generator HW PH FSM Event Handler Request/response Command Incident Event Task Decomposition Priority List HW Hardware consumer - provider relationship PH Placeholder Provider Allocate tasks to subordinate Subordinate (a) Atomic component (b) Composite component components or control hardware component event Fig.2 Component static model Fig.3 Run-time component model Considering these three kinds of models, the event-based Based on the above analysis, we construct a general programming method is widely used in the robot run-time model, as shown in Fig.3. Superior component programming. A component communication model is assigns task to subordinate component in command mode, designed. Fig.2 (a) describes the model of atomic components. while subordinate component feedback information in Atomic components, as the abstract of robot system hardware subscription/release mode. In this model, a component device, provide direct interactive services of hardware mainly consists of three parts: Finite State (FSM), devices to the superior components, and its component Event Handling and Task Decomposition. FSM is the core of interface includes a service interface and an event source. A components, maintaining the operational status of the entire number of components can be combined into composite component. Component itself can complete one or more tasks, components, which provide a new component interface. It is corresponding to different task state. FSM schedules shown in Fig. 2 (b). In each composite component, there is subordinate components to complete the task, depending on the placeholder of component which is dependent on; the different states, and responses the incident feedback from placeholder is as agent credentials of corresponding subordinate component in time. components. When composite component is running, placeholder can hides inter-component communication D. Component Interface Description Language details. To standardize components and hide internal C. Run-time component model implementation details, according to robot component model, we define a simple component interface description language In majority of the robot system, accessing sensor to describe component interface. According to the static information concerned by the superior component should be model, the component interfaces include the service interface in subscription/release mode, not in request/response model; and the event (source) interface. Service interface is defined task allocation to subordinate component should be in by the keyword interface and event interface by the keyword command mode. And with the command execution error, it event. Service interface includes component command should be back in other ways. There are mainly three reasons: interface and request/response interface, and the command 1) Request/response mode is inefficient and slow reaction, interface does not require returning value, therefore the return and superior components can not immediately make a deal on type is void; and request/response interface contains return environment change. This long-distance sampling method value. To process simply and conveniently, we define all often spends more waiting time than the subscription/release returned values in the type of return. And if an operation model, but also more easily lead to system deadlock. requires returning multiple values, it will use structure types 2) In mobile robot programming, behavior-based (keyword: struct). programming model is widely used. In the model, for The BNF (Backus-Naur Form) of component interface feedback information on the environment, the system should description language is as follows: respond in the fastest way, and multi-level arbitration is often [10] idl_list::= idl used in the realization . It will be convenient for the nearest | idl_list idl processing and multi-level arbitration, if the system is in idl::= intf_def command mode and event mode. idl::= struct_def


idl::= event_def In order to process simple and convenient, for different length event_def::= EVENT IDENTIFIER '{' member_list '}' ';' data types in message body, message recipient and sender struct_def::= STRUCT IDENTIFIER '{' member_list '}' ';' comply with the same byte alignment. Taking the needs of member_list::= data_type IDENTIFIER ';' cross-platform into account, different length data type should | member_list data_type IDENTIFIER ';' intf_def::= INTERFACE IDENTIFIER '{' oper_dec_list '}' ';' be multi-byte alignment, but resulting increase in the total oper_dec_list::= oper_dec_list data_type IDENTIFIER '(' length of message; and real-time bus bandwidth, such as param_list ')' ';' CAN bus, is often not enough. The smaller the message | oper_dec_list VOID IDENTIFIER '(' param_list ')' ';' length, message extension will be smaller, and the network | oper_dec_list data_type IDENTIFIER '(' ')' ';' | data_type IDENTIFIER '(' param_list ')' ';' data throughput will be bigger. Therefore we chose the data | VOID IDENTIFIER '(' param_list ')' ';' alignment which is compatible with the majority of 32-bit | data_type IDENTIFIER '(' ')' ';' systems: 8-bit data one byte-aligned, 16-bit data 2-byte param_list::= param_list ',' data_type IDENTIFIER alignment, 32-bit and 64-bit data 4-byte alignment. | data_type IDENTIFIER Table 1 Component Communication Protocol Format data_type::= DATA_TYPE | STRING Domain Length Description Protocol verification number; to prevent unauthorized | STRUCT IDENTIFIER Magic 4 bytes | ARRAY '<' DATA_TYPE '>' access; always ‘RIDE’ The message priority. For real-time system, it can be DATA_TYPE::= int | short | char | float | double Priority 4 bytes mapped to the operating system priority and the ARRAY::= “Array” underlying communication protocol priority STRING::= “String” Type 2 bytes The message type ( table 2) STRUCT::= “struct” Length 2 bytes The message length Identifier 4 bytes Message recipient identifier VOID::= “void” Body n bytes Message body, defined by message type INTERFACE::= “interface” Table 2 Message Type EVENT::= “event” IDENTIFIER::= Type Sender Description COMMAND Superior component Corresponds to the command mode Corresponds to the request/response REQUEST Superior component III. MIDDLEWARE DESIGN AND COMPONENT ASSEMBLY mode Corresponds to the request/response REPLY Subordinate component In the framework, inter-component communication is mode completed by the middleware. Component assembly is using EVENT Subordinate component Corresponds to the incident mode Control message, corresponds to all middleware to connect various components to form a new modes. To report the communication system, according to the functional requirements. The process errors, such as receiving Superior or subordinate CONTROL messages component is not found, existing network middleware is too complicated and its component component and message do not meet architecture is also too large. According the above the definition of the operation, or components communication modes, we design a lightweight message format errors. middleware to achieve components communication. At Through the agreement, three communication modes present, the middleware bases on the TCP/IP and the between components can be completed with the message agreement can apply to any connection-oriented, reliable interaction. In this paper, we use the object-oriented design transmission network protocols. methods and C++ programming language; implement the Lightweight middleware based on the TCP/IP. This A. Component communication protocol lightweight middleware provide interactive encapsulation, Inter-component communication protocol uses the component management, and connection management message as a unit, and message format is shown in Tables 1 functions of the agreement above-mentioned. and 2. Corresponding to the communication modes between the components, we define five types of information (Table 2). B. Component Development Tools Command mode and event mode do not have the direct return To realize the complex interaction between the agreements mode. To solve the notification mechanism questions above-mentioned solely by developers according to the above-mentioned, in case of the implementation failure of agreement interaction details, the developers have to very command mode and event mode, we adopt two methods: for deeply understand the agreements, and it is very prone to issues in the components communication process, if error. To hide the complexity of agreement interaction, we command or event recipient is not found and the command is design component tools rcidl to support component not defined, we will send message fifth type CONTROL production. To create a component, we simply use interface message to notify the sender; if the command fails in description language to describe the required function implement the process, the implementation components will interface of components. We use the component tools to send events to superior components to notify. complete the basic framework of components, without the As shown in Table 1, domain Body corresponds to need to focus on the interaction details of communication message body, different with the message type varies. For protocol. example, REQUEST and COMMAND type message body The rcidl tool is a component framework code generator composed of the operator logo and the operating parameters. with the importation of component interface description


document. Using the rcidl tool, the production of components comparator controls, etc. In this way, the process of can complete the framework design. We hide the complex component assembly is the process of forming application interaction details of the communication protocols to through the combination of controls. developer, which makes the developer can focus on the We can build suitable applications according to the needs functional implementation components, as shown in Fig.4. of different platforms, through the target compiler and C + + IDL File compiler, using the above control to construct the dependence of various components on the robot visual development Lexical Analysis environment. Grammar Analysis rcidl Tool IV. DESIGN EXAMPLE C++ files Component To validate the proposed component-based framework for Client framework class Public variable Service framework class robot software architecture, we design an application example: a visual procedure to track the ball for mobile robot. definition header file definition header files definition header file Fig.4 rcidl flowchart In the example, the platform includes a PC and a mobile robot According to the definition document of component system. PC connects the mobile robot system using wireless interfaces, component tool rcidl separately generates the network. The mobile includes vision sensors, mobile chassis, components client framework code, service client framework and so on. The hardware and software configuration of the code and public variable definition file, as shown in Figure 4. robot controller and PC is shown in Table 3. Firstly, through lexical analysis, rcidl divides the IDL file The camera collects image environment to identify a into several marks (token). Then, through grammar analysis, specific color ball and guides the robot to track the ball. The it determines the grammar relationship between marks and example relates to the visual component and the robot chassis generates the grammar analysis tree. Finally it parses of component. grammar analysis tree to generate the corresponding C++ Table 3 The Hardware and Software Configuration framework code. The client framework class definition OS CPU Memory Wireless LAN Robot arm-linux Intel X-Scale PXA270A ARM 64M VIA corresponds to placeholder framework code, and the service Controller 2.6.9 SDRAM VNT6656GUA00 framework client class definition corresponds to the PC Windows Processor 0: Intel(R) 1001.9Mi TP-LINK XP Pentinum(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz B TL-WN322G+ 54 framework code of components implementation. These Processor 1: Intel(R) Mbps framework codes implement all the interactive content of the Pentinum(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz agreement; the developer can call the corresponding interface A. Visual component to implement communication between the components. Visual component is the abstract of a certain machine C. Visual Assembly vision module. In the example, the visual component VS In the framework , the components assembly using a defines the recognition of a particular object, like robot combination or aggregation mode in object-oriented design soccer recognizes football. It often recognizes relative patterns. Using object-oriented programming to achieve coordinate information of objects in the camera in accordance component assembly requires more in-depth understanding with the color of objects. And the interface definition of on the entire component model and implementation approach. visual components is shown in Table 4. Table 4 Visual Component Interface The robot system integrators, especially the users and robot enthusiasts, need a simple and convenient assembly way to Interface Function Communication Mode Initialize visual int initialize() Request/response mode achieve the rapidly design of robot application software. component In this paper, we use QT signal/slot mechanism to int setThreshold(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, Set threshold Request/response mode implement the component visual assembly environment. The unsigned int) QT signal/slot mechanism is an object communication void start() Start recognition Command mode void stop() Stop recognition Command mode mechanism designed by Trolltech Company, and it is an Return the location incident programming abstraction. The signal transmission ObjectPositionEvent information of Event mode objects corresponds to the event trigger, and the slot corresponds to The camera in the robot system uses the color recognition the event process[11]. The link between signal and slot makes method based on threshold vector to recognize objects. The signal transmission be able to call the corresponding slot[11]. recognition process and state transition diagram are We pack the component placeholder as the QT custom separately shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6. control, translate the event received by components into the Analysis specific color Output recognition Image Image Processing pixels to recognize object QT object signal transmission, and map the component results Acquisition (RGB->HSV) and calculate the object command interface to the QT object slot. At the same time, (centroid coordinates) centroid coordinates we also design several man-machine interfaces and logic the Fig.5 The color recognition process based on threshold vector QT-related controls to support the components assembly, such as light control, timer control, constant control,


environment. To verify the feasibility of design framework of DeInit set HSRange robot software architecture, we used component-based design Init Idle Initialized methods to realize a visual procedure to track the ball. In the further work, we plan to transplant the software architecture stop start DeInit into real-time bus and real-time operating system to satisfy Running real-time control requirements of robot system.

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