

Revue de Vie Oblate Review of Oblate Life Revista de Vida Oblata Oblati

Missionarii OMI V - 2016/3

Sommaire / Contents / Resumen Oblate Charism in Context International Congress – 4

Præfatio Francesco Volpintesta, o m i , Doscientos años de historia: “vive lo que muere” ...... 449

Worldwide Section, July 3, 2015 José Manuel Cicuéndez, o m i , La comunidad en contexto ...... 461 Paweł Ratajczak, o m i , The future of the Congregation ...... 477 Cornelius Ngoka, o m i , Multiformité et unité dans la Congrégation. Perspectives pour la formation et la gouvernance .. 483

Local Section, Rome June 30 – July 3, 2015 Fabio Ciardi, o m i , Le Congrès à Rome ...... 495 López Moreno, o m i , La “nueva evangelización” y el carisma oblato en el contexto europeo ...... 497 Angelo Capuano, o m i , Franchir les frontières : La mission oblate en Europe, dans un monde qui change ...... 521 Inmaculada Pérez Castelli, o m i , A New Drive from the Holy Spirit in the Oblate Charism for the World and the Church of Today ...... 531 Thomas Klosterkamp, o m i , In Service of the Oblate Charism: The General Postulation Office Today...... 539 Kennedy Katongo, o m i , Towards a Spirituality of JPIC: The Oblate Charism’s call to Religious prophetic living in our World Today ...... 557 Krzysztof Zielenda, o m i , La communauté d’Aix lieu de ressourcement du charisme ...... 575 Bonga Majola, o m i , The “de Mazenod Experience” at the Service of the Charism ...... 585 Jean-Nicolas Printemps, o m i , Le charisme oblat et l’urgence éducative actuelle ...... 595 Gaby Kinze, o m i , Quelles methodes formatives appliquons-nous dans nos maisons de formation oblate ? ...... 615 Ileana Chinnici, c o m i , Feminine “Genius” and Oblate Charism ...... 625 Mary Tyrrell, Living the Dream of St Eugene Today ...... 633

Session locale, Obra June 30 – July 3, 2015 Paweł Zając, o m i , The Congress in Obra ...... 641 Paweł Latusek, o m i , The Oblate Charism Experienced in the Polish Province ...... 643 Robert Wawrzeniecki, o m i , The Oblate Charism and Parish Work Experience in ...... 655 Antoni Bochm, o m i , Continuing the Ideals of Past Generations of Oblates. Heading for the Future with Courage and Creativity .... 675 Piotr Piasecki, o m i , La spiritualité ses Oblats dans le contexte polonais ...... 683 Andrzej Juchniewicz, o m i , The Oblate Charism in Eastern Belarus. Our current response to The needs of the Church and Society ...... 695 Marcin Szafors, o m i , The Oblate Experience of New Evangelization in the Context of Poland ...... 701 the World Permanent Formation the OblateCharismasaLayPerson Experiences inUkraine Missionary Spirit Story Mission? me inOblateTradition andHistorywhenthinkingaboutmyFuture Charism Paweł Pilarczyk, Patryk Osadnik, Andrzej Madej, Józef Wcisło, Krzysztof Zieliński, Paveł Wyszkowski, Wojciech Kluj, Dominik Zwierzychowski,




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...... Oblate Charism:BetweentheFirstand

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The PolishProvince Congregation’s My “GetupandgotoNineveh”–Living

Prophets ofJesusChristineveryCorner of Going InNewDirections With TheOblate - Jakub Wandzich, ,

The Oblate’s Charismandour i m o ,

Always onthego–MyVocation ...... i m o , What mostinspires

725 721 707 755 749 741 735 729

Oblatio l 447 l Præfatio desaparición. la de tiempo el muerte, la de momento el pues, nosotros, para señalar de 150-200 años. El bicentenario de la Fundación de los Oblatos podría período un en ocurre decadencia. esto la Todo finalmente y solidación con la crecimiento, el y inicios los etapas: tres por pasa religiosa ción el de nuevavida. de este proceso de muerte y resurrección, preludio explícito o implícito cada crecimiento, cada intuición pastoral, son siempre manifestaciones misionero, desarrollo cada que recuerda nos Evangelio El Inmaculada. particular, en los doscientos años de la historia de los Oblatos de María sino también en el hecho eclesial de los realidad, que se hace presente no sólo en la experiencia de cada hombre profunda esta de empapada está cristiano del vida amor.La por muere Manual de animación oblata S En el 1981, los PP. Rubén Elizondo y Jaime Sullivan, publicaron Sullivan, Jaime y Elizondo PP.Rubén los 1981, el En que lo vive sólo que repite nos Evangelio el contextos varios En propia vidapormicausa,laencontrará( quiera salvar la propia vida, la perderá; pero quien pierda la pierda quien pero perderá; la vida, propia la salvar quiera ( fruto mucho produce muere, cambio en si infecundo; queda muere, no tierra en caído trigo de grano el i DOSCIENT Præfatio F “VIVE LOQUEMUERE” o c s e c n a r OS en el que se afirma que cada Congrega AÑOS DEHIST V a t s e t n i p l o

acontecimientos humanos y, en Mt 16,25). , i m o ORIA: Jn 12, 24). Quien 24). 12,


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Oblatio l 449 l Præfatio Oblatio l 450 l Præfatio la vida: Trienio el años, tres de conversión de camino un Oblatos los a proponiéndoles gene muerte”, la de Padre “teología cierta una a el fuertemente reaccionado haya qué ral por bien Comprendemos vida. la es resultado el ella, en anclados permanecemos si contrario, al evangélica; dinámica esta de alejamos nos si existen extinción la o estancamiento El vida. la está ésta de allá más porque muerte, la ante asustarnos o asombrarnos debemos no que recordarnos a Dios de Palabra la ayuda nuestra en ne y alosEscolásticos: de unavidanuevaqueperennementeflorecedelsurco muerto. tro tiempo de crisis y disminución numérica, nues para consoladoras razones buscar para no oblata historia nuestra estabais molestos nosotrosloestábamosaún más. vosotros si y Billens de castillo el como magnífico era no jamiento bía tomado posesión de ella algunos días antes. Nuestro lugar de alo P.El Misión. la en residir a ir para materna casa la dejé Tempierha años, dieciséis hace que, en día del aniversario el celebro Mañana novicios los P.a al Mille, escribe le Eugenio 1831 enero de 24 El de acontecimientos algunos describir quisiera perspectiva esta En nuestra preparaciónparanuestro200ºaniversario. todos nosotrosatener la intención derevitalizar la Congregación en a Llamo muerte. la genera no que Vida, de Espíritu Dios, en Creo ya hemoshechonuestrotrabajoy, “R.I.P.”. que decir a dispuesto estoy no pero Iglesia, la en eterna institución una es no Congregación la que de consciente Soy carisma. el vivir a estos de compromiso el hacia irreverente e condescendiente actitud una es Esta votos. en oblatos los a “reemplazar” a vayan él de ven vi y oblato carisma el aman que laicos los que creo No muerte. la a lleva sí por de que deseo un y secularizada visión una es esta que Creo paz. en morir podemos que y Iglesia la a servido hemos que de misión, nuestra completado hemos que de Yoteoría la acepto no Más allá de lecturas sociológicas, incluso útiles e importantes, vie , para preparar el bicentenario de la Fundación como la fiesta de L a

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sino respecto a (1816) 2 1

las señales ------en elconjuntodelacarta: que revela un matiz doloroso en el fondo luminoso de vida manifestado interpretarlos másprofundamente. y que nos ayudan, hoy, a Fundador leer los acontecimientos en su verdadera luz y a del corazón el tocado han que fundamentales realidades sino detalles simples eran no estos que de prueba lo la Es borrar. ha grado no tiempo el que particulares casos algunos grabados quedan Eugenio de mente la en pero desvanecido, han se recuerdos Muchos ao e rso qe o rced qe o a Rsrecó sn Cruz, sin Resurrección hay no que recuerda nos que Cristo, de tado cos el sobre herida la casi llaga, una recuerda que icono un en sotros de lahoja. centro el en justo rasgón, un produce se Fundación, la de oficial mento escribe enel1846: misión? primera la de vuelta la a expulsado sa! Para borrar el nombre de este “desconocido” de la monstruo mancha una hay Fundación la de experiencia la de pléndido y que murió sin el consuelo de la religión, impenitente, acusado de acusado impenitente, religión, la de consuelo el sin murió que y tierra la sobre pasados años pocos los en malo sacerdote un como vivió que vida, de estilo vil su de nunca libró se no que persona una serable que yo tuve que despedir después de nuestra primera misión, mi sacerdote un ser a llegar para después saldría se mí, a ellos con unirse para presentó me se que el elegí, yo que compañeros meros pri los de nombres los sugirió me que el que imaginar posible ¿Es “Otro que ya no nombramos.” ¿Quién es? ¿Icard? ¿El indigno Icard poníamos sobreelumbraldelapuertaparaserviralostres. la acostarnos necesitábamos cuando y candela, una por provista era también servíaparalasreunionescomunitarias. Toda lailuminación pier y otro que entre nosotros ya no lo nombramos; aquella habitación P.el dormían que la en Tem habitación gran una entonces blioteca, Mi lecho de correas fue colocado en el breve pasillo que lleva a la bi inciso un notamos Eugenio de escrito del lectura la Continuando Fundación. la de experiencia la desde años quince pasado Han Eugenio no puede tolerar un tal desentono tal un tolerar puede no Eugenio quitarse lavida!? A una mirada más atenta, aquella laceración se convierte para no para convierte se laceración aquella atenta, más mirada Auna 4 Aquel de quien Eugenio quien de Aquel . ¡En el cuadro tan es tan cuadro el ¡En Súplica , el docu - - - -


Oblatio l 451 l Præfatio Oblatio l 452 l Præfatio fundar la primera comunidad oblata en Canadá y, el 2 de diciembre de diciembre de y,2 Canadá el en oblata comunidad primera la fundar de responsabilidad la confía le Bourget- Ignace Mons. de petición la a 1841. Canadá, en oblata consideración otraspáginasdenuestrahistoria. en tomando reflexionando seguimos que los sobre pascual experiencia esta presente hace se pues, principio, el Desde vida. sin muerte hay no que leescribeEugenio: carta esta testimonia como personal, de falta la de dificultad la seguida proyecto deDios. el según progrese Dios de Reino el que para hecho ha se que bien del de obediencia voto encierra en sí El la dinámica del Guigues. morir y del vivir,Bruno del desapego P. el amigo y hermano su sucede le puesto su en y decisión esta corazón buen de acepta Él ministerio. nuevo un a dedicarse P.Honorat al pide le Eugenio 1844, en pronto, embargo,bien Sin . de región la en Canadá en misionera sión expan la de artífice cosas, las a que personas las a más atento sionero, mi auténtico un como manifiesta se P.que del Honorat, también pero por losprimerosquehabíaconocidodemuchachosen Aix-en-Provence: particular en y Oblatos sus por amor de inflamada carta una con 1842, 1841, llegaaMontrealconcincocompañerosOblatos. de todo el bien que se presenta ante vosotros y que no podéis abrazar hablar oigo os cuando corazón el sangra me cómo imaginar Podéis en encuentra ministerio su pero mandato su inicia P.Guigues El Eugenio de entusiasmo del luz, la de alegría, la de momento el Es casa; estoesderigor. acudir al estudio y a vuestra santificación personal dentro de vuestra para tiempo de poco un siempre reservaos todo sobre pero biduría; sa con cosas las todas Arreglad permite. Dios que aquello de más sobrecargados.estaréis pronto hacer que querer nunca falta hace No del trabajo al fuerzas, vuestras de arrastrar,encima dejéis por os No de marzo de 26 elpresente, hacerse a tarda no y feliz es Eugenio comunidad primera la de Superior el es Honorat Jean-Baptiste L s o

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s o s a p 6 5 El 13 de agosto 1841 Eugenio –en respuesta –en Eugenio 1841 agosto de 13 El

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- - - - equilibrios territoriales, nuevos repartos de potencia económica y social. franco-germana guerra la de flagelo terrible el durante que, internacional tensión una de contragolpes los acusar no puede no 1852-1860). Escocia, 1855-1860; Irlanda, 1850-1852; (Inglaterra, Bretaña Gran en mayores;Escolasticado), seminarios 3 marianos; santuarios 6 ras; misione casas (5 Francia: en 186), Basutolandia, 1852-1856; (Natal) lumbia y Oregon, 1845; Texas, 1849), en Asia (Ceilán) 1847, en África 1841; Estados Unidos, 1842; Canadá Oeste y Norte, 1847; British Co será preludio de una época de fundaciones: en Norte América tos, de la vida que nace de la muerte. El don de misioneros al extranjero apostólico todavíademasiadodébilyexiguo. sión enCanadá noamenaza con empobrecer peligrosamente un cuerpo mi la de desarrollo el si efecto, en pregunta, se Él atrevidas. masiado de opciones sus por criticado Eugenio, a acompaña también que vida, En realidad este paso crítico será desmentido por los acontecimien de y muerte de sombras, y luces de claroscuro un aquí También esperando otrasdelabondadDios. del obispo de Juliopolis e iniciad su obra aún sólo con dos personas, modo diferente. Así, lorepito, responded, sintitubear a las llamadas con comienzos débiles. No ha venido todavía el tiempo de hacerlo de establecido hemos nos partes todas Por jamás. abandonará nos no y camino el señala nos que Dios en confianza y ánimo de poco un ner te falta Hace terreno. el sobre ayuda vuestra en vendrá Providencia Todos hablado. los demás son demasiado jóvenes y todavía necesitan formación. La he os antes que los de aquellos de fuera personas otras de proveeros pueda que pensando engañarse inútil sería Pero miseria. nuestra fuertemente muy sienta aunque ello de yo pentirme arre sabría No calidad. en o número en sea grandes, tan sacrificios haciendo generoso demasiado sido haber de acusan me diariamente y sufre se Europa En América. en tiendas sus plantar por agotado ha se que pequeña muy familia perso una somos las Nosotros con tiene. que hacer nas qué sabe no decir, así por que, y rebosa que Jesuitas los de la es no Congregación Nuestra personal. de falta por Europa pasa por una gran transformación y nuestra Congregación nuestra y transformación gran una por pasa Europa L s a

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s o ñ a 7 1871-1880 8 , busca nuevos busca , (Québec, ------

Oblatio l 453 l Præfatio Oblatio l 454 l Præfatio de Autun fueron invadidos por una soldadesca indisciplinada. Un gran Un indisciplinada. soldadesca una por invadidos de fueron Autun alojar a los soldados alemanes, la casa de -Jean y el Escolasticado Europa enguerra. causa de una llamada a ampliar las perspectivas, en el escenario de una la Fundación, la de tiempo el en Eugenio para como aquí, es también los nuevos pobres que la guerra había generado. Un “empujón externo” y,también sino vida su defender para sólo no a buscar para todo, sobre presencia, su manera otra de redistribuir y dolorosamente emigrar que tendrán Oblatos los que lo por internacional crisis esta de causa a Será cachon (1869), en St-Andelain (1869), restablece la escuela apostólica escuela la restablece (1869), St-Andelain en (1869), cachon Ar en (1865-1869), Rennes en misioneras casas abre Obispos, los de solicitud por Francia, de Norte del Provincia La (1887). Roma a luego y (1884), Marina, Diano a Lumières des Notre-Dame de apostólica la escue la trasladando Italia, en instala se (1893); Soto en noviciado y apostólica escuela una (1895), Madrid en capellanía una con España a extiende se (1894); Niza en otra la y Lyon,(1888) en una misioneras, casas dos abre Francia de sur del Provincia la vida: de semilla fue ción persecu esta cómo testimonia 1898, el y 1861 el entre Francia de tas de las nuevas Fundaciones, que tienen lugar en las dos Provincias Obla Holanda, Italia, España, Isla de Jersey, Alsacia y Lorena. La simple lista expansión del Instituto en las Naciones y en los territorios circundantes: sobre el futuro de la Congregación en Francia, causaron una inesperada en vigor. ¡LosOblatos,encambio,seextendieronporEuropa! poco por todas partes, aunque los decretos de expulsión todavía seguían un consolidó se normal más vida una y regular vida su 1886 en retomó general administración formar,la a volvieron se gradualmente nidades a poco, la vigilancia del Gobierno se volvió menos estrecha y las comu contacto con sus Superiores y continuaron su obra de apostolado. Poco tos, expulsados y refugiados en lugares afortunados, se mantuvieron en permanecer en el sitio como guardián de las casas evacuadas. Los Obla casas mediante decretos gubernativos. Solamente algún misionero logró de hospitales los campo paralosenfermosyheridos. en o batalla de campos los en militares capellanes número de Hermanos Oblatos se alistaron y muchos Padres se hicieron Las expulsiones, a pesar de su dureza, el dolor y la incertidumbre la y dolor el dureza, su de pesar a expulsiones, Las En noviembre de 1880, los Oblatos fueron expulsados de diecisiete que tuvieron Sión de Notre-Dame y Nancy de comunidades Las ------escribió alprincipiodesumandato: Congregación, la en y Europa en transformaciones las de testigo y nio noviciado deBestin(1896). en Alsacia-Lorena la casa misionera de St Ulrich (1880) y en Bélgica el (1880); St-Gerlach de noviciado el y (1885) St-Charles, de apostólica quias en la isla de Jersey y se abren nuevas casas: en Holanda la escuela Más allá del territorio de Francia, se atienden pastoralmente tres parro de Sión, funda la de Pontmain, (1891) y el noviciado de Angers (1895). que reinabaenloscorazones: tos de su tiempo, que puede darnos una idea de la aprensión y solicitud un extracto de la carta del Padre General Théodore Labouré a los Obla dolor.aquí y He prueba de tiempo largo un a Oblatos los de gregación Con la a arrastraron mundo el por esparcidos conflictos otros muchos É a c o p No tengo dudas de que vosotros aceptaréis con humilde resignación humilde con aceptaréis vosotros que de dudas tengo No fuerza. más tener para orando dolor, y ansiedad de días estos en te, Omnipoten del mirada la apartar deberíamos no futuro, al Mirando y española civil guerra la mundial, guerra segunda la primera, La Congregación alaquetienenelhonordepertenecer. la de honor el y Dios de proyecto el en colaborar de dignos hacerse giosas y los que se preparan para la lucha sean aún más celosos reli virtudes en hermanos nuestros que menos ser no a peñaremos em nos juntos devoción, bella tan una a llama nos Dios donde lia fami nuestra por profundo más vez cada amor un tendremos Juntos caremos atodanuestrafamiliaconentusiasmopaternal. llas: recibiremos vuestras cartas con profunda gratitud y las comuni el Señor bendice nuestro trabajo misionero; contadnos estas maravi paganismo, del y error del riberas las en herejías, muchas de centro gas y del triunfo de la gracia. En el corazón de nuestra Francia, en el hicisteis con nuestro venerado Fundador, habladnos de vuestras fati lla de nuestro Señor, bajo la protección de Maria Inmaculada. Como bata santa la éxito con y alegría con valientemente combatid sotros vo todos cariñoso, Padre nuestro Dios de voluntad la cumplir Para El P. Joseph Fabre, primer Superior General después de San Euge

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s e l a i d n u m 9 (1898-1947)

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Oblatio l 455 l Præfatio Oblatio l 456 l Præfatio Camerún. las Filipinas; empieza la actividad misionera en África Central, Zaire y de y Laos de misión la nace Brasil; guay,y Uruguay,Haití Argentina, América Latina los Oblatos forman destacamentos misioneros en Para En nuevas. de fundación la prepara y constituidas ya Iglesias a asiste llamados cristianos. aceptando un cargo pastoral, como en todas las diócesis y los países así misionero, papel un conservan Oblatos los efectos, los todos a diócesis en ya convertidas Iglesias, estas En Jaffna. de y Colombo de la dirigir a comienzan y Chilaw, de Diócesis nueva la de dirección la de cargo hacen se ochocientos- del mitad segunda la desde trabajan Oblatos los mloop. En la isla de Ceilán, (actual Sri Lanka)- donde, como en Canadá Ka y Nelson Saskatoon, Gravelbourg, 1940: el y 1930 el entre cuatro otras añadirán se estas a Winnipeg; y Prince-Albert Calgary, Regina, cesis que pasan al clero secular: Saint-Boniface, Edmonton, Vancouver, Dió siete forman se Canadá, del Oeste el en 1921, al 1908 Del durez. bendice lahistoriaoblata. Trazamos aquíalgunaslíneasdedesarrollo. consuelos: nueva vida, nacida de la muerte de guerras y persecuciones, sus mandando suya, la con mirada nuestra entrecruza Omnipotente el Por otra parte, la Congregación acepta nuevos campos misioneros: La Congregación ayuda a las Iglesias locales a crecer hasta su ma y Omnipotente” del mirada la apartar “no a obliga nos dolor El y encadapáginadelaSantaRegla pre a aquella perfección sacerdotal y religiosa descrita en el Prefacio misiones, pero especialmente en vuestra vida espiritual tended siem Orad a menudo y pedid oraciones por el rebaño de vuestras iglesias y realizar tal objetivo, rogad por las estructuras que habéis construido. para útil medio como después, Solamente oraciones. vuestras de to obje siempre sea cristianas virtudes las en progreso su y cuidado vuestro a confiada almas las de salvación La Oblatos. sus todos en virtudes que nuestro Venerado Fundador siempre deseó encontrarlas aquellas de intenso más vez cada cuidado el en y Regla nuestra a te constan fidelidad una en religioso, espíritu nuestro de más, mucho cuenta que lo de profundización la y preservación la bien más sino materiales cosas nuestras de milagrosa salvación la tanto no Dios de implorar es importante Lo iglesias. vuestras casas, so vuestras caer bre pueden que desgracias las y peligros los privaciones, las . 10 ------nes, retiros, Acción Católica, obras universitarias, misiones entre los in cia del Este del Canadá resplandece con obras importantes: predicacio Polonia, ChecoslovaquiayenelestedelosEstadosUnidos. Alemania, de provincias las en hallar puede se parroquiales misiones las a fidelidad misma Una 1939-1945. de guerra la a siguiente período misiones populares, adaptándolas a las nuevas condiciones sociales del meros veinte años del sigo veinte, la Congregación permanece fiel a las En las provincias de Francia, a pesar de la dispersión forzada de los pri progresivamente yrápidamentesuscoordenadas: mundo post-moderno, ya intensamente cambiado y destinado a cambiar go demuerteyvida. la ProvinciadelCanadá-Este,favorecenunaactividadmásintensa. de Provincia la a Kimberley el y VicariatoAlemania a Basutolandia de llegada de numerosos misioneros, debido a la anexión del Vicariato del considerablemente en extensión en los años 1920-1930. Sin embargo, la reducirse que tienen diecinueve, siglo del mitad la desde Oblatos los a sus obrasmisioneras. multiplican y oblato personal el en crecen Inglaterra-Irlanda Oeste, y Este Unidos Francia-Norte, Estados de Alemania, Provincias Las dios. D e problemas antes señalados, aportando la luz que viene del Evange del viene que luz la aportando varios señalados, antes problemas los sobre diálogo un ella con estableciendo que pertenece, que la a humana, familia entera la hacia amor y respeto solidaridad, de elocuente más demostración una dar podría no Cristo, por gado congre Dios de pueblo el todo de fe la proponiendo y timoniando tes Concilio, el esto, Por hombres. los de y cosas las de último no desti el sobre finalmente y colectivos, y individuales esfuerzos sus de sentido el sobre universo, el en hombre del misión la sobre y to pues el sobre mundo, del presente evolución la sobre angustiosas preguntas frecuencia con agita poder, propio su y descubrimientos propios los por admiración de llena humanidad, la días nuestros En este en vivir Concilio Vaticanopara El Iglesia la a preparado ha II análo proceso un a asistimos veinte siglo del mitad segunda la En confiados austral, África del misioneros territorios inmensos Los Provin La considerablemente. desarrollan se Provincias Algunas En Europa los Oblatos dan prioridad al ministerio de la predicación.

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Oblatio l 457 l Præfatio Oblatio l 458 l Præfatio cretas, los mismos problemas que existen en la Iglesia y en los otros los en y Iglesia la en existen que problemas mismos los cretas, Deschâtelets recuerda: Leo P. el como transformación, de crisis profunda esta de resienten se Oblatos los también contexto, este En servicio. y logo diá de vías nuevas encontrar que tienen Iglesia- la para perennes lores caída, aunqueésta,sinembargo, sesuaviza. del 1972.) El proceso de disminución continúa hasta hoy con una fuerte de 51 a 70, el restante 10% tiene más de 71 años, (según las estadísticas mente relativa joven: 20% tienen aún menos que 35 misionero años, 30% de cuerpo 36 a 50 años, un 40% forman pero Los disminuyen, 6500. a Oblatos 1961) el en (7605 histórico máximo su de bajado ha ya pués de sólo dos años por motivos personales, el número de los Oblatos des dimite que (1972-1974), Hanley Richard P.General del mandato Institutos.” el Durante Congregación. la para prueba de y críticos años Son -va humana familia la hacia amor el y respeto el solidaridad, La ( Se trata de salvar al hombre, se trata de edificar la humana sociedad. Fundador.su de recibido ha Santo, Espíritu del guía la bajo Iglesia, lio, y poniendo a disposición de los hombres el poder salvador que la Gaudium etSpes 12 “Estamos hallando en la Congregación, dimensiones con dimensiones Congregación, la en hallando “Estamos , 3) - - - - - presentes en 68 países en el mundo, (en el 1972 estábamos solo en 46). 46). en solo estábamos 1972 el (en mundo, el en países 68 en presentes estamos Hoy vida. de signos divisar más, vez una podamos, Quizás te? muer de ¿Signos envejecido. relativamente apostólico cuerpo un son y en rápidatransformación. está en plena decadencia y va hacia la extinción definitiva en un mundo del tercer milenio la Congregación de los Oblatos de Maria Inmaculada dísticas numéricas podríamos concluir apresuradamente que al principio hoy.de acontecimientos esta los simples templar las en fijamos nos Si máticas: a mirar a la luz de la esperanza cristiana nuestro tiempo con sus proble exhorta muerte, la de “teología” funesta la ante reacciona principio, al por elPapaFranciscoyconsagrado21dediciembre2014. (Paraguay) Este del Ciudad de obispo nombrado 2010, a 1998 desde ral Iglesia más abandonada, como el P. Guillermo Steckling, Superior Gene puestos muy difíciles, donde los Pontífices los han puesto para servir a la en viven cuales los de algunos Obispos, son 46 nosotros entre Además, mos la bendición y la vida. Que la llamada valiente llamada la Que vida. la y bendición la mos Elija estancamiento. el y muerte la Rechacemos Jesucristo! a taria témonos a la llamada a una profunda conversión personal y comuni desper Inmaculada, Maria de Oblatos Misioneros míos, ¡Hermanos cibido deS.Eugenio. re carisma el creativa fidelidad con viviremos superiores, nuestros misioneras, discerniendo siempre en comunidades apostólicas y con vidas nuestras en familia de evangelio este vivir de tratamos si que de convencidos Estamos Reglas. y Constituciones estas por unidos mos por Opte la vida plenitud. de nuestra Congregación en comprometiéndonos a oblación vivir nuestra vivir de oblato cada de cisión Nuestro futuro como Congregación, llena de vida, depende de la de de larelevancianuestrocarisma,hoyyenelfuturo. vital importancia para la Iglesia y para los pobres. Estoy convencido sia, puesto en nuestras manos a través de Eugenio de Mazenod, es de Inmaculada. El carisma oblato, un don del Espíritu para toda la Igle profundamente nuestra vocación como Misioneros Oblatos de María nar sobre el carisma oblato, don inmenso que nos mueve a agradecer reflexio a todos a invitarnos querría especial tan jubilar año este En El P. Louis Lougen, Superior General, que, como hemos recordado 3776 son Oblatos los 2016, de Enero de estadísticas Hoy,las según con que la con mirada una sugieren nos historia de páginas Estas 15 de San Eugenio San de 14 13 ------

Oblatio l 459 l Præfatio Oblatio l 460 l Præfatio con elObispoGuillermoSteckling OMI(10-05-2015). 252. ción (15deabril1941). dame deMontolivet,3abril1862). tréal, 1983,1,p.186-189. que OMI Cfr.Lumières. de Notre-Dame y Marsella Nîmes, Laus, du Notre-Dame Congregación: la de comunidades primeras las de miembro es El apostólico. celo gran de y dócil misionero demostrándose genio, Eu con intimidad fuerte en ministerio de años veinte primeros sus vive Bautista Juan 1821, en sacerdote Ordenado Provenza. de Misioneros los de Congregación naciente Juan entre relación la en La entra él 1817 en que tanto estrecha, muy seguramente sacerdotal. era Fundador el y Bautista ministerio su de años primeros a los torno en en Aix, reunido en había sí, Eugenio que Juventud la de Congregación la de miembro 16 (1957),p.321-346. OMI” nº531,Marzo2013. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 el celoylapasión. libere de la vana complacencia y de la inercia y despierte en nosotros nos Cristo, de reino el extender para imposible lo también intentar a

Ver el video sobre: Omiworld Communications/ Video gallery/ Una entrevista VideoUna Communications/ gallery/ Omiworld Ver sobre: video el 1966, enero de 25 222, n. Circolaire Cfr. L De lacarta circular del P. Theodoro Labouré, Superior General, a laCongrega (Notre- Congregación la a General, Superior Fabre, P.Joseph del carta la De D. Y R sido había probabilidad toda con y, 1979 de mayo de 18 el Aix en nace El Cfr.G. Erróneamente sanEugenioescribe Y L. Cfr. Carta delP. Louis LougenalosOblatosparael8dediciembre2014. Carta delP LouisLougena losOblatosparael17defebrero2015. Carta delP. Louis LougenalosOblatosparael17defebrero2016. , 1,p.337-339. e t r e b m a n e n e v L r u e s s a v v e x u e x u e v r u e s s a C L , II,p.107. , VII, 37. , III,21-22. o n i t n e s o n e g u o , 2,p.277-278. , Histoire des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée Marie de Oblats Missionnaires des Histoire , Reafirmando el camino hacia larevitalizació, hacia camino el Reafirmando , 16 Un inconnu: le péreIcard(1790-1835) le inconnu: Un N. S é n i u g , Honorat, Jean Baptiste Jean Honorat, dieciséis Circulaires administratives Circulaires . francesco.volpintesta.omi Francesco Volpitesta, , , « , Passirano, Italia Dictionairehistori Etudes oblates Etudes “Information …, 7, p. 7, …, , Mon , i m o » - - - - D desde elprincipio. suelto opendiente. re no parece que tema un como sigue producimos, que textos tantos en loscomienzos”. del último capítulo General, parece que gastamos mucho más papel que actas las son ironía-”Yestos con dijo nos y documentos, y carpetas de llena fila una todo señaló nos Eugenio, S. por presididos Congregación la de Capítulos Primeros los de uno de mano, a escrito original, texto breve el mostrarnos Tras Actas Generales. Capítulos las los conservaban todos de se originales ahí que indicó, nos estantería una a llegar Al archivos. estos de parte y trabajo su mostró nos Generales chivos vivirlas, yparecequenoscuestamucho”. que tenemos solamente RR, y CC las en escrito todo Yaestá hablar? encuentros comunitarios su respuesta es muy sencilla: “¿Para qué tanto Nuestra Comunidad nace por y para la Misión. Esto es algo claro algo es Esto Misión. la para y por nace Comunidad Nuestra a pese embargo, sin nosotros, para central algo es Comunidad La ar los de responsable Oblato el General, Casa la a visita una En Worldwide Section longadas y las reflexiones teóricas. Cuando interviene en los en interviene Cuando teóricas. reflexiones pro las reuniones y longadas las a frente escéptico muy es que Oblato un Venezuelade Misión tenemos nuestra En Historias. breves os LA COMUNIDADENNTEXT T J s o n ó i s n e é M July 3,2015 l e u n a P o r f a d n u C u c i

é y z e d n O l a n i g i r , i m o O Oblatio - - - Oblati

Oblatio l 461 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 462 l Worldwide Section sión Mi la Representaría fuera. hacía energía la y visión la Pablo, de estilo menta enlafecundarelaciónentreambos. funda se y nace Congregación P.Tempier.Nuestra del y Eugenio S. ser puede tensión creativa, generadoradevida,perotambiénpuedeserdestructiva. Una Oblata. identidad nuestra de parte es tensión entre Misión-Comunidad muy biendelaexperiencia detenerOblatosquevivensolos. saben Oblatas regiones y excesivo Provincias muchas En pasar ella. de puedan fuera tiempo comunidad la de miembros los que trabajo; también de exceso el dispersión, la provocar comunidad, la a afectar vados ele más son solitarios, oblatos de porcentajes los provincias, algunas En solos. viven formación, de etapa la finalizado han ya que oblatos!) último capítulo nos recordaba que en 2010 el 18% de los Oblatos (¡634 en nuestra vidaoblata. tener deben dimensiones ambas que complementaria tensión la y equilibrio necesario el destaca que sugerente visión una es quetipos, gregación. entre sí, dieron como fruto el nacimiento y crecimiento de nuestra Con de S.Eugeniohubierasidounoscuroysantosacerdoterural. P.el empuje Posiblemente y Congregación. audacia Tempierma la sin fracasado en muchos momentos de su vida y quizás igualmente la mis Comunidad. interior.la el Representaría hacía energía la y práctica visión la calma, . Las exigencias de la Misión, la extensión de un territorio pueden territorio un de extensión la Misión, la de exigencias Las El Informe del anterior P. General, el P. Guillermo Steckling para el ar figuras, estas desde Comunidad, Misión- relación la Entender diferentes tan personalidades dos estas de comunión y unión La de consejo Tempier,y apoyo el Sin hubiese Eugenio posiblemente la paciencia, la P.de el comunitaria En persona Tempierla vemos al misionera fuerza la vive que persona la vemos, Eugenio S. En de figuras las en reflejar puede se Misión-Comunidad tensión Esta tensión una Oblata vida la en existe orígenes los desde que Creo

2 . E l P o r g i l e 1 . Y quizás tendríamos que reconocer que esta

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o i r b i l i u q e s e d ------que afectanalacomunidad. y enfrentar que tenemos que señalar, a voy que desafíos, dos presente mundo nuestro en cuenta en tener que hay además, Pero, Oblatos. los nuestra identidadoblata,ylatensióncreativaoriginalsepierde. desvirtúa se comunidad, la de encima por prioriza se Misión la nidad, fracasos fácilmente abandonanloscompromisos ylealtades. o dificultades las ante que Misioneros intereses. de compartimentación y fragmentación la en viven que Oblatos comunidad. la de que antes que están pendientes de su realización personal y sus obras particulares también seextiendenlosusos culturales. vestuario, el y estética la venden, se sólo No famosos. deportistas de taciones de productos de marcas globales, o vestimentas con el nombre dualismo lopermeatodo. giles, oscilan según la tendencia que marca el consumismo. Este indivi beneficios quegeneran. los de solamente depender parecen solidarios lazos los de fragilidad la transitorias y volátiles. Hay miedo a establecer relaciones duraderas y a individualista. man esta culturaindividualista. tinamente, principalmente en las grandes Urbes de la Región se impone la resistencia de los movimientos indigenistas; etc. Sin embargo, paula también y populares movimientos izquierda, de movimientos nativos, medios decomunicaciónmasas. los por como neoliberal capitalista globalizada economía la por tanto sustentada y extendida es que ideología Una individualismo. el es XXI 4 Todo esto también afecta a nuestra vida comunitaria. Hay oblatos Hay comunitaria. vida nuestra a afecta también Todoesto Ejemplo. Mercados Populares de América Latina. Todo tipo de imi frá propiamente y permeables volubles, globales, identidades Las precarias, son personales relaciones las que la en sociedad Una La modernidad líquida En alter movimientos de reacción la encontramos Latina América s. del comienzo este en mundial nivel a dominante ideología La de actual contexto el en real muy peligro un vemos como es Este Misión-Comu entre tensión la en Cuando esto? sucede qué ¿Por Et pnao l uiia aa ecii neta oidd actual sociedad nuestra describir para utiliza lo pensador Este . E l

a s e d 3 f es un concepto acuñado por Zygmunt Bau o í

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Oblatio l 463 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 464 l Worldwide Section incluso de la sexualidad. Obviamente, también están afectando a nues a afectando están también Obviamente, sexualidad. la de incluso e amistad de pareja, de relaciones las realidad cambiando sociedad la en afecta esta Ya relación. la modos nuevos crean incluso e personal Oblatos. redes sociales, son elementos de uso habitual para una gran mayoría de las web, la a permanente conexión la smartphones, celulares, laptops, personales, computadores Los sociales. redes las y tecnológicos dios Individualismo ynuevastecnologías que sininmiscuirseenlavida delotro. aun ambiente, buen y cordialidad Hay comunidad. de reuniones mún, y misionespersonales. indiscutible que cada uno debe tener libertad para realizar sus proyectos 4.2.- Comunidadesdeindividuosautónomos que hedenominado: invaden y nos afectan, nos puede llevar a tener un tipo de comunidades bito quenospuedeempujaralaislamiento. tarse. conec para habitación su a va uno cada Luego común. en actividad de horarios mínimos los en salvo hermanos, entre espontáneos diálogos de laweb,lasredessociales.Lescuestadesconectarse. pendientes viven Otros reuniones. las durante apagan los nunca cluso nas conlaqueconvivimos. volátiles, aparecenmanifestacionesdeciertoexhibicionismopersonal. les y placenteras en estas redes sociales. Relaciones sin compromisos y tra larelaciónyavidadefraternidadentrelosOblatos. xse mmno cmntro qe e eptn oain n co en oración respetan: se que comunitarios momentos Existen es y miembro, cada a absoluto respeto un hay comunidad esta En nos que tecnología, la de influencia la más individualismo, Este ám un es tecnología la de control sin y desproporcionado uso Un ni comunitarios, encuentros para tiempo haya no que causa Esto celular,del dependientes in hermanos que Hay Oblata. vida la En Sin embargo, es mucho más comprometedor hacerlo con las perso El peligro es que se puede buscar (y encontrar) relaciones artificia inter relación de formas las en influyen tecnologías nuevas Estas me nuevos los de uso el por acrecienta se individualismo Este ------calma ysevivanunos“mínimos”comunitarios. de ámbito un sea comunidad la que para uno, cada de libertad y peto el y trabajo pastoral. misión la para necesidades las de excusa la bajo cómodamente, e interesespersonalessuelenestarfueradelacomunidad. amistades Las comunidad. la y vive uno cada que lo entre relación hay casas y2parroquias. 2 poseen Venezuela,ambas de y Cuba de Misión la son región la de tiene 33 comunidades y 22 parroquias. Las dos unidades más pequeñas parroquiales. obras 75 hay aproximadamente y primera, formación la finalizado han Esto esunhecho. parroquias. en viven y trabajan Oblatos los de mayoría la provincias forma devida. propia nuestra olvidamos que tanto, secular, clero del propio vida de integramos bienenlaIglesialocal. nos eclesial, espíritu un desde misión nuestra vivimos que Oblatos los reuniones de las clero. Aa diferencia acudimos de otros Institutos conjunto, de Vidade Consagrada, pastoral la en diocesana, vida la en bien culares. se o diocesanos sacerdotes los de propias actuar de formas y valores asumimos que el por proceso al Oblatos, los a respecto entiendo la que clerodirectricessus a y ¿En quénosafectaestarealidad alavidadecomunidad? Haití, región, la de grande más unidad la concretos: ejemplos Dos que oblatos 371 de total un hay Latina América de Región la En muchas En oblata. pastoral la de parroquialización excesiva La modo el con excesivamente identificarnos podemos embargo, Sin muy integramos nos Oblatos los general, En revelador: dato Un Clericalismo Esta comunidadesunasumadeindividuos. res el por cuida quien es comunitario ámbito este en superior Un vivir para imprescindibles materiales bienes de serie una exige Se Cada uno vive en su ámbito personal y actividades particulares. No E l

a s e d , la entiendo como: “ como: entiendo la f o í

l e d ” 5 . Tambiénclericalización, de hablar podemos C o m s i l a c i r e l Marcada afección y sumisión al sumisión y Marcadaafección


n ó i c a z i l a c i r e l c

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Oblatio l 465 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 466 l Worldwide Section pueden atenderadosparroquiasocentrospastorales. con dos miembros. Que incluso, si aun viviendo juntos son más de dos, este estilo pastoral, haya muchas comunidades oblatas que sólo cuentan sacerdotes que las atienden. Una consecuencia lógica es que, por imitar misión másindividualista. de y vida de forma una a lleva reducidas. Así y pequeñas más nidades como el número de oblatos que viven juntos. Nos empuja a tener comu mía. den tenderalpersonalismo. Todos quierenserpárrocos. priorizando lascomunidades pequeñas. cuenta deestosgastosoingresos porque esdelámbitoparroquial la parroquia yo decido porque soy el párroco y tampoco tengo que dar la economía de la comunidad. Pero al mismo tiempo defender que: “ hermanos, planificar y orar juntos, hablar y compartir de la misión y de los con comunitaria reunión la en participar puede Se separados: y cos estan Compartimentos comunidad. la a cuenta en tener sin parroquia, la en económicos compromisos asumir y pastorales opciones cisiones, dependencia económicaqueaportalafuncióndepárroco. sabilidad parroquial,olvidandoladimensióncomunitaria. respon una alcanzar buscando protagonismo, y personalismo del lores detenta laautoridadenparroquia. que párroco el es principal protagonista el donde personalista, mente excesiva perspectiva una desde pastoral la vive se de Latina, América influencia delmundoclerical. ponsable de la pastoral y todo puede girar en torno a él. Esta es otra gran - unos modos de pensar y actuar de forma autónoma en la econo la en autónoma forma de actuar y pensar de modos unos - pue que pastoral la en actuar y pensar de concretos modos unos - oblato personal de organización y distribución de modos unos - Consecuencias generales: comunidad en vida la para prácticas Consecuencias Tambiénin e autonomía alcanzar la de deseo peligroso el aparece va estos asumen que Oblatos, los a afectar puede mentalidad Esta lugares muchos en especialmente culturales, ámbitos algunos En res y líder el es párroco, el parroquia, la En párroco. del figura La Si en la diócesis la mayoría de las parroquias cuentan con uno o dos vital tan algo en comunidad la a marca parroquial estructura La . Tomar de Tomar . ”. En ------Una comunidaddeclérigosactivistas para elhermano,noes“útil”. lugar hay no –párroco sacerdote el es modelo el Cuando proceso. este en mucho influye que factor un es clericalización esta que Creo licado. de y complejo muy tema un Es Congregación. la en hermanos los de valorar losaspectosdelaComunidadnidelcarismaoblato. hablar deuncierto“Magisterio RegionaloLatinoamericano”. puede Se continente. el en religiosa vida la a iluminado ha teológica CELAM Latinoamericano Episcopado del generales rencias bres ylateologíadeliberación. po los por opción la Iglesia: la a importantes elementos dos aportado en quieneslopadecen. comportamiento de cambios importantes por especial, en y realizadas, tareas las por absoluta motivación de falta una mental, y físico miento agota progresivo un es Que quemado. del síndrome o out” “Burn del ros. Loimportanteescubrirtodosloslugares. misione huecos tapar a oblatos jóvenes los a pronto muy enviar o des ra delacomunidad. munitaria niparalavidadefe.Sequedanreducidosaunosmínimos. Lo importanteescubrirlastareasynecesidadespastorales. visitar.que personas o lugares encuentros, actividades, reuniones, hay l síiu otnna my ure aietd e d ls confe las de en manifestado fuerte muy continental espíritu El Yha eclesial. vitalidad gran una manifiesta continente Nuestro síndrome llamado al integrantes sus a llevan comunidades Estas A los superiores mayores no les importa que haya mini-comunida Las necesidades afectivas, de amistad encuentro se encuentran fue co vida la para suficientes tiempos hay no comunidades estas En Siempre misionera. tarea la absorbe las energías las todas ella En Presento ahoraunmodelodecomunidadmuyclericalizada. disminución la reflexión: la invitar que tiene nos que tema un Hay - Pensar más como sacerdotes diocesanos que como religiosos. No 7 . Igualmente la CLAR la Igualmente . E l

o t x e t n o c

8 e d con su servicio de reflexión bíblico- reflexión de servicio su con A m é a c i r L a n i t a 6 organizadas por el por organizadas ------

Oblatio l 467 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 468 l Worldwide Section la, se manifestaba este deseo de vivir en pobreza y sencillez, viviendo sencillez, y pobreza en vivir de deseo este manifestaba se la, formación, en los noviciados interprovinciales en Paraguay y Guatema la en Incluso comunidades. y barrios en experiencias muchas hubieron Así Latinoamericana. Iglesia la marcando ido ha nos que misioneras, vida. su insertas en medios populares, religiosascercanos a la gente, comunidades comprometidos con hubiera que Fomentó urbes. grandes las de populares sectores los y rurales zonas las en indígenas, los de pobres, los misioneros”,esmuyenriquecedoraparanosotros “discípu documento: este en utilizada categoría La Iglesia. la renovar nuestra Región. La influencia de la modernidad y el individualismo también se notan en acomodado. más vida de estilo un con viven ya pobres, los con trabajo al importancia dando aun comunidades, nuestras de mayoría gran La continente. del masculina religiosa vida la en también sino Oblato do consonancia con los pobres, ha ido perdiendo valor. No sólo en el mun con losmismosmediosdelagentedelentorno. fraterna en comunión y de sus obras, espacios de anuncio explícito anuncio de espacios obras, sus de y comunión en fraterna vida su de presencia, de lugares sus de hacer a llamados son gradas pobres. los hacía volver a llamado un Hay el propiocarismayespiritualidad. (Ap.220) desde sirve quienes a últimos los en y pequeños más los en presente hace se que Padre, del Jesús-vida por apasionada mundo, del vicio Continente. ser Ydel al historia la y de largo lo a consagrados tantos tantas de martirio y santidad de tradición la con continuidad en vida, la de entrega la hasta aspire que profetismo un requiere se que lo para nueva, vida de senderos los y actual mundo del sombras las lo mismo, radicalmente profética, capaz de mostrar a la luz de Cristo misionera, apasionada por el anuncio de Jesús-verdad del Padre, por vida una ser a llamada Está comunitario. y místico profundamente por Jesús-camino al Padre misericordioso, por lo mismo, de carácter la vida consagrada está llamada a ser una vida discipular, apasionada a invitación una en es celebrada Aparecida, conferencia última La en pobreza mayor una desde vivir de búsqueda esta embargo, Sin La vida Oblata ha ido viviendo con valentía y ánimo estás opciones losde causa la con cercanía la sido ha importante Especialmente

los consagrados y consa y consagrados los - - - - - Comunidad Oblata:elindividualismoyclericalismo. nod (Misión)y Tempier (Comunidad). Maze de Eugenio arquetípicas: simbólicas, y históricas figuras dos en in isitvmne tee u sr n frain ru y qe las que personas vienenconunatendencia muyfuertealindividualismo. ya ardua formación una ser que tiene instintivamente, viene pueda dar). se vida esta que para posibilidad de condición una es mínimo número un que cierto es si (Aunque perfecta. comunidad una automáticamente cimiento delascomunidadeslocalesnounsustitutivo. bas realidades. am camuflar o justificar para Distrito de comunidades las ejemplo por oblatos. Soncomunidadeshumanamentemuypobresy débiles. (cf.C92) ma derelaciónydiálogo. míni base una existir pueda donde miembros 3 de mínimo número un necesita local comunidad La comunitaria. vida nuestra juega se locales gación Partiendo delomássencillo. taria. ¿Cómopodervivirmejorencomunidad? comuni dimensión la más vivir necesitando seguimos pero Generales, Capítulos los en hermosos muy textos Hay práctica. vida la en tancia Por este motivo, debe haber una opción por la comunidad que no que comunidad la por opción una haber debe motivo, este Por es no oblatos, más o 3 tener por comunidad una que evidente Es Una comunidad de distrito o zonal debería ser un apoyo o enrique No se puede dar soluciones provisionales a estos problemas, como Tampoco deberían existir muchas comunidades formadasNo deberíahaberoblatosquevivanensoledadhabitualmente. por sólo dos Valorar más la comunidad local que es la “ impor su minusvalora/pierde se Comunidad la desafíos, estos En nuestra para actual mundo del retos o desafíos dos presentado He Presenté la tensión inicial entre la Misión-comunidad, representada en nuestrocontinentedesdeeliniciodelaevangelización.(Ap217) hecho han lo como pobres, más los a principalmente Evangelio, del ” C 91. En la calidad de la vida fraterna de nuestras comunidades L a

d a d i n u m o c O a t a l b célula viva de la congre . ------

Oblatio l 469 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 470 l Worldwide Section el llamado del último Capítulo a la conversión, nos recuerda el amor el recuerda nos conversión, la a Capítulo último del llamado el unión paranosotros.Somosconvocadosaseguirlo. Tener una experiencia de encuentro personal con Cristo. Es el punto de vida. nuestra de fundante elemento el ser Señor,deben el por cinación fas la personal, conversión La vidas. nuestras en Cristo de centralidad tros es“EsunlugarteológicodelencuentroconDiosylosdemás”. Elementos necesariosparalavidacomunitariaenelcontextoactual de solterones. vez másvalioso. cada testimonio un es fraterna caridad la Misión, también es munidad co La identifican. nos que y vivir que tenemos que esenciales mentos dad creativa”anuestrocarisma “fideli de hablar Pudiéramos “regularidad”? antigua la a cuadamente esta idea. a substituya personal más moderna, más perspectiva una desde palabra una encontrado hemos no Pero externo. algo reglas, y normas cumplir distintivo quenosdiferenciabadeotrasformasvida enlaIglesia. espíritu yalaletradelasReglas” al conformarse es fidelidad “la definía: la fundador mismo El laridad”. la esencial para virtud considerabauna se que repitey se regu “la VR: y sealimentanentresí formación del cristiano en cinco pasos que se compenetran íntimamente recupérate yvuelvealoqueantessabíashacer».( caído, has dónde de pues, cuenta, Date principio. del amor tu perdido mi nombre sin desanimarte, pero tengo algo en contra tuya, y es que has de Iglesia la Éfeso en a Apocalipsis: «Tampoco te falta carta la constancia y has sufrido por la Recordemos tener. que tenemos que primero Una comunidad sin mística no tiene alma es una ONG o un club un o ONG una es alma tiene no mística sin comunidad Una La vida en común conlleva una estructura o normas comunes. Ele ade más sustituya que concepto fidelidad término el ser ¿Pudiera La “regularidad” ha caído en desuso, tenía el peligro de reducirse a Caridad la a unida estaba regularidad la Eugenio S. Para La regularidad Aparecida lo ha planteado de una forma excelente en su proceso de En lenguaje oblato, somos “hombres apostólicos”. Es evidente que Cristo de Centralidad noso Para práctica. necesidad una sólo es no comunitaria vida La . En las cartas de S. Eugenio hay una expresión que 9:

. La comunidad no se entiende sino desde la desde sino entiende se no comunidad La . 10 Ap 2,3-5) 11 . Era un Era . 12 ------es un SIGNO. Dice algo a nuestro mundo, porque es una alternativa. una es porque mundo, nuestro a algo Dice SIGNO. un es demás los para vive que y bienes sus y vida la comparte que munidad hermanos, que viven en fidelidad y continuidad a un proyecto. Una co una sociedad basadaenellucroyconsumismo. eventual; y inconstante sociedad una desechables; y cambiantes son relaciones las donde líquida, modernidad una egoísta, y vidualista carnada. en lacomunidad. Y esto,aveces,no se realizafácilmente. indefinido, necesita un segundo momento, ser en el que se puede cumple y asume lo no decidido discernimiento, El Misión. la en trabajando la tarea, de discernir el “cómo”, con “quienes”, de “qué forma” estamos nimiento tanto en el ámbito comunitario y como en el misionero. Hacer personales. parcelas las y protagonismo el individualismo, el superar para medio y camino Es realizamos. no momentos muchos en darnos decelebrarencomunidad. olvi y enviados, sido hemos que los a aquellos de para otros, los para compartir lafe,elcaminopersonal. taria, debemos buscar expresiones nuevas. Debería haber momentos de en laComunidad.Hayquetenerrelacionesauténticamentefraternas. nos faciliten el diálogo más personal. Se debe fomentar vivir la amistad los miembros de la comunidad. Buscar y crear ámbitos y momentos que debe haber una relación y comunicación más estrecha y profunda entre elementos: algunos Apunto creativa? fidelidad esta vivir puede se ¿Cómo otros. misma esmisión.”(Capítulode1986) ella que sino misión, la para necesaria solamente es no oblatos, sotros no para comunitaria, vida “La Misión. hace se también comunidad La Discernimiento comunitario oración de encuentros organizar y celebrar es contradicción Una celebrar y orar debe comunidad La profundas Relaciones La Comunidad es la expresión de un amor descubierto y vivido con de comunidad una ser: debe respuesta nuestra desafío este Ante indi más sociedad una de desafío el presenta nos mundo Nuestro en ni humana es no cuerpo, tiene no ascética sin comunidad Una . Hay que tener claro que en la comunidad la en que claro tener que Hay . . Es un elemento esencial y difícil, que . Para vivir la oración comuni oración la vivir Para . 13 Discer ------

Oblatio l 471 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 472 l Worldwide Section utilizar eldiscernimiento. tensión que puede ser creativa pero también destructiva. Son casos para llevar juntos las obras puede impedir de que crezca. La deseo creatividad. Es una el bien, Ahora comunidad. la a afectando termina situación Esta particular. persona una de dependen obras estas Pero momentos. ciertos en luces iniciativas, grandes obras, creado han que carismas especiales con oblatos tenido hemos Congregación la En trampa. una ser de puede también como don un ser pueden que particulares, rismas nalidad hayqueconvertirle eninterculturalidad. da por el mundo es un signo para el mundo y la Iglesia. Esta internacio los Oblatos. con comunidad en vivir y trabajar no para excusa la como laicos con comunión de experiencia la usemos No diferente: compromiso y dad para lamismaComunidadoblata. dinamizadores aspectos son que Creo laicos. los con comunitarias cias mejor quenosotros.Nosrecuerdantambiénnuestrodeber ser. que vivennuestrocarisma. personas de grupos Hay carisma. nuestro por laicos los de aprecio el clericalizarnos. y sacerdocio el en solo misión nuestra centrar de peligro el Evita dad. comuni la y religiosa vocación la en más centra nos comunidades las chocan conelmundodelospobres.(cf.C20.R.8ª) Los valores del tener y el deseo de la autonomía personal y económica, terpelación para nuestra vida comunitaria y nuestro compartir material. bres. Esta realidad debe ser vital, no teórica, y de este modo ser una in po los por opción la de centralidad la recordando sigue nos Iglesia la Interculturalidad especifici su tiene consagrada, vida y laical vida; de forma Cada Hay diferentes formas de compartir el carisma y de vivir experien veces a valores sus perciben y comunitaria vida la valoran Ellos Compartir la comunidad con laicos. Presencia de hermanos Cercanía a los pobres- contacto con los pobres ca los y comunitariamente obras las llevar entre tensión una Hay . Somos una congregación misionera tan extendi . La vocación de hermano y su presencia en En los últimos años ha crecido . En América Latina ------y Tempier-Comunidad. vivi las y asumimos las figuras ambas Cuando Eugenio-Misión Oblata: vida nuestra en creativa tensión la entender a también unakénosis,paralosOblatos. alternativa anuestromundo.UnSIGNOanteunasociedaddeeficacia. para lafamiliacomo comunidad. tanto imprescindible vida de fuente oración, la de través a – vida toda no debe faltar nunca es la referencia explícita al origen de todo amor, de insertar a las nuevas generaciones en la vida; y la última dimensión que la vida religiosa son las vocaciones y la formación. Con el reto de como en que – nueva vida la hijos, los comunitaria; convivencia la en refleja se que – materno femenino, el misionera; actividad la a corresponde que – paterno ele masculino, el cuatro necesarios: y importantes dan son que mentos se comunidad la en y familia la En familia. la como es Oblata Comunidad la que decir Pudiéramos familia”. de “espíritu Aun vivimos que diciendo congregación nuestra de hablamos menudo estilo comunitarioqueseaalternativoysigno. sea más complicado y difícil vivir la Comunidad. Tenemos que vivir un que hacen que desafíos grandes hay presente mundo nuestro en bargo, hacia nuestropasado. mirar a y búsqueda la a discernimiento, al diálogo, al permanente ción invita una tanto, por Es dinámica. forma de vivirlo Debemos mente. definitiva resuelto asunto un será ni es, nunca (Misión-Comunidad), y laidentidadoblatasedegeneraopierde. carisma El ruptura. una hay y destructiva, es tensión la asume, se no o mido en su totalidad. Cuando uno de los polos no es valorado, se olvida asu es oblato carisma el y enriquece nos tensión esta plenitud; en mos Terminemos conuntextodelFundador. familia. la de imagen la ayudar puede nos también concluir Para En cada época y lugar debemos vivir esta tensión creativa. Sin em tensión esta que cuenta darnos a enseña nos realidad, esta Aceptar ayudan nos que simbólicas figuras dos las de hablando Comencé supone koinonía, la alcanzar interculturales, comunidades Estas Es ciertoquelainterculturalidad,creatensionesyconflictos. una es diferente, es que al otro, al apertura la de expresión una Es C n ó i s u l c n o ------

Oblatio l 473 l José Manuel Cicuéndez Oblatio l 474 l Worldwide Section Misión Santo Domingo1992y Aparecida 2007. torial FondodeCulturaEconómica,MéxicoDF, 2003. obra, su destacamos Principalmente judío. origen de polaco bilización olaliberalizacióndelosmercados son informes y se transforman constantemente: fluyen. Como la desregulación, la flexi líquidos los que mientras duran, tiempo: el en persisten y forma su conservan sólidos 2010 Chapter ( Congregation» the of sectors other in percentage the of half is alone living Oblates of percentage the Europe Eastern In Regions. to differencesaccording also are alone. There live Oblates an and 1338 alone of out 499 lives where scale the Oblates of end upper 120 the on Units the 17 the for of 37% of average none which in scale the of end lower the on principales observancias espirituales y otros ejercicios semejante» (CC y RR de 1818, parte 2ª, c. 1: retiros los prisioneros, y enfermos a visita la juventud, la de dirección la catequesis, la exteriores del celo más activo, como son las misiones, la predicación y las confesiones, a nuevos trabajos. (…) La otra parte [de su vida] la consagrarán enteramente a las obras ción y con el estudio a volver todavía más provechoso su ministerio cuando se les llame de sus correrías apostólicas, volverán a la comunidad […] para prepararse en la medita misionero, los otros recorrerán la campiña para predicar la palabra de Dios. Al regresar citen en la comunidad adquiriendo las virtudes y los conocimientos propios de un buen 4 3 2 1 gues 27-5-1835) pronto no serán ya más que címbalos que resuenan. (Carta al P. Gui misioneros, los acabaron se modo otro de vocación; su de espíritu el en renovarse para comunidad la de interior al vuelvan que Dios, Cuidaos mucho de forzaros para mantener la apuesta. En nombre de 7 6 5 10 9 8 , Documentode Aparecida 278. Carta alP. Courtès, 10-1-1831( El Encuentro con Jesucristo, La Conversión, El Discipulado, Conferencia Latinoamericanade Religiosos. Consejo Episcopallatinoamericano consedeenBogotá. 1979, Puebla 1968, Medellín 1955, Rio Generales: Conferencias 5 habido Ha DRAE, DiccionariodelaReal Academia delaLenguaEspañola. Zygmunt Bauman (Poznań, Polonia, 1925) es un sociólogo, filósofo y ensayista «los transitoriedad: la de y cambio del figura una es líquida modernidad La «The percentage varies according to the Units between 0% for 15 smaller Units ejer se unos mientras que manera tal de organizar de han se misioneros «Los ). The State of the Congregation. The Superior General’s report to the to General’sreport Superior The Congregation. the of State The , 2ªparte,c.1). Écrits oblates José ManuelCicuéndez, [email protected] , I,8,p.2). Modernidad líquida Modernidad

La Comunión, La Venezuela De las otras - , Edi , i m o - - - - del Oficio, las pequeñas penitencias en el comedor. Sed, pues, siempre lo que debéis que lo siempre pues, Sed, comedor. el en penitencias pequeñas las Oficio, del […] Todo les edifica: el silencio que reina, la puntualidad en todos los ejercicios, el rezo Écrits oblates cubriéndolos con el manto de la más sincera caridad…» (Carta al P. Guibert, 29-7-1830, y todavía superado han no algunos que defectos pequeños los mansedumbre con tando aguan mismos, nosotros poseyéramos las si como hermanos nuestros poseen que des cualida demás las de y talentos los de virtudes, las de alegrándonos tierra, la en existe que unida más familia la como solo Sociedad nuestra a considerando hermanos, como amándonos nosotros entre primero practicamos La espíritu. nuestro de esencial parte que el sobre que haya un es­ estar juntosyloscaminosdelamisión(cf.C26,51,53,55,66,72,81,205,1 8, p.178) Osrecomiendo, decepcionados. pues, que seáis muy duda rigurosos en esto». (Carta al y sin P. Guigues, 8-10-1835, edificados poco retirarían se oblatos, de vida vuestra sacrificado habéis quienes por aquellos y Dios; ante y Congregación la de como podrían hacerlo párrocos de la vecindad, seríais muy culpables a mis ojos y a los juntos, viven que sacerdotes a que más casa vuestra en encontraran no Si costumbres. las ni Regla la ni nada en modificar a lleve os no extraños los de presencia la que y ser 13 12 11

l icriino ouiai e ncsro aa nota l mdldd del modalidad la encontrar para necesario es comunitario discernimiento El «Admiran a cuál más, la regularidad, el orden, la piedad que imperan en la casa «Así como en una Sociedad hay un hábito común y Reglas comunes, es preciso .

gira toda nuestra vida […] La caridad para con el prójimo forma también forma prójimo el con para caridad La […] vida nuestra toda gira , 7,p.206-207[ed.españ.,162-163]). píritu común que vivifique ese cuerpo particular […] La caridad es el eje Écrits oblates 11). - - ,

Oblatio l 475 l José Manuel Cicuéndez

I about the wide range of desire: for example, there exists disordered de can –andshouldanswer inthesolitudeofourownconscience. that we have a certain fundamental, basic desire? This is a query that we desire? Possibly many things during a typical day. However, can we say gesting an answer, I would like to pose a question to us all: what do we What isthis mysterious a using keeps Eugene St. noticed, have applies oneself with ardour to acquiring what one desires” one it desires one heart…when the forcing from comes ing…nothing noth that without progress, our all hangs this on it; for it…hunger to before confession. He stated, “One must desire it…urge one another on conscience his examined he which in reflection, a wrote Founder the wanted Oblates to be men of desire. Sometime between 1832 and 1837, ary Oblates of Mary Immaculate? It is clear that St. Eugene de Mazenod desire of concepts the upon focusing self, of gift the in grow can we which in oblation” our in ourselves two, “Our apostolic zeal is sustained by the unreserved gift we make of and Rules echo the Council’s statement. We read in constitution number 24) (GS himself” of gift sincere a through except himself find fully cannot itself, for willed God which Masters in the spiritual life such as St. teach us teach Apostle the Paul St. as such life spiritual the in Masters Mission as desire to we are What desire. on thoughts few a First, dium et Spes Second Vaticanthe from quote a with Council’s constitution would like to begin this reflection on the future of our Congregation and mission THE FUTUREOF it that we are todesire,hunger, thatwe and yearnfor?Beforesug , which reads: “man, who is the only creature on earth . P ł e w a T 2 . In this short essay,short ways this two In suggest . will I e h

e l o r R

1 THE CONGREATION k a z c j a t a . The words of our own Constitutions own our of words The .

o f

e r i s e d , i m o it in this passage. this in 3 . As you may Gau - - - - -

Oblatio l 477 l Paweł Ratajczak Oblatio l 478 l Worldwide Section becomes aco-operatorintheworkofpeople’s salvation. in fact, to divinize the flesh. With the Incarnation, the frail human body – σ should always remind ourselves that Jesus Christ chose to become flesh passion is the flesh, or σ disquiet, and a deadened conscience. So many times the location of this destruction, wake its in leaves and satisfaction, lasting giving without burns, and rages passion or desire (1 4:5). disordered people Thes This consumes simply which lust”, of “passion it, labels Paul St. as or sire, perfection. God is the only Being who is perfect (τ perfect is who Being only the is God perfection. sought after by many people forms part of the New Testament’s idea of whole” perfect, “complete, fies τ is perfection to refers that word Greek NRSV). The be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give to the poor…” (Mt 19:21, sanctity. For example, Jesus says to the rich young man, “If you wish to Sacred Scripture makes use of this notion, which is largely equated with obsolete. and Yet,antiquated is that spirituality a perfection of concept some, it implies relying too much on one’s own efforts. Others see in the For accomplish. to impossible and forced, unnatural, rather something quest for perfection. Even in some Catholic circles, perfection is seen as of wholeness – and holistic ways of living – seem to have displaced the life. Instead, our time seeks ‘wholeness’ as its goal…” has era found perfection contemporary to be unrealistic, dangerously the one-sided and even but anti- goal, its as perfection seeks “Religion writes, religion, of criticism a citing commentator, One word. popular North of context and America Westernvery a not is perfection Europe, are todesire. “perfection” – answer one-word his gives Founder The Oblates? Missionary be to called men as for, hunger and mysterious point, it would be helpful to return to this St. Eugene’s autonomy.quote, At and define the personal for desire the or existence; trouble-free a and stability, comfort, for longing the or, work; one’sto of need fruit the the see or, others; by respected and appreciated be to desire the example, for act: we way the affect can nevertheless but passions, of ὰ I do not presume to speak for all cultural environments, but in the in but environments, cultural all for speak to presume not do I There are other desires, which do not necessarily have the strength ρξ ἐ γ έ νετο – (John 1:14) precisely in order to redeem the flesh and, it of which the Founder spoke. What are we to desire, yearn, ὰ ρξ, in St. Paul’s vocabulary. Nevertheless, we 6 . Paradoxically, the elusive wholeness elusive the Paradoxically, . 4 . Perfection is that which we which that is Perfection . έ λειος), and we as we and λειος), έ 5 . Thus, a concept λειος, and signi and λειος, - “nothing comes from forcing the heart” begin to make sense. We are Wesense. make to begin heart” the forcing from comes “nothing him…” of abreast keep Christ], the same fragment quoted he writes that we are to “dwell in J.C. [Jesus is formanypeoplesimplytooabstractandrepressive. revelation, Christian on based explicitly completeness, and wholeness attain to striving of thought the Still, nature. divine the in sharing real a us give does however, which, holiness, God’s in degree certain a to participate only can we finitude, human our of Because NRSV). 5:48, (τ perfect becoming by trait this imitate to are creatures His had to struggle against the great sadness that comes with the rupture the with comes that sadness great the against struggle to had after the breakdown in the marriage of his father and mother. St. Eugene face, to had too Founder our parents, that something is This sisters. or our brothers it be members, family own our of situations painful the ministry – it can happen that by working with families we begin to face family to aspect challenging another is there Still, demanding. is itself life family because mainly demanding, often is Workingfamilies with life richer; finally,family we oughttheir not to abandonmaking marriages and familiesin in crisis. couples married with work can we riage; continents. We can accompany men and women in preparation for mar all on present is unit family the for universal, is that mission a is families. This accompanying on more focus should Oblates future, the in 52) (GS humanity” deeper of school of “kind a as ily dium et Spes resounding a is answer Certainly,the self-gift? own their in grow to others help to called then not we are self, of gift the in grow to some reflections on mission. If we – as Missionary Oblates – are called the greatestgood,whois Triune Godhimself. to shape our hearts. Then we will not be forced – but attracted – toward appreciation, comfort, and autonomy. Finally, we are to allow the Christ we ought to permit him to shape disordered desires, such as the need for Second, passions. our purify to him allow to are we states, Paul St. as desires, remembering that he has come to raise up our weak flesh. First, our master slowly to – hearts our in dwells who – Christ Jesus allow to After these thoughts on desire, I would like to briefly mention briefly to like would I desire, on thoughts these After in and perfection, on Fortunately,thought his develops Eugene St. M , the conciliar constitution already cited, speaks of the fam n o i s s i

o t

e h t

l o o h c s 7 . This is where the Founder’s words Founder’s the where is This .

o f “ r e p e e d

y t i n a m u h 8 . I believe that believe I . ” έ λειοι) (Mt λειοι) yes . Gau - - -

Oblatio l 479 l Paweł Ratajczak Oblatio l 480 l Worldwide Section accompanying families is a field of mission for the Oblates. The fam The Oblates. the for mission of field a is families accompanying persevere…” to power the now me give begin: to me…Yougift your me given have impede not may passions my relatives…that of counsel or parents of love the by dissuaded flesh, the of impulses by deterred resolve…be ing section. The prayer reads: “grant that I may not weaken in this holy preced the in discussed flesh, the and passions both of mention make also and struggle, this to witness give 1840, around composed Eugene St. that vocation” our in perseverance for “Prayer the in found words, following The parents. own one’s between relationship marital the in sires, ourmission,and giftofself. de our shape and mold desire!” to Christ Jesus allow to us let words, desire these With they least at that “would – being translation loose a – chcieć!” chcieli tylko “oby phrase the repeat to used who Poland, in Obra, at seminary Oblate the in formator certain a by famous made for sites training panying families, which in their role as schools of deeper humanity are accom in mission of field a to us leads That Rules. and Constitutions the in echoed something ourselves, of gift sincere a without ourselves II’sVatican being. Divine the – them fulfill can who person only the to yearning our direct to strive always should and desires, our of mindful be to are day,we the of moments various In Christ. the desire Weto Christ. are Jesus – person ideology,a an but or theory a not is perfection that and perfection, for strive to are Wedesire. of men as Oblates Missionary them tobecomesaints” help must finally, we and, Christians, like then and all, of first beings, human like act to men lead “Wemust Founder: the by enunciated ism char Oblate the with perfectly in fits – influence humanizing a as – ily As we reflect upon the future of our Congregation, let us consider us let Congregation, our of future the upon reflect we As adu e Spes et Gaudium 9 . Despite all the difficulties involved, I would suggest that becoming gift becoming 10 . C eidd s ht e ant ul find fully cannot we that us reminded n o i s u l c n o . In closing, I am reminded of a saying a of reminded am I closing, In . Assomption Province, [email protected] Paweł Ratajczak,omi - - - - - quérir cequel’ondésire”. ac à ardeur avec s’applique on désir le a on quand cœur… du force par point rien… cela sens avancement, notre tout dépend là de ; affames être en portent… y nous qui reads: “Il faut le désirer… s’y exciter les uns les autres… fidèles aux exercices de piété Immaculate plene seipsuminvenirenonpossenisipersincerumsuiipsiusdonum”. manifestat hominem, qui in terris sola creatura est quam Deus propter seipsam voluerit, America Press, 1966). In the Latin original, the unabridged text reads: “Haec similitudo “rendre leshomesraisonnables,puischrétiens,enfinaiderà devenir lessaints”. Immaculée Marie de Oblats Missionnaires des Immaculate puisque vousm’avezdonnélagrâcedevouloir, donne-moicelle de pouvoir…”. l’entravent…Et ne passions propres mes détournent…que m’en ne miens des conseils les et parents mes de l’amour que corrompe, la ne chair la vocation…que sainte cette original French the In 1986). Rome, maculée, from taken version French marcher aumêmepasquelui”. Testament Routledge, 2004),36. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 Constitutions and Rules of the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Prayer Oblate A Writings Spiritual M. D. Ibid E. Constitutions and Rules of the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary M. W. t t o b b (Stuttgart:GermanBibleSociety, 1993),p.180. e d T B (Rome,2012),25. , 20. French version taken from . y e c a y a l c r a M , A d o n e z a The DocumentsofVatican II t t o b b , The Emergence of Contemporary Spirituality Contemporary of Emergence The -J r (Rome: Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1986), p. 81. p. 1986), Immaculate, Mary of Oblates Missionary (Rome: ed., , . ,

N Spiritual WritingsSpiritual 1, 1. n h Fec oiia: pu dmue e J.-C. en demeurer “pour original: French the In 213. 15, , n a m w e La Prière Oblate Prière La h Dcmns f aia II Vatican of Documents The , ed., , AGreek-EnglishNew Concise the of Dictionary ,

Constitutions et Règles de la Congrégation 15, p. 213. In the French original, the text the original, French the In 213. p. 15, , (Les Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Im Marie de Oblats Missionnaires (Les , . : “accordez-moi la grâce d’être fidèle à fidèle d’être grâce la “accordez-moi : (Rome, 2012). In the French original: French the In 2012). (Rome, 1t d (e Yr: The York: (New ed. 1st , (New York:(New Brunner- - -

Oblatio l 481 l Paweł Ratajczak de vivre et d’annoncer l’Évangile que le Seigneur adresse à l’Église et à suivante question grâce à elles. Et dans un surtout deuxième temps, nous essayerons d’aborder la et grandissantes diversités les malgré fondation, de charisme le avec lien en commune missionnaire vision une construit s’est Congréga tion la histoire, son de long au tout comment, voir de s’agit il ecclé et siaux ? missionnaires contextes des diversités aux et multiculturel caractère son à grâce oblat charisme notre enrichir à continuer gation, décennies dernières deux Comment pouvons-nous, les à l’aube du troisième depuis centenaire de la Congré parcouru chemin le est Quel fondateur du temps les depuis chance une comme d’interculturalité de 2007en Afrique duSudétait« Oserfranchirlesfrontières» qu’elle nous offre richesses les toutes épuisé encore pas n’avions nous que et réalité cette de exacte mesure la pris encore pas n’avions nous que constatait néral chance une est internationale Congrégation une d’être fait le toujours, résistent particularismes les si même tional, 1998 affirmait que « de général Chapitre Le démographique. changement au surtout grâce Congrégation, la dans visible plus toujours réalité, cette à temps du cré effeten ont généraux consa Chapitres derniers trois Les sérieusement. réfléchir y à et parler en à commencé avons nous que récemment très le temps du fondateur, c’est affirmer une évidence. Ce n’est pourtant que L’approche de la présente étude est double. Dans un premier temps et d’internationalité réalité cette vécu ont-ils Oblats les Comment Dire que notre Congrégation a connu et vécu la multiformité depuis PERSPECTIVS POURLA MULTIFORMTÉ ET 2 : face aux nouveaux appels à renouveler notre façon notre renouveler à appels nouveaux aux face : . De plus, l’un des thèmes majeurs de l’Inter-chapitre dans un monde qui devient de plus en plus interna C CONGRÉGATIO N GOUVERNANCE o r s u i l e n N a k o g UNITÉDANSLA FORMATION ET , i m o » 1 . Le même Chapitre gé Chapitre même Le .

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Oblatio l 483 l Cornelius Ngoka Oblatio l 484 l Worldwide Section cœur et qu’une âme. Il en parle dans sa première lettre à Tempier en Tempier à lettre première sa dans parle en Il âme. qu’une et cœur qu’un avoir doivent ne Oblats les que c’est Mazenod, de Eugène saint d’une visionmissionnairecommuneetrenouvelée ? vue en identité notre renforcer et oblat charisme le davantage enrichir gouvernance, la à et formation la à grâce voulons-nous, comment etc., religieuse, sociale, ecclésiale, culturelle, diversités les avec globalisé notre Congrégation, et compte tenu de la situation actuelle d’un monde dans l’histoire de la Congrégation parce qu’il est intervenu au moment au intervenu est qu’il parce Congrégation la de l’histoire dans jusqu’aux terreslointaines. au-delà des diocèses d’Aix et de Marseille, ensuite au-delà de la France, sante. nais communauté la à missionnaire identité nouvelle une et commune una anima et unum fondation, de contexte ce Dans âmes. des salut au entièrement crer construire se devait autour du L’unitémême amour pour le Christ sociale. et l’Église, et le et désir de se consa politique sensibilité de aussi peut-être et religieuse formation de d’origine, diversité d’une venaient vement, les membres de la première communauté réunie à Aix en 1816 Effecti lui. que sociale et culturelle politique, sensibilité même la lui, à lamême classe sociale que lui, avec le même niveau d’éducation que appartenant gens des recherche la à allé pas n’est Mazenod de Eugène Congrégation, la fonder Pour etc. idéologique, économique, politique, niveaux plusieurs à diversité la connaissait qui société une était Française Révolution la après française société la que doute aucun faisait ne il pourtant, Et vie. de programme son aussi mais unum et anima una qu’un cœur et qu’une âme commu première la de nauté partie faire à l’invite il laquelle dans 1815, L e

e m s i r a h c Le Chapitre général de 1851 est considéré l’un des plus importants s’élargir,d’abord vont Congrégation la de frontières les vite, Très de écrits les dans souvent reviennent qui expressions des L’une : « : L e Le bonheur nous attend dans cette sainte Société, qui n’aura qui Société, sainte cette dans attend nous bonheur Le

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: g é e n u n é l a r

» e u g n o l 4 . Le fondateur voyait dans l’expression

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i d é v t i s r e cor cor é - - - - moment où le fondateur a osé ouvrir la petite Société aux nouvelles aux Société petite la ouvrir osé a fondateur le où moment blèmes soulevésparl’étatactueldenotreCongrégation… » pro certains clarifier à et Société la de bien le pour décisions certaines prendre à encore pousse nous et conduits a nous qu’elle admirable si remarquable, si est joie, avec Dieu remercions nous dont et vous avec ceci tières « l’on où période la C’était en Afrique. et riques des nouvelles implantations dans d’autres continents, en Asie, aux Amé cor unumanimauna langues, diverses les dans pauvres aux l’Évangile proclamer et vivre doivent trouvent, se elles où là qui, fraternelles oblates communautés effeten des sont Ce charisme. notre de intégrante partie fait l’Évangile âmes des salut le pour zèle le dehors, et charité, la charité, la charité, la vous parmi quez monde du continents quatre aux présente déjà Congrégation qui nouspermettentd’annoncerl’Évangile. langages des et langues des richesse la de culturelles, et missionnaires expériences des diversité la de richesse la de nourrir se cesse sans va Congrégation la L’unitéde Congrégation. la de unité meilleure d’une vue en oblates communautés des mission la de et vie la de l’animation renforcer de Vicariats,et but Provinces pour des avait création la ment notam administratives, structures des décentralisation La croissante. diversité la par soulevées questions aux communes réponses des cher pitre de 1851 a fourni une occasion de réfléchir sur la réalité et de cher relever pour la Congrégation à peine 50 ans après sa fondation. Le cha de et climats de giques, ecclésiolo sociaux, culturels, contextes de missionnaires, défis de sité territoires éloignés, la Congrégation commençait à connaître une diver d’autres dans missionnaires présences nouvelles des Avecl’ouverture sociale. et culturelle géographique, l’extension à et numérique sance besoins del’Église. aux réponse en et monde du dimension la à missionnaires, frontières Dix années plus tard, le fondateur laissera son testament à toute la toute à testament son laissera fondateur le tard, plus années Dix Les problèmes dont parle plus haut le fondateur sont liés à la crois du partir à extraordinaire croissance une connu a Congrégation La : « : ». Dans sa lettre de convocation au Chapitre, le fondateur notait fondateur le Chapitre, au convocation de lettre sa Dans ». la diffusion de notre Congrégation, dont nous nous félicitons nous nous dont Congrégation, notre de diffusion la ». Ce testament qui nous renvoie au cœur même de même cœur au renvoie nous qui testament Ce ». .

fuseaux horaires. Autant de nouveaux défis à défis nouveaux de Autant horaires. fuseaux franchissait les fron les franchissait 5 : « : prati ------

Oblatio l 485 l Cornelius Ngoka Oblatio l 486 l Worldwide Section fait aucun doute que connaître et s’approprier notre charisme et notre et charisme notre s’approprier et connaître que doute aucun fait Or,ne générationnelle. il aussi est elle sociale, ou ecclésiale que culturelle, pas n’est diversité la Aujourd’hui, possible. c’était où là vorisés fa étaient commune initiale formation la et communs missionnaires projets les temps, même en Mais continents. les tous dans implantés, sommes nous nous où différentscontextes les dans s’enraciner bien de structures numérique et géographique de la Congrégation. La décentralisation des compagner les autres. Le Chapitre de 2010 nous rappelait que Jésus que rappelait nous 2010 de Chapitre Le autres. les compagner ac et animer peut vocation sa de heureux et convaincu Oblat un Seul Règles. et Constitutions aux attaché soit qu’il et Christ Jésus de même personne la dans enracinée et solide oblate identité une possède qu’il Saint, l’Esprit de lumière la à et Dieu de volonté la à docile prière, de service de l’autorité. Il faut que qu’il soit avant tout un homme de foi et multiples visages. aux pauvres les avec mission même la de vue en commun où le leadership pourrait continuer à être au service de notre patrimoine autour dumêmecharismedelaCongrégation ? communion de et d’unité agents et signes être à continuer aujourd’hui La gouvernanceetleserviced’autorité :audelacommunion sité ? diver notre de richesse la acceptant en et respectant en tout commune, missionnaire visée d’une autour Congrégation la de l’unité profondir Mazenod etlespremierscompagnons. de Eugène par transmis et vécu charisme notre de celle source, même la à boire devons nous religieuse, famille comme rayonner à continuer ment de la Congrégation en accord avec l’invitation du Vatican II histoire commune reste un élément essentiel de l’unité et du renouvelle La première considération première La Je voudrais examiner ici trois façons qui me paraissent essentielles pourront-ils gouvernance la et d’autorité service le Comment ap à continuer comment c’est maintenant pose se qui question La l’extension de conséquence une est diversité la de croissance La E de gouvernance et d’animation a permis à la Congrégation la à permis a d’animation et gouvernance de p x é e c n e i r

e r i a n n o i s s i m c’est la personne même de l’Oblat au l’Oblat de même personne la c’est

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6 . Pour - - - - - la BonneNouvelleauxpauvres,selonnotrecharisme. avant tout un témoin du Christ et de notre façon de vivre et d’annoncer être doit supérieur Le service. leur à mettre se de et vraie, et unique re capables communauté, leur d’aimer et d’écouter chaque membre vocation, de leur communauté d’une maniè leur Congrégation, la aiment Lui quiestvenunonpaspourêtreservi,maisservir. l’autorité de et leadership du service notre de cœur au être doit Christ (C. 82). communauté… propre leur de initiatives les coordonner pour mes, « d’avoir c’est d’animation ministère le exercent qui ceux pour requises qualités des position de leadership participe à cette mission de l’unité puisque l’une une ayant Oblat Chaque Congrégation. la dans partout s’affirme et me Congrégation et ont permis que l’identité spécifique desla Oblats s’expri pour stables d’unité points de rôle ce joué ont successifs généraux tre charisme (CC.133 et 134). Les Chapitres généraux et les Supérieurs religieuse et maintient vivant vie le zèle la missionnaire anime qui est il au cœur dont de Congrégation no la dans l’unité de vivant lien le est distinctif denotrebien-aiméefamille » caractère le forme qui d’amour réciprocité cette enfants mes de cœurs « de vient qui sentiment un est d’amour lien ce que affirmait Père il au Mouchette lettre une Dans écrits. ses de beaucoup dans Oblat chaque à liait le qui d’amour débordement ce retrouve Fondateur.On le cœur à sement delavieetmissionoblates. l’enrichis pour saisir à chance une comme mais subir à fait un comme pas non communautés, et unités nos de pluriculturel l’aspect et gation pable d’aider les Oblats à voir et à vivre la réalité actuelle de la Congré ca est rassembleur un Seul communion. de et d’unité signe un comme comme étant au service de la vie et de la mission de la Congrégation, et sont convaincus de leur identité oblate, on peut donc vivre le leadership En tant que successeur d’Eugène de Mazenod, le Supérieur général tenait fraternité de et d’unité signe comme leadership du rôle Le Deuxièmement qui personnes des soient supérieurs les que voulait Fondateur Le Celui qui est la source de toute charité, qui a provoqué dans les dans provoqué a qui charité, toute de source la est qui Celui le sens de l’unité, dans le respect des diversités légiti diversités des respect le dans l’unité, de sens le , si les Oblats en position d’autorité et d’animation et d’autorité position en Oblats les si , 8 . 7 » ------.

Oblatio l 487 l Cornelius Ngoka Oblatio l 488 l Worldwide Section d’une manière de plus en plus rapprochée et directe. Bon nombre d’Uni à cettelampe,nousdécouvronslabeautédenotrecultureoblate. Grâce appartenons. nous culture ou Unité quelle à ou sommes nous où importe peu charisme, du et spiritualité la de commune, missionnaire histoire notre de commune lampe la de vient qui lumière la de néficier ceux qui sont dans le service du leadership et de l’autorité devraient bé communauté oblate, nous pourrions dire que première le la Supérieur de général membres et autres tous les et Fondateur le éclairer pour porte est la sienne au service de la mission oblate aujourd’hui, nos structures nos aujourd’hui, oblate mission la de service au sienne la est qui tâche la remplir de leadership au permettre Pour mission. sa de et Congrégation la de actuelles réalités des compte tienne qui vernance réconciliation. de et dialogue de d’écoute, attitude une dans l’autre de rencontre la à sorte l’on où et centre au prière la mette l’on où foi de communautés des construire de mesure en être doit Congrégation la de niveaux les Congrégations et Ordres nos de et l’Église de une différence qui n’est pas toujours facile à assumer, y compris en sein « un temps même en mais connecté et collectifconcret. mondequi un individuel témoignage un nous de attend dans qui et continuellement bouge demission appels nouveaux aux fidèlement dre répon voulons nous si priorité une constituent commune vision d’une promotion la et l’animation conséquent, Par aujourd’hui. missionnaire nautaire est à la fois un lieu de mission et une manière essentielle d’être communauté sa de membres les entre ponts des bâtissant en liens, des créer de s’efforçant en et mutuelle préhension de crucial « rôle un ont supérieurs les Unités, et communautés nos de multiculturel contexte le Dans augmente. d’origine Unité leur de hors obédience première leur reçoivent qui jeunes de nombre le fréquents, plus devenus sont personnel de échanges Les différentes. cultures et tés ou de communautés locales sont composées d’Oblats de nationalités promouvoir l’unité en facilitant le dialogue dans le respect et la com La troisièmeconsidération La inter monde un est vivons nous lequel dans globalisé monde Le vit se Congrégation la de interculturel caractère le Aujourd’hui, lampe la de l’image utilisant En c’est le besoin d’une structure de gou de structure d’une besoin le c’est 9 qui a été placée sur le seuil de la de seuil le sur placée été a qui monde marqué par la différence, la par marqué monde » 11 . Le leadership à tous à leadership Le . » 10 . Le vécu commu vécu Le . ------d’une manière dynamique, avec prudence, sage prévoyance et joie, à joie, et prévoyance sage prudence, avec dynamique, manière d’une leadership du service le exercer à invite nous il souhaité, nouvellement inspire etquisoitprophétique qui manière d’une vivre se doit d’autorité service le oblat, charisme au des dernières décennies. Pour être un signe vivant d’espérance et fidèle cours au Congrégation la connus qu’a changements des tenu compte renouvellement de besoin ce exprimé ont 2010 de et 2004 de généraux temps Chapitres du derniers deux les 1851, de général Chapitre au Fondateur cas du le fut ce Comme favoriser. le doivent gouvernance de l’identité missionnairecommune. de renforcement au indispensables paraissent me qui trois souligner en grands axes de la formation à la vie missionnaire oblate. Je voudrais ici les contiennent locaux directoires les et oblate formation la pour rales des expériences et des exigences des Églises locales. Les normes géné d’Unités où les maisons ou programmes sont situées et tiennent compte notre histoirecommune. approfondie plus sionnaire mis spiritualité une d’acquérir Oblats aux permette qui formation de charisme, du ouverte aux besoins lumière de la communauté et la de la mission. à Une expérience et, Christ le dans enracinée profondément oblate. Le Chapitre général de 2010 voulait que la formation oblate soit famille une à d’appartenance sens le et commune l’identité construire se à commence que là C’est formation. la c’est faire le à continuer doit La Formation :pourunespiritualitémissionnaire plusprofonde d’écoute etd’obéissancemesembleindispensable. service, du spiritualité une à formation la Oblats, des mission la et vie la pour richesse une comme différence la voir de différence, sa dans nion et la recherche commune de la volonté de Dieu, d’accueillir l’autre et unbonsoutiendansl’exercicedeleurministère identifier les futurs animateurs et à leur assurer une formation adéquate Généralement, la formation oblate a lieu dans des contextes concrets et construire se su a Congrégation la de l’unité où lieux L’undes commu la promouvoir de capable leadership un voulons nous Si re le tout apporté pas n’a général Chapitre dernier le si Même 14 t prce ls iess xrsin de expressions diverses les apprécier et 12 . 13 . - - - -

Oblatio l 489 l Cornelius Ngoka Oblatio l 490 l Worldwide Section l’amour pour les pauvres et le don total et généreux de soi. La mission La soi. de généreux et total don le et pauvres les pour l’amour du cheminementvocationnel. phases premières les négocier,dès pas peut ne on laquelle sur mentale fonda valeur une est formation la de spirituelle dimension La Dieu. de l’appel à réponse sa dans grandit et reste le tout comprend l’Oblat meure le fondement de toute formation oblate et c’est à partir de là que de Christ Jésus de amour Cet d’autres. avec expérience cette partager L’amour deJésusChristetpourlespauvres lien d’unitéautourdel’expérience fondatrice. évolution, permettra d’enrichir notre histoire commune et renforcera le toire de la Congrégation, dans les différents contextes et langues de son du renouvelée charisme oblat. Un tel projet de relecture et expression de réinterprétation de l’his une élaborer à et travailler à formation de maisons nos d’encourager occasion bonne une semble me approfondie missionnaire spiritualité d’une l’acquisition formateurs aux et mandi réinterpréter le relire, le raconter, le savoir doivent formation en Oblats jeunes les puisse continuer à étendre ses branches et à porter du fruit aujourd’hui, charisme notre Or,que permanente. pour formation de et post-noviciat de phases les pendant surtout oblat, charisme au l’initiation de et mune com histoire notre de détriment au formation, la de aspects autres les sur d’accent plus mettons nous souvent, Très charisme. ce de valeurs les vivre de et d’assimiler d’apprécier, connaître, de permet formatif oblat… charisme du animé apostolique Centré surlecharismeoblat visages. multiples aux pauvres les rencontrer y pour Christ Jésus de regard le travers à monde le voir à Oblats aux apprendre doit formation La ries. périphé les vers marginalisés, sont qui ceux vers conduit nous oblate e u d l frain bae « oblate formation la de but Le découle lui à l’attachement de et Christ Jésus de amour cet De voulu a et Christ Jésus de forte expérience une fait a Fondateur Le 15 . L’appel du dernier Chapitre général à assurer aux for aux assurer à général Chapitre dernier du L’appel . ’s d fie rni l’homme grandir faire de c’est (.6. e cheminement Le (C.46). » ------missionnaire, le sens d’être envoyés en mission, d’être des hommes de hommes des d’être mission, en envoyés d’être sens le missionnaire, disponibilité la Oblats les chez développer doit missionnaire formation La Congrégation. la de missionnaires besoins les tous de compte tenir faut Il locales. Église d’une et Unité d’une besoins les regarder de ter et de demain, la formation à la vie missionnaire ne peut plus se conten d’aujourd’hui contexte le Dans mission. sa pour l’amour et l’Église de sens le développer à missionnaire, famille une à appartenance notre de ches de la formation c’est d’aider les jeunes Oblats à prendre conscience Vivre ladimensionmissionnaire etinterculturelle Scolasticat : ce de ans 100 des l’occasion à 1981 en Jetté Fernand Père le soulignait le comme dialogue, de et rencontre de point de important rôle un joué a Romain International Scolasticat Le endroits. certains dans moins au Congrégation, la dans existé toujours ont initiale formation la pendant ration duChapitregénéralde2004enditlongsursonimportance : l’expérience interculturelle dans les maisons de formation. Cette décla parler unlangageaccessibleauxpauvresdenotretemps socialement et culturellement, dépayser d’apprendre d’autres se langues et de de savoir capables être doivent formation en Oblats délaissés. jeunes Les plus les et pauvres plus les vers aller à disposés frontières tion. Les temps du stage pastoral prolongé peuvent aussi se vivre et vivre se aussi peuvent prolongé pastoral stage du temps Les tion. forma de maisons seules aux limitées pas sont ne expériences Ces promouvoir plusd’unitéentre nous » ces points de rencontre et centres de dialogue et d’échange en vue de multiplier, de même possible si et maintenir, de essentiel est il sité, diver la de marquée plus croissance de et décentralisation de ment « interculturelles et internationales expériences les que dire faut Il veau dematuritépersonnelleetd’identitéculturelle » ni certain un requiert formation telle Une missionnaire. formation la de essentielles composantes des l’une comme l’internationalité choisissons et nationales frontières les et culturelles barrières les ser dépas de nécessité la reconnaissons nous multiculturel, apostolique « c’est missionnaire formation la à contribue qui moyens des L’un La Congrégation est tout entière missionnaire (C.5), et l’une des tâ Nous appuyant sur l’héritage de notre Congrégation comme corps comme Congrégation notre de l’héritage sur appuyant Nous Dans une famille internationale comme la nôtre, et dans un mo un dans et nôtre, la comme internationale famille une Dans 18 . 17 . 16 . ------

Oblatio l 491 l Cornelius Ngoka Oblatio l 492 l Worldwide Section troisième millénaire de l’Églisedansunmondeglobalisé. missionnaire spécifique de la Congrégation à l’œuvre d’Évangélisation contribution la réside que cela enrichir.en s’en C’est de et compose le qui diversité la d’enrichir continue qu’il nécessaire absolument est il monde, le dans et l’Église dans rayonner à continuer puisse Mazenod poursuivent lamissiondeCongrégation. et oblat charisme le tour,enrichissent leur à qui, oblates vocations des locale culture la dans « pour mis toujours œuvrent Oblats témoignage Les monde. le dans de et l’Église dans sionnaire et d’existence ans 200 après lancé est nous qui communion capabled’harmonisertouteslesdifférences » d’une et possible toujours dialogue d’un signes comme situent se vers, di cultures de et langues de d’âges, personnes des sœurs des et frères que « 2 1 Pour que le charisme oblat et l’héritage spirituel de saint Eugène de C’est à la fois une confirmation pour notre Congrégation et un défi document le dans affirmait II Paul Jean Pape Le préparent pourlesbesoinsmissionnaireslàoùilsserontenvoyés. la dimension missionnaire et internationale de la Congrégation et les à Oblats jeunes les ouvre Oblats les travaillent et vivent où langues se vit et s’exprime. Connaître d’autres cultures et apprendre d’autres de comprendre et d’apprécier les autres cultures où le charisme oblat d’apprendre, permettent et culturels milieux d’autres dans vivent se les communautés de vie consacrée, où se rencontrent comme des Actes du33 33 du Actes établir des communautés chrétiennes et des Églises enracinées Églises des et chrétiennes communautés des établir ème , n°33. ème ChapitreGénéral(1998),n°34. Chapitre Général (1998), Général Chapitre » (C.7). De ces racines naissent et grandissent et naissent racines ces De (C.7). » E n

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n o i s u l c n o c General Administration, Rome Evangéliser les Pauvres à l’aube du l’aube à Pauvres les Evangéliser Cornelius Ngoka, [email protected] VitaConsecrata 19 . i m o - -

oblates de1982 l’Autorité, p.27. mentation OMI »n°279,2007. ment central à la session intercapitulaire, Hartbeespoort, Afrique du Sud, dans « Scolasticat InternationalRomain,le24octobre1981. Oblate Life p. 88. Semestrielle del’UniondesSupérieursGénéraux,mai2011, p.91. Aujourd’huiVieConsacrée la de Théologie Prophétie, et 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

J du centenaire du célébration la de l’occasion à Jetté Fernand Père du Homélie Actes du34èmeChapitreGénéral(2004), G. F. Actes du35 Actes du35 Actes du34èmeChapitreGénéral(2004), M. F. Choix deTextes Choix deTextes 35 du Actes Perfectae Caritatis Choix deTextes relatifs auxConstitutionsetRèglesO.M.I Écrits oblates W. n a e J C S C t t e J , avril1992,p.58. i d r a i i r h o P g n i l k c e t n o b a z a l u a é , , p.427. , O.M.I. Homme Apostolique, , « , o II f ème ème ème p a c m Charisme , « , , , « Chapitre Général (2010), Général Chapitre Vita Consecrata , 6,p.6. ChapitreGénéral(2010), ChapitreGénéral(2010), , n°221. , n°299. La Formation première oblate première Formation La Oser franchir les frontières , “De la Vie Commune à la Communion de Vie”, dans , n°2. », dans », , 51. DictionnairesValeursdes Oblates

Commentaire des Constitutions et Règles Conversion Conversion Conversion Témoins del’espérance Témoins del’espérance », Message de la part du Gouverne : Axes et Priorités et Axes : , Le Service du Leadership et de de et Leadership du Service Le , , Actes de la 77è Assemblée 77è la de Actes , , LaFormation,p.30. , p.27-29. ., n°518. , Rome, 1996, Rome, , , p.28. , p.37. », dans », Identité Docu Vie - -

Oblatio l 493 l Cornelius Ngoka

P Jean Dieulhomme Duverseau (Haïti), Jules Dikany (Cameroun), Dha (Cameroun), Dikany Jules (Haïti), Duverseau Dieulhomme Jean (Guatemala), Paau Che Antonio scolastiques les et Saparamadu, Jude du Scolasticat international Joseph Roshan Fernando, Bejoy Rebeiro, Jagath Anthony Pierre, Elie Waidyasekara,Immanuel Rozario, Abishegan, Harry Arun 9 Oblats de la Maison générale Oblats d’Aix-en-Provence :ZielendaKrzysztof,BongaMajola. Kinze Gaby Ratajczak, Paweł Printemps, Jean-Nicolas Katongo, Kennedy Ciardi, Fabio Kosterkamp, Thomas Ngoka, Cornelius gen, [Oblatas] (Méditerranée) Chinnici, Ileana López, vid i m o centre-occidentale l’Europe de 6 étaient renciers confé comme participé ont y qui Ceux Congrès. du romaine session (Anglo-Irlande), Mary Tyrrell, laïque associée (Anglo-Irlande), Da La salle de communauté de la Maison générale a été le lieu de la de lieu le été a générale Maison la de communauté de salle La Les autres participants où setrouvaitégalementladirectionduCongrèstoutentier. d’ici, partir à conduite été a mondiale connexion particulier.La rôle un joué a Rome lieu, eu a Congrès le où endroits les armi i m o (Méditerranée), Angelo Capuano, Angelo (Méditerranée), i m o c June 30–July3,2015 Local Section LE CONGRÈSÀOME Roma, Italy (Méditerranée), Inmaculada Pérez Castillo, Pérez Inmaculada (Méditerranée), ; 8 Oblats de la Maison générale F o i b a : 1 Oblat Frère de France, Bertrand Evelin : les pères Mario Brandi, Joaquín Martínez, : Gilberto Piñón, Chicho Rois, Clement C i d r a i , i m o : Raymond Warren, Raymond : i m o

(Méditerranée), ; 19 membres : Louis Lou Oblatio i m o 2 ; - - - - ; Oblati

Oblatio l 495 l Fabio Ciardi Oblatio l 496 l Local Section – Rome trilli, dagascar), Thembo SamuelZhuva(Zimbabwe). (Ma Rafenomanantsoa Jacquot (Lesotho), Qesa Sebenzile Augustinus (Namibie), Niyonkuru Leon (Zambie), Mwamba Ngosa Elvis (Natal), Mhlanga Nhlanhla John Tchèque), Rép. centrale, (Europe Mec Karel (Lesotho), Masilo Koali Francis (Pologne), Kotlarski Adrian (Corée), Sujaharan Keethapongalan (Sri Lanka, Jaffna), Ok (Corée), Ki Jaeeun Jung Kim Joseph Colombo), Lanka, (Sri Fernando nushka qui arenforcélesliensdenotrefraternité. authentique famille de sens d’un l’expérience fait avons Nous tionales. interna connexions des moments aux éclaté souvent a qui intense joie qui yestrattachée. la nature particulière de la Maison générale et de la communauté d’Aix à répondait numéro, ce en faisons en nous que publication la dans dent continent européen. La majorité des contributions, comme cela est évi le partiellement que envisagé n’ont l’après-midi) de début au lieu avait internationale connexion (la matin du conférences des contenus Les le. représentés) a donné à la session locale romaine une dimension mondia Le sérieux des travaux s’est bien accordé avec une atmosphère de atmosphère une avec accordé bien s’est travaux des sérieux Le étaient y continents les (tous groupe du internationalité grande La Jayawardena, Shanil de technique support Le i m o , et Tarcisio Arzuffi aétéfondamental. Maison générale,Rome i m o [email protected] Fabio Ciardi, , Pasquale Cas Pasquale , i m o - - - - - E mera vez que la expresión fue usada por Juan Pablo II en su Polonia su en II Pablo Juan por usada fue expresión la que vez mera “ término del uso el en bigüedad de lostiempos. signos a los y Espíritu del llamada a la eficaz y fiel respuesta una hoy puede ayudar tanto a la Iglesia como a toda la “familia oblata” para dar sinergia mutua esta y mutuamente, enriquecen se oblato carisma el y establecer la como para veremos diferencias. Así nuestro y similitudes el y Eugenio S. de tiempo el entre Iglesia la de y sociedad la de histórica situación la comparar importante es ello Para Mazenod. de Eugenio S. de misionera visión la con particular en Nueva Evangelización de concepto el como ver Intentaré universalmente. aplicables ser den pue contenidos los de mayoría la aunque occidental, particularmente secuencias para laevangelización. Mecentraré en elcontexto europeo, es necesario profundizar en sus diversos significados, sus causas y con la y oblato carisma el entre relación la prender com Para significado. mismo el con utiliza se siempre no término este pastorales y también en el mundo Oblato. Un examen atento revela que geográficos, temáticos, contextos diferentes en presente Está tipo. todo libros, artículos, conferencias, predicaciones y encuentros eclesiales de LA Numerosos autores coinciden en indicar que existe una gran am gran una existe que indicar en coinciden autores Numerosos L laridad en los últimos treinta años. Aparece continuamente en continuamente Aparece años. treinta últimos los en laridad a pesar de ser relativamente reciente, ha adquirido mucha popu Evangelización”, “Nueva expresión la como ver sorprendente s a “NUEV

d a d e ü g i b m a OBLAT A EV O ENEL D

puede ponerse en relación con el carisma oblato, e d ANGELIZACIÓN” a v

a l d i L

n ó i s e r p x e CONTEXT z e p ó Nueva Evangelización Nueva M o n e r o “ e u n , O EUROPE v i m o a Y

e Nueva Evangelización Nueva Nueva Evangelización Nueva EL v n ó i c a z i l e g n a CARISMA ”. Desde la pri la Desde ”. ”


Oblatio l 497 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 498 l Local Section – Rome de el Concilio Vaticano II se intenta actualizar la terminología misio terminología la actualizar intenta se VaticanoII Concilio el de terminológica, por no decir confusión, del vocabulario misionero. Des que merecelapenareflexionar. la sobre definido, totalmente no significado un con sugerente, y abierta expresión una obstante, no siendo, Sigue poliedro. complejo un de ras ca diversas como complementarias, simplemente otras, en y sí, entre pretaciones, en algunas ocasiones no exentas de ciertas contradicciones inter diversas de cargando ido ha se término este que el en histórico proceso un de hablar hoy,podemos hasta 1979, de junio de 9 el natal, El problema no es tanto la diversidad o variedad terminológica, sino la sino terminológica, variedad o diversidad la tanto es no problema El bras poniendo el adjetivo al final, es decir, usar “evangelización nueva”. pala las de orden el cambiar adecuado más sería español, el o italiano el como lenguas algunas en menos al que, indicado han Otros desuso. “segundo anuncio”, también empleado por Juan Pablo II, pero caído término en el italiano, contexto el en particular en y cristiandad antigua de países los en usar,menos en al insiste Biemmi Enzo renovado”. cio “anun impulso”, “renovado misionera”, “conversión o pastoral” sión evangelizadora”, “renovación misionera”, “salida misionera”, “conver la Exhortación apostólica en términos varios usa Francisco Papa El “re-evangelización”. o ción” evangeliza “segunda como términos otros usa II Pablo Juan mismo El “ término del sustitución la misiónabarca” que lo sobre aproximaciones algunas formular es esperar podemos que mejor Lo predilecciones. nuestras de confines estrechos los de dentro encerrada ser debe no definición; admite no misión la cabo, misión. al y fin Al de concepto el confianza de exceso o precisión con delinear pretender podremos “…nunca misión: la de propósito a dice Bosch D. la a aplicar podría Se parcialidad. la en fácilmente caer podría definición cualquier que ricos y complejos tan son misión o evangelización de conceptos Los demasiado. abarcar o tener una cierta humildad intelectual y sapiencial en el intento de definir alcanzado un éxito notable. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo es necesario ha no todavía proceso este que reconocer que hay pero actual, zación evangeli de y eclesial realidad la a y teología la a adaptarla para nera Para evitar esta ambigüedad, algunos autores han propuesto una propuesto han autores algunos ambigüedad, esta evitar Para elasticidad la con relación en está ambigüedad esta Seguramente, 1 . Nueva Evangelización Nueva Evangelii Gaudium Nueva Evangelización Nueva (EG) como “nueva etapa ” por otro más preciso. más otro por ” lo que lo ------mántica ydeconcepciónmisionológica. se niveles: dos en menos al ambigüedad una de partir pues, Debemos, antes. evangelizó se ya que decir quiere “re-evangeliza”, se si anuncio; ejem Por “primer” un hubo que admite se anuncio, “segundo” de habla se si plo, utiliza. se que las con mismas finalidades las a y diversos De hecho es difícil encontrar un sentido unívoco, debido misión. a la los contextos de teología de visiones las de y contenidos los de variedad co, parece que se populariza el término en la década de 1950, sobre todo todos los hombres, especialmente a los no cristianos a Jesucristo de nueva Buena de significado el con protestante, ámbito en XIX, S. del mitad la a torno en aparición su hizo “evangelización” sustantivo el que mantiene López-Gay tardío. muy cambio, en es, lizar tos sagrados, el término “evangelización” es decir, la acción de evange evangelizar y el sustantivo evangelio son bastante frecuentes en los tex la buena noticia implicaba lo que Dios había hecho en Jesús. Si el verbo Reino. Ciertamente lo hicieron sus discípulos, acentuando el hecho que del proclamación su describir para “evangelio” término el usó mismo Jesús si discuten estudiosos Los romano. mundo el para noticias nas bue constituían curación, la o éxito el como privadas experiencias las en el culto imperial el nacimiento y la presencia del emperador, incluso batallas, en victoria de noticias especialmente noticias, buenas las para del Nuevo testamento ción”, que proviene de “evangelio”, y a su uso posterior. En los tiempos “evangeliza palabra la de griega raíz la a sumariamente remontarnos zación” contieneensímismaelconceptodenovedad. “ decir que afirmando totalidad”, la a “enmienda de especie una sería no ¿No estodotipodeevangelización“nueva”ensimisma? qué es. lo definir intentar momento segundo un en para, evangelización nueva Nueva Evangelización aa opoa s et ojcó tee u udmno debemos fundamento su tiene objeción esta si comprobar Para Una primera objeción al uso del adjetivo “nuevo” en nuestro térmi es” no “qué indicando empezar fácil más es metodología Como ¿Q u é

o n evanghélion ” es una tautología, ya que la palabra “evangeli

s e

a l

e u n se utilizaba en el griego no cristiano v a

e v n ó i c a z i l e g n a 2 . En ámbito católi ? ------

Oblatio l 499 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 500 l Local Section – Rome nocido. Esta novedad es esencial en toda evangelización cristiana. Una al que viene comunicado, al menos en parte, algo anteriormente desco en toda noticia, hay un aspecto de novedad para el oyente o destinatario, como que, decir podemos novedad, de concepto el sí en contienen ces, aunque nosiempreconunsignificadounívoco católica, Iglesia la en frecuente muy es del uso su XXI S. el en y XX siglo mitad segunda la En veces. 31 “evangelización” usa II Vaticano Vemospastoral. Concilio de el modalidades ya otras como de y quesis por el impulso de la renovación catequética, para distinguirla de la cate expresa magníficamenteestasideas: general. Un precioso texto del Papa Francisco en que este tiene para renovar a las personas que lo aceptan y al mundo en pecto de la novedad del anuncio evangélico cristiano es la fuerza misma puede ser antigua en cuanto a la realidad que comunica. Un ulterior as aunque escucha, la que el para noticia es porque nueva es noticia, na Confesiones, Cristo es la “hermosura tan antigua y tan nueva”. La bue san de texto conocido el Parafraseando Jesucristo. de ni sus en Agustín Nueva, Buena una de anuncio el sería no pues evangelización, sería ni cristiana, sería no alguna, «novedad» implicara no que evangelización Volviendo a la objeción inicial de si la palabra evangelizar y sus raí trar más adentro”. O bien, como afirmaba san Ireneo: “[Cristo], en su en puede siempre ella, de sepa alma el más aunque que, inmensa, e profunda tan es Dios de ciencia y sabiduría de espesura “Esta Cruz: duría y del conocimiento de Dios” (Rm 11,33). Decía san Juan de la sabi la de riqueza, la de profundidad “la por asombrarse de deja no tables. Él es siempre joven y fuente constante de novedad. La Iglesia inago son hermosura su y riqueza su pero 13,8), (Hb siempre” para y hoy y ayer mismo “el es y 14,6), (Ap eterno” “Evangelio el es to Él hace a sus fieles siempre nuevos; aunque sean ancianos […] Cris resucitado. y muerto Cristo en inmenso amor su manifestó que Dios el mismo: el siempre es esencia y centro su realidad, En gelizadora. evan fecundidad una y fe la en alegría nueva una practicantes, no o tibios los a también creyentes, los a ofrece renovado anuncio Un rridos en los cuales pretendemos encerrarlo y nos sorprende con su con sorprende nos y encerrarlo pretendemos cuales los en rridos nunca envejece. Jesucristo también puede romper los esquemas abu cristiana propuesta la eclesiales, debilidades y oscuras épocas viese atra y,aunque comunidad nuestra y vida nuestra renovar novedad, su con puede, siempre Él novedad”. toda consigo traído ha venida, 3 . Evangeliun Gaudium ------, segunda parte de la expresión, “evangelización”, sino en la primera: la en sino “evangelización”, expresión, la de parte segunda la en centrarse debe no estudio nuestro tanto, lo Por cristiana. zación evangeli toda a comunes son que apartado, este en descritos aspectos la inmovilidad. Habría que preguntarse: ¿qué esconde la famosa frase famosa la esconde ¿qué preguntarse: que Habría inmovilidad. la en caer puede se Así oblata. historia la a caso nuestro en o, tradición, po respondíanaunacosmovisión teológicayculturalqueyanoexiste. social y ética delada casi exclusivamente por el cristianismo, con una gran influencia de “Cristiandad”, un modelo de Iglesia acostumbrada a una cultura mo Iglesia una a volver sería disimulado, o directo menos o más modo un la de finalidad el la tendencia, esta Para hacía futuro. creativa apertura la por que pasado del nostalgia la por más caracteriza Se existen. ya que los mantener de menos, al o, Iglesia, de o evangelización de modelos viejos reinstaurar a destinada gelización una evan una de trataría se actualizada, que o renovada nueva, evangelización Más “re-evangelización”. por sustituirse podría y o“re troceso”, “repetición” como “nuevo” de significados los a rrespondería co interpretación Esta restauracioncitas. connotaciones adquirido han La NuevaEvangelizaciónnoesrestauración que subyacenencadainterpretación. teologías diversas las y eclesial, y cultural social, contexto el “nueva”, adjetivo del ambivalente significado el aspectos: varios a ligada viene aquí ambigüedad la adelantamos, ya Como “evangelización”? tantivo sus al “nueva” adjetivo el añade ¿Qué novedad? la es ¿Cuál término: nuestro de significado el comprender para clave la es y cuestión la de “quid” el en está que inicial pregunta la entonces Permanece “nueva”. Algunas interpretaciones y programas de la Nueva Evangelización los a referirse puede no novedad de concepto el que evidente, Es “nueva” ( actual. Enrealidad, todaauténtica acciónevangelizadora siempre es elocuentes, palabras cargadas de renovado significado para el mundo más signos expresión, de formas otras creativos, métodos caminos, nuevos brotan Evangelio, del original frescura la recuperar y fuente la a volver intentamos que vez Cada divina. creatividad constante A veces, se justifica esta mentalidad aludiendo a una fidelidad a la fidelidad una a aludiendo mentalidad esta Ajustifica se veces, 4 EG . Se recuperan estilos y formas del pasado que en un tiem 11). nueva evangelización nueva , en , ------

Oblatio l 501 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 502 l Local Section – Rome seguridad. resultado final, son diversas en las causas: la nostalgia y la búsqueda de el en confunden se bien si que actitudes, dos destacaría Personalmente esperanza. y alegría de falta desaliento, mismos, sí sobre repliegue cio, cansan temor, defensivo, juicio miedo, turbamiento, como actitudes cristianas, comunidades las general en y Oblatos, algunos en generar pueden se culturales y sociales escenarios nuevos los mundo. Ante tro lógicas de tipo defensivo ante los rápidos cambios que ha sufrido nues psico reacciones entrever difícil es no tipo, este de pastorales o nales doctri comportamientos algunos de Detrás así”? hecho ha se “siempre Cardenal FernandoSebastiánsobrelasituacióndeIglesiaespañola: del textos dos citar pena la vale sentido, este hoy.En todavía seguir a modelo el como pasado tiempo el considerando mundo, del cambios en personas de edad, a las que les cuesta percibir los enormes y rápidos lores perennesdelEvangelio nuevos modos de los vida, corrigiéndolos y de acomodándolos a las marco verdades y va el en cristiana caridad la de exigencias las y posibilidades las descubrir nuevo, espiritual mundo un en cristianos dogmas los vivir y expresar de formas nuevas descubrir terpretarla, in e analizarla cultura, nueva la amor con acoger que hay nuevo, lo rechazar de tentación la superar preciso “Es cristianas”. reacciones serían social confrontación a ni reaccionario, integrismo el Ni dida. hemos pasado a una vida cristiana marginada, desprestigiada y agre protegida cristiana vida una De contar. podemos no ya que los con aquella sociedad había muchos alicientes y ayudas para ser cristiano en que y antes, existían no que ambientales dificultades muchas ra aho encuentran cristianos los de espiritual vida la y fe la que breza, po en y minoría en vivir toca nos ahora que espiritual continente otro en cultural, situación otra en estamos que cuenta No en parecidas. tenemos muy o entonces, eran como ahora ser que tendrían cosas las que Pensamos tiempos. otros de imágenes las y recuerdo el nosotros de dentro tenemos casos, los de mayoría la en poblados o cuando sentimos el inevitable pesar ante nuestros seminarios poco gobierno, nuestro de inmorales legislaciones las ante reaccionamos Cuando pasados. tiempos los de influencia la de librarse difícil Es cierta una es primera La nostalgia del pasado del nostalgia 5 . , presente sobre todo sobre presente , ------patible con el Evangelio, en una actitud de “antagonismo hostil” a la a hostil” “antagonismo de actitud una en Evangelio, incom el con absolutamente patible es esta que y actual cultura la con diálogo de posibilidad ninguna existe no que es subyacer parece que idea La ella. aislados de la cultura ambiente y sólo polémicamente relacionados con que tienen la sensación de estar a la intemperie en la cultura moderna” cristianos los a arrope que cultural gueto “verdadero un crear a induce incluso cultura agresiva, especialmente contra la una Iglesia como institución. Esta actitud, valor, ningún tener parece no cristiano lo donde tura post-moderna, es la aiao I pr qe a gei cmrnir qe e ud dialogar puede se que comprendiera Iglesia la que para II, Vaticano veían como el enemigo contra el que luchar. se Será necesario un Modernidad Concilio la de ideas nuevas Las culturales. ideas nuevas las de con un cierto sentimiento de hostilidad hacia el mundo y a la defensiva Cristiandad, la rehacer de deseo el por dominada pasado, el por talgia nos una época, la de francés clero del mayoría la en como Eugenio, S. en observa se Restauración, la de período el en general, en que, cierto sía. En parte, por eso las misiones populares tuvieron bastante éxito. Es pueblo, sino más bien en un grupo relativamente pequeño de la burgue después. En realidad, estas ideas no habían calado profundamente en el años doscientos hoy, observamos que cambios los todavía sufrido bía ha no Iluminismo, del influencias las de pesar a francesa, sociedad la fundación, la de momento el en Tenemostauracionista”. que decir que ( gar de facilitar el acceso a la gracia se gastan las energías en controlar” evan­ de lugar en donde autoritario, y narcisista elitismo “un a veces a lugar dar incluso puede Esto profundidad. en integradas no asimiladas, no peligro de quedarse en la superficialidad de formas estéticas, de normas pro­ católico estilo “cierto un en buscan psicológicamente, débiles menudo la a jóvenes, de Estos circundante. mundo el con confrontación en identidad tema el enfatiza que post-moderna intemperie la y relativismo del medio en autoafirmación y seguridad de necesidad una a bien, más sino tiempos, aquellos vivido han no jóvenes los pues nostalgia, una cultura EG pio del pasado”, una identidad y seguridad autorreferencial, con el con autorreferencial, seguridad y identidad una pasado”, del pio 94). Algunos podrían decir que San Eugenio era en cierto modo “res modo cierto en era Eugenio San que decir podrían Algunos La otra actitud defensiva, más corriente en Oblatos jóvenes de cul gelizar lo que se hace es analizar y clasificar a los demás, y en lu en y demás, los a clasificar y analizar es hace se que lo gelizar 7 . La vuelta a formas del pasado no corresponde en este caso a caso este en corresponde no pasado del formas a vuelta La . búsqueda de seguridad ante una cultura nueva, 6 ------,

Oblatio l 503 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 504 l Local Section – Rome llevar porunaespeciedeinerciayespíritumundanidad. dejando estaba se que y post-revolucionaria época la de reales sidades nece las a adaptando estaba se no Iglesia la que claridad con prendió Com cambiante. situación la a responder para haciendo estaba tiempo aquel de Iglesia la de mayoría la que lo a diferente algo hacer intentó tiempos anteriores. Sin embargo, hay que decir también que S. Eugenio nueva época pluralista y que hoy no tendría ningún sentido volver a los una en estamos que de Iglesia la de parte por asunción la es históricos como un único bloque. La diferencia esencial entre estos dos momentos con La Modernidad y la secularización sin condenar todos sus aspectos sino en una persona, Jesucristo. Evangelizar significa anunciar una a una anunciar significa Evangelizar Jesucristo. persona, una en sino culos de fe y de preceptos morales ni, menos aún, un programa político, debemos pensar sólo en un libro, en una doctrina, en un sistema de artí no Evangelio, de hablar al embargo, Sin Iglesia. la de Tradición la de través a llegado ha nos como plena, pureza y fidelidad en anunciado ser debe Evangelio el eso, Por actual. siempre y definitiva completa, es Cristo en Dios de revelación La 13,8). (Heb siempre” y hoy ayer, mismo “el es que Jesucristo, de del diverso Evangelio, nuevo un poner re-pro de trata se No inversión). o negación resistencia, o oposición de sentido el con aprendido”, tenía se o había antes que lo de ferente di o “distinto de significado el tiene “nuevo” (aquí mundo al ofrecer que nuevo mensaje un busca no contenido, su de esencia la a cuanto La NuevaEvangelizaciónnoesrupturaconloanterior ya nosoncaucesdevidaenelmundoactual!”( nos quedemos anclados en la nostalgia de estruc­ que cambia, creatividad, audacia? El Papa Francisco nos exhorta: “¡No mundo del conocimiento apostólico, celo falta ¿Nos hicimos? siempre que lo hacer sabemos sólo que es o nuevo, algo hacer a atrevemos nos ¿No seriamente: preguntarse que Habría evangelización. de obsoletos modos con continuar o existen, no ya que tiempos a más sin volver un eclesial, es la misma que en el pasado y, por lo tanto, no tendría sentido hoy situación su ni europea, Evangelio, cultura actual la siquiera ni que decir debemos del riqueza la agotase ésta si como mundo del gares lu los todos en tradicionales formas sus y europea cultura la imponer Por otra parte, la Nueva Evangelización no puede ser “nueva” en “nueva” ser puede no Evangelización Nueva la parte, otra Por puede se no que sabe misionero cualquier que modo mismo Del EG turas y costumbres que 108). ------ruptura con la evangelización anterior. No se trata de buscar noveda buscar de trata se No anterior. evangelización la con ruptura mos acostumbrados. estába que la a diferente muy cultura una por modeladas generaciones nuevas las en inmediato algo como descontado por dar pueden se no que fundamentos unos suponen condiciones Estas Cristo. con personal relación una para condiciones las crear significa Evangelizar Cristo. de misterio el en comunión de y encuentro de reales experiencias vivir a no es solamente la adhesión intelectual a la verdad cristiana, sino llevar evangelización la de objetivo el eso Por encontrarlo. a invitar e Jesús los paísesdeculturatradicionalmente cristiana; diversos: gelización la opinión, mi Según significado. del y ambigüedad la de de fondo de cada uno. Propongo una explicación que puede ayudar a la compresión teología la y contexto del dependen veces, a que, vista, de puntos sus según respuestas, diversas dan autores Los novedad?”. antiguo segúnconviene( lo y nuevo lo arcón del sacar evangelio, del familia de padre sabio el como saber, de bien, más trata, Se idea. esta bien muy resume 168 C. la habla que la de creativa” “fidelidad La remedios. nuevos requieren la mueve se ruptura y continuidad entre equilibrio este En comunidad. en evaluar,también analizar,cultura, la historia, la conocer supone Esto proyectar,cuentra. en se que los con contextos diferentes los a respuestas da misionero una guiar deben que criterios los estos son No emociones. nuevas de queda bús continua la de satura, nos que sobreinformación la de largoplazo, a decisiones las a miedo del superficial, cambio continuo del una cultura en Estamos cambiar”. por “cambiar no a atentos estar Debemos ejercen. estas que psicológica fascinación la de hecho mero el por des, L s o Nueva Evangelización Nueva 3) comorenovación internadelaIglesia. 2) comorespuestaaloscambios culturalesactuales; en fundamentalmente bautizados, los de evangelización como 1) la está “¿dónde siempre es visto, hemos como clave, pregunta La La

s e r t uv Evangelización Nueva ha sido comprendida, al menos hasta ahora, en tres modos tres en ahora, hasta menos al comprendida, sido ha

i n g i s f s o d a c i Nueva Evangelización Nueva Mt

f s e l a t n e m a d n u Oblata. En cada momento de la historia el historia la de momento cada En Oblata. 13,52). o s apc ua rtc ttl una o total crítica una tampoco es no

e d , ya que nuevos problemas nuevos que ya ,

e u n v a

e v n ó i c a z i l e g n a Nueva Evan Nueva - - - - -

Oblatio l 505 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 506 l Local Section – Rome do específico” de la nueva evangelización nueva la de específico” do Pablo II. Esta acepción corresponde a lo que M. Zago llamaba el “senti cristiana fundamentalmente enlospaísesdeculturatradicionalmente La San Eugenio. de misionera visión la con relacionan se cómo y desafíos y secuencias apostólica exhortación la en encontramos lo significado primer este comprender Nueva Evangelización sectas. Solo una nueva evangelización puede asegurar el crecimiento procesos, entre los que destacan la secularización y la difusión de las corre hoy el riesgo de ser desperdigado bajo el impacto de múltiples espiritual y moral patrimonio este pero cristiana; popular reli giosidad de y piedad de tradiciones las vivas muy conservan se davía plantea esos problemas. En cambio,enotrasregionesonaciones to que humana vida misma la suprimir de tentación la a o cepciones, de inconsolables a contemporáneo hombre al exponen respuesta, sin quedar al que, enigmas, grandes de y interrogantes de afianzarse son los momentos del nacer, del sufrir y del morir. De ahí proviene el como humana, existencia la de significativos más momentos los de ciones tradicionales y ceremoniales - tiende a ser arrancada de cuajo manifesta algunas en sobrevive aunque - cristiana fe la también Y declarado. ateísmo el que desoladores y preocupantes menos son no vida, la de graves, incluso problemas, los resolver para Dios de tica prác irrelevancia total la y religioso indiferentismo el bien, Ahora Dios». hubiera no si «como vivida existencia una sostienen y piran entremezclado con espantosas situaciones de pobreza y miseria - ins bien -si consumismo el y económico bienestar el que el en Mundo, Primer llamado del naciones y países de concreto, en trata, Se mo. ateís del y secularismo del indiferentismo, del difundirse continuo el por transformados radicalmente son vez otra que alguna incluso e prueba dura a sometidos ahora están operativa, y viva fe de dades comuni a origen dar de capaces y florecientes fueron cristiana vida la y religión la tiempo un en que los en naciones, y países Enteros Juan de magisterio el en principal y original significado el es Este con sus acepciones, estas de una cada continuación a Explicaré Christifideles laici comolaevangelizacióndelosbautizados, : 8 . Un texto fundamental para fundamental texto Un . ------donde grupos enteros de bautizados han perdido el sentido vivo de la de vivo sentido el perdido han bautizados de enteros grupos donde jóvenes, más Iglesias las en también veces a pero cristiandad, antigua y por último, “una situación intermedia, especialmente en los países de sólidas; cristianas comunidades las a dirigida Iglesia, la de ordinaria” “pastoral la cristianos; no los a dirigida gentes”, ad “misión La Iglesia: ramente entre tres situaciones diferentes dentro de la única misión de la una definición de “ su Evangelio. de y Cristo de alejados viven embargo sin modos, mil en accesible es ésta y cristiana historia respira se donde países en vivir de oportunidad la teniendo que mujeres y hombres tantos de alejamiento el por mucho sufrían pastores, de alma con XVI, Benedicto y II Pablo Juan tamente Cier “glorioso”. cristiano pasado un nostalgiade cierta una casi textos algunos en entreverse Podría profunda. más mucho sino económica, sólo no crisis, una hacia pausa sin desliza se que europea, cultura la de y conciudadanos sus de evangelización la de urgencia la veían nente, conti nuestro de cristianas raíces las de fuerte muy histórica ciencia secularización galopante en Europa. Siendo ambos europeos y con con alejados encontextosdeantiguacristiandad bautizados los entre anuncio segundo o re-evangelización de sinónimo Es cualquiera. evangelización una a aplicado adjetivo un como solo no “ usa RM Así, ción). evangeliza (Nueva cristianos” son no “ya que los entre misión la que (Misión cristianos no los entre misión la mismo lo es No Iglesia la de misión la toda de dentro otras entre modalidad una dica “ tanto, Por realiza. se esta que la en contexto o situación la y misión la tes” y “ saria una« una existencia alejada de Cristo y de su Evangelio. En este caso es nece llevando Iglesia, la de miembros como ya reconocen se no incluso o fe Nueva Evangelización Nueva Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI estaban muy preocupados por la por preocupados muy estaban XVI Benedicto y II Pablo Juan Se establece, pues, una clara distinción clara entre “Misión ad gen En el número 33 de la fuerza deauténticalibertad( de una fe límpida y profunda, capaz de hacer de estas tradiciones una Nueva Evangelización Nueva Evangelización Nueva Evangelización Nueva Evangelización Nueva ” se considera aquí un término técnico, que in que técnico, término un aquí considera se ” Redemptoris Missio ”, según el criterio de los destinatarios de ChL » o«re-evangelización»“(RM33). 34). ”. Juan Pablo II distingue cla ” como un nombre propio, nombre un como ” 10 . aparece por primera vez ad gentes ad 9 - - - - - ) - - - .

Oblatio l 507 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 508 l Local Section – Rome de 2012 usen una expresión similar a las empleadas por el fundador el por empleadas las a similar expresión una usen 2012 de que Juan Pablo II, Benedicto XVI y el ideas teológicas subyacentes a todo el pensamiento mazenodiano. Es curioso las de una es Cristo, de cuerpo del dislocados miembros como bautizados, los de dignidad La fe. la de valores los recuperar busca y Europa en cristianas raíces las de pérdida la por preocupado está nio Euge XVI, Benedicto y II Pablo Juan Como Francia. rurales en populares ambientes y los de reevangelización la de necesidad la y post-revolucio naria situación la dada fundación, la de años primeros los existe? Seguramente no, o mejor dicho, en parte sí y en parte no. El uso apenas Iglesia la donde Turkmenistán que sentido mismo el en es ¿lo poner un ejemplo, podemos decir que Francia es un país de Por misión, pero cristianos. tradicionalmente territorios los a aplicados misioneros términos los de uso el aclarar manera, otra de dicho o misión, y toral evangelización sinolapastoralordinariaomisión ad gentes. nueva la dirigida va no quienes a demás, los todos tanto por excluidos, perdido el sentido vivo de la fe” (¡luego una vez lo han tuvieron!?). Quedan que bautizados “los concretos: muy son que destinatarios, los en centrada está acepción primera Esta bautizados! los ¡sino cristianos, no los son no misión la de destinatarios los aquí: está copernicano giro El 52). (EN cristiana” vida toda de margen al viven pero bautismo, el Nuntiandi Evangelii la en VI Pablo por planteado ya era problema El pastoralmente. ni te, teológicamen ni resuelto, todavía sido ha no opinión, mi según que, complejo, muy eclesiológico y misionológico problema un sino tianas, cris culturas viejas las de secularización la solamente es no ferencia, el PrefacioalaRegla. ( inmaculada (cf. e santa suya Esposa como amó la y quiso la vio, la Cristo como —tal Iglesia la de ideal imagen “la de comparación la de brota renovación la citando Francisco, la que la a XXI siglo del situación la a referirse para silenciosa”, “apostasía Oblatos, los de EG 26). Esta comparación es precisamente la que S. Eugenio hace en hace Eugenio S. que la precisamente es comparación Esta 26). sa cpin rtne uea l daétc eitne nr pas entre existente dialéctica la superar pretende acepción Esta re hace significado este que al problema el más, paso un Dando en particularmente Eugenio, S. en semejanza una ver difícil es No Ef 5,27)—yel rostro real que hoy la Iglesia presenta” (EN): “gran número de personas que recibieron que personas de número “gran (EN): ceim Suam Eclesiam Nueva Evangelización Nueva ns euraqe l neo de anhelo el que recuerda nos , Instrumentum laboris debe responder. El papa El responder. debe del Sínodo ------la Iglesia. En un primer momento, sólo en algunos casos excepcionales de comunes estructuras las llegan no que los a abandonados, más los a ir de intento el sino misma, sí en parroquial estructura la a rechazo un pulares, que encaja muy bien en la distinción de RM. La cuestión no era de las parroquias y la evangelización extraordinaria de las misiones po a losbautizados. convertir sino convertidos, los a bautizar gentes, ad misión la en como cristiano tradicionalmente contexto un en “misión” concepto de verdadera misión “ad gentes” en algunas situaciones en Europa ( documento el hecho De 33. RM por texto europeo actual contiene en realidad las tres realidades expresadas con el realidad, En insuficiente. es pero útil, todavía es territorial terio gelización de territorio es “Europa ejemplo por (diciendo territorial meramente criterio un en sólo basada tradicional tipificación una tener ad gentes enfatizar demasiado la diferencia entre nara lapuedehacerperfectamenteiglesialocalsin ellos. pues su carisma no tiene ya nada que aportar. De hecho, la pastoral ordi ral ordinaria en las iglesias locales, sus días en la Iglesia están contados, algo así: Si los institutos misioneros continúan a hacer dijo solamente pasto ponentes los de Uno reflexionar. hizo me y particularmente toco me que afirmación una Misionología de Congreso un en escuche poco Hace oblato. cualquier para ser debería lo y Eugenio S. para damental fun distinción una es 33 RM de distinción La “pastoral”. dice se lica”, “apostó tarea o “misión”, decir debería donde y términos los menudo a confunden se documentos nuestros en cómo ver curioso Es pobres. los de evangelización la sino cristianas, comunidades las de “pastoral” olvidar que nuestro servicio en la Iglesia como Oblatos no es el servicio debemos no que sino parroquias, atender podamos no que decir quiero esta distinción entre “pastoral ordinaria” y “ párrocos” “simples a misioneros los a reducir no principio como intentado particulares, situaciones por se toman parroquias, en función de las misiones populares en la zona o Hay que advertir que este primer significado tiene el peligro de el peligro tiene significado primer este que advertir que Hay S. Eugenio mantiene una neta distinción entre la pastoral ordinaria desde una perspectiva geográfica. Si así fuera se debería man , Asia de Misión ad gentes”, etc…). La RM afirma que el cri Nueva Evangelización Nueva 12 . En mi opinión es urgente recuperar urgente es opinión mi En . pretende aclarar esta situación de situación esta aclarar pretende Ecclesia in Europa in Ecclesia Nueva Evangelización Nueva Evangelización 11 . El desafío no es, no desafío El . habla de una de habla Nueva Evan Nueva y misión Cf. ”. No EE ------

Oblatio l 509 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 510 l Local Section – Rome con dos parámetros que se entrecruzan: uno socio-cultural y geográfi y socio-cultural uno entrecruzan: se que parámetros dos con las condicionesculturalesyreligiosas. de variedad la cuenta en tenga que sino “mono-programática”, sea no que evangelización una necesaria es eso Por numerosa. más vez es cada Europa en religiones y culturas otras de inmigrantes de la presencia parte, otra Por situaciones. de diversidad gran una hay “alejados” ( definibles bien siempre son no límites cuyos y entrecruzan, se que tres, las entre neta demasiado distinción una imposible es olvidar,que Sin asimismo, 46). comprada con otras,apesardelasecularización. europea, cultura la de riquezas las de cuenta darnos pesimismo, el en caer no hace nos Verbo”idea del Esta “semillas 68). unas EG que (Cf. más mucho reconocer que hay evangelizada cultura una En cristiano. humanismo auténtico de valores guarda que moral reserva una tramos encon pues viva, realidad una es occidentales pueblos los de cristiano substrato El otras. las de respecto pasado, el en evangelizadas sido han Francisco al hablar positivamente de la superioridad de las culturas que bién sus ventajas respecto a la misión el punto de vista cultural y eclesial, la desde embargo, Sin Dios. de experiencia cierta una casos, y,los según nociones algunas tienen embargo, sin que, personas, estas de práctica increencia real de antropológica situación la cuenta en tengan otra, por y, formalmente; menos al cristiana, iniciación la completado ha casos Iglesia la y,bautismo del muchos sacramento en de del gracia la ya recibido ha que miembro como persona la de teológica dignidad la ten respe parte, una por que, dinámicas requiere alejados bautizados los con misión La anteriormente. hacía se ya que lo haciendo continuar no que nuevo algo inventar difícil más es siempre Ciertamente, cristiano. pueden mensaje del fundamental núcleo el transmisión que la empañar y ralentizar tradiciones a fuertemente ligadas están Iglesia sociedad la la hacer de de y formas las peso, un tiene historia la porque bién cristianismo y esto quita su percepción de novedad. Es más difícil tam el conocer piensa destinatario el que ya primero, el que difícil más es experiencia, por constatan misioneros tantos como que anuncio”, do “segun un de hablar a lleva Nos viva). fe sin (bautizados teológico y individual-antropológico otro cristiana); tradicionalmente (Europa co Así, esta primera interpretación de la de interpretación primera esta Así, Cf. RM 34). En realidad, entre los mismos bautizados mismos los entre realidad, En 34). RM Nueva Evangelización ad gentes Nueva Evangelización Nueva . Así lo subraya el Papa tiene tam juega ------la fe en Cristo significa crear las condiciones para un encuentro con encuentro un para condiciones las crear significa Cristo en fe la transmitir que recuerda nos que esencial, lo en centrado kerigmático, anuncio un a corresponden Dios, de Palabra la a dada importancia la y Salvador Cristo de anuncio del centralidad La descristianización. la a remedio poner pretende y situación esta a respuesta la es populares misiones las de método El 84). (EG generosidad” menor ni Espíritu el mos ingenuos, el mayor realismo no debe significar menor confianza en que nos duelan las miserias de nuestra época y estemos lejos de optimis “aun Francisco: Papa del palabras las perfectamente aplicarle dríamos rencia al occidente cristiano no es ya exclusiva, sino que asume el valor Iglesia que deberenovarse ante los fuertes cambios culturales. La refe la de actitud la en centra se acepción, segunda la secularizadas, ahora pero pasado el en cristianizadas ya áreas en anuncio nuevo del tarea la subrayando eldiálogocon la culturaactual. flexible, más concepto un a amplia, más perspectiva una a abre se y te gelización Pablo II. La reflexión evoluciona Juan hacia la superación por de la originalmente usado del diferente algo significado un hacia Evangelización “ la sobre obispos los de Sínodo del preparatorios documentos los en perspectiva de cambio el notable particularmente Es variadas. ción en la Iglesia universal, pero ha sido entendido con acepciones muy “ término El nuevos. ces mati con perfilando irán se término, al daba II Pablo Juan que sentido connotaciones diferentes que, aunque estaban ya presentes en el amplio a lospobresenelviejocontinente. evangelizar para formas nuevas buscar de habremos hoy de Oblatos lo transformación moral la de la sociedad. y En fidelidad creativa asacramentos su espíritu, los sencilla, explicación su y Palabra la de anuncio el testimonio, el con populares, misiones las mediante encuentro, a ese personas las a llevar intentaba Eugenio S. Jesucristo. persona, una En los años posteriores a la S. Eugenio no cae en el pesimismo o en los lamentos estériles. Po En concreto si, como hemos visto, la primera acepción se refiere a refiere se acepción primera la visto, hemos como si, concreto En L a

e u n centrada en los territorios de antigua cristiandad en Occiden v a para la transmisión de la fe cristiana” en 2012, que va que 2012, en cristiana” fe la de transmisión la para

e v n ó i c a z i l e g n a o i c o s Nueva Evangelización Nueva - s e l a r u t l u c Redemptoris Missio

o m o c

a t s e u p s e r s e l a u t c a ” tuvo una gran recep gran una tuvo ”


, se van precisando s o l

s o i b m a c Nueva Evan Nueva


Oblatio l 511 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 512 l Local Section – Rome de los desafíos que el contexto socio-cultural actual pone a la fe cristia altura la a estar para hacer a llamada está Iglesia la que renovación de La contexto. cualquier ordinaria, y se abre al ámbito de la inculturación que puede ser leído en pastoral la y gentes ad misión la tanto, por Incluye, encontramos. nos que modo el en nuevo social y cultural contexto del un causa a renovado nuevo, en hacerse de ha que Iglesia la de evangelización la toda a sino cristiandad, antigua de países en viven que bautizados los hacía Evangelización Nueva la de excluida queda eclesial situación “ninguna que ya paradigma, de hay que conocer bien el terreno, sino corremos el riesgo de actuar en un descubrir necesario las diferencias y es hacia dónde va complejo el futuro. Para panorama poder sembrar, este En mentalidades. diversas con conviven que generaciones diversas con encuentra se hoy de europea Iglesia la parte, otra Por continente. viejo el en viven que étnicos pos mundial cada vez está más presente en Europa entre los diferentes gru interculturalidad la parte, una Por general. marco un en encuadradas subculturas diversas de hablar podríamos hoy de Europa la en que es realidad luga La homogénea. y unitaria cultura los una supuesto por dando res, todos en igual prácticamente fuera esta si como cultura, la llama el“sentidogeneral”dela Zago que lo a Corresponde globalizado. mundo el todo a afectan que ahora desde los destinatarios hacia la respuesta a los cambios culturales mueve se atención La post-cristiano. secularismo del eclesial elemento el por fundamentalmente marcada esta pero cultura, la presente también ba acepción primera la En “nueva”. es cultura la porque “nueva”, ser debe evangelización La cultura. nueva una a respuesta como ha cer,de modo el en sino destinatarios, los en ahora pone se no acento El Iglesia. la de evangelización la toda a aplica se que adjetivo un es gelización nuestro tiempo”( para y en apostólica herencia la práctica en traducir y explicar permite que camino del trata se que sino definidas, bien regiones determinadas a solamente corresponde no que realidad una Es […]. acto en cambios fuertes los con correspondencia en testimonio, su a y anuncio su a na, Nos encontramos aquí con un concepto que más que “ Una crítica que se podría hacer a esta acepción, es la de uniformar de la es acepción, esta a hacer podría se que crítica Una ” podríamos llamar “evangelización nueva”, donde “nueva” donde nueva”, “evangelización llamar podríamos ” Lineamenta ”. Esta no se refiere ya solamente a la actividad la a solamente ya refiere se no Esta ”. Nueva Evangelización Nueva n.16). Nueva Evangelización es más bien “el esfuerzo “el bien más es . Nueva Evan ------en contraste con el Evangelio de Jesús. […] Son un lugar privilegiado lugar un Son […] Jesús. de Evangelio el con contraste en frecuentemente vida, de orientaciones nuevas ofrecen que paradigmas lengua­ otros ellas de recibe que sino sentido, de generador o promotor ser suele no ya cristiano el que las en manas “Nuevas culturas continúan gestándose en estas enormes geografías hu los elementos de la cultura en germen. En palabras del Papa Francisco: claridad más con manifiestan porque indicativo buen un son jóvenes bre todo, de no amar a los hombres y mujeres que tenemos delante. Los so y vano, en esforzarnos de existen, no ya que problemas contra char lu de años, hace de interlocutores ante hablar de inexistente, contexto incluye una dimensión filosófica-cultural-teológica que se concreta en concreta se que filosófica-cultural-teológica dimensión una incluye de laIglesia. areópagos”, a las “periferias”, donde no llegan las estructuras ordinarias “nuevos los a “fronteras”, las a ir el está oblato carisma del corazón el En evangelizar. de formas nuevas busca que oblata creatividad La 7). (C. enviados” son quienes a aquellos de fe la despertar o suscitar para ción adaptar podremos y hoy,cultura de la conoceremos Europa mejor la en viven que personas las de Oblatos los estemos cerca más Cuanto gente. la de pensar y vivir de concreto modo el sino abstracta, cosa una es no cultura La 8). (C. posee” que valores los a y misma la de aspiraciones las a atención constantemente prestarán tos hablar con él. “Siempre cerca de la gente con la que trabajan, los Obla querían que los todos a casa su en personalmente recibiendo sencilla, más pobres, saludando y hablando con todos, en provenzal con la gente barrios los y enfermos los a visitando puerto, el por especialmente lla, Marse de ciudad la por pie a frecuentemente paseando actitudes, estas los con continuó episcopal de ministerio su durante apasionada Eugenio S. provenzales. cultura la a comprensibles imágenes, e sensibles gestos en expresaban celebraciones las y humilde gente la para sible compren lengua provenzal, en hacían situaciones se predicaciones Las las concretas. con diálogo en entrar para casas, las a visitas las con iniciaban Eugenio, S. de tiempo el en oblatas, misiones Las apostólica. audacia la y gente la a cercanía la son acepción esta en perfectamente de la el. usr Cnttcoe dcn abé: l itna todo intentan “lo también: dicen Constituciones Nuestra ella. a Responder a la cultura es usar un nuevo modo de evangelizar que evangelizar de modo nuevo un usar es cultura la a Responder encajan que oblato carisma del característicos elementos Dos Nueva Evangelización ” ( EG 73). jes, símbolos, mensajes y mensajes símbolos, jes, Nueva Evangeliza Nueva ------

Oblatio l 513 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 514 l Local Section – Rome e to teps y ssao at l dsooio N bsa óo la de fe la de transmisión sólo la de reforma una abordar basta para voluntad buena No desconocido. lo ante asustados y tiempos, otros de cultural y teológica formación o mentalidades por condicionados res, frecuencia por la debilidad y la limitación de los agentes evangelizado con celeridad, pues los recursos que la Iglesia tiene están marcados con responder difícil Es alrededor. nuestro a culturales y sociales cambios tad añadida, no de poca importancia, podemos indicar la rapidez de los que nos habla del modo de relacionarse con las personas. Como dificul psicológica-misionera, una y estructuras; y métodos” “nuevos a lleva la “nueva expresión”, una dimensión sociológica-eclesiológica que nos mente su celo apostólico y su audacia a la hora de llevar el evangelio. el llevar de hora la a audacia su y apostólico celo su mente de Europa o América como el ejemplo a seguir, imitando fundamental ardor” e invitaba aloscatólicos a mirar a los primeros evangelizadores “nuevo un de su hablaba Francisco. II YaPapa Pablo el a Juan con culmen llegando más vez cada acentuando ido ha se origen, el desde te La NuevaEvangelizacióncomorenovación delaIglesia actitud espiritualnosabrealatercerayúltimaacepción. Estaacontecimientos. los desde habla nos que Dios de voz la briendo descu cultura, nueva la de valores los por tocar deje se que conversión verdadera una necesaria Es época”. de “cambio un en sino cambios”, ha repetido en diversas ocasiones que no sólo estamos en una “época de Francisco Papa El eclesial. mentalidad la y teología la de sino externas, fe.laSuponede unaseria renovación mentalidad,de solonoformasde basta cambiar algunas formas superficiales de expresión o comunicación que pensando engañarnos debemos No actuales. culturales y sociales contextos los de dentro Iglesia ser para expresiones nuevas encontrar viejas categorías, hablando y actuando con un estilo nuevo. Necesitamos denuestra tradición empañados porlas culturas precedentes, superando tercer milenio, que nos puede ayudar a purificar y redescubrir elementos verdadero un ser puede modernidad post La riqueza. una y recurso un son que valores siempre hay gativos, ne aspectos y ambigüedades sus a Junto Espíritu. del actuación la de lugar siempre es y enviados somos que los a aquéllos de cultura la es esta magnitud. sa ecr aecó d neto émn, i in saa presen estaba bien si término, nuestro de acepción tercera Esta Es necesario partir de una actitud de amor a la cultura actual, porque kairós para la Iglesia al inicio del inicio al Iglesia la para ------de la Iglesia de configurarse como real comunidad, como verdadera comunidad, real como configurarse de Iglesia la de problema eclesiológico, que se refiere a la capacidad o a la incapacidad un es […] hoy evangelización la de infecundidad la de problema “El evangelizador. comunitario sujeto al refiere se que pregunta una como tinatarios (primera y segunda acepciones), sino que debe ser formulada eficaces y ni siquiera debe centrar la atención analíticamente en los des comunicativas estrategias de respuestas buscar a sólo reducirse puede renovarse según el espíritu del Evangelio. La presada en sus llamadas a una “salida misionera”, a ir a las periferias, a ex importante, más acepción la ser parece esta Francisco Papa el Para una parte y la propia privacidad por otra, todo se vuelve gris y estará y gris vuelve se todo otra, por privacidad propia la y parte una por tarea la separa uno Si […] mundo. este en estoy eso para y tierra, mi­ una Yodestruirme. soy quiero no si ser mi de arrancar puedo no yo que algo Es existencia. la de más momento un o apéndice un es no quitar; puedo me que adorno un o vida, mi de parte una es no (Cf. fervor del da se caí una y identidad de crisis una individualismo, el sí: entre alimentan que males tres de Habla identidad. propia nuestra de parte fueran no si como vida, la de apéndice mero un como apostólicas, tareas tras cerradas. Iglesia, o defensivas actitudes misma de fuente como sea “mundanización”, como sea la de interior el en tenido han culturales cambios los que negativo impacto al refiere se cultura segunda la a alusión la aquí la acepción de diferencia A evangélica. esperanza la nuevo modo en infundirse de ha cuales los en realidades y caminos con corregidas, ser deben que prácticas con comprendidos, ser de han que fenómenos con interrogantes, con enfrentarse a obligada sido ha cambios, estos por to que hay equivocarse; de riesgo direc modo en tocada sido ha Iglesia misma La vida”. la “complicarse a aun arriesgarse, y cambio el ante riesgo deenfermar. el corre se y aire el faltando va donde cerrada, habitación una como es cerrada, Iglesia Una misión. la a empuja nos que Santo Espíritu el por transformar dejarse mejor, o misma, Iglesia la de auto-evangelización ( empresa” una o máquina una como no y cuerpo un como fraternidad, Lineamenta El Papa Francisco nos pone en guardia ante una vivencia de nues de vivencia una ante guardia en pone nos Francisco Papa El psicológicas actitudes las superar necesario es dijimos, ya Como n. 2). La 2). n. EG 78). Dice: “La misión en el corazón del pueblo del corazón el en misión “La Dice: 78). Nueva Evangelización Nueva supone antes que nada la nada que antes supone Nueva Evangelización sión en esta en sión no - - - - -

Oblatio l 515 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 516 l Local Section – Rome Evangelización en nuestra familia religiosa. La primera y segunda acepción de la concreto en y eclesial comunidad la de seno el en opera Dios de gracia aspectos delaexistencia. los todos envuelve que vida de estilo un vocación, una sino profesión, una es no misionero Ser jurídicamente. serlo a continúe aunque razón, co su en Oblato” ser de “dejará por frase última la sustituir podríamos ( pueblo” ser de Dejará necesidades. permanente­ jóvenes oblatos en formación primera por qué se hicieron oblatos, algu palabras” las con que Iglesia. Escribe al P. Daly: “Usted sabe que predica más con el ejemplo la renovar podían santos verdaderos solo que convencido estaba santos”, pues ser por seriamente “trabajar es Oblatos los de tarea primera la eso Por misioneros. los de coherente religiosa vida la a y santidad ros ensupropioambiente. vida: formar un núcleo de personas que fueran levadura, y así misione su de largo lo a éxito con aplicó mismo él y Sulpicio San en aprendió de los santos de otros tiempos. Este es el modelo de misión que Eugenio ejemplos los imite que fervorosa y regular comunidad una de creación la religiosas, órdenes las de desaparición la ante masa; la en levadura sea que virtuoso y escogido grupo un de formación la clero, del cridad medio la ante apostólicos”; “hombres los de testimonio el y populares misiones las instrucción, sin y abandonado laicado el so buscar Ante a luciones. y fe la de luz la a análisis un hacer a Eugenio S. a lleva base de su vocación. La visión de la situación de la Iglesia de su tiempo misma la en Salvador, del experiencia la con junto está, original, ción intui Esta devastada”. “atrozmente tiempo, su de Iglesia la renovar de fe (Cfr. profunda de y misterio” de “sentido con sino empresarial, o numérica mentalidad con no “resultados” los a mirar y tiempos los de signos los titud permite superar el pesimismo y los fracasos, el cansancio, percibir ac Esta misión. nuestra en y historia la de hoy el en Santo Espíritu del y resucitado del misteriosa acción la en confianza decidida La fracaso. . uei db ua motni fnaetl l etmno de testimonio al fundamental importancia una daba Eugenio S. Oblatos los de fundador del idea la clara bastante es línea, esta En la que fundamental motivación la de partir de ha renovación Esta EG 275-283). mente buscando reconocimientos o defendiendo sus propias no tienen sentido sin esta tercera, estarían abocadas al abocadas estarían tercera, esta sin sentido tienen no 13 . Dudo que si peguntamos hoy en día a nuestros a día en hoy peguntamos si que Dudo . EG 273). Aplicándolo a nosotros, a 273). Aplicándolo Nueva ------el mododevivir, minalacredibilidaddeIglesia”. fieles y los Pastores entre lo que dicen y lo que hacen, entre la los palabra y de incoherencia La testimonio. el vida: la con “Predicar afirma: y palabras” las con y,también Evangelio necesario, el fuese “predicad si ferencia a S. Francisco de Asís que enviaba a sus hermanos diciéndoles la sintonía con el Papa Francisco ha usado varias veces la simpática re RM, que nos dice que “el verdadero misionero es el santo”. Es evidente La pobres. los de evangelización la con junto oblato del principal tarea una ser a continua embargo, y,sin santo”; hacerme “para responda no aplicadas atoda laIglesiaenestatareade la pia insuficiencia, pero confiando en el poder de Dios” (C. 8), pueden ser Dios. Las palabras de las Constituciones oblatas, “humildes ante la pro de salvífica acción la en fe la de nutre se pues fuerza, su de convence nos que la pobreza esa es Pero etc. desánimo, del tentación la gencias, exi nuevas las a frente pastoral y espiritual inadecuación propia la de conciencia la misión, la de mayores vez cada necesidades las a frente especialmente en Europa: la disminución y envejecimiento del personal pobreza, propia nuestra constatar a lleva nos pobres, los a entrega Esta blar del carisma oblato sin hablar de los pobres y los más abandonados. ha puede se No pobrezas. propias las humildad con reconocer supone encaja conestaterceraacepciónenunmodomuyevidente. que conversión, la a 2010 de general Capitulo del llamada la banal es No mundo. el en y Iglesia la en levadura sean que y vida de santidad su mantener a misioneros los a ayuden que comunidades Eugenio: S. de intuición la es Esta 77). (EG experiencia…” y existencia propia la tidianas, donde discernir en profundidad con criterios evangélicos sobre compartir las propias preguntas más profundas y las preocupaciones co pro­ la regenerar donde que “necesitamos crear espacios motivadores y sanadores […], lugares zación. El Papa Francisco hablando de los agentes de pastoral, reconoce evangeli la a contribuían sacerdotes no Oblatos hermanos los de cioso ban en casa, mientras otros estaban en misión, así como el trabajo silen primeros tiempos, las oraciones y sacrificios de los Oblatos que queda los En apostolado. de medio un Eugenio, S. según ya, eran comunidad la en unión la y fraterna caridad la regularidad, La comunitario. terno La renovación de la Iglesia, implícita en la en implícita Iglesia, la de renovación La fra testimonio el oblato carisma el en tiene importancia Particular pia fe en Jesús crucificado y resucitado, donde resucitado, y crucificado Jesús en fe pia nueva evangelización Nueva Evangelización Nueva . ------,

Oblatio l 517 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 518 l Local Section – Rome acento en una u otra tiene sus consecuencias. Como vimos, las tres es tres las vimos, Como consecuencias. sus tiene otra u una en acento el Además, integrar. pueden se siempre no aunque complementarias, y interesantes son acepciones tres las realidad, En adecuada? más ción acep la sería ¿cuál Entonces, acepción). (tercera renovada Iglesia una de necesidad la por nueva acepción), (segunda realiza se donde cultura la por nueva acepción), (primera destinatarios sus por nueva novedad: la de problema al simple repuesta una Dan expresión. la de ambigua de concepto del grupo para que lo custodie; más bien son regalos del Espíritu integrados en Francia. Los carismas “no son un patrimonio cerrado, entregado a un Congregación la de actividad la de comienzo el y Eugenio S. de inicial misionera visión la en observar pueden se fundamentales valores sus históricos, contextos los de diferencias las salvando y,aun término, al “ con expresado concepto el parte, otra Por clara. más hace se Dios de plan al comprensión la y sas, hace eco de una vida que ya existía, aun expresada con categorías diver Espíritu. mismo del se moción reflexión la Ala momento, ese de partir y cerrada, sino abierta a la vida de la Iglesia, pues uno y otra están bajo estática realidad una es no que oblato, carisma el con relación en entra históricamente cuando entonces es y XX, siglo del finales a sabemos, cimiento delconceptomanejadoporelPapa Pablo II, en particular en la redacción de la RM, influyera en elJuan enrique con tuvo Zago Marcello Mons. que estrecha relación la manera, de mos para el Papa polaco esa evangelización no tenía otro nombre que el protector de la evangelización de los tiempos modernos”, y y como sabe “modelo un Eugenio S. a consideraba que Zago, P.Marcelo tituto, El mismo Juan Pablo II había manifestado al entonces superior del ins la también preparó que decir exagerado ¿Sería llos apóstoles que prepararon los tiempos modernos, nuestros tiempos”. aque de “uno como Eugenio S. a propuso 1995, de diciembre de 3 el tán enrelaciónconelcarismaoblato. nueva evangelización El uso del término específico canonización, la de celebración la de homilía la en II, Pablo Juan Las tresacepciones consideradas no pretenden agotar el contenido C a m s i r a Nueva Evangelización Nueva

o t a l b o . Frank Santucci afirma incluso que, de alguna uv Evangelización Nueva


Nueva Evangelización e u n v a

, sino clarificar la compresión la clarificar sino , e v n ó i c a z i l e g n a 14 . Nueva Evangelización Nueva e my anterior muy es ” , aparece, como ? ------sus sucesores convocan hoy a toda la Iglesia a la a Iglesia la toda a hoy convocan sucesores sus y II Pablo Juan post-revolucionaria. Francia la re-evangelizar de Papa ponder alallamadaeclesial res a Iglesia, la de servicio al carisma el con fundador,continuidad en nuestro de ejemplo a llamados, estamos Oblatos los Hoy Cristo. de po recibiendo y dando constantemente, para la edificación común del cuer vivo, no cesa de entrar en sinergia con el resto de la comunidad eclesial, ( evangelizador” impulso un en encauzan se de don desde Cristo, es que centro el hacia atraídos eclesial, cuerpo el en ne. Sensodiuntermine»,Documenta Missionalia,9(1975),21-47,p.2l. bis, New York, 1991,p.9.(Latrad.esmía). cosas ( de Cristo Resucitado que es el único que puede hacer nuevas todas las gracia la de misteriosa dinámica la en Dios, de Reino el por trabajar a de Santo, protagonista la misión, que guía a la que historia, nos empuja todo su práctica, puede poner a toda la Iglesia a la escucha del Espíritu y cada uno su de desde Esta noción, sobre estado vida. espíritu, mismo este compartir a llamados sienten se que consagradas y laicos los bién tam sino Oblatos, Misioneros los solo no inspiración: su según vivir a específica vocación una con llamados sido han que los en larmente la de también servicio al eclesial, comunidad la en permanece oblato carisma en El historia. expresa la se ésta cuales las de través a contingentes formas de dad discontinui la de pesar a tarea, esta para inspiración una siendo sigue tiana”. La visión misionera de S. Eugenio en sus líneas fundamentales ción menta Missionalia, 9 (Roma 1975), 161-190, p. 178. p. 161-190, 1975), (Roma 9 Missionalia, menta , particularmente en la Europa a la que algunos llaman “post-cris llaman algunos que la a Europa la en particularmente , S. Eugenio de Mazenod respondió en su tiempo a la llamada del llamada la a tiempo su en respondió Mazenod de Eugenio S. 1 2 J. D. Ap L B z e p ó 21,5). 21,5). h c s o -G , Transforming Mission Transforming y a , Evolución histórica del concepto de “Evangelización” de concepto del histórica Evolución Nueva Evangelización Nueva Nueva Evangelización , paradigm Shift in of Mission of Theology in Shift paradigm Mediterrenean Province,Frascati Cfr. David LópezMoreno,

, encarnándose particu encarnándose , D. EG [email protected] G o s s a r 130). Este carisma Este 130). Nueva Evangeliza Nueva . , «Evangelizzazio , , Docu , , Or , i m o ------

Oblatio l 519 l David López Moreno Oblatio l 520 l Local Section – Rome 117. 106- p. 1991), (enero-marzo 1 n. / XXXI Series: Nova - XLIII anno “Seminarium”, en increencia 119-129;(1997/3), 3530 Cattolica” nio 420. lization 173, 174. También: Fundador el vió situaciones sustancialmentedistintas”. dos son fe la a respecto Con evangélicos. valores y principios los parte gran en milado asi ha que cultura una en viviendo seguido haya aunque rechazado, ha la después y que no ha conocido nunca a Jesucristo con la de otro que lo ha conocido, la ha aceptado tores. Engeneralescribiréenletracursivaparaindicarsucarácterdetérminotécnico. propio. Sin embargo, en general, usamos la minúscula, siguiendo la mayoría de los au nombre un es pues Evangelización” “Nueva o evangelización” “Nueva mayúscula en actividad evangelizadoradelaIglesia. misión la a especifico o estricto sentido en sión , Sal Terrae, Santander, 1988,p.179-180. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 14 13

, “OblatioStudia”,2,Roma,2013,p.244-245(la Cfr J. M F. S F. Carta alP. Daly, 6-12-1845,en Cfr. la de palabras En Si usamos nuestro término en este sentido técnico, en español se podría escribir mi la considera, se Normalmente amplio. sentido en “misión” aquí Entiendo M. Cfr. Sobre diferentes significados de “evangelización”, c S , enRazónyFe232(1996),pp.279-293. . Z

i c c u t c n a n a i t s a b e E. n í t r a J. M. o g a M L P , en SEO 3 (1981). Sobre este tema, ver además ST n. 169, 170, 171, 170, 169, n. ST además ver tema, este Sobre (1981). 3 SEO en , e d n a r i m a , n í t r a . V G Il ruolo degli evagelizzatori secondo la propia vocazione specifica vocazione propia la secondo evagelizzatori degli ruolo Il o c s a l e Carta aP. Honorat r e g a l l a , , en Evangelizar V o c s a l e Z RM , c ą j a , El Ministerio Parroquial en la Congregación, mientras vi Congregación,mientras la Parroquialen Ministerio El op. cit. , Il discernimento nell’ambito della cultura 37: “no parece justo equiparar la situación de un pueblo un de situación la equiparar justo parece “no 37: P. , Increencia e evangelización. Del Diálogo al testimo al Diálogo Del evangelización. e Increencia (Ed.), , Encuentro,Madrid,2010,p.157-158y150. p. 238-239. Trad.esp. , 17-01-1843,en Écrits oblates From the French revolution to the new evange : Nuevos horizontes ante el desafío de la de desafío el ante horizontes Nuevos ad gentes ad , 3,n.12. Écrits oblates trad. , y en sentido amplio, toda la toda amplio, sentido en y , fr.

D. delinglésesmía). B h c s o , 1,n.15a. , , en “La Civiltà op. cit . p. 409------, L eoil dn ls xrsin cluels éomi aqie, e qui ce acquises, désormais culturelles expressions les dans verouillé rester pas ne de charismatique, identité notre de et foi notre de racines l’évangélisation. Ce sera la nécessité, toujours présente, de retrouver les pour renouvelé engagement un et cohérente transparence une trouver à christianisme le défié et églises nos vidé a qui généralisée larisation sécu une sera Ce chrétienne. même religieuse, expériences et cultures général, la mondialisation, l’immigration, l’entrelacement de nouvelles nies, enrecherchedefaçonsnouvellesetconcrètesd’actualisation. décen dernières des cours au réflexion la de accélération une vu a qui et connectés. inter très cependant thèmes Restructuration, la de et Périphéries des ceux que ainsi principaux, thèmes des l’un fut ce Europe, Région la et commun auservicedesgensdecelieuetl’interculturalisme. ethnique particulier présent dans l’Unité, mais pour contribuer à un projet tère non seulement pour répondre, par exemple, aux besoins d’un groupe contexte socioreligieux d’un autre pays. Oblats appelés à vivre un minis le dans plongés missionnaire et communautaire vie la vivre pour gation nales pose se Ce sera la crise des vocations en Europe et du monde occidental en C’un thème omniprésent, en filigrane dans la vie de la Congrégation, Dans la dernière réunion conjointe entre l’Administration générale Bien que présente dans les cinq continents, dans 68 pays, la question ? Communautés constituées d’Oblats d’autres unités de la Congré la de unités d’autres d’Oblats constituées Communautés ? la réponseestévidente,maisiln’enn’aététoujoursainsi. internationale es Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée, une Congrégation : quelles sont les communautés oblates véritablement internatio véritablement oblates communautés les sont quelles : LA DANS UNMONDEQUICHANGE FRANCHIR LESFRONTIÈRE MISSIONOBLATE ENEUROPE, ? Une question qui semble anachronique et dont et anachronique semble qui question Une ? A o l e g n C o n a u p a , i m o


Oblatio l 521 l Angelo Capuano Oblatio l 522 l Local Section – Rome im jsuax xrmts u od, as u nu sme aussi différents !Unproblèmeou une chance ? sommes nous que mais monde, du extrémités jusqu’aux risme cha même le vivons nous que Oblats, tous sommes nous que d’abord problème del’accueiletl’acceptationmutuelle. le contourner sans d’enrichissement, potentielle opportunité une saisir « pour pays d’autres viennent qui Oblats nous pousse à ouvrir nos horizons et de reconnaître dans la présence des le monde sécularisé pour partager les valeurs humains et spirituels des spirituels et humains valeurs les partager pour sécularisé monde le somption. s’ajouteront trois laïcs et un scolastique en stage de la province de l’As qui à Philippines et Lacombe Zambie, de USA/Délégation Irlandaise, Oblats quatre avec sécularité en oblate mission Steckling Père des Sanctuaires. internationale pastorale la et confessions des jeunes, des pastorale la chargés8), à de 7 (de d’origine pays et nationalités plusieurs de Oblats un belge-flamandetitalien. oblats trois avec 1985 septembre 19 le constituée lement a étédemandédanslesdernierschapitresgénéraux. la qui ce de lumière la à faits été de ont concrets pas des première formation domaine le dans même De Congrégation. la de unités d’autres d’Oblats l’arrivée compris y différents très souvent membres des avec spécifique, service un pour internationales communautés des comme l’internationalité, concernant significatives expériences quelques nés missionnaire. et chrétienne foi notre de particulière caractéristique une rédemption, la de et l’incarnation de mystère le vivre pas fait nous ne mais tions, ambi saintes de nourrir peut qui stérile idéalisme un devient réalisée La caractéristique de cette mission était d’entrer en dialogue avec dialogue en d’entrer était mission cette de caractéristique La 1998 de Chapitre du l’appel de suite la A des avec grandi, a communauté la suivront qui années les Dans C’est le cas de la communauté oblate de Lourdes qui a été officiel sont Europe Région la dans années dernières trente des cours Au pas n’est elle si fort, idéal un par qu’inspirée bien idée, Chaque constater devons nous passionnant, et nouveau contexte, ce Dans 4

3 l 9 cor 20 a t iagre Briga la Birmingham à inaugurée été a 2004 octobre 9 le , E 1 p x é s e c n e i r travailler 2 et des sollicitations du sollicitations des et des provinces Anglo- provinces des » en Europe, pour Europe, en » : un français, un : - - - - vinciaux de plusieurs Unités et leurs formateurs respectifs, et coordonné des maisonsdeformations. cident, la Région Europe réfléchit sur la possibilité de réduire le nombre sion devivredansuncontexteinternationaletmulticulturel. gation a déjà un Scolasticat International qui représente une réelle occa périence s’achèveraenaoût/septembre2007. recherche de chemin un entrepris être voulait qui avec gens manière de prévoir une préparation mutuelle des Provinces qui envoient et Pays des projetscommunsauniveau européen travail et de partage, mais surtout pour avoir essayé de mettre en œuvre Dans lalettred’invitationonrappelaitque, ministère. de ans 25 et 5 entre ayant Oblats les pour 2012, novembre 23 au 19 du Espagne) – (Madrid Pozuelo à organisée rencontre la de répondre auxdéfisactuels. comment ensemble penser à et réfléchir à d’Europe Oblats les obligé (Pologne) et Vermicino (Frascati–Italie) différentspays de scolastiques de présence la avec provinciaux, inter Scolasticats deux avoir à arrivée est oblate BEF,l’Europe le par L’un de ces projets concernant les « de méthode la démarche, sa pour positive, très été L’expériencea sionnaires OblatsdansuneEuropeenpleinemutation. un vie, moment pour notre discerner ensemble où Dieu nous appelle comme de Mis et foi notre de partage de moment un sera contre ren La mission. la pour communauté une comme unir nous raient pour qui particuliers besoins leurs et communs besoins leurs tifier aujourd’hui en Europe. Ce sera une occasion pour les Oblats d’iden Oblats Missionnaires être à appelés sommes nous dont façon la sur ensemble réfléchir et partager,écouter de est rencontre la de but Le « ont religieux et économiques sociologiques, changements Les Pro les impliqué a qui simple toujours pas parcours d’un fin Ala Depuis des années, et à cause de la diminution des vocations en oc L’internationalité s’apprend dès la formation première. La Congré Relancer la vie oblate et sa mission en Europe en mission sa et oblate vie la Relancer U » e n 9 a attiré l’attention de plusieurs Oblats qui ont réfléchit sur la

u o n v e l l e

é e p a t : P o l e u z o , 19-23 Oblats venant d’autres Régions 6 8 . . o n v e r b m e 7 » a été le thème le été a » 2012 5 . Cette ex Cette . : Obra : ------

Oblatio l 523 l Angelo Capuano Oblatio l 524 l Local Section – Rome Régions en Europe « thème le sur 2014 février vivre laviecommunautaireetmissionnaireoblate. contre des Oblats qui viennent d’autres Régions et Pays en Europe pour dans unpartagemutueletenparitédevie,missionressources. échange d’expériences, sur la la richesse d’apprendre les uns des autres un et réciproque écoute une vivant en Régions d’autres Oblats les avec engagement cet faciliter de Régions, d’autres Oblats les reçoivent et la province oblate, de sa mission, pour mieux se mettre au service des service au mettre se mieux pour mission, sa de oblate, province la nourriture, expression de la foi, etc. Il a cherché à connaitre l’histoire de Unité etnotammentd’unautre pays,l’Espagne autre d’une mission la et vie la dans insertion son de problématiques et positifs aspects les évoquant expérience son partagé a Méditerranée, tions delapartdesparticipants. bres de l’AG, suivis par un échange et un partage d’idées et de proposi mem des la interventions des et de Europe en travaillent régions qui Congrégation d’autres d’Oblats expériences deux travers à présenté en vuederéaliserdesprojetscommunsàlaRégionEurope vre un processus de discernement pour arriver à des décisions concrètes ques ou faire un rapport de chaque Unité, mais d’essayer à mettre en œu drid –Espagne)pourvivreuneexpériencetouteparticulière. (Ma Pozuelo à rencontrés sont se tout, en personnes de cinquantaine une soit délégation, et province chaque de choisis représentants des et sions et de la communauté de Lourdes, les présidents des Commissions Mis des Délégations, des supérieurs les d’Europe, Provinciaux six les successives aspects très concrets de la question qui seront repris dans des rencontres S n o i s s e Pour Joseph cela a été le début d’une vie nouvelle Province la de membre l’Inde, de originaire Raj, Iurudaya Joseph « Ce n’était pas simplement une rencontre pour présenter des statisti Du 12 au 17 avril 2015, les membres de l’Administration Générale, (Cheshire, Crewe à lieu eu 10-13 a les Angleterre) rencontre Cette ren d’organiser une autres entre proposé a réflexion de groupe Le Franchir les frontières les Franchir

n o c 10 j . e t n i o I o r p r e t n : ». Elle a été très enrichissante et a touché différents A n o i t a r t s i n i m d v Franchir les frontières les Franchir e l a i c n i » a été l’un des thèmes majeurs qui a été a qui majeurs thèmes des l’un été a »

d G ’E é e p o r u n é e l a r (CIE) 12 (AG) . : les Oblats d’autres Oblats les : : langue, culture, t e C 11 n o . É F e c n e r ------

soin d’Oblats d’autres pays d’autres d’Oblats soin question la D’où ge. totalement pas n’être mar en de rester et communauté la risque de apostolique projet le le par concerné a y Il communauté. la de Oblats autres les par foi de expérience son culture, sa avec accepté pas sent vivant l’internationalité. en témoignage un donner à contribuer pour aussi mais mission, la dans « pour simplement pas province, la pour chance une comme présence sa considéré a Il audace. et enthousiasme avec pauvres, plus autre façon ! aussi une occasion pour apprendre à penser et travailler ensemble d’une mais gens, les interroger peut qui possible témoignage un devient rel, diminue aveclerisquededevoir quittercertainsministères. oblat personnel le quand mission la pour concret aide un l’accueille, la manièred’annoncerl’Évangiledanscenouveaucontexte. sur s’interroger à poussé positivement donc est il et foi, la de perte me, nouvelles situations des surtout mais Oblats, d’autres rencontre Il richesse. une lui pour est qui ce culture, province y vivre lamission. pour pays autre un dans entière part à Oblat d’être difficulté la sur son expérience à travers une vidéo quement à la session n’ayant pas obtenu de visa, il a cependant partagé Anglo-Irlandaise, travaille en paroisse. S’il n’a pas pu participer physi chacun. Cesontlàdesdéfisàrelever. de richesse la de compte tienne qui communautaire vie une vivre mun, com missionnaire projet un partager reçoivent, qui Oblats des et rive en Europe ?» mission offrirla et vivre leur de la façon enrichir nouvelle peuvent une Oblats d’autres cultures qui apportent leurs expériences différentes, qui L’internationalité de la communauté, dans un contexte multicultu contexte un L’internationalitédans communauté, la de qui province la pour chance une être peut présence sa que voit Il la de Oblats autres les comme et avec missionnaire sent se Alex Province la de membre Lanka, Sri du originaire Joseph, Alex ar qui l’Oblat de préparation réciproque, connaissance et Accueil pas manquent ne questions les et difficultés Les ; il relève le défi de connaitre un autre pays avec une autre une avec pays autre un connaitre de défi le relève il ; : « : Mais les Oblats d’Europe ont-ils vraiment be vraiment ont-ils d’Europe Oblats les Mais ? Sont-ils prêts à accueillir et accepter des accepter et accueillir à prêts Sont-ils 13

! Déjà cet inconvénient en dit long : sécularisation, multiculturalis sécularisation, : ! Parfois on ne se ne on Parfois ! aider » ------

Oblatio l 525 l Angelo Capuano Oblatio l 526 l Local Section – Rome faire lasynthèsederéflexionetproposerdesprojetsconcrets. d’ailleurs proposédessuggestionsconcrètes plénière session qu’en linguistiques groupes les dans tant te, conjoin session la à participants des esprits les traversé a qui question mission la refonder conversion une nécessite cela Toutréciproque. l’accueil dans boration decetteproposition de la Commission de la Formation (BEF) aura la responsabilité de l’éla tion de« Franchirlesfrontières»etlaMissionverspériphéries » senté les conclusions et l’engagement de la Région concernant la ques Ray président le Warrenvice-président le et pré ont lui Bochm Antoni rencontre, la de fin la à adressée été a lui qui lettre une dans et général, urgents », etquidoiventavoirdescaractéristiquesprécises besoins des à répondre pour périphéries diverses dans placés 9), ou (8 prophétiques internationales communautés plusieurs d’établir compte phéries et franchir les frontières: s’il vous plaît que la Région prenne en péri les vers aller pour internationales, communautés les concerne qui conjointe. Au sujet de « session la à intervention son de lors traités thèmes les concernant tions - - En ce qui concerne « L’Assemblée CIE a relevé cette « proposi plusieurs fait a général, Supérieur Lougen, Louis Père Le pour travaux ses continué a CIE la conjointe, session Terminéela Alex se pose toujours la question si on est prêt à vivre cet échange, générale. envoient et celles qui reçoivent, ainsi que par l’Administration qui Provinces les entre approuvé et clarifié être à aura tocole pro Ce l’Europe. de l’intérieur vers l’extérieur de Oblats des cela sembleraapproprié. quand également participera d’accueil communauté La Oblat. sera continue, nouvel le soutenir pour nommé formation sera mentor Un point. au mis de support qu’un ainsi l’arrivée, Un programme de formation, en vue d’une préparation avant préparation d’une vue en formation, de programme Un Établir un protocole à travers l’Europe pour organiser l’arrivée L ! Sommes-nous prêt à relever ce défi ce relever à prêt Sommes-nous ! ’E e p o r u Franchir les frontières Franchir les frontières O : e t a l b

e s provocation

t e m 14

n e . » il a demandé

j », le Bureau Européen u e » de notre Supérieur 15 ? C’est une C’est ? . : « ; ils ont ils ; : il faut il : En ce ------sion (CEM) : Mis la pour européen Comité du relève proposition cette de boration du Chapitre général et de l’actuel Saint-Père, le pape François pape le Saint-Père, l’actuel de et général Chapitre du « qui préoccupation Au nomduConseililaffirme : soutient les initiatives nouvelles qui sont en train de se mettre en place. et multiculturalisme répondre du et l’internationalisation pour de défis nouveaux aux Europe Région la de l’effort reconnait quelle la dans Le Père Lougen revient aussi sur le thème des « les frontièresquiimpliqueun engagementferme. franchir pour obédience une à penser devrions nous généralement, Mais limité. temps un durant manière, quelconque d’une spécifique assistance une fournir pour ou aider pour ans trois durant formation tains moments, par exemple si quelqu’un se rend dans une maison de autre culture et se vider de soi-même. Un contrat peut être utile à cer missionnaire à se donner pleinement soi-même pour entrer dans une engagement un pour utile pas n’est concept Ce limitée. base une sur provisoires, temporaires, comme compris sont contrats Les contrat. sur venir pas non et frontières les franchir pour obédiences des voir rece devraient missionnaires les généralement, que croyons Nous vent duniveaudesUnités. relè qui celles et régional niveau au être pourraient qui ponsabilités res les clairement articulera qu’elle et missionnaires des l’accueil pour régionale politique une à travaillerez vous que croyons Nous réponse général, Conseil du nom au répondu a Lougen Père Le BEX » au projets des proposera et “périphéries” des réalité cette recouvre que ce approfondira Pozuelo) 2015 (Novembre CEM du et BEF du conjointe réunion La périphéries. aux sont qui ceux vers mission tre no orientant et place en déjà projet un identifiera province Chaque « la Pour - - œuvre. en protocole ce mettra et générale l’Administration à bation en prenantsoindeconsulterlespersonnesidoines. Après avoir donné son accord, le BEX demandera son appro son demandera BEX le accord, son donné avoir Après protocole, ce préparer à commencer vont CEM le et BEF Le 16 .

Mission vers les Périphéries les vers Mission vient à la fois de notre charisme oblat, des appels des oblat, charisme notre de fois la à vient » la responsabilité de l’éla de responsabilité la » Périphéries ». Et il Et ». », une ------

Oblatio l 527 l Angelo Capuano Oblatio l 528 l Local Section – Rome pour une présence missionnaire, - que aussi le ministère auprès des jeunes « un « grité de la Création de diverses manières et il faut le considérer comme organisant lesOblatsquitravaillent danscettemissionvitale ». en et coordonnant en ministère ce Renforcez actuel. contexte le dans majeure préoccupation une réfugiés, les et migrants les avec - encore affirme-t-il - Voussociété. engagés la déjà de êtes périphéries les dans « que reconnait les ! donc uncaractèreapostolique. »(C37) ont communautés Nos mission. notre accomplissons nous que elle, par Dieu de grâce la par soutenu et charisme notre à fidèles sommes nous si sible impos pas mais considérable, tache une doute sans est riche, et plexe ges esttoujoursactuel ! ! tion del’Europe » surlesquellesvousavezchoisidetravailler». « sitions de leur propre parcours – peut être vu comme faisant partie des propo particulier des jeunes dont le fait de vivre avec nous peut être une partie ple etpriantoùilexiste une proche collaboration avec leslaïcs–en l’Ouest de l’Europe) où les Oblats s’engagent dans un style de vie sim « que tion indiquées auparavant. apostoliques communautés des est pas inconnu. Continuez à lui prêter attention et faites-le dans et par » 18 L’appel de l’Église, de l’humanité, des pauvres des multiples visa Des communautés de plus en plus internationales et multiculturel et internationales plus en plus de communautés Des Re-fonder, repenser la mission, dans un contexte européen si com « constata la et l’invitation avec lettre sa termine Lougen Père Le l’Inté et Paix la Justice, la implique périphéries aux ministère Le ministère [faisant] partie intégrante de l’évangélisation Quel vaste champ à parcourir! Quelle noble et sainte entreprise sainte et noble Quelle parcourir! à champ vaste Quel : « : Franchir les frontièresles Franchir f ormer des communautés internationales (incluant l’Est et l’Est (incluant internationales communautés des ormer C’est dans la communauté à laquelle nous appartenons et appartenons nous laquelle à communauté la dans C’est la Région a déjà été impliquée de différentes manières différentes de impliquée été déjà a Région la » qui » », « », souligne le Père Général Périphéries doivent avoir les caractéristiques les avoir doivent un autre secteur périphérique [email protected] » et « et » Angelo Capuano, La restructuraLa Firenze, Italie -qui ne vous ». Il impli 17 i m o ------vie etlamissionoblatesenEurope maculate. S sécularisé. environnement un dans internationales communautés nouvelles de engagées àvivre lecharismeoblat,lesCC&RR, avectoutesnosforces. mission la pour laïcs, l’environnement de respect au rapport par aussi et mation un style de vie simple qui soit un témoignage prophétique dans une société de consom un’et prière contemplative la profondément dans mission engagement une avec internationales communautés Des décisions etlesrésultats. les toutes dans impliqués à être General) Supérieur le (ou générale l’Administration Inviter i. Europe. en Unités, / Oblats les connaître à apprendre et Europe en sion mis la de l’expérience terrain le sur vivre à aider les puissent qui ans, deux ou un « de expérience cette en mission la dans vivre à latine d’Amérique l’immersion et d’Asie d’Afrique, scolastiques les Inviter faciliter H. Europe. pour politiques / stratégies nouvelles développer et des partager apprendre, pour accueillent, qui Oblats les pour que arrivent « de celle comme des rencontres organiser à Continuer forum G. un différents. vue de Prévoir points des accueil. échanger et qui partager Pays pour le dans d’hospitalité et d’immersion périences d’expérience Possibilité F. accueillent. qui F.interculturelle. ex des vivre de opportunités des arrivent qui Oblats aux Donner oblate communautés les et Oblats des l’arrivée pour supervision de soutien et E. Accompagnement / Oblats. / Communauté Unités des part la de l’accueil et l’envoi pour aide qui programme un avec nances, « une œuvre en mettent et réception la les et de l’envoi parts valeur des Unités, pour des Oblats et en des communautés. D. critères Que les met les Régions établissentet qui préparations les processus un motivations, les identifier qualités, de pour faites rencontres soient prochaines BEF Les du e C. CEM la l’étranger. à Oblats préparer de des BEF au d’accueil mandat programme donne CIE un la Que B. continue. et première formation g n i l k c e t 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Rapport Session conjointe. Annexe 22 Lougen. Joint session, April 17 2015. 17 April session, Joint Lougen. 22 Annexe conjointe. Session Rapport Propositions 14 Annexe conjointe. Session Rapport Rapport Sessionconjointe. Annexe 7 Alex’s InputCrossingBorders. Rapport Sessionconjointe. Annexe 6Joseph’s InputCrossingBorders. Rapport Sessionconjointe AG– CIE2015. Summary Report“Oblates’ CrossingBordersinEuropeGathering”. Cf. ProjetsPozuelo2012. Cf. RapportPozuelo2012. Missions. et Délégations de Supérieurs Provinciaux, aux Lettre Cf. RapportCIE2013. H. Im Mary of Oblates Missionary the of Project Secularity.Pilot A to Mission « Chapitre General1998.Documentation/224.Décembre Cf. J.P. Tirons parti des changements, par exemple en créant dans les pays de l’Ouest , Rencontreintercapitulaire.Mexique2001.) M s e p a C z o l a ,

Mission ensécularité , CommunautéOblatedeLourdes–Rétrospective,Rome1991.

; orientées surtout vers la mission auprès des jeunes adultes jeunes des auprès mission la vers surtout orientées ; franchir les frontières les franchir politique commune politique

Crewe», qui a eu lieu en 2014, soit pour les Oblats qui qui Oblats les pour soit 2014, en lieu eu a qui Crewe», : apostolique Aveccommunautaire engagement un . Octobre2011. , « DocumentationOMI»276,Mars2007.

» en leur proposant des « des proposant leur en » » en termes de formation, des fi des formation, de termes en » ; en collaboration avec les avec collaboration en ;

: A. Importance de la la de Importance A. : Revitaliser la Revitaliser

stages ; avec ;

(W. » », de de », - - - - - ; ;

Oblatio l 529 l Angelo Capuano Oblatio l 530 l Local Section – Rome 18 17 16 Préface CC&RROMI. Lettre duPèreLouisLougenauPrésidentCIE. Rapport sessionconjointe, Annexe 34.2CIElettreauPèreGénéral. I CHARISM ation, the Church earnestly appeals to the ministers whom she herself she whom ministers the to appeals earnestly Church the ation, of the children she herself bore […]. Faced with such a deplorable situ begotten Son is torn only with anguish God’sas she mourns of the shameful defection spouse beloved The ravaged. cruelly been days our in itance purchased by Christ the Saviour at the cost of his own blood, has lived in France 200 years ago: “The Church, that glorious priced inher that to similar very is live we which in situation the coincidence; no is that our Congregation was born in Spain during this moment in history us that he is describing the current situation we live these days. The fact to the Constitutions and Rules written by from Saint Eugene, it seems to clesial context. Considering this context and reading the Preface preface eras OblatasdeMaríaInmaculada mately, we feel the need to discover and discern who we are as ulti and is; Church the in and world the in mission our what us, leads Spirit the which in direction the discern and discover to life our reread free, andtoproclaimayearacceptabletheLord.” go oppressed the let to blind, the to sight of recovery and captives to me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty abandoned: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and cooperate in his mission of announcing the Good News to the most him with be to us leads Christ, of fidelity.following creative The with manding us to welcome, develop, enrich and update the oblate charism A NEW DRIVEFROM ism inspired by Saint Eugene de Mazenod. The Lord calls us, de us, calls Lord The Mazenod. de Eugene Saint by inspired ism Oblatas sioneras the we, lowliness our from how share to try will I article this n Through this 18 year long community journey,community long year 18 this Through to need the feel we We have received this a call from God in a specific social and ec and social specific a in God from call a this Wereceived have FOR I THE WORLD a d a l u c a m n are discovering our life and mission in the char the in mission and life our discovering are THE HOLY P é z e r AND . C i l l e t s a SPIRIT THE CHUR F O

because he has anointed , i m o IN 1 THE OBLATE

T Mision ODAY Mi ------

Oblatio l 531 l Inmaculada Pérez Castelli Oblatio l 532 l Local Section – Rome calorie rules, everything is allowed because nothing should be forbid be should nothing because allowed is everything low- rules, calorie or light is that anything where culture postmodern a from born Today’schange. thinking, religious relativistic and features cal society politi social, deep and strong a of moment a rapidly.is place It taking the heartsofsomanyherchildren[…].” word and example, to rekindle the flame of faith that has all but died in power,by their in all do to Spouse, divine her of cause the in enrolled these thingslead themtothelossoftheir dignity. deformations… sexual and affective and anything, or anyone of need freedom, think less and buy more, for happiness can be attained without your limits this for God, to related everything reject and families your from detach limits, no have all, experience as: such youth aggressive and disoriented wounded, to messages sends Today’sschools. society and families in youth, and children challenges of education great and formation are the in There traits. societal from most the suffer they Jesus ChristourSaviourcanfullybring. salvation in their lives, one that, we know for our own experience, only “ are people that reality,feel such we of face in resulting despair, existential illness, suffering, of experiences tough hope, of lack violence, of work, lack to due situations family Tough work). nor study neither they “ as known youth e.g. – prospective life of lack a and horizon life clear a of absence the to due purpose of dren ofourtime,suchculturaltraitsalsoinfluencelives. Church in Spain faces a great challenge: since we as Christians are chil the Thus dimension. person’sspiritual a of denial a and values Gospel tion ofthevariousdimensionshumanbeing. person’sintegra a support not does society society,current developed a of role the to contrary and subject; fragmented this to challengegreat a fragmented subject to way giving reason, supress feelings ethics, substitute aesthetics den, A The youth The lack a in manifests people of reality concrete the society, this In to God, to religious, anything to rejection open an also is There changes multiple see we included, Spain order, world current In w e n

e r v n o i t u l o 5 are particularly vulnerable and easily manipulated so manipulated easily and vulnerable particularly are 3 . Fostering and interpreting a faith experience is a : w e n

s d e e n the loss of dignity as a person a as dignity of loss the

n i

ni ni ni e h t

d l r o w ” ( ” 2 Ni estudian Ni trabajan Ni estudian Ni crying out crying

d n a

n i

” e h t 4 for hope and hope for C h c r u h . In the In . – - - - - to contemplate and let ourselves be challenged by the society of our time and of discover the root society cause of the the problem and by the key point challenged where be ourselves let and contemplate to we want to respond as Saint Eugene did, and through the same process: […] Christ Jesus of blood the Kingdom, the chosen part of his inheritance […] Rescued at the Price of time: “You are sons of God, brothers of Jesus Christ, heirs of an eternal his of reality the to Eugene’swords Saint know Wefostered. all tially which preaching the Gospel is made necessary so that it may be existen tion of going to the nucleus, to the root of the problem, the key point in of God; here comes to my mind and heart the pedagogy of Saint Eugene sons us makes and redeems rebuilds, heals, saves, life, back gives who through wordandaction[…].” mission his in share to and him follow to them invites and Inmaculada Oblatas’‘Misioneras as together us María draws de salvation, for need with afather’s heart world” the in family united most “the become could wished he which community a found to him lead Spirit, Holy the of force the by and crucified, Jesus in manifested Father the God of love the of experience However,the family? own his in reality same this lived himself Eugene Saint think Don’tyou more. many and great violence, challenges in children’s education, abandonment crises, from the government, economical relationships, ofunity, healthy of lack absence situations: difficult face we reality, family temporary con contemplate we As children. being short, in forgiveness, giving, self- communion, belonging, love, gift, a as experienced is life where in today’s world?Perhapsthatmaybeourmission… and oftheChurch. world the of needs real the to necessary made is Gospel the preaching Weurgencyof the feel “The call of Jesus Christ, heard within the Church through people’s space the is it received, is dignity where place first the is Family How are we to make people acknowledge the dignity they have lost Given this reality, what would Saint Eugene say? He had the intui H w o

n a c 8

. e w

s a d n o p s e r

c i l o t s o p a announcing the Wordthe announcing God of Acknowledge your dignity your Acknowledge 9

f m o r

n e m o w 7

, and where saint Eugene loved Eugene saint where and , e h t

e t a l b o ?

m s i r a h c , Jesus Christ, Jesus , ” 6 . Therefore,

- - -

Oblatio l 533 l Inmaculada Pérez Castelli Oblatio l 534 l Local Section – Rome living the Sacraments and loving with Christ’s heart, we want to com to want we Christ’sheart, with loving and Sacraments the living children new of generation the for God’sinstruments in us transform which Spirit, the of Gift the spousal welcome and spiritual maternity the live to called are Oblatas the hope” only the is he whom of world, the to him give to Virginthe Christ “In receives Christ. who of lowing have we way, ary finally helpthembecomesaints in his preaching, lead men to human feelings, then to be Christians, and born as a community of sisters from various cultures and nationalities. and cultures various from sisters of community a as born nity gelization ofthemostabandoned. evan the to related missions and realities diverse to closer come have we continue forming ourselves in the world, realization of the mission, the and we of service the to and Lord the to fully ourselves surrender all”. of salvation the and Church Withto wishing and enthusiasm great the of good the God, of glory “the to lives whole their consecrate will who missionaries people, but world, the of eyes the in strategy great a not is work missionary do to way best the that understand we because stage every in formation Christian and human adequate and strong a We ourselves face the difficulties and needs of our times.others. for witnesses We tryreal to have be may we experience this through only us; and feeling saved by Him in the concreteness of our lives is essential to they hadbeenschooledinhisteaching,toconquertheworld[…].” once forth, sent he men These Spirit. his with them filled piety,he and in trained himself he whom disciples and apostles of number a chose Lord Jesus Christ proceed when he undertook to convert the world? He in andthroughJesusChrist. in the Word of God, prayer and sacraments, thus living the unity of life the as seeking well as life, everyday in people’sand in Christ, hearts Lord the of presence encounter to occasion an is lives our of act each for women, contemplative be to called are Oblatas The Christ. Jesus in Way,the God is of who life He the municate Life, the Truththe and we belong to. It is no coincidence that from the beginning we were We live our consecration and mission and consecration our Welive the having that believe We As Saint Eugene did, we also ask ourselves: “How, indeed, did our mission our in and woman consecrated as model, oblation our As Mary Immaculate, Mother and Teacher and Mother Immaculate, Mary 11 12 . Through the proclamation of the Word,the of proclamation the Through . 10 experience of encountering the Lord the encountering of experience . : we welcome the love of God, in and through the commu the through and in in the fol the in 13

- - - - - , and zeal for the salvation of souls beyond.” souls of salvation the for zeal and charity,charity, charity, yourselves among “Practice testament: as us or those with whom we work. To live the words that Saint Eugene gave way,credible us visit us, know who people by imitated this see we and a in Gospel the of joy the and God encounter to place a as community experiencing World.Weare the in God of presence the of sign living a becomes life community fatherhood, God’s obscured and forgotten we constantly lose unity, peace, communion, fraternity because we have them to everything is God “They fulfil theirmission incommunity, whichisasignthat, in Christ, lives, helping them rebuild their personal lives, helping them get closer God in a simple and concrete way which responds to the reality of their of Word the preaching friendship, of bonds creating community, our […].” everything, always them of love spite in them love them, love must we Gospel: the of page every in is answer The them? convert to we are How “[…] done: have Gérard Joseph as such missionaries great as way the in families, their and individuals with walking of journey personal the paniment, tivity andsexualitytohelptheyouth,etc. affec in ministry,formation family in formation direction, spiritual in els, in consecrated life, spirituality in the oblate charism, professionally, lev missionary and theological human, the at formation receiving are we evangelization, in needs various the to respond to able be to order sions. mis difficult in specialists as Oblates the to refer to XI Pius inspired all. reach may salvation of message Church heart oftheworld. the in Beatitudes the of yeast the and Christ of presence the of sign a encouraged to live holiness and fraternal charity. In this way we will be privileged place where we let ourselves be reciprocally evangelized and More importantly, we are acquiring experience of personal accom In mission. for formation the in are efforts greatest Currently,our to us drives Spirit The 18 , and to open new ways boldly and creatively through which the 16 M 19

n o i s s i 14 Visiting them at home, welcoming them in them welcoming home, at them Visiting “. In an increasingly hostile world, where world, hostile increasingly an In “. epn t te ot ret ed o the of needs urgent most the to respond

s e c n e i r e p x e 17 This aspect of the oblate charism oblate the of aspect This 15 For us, community is a is community us, For - - - -

Oblatio l 535 l Inmaculada Pérez Castelli Oblatio l 536 l Local Section – Rome love forChristandhisChurch. deep a with charism, our to proper is which communion of spirit the in spirit. missionary a with and enlivened mature, be and ney always And formation to the people in the parish community so that they may jour by creating reference groups in Christian Communities and by offering reach, not does ministry ordinary whom to people of groups to going acknowledge theirdignityaschildrenofGod. conversion to road a making by sacraments the to gious congregations. organizations,diocesan collaborationwith in reli other with as well as working and institutes, public and schools in education faith teaching youth, the and children for formation Christian and human volunteers, Charities Catholic catechists, for formation catechesis, family treats, re formation, offering liturgies, animating parishes several in worked and material we occasion such great On working. are Oblates the where of poverty spiritual area an Spain), Southern (Cádiz, Gibraltar de Campo of area the in community mission first our opened we sociates) Gospel theypreach.”(R6) the ways new in hear them make they often for them, by evangelized be themselves let will they marginalized, and poor the “Workingwith them: by evangelized are too, we, that see Gospel. we the And in of light oriented and understood welcome, listened, feel they where ships relation flourish, trust and friendship of relationships makes fatigues and joys everyday suffering, their Sharing are. people where to closer come Church as we rather but Church, the to closer come to people for their dignity as human beings and children of God”. We should not wait of awareness full the poor,to the especially all, lead to strive will they God, of power the in trusting insufficiency, but own their at Humbled all. reach may salvation of message the that so roads new open boldly will they and demands Gospel the clearly present to fear not will They constantly pay attention to their aspirations and the values they possess. will Oblatas poor,the the to close “Always states: 8 Constitution what covering new ways of evangelization, an experience where we can live where each of us works (health, education, social, ecclesial). We are dis After a 2007 mission as Oblate Family (Oblates, Family Oblate as mission 2007 a After environment professional the is opens that field mission Another by communities Christian local and priests with collaborate We 21

20 , so that they may they that so , Oblatas , lay as lay , ------have anexperienceofGod. they may poor the with contact in and in, life missionary and munity com experience may they that so interest missionary with youth tian Moroccan and Mission ocesan Chris helping 2009, since Associations briefly now describe someofthem. shall I mission. the develop further to order in spective, per missionary a from difficult, is evangelization where places in ties rae. Bilbao. the glory ofGod,thegoodChurchandsalvation ofall. for oblation pleasing a be may lives our all May us. to come has Christ Jesus of discipleship the in holiness to leads that life of way this fidelity,their to thanks that and charism, this in Saviour Christ Jesus of love the to witnesses been have who brothers our of many so for thank WeEugene. Saint of life the and person the through given Church the for and Church the in Spirit Holy the by inspired Charism Oblate the of richness the for Christ, Jesus in received love much so for vocation, in JesusChristisbeinglost. faith and presents very are sects where Peru, Cajamarca, of region the in area, poor very a in mission small a have will we Summer coming culties –andofgreatspiritualpoverty. diffi ecclesial and social, political, great of place a Spain), (Northern eras ” - Missionary Easter. We held the last one in the Basque Country Basque the in Easter.one Missionary last We - the ” held 3 2 1 missionary of gift the for God thanking by conclude to want We this Peru, from sisters our of one of Oblation Perpetual the After “ conducting been have we Week Holy During of Di Tanger,Diocese the the with In collaborating been have we activi missionary conducting is Community Juniorate the Lately L. Preface totheConstitutionsand Rules oftheMissionaryOblates. Lk 4:18-19. G z e l á z n o C r a v a j l a (1996) Ideas y creencias del hombre actual. Inmaculada Pérez Castelli, [email protected] aca Mision Pascuas Madrid, Spain Ed. Sal Ter i m o ------

Oblatio l 537 l Inmaculada Pérez Castelli Oblatio l 538 l Local Section – Rome fuego delEspíritu A. Cf. youth. the of fibre moral the destroy to was most the that what impious said Bonaparte wanted himself was to Eugene sweep catholic religion, saint and what policies; he sought government Napoleon’s faced he where Society, gene responded to the situation of the youth of his time by creating the Youth Christian pobres ensusmúltiplesaspectos:aellosvanpreferencias”. los Son plenitud. con ofrecer puede Cristo sólo que salvación una y esperanza una tos gri a pidiendo está condición cuya aquellos hacia principalmente partes todas en lleva las efecto, en misión, “Su Salvador” del mirada la de “Através preference.” our them give we faces: many their with poor the are These bring. fully can Christ only which salvation the and hope the for out cries condition people those to especially rywhere, de conjuntoycolaboranfraternalmenteconlosdemásobrerosdel Evangelio[…]”. En las Iglesias locales donde trabajan, coordinan su actividad misionera con la pastoral clarecida, la es enseñanza y fe las orientaciones con de los lealmente, sucesores de aceptan Pedro y pueblo; de los su Apóstoles. de frente al puesto ha Señor el que pastores de lareconciliación”. al especialmente y Sacramentos los a hombres los de acercamiento el primordial lugar un ocupa pastoral, acción su de Dentro comprensible. fácilmente y adaptado directo, y 1938. p. 262. See God. from grace a is loving of way his that acknowledges he 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 8 7 6 5 4 11 10 9

C 6: “Por amor a la Iglesia las Oblatas cumplen su misión en comunión con los sencillo lenguaje un siempre emplearán evangelización la de labor la “En 5: R J. Gerard,Extractodelosapuntesretiro,CuadernoIV, p.48-49. de general Capítulo el en Oblatos Misioneros los a XI Pío de Audiencia Cf. Cf. C7,8,16. Cf. C11. Cf. C37. C 11. Preface totheConstitutionsandRulesofMissionaryOblates. Cf. C31. Cf. Preface. C 1. where Oblates, the to letters his of many in shown is Eugene’spaternity Saitn Letter toFr. Guibert,29-7-1830, Sermon attheChurchof Eu Saint today live youth the which in those to circumstances similar Under eve them leads mission “Their Saviour” the of eyes the “Through 5: C Cf. VC 34. , México,1995,p.91. La Madaleine Selección deTextos . nº322. H g i n e b u Oblate WritingsOblate , Viviendo en el en Viviendo , 11., - - - - A the edification oftheirfellowOblatesand otherreligious. and churches local of life faith the to beneficial highly is or Every mission. its and spirituality, its charism, Oblate the out live and understand better to Congregation the and Church the inspire today’s missionaries. to continues memory their that ensure to obligation the felt has lates, Ob the including Congregation every Therefore, us. to speak should Their poor.example their forgotten. And, be the never should generosity to and heroism missionaries be to as so Christ to lives their gave and whoisSupremeLove,revealedinJesusChrist. comes good every whom from God, with intercession precious their everyone to follow the example of holy men and woman and to ask for Church here on earth also can be holy in her members. It can encourage General PostulationOfficedoesn´t”! The – work. and lives ordinary our touch services “These hear often Service; the Service for Oblate Studies seem to be more relevant. I very Creation of Integrity and Peace Justice, the Service; Oblate Communications the like Services, General other congregation, the of life tive W y h h polmto o a ottnig isoay s sit helps saint a as missionary outstanding an of proclamation The Oblate history in particular is filled with the names of persons who In general, the example of so many makes it evident that the THE GENERAL

e h t Postulation might not seem to be too important. For the ac the For important. too be to seem not might Postulation sionary Oblates of Mary Mis Immaculate mentioned in R 149a, the the of Congregation the of Services General the mong IN SER M y r a n o i s s i VICE OF T O s a m o h POSTULATION OFFICE s e t a l b


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Oblatio l 539 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 540 l Local Section – Rome 2014). (since Klosterkamp Thomas myself, and (2006-2014) VegaMartínez (1962-1984), Joaquín (2000-2006), Santucci Francis (1987-2000), FitzPatrick James Mitri Angelo (1953-1962), Morabito Giuseppe (1945- 1953), Cianculli S. Francesco (1932-1945), Thiry Ferdinand 1932), (1929- Esteve Auguste (1926-1929), Ortolan Théophile (1894-1923), Casimir been: have Generals lator Lemius Joseph (1891-1894), Augier General Postulation Office has been in existence since 1891. The Postu as martyrs. died who or virtues all of exercise heroic the in holiness of signs crete con shown have who Oblates Missionary of causes the See, Holy the to ultimately and curia, diocesan the to canonization and beatification for present and study to duty its is It Office. ’s General the ment shouldbefulfilledin2016. require This required. is homepage, international Oblate the through internet, the on presence new,professional a while declining is media and, today, more often by others. At the same time, the request for print itself postulation the by produced are etc. material, devotional medals, posters, cards, Prayer congregation. the outside and inside from both cations and scientific works on outstanding Oblates appears every year, a number of individual Oblates. An enormous number of popular publi cording tothechurchlaw. ac Oblates of canonization the promote to 2) and witness; outstanding an with Church the enriched have who Oblates of knowledge wider a diffuse to 1) General: Postulator the for mentioned are tasks two that note Please Church.” whole the for but Congregation the for only not common law, the causes of those who are a special source of inspiration of their holiness; and he especially promotes, according to the Church’s witness outstanding an with history Congregation’s the enriched have “The Postulator General … diffuses a wider knowledge of Oblates who The second task is the more internal, and was the original work of work original the was and internal, more the is task second The The first task is shared with the Service for Oblate Studies and with 149c: R in defined clearly is General Postulator the of work The Oblate the mission, our to importance spiritual this of Because - - - - - for theCausesofSaintsinRomeare: Holiness ispossible! toral tasks, give a clear message to every single Oblate in today’s world: es, different countries and cultures, different missionary works and pas our members. These examples, from different epochs and circumstanc by holiness of examples 46 and lives, missionary lived 46 ographies, bi 46 include alone causes Oblate 17 The causes. non-Oblate five and miracle isrequired. in1999. in Warsaw place took Beatification martyr. Józef Cebula For hiscanonization,amiracleisrequired. sotho, in 1940. Le The Beatification took place in Roma, Lesotho in 1988. Maseru, in began inquiry diocesan The Lesotho. of Apostle ary, Joseph Gerard were divorced. Saint’sthe since families, parents broken of saint patron the as Eugene Saint see to like would faithful the of members and Oblates of number good a Furthermore, Church. the of Calendar universal the into feast 1995. The Postulation is about to request the insertion of Saint Eugene’s took place in Rome in 1975 and the Canonization celebrated in Rome in late: The diocesan inquiry began in Marseille Immacu in 1935. Mary The Beatification of Oblates Missionary the of founder , France, Eugene deMazenod T e h Blessed Józef Cebula (1902-1941), from Poland, priest, formator, priest, Poland, from (1902-1941), Cebula Józef Blessed mission priest, France, from (1831-1914), Gerard Joseph Blessed from (1782-1861) Mazenod de Eugene Joseph Charles Saint At present the Oblate causes presented to the Vatican Congregation Oblate 17 on working is Office Postulation General Presently,the C

The diocesan inquiry began in Warsaw, Poland, in 1992. The 1992. in Warsaw,Poland, in began inquiry diocesan The s e s u a

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o hs aoiain a canonization, his For r g n i k

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Oblatio l 541 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 542 l Local Section – Rome il Facso sea Lcl 18-96, r Vcne lno Gua Blanco Vicente Fr. (1888-1936), Lacal Esteban Francisco cial, Fr.Provin killed: were 1936 28, November On Riano (1906-1936). Herrero Serviliano Sc. (1904-1936), Riano Vega José Fr. killed: were 1936), Sc. Justo González Lorente (1915-1936). (1910- Gómez Polvorinos Pascual Francisco Sc. Sc. (1917-1936), (1914-1936), Medina Aláez Fernández Cotillo Pedro Juan Sc. 1936), Sc. (1913-1936), Martín Manuel Gutiérrez Sc. (1907-1936), Mayo Pérez Antonio Juan Fr. killed: were Oblate SpanishMartyrs 1968. Forhisbeatification, amiracleisrequired. Corsica, in 1892. The heroic virtues were confirmed by the Holy See in missionary, Apostle of Corsica. The diocesan inquiry began in Ajaccio, Carlo Domenico Albini by theHolySeein1966.Forhisbeatification,amiracle isrequired. confirmed were virtues heroic 1930. The in Canada, Edmonton, in gan bishop, founder of the local church in Canada. The diocesan inquiry be Vital Grandin quired. re is miracle a canonization, their For 2011. in Madrid in place took 1999. The Beatification of Francisco Esteban Lacal and his companions (1915-1936). llarroel Vi Prado Eleuterio Bro. (1918-1936), Tejerina Rodríguez Clemente Sc. (1918-1936), González Hernández Justo Sc. (1916-1936), Lucas Gómez Daniel Sc. (1914-1936), Fernández Andrés Guerra José Sc. (1910-1936), Sánchez Marcelino Bro. (1882-1936), Hernández Bocos Francisco Ángel Bro. (1910-1936), Pardo Gil Justo Sc. (1912-1936), José Caballero Rodríguez (1912-1936), Sc. Juan Sc. (1912-1936), García Escobar Fr.Gregorio (1882-1936), dilla Venerable Carlo Domenico Albini (1790-1839) from Italy, priest, Italy, from (1790-1839) Albini Domenico VenerableCarlo missionary, France, from (1829-1902), Grandin VitalVenerable Martyrs. Spanish Oblate Blessed The diocesan inquiry began in Madrid, Spain, in Spain, Madrid, in began inquiry diocesan The eii Vg Dmnuz (1913- Domínguez Vega Cecilio

On July 24, 1936, the following the 1936, 24, July On Publio Rodríguez Moslares On November 7, 1936 - - - - - Oblate LaotianMartyrs miracle throughtheintercessionof Venerable Bro. Anthony. At present, required. the Postulation is is about to miracle present for a consideration a beatification, presumed his For 2013. in See Holy the by confirmed were virtues heroic The 1952. in Canada, Edmonton, in began inquiry diocesan The craftsman. Canada, in missionary brother, Anthony Kowalczyk See. Holy the by virtues heroic the of confirmation the for waiting been has cause were fulfilled in 2006. Since then, the General Postulator’s Office the of required formalities City,2002. The Quebec in in Canada began inquiry diocesan The Canada. in Heart Secret the preacher,of Apostle Victor Lelièvre by theHolySee. virtues heroic the of confirmation the for waiting been has Office tor’s Postula General the then, Since 2001. in completed were cause the of required formalities The 1951. in Canada, Keewatin, in began inquiry diocesan The Canada. in church local the of founder bishop, sionary, Ovide Charlebois soon. place take will Beatification The 2015. June, and May in See Holy the companions. his and Tien Thao spectively. The inquiries began in Trent, Italy, and Nantes, France, in 2005 and 2007 re Diocesan (1909-1969). Boissel Joseph Fr. and Wauthier(1926-1967), Jean Fr.L’Hénoret (1921-1961), Jean-Marie Fr.Vincent (1931-1961), Coquelet Fr. (1923-1961), Leroy Fr.Louis (1932-1960), zaga Victor Lelièvre (1876-1956), from France, mission Servant of God Ovide Charlebois (1862-1933), Bor Mario Fr. are: Martyrs, Laotian Oblate the God, of Servants VenerableOblate Poland, from (1866-1947), Kowalczyk Anthony Oblate Laotian Martyrs Their martyrdom was confirmed by confirmed was martyrdom Their will be part of the group

from Canada, mis Joseph - - - -

Oblatio l 543 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 544 l Local Section – Rome Other upcomingandpossibleOblatesCauses for theCausesofSaintsinRome. Congregation the to introduced was cause the 2015, In 1984. in Lanka, Sri Jaffna, in began inquiry diocesan in The women Asia: and men for Sri from B. A. Thomas 1968), firstpriestoftheRosarians inIndia. and Germany,soon to be undertaken, the Servant of God in Antony Soosainather (1882- Missionaries John Saint the and Sisters John Saint the of founder the (1871-1949), Haw Maria Johannes God of Servant kerd (Xunkim) Kitbamrung (1895-1944), Bun Thailand’s firstNicolas martyr priest; Blessed Mary; and Jesus of Names Holy the of Sisters Canada; in Blessed Maria Rosa Durocher (1811-1849), Canadian Anne Foundress of the Saint of Sisters the of Foundress (1809-1890), din VasMaria Blon Blessed Anna Lanka; Sri (1651-1711),the of Apostle Joseph Saint present: at are These congregation. Oblate the with ship es of others who have lived their own vocation in some sort of relation Non-Oblate causesoftheOblateGeneralPostulation Muslim extremists. by killed (1954-2008), Roda A. Reynaldo Jesus Fr. and (1958-2000) Fr.(1940-1992), Jesús de Benjamín Bishop pines: Inocencio Benjamín late bishop in the Chaco of Paraguay; and three Oblates from the Philip Ob (1925-1984), Shaw Jacobus Piet Bishop Lisieux; in director itual spir and Canada in bishop Oblate (1887-1964), Fallaize Pierre Bishop Cooray (1901-1988),thefirstSriLankanCardinal,since2010. Benjamin Thomas Cardinal and 2005; since , the in martyred Oblate Polish a (1907-1943), Wrodarczyk Ludwik Fr. 1986; since ka, Jean Alexandre Guillame (1871-1951), a French missionary in Sri Lan The General Postulator´s office also works extensively on the caus for causes opening in shown was interest times, recent more In Michael Fr. level: Diocesan the at still are Causes Oblates Some (1886-1964), Thomas Anthonipillai Bastiampillai God of Servant Lanka, priest, founder of the first contemplative congregation contemplative first the of founder priest, Lanka, ------Blessed or Saint may be publicly invoked and mentioned officially in officially mentioned and invoked publicly be may Saint or Blessed among the faithful that the person is now in heavenly glory and that the belief Church’ssaint. the The a implies as recognition ognition official died (martyrs) in such an exemplary way that or he or she (confessors) is worthy of lived rec canonization for proposed person the that proof to the Holy See and occurs at the conclusion of a long process, requiring tionally exercised since 993 under John tradi XV canonization, (985-996), is of reserved act The saint. a be to person deceased a clares ined. Relics can be taken. A certification “non cultus” is made that no that made is cultus” “non taken. Acertification be can Relics ined. be granted for the body of the Servant of God to be exhumed and exam the accounts of witnesses are gathered. In the meantime, and permission written, can is biography detailed a commission, diocesan a by taken the candidate’s publications (writings, speeches and sermons) is under of candidate’ssearch the a of sainthood, cause the promotes postulator saint. diocesan possible A the of death the after years five than no sooner opens usually investigation This faithful. the of members by tion peti a to responding investigation, an open to candidate permission the gives where died place the of bishop diocesan the Usually level. “Servant ofGod” four concretestepstowardscanonization: increased markedlyafter1983. and of rate the Oblates, the for even sult, traditional canonization procedure has been simplified.the As a general re Saints, of Causes the for Congregation Papal the by issued level, Sanctorum Causis in sequent sub the and (1983), Law Canon of Code revised the of promulgation Constitution cation) oruniversal(afterCanonization). Beatifi (after local be can veneration Public Church. the of liturgy the The process leading towards canonization begins at the diocesan the at begins canonization towards leading process The are there legislation, ecclesiastical recent fairly this to According Apostolic the published (1978-2005) II’s Paul John Pope Since de Church Catholic Roman the which by act the is Canonization ome evna i Iqiiinbs d psoi faciendis Episcopis ad Inquisitionibus in servandae Normae Divinus perfectionis Magister perfectionis Divinus T e h

l a c i n o n a c 18) o te mlmnain n h diocesan the on implementation the for (1983)

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a (1983), which followed the followed which (1983),

n o i t a z i n o n a c ------

Oblatio l 545 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 546 l Local Section – Rome tor general. His task is to gather further information about the life and life the about information further gather to is task His general. tor postula traditionally,own have, their Saints the of Causes the for tion Congrega the with deal regularly who Oblates the like congregations and orders Religious assigned. be to has Rome in living postulator a process the of phase Roman the For Rome. in Saints the of Causes the for Congregation the to presented is God”, of “Servant called then is who candidate, the of investigation the level, diocesan the at gathered the servantorhishertomb. superstitious or heretical worship or improper cult has grown up around is enjoying the Beatific Vision by performing a miracle in response to response in miracle a performing by Beatific Vision the enjoying is person the that sign a shown has God that intercession, her or his by intercession isnotrequired forBeatification. faith and/or in an act of the heroic charity for for others. witness Aa as miracle by voluntarily his or her life her or his gave candidate the that certifying martyrdom, of declaration a make to has a Pope For the martyr, venerable. declared not are Martyrs virtues). heroic of (Cause differs if the cause is of a Martyr (Cause of Martyrdom) or a Venerable step This salvation. to come having heaven, in is person the that lief” “Blessed” the personbecanonized. that God’swill of sign a as intercession her or his by wrought miracle a for pray to faithful the encourage to printed be may materials other and the cards prayer But, heaven. on in presence certain or person’sstatement probable no makes Church the and honor, her or his in built be may churches no day, feast no “Venerable”.has VenerableA title the by to referred is virtue” in “heroic be to said From one the charity.on, point this and hope faith, of virtues heroic God’s of Servant the decree Father Holy the that recommend will Saints the of Causes the “Venerable” death oftheServantGod. For a Venerable, it must be proven that a miracle has taken place taken has miracle a that proven be must Venerable,a it For be of “worthy is it that church the by statement a is Beatification When enough information has been gathered, the Congregation for When all the information about a heroic life or martyrdom has been - - - but its observance is normally restricted to the Blessed’s home diocese, designated, is day feast A“Blessed”. title new the given is venerable not findanynaturalexplanation. was spontaneous, instantaneous, complete and lasting, and doctors can cure the cured, Venerable,the was to patient directed the were prayers ailment, the for cure known no was there sick, was is: patient cure The miraculous a Church’s for definition “miracle.” The a Catholic for requirements the on based establish to easiest the are these as cures, lous Blessed’sthe prayers. Today,miracu always almost are miracles these charism: an exceptional zeal for the proclamation of Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus of proclamation the for zeal exceptional an charism: Oblate the of aspect particular a illustrate positively will canonization the Oblatecharism? many Oblates: by asked question, a in up summed be can It witness.” outstanding an with Church the enriched have who Oblates of knowledge wider a of first task of the Postulator General according to R 149c: “The diffusion saint. the honor and celebrate and restriction without honor,and freely may her faithful the or his in built be may churches Parish feast. ligatory ob an as calendars local or calendar general the on appear not may or may it although Church, Catholic the within anywhere celebrated be enjoys the Beatific Vision. The Saint is assigned a feast day which may certainly person the that church the by confirmation further a is zation had another miracle performed through his or her intercession. Canoni “Saint” one. to belonged they if congregation, religious Blessed’s the of houses or churches the to and/or her, or him with associated locations certain to Surely it is not about copying the saint´s life! A beatification or beatification A life! saint´s the copying about not is it Surely the to return we procedure, canonical the outlined having After To be canonized, a Blessed, after his or her Beatification, must have or martyr the Beatification, a of celebration liturgical the With T e h

What is the benefit of a beatification or canonization for e n e b f t i f

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Oblatio l 547 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 548 l Local Section – Rome how itwillbearfruitfortomorrow. Here,inthislight,areourcauses: in the past. But we have to ask how the charism will flourish today and too focused on the biography of our saints. No doubt, we have our roots are we that us among risk a bit a is charism. There our of values the to sanctification through humble service of the brethren and the poor; etc. one’sChurch; local a of foundation the degree; outstanding an to ation reconcili and justice social of promotion the holiness; for search stant con a point; extreme or existential an one’sto give life to courage the work as the New Evangelization was highlighted throughout the Uni the throughout highlighted was Evangelization New the as work traditional this rediscovered we regions some In us. among preachers mission many have we today Even congregation. Oblate young the of Oblate of missionary identity.secrets the of one is That do. to called were they what did they God, in Confident method. or training extraordinary no had They special. nothing did (Corsica). They island or (Lesotho) country whole ary identity Carlo Domenico Albini (1790-1839), remind us of this Venerableand (1831-1914) Gerard Joseph Blessed missionaries, Our congregation. our of characteristic genuine a still is members, our of Mission “adextra” from thepast. We canidentifyatleasttwelveofthem. Oblate causes might help to see some guidelines for the future, coming our of synopsis A leading. is itself, Congregation Oblate the beyond stepped which charism, our of development that where grasp to ficult dif is it present it. At of examples best the are them, among Catholics non- people, lay other and Associates Lay MAMI-Members, Church. Catholic Roman the outside sometimes and Oblates the outside even today, and Church, entire the in alive is Eugene, Saint in rooted ism, char Oblate the because incomplete, is work hagiographical that all still, And, death. his since continued has work research missiological the source of our charism sourceour of Parish mission preaching was, in fact, the first missionary approach Mission “adintra” most the by out carried past the in mission, foreign so-called The clearly is (1782-1861) Mazenod de Eugene Joseph Charles Saint regard in causes Oblate our of synopsis a have to good be might It . Both men were calm by nature. Both were “Apostles” to a . The biographical, spiritual, theological, and theological, spiritual, biographical, . The Oblate

mission ------the beginning witnessing as priests has been a value to us. Blessed Józef Witness aspriest ary identity. lives, in their families, and at work, is another secret of Oblate��������� ordinary their in live can they which spirituality a people Giving time. his for spirituality everyday an of promotor the was he Heart” Sacred the of “Apostle preacher.As mission outstanding an was (1876-1956) The decades. last the in Church versal individual Oblate witness in community can be very powerful. We have Apostolic Community deep faithhewasabletoshare. and simple way. Daily work and human suffering were supported by the faithfully. mission our fulfil we Bro. silent own his in that did Anthony perseverance by will; God´s do we obedience by life; this in anything to bound not are we poverty by all; to love the for free are we chastity His witness as a religious underlines the living of the religious vows: by congregation. the to brother a of witness special a is (1866-1947) czyk VenerableKowal brothers. Anthony without congregation Oblate the community of the values of religious life. Therefore, we cannot imagine baptized Catholic man. As non-priests, the brothers very often remind a mature every by shared be can charism Oblate the that convinced been have must Founder Congregation. The the into priests, become not did Witness ofbrotherhood unchangeable inOblatespirituality. are church, the of outside and inside poor, the especially and God, of people the to commitment the and love The years. recent in changed have priest Catholic a of identity the of aspects Many people. the for love Saviour’s the follow to had He authorities. totalitarian the obey not could he priesthood, the exercise to forbidden was it though Even priest a as identity his of because martyred was (1902-1941) Cebula Every Missionary Oblate belongs to an apostolic community.apostolic The an to belongs Oblate Missionary Every who men accepted congregation the foundation, the after Shortly From priests. are Oblates most and congregation Weclerical a are Servant of God VictorLelièvre God of Servant

�������� mission - - .

Oblatio l 549 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 550 l Local Section – Rome Contemplation tice. prac into more and more life community of spirituality our put to us reminds testimony spiritually.Their prepared been had together.They nity commu entire an as witness a martyrdom, in gave, scholastics, 13 and day.martyrs Spanish Oblate Blessed The is thewitnessascommunity. Itseemsoneofourbiggestchallenges to life religious world. in the counts over What all that of examples many jamin Cooray (1901-1988) was one of the Oblate who organ who bishops Oblate the of one was (1901-1988) Cooray jamin Council is not yet complete. The Servant of God Cardinal Thomas Ben VaticanSecond the of acceptance that admit to have we regard, this In today.needed much creativity,very was is pioneers which the of spirit today.The case the not is that parishes many In home. at feel faithful the where Church a needs life Christian Church. native and local their build to which on basis a ministry of time their during Christians gave They churches. local of founders were (1862-1933) Charlebois Ovide the and (1829-1902) VenerableGrandin Vitalchurch. the establish to called are Missionaries teaching. Church’s the the to obedi ent being in just constant than more a is become Church the has Witnessing life. change Church´s as challenge, a is this world Witnessing theChurch we have toteachit. And creation. his and God for love our deepen to have the Wepoor. among starts this all And God. of Kingdom the of establishment our about the and church, his Christ, of mystery is the transmit to Oblates as ability it end, the In it.” about think and something admire “to all of first means It meditation. of method a only not is Contemplation Borzaga (1932-1960), gave missionary witness by a contemplative life. Mario Fr. Martyr Laotian Oblate the God, of Servant The life? our of spiritual men? Have we all recovered fully the contemplative dimension . Extraordinary political circumstances from outside brought them brought outside from circumstances political Extraordinary . “Oblates are men of the church” is not just a slogan. In today’s In slogan. a just not is church” the of men are “Oblates Oblates are known as men of missionary practice. Are we known as

(+1936), 5 priests, 3 brothers 3 priests, 5 (+1936), Servant of God of Servant ------of theirlives. example the by ideologies communistic the against stood 1960-1969) to us against ideology is a difficult task. sionary clarity might lead to conflict. Defending the Christians entrusted derstandable Christian teaching and example. To that regard, such mis Witnessing theonefaith Sri Lanka. of Church the for transition ecclesiastical of steps major first the ized religious dialogue. Other names of mostly unknown Oblates could be could Oblates unknown mostly of names Other dialogue. religious inter to dedication our for stand (1954-2008), Roda A. Reynaldo sus Fr.and Je (1958-2000) Fr. Inocencio (1940-1992), Benjamín Jesús de dialogue. The Oblate “Martyrs” from the Philippines, Bishop Benjamín since the second Vatican Council. Religious extremism does not want to Interreligious Dialogue menical dialogue. ecu to alternative no is there that us reminds fact Todaythat women. Ecumenical Dialogue Saint Therese deLisieux. of brother” “little the called was He Lanka. Sri in Scholasticate Oblate the at director spiritual a was who (1871-1951), Guillaume Alexandre and, as such, an outstanding communicator. Shaw Jacobus Piet (1925-1984), even though a bishop, was first of all a missionary Oblate Bishop director. spiritual outstanding an was he There Lisieux. of shrine the to France in bishop a being from illness, Oblate ever. than more growing is sharing spiritual and human for need Todaythe sion. Spiritual direction The need for interreligious dialogue has been growing constantly growing been has dialogue interreligious for need The Fr. Ludwik Wrodarczyk (1907-1943) was killed by some Orthodox Missionary pronouncement leads to pastoral and personal supervi un an with humanity nourish to is missionary’sduties the of One bishop Pierre Fallaize (1887-1964), Fallaize Pierre bishop The Oblate Laotian Martyrs (+ W e should also mention Fr.

retired, after an after retired, ------

Oblatio l 551 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 552 l Local Section – Rome transforming the charism is an extraordinary gift of the Oblates to the to Oblates the of gift extraordinary an is charism the transforming tion for men and women in Asia. Obviously, witnessing by sharing and congrega contemplative first the of founder the was Lanka, Sri from sorts. Servant of God Bastiampillai Anthonipillai Thomas (1886-1964), differentof institutes religious 40 than more of foundation the inspired Sharing andtransformingthecharism barriers andwillneverofficiallybedeclaredsaintsofthechurch. religious between mediators as served and lived who men here, added to the infectious disease hospital, the “Lazaret” in Marseilles. In late In Marseilles. in “Lazaret” the hospital, disease infectious the to We poor. the have hadthosemenamong usrightfromthebeginning: with exclusively worked who sainthood ecclesiastical Missionary ofthepoor back the from church seat? the for work important guiding the in background, today even working are Oblates many How side. his at 1870) Tempier(1788- Henry Paule De François like man a without today is Silent workinthebackground aresome examples forthreemorecharacteristicsofourcharism: Here canonized. of beatified be never might Congregation our of history the in men holy these of Many countless. are examples numbers more than 90 Oblates who suffered a violent death. The heroic congregation The come. might More today. Church the to introduced officially causes the on concentrated have We is! there Yes,said? be ing numberofOblateLay Associates. grow the with ourselves among gift that of Wejoy church. the realize Bro. Joseph Théodore Martial Capmas (1791-1831) was chaplain was (1791-1831) Capmas Martial Théodore Joseph Bro. for proposed been has Oblate no far so that see to interesting is It I am convinced that Eugene de Mazenod would not be the Saint he to more there Is ask: might one points twelve theses reading After has charism Oblate the 1816, in foundation our of time the From M e r o

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m s i r a h c - - etn u a ifra su kthn I 17, e ae international made he 1977, In kitchen. soup informal an up by setting children street helping Recife, of poor the among lived he Brazil In Guatemala. and Brazil in missionary a as YorkNew and in worker social a as worked who (1935-2009), Rosebaugh Lawrence Fr. born and diedJanuary10,1831. the total disposition of the dying. He himself fell victim to the epidemic quarantine with them. Fully aware of the great risk, he placed himself at into go to volunteered Capmas Bro. “Lazaret”, the in alone dying were patients the that Realizing out. broke epidemic cholera serious a 1830 his innate love of national culture led him, in 1980, to found Suba Seth and Buddhism in interest consuming His 1975. in Badulla of Diocese him beforehefinallydied. shot forgavehad he who and street, those the on die to hours three him as he bled to death and permitted no one to come to rescue him. It took ambulance the surrounded troops instantly.The killed not mercy,was of mission his on Fr. Lefèbvre, upon. fired was he streets, the through wound he as But, Cross. Red a with marked clearly van, his drove He wounded. the out take to conflict street of zone a into drive to unteered On August 21, 1971 Fr. Lefèbvre, who was supportive of the coup, vol government. the against coup a was there Paz, La in 1971, In Bolivia. examples intheCongregation’s history. Letmejustnametwo: outstanding of number a have we too, Here, peace. and justice for tors Promotors ofJusticeandPeace robbers whostoleacellphoneandthelittlemoneyhecarried. by shot was he 2009, 18, May On people. street helping was and tims vic of AIDS care took Guatemala-City.he to There came he 1999, In What he did and who he was were the same. His witness was effective. out. and inside piece, single a of was life His street. the on time the of he was released. When he served the homeless he lived with them, most beaten, and held for four days. Through the intervention of US officials, an area in advance of a visit by President Carter. In jail he was stripped, headlines when he was jailed because the poor had been removed from Fr. Michael Rodrigo (1927-1987), a Sri Lankan, was sent to the to sent was Lankan, Sri a (1927-1987), Rodrigo Michael Fr. in missionary a was (1922-1971) Lefèbvre Maurice Fr. Canadian promo be to need the stands poor the for charism our with line In US man: outstanding an identify could we times, recent more In

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Oblatio l 553 l Thomas Klosterkamp Oblatio l 554 l Local Section – Rome in hislittlechapel,onNovember10,1987. Mass evening an celebrating while assassinated was He others. among the farming community of Buttala, his work no doubt provoked enmity by appreciated Much growth. of possibility the and worth their of conscious ness a to poor the awakening peasants, the of lot the bettering toward worked he people, lay and monks Togethertala. Buddhist with But in Centre, Dialogue and Fellowship Christian-Buddhist a Gedara, perfection ofselfisnotnow themainfocusofreligiouslife. moral that admit to have we time, same carelessness. the and At gence In fact, our Saints are able to mirror our shortcomings for us, our negli charism? our of part highlighted a as us, for norm a become not rifices sac their and witnessing, their protests, their have But past? the of out Saints questionourlife as “average”Christians.Butwearenotcalledtothat! often do not really correspond to our missionary behavior. We feel good never achieve. The various forms of veneration a saintly ideal calls forth might we and they ideals out pointing than us to valuable more is side Saints seemtooperfect feel thatstrangenessmyself.Iidentifyfourdifferent reasons. I then and now Every them. to strange appears Sainthood not. others when it comes to our Saints. Some Oblates are very proud of our Saints, irritated bythem? point: critical a highlight to duty the feel I conclusion, In charism. our to relation in work Postulation´s eral Do we have to justify our life in regard to an extraordinary example We generally work among ordinary men and women. Being at their ambivalence certain a noticed have I office, in been have I Since I hope I was able to give a better understanding of the Oblate Gen D o

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Do we love our Saints or are we are or Saints our love we Do

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m e h t ? - - - - - Saints are inheavenandintercede forus bridge totherootofourvocation,lifeChrist. a of function the fulfill us. They and Christ between distance the historical shorten They Christ. of life the with commonality the effect into put Saints the past, the of Out them. with argue to chance no is There day. our of belittlement missiological and theological moral, human, Saints remind usoftheseveritytrueChristianlifetoday their intersession,andprayformiraculousintervention. family bond among us demanding we spread devotion to our Saints, ask a is there that aware duty.be itual should Oblates all time, same the At gard to our charism, the Postulator´s Office wants to facilitate this spir re Withservices. general its all in commitment that to respond to has missionary nature, the congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate its of Because commitment. a is everlasting” life body,and the of tion resurrec “the to leads which Saints” of communion “the and Church” spiritual pleasure. Catholic belief in “the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic to bearwiththisdisconnect? Oblates in so many individual ways over the years, exactly empower us saintly many so by out lived charism, Oblate the Doesn’t conflict. ner in that live Weto Mazenod. have de Eugene of sons and God of dren chil be to called with are we hand, other the On life. identify normal down-to-earth to mission our for important is it And Church. today´s of God’s love? intervention the for: longing are we which that not intercession is And, heaven” the consequence of what we try to live: communion with God? For Catholics, devotion to the Saints is not an optional or personal or optional an not is Saints the to devotion Catholics, For and world today’s of time, our of children are we Oblates, As in doesn’t“being faith, isn´t “modern” But our challenges it? That every against stand lives Their admonishers. annoying are They Postulator General,Rome Thomas Klosterkamp, [email protected] i m o - - - - -

Oblatio l 555 l Thomas Klosterkamp

O “We are fired by a charism that is unique and special in the Church, the in special and unique is that charism a by fired are “We Solemnity of the , December 8, 2013, he stated: the lifeofourfounderSaint EugeneDeMazenod. through Charism Oblate prophetic our of call and invitation the is This them. with vocation prophetic religious our out live and them among live God, of people the serve to ministry, do to called been have late reconciled. nations effortsand building – peace development, infrastructure nities, regional debates. It is the in this same world dominate that we see economic opportu issues mining and cartels drug grabbing, land America Latin in while continues, Change Climate on debates the Canada, and East thefightagainstISIL andcounter terrorismcontinues. In theUSA Middle the In innocent. the on attacks bomb suicide and democracies struggling Pakistan, and India in heatwaves earthquakes, migrants, of issues the with deal they as spared been not has Asia Africa. South in rope, Al Shabab in East Africa and xenophobic attacks on the foreigners Eu for headed migrants of Westissue in the Haram Africa, Boko and disease Ebola the with dealing is Africa of migrants and continent The of corruption. influx the and Ukraine, Russia between conflict the Greece, of issues the with grapples Europe endless. As is world the in evils these of litany forth. The so and on so and degradation ronmental In the Letter of the Superior General, Fr. Louis Lougen, Immacu Mary of Oblates Missionary as we that world this in is It THE OBLATE CHARISM’SCALL ism, corruption, greed, extreme poverty,extreme envi greed, change, corruption, climate ism, evils. societal These range by from war, center violation of and human rights, right extrem left, hit been has today world ur PROPHETIC LIVINGIOUR WORLD T OW ARDS K y d e n n e A SPIRITUALTY K o g n o t a , i m o


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Oblatio l 557 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 558 l Local Section – Rome casion of the of casion Yearsaid Francis Pope Holiness His Life, Consecrated of sionaries, priestsandBrothers,withinourcharism.” mis religious consecrated as live to people young invite boldly to and continue enthusiastically not did we if remiss Gospel be the of would Weheart itself. the at indeed and Church the of heart the at lies charism our that say to as far solidarity.so and go compassion would I of full one world, the to Jesus of face human very a Wechurch. show in accepted feel don’t who people the and ignores, society that people one that makes us very close to the poor, the rejected, the forgotten, the mendous progress in technology and communications, a growing inter Positive Aspects sharper thanever. are contradictions and differences the thus, and turning-point a at are Weelements. destructive unprecedented and tremendous with also but possibilities exciting and great with world a in live we reality: biguous formation. Then, Iwillgivemyconclusion. some recommendations regarding JPIC and Oblate initial and On-going “Can question give the will I which Oblates?” After Missionary with as indifferent remain we deal then will I today. world our of the context in living prophetic religious to call Charism’s Oblate the at look will I ministry.Then, Creation of Integrity and Peace Justice, of tions negative elements. Thereafter, I will outline the spirituality and founda and today,positive world the our affecting activities global current the Jesus livedonthisearth…areligiousmustneverabandonprophecy.” how to witness who prophets be “to now: right needed is that priority way,special a in Lord way.”the prophetic follow a gious in reli the is This But everyone. of demanded is it religious: for only not is living evangelical “Radical prophecy. is life consecrated of sign distinctive the following: “I am counting on you “to wake up the world”, since the There are many wonderful positive aspects to today’s world: tre world: today’s to aspects positive wonderful many are There am an shows it today, world our analyze and look a take we If highlight foremost and first will I presentation this in Therefore, oc the on people Consecrated all to his Letter in Apostolic While T e h W d l r o T y a d o – T e h H s g n i n e p p a

------and nations. A socialconscienceisdevelopingallovertheworld. rejected. This is true not only for individual persons but be also for must peoples rights these of violations and respected be should rights man and the churches. There is a growing sense that, whatever happens, hu religions world’s the have too so this; to contributed has world the of Declaration of Human Rights and its gradual acceptance by the nations keen awareness of the dignity of the human person. The United Nations’ said that the world has become a ‘global village’. There appears to be a be truthfully may it that so countries, and people between dependence Socialis in II Paul John St. by said as worse” notably become ing. And so the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. “Conditions have of that wealth will “trickle down” the economic ladder, is just not work ening steadily. The idea that, as more and more wealth is created, some wid been has South developing the and North developed so-called the between gap the development, of level the On them. afford to able be the same time deep resentment and despair among those who will at never causing earth, the of resources available the depletes manufacturer whose goods, consumer for appetite insatiable an create real They change. for means offering without aspects sensational on much too insist ing biased, or one-sided often are communication of means same Negative aspects generating goodwillandsolidarity factor, unifying immense an are and situation world’s the of aware us make media mass Modern planet. our of survival, very the integrity, the safeguarding thus creation, of stewards we responsible unless as acting peace start and justice genuine no be can there that realize ple peo as pronounced, more and more becoming is concern latter This and interreligious dialogue, an increasing concern for the environment. growing awareness of the need for solidarity, the growth of intercultural development, human integral to commitment reconciliation, and peace de for search mocracy, a growing recognition of the dignity of women, a concern the for and dictatorships some of end the countries, their of life economic and social the in participate to everywhere people by There are indeed also many negative aspects to today’s world. The made being efforts increasing the include: aspects positive Other , “... one must denounce the existence of economic, financial economic, of existence the denounce must one “... , Sollicitudo Rei Sollicitudo ------

Oblatio l 559 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 560 l Local Section – Rome helping them to develop, have become a tremendous burden, as interest of view a with countries, these to made were that Loans adjustments. huge foreign debt in developing countries and the demand for structural ( countries.” developed less the of economies the condition or suffocate they end the in But them. ing manipulat people the of interests the favor functioning very their by are maneuvered directly or indirectly by the more developed countries, which mechanisms, These rest. the for poverty and some for wealth of ple, often function almost automatically, thus accentuating the situation peo by manipulated are they although which mechanisms, social and to ‘announce the liberating presence of Jesus Christ and the new world new the and Christ Jesus of presence liberating the ‘announce to called Immaculate Mary of Oblates and Missionary majority As abandoned. poor most the on especially all, on effects detrimental have Oblates ofMaryImmaculate fitin? be a voice with and for the voiceless? And where do we, as Missionary and stance prophetic a take Church the should Or level? international and national only,on politicians the of role the it Is change? for work should who And this? all change to done be can What up: come tions Can webeindifferent? late GeneralChapterin1992( deeply,”us touched Ob has the heard, said voices their having ever of hope all up given have who those of resignation the indeed, weariness, to believe in and for someone to trust. Theirs is a cry for salvation. The something equality,for and justice more belonging, of sense a life, in meaning for looking desperately persons many so of plea the in rights, their of deprived and hope of bereft those of powerless, the of chorus the however, in evident, most are they world; our of parts many afflict tion which concentrates power in the hands of a small elite, “These evils globaliza a world’sresources, the to access of inequality great ments, move fundamentalist discrimination, and racism nationalism, extreme pollution, the many injustices concerning environmental land ownership, tribalism wars, and and violence never-ending arms, of trading and production the refugees, and migrants of millions the of think Wecan earnings. export of part greater the up swallow repayments capital and h get n rpd hne ta ae aig lc i or world our in place taking are that changes rapid and great The When we become aware of the existing evils in our world, the ques Witnessing as Apostolic Community SRS 6.Aohr i polm s the is problem big Another 16). , 2). ------ation demands a radical shift in our thinking, our perception and our and perception our thinking, our in shift radical a demands ation situ Our life. of web great the within place our and Earth on presence human the comprehending of ways new to rise interdependent. giving is and insight This interconnected all are they that and isolation in more evident that the major problems of our time cannot be understood and more becoming is It spirituality. and meaning values, concerning evangelizing mission? peace and the integrity of creation is an integral element of the Church’s born in his resurrection’ (c.9), are we convinced that promoting justice, (cf. (cf. pening: the liberation of the Jews from an oppressive situation in Egypt The OldTestament some basicelements: are Here (JPIC)? Creation of Integrity and Peace Justice, for ministry a about say to have they do What Charism. Oblate the and Theology consideration the Biblical Tradition, the Social Teachings of the Church, necessary, is into reflection taking faith a 4), (C Savior crucified the of and ethical spiritual aspectsoflifeonourplanetEarth. the to and journey human the of dimension religious the to witness bear to called are Wemissionaries side. as their take to and people, suffering and poor the of crowds the to love and compassion with him, like out, go to us compels that Christ Jesus of Gospel the is role toplay. crucial a have - Oblates the and - Church the life, of sacredness the of awareness and realities ecological to sensitivity all, of dignity human and that is flourishing characterized by enables right relationships, sustainability,that respect living for the of way a for search the In values. Ex Ex The whole Old Testament is centered on the double decisive hap decisive double the on centered TestamentOld is whole The eyes the through world today’s of situation the at looking After It creation. of integrity the and peace justice, of work the is This questions lie today world our facing challenges the of root the At S 19-20). God is thus revealed as the liberator of the oppressed and 3:7-12), and the Covenant between God and the People of Israel y t i l a u t i r i p P

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Oblatio l 561 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 562 l Local Section – Rome their neighbors. Only those who practice justice toward their neighbors here.... ( shed be blood innocent no let and violence, no them do widow; the or is wronged from his oppressor. Do no harm to the foreigner, the orphan daily life: Yahweh says: Practice justice and do good. Free the one who 22:13-17; tures of Israel as abominable and sinful in God’s eyes (cf. like , , , who unmask the social and political struc (cf. poor the of defender the There is no longer any difference between Jew and Greek, or between or Greek, and Jew between difference any longer no is There Christ, who died and rose for all. All are thus truly brothers and sisters. children. God’sare likeness. All and God’simage in created are people 16) All ( that? is good what needs, material their to attending without satisfied”, and warm be you; for well go things “May says, you of one and food, or clothes of need in is sister or brother a If God’schildren: one’shelp to are refuse who and neighbors, God love cannot One tion. each person toward the poor and the rejected that are decisive for salva clear radicalization of those demands: it is the attitude and the deeds of Lk (cf. Samaritan Good the of Parable The justice. of practice the in ized real neighbor of love Testamentregarding Old the of demands the to The NewTestament and debtinIsrael. land persons, concerning situation just original the to return a as years Jubilee Yearthe in enforced (cf. were liberation and justice for demands these level, structural the On whole. a as Israel of people the from and person each from made are demands same poor,the the of cry the hears and oppressed the toward ( you, rescued God, your Yahweh,and Egypt, in slave a were you that Remember widow. a of clothing the pledge as take or orphan, the of or foreigner, the of right the violate not Do oppressed. the of liberator the God, know really can 10: 29-37) and the Last Judgement scene (cf. scene Judgement Last the and 29-37) 10: Redemption and salvation are offered to all in and through Jesus through and in all to offered are salvation and Redemption The message of Jesus of Nazareth gives a new and definitive depth The Lord demands from the people faith in God and justice toward Jr 22:3,13) Am 5:10-14; Mi Dt 3:9-12), and they draw the conclusions for conclusions the draw they and 3:9-12), 24:17-18) As Yahweh is just and merciful and Yahweh24:17-18) just As is Ps 72: 12-14). It is above all the prophets, the all above is It 12-14). 72: Lv 25: 8-19), that occurred every fifty every occurred that 8-19), 25: Mt 25: 31-46) show a show 31-46) 25: Is 1:11-17; Jm 2:15- Jr - - -

side of the poor. The followers of Jesus are similarly sent out to pro to out sent similarly are Jesus of followers The poor. the of side and tofreethosewhoareoppressed(cf. of evil and to relieve human misery, to proclaim good news to the poor ment is very clear. Jesus considers himself as sent to combat every kind TestaNew the of message solidarity.The true for foundation the and discrimination. It is a call for profound equality between human beings and barriers all of rejection a and fraternity universal of recognition a (cf. Jesus, Christ in one are you of all but woman; and man between or person, free and slave that “action on behalf of justice and the participation in the transforma affirmed Synod Bishops 1971 stable The nations. a between and for within peace condition necessary the as justice saw it fact, in justice; social and peace viz., topics, urgent two repeatedly linked Church the world’sSecond the the Vaticanof after and During resources. Council, rial goods and wealth, and on the necessity for an equitable distribution mate of destiny” universal “the on insisted XXIII John Pope Church. Nov arum longs tothehungry”(St.BasilGreat,4thCent.). be keep you which bread That distribute? to received have you which things the own your make who you robber, a not you “Are injustice. but else nothing is principle this neglects that ownership private that and all, to belong these that insisted They earth. the of goods common world socialconscience. doctrine but has known a gradual evolution, in line also with a growing experience. ing Social Catholic The Teachingstatic a not thus is (CST) ongo by enriched believes, it what of Church’smemory the corporate doctrine of the Church. This is in fact nothing else but social an expression of the or Teaching Social Catholic the called usually is that trine The SocialTeaching oftheChurch andExperience whole ofcreation. the with harmony and peace unity, reconciliation, justice, of Reign a God’sof coming the for work to and news good same the claim Reign, In modem times Pope Leo XIII published his Encyclical his published XIII Leo Pope times modem In the of passionately spoke Fathers Church early The Over centuries the Church has gradually developed a body ofdoc the on is God that reveal works he “signs” the and preaching His (1890), thus stimulating a renewed social commitment by the Ga 3:28; 6:15; 3:28; Lk Col 4:16-21). 3:11; Ep 2:14-18) This is This 2:14-18) koinonia, Rerum the ------

Oblatio l 563 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 564 l Local Section – Rome practice. By the early 1970s Justice and Peace groups began working all for action”( motivation a and basis a else all above theory,but a considered be not Paul II has insisted strongly “that the social message of the Gospel must John VI. Paul St. Pope And by time first the for mentioned was justice social global for condition necessary a as change Structural decades. last the in about came gradually concern this of part full-fledged a is of the Gospel”; the conviction that ecology, or the integrity of creation, tion of the world” are seen as “a constitutive dimension of the preaching beauty. Salvation brings even the whole creation back to balance, harmony and another. one serve and forgive love, to learn gradually people as Spirit, the of power the through relationships human transforming of question a is ultimately salvation integral Such earth. new the and heavens new the up builds now and here already which force divine a as given Lord’sis Spirit The earth. on here already beginning reality a also but future the for promise a only not is salvation which in salvation, of theology a at all of first arrive we Christ, Jesus by offered liberation and vation A TheologicalReflection ato Si’ Eco-encyclical first-ever the have we this in and Encyclicals the well beyondtheboundariesofLatin America. even places, many in theory,out a lived remained been not has has but option an Such poor”. the for option “preferential a make must Church the that declaring reflection, Christian of method new this confirmed respectively) 1979 and (1968 Conferences Puebla and Medellin the in bishops, Latin American The matured. and developed gradually ology the liberation reflection this of poverty.Out of experience the of light where Basic Christian Communities began reflecting on the Bible in the over the world. This movement was especially strong in Latin America, This implies a “conversion” with very practical social implications. sal the and world today’s of reality the upon briefly reflecting In in issues social highlights to continued have differentPopes Thus, into put be to has it enough; not thus is justice social about Talk . Centesimus Annus , 57). Laud - - - (Jn 1:2-3). Creation is the first act of salvation history. All history is history history. All salvation of act first the is Creation 1:2-3). (Jn him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through him” “Through word. first God’s is it mystery, God’s of manifestation first therefore of no interest to God. On the contrary, creation is holy; it is the and profane, material, simply not is Creation redemption. and creation fects ahumanpersonaffects God. af that all and God, of image the is being human every that derstand un we faith, Christian by shaped vision anthropological an In person. part and parcel of evangelization. We Oblates have integrated this vi this integrated have WeOblates evangelization. of parcel and part the as World,in seen Justice be document to its come and has ops, this Bish of Synod 1971 the Since Christ. Jesus of Gospel the of name the in proclaimed been has love, equality,justice, of message the Church, love for the poor. Throughout the history of the Congregation, as of the gelizare pauperibus misit me motto his with accordance in them to spoke He God’sChurch. in poor the of dignity the of spoke Mazenod de Eugene 1813) Lent of Sunday first the on Madeleine the of Church the (at Provence Aix-en that callsustobecomeinvolvedinthetransformation oftheworld. itself gospel the is It gospel. the preaching of dimension constitutive a love, of imperative Christian the of demand absolute an is creation of integrity the and peace justice, of behalf on action that conclusion the by unilateralactionsonthepartofindividualcountries.” essential for confronting the deeper problems, which cannot be resolved is consensus global plan…A common a with world one of think to us restored” be to justice ( of and combated be to injustice of situations concrete very the touches latter The redemption. of plan the from tion redemption history. becomes it Christ, Jesus through and in and history, salvation fact in Evangelii Nuntiandi, In his well-known sermon, preached in Provençal to the poor of poor the to Provençal in preached sermon, well-known his In A theological reflection on the reality of today’s world brings us to in Francis Pope While It was Paul VI who wrote: “One cannot dissociate the plan of crea between relation the is reflection theological of aspect Another human the of value the on centers reflection theological Asecond T e h O e t a l b 31). C m s i r a h Laudato Si Laudato , and in doing so manifested a preferential ’ s C ’obliges “interdependence says, l l a

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Oblatio l 565 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 566 l Local Section – Rome oppressed. We have also become more aware that the poor do not be not do poor the that aware more become also Wehave oppressed. the and poor the of suffering immense the of aware become have we media, history,mass human to in thanks ever than more time recent In ing part in transforming the world” ( as respect such for human rights, message, the struggle against Gospel oppressive structures, tak the from flow that requirements social and human the proclaim to neglects or refuses one if incomplete is Gospel is anintegralpartofevangelization”(R9). sion into our 1982 Constitutions and Rules: “Action on behalf of justice “the credibility of our witness depends in part upon our commitment our upon part in depends witness our of credibility “the ing ofthekingdom”( individuals and society, transform to denounce might whatever is which an obstacle actions to the motivate com to world, the to News Good the of witnesses be to 5), (C kingdom his and Christ Jesus proclaim i.e. to abandoned, most the and poor the evangelize to sent are Oblates “We clear: very also was Chapter General 1986 The Reign. God’s to Creation from journey human the in involved missionaries as selves (cf. lowly the exalts and thrones their from mighty the down brings who God to cry a is which voiceless, the of clamour the heard make and hear Wewill world resurrection. his new in born the and Christ Jesus of presence liberating the announce WeChurch... prophetic the of members “Weare Creation. of Integrity of Mary Immaculate, should be involved in issues of Justice, Peace and of charity”.( satisfied; that which is already due in justice is not to be offered as a gift be all of first must justice of justice. Vaticandemands As “The said: II promoting of question a is it actions, charitable through oppressed the and poor the helping of question a just not is this And 9). (R God” of image the in created person human the of dignity the on based society a create to “help to have they that realize to begin everywhere Oblates today, realities of conscious and Christ Following action. in love and suffering.Jesus’compassion human of indifferentto one was response not is God sin”. of “structures by poverty their in maintained are poor and made been have they often very that but chance, by poor come The 1992 Chapter Witnessing1992 The as that stated Community Apostolic The 1982 Constitutions and Rules clearly indicate why we, Oblates According to Father Jetté, this means “that the proclamation of the AA , 8) MTW , 14). O.M.I. The Apostolic Man Lk 1:52)” (C 9). Weour 9). situate (C 1:52)” , p.106). - - - - SOLIDARITY...! IN ACT LET’S POOR. THE OF MISERY THE TO INDIFFERENT BE OBLATESMISSIONARYCANNOT WE here: it repeat to good be might It Congregation. whole the to Message” “Brief a launched cil (WAC,society” with dialogue Coun General the 1989 October In 24). dedicated to the pursuit of Justice and peace, we commit ourselves to a goodwill, especially those, Christians and non-Christians alike, who are of persons with solidarity “In declared: also Chapter The midst. their in weakest the to Oblates of commitment Administration the challenge General to asked the was reason, that For 21). (WAC, justice” to of being present “where decisions affecting the future of the poor are poor the of future the affecting decisions “where present being of this important area of the apostolate and to exercise the special ministry mission. Some Oblates, and however, are called life to animate their brothers in daily his in one every and each affects It community. in and ence to people, our solidarity of compassion, our life style, individually in our preaching, our catechesis, our sacramental celebrations, our pres expressed and integrated be to has It ministries. our all of dimension a for teamworkratherthanindividualcommitments. opt will we communities, apostolic of of members coming as And Reign. the God’s for work will we purpose, and motivation religious a communities. apostolic as and with act will we persons consecrated As persons consecrated as ours of world this in witness to called Weare Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, i.e., as religious missionaries. Motivated byareligious missionaryvision the socialrealityofourworldandameansforeffective action. understanding for tool a instrument, an need will thirdly,tion. we And Evangeliza and Justice between links existing the of aware strongly missionary vision. A second point is that in JPIC matters we have to be religious our by motivated are we Immaculate Mary of Oblates of as all, First consideration. into taken be should points three Creation, of A n o i t c In talking about action on behalf of Justice, Peace and Integrity and Peace Justice, of behalf on action about talking In The attention to issues of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation is as acting are we ministries, other all in as ministry, JPIC our In

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Oblatio l 567 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 568 l Local Section – Rome sign of that new world wherein persons recognize their close interde close their recognize persons wherein world new that of sign a “as stand we and domination of spirit the challenge we obedience, of vow our Through (C15). purposes” selfish for others use and possess for a love which reaches out to everyone and challenge the tendency to of ourselves free “we chastity way of vow our witnessing. Through and living a also is it something, doing of matter a only not is tribution pel, inchangingallthatisacauseofoppressionandpoverty”(R9). cording to their vocation and by every means compatible with the Gos ac collaborate, will Oblates work, their “whatever But made”. being the “structures of sin”, as John Paul II calls them. “The recognized pri recognized “The them. calls II Paul John as sin”, of “structures the structures, unjust changing with do to also has but heart”, of “change development andpeacein the world”( liberation, justice, concerning problems... the of importance the ignore should or could one evangelization in that accept to impossible is “It point: this on clear very was VI Paul Pope Gospel. Also the preaching of 1971 dimension constitutive a is justice the indicated; clearly Synod Bishops as Evangelization, and Justice between link essential an is There world. the of transformation the in participate to and justice of behalf on act to needs Church the sense that In message. Gospel the in give witness before the world of the need for love and justice contained from sin to loving God and neighbor. It is the Church’s responsibility to the Gospelcanbringaboutachangeinworld’s situation. be one of force liberating the and salvation, Christ Jesus of person the that aware for comes plan divine the discern better to order in God Wordthe of to Listening world’sresources. the to access in inequality tremendous a show and alarming indeed are statistics The world. nal frater and just a of enjoyment the and up building the in sharing from is marked by serious injustices, which keep the greater part of humanity Links betweenJusticeandEvangelization solidarity withthemillionsofpoorandmarginalized people. in style, life simple a to ourselves committed poverty,have of we vow our Through 25). (C God’swill to submission common in pendence”, vneiain hs o ol am a idvda cnesos a conversions, individual at aims only not thus Evangelization Evangelization contains a call to conversion, a call to turning away The present-day situation of the world, as already described above, con our Immaculate Mary of Oblates Missionary as Furthermore, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 31). ------the conversion of hearts without the transformation of unjust structures Liberation and dom Faith, the of Doctrine the for gregation (Con structures” of improvement the for and hearts of conversion the for simultaneously work to necessary therefore is It respected... truly be will rights their which in institutions and structures secure to order in means, licit morally through action, take should powerful politically the or wealthy the of part the sufferon oppression who those that mate legiti perfectly therefore is It changed. be to structures unjust for need the eliminates way no in heart of conversion of and freedom of ority directed toward an evangelization in the fullest sense of the word, a word, the of sense fullest the in evangelization an be toward to directed necessarily has today Formation apostles. as mission his tinue con to ready are Christ, Jesus of disciples become having who, men forming focused: truly is that formation missionary a be to therefore, has, members its of missionary.formation totally The is Congregation effective action. for means a and today world our of reality social the understanding for ( disappear” to ought effects, their solved. Vaticanmerely not and evils, of cause “The already; insisted II ease. That results in the disease persisting, in problems not really being dis the causes treating what tackling doctor ever without a disease a like of symptoms are the we causes, the of aware not are we When roots. very their at evils social attack to helps It causes. the of analysis the basically thus is analysis Social found. be to has solution a which for and addressed be to have that problems of kinds all with day every (newspaper,T.V.).radio, media the of means confronted also are They An Instrumentfor Action: Social Analysis tion. crea of integrity and peace justice, about bring to necessary are Both illusion. materialistic a is hearts of conversion the without structures unjust of transformation the for working while utopia, idealistic an is A reading of our Constitutions and Rules reveals that the Oblate the that reveals Rules and Constitutions our of reading A by information with bombarded are people today of world the In R s n o i t a d e m m o c e , 75). Trying to bring about a better world only by only world better a about bring to Trying75). , R g n i d r a g e AA J c i p , 8). Social analysis is thus a tool a thus is analysis Social 8). , D Instruction on Christian Free Christian on Instruction n o i s n e m i

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Oblatio l 569 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 570 l Local Section – Rome is also the duty of the Church. Today the Church understands better than duty of each individual person and of all groups within society. It surely is the duty of governments to respect those basic rights. But it is also the An attitudeofprofound respect foreachhumanperson grated formationofOblatesasmissionariesintoday’s world. of Creationisrecognizedasanintegralpart(cf.R9). Integrity and Peace Justice, for ministry which of evangelization, total and whatwehave...”( poor (C 20). We want to be close to them so as to share what they have the and Jesus with communion into perfectly more enter to poor be to “Wepoint: choose this on insisted Chapter General poverty.1986 The de Mazenodandhisfirstcompanions. ing and appreciation of the mission to the poor as lived by Saint Eugene understand an communicates also formation Oblate cross. the on died (cf. Nazareth of gogue the mission proper to Jesus, such as He himself described it at the syna It is essential that it communicate an understanding and appreciation of poor.the for love missionary a foster must therefore formation Oblate 5). (C faces” many their with poor the abandoned..., “most the gelize evan to is mission Oblate’spoor. The the for love our is process tion An attitudeofloveforthepoor by JesustheSavior, andbrotherorsisterofusall. because each one of them is son or daughter person, of human God any Almighty,toward respect redeemed of attitude fundamental this selves them in develop and conscientized being are priests, future religious, has tobeinstilledanddevelopedduringtheformationprocess. man andChristianlife. hu of aspect fundamental a is rights human defending that before ever This love for the poor is one of our motives to vow evangelical vow to motives our of one is poor the for love This A second attitude that has to be developed during the Oblate forma formation, ongoing and initial in Oblates that important very is It A profound respect for the human person is the basic attitude which it that said is it and rights human about talk of Todaylot a is there inte an for indispensable be to seem elements six context, this In MTW Lk 4:16-30), and concretely lived it out until he until out it lived concretely and 4:16-30), , 16). ------Being withthepoor learned andconsciouslyaccepted. ( Savior.” crucified the of eyes the through them see to - and perspective their from world the and Church the see to learn might we that der World In them. by evangelized be to us allows which course, as was strongly recommended by the Congregation for Catholic obligatory proper a in done be to has it lessons, free few a in questions these treat to enough not is it therefore, seminaries, In problems. social on Church the of position official the know few Indeed, secret”. kept Study ofthesocialteachingChurch pervision, accompaniment,evaluationandintegration. su proper through experiences his in helped is Oblate young the when profitable very be can They areas. poor in place take experiences such has become an integral part of our formation initiation programs; more and more missionary and Pastoral areas. poor in experiences sionary justice, adiscoveryofthevalueworkandmoney. for struggles their in participation a poor, the with solidarity active an context in which formation takes place. It stimulates a simple life style, the is poor the of situation the in immersion goal; the remains mation for course, Of Latin America. in formation of element striking very a ( poverty” of experience crete con a provide to as so style life simple a by characterized be will they and areas poor in possible, whenever located, be will houses formation ( areas” poor in communities establish to Oblates encourage “We stated: Chapter 1986 the Already areas. poor in “immersion” is happen this make to strategies the of One injustice. experience the life of the to poor and the situations need of marginalization and formation in Oblates poor; the love really to enough not is it MTW It is often said that the social teaching of the Church is “the best “the is Church the of teaching social the that said often is It mis and pastoral through happen also may poor the to Presence being, human each for respect profound a have to enough not is It them with solidarity real a thus demands poor the for love Our , it is said that we, Oblates, want to be near to the poor “in or “in poor the to near be to want Oblates, we, that said is it , , 16). Real solidarity with the poor is not spontaneous; it has to be MTW , 160). Immersion in poor areas is areas poor in Immersion 160). , MTW Missionaries in Today’sin Missionaries , 25). And again: “Our again: And 25). , - - - - -

Oblatio l 571 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 572 l Local Section – Rome first on the list is “the study of the Church’s social doctrine”, so as “to as so doctrine”, Church’s social the of study “the is list the on first formation, Oblates should be opened up to other intellectual fields, and philosophical and theological solid a to next that, stated is it 1986 of document Chapter the in Already Oblates. the for new not is Church the of teaching social the of study the on Insistence world. today’s in life missionary for prepare they as theology, moral of part this in ing be to studied. also has Church local the of problematic social the general; in questions social the about learn to enough it is Nor 1988. in Education forms ofChristiansocialanalysis. with especially acquainted get should seminarians years formation the During be. might society for plan God’s what asking by analysis our verify to important is it Christians For value. some have which of all analysis, social of models various are There maintained. and tablished how the social, economic and political power structure of society is es quainted with instruments of analysis they will understand more clearly process they have to be helped by experts in the field. By becoming ac learning this in and works, society how learn to gradually have They world. the of and country their of situation political economic, social, the depth in know novitiate, the or seminary the enter they when ians, a betterworldwiththehelpofallexistingresources. changing unjust structures, people who feel a responsibility to work for the way they are. It makes us awarethat there are people who workfor are things why understand to eyes our opens It situation. universal and local the with grips to come to order in tool useful a is analysis Social thoroughly. situation that know to necessary is it situation, concrete a Social analysis social teachingoftheChurchandbasetheiractionsuponit. be missionaries among the poor” ( Experience teaches that we cannot presume that young seminar young that presume cannot we that teaches Experience to Church the of teaching social the apply to able be to order In ground good a receive to essential is it formation, in Oblates For MTW 159). Oblates need to know the - - - - happenings of our world today?” And the answer is No. We Missionary the to Oblates Missionary as indifferent remain we “Can question, the asked we Then, faces. many their with poor the serve to called are we that Congregation, the of formation the to him lead that spirit and sire Mazenod’sDe Eugene St. world. founder our The of de context the in living prophetic religious to Charism’scall Oblate the at looked Then, ministry. Creation of Integrity and Peace Justice, of foundations and positive and negative aspects it presents to us. Outlining the spirituality community intheirjourney. well organized and prepared so as to accompany each Oblate and every be to needs formation ongoing formation, first to limited not is growth to the Gospel (C.47). Since the call to conversion, renewal and integral person. It continues throughout life ... It involves a constant conversion Cor Father nelius Charism” Ngoka stressed that: “Formation seeks the integral growth of the Oblate the in oneself renewing for formation formation of stages all at present be must and should This formation. of houses reli gious prophetic living in our world to today, should and must call begin in our Charism’s Oblate our Therefore, Charism. Oblate our in inspired and embedded is which call missionary and religious our by and global solidarity. And thus, as Missionary Oblates we are motivated ecology integral good, common the vulnerable, and poor the of plight Jesus livedonthisearth…areligiousmustneverabandonprophecy.” how to witness who prophets be “to now: right needed is that priority way,special a in Lord way.”the prophetic follow a gious in the is This cal living is not only for religious: it is demanded of everyone. But reli evangeli prophecy.“Radical is life consecrated of sign distinctive the since world”, the up wake “to you on counting am “I introduction: the act insolidaritywiththem. Oblates cannot remain indifferent to the misery of the poor, weneed to In his April 2015 article in the “OMI Information” on, “On-going on, Information” “OMI the in article 2015 his April In Eco-encyclical the In in mentioned as Francis, Pope of words the in echoed is this And Therefore, after looking at our world today, taking into account the Laudati Si Laudati C n o i s u l c n o ’ also highlights the highlights also Francis ’Pope - - - - -

Oblatio l 573 l Kennedy Katongo Oblatio l 574 l Local Section – Rome Integrity ofCreation(JPIC)isanintegralpartevangelization”. and Peace Justice, of behalf on “Action that, reminded all are we lates Ob Missionary As proposed. and forwarded been have formation in dimension JPIC regarding recommendations (5) five the that light, this in is It component. JPIC critical this include must and should sociates In the same vein, the education and formation of the Oblate lay as Director GeneralServiceforJPIC Kennedy Katongo, + 2016 i m o - - L aujourd’hui le siège de l’association de siège le aujourd’hui est qui Congrégation, la de historique cœur le habite communauté La supérieur. premier pour Mazenod de Eugène saint eut elle Mirabeau, cours 60 au Carmel l’ancien dans Située Congrégation. la de ancienne plus la est Aix-en-Provence à Immaculée Marie de Oblats sionnaires à lacommunautéd’Aixdu28juin2013. du Vicaireallocution et 2013 général février 21 du d’Aix communauté la à général Supérieur du allocution 2013, février 04 du Communauté vants sui les sont qui d’Aix communauté nouvelle la de fondateurs textes la miseenpratiquedecequinousaétéassignécommemission. de parlant en terminerai je Et fondateurs. textes les selon communauté cette de mission la présenterai je temps deuxième un Dans constituée. été a communauté cette lequel dans historique décrirai contexte le je brièvement temps premier opportun un Dans semble suivante. façon me la de il procéder de oblat, charisme du l’animation dans gation Congré la à rend qu’elle service du et d’Aix communauté la de parler Pour années. plusieurs depuis existent liées intimement réalités deux LA Canoniquement érigée le 25 janvier 1816, la communauté des Mis les tout avant considération en pris j’ai exposé mon préparant En L : statuts de l’association CIEM de novembre 2011, statuts de la de statuts 2011, novembre de CIEM l’association de statuts : COMMUNAUTÉD’AIXLIEUDERESSOURCEMENT a Mazenod la de connue l’association peu et Congrégation encore est d’Aix communauté nouvelle a

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Oblatio l 575 l Krzysztof Zielenda Oblatio l 576 l Local Section – Rome soit mise à la disposition de l’Administration générale. Pour ce faire, il faire, ce Pour générale. l’Administration de disposition la à mise soit France, de reconnus par Oblats la loi française des en tant immobilier que Fondation bien de Mazenod, d’Aix, maison la que fallait être il puisse réalisé, projet ce que Pour 2010. de général Chapitre au été proposé a conseil en France de Provincial le et conseil en général périeur communauté. rents : Afrique duSud,Belgique,France,IndonésieetPologne. Mazenod sur le plan juridique, la communauté trouve une meilleure définition meilleure une trouve communauté la juridique, plan le sur Congrégation comme une année de transition. Au cours de cette année, nauté d’Aix, l’année 2013 pourra être considérée par commu les historiens la de la de vie la dans Cependant, Labelle. Joseph et BoiS Joseph Oblats quatre de composait se elle moment-là ce À 2013. février 21 le installée ment officielle été a communauté la mais 2012, octobre 01 du date général Supérieur du directe juridiction la sous d’Aix communauté la de sage pas Le maison. la de réfection de travaux les que moment même au 2014. juin 28 le que lieu avoir pu n’a rénovés bâtiments des l’inauguration Benoît Dosquet ont commencé. Ils devaient durer deux ans. Cependant nistration générale. Aussitôt les travaux de réfection dirigés par le frère l’Admi à France de province la de passée est d’Aix jour,maison ce la Fondation de Mazenod et l’association CIEM le 07 décembre 2011. En la entre signé été a usage à prêt un comme loi la par défini commodat à Mirabeau cours Aix-en-Provence 60 et 58 56, 54, aux situé tion, Congréga la de berceau historique, l’espace entretenir aussi et sauvegarder veut Elle Eugène. saint de l’œuvre à s’intéressant physique ou morale personne toute avec liens de l’établissement travers à message son de universelle portée la et Mazenod de Eugène saint de pensée la et l’œuvre connaître faire à contribuer de objet pour a Elle conseil. en général Supérieur du l’approbation avec 2011 novembre en créée été 1 du française loi la de dispositions aux soumise vigueur.l’association Ainsi a fallu créer une association conforme aux normes de la loi française en La composition de la nouvelle communauté a commencé presque commencé a communauté nouvelle la de composition La Su le par approuvé d’Aix communauté nouvelle la de projet Le cette de fondation la dans importantes plus les étapes les Voici . Elle est composée de cinq Oblats issus de cinq pays diffé pays cinq de issus Oblats cinq de composée est Elle . : Saverio Zampa (supérieur), Benoît Dosquet (trésorier), Dosquet Benoît (supérieur), Zampa Saverio : Centre International Eugène de Mazenod de Eugène International Centre er juillet 1901, a-t-elle 1901, juillet 1 . Le . ------, de son titre de séjour en France. Il n’est revenu définitivement qu’en définitivement revenu n’est Il France. en séjour de titre son question de la régler pour natal pays son dans retourner dû a dernier ce père du d’Indonésie vée temps, de peu après Cependant, Istoyo. Asodo l’arri par enrichie s’est communauté la moment même supérieur.Au rents. Il fut remplacé le 30 juin par le père Krzysztof Zielenda, nouveau pa ses de santé mauvaise la de raison en Méditerranée, la de Province communauté fut le départ du père Saverio Zampa qui a dû partir pour la cultés imprévues. La difficulté fondamentale dans la consolidation de la diffi de nombre certain un connu a elle consolidation la de plan le sur Mais etc.). interne, règlement d’obédience, lettres nouvelles (statuts, sant : di en Jetté Fernand père le citait général Supérieur le d’Aix, munauté favorise toujoursuneouvertureàl’actiondel’EspritSaint. croire, le pouvons nous ceci, Mais imprévus. aux confrontée souvent témoigne en Mazenod de Eugène saint de envisagée. Il n’est jamais facile de fonder une communauté. L’exemple depuis quelques mois, c’est-à-dire deux ans plus tard qu’elle n’avait été communauté actuelle, le rêve partagé devenu réalité, n’existe doncque La Majola. Bonga père le par remplacé Labelle, Joseph père du aussi, lui imprévu départ, le lieu eu a 2014 l’année de fin la A2014. janvier at ad cau dete os dvnr an () or ve en vie Votre (…) saint devenir à vous d’entre chacun aide nauté commu cette que P.j’aimerais du Jetté, paroles des lumière « Ala Il poursuivaitendisant : Seigneur » du vigne la dans ensemble travailler de et règlement même un sous ensemble vivre de capables soient qui frères de et prêtres de nauté disait il comme – d’élite corps un – corps véritable un constituer voulait il ; apostoliques francs-tireurs des grouper de vue en pas n’avait Il missionnaire. action notre dans d’efficacité et stabilité de moyen comme et sainteté, la vers effort notre dans lant raisons deux pour essentielle jugeait la Il il a établi la vie commune avant même de demander la vie religieuse. « Dans son allocution du 21 février 2013 adressée à la nouvelle com M Eugène de Mazenod l’a ressenti dès le début de sa petite Société petite sa de début le dès ressenti l’a Mazenod de Eugène n o i s s i

e d 4 .

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, une commu une , f s r u e t a d n o - - - : - - - - -

Oblatio l 577 l Krzysztof Zielenda Oblatio l 578 l Local Section – Rome les textesfondateurs. dans énoncés sont contours les dont mission une pour fondée aussi est d’Aix communauté nouvelle La apostolique. toujours est oblate nauté commu Une 1815. janvier 25 du d’Aix généraux Vicairesaux sation d’autori demande la dans annoncées déjà sont frontières les dont sion nante. rayon manière de milieu son dans l’Évangile à témoignage rendre de capable communauté d’une mission, sa de l’exercice dans fervente et prière la à assidue Christ, le dans enracinée solidement communauté d’une oblat, charisme le selon vivrait qui Aix à apostolique munauté allocution du28juin2013 : son dans Congrégation la de général Vicaire le par exprimé aussi est oblat charisme le selon missionnaire vie la de témoignage le donnerait Saint Eugène de Mazenod a fondé une communauté pour une mis com d’une celui donc est 2010 de général Chapitre du rêve Le tages defoi » par les et conférences les point, power présentations les que mieux charisme le communique apostolique communauté d’une vécue ce L’expérien (…) particulier en Oblat chaque de et oblate munauté com la de témoignage le travers à toujours fait se Nouvelle Bonne charisme oblat à travers leurs vies (…) La première prédication de la « qui internationale communauté une Aix à constituer de désir Le Congrégation etlasociété » etévalue ensemble. Vouspratique sa la pour prophétique appel un alors serez des plans tire discute, réfléchit, discerne, et aujourd’hui Dieu de volonté la recherche qui unie communauté d’une coulent dé activités vos toutes Que missionnaire. zèle du enflammés serez vous donné, a nous Fondateur le que charité la de commandement le vivez vous si que, convaincu suis Je abandonnés. aux et pauvres aux l’Évangile de l’annonce et service le pour mission, la pour cité d’effica et stabilité de moyen un est vie de communion Notre soi. sur tourné de ou fermé de chose quelque jamais n’est communion Cette vous. entre communion grande une par que ainsi sus-Christ, Jé avec communion grande une par caractérisée être doit commun Les Oblats qui vivent dans cette maison doivent être témoins du témoins être doivent maison cette dans vivent qui Oblats Les 6 . 5 . ------manence, lapriorité. per en avoir, doit oblat charisme du l’animation que évident donc est monde le dans oblat charisme du rayonnement de et d’animation moyen continue, et première formation, de instrument comme veut se claire façon de aussi disent le communauté la de mission cette accomplir à d’Aix communauté la aider munauté est celle de l’animation du charisme oblat. Tout sera fait pour termes ces en définissait la Congrégation de Mazenod. Ceci à travers des rencontres de formation première et première formation de rencontres des travers à Ceci Mazenod. de Eugène saint de spiritualité la et l’œuvre connaître mieux désirent qui sociés, membres des Instituts de vie consacrée liés aux Oblats et autres) as (laïcs personnes des et Congrégation la toute de service au donnée le sur vécu delasemaineencommunauté. fraternel partage de l’autre et travail de l’une hebdomadaires, rencontres deux de rythme un suit communauté La annuelle. retraite la et récollection de mensuelles journées les quotidiennes, prières les fraternelle vie la à et spirituelle vie la à donnée est importante place une lequel dans quotidien delaviemissionnaire. règlements sont importants, mais leur pertinence est toujours vérifiée au dans l’accomplissement desamission. permanents créativité une et discernement un à d’Aix munauté activités missionnaires à venir d’autres discernement le et Mission la de l’Église de autour ministère le charisme, du l’animation pour efficace mission une à base de serve disait général Supérieur le celle-ci de parlant En l’Église. de sein au mission la de l’exercice de s’accompagne lorsqu’elle favorable milieu son trouve oblat charisme L’animationdu missionnaire. contexte un dans vécu aussi être doit il La priorité dans la mission de la nouvelle communauté d’Aix est d’Aix communauté nouvelle la de mission la dans priorité La intérieur règlement d’un dotée est d’Aix communauté nouvelle La les et statuts les communauté nouvelle d’une fondation la de Lors enseigné, seulement être pas doit ne oblat charisme le Cependant la de général Vicaire le 2013, juin 28 du allocution son Dans M e s i

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10 u œ . La vie spirituelle de la communauté est rythmée par rythmée est communauté la de spirituelle vie La . v e r

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: « : n o i s s i m » j’aimerais que cette communauté (…) communauté cette que j’aimerais 9 . Ces paroles invitent la nouvelle com

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a l : « :

t u a n u m m o c elle (communauté) elle » 7 . Les Statuts Les . é » 8 . Il . - - - -

Oblatio l 579 l Krzysztof Zielenda Oblatio l 580 l Local Section – Rome du Fondateur, etc. chambre vœux, premiers des chapelle Mission, la de église fondation, fondateur aspect un raconte pièce chaque celui-ci comme Sainte « la que rôle même le sorte quelque en Oblats les pour joue Elle d’histoire est le lieu le plus indiqué pour l’animation du charisme oblat. d’autres moyens. continue, des retraites, des sessions, des expositions, des conférences et d’animation demandées en dehors d’Aix d’Australie oud’Italie. Oblats aux associés laïcs les exemple par comme jours, plusieurs et un nauté aparticipé. commu la toute indirecte, ou directe façon de auxquels, d’Aix maison cours d’une seule année, il y a eu plus de 220 jours d’animation dans la nant ce calendrier, nous pouvons vite faire les calculs et constater qu’au repre En générale. l’Administration de communauté la pour retraite la commencé a année cette de Noël de fête la Après d’Europe. Centrale Province la de d’Oblats groupe d’un pèlerinage le et français en ciés asso laïcs les et Oblats les pour semaine d’une retraite la anglais, en Mazenod de l’Expérience scolastiques, les pour semaines trois de sion ses la Congrégation, la de pré-noviciats les dans travaillent qui ceux pour semaines trois de session la semaine), (une Pologne de provincial conseil du pèlerinage-retraite le semaine), (une vince Anglo-irlandaise Pro la de laïcs de et d’Oblats pèlerinage le espagnol, en mois deux de Mazenod de l’Expérience Pays-Bas, des et Belgique de oblat groupe d’un Eugène saint de pas les sur semaine d’une pèlerinage le gation, Congré la de bicentenaire du préparation la de vue en oblat, charisme suivantes oblat charisme du d’animation activités par l’Administration généraleoulacommunautéd’Aixelle-même. proposées sont spirituel renouveau de formes d’autres beaucoup nouveau spirituel vécu à Aix, la re « de temps un est qui Mazenod de l’Expérience à doute aucun sans Au cours de l’année 2014 se sont également ajoutées des activités des ajoutées également sont se 2014 l’année de cours Au À cela s’ajoutent des passages de groupes d’une durée variant entre les à Aix lieu eu ont 2014, l’année de cours au d’exemple, Atitre revient oblat charisme du animation cette dans centrale place La chargé Congrégation la de berceau que tant en d’Aix maison La » pour les chrétiens, lieu de pèlerinage à la source. Dans un lieu un Dans source. la à pèlerinage de lieu chrétiens, les pour » Terre Sainte : animation de la rencontre des » des Oblats. Cependant, l ssin u le sur session :la sle de salle : Terre ------dait recomman 1825, de Règle La confessions. des l’écoute à importance grande une accordaient d’Aix Fondateur,Oblats du les l’époque à déjà que ici noter de convient Il réconciliation. de sacrement du célébration avant tout en la célébration de l’Eucharistie, l’accueil pour la prière et consiste la pastorale Cette Mission. la de l’église dans pastorale la aussi Province Centraled’Europe. de France et la journée de récollection animée lors de l’assemblée de la Province la de Oblats aux données retraites deux Cameroun, au frères pauvres. Cesdeuxactivités sontégalementpropresaucharismeoblat. des faveur en organisées sont qui fraternité Veilleursgroupe de le par par les premiers Oblats de la communauté d’Aix et les activités menées rin, le plus ancien hôpital psychiatrique d’Aix déjà desservi, semble-t-il, d’Aix. ville la de lycéens des auprès pastorale activité une également exerce communauté la diocèse, le avec collaboration En maison. notre dans « la de suivi du constitue se une mission auprès des jeunes. Le plus important volet de cette mission piété » chrétienne vie la de principes les insensiblement insinuera on laquelle dans soir,méditation le ou vie, instruction d’une fut, elle aussi, recommandée par la Règle de 1825 pes et les accompagnements spirituels. La formation à la vie chrétienne grou petits en chrétienne vie la à formation la comporte Famille, la de membres les tous de réunions les part à mis pastorale, Cette etc. teurs, bienfai bénévoles, sympathisants, amis, Oblats: les avec lien en sont loin, de ou près de qui, ceux tous regroupe qui mazenodienne Famille à août, 11h00et juillet de dimanches les tous célébrée anglais) et (français langues deux en messe une introduit aussi a communauté nouvelle La d’Aix. communauté la par observée est règle cette jours nos Jusqu’à entendreconfessions pour serontles consacrés spécialement A cela s’ajoutent la célébration des messes à l’aumônerie Montper exerce oblat, charisme au fidèle d’Aix, communauté la même De La communauté d’Aix exerce également une pastorale auprès de la De façon permanente, d’une année à l’autre, la communauté exerce « : 11 12 . (art.2). as e lex e or rsdne tos or d l semaine la de jours trois résidence, notre de lieux les Dans Frat Oser Frat », le groupe d’étudiants hébergéd’étudiants groupe le », : « et de la plus exacte plus la de et La prière sera sui

» (art. 6). (art. » - - - - -

Oblatio l 581 l Krzysztof Zielenda Oblatio l 582 l Local Section – Rome défis missionnairesdiscernésparlacommunautésontmultiples. rait être encore plus vaste. Les attentes de la part de l’Église locale et les sion, ontvisitéleberceaudelaCongrégation. mis notre de aspect l’autre ou l’un par concernées personnes, 15.000 la mission vers d’œil clin Un mission. notre dans importante place une ment égale occupent maison la de cloître le dans ou Mission la de l’église plement sa mission en se laissant conduire par l’Esprit Saint là où il où voudra l’amener. là Saint l’Esprit par conduire laissant se en mission sa plement un découvrir nouveau monde pas probablement va ne Elle large. le vers navigue qui leur partager à expérience. prêts Oblats des travaillent et vivent où lieu un mais spirituelles, retraites des ou sessions des pour aménagé lieu qu’un pas Congrégation, « Ceci se vit à l’aide du cadre historique qui est offert par le berceau de la plus important moyen de transmission de l’héritage le spirituel des vie Oblats. de témoignage son de faisant en tout oblat charisme du l’esprit projet. Car il s’agit d’une communauté qui vit et exerce sa mission dans ce de spécificité la de et l’ampleur de raison en personnes de important groupe un mobilisé ont et énorme temps un pris ont pratique en mise leur de suivi le et réunions nombreuses de cours au élaborées rectives di les administratives, démarches Les générale. l’Administration de Mazenod de Eugène International tre oblat charisme au La nouvelle communauté d’Aix est comme un bateau bien chargé bien bateau un comme est d’Aix communauté nouvelle La ressourcement de lieu un est-elle d’Aix communauté nouvelle La Le champ de la mission à Aix dans l’esprit du charisme oblat pour environ 2014, l’année de cours qu’au ici noter de intéressant est Il dans organisés d’art expositions des et musique de concerts Des ad gentes ; celui-ci est déjà découvert ! Elle accomplira tout sim Terre Sainte exercéedanslesaréopagesdestempsmodernes. ? Dans la réalisation de ce projet qu’on appelle qu’on projet ce de réalisation la Dans ? C » des Oblats. Ainsi, la maison d’Aix n’est n o i s u l c n o , rien n’a été négligé de la part la de négligé été n’a rien , Aix-en-Provence Krzysztof Zielenda, [email protected] , France Cen i m o ------

travailler que dans les missions, etc. Moi, accablé de soucis et de fatigues, je fais la fais je guerre à fatigues, contrecœur, ne de me soutenant au et milieu de ce soucis tracas que par de les vues surnaturel accablé Moi, etc. missions, les dans que travailler veut ne qu’il et souffrir s’y pas peut ne qu’il proteste quoiqu’il vicariat, son de sortir de obtenir pas peut ne communauté, d’une bonheur le faire pour créé semble qui ange, un est qui quatrième, Un parti. un promptement pas prennent ne s’ils démancher se de pays en pays. Un troisième, trop ardent, se dépite de la lenteur des autres et me menace de fait qu’il courses les dans seul a tout travaillant en bien de assez fait qu’il persuadant qu’il l’habitude par excellent est qui autre, d’annoncer au peuple la Un parole de Dieu, ne tient indécision. que très superficiellement à l’œuvre, se son par désole me et sa paroisse ; il se persuade faire un grand bien dans son trou ; il hésite pour l’abandonner bre 2011, art.2,p.1. fidèlement touteslesoctaves ». sainte très la envers Vierge,dévotion la à sacrements, des quentation célébrera on dont fré la à vertus, autres des et mortification la de pratique la à Christ, Jésus Fils son de de la vie chrétienne et de la plus exacte piété pour porter les âmes à l’amour de Dieu et d’une instruction ou méditation dans laquelle on insinuera insensiblement les principes oblat charisme le sur réflexion la de contexte le dans Pastorale du Tourisme etdesLoisirsdudiocèsed’Aix. général le28janvier2014. 33. Écrits oblates 1815, décembre 19 du Forbin-Janson de Charles l’abbé à Mazenod de Eugène saint de difficile aussi chose une entreprendre pour main en met me Dieu bon le que j’embrasse. que vie de genre au contraires fait à tout Voilàmoi chez traire éléments les con au sont qui l’attrait, par ni goût le par ni aidé suis ne je que pénible plus d’autant les qui m’animent, mais qui ne m’empêchent pas de sentir tout le poids de ma situation, 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

L’article 2 de la Règle a aussi une dimension mariale qui mérite d’être rappelée Commission la de concours le avec Oblats les par initiée été a messe Cette Le Règlement intérieur de la communauté d’Aix a été approuvé par le Supérieur L. art. 2013, février 04 du d’Aix-en-Provence oblate communauté la de Statuts Ibid P. L. F. Jetté, Cf. Lettreà Tempier du22août1817, « Cf. Statuts de l’association Centre International Eugène de Mazenod de novem Celui sur qui je comptais le plus se laisse étourdir par le caquet des dévotes de A L L . i t a i h c r n e g u o n e g u o , 6,p.15-16) OMI Hommeapostolique , Allocution àlacommunautéd’Aix. , Allocution àlacommunautéd’Aixdu21février2013. , Allocution àlacommunautéd’Aixdu28juin2013. , Rome,1992,p.51-52. ibid. , p.38. : « : La prière sera suivie, le soir, le suivie, sera prière La ». (Lettre ». - - - -

Oblatio l 583 l Krzysztof Zielenda

A tion is a process which aims at the integral growth of a person and and person a of growth integral the at aims which process a is tion article no.47 of our�������������������������������������������������� of call the to response a as serves program Its Oblates. the for grams Founder andhisfirstcompanions. our as Ob air same the breathing and footsteps the in walking historic interest, late of places the in pilgrimages making began; all it where as opposed to studying it. The charism Experience takes place in Aix, in the house Oblate the of experience an make to invited are ticipants mosphere ofprayer, reflection andfraternalsharing. at an in so ministry.do and They mission their of life everyday the in the participants to look back over their experience of the Oblate charism renewal, livedin Aix, the‘HolyLand’ oftheOblates.” ministration defined the De Mazenod Experience as “a time of spiritual General the of and Ad community the Aix between work-session cent the��������������������������������������������������������������� to DMX programattheserviceofOblateCharism. community and its ministry. In this presentation I intend to speak of the THE “DEMAZENODXPERIC” The DMX is one of the recommended ongoing formation pro formation ongoing recommended the of one is DMX The par course, a than rather “Experience” an all above is DMX The The DMX is a renewal program which aims, especially, at enabling The DMX is one of the General Administration’ services entrusted Oblate International Community of Aix for its animation. A re Aanimation. its for Aix of Community International Oblate h D Mznd xeine DX i a te er o this of heart the at is (DMX) Experience Mazenod De The Aix. of community International Oblate constituted recently the of ministry primary the is charism Oblate the of nimation T e h Constitutions and Rules which states that “������ D e M OF B d o n e z a a g n o

THE CHARISM M E a e c n e i r e p x j a l o , i m o (DMX) AT



Oblatio l 585 l Bonga Majola Oblatio l 586 l Local Section – Rome and wereheldinRome,France,Canada,theUnitedStates. sequently, more retreats followed fairly regularly, in French or English, The first De Mazenod Retreat, given in French, was held in Rome. Sub vitiate, which, a year later, was to be renamed the De Mazenod Retreat. Chapter of 1953 which introduced to the Congregation the Second No Gospel. lifetime a lasts first Oblatesinspiremyown mission? munity. Fundamental question: How does the life and experience of the tion: HowdoestheFounder’s lifeinspiremyown? ques Fundamental Eugene. Saint of footsteps the in – in Aix grimage form atwomonthsDMXprogram. together which phases into of grouped beginning are elements the essential The at 2015. Aix of community International Oblate the and Administration General the between work-session a at defined clearly light ofthecalltoconversionlastGeneralChapter. and thelastonein2015,wasEnglish. Experiences were held in 2014, in Spanish and in English, respectively, and almost 580 Oblates have participated in the program. The last three least 10yearsinperpetualvows. at with Congregation entire the of Oblates are program the for pants Experience. an such for home a chose as and Aix 1986 Chapter launched the program called the De Mazenod Experience tablish their own sessions for spiritual and pastoral renewal. Finally, the es should Regions that recommended and level Congregational the at E l a i t n e s s Phase II: Phase I: Phase were which DMX the of elements essential the are following The the in rethought been has Experience Mazenod De the Recently, Today, over forty De Mazenod Experiences have been held at Aix, The General Chapter of 1972 ended the organization of the Retreat General the of decision the in origins its has program DMX The ” (C47)

s t n e m e l e Progressive Integration, sharing, community prayer, pil prayer, community sharing, Integration, Progressive History of the Congregation and the first Oblate com Oblate first the and Congregation the of History ... It involves us in an ever-renewed conversion to the the to conversion ever-renewed an in us involves It ...

o H f

o t s i e h t D r l a c i e M B d o n e z a g k c a r E d n u o e c n e i r e p x 2 The eligible partici eligible The : T e h P m a r g o r 1

------pilgrimages in Aix, Marseille and to the First Missions preached by the mission? own my of challenges the with align they do how and mission tion’s Congrega the of challenges the are What question: Fundamental tion. Administra General the of member a of presence the with gregation, sonal experienceofthecharism? and experience. vence; allowing the participants to seek inspiration in the Founder’s life Pro of Missionaries by preached Missions First The in and Marseille Aix, in Eugene St. of footsteps the in pilgrimage the hence departure, in thefootstepsofSaintEugene,isessentialtoachieve thisobjective. in Aix, pilgrimages and prayer, sharing reflection, through community has always been present on their journey. Integration in an international God how aware more be to God, with faith of journey their of history the remember to participants the help to is idea The experience. sonal Reflection onpersonalexperience jectives oftheExperience: Missionaries ofProvence,formanintegralparttheprogram. Therefore the Founder’s life and experience becomes the point of point the becomes experience and life Founder’s the Therefore heed, anintercessortoinvokeandaboveallasafatherlov e... sonal relationship, as a saint to imitate, a founder to follow, a gene… Eugene teacherstill remains a to living person with whom we have a per Eu with bond, intimate more a relationship, personal a developing of bored or tired model. be life never a must Founder We the in finds he animateswhichspirithim,Founderthe the from drawsOblate Each Inspired bytheteachingsofMarcelloZagowhichstates that, per their on reflect to participants the helping at aims DMX The From the above elements the following is deduced as the main ob as well as Exercises, Spiritual Ignatian on based retreat Adays 15 Phase V: IV:Phase Phase III: Reintegration,Renewalof Vows andRe-commissioning. Concerning the present missionary outlook of the Con the of outlook missionary present the Concerning Oblate charism. Fundamental question: What is my per DMX O b j i t c e v s e 3 ------

Oblatio l 587 l Bonga Majola Oblatio l 588 l Local Section – Rome crated, Conse the to letter his in Francis Pope by affirmed as experience and family. Allowing ourselves to be inspired by our forefathers by their life Oblate our of history and origins the on reflect and past the to back go Deeper understandingoftheHistoryCongregation December writes, Mission.” Oblate our of sake mit ourselves to a profound personal and communal conversion for the The Christ. Chapter theme reads: “ Jesus to conversion communal and personal profound a Personal Conversion in theirlivesandmission. plement ever more fully and deepen the essential aspects of the charism im to participants the leads story their retelling and past the of brance gifts. his for him thank and God praise to is story in one’s life. personal experience of the charism, in that way the charism is deepened their other each with share and reflect to atmosphere conducive a with participants the provides DMX way.The new a in it expresses eration Reflection onalivedexperienceoftheOblatecharism family bydeepeningtheirunderstandingofitshistoryandorigins. h Gnrl hpe o 21 cle te nie ogeain to, Congregation entire the called 2010 of Chapter General The told. be to story a is it statement, a not is charism Our The Oblate charism is something alive and dynamic and every gen The DMX aims at helping the participants to appreciate our oblate and theconcretewaysthosedifficultiesweresurmounted. sparked,difficultiescreativity hastheencounteredyears,the theitit them. In this way we come to see how the charism has been lived over or derin tograsp thehigh ideals, generations andthe vision andvalues past which inspired of footsteps the in following for calls It ing. belong of sense common our and family a as unity our strengthening for identity, our preserving for essential is history our Recounting we that important is it identity our appreciate and understand To Centered on the person of Jesus Christ, we com 6 r Lus ogn i hs etr f 8 of Letter his in Lougen, Louis Fr. ” 5

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er,harmoniously,community,consistent international more an be in to of heart. The entire program is meant to help participants to live togeth change a and conversion to call fundamental this again hear them help gregation. By becoming aware of the Congregations global mission and needs andrespondtothem. these see Oblates as we how on and Church the of needs missionary the on Congregation whole the with together reflect to opportunity an given are Participants Congregation. the of reality current the and look presence This program. General DMX the during time) of period specific a (for Administration the of member a of presence the is DMX the of moments crucial the of spirit ofmissionaryavailability, daring andzeal. the heart their in enkindle to aim an with them to entrusted mission the very identity! Mazenod our Experience allows the participants to examine up their fidelity to makes sense, specific its in Mission, gation’s mission, simply, because “we are a missionary congregation”. Congregation’s Missionaryoutlook. whole worldisinneedofconversion.” the that see clearly will we started, has it once and ourselves, among and hearts our in starts “Conversion For ways. effective and creative more in abandoned most the to Christ Jesus to witness to continue to sion, that their whole life style as missionaries has to change if they are conver personal for need a of realization a to led are participants way this in boundaries, cultural the cross then and reflection, and prayer in It is vital for the participants of the DMX to reflect on the Congre the on reflect to DMX the of participants the for vital is It The DMX seeks to provide the participants with an environment to talized intheOblatecharism. new,revi things be all to makes are who we Spirit the through and, stagnation, and death to no say to called Weare Congregation. the of rebirth the for option the made has conversion, to call the firming af …by call? this than lives missionary consecrated life- our for more filled and fundamental, more essential, more be could What Since the DMX is one of the General Administration’ services, one Participants are familiarized with the priorities of the whole Con whole the of priorities the with familiarized are Participants ��������������������������������������������� exposes the participants to a missionary out missionary a to participants the exposes 7

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Oblatio l 589 l Bonga Majola Oblatio l 590 l Local Section – Rome they mightyetagainleavenothingundared! that life; community and mission for zeal renewed a with home turn re might they that come have they stay; to in Aix not are participants sharing, fraternal and prayer Renewal andRe-commissioning the wholeCongregation. reality, participants are called to align their particular mission to that of levels. The following are the extracts from some of the participants’testimonies of thecharismlivedincontext ofDMX: the of some from extracts the are following The levels. many in success a be to said be can DMX the testimonies, their from Participants Testimonies retell thestoryofourcharismintheirownparticular contexts. and express to ways creative and new find to exhorted are they result, a as today; alive being as way new a are in charism the experience to able participants the Consequently, charism. the of origin the and participants the source to opens program DMX The began. all it where Congregation, the of cradle the at participants, the by experienced and it receive anewtheirOblateCrossesandaresentouttomission. Vows,they their renew participants celebration this During perience. sent outasProphets“towakeuptheworld.” be to so respond generously and Christ of call the afresh hear would gram arrive at a certain level of spiritual and vocation renewal, that they steps of St. Eugene, it is expected that those who participate in the pro foot the in pilgrimage and sharing reflection, prayer, of months two God….” to cry a is which voiceless, the of clamour the heard make and hear will WeChurch… prophetic the of members are “We provides a framework within which the Oblate charism can be lived be can charism Oblate the which within framework a provides T From the final evaluations of the program by the participants and participants the by program the of evaluations final the From that sense a in charism the of service the at is program DMX The Ex the of end the at prepared is celebration liturgical special A Oblates as that us remind rules and Constitution our of 9 Article renewal, Spiritual e h D e M d o n e z a E achieved through reflection in an atmosphere of atmosphere an in reflection through achieved e c n e i r e p x is at the heart of the DMX program. The program. DMX the of heart the at is

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m s i r a h c 11 After - - - - to celebrate Mass with the chalice from which St. Eugene himself Eugene St. which from chalice the with Mass celebrate to Eugene, to gather with fellow Oblates in the room where it all began, that I am today. I was specially moved to walk in the footsteps of St. religious and priest the me make to life my in worked has God how of understanding some gained have I Eugene… St. of that to ship relation in vocation own my situate to me helped Experience The minded thatIamstilllovedbyGod! re be could I that Experience Mazenod De the in participated have to grateful very am I life. daily my through love His to witness to tations and weaknesses. And yet God loves me so much, He asks me and embrace the fact that I amonlyahumanbeing,withmany limi realize to come today,I’ve Experience, Mazenod De the to Thanks Oblate... Missionary a as identity my lost somehow have I priest, a as assignment first my since that realized I being.” “human to ing” do “human from period transition a in was I that aware more came be I Experience the Through Experience. Mazenod De the in pate opportunity,the given was I partici that to God time, thank in I just when IwasayoungerOblateandPriest. ed a new inspiration in my heart, I longed for my earlier motivations dom and emptiness in my life… I knew that I needed a break. I need bore was of feelings some and dryness a was there decreasing… slowly energy my that felt I years, 19 for priest a being After priest. and Oblate Missionary a as life my in moment graceful a really was It Experience... Mazenod De the in participated I that blessed am I love forChrist,thankstotheDeMazenodExperience! with him, his charism and his spirit, I am really on fire, burning with understand St. Eugene de Mazenod, I have once again fallen in Love to come have I and Tendernessexperience, cy this God. Through of in touch with the Founder and ready to share with the world the Mer me…I feel renewed and called to holiness. I feel grounded in virtue, has been present in my life and how He has faithfully journeyed with Lord the how realized and back look to able been have I reflection, conversion and renewal. In moments of prolonged silence prayer and to call deep a of moment a been has time this also But and self- acceptance. appreciation self- self-affirmation, of time Oblate, an as and person a as am I who celebrate to time a me for been has This Oblate. an as over more and Christian a Person, a as life my of tion evalua serious a pro and reflection, personal of sharing, life-giving time found a me for been has Aix, in spent have I that time The ------

Oblatio l 591 l Bonga Majola Oblatio l 592 l Local Section – Rome shared, celebratedandlearnedinaprofoundway. in my life as an Oblate where I have witnessed the Oblate charism being mator. These have been very important and powerful moments of grace preparation and formation for my ministry in Aix and in 2015 as an ani My personalexperience souls hasgivenmeanewpurpose inmylife. of salvation the and God of glory the for things all do to and holiness for thirst His mine. carry faithfully to courage me gives it, by formed be to himself allowing forms, different its in Cross, the embraced he Christ. with way relationship The personal my deepening in hard work I haveencounteredahumanbeingfullyalive. healing and meaning and changes his entire life. In short, in St. Eugene brings Christ Crucified the with encounter whose friendship, and love meaning, of search in St. man In young Founder.broken a Beloved encountered our I’ve of Eugene heart the into deep others lead to is desire my heart, his with love in fallen personally have I and loving, to ‘an immense capacity to love’, a heart that knew no limits when comes with heart generous a me, before Eugene St. of heart the bare laid has young man, a lively and impetuous, with impassioned Eugene, desires. The DMX St. encountered DMX, through have, I experience, my on to growinarelationshipwithhimandmakeknown. me with every session that I get to animate. There is a desire within me tify with him in many aspects of his life. A passion for him grows within iden to and him discover to come have I me. to opened been has gene out long time ago. Through the DMX, a totally different side of St. Eu me kicked have would he around been Eugene’she had that standards, St. to according Oblate ideal an not as myself of thought always I tive. nega rather was him about knew I what of most and him about much His passionate love for Jesus Christ and the Church inspires me to me inspires Church the and Christ Jesus for love passionate His During the DMX the Founder and his vision becomes alive. Based St. Eugene was never an important figure in my life. I didn’t know a as 2014 in DMX, the in twice participated have to grateful am I call themselvesthesonsofDeMazenod… who world the around from men with fellowship share to and drank 13 - - - - Spirit in the lives of the DMX participants. The unity of the congrega the of unity The participants. DMX the of lives the in Spirit Holy the of movement the witnessed have I News. Good the spreading generously,themselves, of in give daily who and Church the love who men simple are These abandoned. most the and poor the to closeness their regarding stories the to listened I’ve mission. their of centre the at Christ Jesus of person the to attentive being them witnessed have I a charity.on centred soul, build one and heart one with community life-giving to together come who backgrounds different from men nary extraordi some with live and meet to opportunity an had have I alive. is my wish that more and more Oblates could have an opportunity in opportunity an have could Oblates more and more that wish my is impact.” an the have to continue of to potential the life has and congregation the to contribution great a made has DMX “the that past, preciated. ap and celebrated be to something Oblates, as us about unique thing some indeed is there that affirm I and family oblate our and Founder beloved our for love with fire on am I charism, our by inspired and ate passion feel I life! own my in authentically more it living by known with usandneedtoheartheGospel.” be to continue abandoned most and poor the because charism, Oblate the living men consecrated needs Church The peace. in die can we so we have done our work, that we are no longer needed in the Church and that places certain in proposes theory’that ‘death the accept not do “I our in today.world 8 Fr.December what his before uphold in I us tells Louis ever than more needed and alive valid, still is charism to value our charism and our beloved Founder. I am convinced that our zeal andonfirewithloveforJesusHisChurch! successful program, renewed, full of life and hope, joyful, burning with a after out, them send to experience fulfilling a is ministry,it in years ated duringtheDMX. tion and its mission is strengthened by the cross-border friendships cre cnu wt Rcad cla, h aiae te M i the in DMX the animated who McAlear, Richard with concur I charism our make to challenged feel I today DMX, the to Thanks come have I Oblate, young a as hope my enkindled has DMX The A number of these men arrive in Aix often tired and worn out after Through the DMX I have witnessed all aspects of our charism come 14 th letter, 15 It ------

Oblatio l 593 l Bonga Majola Oblatio l 594 l Local Section – Rome renewal oftheentireoblatefamily. the and renewal their for program DMX the in participate to future the 2006. 2010. Tamatave, Madagascar. Jan 25,1995. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Published in“Oblatio”,no.IV -2015/1,p.31. Letter ofSuperiorGeneral,LouisLougen,totheCongregation,Dec 8,2014. Cf. A. Pope Francis,LettertoallConsecratedpeople,ChapterII,#2. OMI CC&RR#9. Letter of Superior General, Wilhelm Steckling, Oblate Mission Today, Nov 21, OMI CC&RR#5. 8, Sep chapter, General 35th Steckling, Wilhelm General, Superior of Report – 2014 8, Dec Congregation, the to Lougen, Louis General, Superior of Letter Acts ofthe35thGeneralChapter, “Conversion”,2010. Pope Francis,LettertoallConsecratedpeople,ChapterI,Para#I. Pope Francis,LettertoallConsecratedpeople,ChapterI,Para#I. – Formation First in Oblates the to Zago, Marcello General, Superior of Letter Jo Bois,CIEM Archives, Aix. Jo Bois,CIEM Archives, Aix. H g i n e b u , Living intheSpirit’s fire …, p.42-46. Aix-en-Provence, France [email protected] Bonga Majola, i m o éducative actuelle est soulignée dans les rapports de l’OCDE (2013a, l’OCDE de rapports les dans soulignée est actuelle éducative tendent à assumer un caractère mondial. Cette ambivalence de la réalité défi majeur dans la mesure où les crises et les problèmes de l’éducation un comme interprétée est elle part, D’autre viable. culturel et nomique socioéco humain, développement de facteur un comme perçue est elle part, D’une perspective. double une suivant interprétée est et spéciale P e r è i m e r D as a oit atel, ’dcto fi lojt ’n attention d’une l’objet fait l’éducation actuelle, société la Dans ce éducativeactuelle. d’émergen situation la par oblat charisme au lancés pastoraux défis le domaine de l’éducation. La troisième essaye d’identifier quelques dans Oblats des l’engagement de formes les considération en prend seconde La actuelle. société la dans l’éducation de majeurs blèmes tion, divisée en trois parties. La première explicite le sens et les pro interven cette de cœur au sont majeures préoccupations deux Ces quels est confrontée la société actuelle interpellent le charisme oblat. assumées par le concept d’éducation et les problèmes éducatifs aux actuelle. Il s’agit alors de savoir comment les nouvelles significations fléchir sur le sens et les problématiques de l’éducation dans la société ré temps même l’urgenceen et c’est oblat actuelle, risme éducative cha le entre relation la sur interroger Nous défi. réel un aujourd’hui encore constitue et constitué toujours a l’éducation Oblats, des re LE CHARISMEOBLAT

e i t r a p le. Dans le cadre de l’engagement pastoral et missionnai et pastoral l’engagement de cadre le Dans le. actuel éducative l’urgence et oblat charisme le entre rela tion la sur interroger nous voulons nous exposé, cet ans : L J n a e s n a d e

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L l b o r p t s p m e t n i r ’URGENCE ÉDUATIVE é

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Oblatio l 595 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 596 l Local Section – Rome en fonction de ses exigences et de l’idée qu’il se fait de l’homme, élabo saires à la croissance individuelle et sociale. En effet, toute civilisation, mental de l’être humain qui concerne l’acquisition des principes néces coup, l’interpréter dans son sens le plus large L’éducation unetâchefondamentale cation tantcommeunetâchefondamentale,qu’entermesd’urgence. l’édu interprètent rapports deux Les l’éducation. de promotion la dans 2013b) et de l’UNESCO (2014), deux organismes activement impliqués éducative exige de la société d’affronter une situation complexe et di et complexe situation une d’affronter société la de exige éducative se trouventdansunesituation spécialedevulnérabilité. dignité. D’où, la pédagogie du soin et de la prise en compte de ceux qui sa de et autonomie son de promotion la humain, l’être de fragilité la de l’existence humaine(Cf.Derycke,2007,p.16). de durée la toute et dimensions les toutes implique qui et vie la toute bien plus vaste. Dans cette perspective, elle est un engagement qui dure est Elle marquée. organisationnellebien et structurelle institutionnelle, identité une avec connaissons la nous que telle l’école, à pas limite se société. de ne et l’éducation d’homme Ainsi, idéal tout de construction L’éducationla dans et transmission la dans fondamental rôle un donc a patrimoine socio-culturel, physique, intellectuel et moral de l’humanité. du pérennité la que l’homme de formation la bien aussi implique cela p. 11). 1988, Jaeger, (Cf. processus ce de régulation la à et planification la à contribuent qui volonté la de et l’intelligence de aussi mais société, la de et l’homme de d’amélioration processus tout accompagne qui teur, direc et créateur fois la à vital, élan d’un seulement non fruit le ainsi main qui porte en lui des possibilités infinies de développement. Elle est l’influence dedifférents courantspédagogiques. actuelle de l’éducation est le fruit d’une longue et lente maturation sous re son propre modèle éducatif et formatif. De ce fait, la compréhension La prise de conscience de l’importance et de la gravité de la tâche la de gravité la de et l’importance de conscience de prise La charge en prise la regarde elle particulière, toute manière D’une La prise en compte de ce potentiel est essentielle dans la mesure où hu l’être de formation la de cœur au L’éducationdonc, trouve, se du c’est, fondamentale, tâche une comme l’éducation Concevoir : celui d’un besoin fonda ------mot utilisé en période de crise et nous savons que la société actuelle société la que savons nous et crise de période en utilisé mot d’un s’agit Il guerres. de et sociopolitiques d’instabilités foyers les par et les catastrophes naturelles, ainsi que le sentiment d’insécurité généré épidémies les par causées crises les que tels dramatiques, événements quence avec laquelle il est utilisé dans les infos que par la récurrence des L’urgence éducativedanslasociétéengénéral bilité crée,enquelquesorteunesituationd’urgence éducative. versifiée. La difficulté à répondre convenablement à une telle responsa et auxmodalitésd’organisation, degestion etd’autogestion. teurs relatifs aux institutions, aux acteurs de l’éducation, aux structures, fac de multitude une compte en prendre de aussi convient Il articulée. et cohérente manière de d’intervenir et fragmentation la et confusion la d’éviter tout avant s’agit, Il précipitation. sans mais promptement, légitimes dans la mesure où l’urgence de la situation exige d’intervenir l’éducation de adéquate planification une malaise du causes les et pré-moniteurs scolaires et éducatives pathologies des et nir et les modalités d’intervention se sont aussi multipliées. Faut-il interve types les sur questions Les plus. comptent se ne pressions de groupes force immédiate etarticulée. la crise actuelle de l’éducation exige une intervention qui soit en même de résolution la que conviction la nourrit elle fait, En éducative. tâche la d’affronter appropriée manière la sur l’attention aussi attire gence certitude face à l’amplitude et la complexité de la crise éducative. L’ur l’in de et l’éducation de secteur du pathologies des et problèmes des conscience de prise une à aussi mais l’éducation, de importance trême l’ex de diffus sentiment un à seulement non référence fait expression « l’expression D’où éducative. réalité connaît, enquelquesorteunesituationdecrisemultidimensionnelle. : pour combler les trous les combler pour : Au niveau politique, on entend souvent parler d’un véritable d’un parler souvent entend on politique, niveau Au la à appliqué aussi est urgence mot le temps, certain un Depuis familier.désormais fré urgenceest la mot nous par Le tant l’est Il en faveur de l’éducation. À ce stade les tentatives de réforme et les ? Pour arrêter la diffusion de l’hémorragie de diffusion la arrêter Pour ? urgence éducative urgence O d mis or garantir pour moins du Ou ? ? Ces questions sont toutes sont questions Ces ? ? Pour identifier les signes les identifier Pour ? ». Une telle Une ». task ------

Oblatio l 597 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 598 l Local Section – Rome le droitàl’éducationetlaconsolidationdel’ÉcoleCatholique concerne qui ce en notamment d’éducation, matière en l’Église de que educationis 2. Le tournant du Concile Vatican II avec la Déclaration « clique de Pie XI « nifestation de l’intérêt spécial de l’Église pour l’éducation avec l’ency notamment après, pensée cette de phase nouvelle une ouvrir L’expressionl’éducation. même sur semble l’Église de actuel discours Dans lapenséeéducativedel’Église cordeEcclesiae Apostolique Constitution la de anniversaire vingt-cinquième du et Déclaration la de cinquantenaire du cadre pado Méxicano(CEM),2012). en faveur d’une nouvelle action éducative (Cf. Conferencia del Episco ment sur les défis actuels de l’éducation et sur la nécessité de s’engager rence épiscopale mexicaine a aussi emboité le pas en publiant un docu Confé La 2010). (CEI), Italiana Episcopale Conferenza (Cf. l’Église de éducative mission la sur décennal pastoral projet un élaboré a qui italienne épiscopale Conférence la de cas le C’est actuelle. éducative cative de l’Église et la réponse à donner face à la situation d’émergence monde (Cf.PapeFrançois,2014b,2015) du transformation la et foi la de transmission la l’homme, de mation for la pour essentiel outil un comme l’éducation de domaine le dans l’Église de l’engagement considère il outre, En 2015). François, Pape pour changer le monde, il faut commencer par changer l’éducation (Cf. que notamment rappelle Il 2014a). François, Pape (Cf. réalité la dans société actuelle(Cf.BenoîtXVI,2008,2010). en vue de répondre de manière satisfaisante aux besoins éducatifs de la éducatives agences les toutes de corresponsabilité la à et coopération la à appelé a et actuelle éducative crise la de l’ampleur toute souligné çois. Le congrès de la Congrégation de l’Éducation Catholique dans le dans Catholique l’Éducation de Congrégation la de congrès Le D’autres instances ecclésiales ont approfondi la responsabilité édu Le Pape François, de son côté, insiste pour une éducation enracinée a XVI Benoît l’éducation sur interventions différentes ses Dans Fran et XVI Benoît Papes aux cher thème d’un outre, en s’agit, Il le dans résonance forte L’urgencetrès une aussi connaît éducative

» qui conditionne, en quelque sorte, le discours et la prati la et discours le sorte, quelque en conditionne, qui » , offrira certainement l’occasion de réfléchir sur le ren le sur réfléchir de l’occasion offriracertainement , Divini Illius Magistri

» publiée le 31 décembre 1929 rvsiu educationis Gravissimum Gravissimum : 1. la ma la 1. : Ex ------;

elle-même se définit comme une communauté éducative. C’est dans ce dans C’est éducative. communauté une comme définit se elle-même la vie et qui s’étend à tous les espaces et dimensions de la vie. L’Église toute dure qui permanent processus un comme considérée désormais l’éducation, de spatiotemporelle signification la de modification cette à s’adapter de essaye l’Église lors, Dès éducative. l’action de et cation l’édu de signification la de l’extension de conséquent, par et, actuelle d’une meilleure prise en compte des défis de l’éducation dans la société l’éducation (Cf.Congrégationpourl’EducationCatholique,2014). de spécifique domaine le dans l’Église de l’engagement de forcement notre mission. de aspects les sur et d’action sphères nos sur missionnaires, gements enga nos de dimensions les sur d’être, manière notre sur réfléchir de l’urgence sur l’accent mis ont congrès Fondateur.Ces du canonisation la de et béatification la de immédiat contexte le dans organisés oblat lecharisme sur congrès différents les avec affirmée particulièrement s’est nécessité telle Une mission. sa et identité son sur réfléchir de soin Jésus-Christ danslalignéeduFondateuretdemission del’Église. de l’appel à expresse réponse notre perspective, cette dans détermine, L’urgenceNouvelle. Bonne la de l’annonce dans missionnaires ments engage nos oriente et évangélique caractère un l’urgencerevêt gation, tères » (ConstitutionsetRègles,n°7). plus urgents de l’Église par diverses formes de témoignage et de minis « ponctuellement répondre à Oblats les prédispose qui gence. Il s’agit, dans la logique des Constitutions et Règles, d’un aspect En effet, d’être. le charisme oblat accorde manière une importance toute particulière notre à l’ur et comportements nos touche qui profonde plus beaucoup réalité une est Elle conjoncturelle. situation une à liée Le charismeoblatetl’interprétationdel’urgence pacte éducatif. s’articule, donc, en insistant sur la corresponsabilité et la nécessité d’un responsabilité commune dans la promotion de l’éducation. Ce discours une à appelle et engagement son renforcer à cherche qu’elle contexte Plus d’une fois en effet, la Congrégation a ressenti un pressant be pressant un ressenti effet,a en Congrégation fois la d’une Plus De ce fait, dans l’esprit du charisme et de la tradition de la Congré uniquement pas n’est l’urgence oblat, charisme du cadre le Dans l’urgencede conscience de prise La donc s’accompagne éducative aux besoins les besoins aux ------

Oblatio l 599 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 600 l Local Section – Rome et de la construction de la société, il me semble que la réponse à cette à réponse la que semble me il société, la de construction la de et humaine personne la de promotion la de vue de point du importance réponse àdonner ? termes ces pour ce qui concerne la question éducative. Elle peut être reformulée en ponse vante fondamentales de la Congrégation, Marcello Zago pose la question sui la tradition et le charisme oblat avec les exigences actuelles de l’Égli de actuelles exigences les avec oblat charisme le et tradition la dialogue en mettre de possibilité la sur réfléchir à invite actuelle cative de l’engagementdes0blatsdansledomainel’éducation. formes des et l’évolution de attentive analyse une par commencer doit réponse cette de cadre le dans discernement tout Toutefois, actuelle. l’urgence éducative à donner à réponse la sur discerner de superflu pas considérée comme une dimension transversale de celui-ci. Il n’est donc qu’au tempsduFondateur. manière même la de pas manifestent se ne actuels religieux et sociaux phénomènes les effet, En discernement. d’un perspective la dans mais transposition, d’une sens le dans non adopter à invités sommes nous que critère même ce C’est aujourd’hui. aînés guider nous aussi nos pouvoir doit et Fondateur notre éclairé a qui pratique, sagesse la à-dire c’est- prudence, La continu. processus un de et permanent l’éducation enjeu un et vient vie la de lieux les tous à et âges les tous à s’étend attention cette Aujourd’hui d’enseignement. œuvres les sur palement les Oblatsdanslediscernementetchoixdesministères. guidé toujours ayant critères des que missionnaires dévouement et me s’inspirent tant du zèle et de la disponibilité inhérents à notre dynamis question nepeutêtrequepositive. L’interrogation sur l’attitude à adopter vis-à-vis de l’urgence édu l’urgence de vis-à-vis adopter à L’interrogationl’attitude sur être peut l’urgence oblat, charisme du aspect un d’être plus En princi portait se éducative l’attention Fondateur, du temps Au qui faits les dans s’enracine théorique, d’être loin réponse, Cette Compte tenu de l’élargissement du concept de l’éducation et de son valeurs les sur 1976 de congrès du travaux des synthèse la Dans D : « ? (Cf. Zago, 1977, p. 270). Cette question est toute aussi valable aussi toute est question Cette 270). p. 1977, Zago, (Cf. ? e m è i x u e Face aux urgences du monde, les Oblats sont-ils encore une ré : face à l’urgence éducative actuelle, les oblats ont-ils une ont-ils oblats les actuelle, éducative l’urgence à face :

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------tenu cette tension entre l’attachement aux œuvres missionnaires tradi missionnaires œuvres aux l’attachement entre tension cette tenu entre ont qui et Congrégation la de sein au débats des bien suscité ont qui thèmes ces de partie fait l’éducation effet, En linéaire. manière de nécessairement pas présentent se ne éducation et oblat charisme entre L’évolution historiquedel’engagementdesoblatsenéducation culture pédagogiquequis’estdéveloppéeàpartirdecelui-ci. de compte en l’évolution historique de l’engagement des Oblats en prise éducation et de la la nécessairement exige Cela société. la de et se aux États-Unis : missionnaires activités leurs de débuts les dans Oblats des éducatives analyse de la manière suivante certains échecs ayant soldé les initiatives Menard C. Clarence l’échec. par soldées été ont reconnaître, le faut il éducation, en expériences nos de certaines effet, En résultats. bons de eu toujours pas n’a domaine ce dans Oblats des l’engagement cation, l’édu de question la à conjoncturelle et ponctuelle plutôt réponse une et d’animationdelaCongrégation : gouvernement de instances des décisions les caractérisent qui attitudes gation. Cette remarque du père Aloysius Kedl synthétise les différentes les différents contextes socioculturels de notre histoire comme Congré discernement de notre charisme du et des sens modalités de le son expression dans dans orientée est mais polémique, la de l’alimentation pas la mission. Une telle attitude est normale dans la mesure où elle ne vise gement pastoral pour répondre à l’appel de l’Église et aux exigences de d’enga types d’autres d’explorer nécessité la et Oblats des tionnelles Compte tenu de cet engagement mitigé et cette tendance à donner à tendance cette et mitigé engagement cet de tenu Compte maintenue depuiscetemps(Kedl,1983,p.286). jeunesse la de l’éducation plètement en faveur de la prédication missionnaire. Celui de 1920 rétablit com l’éliminer semble 1906 de Chapitre le conformité, la même affirme pose pas à la fin première de la Congrégation, et que celui de 1898 en s’op ne jeunesse la de l’éducation que déclare 1967 de Chapitre le des Oblats dans le ministère de l’éducation de la jeunesse. Alors que l’engagement devant hésitation certaine d’une majeur raison la été avoir semble missionnaire prédiction la de primauté la de souci Ce rencontre de points différents les historique, évolution son Dans ; c’est cette attitude qui s’est qui attitude cette c’est ; ------

Oblatio l 601 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 602 l Local Section – Rome et les interprétations des questions éducatives sont donc très diversi très donc sont éducatives questions des interprétations les et l’éducation de domaine le dans L’expérienceOblats congrégation. des la de l’histoire dans constance une sont particulier ministère ce de vis vis-à- retenu le et prudence la où mesure la dans demeure éducation en l’obéissance àl’Église. tant par des décisions à caractère pragmatique et conjoncturelle que par en éducation sont ancrés dans une longue et solide tradition caractérisée Oblats des spécifique l’engagement et marquée bien l’implication fait, ce De mission. de champs différents nos de niveau au temps, le dans déploie se qui historique réalité une donc est Oblats des éducative tion tradi Cette local. clergé d’un promotion la à et non-chrétiens, et tiens chré missionnaire, vocation notre exerçons nous qui de auprès ceux de formation la à contribué ont qui éducatives d’institutions gestion la impliqués par un engagement fort significatif, dans la fondation et dans l’attachement duFondateuràlajeunesse(Cf.Beaudoin,1977). Fondateur « sur ministère sont explicitées dans l’étude historique de Emilien Lamirande cisions du Fondateur et des pionniers de la Congrégation vis-à-vis de ce primaires et secondaires et d’universités. Les différentes attitudes et dé d’écoles séminaires, de gestion la dans et fondation la dans Oblats des tionnelles. Il convient toutefois de faire remarquer l’implication directe excep œuvres les parmi classée été toujours a l’éducation Immaculée, Aujourd’hui encore, la tension vis-à-vis de l’engagement des Oblats Au travers de nos deux siècles d’existence, nous nous sommes vus Marie de Oblats Missionnaires de tradition la dans que vrai est Il ment poursuivisàl’unisson(Menard,1983,p.271). sation, un personnel formé, des objectifs à longue échéance, patiem ractéristique des Oblats de l’improvisation, il demandait de l’organi ca trait le que autres éléments des requiert l’éducation de domaine leur insuccès. Plus fondamentalement peut-être, un apostolat dans le de partie une expliquer peuvent l’impatience…, comme personnels, défauts des encore, Et fait. de possédaient qu’ils celles que grandes de succès sans des ressources en hommes et en argent beaucoup plus possibilité de pas n’offraient qui entreprises… des dans fourvoyés ministère de genre ce dans notoires aussi échecs des Pourquoi réponse. sans reste question Une Les œuvres d’enseignement dans la Congrégation du vivant du vivant du Congrégation la dans d’enseignement œuvres Les » (Cf. Lamirande, 1966). En outre, En 1966). Lamirande, Yvon(Cf. » souligne Beaudoin ? Peut-être parce que les Oblats se sont se Oblats les que parce Peut-être ? ------rieure et de supé la recherche dans des centres universitaires, l’éducation que dans le do de cadre le dans bien aussi s’inscrit l’éducation de différentes. formes des connu a engagement tel qu’un ainsi C’est base. de sociaux services de et étatiques d’institutions l’absence de fait du suppléance de rôle un jouer de obligés vus sont se Oblats les mission, de terre en contre, Par timide. plus été a l’éducation de promotion la dans Oblats des l’engagement Europe En missions. nos de socioculturelles et ques géographi situations des diversité la de fonction en sont le Elles fiées. i--i d léuain ot ar lojt ’n éauto attentive. Toutefois, évaluation comment déterminerlescritèresd’unetelleévaluation ? d’une l’objet faire doit l’éducation de vis-à-vis oblate réponse la perspective, cette Dans actions. nos de coordination pastoral sur lequel il faudra tôt ou tard s’activer en vue d’une meilleure défivrai d’un s’agit Il oblat. charisme le pour provocation réelle une la prise en charge de personnes en situation de vulnérabilité constituent comme le malaise et le mal-être juvénile, le conflit intergénérationnel et questions D’autres problématique. moins pas n’est situation la graves, aussi pauvreté de conditions des à confrontés non contextes les Même dans éducatifs. services des et structures des faible précarité la la et l’éducation, qualité à limité l’accès d’analphabétisme, taux fort le particulièrement tout concernent Ceux-ci énormes. sont éducatifs mes problè les contextes, tels de précaire. niveau plutôt Au économique et geable de nos territoires de mission affronte une situation sociopolitique négli non nombre qu’un effet en savons Nous particulière. toute nière l’éducation supérieur. de niveau au engagement notre de question la pour intérêt certain un mité exécutif de l’Association des Instituts Universitaires Oblats Co dénote du l’existence Toutefois, universitaires. centres de beaucoup pas gnement del’enfance,lajeunesseetdesgensdutroisièmeâge. l’accompa de l’analphabétisme, contre lutte la de cas le dans comme problématiques situations des dans éducatives interventions des maine Pour contre, le second cas devrait attirer notre attention d’une ma d’une attention notre attirer devrait cas second le contre, Pour n’avons nous que vrai est il cas, premier le concerne qui ce Pour Dans cette perspective, l’engagement des Oblats dans la promotion ------

Oblatio l 603 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 604 l Local Section – Rome gences de la mission (Cf. George, 1983; Kedl, 1983; Levasseur,1983; 1983; Kedl, 1983; George, (Cf. mission la de gences exi aux réponses nos de et charisme notre de réinterprétation la dans que ainsi Congrégation, la de missionnaire l’engagement de et langage du l’adaptation dans important rôle un jouent généraux Supérieurs des d’évangélisation. activités recommandations les et généraux Chapitres les perspective, cette Dans multiples leurs dans Oblats des concrète l’expérience par aussi mais Congrégation, la de direction de instances les par seulement non modelée constamment est Celle-ci pédagogique. Les Oblatsont-ilsuneculture pédagogique ? personne nécessitantnotre soutien. autre toute et jeunes les avec interactions nous dans orienter et catives méthode d’évangélisation qui devrait nous guider dans nos œuvres édu oblate d’évangélisation méthode une existe Cooper,il remarquer Austin fait le comme outre, En 1977). pour promouvoir des Oblats selon la préface de la règle apostolique « sur Ciardi aujourd’hui Fondateur du charisme le terventions de Francis George sur les « d’expression de l’identité oblate. Nous pouvons citer entre autres les in forme une représenterait tour, son à qui, pédagogique culture cette de l’interprétation à contribuer peuvent éléments Ces oblate. l’identité de caractéristiques éléments des comportent 1976 de Congrès du cadre le dans élaborés textes des plupart la que remarquer faire de convient il Toutefois,entreprise. telle une à pas prête se ne gé temps le l’Administration mais nérale, de et Chapitres des actes les dans manifeste culture se telle une comment voir d’aller intéressant serait Il sionnaire. mis pratique notre de et d’être manière notre de pas donc distingue se ne pédagogique culture Cette oblat. charisme du particularité la et que mar la portant savoir-être d’un et savoir-faire d’un c’est-à-dire oblate, l’identité par marquée pédagogique culture d’une développement au Pierlorz, 1983). De ce fait, notre implication au niveau de l’éducation a contribué a l’éducation de niveau au implication notre fait, ce De culture une développé certainement ont Oblats les temps, Avecle » (Cf. Ciardi, 1977) et de Anthony d’Alton de Anthony et 1977) Ciardi, (Cf. » Quelques traits de la communauté à la lumière de la vie la de lumière la à communauté la de traits Quelques

(Cooper, 1983). C’est justement cette justement C’est (Cooper,1983). » (Cf. George, 1977), de Fabio de 1977), George, (Cf. » Critères pour découvrir et vivre » (Cf. D’Alton, : « : Animation ------peine d’êtrementionnés. la valent qui commentaires deux de l’objet fait a article Cet 2015. avril méthode d’évangélisation(Cf.Cooper, 1983,pp.179-181). la caractérisent Cooper, Austin selon qui, aspects différents ces sente pré suivant tableau Le 1983). Cooper, (Cf. méthode oblates la d’évangélisation de essentiels aspects des comme l’Oblat et l’Esprit dans renouvellement le communauté, la diversité, la dans l’unité leadership, 1983, de Congrès du de style le flexibilité, la présentent Cooper Austin naires etlaqualitédenotrerelationaveceux. mission activités nos de teneur la savoir-faire, notre savoir-être, notre évaluer pour important élément un donc constituent réactions leurs et Le missionnaire. engagement notre de qualité la de barre la haute maintenir à encouragement un et Oblat tout pour fierté une doute sans est commentaires tels de Lire oblate. d’évangélisation m’a semblé expressive en ce qui concerne la particularité de la méthode Nous avons eu chaud au cœur en lisant cette conversation tant elle tant conversation cette lisant en cœur au chaud eu avons Nous séduite. Bonmardiàtoi. m’a qui d’ailleurs elle C’est Leur toujours. souvenir.demeure ouverture” beau “grande un gardé as en tu que surtout et inconnu pas t’est ne oblat monde le que d’apprendre heureuse suis je bien…, Eh Le deuxièmecommentaireenréponseaupremier : avec eux.Bonnejournée ! une très grande ouverture. J’ai passé les plus belles années de ma vie gieuse et intellectuelle. Les Oblats avaient sur le monde et la culture reli valeur grande très de Oblats plusieurs connu J’ai (Saguenay). Jonquière de classique collège au Oblats les avec j’enseignais ment, d’enseigne années premières mes dans que dire te voudrais je …, Le premiercommentaire : 27 le Facebook sur partagé été a Oblats les concernant article Un Dans sa présentation sur la méthode d’évangélisation oblate lors oblate d’évangélisation méthode la sur présentation sa Dans feedback des gens des - - - -

Oblatio l 605 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 606 l Local Section – Rome Tableau 1 :Quelquesaspectsdelaméthoded’évangélisationoblate chement au principe de l’option préférentielle pour les pauvres, consti pauvres, les pour préférentielle l’option de principe au chement atta notre et missionnaire zèle au et charité la à incite nous qui dateur méthodes appropriés d’instruments etde et lamiseenœuvre f) L’« être Oblat» l’Esprit e) Renouvelédans d) Communauté c) Unitéetdiversité b) Styleduleadership a) Flexibilité Sans vouloir exagérer, il me semble que le testament reçu du Fon du reçu testament le que exagérer,semble vouloir me Sans il Critères Tout enétantactif,l’Oblatestappeléàse essentielle. communautés forméesetrégulièresétait l’insistance duFondateursurdes Selon sapratiquedel’évangélisation, unités oblates. l’autonomie etlapromotiondesdifférentes l’unité, l’interdépendance,lacoopération, et d’animationfavorisantenmêmetemps La créationdestructuresadministratives façon d’évangéliser. sont perçuscommeunaspectimportantdela La proximité et le rapport étroit avec les gens mission. aux urgences etdanslaréalisationde dans lediscernementdelaréponseàdonner permettent d’avoirunevisionplusclaire « La flexibilité»etl’adaptabilité impliqués. la confiance,l’optimismedesoblats compétence, l’enthousiasmeetlamotivation, Il s’agitdoncdemettreenvaleurla d’utiliser lesinstrumentsappropriés ». élevée soit-elle,nepeutêtreefficace àmoins « le dynamismedesavieetsesidéaux. renouveler constammentfaisantdelaprière Aucune visiondel’évangélisation,si Description - - - d’évangélisation et, par conséquent, la culture pédagogique des Oblats des pédagogique culture la conséquent, par et, d’évangélisation proximité, l’accueil,lasollicitude,compréhension,l’ouverture. la par connotée être pourrait oblate pédagogique culture la outre, En d’évangélisation. activités leurs dans Oblats des concret l’engagement connote qui vision une constitue Toutcela visages. multiples aux vres pau aux priorité la aussi consacrent normatifs textes Nos Oblats. de ses réclamait Mazenod de qu’Eugène missionnaire zèle du et la fougue de s’inspire oblate l’identité effet, En pédagogique. style notre ou culture notre caractériser pouvant essentiels éléments des un aussi tue voqués par cette situation d’urgence doit s’articuler en fonction de trois pro pastoraux défis aux réponse la avis, humble notre À l’urgence. à spéciale attention une accorde charisme notre car interpeller nous vrait de situation telle Une éducative. d’urgence l’expression par traduit cela se éducatif, vue de point Du diversifiée. et complexe situation une que del’appell’Église. charisme leur de tant s’inspirant en l’éducation de promotion la dans générosité, la volonté et le choix des Oblats de s’engager concrètement la détermine qui dimension d’une s’agit il où mesure la dans éducative passion de et service de mission, de vocation, de termes en l’éducation de service au l’engagement d’interpréter anodin pas n’est il titre, ce À le cadre d’institutions éducatives ou d’autres ministères d’évangélisation. dans exercées soient qu’elles missionnaires, pratiques nos à ticité authen et significativité confèrent qui savoir-être le et savoir-faire le être interprétée. susceptible d’être déduite de cette vision et de cette intentionnalité doit pédagogique culture la Toutefois, l’homme. de réalisation pleine la à vision et est porteuse d’une intentionnalité lui permettant de contribuer du faire sans et tromper nous de risque sans affirmer, même de tout vons sionnaires. Il mis n’y a pratiques pas lieu de nos le faire dans de le présent et exposé. Nous pou normatifs textes nos d’une de scrupuleuse terme analyse au davantage s’allonger peut Elle exhaustive. pas n’est U e c n e g r forcing uor’u pu qe aas ls bas ovn s cnrne à confronter se doivent Oblats les jamais, que plus Aujourd’hui Parler de culture pédagogique chez les Oblats, c’est donc valoriser méthodes les l’identité, distinguent qui aspects des liste Cette

é qe ’cin isonie e Olt et ori pr une par nourrie est Oblats des missionnaire l’action que , i t a c u d v e

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Oblatio l 607 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 608 l Local Section – Rome porter notre contribution face aux défis pastoraux provoqués par cette par provoqués pastoraux défis aux face contribution notre porter prioriser la formation. Le second nous incite à nous activer à en vue invitation d’ap une comme interprété être peut premier Le appel. double l’éducation. de domaine le dans engagement son sur l’Église de actuelles intuitions des et pensée la de inspirer Nous 3. mission. et la de express besoins aux l’Église de appels aux répondre à visant décisions les dans gation Congré la et Fondateur le orienté ayant herméneutiques critères des grandes stratégies ou options mais qu’il faut aussi s’inspirer des principes herméneutiques qui ont pu l’urgence éducative actuelle, il ne faut pas agir uniquement par réaction, et surnospratiquesmissionnaires. Maisquefaireetcommentréagir ? d’être loin épargnés par cette situation sommes qui nous interpelle sur notre manière d’être nous missionnaires, Comme l’Église. et société plusieurs reprises,l’importancedeceministère. à souligne, Ngoka P.Cornelius le 2015a), Ngoka, (Cf. prénoviciat au du année seconde la de thème au 2012), Ngoka, (Cf. 2012 août en Rome à tenue tâche telle d’une gravité la toute laformation de fondamentaux objectifs les définissent qui Règles et Constitutions les dans souligné bien et bel est aspect Cet Congrégation. la de mission la dans et vie la dans formation la de tal jeunes en particulier. On ne finit jamais d’insister sur le rôle fondamen des route, notre sur rencontrée personne toute à accessible oblat risme cha le rendre de que Oblat tout de perfectionnement du et l’initiation de bien aussi s’agit Il imbibés. tous sommes nous laquelle dans réalité nous ne parlons pas de quelque chose qui nous est extérieur, mais d’une àcette relatifs situation d’urgence. défis les affronter mieux pour préparer nous mieux à la nécessité de miser sur la formation initiale et continue. Cela consiste D’où mission. la de réussite la pour que oblat charisme du pérennité la situation d’urgence. Sans entrer dans la complexité du sujet, il nous semble que face à face que semble nous il sujet, du complexité la dans entrer Sans la pour défi véritable un représente actuelle éducative L’urgence éducative, d’urgence parlons nous quand perspective, cette Dans pour tant vital enjeu d’un est l’éducation de ministère le effet, En un lance nous actuelle éducative l’urgence lieu, premier tout En triennium oblat (Cf. Ngoka, 2014, 2015b) et à la formation la à et 2015b) 2014, Ngoka, (Cf. oblat : 1. Prioriser la formation. 2. Nous inspirer 2 . En écho à la session de formation de session la à écho En . 1 t rappellent et - - - - prudente qui nous appelle à contourner tout risque d’évanescence et à et d’évanescence risque tout contourner à appelle nous qui prudente à invitent attitude une nous là C’est charisme. notre ils de spécificité la à où attention prêter mesure la dans raison part quelque ont qu’ils J’avoue charisme. notre à adaptée pas n’est activité telle ou telle que dire Oblats des d’entendre souvent arrive il tradition, cette de cadre le que desintuitionsetdelapenséel’Égliseenmatièred’éducation. oblate, tradition la de bien aussi inspirant nous en réponses nos cerner dis de s’agit Il perspective, cette Dans l’Église. de l’histoire de niveau au ou Congrégation la dans autre une à ou moment un à valoir faire se finition descritères denosréponsesvis-à-vis del’urgence éducative. semblent particulièrement intéressants dans le cadre d’une éventuelle dé nous mentionnés points premiers deux Les significatifs. assez repère de Congrégation,lamentionne pointsMarcellomissionZagodehuit la et vie la caractérisent qui tendances des vision une présentant en 1983, de déter mine qui notre missionnaire manière culture d’évangéliser d’une et large d’entrer plus en relation. cadre Lors le du dans Congrès s’insère pédagogiquequi culture de sorte une choses, des force la par veloppé et d’êtreobéissantsauxsuggestionsdel’Esprit. arrêtée agir. décision bien de de avoir et pas ne à consiste flexibilité La cisions et de nos actions, c’est donc l’art de décider de manière réfléchie et à la flexibilité. La prudence consiste à bien peser la teneur de nos dé prudence la à relatifs critères deux ces de l’aune à interprétée être peut actuelle éducative l’urgence à face Oblats des réponse la que semble n’est que la conséquence de cet attachement à Jésus-Christ. l’Église Ainsi, de il me l’amour sur et communautaire et fraternelle charité la sur l’insistance ailleurs, Par mission. notre de et vie notre de centre le me C’est la raison pour laquelle Jésus-Christ a toujours été considéré com Congrégation s’estconstruitedesafondationànosjours. la lequel selon l’esprit marqué ont qui attitudes deux et raisonnement à lanouveautéetauxinjonctionsactuellesdel’Églisedumonde. fois, la prudence ne doit pas être confondue à la rigidité et à la fermeture l’essentiel. St Eugène de Mazenod était très sensible à cet aspect. Toute de écartent nous qui activités une et mille dans engager nous de éviter om nu laos olgé rcdmet ls bas n dé ont Oblats les précédemment, souligné l’avons nous Comme l’Église. de et monde du l’appel à attentif été toujours a Eugène de types deux demeurent flexibilité la et prudence la effet, En Dans un second temps, il s’agit de valoriser la tradition oblate. Dans ------

Oblatio l 609 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 610 l Local Section – Rome anthropologique pour la transmission de la foi. Il parle de l’urgencede parle Il édu foi. la de transmission la pour anthropologique base une et vision une offreespace, l’expression un lui, Selon éducative. l’urgence et foi la de transmission la entre directe relation une établit François concernant la question de l’urgence éducative. En effet, le Pape choix pédagogiquesainsiquenospratiquesetengagements éducatifs. nos d’orienter susceptible est dispositions, et documents différents par tions magiques. Toutefois sa doctrine en matière d’éducation, alimentée engagement éducatif. L’Église ne livre certes pas de recettes ni de solu son de nature la significative manière de définissant en ton le donné a VaticanConcile II Le l’éducation. à spéciale toute attention une servé ré a l’Église décennies, dernières des cours qu’au savons nous cation, 1983, p.338). ‘délaissés’plus sont de cemonde,àceuxsurtoutquiy besoins attention, cette écoute du monde, doivent nous rendre plus sensible aux Sion Paul remarquer fait le Comme mutation. constante en monde ce de exigences aux l’attention à et monde du l’écoute à sent celle-ci (Cf.Zago,1983,pp.351-352). de interpersonnelle et psychologique dimension la de que spirituel du sation prend en compte la personne dans son intégralité et s’occupe tant au développement intégral de la personne dans la mesure où l’évangéli réservée l’importance aussi mais ministères, des choix le orienter vant vantage d’emphasesurlesdestinataires. Nous voudrions nous attarder davantage sur les intuitions du Pape intuitionsdu lesattarder davantagesurvoudrions nous Nous Enfin, pour ce qui concerne la pensée de l’Église en matière d’édu prédispo nous charisme notre de caractéristiques les outre, En Ces deux critères indiquent non seulement la largesse de vision de da mettre à invite attention, notre retient qui critère deuxième Le l’Église etduRoyaume(Zago,1983,p.351). à la formation des personnes et des communautés, à la croissance de société la de et personne chaque de vie la de sions Jésus-Christ de annonce simple la que large plus sens un dans comprise est Elle ne. s’incar et réalise se elle lesquels dans ministères, des d’évaluation critère et pauvres. finalité comme des comprise davantage l’évangélisation est L’évangélisation à ministères des passe L’attention Dans lepremiercritèreestsoulignéunchangementdefocus : : elle doit illuminer et transformer toute les dimen les toute transformer et illuminer doit elle : ; elle est orientée est elle ; : « :

» (Sion, » Cette ------rencontreJésus-Christde sachant enguideraspirations les idéaux les et l’utopie de gestion bonne Une 2. foi. la de transmission la à essentiels Pape, le entre contenus, habitudes et sens des valeurs suivante manière la de décrits être peuvent critères trois critères devant nous guider dans cette situation d’urgence éducative. Ces sion pontificale pour l’Amérique latine, le Pape recommande trois grandsCommis la de membres aux s’adressant En foi. la de transmission la de l’éducation des jeunes générations, de et catéchèse la sur de cadre les le réfléchir,présupposées dans à appel unanthropologiques commecative et un savoir-faire éducatif. L’explicitation et la capitalisation de cette de capitalisation la et L’explicitation éducatif. savoir-faire un et engagement finit par développer une culture, c’est-à-dire un savoir-être tel un choses, des force la Par éducatifs. projets de pilotage au et finance ment au définition, la à d’écoles construction simple de d’une ou collaboration allant facettes, multiples de revêt engagement cet que compte rendra se on chose, la de spécificité la dans entre on Si cation. il dit avoir constaté que nous ne sommes pas mal impliqués dans l’édu oblates, différentesunités aux visites nombreuses ses gen. de cours Au Lou Louis général, Supérieur notre de volée, la à ça, comme eu avons désen chantement. au et pauvreté la à souffrance, la à confrontée personne toute de vulnérabilité la à attentifs plus rendre nous devrait culture telle Une pontificat. son de début le dès François Pape par promue tendresse, la comme detrop(Cf.PapeFrançois,2014b). considérées que parce indésirables étant comme perçues sont pendance dé la et déviance la violence, dans noyées personnes les et emplois sans jeunes les âgées, personnes les enfants, les que tels vulnérables plus les centrée sur le dieu de l’argent et non sur société une la Dans inutile. personne donc, et productif humaine, non comme considère lesprofit couches du rebut, c’est-à-dire du refus de ce que la société de consommation et de d’une culture humanisante à même de prendre le contrepied de la culture cernement sur le présent et la projection vers l’avenir. 3. La transmission dis le passé, du mémoire la entre cohérente articulation d’une moyen au À titre de conclusion, rappelons un simple commentaire que nous que commentaire simple un rappelons conclusion, de titre À de culture la de compte en prise la j’ajouterais Acritères, trois ces

: selon Pape François, un tel critère doit pouvoir conduire à la conduireàpouvoir doitcritère tel François,un Papeselon : C n o i s u l c n o : ces trois piliers sont, selon : 1. L’harmonie1. : ------

Oblatio l 611 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 612 l Local Section – Rome sion confrontéeauxurgences desdifférents contextessocioculturels. des expressions existentielles du charisme oblat dans le vécu de la mis une à référer se c’est d’éducation, parler cas, ce Dans oblat. charisme au actuelle l’urgenceéducative de provocations multiples les et enjeux véritables les dans d’emblée introduit nous Elle éducation. en Oblats des l’engagement de question la de théorique purement approche toute et polémique toute de au-delà va général Supérieur du L’observation intensité. majeure une avec s’affiche éducation desquelles en oblat sein l’engagement au unités les pour spéciale, manière d’une et, gation congré la de l’ensemble pour significatives très être pourraient culture la vieapostolique. http://www.vaticant.va [07/10/2014]. 2010 maggo 27 del (CEI) Italiana Episcopale renza vatican.va [27/04/2015]. générations nouvelles des formation la de 36 raisons devivre,croireetd’espérer. s’agit de continuer à donner au monde et aux pauvres en particulier, des Il l’éducation. de service au l’église de l’engagement doctrinales de juridiques bases et des que charisme, notre de maturation de et tation s’inspirent, notamment, tant du long parcours d’élaboration, d’interpré conscience de prise telle pro d’une fondements Les l’éducation. de motion la dans Oblats des l’engagement de conscience de prise grande travaillé oubénéficiéduservicedesOblats. d’avoir reconnaissance leur exprimer pour occasion une jamais quent man ne D’autres oblats. les par formés été ont qu’ils parce oblats aux Congrégation. Nombreux sont ceux qui sont devenus oblats ou associés la de survie la sorte quelque garantir,en c’est jeunes, des formation la assurer coup, Du l’homme. de celui de et Dieu de mystère du hension , 135-149. Ciardi, F. (1977). Quelques traits de la communauté à la lumière de Benoît XVI. (2010). Benoît XVI. (2008). jeunes. les et Fondateur Le Y.Beaudoin, (1977). Dans cette perspective, l’urgence éducative nous appelle à une plus compré la sur et monde le sur ouverte porte une L’éducationest Vie OblateLife, 36 Lettre au diocèse de Rome sur le devoir urgent Discorso all’Assemblea generale della Confe B e i h p a r g o i l b i , 203-224. . Disponible sur http://www.sur Disponible . . Disponible sur: Disponible . Vie Oblate Life, VieOblate ------laboris Instrumentum renouvelle. se qui passion Une demain. et aujourd’hui it/ [27/04/2015]. per il decennio 2010-2020 Vangelo del buona ción enMéxico educa sobre la orientaciones y Reflexiones sociedad: nueva una para Triennium oblat,II aujourd’hui. 271. (1842-1883). débuts des période La Unis: de laCongrégation gation duvivantFondateur. généraux de1867à1966. vyver &S.Devyver, Trans.). Paris:Gallimard. 1972 à1980. du Fondateuraujourd’hui. s’engagent (Ed.), Dagens C. la préfacederègle. Oblate Life,42 M de l’évangélisation de pratique la et vision la à Ngoka, C. (2014). La formation, un processus qui dure toute la vie: Ngoka, C. (2012). La formation au service de la vie et de la mission Etats- aux l’évangélisation et Oblats Les (1983). C. C. Menard, généraux Supérieurs L’évangélisationles (1983). et Levasseur,D. Lamirande, E. (1966). Les oeuvres d’enseignement dans la Congré Chapitres les dans l’évangélisation et Oblats Les (1983). Kedl, A. Jaeger, W. (1988). George, F. E. (1983). L’évangélisation et les Chapitres généraux de charisme le vivre et découvrir pour Critères (1977). F.George,E. Introduction (2007). H. Derycke, selon Oblats des promouvoir pour (1977). Animation D’Alton, A. anglaise province la de Oblats des réponse La (1983). Cooper, A. (2014). Catholique. l’Education pour Congrégation (2010). (CEI). Italiana Episcopale Conferenza (2012). (CEM). Méxicano Episcopado del Conferencia . Citédu Vatican: Congrégationpourl’EducationCatholique. (pp.15-33).Paris:OdileJacob. Information OMI Vie OblateLife,42 , 164-182. . México:EdicionesCEM, A.R. Pour l’éducation et pour l’école pour et l’éducation Pour e Vie OblateLife,42 année. Oinaet psoai elEicpt italiano dell’Episcopato pastorali Orientamenti : Vie OblateLife,36 Paideia: La formation de l’homme grec . Disponible sur Vie OblateLife,42 Vie OblateLife,36 Information OMI (526), 1-2. Etudes Oblates,25 , 289-305. , 307-320. : Manifeste pour l’éducation. In l’éducation. pour Manifeste : , 224-233. : http://www.chiesacattolica. i Olt Lf, 42 Life, Oblate Vie (550), 1-2. , 285-288. , 31-43. , 3-34. gr : Des catholiques Des : de Mazenod. de dcr al vita alla Educare Éduquer (A. De Educar 259- , Vie - - -

Oblatio l 613 l Jean-Nicolas Printemps Oblatio l 614 l Local Section – Rome 2014). Disponiblesur :www.vatican.va [26/04/2015]. l’OCDE tion 2013 le charismeoblat. ciat. Vie OblateLife,42 te Life,36 Congrégation des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée. pour tous nos ConstitutionsetRègles. l’évangélisation. Disponible in:www.vatican.va [27/04/2015]. Occurrentes”“Scholas de éducatif mondial congrès nible sur :www.vatican.va [01/03/2015]. latine l’Amérique pour pontificale Pape François. (2014a). François. Pape (2013b). OCDE. (2013a). OCDE. Ngoka, C. (2015b). La formation continue pour se renouveler dans prénovi au formation et humaine Croissance (2015a). C. Ngoka, Zago, M. (1983). L’évangélisation chez les Oblats d’aujourd’hui. Oblats les L’évangélisationchez (1983). M. Zago, la de fondamentales valeurs les sur Eclairages (1977). M. Zago, (2014). UNESCO. de éditions différentes les dans L’évangélisation (1983). P. Sion, et 1861 à 1818 de généraux Chapitres Les (1983). J. Pierlorz, (2015). François. Pape (2014b). François. Pape 2 1 Information OMI Cf. C69. Cf. C46-49. . Paris:EditionsOCDE. . Paris:EditionsOCDE. . Paris:UNESCO. , 269-298. Vie OblateLife,42 Information OMI , 341-352. Les grandes mutations qui transforment l’éduca transforment qui mutations grandes Les Regard sur l’éducation 2013: Les indicateurs de indicateurs Les 2013: l’éducation Regardsur (556), 1-2. nege e apede Atide a qualité la Atteindre apprendre: et Enseigner Vie OblateLife,42 icus locso d l côue du clôture la de l’occasion à Discours Discours aux écoles italiennes écoles aux Discours icus u mmrs u Commission du membres aux Discours . (Vendredi 28 février 2014). Dispo (Vendredi2014). . février 28 (554), 1-2. , 273-283. [email protected] Jean-Nicolas Printemps, , 321-339. . (5 février 2015). février (5 . . (10 mai (10 . Vie Obla Haiti i m o - - - - J par-là que la formation est un ministère dans la Congrégation. D’évi Congrégation. la dans ministère un est formation la que par-là pas si le confrère m’avait compris. Mais je dois avouer que je confessais du Christ, et membres chacun pour sa part (1 Co 13, 4-7. 23) dience en vue du bien commun. Nous sommes membres du même corps disant en Paul Saint paraphraser de permis même suis me Je genre. ce de enquête une de formationdansleursdiverscontextes. maisons les toutes à applicable idéale méthode une existe s’il et ; sées maisons de formation oblate pour me rendre compte de méthodes utili différentesnos de tour le fait j’avais si demander me venu est confrère un provocateur, doute, sans et, interrogatif titre ce lisant En répondre. oblate formation de tention et/oul’intérêtquevousprêterezànotremodestecontribution. l’at pour anticipés remerciements mes que ainsi salutation, fraternelle et sœurs auditeurs ici présents, et à nos éventuels lecteurs, j’adresse ma de notre Congrégation dans l’aujourd’hui du monde. A vous tous, frères mission la et vie la sur réflexions importantes ces à associé avoir nous des de Merci responsable. Général le est Ciardi Service Fabio père le au dont Oblates, Etudes lui, par et Conseil, son à et Général père au QUELLES METHODEFORMATIVES Tout gentiment, j’ai répondu qu’il ne m’appartenait pas de faire de pas m’appartenait ne qu’il répondu j’ai gentiment, Tout « risme oblat dans son contexte, 2015. cha Mes remerciements le vont droit sur congrès ce de organisateurs aux gratitude sincère ma devoir d’un m’acquitter tout avant voudrais e Quelles méthodes formatives appliquons-nous dans nos maisons nos dans appliquons-nous formatives méthodes Quelles DANS NOSMAISODEFORMATION OBLATE ? : « : À chacun dans la Congrégation est donnée une obé une donnée est Congrégation la dans chacun À ? », telle est la question à laquelle nous voudrions nous laquelle à question la est telle », G I a n o i t c u d o r t n b y K e z n i , i m o APPLIQUONS-S : celui d’exprimer celui : 1 . Je ne sais - - - - -

Oblatio l 615 l Gaby Kinze Oblatio l 616 l Local Section – Rome magiques à appliquer dans nos maisons de formation. Je l’entends plu l’entends Je formation. de maisons nos dans appliquer à magiques méthodes quelques de proposition une ni terrain, sur effectuée quête formation en vocationnelle. experts des recherches des et oblats documents nos de quotidien, vécu notre de partir à réfléchir de pas donc m’empêche ne nistère. Le fait de n’avoir pas été dans toutes nos maisons de formation ne pas préoccuper tout Oblat même non affecté directement dans ce mi formandis les sont que directs protagonistes les d’abord tout concerne elle dence chose nière, c’est-à-dire au « Il estmêmeutilisédansplusieurs domainesdelaviecourante. Le terme « vie. la toute mais Lonergan), (Cf. théologie la ni Descartes), (Cf. philosophie la seulement pas préoccupe ne méthodes des question La crer às’approprierlessentimentsduChristSeigneur » (VC68§3). consa se à aspirent qui ceux progressivement conduisent qui gogique péda et spirituelle sagesse en riche méthode, une proposer de mateurs cette dernière (càd la formation), est à son tour liée à la capacité des for que vrai aussi est il formation, la de principalement dépend Consacrée écrit II Jean-Paul Pape le formation). Voilà la pourquoijel’aborderaicepartageen troispoints : à relatives (recommandations II post-Vatican période la de oblats généraux Chapitres des des Actes tirées recommandations quelques de lecture ma de partir à provocation modeste une comme tôt En général, la parole « parole la général, En formative. méthode une c’est que ce comprendre bien faut nous Il post-synodale, apostolique Exhortation son Dans Et enguisedeConclusion,jeproposeraiQuelquessuggestions. - - - en d’une compte-rendu un ni n’est intervention mon mot, un En Cmet procéder Comment ? Troisièmement,formatives méthodes des enjeux les sont Quels formati méthodes nos sur réfléchir Pourquoi Deuxièmement, Premièrement, Quefaut-il entendreparméthodesformatives ? (selon ves ? méthode Q et leurs formateurs respectifs. Elle ne peut pas, pour autant, pour pas, peut ne Elle respectifs. formateurs leurs et e u

VC f t u a » est très polysémique. Il couvre une réalité complexe. 68) ? - l i

e r d n e t n e comment : « : méthode Qel vi fu-l suivre faut-il voie Quelle ? S’il est vrai que le renouveau de la Vie la de renouveau le que vrai est S’il

? r a p » : Comment faire telle ou telle autre

m » nous revoit au style ou à la ma la à ou style au revoit nous » é s e d o h t

f i t a m r o VitaConsecrata v s e Comment ? ? ------, formation et en vue de la finalité poursuivie. Car les formandis sont formandis formation. la de Tenirprotagonistes premiers les signifie d’eux compte les Car poursuivie. finalité la de vue en en et sujets formation des fonction en adéquates, méthodes des appliquer à pelés donc leproblèmedelarelationdesformateursaveclesformandis. formation la de objectifs question la à effet, en répond, méthode Une formation. la de valeurs les formatif, de former Ce sont des méthodes qui ne sont ni totalement directives, ni totalement en vuedurapportfinal. réputation. L’on se tait, mais en même temps on observe et on note tout du formateur est centrée non l’attention sur les personnes à formation, former, mais de sur sa propre style tel un dans Souvent, formation. en de sujets des jugé prétexte mal d’être peur par soit responsable, sous liberté la à former soit observateur, en ainsi réduit se Il frères formation. en ses de d’accompagnateur tâche sa à inconsciemment ou ment consciem démissionne ou renonce formateur le laquelle dans missive appelle en italien « remplir ? formation la de valeurs formandis des liberté la lisme infantilisant capora de forme une pas n’est méthode telle une si demander se peut « le C’est discussions. sans vue de points des formandis aux avaler fait mative for équipe une ou formateur un où paternalisme de et d’autoritarisme directives méthodes les involontaire, ou volontaire re tion panoplie de méthodes qu’on peut appliquer dans une maison de forma des experts en formation vocationnelle nous révèlent qu’ils existent une mentalité, de ses sensibilités, de son contexte de vie, etc. Les recherches réellement personne la qu’est ce de compte tenir » signifie la manière juste et/ou adéquate de transmettre le contenu le transmettre de adéquate et/ou juste manière la signifie » 2 Les méthodes personnalisées, à la fois progressives et intégratives Les méthodes permissives Les méthodes directives ap sont formateurs les efficace, soit formative l’action que Pour . Enguised’exemple,limitons-nousàtroisexemples. ? En bref, dans le domaine de la formation, la parole « parole la formation, la de domaine le dans bref, En ? magister dixit magister : comment faire, comment se comporter pour atteindre les atteindre pour comporter se comment faire, comment : ? Dans quelle mesure une telle rigidité favorise-t-elle lasciar fare, lasciar andare ? Les formandis sont-ils des tonneaux vides à vides tonneaux des sont-ils formandis Les ? : leur capacité de réflexion et l’intégration des l’intégration et réflexion de capacité leur : ? Au cœur de la question des méthodes, il y a y il méthodes, des question la ? de cœur Au » : le maître a dit, le supérieur a dit. Ici l’on Ici dit. a supérieur le dit, a maître le : : Certains formateurs préfèrent, de maniè :

D’autres formateurs préfèrent ce qu’on ». C’est une méthode per : de sa culture, de sa de culture, sa de : : c’est une forme une c’est : métho ------:

Oblatio l 617 l Gaby Kinze Oblatio l 618 l Local Section – Rome relation d’aideetdecroissancemutuelleentreformateurformandis. confiance mutuelle la donc a y il d’intégration processus du cœur Au limites. ses dans et qualités ses avec librement s’exprime chacun que afin formandis, aux confiance d’inspirer formateur de capacité la par justifier se peut sées personnali méthodes des succès Le formateur. du celui ou personnel, pas la personne à une seule dimension de sa vie, ni au seul point de vue réduit ne Elle communauté. la dans d’intégration dynamique sa dans aussi et singularité, sa dans vue est personne la lequel dans formation de style un C’est deux. les sagement conjuguent qui mais permissives, ’uor’u d mne’ rcmadi freet u l formation la que fortement recommandait monde’’, du l’aujourd’hui l’Institut de bre mem chaque de collective et personnelle action une sans renouveau formation desOblatsdèsl’étape initialedelaCongrégation. la de l’amélioration est post-VaticanII période la de Oblats généraux Chapitres des recommandations récurrentes et pressantes des qu’une Congrégations. forma la de tion sujet revient presque toujours dans le les Chapitres généraux de Concile, différentes ledit par souhaité religieuse, vie la de devenue une préoccupation dans l’Église. Dans le sillage du renouveau est projet vrai un suivant sacerdotale et consacrée vie la à candidats les 1962 et clôturé le 8 décembre 1965, l’attention à la nécessité de former la questiondeformationoblate. conviction de s’intéresse qui de l’appréciation à livre je que défi un et une personnelle est Ceci formation. la de qualité la de l’amélioration de nos Chapitres généraux oblats de la période post-Vatican II, à savoir recommandations aux répondre vraiment voulons nous si impératif un formatives, en méthodes y jetant de temps nos en temps un sur regard critique, me semble particulièrement et général, en oblate formation la cours d’un congrès sur le charisme de la congrégation « Vaut-il la peine ou non de réfléchir sur nos méthodes formatives au formatives méthodes nos sur réfléchir de non ou peine Vaut-illa En effet, le Chapitre général de 1972 reconnaissait qu’il n’y a pas a n’y qu’il reconnaissait 1972 de général Chapitre le effet, En découvrons nous passé, le sur rétrospectif regard un jetant En octobre 11 le ouvert VaticanII, Concile le qu’avec savons Nous Il convient peut-être mieux de la reformuler autrement la question P i o u q r u o 3 Cli e 92 su l tèe ‘isonie dans ‘‘Missionnaire thème le sous 1992, de Celui .

r : le dialogue, l’ouverture qui s’établit dans une vraie F É l é r i h c

r u s

s o n

m é s e d o h t

f i t a m r o ? ». Réfléchir sur v s e ? - - - : maisons de formation oblate, entre autres points d’attention, la néces la d’attention, points autres entre oblate, formation de maisons des l’intention à recommandait 1998 de général Chapitre le vœux, les par apostolique spirituelle vie la à formation solide d’une primauté la reconnaissant en tout effet, En oblate. formation la concerne qui ce en 39) 1992 de celui (C à corroborer que fait reçus n’a 1998 de oblat talents général Chapitre les et d’amitié dons ses tous de service au mettant en a, qu’il ce de et est qu’il ce de mutuel partage le apprendre suivre Jésus et à se mettre à son école. L’homme de communauté devra nir et homme de communauté. Le disciple en effet est appelé à première, par le témoignage en communauté, aide le jeune oblat à deve affirmer la nécessité non seulement des projets de formation inspirés du pitres généraux, c’est-à-dire comment améliorer la formation oblate sans oblate, comment répondre à ces importantes recommandations des Cha post-Vatican II,particulièrementceuxde 1998etde2010 ? généraux chapitres les par voulus professionnalisme de et compétence haitées formation oblate ont-elles réalisé les performances (améliorations) sou Congrégation notre de bicentenaire le avec coïncide reste du qui (2016) O.M.I des le 55 avant an un sommes-nous en où savoir de celle est Congrégation la de tées d’unprogrammedeformationqualité do soient oblate formation de maisons les que surtout, et, approfondie oblats et à leurs formateurs l’acquisition d’une spiritualité missionnaire candidats aux assure qu’on suggère il recommandations, autres Entre formation. la de question la éludé pas n’a 2010 de général Chapitre le mande qui venait des expériences des personnes sur terrain me et que l’Évangile mérite d’être servi avec un niveau de professionnalis qualité, la exige qu’il fait ainsi est monde le que écrivaient capitulants Nos actuel. monde le connaît que mutations de compte tenir à mation qui résume le mieux cette pensée est celle qui invite les maisons de for recommandations des Une formateurs. des part la de compétence de et l’effortsurtout et d’inculturation formation, de maisons les dans vie de style du et formation de parcours de révision la discernement, du sité 5 . Faut-il noter que ce n’était pas une simple rhétorique, mais une de Dans le contexte tout particulier de chaque maison de formation de maison chaque de particulier tout contexte le Dans Une des questions que nous pouvons nous poser au niveau général ème anniversaire de Vatican II, et à l’aube du 36 : c’est-à-dire la révision des parcours de formation, le niveau de ? En d’autres termes, dans quelle mesure les maisons de maisons les mesure quelle dans termes, d’autres En ? 7 . ème Chapitre général 6 . De même, 4 Le . ------

Oblatio l 619 l Gaby Kinze Oblatio l 620 l Local Section – Rome A savoir, la croissance des oblats en formation en vue de la mission (Cf. C la 50). Comment une équipe de formative pourrait-elle réfléchir survue sa en formation en oblats des croissance la savoir, A les formateurs oblats afin d’atteindre la finalité de la formation oblate une autre me semble être les méthodes adéquates que doivent appliquer ; formation de maisons nos et oblates unités des auprès animation son pour générale l’Administration remercier d’ailleurs faut il lequel pour dispose !!! ). Ma conviction est qu’une chose est le projet de formation formation de projets différents ou d’un regard critique sur nos méthodes formatives à l’intérieur de nos profond examen d’un nécessité la également fondateur,mais charisme ogéain Ls otxe néat a ls ee, e Nre gé Normes les memes, les pas n’étant contextes Les Congrégation. la de mission la et vie la de divers contextes des dans appliquées être doivent Elles générales. cependant demeurent élaborées, bien très avis travail intense réalisé par le Conseil général oblat de ans cinq de processus long d’un aboutissement oblate, formation la de générales Normes nouvelles des publication la comprendre doivent identité charismatique. en formation à réaliser l’idéal de leurs Instituts respectifs, ou mieux leur sujets les aider pour suivre à chemin le dynamique et claire manière de présente institutionnel, niveau au qui, et fondateur charisme du inspiré borer un que les Pères synodaux ont chaleureusement recommandé à tous d’éla aux besoins de leur mission dans l’Église, le Pape Jean-Paul II rappelle se adéquatement répondre à et charisme, leur à fidélité la dans à renouveler apostoliques vie de Sociétés les et consacrée vie de Instituts les dire ? à Qu’est-ce qualitativement. surtout et également mais numériquement formation. Celle-ci vise le renouveau de la Congrégationnon seulement méthode àappliquerl’intérieurduditprojet ?Quelssontlesenjeux la à penser sans formation de projet d’un disposer peut-on l’inverse, À méthode formative lorsqu’elle ne dispose d’aucun projet de formation En tout cas, c’est dans cette optique que nos maisons de formation sur Appuyons-nous L’enjeu principal, comme on peut le deviner est l’amélioration de la Q ratio institutionis s l e u

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Vitaconsecrata n e (VC 68§2). Il s’agit d’un projet de formation j x u e ? (encore faut-il que chaque maison en maison chaque que faut-il (encore ?

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m é s e d o h t . En effet, dans le but d’aider but le dans effet, En .

f 9 . Ces Normes, à notre i t a m r o v s e ? 8

? - - : thodes formativesyjouentunrôletrèsdéterminant. mé les Congrégation, la de Charisme du transmission de lieu ce étant formation La méthodes. des question la oublier pas ne ceux-ci de rieur réaliser des projets de formation inspirés du Charisme oblat, et à l’inté de et d’élaborer l’urgence NGFO les appliquer par J’entends oblates. formatives communautés des chacune de compétence la de tout avant relève tâche la Et appliquer. les de revient qu’il respectifs, supérieurs les expériences propresàchacunedesunitésoblates. par enrichies d’être donc demandent oblate formation de nérales clairs, précis et évaluables. (PDV 43-59 ; VC 65-69) à réaliser dans réaliser chacune desdimensions delaformation à 65-69) VC ; 43-59 (PDV évaluables. et précis clairs, des NGFO, formation : la de responsables aux suggestions quelques fais je Partant, mateurs. for des capacité la souligne II Jean-Paul Pape le que clairement révèle plus, jevoudraisàprésentm’arrêterquelquessuggestions pratiques Congrégation etdesamissiondansl’Égliselemonde. la de renouveau au oblat, Charisme du fidèle transmission la à entorse une est elle telle, Comme formation. de maison une dans réaliser à res nécessai objectifs des l’atteinte à frein un constitue adéquates matives for méthodes des également mais formation de projet d’un seulement par des méthodes appropriées Christ du sentiments les mais formateurs, des sentiments les pas non formation la de sions dimen diverses ses dans objectifs les atteindre pour (appropriées) tes adéqua méthodes des user faut-il Encore formation. en personnes aux idéal formatif et un contenu formatif et vouloir à tout prix le transmettre ’n ei ax iesos omtvs t srot u objectifs aux surtout et, formatives dimensions aux tenir S’en Dégager etàpréciserdans leprojetcontenudelaformation, Elaborer des vrais projets de formation comme mode d’application Avoir uneclairevisionde l’idéal d’hommeàformer. L’affirmation de VC 68§3 sur laquelle nous nous sommes appuyés dire en saurais ne je provocation, modeste une étant réflexion Ma un d’avoir ni formation, de maison une d’habiter pas suffit ne Il des vigilance la sous formateurs, de l’équipe à c’est pratique, En 10 . Autrement dit, il faut inspirer aux formandis aux inspirer faut il dit, Autrement . C 11 . Il n’y a pas de doute que l’absence non n o i s u l c n o ------

Oblatio l 621 l Gaby Kinze Oblatio l 622 l Local Section – Rome l’aube dutroisième millénaire, apostolique, litas « la de passage le appelle Cencini qu’Amedeo ce C’est permanente. et/ou continue d’auto-formation culture une dans prendre de la vie par lui-même et d’entrer librement et progressivement sonnes enformation, aider le formandus à développer la capacité d’ap prédispose àselaisserformertouslesjoursdesavie(VC69). en profondeur la personne tout entière (VC 65 §2) et afin que celle-ci se communautaire, la dimension spirituelle, la dimension pastorale et missionnaire, et la et missionnaire, et pastorale dimension la spirituelle, dimension la communautaire, Générale, 2013,p.9. sion rence inédite,2007,p.1. 4-7. 23) commun. bien Vous( part. sa pour chacun membres et Christ, du corps le êtes Dieu qui opère tout en tous. À chacun la manifestation de l’Esprit est donnée en vue du de ministères, mais c’est le même Seigneur ; diversité d’opérations, mais c’est le même la vie. ment et entre dans un processus de croissance de sa vocation pour toute libre s’ouvre formation en personne la que pour respect et confiance , n°2et5,p.30-31. » 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Se laisserformer. formandis – formateurs rapports des qualité la Veillerà per des d’accompagnement adéquates méthodes des Développer Savoir que le plus important est que la formation de base imprègne 12 Cf. Missionnaires O.M.I., Missionnaires Cf. B. Cf. Cf. Cf. MissionnairesO.M.I, M. diversité ; Esprit même le c’est mais spirituels, dons de diversité certes, a, y Il e dmnin d l frain sont formation la de dimensions Les Missionnaires O.M.I., Pour lafinalitédeformation, cf. C.50l’onpeutlireàcesujet. M G I I m e d m e d a l a s e b u n° 32. u g n u h a , , Actes du 33 du Actes Actes du 32 du Actes , PVNF, p.143-175. , Les Maisons de formation ème ème Normes générales de la formation oblate, n° 38. Chapitre Général (1998) Général Chapitre Chapitre Général (1992) Général Chapitre La communauté, Actes du 35 du Actes l dmnin uan, a dimension la humaine, dimension la : ème : Importance et défis, Chapitre Général (2010) Général Chapitre Rome, Maisongénérale,1972, p.8. docilitas [email protected] : Evangéliser les pauvres à pauvres les Evangéliser : : Témoins en communauté en Témoins : Gaby Kinze,

» à la « la à » Kinshasa, Confé Rome, Maison : inspirer : : Conver : 1 Co 1 Congo dicibi i m o 13, ------l’Eglise qu’est son époux ; l’amour et la compassion des pauvres ; le respect envers respect le ; pauvres des compassion la et l’amour ; époux son qu’est l’Eglise à et lui-même, Christ le qu’est l’Evangile à Jésus, de père au fidélité la càd prochain, son fondementnécessaire »( humaine adéquate, la formation sacerdotale – et religieuse - tout entière serait privée de candidats au sacerdoce que pour ceux appelés à la vie religieuse les pour bien aussi vaut formation la toute de fondement comme humaine formation la L’affirmationl’échec. définit à qui vouée II est Paul formation Jean la toute de celle-ci conseils les par consacrent évangéliques (Can 662), se la dimension humaine demeure qui cependant fondamentale. Sans personnes des suprême règle la comme Christ du spiri ( consacrée vie la pour tuelle vie la de primauté la souligne religieuse vie la de l’adaptation et rénovation la dimension intellectuelle et culturelle. Il faut noter que même si le Décret conciliaire sur sacrée, etc. responsabilité, la de et liberté la de vérité, la de sens le service, du valeur la Royaume, du valeurs les promouvoir de désir du éprise personne toute et l’Evangile de ouvriers divers les avec collaborer de et vivre de capacité la ou communion la de sens le tous, 12 11

Toulouse, EditionsduCarmel,2003,p.180-187. Cf. A. Cf. Fondateur saint notre de l’esprit selon inspirer Leur C i n i c n e , Les sentiments du Fils. Le chemin de formation à la vie con vie la à formation de chemin Le Fils. du sentiments Les PC PDV 6), et même si le Code de droit canon parle de la suite la de parle canon droit de Code le si même et 6), 43). : L’amour de Dieu et du et Dieu L’amourde : : « Sans une formation - -

Oblatio l 623 l Gaby Kinze

W for bytheOMIConstitutions (art.27). of the participation of the lays to the Oblate charism, which is provided participation of women to the Oblate charism has to be regarded as part the Therefore, today. Eugene St. presence the of prolongation the are gation of the presence of Christ into the history of mankind, the Oblates the Oblatecharismandfeminingenius. “feminin genius”totheOblatecharism? women? Which is the taste, the colour, the key that can be given by the by lived and expressed be can charism Oblate the How charism? late fecundity oftheOblatecharism. and richness the of grain a developed and reflection a seized have to seems life consecrated of institutions these of Each charism. Oblate of proper evangelization of spirit the communicating channels as acted that the root was St. Eugene, but the fruits came from his Oblates. They say might we Oblates: by established were institutes secular and tions cultural contextofthattime. the in women for suitable not were lifestyle, missionary the speaking, generally and, confessions in God’smerciful of ministry the popular missions, the in preaching the Gospel, the of announcement The idea. similar a conceived never he probably that think I but topic, this about The first one is the mission. Inside the Church, which is the prolon both, of features distinctive two on focus might we opinion my In However,Ob the in “feminine” is what wonder: to legitimate is it congrega religious feminine many that know we Nevertheless, FEMINNE “GENUS” tunately!). I don’t know if there is something in the archives of the Oblate Congregation at his time (today we have it, for e know that St. Eugene never established a feminine branch I a n a e l C i c i n n i h AND OBLATE CHARISM , i m o c - - - -

Oblatio l 625 l Ileana Chinnici Oblatio l 626 l Local Section – Rome Church. more appropriate to recall what is the mission of women, as seen by the much perhaps is it Oblates; the of mission the is what evoke to me for the GeneralSuperiorOMI,fr. LéoDeschatelets. of Circular a of impulse lay the the Association under of AMMI, “rib” secular Institute which I belong to, the COMI, was born in 1952 from a to the evangelization needs of our time. For example, not by chance, the wrote: human.” essentially is what for is, that man, for sensitivity of loss 31). Intheapostolicletter what St. John-Paul II has defined the “mystery of woman” ( by JohnPaulIIweread: Which gifts are properly hers? The Church has paid attention to attention paid has Church The hers? properly are gifts Which apostolate the“gifts”whichareproperlyhers...( this in work to put to called is woman a However, evangelization. Church: the of apostolate fundamental the fulfill to ability the given of Jesus Christ, Priest, Prophet and King, and is thereby charged and mission threefold the in the sharer a made man-is a as well woman-as a of mission apostolic the Church, there in is no doubt that in virtue of participation and Confirmation, about speaking In exhortation post-sinodal the In unnecessary is it therefore context, Oblate an in talking am I Here and exigencies missionary the to answer an as is Consequently,it of the dignity which they receive from God himself, and this makes this and himself, God from receive they which dignity the of women to speak vocation fundamental this and self. awareness This her find may she which in discrimination social of situations the in even way, every in and always her”, to being human the “entrusts her awareness of this entrusting, [...] particular vocation. a their determines in way this and - femininity their of reason way by precisely special - a in women concerns entrusting this But being. man course, God entrusts every human being to each and every other hu that ness aware her to joined is woman a of strength spiritual and moral The In the same document the Pope speaks about the risk of “a gradual them “strong”andstrengthens theirvocation.( “ In this sense, our time in particular God entrusts the human being to her in a special way.special a in her to being human the entrusts God Mulieris Dignitatem strong because of the fact that God Christifideles laici Christifideles A woman is strong because of because strong is woman A awaits the manifestation (1988),hesaid: MD CF 30) 51) , issued in 1987 in issued , MD Of 15 and - - - He of and infrontoftheworld. God of front in are they who of aware became to them helping tions, condi their describing classes, social lower the to addressed Eugene ity forhumanbeingsineverycircumstance.”( sensitiv ensure can which and women, to belongs which “genius” that brothers, respectedlisten tome. dear brothers, my oppresses, misery whom you all covered etc., sores, with sick, suffering, wretched, afflicted, Christ, Jesus of Poor Come nowandlearnfromus whatyouareintheeyesoffaith. And hesaysalso: from thatsource. that is the reward it sets aside for you; you will never have any other contempt, and Insult expect? you can reward What to. groveled far so have you one the chosen, have you master the is that same the all But eyes! its in are you what is That thinks. world the what is That to bepainedbyyourplightthattheyhavenowishrelieve. the refuse of society, to be kept out of its sight and avoided so as not brazenly the bread you need for staying alive. The world sees you as harshness of fate to go cap in hand for your pitiful sustenance, to beg man’sby obliged beggars, poor you about what And the or injustice ground. gets any attention at all, it is only because it falls on and enriches the them, to is it as distasteful sweat, your if and arms your of strength the for only valued are you labours, your valuable However world? the of eyes the in you are who peasants, soil, the of tillers you, And you withinjusticethepaltrywagetheypayyou. treat to right the bought have they think who employers cruel times some and demanding of hands the at ill-treatment even often and injustice contempt, to exposed wages, your pay who those of slaves people of class Aworld? the of eyes the in you are who Servants, all thosefromwhomyoumustwheedleajob. of caprices the to you submits and on dependence in you places that destined to spend their lives in the people painful exercise of an of obscure toil class Aworld? the of eyes the in you are who Workers, Let uslisten,oncemore,hispowerfulwords: St. 1813, in Madeleine the of church the at homily famous his In Now, howcan thisbeappliedtoourcase? MD 31) - - -

Oblatio l 627 l Ileana Chinnici Oblatio l 628 l Local Section – Rome hope and, like St. Eugene, to say to Eugene, St. like and, hope who are the poor we are sent to? To whom we have to address words of for ajob. search to abroad go to: forced are you position, a you assure to cares Nobody perspectives. no have to condemned are you future, a have to right no Youparents. have their off scrounging ranks, the from rise to unable idlers unprotected, people of class Aworld? the of eyes the in unrewarding andbadlypaidjobs. That iswhattheworldthinks. accept to have you money,otherwise gain to or career a have to hope may you easy, sexually and attractive are you if body: your for look, you. give they love paltry the Youwith violence your for evaluated are and humiliation with you treat to right the bought have they think who partners cruel sometimes and demanding of hands the at ill-treatment to even often exposed sex, your for only valued commercialized, ple by saying,withhiswords: today,living Eugene render may we contexts, these In world. work the and world feminine the contexts: two least at in plunged are we ample, the Oblate charism, we have some preferential fields of mission. For ex needs requiringamissionaryannouncement,presence. intelligence and our hearts, guided by the Holy Spirit, ready to seize the monitoring the changing reality of the world where we live, through our St. Leo, Come nowandlearnfromus whatyouareintheeyesoffaith. Now, itisuptoussayalso,withSt. Eugene: you are who workers, occasional employees, temporary you, And peo of class A world? the of eyes the in you are who Women, sharing consecrated, and lay women, being that, think However,I continuously be to need we question: open an is this course, Of language: current a into words these translate to try Now,to us let God alonecouldsatisfyyourheart. soul. your of worthy was alone God [...] set be should where minds your heaven towards yourselves Lift [...] spirits, your up lift So some waygods in are you priests, are you kings, are you nation, holy Peter,a St. of nal kingdom, chosen portion of his inheritance; you are, in the words You are God’s children, the brothers of Jesus Christ, heirs to his eter recognize yourdignity ? YouGod’sare children, and quoting and - - - women? of theOblatesandtheirrelationship withHer. life the in Immaculate Mary of presence the of meaning the Weknow Eugene. St. for was choice this important how Weknow name. tion’s ture: the Mary. action, beingapresenceratherthanbringinganannouncement. missionary Oblate the of range the extend to there, go to us calls gene Eu St. faith? of eyes the in you are world? Who the of eyes the in you are who dignity: their of aware became to them helping them, to next sometimes called to sustain, to comfort, to assist these persons, staying are Wecolleagues. our kind friends, our this relatives, our have among problems often of we ... people diseased families, broken others: directly.reach cannot Oblates the of action missionary many are There Missionary, has donethesamewithmankind. great the Christ, Jesus that aware being - to sent are we whom those of conditions the sharing but Oblates), the (like preaching by not ation, situ every in person human the of dignity high the announce to called In theEncyclical and Immaculate Mary between relationship the about what Now, The Oblates have the name of Mary Immaculate in their Congrega fea distinctive common second the to introduce to us leads This the that contexts two are world work the and world feminine The In other words, we,lay women sharing the Oblate charism, weare heart. your satisfy could alone God soul. your of worthy was alone God highest dignity. the have you competences, have you abilities, human of plenty and talents you gave He God, of eyes the in precious are you persons, valuable are you children, God’sbeloved are you friends, couraged who you , have been a fired, workers on redundancy payment, desperatefor and dis looking are who sisters and brother you, And erly love. moth His and beauty His showing in tenderness, His spreading in creatures, His humanity,of promoting care in taking life, in fending de in cooperators Youwonderful His God’sdaughters, are beloved sisters, dearrespectedlistentome. dignity,my of deprived are who you all Women,women, exploited Redemptoris Mater (1987),st.JohnPaulIIsaid: ------

Oblatio l 629 l Ileana Chinnici Oblatio l 630 l Local Section – Rome liance, again,in rivalry,competition, contempt. and hate even sometimes al this About into converted and lost been have to seems world the that man-woman alliance an announce to important today,is that it say context, every in would I and - allied fruitfully be may they cases, best the In stances. circum the on depending women’scooperation, without or with work missionary their out carry to choose may the course, in of Oblates, and society? Church the in is it as genius”, “feminine the necessary ly Oblates, they oftenkeepandhelptogrowthefruitsoftheirmissionaryaction. the with relationship In love. motherly Her tenderness, and they express the presence of Mary Immaculate, Her heart full of mercy tles and a presence among the people of the first community. Therefore, the among presence Apos a was She mission. their for model a as late prime community of persons, source of every other community, and, the be to woman and man willed and two”, the of “unity a be to ing be human the willed “beginning” the from who Creator the of plan original rather,the is, It woman. and man for natural is which ings, be human as together life a sharing of fact sociological simple the it is less even nor Church, the of action pastoral the in efficacy and meaning of source major the emphasized, just was it only,as not is explains the presence and thecollaboration of bothmenandwomen him” for fit helper a him make us let alone: be to man for good not is “It real it is world, Oblate the in wondering: by conclude may We Women sharing the Oblate charism, therefore, have Mary Immacu with wordsofsupportandencouragement(RM,46). tireless devotion to work; the ability to combine penetrating intuition and fidelity limitless sorrows; greatest the bearing of capable is that human heart is capable: the self-offering totality of love; the strength the which of sentiments loftiest the mirrors which beauty a of tion In the light of Mary, the Church sees in the face of women the reflec himself to the ministry, the free entrusted and active ministry of a woman. [...] Son, his of Incarnation the of event sublime the in God, that fact very the by such as womanhood on light sheds Nazareth of relationship with the Mother of the Redeemer [...]the figure of Mary in relation to women and their status. In fact, femininity has a unique [The] Marian dimension of Christian life takes on special importance (Gen 2:18). (CF 51): The fundamental reason that requires and Christifideles laici , weread:

------Virgin Mary among the Apostles. May Her love guide our steps to the to steps our guide love Her May the the VirginApostles. among Mary of model the on mission, their of fruits the grow making and ing keep action, missionary their in Oblates the with cooperate nificantly where to be a presence, extending St. Eugene’s call. They may also sig the among mission Immaculate of fields own their have people. They the Mary among and Apostles of face the be to and show to mission wanted by God in His original plan for the true fulfillment of mankind. two” the of “unity the and reciprocity the to and Church the of service euig wmn hrn te bae hrs hv te highest the have charism Oblate the sharing women Resuming, Three. ( in One God, of life intimate mystical, communion the constitutes which interpersonal love of that of “sign” a be to time, same the at CF 52) [email protected] Ileana Chinnici, Palermo, Italy i m o c - -

Oblatio l 631 l Ileana Chinnici

W all people. for love unconditional God’s exampled and preached who and served they people the to close being by charism that out living priests Oblate wonderful were experience and know did I what But 1995. in zation canoni his since Eugene St. about heard only had I fact in Mission, in in ordertofeelathome. somewhere parish Oblate an find to had have would I parish Oblate an always beenanOblate. have I that is charism Oblate the with familiar more and more coming be since realized have I what And Liverpool. from Mersey River the influence thatStEugenehashadonourlives. the is share do we mother.something a But he is nor and woman, a he is nor challenged, vertically not is Lorcán me, Unlike height. or shape he isunabletoattend,Iamdelightedinvitedmetakehisplace. Eugene today. St of dream the living people of groups - Eugene St of Friends of ment develop the on emphasis particular with Province Anglo-Irish the in I knew very little about the Oblate charism until I became a Partner in lived have to fortune good the had not had I if that now know I across Ferry Rock Anne’s, St of parish Oblate the in up grew I in alike look neither we Lorcán know not do who those for Now Fr Lorcán O ‘Reilly was originally asked to present a paper here. As LIVING speak about the history of the Partners in Mission project Mission in Partners the will of I history the paper about this speak In today? dream this living is who And Eugene’sdream? St was what know to presume to I am ho THE DREAMOF M W y r a o h T

m a l l e r r y ST I? EUGENE T ODAY - - -

Oblatio l 633 l Mary Tyrrell Oblatio l 634 l Local Section – Rome others to the same experience of the Saviour he had had on that “Good that on had had he Saviour the of experience same the to others lead to quest his in Eugene for forces impelling always were souls” of dream withandthroughus. ered manyofustobeattheserviceChurchandsociety. empow and people lay of role important the seriously took Many less. to asassociates. are called Friends of St Eugene. In other countries they may be referred living and taking seriously the charism of St Eugene de Mazenod. They people but Oblates professed add to hasten I Not 2010. since vocations Mazenod today. de Eugene St of dream the for living for guidelines zeal still are These souls.” - world the in charity: charity, yourselves-charity, “Among society. and church of structures formal more the by rejected those to out ing prayer, study and friendship and who share the ultimate desire of reach to committed all are who individuals, like-minded other with possible, fellowship. and study prayer, to committed was enjoyed community,which a in group life living the Provence”, of “Missionaries As work. his in him join to priests like-minded of group small a out sought he then was it servants, and youth the prisoners, like society marginalizedfrom those all day,and his poor of the needy spiritually the of care the for wanted Friday”. In the Anglo Irish province there has been nearly 80 new Oblate new 80 nearly been has there province Irish Anglo the In My answerisaresounding“NO”. Is itawayoflivingthatisattractiveonlytoprofessed Oblates? testament, final a Oblates all left Eugene words, last his With This, then,iswhat I regard as Eugene’s dream - alife lived, where he all do not could he realized Mazenod de Eugene when But, sanctification the and Church the of good the God, of “glory The the lived they instead Eugene St of dream the of talk didn’t They I knew Oblate priests who acted on behalf of those who were voice W t a h

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d m a e r d r m a e

f o y a d o t S t E ? e n e g u ? - - - 1995 when it was recognized that the Oblate charism was gifted to the to gifted was charism Oblate the that recognized was it when 1995 in Eugene St of canonization the to due part, in is, which way Oblate fied, theyaretrulyPartnersinMission. from (Paraphrased Oblates. professed with spirituality and outlook sionary mis the share to seek spirit. They family Mazenodian the by animated and charism Oblate the by enlightened people lay as vocation their out work of the Oblates in the Province: M.A.M.I, the Lourdes Pilgrimage, during thetimeofimmense changeswithintheProvince. reality. The team was mandated to find new ways to engage with people a TeamMission became in Partners the thus Province the of priority a as Partnership develop to Council Provincial the by asked was Lorcán fashioned. first was years following the in Province the by taken direction the that been had people invited to such an event. And it was during lay those shared Congress days time first the was It Mission.” in “Partners was Congress the of theme The 2006. in Province the in Congress a to ple the establishmentofFriends/Lay Associates. to relation in province Irish Anglo the of true is this think I and party clearly thisgiftisnotsolelymeantforoneReligiousfamily. Church and it radiates throughout the world” - reciprocity amongstthemselvesandwiththeOblates.” and communion of spirit the in charism the cultures. in and share They milieu to according vary that ways in it live to and life, of state their to according charism the in share to called are they that recognise people Lay world. the throughout radiates it and Church, the to Spirit the of 37a. Rule in 2000 in Church andnotjusttovowedOblatepriestsbrothers. h Prnr i Msin rjc ebae mn apcs f the of aspects many embraces project Mission in Partners The Fr.Congress, that at involvement lay the of success the Following It began nine years ago, when Fr. Tom Murphy the for late up turning about expression an have we UK, the In “The charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod is a gift of the Spirit to the adopted Rules and Constitutions the in stated clearly very is This There is a growth in the number of lay people seeking to live in an Called by the love of Christ; called to serve and called to be sancti It is in response to their Baptism that the Friends of St Eugene live May 1996 Aix document)

“The charism of St Eugene de Mazenod is a gift a is Mazenod de Eugene St of charism “The “a gift… to the Church” i m o invited lay peo - - -

Oblatio l 635 l Mary Tyrrell Oblatio l 636 l Local Section – Rome While innovationinvitesustoleavenothing“undaredfortheGospel.” moment. present the of needs the address to out reach to and Eugene St of example the to faithful be to us for is Responsiveness traditions. continuing the best practices of our Oblate heritage and building on rich are: Continuity, Responsiveness and Innovation. By continuity we mean Youth andpromotingadeeperunderstandingoftheCharism. project is involved with the two major concerns of any Oblate mission - the Province magazine - Connections and the list goes on. Primarily, producing the as well as learning, going on and development Faith Adult role the members play each year during the Province’sthe during pilgrim year annual each play members the role ours both at home and abroad. It promotes the charism through the key and continues to make a significant contribution to a variety of endeav Congregation andMazenodian family. wider the throughout and home at out lived and expressed being is ism char that how of story the and charism Oblate the of aspects sharing at aimed is Connections” “Oblate magazine, quarterly the While ince. founder, The Lourdes Pilgrimage and the story of the Anglo- Irish Prov with Oblate Media: A Heart as big as the World based on the life of the as wellretreatsonthecharismwithFr. FrankSantucci School and workshops with Fr. Frank Morrisey supporters, Summer Oblate the as M.A.M.I. such opportunities learning faith adult on-going and communities parish of members For ney. jour faith individual their respecting time same the at while charism, to livethedreamofStEugeneinwaythatsuitsthembest. “re-found” itself to meet the needs of the 21 to Province’sdetermination the of sign a and Province the of mitment administration needsoftheproject.Ourveryown“Tempier”. charism development and the final member of the team takes care of the them are devoted to the youth ministry, three others work in the area of who all share the ideals of Oblate people spirituality and the mission. Three of lay seven and brother Oblate an and priest Oblate an project: The Oblate Youth Service has been in existence for over 25 years 25 over for existence in been YouthOblate has The Service In addition, a number of DVDs have been produced in conjunction the to people connect to time the all found being are ways New com financial significant a staffis employing to commitment The Partners the in involved people nine of team a is there Currently, team Mission in Partners the of work the underpin that values The st century and to help people i m o have been arranged i m o . ------many oftheparishioners. of lives the in active and alive was charism Oblate the parishes, these from withdrawing were Oblates ordained the though that dioceses, ent differ the to handover the to up leading months the in apparent very became It itself. Province the of foundation the to back dated which of some parishes, of number a in ministry from withdraw to had Oblates recently.more place taken has the Process Founding Re- the of part As parish members. younger for arranges it trips and events various the and Lourdes to age Friends of St Eugene were set out using a revised version of the 1996 the of version revised a using out set were Eugene St of Friends the of values key The programme. formation Provincial the prepared out ofthegospel. living daily their for inspiration of source a as charism his and Eugene attachments were transformed into a individual deep appreciation of process, the story of formation St full the through journeyed participants However,Eugene. St as of charism the on information or teaching mal for any, if little, had had spirituality.They Oblate than rather known had they Oblates the with experiences their of because Eugene St of 37a andreadsasfollows: with thepoorandmostabandoned. work apostolic sharing, faith community and prayer regular tradition, clude not in only the charism These of St. incorporated. Eugene but also been Oblate spirituality and have Family” “Oblate the to belonging groups. Eugene’sSt of Friends into eventuallydeveloped has this and munities com and lives their in charism Oblate the live to people lay encourage The charism team under the guidance of Fr. Michael Hughes Michael Fr. of guidance the under team charism The Friends the to attracted were people that obvious was it Initially, difference intheirlocalareaandsofurthertheReignofGod. support each other through Friendship, Prayer and Service to make a way.They unique their in lives, daily their in Mazenod De Eugene St. of charism the live to call the to respond Eugene St. of Friends The Mission statement written for the Friends is firmly rooted in R In these groups, some of the common characteristics that determine to been has team Charism the of focus main the 2010 from So, that something is Eugene St. of Friends the of establishment The i m o - - - -

Oblatio l 637 l Mary Tyrrell Oblatio l 638 l Local Section – Rome fied as important to professed Oblates and is loosely based on the first the on based loosely is and Oblates professed to important as fied friendship withStEugeneandtheOblatesmightmeanforthem. offers people the opportunity to explore, over the period of a year, what to livethedreamofStEugeneandshareinOblatestorytoday. between Oblates andassociates. Provence en Aix in held meeting a at 1996 in accepted and written been had values associate original The values. Associate Lay ing promisesforaone-yearperiod: Those who wish to be enrolled as friends are asked to make the follow how. so if and Eugene” of “Friends as continue to wish they whether tation techniquesareusedwithinthesessions. to reach out to the poor and most abandoned. A wide variety of presen ways to promote the charism of St Eugene and to see what can be done seeking of purpose the with always but comments / reflection / cussion there are10sessions. today.total world In the in mission their out live Oblates the How and the same way and refer to themes such as Community, Christ, in the Cross written are sessions Other family”. Oblate the and Oblates of lives 3 the example, For CC. 10 - - - - - discern participants the programme, formation the of end the At dis by followed theme the on prayer,input involves session Each identi were which elements, many encompasses programme The The formation programme is titled “Impassioned for Christ” and it mean might it what explore people sessions formation the During It has been our experience that people who complete or even or complete who people that experience our been has It the to commitment my renew to year each time take will I wit bear that choices make and act to effort every make will I I promise to live the day to day realities of my life as St Eugene imitating by Christ with relationship my deepen to seek will I enrol on the formation programme very quickly become attract Friends ofSt.Eugene. sion ofGodforallpeoples. ness to my belief in the dignity of each person and the compas to othersandthroughgiveshimselfus. personal encounter with the Lord, who through us gives a himself for occasion the be will event each that so did, Mazenod de the patternofhislife. rd session is titled: “How Mary enriches the enriches Mary “How titled: is session ------social conscience has been awakened and acted upon for projects both projects for upon acted and awakened been has conscience social of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds and without doubt peoples’ lighted to be able to say that the Friends de groups inclusivity.Weare represent of a cross-section feeling the and growth spiritual & personal sion of the Re-Founding initiative in the Anglo Irish Province. It is a is It Province. Irish Anglo the in initiative Re-Founding the of sion own lives”. our and world the Church, the enriches that way.And distinctive and important very a in Charism Oblate the live but Congregation Oblate we the underneath together.not partners: walk you’re us: Youon dependent not are are We too. Eugene) St. of (Friends associates Lay our with that believe and that, another.see one I to And complementary is role “our saying, by met he those affirmed He Eugene. St. of Friends funds tosupporttheMissionaryprojectsofOblate worldwide. in dire need. Along side these activities many of the Friends are raising those support to toiletries or food of items collecting with charity local prisoners of conscience during Advent while another group supported a of support in letters written have groups Other ministry. support oner ish, while a newly formed group is looking into the possibility of a Pris par their in served who Oblates of grave local the of care the dertaken un has group One needs. local the befits as group each by chosen and varied and many are Eugene St of Friends the as undertaken projects service Group Word.the or Eucharist the of Ministers as or poor the helping sodalities and organisations of members individual as church the to service undertake Many Friends. the of minds the in uppermost always is abandoned or poor are who those and Church the to service of be to but time, shorter a for last others going, on are projects Some projects. missionary different undertake groups the of each church, cal at homeandoverseas. In conclusion, the Partners in Mission Project is a concrete expres Fr. Louis Lougen recently visited the Province and met some of the lo the of service the at be to Eugene St of charism the to Faithful of experiences their shared have Friends meetings, monthly the In want add,“WhyisStEugenesolittleknown?” tinues to have its effect on our time.” Most of the Friends would influence is not limited to the age in which he lived. But it con “His Eugene, St of canonization the at II Paul John Blessed of statement the with Agreeing charism. his and Eugene St to ed ------

Oblatio l 639 l Mary Tyrrell Oblatio l 640 l Local Section – Rome and brothers. But as scripture says, “there are many rooms in my Fa my in rooms many are “there says, scripture as But brothers. and priests Oblate as life live to Lord the of call the answer to men young our mission. ours and how we engage in decision making with the people who share for the Provincial leadership in how we conduct our missionary endeav implications the and partnership equal towards build we how of terms in ahead challenges are There Eugene. St. of dream the of aspects by inspired are who people many the with mission and life share to called are Oblates vowed how of understanding evolving an of sign distinct waver intrustingGodcompletely.” And letuslive thedreamtogether. forward it is timely to remember the words of St. Eugene, “Let move us never we As ways. different many in people many of life the nourish and present be to continue will charism the Province, the of members vowed the for hold may future the what matter no that reminder a are and others who share both the spirituality and the mission of the YouthOblates Oblate Service the Eugene, St of Friends the and house” ther’s There is no doubt that the Province remains committed to inviting to committed remains Province the that doubt no is There [email protected] Mary Tyrrell London, UK - - T tives on the ministry in their specific contexts, are the Oblates and lay and Oblates the are contexts, specific their in ministry the on tives perspec various shared have from Ukraine ,and Belarus Oblates The speakers. day’s the an presented and offered day the day to introduction particular a for chosen moderator the a.m. 9 at Then prayer. prolonged of time a for scholasticate the of chapel the in ered gath way.have special we very morning a Each in spirit community a on Kodeń October 19-22. in held Assembly Provincial the in continuation direct its 3 July on ended not has Congress local our sense certain a the Congress itself, there was a clear continuity on with the level of ideas. In event coming this combine to impossible was it Although year. same the of autumn early the for announced was which cial Assembly same time the Province of Poland was getting ready for a larger Provin online. the Congress At the in participate to associates lay and Oblates interested other all obliged has internships summer the of beginning The size of our Congress community made it possible to experience Oblates and lay associates. The end of the academic year and year academic the of end The associates. lay and Oblates – participants 20 about gathered has Obra, in held was which Context”, in Charism „Oblate Congress the of section local he June 30–July3,2015 Local Section Obra, Poland THE CONGRESSIOBRA P ł e w a Z c ą j a , i m o

Oblatio rd but found but

- - - Oblati

Oblatio l 641 l Paweł Zając Oblatio l 642 l Local Section – Obra was dedicated to an extended coffee break, which lasted usually until usually lasted which break, coffee extended an to dedicated was and ofthehoperealizingitinfutureministry. charism Oblate the with fascination his of testimony personal a given day another scholastic – Each five ofProvince. them havePolish participated inthe the Congressof – has context the in calls missionary and spirituality Oblate the living of experiences the summarizing at aimed reflections Some etc. formation, ministry,preaching, youth missionary the Oblate charism: in the parishes, in the works of new evangelization, realizing of ways different about spoke Poland in working associates experience thisrealitywherever wearepresentasOblates. to desire a us of all in created Congress Charism 2015 our that sure are Wecharism. our of gifts spiritual the of employment full the and tion imagina our all dedication, our all require would that like Something artist? an by played music wonderful the as appealing and beautiful as something as ministry Oblate own our imagine we Can that... to listen only partial dedication or full of flaws and errors – nobody would like to temporary world. It would be useless for the artists to make a record with about our own ways of communicating the Gospel message in the con think us made It skills. professional their and artists the of dedication the witness to able were Werecording. new their creating for church our chosen has which Suonatori”, dei “Arte Music Assembly Baroque professional a of presence the was Congress the of days the during ly which wasenjoyedthoroughlybyeveryoneinObra. themselves. In this way we were getting ready for the afternoon session ing and conversation. It was for us equally important as the conferences shar fraternal true of spirit a create to easy very was it participants 20 around of group a being before, mentioned contexts. today’sAs world in charism Oblate the living of impressions other any on and viously pre given conferences the on both based discussions, and sharing our continued we cake home-made and coffee good really a enjoying and room community the in comfortably Sitting lunch. and prayers midday A very unique context lived at the scholasticate in Obra precise Obra in scholasticate the at lived context unique very A morning the of half other the given, were presentations the Once [email protected] Paweł Zając,omi Obra, Poland - - - - - T a free gift from the Holy Spirit which we do not earn ourselves. John ourselves. earn not do we which Spirit Holy the from gift free a from theperspectiveofOblate spirituality. province. Polish the of context the in experienced is it as charism Oblate the at look to is idea My systems. political or social and religions countries, cultures, various of context the in present made and experienced is charism Oblate our how show to wanted organizingit people the think experiencing theupcomingevents. national Oblate Congress is, without a doubt, a contribution to fruitfully takes us to the very heart of our identity, our charism. The present Inter theme its flection on our identity. The General Chapter will help us with this, and important from the perspective of the above jubilees, that there be a re conversion and reflection community of a charism, the to faithfulness our on Church, the in ing be our Congregation’s on our reflection is Chapter General The 2020. in Poland in presence Oblate of century a celebrate to forward looking also is Province Polish The 2016. in Chapter General 36th upcoming My text, even though based on history, will be undertaken rather undertaken be will history, on based though even text, My called is congress present The First of all, a little bit of theology: generally speaking, a charism is for: the 200th anniversary of our religious congregation and the and congregation religious our of anniversary 200th the for: preparing are Immaculate Mary of Oblates Missionary Congrega of the tion of members that events essential two are here Evangelizare pauperibus misit me. Pauperes evangelizantur,Pauperes me. misit pauperibus Evangelizare THE OBLATE CHARISMEXPERIENCED IN THE POLISHPROVINC P ł e w a C L m s i r a h k e s u t a The Oblate Charism in Context in Charism Oblate The (Const. 125). It is particularly is It 125). (Const. , i m o privileged time privileged

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Oblatio l 643 l Paweł Latusek Oblatio l 644 l Local Section – Obra tively establishtheChurch”( posi further and renew to order in functions or works various dertake through which the Holy Spirit makes the faithful “able and ready to un world” the of needs ( the to and men, of good the to up, building her to are they as ordered Church, the benefit indirectly or directly which Spirit Holy the of graces are “charisms that states II’s Paul terium, the MissionaryOblatesof the BlessedandImmaculate Virgin Mary. Body of Christ” (LIG 43a). In 1816, a new branch sprung up on the tree, the progress in holiness of their members and for the good of the entire have come into existence in which spiritual resources are multiplied for tree has grown up in the field of the Lord.... Different religious families (cf. communities religious par of (cf. institutes ticular charisms the in reality becomes life religious consecrated of in “the founders who God awoke in the Church” (EIT 11). The charism of is not given in an abstract way, but is incarnated, according to the words points 1,3-4,10-11). relationes Church the in working always is that is which life, religious consecrated of charism 1bc). In the exhortation cited above, Pope Paul VI clearly speaks of the forms in which this gift has appeared throughout history (cf. themselves in gifts, including the lifestyle flowing from also them in the many and diverse are counsels Evangelical the that us reminds and dimension charismatic its to points clearly it charism, a life secrated con call directly not does itself Council the though Even 2). No. (cf. Exhortation VI’sApostolic Paul in highlighted gift of the consecrated life (cf. (cf. Church the adorn and revive CCC Lumen gentium, Lumen VaticanII, The charism of religious life given to the Church by the Holy Spirit build, to us gives Spirit Holy the that charisms diverse the Among 799). The Council’s799). The Constitution clearly speak of the of speak clearly places religious life in the full charismatic context (mainly context charismatic full the in life religious places as well as the post-counciliar documents of the of documents post-counciliar the as well as T in outstanding men and women (LG 45a), meaning 45a), (LG women and men outstanding in e h ET C 32), and these create an awesome diversity of diversity awesome an create these and 32), m s i r a h PC unique character unique LG LG 1b). “A wonderful and wide-spreading and wonderful “A 1b). 2b).

43b). This o LG f R 4), a special place is given to the to given is place special a 4), s u o i g i l e ( Lumen gentium Lumen ET 11). The directive The 11). uniqueness of each institute, which institute, each of L a fruit of the Holy Spirit Holy the of fruit a Evangelica testificatio Evangelica i f e speaks of gifts of speaks is more clearly LG Mutuae 4c, Magis PC - - - - -

in theRules). institute is] continually in the process of growth” ( constantly developed by them, in harmony with the Body of Christ [the be “transmitted to their disciples to be lived, safeguarded, deepened and in this about statement strong a is There comes the charism of the institute, since it is handed on to the disciples. CD heritage” personal in or vocations of kinds sonal per and assignments unique the vocation, “particular a in expressed is the needs oftheChurch. pressing - life) (clerical priesthood - Mary - life religious - community - Church the - poor the - evangelization - Christ statements: and words considered essential for the Oblate charism. They are expressed in these of edition special 300-page a in presented were These elements. essential its describe clearly to tried Oblates appointed specially which at ism, charism. Iwillmentionfourevents: in recent times, a lot has been said and written on the topic of the Oblate easier to speak about it, to conceptualize it and to write about it. In fact, undoubtedly knowsuchOblates! Congregation the in lives their of years several lived have who Those so. do to able be not would probably they charism, the of traits sential es the name to them of many asked we if that fact the denies way no are they that say can we lives, their at ing best know what the Oblate charism is are those who fully live it. Look who people the that say I when exaggerating not am I imagination, our it! experience we much how on depends it and exists, it thing: similar a is Charism essence. about existence. Existence (life) is and more important, but essence it is somewhat of easier to say problem more the is lectures metaphysics my in Vie Oblate Life. VieOblate 33). This Constitutions and Rules and Constitutions The next event was the 30th General Chapter, whose fruits were fruits whose Chapter, General 30th the was event next The char our of topic the on Rome in place took congress a 1976, In The Oblate charism, nevertheless, has its essence and content. It is about talk I that topics important the of One charism? this is What unique character

Here I will limit myself to naming 9 traits that are that traits 9 naming to myself limit will I Here T e h in 1982. The first and principle part principle and first The 1982. in O e t a l b is the charism of the founder, which be C m s i r a h Mutuae relationesMutuae real Oblates! real

And since life exceeds life since And

MR ( LG if we experience it experience we if 11b; cf. Changes 44b, And this in this And : In order to order In : PC 2b, 8a, 2b, of the of - - - - -

Oblatio l 645 l Paweł Latusek Oblatio l 646 l Local Section – Obra ple in order foster or renew the faith and to help them to better get to get better to them help to and faith the renew or foster order in ple in apostoliccommunities. of priests and brothers who are bound to God by religious vows and live Him. composed oftwochapters,andthisishowwecansummarizeit: and Constitutions our Founder, in which we can hear St. Eugene’s heartbeat [The follow of publication the was event fourth The 2004). ValuesOblate of Dictionary and apostolicdirection(cf. F. Jetté, community life. with an additional vow of perseverance; on the levels of prayer life and vows, religious through commitment and counsels evangelical of level its unityisfoundinJesusChrist. Congregation; the of involvement missionary the with harmony close gregation. Con the of Patroness and Mother their Immaculate, Mary with union be missionariestothepoor. are most often its victims; we want to help them since our vocation is to the valueswhichnationshold. preaching missions,foreign missionsandyouthministry. include priorities our traditionally are that ministries the Christ; know - The Congregation is sent to the poorest and most abandoned peo association an is it clerical: and missionary is Congregation The - following by active are Oblates lives; our center the is Christ - Chapter one: On each of these levels, we always tend to look at the missionary the at look to tend always we levels, these of each On the on levels: specific three on accomplished is this Therefore, - - This isbasedonfaith,hopeandlove. in possible as much as lived be to wants life religious Oblate - Chapter two: - Oblates experience their religious and apostolic activities in close who poor - the Weand injustice social to sensitive particularly are respect to and possible as people the to close as be to try Oblates - - The Congregationfulfills its missionintheChurch. The third event was the publication of the Polish version of the of version Polish the of publication the was event third The

The Congregation’s Mission Religious and Apostolic Life Rules is entitled: The Oblate Charism. This part is part This Charism. Oblate The entitled: is (French edition – 1996; Polish edition – edition Polish 1996; – edition (French OMI–Homme Apostolique). Letters and Writingsand Letters of - - - has accepted them. God used the Founder to write these Rules, but he but Rules, these write to Founder the used God them. accepted has Church the and possession, Church’s the become have They sacred.... as held are They Church.... the by approved Rules are they - approved wrote our Founding Father to his sons right after - the Congregation was guidebook devout of kind some or rules simple just not are “These the of part portant im most the comprises codification Their important. very are above 12, 14,15]. 11,10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 1, Polish: into translated been have volumes ing not history. I think this is reasonable. Charism understood in this way this in understood Charism reasonable. is this think history.I not ministry” (Op.cit.p.35-36). missionary in rooted it is afterwards only and God to consecration of more than means missionary activity for vocation the poor; Oblate it is The first andChurch. foremost athe state in mission apostolic his and that the Oblate charism incorporates both the religious life of an Oblate the to commentary Fr.General, his Superior in former F.wrote he when this noticed Jetté, Our inseparable. are elements these that me reminds sense certain a in mission and religious life in one section under the title present our that fact The it? living often about our charism does not indicate the problem with our actually more and more discuss and speak we that fact the if ask I Sometimes life. of realities the with touch in not beings meaning beings, bodiless portant. If we forget this, we risk doing some kind of pure spirituality for im more is existence essence, of speak to easier is it that fact the spite the by accepted person towhomitisgiven. is it when only gift a becomes fully something that archives. They are a gift for each of us! Apart from this, I am convinced and libraries our for they are nor rooms, our of bookshelves the on left Rules and stitutions ary 18,1826) more nothing than a simple was tool used by he the Holy that Spirit.” (Letter to certain Fr. most Tempier,are Janu we today away; pass will I mentioned that my reflections will be about the spiritual life and life spiritual the about be will reflections my that mentioned I de and elements, indispensable equally are existence and Essence The Rule needs to be incarnated into the lives of Oblates. The to pointed elements the charism, Oblate the on reflection any In

Rules Constitutions and Rules and Constitutions are a gift of the Holy Spirit, but they are not to be to not are they but Spirit, Holy the of gift a are , and it is a real heritage of the Oblate family.Oblate the of heritage real a is it and , Constitutions that this “clearly indicates “clearly this that joined the topics of topics the joined Oblate Charism Con - - - - -

Oblatio l 647 l Paweł Latusek Oblatio l 648 l Local Section – Obra than wecanimagine. cross unknown to others. I suppose that there are more Oblates like that the carries who sufferingOblate a of solitude the in also accomplished is Charism missionaries. be to there sent those of number the nor ries, territo mission of expanse the preached, missions of number the ies, missionar of number the pastors, of number the serve, we parishes of cannot be limited to dates or statistics. It is not exhausted by the number tion, they were miners, road and railway workers, and farmers who were na forming newly a of territories vast throughout Scattered heart. and language their understands who priest a without faithful the shepherd, a without sheep nevertheless were “They notes: Głowacki Fr.L. style, was relatedtothereligioussituationofPolesinCanada andGermany. and — 1920 before is that — Province Polish the of beginnings formal the to prior even place took It Poland. in Oblates the of beginnings the in found is Christians abandoned and faith Catholic the for caring of motive same This Preface). Rules, and Constitutions (cf. Oblates the of beginning the was Such God. praising fervently were who priests out to its servants, and the sight of this evil moved the hearts of several in after the French Revolution. In this pitiful situation, the Church cried itself found faith Christian the that situation the rescue to need the was Church the in it awakened Spirit Holy the why reasons principle the The Church, thegreat heritageofourSavior... wascruellyravaged! living thesameOblatecharism. which was and is in us now. This strengthens my conviction that we are tween what was at the beginning in Aix-en-Provence in France and that be parallel beautiful a notice I charism, our of works the into deeper Entering charism. our of vitality the to witness bear that works the of Let’s Provincial. as then some and at rior, scholasticate look the at first supe as time my during obtained knowledge on as well as experience rienced, guarded and deepened. I want to base this both on my personal In describing the situation of Poles in Canada, almost in Mazenod’s of one and 1816, to back go Congregation our of beginnings The expe lived, is it but down, isn’twritten at looked we charism The T e h C m s i r a h E d e c n e i r e p x

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e h t P h s i l o O s e t a l b ------Eugene de Mazenod’s:de Eugene “Burning with love for Jesus and his Church, he as same the was evil perceived the to reaction their Congregation, the was similar.very of foundation the since passed had century a though Even Germany to bread for emigrating Poles of situation The 111) p. them.” by felt tangibly was care of saw.lack ever complete they This priest last the was this Often parish. family their from pastor the was them understood who priest last The was not on the world map. They had no one to turn to for advice or help. Poland them. with met one No them. defended one no them, for cared one No isolated. very were and prairies, and forests of parcels granted Oblates’ missionary work expanded quickly, and new foundations (in foundations new and quickly, expanded work missionary Oblates’ the of scope The Krobia-Chumiętki. in one the later and missionaries, our for base a as served Krotoszyn in house Polish first our later, year a Only Śląskie. Piekary in rectory the was Kosian Franciszek Fr. and 1919. Fr.Fr.in Kulawy Pawołek, for Aing Jan Jan location temporary Word of God in Poland a year before they settled in our country, mean priority inourapostolate. Preaching missionsandforeign missionshavetraditionally beenthe and... threats new the perceive reality.to assignment: same We this have again new this of challenges the with faced soon was Church the reality; new tury of communist ideology. For over a decade, we have been living in a Christians teach to everything did Oblates abandoned.most andpoorest thebelonged timesthose undoubtedly in so-called the to tering minis in involved became and times post-war terrible the in chaplains OblatesThepastorstasktheasconscriptedthe stoodto ofup armyand dredyearsslaveryof andoftenthe anti-Church policies theinvaders.of War. We had to cope with the needs caused by neglect after over one hun generously in the first years following independence after the First World was repeated several times in our Polish dioceses: The Oblates responded was thebeginningofPolishOblates. This isourheritage. to give his life... for the salvation of souls” chose He God’sabandoned. how were seeing people on suffereddeeply National missions: Thisfirst experience that closelyso is related the to Oblate charism move intoaction. Recaptured TerritoriesRecaptured This istheassignmentwearenowbeinggiven. The Oblates began the ministry of preaching the

( From

who Christ is Christ who

(CC&RR, WindFireand amongthedisplaced, who Preface after a half cen half a after , Messengers, , ), and such - - - -

Oblatio l 649 l Paweł Latusek Oblatio l 650 l Local Section – Obra of GodhasbeenthebasicministryourProvince. Germany and France. We must note that since 1939 preaching the Word States, United the Canada, in mainly centers Polonia in preached also various organizations to as well as preached to prisoners. Despite also the overload Fathers of work, they our retreats, parish and missions to addition In Borderlands. Eastern the and Poland Central Pomerania, to their took quickly the entire country:from the preaching ministryacross WestSilesia and very Oblates The this. foster helped personnel of Poznań, Kodeń, Katowice and Święty Krzyż) as well as a rapid increase situation which existed after the war blocked our travels for many more ad gentes the to greatly contributed also Dąbrowski, M. and Kowalczyk A. like Sri Lanka) and to South Africa. From the very beginning, our Brothers, dian Northwest (to Indians and Eskimos), as well as to Ceylon (today’s Cana the like territories in mission typically to emigrants also but among America, North work to only not members its was of Province many young sending the war, the before period the in Already land. Po in presence our of beginnings very the at soil fertile found istries min traditional other the that wonder no it’s So, Province. Polish the gentes Krzysztof CzepirskiinPoznańandcontinuestoday Katowice. Fr. by begun was which missionaries young of formation the in terest Fr.when in groups much showed TeodoreHe provincial. was Jochem during the ministry,this in and involved are Presently,priests gregation. 60 about Con the of ministries basic the of one and first the to faithful mained ada, Scandinavia,FranceandBelgium. preaching retreats outside of Poland, during Lent, for example, in Can in involved become again have missionaries our war, the before like just decade, a over for that is mentioning worth Also houses. vincial created: in Poznań, Katowice, Kędzierzyn, and later in subsequent Pro plete standstill. Yet already in 1945 new parish missionary groups were The war stopped the journeys of our Polish missionaries, and the and missionaries, Polish our of journeys the stopped war The missions: Foreign mission parish the of strengthening the to Weattention draw must re Oblates Polish II, WarWorld of period the for except Thus, com a to came practically work missionary our years, war the In mission activity of the Polish Oblates began prior to the start of start the to prior began Oblates Polish the of activity mission activities. hot seasonsof Advent andLentthereareevenmore. Like the parish missions in our country,the our in missions parish the Like ad ------lic and Belarus. During the time that I was Provincial (1998-2004) 56 (1998-2004) Provincial was I that time the During Belarus. and lic Ukraine, States, United Benelux, France, Turkmenistan,Repub Czech sionary avalanche: Paraguay, Argentina, Northern Canada, Hong Kong, our Province on behalf of foreign missions. Later, there was a real mis gascar in 1980 mark the start of the new, magnanimous involvement of began. Foundations in Sweden (1966), Cameroun (1969/70), and Mada real a opened, were borders our as soon as and circle the have we Obra in example, For lates. years. Ob the Yetamong extinguished never was spirit missionary the sure strong support in a diocese and to make it a base (including finan (including base a it make to and diocese a in support strong sure en to order in parish: a accept to decide to used he that reasons six to on the Congregation’s parish ministry in the time of our Founder points point to reasons for making an exception. Fr. E. Lamirande in his study the of letter the against was this Since ishes. the MarianShrineofNotreDamedeLaus,wasin1819. with along over, took Oblates the that parish first The it. recommended evencases some in parishes,severalandaccept to agreedFounder our different. Even before the introduction of the amendment just mentioned, eral. apart from exceptional cases and with the approval of the Superior Gen GeneralChapter 1850,ofwhich decided thatcannotwe accept parishes Part I, Chapter 2, Art. 17). The same is stated in later regulations our up firsttothat Rulesthe in 1818is clearlyfact forbade The Oblatesnot? from beingor parish priestscharism (Cf. our of part ministry parish of type discussed from the beginning of our Congregation, remains today: Is this workinged normalin pastoral ministries. Oneproblem, whichhasbeen wice (1921), Obra (1926/27), Kodeń (1927), some of our personnel start Parishes andspecialministries of ourcharism. say that God clearly blessed us by our regaining this important element can we vocations, Oblate in increase great exceptionally an by panied priests wereordainedand51receivedobediencestoworkabroad! There is no doubt that, as an exception, our Founder accepted par accepted Founder our exception, an as that, doubt no is There (Marko parishes first our on taking of moment the from Practically accom was missions foreign the to openness new this that Seeing Theoretically, the situation is quite clear; however, the reality was was reality the however, clear; quite is situation the Theoretically, and publications like: publications and Guest in Obra, in Guest Aunt’sTrail, Mosaic Obra mission circle, mission Rules exodus , he always tried to tried always he , of missionaries of the language ------,

Oblatio l 651 l Paweł Latusek Oblatio l 652 l Local Section – Obra xrse i ctcei fr hlrn n aut a wl a preaching as “good well sermons that will explain God’s as laws, the Commandments of the adults and children for catechesis in expressed be to was This vocation. original our to relate and missions the wards Oblates, (cf. care pastoral without those meaning people, abandoned of needs the to finally, responding and, of shrines goal Marian the to with work for those who otherwise would be unemployed; to ensure ministry community; for resolving housing problems for missionaries; to ensure missionary the for support of place a as missionaries; foreign for cial) echism of the the good of the particular churches” for and Christ of Body Mystical whole the increasing and up building “all religious have the duty... of cooperating zealously and diligently in (To Fr. Pélissiera,May30,1839). domain.” its under comes sin not is that everything and prescribe, can Blasphemy! You have committed yourself to everything that obedience say.some that, or this to committed not am I obedience.... under falls else Everything Congregation! our to adverse is God offending only brother, dear well, “Note following: the wrote Founder our Institute, our with accord in not was involvement such that saying duties, parish his neglected and differently thought who priest one ToMazenod. de chaplains forreligioussisters,inprisonsandhospitals.... ministry (Kokotek), ministry to people with addictions, and ministry as ministry in ministries: shrines, pastoral family ministries, special non-sacramental marriages, of youth forms various are there parishes many in since true is Founder.This our by used reasons the with keeping in is parishes the from withdraw or accept to decision the essentially that to us,wedomorethanisdoneinregularparishes. de Laus, N.D. November 18, 1835) He de also demanded that in the visite parishes given de (Acte mass.” Sunday a for prepared incorrectly often and preached be will that sermons general “all over preferred be etc.”; sacraments Creed, the Church, I will also add that the Council decree Fr. with agreed everyone not and this, with agrees everyone Not perceive probably can we Province, our of history the at Looking to directed be work parish that recommended however, Eugene, 1964, p.286-288). states that “all religious, whether exempt

(No. 33; Cf. also No. 34). The

these types of teachings were to were teachings of types these Christus Dominus states that Etudes Cat - -

commenting. We first accepted the shrine in Markowice, then Kodeń, then Markowice, in shrine the accepted Wefirst commenting. require really not does charism our Virof aspect Immaculate Marian The 10). the (C gin” to devotion genuine instill to strive will we us, takes ministry mother....our our Wherever as her on look always shall In Matrem semperhabebunt–Marianspirituality in hispastoralduty” bishop diocesan the of collaborators the among place their take not, or ing witness, both in one’s personal life as well as in through community most important form of responding to our vocation is holiness and giv the that forget cannot we necessary.Nevertheless, very and important sions Drogi Misyjne ( activities publication scholasticate; and vitiate no the juniorate, the directing activities, vocation noteworthy: are ers a – shining reality. speaking Apart fromthosealreadymentioned, the followingoth poeticly – Charism the make which ways the also edly Shining withCharism same spirit oughttogiveuslife. this Founder; our to life gave spirit same This 1656). 1, (April lands of the Kingdom will expand and give honor and devotion to You”the all that Christ, Jesus Lord our YourYouSon, and to name, my in people the and senators the as well as I, that therefore, promise, I ice, my nation, with a new and ardent desire to dedicate myself to your serv extraordinary favors to Your enslaved nation burns in me together with Kazimierz’sJan of spirit the in formed tion spirit; Polish na Marian a to belonged the we Congregation, Marian a joined we before with coincides simply Oblate Polish a of spirit the churches andchapels,includinggrottosatourOblatehouses. Blessed Virginthe of statues our and all pictures in are Mary there and I believe I have the right to state that in our Marian dimension, Marian our in that state to right the have I believe I Oblates Congregation.... our of patroness is Immaculate “Mary Let’s goontothenextelementofourcharism. The ways of ministering that I have already presented are undoubt All those forms of making the charism visible are most certainly most are visible charism the making of forms those All andothernewformsofcooperation withlaypeople. ; rmtn or hrs through charism our promoting );

(no. 927). Vows : “And because Yourbecause “And : ba Niepokalanej Oblat red o te Mis the of Friends ------,

Oblatio l 653 l Paweł Latusek Oblatio l 654 l Local Section – Obra Fr. Ludwik Wrodarczyk are the most eloquent testimony of our original as Blessed Fr.figures Józef Cebula, Servant Such of God Brother back. Antoni Kowalczyk come or out not did came who Oblates 41 the the including victorious, 1939, in trial of time a experienced Province present. the in or past the in Yetyoung our when that ignore cannot we fication ofourneighbors( the love of Jesus Christ, in the service of the Church and for the sancti for life and person our even everything, sacrifice to ready be to us told he saints; become to work honestly to us ordered Mazenod Fr.de life. all this? of use make to going we are How operational... fully rather are houses wonderful potential; we are the most numerous Province; our formation What will our holiness be Poland. like, what changing will our witness rapidly be like? and Wenew have a a in century new the entered have Wecurrent. more even remains conversion community and individual to call Chapter’s General last The priests.... ordained being after and vows final their professing after just unfortunately, us, left have who those know also we infidelities; our of aware personally is Everyone are reallytheexceptioninourProvince. community the of outside live who Oblates life: community of gift the kept we period) war identity.the our (excluding keep Basically to able zeal! Even later, during the Stalinist and communist times, we were also l ti de nt en ht vrtig a ad s ipy ideal. simply is and was everything that mean not does this All Province, our in holiness of degree the judge to one the not am I Constitutions andRules , Preface). Paweł Latusek, [email protected] Poznań, Poland i m o - M ences oftheOblatecharism realizedinthePolishcontext. Mary, Evangelization, Christ, dictionary: the in detail in described were these of majority the charism. late “Charism.” entry the in proposed are that charism richness ofparishministryinourreligiouscommunities inPoland. entire the grasp to try will I perspective, three-fold this from but work, community ( ( missions folk national ( ministry parish country: our in Oblates Polish by work ish par as understood broadly is what to related reality same the of tives ing thisentireperiod,IhavebeenworkinginthePolishProvince. Dur Counsels. Evangelical the of path the through serving spent been THE OBLATE CHARISM It is from this perspective that I will present my personal experi personal my present will I that perspective this from is It Oblate the of elements the on reflections my base to like would I parish typical of experiences the to myself limit simply not will I differentperspec three complementary at mutually look but will I

Priests andMostUrgent Needs. the Congregation for 22 years. So, 21 years of my life have life my of years 21 So, years. 22 for Congregation the priesthood of years 15 with Oblate an am I y presentation is based on my experience of Oblate ministry. as ofthisyear 2 Nine points are given as elements of this charism, and charism, this of elements as given are points Nine

h Poor, the 1 E The article refers to the 1976 Congress on the Ob the on Congress 1976 the to refers article The s t n e m e l R o since 3 years ago years 3 since b e

r ). Church, t


e h t w a Dictionary of Oblate ValuesOblate of Dictionary r

O omnt Life, Community i k c e i n e z ARISH WORK EXPERIEN CE e t a l b

) and superior of a religious a of superior and ) C , m s i r a h i m o

. eiiu Life, Religious I have been in been have I 12 years 12 under the under ), - - - - -

Oblatio l 655 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 656 l Local Section – Obra rience resonated in every participant in this liturgical celebration on the adoration of the cross, always done without hurrying, so that this expe and presentation the included It celebrant. the as and participant a as both worked, I where place every in Friday Good on Passion Lord’s Corss, notonourselves,asmuchcharismatic,wecanbe the model for our pastoral ministry – to help people focus on Saviour’s ence on Good Friday, is meeting Jesus Christ and His cross. This is also Christ [JesusandHisCross] ceremony of solemnly placing the restored mission cross at the end of end the at cross mission restored the placing solemnly of ceremony the have we when Friday on cross the of adoration during have people Oblate crossontheirshirts orliturgical dress. an wearing value retreats vocation in participating youth and parishes know quite well from direct witnesses of how altar servers at our Oblate Jesus Christ, the “Lamb of God” took away the sins of the world. I also drawing attention to the sign of salvation which is the cross upon which for them from thanks of words hear could we and impression, an quite could kiss it after confession. Other confreres also did this, and it made they and penitents the all by seen be could of it that doors so the confessional the of shelf the on placed always was cross Oblate the and cross onthepalmsofpenitent’s hands. tradition, Oblate our follow I rection), di spiritual includes that confession during or encounters marriage for confessions (among others with students and married couples at retreats parishes, when leading retreats and missions). meetings various at externally or meetings with ministry groups) ministry my during element “visual” essential this ignore to not tried always have I Immaculate. Mary of Oblates Missionary the in interested me made ly distinguishes us from other diocesan priests. It was this sign that initial Oblate cross visible on our belts, and this cross is the only element that evening ofGoodFriday, justasittookplaceinthelifeofSt.Eugene. When preaching missions, I have seen what a great experience the experience great a what seen have I missions, preaching When parish, certain a at confessions heard and Poznan to drove often I the with cassock our is Oblates as us distinguishes that sign The our of liturgy the was experience great a had I where context The The central point of our ministry according to St. Eugene’s experi (Mass, confession, parish office work, during catechesis, during work, office parish confession, (Mass, (such as with the Bishop, in substitute in Bishop, the with as (such or when I represent the Congregation 4 and I try to place the Oblate the place to try I and During longer individual 3.

- - - - adoration thefollowing17 their sins and the great love of God, who gave his life for us. During the service, participants were invited to take home a small nail, a symbol of cross with the relics of St. Eugene de Mazenod, at the end of the prayer Oblate large a kissing Gospel. After the experience to help to gestures the holy mission. Sometimes during a mission, I have proposed specific eas, social media, commitment to peace, the development and liberation the great urban centers, young people, immigrants, poverty stricken ar Him, rejected but even thoughtheyliveina culture steepedinGospelvalues. Him about learned already have and know Christ to about gotten already have who those and areas, “Christian” nally nomi least at in live who those reached, yet not has Gospel the of those whom evangelization first the also is There of people. evangelization non-practicing new the and faith the living continue who faithful the of care pastoral evangelization: of trends contemporary the tions the realmoftraditionorakindfolklore. in be to considered or practiced not is faith the where household a into baptized are 2/3 remaining the families; their in faith living of terms in follow-up a have could it attending adolescents and children of third one only but schools, in thaught is catechism the Poland In gelization. evan of dimention the have could schools in classes catechism a even However, Church. the of members yet not are who those, reaching at Evangelization St. Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical the in II Paul John Pope St. Evangelisation is sometimes understood as a specific action aimed if youareunhappy, don’t makemefeelguilty!” I amyourFriend,butyoudonotloveMe; I amGod,butyoudonotpraytoMe; I amtheHead,butyouarenoobedienttoMe; I amthe Teacher, butyoudonotlistentoMe; I amtheLife,butyoudonotseekMe; I amthe Truth, butyoudobelieveMe; I amthe Way, butyoudonotfollowMe; “I amtheLight,butyoudonotseeme; Contemporary areopagus missions are also an important element: important an also are missions areopagus Contemporary th -century poemwasrecited: Redemptoris Missio Redemptoris 5 men - - - -

Oblatio l 657 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 658 l Local Section – Obra for their confession because they have to do so, such card as godparents. the It sign is to need the is priest a with contact only their if even us, with talk to come also Church the of community the from far often are confessional, the in being constantly or confession of thepoortowhomwearesent. areopagus will be well complemented by undertaking the subject matter who are far from the Church and the faith. The development of modern international relations. of peoples, human rights and entire nations, culture, research work and sometimes bore fruit in long confessions in the comfort of the TV cabi together, coffee drinking even or broadcasts, preparing and meetings individual These ideal. Gospel Church, the from far the were lives moral and their and faith the from away far were people these of Some program. the creating team the with meeting was however, moment, but the basics, the “essence” of God’s Word addressed to man. A special experience, among others, taught me that we do not need a lot of words, to three minutes to read the Sunday Gospel passage and discuss it. This lic TVP Wrocław program, where every two weeks I had one and a half tions on the Word of God for the coming Sunday on the regional Catho academic specific this community. in experienced they what to thanks also ably prob family, happy a started already have ministry student academic and lead professional lives. Today, some of those who went through the today,people these of studies their finished already have they although helping them in their spiritual formation. I still keep in touch with many and formation of work the starting consequently and confidence, their gaining them,” “taming allowed that relationship a establish to able be at a different meeting, sometimes cooking dinner with them, in order to students the with be to had I evening every since involved, greatly was also means simply being with students in their ordinary everyday life. I this and journey, faith their on students accompany to is it important extremely how know Wrocław,I in Ministries Student Frassati the at at helpingthepenitentunderstandGod’s loveandChrist’s cross. difficult but still an opportunity to try to strike up a conversation aimed My second experience in Wrocław was being involved in medita in involved being Wrocławwas in experience second My years 3 for chaplain student a as ministering experience my From of ministry the is times our in evangelization of element Another 6 Specific attempts are undertaken to reach those 7 where people who people where - - - - ferent style of prayer meeting. This place is connected with our Oblate our with connected is place meeting. This prayer of style ferent pm, when we are not limited to the liturgy and can afford a slightly dif prayer of Our Lady of Częstochowa” ( “Evening the during meet can and late work people the because tunity dilemmas foundinmodernsongs. tractive way to try to convey and show the faith or even explain related at an Radio, Catholic “Family” on youth for broadcast night Sunday a ran we them, with being of ministry,fruit campus the again was which university the from students of help the with month, a nets. once Also, Polish priests through service filled with the spirit of sacrifice, often sacrifice, of spirit the with filled service through priests Polish for trust of credit this earned has that Church the towards himself, God before responsible are Weus. on placed responsibility great a is This representatives’their frommade ‘taken and men among said: people consecrated and ministers pastoral to speaking when Poland to pilgrimages his of one during II Paul John Rules” and tutions “Consti the in arms, of coat our by out pointed is abandoned, the for The Poor still keepintouchwithsomeofthepeopleinvolved thisgroup. I and group, Missions the of Friends the for responsible was and time short a for worked I where Kodeń, in this experienced I environment. ple can be missionaries themselves and in a sense “evangelize” their own Friends of Oblate Missions the animating on focus the with initiatives Oblate existing promoting or works specific and missions the for patronage organizing sionaries, mis visiting with meetings arranging by animation missionary is ence tractive formandwasusedonseveraloccasionsduringmissions. at an assumed has It Man.” and God Valtorta“About Mary by poem the on based service, this prepare to us helped Obra from scholastics the occasions several on Therefore, possible. always not was this but devotion, this animate to parish the of youth the ask to used we tially the Ten Commandments,” which we tried to introduce at missions. Ini Sinai, of Law the announcing service “prayer a of tradition missionary h pirt o ti eeeto or hrs, f en concerned being of charism, our of element this of priority The experi parish my in evangelization of element important Another oppor good a such is missionaries folk national of ministry The 8 n te Drcoy f h Pls Province.” Polish the of “Directory the and in different age categories. In this way, peo Apel Jasnogórski Rmme, o are you “Remember, ) (around 8 or 9 (Cf. Heb 5:1). Heb (Cf. 9 St. ------

Oblatio l 659 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 660 l Local Section – Obra they felt treated as people, despite their bad history; they did not often not did they history; bad their despite people, as treated felt they us, with were they when that stressed repeatedly Iława in house Oblate els. I had a special experience when prisoners who come to work in our feedback we receive from the people we serve and meet at various lev Poland is being close to people and their problems. This is the so-called average family, orratherclosertothatofthepoorest families nation. the with solidarity in be Youmust faithful. be Youmust poorest. the especially people, the paid for even by the death of martyrdom. Your responsibility is towards These were organized on Christmas Eve, starting at 3pm, so that these that so 3pm, at starting Eve, Christmas on organized were These years. six for Kędzierzyn-Koźle in poor and lonely the for vigils Eve nity, receivedthesacramentofreconciliation beforetheceremony. coffee and being together meant that some of them, given this opportu for them Inviting people. these to closer us brought ceremony the for rehearsals simple banner,where prison the of dedication the preparing was Iława in experience One evangelization. for a environment now special is this so and work; could authorities the by approved people only meant times communist in which affinity, family on based work the Church are often hired. This was a result of the practice of granting also with the staff of the prison service. Here in Poland, people far from ring tothepropheticgesturesofPopeFrancis. Association, the boys and girls who were also invited to this rite, refer We had a similar response from the young people of the Catholic Youth reward?” a such deserve I did “How asking kept and child small a like rites liturgical the experienced baptism for preparing was who them of one when invited, were prisoners the which Thursday,to Holy on feet part in it. The same experience from the Iława yard was the washing of took who parishioners the on had this impression great the and church the in prisoners the of with Cross the Waythe of chaplain led Iława, in prison OMI, the Rzekiecki Tadeusz Fr. how remember I parishes. our of activities pastoral the on ministry prison of impact the includes also but penitentiaries, state in ministry to simply limited not is which experience thisinotherplaces. Another experience I had was when I participated in the Christmas Prison ministry, however, is not only dealing with the prisoners, but ministry, prison in is Poland in poor the with work the of Part A characteristic feature of the various Oblate pastoral ministries in Your lifestyle must be closer to that of the of that Yourto closer be must lifestyle

[sic!].” 11 10 - - -

These meetings with the poor were also a good opportunity to involve to opportunity good a also were poor the with meetings These alone. spent not were days special these because eyes their in tears and While sharing the wafer (Christmas) and egg (Easter), we could see joy day. that on festivities the for dressed be would drunk, and neglected package whentheyleftforhomewithfoodthefollowingdays. a received them of Sunday.Each Resurrection of morning the in fasts our Oblate community. The same happened in organizing Easter break ter the Christmas party prepared for them that we sat together at table in people could actually have a Christmas experience. It was only later, af pray for families experiencing problems associated with the migration the with associated problems experiencing families for we pray Thursdays third the on difficulties; experiencing families broken for pray we Thursdays second the on vocation; religious or priestly to a called those for pray to people invite we month, the of Thursdays first the on devotion, the During parish. the of saint patron the to ice at St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish in Kędzierzyn-Koźle is a prayer serv Mass inHolyCommunion. can meet the Eucharistic Jesus, even though they cannot receive Him at to Jesus; my eyes are filled with tears of happiness that in this way they say people these what hear I up, raised monstrance the holding stand I when devotion, this during but man, tough a quite am I Eucharist. the to close so be to opportunity the have they that years many after time first the is it them, of many For stigmatized. or way any in pressured feel not will they that so them for group special separate a not is there people; of group a with together Jesus approaches couple The votion. de this to matrimony of sacrament the received not have who couples welcome individually.Wealso come people single and together, altar the to up come Families problems. their about a Jesus tell moments for few and it touch and monstrance the approach can participant each rist. There is adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during which Eucha the in Jesus praise we where devotion mission the during days, ate inKędzierzyn-Koźle. cooper constantly we whom with Virginsisters, the Mary of Servants preparing the event; it gave them the possibility of cooperating with the in people young particularly communities, parish our of people lay the Another parish experience also introduced by Fr. Tadeusz Kal OMI on Thurs place takes work missionary folk this of aspect Another often were year the during who people, these that see Youcould ------

Oblatio l 661 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 662 l Local Section – Obra St. Eugene, who was also forced to immigrate and whose family expe family whose and immigrate to forced also was who Eugene, St. of life the of story the things, other among used, we them Withment. work abroad, as in the Opole region where they could not find employ to having parents both even or one of because separation experiencing families many were there “Euro-orphans,” so-called the of context the Thursday. every parish the to come people of intentions. Alot additional any for pray we Thursday, fifth a is there when and parishioners, the of tions inten the all for pray we Thursdays fourth the on ones; loved their of on Sundays. Yet as we can see, even reaching out to them through ad through them to out reaching even see, can Sundays. Yetwe on as least at present those Church, the with connected way some in are who people to proclaim we where places many at usually are experience we that shows because mission, holy a during preaching our of cipients again foralongtime. priest the meet to occasion an have not will they since them, with faith done. Well, despite their attitude, it is the time to enter into a dialogue of the parish office like to any other office; they simply want their business ple whom we meet to enter into a deeper dialogue. Some would come to peo the of willingness the on also but initiative, my on only not pends Communion, becausealmostallofthemattendthisceremony. Holy for preparing are who children of parents the with meetings my to the guidelines of the “Directory”. according them of all with meet to opportunity unique a is this visits; pastoral Christmas the during example for as homes, their to us invite es approximately 30% of the people are present and approximately 60% We do not normally have such a possibility at church. At Sunday Mass people. “poor” these to out reach to opportunities all were sacraments, these for preparation the of end and beginning the at family every with preparing for Holy Communion, and especially the individual meetings with candidates for Confirmation, as well as with the parents of children poor. Becauseoftheirdifficulties,theycanidentifywithhislife. the of service the in us of few too by used is Founder our of life the of aspect this that think I separated. being parents his problems, rienced We are looking for ways of reaching out to those who are the re the are who those to out reaching of ways for looking Weare de meetings these of fruitfulness the that aware am I However, in Wrocław,was I When meetings individual visits, Christmas my in especially environment, the of needs real the to response a As 12 This is even more evident during ------prayers for the mission intentions, its plans and above all a good im good a all above and plans its intentions, mission the for prayers materials: appropriate the with them leave and mission the by opportunity offered the about talk can we homes, their into us let who those with contact personal Through fruitfulness. its experienced personally I because mission, a in part take to people inviting for initiative good a such efforts beforepreaching amission. made who confreres my of some of experience the was This Church. to go regularly not do who group, this from participants of number the increase not does and ineffective be to out turns media the in vertising n vle b piss n “nthd p” eetees te problem the Nevertheless, up.” “snatched and priests by valued and perceived well are distribute we booklets homiletic the and work ish more attheirprayer-formation meetings. something them give and faith of life the in involved people young the for Confirmation to fill them with the spirit of evangelization and to get preparing people young with meetings monthly our undertook as we such together, that initiatives good the to birth gave meetings These priests. of community greater a were we that felt we because time lost a was this that thought never I deaneries. neighboring two involving those even and city whole the for organized were that initiatives toral urgy of the Hours together, and then discussed issues related to the pas Lit the prayed we First, month. the of Thursday first the on evenings the in late place took usually separately.This meet to used also vicars addition to the deanery meetings of the entire community of priests, we nothing fromanyoneelsetomakeourministrymorefruitful. learn can we that and well, everything do we that think we that sations clearly mention this. Sometimes, I get the impression in various conver Rules” and “Constitutions our although level church local a at meettings in participating of thereof, lack the actually The Church the missionistotakeplace. to kindly accept us. We can propose this method to parish priests where pression left behind by being open to these people and their willingness We are usually well prepared for our preaching and missionary par In regard. this in positive is Kędzierzyn-Koźle at experience My The main pastoral problem for the Oblates in Poland is the ability, or is visits pastoral Christmas the of use the that believe I Therefore, 13 n te “Directory” the and 14 - - - - -

Oblatio l 663 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 664 l Local Section – Obra lectures that were very well delivered. He spoke about the love for the for love the about spoke He delivered. well very were that lectures by Oblates. proclamations earlier in this about hear not did they because occasion, special a for or diocese given a for obligatory only as area given a in that theOblateproclaiming Wordthe pastoralplan to refers God of question them. Proof of this may be that priests are sometimes surprised into our preaching to reach pastoral programs and not only to reject and persists. The idea is that the specificity of a diocese or parish be weaved still used methods the and preaching our concerning above mentioned Oblate house in a way that it does not give the community any room any community the give not does it that way a in the house to Oblate visitors bringing includes It life. community from escaping is priesthood, the even or life religious the of abandonment the to leads community. the of members other to inaccessible often are which or superiors’ treasurers’cars, official so-called the to applies also issue last This car. personal a and independence financial great given is he example, For he ceased to be a religious and has practically become a diocesan priest. if as is it priest, parish a becomes religious a when cases, many in that aspect ofourcharism,andsodoestheProvince“Directory.” Rules” and “Constitutions The community. our within mission our out carrying and life community Oblate the is them attracts that elements the of one that hear I Congregation, religious our Community Life has assignedtousintheChurch. Rules, and Constitutions first the to preface the in wrote Eugene St. as desolation,” our of days Christ’sthe of “in community Church the towards attitude proper only Rules.” and Constitution the to “Preface the in same the versa.” vice and Christ love to means Church the love “To day: feast his on Readings of Office the for reading second the now is which 1860, in Lent for Letter his the in Mazenod de Eugene St. of reflected words words His Church.” the with along “feeling by Church Another problem that can be also seen and which in many cases many in which and seen also be can that problem Another Problems that are often present in our communities include the fact Often in my conversations with young people who are interested in To this day, I remember Fr. Joseph Kowalik OMI’s Church History

so that we can play our proper role that God that role proper our play can we that so 17 call attention to this to attention call 16 This is the is This 18 15 He says He the parishcommunity. within celebrations Oblate our on placed emphasis little too is problem er the lack of it, because doing so might be ridiculed by others. Another the whole Congregation, is the issue of openly sharing our faith or rath for designed activities animation various at seen be can and mentioned they cannot becomeasubstitutefortheOblatecommunitylife. but importance, their question cannot we and valuable are laity the with meetings that know I experience, personal my From guests. some by occupied always are rooms common the privacy,because for houses. from the everyday religious practices of the daily oneself program at one of excusing our and duties pastoral concerns this Namely, avoid. to failed sometimes personally have I something involvement, with external life religious reconciling be to seems problem fundamental the Religious Life provincial levelandaroundtheworld. from budgets in some houses to other places of the Congregation at the remains what of share fair a give to enough matured not have we that when the second house simply cannot afford to buy some things. I think fruits, good bear never will house “poorer” a to “richer” a from pattern this Transferring houses. our in living of standards different concerns parish and others are more concerned with external activities. This also the in care pastoral in involved more are ministry.Some features of types ownspecific and its has house each since conflicts, raises some times This another. on it impose to try and place one in community living of methods previous our take often we ministry,where of place do nothing”andthelike. “you or you” for pays house “the words, the hear often we occasions, the financial contribution of various groups to the community. On these pastors” and the “community of missionaries” of with emphasis placed on “community the into houses, missionary and pastoral the in cially espe division, artificial an is life community our of quality the fects This aspect is very strongly linked with community life, and to me the in change a is there when problem a out point to have we Here Personally, going back to my experiences, something that often af been already has which problem, biggest the perhaps However, - - - -

Oblatio l 665 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 666 l Local Section – Obra at all. reason no for up them bring simply not do and experienced personally sion and is related to the above mentioned issue. These are things that I many confreres in our province and sometimes causes unnecessary ten other pleasures,meetings,andsports. others to do the duties entrusted to someone else so that I have time for using or work avoiding is perceived I problem the case, this gether.In to working means also life community religious building that show option. an longer no is difficult more something on taking some, for and them, suits that or this because doing, are they what change to some of tance Oblates. elderly and young both by Weence” reluc the see clearly can “obbedi new a accept to readiness of lack the is letters, cial’scircular munity inordertomakethebestuseofthesefunds. to spent is com the to entrusted been has that money the of use proper the ensure it before penny every count who houses our in members typi the are unfair,there is because This members. province the with beyond “talk” cal regard this in consequences any suffer not did and “untouchable” be to out turned situations these for responsible people money,of largeetc. sums and intentions fromprayer ( parishes and houses tain sponsible for an individual house, as was the case some time ago in cer affairs wherefraudwascommitted. order to resolve or remove the consequences that lead to such a state of investments. in situations these to responding appropriately necessary of lack a is there Often, for pay to afford even cannot parish the and exist not does money this that realize immediately they him, replaces gle priest makes large investments for the parish. When another person sin a where situation the involves This pastors. and treasurers periors, Another problem that occurs here, often emphasized in the Provin re person the by power of abuse the to applies same the Second, su our of responsibility financial the concerning issue the is First bothers that issue the mention to like also would I point, this At The “Constitutions and Rules” their investments, home treasury with debts with treasury home investments, their 19 and the “Directory” ). In this case, the case, this In ). 20 very clearly ------situations where a new pastor at some of our pastoral facilities tried to tried facilities pastoral our of some at pastor new a where situations mostly through its specificity at the Marian shrine in Kodeń. There were liturgy,and mentality our in present was element this perhaps although mentioned aspartofPoland’s realityinthe“Directory.” Rules” and “Constitutions our both in present is theme This one. only the piety,not Polish but of feature a is ways some in and try gregation point to is Marian spirituality, which characterizes our minis Mary with them, and many of them visited us frequently, because they felt they because frequently, us visited them of many and them, with relationships personal build to tried He individually. and pilgrims of was always very willing to receive priests who arrived there who OMI, with Wódz groups Stanislaw Fr. late the with Kodeń in worked I when about observations my share to like would I Here concerns. pastoral same the share we because also but missions, and retreasts for parishes their in us welcoming also are they because only not communities, our rectly andindirectlyinour“ConstitutionsRules.” “Directory” The Church. the on 4 Section in way some in mentioned been already has which work, we where priests diocesan the with relationship our Priests lectionary, andsometimesitispurchasedbuthiddeninthecloset. the with along Polish in published is year.It the of Saturdays ordinary for VirginMary the of celebrations the in missal Marian the use only Our or Kodeń However,etc. Help, Perpetual of Lady to of unsatisfied feel I this, despite Mary Virgin the Fatima, to devotion the like ones permanent also are there and October, and May in first devotions Saturday the like occasions, special on everywhere present are devotions prit. cul a such for way pathetic a quite in ending often parishioners, and communities of members by reactions caused it piety,but this “erase” Above all, this concerns the heartfelt welcome of the priests into priests the of welcome heartfelt the concerns this all, Above of issue the address to like would I charism, our of aspect this In Marian Poland in institutions Oblate our know,in I as far Yet,as see can I worked, I where places the all of perspective the From Con our in interested are who people young the that trait Another 23 states that this is our obligation, and it is mentioned di mentioned is it and obligation, our is this that states 24 22 21 and is and - - - -

Oblatio l 667 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 668 l Local Section – Obra the first Thursdays of the month for vocations, which the “Directory” the which vocations, for month the first of the Thursdays has religious,theyareusuallyaskedtotakeonthisministry. deanery the if Poland, in deanery,since a of Director Spiritual the ing the ministry of being the spiritual directors of individual clergy and be May 21. and 17 February as days such on community’sexample the dinner,for to also but liturgy the for only not celebrations, our to priests invite to welcome. I think that in many our communities there is a good tradition missions that I lead, since for the past 3 years I am not a parish priest. parish a not am I years 3 past the for since lead, I that missions or retreats at only not me to come who individuals in this experience I solutions. for looking and problems of kinds all experiencing people not just in parish ministry, is to be open to those coming to us for advice, who serveothersthroughanappropriateministry. “Directory” Rules” and “Constitutions our by indicated is evangelical This counsels. the of path the undertaking people for especially Christ, The MostUrgent Needs some casessavedtheirvocation. our lives, which often allowed them to survive this difficult time, and in in part take to houses our into people these invited also they addition, In superiors. their by visits organizing with along life, consecrated of persons and priests convicted for prison the in care pastoral did who chaplains the in with prisoners Wrocławmet for I care Iława, toral and other. each support can called are who those of families and parents the also but vocations, of richness the know to get to us allows only not This month. the of Thursdays first the on Mass after ministry,just to people called of families and parents the with above, mentioned places the in happens as organizingmeetings, vocations. is element important An obliges a house superior to do as an expression of common concern for I think that today’s pastoral challenges in our Oblate houses, and houses, Oblate our in challenges pastoral today’s that think I of disciple every of task the is times the of signs the Recognizing pas of context the in when, was me for Aexperience special very on pray to just not thing important extremely an is it that think I An important aspect of our cooperation with diocesan clergy is also 27 both with regard to our actions and in selecting the people 26 and the and 25 - -

that when placed in such a situation, I do not feel comfortable; often be who is to celebrate the Mass, because I know from personal experience person same the Mass. by before done right be not not and should This before the Eucharist, so priests should go hear confessions much earlier confession concerns mainly this regularly.parishes, more In it use can faithful the that so communities, our in reconciliation of sacrament the Francis, I think that the answer to the most urgent needs is a renewal of to meonthestreet. They find an opportunity to call me by phone, via e-mail or talk directly es, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. At the end, everyone end, the us”. At against trespass who those forgive we as es, the “Our Father” prayer (Cf. Matthew 69-15): “forgive us our trespass of words the on and 21-35) 18: Mt (cf. servant merciless the of parable the 8-16), 4: Genesis (cf. and Abel Cain of story the including hatred, people, that we organized a service based on biblical texts of anger and of group large a gather which appeals, such during was It process. ing heal the encourage to is tradition, Oblate our with accord in is it opportunity,and good a Such years. many for often hearts, their in carry Częstochowa” where wecanusethenon-liturgical of elementsoftoday’s popculture. Lady Our of Prayers “Evening mentioned viously for 24hourswithvariousshiftsofconfessors. continuously heard is confession where Francis, Pope by Lent in ated initi Lord” the for hours “24 or nights” “confessional was in part took personally I which initiative valuable Areconciliation. of sacrament the from benefit to able were people hours, three for time, this during and Eucharist, the after Mercy Divine of Chaplet the prayed we at 3pm Fridays On Iława. and Kedzierzyn-Kozle Wroclaw, in functioned that solution a Wefound Katowice. have and Gdansk in houses our in like confessional, fixed a have not do we where housess the in matter come backafterMassorgiveupinanger? they will is question the but Mass, after until wait to person the asking and delay the Mass, or to quickly finish the confession andconfession gothe celebrate, hear to either dilemma the with faced am I Then time. more given be should who person a get I confessional, the leaving fore The challenge of our times is forgiveness for the injuries people injuries the for forgiveness is times our of challenge The pre the are challenges new the to respond to opportunity Another this in people the of expectations the meeting of true is same The Pope by announced Mercy Yearof the of light the in present, At - - - - -

Oblatio l 669 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 670 l Local Section – Obra Chapter in2016. the from problems General the by considered be also could It Province. the of perspective these at look to opportunity an be will Kodeń in meeting Provincial year’s this that hope I hearts. human devas in faith tates ways various in that secularization ever-increasing an notice we where Poland, in Church the of reality new the is solution simple ascends toGod. prayer our forgiveness, this to thanks and offenders, their forgiving of sign a as it into incense of lump a threw and largecenser a approached lowlands ( lowlands ( history (manytimesover).” throughout done often has Church the as civilization), of construction re the on work (will civilization rebuild help and society) broken of pieces the collect (will society of ruins the of shells the together gather will martyr) bishop the of successor the / successor next (the him after comes who one The public). the of eyes the in / square (town square market the in martyr a as die will successor his and prison, in die will successor My bed. my in die to expect Chicago, of Bishop as “I, this: like sounded statement George’s Cardinal The Church. the of munity his priests, he gave a splendid picture of who we should be in the com the late Cardinal Francis George, OMI. During one of the meetings with gregation begintodominateourthinking. take, especially when ideas of the “end-stage” or “funeral” of our Con to us for path the also probably is This issue. vocations the concerning turn to their original plans actually carried out, and “something stirred” of caring for the sick, the lonely, and the needy. They reported that a re charism original their with keeping in not was that everything up give to decided they this, on Reflecting vocations. with problem a riencing expe recently are they that me with Province. shared Poznań They the in Elizabeth St. of Sisters the friends, my concerns them of One me. they often built monasteries in the mountains the in monasteries built often they In Poland, it is often said that the Benedictines are fond of heights of fond are Benedictines the that said often is it Poland, In of words the to relates it how and image Oblate our is second The to significant are that pictures two to refer to like again would I or answer simple no is there which for challenge new a Finally, where they built their monasteries their wherebuilt they F e r u t u 28 P i t c e p s r e v s e ), and the Oblates of ruins of Oblates the and ), ), the Cistercians of the of Cistercians the ), ------to “collect the pieces” surrounding us and by the power of Divine Mer we first “glue” ourselves to the power of God when we meet with God, if possible only is this However, us. around arises that emptiness and nonsense great the among lives our to meaning give to is mission our “reconstruction.” or project” “gluing our become these “ruins”; or “pieces” the find to is the words of Cardinal Francis, the mission of the Oblates, our ministry, On the threshold of the Year of Mercy, in the context of these words and ( Ibidem dem F.51; p. Y.Cf. 384. of MissionaryOblatesMaryImmaculate] Misjonarzy Oblatów Maryi Niepokalanej [Constitutions and Rules of the Congregation Cf. them. with related Rules the in points the and 1-30 Constitutions concerns This life. religious and charism Oblate the of summary a 191-210, 317-412. We also find them in the structure of our Constitutions and Rules as tutions and Rules] Eugene St. wybrane dotyczące Konstytucji i Cf. Reguł OMI [Select Texts selectively. Concerning the OMI Consti them use can we and Mazenod, de Values] we meetcontemporaryman,whoisoftenverypoor. we are responsible before God and the Church for it, on the roads where and world, modern the in today mission our is It walking. now are we which path the on us before gone have who Oblates many the by years after the French Revolution. This mission has been undertaken over the or “put them back together.” This is the mission that St. Eugene took on together” others “glue to able be will we reference, of point our as cy most of our houses are places left behind by some other congregation , p. 159-160; M. 159-160; p. , 3 2 1 that accepting means charism original the to return a that believe I , p. 192; F.192; p. , , Poznań2004,p.69-99. Cf. Cf. F. Cf. F. Cf. K y l l e Ibidem B n i o d u a e C E

N i d r a i n o s l e u n a m k c e m e [ed. P. , p. 88-89. These elements are also found in the letters of St. Eugene J t t e , “Charism”, in: Z , “Cele zgromadzenia” [Goals of the Congregation], in: Congregation], the of [Goals zgromadzenia” “Cele , é o g a , “Działanie – kontemplacja” [Action - Contemplation],kontemplacja” - in: “Działanie –[Action , , “Jezus Chrystus” [Jesus Christ], in: Christ], [Jesus Chrystus” “Jezus , S , “Ewangelizacja i misja” [Evangelization and Mission], in: Mission], and [Evangelization misja” i “Ewangelizacja , , “Krzyż oblacki” [The Oblate Cross], in: Cross], Oblate [The oblacki” “Krzyż , n o i ], Poznań 2015, no. 6-109, 184-205, 298-406, p. 24-119, Słownik Wartości Oblackich [Dictionary of Oblate , Rome2012,p.21-44. Konstytucje i Reguły ZgromadzeniaReguły i Konstytucje Robert Wawrzeniecki, Ibidem e d M , p. 279-280, 293; 279-280, p. , Iława, Poland [email protected] Ibidem d o n e z a , p. 373- p. , , Ibidem Teksty i m o Ibi ). - - - ,

Oblatio l 671 l Robert Wawrzeniecki Oblatio l 672 l Local Section – Obra 2012. tions andRules Selected Texts 769; F. in: Days], Holy /F. in: K. stitutions andRules 289, 326h, in: in: d o n e E. St. z 15-19; p. 2012, Rules and Constitutions in: 1826], of Rules and tions p. 65-67. [Frangment of the Pastoral Letter for Lent on Feb 16, 1860], in: E. St. Cf. Church”], in: The Liturgy of the Hours, Proper of Oblate Saints, Poznań 2002, p. 11-13. Chrystusa i do Kościoła” [Pastoral Letter for Lent in 1850 “On Love for Christ and the 33, 45,82,71,125iR7c,9a,51a,66a,69b,137c,in: Alumni, PriestsandReligious],SzczecinJuly11, 1987. L C Ibidem Constitutions andRules Selected Texts u i d r a i 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 b , Przedmowa do Konstytucji i Reguł [Foreword to the Constitutions and Rules], and Constitutions the to [Foreword Reguł i Konstytucji do Przedmowa ,

i k c i w o J Cf. Cf. Cf. C1,10,13,36,46,62andR37b,in: Cf. in: 137c, 69b, 66d, 65d, 65a, 51a, 39a, 7b, R and 67,93 34, 25, 21, C Cf. Cf. Cf. C 1, 3, 11, 12, 26, 37-38, 40, 48, 91-93, 95-96, 105, 133 and R 22a, 41a, 91a, Cf. Przedmowa do Konstytucji i Reguł z 1826 roku [Foreword to the Constitu E. St. Cf. Cf. Cf. C 5, 6, 7, 9, 26, 46, 51-53, 68, 72, 76, 80, 124, 131, 133 and 1, 10, 12, 15, 25, Cf. Cf. Cf. Cf. Cf. C 1, 5, 8, 19, 45; R. 7b, 8a, 9a, 22a, 54a, 56b, 65c, 67b, 150a-b, in: Cf. Cf. Cf. E. St. Cf. Cf. in: 136a, 102c, 33b, 9b, R and 91 82, 73, 68, C Cf. Cf. Cf. R41a,53a,61a,in: t t e , “Miłość” [Love], in: , p. 426; J. e d Directory Ibidem Directory Directory Directory Ibidem Directory Directory Directory Ibidem J Directory Directory é J

n h o n h o , “Życiezakonne”[ReligiousLife],in: M /Y. ..., no.21,p.39-40. 2012. d o n e z a P P Ibidem B ..., no.1,48,p.13-14,62-63. e d e d l u a l u a , no.102,119. , no.37bandc. , no.112a, 112c, 128, 151f. n i o d u a e 2012. M

G M ..., no. 2, 7, 13, 31, 37, 41, 46, 60, 67-68, 131, 188, 210, 224, 282, ..., no.252. ..., no.41,145a. ..., no.19,74,82,235. ..., no.134,101,111, 241m. ..., no.101,112a, 116, 124,211h, 241m. ..., no.113, p.9. ..., no.55-56,123,221. ..., no.18-20,95,122,172,211f, 264. II II, Przemówienie do alumnów, księży i zakonników [Speech to [Speech zakonników alumnów,i do księży Przemówienie II, r e , Fragment listu pasterskiego na Wielki Post z 16.02.1860 roku 16.02.1860 z Post Wielkina pasterskiego listu Fragment , d o n e z a d o n e z a , p. 704; O. 704; p. , , v Redemptoris missio s i a , “Maryja” [Mary], in: [Mary], “Maryja” , 2012. , “Miłosierdzie” [Mercy], in: , Letter to Charles de Forbin-Janson on Oct 9, 1816, in: 1816, 9, Oct on Forbin-Janson de Charles to Letter , , List pasterski na Wielki Post 1850 roku “O miłości do miłości “O roku 1850 WielkiPost na pasterski List , Constitutions andRules Ibidem D z e u g i n i m o , p. 470; E. , no.37a. , “Ubóstwo” [Poverty], in: [Poverty], “Ubóstwo” , Constitutions andRules Ibidem C n a l o r a Ibidem Constitutions andRules 2012. , p. 400; F.400; p. , Ibidem , p.891. , “Święta oblackie” [Oblate Constitutions and Rules and Constitutions Selected Texts , p. 451; K. J t t e é , “Mazenod”, , 2012. L Ibidem ..., no. 21, Constitu u 2012. b e d i k c i w o M Con , p. , a - - - -

as the Church has done so often in human history,’” Op. cit.: http://www.catholicnewhistory,’”cit.: human Op. in often so done has Church the as civilization, rebuild help slowly and society ruined a of shards the up pick will cessor final phrase I added about the bishop who follows a possibly martyred bishop: ‘His suc a is reports the from omitted is What square. public the in martyr a die will successor his and prison in die will successor my bed, in die to expected I that saying as quoted (correctly) am I world. communications electronic the in elsewhere Wikipediaand on said, but the words were captured on somebody’s smart phone and have now gone viral I what down wrote never I and question a to responding was I bring. could society our of secularization complete the what fashion dramatic overly in express to trying was I ing a few years ago to a group of priests, entirely outside of the current political debate, “Speak states: he which in 2012 New 2, World”“Catholic Nov in - articles 21 Oct on mobile phone. a recorded on the feature one of in The Cardinalreferredtothesewords world.com/cnwonline/2012/1021/cardinal.aspx [available:Nov11, 2015]. 28 Cf. A fragment of the conversation of Cardinal Francis George OMI with priests - - -

Oblatio l 673 l Robert Wawrzeniecki

I Oblates of Mary Immaculate, it seems that the most beautiful descrip beautiful most the that seems it Immaculate, Mary of Oblates directed them? Fathers andlatergenerations ofOblates. first our of initiatives the directed that things the founder,gregation’s Con our Eugene, St. motivated that ideals the about forget cannot we times throughwhichtheLordGodspeakstousaswell. Spirit’s inspirations, by responding to them and the so-called signs of the sion.constantlycharismThisis enrichedcontinually by listening the to charism that clearly defines the Congregation’s character, its life and mis the accepting of speak ofteninspirations.We those to respondededly tions. They listened to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and wholeheart genera past in worked and lived who those Oblates’accomplishments, thing new, but we are based on almost 200 years of tradition, our brother more oftenandbetterrespondtoHischallenges. to it inspire to order in society certain a of life religious the company ac Spirit’spermanently Holy institutes. also The inspiration and grace expressed through specific Evangelical or social needs, create religious communities and religious orders, who in response to His calling, often of founders the of initiatives the directs Spirit Holy the of power This of the Holy Spirit marvelously working in the Church” ( Church” the in working marvelously Spirit Holy the of power “infinite the shows life consecrated the that Vaticanstates Council Second the Church, the on Constitution Dogmatic the n CONTINUNG When we look at the beginnings of the Congregation of Missionary that values and ideals the were what ourselves: ask must we First, why is that and it, changing mean not does charism our Enriching We are Oblates living in the 21st century and we are not starting any OF OBLATES -HEADINGFOR COURAGE THE IDEALSOF A i n o t n AND CREATIVITY B m h c o P , THE FUTURE WITH i m o AST GENERATIONS LG 44).


Oblatio l 675 l Antoni Bochm Oblatio l 676 l Local Section – Obra which the present newer generations of Oblates should build, but with but build, should Oblates of generations newer present the which upon and them directed that values fundamental the know to get to der the heartsofsomanyherchildren.” word and example, to rekindle the flame of faith that has all but died in power,by their in all do to Spouse, divine her of cause the in enrolled herself she whom ministers the to appeals earnestly Church the ation, situ deplorable a such with We“Faced Rules. read: and Constitutions the to Preface the in presented is lived members first the how of tion hrh s led etbihd or omtet s o hs gop it groups those to is commitment our established, already is Church the Where light. its in values own their see them help and it received yet not have who people among “WeGospel following: the the preach states 5 Constitution grace. same this obtain people all that desired and salvation, and God’slove experienced and discovered God’sgrace, to religious to due ignorance, but also as salvation a result of their bad behavior. He himself, thanks obtain not might people that fact ac the not cept could He them. for love by driven were initiatives His faith. the lost had who people by surrounded lived he that fact the stand not could Eugene St. arose. community Oblate first the why reason main souls. of salvation the for care is out pointed be to ought Congregation ofMissionaryOblatesMaryImmaculate. community was Oblates sanctification....” own their for and souls of salvation the for effectively more work to God whom order in priests Society a into themselves form to of desire the with inspired has efforts the crown can that salvation great of the works are “Such following: the read we Rules, and Constitutions the to Preface the In him. with together holiness for strive also would cooperation through who people needed he this, do to will good just strengthen and save, revive people’sto faith. He desire knew that he needed his more than share would who people find to was did he things first the of one zeal. Therefore, and enthusiasm great his with even tle, creativity andcourage! The next value, or rather founding goal of the Congregation that Congregation the of goal founding rather or value, next The first the of lives the directed which value or ideal first the is This lit very do could he himself by that knew Mazenod de Eugene St. or in Congregation our of beginnings the to back go to Wehave How didthefirstOblatesdothis? 2 3 and this is one of the principle pillars of the of pillars principle the of one is this and 1 4 This was the was This - - - - foreign missions. Today, thanks to his courage and his trust in Divine in trust his and courage his Today,to missions. thanks foreign salvation of souls was such a great value for him YetOblates. the that of he could number not small refuse the of because easily too accept not most spiritually abandoned, and foreign missions, which St. Eugene did gregation: parish missions, preaching that took place in places that Con were young the of work concrete the by expressed is and Eugene, St. only JesusChristcanfullybring.” which hope the for and salvation for out cries those condition whose people to especially is mission our work, we Wherever least. touches morning he meets many people and hears them talking in Provencal, in talking them hears and people Every many Magdalene. meets he Mary morning St. of Church the to home family his from walks Eugene St. Aix, in stay his during priesthood, his of years first the In saw. they what with deal to wanted they how and them around happening was what of aware were they how see can we where nity, commu first his and Eugene St. of path the on placed God that events the all trace to place the not is reply.This a for waits always God and times the of signs the through us to speaks God that above mentioned times. the of signs the to responding in wholeheartedness and Congregation’sawareness the existence: of years first the after and thefirstOblates. Eugene St. for values highest the mother.among own was Church The Mother his Church the called often He Christ. of Bride the is she that knew he because Church the loved he Nevertheless, misunderstood. and them by abandoned often hierarchy,Church was the he from hostility faced often He side. tional institu its especially Church, the love to Eugene St. for easy always Church is to love Jesus Christ and vice versa.” the together.Tolove bound are loves two These Church? His owe we love the from Christ Jesus for love our separate we could “How states: he where 1860, in Lent for wrote Eugene St. letter pastoral the know Church. the to faithfulness and love is lived Oblates first the decision-making processfromtheCongregation’s verybeginning. ing the nations. We can say that the salvation of souls was present in the evangeliz of history Oblate wonderful a of speak can we Providence, We should also draw attention to something that was very visible very was that something to attention draw also Weshould The next thing we ought to see as a great value and ideal by which This challenge was ardently met by the first priests gathered around 7 and actually cared for her as if for his for if as her for cared actually and 6 We know that it was not 8 We already 5 We all We - - - -

Oblatio l 677 l Antoni Bochm Oblatio l 678 l Local Section – Obra of souls. salvation the is value highest the him for others; not of objection the mind does he Thus, people. the by understood language a in preached the otherpriests. offended this and seats, presbyterium the in sit to them allowed gene Eu St. so Church, the into fit not could they that people many so There were gathered. people of crowds and Provencal, in retreat Lenten a understand. not do people nary preach decidesto He do? he does What but the sermons in Church are delivered in French, a language the ordi Church and for the salvation of souls, while striving for sanctity.for striving while Mary souls, of salvation the for and Church siasm, missionary courage, and readiness to give everything to God, the of our Congregation from the very beginning was the great zeal, enthu certainly,Most Christ. them bring and lives their characteristic another poor neighborhoods, under very difficult conditions, in order to share in today, there are many missionaries who live close to the people in their bishop’seven and Congregation, our of history palace. the Throughout the to came who everyone welcoming and Marseille, of areas poor the fishermen returning from their sea voyages and selling fish, his walks in of our Founder: his famous walks to the port in Marseille, where he met certainly being very close to people. is characteristic God. Another know to get to them wanted but life, in way their lose people young let to want not did He youth. the for cern con great showed Eugene St. initiated, munity,was it before even and The first is the care of youth. of the Congregation held, yet I would like to quickly mention just a few. and manyothermomentsinthehistoryofCongregation. missions, foreign first the are Church the of needs the and times the of signs the to community first the of response him. Another for matters important most the are times positive response to the Holy Spirit who speaks through the signs of the fold. bring Christ to these prisoners and often accompanies them to the scaf with God. For St. Eugene, this situation is not acceptable. He decides to the scaffold. No one gives them any hope, nor helps them to be at peace to sentenced prisoners of line a meets he sometimes and prison, a sees It is not possible to list all the ideals and values that the members the that values and ideals the all list to possible not is It be must it fruit, bear to is Gospel the if that knows Eugene St. 10 Not everyone is happy with this, but the salvation of souls and souls of salvation the but this, with happy is everyone Not 9 On the same path to St. Church, St. Eugene 13 11 From the very beginning of the first com work among immigrants (Fr.immigrants Albini), among work 14 This is already evident in the life 12 ------

just from its historical context and tradition but also from its lifestyle its from also but tradition and context historical its from just not flow that identity separate and specifics own its possesses munity com religious “Every document: this in out stands sentence more One times.” these in faces life consecrated that challenges the up taking and future the to past the from going guarantee identity of awareness and charism one’s with identifying past, the in rooted “Being lowing: Hope.” with Forward “Going orders: ligious they shouldalwaysbethefoundationofourCongregation. forgotten,and be cannot ideals this. These of all in present always was the founder’s spirit, but also constant openness to the inspirations of the repeating: creative fidelity! This means a living memory of our charism, serving the Church and God’s Kingdom.” The following phrase is worth while Christ, Jesus to commitment personal our through fidelity going on and creative in live Mary,we of example the by Inspired charism. Oblate the living of capable man, apostolic an become us of each that is process formation the of goal “The stating: by goal its to points and formation of speaks 46 Constitution them! follow creatively Wemust them? imitating simply mean this does But them. follow to need We Oblates. first the of works and lives the directed that ideals the at awe sending youtodoevengreaterthings”(VC110). accomplished! be to still also history but recount, to and remember to history glorious a only exhortation his in II Paul John St. of words the way,citing similar a in religious consecrated addresses Life various needs.” and situations new necessary,to when activities, one’s adapting tions, one’s deepen qualifica and rule the to fidelity in persevere to wish the the of signs times the that appear here and to now. respond This desire most certainly to also includes desiring way this in founders, their of undertake progeny spiritual Their daughters. and sons spiritual their for obligation and testament a are behind left they teachings The Providence. Divine of struments in the course, of were, people founder.These the of activities the and It seems that it would be decidedly too little to just simply look in look simply just to little too decidedly be would it that seems It Consecrated Yearof the for Letter Apostolic his in Francis Pope re in life concerning Poland in written was document a 2003, In 17

creative initiatives creative Look to the future, where the Spirit is Spirit the where future, the to Look VitaConsecrata 15 and follow the sanctity the follow and In it, we read the fol the read we it, In 18 : “You have not “Youhave : a great a 16 ------

Oblatio l 679 l Antoni Bochm Oblatio l 680 l Local Section – Obra ment, and Jesus spoke differently to the fishermen by often referring to different with the Jews, since at that time they referred to the Old Testa sus adapted his teachings depending on who He was speaking to: it was the context in which it is preached. We ought to notice that our Lord Je on depending ways, different in place takes changes never that Gospel – pure imitation – but living by them in a creative way. Proclaiming the also direct us in modern times. This does not mean simply copying them human reasonandingenuity. through also but signs, various through works always who Spirit, Holy ways and methods of getting to people. Some of these ways are effec are ways these of Some people. to getting of methods and ways Spirit whorenewstheface oftheearth(cf. answers to new questions, discerning all the while the movement of the find to how needs, new to better respond to how learning flexible, and open be Word.that to Weof thus Weinstruments have People. are his in theworld;hislife-giving Word seekstotransformmankind, build geously andcreativelylooktothefutureinarealistic way. are becomingweaker(forexample,thefamily). evangelization of places traditional some while discovered, being also educate and form people. New centers and places for evangelization are teach, to ways new find us helped have psychology.discoveries These pedagogy, like and fields didactics in discoveries new many made also condi living their in face. people problems the in and tions, has humanity time, same and the At live people ways the in changes are there also meannewwaysofgettingtopeoplewiththeGospel. only places and new people to whom we proclaim the Gospel, but it can not mean can territories New evangelization.” of service the at ground new break to helping charism, our of heart the at zeal missionary the alive keep continually will General St. Superior the Mazenod, of de Eugene successor the “As way: following the in General Superior the at what the Constitutions and Rules state. Constitution 133 writes about with children in a different way than with adults. Let’s take another look their work. When teaching, just to make a simple comparison, we speak It seems that Oblates are not passive but always looking for new for looking always but passive not are Oblates that seems It work at ever is “God states: which 68, Constitution is Noteworthy coura to Oblates of generation new the motivate should this All centuries, the over change serve Oblates the where societies The The values and ideals that drove the first Oblate communities should Ps 104:30).” - - - - - h Go Nw o slain n t so Gds ra lv t u. In us. to love proclaiming the great Gospel, every Oblate God’sshould likewise be brave in order show to and salvation of News Good the people give to order in man a become to afraid not was In he carnation: the of courage the is This himself. Jesus Lord our by us to given was courage Gospel of with example best the think people I salvation. of word to the get to ways new seek always to us encourage ments, tion ofpeopleandadesiretoreachthemwiththeGospel. worker-priest), but in searching, we can see a sincere care for the salva a example, (for results desired the about bring not do others while tive, oe coe t pol a a ie tm ad n gvn environment. given a in and time given a at people to closer comes person religious a effectively, more minister and witness evangelize, to ways new of search In man’sfaithfulness. God’sand of speaks that sanctity cannotbereplaced byanything. It fundamental. turns out that the human face of the evangelizer and his or her personal is what helping as only described be can means and God’s grace, nothing else is able to bring the Gospel to people. All seeing ways means place first the in sanctity,which personal and openness, generosity,their people, consecrated of witness joyful the without that us show to order in but people, to getting of ways and means methods, new seeking from us dissuade to Not here? included words these were consecrated life does not depend on the efficiency of its methods.” Why and women who are happy! Similarly, the apostolic effectiveness of the men as us see they since attractive, us find will meet we people young the because but programs, vocation brilliant of result a as flourish not in his fective waystogetpeopleandbringthemGod. never give up on evangelizing activities, but we should always seek ef the Gospel’s demands in all clarity should never intimidate us.” We can presenting daring; for calls often hearts the Wordtheir reach to God of ing into account their values and aspirations. Seeking out new ways for clearly states: “Wevery will always 8 be close to the Constitution people with whom listeners.” we work, tak the beyond and “above be not tively direct the message of salvation so that the Word directed to them respec to order people’sin into lives enter their to understand to lives, By way of summary, it is worth recalling the catechetical principle stated Francis Pope what mind in keep always must However,we docu Oblate as well as life, consecrated the on documents Many Letter for the Year of Consecrated Life : “The consecrated life will ------

Oblatio l 681 l Antoni Bochm Oblatio l 682 l Local Section – Obra Consecrated Life lennium Hope, with Forward [Eugene deMazenod. telling uswhattodo. always Church, His to speaking constantly is who Spirit, Holy the of inspirations the betraying be would Gospel the with people to of getting methods the developing not and place same the in standing hand, fundamental values of our charism, we cannot accept this. On the other the of one against go lives and actions our in creativity and work. courage If missionary our of credibility assures them to faithfulness Our foundations. our are these same, the remain values charism our describe the that same, the remains Gospel The God. to faithfulness about forget cannot we values, basic to faithfulness about forget Wecannot concerning theConstitutionsandRules] municates hisSpirit Immaculate 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ofrne f h Spro Gnrl o Mns n oe’ Odr, Going Women’s Orders, and Men’s of Generals Superior the of Conference Cf. R. Ibidem, p.243-246. Ibidem F. Ibidem Cf. A. Ibidem E. St. Cf. F.Cf. Cf. A. Ibidem Mary of Oblates Missionary of Congregation the of Rules and Constitutions P Ibidem Ibidem , Kraków2003. e p o S B ibidem ibidem i c c u t n a , Rome2012,p.15. F s n e d u o S e d H H s i c n a r , p.6. , p.1. , p.260-261. , p.53-56. , p.67. p.18. i c c u t n a g i n e b u g i n e b u M , Vatican 2014,introduction. , p.154-155. , p.23-31. d o n e z a , , Rome2004,p.17-23. - J. op. cit. , The Consecrated Life in Poland at the beginning of the new mil new the of beginning the at Poland in Life Consecrated The A SmallHeartasBigtheWorld] Letter to all Consecrated People on the occasion of the Yearthe of of occasion the on People Consecrated all to Letter - - , K R. R. Eugene de Mazenod. Co-operator of Christ the Saviour,the Christ of Co-operator Mazenod. de Eugene Com e z t a , M M , p.235-238. Teksty wybrane dotyczące Konstytucji i Reguł [Select texts [Select Reguł Tekstyi Konstytucji dotyczące wybrane e t t o e t t o r , ueis d Mznd Ma sre ili jk świat jak wielkie serce Miał Mazenod. de Eugeniusz , , op.cit.,p.51. Living intheSpirit’s Fire , Poznań2015,p.65. , Poznań1995,p.69-73. , Rome2004,p.61-66. Antoni Bochm, [email protected] Rome, Italy i m o - - L dans toute la vie intérieure. En méditant sur méditant En intérieure. vie la toute dans et l’apostolat dans idéal cet approuve qu’il ainsi C’est essentielle. nie vie active et la vie contemplative, au contraire, il a reconnu leur harmo et àconsoliderlafidélitéRègle spirituelle, vie la dans dangers d’autres tant et tiédeur la médiocrité, la responsabilité individuelle, selon le Fondateur, aide toujours à éliminer confirme dès le début ce principe du combat spirituel d’un Oblat. Cette formels: et répétés appels ses avec Constitutions, personnelle. sainteté la à aboutir doit qui perfection sa de croissance, propre sa de principal l’agent soit Oblat chaque que ce à tenait Fondateur Le formation. sa de début au tout Eugène influencé a et perfection la de poursuite la dans candidat le chez personnel fort ef un supposait sulpicien idéal Cet l’apostolat. par et l’Ésprit-Saint de l’inspiration à docilité la prière, la de régularité la par marquée zèle, de pleine vie, la de spirituel dynamisme du l’aspect la sous intérieure vie envisageait Il identité. son sur théologique réflexion vraie aucune trouverons ne nous écrits ses dans et Oblat d’un spiritualité la à définir point cherchait ne Il pratique. homme un était Fondateur Le venir. par d’y moyens les offrent et personnelle sanctification sa que ainsi d’évangélisation mission sa précise manière d’une indiquent elles car Eugène de Mazenod n’a jamais séparé l’apostolat et la prière, la prière, la et l’apostolat séparé jamais n’a Mazenod de Eugène intérieure devrait avoir comme guide les Constitutions vie et Règles la dans orienté bien être pour Oblat un Evidemment, tion. Congréga la de charisme au liée est Oblats des spirituelle vie a U t i n DANS LECONTEXTEPOLONAIS LA é


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La Préface La des .., - - - -

Oblatio l 683 l Piotr Piasecki Oblatio l 684 l Local Section – Obra le. Cette vie ne s’épanouit pas de façon hermétique, en dehors du temps pour réaliser un charisme missionnaire avec la sanctification personnel conséquence, pour un Oblat, la vie intérieure est un progrès dynamique En missionnaire. et évangélique spirituelle vie la de idéal un C’est vie. de mode ce pratique on toujours depuis où l’Église de tradition la dans connu L’idéalbien Oblat. d’un intérieure vie la de l’idéal et noyau un l’exemple (…)etdontnosRèglesnesontqueledéveloppement» active et contemplative dont Jésus Christ et les Apôtres nous ont donné « ce pour Sauveur au grâce rend il annuelle la pratique régulière du sacrement de la réconciliation (cf. 2.5) ainsi 2.5) (cf. réconciliation la de sacrement du régulière pratique la pénitence, de différentesformes les proposées sont intérieure vie la ter Parole de Dieu (cf. 2.3) et la Liturgie des Heures (cf. 2.4). Pour alimen la de lecture la 2.2), (cf. l’Eucharistie 2.1), (cf. communautaire et nelle person prière la avec c’est-à-dire intérieure, vie la de principe le avec rieure desOblats. inté vie la de déterminés déjà aspects divers les confirmer que font ne et apostolique dans la situation actuelle. Plusieurs extraits du document ments du monde actuel, pour coordonner les normes de la vie religieuse change les dans temps des signes les discerner mieux pour révision la Immaculée Marie de Oblats Missionnaires des Polonaise Province la de Directoire le 2013, En inventive. toujours fidélité une dans mission leur remplir de cessé jamais n’ont Province, la de dation lui, delelaisservivreeneux » à s’identifier intimement,de plus connaître le de doivent se ils Christ... personnelle ritualité où 2 d’une façon Constitution bien nette sont formulées la mission des Oblats et leur spi la ici citer de ici propos à est Il forme. sa donnent Règles et Constitutions nos auquel vocation de sentier un sur suivre à marche une spirituel, itinéraire son cheminement, son implique Cela d’aujourd’hui. monde le et l’Église dans changements les comprendre ments danslemondepostmoderneetdel’Églisecontemporaine par nourrie et et du milieu dans lesquels nous vivons. Elle est sans cesse conditionnée Le Directoire montre tout d’abord la relation de tous les aspects les tous de relation la d’abord tout montre Directoire Le fon la depuis existence leur de long au tout polonais, Oblats Les Un Oblat qui en est conscient peut vivre son charisme de façon à bien dans enracinés l’apostolat et prière La les signes des temps des signes les : « : les Oblats abandonnent tout à la suite de Jésus de suite la à tout abandonnent Oblats les 4 . dans le contexte les grands change grands les contexte le dans mélange heureux de la vie la de heureux mélange a Règle la etrn donc resteront 5 est soumis à soumis est 3 . 2 . ------vocations. Le Directoire prévoit et présente toutes les étapes de forma de étapes les toutes présente et prévoit Directoire Le vocations. secrétariatdesducadre le paroissesdansoblatessoitdes cadre le dans ausein delafamille oùl’apostolat consiste éveillerà des vocations, soit formationadéquate. Dans le milieu polonais cette formation débute déjà faire connaîtreaumondeoùilvit. le pour Christ au s’identifier à cherche il Dieu, de volonté la discerner de essaie l’Oblat apostoliques, engagements ses à grâce prière, la Dans 2.7). (cf. recommandée très est Marie Vierge Sainte la à approfondie dévotion Une recueillement. de journée une et annuelle retraite la que pape Benoît XVI ne fait que réaffirmer cette vérité au commencement au vérité cette réaffirmer que fait ne XVI Benoît pape céleste Jérusalem la dans achèvement son jusqu’à l’histoire lui aimer, imiter, pour vivre en lui la vie trinitaire et pour transformer avec est Il vivante. centré, en dernière analyse, Traditionsur le Christ lui-même, qu’il la faut connaître, de et l’Évangile de tiré toujours, de celui société et de l’Église d’aujourd’hui la de l’homme, de renouveau le pour programme nouveau d’un besoin apostolique lettre sa dans pelait Oblat derencontrerJésusChrist,SauveuretRédempteur. un pour et appelé d’un personnelle l’expérience trouver se devrait tion universelle. forma et chaque locale Ade l’Église base dans la mission sa remplir à fécond, apostolat un à aspire formation propre sa de sable respon est qu’il conscient devient qui Oblat Un 221). (cf. Rosaire du prière la Miséricorde, Divine la à chapelet Sacré-Cœur,le au dévotion fidèles en Pologne comme le chemin de croix, le chant sur la Passion, la les par cultivées dévotions d’autres et Dieu de Parole la de célébration Heures, des Liturgie l’Église la l’Eucharistie, de de privilégié sein moment le comme au cultivées dévotion de formes les toutes dération en tenantcompteducaractèremissionnairedelaProvince. racinerchez unOblat sapropre vie dans lecharisme dela Congrégation humaine et intellectuelle, est animée par le charisme oblat. Elle vise à en une formation continue. La formation intégrale, y compris une formation tion à partir d prénoviciat, puis le noviciat et le scolasticat pour aboutir à C’est pourquoi, au début du troisième millénaire Jean-Paul II rap II Jean-Paul millénaire troisième du début au pourquoi, C’est consi en prendre doit l’Oblat intérieure, vie sa approfondir Pour spiritualitéLa pleindéveloppementen Oblatimplique unchezune R r e r t n o c n e

e l C t s i r h

u a Novo Millenio Ineunte Millenio Novo : «

r u œ c Le programme existe déjà

e d

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t i l a u t i r i p s que’on a pas a que’on é » : c’est 6 . Le . ------

Oblatio l 685 l Piotr Piasecki Oblatio l 686 l Local Section – Obra avec l’Amour Crucifié achève sa recherche pour le mener à la décou la à mener le pour recherche sa achève Crucifié l’Amour avec Seigneur le avec profonde l’union vers cheminement son inauguré a pauvres les évangéliser pour Dieu à entièrement donnée vie La sacerdoce. le vers s’orienter de permis a lui qui Dieu de l’amour de révélation une lui pour été a Sauveur.Cela son orientationdécisive » ment, avec une Personne, qui donne à la vie un nouvel horizon et par là événe un avec rencontre la mais idée, grande une ou éthique décision pontificat son de Constitutions et Règles. Selon la Constitution 9, les Oblats doivent re doivent Oblats les 9, Constitution la Selon Règles. et Constitutions nos également parlent dont conversion propre sa de commencement le vu etentendu,nousl’annonçons » ( Par conséquent ce qui arrive en définitive, c’est que « toucher notre existence et nous pousse à communiquer sa vie nouvelle ! vienne qu’il fait nous cela bien Quel regard! son sous simplement et être Saint-Sacrement, le devant genoux à ou crucifix, un devant d’être vu t’ai je figuier, le dit a lui et présent fit se Jésus où jour le naëlle, est capable de reconnaître ce regard d’amour qu’avait découvert Natha superficielle et tiède et vie notre froid secoue cœur qu’il notre ouvre qu’il pour grâce sa demander de jour, que disant en appel un lance pape le s’approfondit. A tous ceux qui sont envoyés pour évangéliser le monde et la augmente Christ et le trouvé soutenue d’avoir expérience prière notre contemplation, la à Grâce communiquer. le de désir l’intense ressentons nous que expérience-là cette de C’est lui. par sauvé d’être pour évangéliser est l’amour de Jésus que nous avons reçu, l’expérience motivation première la lui, Pour évangélisation. nouvelle la de l’esprit apostolique exhortation son dans qui, çois dans l’accomplissementduministèrequeluiimposel’obédience. dynamique plus rend la et vie sa transforme rendez-vous ce Sauveur, sa vocation. Chaque de fois qu’un Oblat réalisation va trouver personnellement la le Christ dans repère de point un et commencement un lui pour devient rencontre cette part D’autre vocation. propre sa de verte Une rencontre avec le Christ Crucifié peut devenir pour un Oblat un pour devenir peut Crucifié Christ le avec rencontre Une Fran pape du l’enseignement rappeler peut on contexte, ce Dans Christ le rencontre Mazenod de Eugène 1807 VendrediSaint Le : « : À l’origine du fait d’être chrétien, il n’y a pas une pas a n’y il chrétien, d’être fait du l’origine À »

( Jn 1,48). Et pour conclure pour Et 1,48). Jn ( 7 . : « : 8 . rencontre une Oblat, un pour Ainsi 1 Jn Nous avons besoin d’implorer cha d’implorer besoin avons Nous 1,3) Evangelii gaudium, Evangelii ». Avec le cœur ouvert on ouvert cœur le Avec». 9 . : « : Quand tu étais sous étais tu Quand : « : ce que nous avons Qu’il est doux est Qu’il indique ------sion l’amour du Sauveur. De là s’est produite chez lui une constante conver de personnelle expérience son avec directe relation en était prendre à taires ». « est il – l’Évangile à constante « 47 Constitution la parle dont formation La sence libératrice du Christ et le monde nouveau, né de sa résurrection connaître leur propre besoin de conversion quand ils « de leurcheminement spirituel. de le faire entrer dans l’esprit des jeunes en formation première au cour une vive conscience de l’événement de ce Vendredi Saint, toujours et l’on essaie gardent Ils manières. différentes de pénétrer la de et Eugène Oblats polonais les parmi vivante toujours maintient se tradition Cette Oblat. chaque Fondateur du ministère le dans et vocation sa de l’histoire dans ordre premier de restera événement cet bowicki, Lu K. Selon repère. de point vrai prati un et personnelle conversion la quer voudraient qui ceux pour beaucoup compte qui image une me de Damas(cf. route la sur Saul de conversion la à comparable foudroyante, et tendue inat conversion d’une parler puisse l’on que ce à s’opposent vie sa de dans la vie de saint Eugène effectuant sa conversion. Plusieurs épisodes et J. Pielorz considèrent que cette expérience-là n’est qu’une des étapes Lubowicki K. que titre juste à c’est Et Vendredi1807. du Saint rience est le fruit d’un long cheminement plutôt qu’un effet soudain de l’expé telle devraitêtredanslavieetleministèredesOblats. comme et Eugène saint de vie la dans ordre premier de jamais à reste d’aujourd’hui. La conversion, profondément liée avec la vie intérieure, monde le dans enracinée l’Église dans réalisées sont mission sa et tion voca sa Fondateur, le par donné l’exemple d’après Consti Règles, et aux tutions conformément constante, conversion de désir lui- en un porte même qui Oblat un Pour intérieure. vie sa de renouvellement d’un conversion, de besoin a nous de Chacun époque. notre de Oblat 10 Ce Vendredicom Oblats des tradition la dans pourtant reste Saint La conversion du Fondateur, comme le montrent plusieurs sources, Dans la vie de saint Eugène de Mazenod, toute décision qu’il avait . Ce cheminement spirituel devrait servir de modèle de vie à un à vie de modèle de servir devrait spirituel cheminement Ce . un temps privilégié de réflexion et de conversion communau conversion de et réflexion de privilégié temps un Ac ; elle leur permet de pratiquer cette expérience de saint 9,1-20;22,4-21) », quant au Chapitre général – Constitution 125 Constitution – général Chapitre au quant », 11 . 12 ainsi que dans la vie de vie la dans que ainsi implique une conversion une implique annoncent la pré ». ------

Oblatio l 687 l Piotr Piasecki Oblatio l 688 l Local Section – Obra programme bien adapté aux besoins des jeunes. Là, au berceau de la de berceau au Là, jeunes. des besoins aux adapté bien programme au grâce Congrégation la de charisme ses le approfondir à cherchent sions aux assistent qui Ceux Provinces. d’autres formateurs quelques avec collaboration en d’Aix-en-Provence Communauté la par animées sont sessions Les août. ou juillet de mois au Internationale Mazenod de l’Expérience à participer à invités sont ils perpétuelle oblation leur AvantAix-en-Provence. à sessions des Oblats jeunes les pour ganise neuve ducharismeoblat. autres des assemblées de Province pour promouvoir une vision toujours organiseelle 1989, Depuis oblate. vie la de renouveau du vement entre mou au activement joint se Polonaise Province la Chapitres, plusieurs vie personnelle. expérience était marquée par la joie et a apporté du renouveau dans leur cette que témoigné ont participants des six cas plusieurs ou Dans semaines). (quatre durée longue plus de sessions des Aix-en-Provence à missionnaire. propose on continue formation en polonaise charisme langue de Oblats les Pour le d’approfondir permis a leur précieux très aux sessions de l’Expérience de Mazenod à Aix-en-Provence. Ce temps l’oblation perpétuelle. à discerner dans la prière l’appel du Christ et à se donner totalement par Congrégation et de son charisme. En somme, la session devrait les la aider de naissance la à remonter de participants jeunes aux permettent te obla l’histoire à réfèrent se qui lieux plusieurs de et ville la de visites Les d’Aix. Communauté la de membres les joindre se viennent quelles aux récréations des et l’oraison l’Eucharistie, méditation, de temps un ministère auseindelaCongrégation. de la vie oblate et se préparer à assumer leur propre engagement et leur richesse la toute approfondir à Fondateur, du charisme le comprendre premiers Oblats, les jeunes participants s’appliquent avant tout à mieux les et Mazenod de Eugène saint travaillé et vécu ont où Congrégation Pour répondre aux propositions de l’Administration générale et de et générale l’Administration de propositions aux répondre Pour participé ont qui première formation en Oblats les sont Nombreux conférences, des cours, des propose sessions des programme Le or (BEF) Formation la de Européen Bureau le 2001 de partir A E F F s t r o

d ’ o r p p a e d f s t n e m e s s i d n o

a l

t i l a u t i r i p s

t e é

d V É s t n e m e p p o l e

- - - - - bilité dusupérieur, enformationetdansl’administrationfinancière vie de la conversion qui devrait être réalisée en plusieurs domaines de notre parle chapitre chaque document, le Dans ! Christ Jésus à unique place cette véritablement donne communautaire et la personnelle si conversion savoir de pose, se question la communauté, chaque de et Oblat chaque de vie la de centre au être devrait Christ Jésus de personne la ment et leuractivité aucasoùcetterelationd’amitié s’avéraitaffaiblie. pour s’unir à leur Seigneur, pour le placer de nouveau au Il centreest vraide leurqu’un viebon nombre d’Oblats polonais avaient profité de ce temps s’intéressent aucharismeoblat etàlaspiritualitémissionnaire qui ceux tous de et confrères nos de l’usage à publiées et théologie de Ces conférences ont été organisées à l’initiative des Oblats de la faculté Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée dans les missions des l’engagement sur Varsoviede conférences sité des données été ont leur apostolat dans l’Église de Pologne. Le 25 Février 2016 à l’Univer et Oblats des présence la pour Dieu à grâces été de a l’action par jubilé accentué le paroisses, nos de plusieurs dans que ainsi C’est tères. minis nos dans engageons nous nous où là jubilé le célébrer de l’idée pour examineràfondnotrezèleapostoliqueet ministère. moyens des bien a y Il communautaire. comme personnelle intérieure vie la renouveler pour efforts leurs redoubler à Pologne de Oblats les jeunes associés aux Oblats Les se réunissent d’abord à Cracovie. Wroclaw.à Tout(JMJ) cela entraîne Jeunesse la de Mondiales Journées les célébrées être vont juillet de mois au et Pologne la de baptême du ans que. Il est bon de signaler aussi que les Polonais viennent de fêter 1050 Catholi l’Église dans divine Miséricorde la de l’Année de célébration la de rencontre la à vient ans cents deux des jubilé Ce Province. notre faire parvenir les aux autres, au fur pour et à mesure thème des besoins des communautés ce de concernant textes les polonais en traduire de cadre le dans sion conver la de thème le lancer de occasion une Chapitre dernier le pour : dans notre vie spirituel, en activité missionnaire, dans la responsa L’année 2016 restera dans l’histoire de la Province un temps de grâce. lancé a conseil, en provincial supérieur Bochm, Antoni père Le La célébration des deux cents ans de notre Congrégation est devenu docu du inspirés sont se polonaise Province de Oblats Plusieurs La Conversion triennal , fruit du 35 . Le père Roman Tyczyński a pris en charge Tyczyński Roman en père pris Le a . ème Chapitre général de 2010. Et comme ad gentes 14 . 13 . ------.

Oblatio l 689 l Piotr Piasecki Oblatio l 690 l Local Section – Obra les Oblats par un accompagnement individuel et des rencontres avec les animer à cherchera Conseiller Ce l’apostolat. dans zèle le et généreuse plus toujours disponibilité la à communautés les aussi et confrères ses encourager devra qui spirituel Conseiller un Province la dans nommer de vient on spirituelle, direction d’une besoin a Oblat chaque comme Et vigilante. d’attention témoignage un donner de l’occasion sont gles Rè et Constitutions aux conformément remplir à ministère le dienne, quoti vie la de événements les temps, même En apostolique. homme comme l’Oblat former à contribuent qui Province la de Congrégation, toute l’attentionnécessaire avec développement son à veiller et préserver le mais vocation, de don terre ( sent envoyé pour proclamer le nom de Jésus jusqu’aux extrémités de la tion a toutes les raisons d’en être fier. A l’exemple de l’Apôtre Paul,voca ilsa se de conscient Oblat, Un missionnaire. éminemment charisme, naire « Province. Car notre de Oblats autres les tous et aller y à préparent se qui bien par aussi les missionnaires travaillant approfondi aux pays de être missions que par devrait ceux spiritualité la de aspect Cet etc. Latine, Amérique en Canada, au Biélorussie, en Ukraine, en auTurkménistan, aussi mais Cameroun, au et Madagascar à Délégations les rappeler de mission la pour d’Oblats nombre bon un donné a ceux que Dieu a appelés à être missionnaires particulier en concerne qui spécifique spiritualité une exige sionnaire « II, Jean-Paul Selon l’Église. toute de missionnaire lité dans lamémoiredesOblatscommeunvraifilsdeMarieImmaculée. toujoursreste Kowalczyk AntoniFrère Le foi. sa detémoignage beau un laissé a nous béatifié être va Wrodarczykqui Ludwik Père martyr,le jeunes Oblats dans leur zèle apostolique et leur ministère. Un autre Oblat Cebula, Józef Père Le martyr nazis. béatifié par les Jean-Paul par II, martyrisés peut sans été doute être ont un stimulant plusieurs pourdont les des fruitsensontemps. communautés. Cette action va stimuler le zèle de la Province et donnera La vie intérieure d’un Oblat polonais est enracinée dans la spiritua polonaisOblatsépargné les pas n’amondialeguerredeuxième La la de l’Église, de vie la dans importants événements des a y Il » Ac par nature, l’Église, durant son pèlerinage sur terre, est mission est terre, sur pèlerinage son durant l’Église, nature, par 16 et chaque Oblat prend part à cette mission grâce à son propre son à grâce mission cette à part prend Oblat chaque et 9,15). Il doit se donner de la peine pour ne pas perdre le grand 17 . » 15 . La Province polonaise ad gentes. ad l’activité mis l’activité Il suffit ici suffit Il ------ressources publiées en français et en italien n’étaient accessibles qu’à accessibles n’étaient italien en et français en publiées ressources textes- Les polonais. en traduits nécessaires textes les eu pas n’avons nous dernier siècle du soixante-dix années Jusqu’aux oblates. études les et textes-ressources les sont ce question, en spiritualité la enrichir cher et à trouver le vrai idéal oblat et le vivre. Ce qui vient en aide pour intense de concevoir la vie intérieure peut aider bien des Oblats à cher plus façon Une oblate. vie la de spirituelles valeurs les sur l’accent tre dynamisme car dès ses débuts, notre Province a toujours cherché à met e u l siiult olt d Pr Kzmez uoik. a thèse Sa Lubowicki. Kazimierz Père du oblate spiritualité la sur de Mazenod danssonlivre : sieurs années la Procure des Missions a présenté le charisme d’Eugène de OMI, ka Kazał mi iść...: dzieje duchowe Sługi Bożego Brata Antoniego Kowalczy beatyfikacji rocznicę dziesiątą w Marsylii: biskup kalanej, Niepo Maryi Oblatów Misjonarzy Zgromadzenia Założyciel Mazenod, czyk, ouvrages ses de uns quelques citer ici faut Il plus nombreux le personnage d’Eugène de Mazenod et le charisme oblat. study, anglais 1812, 1782- Premièrepartie Immaculée. Marie de Oblats Missionnaires des Congrégation la de Fondateur Mazenod, de Mgr de spirituelle vie La la spiritualitéoblateetsoncharismepréparésparlesOblatspolonais. i m o Ciardi, F. Casoli, G. Lubich, G. Zając Pawel père du tion introduc avec 2008 Poznań édition, Second Warszawa1974. Hłasko, ici citer tout d’abord faut Il polonais. en ouvrages des qu’apparaissaient mesure à et fur au un nombre restreint d’Oblats; puis la situation s’est nettement améliorée , Poznań 1979. Viennent ensuite de nombreux ouvrages concernant ouvrages 1979. Viennentnombreux Poznań de , ensuite Œ Outre l’ouvrage du Père Pielorz déjà cité, nous avons eu une étu une eu avons nous cité, déjà Pielorz Père du l’ouvrage Outre Le Père Leonard Głowacki a essayé de faire connaître à des lecteurs L’un des premiers travaux fut la thèse de doctorat du père J. Pielorz, de pas manque ne polonais contexte le dans oblate spiritualité La Warszawa; 1981 Rome 1955 (extrait) et 1956 (ensemble). Sa traduction en Rome 1998,estaujourd’huiaccessibleauxOblatspolonais. u The spiritual life of Bishop de Mazenod 1782-1812. A critical A 1782-1812. Mazenod de Bishop of life spiritual The v Poznań 1999. Poznań s e r

d ’ s t n e m e s s i h c i r n e : R. Bulliard, Umiał żyć w trudnych czasach trudnych w żyć Umiał Le Père Walenty Zaplata qui a dirigé durant plu durant dirigé a Walentyqui Père Zaplata Le ������������������������������������������������ Kiedy wielkamiłośćwoła, i m o ; Roche, A.

u d Wybrał ubogich Wybrał Inuk. Misje na krańu świata,

e m s i m a n y d Z wiatru i ognia i wiatru Z : Sługa Boży Sługa Kowal Antoni

e d trad. Wiesław Łyko Wiesław trad.

a l Poznań 1988. : bł. :

t i l a u t i r i p s , Płock 1975 Płock , , Rzym 1985; 1985; Rzym , Eugeniusz de de Eugeniusz trad. B. é ------;

Oblatio l 691 l Piotr Piasecki Oblatio l 692 l Local Section – Obra les a publiées dans ses livres ses dans publiées a les et martyr du vie la sur sérieuses martyr,études Cebula des fait a Lubowicki K. Joseph Père du béatification de procès du vue En naise. polo Province la de annuelle retraite une pendant oblats aux données Mazenod, de Eugeniusz série la dans publié livre son mentionner de Mazenoda, de Eugeniusza tard plus paru a polonaise l’amour dans la vie du Bienheureux Eugène de Mazenod 1990 en Rome à publiée été a doctorat de Autrefois il y avait « avait y il Autrefois Congrégation. la de charisme le dans enracinée soit Oblats des térieure ce travaildepuislongtemps déjà. mes de la même collection au Père Roman Tyczyński qui se consacre à collectionla de concernant les Constitutions et Règles OMI polonais en traduit également a Chmist Jan père Le spirituel. enrichissement leur et Oblats les pour utile très être sera ge ouvra cet équipe son et Chmist Jan Père du soutenu travail au Grâce oblate. spiritualité la de développement le sur considérable influence Valeursdes Oblats Mazenoda (1782-1861), Ewangelizacji. Nowej do l’université de Poznań en 2012 sous le titre dans un recueil publiés été ont interventions des textes Les Mazenod. de d’Eugène me nisé à Obra en 2011 une conférence internationale sur la vie et le charis orgaa Zając Pawel Père le outre, En Piasecki. Piotr Père le par nuelle recueil des conférences données aux Oblats dans le cadre de retraite an 2011. Zając, Paweł Père du ouvrage zef Cebula, portretu o. Józefa Cebuli OMI 1941) Nos publications périodiques contribuent aussi à ce que la vie in vie la que ce à aussi contribuent périodiques publications Nos polonais en traduction la de 2004 en parution La recueil le Dans Duchowa sylwetka męża apostolskiego, dans Włocławek 2001. : Męczennicy Colloquia et Disputationes Ecrits oblats Ecrits sous la direction de Fabio Ciardi, a eu bien sûr une sûr bien eu a Ciardi, Fabio de direction la sous Les grands personnages de l’Église de personnages grands Les Oblat Niepokalanej Oblat Kraków 2003 Kraków (éd), P. Zając,Poznań2012. , Warszawa, 1996; Wokółśw.charyzmatu i osoby de Eugeniusza : Wrocław 2006. Wrocław Misterium i dynamika miłości w życiu św.życiu w miłości dynamika i Misterium . On doit aussi la traduction d’autres volu d’autres traduction la aussi doit On . : , Poznań 1999; Sługa Boży o. Józef Cebula OMI (1902- OMI Cebula Józef o. Boży Sługa Święty Eugeniusz de Mazenod de Eugeniusz Święty . C’ . est un recueil de conférences de recueil un est de la faculté de théologie de ainsi que quelques volumes Il est également intéressant également est Il : », aujourd’hui c’est « c’est aujourd’hui », : Po prostu kapłan: szkic do szkic kapłan: prostu Po Od Rewolucji Francuskiej Mystère et dynamique de dynamique et Mystère Retraites avec Retraites Błogosławiony ojciec Jó Wrocław 2010 qui est un Les textes choisis textes Les du . La traduction se trouve un trouve se Dictionnaire : , Kraków , Św[ięty] Mo i m o ------, riques delaCongrégation. Latusek qui, comme enseignant, se spécialise dans les recherches histo Paweł Père le nommer faut il d’Obra séminaristes jeunes les animer et former Pour Poznań. de l’Université de Piasecki Piotr et Zając que Pawel ainsi Varsovie de l’Université de Nieścior Leon Kluj, Wojciech aux professeurs de théologie comme Antoni Kurek, Jarosław Różanski, grâce aussi fait se missionnaire animation Une lecteurs. nombreux de « périodi que un lançait Kupka Alfons Père le 1983 En Oblats. jeunes les zaika Obrzanska dans l’Égliseetleurapostolat danslemonde. ministère leur accompagne qui profonde joie une jaillit là De sonnelle. moment favorable pour un un renouveau comme de leur vie Congrégation et leur notre conversion per de ans cents deux de jubilé ce cueille ac polonais d’Oblats majorité immense Une sainteté. la de recherche la à d’Oblats nombre grand un aujourd’hui attire irrévocable, volonté où sefaitlevraipartageévangélique. fraternelles rencontres les aussi mais communautaire, que personnelle charisme qui peuvent contribuer à approfondir la spiritualité oblate tant notre concernant publiés textes les et études les seulement pas sont ne Ce Oblats. des communautaire vie la c’est fruits, de beaucoup apporte contribution. Là où est réalisée la vocation oblate, là où notre apostolat propre sa pays du religieuse vie la à apporter peut telle comme et nod Oblat polonais reste inséparable du charisme d’un de saint Eugène de Maze spiritualité la Cependant, ministère. leur exercent Oblats les où locale l’Église de et nation la de séculaire tradition la de origines ses tirent caractéristiques traits Ses Congrégation. la toute de spiritualité L’idéal de saint Eugène réalisant sa vocation avec ardeur et une et ardeur avec vocation sa réalisant Eugène saint de L’idéal la dans s’insère polonais contexte le dans oblate intérieure vie La iyn Drogi Misyjne » dont les rédacteurs sont nos séminaristes qui inspire qi otne noe uor’u d’intéresser aujourd’hui encore continue qui » *** [email protected] Piotr Piasecki, Obra, Poland i m o - - - - -

Oblatio l 693 l Piotr Piasecki Oblatio l 694 l Local Section – Obra Poznań 2013,p.118-119. zenod, Poznań 2013. Immaculée, Rome, Association d’EtudesetRechercheOblates1996,p.846-848. tów MaryiNiepokalanej, 14, Y.par l’Introduction de cadre le dans l’élaboration est sociation for Oblates Studies and Research, Rome 2004, p. 9-12. Spirit, his Communicates Saviour the Christ of Co-operator Mazenod, de Eugene K. Cf. 155. zenod présente J. 264. Ecrits spirituels(1794-1811), 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Rome 1990,p.111. P. Vatican II, J Cf. W. Dokumenty XXXV Kapituły Generalnej, Cf. Cf. K. Très vaste et basé sur l’analyse des sources du processus de conversion de Ma P K. B J Niepokonalnej, Maryi Oblatów Misjonarzy Prowincji Polskiej Dyrektorium Règle et Constitution R. G. Notes deretraite de1831 G. R. n a e n a e e p a t î o n e P L Ibid i k c e s a i Rome, MaisonGénérale,1982,p.13-15. u P P L F b C C u l u a l u a L XVI, K i k c i w o s i o ç n a r b t o t o , p.114-117. u i k c i w o j u l b P é é II,Lettreencyclique II, i k c i w o , Décret surl’activitémissionnaire del’Eglise, Ad gentes, , z r o l e i , , J, Duchowość misyjna w posoborowej nauce Kościoła katolickiego, Kościoła nauce posoborowej w misyjna Duchowość Vie intérieur, Vieintérieur, Lettre encyclique , Lettre Apostolique Mystère et dynamique l’amour dans la vie du Bx Eugène de Ma , , R xotto apostolique Exhortation Mystère et dynamique l’amour,dynamique et Mystère i k s ń a ż ó The spirituals life of Bishop de Mazenod, , Warszawa 2016. Mystère etdynamique,

de la Congrégation des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie de Oblats Missionnaires des Congrégation la de (éd), , dans op. cit.,p.854. dans F.dans Postulation générale,Rome1991,p.XVI-XXVI. Misje ad gentes Zgromadzenia Misjonarzy Obla

Deus caritasest, Redemptoris missio, Écrits oblats

Novo MillenioIneunte, C i d r a i (éd),

op. cit.,p.113-119. Nawrócenie, vnei gaudium, Evangelii I DictionnaireValeurdes Oblates, , t. 15,nr163,p.217-218. B Rome 2005,nr1. op. cit., 108-210; F. 108-210; cit., op. n i o d u a e Rome 1990,nr87. Rzym 2010. Rome 2001,nr29. Intéressant à cet égard , dans , Rome 1998, p. 136- oe 03 nr 2013, Rome Ecrits nr 2. oblats S i c u t n a

As I, - - - - , “T It turned out that we have very much in common in the heritages of heritages the in common in much very have we that out turned It Paul. Vincentde St. of Charity of Sisters the of Congregation the and we established good and fruitful cooperation between our Congregation Szumulino, in stay our of beginning very the From Belarus. eastern in create the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima and to promote devotion to her where there had not been a parish since 1930. Their primary task was to region. They Vitebskwere invited to serve the and organize parish life in in Nieporota Szumilino to Blin Wladyslaw Bishop by invited were World War IIuntilhisdeathin1984. before from ministry, priestly his performing Niemen the on Belarus western of lands the traveled WojciechOMI here. Nowaczyk ministry WilhelmKubsz years! 15 or 10 past the for just Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate today.have ministered in even Belarus not seen be can which poverty, material and spiritual caused It Mazenod. de Eugene Founder, our of days the in that like is lution bread andsharethewordwiththem’.” the break will who someone met not have they because dignity their of idea slightest the have even not do who Christians poor are ‘There poor,the out.’among dying often is which 1810: of summer the In (...) faith the enliven to order in service His in myself to dedicate particularly [...] me wants He that witness, my be ‘God seminary: the enter to However, St. Eugene’s spiritual sons came here in 2000, when they Revo October the by sparked poverty of increase post-Soviet The THE OBLATE CHARISMINEASTERNBELARU OUR CURRENT wrote to his mother and informed her about his decision his about her informed and mother his he to 1808, wrote In (...) poor. the to sent was he that conviction the Mazenod’sis de vocation Eugene priestly of source he OF

THE CHUR A e z r d n RESPONSE j J z c i w e i n h c u AND SOCIETY 1 T , O i m o THE NEEDS i m o began his priestly his began


Oblatio l 695 l Andrzej Juchniewicz Oblatio l 696 l Local Section – Obra realities. For some means the lack of the regular sacramental ministry.sacramental regular the of lack the means some For realities. the areaof Vitebsk, andhavemadeanimpactonpeople’s lives. gene’s charism is being fully achieved. Many Oblates have gone through people. poorest the to ministry to comes it when Founders our of charisms the ested, andtheseactivitiesare verypopular. and theyhavechosenimportant valuesinlife,notillegaldrugs. pray,to friends pray,their to motivate beginning they are They values. new of world a in living now are they since Church, in spent time the from lives their on influence good the see materially.to Weand begin They have not yet found their way in life. They are poor both spiritually trust. on based relationships human simple about learning still are they but lives, adult their beginning are and home children’s the left have rosary andcansingtheversesofFatimasong. the pray to how know They talk. and over come to afraid not are they ministry,in people around and behave to how priest, or sister religious a greet to how know already they parents, their unlike but them, for sis their time outside of the family home. It is too early to speak of cateche spend and for, cared not hungry, often are children These alcoholism. of because ruined been have families the of most where neighborhood, every day. These include children from the so-called “behind the door fence” our on knock — adults as well as teenagers, to toddlers from — ple involvedinouractivities. tential situationcriesoutloudlyforJesusChrist. regardless of confessional belonging, focusing on all those whose exis The Oblates in Szumilino try to address those various kinds of poverty, poverty.material and spiritual moral, concrete means it cases other In W t a h We got a ping pong table and board games to get the youth inter youth the get to games board and table pong ping a Wegot who men already are over,they come also boys orphaned Several Our Oblate house has become a home where “children” of all ages Here is a quick summary of some of the events, meetings and peo different describes Belarus of context the in “poorest” term The Eu St. implementing opinion, my in where, place a is Szumilino

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- - - - - evangelization. problems related with the faith. You can call it a kind of introduction to and relationships family up, growing as topics such about talk can we when moments are These handshake. a with us greet to and us on call to afraid not are they relationships; friendly simple are these Presently them. with touch in get to opportunity good a have we so Church, lic Catho or Orthodox the from distance their keep Most well. as it use to began neighborhood the in families various the the from boys time teenage over but house, Oblate the of residents the of use “private” and findtime forrenewal,quietandmeditation. deanery. There are situations where religious ministers personally come Vitebskthe in sisters the for Father spiritual the is another and polock, get astatediplomawiththe UniversityofMinskseal. ed in the University’s curriculum. At the end of the course, the students adults, recognized as such by the the Ministry of Education and includ for catechesis of course formal a became which Thought,” Catholic of “Basics of topic the on Vitebsk of city the in University Social ple’s increased significantly. has centers catechetical of number The meetings. these in participate willingly they so lives, their throughout catechesis any 70 had to not have 40 aged parishioners often, Quite believers. of and knowledge faith the the deepen that topics on speak usually We region. milino Szu entire the throughout and house Oblate our in youth, and children for also but adults for only not catechesis have also we parish, our at tians, andfinallytohelpthembecomesaints. to us wanted are notabletotalkwithalocalOrthodoxmonk. Church, meaning an Orthodox Christian, asks to talk with us since they who comefrompathologicalfamilies. there children 20 about always ministry.are pastoral There our of tory One of the Oblates also serves as a chaplain to the sisters in Novo The Bishop of Vitebsk himself proposed to hold classes at the Peo serve who Paul de Vincent St. of Sisters Grey the with Together He spirit. Eugene’s St. with accord in is this that me to seems It Catholic the in involved not is who someone while, a in Once terri the on located children’snursery the visit regularly Wealso the for gym training weight cheap and small a made we first At help people live like rational beings, and then as Chris as then and beings, rational like live people help ------

Oblatio l 697 l Andrzej Juchniewicz Oblatio l 698 l Local Section – Obra orjk, ooouk n Vtbk icuig Neocatechumenal including Vitebsk, and Novopoluck Bobrujska, Minsk, from repeatedly us visited have now,groups organized various tas shrine. the at Weboard and room provide to begun also Cari to turned have we so visit, to come Vitebskof Belarus corners and various from delivering conferencesduringtheirgatherings. and sacraments the with them providing expeditions, scouting their on them accompanies He Belarus. in troops scout the of leaders of group their relatives. They do not like them to attend Sunday Mass on a regu from pressure in results frequently which confessions, mixed of often are families their since example, life their by witness they Rather, ies. in thegeneralthinkingof “Orthodox”faithful. tized Catholics. In Szumilino, the Catholic community is seen as a sect bap 1,000 about count can we region, Szumilino entire the In today. 120-150 about to 2000 in people 5 or 4 from risen have they numbers, to quality.As individual their at look we but percentages, in faithful have a missionary and Marian character. We have stopped counting the indulgence. plenary a receive to able were people where diocese the in places 5 the of one the became YearShrine Szumilino the and Life, Consecrated of be to year last declared Francis sanctuary.Pope the around procession Rosary a is there Mass after and confession, Sacrament, Blessed the of adoration have we days, these On celebration. the for region the over from May to October, we celebrate ganize our region. God a and confer recollection of days for have Occasionally,we ences. or ministry sacramental for either meetings, their at port sup spiritual for us ask often children. groups with These families and elderly the youth, working and students include usually These groups.

of Vitebsk with our project and have received a positive reply. Until for the local children and youth who are being catechized in our in catechized being are who youth and children local the for The faithful who belong to our parish cannot clearly be missionar be clearly cannot parish our to belong who faithful The does charism, Oblate the in strictly not is it though parish, Our month the of day 13th every Fatima, of Lady Our of Shrine the At The groups where place a become has home our years, 2 past the Over the to director spiritual as assigned also was Fathers our of One Mission VolunteersMission Vacation withGod from Poland keep returning to help us or us help to returning keep Poland from . Fatima Day . People gather from all Vacationwith ------Mohyla Archdiocese. Only citizens of Belarus can freely travel around travel freely Mohyla can Belarus of citizens Only Archdiocese. Minsk- the in and Diocese Godziensk the in retreats mission folk local which arethenpresentinthepersonalprayersoffaithful. Angelus tima Days, is evident in the daily community Rosary prayer service, the Fa the to addition in parish, the of spirit Marian The Eucharist. every at God Wordof the preach to Wetry basis. daily a come on almost Belarus) Mass to Eastern in permit conditions as far (as faithful the of majority the this, Despite on. so and confession frequent or basis lar 756. co-heirs ofhiseternalKingdom[...].” the Christ, Jesus of brothers God, of me. Youchildren to the listen are brothers, dear my brothers, my overwhelms, misery whom etc., sores, with covered and suffering the and sick the wretched, and afflicted the Christ, Jesus of poor “You,the Szumilino: of people the to preach how to see to me helps and me inspires constantly that Founder our by needed forministeringasapriest. is permission state or registration so-called since difficulties, many es pos also another to center one from Oblates Transferring future. near the in us for challenge and assignment an is This East. the in working the Unfortunately, vocations. Oblates the among fallow lie to seems ministry care pastoral vocations native local for need a is there why is the country and minister as priests or preach missions and retreats. That 2 1 sermon a of part from quote a with end to like would I Finally, lead to asked been have Oblates Missionary the years, several For Słownik Wartości Oblackich (Dictionary of Oblate Values), Oblate of (Dictionary Oblackich Wartości Słownik Notes forLentensermons,March 1813in: after every liturgical celebration and first Saturday devotions Saturday first and celebration liturgical every after 2 Choix detextes Andrzej Juchniewicz, Šumilina, Belarus , no.37,p.57. [email protected] Poznań 2004, p. 2004, Poznań i m o - -

Oblatio l 699 l Andrzej Juchniewicz

“G but “with new zeal, newer methods and newer means of expression.” of means newer and methods newer zeal, new “with but gelization Savior.and Lord their as anew Christ Jesus discover to This involvement on behalf of those who were already evangelized, but need are additional an need also we baptized), not who those to Gospel the (proclaiming evangelization from apart times, contemporary in that out pointed Pope the documents, these In Missio encyclical demptoris his in appeared also It Huta. Nowa in 1979 in II Paul Congregation ofMissionaryOblatesMaryImmaculate. the of experience Oblate the on while a for pause to like would I reflection, a to us called pontificate his of beginning has been done over the centuries. Meanwhile, St. John Paul II from the which that continue simply to ought we situation this in that therefore, seem, would It world. the of corners many Christ, in today also undertaken Jesus is of person the in revealed as love God’s of News Good the preaching meaning Evangelization, salvation. of work the in part priests, consecrated persons and sometimes even lay people have taken then known world to tell people about Christ. Over the centuries, many willingly took on this challenge and dispersed to various corners of the sion, so that they be involved in the work of evangelization. They quite 16). Christ encouraged his Apostles with these words before His Ascen THE OBLATE EXPERIENCOF The term new evangelization new is transmitting the same Gospel (because it never changes), never it (because Gospel same the transmitting is whoever does not believe baptized is and believes Whoever ation! cre all to gospel the proclaim world; whole the to out o new evangelization IN and in the apostolic exhortation apostolic the in and THE CONTEX M in the context of the Polish Province of our of Province Polish the of context the in n i c r a S was used for the first time by St. John a z f s r o OF NEW EV will , new evangelization new POLAND i m o new evangelization. new be condemned” ANGELIZATION Christefideles Laici. Christefideles will

(Mk 16:15- new evan new , meaning , e saved; be In this In Re

- - - -

Oblatio l 701 l Marcin Szafors Oblatio l 702 l Local Section – Obra that everyonecouldbeleadtoapersonalmeetingwithJesusChrist. so others, with it share to wanted He himself. to this keeping imagine not could Founder the that strong so was experience Christ. This Jesus personal very a God’sof experience Savior and Lord Our of cross the on revealed love had Eugene St. 1807, in probably Friday, Good On tering JesusChrist. encoun of experience personal a have who people us, with cooperate is obvious that to do all this, we need to permit and invite lay people to It Haiti.) to visit his during 1983 in this about spoke II Paul John (St. founded. the entered later them of Many works. various in Eugene St. help to ready also were they but sanctity,personal their on worked youth The people). 300 about bered the in involved get to people young the invited in he youth Aix, the with worked he when since matters, of state the change not does This decades. more many just the beginning of the 19th century. Involving the laity would require the work of preaching the Word of God. This is no wonder, since it was the of context the in achieved have not may Eugene St. which thing only The them. in conversion personal a awaken to and Christ, of Passion the on barefoot and carry a sackcloth heavy cross on on his shoulders to put encourage the people would to meditate He missions. parish his during decide once againtobelongChrist. and faith their about think to people awaken would that ones relationship to Jesus. He also proposed using new means of expression, their lost had who those of re-evangelization the for opportunity an as them saw He Provencal. in preached missions parish the to especially and urged his companions to do likewise. He used new methods. I refer lages and the countryside). He preached with great enthusiasm and zeal, vil in living those and youth the poorest, (the faith their lost somehow had Revolution, French the by caused secularization the of result a as fact, he preached the Word of God to those who were baptized but who, the of forerunner the was he way, unique own One such example was a unique kind of drama which he performed his in that, say certainly can we this, did he way the at look we If In this reflection, however, let’s go back about 200 years in history. new evangelization new Society of Young Christians Young of Society Society of the Missionaries the of Society was the greater involvement of lay people in people lay of involvement greater the was new evangelization new (which quickly num quickly (which

of Provence of that he that . In . - - - overall that there are several “realities” that can be included in the in included be can that “realities” several are there that overall the of work evangelization the in Province, a as and Congregation a as way, evangelization.” new the of work the in patron personal my as him chosen have and chapel private my in relics his placed have I lifetime. his in did he things the could I that happy am “I accomplish to like would I life, my In Mazenod. de Eugene said: canonize II Paul John St. 1995, 3, December at school. Through this ministry,reach this school. to Through at opportunity the have Oblates evangelization sical initiatives that attracted the youth. We should also mention the cred Songs Pilgrimage Festival Sojka Fr.Norbert of ership lead the under people young 1,000 about for years the over organized been have Obra at Retreats volunteering. mission and outings bicycle through people young many to out Wereach there. provided program the to thanks well own ly,our Association; Youth Catholic the Oasis; the as such activities, group have done this and still often do so in the framework of our parish youth Weyouth. the to out reach to efforts undertaken have Province Polish today.re-evangelization need people young many the of Oblates Many using thiswayofpreachingtheGospelinparishministries. text of Poland, we must first of all mention the Oblates’ involvement in ments. evangelization. of work the in Wehowever,can, ele these of some see part take to people lay inviting expression; of means and methods new encounter with Jesus as Lord and Savior; a new enthusiasm and fervor; that a given work is a evangelization Our work with the youth is worth mentioning here. The fact is that the of experiences the of Speaking admit to have we Province, Polish the of work the at Looking on Founder the of canonization the after that strange not is It in Kodeń (about 400-450 participants in the in participants 400-450 (about Kodeń in ) in Lubliniec and . Nineveh Oblate YouthMinistries. Oblate Nineveh Finally, we tried to evangelize young people through people young evangelize to tried Finally,we that is being undertaken in the framework of catechesis of framework the in undertaken being is that prove that elements the all fulfill always not do They . . Oblate YouthCenter Oblate

new form of evangelization We are therefore called to be involved in some some in involved be to called therefore Weare i m o St. Eugene Days Light and Life Movement Life and Light . We also continue to organize the organize to continue Wealso in Kokotek and the formation the and Kokotek in new evangelization new tdn mnsre; n final and ministries; student in Iława. These were mu This is developing very developing is This : leading to a personal WarsawWalking or the so-called the or in the con the in new new new new Life Sa ------

Oblatio l 703 l Marcin Szafors Oblatio l 704 l Local Section – Obra n ae rsn i Ktwc, idc ad łw. epe novd in involved People these types of formation Iława. are prepared for evangelization and and quite often Siedlce Katowice, in present are ond ( Wrocław in others among parishes, our of several in present are first tify with the charismatic movement and the neocatechumenal way. The make evangelization one of their goals. These include groups that iden methods totouchtheirhearts. new and ways new use to try Oblates the of Some church. to come not do circumstances normal under who people young and children many work of pastoral ministries or mission activities. Here I am thinking am I Here activities. mission or ministries pastoral of work that theypreach. missions parish and retreats the in lives, their God’sin of work stories their sharing as such ways, various in them with cooperate to people lay inviting are Others Christ. Jesus to relation in decision personal a make to them inviting and audience the to directly more speaking use as to such style new trying a using are are others us multimedia, like of methods, new Some better. them through work to himself Christ allow to fervor new by accompanied be to is preaching their that means This 70%). reaching (about church to come not also do who those to out but parishioners), of 30% (about Mass Sunday attend who people the only not includes This times. contemporary in people influence to how themselves ask who of directors group retreat a young nevertheless mostly is There successful. very been have They style. preaching traditional the in WordGod the of proclaim involved Oblates the of most that true is It ministry. mission parish mention to gelization in Warsaw). Parishes in Evangelization New - Giant the the in participated 2013 in who pastors parish the of fruit the being done in Katowice and Gorzów Wielkopolski. (This is most likely Mass. are notpresentat Sunday various reasons, for those who, is This evangelize to encouraged and invited feel themselves will they that so a towards work incooperationwiththeirpastors. Lion of Juda We should also mention other the of speaking When ministries pastoral parish all direct to Presently,attempts are there that groups parish the mention also should we level, parish the On new evangelization new ), in Kędzierzyn ( e evangelization, new , to form people in the parish community parish the in people form to , Hallel realities ) and in Poznań ( that exist outside the frame II Congress on New Evan New on Congress II t s mosbe not impossible is it Tabor ). The sec Awaken - - - - Ochlak Madejski Fr.Bartosz Kluj jciech Fr.mention WawrzyniakGrzegorz Stop stock the during Woodstockfields the at involved also were Oblates Skiba Madej Andrzej (Fr. years. YouthFestival Music Rock the of framework the in evangelization in involvement Oblate about de Mazenodwas. as open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit as our Founder St. Eugene the in volved ter What can our individual religious Province? and parish communities do to be bet entire the for work missionary and ministries pastoral our the tion: What can we still do on the Provincial ques Administration level following so that the ourselves ask to good be would it time, same the this. in participating are we At Oblates, Polish as that proud and happy Today’s World Exhortation Meeting on the topic of the on phasis many peopletolivewithfaith. lives. In this way, members of the their with Him trust to them invite and Christ Jesus about News Good the proclaim to moment right the find they Meanwhile, people. these help they then and help of need in person the with relationship a into enter they first simple: is method group’s The themselves. with cope cannot and narcotics to addicted are they because life, in way their lost Sierański the of contact had with theLordorChurch. not often have years many for who people News, Good newly evangelized newly New Evangelization Considering that the contemporary Church places such great em great such places Church contemporary the that Considering activities the mention finally must we topics, these discussing In i m o Good Shepherd Community Shepherd Good i m o and Fr. Kazimierz Tyberski i m o during which the which during and others). In both cases, we really reach people with the with people reach really we cases, both In others). and i m o Evangelii Gaudium on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Gospel the of Proclamation the on Gaudium Evangelii and is dedicated to serving the needs of people who have New Evangelization New New Evangelization New by Pope Francis on November 23, 2013), we ought to be , Fr. Marcin Szafors Marcin Fr. , ? Finally, what can each of us do to become in become to do us of each can what Finally, ? i m o is not just a slogan, but a concrete program for New Evangelization , Fr. Sylwester Maćkiewicz Fr.Sylwester , in Jarocin, which has been held for many for held been has which Jarocin, in i m o Jesus Stop Jesus F. yzr Sierański Ryszard Fr. , Good Shepherd Community (Bishop’s General XIIIth the Synod, ? We should promise ourselves to be to We? ourselves promise should , which was created by Fr. RyszardFr. by created was which , i m o i m o i m o , Fr.Wrzos, Marcin was active. (Here we ought to ought we (Here active. was , Fr. Krzysztof Machelski Krzysztof Fr. , , and others ministered there.) in 2012, and the Apostolic i m o i m o , Fr.Dominik , i m o F. Marek Fr. , have lead , Fr., Wo Wood i m o ------,

Oblatio l 705 l Marcin Szafors Oblatio l 706 l Local Section – Obra prepared forsuchanundertaking. Amen. of the “New Evangelization.” Let us, Oblates of the Polish Province, be spirit the in others with News Good share this desire to the with us fill to and Christ, Jesus by personally revealed love His experience ingly St. Eugene, ask God the Father to grant us the grace to unceas to grace the us grant to Father the God ask Eugene, St. Marcin Szafors, [email protected] Gdańsk, Poland i m o - I its origins could not relay on the foundational connection to a province- in Immaculate Mary of Oblates Missionary the of Province Polish The generations. next the to ministry missionary for zeal their transmitted have who Oblates, Polish first the of example the of because also but Congregation, whole the of nature the of because only not DNA, its in inscribed dimension missionary a had somehow province Polish cent nas The Africa. South in Sylla Fr. and Otrząski Brother and Ceylon, in Andrzejewski Józef Brother Edmonton); in seminary minor the at formator a later and Indians, the among missionary first (the Canada in ing from this period are the Servant of God Brother Antoni Kowalczyk working in different continents ertheless, even before its existence Oblates of Polish origin were already Province was not possible: Poland was not on the map of Europe. land, till the end of the World War I, the formal foundation of the Polish Fr. FaraudorFr. Taché. Laverlocher,Fr. by written those example for Polish, in letters Oblate long before the Oblates were present in Poland, people could read some the century, mid-nineteenth Polish version of these the texts appeared. Even at the time of the Founder, In Faith.” the of Propagation the of “Annals the to letters write missionaries the that insisted Founder Our the days of the Founder in the Polish language in a rather peculiar way. in known already was Congregation the established, was province our THE POLISHPROVINC later the same would be true of the Polish Province. Yet even before our Congregation grew as our missions developed. that see can we Congregation, whole the of statistics the trace we f Because of the historical situation related to the partitions of Po of partitions the to related situation historical the of Because MISSIONARY 2 W h c e i c j o . Among the missionaries worth mention AND K j u l THE CONGREATION’S SPIRIT , i m o

1 No wonder that Nev - - - - 3

Oblatio l 707 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 708 l Local Section – Obra In theProvince maculate.” Im the of “Oblate monthly the and books missionary distributing in beginning very the from involved were Oblates Poland, in structures was crucialindevelopingtheidentityofnewunit. Oblates Polish first those of lifestyle the of example the thus mother, oh coatcts Or fr hooy ad rba o philosophy). the for Though Krobia and theology, for (Obra scholasticates both scholasticates Oblate in process In theSeminaries terminology, allwerecalledmissionaries. contemporary to According abroad. communities Polish the to istered min also they Inuit, the and Indians the to missions typical the sides sending out missionaries, 1931. Othersmallerpublicationsweretranslatedfrom German Canada Duchaussois Fr. Northern Peter by in and Ceylon in missions Three Oblate the themes. about missionary books the to dedicated books several published and missionariesfromCanadabegantoappear. Ceylon from Mańka Stefan Father Andrzejewski, Józef Brother letters from time, Over orders. religious other of those to even sometimes number of those articles referred to the missions of other Provinces, and we did not have many of our own missionaries at that time, a significant Since Province. Polish the of years first the in work animation sionary mis our of showcase the were They issues. missionary mention them 1939. and 1926 of majority between vast it The in published were that serves a broader report. h msinr vctos ee nide drn te formation the during enkindled were vocations missionary The begun has Province Polish young the creation, its after Shortly Oblate editing house monthly, pre-war “flagship” Our After World War I,whencircumstances allowed ustoerect Oblate Mission Circle Mission B e f 4 e r o We ought to make a deeper study of the articles 6 in Poland during the interwar period has also

were translated into Polish and published in published and Polish into translated were mainly to Ceylon and Canada. In Canada be

e h t in Obra had formally initiated its activity its initiated formally had Obra in F 9 . So called So . t s r i “Oblate of the Immaculate” the of “Oblate W d l r o 8 Mission Circles Mission W r a existed in existed 7 . , de , - - - - - 5

given. With time, they replaced the previous weekly missionary con missionary weekly previous the replaced they time, With given. presentations 20 of total a was there 1932/1933, In occasions. several on delivered were topics mission on presentations addition, In events. its activities. the 1931, in Sunday Mission on later, months few AMańkowski. J. Fr. was successor His Thiel. J. Fr. was first animator of this group of scholastics interested in foreign missions earlier.little The a activities its begun actually has it scholasticate, the of opening the after years five just 1931, in Pentecost of feast the on translating the Congregation’s circulars, providing information to those with dealt also section This activity. this Mańkowski in Fr.involved particularly began. was war the until published was It chronicle. ary the lead we proposed and Oblates the to in the chrów for the the for Congregation the about mation infor extensive edited It magazines. different in printed were articles the press. From the beginning, this section had 8 members. A total of 22 of idea the It was founded in the academic year 1932 /33. Its goal was to propagate missionary a included that Circles Circle. The exhibitionattractedalotofpeople. Nadobrzański the Youthof Catholic Association the of rally a of sion cle. In August of 1935, we opened a missionary exhibition on the occa Cir the of inauguration the at opened was theterritories Oblates the by evangelized about exhibitions andresearch statistical these of first medicine andsocialissues. missionary missions, the in education catechumenate, the catechists, and clergy local the on based were topics 1934/1935, In missionaries. individual presented and problems missionary various on reports gave Circle the meetings, these During missions. become Oblate the to with was familiar goal main Their Saturday. second every given were lectures mission year, academic 1933/34 the In Thiel. Fr. by ferences Besides celebrations, lectures and exhibitions, the activities of the of activities the exhibitions, and lectures celebrations, Besides exhibits Mission organized Circle Mission This Orędownik Wolsztyński , czy Kurier Poznański Horyzonty nowej wiedzy the missions and current mission news through articles in articles through news mission current and missions ​​the were organized in addition to these lectures. The lectures. these to addition in organized were (e.g. articles like . In 1932, Father Stefan Wyszyński turned presssection ). The section also published articles celebrations Mission Circle Mission Annales Missiologicae Annales Ateneum Kapłańskie Ateneum Heros Północy – Biskup Wi are worth mentioning. worth are of various missionary various of in Krobia began Krobia in mission , articles , ------

Oblatio l 709 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 710 l Local Section – Obra the missionaries themselves. These Circles also had an EU section – section EU an had also Circles These themselves. missionaries the with correspondence also was there course, Of (Franciscans). Wronki and Pelplin Gniezno, Poznań, in seminaries at Circles the with contact in stayed they 1935 in and Pelplin, in Circle the with correspondence with the Circle at the Krobia seminary. The following year they were in nary in Gniezno, not to mention, of course, the constant communication Circle Mission Academic the Obry “ the editing in cooperated and Congregation the in interested Franciszek Śmigielski, Emil Pomykoł, Władysław Łaniewski, Hubert Łaniewski, Władysław Pomykoł, Emil Śmigielski, Franciszek tion to Stefan Mańka, we should also mention Fathers Andrzej Cierpka, tics. scholas sending of experiments more no were there however, Later, Ceylon. to sent was Mańka, Stefan scholastic, one Even Canada. North ern and Lanka) Sri (now Ceylon in work to sent were they cally, scholasticate visited thescholasticate. also Quebec Villeneuveof Cardinal Canada, of Primate The Namibia. bishop Marque as well as Bishop Gothard from the territories of today’s visited the seminary in Poznań); Ceylon’s Bishop Guyomard and Arch Canada, northern Turquetilalso who Ice”, the of (“Bishop Breynat and of bishops the included These issues. missionary of aware become to Oblates young the helped They war. the before Obra in scholasticate the 1936; Fr. L.Groszektaughtitin1938. to 1933 from missiology taught Fr.Mańkowski 1933/36, J. In circles). mission the of activities the in involved were students younger (The missiology was introduced in Obra for the fifth and sixth year students. in course new a 1933/34, of September In scholastics. the to lecture a the Oblate missions in Northern Canada, was also present. He also gave Warsaw.in Morice, Fr.1933 A.-G. in held the probably beginningaround1933. isooy lectures missiology 10 etns ih h missionaries the with meetings It is no wonder that in the pre-war period, those finishing the Obra the finishing those period, pre-war the in that wonder no is It was scholastics of animation missionary the in role important An Besides the activities of the Mission circles, we must also mention In 1933, the Obra Mission Circle established ,” ajournaldistributedbyOblatescholastics. Among the graduates who went on mission to Ceylon, in addi in Ceylon, to mission on went who graduates the Among nldd ay addts o msinr work missionary for candidates many included h itrainl oges f itras was historians of congress international The . in Poznań, the Mission Circle at a semi a at Circle Mission the Poznań, in Mn msinre vstd the visited missionaries Many . i m o , a prominent expert in expert prominent a , communications with Basi . Gość z Gość ------aries abroad. Of course, we received some information from the mis the from information some received we course, Of abroad. aries Second World War. After the war, we were not allowed to send mission Indian missions. the of veteran a Mokwa, Leon Fr. probably is Canada in missionaries pre-war these of famous most The Canada. northern in missions Inuit Fr. Ignacy Pluszczyk. Graduates from Obra also went to the Indian and war, the after Obra in missiology of professor future the and Misiuda preparing for their high school exams. school high their for preparing were members the of most since Circle the of activities the suspend to Ceylon, Fr. I.Pluszczykwasincharge. to missionary former the 1955/56, in and Circle, Mission the oversaw me. misit bus praecones within two cycles. The first cycle was based on the encyclical was decreed. In the second period (1953-1959), lectures were delivered missionary 1950, Congregation’sIn work. our concerning issues on reports cluded in (1948-1953) period first The delivered. were reports which during weeks two every meetings had Circle Mission the to1957, 1948 From of scholastics was very small and the oldest were soon ordained priests. gio, Italy, and 3 in philosophy who finished their novitiate. The number were 5 scholastics in theology who finished their theology in San Gior there 1947, of October In students. philosophy and theology both for became once again the Oblate scholasticate. Obra was the scholasticate (1970) In theScholasticateuntilOpeningofMissioninCameroun Obry” or“PokłosieOblackie”inLubliniec,thesewereprohibited. z “Gość distribute to attempts few a information. After this publish to able not were we addition, In time. that at authorities state the by ited lim very was this but overseas, working already were who sionaries At the March 1, 1958 Mission Circle meeting, a decision was made Obra in monastery ex-Cistercian the World1946, After in War II, the by stopped was missions Province’s the of development The and the second on the Oblate motto, Oblate the on second the and In the years 1953/54 and 1954/55, Fr. F. Matyśkiewicz F.Fr. 1954/55, and 1953/54 years the In The Statute of the Bishop de Mazenod Mission Circle Mission Mazenod de Bishop the of Statute The A f r e t

e h t S d n o c e W 11 After a short break, the Circle the break, short a After d l r o W Evangelizare pauperi Evangelizare r a Evangelii ------

Oblatio l 711 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 712 l Local Section – Obra than directly preparing to leave for the missions and missionary work. missionary and missions the for leave to preparing directly than mostly fact in was animation mission riod, newspapers; news trivial writing newspaper; holidays; the for especially missionaries, late include: would Circle the of ties missiology lectureson be reports,therewould these of the first meeting on September 27, 1959, it was announced that year.At school 1958/59 the of start the with again function to began appeared with articles on certain missions or missionaries. In addition, In missionaries. or missions certain on articles with appeared pers important activitywasalso organizing theannual“Mission Week.” the intentions of the missions and missionaries. Beginning in for the 1980s, an prayers evening or rosary a organized also they time, to time missionary prayer service every month for the entire community. From tion was and is at various missionlocations. working were who those and alumni, Oblate the missionaries, the with bridge a be to was writing this that assumed scholastics. They the by edited issues few very were There bulletin.) church a print ficially of to time that at possible not was it situation political the of (Because Ślad” “Mrówczy clerical the was scholasticate the in era new the of harbingers new the of One missionaries. becoming for themselves prepare directly could but them, to write or missions the for pray simply just not now scholastics could The year. academic 1983/84 the in activities its restarted In theSeminaryafter1970s mission intentions foreverymonthoftheacademicyear. own their wrote Circle Mission the of members why That’s munication with Rome. The Pope’s Mission Intentions were not known. com limited very had Poland in Church the times, Stalinist the During . From time to time, the seminary quarterly “Mozaika Obrzańska” “Mozaika quarterly seminary the time, to time From . The mission group also lead one of the The first level of operation for the mission groups and their anima officially Group, Mission the as known also Circle, Mission The pe this during missions the for leave to possible not was it Since gathering stamps prayer 12 publication which was being copied by a machine. a by copied being was which publication . In the scholasticate, the group began preparing a fortheneedsofmissions. writing letters with greetings with letters writing bu or ogeain o Catholic to Congregation our about scholasticate wall newspa centered on prayer on centered editing the “Znicz” wall “Znicz” the editing , and the activi the and ,

to Ob to instead rather ------dars duringvisitsinselectedparishes. of the scholastics in the distribution of the Oblate periodicals and calen involvement include scholasticate Obra the at animation missionary of and 90s) or even a film from the missions (in recent80s years).(the Newerslides forms using services prayer mission they and catechesis do parishes would neighboring in Sometimes issues. missionary on talks other with appropriatecommentaries. the liturgical newspaper always had the pope’s mission intentions along have also visited our seminary, including bishops and provincials look Apart from Polish missionaries, missionaries from many other countries sionaries specially preparedmovieroom nexttothemuseum. diverse more use we Today There was a time when slides were helpful in our mission presentations. general. in missions about and missions Oblate the about speak to sion the and scholasticate museum. One of the the scholastics guides each visit group. This is a that good occa groups many are there year Each on possibilities. recorded new us Today,gives tapes. Museum cassette Mission our were continents various on missions our presented that slides these to Commentaries archives. his in these of many had zyk The missiongroupparticipatesintheseactivities. “Misyjne Drogi” and retreats for leaders of the Friends of the Missions. for reporters the of gathering the hosts also Obra guests. the and aries this gathering, the scholastics from the mission group help the mission During May. of Sunday last the on place takes traditionally that cure Missions Oblate the of Friends were alsoorganized inObra. symposia Several events. these attend who group mission the of bers Góra for seminarians of mission groups in December. It is mostly mem and other places, or even to the vigils organized in Częstochowa – Jasna participate are the trips to In the 1980s, the group started to organize organizingthe in involved also is group mission The A certain type of mission animation in which the Oblate scholastics to go also would group mission the in scholastics the Sometimes Another activity of the Mission Group are the are Group Mission the of activity Another seminaries for mission animation mission for seminaries who visit the scholasticate during their vacation in Poland. in vacation their during scholasticate the visit who mission symposia mission films mission organized by the Oblate Mission Pro Mission Oblate the by organized . From time to time they gave they time to time From . , which can be watched in a in watched be can which , in Ląd, Pieniężno, Warszawa photo slides meetings with mis with meetings Gathering of Gathering ; Fr. Pluszc ------

Oblatio l 713 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 714 l Local Section – Obra missiology. There are several dozen such papers written and defended. and written papers missiology.such dozen several are There scholastics were also able to write their MA thesis papers in the field of the Rostkowski, Marek Fr. and Różanski Jaroslaw Fr. WojciechKluj, Fr.by then Pluszczyk, nacy Fr.Kurek, Antoni Ambroży Fr.Andrzejak, personal meeting,atacoffee breakwiththosewhoareinterested. more a in happens this sometimes and missiology on lectures of work frame the in place takes this Sometimes work. their about us tell they General of the Congregation. When missionaries visit our scholasticate, Superiors the as well as provinces, their for missionaries future for ing They hadanintroductoryyear tostudythePolishlanguage. ing some scholastics from Cameroun, Nigeria and Madagascar to Obra. in the Province, especially in the scholasticate, led to the initiative send emphasis mission new The candidates. of lot a quite has scholasticate our ours, like congregations other to comparison In candidates. their for locally organized was system formation the where Madagascar,same in the was It Province. Cameroun native the into directly entered work missionaries our where territories the and Cameroun from tiate novi the to Candidates international. were years some where astery, scholasticate became study.It to Obra in scholasticate the to came countries these from candidates the Turkmenistan, from later and sia, spirit inthescholasticate. mission the animate better to us allows work missionary know to got personally who priests formation and lecturers of examples loca The tions. mission at internships their spent who those of some Paweł are and Zając Jazgier Marek Latusek, Paweł Frs. missions. the in ships intern had Rome in them continued later and Poland in studies their started who scholastics some addition, In time. some for missions the Wojciech Kluj, Wojtczak and Sebastian Łuszczki also worked in Chmist, Jan Kurek, Antoni Frs. WWII. before Ceylon in worked who Fr.Pluszczyk, mention can we lecturers, post-war these sions. Among of the lecturers at our scholasticate had done their internships in the mis better view.some of addition, point In academic the to from missions the know field this in interested scholastics for possible it made This When Oblate vocations began to come from Ukraine and Belorus and Ukraine from come to began vocations Oblate When Thanks to the . 14

t a te ae t h nvtae t oy rs mon Cross Holy at novitiate the at same the was It missiology lectures after the war, first lead by Fr. Ig an international an 15

13 ------to places in Asia, Australia, Hong Kong, Pakistan and Thailand. An Thailand. and Pakistan Kong, Hong Australia, Asia, in places to and Mexico to Guatemala. recently most and Brazil Uruguay, to sent also were Oblates Polish this, After Argentina. and Paraguay,today’s in ince, lates were sent to Latin America, beginning with the Pilcomayo Prov the which work. “its” Madagascar, considers Province included we 1980 in then Cameroun; was first The missions. the to priests send to possibilities new were there In theProvince after1970 initiatives. It was only in 1983 that we received approval, and it was it and approval, received we that 1983 in only was It initiatives. such all blocked Unfortunately,censorship ta.” ever-presentSoviet the “Obla pre-war the of lines the in somewhat journal missionary Polish sionary trio. mis Oblate great uniquely a are they Province; our of awareness sion mis the developing and awakening in role great a played who Oblates three to referring by Poland in involvement missionary our represent catechesis delivered by various Oblates. We will therefore symbolically describe alltheProvince’s initiativesinsuchashorttext. necessary in light of Vatican Council II’s directives. It is not possible to activities mission contemporary our about ing support material and prayers of backup a ies who are now being sent more often, and so we have to start building presentation. this in this undertake not shall we space, limited to Due Polonia. the for work our on report thorough more a give also should WeRussia. in even lately and Belorussia, Ukraine, in undertaken has Province the to bediscussedindetail. deserves work of areas these Westernin of and Each Canada Sahara. forget about the Polish Oblates undertaking mission work in Northern Polish where Turkmenistan, faith. Wethe of foundations very cannotthe lay to trying in are Oblates mission our is initiative interesting When he was the Provincial, Fr. Alfons Kupka tried to start the start to tried Kupka Alfons Fr. Provincial, the was he When We are not able to count the great number of mission homilies and We can never forget about mission animation, about the missionar We cannot forget about the great work of New Evangelization that when 1970, after began Province our in era missionary new The 17 The Superior General then began to send Polish Oblates Oblates Polish send to began then General Superior The 16 In the mid-80s, the first Polish Ob Polish first the mid-80s, the In and to start to and . This was particularly was This . seriously think seriously ------

Oblatio l 715 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 716 l Local Section – Obra that promotedourmissions. books several of author the also Fr.was WalentyPoland. Zapłata help to Province German the Initially,of this. present a was publication this starting in involved particularly was Kupka Fr. and calendar, mission our distribute to began we aid, material with missions the support to order In support. material and spiritual necessary the with missionaries cure other promoted Oblate publications,suchasthefamous also Alfons Fr. copies. of number limited a for only known as “front-line” bishops, since none of them has finished special probably are they addition, In country. the of outside serve now until Poland from bishops Oblate the all that noting worth is It Poland. of at the beginning of 2013, we have five bishops who are working outside consecrated were who from Zmitrowicz, bishops Radosław and two Pyl Jacek the Ukraine, number this to add we If Francis. Pope by zil Kot who was made bishop of the Diocese of Ze-Doca in Maronho, Bra Jan Fr. 2014. in Bay,and Churchill-Hudson of Diocese the for Krótki (Tony)Wiesław Fr. was 2013 in XVI Benedict by nominated bishop of cese YokadoumaFr.was Cameroun in Jureczko. Eugeniusz last The Dio erected newly the of bishop the 1991, In bishops. missionary eral Contemporary Times Friends oftheMissions. “Misyjne Drogi” and many became involved in developing the work of for articles wrote Oblates Many texts. many edited and translated also years, many for Obra in professor later and Ceylon to missionary war under hissupervision. academic work that Fr.and Antoni himself wrote or those Drogi” that were written “Misyjne in articles to due was this and Congregations), other of missionaries the to comparison in least reports (at missions our about many relatively were There Academy. Theological Catholic the at reflections missiological developed and world academic the in and It is worth noticing that the Polish Province has already had sev had already has Province Polish the that noticing worth is It pre- the Pluszczyk, Ignacy Fr. alone. not were they course, Of involved was who Kurek, Fr.Antoni includes also trio great This Fr. Walenty Zapłata undertook the task of creating the Friends of the Missions the of Friends 18 for the double goal, of providing the providing of goal, double the for Inuk. Mission Pro - - - - - Jarosław Różański or the author of these words from UKSW (Stefan UKSW from words these of author the or Różański Jarosław and Benelux,asmilitarychaplainsduringthewar. France Canada, in both Polonia, the among Oblates Polish of work the about Wewrite Union. also Soviet could former the of countries in try include in this essay the missionary and evangelical spirit of the minis rary terminology is described as “new evangelization.” We could easily means thatourworkasOblatemissionariesisnoticedandvalued. ized studies, which is somewhat the rule for the universal Church. This Congregation. our of dimension missionary the about us remind continually cations va their during who missionaries the ambassadors, own very our tion men to have also would report thorough more a course, Of Province. brothers. and priests both of Congregation our to vocations new of form the in zation that describe our charism are also the sources of God’s blessings evangeli new and missions the to open are we that fact power,the but man more need always we course, Of vocations. in drop great a about Poland andoutsideofthecountry. of parts many in known well is who Bosek Mariusz Fr. with together Lis Fr.Marian by led is presently and Chrószcz Fr.Franciszek by ued also publishesamissionarycalendar. Province The publications. many boasts already it since journal, this Our Oblate missionary publications are developing somewhat “next to” has become the starting point for other popular Polish missionary press. and WrzosMarin Fr. by edited today is Kupka Fr.Alfons of direction always not are strictly academic. they if even others, many by publications and UAM University)/UKSW, Fr. Piotr Piasecki from UAM, Fr. Paweł Zając from publications by Fr. Prof. Leon Nieścior from UAM (Adam Mickiewicz and research some also are there WyszyńskiKardynał but University), The present article concentrates more on what is happening in our in happening is what on more concentrates article present The complain cannot we Congregations, other some to comparison In contin was Zapłata WalentyFr. by created Procure Mission The “Misyjne Drogi” which was created by our Oblate group under the Prof. Fr. only not are missiology in working Oblates Today, The work initiated by St. Eugene included all of what in contempo 19 ------

Oblatio l 717 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 718 l Local Section – Obra and throughresearchreport. serious a deserves period, latest this including Province, our of work confreres. So, there is no bibliography. A report on the entire missionary my of those and memories personal my on based research mainly was latów Maryi Niepokalanej tions] Ideas of the “Oblate of the funkcje Immaculata” Quarterly (1926-1939), its History and Func i historia jego (1926-1939), Niepokalanej” „Oblat Spiritual Works oftheServantGodBrother Antoni Kowalczyk] Kowalczyka Antoniego Brata Bożego Sługi duchowe Dzieje Canada] to Missionary OMI, Kowalczyk BrotherHands. Antoni without Blacksmith [A Kanadzie w misjonarz OMI, Kowalczyk n o t Rozkrzewiania Wiary”, (1853) North America) to the Members of the Central Councils in Lyon and Paris], Lyoniew nych JW.by [Letter Paryżu i central Rad Członków pp. do północnej) Ameryce (w Bonifacego ś. dyecezyi biskupa matki, z listu J. P. M. Taché, wikaryusza apostolskiego w krainie Zatoki Hudsońskiej do swojej Stowarzyszenia], tegoż księdza pewnego do Poczęcia Niepokalanego Pannie Najświętszej święconego H. 625-626; p. (1851) Wiary”, 1851, lata czasie w Poczęcia Niepokalanego Maryi Pannie 615-624; p. (1851) ry”, Bytownu biskupa najprzewielebniejszego do Poczęcia Niepokalanego Pannie Lawerloszer, Najświętszej ofiarowanego Ojca wielebnego List Dyrektorów pp. wiary,rozkrzewiania Dzieła do Poczęcia, Niepokalanego Maryi Pannie Najświętszej rowanego est number).Latertherewasacrisisinthemissionsandnumberofvocations. 1,527 Oblates; 5,692 Oblates in 1948, and in 1965 there were 7,605 Oblates (our high were there 1898 in increase); 750% a years, twenty (after 1861 in Oblates 415 sions); , Kowal Boży [God’s Smith] 4 3 2 1 text above the period, modern very a is century half last the Since , in: , W.(ed.), Różański J. & Kluj „Roczniki Rozkrzewiania „Roczniki Wiary”,(1852) We are not including the many articles and books dedicated to him: P.E.him: to dedicated books and articles many the including not Weare first our accepted we after (just Oblates 55 were there 1840 In There is already one good text: M. Cf. i.e. J. M. J. i.e. Cf. „Roczniki Rozkrzewiania Wiary”, (1852) L r e z s o l r e w a Odjazd Misyonarzy z kongregacyi ofiarowanych Najświętszej ofiarowanych kongregacyi z Misyonarzy Odjazd

[Ad Gentes Missions of the Congregation of Oblates of Mary „Roczniki Rozkrzewiania Wiary”, (1851) p. 613-614; p. (1851) Wiary”,Rozkrzewiania „Roczniki

, Toronto 1961; H. p. 304-307. F d u a r a , Wyjątek z listu wielebnego Ojca Lawerloszer,Ojca Wyjątekwielebnego ofia listu z Taché,(in Boniface St. of Diocese the of Bishop , Misje ad gentes Zgromadzeniagentes ad Misje Ob Misjonarzy List wielebnego Ojca Faraud misyonarza po misyonarza Faraud Ojca wielebnego List , Poznań 1997; L. 1997; Poznań , W s o z r ,

p. 113-131;p. A. Główne idee teologiczne miesięcznika L m e b k c e „Roczniki Rozkrzewiania Wia„Roczniki

, p. 22-27; A. Bezręki kowal. G

„Roczniki Rozkrzewiania „Roczniki [He Told Me to Go... Toldto [He Me

i k c a w o ł [email protected] Te an Theological Main [The Wojciech Kluj, T Warszawa, Poland h c a , Poznań1999. é , , Kazał mi iść … iść mi Kazał T List JW.List Taché, ad gentes ad h c a Brat Antoni „Roczniki é , Wyjątek mis B i m o The e r I d ------.

Peoples] polarnych lodów [sic!] śród misjonarki Tribes]Ceylon the [Among Cejlonu WithPeoples. Eskimos] and Indians the nanienses” 13(2003)p.141-157. Asia in Missions on Immaculate Mary of Missionaries is stillasourcethathasnotbeensufficientlyused. Immaculate”] the of “Oblate on Based Missions the Niepokalanej” kich Misjonarzy Oblatów Maryi Niepokalanej do pracy misyjnej na podstawie “Oblata Immaculate] Circles] Labyrinth of Circles] Studies] it requiresseriousresearchwork. However,1980s. the of beginning and 1970s the of end the at Province our and topics level. school high the at Obra in studying keep to TwoObra. had in classes scholasticate the classes from being drafted into the military by sending them to the novitiate and then to in Ukraine,Belorusia,France,andevenCameroun Turkmenistan. sending people to of the Polonia in cases Canada. In recent few times, scholastics do a their internship also were There 1986. in Canada in missions the to Stendzin Andrzej We couldusesomebetterreportsfrom“GuestObra.” Obra] in Immaculate Mary of Oblates w Niepokalanej Maryi Oblatów rzy Before WWII, thereweremore priestsordainedthaninthebestyearsof1990s. Canada. This was a total of 32 missionaries in 12 years. There was no lack of vocations. [!] Poznań 1932. Obrazki misyjne z kraju Basutosów go. published insectionsthe“OblateofImmaculata.” work). Yearsthe in 1948-1960] Obra in Seminary Fathers Oblate the 1948-1960 latach w Obrze, w Oblatów Ojców J. 42-45; p. 2, no. Misyjnego Koła Historia OO. OblatówwGórachSkalistychPółn. Ameryki, Missionary Expeditions in Southern in Africa] Expeditions Missionary 6 5 13 12 11 10 9 8 7

Propaganda, prasa i studia misjologiczne [Promotion, Press and Missiology and Press [Promotion, misjologiczne studia i prasa Propaganda, missiology on information of source interesting an be can Ślad” “Mrówczy three kept we 1953, in Lubliniec in Seminary Minor our closed they When and Pawel Andrasz deacons sent we when repeated was experiment Asimilar Cf. W. to 19 and Ceylon to Oblates 13 sent Province Polish the 1927-39, years the In J. P. Cf. W. , „Mozaika Obrzańska” (1989) no. 2, p. 39-41; M. , „Gość z Obry” (1950) p. 38-39; E. , Krobia 1931. The next publication, next The 1931. Krobia , D G s i o s s u a h c u d r a h t t o , Warsaw 2016, p. 181-219 and W. Piela’s MA thesis, P.

K K [Preparing Polish Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate to Work[Preparingto Immaculate Mary of Missionaries Oblate Polish in H j u l j u l t r e p m u , , N , Misjonarze Oblaci Maryi Niepokalanej na misjach w Azji [Oblate , „Gość z Obry” (1951) p. 54-56; S. Animacja misyjna w Wyższymw misyjna Misjona Animacja Duchownym Seminarium Okawango. Wyprawy misyjne w Afryce Południowej Afryce w misyjne Wyprawy Okawango. o t y s e i , Wśród lodów polarnych.

, [History of Mission Circles] Mission of [History Krwawy siew: dramat w 3 odsłonach z misyj [!] indjańskich , zaanś Kł Msjeo eiaim Duchownego Seminarium Misyjnego Koła Działalność

[Missionary Pictures from the Land of the Basutos] , Krobia 1931; P.1931; Krobia , Obrze , „Mozaika Obrzańska” (2003) vol.1, p. 43-46. p. vol.1, (2003) Obrzańska” „Mozaika , , Krobia 1931; P.1931; Krobia ,

[Heros. Missionary Sisters among the Polar the among Sisters Missionary [Heros. [Mission Animation in the Seminary of the of Seminary the in Animation [Mission D y White Epic White

[The Activities of the Mission Circlein Mission the of Activities [The b , Poznań 1931 and J. and 1931 Poznań , k e U Indian i Eskimosów , W labiryncie kółek i kółeczek [The , Obra 1999. Obra Yet, this that seems it Krobia. D , „Mozaika Obrzańska” (1989) Obrzańska” „Mozaika , s i o s s u a h c u „nae Msilgc Pos Missiologici „Annales , K D , was planned and ultimately and planned was , L u s i o s s u a h c u i k s ń y ż e i g e b ś i , , Obra 1985 (MA1985 thesis Obra , Koło Misyjne [Mission Przygotowanie pols , Bohaterki. Siostry Bohaterki. R i W. , e m m o W płomieniach W

[Among Polar R

r [Okawan i k s w o k t u i k s r n e h c - - - - , , ,

Oblatio l 719 l Wojciech Kluj Oblatio l 720 l Local Section – Obra dziś [TheGospelin Africa Yesterday andToday] OMI, UKSW Professor] UKSW prof. OMI, Kurka France andBenelux. sections oftheMotherProvince. Seminary andthenovitiatewhereofcoursetheseissuesweregivenlotsattention. the superiorofscholasticate. Mary Immaculate] Niepokalanej Maryi Oblatów 19 18 17 16 15 14 Cf. also Cf. W. Cf. F.Cf. of Vice-Province “Polish” the from came he and Chile, in worked Perek Fr. In accord with the Congregation’s practices, “entrusting” this work to particular Minor the at animation spirituality and awareness mission the ignore Let’s is who Oblate Polish a had also the Province that Australian noting worth is It J a b i k s ń o ł , Warsaw 2016. K j u l , in: J. , J. , , J. ,

[The Biography and Academic Work of Prof. Antoni Kurka Antoni Prof. Workof Academic and Biography [The R R i k s ń a ż ó i k s ń a ż ó

[Ad Gentes Missions of the Congregation of Oblates of Oblates of Congregation the of Missions Gentes [Ad R i k s ń a ż ó , (ed.), Życiorys i dorobek naukowy dra hab. Antoniego hab. dra dorobeknaukowy i Życiorys , P. S Misje Zgromadzeniagentes Ad Misjonarzy e p p u z , Warsaw 2003, (ed.), Ewangelia w Afryce wczoraj i

p. 179-193. T Church and for the entire nation. It was a time that brought a special a brought that time a was It nation. entire the for and Church charism in Ukraine, because it was a particularly important time for the lating thebook Russia. Fr. Jacek Pyl, presently a bishop, was learning Russian by trans of conversion the for group prayer the to belonged Obra in when who Ukraine. of Pyl, J. included people These W.Mejka, others and Rak A. territory the in work to desired and East the for love with burned Obra Formation Seminary of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Mercy to sow vocations in some young hearts, who here in the Priestly and evenchildren. the call of hundreds of thousands of repressed elderly, men and women, was it Maybe system. communist the of victims were who martyrs of years of totalitarian regime. Maybe it was the intercession of thousands the by out worn East, the in people poor the from God to prayers ing unend the was it Maybe times. difficult generally and uprisings, war, a was There wagon? driven horse a on Ukraine central reached have could he how ask and him about think I another, to house Oblate one from there kilometers of hundreds the drive I time Every Żytomierz. and Kijów the to bring God to of first 1930’sWord the the was in who It might be the intercession of our martyr Fr. Ludwik Wrodarczyk OMI, missionaries work? The Lord chose the most appropriate time for sowing the Oblate the sowing for time appropriate most the chose Lord The His in God caused that reasons the of some probably were These There are several probable reasons and we can name many of them. THE OBLATE’S CHARISM of the Oblate family tree among other countries where Oblate where countries other among tree family Oblate the of way. Why did God want also Ukraine to be included on the map particular a in history our throughout worked has God Lord he Quo vadis P ł e v a . IN UKRANE W i k s w o k z s y AND OUREXPERIENCS , i m o

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Oblatio l 721 l Paweł Wyszkowski Oblatio l 722 l Local Section – Obra a relatively high degree of interest on the part of youth and children, and youth of part the on interest of degree high relatively a ined churches and trying to get permits to build new shrines. There was the Church. In the beginning, there was great enthusiasm: retrieving ru to closer come to began people persecutions, and oppression of years of religion. many for breath After light green a was situation a new This freedom. meant this Ukraine, for and The began, apart. period break “Perestroika” to began slowly Union Soviet the 1989, of tember called is language “kairos,” meaningatimeofsuccess,grace. Biblical in which season, or time right the grace: immediately officially registered in Gniewań. At that time, new Oblates When ruins. the Ukraine obtained left its independence yet in 1991, our not first religious have house was we work, construction constant to due ruins; the in Oblates and valleys the in Cistercians mountains, the on Benedictines Poland: for model the is proverb This bearings. producing ball for factory a into transformed been had church the where Gniewań, in parish Joseph’s St. to drive to began they ever, time first Fr.was pastor the where Bar), from the for there, From Hucał. Mikołaj their ministry as a community for St. Alexis Parish in Żmerynka (50km Poland.” from priests were we out; us kick to going were authorities communist the if sure never were we because mission, the for possible as much as do to tried I day, Every “... period: that from memories his are These Diocese.) the Odessa-Symferopol presently of is Bishop (He Auxiliary Provincial sent Fr. Jacek Pyl obligations. That’smissionary the other why had he because Poland to return to had he Christmas after but Ukraine, in arrive to first the was Fr.1989, Bar.Borodziej 29, in Krzysztof September ministries On Kuc Józef Fr. see to University, that at working was who Mary, of Oblates the of Province Polish the Szmydki Fr.Ryszard by sent was He Lublin. of University Catholicthe to driving educationby his continued also who from Bar in Podol (recently the Bishop of Odessa-Symferopol Diocese), present here. not were achievements technical and styles western time that at since After Fr. Borodziej returned to Ukraine in 1990, two Oblates began Fr.of Bernacki request Bronisław the Canon at started Everything Sep in Ukraine in work to began missionaries Oblate the When i m o to Bar to replace him for four months. i m o to obtain personnel for pastoral for personnel obtain to i m o , the Provincial of Provincial the i m o - -

the beginning, they were witnesses of the exodus of our nation from the entrusted to them in the womb of the Catholic Church in Ukraine. From people the with together developed have they and increased, has lates holiness of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine. The number of Ob the from may fruits many it bear to that ripen and so flowers numerous with persecution, bloom to due years the over collected treasure Tywrów andrecentlyinRussiaaswell (inPiatigorsk)andinLwów. Róg, Krzywy Eupatoria, Sławutycz, Połtawa, Obuchów, Czernihów, Kijów, in houses: religious and parishes new open to arrive, to began hospitals and prisons, preachingmission sermonsandleadingretreats. Kijów,in Media of Centers in parishes, in children, with streets, the on in work Oblates why is That Church. local the of needs pressing most the to respond to order in hope,” for out cries situation “whose people abandoned and poor people who are deprived of Christ and to the go Truth, to to order in assignments, and places difficult most the in Church the Dnieper river. Such is the charism of of our Congregation, to serve the east the to parishes mostly were These up. show to crowds expect not could we beginning, the at anew,and started be to had everything where parishes accepted WeGniewań. in as such churches, lapidated di very and old rebuild to had we where or building, church no was there where parishes in worked have Ukraine in Oblates the ginning, be very the from and missions difficult for specialists are Oblates the desire toworkamongthepoorestandrejected. tions in Ukraine included the pressing needs of the local Church and the fullness ofhumanlifethatextendstoeveryone. the incorporated which activity, multifaceted a community, Christian the of ministry a really was Church the in ministry This Providence. Divine of hand the God, of finger the see can we events these of each In Ukraine. in people the to Church the of service generous the from fruits many reap also we generosity,but and work much through sible restore shrinesandbuildnewchapelsreligioushouses. monasteries, instituting new parishes. To this day, work is being done to and churches ruined rebuilt They faith. of lack and atheism of slavery Why has God blessed us so in Ukraine? Pope Pius XI said that said XI Pius Pope Ukraine? in so us blessed God has Why loca certain accepting for summary,reason In the that say can we pos made been have which events, these at wonder I today Even spiritual the to more even contributed have years 25 last These - - - - -

Oblatio l 723 l Paweł Wyszkowski Oblatio l 724 l Local Section – Obra for Oblates and help them with material needs. From the very begin very the From needs. material with them help and Oblates for prayers daily their offer people these and support, spiritual great vided pro Oblates Missionary the of Friends the and faithful the of prayers The works. Oblate our of development the in us our helped Congregation and Church The will. good of people through and Congregation our of superiors the through bishops, open and generous very through needs, personnel. our of Yetall help with us helped Providence Divine the need we function, to ministries pastoral for order in and help, rial mate of lots need we something, build to order in because failure, of we thankyouandasktoalwaysrememberus. So, indispensable. is Procure, Mission the of help the particularly help, Poland’s Ukraine. of land the in charism the of seeds the sowed who Oblates ofMaryImmaculateinUkrainedevelopedthisway: lates. They arealwaysoncall. intentions ofourworkinUkraine. ning, every Oblate daily recites one mystery of the Holy Rosary for the We wish to thank the Polish Province, because she was the Mother 4. The poor. 3. Work in the media; 2. Missionsandretreats(presentlyOurLadyofFatima); 1. Rebuildingchurchesandstartingparishes; Missionary the of charism the that that say can we summary In Ob the on call always to cease not does Ukraine in Church The danger in is working of method a such that say might Someone [email protected] Paweł Wyszkowski, Obukhiv, Ukraine i m o - - - - I mission work. We reached out to our peers, which is NINEVEH’s main evangelizing for opportunities of lots were there and evangelizing, bar and street did presentations, theater prepared We it. attending people community.the 100 in almost involved had get group to youth me Our for just not foundation good a is this believe I given. was I signments spontaneity,enthusiasm, visible very the was as practical very the and day. IamverygratefultoHimforthistoday. to have I assignments the in role present my for me prepared and me led really God Lord the how see can I Oblates. the with involved been have I community.then, Nineveh Since the to me invited 2006 in who several Christian bands. At one of them, “Tea”, I met Wojtek Zakowicz, tor the for workers leading the currently are (they Józefów in our through” “stumbled parish I Church. the in place better a for search to began I and piety traditional with satisfied longer no was I college, to and later on I attended a Catholic secondary school. Later, when I went camps, summer Catholic to go to used I when childhood, since Church 2 months old. I come from a Catholic family and have been close to the am living in Lubliniec with my wife Beata and our son Anthony who is magazine) and other prayer groups. I played the guitar and started and guitar the played I groups. prayer other and magazine) The main “magnet” that attracted me to the Oblate environment Oblate the to me attracted that “magnet” main The Zieliński, I am 29 years old and come from Katowice. Presently I Presently Katowice. from come and old years 29 am I Zieliński, Krzysztof is name My Mazenod. de Eugene St. of charism the to according living person lay a as testimony my give to asked was MY Light and Life Group Life and Light “GET OBLATE CHARISM UP AND GO C K y t i n u m m o r f o t z s y z , student ministries, the Prayer Diaconate Prayer the ministries, student , T O NINEVEH”-LIVIG A Z AS i t c i k s ń i l e i A v LAY s e i t i PERSON Sunday VisiSunday THE - - -

Oblatio l 725 l Krzysztof Zieliński Oblatio l 726 l Local Section – Obra Fr. Tomasz Maniura TomaszFr. here. together grow could we and place our nity.was this felt us of All commu the in deal big a be to seem not did these but limitations, and problems own my have I know I and Eugene, St. like families, broken cording totheidealsofFoundingFather. ac life of way unique a was together being just that see I why is that details, into going Without Aix. in YouthGroup the to is community our similar how out point to like would I formation.... underwent and goal, but we also prayed regularly, reflected on important matters to us, bilities. The multifaceted tasks of a lay person were deep water for me, responsi priestly their on concentrate better to superiors my allowed that solution practical very a was it time same the at but open-minded, and brave be to had Fathers the that meant also It studies. of time my of end the at beneficial really be to out co-worker.turned lay This a as me employ to offered OMI Fr.TomaszMadejski and Bartosz Maniura and more involved with volunteering for this initiative. At one point, Fr. more became I and time, that at began Center NINEVEH’sFormation general. CanweworkandearnalivingintheChurch? How? in Church the in but context Oblate the in only not phenomenon new very a still was this them. time, to that more At even me attracted This people like myself – lay people involved for life in the Oblate charism. more are there that saw I Pozuelo. in Congress Family Oblate the of meetings their of one during time same the at and life of way their to attracted was I brothers. of community this at look a take to good was It meetings. in participate and houses Oblate the visit to opportunities next saints. There werelotsofopportunities andwaystodothis. and Christians, then people, good became we all of first that so expressed by our Founder in the Preface to the Constitutions and Rules, thoughts the with accord in journey this took Weprogram. formation Together we walked the path “from to Eugene”, the motto of our Eugene. St. of ideas evangelizing the of application involve practical and ment his with role-model priest and person important an became So, that’s how I began to work for NINEVEH’s youth ministries. NINEVEH’syouth for work to began I that’show So, I also got to take a closer look at the Oblates. Over time, I had more in living sometimes lost, were who us among people were There i m o W was our group leader, and over the years he years the over and leader, group our was o r g n i k

o f r N h e v e n i - - - - create what today, after 10 years, is called the Nineveh Oblate YouthOblate Nineveh the called is years, 10 after today, what create to began Westructured. be to beginning just was work and new, was ward confidentlysinceIwasgivenalotofresponsibilities. for moved I satisfied. really was I and me for thing noble very a was co-worker of an Oblate co-worker, if you understand what I mean. This a became way,I own my In Jesus. with cooperating was I since gene, Eu St. like bit a felt I side, spiritual the On college. in studied and in interested was I what is this since lucky was I things. such other and webmastering design, graphic organization, work, editorial including only when I got married that this took on a new dimension. While St. While dimension. new a on took this that married got I when only was it NINEVEH, in formation my to due challenges on take should I felt I bachelor a as though Even marriage undertaken. recently to just have vocation I that life my of context the in particularly question we giveJesusthefirstplaceineverything. Is this appropriate for a bishop? This is not an important question when raining. was it when people young with rides bike like times), our (for “crazy” were that Eugene St. by used methods unusual the about ing think am I and this, in important very is Oblates the of generosity and openness The conventions. break you if even understanding, also but the same time, you have to be strict and demanding with young people, At lives. their into joy bring and humorous enthusiastic, authentic, be to have you youth, with work you When everything.” on take and age building this Oblate center and youth ministry: “You have to have cour about caring forothersinhisletterstoOblatesthemissions. wrote he when felt certainly Eugene St. which demanding, be time same the way,at gentle but a in co-workers other of activities the of a group of four lay people. This was a new challenge. I have to direct director the became I and employee an being from changed vironment of what our Founder and Fr. Tempier did in his days. Later, my work en me reminds and infrastructure entire the supports work youth. This the professional internet page and other helpful resources for working with Ministry, which is a secular association, having a company status with a Does Jesus have the first place in my life? I try to ask myself this myself ask to try I life? my in place first the have Jesus Does our to applies sayings Founder’s our of one years, these During everything enthusiastic, very were work my of moments first The N e n i v h e

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Oblatio l 727 l Krzysztof Zieliński Oblatio l 728 l Local Section – Obra start this group locally in Lubliniec? Will we also be able to to do able this with less be will we Maybe in. involved was I that Katowice from group NINEVEH the Adult miss also center.I youth our and Kokotek to closer live to wanting certainly most was them of one but so, doing ple our move from Katowice to Lubliniec. There were many reasons for ently, thisincludes “thefourofus.” Pres basis. daily a on Jesus with together trio” a “in love marital our experience to learning are turn in we Jesus, followed who apostles of community the of example the after Congregation his founded Eugene career playingforthisteam.” my finish to like “I’d say laity,can the I of context the in Missionaries Oblate the about think I when team, their for loyalty their expressing so since I am also happy. In quoting what soccer players often say when ranged all this very well, and I did not particularly disturb him in doing ar God how see can I back, Looking home. family the around chores and things everyday normal doing also am I but meaningful, and tant work with the Oblates and the awareness that what I am doing is impor my with only not satisfied am I myself. of care take not would I ation, since I know that I am very lazy, and if I were living in a different situ path demands that I also work on my spiritual life, and this is very good, and motivated. courageous more bit little a feel I Founder, tireless and unshaken our at Looking me. around people the and God to family, my to time my and myself giving – challenge current my probably is This time? free I certainly cannot complain about being bored in life. My present My life. in bored being about complain cannot certainly I exam for decisions, concrete by accompanied is experience This [email protected] Krzysztof Zieliński Kokotek, Poland - - - - - T ism of the Founder and the charism of the Congregation. St. Eugene St. Congregation. the of charism the and Founder the of ism Christ and the Holy Spirit motivated him, so we can talk about the char tized in the Holy Spirit who inspired him to establish the Oblates. Jesus bap being gradually mission, Congregation’s the of future the ensure conversion. tion, we cannot speak of true formation without the daily experience of this is fully justified in the case of ongoing formation, and in first forma expressions interchangeably: formation and conversion. As we can see, two the use to try even we sometimes and conversion, about recently gregation and the last General Chapter, it seems that more is being said formation centerswithdesignatedpriestswhominister intheseplaces. have also we where Ukraine, mention also to Weought scholasticate. and novitiate a houses, formation have we where Madagascar, sions, mis the to open more are who those for to and Monastery, Obra, Cross to Holy thoughts our direct Province Polish our in house mation somewhere andleadstosomedesignatedgoal. tion, given, was to formulate postulates about the near and distant future. Yet the topic I great event? For St. Eugene, it was obvious that only well formed Oblates could Con our of jubilee 200-year upcoming the of perspective the In for and sons, spiritual ministers, formation formation, words The try nor conclusions main the collect to asked not was I However,

is considered by most of us to mean a certain process that begins that process certain a mean to us of most by considered is OBLATE CHARISM:BETWEEN and ask ourselves: What next? What will be the fruits of this of fruits the be will What next? What ourselves: ask and reflection certain a make to us lead also but participants active he last day of the International Congress will not only tire out its Oblate Charism: Between the First and Permanent Forma Permanent and First the Between Charism: Oblate PERMANENT J f e z ó W o ł s i c FORMATION , i m o THE FIRS

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Oblatio l 729 l Józef Wcisło Oblatio l 730 l Local Section – Obra gation of the Missionary Oblates, we need to be aware that there is such talking about the charism of St. Eugene and the charism of the Congre the world which, before long, was to bow to his holy rule” conquer to teaching, his in schooled been had they once forth, sent he men These Spirit. his with them filled he piety,and in trained himself he whom disciples and apostles of number a chose He world? the vert con to undertook he when proceed Christ Jesus Lord our did indeed, of community Apostles. InthePrefacetoConstitutions and Rulesweread:“How,His gave: he example the and Christ Jesus is Oblates was aware that the first and most important formation minister of future in responsetonewdemands.” change to and learn to readiness a and Gospel the to conversion newed ever-re an in us involves Formation be. to called are we persons the into develop and are we as ourselves accept to us enables It lifetime. a tion is a process which aims at the integral growth of a person and lasts “Forma 47: Constitution of text the in reflected earlier,mentioned is I Kingdom ofGod. and 3. He completely dedicates himself to service in the Church and the way,faithful and creative continually a in Christ Jesus to self of giving three traits: 1. He is inspired by Mary’s example; 2. He experiences his following the and charism mission characteristic a possessing Oblate God’sand Church the serving while Kingdom”. an is apostle ideal The Christ, Jesus to commitment personal our in fidelity ongoing and tive crea in live Mary,we of example the by Inspired charism. Oblate the living of capable man, apostolic an become us of each that is process formation the of goal “The way: following the in this states 46 tution leading him to the happiest possible contact with Jesus Christ” formation will help a candidate in properly discerning his vocation and Oblate’s“An that: us reminds Rules, and Constitutions the to mentary tion 45 and ending with Constitution 70. Fr. Fernand Jette, in his Com characteristics. specific own its has it ways of number a in and formation, priestly and religious understood generally the with coincides it respects many in and formation, of kind specific a is This formation. Oblate as thing a Awareness that formation is a continuous process of conversion, as Our Constitutions and Rules address this, beginning with Constitu . Since we are . Consti ------for progress and paying attention to what is happening within us, the us, within happening is what to attention paying and progress for desire the things, seeing clearly implies progress This vocation. our to and the desire to fully become an Oblate, living as we should according yourself know to get better to as so yourself accepting peacefully sues: is two to relates Progress Progress. 2. end. very the until adapting and part our on effort openness, require will and lifetime a lasts that path a is It anniversaries. priesthood subsequent with or ordination, or vows perpetual with end not does It growth. continuous means It lifetime. a lasts Formation Duration. 1. Constitution: this in found points main phere oftrust andfreedom. atmos an in done course of all encouragement, and support mutual is evangelization mutual of process communities. The in live we because congregation our choose candidates laity.Most the and clergy the ers: work evangelical other by perceived well us makes often very and us defines that feature a is This formation. Oblate determines life munity and take part in the process of mutual evangelization. In this way, com out other each help to Werest. have and work prayer, of spirit munity This does not just mean living and being together, but it includes a com apostolic. is community The this and formation, of issues. place the is community following the to attention pay to ought we commitment”. Constitution, deeper ever an to other each call we which in trust mutual and freedom of atmosphere an create Together,we way. empowering and healing a in another one supporting evangelization, mutual of process a community.in apostolic involved Wean all of are a means constant willingnesstolearnandpossiblychange. Openness needs. new to responding for necessary is which tion understood in this way helps Oblates living the Gospel to be open, 4. existence. Availability.his for inspiration and Finally,model forma a is himself, Christ Jesus is which book, This it. by confronted be and Gospel the to refer will Oblate an life, his Throughout Gospel. the to turn to the Gospel. Formation involves a process of constant conversion process. director.Wespiritual and confessor a of 3. help the need Are perfection. achieve to will persevering our and God from comes that call interior Constitution 48 states: “Oblate formation takes place in the context this in self-esteem own your and yourself trust to enough not is It Father Fernand Jette stresses that we must pay attention to the four

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Oblatio l 731 l Józef Wcisło Oblatio l 732 l Local Section – Obra agent of their own development, an important thing is that each Oblate each that is thing important an development, own their of agent communities. Furthermore, since each individual person is the principal ongoing and formation depends on the first cooperation of all, both of individuals and entire process the in maturation that and discernment, effectivenessof the of us reminds However,49 level. Constitution cial provin the at task special this with entrusted been have who persons whole the for responsible process for the entire Congregation, is along with the provincial and General other Father that mind in keep we must formation, of process the in present charism Oblate the meaning o ul a oml eainhp ih o ad te pol.Atr all, all where places After not are scholasticate, the people. more even and novitiate, the other and God with relationship normal a build to enslavement tional of kinds all families, pathological and broken from coming them of problem the includes This weaker. getting are candidates that fact the of aware Weare novitiate. the into not or acceptance possible and evaluation an including months, several for process discernment undergo the would candidates where postulate, a create to and novitiate period ofoneyear. a during days few a for months three every once meet to them for sible candidates are preparing for final secondary school exams. It is not pos not always possible at the vocations retreat stage. The so-called serious is This this? do we can How novitiate. the begin they before even tion urgentcongrega our entering candidates preparationof better for need tion houses have a canonical visitation each year. Of course, there is an These structures are under the care or control of the Provincial. Forma Council. his and General Father of approval the need they sometimes and council, Provincial the ministry,by their nominated in being serve who people designated have sections these All brothers. for juniorate and scholasticate novitiate, the weeks), (2 pre-novitiate the secretariat, vocations the structures: clear.certain and are bright There quite looks al in our province. Of course, at the stage of first formation, the situation achieve. But now I would like to concentrate on how we realize this ide of theHolySpirit. at all stages of his life be ready to respond generously to the inspirations hrfr, t em ta a etr ouin s o xed h pre- the extend to is solution better a that seems it Therefore, Of course, all that has been said is an ideal which we must strive to formation, of model Oblate the to related issues the up Summing and injuries that cause a young person to be unable be to person young a cause that emo ------of noble birth. standards, worldly to cording brothers: calling, your “Consider us: to apply 31 1:26, Corinthians 1 in Paul St. of words the today maybe that thought I Father.Recently our is God founda that discover we where tion the week, first so-called the especially retreats, Ignatian the for the so-called candidates without problems. Helpful in formation are suitable more is and dynamics own its has formation seminary of ess proc The council. provincial last the at this about Wetalked narians. semi of number large the despite is This healed. be can things these ministers, but in selecting new personnel, we will need to care for better formation already are who those to ministries other assign to difficult is It is. it as situation the leaving for are Obra in professors and staff formation the of most but up, brought was topic This staff. formation the from lecturers separate cannot we Obra, in community,that think I ministers. Keeping in mind that we are formed as a community and in a formation ministers. This means the formation of the current formation for school a Weneed ministers. formation future of preparation better the for need the raises This it? do to is psychotherapy.Who of need ten also they but formation, human simply only and not spiritual need intellectual, who candidates get often very We them. facing tasks ourselves about the proper preparation of formation ask ministers for undertaking the should we However, ideal. to close are conditions rial mate The formation. spiritual and human intellectual, for place a is It priesthood. and diaconate the vows, perpetual for preparation mediate tion. renova and construction increased of periods certain as well as ages, place for the novitiate. There is a very busy tourist season with pilgrim the Lord.” These weakpersonstodayareourcandidates. and us to became who God. of presence the in to even world, the in despised and low is what chose wise; bring to nothing things that are, that things nothing to bring redemption, Obra. This is the place of formation after the novitiate, with im with novitiate, the after formation of place the is This Obra. best the is Monastery Cross Holy whether question also can We God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; the shame to world the in weak is what chose God But so that, as it is written, wisdom from God, from wisdom God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the And because of him of because And not many were powerful, not many were many not powerful, were many not so that no human being human no that not many of you were wise ac wise were you of many not righteousness and righteousness Let the one who boasts, boast in you are in Christ Jesus, Christ in are you things that are not, are that things sanctification might boast might God ------

Oblatio l 733 l Józef Wcisło Oblatio l 734 l Local Section – Obra things aregoingwell. studies, some also and life community prayer, for time have also but work just not and clerics accompany brothers the If improvement. for preparing them. The juniorate for brothers in Obra also has lots of room [email protected] Józef Wcisło, Obra, Poland i m o the sameforallages.”(Heb 13:8). Jesus today...and “yesterday happiness. pain: feels man man’swhere place the in stays for Christ recipes various at laugh we and fall, ers He isthekeytoallofman’s problems the veryend.”(Jn13:2) proclaim: “The Kingdom of God is near….” we We Spirit, preach Christ, who “Loved us to Holy the of power the in and name his In earth. ( Christ Jesus “G “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me,” said me,” to given been has earth on and heaven in authority “All Before our very eyes, ideologies are compromised, imperial pow imperial compromised, are ideologies eyes, very our Before PROPHETS OF o , e h t r o f e Mt r 28, 18). Then he sent his Apostles to the ends of the of ends the to Apostles his sent he Then 18). 28, e In You, manreturns from the“foreign land”(Lk15), Your cross andresurrection restore ourcommunion. , M e k a JESUCHRIST OF A D e z r d n “Lover ofmankind”-


e d a f o and becomes“anewcreation.” you renew thefaceofhumanity. A The hopeofthehumanfamily! j , INEVERY l l i m o “The LandoftheLiving,” N s n o i t a Brother ofeveryman, Czelowiekoljubcze ...” ( Savior ofsinners, CORNER Mt 28:19)

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Oblatio l 735 l Andrzej Madej Oblatio l 736 l Local Section – Obra Norwid, since this idea went beyond the Vistula and Tiber rivers. It was Pope JohnPaulII. that was most often cited by the Archbishop of Cracow, Karol Wojtyła, statements Council’s the of one is This man. to mankind reveals time same the at mankind, to God Lord the revealing by man, true and God ogy. In the Second Vatican Council documents, we read that Jesus, true anthropol integral of lack the is pains” of “pain The things. important overlooks he life, of meaning the loses he himself, about truth the of world.”) I understand these words by one of the most widely read Rus The Brothers Karamazov in wrote who Dostojewski, Fiodor of language the in Christ preaching rection gives man his beauty once again. For over 20 years, I have been of divinity”,andatthesame time,thefullnessofhumanity. the most humane person,” said Bernard Bro anthropogenic. No one can humanize us like Jesus Christ does. “God is of God in us who are weak, blinded and darkened by sin. Christianity is Face the renewing us, enlivens Redeemer our Christ people”! living of place “the living,” the of land “the Christ: called prophetically Fathers Church The us. into Spirit Holy the breath and heart new a us give to order in man... new a anew,into created made reborn, be could person humanity.our belittles it us, humanizes every that so man became God his grace, is simply inhumane! Sin causes us to lose our humanity, it de has not yet been transformed by Christ, what has not been sanctified by that us in is whatever Let’stheology: of devoid anthropology with part WacławHryniewicz Kung, Hans (Fr. humane is Christian made be a man. This is a great illusion! People forget that only what has been to enough simply is it says he holy; be to want not does he illusion, an The more ofGodwehaveinus,themore humanweare The fullestanthropologyistheologicalanthropology!) man. about truth full the man to reveals and men, of hearts the in den Council called forth in the 20th century. Jesus Christ knows what is hid the of work the in Catholics Slavic of contribution important most the Redemption is the new creation. Christ, though his death and resur is. he humane more the is, man a holier The (Nota bene: It is worth following the road taken by Kamil When man forgets who he is, when he turns away from the fullness : “Krasota spasjot mir.” (“Beauty will save the p o . In Christ is “the fullness Today, man lives in lives Today,man i m o ). - - - - - before himafterthescourging atthepillar:“Hereisman!” ity. might shine again in all people, who through sin, belittled their human one of us, he became man, he died and resurrected so that man’s beauty beauty, justlike onthedayofcreation,whenmanhadnotyetsinned. with beams person redeemed The sin. by lost was that beauty the back man gave he time, same the At holiness. with him filled and sin from sian authors as follows: Christ gave man a new birth, since he freed man also have the grace of seeing Jesus in the faces of poor people. They people. poor of faces the in Jesus seeing of grace the have also sons, spiritual his we, ago, years 200 Marseille of Bishop the vence, ecration ofholinessandmoral destabilization. spiritual the collapse of people, often destabilizing their world of most values, the des is it collapse; anthropological of kind a in results ism what happens to man when he tries to build his life without God. Athe witness Empire Soviet former the of territories the in Church the ing souls, the broken humanity. The Oblates who have the grace of rebuild wounded the devastated, the of ashes and mold ruins, the to go we ers, broth our and Eugene St. of example the Following “cultural.” called was that 1968 in revolution the after or Revolution, October the after Revolution, French the after happened this whether important not is It people. in humanity of beauty the uncover and restore to called are we Founder,our of model the them. According from away taken been has wounded bysin. humanity man’s rebuilds who One the as shines Christ Jesus dignity, mind yourself who you really are. Today, when many forget about their man: of witness the became he God, of witness greatest the God, of Son Humanity,the of prophet great a became crucified the come, to ages For him! with tify iden to able be to man for order in unrecognizable someone became By the power of the charism given to the priest from Aix en Pro en from Aix priest the to given charism the of power the By humanity whose those to going poor, the for missionaries Weare The Savior had to accept such great suffering, and because of it, he Governor Pilate also said prophetic words when Christ was brought became He man! of Savior the Him, in shines fully most Beauty O b s e t a l

f o M Ecce homo Ecce a r y I e t a l u c a m m ! Man, keep in mind who you are. Re are. you who mind in keep Man, ! -C h r t s i ’ s C o w o r e k r s ------

Oblatio l 737 l Andrzej Madej Oblatio l 738 l Local Section – Obra that webringtothepoor, andinthisway, werevealChrist’s victory. special way:“Thykingdomcome!” human family(St.JohnXXXIII). whose borders, in the heart of God, coincide with the boundaries of the by a“creativecharity.” (St.JohnPaulII) need us, and we are blessed through them. The merciful will be blessed memories of Easter remained. On that day in the city,the in day that On remained. many Easter were of there memories West.the Only in life a make to able wasn’t He Russia. from stranger a was man poor bruised and dirty this that learned I me. approaching voice yelledinmydirection: On Holy Saturday, not far from the Catholic church, someone in a loud “M Woistinno voskres! - I said, extending my hand toward the man the toward hand my extending said, I - voskres! Woistinno Christos voskres! Christos voskres! Osnabruck. in VigilEaster an to invited was I ago, years Several Mary. you fulfilledthehopeofChurch, the mostbeautifulofallwomen, Full ofgrace, Hail, Prophetess oftheDaythatwillneverseesunset, herald ofthefinalvictory. the remnantsofdarknessfleefromunderyourfeet, Morning star, Daughter ofLight You werethefirsttobeilluminatedbylightofResurrected, Daughter ofLight, Mary fulfillsanirreplaceableroleinthiswork. As Oblates of Mary Immaculate, we are at the service of the Gospel a in out cry world the of corner every in meet we who poor The The Holy Spirit makes us into a free gift for the poor, in the Church The poorinaspecialwayaretheheirsofJesusChrist. y r a

e r p f s e r u g i G T o w d o W ’ s

f s s e n t i l a n i

v A y r o t c i s t n u o c c

o v r e

l l a

e v l i ” ( c 10) said onlyonething: and camera the into smiled She congress. the of experience her share tion ofChrist,onlythathobo,aragamuffin, Resurrec the announced else one No people. rich and honest cultured, 2 1 Who elsebuttheHolySpiritcangiveapersonsuchwords? “Christ isthefutureof World.” to reporter a by asked was who girl a to next walking were We The EucharisticCongress,QuebecCity, 2008. That’s howOrthodoxliteraturecalledJesusChrist. The GreekwordsunderthePantocratormosaicinIstanbul. [email protected] bradiaga Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Andrzej Madej, . i m o -

Oblatio l 739 l Andrzej Madej

W Oblates. Second, my goal is not to point out precisely the “new hori “new the precisely out point to not is goal my Second, Oblates. present the points of our Oblate identity that are important for us young Wednesday.on Piasecki Piotr Fr. like Oblates this, many done already since have charism, Oblate the on report complete a not is like to point out two things. First, my goal, just like would our entire congress, I beginning, very the At horizons. New 2. and charism Oblate might saythenewcontexts. we or environment, new the to adapting in them help to was what with sail set they experience the was America of discovery the with them new assignment, nor the challenges they would face. What would unite as to where they were headed, they weren’t sure what to expect in their them a flat horizon. Although they were better informed than Columbus mission sailed far away from the shores of Marseille, seeing in front of are known astheBahamas,CubaandHaiti. today that islands and archipelagos uncharted at arrive would he India, to getting of instead sailing, of months two after when be would a pioneer voyage to India. He could not even imagine how surprised he on flag Castilian the under west sail would and Palos, in but Genoa in he did not think that 30 years later, on August 3, 1492, he would not be of coast northern the land, be Africa. would there Yet,that certain am I line that beyond miles nautical many that realized he if know don’t I My presentation is composed of two main parts: 1. Discovering the foreign first their on out way, set similar who a Oblates In first the horizon dissolved into the blue waters of the Adriatic Sea. Adriatic the of waters blue the into dissolved horizon sky’sblue the how saw and Genoa in port the from sea the into out looked he child, a was Columbus Christopher hen 1 As a representative of the scholastics, I would like to like would I scholastics, the of representative a As WITH GOING INEW DIRECT IONS P THE OBLATE CHARISM t a r k y O k i n d a s , i m o i m o in his presentation his in


Oblatio l 741 l Patryk Osadnik Oblatio l 742 l Local Section – Obra My ExperienceoftheOblateCharism those ofusgoingthroughtheirfirstformationinObra. Oblate’syoung for a is what charism of presentation a be will part ond story of my Oblate vocation and how I experience our charism, the sec on Monday. zons,” since Fr. Provincial, Antoni Bochm what is our special trait? What is our identity?” our is trait? What special Aour is what between comparison God, since you wanted the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the Church, “Lord myself: asked I about. all is charism Oblate our what wonder to him for the conversation and for raising my spirits. thanked I do.” we than different completely something do they that out turns it Salesians, or Priests Missionary Redemptorists, meet I when but works, similar in involved are we “Maybe said: and conclusion previous my by shocked was He topic. same the on brother another with cussion dis a began I talk, first this after Just Congregation. our of spirituality and history the on lectures our during learned I that everything did nor Rome in has some specific traits. The Congress on the Charism organized in 1976 Congregation our that unique, as us see to wanted I course, Of heart. my finished talking with the first brother, I felt disappointment and sadnessspirituality.Marian special a in I have when and that lives admit our must I of center the at Christ Jesus put who ones only the ministry.not We are were involved in national and and youth the of care took who ones only the not werecenturies.We thanthat ofother similar religious orders that arose inthe 17th and19th the conclusion (now I realize it was false) that our charism is no different brotherreligious. interview, myfirst to came theofAfter twoviewedI is that something inter I have charism, Oblate our about ask Oblates to began day,I That when “ours.” we if wondered I and — good is this think I and — fear certain a felt I general. in is charism Oblate the what With this in mind, I went to the chapel in the evening and began and evening the in chapel the to went I mind, in this With thinkingaboutpreparingpresentation,bybegan this was II When to be will first The parts. two in charism Oblate our present will I 3 did not seem to me to presentspecialtoourcharacteristic me to seem not did traits, 2 T e h O ad gentes e t a l b C missions, or prison and emigrant m s i r a h i m o , already mentioned them - - - orders, thesedonotseemparticularlyspecifictome. tries, yet since I only superficially know the charisms of other religious us Oblates. We have our history, traditions, lifestyle, with and same specific minis the is it that understand to came I families. other really the know don’t probably I that is reasons the of One differences. the all name immediately my to able be makes not might I what others, from different family say to were I If holidays. and spare-time our we spend how know I and customs, its history, its know I family, concrete a from come I Since mind. to came family the and Congregation our ed by the person of our Founder. He pointed to the to pointed He Founder. our of person the by ed understanding of the Church’s mission or the liturgy, yet we are all unit our in as essentially,such very sometimes and issues, various on view their in differ sometimes Oblates that said level local the on congress Zając Paweł Fr. from comes first The research. academic not reflections, personal these to addition in mind ought tobe,andweshallseethatpeoplewillcome us.” ity, our interior spirit, by our whole life. (...) So let us be really what we simplic regularity,our our by of witness the by virtues, our of quality l’Osier wrote: “It is obvious. You can only be attracted to us by the good the words of St. Eugene, who after visiting the house in Notre-Dame de by confirmed was experience This decision. later my influenced it that convincing and clear so was lifestyle Oblate their of wicz. witness The Juchnie Andrzej and Jezierski Krzysztof Darasz, Piotr Founder), our and Congregation the for love a me in inculcate to first the was (who TyczyńskiRoman Mironiuk, Fr.Marcin thank gratefully can I today). than time that at me to important more was (which spirituality Marian joy,and lifestyle, simplicity religious a life, community of witness the simply call... Oblate. What did it consist of? Openness, being available, attracted me to them was the witness of their life, a lifestyle that I could was in high school, they were my catechists. I came to realize that what I when and to belonged I group youth the boy.led altar They an was I Jerusalem when work their saw and parish my at Oblates the met I Communities. the of monasticism the about excited very felt I seminary the in was I while because Trappist, a or Jesuit a becoming maybe or priests, diocesan the of ranks the entering considered I school high in Just after the start of the congress, a few more thoughts came to came thoughts more few a congress, the of start the after Just though even Oblates, the chose finally I why myself asked also I i m o , who at the opening of the of opening the at who , historical dimen historical 4 - - - - -

Oblatio l 743 l Patryk Osadnik Oblatio l 744 l Local Section – Obra exactly what our founders said or did, is our response to the question the to response our is did, or said founders our what exactly archeology!” do ballo Car Rodriguez José Life, Abp. of Apostolic Societies and Life crated testimony see thetestimoniesofallOblatesinworld.” we when only evident is It charism. Eugene’sentire St. him in see not and Fr. Fabio Ciardi sion questionnaire hadsevenquestions: scholastics. The sixth-year the oldest, the of replies the missing are we ordinations, after just was this Since scholastics. the all to out handed I that questionnaire a prepared I reason, this way.For objective rather a in scholastics us to important is what present to wanted I formation, sentative of the youngest generation of Oblates who are still in their first so thatwecangrowandbeargoodfruitsintheOblate life. comparing living the charism to a tree, we will be rooted in our Founder accounts concerning the first Oblates so that, as Fr. Fabio illustrated by the encouragement to return to reading the texts of our Founder and the bequeathed bySt.EugenedeMazenod.” lethimselfto guidedbethese by norms creativein exhorted fidelity the legacyto is He tradition. family our and Rules and Constitutions the in Congregation,expressedthe of heritage common theresponsibility for also an important note for us: “ is there administration, concerning Rules the in “spiritual” nothing be tions and Rules, which I never looked at because I thought there would remember that I was very surprised that in the third part of our Constitu structed me to read it on December 8, the Feast Day of our Patroness. I in confessor my Once Rules. and Constitutions latest our by couraged This situation. our in today do would they what of . 1. What yearareyouin? repre a by given one only the was presentation this initially Since is me for congress our of fruits first the that say can I point this At certain a of speak therefore can We 5 Fr. Thomas Klosterkamp o f m . The Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Conse of Institutes for Congregation the of Secretary The . , referring to living according to our charism, said: “Do not “Do said: charism, our to according living to referring , T e h 7 C This was to stress that more important than knowing than important more that stress to was This m s i r a h i m o cites him: “When we look at one Oblate, we do

g n i d r o c c a Each Oblate through his oblation assumes i m o is the author of the second thought,

o t 8

Y g n u o ieso o te common the of dimension 6 O s e t a l b actualization is en is ------yes, whatisit?) (If Congregation? entire the account into taking when Oblates Polish caused youtojointheCongregation? what isit?) so, (If priests? diocesan and congregations other from Oblates guishes posed of? care for what we, the younger (youngest) Oblates, have in our hearts, our in have Oblates, (youngest) younger the we, what for care ing,” “pointing out,” or “dissatisfaction,” but rather as an expression of “complain of fruit a as it to given response the at look not do I quest. re personal my is me. Actually,it for important very is that issue one celebrations, prayers,andthe religioushabit). faithfulnesstoOblate tradition (traditions concerning ministry, liturgical and missions folk national the preaching are Congregation entire the ing to the scholastics, what most distinguishes Polish Oblates when consider the Oblate cross, simple language when preaching and fervor. According missions, folk national kindness, hospitality, as well as people, to close community,following: the were tion spirituality,Marian being missions, Congrega the entering for reasons Characteristic retreats. and missions youth ministry, responding to the needs of the Church, preaching national mentioned were being close to the people, openness, community prayers, (community life), proclaiming Jesus Christ and ministry to the poor. Also spirituality,missions,testimonyMariancommonwere:tioned a giving men charism our of elements popular most scholastics. The for charism of most them wereattheverybeginningoftheirformation(IandIIyears). that out turns It questions. the answering person the by tion be, yetarenot? now being faced by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate? Where should we which aspects?) In the context of the last two questions, I would like to point out point to like would I questions, two last the of context the In Questions 2 to 5 were to check what is most important in the Oblate forma Oblate in spent time the determine to is question first The 7. According to you, which “new horizons” or new assignments are 6. Do you feel that we neglect some aspects of our charism? (If so, the distinguishes that something there is you, to According 5. and order the to you drew mostly charism Oblate the in What 4. distin particularly that something is you, to according What, 3. 2. What according to you is the “Oblate charism?” What is it com ------

Oblatio l 745 l Patryk Osadnik Oblatio l 746 l Local Section – Obra serve the poor and fidelity to community prayer. The “new horizons” “new The prayer. community to needto fidelity and and poor the serve thevalue perceived also We formation. first our during absent is that program training missionary the concerning arose tions sionary regions (Africa, Asia, South America, Northern Canada). Ques It Poland. of seems that those interviewed outside were thinking about the “traditional” mis work to sent missionaries of number small the we considerthemtobeparticularlyimportantfortheOblates. sues to you, it is because we want to do them in our future religious life; is these of some presenting now are we If us. to dear most something presentation at theInternationalCongress. Ithas7steps: Fr.teria. Bate Stuart of the Church the out search must we Fourth, Poland.) in parish Church sends us. (It doesn’t matter if it is a mission in Madagascar or a to best our try must we Third, pel. Second, we must must we all, of First do? we should therefore myself. What for couragement heard and experienced at the congress, that is why I consider it as an en recently have I what of fruit the is question this to reply The mission? such a way that they will understand us). How are we to accomplish this them (not just physically getting to them, but to proclaim the Gospel in to out reach and contexts new these in people these find to is challenge this of novelty The Christ. Jesus by us to brought salvation the about News Good the proclaim to want we era, the on depending whom to saw.Founder Holy our poor,that the person, another perceive we it, In horizon same the at looking and constantly still are we changing, are live serve we where contexts environmental the though even and ing, chang is us around world the and flies time though even that cluded con I reply, a for searching In new?” really horizons’ ‘new the “Are Kodeń, Św. Krzyż) andmissionaryactivityintheEast. (Bodzanów, retreats silent people, leading poor locations, “unattractive” with choosing working include: also issue last this concern that When I thought about the second part of my topic, I asked myself: asked I topic, my of part second the about thought I When others, among are, issues important These ask the Holy Spirit for fervor , using methods of discernment based on St. Eugene’s cri i m o love our Congregation and our Founding Father from South from his in part in this discussed Africa “N w e fervently work fervently H ,

s n o z i r o to be on fire for preaching the Gos ” in the places where the where places the in ad gentes ad most pressing needs pressing most missions and missions ------. gress, Spirituality in the Polish Context, The “Oblate Charism in Context” International Con tolic life. texts. local environment. ences related with the current situation in the Church, the world and the rs Caymt bak w kontekście”. w oblacki „Charyzmat gres claiming theGoodNewstopoorintoday’s world. pro did, they like Christ after run and Oblates “senior” these know to virtue.” of examples splendid such on handed called, feel now themselves they which to ministry same the out carrying while who Gospel, the for laborers apostolic them: before They must walk courageously along the same paths trodden by so many Fr.saints. be to strive must “They answer: the us gives himself charism?” Eugene Oblate the with horizons new the of direction the in go to and valuableinourbrotherslivingotherenvironments. good beautiful, is what Welifestyle. see Oblate must true on “license” a have and today charism Oblate the achieve ideally who ones the are Congress. It is a call to let go of the conviction that only Polish Oblates in. 9 1 do we should “What question: the ourselves ask again Let’sonce this of fruit particular personally,a me for is, conclusion last The ourselves find we context 7. the Toin faced challenges the answer apos and religious the on based strategy and plan Toa 6. prepare 5. Prayer(“toprayover”thematter). 4. To checkwhattheChurch’s situationis. 3. To expand our knowledge of the current social and cultural con 2. To shareourviewpointsintheOblatecommunity. 1. To experi own our on souls) and hearts thoughts, our (in reflect

Obra, June30to July3,2015, P. P i k c e s a i , Duchowość oblacka w polskim kontekście polskim w oblacka Duchowość July 7,2015. ba 3 cewa3 ic 21 r. 2015 lipca czerwca-3 30 Obra, 10 That is why it is worth getting worth is it why is That [email protected] Patryk Osadnik, , Międzynarodowy Kon Międzynarodowy Iława, Poland

[Oblate i m o ------

Oblatio l 747 l Patryk Osadnik Oblatio l 748 l Local Section – Obra Kongres… [InternationalCongress] tional Congress...] June lect Texts Concerning theConstitutionsandRules] l’Osier], ibidem, in: 1835, 2, August ary ofOblateValues] 30, 2015. Congress...] International Future, the into Courage Creative with Generations, przyszłość w tions andRules], the discernmentprocess,soIaddedittoabovelist. present in St. Eugene’s steps, praying about a decision. I consider this point essential in step one overlooked He discernment. spiritual for steps 6 us gave these on based and Bate first named the several steps that St. Eugene took in his discernment of God’s will Kongres…Międzynarodowy Mary Immaculate] of Missionaries of Congregation the of Rules and [Constitutions Niepokalanej Maryi 2015. today life consecrated 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 E. S. Cf. in: 169, Constitution R. J. F. P. E. F.Cf. A. Z C e d e d B c ą j a i d r a i , m h c o M M C C Międzynarodowy Kongres… Międzynarodowy o l l a b r a B d o n e z a i d r a i d o n e z a , e t a , op.cit.,p.17. Wprowadzenie , Introduction: Le charisme oblat dans le contexte le dans oblat charisme Le Introduction: , Rome2012. W duchu ideałów minionych pokoleń oblatów, z twórczą odwagą twórczą z oblatów, pokoleń minionych ideałów duchu W , , , ed.F. Ciardi,Poznań2004,p.88-89. edn te in o te ie: Suh fia perspective African South A times: the of signs the Reading Charyzmat , , , , Akt wizytacji w N.-D. de l’Osier [Visitation Act in N.-D. de N.-D. in [VisitationAct l’Osier de N.-D. w wizytacji Akt , Międzynarodowy Kongres…Międzynarodowy 30,2015. Przedmowa [Foreword] Religious life in the context: Challenges of the Church to the to Church the of Challenges context: the in life Religious , 30.06.2015. , Konstytucje i Reguły Zgromadzenia Misjonarzy Oblatów ZgromadzeniaMisjonarzy Reguły i Konstytucje ,

[Charism], Międzynarodowy Kongres… Międzynarodowy , June30,2015. TekstReguł i Konstytucji dotyczące wybrane [International Congress, [International

[In the Spirit of the Ideals of Past Oblate Past of Ideals the of Spirit the [In in: , in: Słownik wartości oblackich wartości Słownik , Poznań2015,p.205.

Konstytucje i Reguły… [International Congress] [International ����������������������� [Introduction, Interna [Introduction, , June 30, June Międzynarodowy ���������� [Constitu

2015]. [Diction , July 1, July , , June ,

[Se S. - - - - , I seminary,am I and Obra, to come who missionaries of lot a met have I the in and Congregation the in years few a After miracle! first Jesus’ “his disciples believed in him” (Jn 2:11). The apostles were inspired by After Jesus’ miracle of changing the water into wine at Cana in Galilee, apostles. the of experience the like was it but comparison, lofty very a is this missionary.Maybe Oblate an by worn cross this was it me, For person’sa heart. at knocks Jesus Lord the which through vocation a in events and moments differentmotivations, are belt. There his from ing tos. I was impressed seeing the missionary with the mission cross hang vocation retreatsinKodeń,ŚwiętyKrzyżandObra. some attended also I Oblates. no has Province) Mazowieckie owiecki, Maz (Maków from come I where place The missionary. a becoming about think even not did I much. me tell not did Immaculate Mary of Oblates Missionary name The Internet. the through Oblates the know to got I later,him. days with correspond to began and Father to wrote I Fr.is day very this to who vocations, of Jurewicz Krzysztof charge in Father Oblate the of information contact the me gave friend was a coincidence, though in God’s plans there are no coincidences. My it say school. could high You of year first my in was I when maculate Im Mary of Oblates Missionary the know to got I Oblates. the enter tion andhistoryinthesepastfewyears. One day,One pho Oblate Fr.with folder vocation a me sent Krzysztof to decision the made I when time the to return will I all, of First WHAT will share what has inspired me the most about our charism, tradi I presentation, this In charism. Oblate the regards as experience of lot a have not do I 2010. since Congregation the in been have AND HIST MOST INSPIRESMEOBLATE MY ORY P ł e w a FUTUREMISSION? WHEN P a l i r k y z c THINKIG , i m o ABOUT TRADITION

i m o

. Afew

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Oblatio l 749 l Paveł Pilarczyk - Jakub Wandzich Oblatio l 750 l Local Section – Obra ture” in following Him together with my peers, my brother religious. brother my peers, my with together Him following in ture” “adven my began I I Lord. the followed I time life. in new something began same the at but behind, something left I uncertainty. and fear vows, I had a feeling of newness and fascination, but I our also experienced before retreat the of days first the in that remember can I tember. Sep in began novitiate The Congregation. the into admitted be to ing forward topreachtheGospel. go always they Christ, Jesus about passionate are. are ies people These missionar who and is mission a what understand to beginning slowly tunity to get to know the Oblateknowthetunitytogetheritage to history.and seminaryThe had I attended a month long language course in Ireland. It was a good oppor obedience. God continuallyformsme. through charism Oblate the discover I this. in will God’s discover I time over and forward, go but up give not do I suggestion, there is an initial rebellion or questions. If I accept a certain proposal or better.the for out comes Sometimes always proposes superior my ever what that see also can I station. Obra at youth the to out reaching and Stop,” hiking and camps with the “European Scouts,” vocation retreats, “Jesus at activities evangelizing children’sorphanage, a ill, terminally today’sministry,to the prison out for poor,as: going home such of the by St. Eugene, even here in the seminary. This is done by various ways our charism. There are many opportunities to live the heritage given us with corresponded people with meetings and house Oblate the in ence pres activities, ministries, journeys, my thing. All important one ticed no I Obra, in spent years history,the and at tradition looking charism, ally movedwhenIformallyprofessedmyfirstreligiousvows. re was I God. to myself devote to inspiration more me gave Rules and Meditations, prayer and reading Sacred Scripture and the Constitutions order. religious a of lifestyle the accept and right discover the to found environment we that Cross Holy at winter the during particularly was It life. religious the on lectures during knowledge his shared He late charism, Fr. Robert Skup Ob the know to get to began I when novitiate, my During recreation. and rest prayers, community,through Eucharistic a form to Webegan I wouldI like toshare onemore experience with you. Twoyears ago arrived. formation seminary of time The WithOblate the to regard In July, after my high school exams, I sent my application request i m o , our novice master, really helped me. ------Irish (i.e. the Republic of South Africa, Brazil, the Philippines). almost their entire priestly and religious lives in the missions lead by the spenthave whoOblates are them ofcitizens. seniorMostgreyalready of opportunities in Ireland to get to know missionaries. Most of them are fromthemissions arebeaming withcharism, joy, enthusiasm. hadlotsI returningor inOblatesflying the that see can Iworld. the ofregion or missionaries. I want to know what it is like to be sent to a certain country partsoftheworld. Ofcourse, amalwaysI fascinated whenspeak I with lots of books I could read, and I also met many missionaries from various continue toshowmetheway. will Spirit Holy the and Jesus Lord the that believe I but dreams), tain Certainly,cer from (apart plans set have not do I Oblate! an being is it life? in path my is What future? the in do I will What vows. final and retreat the then vacation, on be will I experience that Aix-en- After in Provence. already are thoughts My Aix. to going are we days few a ber thegravesofseveralyoungoblateswhodiedfrom emaciation. ies. I saw the small and big Oblate cemeteries. I can especially remem “New LifeCentre.” the people, homeless and youth for shelter and center an working is active there Dublin, in neighborhood poorest the Darndale, in ample, tainly includedinthisgroupofOblates. who Fr.Mazenod. de Eugene St. and Christ cer Jesus most follows is Peter Oblate single every of life the in seen is charism Our missions. returned to Ireland because of health reasons, but he left his heart in the had he that said He Africa. South in time mission his from memories nieszka Radwańska was competing Ag in which the final. in He always Wimbledon, shared the lively watch to me invited even he day, One in the Republic of South Africa. I often met with him for coffee breaks. a nw okn frad o y poig ia vows, final upcoming my to forward looking now am I I also visited the places that once belonged to the Oblate missionar ex For area. Dublin the in parishes Oblate thriving few a visited I Fr.McCluskey is Peter them of One i m o , who spent over 50 years 50 over spent who , Paweł Pilarczyk, [email protected] Obra, Poland 1 n in and i m o ------

Oblatio l 751 l Paveł Pilarczyk - Jakub Wandzich Oblatio l 752 l Local Section – Obra ligious order. Luckily, soon afterwards, we began our novitiate lecture novitiate our began we order.afterwards, Luckily,ligious soon regular introduction by the Founder explaining why he founded our re tion to the Preface. It did not seem to me to be something atten special, just a much pay not did I but Constitution entire the read I novitiate. Constitution andRulestheexamplesoffirstOblates. our to Preface The things: two to point would I doubt, Withouttory? a t i nt ok ie hr ws ftr fr t h patm f doom of phantom The members of it. number Founder.small our The of plans for the over hovered future a was there like look not did it were theoneswhocreated thebeginningsofourCongregation. believe that thanks to their sacrifice, we can now also be Oblates. They I brothers. our also are they and Oblates, first the were they Founder, sick for a long time.... They are simply been names for most has Fr.of Yus. that Yetor overseas, for the went who find X Fr. as only such names, can their we Sometimes about letters. think Eugene’s to St. began read I I exist. when not them did they if as is it but present, are They them. about anything say not do simply we and them, of picture a have Ob not do we biographies, their forgottenknow not do we often, often Quite lates. are these and well, as me for inspiration great a the Oblatesreallyareandwhytheysentintoworld. who understand to and Congregation our of spirit the love really to us ply study and comment on it. We had to pray over it. All of this allowed of our prayers. In order to better understand it, it was not enough to sim Preface with tiny ideas and reflections.... The Preface the was also of a subject margins the in filled I how remember now can I text. inspiring ter, Fr. Wojciech Popielewskiallowedmetodiscoveritsentirebeauty. mas novice our of comments very the finally and it, Fr.about by Jetté commentaries reading Eugene, St. of life the and aspect historical the ture, a separate reflection on each of its paragraphs, taking into account struc the was. of really Aanalysis Preface detailed the what realized I series that included the Constitutions and Rules. It was at that time that They made a sacrifice and entered the Congregation, and back then are history and tradition our in Oblates first our of examples The Our novice master also encouraged us to privately comment on this my of beginning the at occurred Preface the with contact first My What is the most inspirational thing about Oblate tradition and his J u k a b W h c i z d n a , i m o ------faced insettingthefoundationsshouldnotbeforgotten. they difficulties The Oblates. the of work the for prayers their through there was quite a large group of Oblate saints in heaven who support us founded, was Congregation the after years few a that wrote Eugene St. whole lotofworkonbehalftheChurch. a and poverty-stricken being like more was that poverty propose only could Eugene St. institute. our of existence the threatened constantly when Ithinkaboutmyfuturemission. These anonymous Oblates are one of the things that inspires me inspires that things the of one are Oblates anonymous These They died young, from illnesses, but also from working too hard.... Everything forChrist. They simplylefteverything,theirhomes,moneyandrespect.... [email protected] Jakub Wandzich, Obra, Poland i m o

Oblatio l 753 l Paveł Pilarczyk - Jakub Wandzich

S thought of a religious vocation was not imposed on us from above, but above, from us on imposed not was vocation religious a of thought also times when I made close ties to the Church and Congregation. The were activities and groups ministry parish in involved getting and us the MotherofGodinmylife. of importance the experienced I where place the also was Markowice vocation. my discern conscientiously to me inspired have men These Oblates as our Founder, Fr. Józef Cebula or Brother Antoni Kowalczyk. towards behave other.each Let’s should forgetnot great such acquainted with becoming about school this at students their how of example individually and their close contact with ordinary people gave us a good on the human, intellectual and religious levels. They cared for everyone Oblate formation. to know St. Eugene, I was already touched by his charism expressed in ing written today. Although it took some time for me to “personally” get be still is believe I which life, my in chapter new a began bravely and Thanks to God’s grace and my parents’ help, I overcame my complexes rate), but to tell you the truth, I did not think I could live in such a place. (Junio seminary school high the junior entering about thought I school, high through half-way was I When parish. home my at Gospel the preach them heard and seen had I although Oblates, any know not did Markowice aig o te ain hie hlig h plrm wo visited who pilgrims the helping Shrine, Marian the for Caring aspects, all in mature we that concerned always were Oblates The found myself at the Oblate Juniorate in Markowice. Previously I Previously Markowice. in Juniorate Oblate the at myself found I coincidence” “by and attend to school high a for looking was that said omeone AL W AYS ON D k i n i m o THE GO-MY coincidence Z e i w r i k s w o h c y z is God’s middle name. In 2008, I 2008, In name. middle God’s is VOCATION ST , i m o ORY

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Oblatio l 755 l Dominik Zwierzychowski Oblatio l 756 l Local Section – Obra hm n h rlgos ie I lo eeoe srn rltosis with relationships strong developed also I life. religious the in them experiencing and things these studying into deeply entered I when fast so by went Krzyż Święty at time My novitiate. the entered I after only personally me touched these of all — prayers Oblate Rules, and tions The NovitiateandSeminary sionaries OblateofMaryImmaculate. This was the environment in which I decided to give my life to the Mis commitments. without life of way this at look to able calmly were we September 8th. on vows final my after published was text of this beginning so the August, and July of fruitfully. and well here time my of rest the use me help to God ask I time, same life, andIhavelearnedmuchwillcertainlylearnmore. my in place important very a taken has community religious my time, this During Krzyż. Święty at laid first were which foundations the en my stay until today, the seminary is a place where I constantly strength novitiate and I went off to my new home in Obra. From the first days of Borzaga, whoformeareexamplesworthfollowing. more great Oblates. These men included Fr. Dominic Albini and Mario 1 the At me. to given has He time this for Lord the thank I Today I was very happy to profess my first religious vows at the end of my Constitu history,Congregation’s the Founder, our of person The The “Oblate Charism in Context” International Congress took place at the end the at place took Congress International Context” in Charism “Oblate The Dominik Zwierzychowski, [email protected] Obra, Poland i m o - - -