


Starch Analysis of Groundstone Artifacts from the Siren Site (41WM1126), Williamson County, Texas

Prepared for

SWCA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 4407 Monterey Oaks Blvd. Building 1, Suite 110 Austin, Texas 78749


Prepared by Timothy E. Riley, Masahiro Kamiya, and Laura Short Palynology Laboratory, Texas A&M University Department of Anthropology 4352 TAMU College Station, TX 77844

1 This report presents the results of a starch analysis performed on ten groundstone artifacts recovered during excavation of the Siren Site (41WM1126), Williamson County, Texas. Starch was recovered on six of the ten groundstone artifacts submitted for analysis. While the taxonomic associations of the recovered granules remains preliminary, the starch data point to a foraging population with broad diet breadth during the Transitional Archaic. From this component, four of the five groundstone artifacts indicate a dependence on low ranked resources such as grass and other small seeds. The remaining has starch grains derived from a geophyte. The single groundstone artifact from the younger Austin Phase component also has large starch grains derived from an unknown geophyte. Starch in Starch granules have been observed in archaeological contexts since the late 1970s (Anderson 1980; Ugent, et al. 1981, 1982, 1984) but this line of evidence has only recently become a major component of microbotanical research (Torrence and Barton 2006, Fullager et al. 2006, Loy et al. 1992). Starch analysis can provide evidence of the use of plants as food resources where macrobotanical remains are rare or uninformative. In some cases, starch granules have been found that predate other evidence of (Perry et al. 2007). Piperno and Holst (1998) examined ground stones and found maize (Zea mays), Manihot esculenta, Dioscorea sp., and Maranta arundinacea starch grains from Central Panama, providing evidence for the use of tuber crops since 8000 B.P. Loy et al. (1992) studied lithic flakes from 28,000-year-old sediments on the Solomon Islands and recovered starch grains from them. Some of the granules were identified as Colocasia sp. To date, most starch research has focused on and soils recovered from the Tropics, with very little focus on the potential of this line of research in temperate climates (Fullagar and Field 1997; Fullagar, et al. 2006; Fullagar, et al. 1996; Fullagar, et al. 1998; Horrocks, et al. 2004; Horrocks, et al. 2002; Horrocks and Lawlor 2006; Horrocks and Nunn 2007; Horrocks and Weisler 2006; Irwin, et al. 2004; Lentfer, et al. 2002; Pearsall, et al. 2004; Perry 2004a-b, 2005; Perry, et al. 2007; Piperno 1998; Piperno and Holst 1998; Piperno, et al. 2004; Smith, et al. 2001). A handful of temperate Old World sites have been investigated. Shibutani (2008) studied anvil stones, , and grinding stones from four archaeological sites in southern part of , dating from Japanese to incipient Jomon period. She recovered intact and damaged starch grains from grinding surfaces of the tools. The recovered starch grains are not identified to taxa conclusively. Piperno et al. (2004) reported the earliest evidence of grass seed processing. They identified starch grains of barley and possibly wheat from an found in Israel. While Loy had some early publications on starch recovered from North American artifacts, only two recently published studies examines starch recovered from North America (Boyd, et al. 2006; Zarrillo and Kooyman 2006). The Zarrillo and Kooyman (2006) article focuses on the recovery of maize and berry starch on late prehistoric groundstone from the northern Great Plains. In addition, there have been a handful of studies done for contract projects, mostly from the Southwest and Great Basin (Cummings 1992 a-c, 1993 a-b, 1997 a-b)). Only two studies evaluating starch from groundstone artifacts recovered in Texas has been encountered in the current literature review (Cummings 1993c; Perry 2008). The paucity of publications on the recovery of starch from North American groundstone highlights some of the potential for this line of research as as a dearth of qualified researchers currently investigating starch with a

2 regional focus on North America. This is surprising in light of the fact that much of the continent has copious groundstone artifacts associated with both incipient horticulture and hunter-gatherer sites. As Piperno et al. (2004) state, the association of macroscopic remains from economically important plants with potential plant processing tools such as grinding slabs, mortars and pestles is rarely evident. Starch analysis of groundstone provides direct evidence of past food processing. Stone tools, including both ground and flaked stone, provide an excellent opportunity for archaeological starch research for several reason. First, the artifact acts as a protected environment for the granules trapped on or near the surface of the . This leaves the granules less susceptible to decay. Second, the starch recovered from a tool can provide direct evidence on how the tool was used as well as aid in the reconstruction of past human subsistence patterns. These type of studies can be conducted independently or in conjunction with use-wear studies or chemical analyses. The current report presents information based solely on the recovered starch granules and does not include a traditional groundstone analysis. Ethnographic Use of Groundstone. Groundstone is a potentially excellent source of archaeological starch due to the dominant use of this type of artifact in plant processing, particularly grinding small starchy seeds and processing underground storage organs that may contain starch. This section presents information on the role of groundstone in the North American ethnographic record. Ethnographic accounts of grinding/pounding in and near Texas. The Wichitas, occupied the area from Arkansas to the north and Waco, Texas to the south, depended upon hunting and garden crops, including maize, beans, and squash. Women of the Wichita cut squash into long strips, pounded them flat, and dried to preserve. Dried corn was ground into meal in wooden mortars or on stone slabs. Wooden mortars and stone slabs were used to grind dried corn (Newcomb 2001). It is not certain what type of tool was used for pounding strips of squash, but reportedly stone and manos were used in the 1780’s (Bell et al. 1974). The Hasinais of the Caddo from the East Texas used mortars and pestles made of wood to pound and grind corn, other grains, nuts and roots (Bolton 1987; Griffith 1954; Rogers and Sabo 2004). The Lipan Apaches from Edwards Plateau south to South Texas reportedly pounded agave after being cooked for two days in (Opler 2001). It is not known if they used stone tools or wooden tools for pounding. The Karankawas of Texas Gulf Coast processed nuts and seeds with milling stones (Newcomb 2001). The Mariames, one of the Coahuiltecan groups who lived in Nuevo Leon, used wooden mortars to pulverize mesquite beans and pods into flour (Campbell 1983). There is no mention of the use of stone and , or . The Comanches of Oklahoma in 1933 used pounding tools for various plant resources. They gathered hackberrys, pounded them fine, mixed with lard, and then rolled and roasted the mixture on a stick (Kavanagh 2008:139). Mesquite beans were pounded and the pods ground into meal. Mesquite beans were pounded on a rawhide mortar (a hide-lined hole on the ground). Wooden pestles made of mesquite or stone pestles made of schist were used to pound mesquite beans (Kavanagh 2008:139). Ethnographic accounts on the use of grinding stones from North America .

3 In the case of basketry hopping mortar used by the Pomo and Yuki, a flat slab is used as the base for mortar and basketry hopper is used as walls to hold food being processed (Barrett 1952; Kennedy 1955; Treganza and Smith 1950). The Hopi used coarse- and fine-grained metates to grind corn (Beaglehole and Beaglehole 1937; Dennis 1940). Dried corn was ground first on a coarse metate with a mano and then on a fine metate. The Pomo and Yokuts used anvils, or flattish stones to crack acorns (Barrett 1952; Gayton 1948; Kennedy 1955; Latta 1949). The Pomo used anvil to crack acorns, nuts, and to pound meat. For grinding and pounding acorns and grinding seeds the Pomo used mortar and pestle as well. The Western Apache used a long stone pestle with two hands to pound and grind mesquite beans (Buskirk 1986). They used bedrock mortars for this job. They also dug a hole in the ground and place rocks in it as a sheet to create a mortar. Manos are hand-held, movable stones for grinding and pounding. Mortars are bowl- shaped and used with pestles, which have round or flat bottoms. The Klamath used both metates and mortars for grinding seeds and mashing roots (Spier 1930). The Western Apache cached metates in winter grounds and women carried manos with them on trips. The Navajo used manos and metates to grind seeds and corn (Bailey 1940). The ethnographic and ethnohistoric record from Texas and, more generally, North America indicates that grinding and pounding tools were associated with a great variety of subsistence activities, including the processing of many different plant resources as well as meat and fat from hunted game. While the records do provide some broad parameters for understanding past subsistence in the region, the utility of this information is limited by a lack of specificity. The European observers fail to document what types of resources were being processed in any detail. Other than maize, mesquite, and hackberry, the record is composed of broad categories such as nuts, roots, and seeds. This limits the usefulness of the ethnographic record for developing a modern starch reference collection for Texas hunter-gatherers. Limitations of Reference Identification One of the major limitations in applying starch research to the North American archaeological record is the lack of a developed reference collection or identification key. This is complicated by the sheer number of potential starch sources available throughout the landscape, requiring each project to develop its own collection based on ethnographic accounts, other lines of archaeobotanical evidence and trial and error. To this end, a number of potential starchy food resources have been investigated from Texas, including geophytes, nuts, fruits, grass seeds, and other small seeds (See Figures 1-5). While many food resources have been investigated, there are more potential resources in an environment than are used by any foraging population in that environment. In addition, reference samples must be taxonomically identified as well as sampled for starch. This can be frustrating, as many of the structural features necessary for proper botanical identification occur at different times of the year than when the plants would be harvested for starch reserves. These difficulties highlight why so much of archaeological starch research to date has focused on the presence of starch granules associated with a limited suite of domesticates rather than the broader diet breadth common for hunter-gatherers.


Figure 1. Brightfield and cross‐polarized micrographs of starch from grasses (POACEAE). A ‐ Setaria lutescens. B‐ Panicum sonorum. C‐ Sporobolus asper. D‐ Achnatherum hymen.


Figure 2. Brightfield and cross‐polarized micrographs of starch from bulbs. A and B ‐ Claytonia virginica. C and D ‐ Nothoscordum bivalve.


Figure 3. Brightfield and cross‐polarized micrographs of starch from geophytes. A ‐ Hypoxis hirsuta. B ‐ Callirhoe digitata. C ‐ Smilax sp. D ‐ Cooperia sp.

7 .

Figure 4. Brightfield and cross‐polarized micrographs of starch granules from small seeds. A and B ‐ Amaranthus sp. C and D ‐ Chenopodium sp.

Figure 5. Brightfield and cross‐polarized micrographs of starch granules. A ‐ Prosopis sp. B ‐ Carex sp.

8 Current Study 41WM1126 is a multi-component site located on the the T1 along the right bank of the South Fork of the San Gabriel River in Southern Williamson County. While a total of four analytical units were defined during testing of the site, only two intact cultural components were encountered within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of this current project. Groundstone artifacts were recovered from both components. (Houk et al. 2006) The youngest component is a Late Prehistoric (Austin Phase) occupation. This component was only preserved in a small portion of the site, but yielded a number of intact features concentrated in one area of the excavation. The only groundstone (UI 86) recovered from the Late Prehistoric cultural component was a mano associated with 16, a large slab-lined basin-shaped (Figure 8). The remainder of the feature cluster consists of other and fire-cracked rock concentrations in close spatial association. The six radiocarbon dates associated with this component cluster around 1000 B.P. with Feature 16 being directly dated to 1170 +- 40 (Beta- 215914; Charred material; δ13C = -25‰ ). (Houk et al. 2006) The other cultural component within the APE is a Transitional Archaic component encountered in every excavation block. This component dominates the assemblage, accounting for 38 of the 47 features, 50 of the 68 radiocarbon dates directly associated with cultural materials, and the overwhelming majority of artifactual material. A total of eighteen groundstone artifacts were recovered from this cultural component, only one of which was directly associated with a feature. A metate fragment (UI 274) was associated with Feature 44, a cluster of fire cracked rock (Figures 30 and 31). Eleven of the eighteen groundstone artifacts recovered from this component were given Unique Item (UI) identification numbers. Eight of these UI artifacts were selected for starch analysis along with one piece of groundstone not given an UI (Lot # 1023). This set of groundstone includes five manos, two metates, and two miscellaneous groundstone (See Table 1). (Houk et al. 2006)

Table 1. Groundstone artifacts submitted for starch analysis

9 Modern Vegetation 41WM 1126 is located near the ecotonal boundary between the northern Blackland Prairie (Ecoregion 32a) and the Balcones Canyonlands (Ecoregion 30c) and Limestone Cut Plain (Ecoregion 29e) to the west and northwest respectively (Griffiths et al. 2004). The Blackland Prairie is a tall grass prairie characterized by high plant community diversity, due in part to the variety in soil texture and pH associated with the different soil orders represented within this ecoregion (Diamond, Riskind, and Orzell 1987; Diamond and Smeins 1985). This diversity is further enhanced by microtopographic features such as gilgai and mima mounds, which create microhabitats due to differences in drainage (Diamond and Smeins 1993). Despite the diversity within this prairie, the region can be characterized by a general pattern of tallgrass prairie on the uplands with riverine woodlands and forest across much of the bottomland (Diamond and Smeins 1993). This ecoregion has a great number of potential food resources including grass seeds (Sorghastrum nutans, Sporobolus silveanus, Panicum virgatum) and other small seeds (Carex sp., Chenopodium sp., Amaranthus sp.) and geophytes from the uplands as well as nuts from the the bottomlands. This ecoregion is maintained by grazing and fire disturbance, which suggests that the ecotonal boundary between the Blackland Prairie and surrounding ecoregions would have been highly mutable and dependent on the history of disturbance. This is particularly relevant over the long temporal depth of the cultural occupation of 41WM1126 and associated paleoenvironmental trends. The Balcones Canyonlands form a physiographic barrier between the mesic prairie to the east and the xeric woodland to the west (Griffiths et al. 2004). This ecoregion is part of the larger Edwards Plateau ecoregion, which is primarily distinguished from the surrounding regions by a distinctive mollisol soil order. The vegetation of the region is characterized by oak-juniper savanna and mesquite-Acacia savanna. A number of known ethnographic food resources are available within this ecoregion, including mesquite (Prosopis sp.). (Griffiths et al. 2004) The Limestone Cut Plain is a subregion of the larger Cross Timbers ecoregion. This region is characterized by a mix of savanna, prairie and woodlands. The woodlands are dominated by oak associated with sandy soils and the grasslands are tall grass. The Limestone Cut Plain is a broad, southern continuation of the Grand Prairie, underlain by limestone rather than sandstone. This region is a physiographic and vegetational transition from the Edwards Plateau to the Cross Timbers and exhibits many similarities with the greater Edwards Plateau. The climax community of this ecoregion is a tall grass prairie most similar to the Grand Prairie. Riparian zones and other edaphic microhabitats are characterized by an oak scrubland associated with western hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) and greenbriar (Smilax sp.). (Griffiths et al. 2004) These three ecoregions provided a remarkably diverse for foragers located at 41WM1126 during the late . While the riparian location of the site suggests that the immediate environment was woodland or forest, grassland and savanna food resources would have been readily accessible as well. The following table (Table 2) presents a partial list of plant resources available in the region. Only resources with known or potential starch reserves were included. This excludes many known resources such as sotol (Dasylirion sp.), camas (Camassia scilloides) and prickly pear (Opuntia sp.), which use fructans rather than starch for energy storage.

10 Table 2. Economic Plant List

11 Methodology Each groundstone artifact was evaluated for worked surfaces. The artifact was then held over a catchment in such a way that water sprayed on the surface being sampled would collect without running along the underside of the artifact. The surface was sprayed with a gentle stream of distilled water and washed with a sonicating toothbrush to help recover granules trapped in micro-cracks in the ground surface. This continued until the water entering the catchment ran clear. A corresponding sample was also processed in the same way from an unworked surface of the same artifact. These samples were then allowed to settle in a 1000 ml beaker for a minimum of 24 hours. The majority of the supernatant was then removed by suctioning. The remaining supernatant and sediment were washed into a 50 ml centrifuge tube. Each sample was centrifuged for three minutes and the supernatant was poured off. This process continued until the supernatant was clear. This step removes most of the very fine clay-size particles that can obscure a sample mounted on a slide. Following this step, each sample was centrifuged for six minutes and inverted to allow the sample to dry. Approximately 10 ml of a ZnBr heavy density liquid with a specific gravity of 1.7 was added to each sample. Each sample was stirred to ensure that lighter components were adequately suspended in the heavy density liquid. A thin layer of distilled water was then placed on top of the ZnBr liquid. The sample was centrifuged starting at very low speed for several minutes, with the speed being gradually increased to the maximum for more than 10 minutes. The top layer of the sample was pipetted off and placed in a separate centrifuge tube. The process was repeated if necessary. Each component of the sample was washed in distilled water at least three times to remove any remaining HCl from the ZnBr heavy density liquid. The light fraction was placed in dram vials and several slides from each vial were made. The heavy fraction was kept, but not examined. (Coil, et al. 2003; Horrocks 2005) Microscopic Identification of Starch. While starch has a variety of potential methods for identification, the most commonly used method in archaeological starch research is the presence of an extinction cross under cross-polarized light. This method is preferred over or digestion by amylase for a variety of reasons, the principal one being the ability to use this method without modifying or destroying the granule. Staining can obscure some of the features needed to identify a granule to a botanical source and enzymatic digestion, while the most reliable method, degrades the granule and does not allow for any re-evaluation of the granule at a later date. While many authors (Canti 1997, 1998, 1999; Haslam 2006; Loy 2006) claim the extinction cross as a unique feature of starch in cross-polarized light, in reality this pattern can be created by any semi-crystalline arrangement exhibiting uniaxial birefringence. This includes other polysaccharides such as cellulose as well as natural crystals such as fecal spherulites. With practice, these optical look-alikes are easy to distinguish from starch, based on size or morphological characteristics. In the current study, cellulose was encountered in one sample but was recognized as such immediately due to the large circular opening in the center of the object (See Figure 9). Results Starch was recovered from six of the ten groundstone artifacts submitted for analysis. Four manos, one metate and one miscellaneous groundstone yielded starch granules. An individual report for each artifact is presented below along with micrographs of the recovered starch. The identification of the starch and interpretation of tool function will be considered in the discussion.

12 Individual Artifact Report: UI 153 - Mano

Lot 1157 Bag 662 UI 153 Feature Area NE 2x2 Northing 1026.00 2x2 Easting 1012.00 Quad SE Level 3 Bottom Elevation 97.78 PP Northing 1026.74 PP Easting 1013.1 Weight (g) 679 Length (cm) 11.94 Width (cm) 7.24

Figure 6. UI 153, Side 1. Curved, well‐ground surface. No starch recovered.

Figure 7. UI 153, side 2. Flat, lightly ground surface. No starch recovered.

13 Individual Artifact Report: UI 86 - Mano

Lot 2143 Bag 285 UI 86 Feature 16 Area NW 2x2 Northing 1028 2x2 Easting 1004 Quad SE Level 2 Bottom Elevation 98.24 PP Northing 1028.05 PP Easting 1005.8 Weight (g) 512 Length (cm) 10.41 Width (cm) 8.06

Figure 8. UI 86, Side 1. Ground Surface with some pecking/weathering. Starch recovered.

Figure 9. UI 86, Side1. Starch granule and cellulose. 400x


Figure 10. UI 86, Side1. Starch granule. 400x

Figure 11. UI 86, Side 2. Ground surface with slight curvature. Starch recovered on surface.

Figure 12. UI 86, side 2. Probable ruptured Starch Granule. Brightfield and cross‐polarized with 1/4λ plate. 400x

15 Individual Artifact Report: UI 114 - Mano

Lot 1983 Bag 460 UI 114 Feature Area NW 2x2 Northing 1026 2x2 Easting 1004 Quad SE Level 4 Bottom Elevation 98.04 PP Northing 1026.89 PP Easting 1006 Weight (g) 416 Length (cm) 8.76 Width (cm) 8.00

Figure 13. UI 114, Side 1. Ground Surface. Starch Recovered.

Figure 14. UI 114, Side 1. Starch Granule Cluster. 400x


Figure 15. UI 114, side 2. unground surface, possible pounding damage. Starch recovered

Figure 16. UI 114, side 2. Starch Granule. 400x

17 Individual Artifact Report: No UI- Mano fragment

Lot 1023 Bag 374 UI Feature Area NE 2x2 Northing 1026 2x2 Easting 1010 Quad NE Level 2 Bottom Elevation 98.007 PP Northing 1027.379 PP Easting 1011.9 Weight (g) 19.8 Length (cm) 6.35 Width (cm) 5.46

Figure 17. Lot 1023, side 1. Groundstone fragment. Possibly ground. Starch recovered.

Figure 18. Lot 1023, side 1. Starch granule. 400x.


Figure 19. Lot 1023, side 1. Starch granule. 400x.


Figure 20. Lot 1023, Side 2. Groundstone fragment. Surface is clearly ground. Starch recovered.

Figure 21. Lot 1023, side 2. Starch cluster. 400x

20 Individual Artifact Report: UI 100- miscellaneous Groundstone

Lot 1409 Bag 383 UI 100 Feature Area NW 2x2 Northing 1020 2x2 Easting 1006 Quad NE Level 5 Bottom Elevation 998.14 PP Northing 1021.21 PP Easting 1007.4 Weight (g) 152 Length (cm) 8.70 Width (cm) 2.72

Figure 22. UI 100, side 1. Ground surface. No starch recovered.

Figure 23. UI 100, side 2. Ground surface with red staining. No starch recovered.

21 Individual Artifact Report: UI 137 - Mano

Lot 1668 Bag 564 UI 137 Feature Area NW 2x2 Northing 1022 2x2 Easting 1006 Quad NW Level 6 Bottom Elevation 97.94 PP Northing 1023.06 PP Easting 1006.6 Weight (g) 1579 Length (cm) 15.24 Width (cm) 9.27

Figure 24. UI 137, side 1. Ground surface. Small relative to size of stone. No starch recovered.

Figure 25. UI 137, side 2. Weakly ground surface. No starch recovered.

22 Individual Artifact Report: UI 229- Mano

Lot 1271 Bag 969 UI 229 Feature Area NE 2x2 Northing 1026 2x2 Easting 1014 Quad SE Level 3 Bottom Elevation 97.65 PP Northing 1026.58 PP Easting 1015.6 Weight (g) 629 Length (cm) Width (cm)

Figure 26. UI 229, side 1. Pecked and battered surface. Very small starch similar to UI 141, Side 1 recovered. No micrograph.

Figure 27. UI 229, side 2. Ground and battered surface. Very small starch similar to UI 141, side 1 recovered. No micrograph.

23 Individual Artifact Report: UI 118 - Mano

Lot 1853 Bag 477 UI 118 Feature Area NW 2x2 Northing 1024 2x2 Easting 1004 Quad NW Level 4 Bottom Elevation 98.06 PP Northing 1025.06 PP Easting 1004.3 Weight (g) 336 Length (cm) 0.00 Width (cm) 0.00

Figure 28. UI 118, side 1. Ground surface with battering. Very small starch similar to UI 141, Side 1 recovered. No micrograph.

Figure 29. UI 118, side 2. Lightly ground surface with battering. Very small starch similar to UI 141, Side 1 recovered. No micrograph.

24 Individual Artifact Report: UI 274- Metate

Lot 675 Bag 1209 UI 274 Feature 44 Area East 2x2 Northing 1024 2x2 Easting 1024 Quad SE Level 8 Bottom Elevation 97.752 PP Northing 1024.098 PP Easting 1025.5 Weight (g) 1750 Length (cm) Width (cm)

Figure 30. UI 274, side 1. Ground surface. No starch recovered.

Figure 31. UI 274, side 2. Unground surface. No starch recovered.

25 Individual Artifact Report: UI 141 - Metate

Lot 743 Bag 586 UI 141 Feature Area NE 2x2 Northing 1024 2x2 Easting 1010 Quad SW Level 4 Bottom Elevation 97.96 PP Northing 1024.08 PP Easting 1010.5 Weight (g) 3912 Length (cm) Width (cm)

Figure 32. UI 141, side 1. Ground surface. Very small starch recovered.


Figure 33. UI 141, side 1. Very small starch granules(~2‐4 um). 400x.

Figure 34. UI 141, side 1. Very small starch granules(~2‐4 um). 400x.

27 Discussion

Starch granules were encountered in six of the ten samples. Five of these samples had starch recovered from more than one surface, suggesting that the grinding tools may have been used in a variety of functions, including both the grinding and pounding of plant resources. The starch recovered from artifacts designated UI 118, 141, and 229 was very small (see Figure 34). Chenopodium sp. and Amaranthus sp. are the only starch grains of that size known in the region (see Figure 4). It seems highly likely that the small granules recovered from artifacts are derived from these small, rich seed resources. The starch recovered from the sample designated as lot #1023 appear to be derived from a geophyte. This is based both on the size and shape of the granules as well as the shape of the extinction cross viewed under polarized light (see Figures 19 and 21). The small size of the artifact fragment makes any determination of tool function difficult, but the large number of intact starch grains in association with parenchymous cells suggest pounding fleshy geophytes. The botanical source of this starch remains unclear. The starch recovered from UI 114 may be derived from a grass seed source (Figure 14). The shape of both the faceted and round granules is consistent with grass seed starch, but the size of the granules (15+ um) is much bigger than the size of starch granules recovered from most wild grass references in the region (~5-10 um). However, there have been some individual specimens of Achnatherum hymenoides collected in the Great Basin that have starch granules as large as those encountered on specimen UI 114. Further research needs to be done on edible grass seeds in the region, but it is probable that the granules are derived from grass seed. The final specimen with starch recovery is UI 86, the solitary groundstone artifact from the Austin Phase component of the site. Both surfaces of this well ground artifact yielded starch granules consistent with geophyte exploitation. The ruptured granule (Figure 12) is too damaged to identify, but it is clear that the starch grain was originally large and globular in shape. The granule in Figure 9 is also large and resembles a pointed spheroid. The size and shape of this granule, along with the lack of symmetry of the extinction cross, is characteristic of a starch granule derived from a geophyte. Interestingly, the tool recovered from the younger component seems to be much more formal than most of the tools recovered in the Transitional Archaic, with UI 118 the exception. Many of the manos from the early component look to be expedient tools with little investment in reshaping the form, while UI 86 (and UI 118) have been shaped and ground considerably (see Figures 8, 11, 28, and 29).

While the starch data presented here are somewhat limited by the level of identification currently available, the data still yields some valuable information on both the organization of subsistence as well as the function of groundstone tools. It is clear, from the presence of starch derived from both small seed and geophyte resources, that the foragers who left this site had broad diet breadth. They incorporated low ranked, high input resources such as small seeds into their subsistence pattern. It is unclear of how this relates to the well-documented changes in the paleoenvironment during this time period, but it may be a new resource adoption as the previously abundant succulent resources disappeared from the local landscape, removing a relatively high yield, low input resource from the diet and necessitating an expansion in diet breadth. This remains unclear without starch data from the preceding Altithermal interval.

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